The Impact of Interpersonal Internal Communication on Organizational Effectiveness

It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of communication in management. Nearly everything managers do to make it easier for their organizations to achieve their goals requires effective communication. If people cannot share information, it is clear that they will not work together, formulate plans and execute those (Missiroli...

Internal and External Factors Analysis of IKEA

Company’s Overview IKEA is an international home products company. It has developed quickly since it was founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad. At present, it is one of the world’s leading furniture and textile retailers. IKEA offers more than 9,500 products, including a complete range of home and office furnishings,...

Youth Obesity In Clark County in Vancouver Washington

Abstract This research project investigates the public health challenge of obesity among youths in Clark County. Clark County has traditionally experienced high prevalence rates of obesity that are proportionally higher than other similar Counties among the youths. Currently, the County has a prevalence rate of obesity of 38% in adults...

Media Industries Development Scenario

Abstract A public relations research paper which details the current scenario of electronic media and print media in the Asian countries of Australia, Malaysia and Japan. The newspapers for Malaysia, Australia and Japan are The Star, The Sun Herald and the Asahi respectively. Their online and print presence is analyzed...

Project Management Methods, Models, and Theories

Introduction Project management is an essential practice to organizations due to the trickle-down effect concerning the efficiency scale. On the one hand, the approach fosters derivation of crucial details during the implementation of an action plan. On the other hand, the mainframe fosters effective decision-making among the stakeholders concerning certain...

A 14-page text usually contains 3450 to 3500 words in case you use 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is the most common format for all the major citation styles.

It will take you 5 to 10 minutes to type one page on a keyboard. However, if you need to write a 14 page essay from scratch, it will take you not less than 14 to 15 hours.

A 14 page essay is a typical college assignment. You might need to write such a paper in almost any field: literature, technology, or biology. Its key aim is to demonstrate your critical thinking and your knowledge of the topic.

A 14 page essay should be planned well. The first thing you need to do is formulate your thesis statement (or, in other words, the main idea of your paper). Then break it into several parts and turn each of them into a topic sentence. These simple steps will help you organize your thoughts.

A 14 page essay is quite an extensive task. When choosing a topic for it, think of something that won’t sound oversimplified. You might want to focus on the Great Depression, obesity, or religion.

Employee Well-Being at Hilton: Strategies, Challenges, and Organizational Impact

Introduction Hilton, a multinational hospitality company, was chosen as a specific example of a company and its policies and strategies to promote the welfare of employees. Ensuring staff satisfaction and well-being is the basis of its effective operation and functioning. Particular focus in this work will be given to well-being...

Refugees as an Urban Phenomenon in Canada

Abstract Globalization has changed the context of migration in recent years. Individuals may voluntarily seek to leave their home countries for better opportunities. The United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) recognized the changing patterns of migration now that wars and conflicts are reduced. The attraction posed by urban centers...

Mathematics: The Movement of an Engine Piston

Abstract Many people sit comfortably inside a car and enjoy this amazing technology without understanding the driving force behind the motion of a car. Moreover, others may have opened the hood of a car and wondered how this confusing jumble-like metallic structure called the engine, fitted with a mesh of...

Enhancing Employee Welfare: Strategies for Workplace Well-Being

Introduction Employee welfare is one of the most critical aspects of any organization’s work. This is because the productivity and competitiveness of the company depend on the level of satisfaction and efficiency of the employees. Moreover, the process of globalization, together with the expansion of opportunities for workers, brought a...

Ronald Reagan’s Domestic and Foreign Policies

Introduction The President of the United States of America has two primary responsibilities aside from the usual routine of governing a country. The first one is to develop and execute domestic policies. The second one is to develop and execute foreign policies. The domestic policies that will come out of...

Responding to Chemical Terrorism: Super Bowl Cyanide Attack Plan

The modern world is vulnerable to various threats. Terrorist attacks have become quite common in many parts of the world. American cities are not absolutely as safe as terrorists use different techniques to attack as many people as possible. Terrorists tend to attack various events and areas where many people...

Reading and Writing Instructional Goals: Developing Effective Curriculum Strategies

Cultures and Literacies The concept of literacy has been significantly changing during the last several decades due to the digital revolution and invention of new information storage media. The common types of literacies during my study in high school were books relevant to the subject (if one could find them)...

Radiological Safety of Kuwaiti Water: Cesium & Uranium Levels

Abstract The development of a continuous monitoring program of the radioisotopes levels has an extreme significance in maintaining the radiological safety of the environment. This study aimed to evaluate the radiological safety of locally-sourced desalinated water and seafood. The establishment of baseline data for observing the nuclear activities already existing...

Beak & Johnston: Human Resource Managment

Introduction to Beak & Johnston Beak & Johnston is a family-owned business, and has been operating in Australia since 1986. The company produces and supplies pre-packed meat portions, roasts, soups and seasoned meat products to both domestic and export customers. Servicing some of Australia’s largest supermarket chains and countries such...

Management Concept: Organization Culture

Introduction Organizational culture is the one that determines the behavior of the organization as a whole since the kind of values and mentality that the people running the system have in mind are dependent on the organizational culture. New employees that have different mindsets from that f the culture are...

Analysis of the Book “The History” by the Venerable Bede

An Overview History is one of the most popular books written by the Venerable Bede. The text is known to different people by several titles. It is known as Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People, and Bede’s History. The book not only explores the religious...

