Nightingale Pledge Meaning, Role, and Purpose in Nursing

Nightingale Pledge Reflection: Introduction Nursing field has undertaken a great deal of development in the past few decades. These developments have also accounted for the change in policy and procedures. Despite the fact that these developments have undertaken a nominal change, the Hippocratic Oath remains as the same for the...

The Story of an Hour and Hills Like White Elephants Literature Comparison

Various literary works can be closely examined with the help of feminist interpretation, which lays stress on gender and sexuality. This framework is particularly useful if it is necessary to explore the way in which males and females are portrayed by different authors. This paper is aimed at discussing two...

Baker Hughes and Halliburton Companies: Mergers and Acquisition

Introduction Varied reasons motivate a firm to acquire other entities. Firms acquire others as a form of investment, which is expected to generate future returns. The main objective of firms is to maximize the shareholders’ capital, and thus companies acquire others for the same reason. Halliburton is one of the...

Algebra – an Islamic Contribution to the West

Introduction The contribution made by Muslim mathematicians towards Western civilization cannot be underestimated. Unlike other religions where dogmas are not linked to science, Islam and science are correlated (Ahmed 63). Muslims have contributed greatly to the development of modern science especially in the area of algebra. Muslim mathematicians are the...

History of Slavery and Its Impact on the Society

Background: The History of Slavery To track down the history of the phenomenon, one would have to go to the times immemorial. Unfortunately, slavery emerged together with the rise of the first civilization as the most primitive form of relationships between different members of ancient society. For instance, the records...

New York’s Small Business Relief Initiatives During Economic Challenges

The New York City Department of Consumer Affairs (NYC DCA) is a department of the Government of New York City. This particular department’s job is to enforce New York’s laws to protect the rights of consumers, to deal with consumer dissatisfactions, procedures of licensing businesses, and to promote the consumer...

Why It’s Impossible to Justify Installing Filtering Software

Introduction The time when many people considered the Internet to be nothing more than a flash-in-the-pan fad, which is of little to no significance to the way society develops, has long gone, and now even those who are still reluctant to embrace it recognize that the technology profoundly influences everyone’s...

TerraCog GPS Company’s Competition Issues and Management Solution

Case Summary Emma Robertson, the Executive VIP in TerraCog, faced a critical challenge in the process of the product launch. Hence, her company is losing a market competition as it has refused to update its product for a couple of years even though the competitors introduced their redesigns long ago....

Understanding Information Theory: Key Concepts from James Gleick

The article we are going to analyze is called The Information. It is written by James Gleick. It becomes obvious from the title, that the article centers around information, its importance and history of its triumphant march. It is quite clear why the author decided to devote his article to...

Personnel Requirements in Facilities Design

In the modern world, human needs and demands determine the creation of new objects. Facilities design as a type of activity is used in all areas of life, such as construction, business, manufacture of clothing, and others. To create useful and high-quality products in enterprises, a large number of specialists...

The Influence of Religion on Ceremonial Practices in Literature and Culture

Introduction Literature is one of the ways to express thoughts related to a particular issue or discuss people’s perspectives on it. Throughout all history of humanity, individuals have been trying to express their emotions and feelings by using the power of the word. Written texts, as the first potent tool...

Leadership in Nursing: Defining the Pinnacle of Professional Achievement

In terms of the increasing complexity of healthcare issues and technology, leadership becomes one of the pivotal instruments nurses may utilize to keep their employees organized. In this connection, nurse leaders should clearly understand their managing styles and be aware of the available options to guide change at the workplace....

Global Warming: Myth or Reality?

Introduction The Free Online Dictionary defines a problem as “a situation, matter, or person that presents perplexity or difficulty”. A problem is thus a state or situation associated with difficulty and which needs a solution. When a problem does not receive an immediate solution, it creeps into a dilemma; an...

Duty in the Army: How Does It Works?

Introduction The study of duty as it pertains to the army is important because it looks at the role of dignity of each individual even in the most adverse conditions. Taking responsibility for other people at work and beyond involves self-management competency. Often, when things don’t go well, people tend...

The Colon Cancer: Main Aspects

Introduction Colon cancer is characterized by cancerous growth of tumor in the colon. The growths are benign but can progress into cancer as time progresses. Colonoscopy is normally used to diagnose colon cancer found in specific regions. Surgery can be used as a curative measure for invasive cancers. When invasive...

Natural Resources in American History

Introduction The United States is a prosperous and economically developed country not only because of human capital but also because of the presence of natural resources within its territories. Throughout history, natural resources have played a vital role in providing the population with a means to feed themselves and serving...

Increase of E-Commerce Threat in Nowadays

Introduction E-Commerce (Electronic commerce) is one of the recent and emerging internet services. E-Commerce is simply, the doing of commerce using Electronic Technology such as internet, or other computer networks. The E-Commerce comprises the activities such as selling and buying of the products through internet. Security in the E-Commerce is...

Agile Methods: Benefits and Drawbacks of Agile Software Development

Introduction Software engineering is the activity aimed at developing software programmes and applications appropriate for those programmes with regard to compatibility and usability of programmes by different audience including software developers and ordinary customers/users that purchase and upload these applications for personal use only. Every time a specific programme should...

