Rhetorical Analysis of the Two Ads

Introduction Advertising campaigns, which gained particular popularity at the stage of development of information society, in fact, have an ancient historical foundation. Almost any advertisement of a product, call to action, or propaganda is reduced to the point that evokes in the consumer feelings and emotions or calls to their...

Birds as a Motif in “Psycho” by Alfred Hitchcock

Psycho, the psychological horror filmed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1960, is a recognized masterpiece. Its main character is Norman Bates, the owner of the motel where Marion Crane stops while trying to hide from the police after the theft she committed. A timid and handsome young man turns out to...

Environmental Impacts of Events

Introduction The definition of each environmental variation is paramount to the schedules and plans devised to create a successful and sustainable, as well as an all-inclusive event. Essentially, event managers control and identify the shortcomings of such events and pave a way through determining the possible resolutions that can solve...

Body Shaming in PETA’s ‘Save the Whales’ Advertisement

Introduction In our society, people often become insensible, thinking that the ends justify the means, even if they sacrifice the dignity of others. This is the case with the PETA “Save the Whales” advertisement, which implies that women who are overweight are similar to whales. While the commercial’s original intent...

Netflix Organizational Change: The Change Event

The transformation that was inculcated into the company happened in the year 2007. This change was the second transformation after the first in 1999, where selling DVDs through mails and rentals was shifted to the DVD subscription model. According to Snyman & Gilliard (2019), Netflix incorporated an online video streaming...

“Every Leaf Traps CO2” Advertisement

Leagas Delaney Advertising Agency created the ad depicturing this leaf in January 2012. Several similar leaves are explicitly made for the ecologic campaign “Plant for the Planet.” This particular ad shows a torn leaf with many factories inside of it. It is devoted to air pollution due to emissions from...

“Walk. Ride. Rodeo.” Movie Evaluation

Introduction Walk. Ride. Rodeo. is a 2019 movie that was first presented on the Netflix platform. The film tells the story of Amberley Snyder, a young girl who has had a lifelong passion for horses and horse racing. She had a successful career and was a champion until she got...

Documentary Movies Review

From the award-winning “Miss Representation” film, Jenifer Siebel has excelled in her career in documentary films that portray both genders’ life in society. “The Mask You Live In” is yet another documentary film with some of its cast being experts in various fields like neuroscience, psychology, education, and sports. A...

The Hero’s Journey Theory in “Black Panther”

Tales about heroes are an integral part of everyone’s childhood as the obstacles these victors overcome, their unearthly courage, and the amazing triumphs they achieve form an influential concept of “an ideal human.” In these seemingly childish and imaginary stories and myths, Joseph Campbell, a successful American professor of literature,...

Sexuality and Older People. The Portrayal of Sex

The portrayal of sex in the media has become commonplace in modern society. However, sexual behavior is usually attributed only to young people, while “older people are often perceived… as post-sexual” (Bouman & Kleinplatz, 2016). This perception of sexuality in older age is due to a number of physiological, psychological,...

Effect of Advertising on Youth

Advertising has come to be known as the most influencing and persuasive part of the media. It has often been used as an important tool in making people act in favor of the advertisement rather than using their heads in judging beforehand what to do and what not to do....

Online Advertising: Advantages and Disadvantages

Online advertising includes advertising through the internet. There are different advertising options in online advertisement which include; searching engine advertising where keywords are used to search for product and the advertisers pay per click campaigns through the three main search engines – Google, Yahoo and MSN; and display ads which...

Social Media for Children: Threat or Opportunity?

Question The following discussion question is used for this essay: “Social media provide opportunities to bring people together, as in a Facebook ‘event,’ or comments on your birthday, but it can also result in bad feelings and malicious or even criminal behaviors. What should parents do – if anything –...

How Reality Television Influences Teenagers

Introduction Reality television has grown in popularity, especially among teenagers and adolescent viewers, due to the rapid changes brought about by ever-evolving technological advances. There is a new view of television-based entertainment, education, and health problems because of reality television shows (Cohen & Weimann, 382). There has been a significant...

Mass Culture and Its Implications

The modern paradigm of consumerism and the ongoing competition to grab the recipient’s attention has resulted in the emergence of the mass culture phenomenon. Driven initially by industrialization, mass culture stands for the process of popularizing culture through widely accessible media, including cinematography, television, the Internet, and advertisement. The definition...

The Libertarian and Social Responsibility Theories of the Press

Introduction Free speech, the availability of information, and complete transparency in public media have been the goalposts toward which global society has been moving for a significant amount of time. Although not all of the described goals have been achieved globally, crucial improvements have been observed. However, the levels of...

Analyzing “Stand and Deliver” by Menéndez

Introduction Stand and Deliver is a film in which a high school mathematics teacher Jaime Escalante helps students from Hispanic neighborhoods to pass a difficult test. The teenagers initially have no ambitions to succeed in class but search for ways to express themselves through defiant behavior. The film shows the...

Globalization in Media: Pros and Cons

Globalization has a great impact on the world transforming social, political, cultural, and economic spheres of life. Innovations in transportation have been complemented by the swift development of communication technologies. The 20th-century arrival of mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, film, and television further enhanced a growing consciousness of a rapidly shrinking...