Four Major Theories of Strategy: Classic, Evolutionary, Processual, Systemic

Mainstream Western world literature presents strategy as a deliberate, coherent, and chronological process. However, the strategy can also be an emerging reaction that is irrational and fragmented such that is remains a continuous learning experience for the organization. There are four major theories used to explain the strategy. They include...

Occupational Psychologist’s Role in Employee Mental Health

Introduction The assigned case involves a 28-year-old employee at Data Analytics Ltd., whose name is Steven. He has been working in the company for eight years and showed excellent results in the first years of his employment. However, a traumatic event that occurred five years ago affected his mental health,...

Biogenta’s Global Expansion: Restructuring and Strategic Analysis

Introduction The demand for insecticides and fungicides are currently on the increase around the world. With this global demand, Biogenta plc has responded to this need by opening several sales outlets in more than 80 countries. The company currently employs 15,000 workers and has manufacturing facilities in 10 countries. With...

Leadership Training for Effective Management and Success

Introduction Organizations expect their senior managers to be effective leaders and invest heavily in specialized leadership programs. Based on this view, it is evident that managers can be trained to be leaders. Management and leadership are two distinct aspects of an organization, but an individual can be both a leader...

Drug Offenses and Youth Impact: Criminological Theories & Solutions

Introduction The issue of drug-related offenses is a tragic phenomenon in recent days. This is drastically affecting the young people of the country. The criminal justice system of the country is to face a critical reality in addressing this complex psycho-social phenomenon. The frequent selling and purchasing of drugs are...

Critical Review of IT’s Role and Impact on Marketing Websites

Introduction In today’s competitive world, firms are compelled to work smartly to not only woe but also to maintain existing customers. Driven by a desire to stand out from the rest, almost every business is turning to the use of technology to reach its intended market segment. An approach taken...

Enhancing Tsunami Preparedness: Lessons for Better Countermeasures

Summary of the Primary Paper The article ‘Improvement of Tsunami Countermeasures Based on Lessons from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami- Situation after Five Years’ focuses on measures that should be taken to deal with similar disasters in future. The goal of the article is to eliminate or...

Research on Hotel Chains’ Marketing Strategies and Social Media Impact

Overview The major reason as to why the researcher took the initiative of conducting this research was to establish the manner in which the hotel chains support their product differentiation through the use of marketing as well as social media. The exploration of hotel chains’ marketing approaches in a strategic...

Future of Business in Christensen’s “The Innovator’s Dilemma”

The Dilemma of Investing in more Complicated Products There is a trend in all markets. The trend has been seen in companies moving upmarket toward more complicated products with higher prices; this is mainly due to the increasing demand to sustain the upcoming technologies that emerge due to the disruptive...

Comprehensive Overview of Walmart: History, Structure, and Market Dynamics

History of Company The biggest wholesale and retail chain is called “Walmart.” A US corporation conducts business abroad in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, South America, China, Japan, and South Africa. Sam Walton established Walmart in the United States on July 2, 1962, in Rogers, Arkansas. Since 2003, the firm has...

Efficient Firm Processes: Compliance, Quality & Management

Organizational Report and Recommendations Processes It is imperative to mention that most processes and functions of the firm are not complicated. The ones that are viewed as the most important will be explained and discussed. First of all, employees receive orders from customers and record every item in the computer...

Investment-Cash-Flow Sensitivity: Measuring Financial Constraints

Abstract A number of studies have used investment-cash-flow sensitivity as a yardstick for measuring financial constraints in firms, where as there are equal instances of disagreement for adopting the instrument. This disparity can be attributed majorly to variation in opinions as concerning separation of financially-constrained firms from non- financially-constrained firms....

US vs. Canadian CPI: A Comparative Analysis of Food Prices

Abstract The current research paper dwells on the critical differences between the US and Canadian economies in order to make informed conclusions regarding the gap between consumer price indexes of the two countries. So as to do that, the researcher conducted a literature review on the subjects of product pricing...

Talent Management Strategies at Abu Dhabi Municipality: Practices and Outcomes

Summary of the organization and the strategic objectives The organization under the study is Abu Dhabi Municipality. Abu Dhabi Municipality is a state body responsible for providing public services and ensuring a proper plan for the city’s development. It is under the state’s municipal affairs department, which is also in...

Combat-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Causes and Treatment Strategies

Abstract The paper presents a critique of four articles: “Dwelling on Potential Threat Cues: An Eye Movement Marker for Combat‐Related PTSD”, “Professional Development in Early Childhood Programs: Process Issues and Research Needs”, “Domestic Violence, Children’s Agency, and Mother-Child Relationships: Towards A More Advanced Model”, and “An Exploration of Explicit and...

Securing VoIP Networks and Management Mechanisms

Introduction The VoIP problem was identified after carrying out a thorough assessment of the company’s communication systems. The analysis of the problem showed that the company’s VoIP network and infrastructure was prone to denial-of-service attacks (DoS) that affected the quality of the calls. The company’s Internet Protocol infrastructure is made...

The Sociology of Diversity in the USA: Challenges and Opportunities

Minority and Dominant Groups A minority population group is not defined by being outnumbered by a dominant group. A minority is defined by the following five characteristics: physical or cultural traits distinguished from the dominant population, unequal treatment, in-group marriage, subordination awareness, and involuntary membership. The existence of differing traits...

Insights into Relationship Psychology: Key Dynamics and Factors

Introduction It has been estimated that in the United States the divorce rate has already exceeded 50% and is continuing to climb, which brings the country back to the crisis of the 1980s. Such divorce statistics also mean that more than half of the children in the country have to...

