Social Media Impact on Activism

Introduction Social media is a digitally facilitated technology used to enable communication through virtual communities. Activism entails the efforts put into place to bring along the desired change in political, economic, and environmental policies for a perceived greater good (Nikunen 15). Activists use different forms to drive their agendas, such...

Has Social Media Ruined Our Culture

Introduction Social media can be described as one of the most disruptive technologies since it has caused massive revolutions in social, economic, political, and even cultural aspects of human life. Businesses have used social networking sites as tools for marketing while politicians use them as campaign platforms. From a cultural...

Analysis of a Transmedia Narrative: “The Hunger Games”

The Hunger Games‘ first film, Catching Fire, has become an excellent example of a transmedia storytelling campaign. The Hunger Games takes place in a dystopian post-apocalyptic future in Panem. Every year, a boy and a girl from each country’s 12 districts are chosen as a tribute and forced to participate...

Wiki Entry: Ethics and Social Media

Introduction The global community is becoming more connected and integrated than ever before. Modern technologies and handheld devices are revolutionizing the way individuals exchange their ideas and concepts. The nature of these emerging tools of communication is affecting the true foundation of ethical and moral principles. Some of the concepts...

Social Media: Negative Impacts

Introduction Social media is a natural phenomenon of modern hi-tech life. The impact of virtual communication is significant as people are often willing to pay more attention to online interaction. Besides, due to the development of technology, social media plays the role of platforms not only for communication but also...

Representation of Sexuality in the Media: Advertisement

It is an entirely difficult thing to underestimate impacts that have been generated from sexual representation in the media. This is because, with the current advancement in technology, sexual advertisement has greatly influenced the cultural behaviors of people in the societies. The representation has also enhanced people to realize their...

The Facebook Recent Privacy Issue and Actions Needed

Introduction and Executive Summary Corporate reputation is a vital enterprise concept that ensures how consumers perceive the company’s image. The importance of corporate reputation is seen as the power of an organized relationship between an enterprise and a consumer, with consumers being both current customers of the company and potential...

The Samsung Ad “The Next Big Thing” Analysis

Introduction Advertisements are developed in such a way that they can capture the audience’s attention. For adverts to create an appeal to the targeted individuals, Henry A. Murray developed fifteen emotions that commercial ads must at all times exploit. A long time ago, most consumers followed most ads without trying...

Mass Media Ethics in News Coverage

Introduction News coverage plays an important role in shaping readers’ perceptions of the world around them, which is especially relevant for political events. Members of the City Council of a small town are doing their best to accuse supporters of the opposite faction of lies and corruption. However, none of...

Social Media in Moderation

Introduction In terms of the current situation and online environment shaped by the pandemic, the online space has become the most pivotal and influential in working and educational domains. It is a valuable source of essential information to extend the public’s knowledge and help people maintain their work responsibilities remotely....

Modern Media Perception of Sexuality

Introduction Mass media are powerful instruments for forming, influencing, and manipulating the consumers’ views on the covered subjects. The audience should be conscious of that fact and be critical of the presented content, especially regarding such important topics as sexuality. In this case, some mass media can be utilized as...

Social Media Disadvantages for Adolescents

Introduction Nowadays, it is rare to find a person who does not have a registered personal page, at least in one of today’s popular social networks. Through these resources of the Internet, people have become accustomed to communicating. A social network is a platform, online service, or website designed for...

Mass Media: Critical Thinking Skills, Images, and Stereotypes

Introduction Critical thinking is the ability to question incoming information and beliefs. The skill helps to think clearly and rationally, seek logical connections between facts, and formulate strong arguments. Critical thinking is based on the ability to reason. To become a critical thinker, it is necessary to be an active...

Are Social Media a Good Thing to Society?

Recently, computer systems have been adopted, and human beings have developed communication to make the world a global village. Scientists have succeeded in ensuring networking has become international. This mission revolves around the internet and the networks people use to access each other (Baccarella et al. 433, Social media...

Bowling as Culture and a Lifestyle

Belonging to a particular culture is central to the very human nature since it creates a sense of security and satisfies people’s need for belonging. Although the concept of culture can be stretched fairly far, and some cultures might seem less significant than others, it is possible to gain deep...

Advertising on Children and Adults Different Effects

Introduction Every day, an ordinary person is predisposed to see a considerable number of promotional campaigns. Advertising has already become a common part of life because people do not even notice how they are influenced by marketing strategies. For example, the morning routine of the majority of people includes checking...

Persuasion Techniques in Aveeno Advertisement

Introduction While trying to increase the commercial appeal of a particular advertisement, its designers commonly resort to utilization of three foremost principles, upon which Aristotle’s theory of persuasion is based – namely, appeals to Logos, Ethos and Pathos. The Aveeno Nourish (haircare collection) advertisement, found in People Style Watch Magazine,...

History Of The Monopoly Board Game

Although Charles B. Darrow of Germantown, Pennsylvania is the officially recognized father of the Monopoly game, having developed and played the inventor’s version of the game back in 1929, advocates of the game believe that the true game creator is a woman named Elizabeth Magie who created what is thought...

Rhetorical Analysis Essay: an Example of a Web Page Case Study

In the modern world of increasing competence, marketing needs to be as creative as possible. There are countless strategies that specialists use to attract potential clients. Indeed, great marketing professionals can make any ordinary product stand out. A great variety of methods has a common objective: to make an advertised...