Chronic Prostatitis Diagnosis and Further Treatment

Pathophysiology of acute prostatitis Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate organ and the surrounding tissues. Urologists believe that 60-80% of men are affected by chronic prostatitis. Several physiological factors lead to the development of prostatitis in men. The prostatic bacterial factor (PAF) is the main biomarker in chronic prostatitis....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Environmental Issues Significant Impact on Health

Abstract In this paper, it was revealed that the environmental issues have a significant impact on health. It is apparent that both positive and negative factors take place. However, the adverse aspects such as air pollution, poor quality of water and, natural hazards were emphasized. The topic was carefully discussed...

Masculine and Feminine Writing Features in “To the Ladies” by Lady Mary Chudleigh

The issue of identifying and understanding the possible gender differences in linguistics, specifically in writing styles between males and females has been an area of interest to many researchers for a long time. Even without their knowledge, males and females write differently even when expressing the same ideas and this...

Biomedical View of Health

Introduction For many years, physicians and medical practitioners have relied on the biomedical model in the diagnosis of diseases. According to the biomedical model, health is freedom from pain, disease, or defect (De Vito 2000). This means that the normal human conditions should remain “healthy”. The biomedical model tends to...

Music Industry: A Revenue Plan for a Release

The music industry has an incredibly elaborated system since it includes multiple stakeholders. Moreover, within the last decade, its structure has undergone significant changes, and this rapid transformation demonstrated how innovations could ruin the existing sector of the industry. The mixture of audio technologies with computing technologies turned music into...

Addressing Cancer: The Nursing Process

Among the range of illnesses that can affect the health of the population, cancer is among the most challenging and multi-dimensional. Cancer is characterized as a group of diseases associated with the abnormal growth of cells with the capacity of invading and spreading to other parts of the human body....

Hypertension Prevalence and Management in African American Culture

Introduction Hypertension is a major health hazard that has been prioritized by the public health sector in many countries. All around the globe, hypertension has led to increased cardiovascular diseases and contributed to the death of many people across all races and ages. Although every race is affected by hypertension,...

Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry

Abstract Artificial Intelligence plays a key role in the work of many businesses and industries. The hotel business is increasingly introducing Artificial Intelligence into its branches. In this context, this research paper examines how AI might improve the quality of service and performance in the hotel industry, as well as...

History of Ecology Topic in Art

The paper discusses ecological art by researching its history and its development throughout the years. The research recognizes that the art form began during the Neolithic period; however, eco arts prominent promoters emerged in the 1950s and 1960. The main purpose of eco arts is to inform people about the...

The Ballet Dancing History and Special Features

Introduction During the dance masterclass, I ended up learning the basics of ballet, namely warm-up, arm, and leg positions. In ballet, these aspects are essential. The entire masterclass was conducted by choreographer Brittany Cavaco, who seemed to me to be quite an attention to detail, which makes it possible to...

Lebanon’s Financial Crisis and Governmental Measures

Introduction Lebanon is known to be facing a financial crisis that continues to worsen. Unemployment, as well as poverty rates, have rocketed, and the currency has devalued substantially, which threatens political stability not solely in the country, but in the entire region. Considering this, it is critical for the Lebanese...

Handling Ethically Challenging Situations: Utilitarianism and Deontology

Introduction The ability to choose between right and wrong has been a contentious issue about ethical principles that govern societal rules. Among the minds that have developed theories to address the matter are Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill. On the one hand, Kant is of the view that an...

“Minimal” Facts Approach to the Resurrection Question

The set of reasons in favor of the resurrection of Christ can be summed up in its simplest form as the minimal facts approach. The approach’s most vital point is that most historians agree that all of these arguments should be treated as historical truths. In addition, it employs solely...

Performance Evaluation Process

Performance evaluation is the process of assessing an employee’s performance systematically. The procedure should be productive and formal to measure the worker’s job and results based on their descriptions. It gauges the value the employee adds to a company in terms of increased business revenue compared to the set standards...

“Don’t Look Up” Movie Directed by Adam McKay

Introduction The Netflix video ‘Don’t Look Up’ pays attention to two astronomers who endeavor to alert humans regarding an approaching comet that is going to destroy the entire society. The movie depicts the response to climate disaster to the government, media as well as celebrities. In addition, the impact occurrence...

Transformation of Kurtz’s Character in “Heart of Darkness”

Introduction Characters represent the essence of the plot as their experiences and perspectives shape the attitudes of readers toward the story being told. Without characters and their development during the narrative, the story cannot progress. Thus, the characters of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness had to be memorable with their...

Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog Documentary

Introduction Werner Herzog’s movie Grizzly Man (2005) was one of the best films during its period. In fact, it got much acclamation in the way it presented the life and subsequent death of Timothy Treadwell. As clearly demonstrated in the film, he was assumed to have lived among Grizzlies before...

Health Promotion Strategies for Benign Prostate Hypertrophy

Introduction In contemporary communities, the elderly population is more vulnerable to a range of chronic conditions and disorders than other age groups, necessitating the need for the promotion of its health. According to the 2012 estimates, the elderly population (65 years or older) was about “43 million and it is...

An Ethical Dilemma in Education

Introduction The incidence of academic dishonesty has been on the rise for the last decade (Orosz, Farkas, and Roland-Lévy 1). Unethical behavior is often pursued to obtain passing grades that are regarded as real indicators of success by some students. In an attempt to receive a passing grade on assignments...