The Life and Legacy of Supreme Court Justice Warren Earl Burger: A Biographical Study

Introduction This research paper covers the life and times of the Supreme court Justice Warren Earl Burger. I specifically choose him because of his role in judicial administration and his conservative decisions regarding controversial cases. His conservative demeanor earned him friends and foes in equal measures. However, it is this...

A Comparative Study of Right and Left-Wing Terrorist Groups: Motivations and Impacts

Introduction There mainly exists two terrorist or extremist sets of groups; the right-leaning and left-leaning ones. They mainly differ from their root ideologies and from the basis where they draw their inspiration. Right-leaning extremism takes up its inspiration from a multiplicity of beliefs and convictions, together with modern authoritarian hierarchical...

The Influence of Corporations in Medicine and Orthopedics

Introduction Business and corporations have significantly affected the medical practice over the last century. This historical progression occurred initially when the medical services were the privilege of the elites, with doctors catering for particular social classes. However, market expansion and emergence of corporations have seriously altered the model of interaction...

Role of Social Media in Managing Customer Relationships

Social media definition Social media is an advanced communication device of the modern century that applies the inclusion of a massive group who share a common sentiment. It has allowed its users to update on their events and societal beliefs as they strive to acquire better communication channels. Individuals of...

Corporate Law in the EU: The Right of Establishment

Introduction One of the major principles that have underlain the drive towards the formation of the European Community (EC) is the need for the creation of a framework that would allow the integration of member state economies. For the idea of a free market to be realized within the members...

Racism, Crime and Justice and Growing-Up Bad

Introduction Black and Asian youths have been accused of engaging in criminality and deviance more than their native counterparts. The problem of racism in British modern society is a factor of competing cultures among the various races with the majority of the white people seeking to conquer the minorities (Phillips...

Strategic Analysis of Arnold Leisure Centre

Executive Summary Arnold Leisure center is a sport, Leisure recreation outlet lead by a local authority. The core competence of its strategy is dedicated to the highest involvement of grassroots. The organization is more active for corporate social responsibility and equal opportunity. To organize the strategic analysis of the organization...

Analyzing Hong Kong’s Strategic Position in China’s Economic Development Post-1997

Introduction The People’s Republic of China has marked an impressive economic development over the last few decades. This great advancement has helped to steer the country to the top in matters regarding the global economy. According to recent reports on global economy, China has overtaken other powerful Western and European...

International Competition Law: Comparative Insights Between Russian and European Approaches

Introduction Competition law is a regulation that is enacted to promote market rivalry. It achieves this by regulating anti-competitive practices in the business arena. The legislation is enforced through a partnership between the private and the public sectors. In the United States and the European Union, the edict is referred...

Sociology: Volunteering and Its Aspects

Introduction Volunteering is a situation in which an individual or a group of people come together with a view of participating or serving with no payment in return. Individuals execute a given task in society out of their own willingness. They can abandon the task whenever they feel to do...

Causes and Recommendations Arising from the Penn State University Scandal

Abstract The Penn State university scandal was all about lack of ethics in the management of organizational affairs. Several counts of child abuse were leveled against Jerry Sandusky. Through his charity organization, the culprit had a long list of victims whom he abused on a regular basis. Personnel deployed at...

The Emergence of Organ Markets: Ethical and Economic Implications

The debate around organ markets, their emergence, function, and adjustment to the world of other, legal markets, continues to flare up. Some of the researchers argue that legal organ markets should not be considered unethical because they often help both the seller and the purchaser save one’s life (while the...

Understanding Vitamin D Deficiency in Relation to Type 2 Diabetes: Health Implications

Abstract This proposal focuses on the research study that reveals the association between vitamin D deficiency and diabetes mellitus type 2. Even though these issues have been discussed separately for a long time already, their connection started to be discussed only recently. The proposal is developed based on the PICOT...

A Simulation Company’s Market Share Performance

Introduction An assessment of the company’s performance is needed to understand whether or not the management in place has been effective. This can be determined by checking how much market share the firm currently has in comparison to the past. Market share can be computed as a percentage of sales...

How Does Wal-Mart Benefits From Green Sustainable Supply Chain?

Outline Environmental change has begun to grip the world with consistent patterns of turbulent weather conditions which have resulted in extreme heat waves, rainfall, snowfall and hurricane in most parts of the world. Under the circumstances it becomes important for people to be concerned about taking remedial measures in reducing...

Expo2020 Dubai’s Accounting and Financial Management

Introduction Expo 2020 is the continuation of the World Expos that began over 170 years ago to provide a platform to showcase the world’s greatest innovations and creativity across industries. Thus, Expo2020Dubai, hosted by Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, where innovation is an essential factor of development, is an...

Holocaust Denial and Antisemitism: Analyzing Ideologies and Their Impacts

Introduction Antisemitism has existed for centuries and taken different forms. This is a very dangerous phenomenon as it often resulted in cruel pogroms and even legal persecutions. The ideas of antisemitism are spread in most countries and accepted and cultivated by millions of people. This contagious concept is even supported...

Impact of Mathematics Methodology Courses on Teacher Effectiveness and Classroom Practices

The present study examined the influence of mathematics methodology courses on pre-service early childhood education teachers’ sense of self-efficacy. Seven specific areas were targeted to develop an adequate understanding of how courses in mathematics methods affect the development of self-efficacy among pre-service early childhood teachers. The first two areas aimed...