Video Games: Negative and Positive Effect on Teenage Kids

Introduction Video gaming is a highly controversial issue. It is often argued that it is very harmful to the players, gives them nothing, and is plainly a waste of time. On the contrary, large numbers of people still play games very often and enjoy them much. Which opinion is true?...

Comedy Movies: Positive Psychological Effects

Living in the 21st century has numerous challenges that are both psychologically and physically draining. To counter these challenges and help relieve stress, humans have created different forms of entertainment, among these being comedy movies. Comedy movies are characterized by humor, and we express this through laughter. Laugher is a...

The Rise of Cancel Culture: Social Media Users’ Perspective

Introduction The modern perception of media discourse has become one of the major contributors to the genesis and development of an innovative model of social cognition driven by the influence of events and images represented in social media platforms. As the impact of social media increases at an unprecedented rate,...

Perception of Content Creators in Modern Society

Introduction: The Claim With the increase in the power of social media, the opportunity for creating and often monetizing content has risen exponentially, spawning the emergence of multiple online content creators. However, while the number of content creators is growing, the attitudes toward them have been displaying rather peculiar dynamics,...

“Silver Linings Playbook”: Pat Solitano

The given research analysis will primarily focus on the character named Pat Solitano of the movie called Silver Linings Playbook. The diagnosis of Pat is bipolar disorder type 1 due to distinctive features of this disorder. In order to be able to distinguish bipolar 1 from bipolar 2, one should...

Brain Games’ Effect on Brain Functions

Nowadays, brain gaming has become a major industry, as it is possible to have an entire library on a portable device, and the assortment of such games is highly varied. Some of them focus on general intelligence, while others claim to improve specific cognitive skills, such as memory, reaction, concentration,...

Media Bias and its Influence on Journalism in Ireland

The media, also referred to as the fourth estate must act as a check for the society. It has a duty to inform the public on what is going on around them and what affects them. In carrying out its duty to inform and educate, several factors influence how they...

The Cult of Celebrity and Its Effect on Society

Celebrities receive such a remarkable level of attention today, and a lot of emphasis and value is placed on their actions. These are mostly the rich and famous and in this mad adoration, the media has given them a colossal amount of coverage, sharing all aspects of their lives to...

Environmental Issues in The Lorax Movie

The Lorax Environmental Issues: Essay Introduction The natural environment is important to all living things since it is the primary source of oxygen and water. The movie The Lorax narrates the story of a walled city that is characterized by an artificial way of life. This is the case since...

Social Media and Its Role Now and in the Future

Executive Summary This document focused on the role of social media, now and in future. To achieve this goal, it focused on a number of issues that surround social media. The world has experienced a lot of creations and innovations as a result of the works of man. This includes...

Semiotics Influences in Advertisement

Introduction The purpose of the advertisement is to convince and to inform buyers in order to purchase goods and services and to interact with customers into a culture of utility. Ads have adopted the use of semiotics to offer goods and services with meaningful experiences whose main aim is to...

Social Media’s Influence on the Restaurant Industry

In the current digital era, nearly all aspects of life are deeply intertwined with technology. Technological advancement has led to the widespread use of social media for various purposes. In particular, the growing popularity of social media has influenced how business is conducted. In the restaurant industry, customers can connect...

Beauty Pageants’ Negative Impact

Introduction Beauty Pageants are usually held to allow young women to show their bodies and talents, which are unique in a specific region of one country or the whole world. The participants usually follow criteria like character, skill, or body construction to be admitted to the competition. To ensure that...

Social Influence on Behaviors: Disadvantages

Social media has recently become the most popular means of communication used by millions of people, especially young adults. However, social media utilizes the incentive to alter the landscape of how we connect with each other by manipulating the data of our previous behaviors to shape our current and future...

“The Last Emperor”: Plot, Scenes, and Historical Accuracy

The Last Emperor is a movie based in ancient China, directed by Bernardo Bertoculli, and the main actor was Pu Yi. Other important actors in the movie include the governor, Wan Jun, Pi Yu’s wife, Reginald Johnstone, Amakasu, Eastern Jewel, and Empress Dowager (Bertolucci, 1987). Released in 1987, the movie...

Social Media Impact on Globalization

Among the many drivers of globalization, the advancement of digital social media platforms has been one of the most influential. The invention of the Internet in general, and the development of networking online in particular, have shifted traditional interpersonal communication toward the virtual exchange of data. In such a manner,...

”Max and Ruby” Through the Lens of a Developmental Psychological Perspective

For the analysis, I chose the children’s animated series “Max and Ruby.” Attention was focused on the episode “Surprise for Ruby,” one of the most popular among children. The target audience of the cartoon is preschool children of three or four years old. “Max and Ruby” is suitable for both...

Advertising on Children and Adults Different Effects

Introduction Every day, an ordinary person is predisposed to see a considerable number of promotional campaigns. Advertising has already become a common part of life because people do not even notice how they are influenced by marketing strategies. For example, the morning routine of the majority of people includes checking...

Should Sex and Violence Be Restricted on Television?

Introduction It is impossible to speak about some negative sides of the influence of television without understanding the role of its impact on personality. Of course, the most considerable influence is made on people who are young or who are psychologically unstable. It is impossible to forbid watching TV for...