Bachata as a Music Genre and Artists’ Creativity

Latin music is one of the most popular and influential music categories on the planet. Latin music’s upbeat tempo and sensual feel make it an irresistible music variant for experimentation and artistic expression. According to the Encyclopedia of Latin Popular Music, one of the most popular vocal and dance music...

Teaching Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by impulsive actions that are not related proportionally to the age of the affected person (Wender, 2000). It affects children at the age of 6-12 years where the disorder causes a lack of attention and leads to poor performance in...

“Physiological Diagram” Artwork by Andy Warhol

The artwork that I selected for this assignment was created by Andy Warhol in the middle of the 1980s (1984-1985) and titled Physiological Diagram. This piece is a synthetic polymer paint on canvas. It was produced as a part of Physiological Diagram series, which presupposes that it is tightly connected...

The Effect of Music on Serial Short Term Memory

Abstract To find out the effect of background music on short term memory, an experiment was carried out on two groups. This was to investigate the hypothesis that background music when played during cognitive processing would disrupt the participants’ level of concentration for the memory recall test compared to the...

Invasive Social Media & Data Security

Introduction In the era of social media, millions of Internet users post individual information in their accounts and share personal data. However, this practice of free use can have negative aspects, and one of the most significant of them is the invasion of privacy. Today, despite the existing data protection...

Value of Honor in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

Introduction People have a tendency to develop various attitudes towards the concepts of honor, respect, and loyalty. On the one hand, an idea of honorable behavior pervades human activities, and it is necessary to rely on personal knowledge and skills to demonstrate the best examples. On the other hand, honor...

US Health Care: Organizational Responsibility and Ethics

Introduction The health care system of the United States of America is considered to be one of the most effective around the world, but this system also has its drawbacks and problems that serve as obstacles on the way of its development. First of all, the health care system is...

Financial Strategy: Risk Consciousness and Strategy of the Firm

Introduction It is generally argued that a company’s risk consciousness governs the underlying strategies that are employed by the enterprise. On the one hand, this is true, as risk management is the basic strategy that defines the frameworks of other business strategies. On the other hand, risk management depends on...

Health Disparities and Health Promotion in Vulnerable Populations

Introduction Health disparities among the different populations pose a great threat to the progress of all countries in spite of their constant effort to minimize them. Reasonable access to health care has become very critical because of this. In the USA, even though it is the most developed country in...

The Figure of Jesus in Islam and the Quran

Introduction The figure of Jesus stands prominently in Islam based on the various Islamic traditions and the many accounts of Him in the Quran. In one of the narratives, it is alleged that after Prophet Mohammed had his dream in the mountains, he ordered the cleansing of the different idols...

Overpopulation’s and Environmental Disasters’ Connection

Introduction Throughout the history of planet Earth, it seems that environmental problems and threats to survival only became incredibly acute and urgent when humanity began to evolve. With the transition to the industrial system, society began to consume more useful resources, which in itself caused the depletion of the planet’s...

Person-Centered Care and the Role of the Nurse

Introduction Nursing is a discipline mainly concerned with the profusion of quality healthcare services to patients. The concept of person-centered care is critically discussed in this essay. The role of the nurse, who is responsible for providing the care needed, is also reviewed. Medical practitioners apply this concept to build...

Attempt as Criminal Law Concept

Introduction The concept of attempt refers to an incomplete or inchoate crime where an individual initially was intended to commit a crime and undertook specific actions to complete it but ultimately failed to commit a full offense due to some accidental causes. Inchoate crimes cover “attempts, solicitation, and conspiracies” (Schmalleger...

Penal Labor in the American Prison System

Since the late nineteenth century, prison labor has become an integral part of the United States economy. While some convicts are given support and maintenance jobs in prisons, others are tasked with manufacturing goods or providing services to private corporations, non-profit firms, and state and government institutions. These inmates receive...

The Role of Businesses in Addressing the Global Challenges

In the course of the development of civilization, humanity has repeatedly encountered complex problems, sometimes of planetary nature. However, still, this was distant prehistory, a kind of incubation period of modern global problems. They became fully apparent in the second half and especially in the last quarter of the twentieth...

Ulta Beauty Company’s Financial Performance

Introduction Ulta Beauty is a successful American cosmetics company that has balanced the externally attractive and attention-grabbing displays with ongoing revenue sources and employees’ best interests. The company successfully identified the priorities of American women purchasing cosmetics despite its lack of outlets in major shopping malls. Ulta has entered several...

Ethical Problems in Amazon

Introduction Following corporate culture and developing positive interactions with staff are valuable ethical practices that most modern companies strive to uphold. However, in some cases, violations committed by managers do not remain among the team and are made public, which, in turn, becomes an occasion for public outcry. The case...

Social-Emotional Development in Early Childhood

The emotional development of young children and older children is an essential aspect of education. Usually, preschoolers who are not capable of the usual expression of their emotions and definition of the emotional background of another person are more depressed and closed to the outside world. As a consequence, this...

Apple Inc.: The Ethical Dilemmas

Abstract Business ethics is a critical field that guides organizational managers to pursue desirable practices while fulfilling their stakeholders’ needs. The presence of proper mechanisms makes it possible for companies to remain ethical. However, the issues arising from supply chains and the process of continuous innovative can lead to certain...