Data Analysis of Employment Market & Job Recommendation System

The employment market and related business processes are complex and involve different parties. This is confirmed by the fact that the emergence of new vacancies and new types of employment brings variety and influences the development of trends in this category. The development of information technology and the emergence of...

Alexander Rodchenko: Russian Constructivist

Introduction Photography is the world that is absolutely different form painting, sculpture and architecture. It may seem that photography combines the features of all above mentioned trends in art and integrates them all while creating the pictures of different object. There are many of artists who shifted from different types...

Breast Cancer: Types, Survival Rates, and Research Insights

Summary/Abstract We know the cancer of breast tissue as Breast cancer. It has reported too that breast cancer affects woman ageing of any age at least in the western world. Breast cancer is supposed to be the most fatal cancer for women only to be holding second place after lung...

Fast-Food Product Expansion in Middle East Market

Introduction Holt and Quelch assert that all organizations operate in environments that influence their ways of doing business either directly or indirectly (69). This claim implies that for successful colonization of new markets, organizations must look for strategies of dealing with issues such as political instability while considering the impacts...

The Law of War and Its Transformation Throughout History

Introduction Wars are inevitable in a world where people have different views and ideologies in almost all aspects of life. It is often ironic that countries and international organizations would want to impose laws on war because, by its nature, war is a lawless event. However, the world, through consensus,...

Mental Illness Impact on Family Members-Caregivers in a Home Setting

Background People who suffer from a mental health problem can be a major burden for family members (Coon, 2005). Family members suffer in silence because society wants them to fulfil their obligations even if they are not equipped to handle the negative impact of stress (Alpert & Fava, 2005). Nevertheless,...

How to Start a Startup

Entrepreneurial Mindset It is true that every business starts with an idea. However, the most important prerequisite that a person seeking success in the business world should gain way before even considering to open his or her own business is the entrepreneurial mindset. An idea precedes action in the same...

Latino Veterans’ Transition to Civilian Life in the US

Introduction Transitioning periods are particularly challenging for diverse populations, which makes them important for social work. Among the groups that experience transition, veterans and migrants are noteworthy. Their concerns are similar in many regards, including, for instance, employment and healthcare. However, there are also significant differences that may be connected...

Command, Control, and Communications Subsystem

Abstract Subsystems are evidence-based models for ensuring that competent individuals complete specific functions in a timely manner. In the identified organization, the proposed command, control, and communications (C3) framework will transform operations and guide leaders to identify new or initial technologies that have the potential to deliver positive results. The...

The Concepts of Leadership and Management

The concepts of leadership and management are an essential discussion in business. Each company or organization maintains people who are in charge and the approach they choose to take strongly depends on personality as well as education and training. The field of leadership research has offered competent theories to outline...

Organizational Change: Qatargas Case Study

Executive Summary This report conducted an analysis of change conducted by Qatargas during the COVID-19 pandemic. The change aimed at adapting the operations to promote the health and safety of the employees and the community. Shortly after the COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, Qatargas created a taskforce that took command...

The Development of the New Testament Canon

Canon of the New Testament: Essay Introduction In contemporary times, researchers and scholars have raised differing opinions and discussions about the development of the New Testament canon. Consequently, different individuals have come up with disparate approaches and sentiments in a bid to solve this controversy. Different individuals raise opposing points...

Enhancing Marketing Strategies: A Comprehensive Approach

Problem Definition The present-day market is characterized by rather strong competition and a rather hostile environment for organizations that cannot adjust their marketing strategies to their updated or newly developed brands. Therefore, it is vital for this company to examine the effects that promotional tools associated with the use of...

The Commodification of Science in the Sugar Industry

Introduction Financial support for science, technology, and innovation is becoming increasingly relevant and changing its meaning. There are also the latest, complex funding mechanisms that are designed to influence the conduct of scientific research. When discussing the applied nature of some scientific research, it frequently refers to business involvement in...

Confessions: A Key Element of the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Interrogations are a vital element of the criminal justice system. They are helpful for solving cases and bringing perpetrators to responsibility. However, not all professional policemen are able to collect enough evidence during interrogations and investigations. In this way, it is important to point to another critical element of...

Norrona Company’s International Marketing Plan

Introduction The current economic climate is characterized by stiff competition, which threatens the survival of many companies. Given that retail is a low-margin business, many companies consider entering the global market to improve profitability. Entering a new business market has always been disastrous but can also be rewarding in case...

Copyright Law Regulation Debate

Introduction Copyright is one form of intellectual property that is naturally used for making an economic analysis of law. Intellectual property is very vital especially when you consider its aspect of a public good. The cost of coming up with an idea and its subsequent production for use is usually...

Revival as the Impetus for Church Growth

Summary A long time ago, a famous novelist wrote the immortal lines: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of time, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.” Charles Dickens’...

Early Childhood Profession in Australia

Executive Summary It is important to note that the report is aimed to inform the council on the existing trends within the early childhood profession in Australia with a focus on core underlying issues as well as strengths. In sum, the observation and analysis reveal a strong negative tendency of...

Combating Ebola and Marburg Outbreaks Compared to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Background Marburg and Ebola viruses are relatively related since they result in hemorrhagic fevers. The first case of the Ebola virus was identified in Zaire and Sudan in 1976 and had an approximately 78% fatality rate (Li et al., 2016). Over four succeeding decades, the virus has presented over...