Beauty Standards in Media and Opposition to Them

Beauty standards and their presentation in media have become controversial topics in health discussions recently due to their relationship with the modern culture. One side claims that they are harmful, as they enforce unrealistic stereotypes and make people feel bad about themselves. They argue that current presentations of attractive people...

“Dove Chooses Beautiful” Advertising Campaign

In 2015, Dove launched its new Dove Choose Beautiful advertising campaign, writing a new chapter to one of the most successful marketing campaigns ever, the Real Beauty campaign that started in 2004. The campaign was groundbreaking: its purpose went beyond promoting its commercial products but aimed at drawing people’s attention...

Tomorrowland Festival’s Event Management

Introduction Events of all nature have socioeconomic and environmental implications. The implications underline the need for engaging in environmentally and socially responsible processes for decision-making and integration of such decisions into the events planning, arrangement, and implementation processes (Stone & Millan 2011). The goal is to ensure responsible hosting and...

The Effects of Mass Media on Sexuality

The presentation of women’s bodies with sexual overtones in the media has risen tremendously over the recent past invoking myriad debates. In the United States alone, teenagers spend more than six hours watching television and movies with several instances of sexual images and discussions. Most young people have television sets...

Social Media Observation: Instagram

Social networks currently take a substantial part of people’s lives and are integrated into all spheres of it: leisure, work, hobbies, and communication. Indeed, humans use online platforms for various purposes: they keep in contact with friends, relatives, and ex-classmates; unite in groups by interests, work and earn money, and...

Has Social Media Ruined Our Culture

Introduction Social media can be described as one of the most disruptive technologies since it has caused massive revolutions in social, economic, political, and even cultural aspects of human life. Businesses have used social networking sites as tools for marketing while politicians use them as campaign platforms. From a cultural...

The Impact of Advertising on Adolescents

Introduction Advertising has become an integral part of every person’s life. Teenagers can also see advertisements on the street, hear on the radio, watch on their smartphones or TV. Every year, advertising is being researched more deeply, and advertisers are using more powerful techniques that affect people’s behavior. Due to...

Adolescent Development in “Little Man Tate”

The human development process is highly complex, multifaceted since any person throughout their life experiences many events, each of which affects the formation of their personality. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to understand the way of thinking of another character. Fortunately, many psychological theories allow analyzing the behavior of people....

The Comparison of Videogames

Introduction Are video or computer games art? There are various critical issues related to this question. Also, most of the answers said by eminent peoples are of different views. Jack Kroll in his Newsweek article ones mentions that all sorts of video games can generate fun. However, it cannot transmit...

Development and Application of New Media

In the 21st century, researchers no longer understand media as just the communications and the Internet. The media environment is the entire space of interactions that surround a person. New media types have influenced how people communicate, how they produce material goods, consume them, and even the hierarchy in modern...

Newspapers and Their Role in the 21st Century

Newspapers have played an essential role in social life for several centuries. At present, the mode of their functioning is changing due to technological development. The traditional printed sources are not the only way to access the information, accompanied by digital media, which is continuously growing in popularity. In this...

News Corporation’s Horizontal and Vertical Hegemonic Power

Introduction Every student of political science, sociology, journalism or any other expression of the social sciences has been taught during its studies that the communication system among humans is the cornerstone of their building of society. From a political point of view, the communication system could either be used by...

What Effects Does Social Media Have on Real-Life Communications?

The widespread use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and WhatsApp has changed the way people communicate. These platforms facilitate communication, collaboration, content sharing, and interaction. However, they are detrimental to effective communication between people. Social media has negative effects on real-life communication because it decreases the...

WhatsApp: Social Media Security and Privacy

Introduction The evolutionary developments in technological and communication gadgets have brought about a series of changes in the way people around the world communicate today. This has been achieved through the introduction of new tools and applications in these gadgets. The applications have been necessitated by the demands of consumers...

Emotional Branding in Advertising

Introduction Many organizations have embraced the art of advertising to capture the attention of consumers. Emotions account for more than half of the extent to which consumers are satisfied with various products. Trend assumed by firms is dependent on the emotional involvement of consumers. With current escalation in the adoption...

Social Media and Modern Society

Social media is a facet of modern life that is incredibly influential in the daily activities of its users. However, an ongoing debate cites that social media presents both beneficial and detrimental consequences to individuals that engage with it. Despite the negative effects that may occur during the use of...

Public Relations, Marketing, and Advertising

Introduction Corporations, businesses, and individuals recognize the need for establishing a great level of promotion efficiency and effectiveness in order to subsequently increase the volume of sales and distribution. In this paper, three close concepts, which are public relations, marketing, and advertising, will be compared and contrasted to identify similarities...

2008 Economic Crisis in Inside Job Documentary

The Inside Job film elaborates on the economic crises witnessed globally in 2008 because of the unsteady systems. The economic instability affected the atmosphere adversely, triggering the loss of jobs and properties. All the institutions that triggered the crises and the people involved, as well as their deeds, are explicitly...

Social Media in Moderation

Introduction In terms of the current situation and online environment shaped by the pandemic, the online space has become the most pivotal and influential in working and educational domains. It is a valuable source of essential information to extend the public’s knowledge and help people maintain their work responsibilities remotely....

Are Social Media a Good Thing to Society?