Capitalism as a Means of Promoting Inequality

In this paper, I will prove that capitalism is the means through which the rich subjugate the rest of society, as evidenced by the pervasiveness of inequality in “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair and the “Address to the Prisoners of Cook County Jail” by Clarence Darrow. The degree to which...

The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Introduction Elderly patients in general, and individuals aged 70 years and older in particular, face a distinctive set of risks associated with age-related changes. The issues within physiological and physical health, economic status, social and environmental well-being, and functioning are characterized by particularities that are different for the elderly in...

Twitter Organizational Structure

Twitter is called a microblog for its real-time social activity on its pages. Five hundred million social network fans visit the resource daily, making it an effective marketing platform for business and brand promotion. Besides the promotion of the brand, businessmen use the platform the search for operative information, research...

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“Suicidal Behavior in Juvenile…” Study by Serra et al.

Introduction Certain demographics are more susceptible to experiencing mental health problems based on various circumstances. Gender, age, sociocultural elements, and family situations are several of the multiple factors that may have a direct or indirect effect on one’s psychological well-being. However, another perspective that is to be considered is the...

American Invasion of Afghanistan

Introduction Osama bin Laden declared a holy war against the US in 1996 and 1998 due to various motivations. The first reason that contributed to bin Laden’s attack on the US is due to the belief that US policy had led to oppression, killing and harm to the Muslims in...

Expressionism in the “Mad Love” Film by Karl Freund

Mad Love is a film from 1935 directed by Karl Freund. The film is notable for its expressionist style, which was unusual for Hollywood films at the time. The film tells the story of a doctor obsessed with a woman he cannot have. The film was a box office success...

Examining the Causes, Effects, and Possible Solutions for Traffic Congestion

Congestion in public transportation networks is a worldwide issue, it affects not only the daily lives of residents but also the local economy, the environment, and public health. Road congestion can be attributed to various issues, including an increase in the number of vehicles on the road, the development of...

Public Health Plan: The Main Elements

Introduction Public health and healthcare is an integral theoretical and applied science that studies the patterns of influence of socio-economic factors and environmental conditions on the population’s health and substantiates the state’s system and public and medical measures to protect the health of citizens. Public health is the science and...

Exploring Life’s Complexity Through “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom

Introduction This introduction begins with an in-depth examination of the various stages of the human experience through the entertaining “Tuesdays with Morrie” story. By immersing readers in the emotionally charged bond between Albom and Schwartz, the author’s work sheds light on the intricate nature of human existence. Through a concise...

Ancient History: The Persian War and Its Influence on Athenian Progress

Athens, is one of the Greek cities, had importance just as others such as Sparta had. It had a very successful naval power but was behind in other sectors, including arts. All this came to change after the Persian war. This paper will analyze the Athenian progress of attaining democracy...

The Olmec and Rapa Nui Civilizations

Introduction The Southern Gulf Coast of Mexico is believed to have been home to the ancient Olmec culture (Diehl 93). Olmec civilization emerged around 1200BC and it developed distinct and complex structures, which have had impact to the people of Mexico up to date. In addition, the civilization instilled a...

Xerox Company Profile and Overview

Company Profile Xerox Corporation is an American company founded in 1906 as Haloid Company. The company began as a manufacturer of photographic paper and equipment. Joseph Wilson inherited the “business from his father who was the founder of the company and propelled it to new heights” (Patnaik 47). Wilson signed...

“In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote

Truman Capote in his book In cold blood has created allocated the main character varied strengths and intolerance. This is the main character and he is known as Perry Smith. In general Perry Smith has been described as having a disproportionate body with a heavy muscular torso and broad shoulders...

Research on Art Psychotherapy: Techniques, Benefits, and Clinical Applications

Introduction: Defining the Quality of Research Organization In the qualitative study carried out by Karin Egberg Thyme, Britt Wiberg, Berit Lundman and Ulla Hällgren Graneheim and titled Qualitative content analysis in art psychotherapy research: Concepts, procedures, and measures to reveal the latent meaning in pictures and the words attached to...

Language of the “Crimson Abbey” Horror Story

Introduction The short story under analysis is entitled “Crimson Abbey.” This horror story dwells upon a patient at a mental hospice of the future. It is necessary to note that the story addresses an issue of insanity, which is quite popular in modern society. At present, literate people tend to...

The Meaning of Freedom for Jazz Instrumentalists

Art has always been one of the main indicators of the state of society. It appeared at the dawn of civilization and were used to reflect feelings and emotions a person had towards a certain phenomenon or process. Besides, developing along with society, art obtained new features and provided numerous...

Trying to Balance the National Debt and GDP

Issue Government debt has become a concern for many developed countries in recent years. Economists, officials, and other stakeholders fear that the government debt will increase and become an unbearable burden for younger generations. Such issues as financial crises, aging populations, and quite inconsistent tax policies contribute greatly to the...

Protecting the Environment as the Most Important Problem

Today, the global concern about environmental problems is nothing but a very essential issue. The concern has been achieved through scientific research, technological advancement, and global community benchmark discussions. A day hardly goes by without any remarks on the environmental problem since the world is confronted by a critical environmental...