Epidemiology of Ebola and Marburg Viruses

Abstract Background: Ebola and Marburg viruses are deadly Filoviruses that are significantly infectious. The viruses have not been given the necessary attention, posing a significant challenge to the public. They cause massive deaths when an outbreak occurs, hence the need for general knowledge regarding the virus to enable the public...

Learning and Cognition as Aspects of Educational Psychology

Introduction Education is rightfully considered to be the basis of the modern society as far as it is education that allows people obtain knowledge in the various spheres of human activity and develop industrial, business, social, and political relations. Understanding these, numerous scholars like B. F. Skinner, Shiffrin, Atkinson, and...

Strategic Managemnt Report on Samsung Mobile Company

Executive Summary and Introduction Summary The business segment, Samsung Mobile, of Samsung Electronics has been contributing effectively towards the success of the entire group. Its commendable performance in the past few years is due to its effective strategic management policies. These strategic plans are devised on a global level, and...

The McDonald’s Firm’s Procurement Process

Executive Summary Many companies in the hospitality industry were performing exceptionally well in the market. However, during the pandemic, most of them failed to hit the same heights they did before. Despite the harsh times, McDonald’s has managed to maintain its excellent performance and top spot in the sector. It...

The Role of HRM in Career Management

Introduction Traditional perceptions of careers are slowly being replaced by new views. Career management was once considered as a role for employers. Job security was a reality, and careers were associated with jobs. However, these factors are no longer true today; off-shoring, mergers & acquisitions and downsizing are new buzz...

Various Variables That Impact on Education

Introduction Statistics has been applied in major attributes of human life Thus it has been deemed of paramount significance for students especially in major areas that impact on human existence to have a strong statistical and analytic background. The essay thus is a close statistical examination of education based on...

Demand Planning Department’s Operation Optimization and Positive Financial Effect

Introduction The department of demand planning is one of the essential departments in a corporation. This study tries to determine the ideal strategy to operate the demand planning department to provide a smooth flow of business and a tremendous financial impact for a company. It attempts to build a road...

Improvement of the Exclusivity of Breastfeeding Rates

Abstract The significance of breastfeeding, as opposed to the use of the formula, is crucial to the further physiological development of a child. An increase in the levels of breastfeeding across the globe has set as one of the critical initiatives of Health People 2020, yet the results of the...

Aging Population in Canada and Public Policies

Executive Summary The current situation with the extent of workforce aging in the UK has become a troubling tendency. While the range of staff members that have approached the category of aging employees has risen, the number of younger employees has been shrinking. The phenomenon of aging workforce can be...

Cellular Manufacturing Analysis

Functional Layout The functional layout is process oriented. When a factory has been described as to having a functional layout, it means that the operations which are followed in the manufacturing process are grouped in terms of the basis of the functions, the technology in use and the equipments which...

Business Analysis and System Recommendation for MTC

Introduction This Business Analysis and System Recommendation report is prepared to help MTC meet its organizational objectives by increasing its competitive advantage. The goal of MTC is to continuously grow the number of projects and deliver quality service to customers. To accomplish this objective, MTC regularly submits applications to Request...

Branch of Retail Co Company – Riverside

Outline This case study will be based on a branch of Retail Co Company called riverside. The main issue being that of identifying the human resource policy, strategy and practices being employed at the branch level in particular, the River side branch. The case study will try to analyze whether...

Tesco and Walmart Companies Growth Comparison

Tesco Tesco has rated the third-biggest grocery store in the world (based on revenue collection); coming second to Wal-Mart and Carrefour (Corporate Watch UK 2004). However, with regards to profitability, the company only comes second to Wal-Mart when it is compared to companies dealing in its line of business (Corporate...

Organizational Change Management for Relocation

Introduction Nowadays, it is apparent that many established organizations struggle to keep up to stay relevant in the market. On the other hand, less experienced executives continue to lead their teams to various successes in the industry. This happens mainly because of the company’s ability to adapt by being flexible...

Business Intelligence in Healthcare Industry

Introduction Business intelligence has become a significant aspect of the modern world. It includes various techniques, tools, methods, and strategies that help business practitioners convert raw data into meaningful pieces of information, improving the performance of companies that apply business intelligence to their activities (Business Integrity Services, 2021). The concept...

VLCC Report: Human Resource Management

Introduction The VLCC company is an industry leader in wellness and beauty services and products, founded in 1989 by Vandana Luthra (VLCC Health). It serves clients in 310 locations across 143 cities in 12 countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Gulf Cooperation Council Region, and East Africa. The VLCC...

Blackface Minstrelsy’s Impact on African-American Culture

Introduction Minstrelsy shows started to spread performances in theatres in America, especially blackface ones. Blackface Minstrelsy was the show where white people portrayed Blackface. This show appeared before Civil War and included many themes, such as masculinity, race, class, culture, and gender, but the theme of race was trendy, as...

International Basketball Federation Issues and Considerations

Executive Summary This report deals with the problems of the modern sports sector on a global scale. The analysis centres on the International Basketball Federation as the primary organisation among the most common and popular ones, which is involved in setting the standards, organising the events and participating in the...

Internal and External Factors Influencing IKEA

This analysis of internal and external factors influencing IKEA will inspire a great paper. Check it out if you need to write a PESTLE analysis of environmental factors affecting IKEA.  Introduction IKEA is a worldwide recognized home furnishing seller. It has quickly developed since it was started in 1943 by...