Has Technology Killed Personal Contact?

Technology which has been experienced in almost all sectors has greatly changed our lifestyles in many ways. The benefits of technology to human life are immense, as it is evident in the modern society where everything has become more convenient and easily accessible, due to advances in the trend. However,...

How Media Affects Culture and Society

Introduction The development of the media has profoundly impacted families, cultures, and society as a whole. The ubiquitous accessibility of media has increased communication speed and convenience, enabling individuals to communicate with one another beyond geographic boundaries. The media has contributed to the globalization of culture by exposing individuals worldwide...

How Social Media Contribute to Mental Health

The influence of Social Media on Mental Health Humans are social beings who thrive when they are in the company of others. The nature of their bonds influences their mental state and happiness. Socially connected people can survive stress, worry, and sadness, increase self-confidence, bring happiness and peace, and alleviate...

Negative Impact of Technology on Children

Introduction In the context of the modern development of society, information technologies have begun to play an important role in everyone’s life. It is almost impossible to imagine a person who can easily do without a cell phone, tablet, or another similar gadget. Moreover, it is increasingly evident that even...

Social Media for the Purpose of Knowledge, Entertainment, and Communication

Nowadays, almost all people, especially the representatives of young generations, consider their smartphones and laptops to be an integral and rather significant part of their life. Having an account in social networks provides individuals with numerous opportunities. Nevertheless, even though some may refuse to believe in this, social media can...

Social Media and Online Identity

Introduction The emergence of social media has brought many social issues that need to be addressed. As a key platform for social interaction, it can be argued that this emergent technology influences how people behave both online and offline. The article “Stranding online and offline profile, millennials search for identity”...

“Takin’ It to the Streets” by Bloom

Primary sources are invaluable when it comes to exploring the socio-cultural phenomena of the past. The collection of essays devoted to the new cultural groups of the 1960s compiled by Bloom and Breines sheds light on the historical period’s countercultures and allows keeping track of their evolution. Particularly, the collection...

Newspapers and Their Role in the 21st Century

Newspapers have played an essential role in social life for several centuries. At present, the mode of their functioning is changing due to technological development. The traditional printed sources are not the only way to access the information, accompanied by digital media, which is continuously growing in popularity. In this...

Globalization in Media: Pros and Cons

Globalization has a great impact on the world transforming social, political, cultural, and economic spheres of life. Innovations in transportation have been complemented by the swift development of communication technologies. The 20th-century arrival of mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, film, and television further enhanced a growing consciousness of a rapidly shrinking...

How a Blender Works: Commercial Speech

How a Blender Works Specific Purpose: to show my audience how a blender works and benefits that it can bring to one’s everyday life. Central Idea: a blender is a useful gadget that can assist in various cooking tricks as well as save the time of its owners. Introduction Hello,...

Dallas Farmer’s Market Advertisement

Introduction The advertisement of Dallas Farmer’s market conveys a message that people should purchase healthy food provided by this market rather than fast food. The advertisement uses a recognizable object (French fries pack from McDonald’s) and fills it with a new sense. To reach out to a diverse audience, the...

Internet and Interactive Media as an Advertising Tool

Introduction The Internet has replaced traditional methods of carrying out the business long ago. People started using it as a primary source of information, which is why it became an integral part of their marketing activities (Alonzo 2006). Internet and interactive media are now especially frequently used in e-commerce: “Consumers...

Journalistic Ethics in the Digital Age

Introduction Journalism ethics is a subset of communication ethics studies that seek to define, analyze, and promote the correct and virtuous conduct among professional media workers. The first substantial attempts to develop the norms of responsible journalism can be traced back to 17th century Europe (Ward 307). Inspired by the...

Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted?

Gladwell (2010) claimed that social media activism could make people pay attention to particular problems with low risk, but not as good as traditional activism because it does not lead people to sacrifice. Gladwell (2010) argued that the role of social ties is vital because leadership organizes people using rules...

Tobacco and Alcohol Should Not Be Allowed to Be Advertised

Introduction Tobacco and alcohol are both legal substances, which people purchase without restraints after they reach adulthood. Different countries have divergent rules regarding these products. However, most state laws do not prohibit the advertisement of tobacco and alcohol because they are legal to purchase. Some producers argue that people decide...

Pros and Cons of Free Speech Regulations on Social Media

Introduction Freedom of mass information is considered the central principle in any democratic state. It is necessary for political pluralism and cultural diversity for individuals and their associations. Despite this, permissiveness can have negative consequences since the unrestricted freedom always drives to the repression. Therefore, the issue of media freedom...

Celebrity Culture Glorification

Introduction The celebrity phenomenon first appears in the nineteenth century and is completely within the structural framework of modernity. Since ancient times there have been individuals whose exploits were widely known, be they heroes of antiquity, politicians, or aristocrats. Along with the economic, military, and political elite in the social...

Public Relations Campaign

Background A public relations campaign’s objectives, target audience, organization’s goals, and required communication medium must all be defined in a complete Media Plan before the campaign can be successful. A good way to reach a wide audience is to use the media to restore the company’s tarnished reputation. Minnesota Public...