Feminism and Sex in Hip-Hop Music

Introduction Hip Hop music was introduced with the intention of combating poverty, racism, and violence that were prevalent in lower-income neighborhoods across the United States. The music targeted individuals who hailed from violent backgrounds with no or little education. The objective was to help them to devise survival tactics. With...

Synoptic Gospel: The Books of Mathew, Luke and Mark

Introduction Synoptic gospel is the term used in reference to the books in the bible whose content and explanations are almost similar. In this case, the four books of the New Testament that constitute the synoptic gospel are those written by Mathew, Luke, and Mark. The book of Mark is...

Facing East From Indian Country by Daniel Richter

Introduction Facing East from Indian Country by Daniel Richter is not the first book written about the Native Americans. A number of other researchers spent their lives trying to identify what the Indian’s New World was like. As far as Richter’s book is concerned, it can be definitely stated that...

Youth Violence: The Columbine High School Case

Introduction Violence is a difficult term to define. However, it is a widespread vice which may take diverse meanings in different circumstances. In institutions of learning, the definition embraced by the management is significant in shaping the action that the educators take against behaviours regarded as violent. In general violence...

The Way to Come To Terms With Yourself: Social Distancing Experiment

At times one can feel so much detached from the world he or she is living in that it is a nice and refreshing idea to get a few days off away from this mess. As a rule, three are enough to help one pull himself together and get rid...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hochschild: Emotion Management and Negotiations

Hochschild (1) comes up with an emotion management mechanism that illuminates the self, interaction, and structure. Emotion is always regulated by the act of management. Emotion management is wholly embedded in the interactive aspects of emotion. Emotion management enables close-range inspection of the relations among feelings, rules, ideology, emotion management,...

Low-Cost Airline Industry Critical Review

Introduction Low-cost carriers such as Southwest Airlines and AirAsia are becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide. They offer their customers access to quick travel at considerably lower prices than their more traditional network, or flag, carrier counterparts. As a result, their popularity has grown rapidly since the inception of the concept in...

Change Leadership in the Baptist Health South Florida Hospital

Introduction Organizational change is a powerful process many institutions consider when they want to transform operations and meet the demands of more clients. Medical facilities that embrace the idea can solve their challenges and be prepared for some of the emerging challenges in their respective sectors. Baptist Health South Florida...

The Effectiveness and Importance of Byelaws

Introduction By definition, byelaws are laws or provisions passed by the local government or authorities. Primarily, they are passed by the local authorities with the objective of solving or preventing the occurrence of certain issues (Keene 2002). The authority of state law, charter or provincial, specifies the concerns which may...

Abortions’ Negative Impacts on Modern Society

Introduction Abortions can be regarded as one of the oldest health-related procedures that remain common across the globe but quite controversial in the vast majority of countries, including the USA. Abortions were conducted in ancient Greece and Rome and were not rare in European countries in the Middle Ages (“Roe...

“The Trial” by Steven Berkoff Review

Introduction The selected drama, “The Trial” by Steven Berkoff, follows the life of Josef K. The story was written just as World War I began (1914-1915) and is adapted from a novel of the same name by Franz Kafka. Josef K. is arrested for an unidentified crime by two agents...

Are Liberalism and Pluralism Incompatible?

Introduction In the field of political philosophy, the question concerning the compatibility between two theoretical frameworks, namely liberalism, and pluralism, has been vividly discussed and taken to the center of the debate. Despite the lack of a clear answer to the question of whether liberals should be pluralists and if...

Micro-Practice Social Work to Strengthen Communities

Introduction The micro-level of social work, often referred to as the traditional approach, entails working in close collaboration with individuals, families, and small groups to strengthen one-on-one support as they navigate complicated multidimensional challenges. In this setting, social workers usually deal with individuals that struggle with various issues, such as...

“Universal Love” by Mo Tzu, Chinese Philosopher

Love is considered to be the feeling that can occur between two individuals that accept the presence of admiration or sympathy. Mo Tzu, a Chinese philosopher and thinker, in his work Universal Love attempted to describe the essence of love and the context of this phenomenon. In fact, love can...

Transformation of Edgar Allan Poe’s Writing Style

Introduction Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor, and literary critic. He went down in history as the founder of the genre of psychological prose and the form of classic detective stories. It is no secret that many of Poe’s works have contributed to the development of...

Impact of the European Debt Crisis on Multinationals and the Global Economy

Introduction In 2011, Europe faced one of the worst debt crises. Countries such as Greece and Portugal were heavily indebted and required the other countries in the bloc to bail them out. The only country that was not affected by the crises was Germany and this made her the “savior”...

New Technologies in Nursing

Welcome to our Technology in Nursing essay sample! Here, you’ll learn the importance of technology in nursing and its impact on the healthcare. Get some ideas for your paper about technology and nursing! Technology in Nursing Essay Introduction The current nursing technologies have transformed how nurses conduct their duties. Evidently,...

Harmful Outsourcing of United States Jobs

Introduction Companies are always looking for new tactics to help increase their efficiency and decrease production costs. Such strategies result in increased productivity, thereby promoting organizational growth. One strategy that has become popular among American firms over the past decades is outsourcing. Outsourcing is the results-oriented relationship of a company...