How COVID-19 Affected Human Trafficking

Introduction The coronavirus pandemic (henceforth COVID-19) has had a devastating effect on global economies. Pandemics are known to be large scale outbreaks of infectious illnesses that significantly raise the mortality over wide geographical areas causing social, political, and economic disruption (Sun, et al., 2020). COVID-19 has been an international pandemic...

Domestic Violence: Prevalence, Types, and Risk Factors

Abstract The term domestic violence refers to violent actions that take place in relationships and take place in circumstances that are considered to be domestic. The abuse may come in many forms, including sexual, physical, psychological, and emotional. Nonetheless, violence is a more inclusive phrase that may apply to physical...

The Role of Semiotics in Shaping the Feminist Discourse in Palestinian Cinema

Film studies became an essential way of rethinking feminist theory in the late 1960s. Earlier film studies developed within the framework of cultural studies. The latter made its intellectual debut in the early 1960s with the founding of the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies in Birmingham. Feminism is the most...

Global and Local Issues Affecting John Deere Firm

Introduction John Deere is one of the companies operating in the agricultural industry. It is known for manufacturing high quality agricultural and construction equipment. John Deere makes farming more economical and sustainable through its incredible innovations and technological advancements (John Deere, 2022). The company’s connected farm machinery can perform agricultural...

Violent Behaviors and Their Treatment

Introduction Human violence and aggression are ubiquitous phenomena that cause substantial costs to contemporary society. Aggression is a grave medical challenge that places healthcare providers and patients at risk. It is defined as injurious, destructive, or hostile behavior frequently brought about by frustration. The treatment options for aggression include non-pharmacologic...

Strategic Marketing: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Successful marketing helps to attract customers and stakeholders. It is not enough to use appropriate sources, choose effective advertisements, and produce multiple services and goods. Effective business is based on properly organised strategic marketing. The role of the STP approach – that includes segmentation, targeting and positioning cannot be ignored...

Differences Between the Big Four Accounting Firms Versus the Smaller Firms

Abstract Problem. Today, the Big Four accounting firms take up 99% of the auditing market and 40% of the consulting market. These companies continued their steady growth even during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, which slowed down the economies around the globe. However, it is unclear if these companies...

Oliver Cromwell Is an Icon in the History of Britain

Introduction Inasmuch as history is concerned, Oliver Cromwell is one of the wide-read and remembered epitome and icon in the history of Britain. He is one of the controversial figures in the history of Britain with various leaders and personalities having different views about him. For instance, some like David...

Cisco Company’s Technological Change Management

Introduction Change Management is considered to be an integral component of IT Service Management. The fundamental purpose of Change Management with regards to this context is to make certain that standardized techniques and procedures are made use of for the competent and timely treatment of all changes to the controlled...

Deciphering the Meaning of Animals in Films

Introduction In looking at the use of animals in film, with the possible exception of family type, feel-good animal stories, animals are usually symbolic when they are seen in anything more than a cameo type appearance as pets and other casual uses which simply give realism to the film. Most...

B31.11 Slurry Transportation Piping Systems

Abstract This report is about B31.11 code that outlines technical requirements for slurry piping systems. B31.11 is a standard code for inspecting and examining piping systems installation procedures, conducting mechanical and physical tests, and evaluating them for fitness of purpose in terms of meeting outlined technical and maintenance requirements to...

Video Game Console Industry Analysis: Competition, PESTEL & Five Forces

Video Game Console Market: Introduction The video game industry has become very competitive over the years. Though the initial market was teenagers oriented, it has developed to include young adults in the age bracket of twenty-five years to thirty-three years. This development has seen a major boost in the video...

Protection of the Environment in the U.S. and the State of Hawaii

Introduction The protection of the environment is an urgent issue in many countries nowadays. The United States of America is not an exception. The rapid industrialization and the devastating human activity have led to the terrible condition of the environment. The government of the U.S. realizes the urgency of the...

Analysis of Severstal, Air Asia & Tune Group Case Studies

Introduction This paper is a strategic analysis of three large companies – Severstal, Air Asia & Tune Group Case Studies. Strategic analysis is a way of researching and turning the database obtained from the analysis of the environment into an enterprise strategy. It allows to assess the internal capabilities of...

Goods and Services: Strategic Marketing

Introduction The world of the present day is so fast that people living on this planet are becoming more sophisticated in case of consumption, whether it is goods and service and for this reason marketing is becoming intricate day by day. Antagonistic marketing tools and distinguished revolutionary advertising mediums have...

Environments of Oil and Gas Industries

Executive summary This report looks into the emerging role of shale gas within unconventional gas plays from a technological, commercial and geo-political perspective. Shale gas is currently a major contributor of natural gas in United States, Australia, China and Europe. Technological advances in the field of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal...

Economic Environment in Apple Inc.

Apple is one of the Big Five technology companies, alongside Amazon, Google (Alphabet), Facebook, and Microsoft. Its array of products includes smartphones, tablets, personal computers, and wearable devices, among others. It serves a clientele that seeks authentic and aesthetically pleasing performance products with assured quality and durability. Hence, in this...

Discussion of Customer Perceived of Netflix

Executive Summary Netflix is a streaming service for movies and television shows that charges a flat monthly fee for unlimited access to its library. Netflix and recommender systems will be thoroughly discussed in order to demonstrate the importance of the subject matter under consideration. Following the introduction of the background...

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner Project Management

Introduction The aviation industry encompasses all aspects of air travel and the appropriate activities that enable the industry to meet its customers’ travel and transport needs. In order to remain relevant in the transport industry, airline manufacturers prioritize research to identify necessary adjustments needed in the aircraft used. Aircraft manufacturing...