Recently, computer systems have been adopted, and human beings have developed communication to make the world a global village. Scientists have succeeded in ensuring networking has become international. This mission revolves around the internet and the networks people use to access each other (Baccarella et al. 433, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0263237318300781). Social media...

Media Influences on People’s Views and Opinions

It is hard to disagree that various types of media can have stronger or weaker impacts on the behaviors and thoughts of their audiences. Even though many of these effects are, unfortunately, negative or biased, some sources or authors decide to open people’s eyes and get them to think about...

Deceptive and Misleading Advertisement

A deceptive advertisement is one that contains any deceptive information related to the object of the advertisement and/or the advertiser. Misleading advertising is an advertisement that lacks some of the essential information about the advertised product, about the conditions for its purchase or use, if the meaning of the information...

Advertising as a Way to Manipulate the Mind of the Target Audience

Introduction Traditionally the concept of the advertisement has been governed precisely by the factors of promotion and profits. ” However, is it more than that? The dynamism in consumer preferences and the changing techniques, ob, and values of the advertiser has remodeled the concept of advertisement. Now, I believe that...

Lessons of “Bon Cop, Bad Cop” for English-Canadian Film

Introduction The movie Bon Cop, Bad Cop is a great attempt to unite two main cultures and two main languages of Canada in the form of a featuring film. The plot, the genre, the scenes, and the idea of the film are considered to flow with the major idea of...

MPAA Rating System: Issues Involved in Rating Movies

Introduction According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), movie rating involves movie production and editing to suit viewing for children and persons of a given age segment. In America an independent group of parents rate movies putting into consideration the content and relevant theme of each film (Attanasio...

Television and Violence in Children

Abstract The value, attitudes and behavior of individuals are usually influenced by the type of television programs that they watch. Children are more likely to be affected in a negative way by viewing violent television programmes, in comparison with their adult counterparts, owing to their inability to distinguish between reality...

“Doctors’ Diaries”: Documentary Review and Analysis

Being a healthcare specialist is not an easy task since successful work with people requires both professional medical knowledge and the understanding of social factors that cause health issues. The difficulties that health professionals face on a daily basis are illustrated in Doctors’ Diaries, a two-series documentary produced by NOVA...

Media Influence on Crime and Criminal Behavior

Crime refers to an act that has been deemed illegal by the law, and criminal behavior is the thought of an individual that leads them to commit a crime. In his TEDx Talk, James Densley offers a deep dive into the increasingly relevant topic of how violence interacts with social...

The Effects of Social Media on People

Introduction It is important to note that with the rise of the Internet and globalization, social media platforms have exploded in their popularity and use across all nations, ages, and other demographics. Social media is designed to mimic and enhance human connectivity by making communication instantaneous as well as enabling...

Adversarial Media: Definition and Examples

Introduction Journalism plays a significant role in every society because newspapers, magazines, TV shows, and other mass media channels inform the general public about various essential events. The way how they present information can be decisive since this manner can significantly impact social attitudes toward different issues. In other words,...

Whip Whitaker’s Alcoholic Addiction and Its Influence on His Life

Introduction Addiction is the fact or condition of being dependent on a particular substance or activity. Alcohol addiction, on the other hand, refers to the continued excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks. Alcohol addiction has a huge impact on oneself, family, or society at large. Some of these effects range from...

Positive and Negative Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health

Introduction Social media became popular only several decades ago, but at present, they constitute an important part of everyone’s daily routine. People use them to communicate with each other or to show details from their life or work. Instagram and Facebook are among the most widely used social media today,...

Heinz and Nutrifit Advertisements: The Optical Illusions

Advertising has become an essential element of product promotion strategy in a globalized world. The first commercial advertisements were published in 1650 in England. Consequently, the advertising began to spread in the United States in 1704, also in newspapers, mainly for the purchase and sale of real estate. As their...

Special Features of the Oprah Winfrey’s Speech During Harvard Commencement

Public speeches can be pretty challenging tasks since the speakers should attract attention and convey the message understandably. They need to understand the audience, determine the theme for the address, choose the appropriate style, and make other preparatory efforts. This paper examines the features of Oprah Winfrey’s speech during Harvard...

Advertising to Children & Social Responsibility

Advertising is a device by which “artificial” tastes are created. Advertising is one of numerous elements that influence a consumer’s spending decisions. Because advertising is available to all who would sell a product or service, no single message can possibly dominate our attention. This applies as much to decisions between...

The Influence of Social Media on Democracy

Democracy entails the protection of human rights among individuals facing social, economic, and political challenges. Authorities are expected to protect their citizens’ natural rights as a means of enhancing the motivation required for economic growth. Traditionally, individuals depend on written materials for learning their democratic rights. Other people rely on...

“Last One Picked…First One Picked On” Documentary

When most people reflect on their child hood, they will always think about pleasurable memories that tend to describe those relatively untroubled stage of their life e.g. field trip, award presentation etc. but for this children it is a different world, all they reflect on is a life of loneliness...

“In the Womb” the Documentary by National Geographic Channel

“In the Womb,” a documentary released in 2005 by the National Geographic channel, is a film that explores all stages of development of a new life (“In the womb”). One of the most compelling aspects of this documentary is that it uses the most recent technologies, including computer simulation and...