Nursing Shortage Crisis: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions

Introduction Registered nurses (RNs) contribute to one of the largest groups in healthcare practice. However, analysts have identified the existence of nursing shortages in the United States and other parts of the world (Buchan & Aiken, 2008). Such shortages are usually impossible to project. The outstanding fact is that the...

Freedom Ideal in “The Spartans” by Paul Cartledge

Introduction The Spartans involved a society of warriors who exercised a high level of discipline, self-sacrifice, and tolerance. The Spartans: The World of the Warrior-Heroes of Ancient Greece is a chef-d’oeuvre story authored by Paul Cartledge. The author, a prominent historian, tracks the outstanding rise and fall of the Spartan...

Preventing Falls in Hospice Care: Strategies and Risks for Patients

Falls are defined as a situation when a person is inadvertently lying on the ground, floor, or any other place. Injuries related to falls could be fatal but most of these injuries are nonlethal in spite of the fact that they bring plenty of sufferings to the patient. This paper...

E-Commerce Future in the Market Environment

Introduction The dynamic e-commerce business environment keeps on evolving with the ongoing technology revolution. E-commerce is changing the way customers experience shopping and the traditional brick and mortar establishments are experiencing stiff competition from this development. Globalization coupled with the mobile telephony revolution and increased access to the Internet implies...

Impact of the Biotensegrity Model on Shaping Organizational Culture and Efficiency

Introduction This paper is a review of my completed thesis, which argues that the biotensegrity model could explain organizational culture. The use of the biotensegrity model to represent organizational culture partially comes from the findings of researchers, such as Clément (2004) and Aspromourgos (2001), who have demonstrated how the tensegrity...

Democracy in the United States

Introduction Democracy refers to a system of governance where citizens play a significant role in making decisions on how they are to be governed (Sullivan 19). Citizens exercise their rights by electing leaders. In other words, democracy can be defined as a situation where the majority has the say on...

Funding Residential Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in PA

Project Idea Within recent decades, the needs of adults with intellectual disabilities become more recognized, and more effort is made to address those needs. At some point in their lives, some people may find themselves—or their loved ones may find them—no longer capable of running their homes on their own....

Sky TV Business Analysis

Introduction Sky TV is a major pay-television provider in the United Kingdom and the neighboring areas. Sky TV offers various choices to its customers including TV broadcasting and internet broadband options. Sky TV’s PESTLE analysis mainly focuses on the business environment under which Sky TV operates. The PESTLE analysis is...

An Atomic Radio Receiver

Introduction The history of electromagnetic waves being used for communication is rather long. People have been receiving and sending signals since the end of the nineteenth century. The style of the antenna used for radio received has been the same for many years as well (Emerging Technology from the arXiv)....

Porfirio Diaz in the Mexican Revolution

This paper is about one of the most famous and significant figures in the history of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz (1830-1915), and the Mexican Revolution. Diaz was a victorious military general, Mexican-American War volunteer, revolutionist, dictator, politician, and also president of Mexico whose term was longer than anyone else’s in Mexican...

North American Free Trade Agreement and Employment

Has NAFTA Resulted in Lower Employment in U.S.? The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trading block comprising of countries that makes up North America. It mainly comprises of member states Canada, Mexico and the United states. It is claimed to be the largest trading block that exists...

“Age of Turbulence” by Alan Greenspan

Introduction Alan Greenspan’s Age of Turbulence is a personal memoir combined with the description of his role as Federal Reserve Chairman for the last 18 years. In this book, he traces his evolution from the life of an academic to the post of the Federal Reserve chairman. In this book,...

Are More Attractive People Perceived to Be More Successful?

Introduction The power that accompanies a pretty face has received countless studies for a long time now. Jackson (1992) talks of the benefits of physical attractiveness, about success. Another author, Wilson (2003) talks of a meta-analysis that involved a total of 76 studies, all of which sought to augment the...

“Frederic Chopin: A Guide to Research” by W. Smialek

Introduction Music is one of the finest art forms that the mankind has ever created. It allows people express their emotions and reflect the whole beauty of the surrounding world. However, research in music would be impossible without another art form – literature. In this paper, I will present the...

Feminism: Historical Perspective and Implications to Christian Understanding of the World

Introduction Feminism is the recognition that throughout history, people have been treated differently depending on their biological gender and associated norms. Society provided an unequal degree of power to men and women, while the views on gender have exacerbated wage inequality, discriminatory treatment at work and school, and unequal access...

The History of Youth Style and Resistance

Introduction Once one understands fashion, it becomes easier for one to understand the complexities of relationships between the individual and society. It sums up many of the strains in the modern life experiences and particularly lays emphasis on the function of consumerism in that understanding (Miles, 1998, p. 95). At...

Life and History in Ana Mendieta’s “Imagen de Yagul”

Introduction The second half of the 20th century was a period that enriched visual arts substantially by introducing a wide range of new genres, from land art and body art to performance art. Among those who experimented with these new genres and media was Ana Mendieta – a Cuban-born American...

Father-Son Relationship in Night

Introduction It is natural that the relationship between parents and their children is usually composed throughout the period of early childhood. Special attention often has to be paid to the father-son relationship because these two male figures may be both prone to covering their emotions. The deep connection between sons...

Cardiology: Heart and Circulatory System

The primary function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the organism, a process in which the liquid undergoes numerous transformations that enable it to support many crucial bodily functions. It accepts deoxygenated blood, pumps it to the lungs, where it is enriched with oxygen, and back, and then...