Coca-Cola’s ‘Real Magic’ Advertisement Analysis

Christened ‘Real Magic,’ Coca-Cola’s new campaign rekindles the multinational company’s trademark promise “to unite and uplift people every day” while adding recent relevance to the current world. Principally, the ad targets Generation Z consumers aged 10 to 24 years and perceived to be technological savvy. The company includes games such...

The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers

The significant issue of the influence of social networks on users is social comparison, which leads to negative consequences. Communication on social media has a significant adverse effect on women who interact with each other because they start comparing their appearance. The study found that female socializing causes women to...

The Negative Influence of Social Media on Teenagers’ Mental Health

Introduction The development of modern technologies marked new opportunities for people to connect with their friends and relatives and even make new connections through social media. However, with the significant increase in the number of teenage and adolescent depression cases in the last years, society now faces the problem of...

Coors Light Beer Ad: Persuasion and Argumentation

Advertising is a form of communication that aims to persuade consumers to buy a particular product or take a certain action. Most advertisements use a combination of rhetorical devices to achieve their purpose. Argumentation, or logos, relies on logical arguments, while persuasion uses any means necessary to convince the audience....

Video Games’ Negative Impact on Children

Video games have become very popular among children. There are different points of view concerning its influence on children. Some parents consider some games to be intellectual and useful for their children as far as such games develop their skills. Nevertheless, there are more disadvantages than advantages in modern video...

Social Media and Their Psychological Effects

It is well known that nowadays, due to the development of information technologies, social media play a significant role in people’s lives. Thus, social media allow people to share different types of data through virtual reality, reach large audiences in a short period, and achieve business success. However, even though...

Social Media Impact and Governmental Regulations

Title of Article 1: “Privacy and Social Media” Style of Article 1: Persuasive Example 1: “From every angle, social media is anathema to privacy”; “All of this sharing may help create communities, but it also destroys privacy” (Claypoole p. 1) Title of Article 2: “Known or Knowing Publics? Social Media...

Social Media and Its Role Now and in the Future

Executive Summary This document focused on the role of social media, now and in future. To achieve this goal, it focused on a number of issues that surround social media. The world has experienced a lot of creations and innovations as a result of the works of man. This includes...

Event Management and Planning Challenges

A designated party managed all events in order for them to be successful. It is due to the fact that one event can have multiple activities that need to be coordinated and performed on the same day without fail. For the people who attend events, preparation begins on a material...

Environmental Impacts of Events

Introduction The definition of each environmental variation is paramount to the schedules and plans devised to create a successful and sustainable, as well as an all-inclusive event. Essentially, event managers control and identify the shortcomings of such events and pave a way through determining the possible resolutions that can solve...

Social Media Impact on Teenagers in the UAE

Abstract This research paper examines the impact of social media on teenagers in the UAE. Through primary survey research, it was established that social media has positive and negative impacts on teenagers. The research was based on a sample of 30 respondents through a mixture of direct interviews and questionnaires....

Modern Communication Technologies and Personal Contact

Introduction Ongoing developments in new technologies, particularly smart technologies, have brought about significant changes in personal interaction and society. Modern communication technologies have introduced devices with high capabilities and speed, which have facilitated communications between people (Kwon et al. 1). While these advantages have enhanced efficiency and convenience in modern...

Communications: Technology and Personal Contact

The process of globalization has affected many areas of people’s life. It has changed our economy, business, and finances; it resulted in the high rate of migrations and traveling; it made an impact on education and interactions in the society of the world. Communication has become a crucial part of...

Tricked by Title: “Donald Trump Sent His Plane”

Introduction “Donald Trump sent his own plane to transport 200 stranded marines” is a header that misled the reader. Trump sent his plane to transport 200 stranded marines in this newspaper. This headline misleads the reader because it speaks about him as an individual rather than the government. From CBS...

News Values and Today Media Culture

Introduction In today’s media culture, most news consumers prefer to watch the news on TV rather than listen to news broadcasting on the radio. The reason for this shift is because of the visual elements that accompany the news bulletin. As a result, most TV stations have lost the focus...

Analysis: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Carr

The impact of technological progress on people’s consciousness and thinking capacity has always been under study in current research. With the rapid expansion of the Internet in the recent two to three decades, the social landscape has transformed significantly due to increased reliance on digital communication, remote work, and assistive...

Social Media Impact on Mental Health

Introduction Social media in the past few decades has become a huge influence on people’s lives. Studies show that a regular person spends from 3 to 6 hours on social media, which is becoming a form of addiction for many users Naslund et al. (2020). Nevertheless, social media is proven...

Social Influence on Behaviors: Disadvantages

Social media has recently become the most popular means of communication used by millions of people, especially young adults. However, social media utilizes the incentive to alter the landscape of how we connect with each other by manipulating the data of our previous behaviors to shape our current and future...

Rhetorical Analysis of a Commercial

The rhetorical analysis chosen entails Nike’s commercial, “We’re short a guy,” which shows a young man playing multiple different sports. The boy showcases Nike’s sports clothing while being pulled into various sports (Burnette n.p.). The commercial also shows some of the most successful and famous players wearing Nike’s sports products....