Sex in Advertising and Its Harmful Effects

Men and women in the society are unequal. There is a belief that it is a man’s world hence women play by men’s rules. One of the areas in which the inequality between men and women stands out is in the area of advertising. Men and women are unequal and...

The Role of Social Media’s Influence on Revolution

The impact social media make on modern society is obvious and impossible to underestimate. It is a well-known fact that today the internet is much more popular and widely used than television. Many people spend hours browsing the net and visiting social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. The...

The History of Bugs Bunny Cartoon

Introduction Bugs Bunny, an animated character, was created back in the 1930s by Leon Schlesinger. It gained popularity after featuring in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series released in 1930 and 1931 respectively. For instance, Merrie Melodies started airing in 1931, during the golden age era of American animation...

The Documentary “The Redeem Team”

Introduction The Redeem Team is a documentary film about the story of the 2008 USA Olympic Basketball team, which one can view on the streaming service Netflix. The movie’s plot is the narrative focusing on uniting the greatest players to restore the country’s reputation after extended disappointments. Consequently, an exciting...

The Tomorrow World 2015 Festival Management

Introduction Tomorrow World is a musical festival that arranges several-day events with multiple performers and visitors’ opportunities to attend as campers, one-day attendees, or several-day attendees. In 2015, the event’s location was set in a wooded area far from main roads or hotels, as well as no precautions were made...

Social Media Regulation as Question of Century

Introduction In the ‘information’ age, access to facts and subjective opinions is the most valuable asset in the world. The biggest companies are constantly struggling to get as much insight into their customers as possible since good knowledge of the target audience allows them to offer services most effectively to...

Analysis of Three Identical Strangers by Tim Wardle

The major debate of the triplets versus Louise Wise Services purported to highlight parenting styles. The researchers filmed the triplets from when they were adopted until they were teenagers. Although the research was allegedly aimed at studying parenting styles, the participants’ experiences prove otherwise. The experiences of the triplets suggest...

Batman as a Reflection of American Culture

The phenomenon of superhero comics is one of the most ambitious and distinctive branches in the American cultural sphere. Batman comics are one of the monoliths of American comic book culture and represent a whole kaleidoscope of topics that could be viewed from different perspectives. In its more than 80...

“Gladiator” Ridley Scott: Plot, Themes, and Key Features

Introduction Ridley Scott’s, Gladiator is one of the most influential films of the 21st century. Directed by Ridley Scott and starring Russell Crowe, the movie was released in the year 2000. The film incorporated other supportive actors, including; Connie Nielsen, Djimon Hounsou, and Richard Harriss. It won critical accolades, large...

“The State of Play: Trophy Kids”: Main Idea and Summary of the Film

Introduction Children often depend on their parents for support and guidance, imagining their paternities to do what impresses them. The HBO unusual documentary, The State of Play: Trophy Kids, was initially released on December 4, 2014, by Peter Berg and Leland Anderson, and Christopher Bell as the producers. The movie...

The 2018 Coca-Cola Super Bowl Commercial Rhetorical Analysis

Coca-Cola is among the world-class companies with tremendous success in their commercials and selling power. Among the memorable advertisements of this firm include the 2018 Super Bowl ad titled The Wonder of Us (The Coca-Cola Company). This ad illuminates a multitude of the canons of rhetoric, including invention, which surfaces...

“The Bear Came Over the Mountain”: True Love and Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction Severe illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease, often appear in various literary works, movies, and other art forms. An example of such a work is the short story “The bear came over the mountain” written by Alice Munro and published in The New Yorker journal. The story is about a...

Media as a Powerful Communication Tool

Media has become one of the most powerful communication tools in the modern world. For this reason, it has been given much attention, and numerous researchers have investigated this phenomenon. Thus, one of the major insights regarding the topic is the media’s ability to promote communication by creating new communication...

Is Social Media Bad for You? Evidence and Unknown

Social media has taken a notable position in people’s lives, although society has conflicting opinions on its effects in the long term. In her report on BBC, Jessica Brown (2018) presents considerable studies on how the most popular social media platforms affect the modern population. The purpose of Brown’s article...

Researching of History of Video Games

Introduction Video games refer to leisure activities conducted using electronic machines, mainly involving manipulating images produced by a computer program available on a monitor or any other form of display. Most youths and a good number of the population are currently fond of video games, and hence, the need to...

Globalization of Video Games and Its Influence in the Society

Introduction The Internet plays a significant role in an individual’s daily life as it has become a cohesive component of most daily activities or routines. With the improvement in technology, digitalization has led to the developing of different types of software and applications on various electronic devices. The fame of...

Social Media Through Lenses of Social and Applied Sciences

Introduction The perspectives on the creation and development of social media vary depending on the lens utilized to analyze the event. While humanities and history lenses are perhaps some of the most widely-known and widespread points of perspective, others offer valuable and unique insights. Social and applied sciences view technological...

Social Media Nature and Influence

Recently, there has been computer systems progress, and human beings have developed communication means to make the world a global village. Scientists have succeeded in ensuring networking has become international. This mission revolves around the internet and the networks people use to access each other. Social media has become a...