Oral-B Electric Toothbrushes: Marketing Plan

Executive Summary Company Description Oral-B is an oral care company that produces premium-quality electric toothbrushes for people who would like to receive professional dental cleaning experience at home. Target Segment Oral-B’s target segment is upper-middle-class representatives who live in urban areas of developed countries. They maintain a healthy lifestyle, are...

Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior & Customers’ Biogenic Needs

Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior: Introduction This paper consists of a series of answers related to the Coca-Cola Company concerning its most popular product, the Coca-Cola soft drink. Basically, the paper contains the analysis and determination of consumer buying behavior for Coca-Cola soft drinks. By examining a number of incidents that have...

Unidirectional Air Turbines as a Power Take Off Mechanism

Introduction Over the past several decades, the importance of locating the sources of renewable energy that do not lad to the further contamination of the environment and the exacerbation of pollution outcomes has become particularly high. The use of air turbines as one of the core methods of addressing the...

Employees’ Happiness in the UAE

Abstract This proposal aims to do qualitative research on the effects of workplace social support, psychological contracts and work engagement on employees’ happiness mainly in the UAE. This study proposes a qualitative phenomenological methodology to answer the research question. This approach is appropriate to this study since it aligns with...

Is Sustainability Sustainable in African Organizations?

Abstract Sustainability is presented nowadays as a, not to say, solution for the future of “people, planet, and profit”. This approach was already developed almost 30 years ago. (Elkington, s. d.) After agreeing on the definition of sustainability and sustainable development, I will review how the development of sustainability deemed...

Karak Shop Business Plan

The Executive Summary The Sultanate of Oman has become the center of projects and successful global businesses, especially in Muscat area. The tea selling project is a marketable project. The shop would sell different varieties of tea, especially the Karak tea. The residents here comprise of different nationalities. They like...

The Relationship Between Theory and Research

Introduction Theories often play a crucial role in developing academic research. The importance of theories in research is especially profound in the conceptualization and guidance of research findings. Hendrix (2010) reports the lack of a common conception of theory among researchers. However, since doctoral research greatly relies on theoretical constructs,...

An UAE Event Management Firm’s Marketing Plan

Introduction Worldwide event management has been treated as a tiresome and unappreciative task. The cause is event management is a completely new idea of the present modern and fast world. Events are the programs like a party or an assembly of people for a purpose like a celebration or a...

Project Management for Company X

Project Management Plan Introduction Company X is a big automotive retail firm located in the United Kingdom that recently closed three showrooms in Leeds, Bradford, and Halifax in order to construct a single supersite showroom in Manchester. It entailed reorganizing departments and laying off a number of managers and salespeople....

Yhemisy Multifunctional UVC Sterilizer Box Marketing

Executive Summary One of the pharmaceutical products produced by a technological company is the Yhemisy UVC sterilizer, which intends to tackle a problem in the healthcare business by providing a simple and efficient method of sanitizing everyday household goods against germs and bacteria, and viruses. Because of its excellent services,...

Liverpool: Destination Management Plan

Introduction Tourism is economically significant to countries since it earns them foreign exchange. Consequently, various countries invest in developing activities and infrastructure, making them attractive tourist destinations. Relevant authorities engage in destination planning to manage the visitor economy for tourists. A Destination Management Plan (DMP) is a business plan developed...

Strategic Development of Oreo: Analysis

Introduction Marketing sustainability and the effectiveness of promotional campaigns are often the defining criteria for business success. The example of Oreo, the globally known brand that produces filled biscuits, is evidence of this statement. Starting its business in 1912, after over a hundred years of development, the company has been...

Chinese Tourism Policy and Planning

Summary of the Main Components of Recent Tourism Policy Plan Today, tourism is the most important sector of the Chinese economy. It provides the population with a permanent place of work, and the state budget with a stable income without any negative effects on the ecological system of the country....

The International and Regional Competition Between Russia and Europe

Background The geopolitical development of the Eurasian continent throughout history has developed according to the principle of polarity, in which ideologies, needs, and desires for territory and influence did not coincide among the most potent powers. Among these, Russia should undoubtedly be singled out as the state with the world’s...

The East India Company: Nature and Character of Revolt

The East India Company had already conquered large swaths of India in the first half of the 19th century, but it still had two goals which were to maintain its conquests and to profit from the commerce. The Company’s disloyalty and greed had no bounds in achieving these goals. Many...

The Rental Housing Market Challenges During the COVID Pandemic

Introduction In addition to its social importance in human life, housing is also one of the primary investment instruments for investors and households in Turkey. In countries with a high population growth rate and where capital markets are not deep enough, housing investments are widely preferred by individual investors. As...

Management and Leadership in the Hospitality Industry

Executive Summary This paper aims to evaluate the validity of leveraging competencies of leadership and management in an attempt to achieve competitive advantage. The definition of management implies the need to create tasks for employees and control their implementation, mainly supervising the personnel. Although various authors examined in this paper...

Australia Live Export and Government Regulations

Introduction Australia’s live export is the trading of goats, sheep, llamas, cattle, and other livestock by sending them to other countries across the world. The livestock is exported for both breeding purposes and food consumption. The livestock is considered to be free from diseases. In 2018, the Australian live export...