“Every Leaf Traps CO2” Advertisement

Leagas Delaney Advertising Agency created the ad depicturing this leaf in January 2012. Several similar leaves are explicitly made for the ecologic campaign “Plant for the Planet.” This particular ad shows a torn leaf with many factories inside of it. It is devoted to air pollution due to emissions from...

Free Speech Regulation on Social Media

For users, social networks have been platforms for the free expression of their opinions since their appearance. Nevertheless, in recent years, such a position has become less and less entitled to exist. The point is the regulation of social networks by the state and the sites themselves. Even though some...

Globalization of Video Games and Its Influence in the Society

Introduction The Internet plays a significant role in an individual’s daily life as it has become a cohesive component of most daily activities or routines. With the improvement in technology, digitalization has led to the developing of different types of software and applications on various electronic devices. The fame of...

Visual Rhetoric in New-Age Beauty Advertisements

Visual imagery is a unique form of communication that allows companies to share their message with the audience. Advertisements help brands to make themselves noticeable among the increasing number of competitors, which is why the role of creative marketing is crucial to the success of the business. In order to...

Development and Application of New Media

In the 21st century, researchers no longer understand media as just the communications and the Internet. The media environment is the entire space of interactions that surround a person. New media types have influenced how people communicate, how they produce material goods, consume them, and even the hierarchy in modern...

Effect of Advertising on Youth

Advertising has come to be known as the most influencing and persuasive part of the media. It has often been used as an important tool in making people act in favor of the advertisement rather than using their heads in judging beforehand what to do and what not to do....

The Advertisement Effectiveness and Measurement of Its Effectiveness

Introduction Through the various changes that have taken place in our recent studies and measurement of advertising techniques, it has been found that advertising definitely works better than not advertising. It is certainly more beneficial than promotions and it works on almost any type of media, like print, radio, internet...

Improving LinkedIn Profile

Introduction Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn has been specifically identified as a professional, academic and work-related platform. Many users who join LinkedIn do so in order to present themselves to the world as professionals and experts in their field (Kim & Malek, 2018). Therefore, one’s profile on the platform...

Personalized Digital Advertising and Its Benefits

Introduction With the development of IT technologies, Internet advertising has evolved, too. Such companies as Google and Facebook are constantly changing, adjusting to the new conditions so that their advertising platforms work. Today, digital advertising utilizes many techniques based on programs that detect, track, and analyze the actions and reactions...

Social Media for Children: Threat or Opportunity?

Question The following discussion question is used for this essay: “Social media provide opportunities to bring people together, as in a Facebook ‘event,’ or comments on your birthday, but it can also result in bad feelings and malicious or even criminal behaviors. What should parents do – if anything –...

Semiotics Influences in Advertisement

Introduction The purpose of the advertisement is to convince and to inform buyers in order to purchase goods and services and to interact with customers into a culture of utility. Ads have adopted the use of semiotics to offer goods and services with meaningful experiences whose main aim is to...

Intercultural Communication in TV Shows

Human beings are usually “attached” to specific cultural or racial groups. Every country or society has different cultural groups. Some of these cultural groups encounter various challenges, such as discrimination, prejudice, and “communication barriers.” However, it is mandatory for individuals in a society to communicate with one another. This explains...

The Effects of Mass Media on Sexuality

The presentation of women’s bodies with sexual overtones in the media has risen tremendously over the recent past invoking myriad debates. In the United States alone, teenagers spend more than six hours watching television and movies with several instances of sexual images and discussions. Most young people have television sets...

Promotion and Advertising Strategies Used by Apple and Samsung

Welcome to our sample essay about Apple and Samsung advertising strategy! How does Samsung promote their products? What is Apple’s marketing mix? Find out here! Introduction One of the major objectives of the firm is to create and sustain the competitiveness of its products and services in the market (Cole,...

Doctorow’s Writing in the Age of Distraction

Informational technologies and the Internet seem to oversaturate people’s daily routines, leaving almost time for meaningful and productive activities. In his article Writing in the Age of Distraction, Cory Doctorow describes the most apparent but hardly avoidable distracting factors that bother many individuals who are more or less connected with...

“Don’t Demonize Social Media…” by Frazer-Carroll

Research dossiers and news reports have linked teens’ use of social media to mental health problems. An independent school made headlines by asking parents and students to sign a “contract” banning phone use on the road, during meals, and at night (Frazer-Carroll). In adolescence, when status and popularity are so...

Slippery Slope Fallacy in Advertisement

Fallacies are a common occurrence in the world of politics, advertisement and journalism. They are used as a means to invalidate the opponent, present oneself as superior to the customers and clients or to enforce a message, regardless of whether it is rational or nonsensical. The following post will review...

Issues of Technology: Online Behavior

With the advent of the Internet in the modern world, most everyday tasks have become much easier and more accessible. Opportunities for remote communication, dating, ordering food, and leisure activities have become wider, qualitatively raising the modern user’s standard of living. However, along with the Web’s obvious benefits, technology has...

History and Background of “Essence” Magazine

Essence, a lifestyle magazine specializing in beauty, culture, entertainment, and fashion, is a monthly magazine first published in 1970 for African American women. Essence Communication Inc. (ECI), the media that publishes Essence Magazine, was founded in 1968 by Cecile Hollingsworth, Clarence O. Smith, Edward Lewis, and Jonathan Blount (Jacinta 2)....