Toxic Masculinity and Machismo in Junot Diaz’s “Drown”

Introduction Gender is inescapable. It does not matter whether one agrees with the emerging progressive narrative of gender being a construct or not. Being a male or a female comes with its own set of expectations, codes, and experiences, which are impossible to run from. Junot Diaz’s “Drown” does an...

Gender Roles: “Alice in Wonderland” (2010)

Introduction While women achieved some degree of equality with men in terms of economic, political, and social issues, their position remains stereotyped in many cases. The women’s movement that started in the 1960s allowed females to understand that they deserve equal rights and attitudes. Popular culture is one of the...

Psychology and Mass Communication Theories

There are several mass communication theories that try to explain various influences as well as dynamics surrounding the diverse types of mass media and their effects on the public. The cultivation theory developed by George Gerbner attempts to identify the manipulation of television on the viewers’ perception of the environment...

Fashion Industry and Social Media

Such industries as fashion have always been impacted by the media. Until recently, the most powerful of them were journals and television with the help of which one had an opportunity to take a look at new clothes collections and learn about the latest trends. However, nowadays, when almost everyone...

Use of Anonymous Sources in Journalism: Positive and Negative Outcomes

Introduction A journalist that wants their story to be believed uses at least two named sources in a story. Using just one source that is unknown to the reader, and sometimes the reporter, for the sake of sensationalism and competition is, unfortunately, becoming a common practice. Others, including responsible journalists,...

“The Patriot”: Historical Film Analysis

Introduction “The Patriot” is an epic war film which illustrates the relationships of loved ones. The movie is half-way realistic movie and the attempt to address the war-fares. In the analysis of this movie, we will observe the successful measures as well as flaws of the movie and the costumes,...

Hyper-Reality in Television

Hyper-reality in television: an introduction The concept of hyper-reality is defined as the blurring of the distinction between what is real and what is unreal, made possible through the process of simulation (Baudrillard & Glaser 1994, p.1). Baudrillard and Glaser (1994, p.1) define simulation as “the generation by models of...

“Get Out” Movie’s Rhetorical Analysis

I have selected the movie Get Out because it is an entertaining horror movie from the comedian and producer Jordan Peele. The film brings up the topics of race and interracial interactions. The give rhetorical analysis is aimed to identify the methodologies, which are used in the Get Out to...

Advertising and Culture

Importance of culture in advertising by Suzanne Robbe Summary Businesses in many sectors of the economy are continually becoming global. Technology continues to make the world smaller, and this offers a new business opportunity to local companies (Robbe par. 2). To enter these new markets and be successful, they must...

Understanding Television: the Focus of Television Programming

Implications of Differences in Television Program Policy or Focus Television profitability depends highly on the attractiveness of the programs created. The key role of television producers is to make sure the viewers understand and enjoy what they are being shown. Viewers need to understand and be helped to distinguish what...

“The Corporation”: The Idea of the Movie and Analysis

If there will always be dominating, self-serving institutions, why is the corporate rule today any worse than the alternatives? The movie The corporation gives us a good and clear description of the main processes peculiar to the economy of the majority of states in the world nowadays. It states the...

Communication Networks

Communication networks within a firm include wheel network, chain network, circle network, and all-channel network. Wheel network is a form of communication network where information is acquired from one central point to the rest of the employees. There is minimal involvement of employees in the decision-making process as the source...

Social Media Usage and Teenager’s Ecosystems

Introduction The evolving world has exposed teenagers to the day-to-day use of social media; unlike in ancient times, adolescents can access information and network online. According to Ahmad et al. (2019), the digital era has played an important and pivotal task in shaping the awareness levels of teens. The availability...

Social Media Impact on Mental Health

Introduction Social media in the past few decades has become a huge influence on people’s lives. Studies show that a regular person spends from 3 to 6 hours on social media, which is becoming a form of addiction for many users Naslund et al. (2020). Nevertheless, social media is proven...

Criticism of the Netflix Series “The Squid Game”

As is often the case, literary works, or any other form of “text” with broad appeal cannot be evaluated from only one perspective. There are a considerable number of people living on the planet, and each of them has its own cultural and ethnic background. The presence and quality of...

“The Great Hack” Documentary by Amer and Noujaim

Introduction The Great Hack is a cinematic piece that presents the internet competency of modern society. This documentary is an original Netflix movie, which offers an investigation conducted by journalists revolving around a private British company – Cambridge Analytica – and its potential interference in more than 200 presidential elections...

Social Media Promotion of Juvenile Delinquency

Mass media is a great instrument for shaping public opinion, and it has a significant influence on people’s minds. The Internet impacts not only adults but children and their psychological development as well. They watch various movies, cartoons, and memes, read different books, and the content they consume is not...

Social Networks’ Advantages and Disadvantages

It is not easy to imagine the modern world without computers, information technologies, and the Internet because they have already managed to occupy a special place in every person’s life. Networks have given people the opportunity to communicate potential that was not there before (Miller et al., 2016). Social networks...

Are Social Media Ruining Our Culture?

In less than the past four decades, the world has been characterized by transformative technological advancements. Technology has come along with an array of new ways of doing things, including communication. In 1983 the world was officially introduced to a new way of communicating titled “The Internet” (Furedi). Social media...