Nursing Ethical Dilemmas – Balancing Morality and Practice

Introduction Life is full of ethical dilemmas and almost every day people have to make tough decisions to face their careers, professions, or callings. Whether one is a parent, clergy, spouse, or someone in a professional career like nursing, s/he has to make certain decisions to contain emerging circumstances. My...

GDP of Kazakhstan and Its Recent History

Introduction The economic history of economic condition of a country shows the country’s present economic status, and the economic well being of the country. With the economic recession the world economy has been facing crisis regarding their GDP growth, inflation, current account balance, and unemployment rate (UN, 2008). This paper...

Sociological Theories for Improving Restaurant Services

Introduction Sociological theories are applicable for understanding people’s behavior in general and for an improvement of commercial services, for example, restaurant services. lhelalat, Habiballah, and Twaissi (2017) wrote an article titled ‘The impact of personal and functional aspects of restaurant employee service behavior on customer satisfaction,’ which presents the authors’...

Appreciating Ancient Art from Museum Experience

Introduction Museums serve as important points where treasures are kept for public viewing especially for ancient sculptures, decorative arts, paintings among other collections. Many museums in the modern world today have included industrial arts of the 19th century especially the collection on quality industrial designs. In the museum, there is...

Social Relations After Impact of Technology

Introduction In today’s technological landscape, individuals can access many opportunities that past generations did not have. The pervasiveness of technology in this culture has resulted in a deadly addiction in many people’s life. Michael Harris, in his book, discusses his fascinating analysis of this generation’s connection with technological innovation and...

Emergency Response Budgeting and the Mitigating Effect of This Inclusion

Introduction The emergency management system is a complex regulatory component that necessitates multidimensional work on numerous government entities to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters (Dorasamy et al., 2017). In order to build a model for analyzing the business and functional features of emergency guidelines, this document...

Financial Management: Growth Financing

Growth financing is an important topic of consideration for managers since in order to continue the development of a business, one has to find the resources that will support this growth, which is a dilemma that EduSoft has faced. Evidently, to obtain money for the growth of a firm, the...

Impulsive Purchasing: Paying Premium for Convenience

Introduction Impulse purchasing is a consumer behavior that marketing strategists use as a way to increase revenue. Much research has been done on this topic, as well as studies about the reasons behind it and its implications in the traditional retail business. However, the subject of such behavior is not...

Consumer Product-Based Look at Ocean’s 8 Film

Introduction Consumer technology is rapidly evolving with time, becoming capable of delivering more value to people. Coming from the minds of gifted individuals and companies seeking to bring innovation onto the market, new products arrive at new and increasing audiences within the globalized economy. However, many technologies and inventions people...

The Pauls Brand’s Marketing Intelligence

Introduction Pauls is one of the leading milk brands in the Australian market. Presently, it remains an acceptable product because it delivers numerous benefits to the consumer. In terms of background, the brand name emerged in 1923 when a firm by the same name introduced it into the market. Other...

Alcohol Use Disorder: Case Conceptualization

Introduction The patient is a 45-year-old male presenting with a drinking problem. He works as a corporate lawyer at a local company. In this case, no clear information about his family is given, except that he has a wife who threatens to move out with their children if the man...

Scientific Worldview, Faith, and Reason Comparison

Introduction There is a group of people who argue that science is just a myth and, like other religious doctrines, it is based on faith. For example, Paul claims that “It [science] is one of the many forms of thought that have been developed by man and not necessarily the...

Human Trafficking from Perspectives of Deontology, Utilitarianism and Egoism

Introduction Human trafficking is a modern practice of oppression characterised by heinous acts such as recruiting, transferring, and harbouring a person using coercion, kidnapping, and trickery, among other intimidating means. This practice has grown into an international problem. About two centuries ago, slavery was an everyday business in many countries,...

Women in Ancient Greece

Function of women in Greece Classic Greece refers to the period from fifth to forth century before Christ. During this period, the Roman Empire witnessed prosperity that had a potent impact on the development of the Western Civilization. In ancient Greece, women performed three main functions – childbearing, fabric weaving,...

Hydrologic Cycle

The masses of water over the globe are in a constant motion. Thus, water can be presented in three states which are liquid, gas, and solid. They change during the hydrologic cycle as a result of such processes as evaporation, transpiration, sublimation, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration. In spite of the...

Postmenopausal Women and Breast Cancer: Treatment Options and Supportive Care

Introduction Quantitative research entails objectivity as well as generalization of results (Moballeghi & Moghaddam, 2008). This research critique is a review of the article, Experience of adjuvant treatment among postmenopausal women with breast cancer: health-related quality of life, symptom experience, stressful events and coping strategies, by Maria Browall. The critique...

Airline Industry Trends, Changes, and Innovations

September 11 Incident Increased Security The September 11 terror incident in the USA led to an increase in security checks and measures across the entire airline industry. The need to combat terrorism has seen airports fitted with scanners for the main purpose of helping with the searching process. The US...

Virgin Media Company: Scientific Management

Introduction Virgin Media enjoys one of the largest shares in the fibre optic network market. Currently, it has about 4.49 million broadband subscribers and the number is set to increase due to the impressive work that its engineers are doing in relation to digital technology. The progressive growth has largely...