Missy Elliott’s Career and Queer Representation in Hip-Hop

The discussion of gender stereotypes and queer representations in music is especially valid in the hip-hop genre that has been subjected to racial and gender limitations for the longest time. In the modern era, the attention of hip-hop audiences is primarily focused on the question of whether there is a...

Social Networks’ Advantages and Disadvantages

It is not easy to imagine the modern world without computers, information technologies, and the Internet because they have already managed to occupy a special place in every person’s life. Networks have given people the opportunity to communicate potential that was not there before (Miller et al., 2016). Social networks...

The Rise of Cancel Culture: Social Media Users’ Perspective

Introduction The modern perception of media discourse has become one of the major contributors to the genesis and development of an innovative model of social cognition driven by the influence of events and images represented in social media platforms. As the impact of social media increases at an unprecedented rate,...

Media Sociology: Media Content Analysis

Media Sociology: An Introduction The module looks at the media content and factors that shape it in our society. It looks at the internal and external factors that may influence media content and why this may be necessary. Media content is not a true reflection of issues within the society....

Social Media Through Lenses of Social and Applied Sciences

Introduction The perspectives on the creation and development of social media vary depending on the lens utilized to analyze the event. While humanities and history lenses are perhaps some of the most widely-known and widespread points of perspective, others offer valuable and unique insights. Social and applied sciences view technological...

Rhetorical Analysis of “Media Control” by Chomsky

Introduction Noam Chomsky’s classical book on censorship intends to awaken a revolution in devised propaganda. The author terms propaganda as a deception strategy on the “bewildered herd” (Chomsky 3). This term refers to the low-class and illiterate citizens whose only responsibility is to elect the leader. Chomsky reveals how the...

Effective and Ineffective Ads: Share a Coke Ad

The advertisements of two rival multinational beverage corporations may be regarded as examples of effective and ineffective campaigns. From a personal perspective, the Share a Coke ad by Coca-Cola is one of the most positive and heart-touching (Brand News, 2015). In general, this campaign that implied the personalization of every...

Balancing Social Media and Child Development

Technology is a contemporary phenomenon which has been widely implemented across the world. Undoubtedly, social and electronic media as well as television have significant impact on the population of all ages. Although the benefits associated with these innovations are commendable, it is important to explore the impacts they have on...

Brain Games’ Effect on Brain Functions

Nowadays, brain gaming has become a major industry, as it is possible to have an entire library on a portable device, and the assortment of such games is highly varied. Some of them focus on general intelligence, while others claim to improve specific cognitive skills, such as memory, reaction, concentration,...

Book Fairs and Literary Festivals Exhibitions

Introduction These are two different types of exhibitions that differ in various ways, from participants to target audience and the targeted outcomes. Both have different target purposes and their purposes have been discussed in detail. Book Fairs This is an event usually organized by books’ publishers, authors, and booksellers, targeting...

Mass Media: Stereotypes Impact on People

Media is a very strong force and it has vices. One of the noted vices of the media is its tendency to stereotype identifiable groups like gender, race, and alternate sexual communities. As a formidable force, these stereotypes distinctively possess an impact on the people of the groups. To understand...

The Concept of Media Ecology

Introduction Media ecology is defined as a study on various media developments regarding the early years and the current years a better example of the current development in the media and communication industry is that of the advancement of technology whereby we find that in the past years many people...

Poverty in New York City and Media Representation

Introduction Poverty and the widening income divide are complex and recurring issues in the United States. New York City (NYC), which is urban megapolis chosen for this paper, holds one of the highest poverty rates in the country. The poverty rate in the city is at 19.5 percent, while near-poverty...

What Effects Does Social Media Have on Real-Life Communications?

The widespread use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and WhatsApp has changed the way people communicate. These platforms facilitate communication, collaboration, content sharing, and interaction. However, they are detrimental to effective communication between people. Social media has negative effects on real-life communication because it decreases the...

Visual Rhetoric in L’Oreal EverCrème Advertisement

Introduction The growth of advertising has lately been influenced by company’s competition for business and the urge to broaden their market scope. Most companies today are aggressively advertising their products. The use of propaganda and weasel words is very common in advertising. Propaganda influences the attitude of the target audience....

Patriarchy Power in Soap Operas and Advertising

The crucial role of mass media in spreading public beliefs about gender, relationships and family roles is widely recognized. Mass media shape collective patterns of behavior and greatly influence the ways, in which men and women show their feelings, make decisions, and act in daily environments. Mass media, and television,...

Critique of “Algorithmic Imaginary”: Facebook’s Impact & Assumptions

Introduction The article “The algorithmic imaginary: Exploring the ordinary affects of Facebook algorithms” discusses user experience with social network algorithms. The author examines user awareness of this domain and reviews the assumptions of people in terms of algorithmic computation. The purpose of this paper is to review the article and...

Che Guevara Posters: Art or Commodity?

Introduction In her poignant article “Posters: Advertisement, Art, Political Artifact, Commodity”, Susan Sontag takes issue with a forceful push for consumption that transforms a seemingly benign pictorial medium—poster—into the driver of capitalism. The author deliberates on the nature of the art-commodity dichotomy while focusing her analytical lenses on mass-produced images...