“The Intern” by Nancy Meyers

Introduction The importance of employment, a desire to work, a threat of retirement, the development of professional qualities, and interpersonal relationships are the issues that bother millions of modern people. To share their opinions and visions, movie directors find it interesting and necessary to discuss these themes in their works....

The Phenomenon of PR in Film Industry

The filmmaking is multi-billion dollar industry, and the average budget of a Hollywood movie nowadays exceeds $100 million. When discussing a film, viewer mostly considers its plot, actors, and special effects, almost never thinking about advertisement and public relations. These components have crucial importance in modern industry, where hundreds of...

Social Inequality: “The Notebook” by Nick Cassavetes

Social inequality is a form of differentiation in which individuals, social groups, and classes are at different levels of the vertical social hierarchy having unequal chances and opportunities to satisfy needs. Researchers note that the social structure is determined by the differences between people generated by public factors, such as...

Why Video Games Can Be Beneficial

Due to the rapid development of technology, there are many new and different ways to spend one’s time. Unfortunately, if to look at the modern generation of children and adolescents, most of them spend all their free time on video games. Teachers, psychologists, and most of all parents are very...

“Erin Brockovich” by S. Soderberg: Conflict in a Film

Introduction Conflict is one of the most common challenges that appear in interpersonal relationships. Every day humans engage in communication with relatives, friends, and strangers, and these interactions often require dealing with various issues and finding a compromise. While every individual has their view of the world and possesses different...

How Social Media Affects Individual Freedom

The Internet has been actively changing people’s lives for decades, and over time this influence is growing. Nowadays, technology not only makes life more convenient but also affects the human psyche. Closely related to this is the question of individual freedom that arises in this connection. People are continually receiving...

”Argo” Directed by Affleck: Summary and Opinion

Introduction Movie plots are often based on real events, making the viewers’ experience even more exciting. Besides, the historical presence gives a unique glimpse at remarkable events in the world. The movie “Argo” proves the idea since it won several awards and many viewers’ appreciation. The purpose of this paper...

Innovations in Modern Media: The Case of TV Shows

Engaging unique and creative techniques to modern media is a common aspect, and digital content developers regularly introduce new methods of attracting viewers’ attention. One of the areas in which such innovations are evident is complex TV as an industry that not only creates modern media trends but also has...

Schlitz Brewing Company Advertisement: Visual Arguments Analysis

Idea and Political Argument The idea that is being put forth by this advertisement of the Schlitz Brewing Company is that their beer is the only thing that can brighten the family life of a working man. It argues that wives are helpless in their everyday duties like cooking, which...

The Films That Used as a Tool to Reimagine Africa and Africans

Africa has suffered a double tragedy – that of colonization and having the colonizer dominate and shape the underlying narrative of the African story. However, telling other people’s stories is subject to personal biases and prejudices based on long-standing stereotypes. The representation of Africa in films has been characterized by...

Media Representation of Stranger Danger

Abstract On the basis of recent studies, it has been noticed that mass media has a fairly important role to play in terms of deciding the communication abilities between families and the outside world. In accordance to the principles of psychology, media influences are the basic ways, through which people...

The Internet and Interactive Media as a New Advertising Tool

The Internet and interactive media have become an integral part of each person’s life. This is why there is no wonder that they have infiltrated into every single sphere of human activity. Since at present advertising is one of the most active spheres of human activities, the use of the...

News in this Modern World

Introduction The word “news” is defined literally in a variety of ways as “information about important or interesting recent events especially when published or broadcasted” or “broadcast report or news” or “newly received or noteworthy information.” (Thompson 2000, p.598). It is clear that the news is something which appears attractive...

How Media Affects People’s Lives

Introduction People have always lived in a world of media communication. They can go to various places and span across centuries in the comfort of their own living rooms. Sounds of other cultures can be heard and also the perception of how other people feel about the world experienced. The...

Argumentation Essay: Educational Role of TV

Television is commonly cited as their major source of information about what is happening in the world. Children are the main group influenced by TV and its messages. Some critics state that TV has a negative impact on children popularizing and promoting violence and deviant behavior. Children learn a great...

Social Media and Their Psychological Effects

It is well known that nowadays, due to the development of information technologies, social media play a significant role in people’s lives. Thus, social media allow people to share different types of data through virtual reality, reach large audiences in a short period, and achieve business success. However, even though...

Sexualization of Women in Hollywood Cinema

Introduction Hollywood is a widely known brand of cinematography. It is considered to be the capital of modern western film-making. It is known for hundreds of famous pictures and thousands of talented actors that took part in them. At the same time, cinema has deeply rooted connections to the gender...

Media Influence on Children’s and Teens’ Body Image

Introduction The rapid increase in body dissatisfaction rates at the dawn of the 21st century has attracted the attention of scientists, researchers, clinicians, and psychologists (Markey & Markey, 2010)… Negative body image contributes to different psychological and physical consequences such as dieting, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, and other extreme measures of...

“Keeping Up with the Kardashians”

Introduction The Kardashian family is famous for a reality TV show known as “Keeping Up with the Kardashians (KUWTK)” whose concept emerged from an infamous sex scandal by one of its members (Kim Kardashian). Reality shows are trending because of a culture of celebrity worship and society’s obsession with fame...