Product Elimination and Service Management

The elimination decision is, beyond any doubt, one of the most ambiguous questions in the marketing field. Whereas, under particular circumstances, the necessity to delete a product from the offering range seems to be inevitable, the possible negative outcomes might prevent a manager from being decisive. As long as product...

Media’s Role in Shaping the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The social and cultural attributes experienced in the United States after the end of the Civil War created a society characterized by inequality and racial segregation. Many African Americans and other minority groups were against the existing levels of racism and injustice. These challenges led to the infamous Civil...

Communication & Alienation in “The Rules of the Game” Film

Introduction Out of the variety of art types, cinema is probably the most controversial. As well as theatrical performances, films encourage the audience to react to the scenes they observe. However, unlike during the observation of theatrical plays, one cannot be present directly at the movie-making process. The contradictory ideas...

Juvenile Offenders: Incarceration or Rehabilitation?

Juvenile offenders present a vexatious problem for law enforcement authorities as to how to tackle them. Many advocate the strong-arm approach of imposing stiff punishment and incarceration while others favor rehabilitation. This essay examines the pros and cons of incarceration and rehabilitation to arrive at a way ahead to deal...

“Why Men Fight” by Patton Review

Introduction The topics of war and peace have been of considerable time to people from times immemorial (JCS, 2009). This paper considers and compares three scholarly articles concerned with this topic, and namely with the questions of why people start fighting, why they stop the fight, and how the peace...

Gender in The Great Gatsby & The Yellow Wallpaper

The focal point of the paper is to explore the Male-Female Relationships in The Great Gatsby by the noted American author of the post first world war era F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Yellow Wallpaper by American short story writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The complexities of men and women in...

America Is Becoming a Fascist Country

Introduction The United States of America has been always known as a country ardently fighting for human rights. However, in the light of the latest events, the experts on right-wing politics and culture continue claiming that the country is confidently moving towards becoming a fascist state. Fascism can be defined...

Alcoholic Parents’ Effect on Adult Children

Introduction Societal awareness regarding problems related to alcoholism has increased due to increased research and studies in the area. A lot of attention has been paid to the long-term effect of alcoholic parents on offspring. Studies have indicated that such children grow up with “unique emotional patterns and problems” (Goleman,...

Social Media Behaviors in Asia

Problem Analysis Asia is a very diverse region with lots of nationalities and cultural traditions. In a globalized world, Asia started to play one of the major roles in shaping markets due to its immense productive powers. China, India, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and other countries pour goods and services...

Antigone and Creon’s Use of Rhetoric

Introduction Sophocles’ Antigone is one of the most famous plays in the world. This tragedy is a part of the three Theban plays that also include Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. The drama under consideration focuses on the conflict between Antigone and Creon. This argument appears since the...

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Symptoms and Causes

Introduction Coronavirus disease (2019) is an illness triggered by a brand new virus that can infect an individual in case he or she inhales the droplets of coughing, sneezing, or particles generated by breathing. Another way of becoming infected is touching a contaminated surface and then touching oneself (especially, eyes...

Cultural Assessment in Healthcare Setting: Hispanic Americans

Demographics The term “Hispanic” is used to mean a group of people that share similar cultural and national identities from the Caribbean, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Central and South America. This ethnic group is made up of several subgroups following their cultural heritage such as Mexican Americans, Latin Americans, Spanish...

Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis

Introduction PCR is a biotechnological invention that is used to analyze genetic material and synthesize copies of the same. It analyses the very tiny fragments of genetic material including the damaged material to a level which can be easily studied. For the past hundred years, PCR has been the most...

Is the United States Earned Income Tax Credit Fair?

Introduction The United States Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) refers to a government initiative that aims to improve the financial stability of citizens by giving tax refunds to citizens (Cordes, Ebel, & Gravelle, 2005). Individuals who get tax credits retain more of their income. For that reason, EITC lowers the...

The Mental Health of Malaysians: The Effect of Movement Control Order

This paper explores the effect of the movement control order implemented during the spread of COVID-19 on the mental health of the population in Malaysia. The report described in the paper is based on the testing procedure of a group of respondents consisting of 4 adults of different age groups....

The Impact of Nursing Workplace Culture on Holistic Care Delivery

Nursing care for a patient includes multiple aspects, and in case one of them is missed, it may result in negative consequences for the health state of a client. In the context of present-day developments, it has become a common sight when a patient is delivered all the required care...

Spanish Colonisation of America

The discovery of the New World made by Christopher Columbus in 1492 is regarded as the onset of the Spanish colonization of the continent that after years became known as America. The vast undeveloped territories and greed attracted numerous adventurers – conquistadors. In this connection, the Royal Spanish court promoted...

In Support of Robotics Use in Agriculture

Introduction Successful and effective farming has always been concerned with collecting data on the processes involved to ensure that the resources are used in the most efficient way possible. Today, it has become commonplace to use technological tools to determine whether the relevant processes are taking place smoothly. For instance,...

Second Language Acquisition for Arabic-Speakers

The issue, or topic, of the following case study consists of a number of elements. Firstly, the primary focus of the study is in understanding the process and challenges of second language acquisition that Arabic-speaking individuals face when in contact with any secondary language, though English is most frequently encountered....