Teens and Tweens on Social Media: Benefits and Dangers

Introduction Nowadays the world presents state-of-the-art technology and new opportunities, allowing us to be connected to the Internet around the clock. Teens and tweens tend to spend many hours looking for photos, videos, or chatting with their friends on social media. While some of the mentioned activities can be positive...

Role of Mass Media in Gender Issues

Role of mass media in the presentation of gender The coherent society depends on the various means of media greatly. The rapid evolution of the technologies and their implementation into various aspects of the functioning of society impacted the significant increase in the efficiency of this very tool. Nowadays, the...

Anti-Smoking Poster Visual Analysis in Advertising

Introduction Advertisements and posters can deliver powerful messages to different individuals. Many advertisers and campaigners can achieve their goals using the best visual elements. For instance, the anti-smoking poster presented below encourages more people to quit smoking. This anti-smoking poster explores how designers can use of words, images, colors, settings,...

The Negative Impact of Advertising on Children

Introduction In 2004, Melissa Dittmann found out that advertisers spend at least $12 billion annually on messages that target children. Consequently, the media was flooded with messages that bombarded young audiences with messages that intended to persuade them along with a certain desirable behavior as orchestrated by the advertisers. Since...

Synthesis on Influence of Media Societies

The political life of citizens in a democratic nation relies on media services. Media is the origin of universal communication and comes in numerous forms, from the internet to televisions and radios. The media and society field focuses on media’s background, structure, and societal contribution to mass communication: the World...

Advertising: Ethical Theory and Business

Introduction The act of purchasing a space to promote a product, service, or charitable cause is advertising. Advertisements, tactics, and procedures are used to put items, services, ideas, or causes in front of the public eye and convince them to take a certain action in response to what is marketed....

Doctor Faustus in Popular Culture

Introduction The relationship between science and the occult remains a common topic in many literary and popular culture works. Many readers consider The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe as one of the original stories about the contradictions between good and evil, right and wrong. This play introduces...

Environmental Marketing: Fiji Greenwashing Ad

Introduction In the industry, greenwashing is described as a brand’s unjustifiable and deceptive assertion that its product is more ecologically friendly than it is. People can view this in a variety of ways, including obvious deceit, covert advertising, and typically as bold statements with no full disclosure of the actual...

The Libertarian and Social Responsibility Theories of the Press

Introduction Free speech, the availability of information, and complete transparency in public media have been the goalposts toward which global society has been moving for a significant amount of time. Although not all of the described goals have been achieved globally, crucial improvements have been observed. However, the levels of...

David Mazzucchelli’s “Asterios Polyp” Analysis

David Mazzucchelli had a rather exciting career in the comics industry. While in the 1970s, most artists and writers dreamed of joining the staff of industry giants, by the age of 20, Mazzucchelli was already drawing one of the most fearless characters at Marvel – Daredevil (Friedenthal 34). David collaborated...

Social Media Influence, Ethics, and Privacy Issues

Introduction There is exponential growth in social media usage to acquire and spread information. One of the reasons for the popularity of social networking sites is that they allow users to create, receive and share public messages at a cost-effective price. Moreover, there is significant internet penetration across the globe,...

Social Media Promotion of Juvenile Delinquency

Mass media is a great instrument for shaping public opinion, and it has a significant influence on people’s minds. The Internet impacts not only adults but children and their psychological development as well. They watch various movies, cartoons, and memes, read different books, and the content they consume is not...

Facebook vs Myspace Platforms: Finding Differences

Introduction Facebook and Myspace are some of the world’s most popular social media platforms. Even though the sites have specific differences, they also enjoy numerous similarities. Nevertheless, the paper will primarily focus on the differences between the two online avenues. A close review of the two social media giants reveals...

Using Social Media to Support Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

There has been considerable development in correspondence over the age years. People of different foundations can have a media stage, for instance, on Facebook, where they can interact despite geographical regions. Web-based media investigates individuals’ likenesses as opposed to reducing their usage. It is one where they can openly air...

Success Factors for Hosting Mega-Events

The first success factor for the mega-event that contributes to both economy and tourism is repositioning by employing innovations. By utilizing the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo to promote its new technologies, Japan established an image of a leader and proceeded to host mega-events (Dubinsky, 2019). Japan was able to...

Persuasive Speech: Chat Rooms Are Unsafe for Underage Users

With the constant technological development and wireless networks covering an increasing percentage of the globe, users can now access online chat rooms anywhere and anytime as long as they have a connection. Although the opportunity to stay constantly connected to others and instantly share messages, pictures, and videos is appealing,...

Bloggers and Journalists Comparison

Currently, the blogging industry is one of the most popular and successful. It is still hard to count how many people in the world are considered to be bloggers. With the rapid development of information technology and social networks, blogging has turned from a simple hobby into a real career....

Impacts of Social Media on Children’s Social Lives

Introduction The discussion of social media’s effects on children’s lives has become a major contentious debate all over the world. Several types of research have linked social media with positive impacts on the lives of young people, although a few studies reveal its negative effect. The world is recording significant...

Mass Media Influence on Public Consciousness

Introduction The issue of the influence of mass media on various types of people and social institutions at various levels of society is often disputable. The reasons for raising the issue are understandable. In contrast, other comparable social institutions such as religion or the law that communicate directly with the...