The Spirited Away Animated Film

Film Summary The animated film, Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi), by Hayao Miyazaki is of Japanese origin and was released in the year 2001. The animated film is based on the story of a girl called Chihiro Ogino who is ten years old. As Chihiro and her parents...

Role of Mass Media in Gender Issues

Role of mass media in the presentation of gender The coherent society depends on the various means of media greatly. The rapid evolution of the technologies and their implementation into various aspects of the functioning of society impacted the significant increase in the efficiency of this very tool. Nowadays, the...

Communications: Technology and Personal Contact

The process of globalization has affected many areas of people’s life. It has changed our economy, business, and finances; it resulted in the high rate of migrations and traveling; it made an impact on education and interactions in the society of the world. Communication has become a crucial part of...

Movie “Joy Luck Club” by Wayne Wang

Introduction The movie, Joy Luck Club, demonstrates the various aspects of Chinese women and their struggles to improve the perceptions of Americanized Chinese women. The movie commences when the mother of Suyan, who is a young Chinese woman, June, dies. The journey that June embarks on after she knows that...

Government Must Control TV Shows Contents

Research conducted by various scholars show that media and television serve as the most significant influence on adolescents and children. In fact, television is seen to affect several aspects of behavior and health. Television apparently has both negative and positive sides. The positive aspect of television is that it might...

The Global Impact of American Popular Culture

American culture’s identity and output have been transferred and spread to other parts of the globe. American culture is driven by the desire to assert its cultural identity by exploring various examples of American popular culture, such as music, film, television, and fashion, which have been received and adopted. The...

Early Media Exposure’s Impact on Children’s Development

Introduction Technology has transformed the world significantly, affecting almost every aspect of people. One area that has been majorly impacted by technology is early childhood development. Before technology, most parents spent time with their children interacting with them actively. Such children grew up being socially active and with the ability...

Modern Media Perception of Sexuality

Introduction Mass media are powerful instruments for forming, influencing, and manipulating the consumers’ views on the covered subjects. The audience should be conscious of that fact and be critical of the presented content, especially regarding such important topics as sexuality. In this case, some mass media can be utilized as...

Digital Games’ Role in Experience Production

Introduction Unlike most entertainment platforms, digital media and video games connect individuals of different beliefs and backgrounds. More consumers are moving towards an industry that provides imaginative and meaningful experiences. Many people utilize video games and digital media to escape from reality. As a result, the experience economy has emerged...

The Causes and Effects of Social Media on Relationships and Communication

Introduction The development of information technology has shaped various aspects of human life. The way people communicate is one of the spheres that have undergone considerable changes, which led to certain transformations in their relationships as well. The world has become void of any limits, be it geographic borders or...

It Is Not the Responsibility of Celebrities to Be Role Models

Sometimes people dream of being like celebrities so much that they are ready to change their clothing style, hair color, or hobbies. But this does not mean that stars are responsible for becoming role models. Usually, famous people achieve fame through talent, hard work, and a bit of luck. However,...

Love, Simon’ by Greg Berlanti: Movie Analysis

Introduction Love, Simon is an excellent example of a movie that expresses the difficulties of people who are afraid to open their sexual orientation to others. Doubt, insecurity, fear of seeming ridiculous or wrong are the main feelings for a person who is going through a transition period between understanding...

Stealing Africa: How Rich Companies Benefit from the Developing Countries

Stealing Africa is the documentary movie directed by C. Guldbrandsen, and filmed in 2012. It shows how Glencore, the Swiss company, operates with Zambian copper mining and manipulates its taxes, which are the primary way of getting revenue from copper for Zambia. The movie’s thesis is that multinational companies like...

Intercultural Communication in TV Shows

Human beings are usually “attached” to specific cultural or racial groups. Every country or society has different cultural groups. Some of these cultural groups encounter various challenges, such as discrimination, prejudice, and “communication barriers.” However, it is mandatory for individuals in a society to communicate with one another. This explains...

Social Media’s Influence and Their Role in Communication

Introduction Social media is an internet-based application that builds on some technological and ideological web-based foundations. This permits for creation and exchange of contents that are generated from the user. Three tools mainly used are Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Facebook is a social site that helps people communicate and interact...

Modern Communication Technologies and Personal Contact

Introduction Ongoing developments in new technologies, particularly smart technologies, have brought about significant changes in personal interaction and society. Modern communication technologies have introduced devices with high capabilities and speed, which have facilitated communications between people (Kwon et al. 1). While these advantages have enhanced efficiency and convenience in modern...

The Functions of Film Music: Essay Example

Introduction Music plays an important role in films. Music helps the audience to be able to capture the atmosphere of various scenes, and this enables the audience to understand the plot better. By incorporating music in film, it is possible to arouse emotions through the characters in the movie or...

Tobacco and Alcohol Should Not Be Allowed to Be Advertised

Introduction Tobacco and alcohol are both legal substances, which people purchase without restraints after they reach adulthood. Different countries have divergent rules regarding these products. However, most state laws do not prohibit the advertisement of tobacco and alcohol because they are legal to purchase. Some producers argue that people decide...

Teenagers’ Negative Representation by Australian Media

Media is the god of the modern age. It is omnipresent and almighty. There is no individual who has never read an article or watched a TV show. That is why it is one of the most potent tools to form a public opinion and reflect the moods dominant in...