Organic Food Market Trends

Abstract The high growth rate of demand and the high price premiums charged on organic food are the main drive of the organic food market. The U.S. organic food market is the largest in the world. In addition, demand is growing at a higher rate than in most countries. The...

Ryanair: The Low Fairs Airline – Always Getting Better?

Organizational strategy development is not easy to navigate since it involves ambiguity and complexity at every stage of the strategy execution process. For instance, constructing the strategies involves applying either prescriptive, deliberate, or emergent approaches (Ul Musawir et al., 2017). Thus, before putting the plan into action, the prescriptive approach...

Teaching English to Second Language Learners

Introduction Today’s classrooms provide a diverse environment with increased opportunities for teachers and students to learn. Most often, many institutions across the globe use the English language as a medium of exchange during the instructional processes. As a result, there is a need for the teachers and other instructors to...

The Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior and Demographics

Coca Cola Consumer Behavior: Introduction Assael (34) asserts that the motivation behind every decision to buy a commodity is an in grown phenomenon that plays a major role in the choices one makes about buying a commodity. This phenomenon aims at fulfilling one’s desire and satisfaction. Once the desire has...

Organizational Development Diagnosis and Intervention

Introduction Organizational development depends on multiple factors that are interconnected and illustrated through the overall outcomes of the company. While employee satisfaction, customer demand, and competitiveness on the market are vital factors that highlight how the business operates, specific negative implications may affect all these essential concepts. The identification of...

The Permissibility of International Peace

Introduction One of the most critical questions in existential philosophy is to determine the potential for a global peace as a system in which all nations live in a commonwealth. In discussing this idea, it is crucial to be particularly precise in the terms used since the state of international...

Writer William Cuthbert Faulkner’s Biography

William Cuthbert Faulker was an American writer born in New Albany, Mississippi, on September 25, 1897, and died on July 6, 1962. His parents were Maud Butler Faulkner and Murry Falkner, who lived in a small Mississippian village (Khelifa 2). Faulker or Falker as his original name was named after...

ABC Company’s Financial Analysis and Capital Budgeting

Introduction Capital budgeting is an integral part of corporate finance. Businesses are in perpetual strife to increase shareholder value by increasing revenue or profits. This endeavor is achieved by venturing into new investments and starting projects. Most of the time, companies will have multiple ideas at the same time on...

Mutual Intelligibility of Classical and Moroccan Arabic

Introduction Amid a flux of languages around the world, there is one common characteristic; that is communication. While there is an ever-increasing need for people to interact, language has become an integral part of facilitating the same through sign, speech, or written form. As such, Arabic is one of the...

The Online Streaming Industry Analysis

Introduction The 21st century embodied technological progress that has encompassed most spheres of human activity. In the current age, new advancements are developed at a rapid pace and introduced across various spheres of work, leisure, and entertainment. Furthermore, this unprecedented level of progress leads to profound transformations of the industries....

Network Management in Networking System

Introduction Network management is concerned with managing overall operations in a networking system. ”different telecommunication networks are designed to satisfy the same needs, they differ in their nature, purpose, architecture and way they work.” (Arpege Group., & Sturt, 1994, p.1). The major task of the network management is to keep the...

Lack of Parking in Big Cities: Reasons, Causes, and Potential Solutions

Introduction Whether or not you have been looking for a parking space to park your car, it is an essential problem in the present day. Being worried about finding a parking spot to park your car for a long time will always cause anxiety and stress, especially when you are...

Innovation in Organizations: Ryan Air

Executive Summary The study has shown that innovation is a strong business weapon that can give an organization a competitive edge over others. By adopting certain characteristics that encourage innovation, an organization puts itself in a position to compete favorably and even stay afloat during economic hardships. The characteristics mentioned...

Authentic Leaders: Personal and Critical Reflection

According to Starratt (2004), an authentic leader brings himself or herself and everything he or she believes in his or her work. It is common to find definitions of authentic leadership to also include descriptions such as transparent, consistent, and accountable. Evans (2000) argues that trust is key in any...

Globalization and Its Consequences: Economic Crossroads

Whether talking about his “McDonald’s Theory” or “Dell Theory” or that the “world is flat,” Thomas Friedman offers a provocative argument about where we now are international, how we got there, and where we are going. Explain and assess his views, including their security implications, touching as well on his...

Choice Hotels International Inc.’s Profitability

Introduction Choice Hotels International, Inc. (CHH) is a hospitality holding entity intent on acquiring variegated shares for its brands, including Comfort Suites, Quality Inn, and Sleep Inn (Fraser, 2012). This paper enumerates a detailed analysis of the CHH Inc. by way of outlining its size and growth, industry classification, vision,...

Burger King’s Image and Mass Media Impact on It

Introduction Background Throughout the past decades, the priorities of the business management have undergone critical changes. Thus, it is now evident that one of the key determinants of a successful performance is the customer’s positive perception of a company’s image or the so-called “brand’ (O’Guinn et al. 2014). According to...

Argos and Sainsbury: Contemporary Management Issues Report

Executive Summary This report has been developed to provide an evidence-based analysis of Argos’ takeover by Sainsbury’s in 2016 from the perspective of change management strategy effectiveness. Firstly, the background of the analyzed change management decision is introduced. Secondly, a brief overview of the case is provided with a discussion...

Global Warming With an Emphasis on the Arctic

Abstract Global warming has been altering climatic rhythms and behavior of different living organisms. This development raises questions on what can be done to slow down the rate at which these changes are taking place. Other people are thinking along the lines of what can be done to enable humanity...