Analyzing a Creative Print Advertisement of Jbl

Introduction Creating a prosperous print ad in the incredibly competitive marketing and advertising industry takes more than drawing a picture of the product. The market and customers are much more demanding and intelligent than a few decades ago, considering the growing popularity of social media and digital resources in general....

The Case of Natalee Holloway Analysis

The cases of disappeared celebrities always astonish and horrify the world community with the help of mass media traditionally prettifying and dramatizing the reality. However, the stories of the ordinary people becoming famous after their disappearance contain even more mysteries. The relatives find themselves in a center of paparazzis attention...

Psychology and Mass Communication Theories

There are several mass communication theories that try to explain various influences as well as dynamics surrounding the diverse types of mass media and their effects on the public. The cultivation theory developed by George Gerbner attempts to identify the manipulation of television on the viewers’ perception of the environment...

Helen Lansdowne Resor, Great Mind in Advertising

Introduction Helen Lansdowne Resor represents one of the greatest minds in advertising career and copywriting. She is a role model to emulate. Resor was born from a family of nine siblings and emerges out as a great mind in advertising industry. She eventually holds a position few women have attained...

News Corporation’s Horizontal and Vertical Hegemonic Power

Introduction Every student of political science, sociology, journalism or any other expression of the social sciences has been taught during its studies that the communication system among humans is the cornerstone of their building of society. From a political point of view, the communication system could either be used by...

Media Events and Rituals: Durkheim, Turner and Lee

Introduction Media rituals are a part of media culture influenced by national and corporate traditions. It is not difficult to see that a medium of communication in the modern world can require very considerable resources, skills, organization, and sophisticated technology. Thus, we talk in overall terms of the communications industry...

How Media Affects People’s Lives

Introduction People have always lived in a world of media communication. They can go to various places and span across centuries in the comfort of their own living rooms. Sounds of other cultures can be heard and also the perception of how other people feel about the world experienced. The...

Public Opinion and the Media

Introduction Academics and professionals claim that most Americans guess their responses to survey questions; have narrow, weak opinions about the US government policies; and are easily influenced by the media based on standard narratives, politicians, corporations, or advocacy groups. Public opinion reflects public views on various government agendas and political...

Authencity in “Fakebook Generation” by Alice Mathias

Alice Mathias is a Dartmouth University graduate in Hanover, New Hampshire in the United States who wrote the article ‘Fakebook Generation’. She argues that the use of social media platforms was turning into a comic. Moreover, she doubts the fact that social media could promote genuine personal and professional connections....

Cars in Popular Culture and Mass Media

The entirety of ideas, fancy images, attitudes, and perspectives within the cultural mainstream define what is known as popular (or pop) culture (Liu, Lee, & Groves, 2016). These attitudes and ideas are usually influenced by a wide range of mass media platforms such as social networks and television channels. The...

Impact of Social Media on Interpersonal Relationships: Changes and Trends

The digital revolution is indeed an important phenomenon that completely changed humans’ lives. Before it, the communication between humans was limited to real-time face-to-face or phone conversations and written asynchronous communication (letters, pagers, phone texts). However, nowadays, people tend to communicate through social networks, text sessions, Snapchat, etc. (Wagner, 2015,...

Tomorrowland Festival’s Event Management

Introduction Events of all nature have socioeconomic and environmental implications. The implications underline the need for engaging in environmentally and socially responsible processes for decision-making and integration of such decisions into the events planning, arrangement, and implementation processes (Stone & Millan 2011). The goal is to ensure responsible hosting and...

Power of Advertising: Good and Bad Balance’ Importance

Introduction People like to use advertising as a way to communicate with the public and sell various products and services (“Advertising” par.1). Regarding the methods and spheres of advertising, it is hard to understand if it has only positive or negative effects on people. There is one definite thought that...

Impact of Social Media on Teenagers: Communication, Self-Expression, and Risks

Computerization of various spheres of human has started decades ago. Computerized data started to be used in engineering, mathematics, machine building, banking and economics, medicine. Over the last decade this process has penetrated the sphere of interpersonal communication, both private and professional. The older generation was a bit redundant towards...

People’s Attitude toward Social Networking Services

Social networks became the people’s everyday reality, and today the public is divided into the proponents of using these services and opponents who focus on the advantages of the face-to-face interaction. Furthermore, the users of social networking services can also be divided into groups according to their attitude to this...

MensHealth February 2011: Mitsubishi Motors Ad Appeals to Safety Desires

The goal of captivating the readers’ attention was successfully achieved by the designers of an advertisement for Mitsubishi Motors auto which was printed in MensHealth in February, 2011. Appealing to the viewers’ desire to feel safety through protection from the surrounding, on the one hand, and the audience’s fear of...

Evian’s Baby-Themed Advertising: A Study of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Introduction Recently, a new and unusual trend has appeared in advertising – using babies in commercials. One of the brightest representatives of this trend is the French mineral water brand Evian. Their promotional video, which soon went viral, shows cute babies performing dance moves and encourages us to “stay young”...

Fake News and the Future of Journalism

The perception of the present false news that revolves around the area of journalism is created by the persuasive language used in communication. This concept is expressed by several individuals in various ways, which helps the audience absorb the information. Each strategy for journalism must persuade the audience and keep...

Consuming Information: Benefits and Drawbacks

The 21st century is considered to be the century of information. In most countries in the West access to information is unlimited, meaning that everyone has a voice and can broadcast their views and experiences (Harrison 25). Likewise, the individuals consuming information have access to any source they wish, making...

Significance of Social Media and Communication

Introduction Social media has become a significant part of today’s youth and is one of the newest inventions to hit the human race. It plays a significant role in influencing young minds, it is utilized by many people as a site to communicate with friends and family, but it also...

Pop Culture in “The Godfather” by Coppola

Pop culture has always been a huge influence on films. From the very beginning, films have been used to reflect and comment on the popular culture of the time. In the early days of cinema, this was often done through satire and parody. Today, it can be seen that pop...

Media Consumption’s Role in Youth Recreation

Introduction Modern youth spend their leisure time monotonously, unable to travel or devote time to an expensive hobby. Even the most common form of leisure, such as communication, has changed under the influence of modern technology, becoming the most petite deep. Social media, electronics, new security, and surveillance issues impact...

The Tomorrow World 2015 Festival Management

Introduction Tomorrow World is a musical festival that arranges several-day events with multiple performers and visitors’ opportunities to attend as campers, one-day attendees, or several-day attendees. In 2015, the event’s location was set in a wooded area far from main roads or hotels, as well as no precautions were made...

Use of Rhetorical Devices in Advertisement

Love is what makes Subaru. Subaru is a trusted brand by many Americans because it offers a complete mix of all a family may require to have a ride. The legendary Subaru is a reliable car that has been named the Most Trusted Brand for eight good years consecutively. The...

Social Media Effects on Employees and Productivity

Introduction The term social media refers to a group of interactive technologies that enable individuals to form online communities and networks through which they can generate new content and share it with others regardless of physical location. Due to the development of new technologies, all businesses have widely adopted social...

Media’s Role and Importance in Our Life

Media plays an important part in our life, providing us with different viewpoints and pieces that provoke various perspectives on the same issue. Editorials depict a certain opinion on a specific issue or phenomenon. News stories, on the other hand, are quite neutral and provide data without personal commentary. The...

TikTok Addiction Among Teenagers

Introduction The headline in the selected story is that teenagers who are addicted to TikTok are more likely to experience severe depression, anxiety, and limited working memory. The selected article was obtained from a news website called PsyPost and was published online on January 25, 2022. The article captured my...

Framing in the Media: Definition, Problems, and Comparison of Frames

Framing: Definition and Concept Society has evolved to develop and improve all kinds of power and social management technologies over the past century. Framing techniques have created new opportunities for this issue, increasing the influence of information on society through mass communication. Often people do not have time to think,...

Fake News and Its Implications on The Society

Fake news is a term that defines misleading information presented by the media. The primary aim of fake news is to damage the reputation of one’s enemies or entity or generate revenue through advertisements. Media plays a critical responsibility in developing and shaping society’s morality and ethical principles; hence, they...

The Analysis of Issues of Cosmopolitan Magazines

Societies’ cultures are constantly evolving, and people of different generations tend to embrace new values and beliefs. Publications such as magazines and newspapers always reflect the current state of the culture. Moreover, practically all elements contained in a magazine are defined by the current times and created to be relevant...

Futurama Series Speaks Against Gender Stereotypes

Introduction Futurama, an animated sci-fi sitcom made in the United States at the turn of the 21st century, is worth mentioning in the list of works whose relation with gender stereotypes is quite ambiguous. In one respect, it seems to support them, as several characters correspond partly or completely to...

Arab Representation in the Media Project

Introduction Nowadays, there is a wide range of stereotypes concerning every ethnic group forming a community in developed countries. Therefore, people tend to ascribe specific behavioral patterns to people belonging to these groups. Unfortunately, some offensive traits of character and unpleasant habits may be expected from a person who never...

Pop Culture and Serial Killer in Darkly Dreaming Dexter

The portrayal and roles of a serial killer as a famous person in the entertainment sector demonstrate modern cultural characteristics of stardom and violence. Violence representation has become an essential part of novels and films, which, to some degree, has brought debates regarding the effects they have on modern society....

Adverse Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

Introduction Mental health is critical at all stages of life, as the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of humans falls under it. Simply stated, it affects thoughts, perception, and motivation towards actions; it also determines how people deal with stress, interact with others, and make decisions (Odgers and Jensen 337)....

Relation Between Politics and Social Media

Background During the past decades, social media have provided important platforms in politics that are mainly used to educate and disseminate information. People can interact directly with politicians and party representatives, and share their ideas about civic and political issues (Wihbey, 2019). Platforms such as Facebook are widely used by...

Cohen’s “The King of World We All Want” Speech

Introduction The article “The Kind of World We All Want: MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, WE CAN STOP THE GREATEST PROPAGANDA MACHINE IN HISTORY” is the speech of Sasha Baron Cohen, in which he addresses a highly disturbing issue of racism, hate, and bigotry. According to the actor, in the present day,...

News on Social Media Can Replace the Traditional Media

Introduction With the development and widespread use of the communication technologies and the Internet, social media becomes an extremely influential source of information. For example, the events of the Arab Spring (2010-2012) were largely stimulated by the social media since some participants of protests had high levels of the Internet...