In this project, tunnels that exist below London streets for a variety of communications, civil defense, and military purposes will be used as the objects of the experiment. This particular site is chosen in order to test and experiment with the different aspects of human senses and in particular the...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 1097
Pages: 3
Humanity has always been trying to investigate nature and discover new things and phenomena. The thrill of knowledge and cognition resulted in numerous discoveries that altered the way we evolved. Moreover, to understand the origin of a certain phenomenon, its main characteristics, and processes peculiar to it, an efficient cognition...
Topic: Space
Words: 1530
Pages: 6
Conversation Analysis (CA) is the technique used to investigate and analyze the structures and processes of social interactions between human beings. CA is primarily focused on casual conversations but it also deals with the non-verbal forms of social interaction. CA’s research methodologies have evolved to include advanced forms of social...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1118
Pages: 5
The space station operating at an international level, known as ISS, is a partnership operation comprised of several countries with a common objective of conducting space explorations that take place within the Station. ISS mainly focuses on laboratory research which is regarded as among the challenging political as well as...
Topic: Space
Words: 2448
Pages: 9
Importance of Statistical Analysis Performing statistical analysis is an essential procedure for making informed and data-driven decisions. Any choice, be it organizational, household, social, or business decisions, can be based on personal beliefs and vision of the environment alone; however, the practical value of such conclusions will be lower than...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 451
Pages: 1
Formulate a More Realistic Assessment of the Heat Pump’s Energy Consumption Heat pumps energy plays a huge role in homes, hospitals, and organizations, making them appropriate for utilization and environment conservation. Before deciding which type of heat pump energy to utilize, it is essential to have concrete knowledge of the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 642
Pages: 2
Introduction The increasing cost of housing during the 21st century pushes people to opt for mortgages despite having a low income. As a result, banks provide loans to help individuals settle mortgage charges. The loans depend on the type of mortgage selected by the loanee. However, during the purchase of...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 647
Pages: 2
Introduction Research methods provide several solutions to obtain information, make inferences about factors underlying a particular phenomenon. However, compared to qualitative information that is based on individuals’ judgment and applied theories, quantitative information or statistical data draws information from factual figures that do not represent a researcher’s ideas. As a...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 886
Pages: 3
Source is a material product of the purposeful human activity, it is a historical phenomenon caused to live by certain conditions, tasks, and goals. Therefore, it is essential to understand what the historical social reality in which it arose was. Any source, whether one is talking, written, physical, or oral...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Introduction Almost all the scientific information and knowledge available globally is a product of research. However, not all such knowledge emanates from the same form of study or method of inquiry. The aspect results from the so-called paradigm wars, where various scientific inquiries fight one another. These aggressive facets maintain...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 946
Pages: 3
Scientists can hardly be completely objective when they conduct any research. First of all, research is based on the already existing ideas of scientists about a certain phenomenon or object. For example, Achenbach (2015) notes that scientists say GM foods are safe because there is no evidence to the contrary....
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 280
Pages: 1
Introduction to Professional Research Research is very important in the modern world as having created a lot of theories people want to have the confirmation of what they have predicted. The scientific approach to the research is very important as only in this way one may consider the theory in...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1694
Pages: 6
Exploring the mathematical sciences through a historical paradigm can seem confusing because it is difficult for the human mind to perceive this knowledge’s artificiality. For example, numbers and number relationships seem to be perfectly natural phenomena whose patterns can be found in the study of plants, genetic mechanisms, or population...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 376
Pages: 1
Introduction Statistics is a course that is advantageous and becomes ingrained in one’s life. The importance of statistical data is almost infinite, as demonstrated by confidence theory and science (Harris et al., 2017). Metrics are important because they provide accurate information about circumstances. However, several fields are abusing statisticians in...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 443
Pages: 1
Introduction People have always been interested in exploring outer space and colonizing other planets. Scientists spent years developing and testing rockets that would allow humanity to reach planets where life can be better. As indicated by Worrall (2018), experts claim that the future lies in the stars and not on...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 561
Pages: 2
In various industries, calculation and forecasting techniques are applied to identify the relevant outcomes and consequences of decisions or interventions. In particular, the two most common approaches are utilized – deterministic and probabilistic. According to Muriana and Vizzini (2017), one of the main values of deterministic models is an opportunity...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 277
Pages: 1
Experimental Objectives To determine the specific gravity of different metallic objects that are denser than water To determine specific gravity of a liquid To determine the specific gravity of wood which is less dense which water is denser that it Theory By definition, density ρ0 of a substance is “a...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 919
Pages: 2
Introduction Research plans illustrate plans aimed at solving declared problems. They state the relevance of the challenges and the importance of addressing them. As such, the research plan contains the list of literature to be utilized, the methodology of the research, and the expected findings (Mitchell, 2007). The aim of...
Topic: Sound
Words: 1109
Pages: 4
Sociologists use the scientific method of research to answer questions related to society and social behavior. The scientific method is “a procedure for acquiring knowledge that emphasizes collecting concrete data through observation and experimentation” (Ferris & Stein, 2018, p. 41). Thus, the method might be characterized as systematic, unbiased, and...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1126
Pages: 4
To be able to critique quantitative studies is crucial in each evidence-based process. In healthcare, an appropriate appraisal ensures the quality of one’s medical practice and patient treatment. The following factors should be assessed when appraising a study: validity, reliability, and applicability. A critical analysis of all three elements should...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 410
Pages: 1
It goes without saying that the scientific method plays a highly essential role in the design and performance of experiments. In general, the scientific method may be defined as a series of specific processes that investigators may use in order to gather impartial, systematic, and well-founded knowledge and answer particular...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1400
Pages: 6
Introduction The increased media coverage of the dismal working conditions exhibited in the Kawah Ijen Volcano mines and escalating demand for sulfur in contemporary industries has led to a heightened public awareness of the sulfur supply chain. There are two primary methods of extracting sulfur, including the extraction from subterranean...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 2494
Pages: 9
Pros and Cons of Using a Mixed Method Research Design The selection of research design is challenging for scholars who strive to cover as many issues as possible. This reasoning results in the preference of a mixed method processing quantitative and qualitative data for the precision of an outcome. This...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 324
Pages: 1
This work aims to study the properties of active components of toothpaste. The hypothesis is that the toothpaste should have a pronounced cleansing, anti-inflammatory, and hemostatic effect on the mouth’s hard and soft tissues, but significant changes. The color of the tooth enamel will not be revealed after one week....
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 294
Pages: 1
Introduction Learning statistics can help in making everyday decisions based on data analysis. You do not have to make thorough studies of statistical reports; it is enough to switch on a TV or grab a newspaper. Nearly every piece of news contains some statistical data. With the news, there is...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 624
Pages: 2
Abstract The Abiquiu Embayment is to be found in north-central New Mexico. Through the (angular) unconformity way, both sedimentary and volcanic (rocks) superimposes pre-tertiary ones. Chicoma is the oldest form of volcanic formation. latite and andesite (flows) are its main components. It has a thickness that can measure up to...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 2562
Pages: 8
Introduction Qualitative research has unique characteristics that set it apart from quantitative research. The fundamental difference between qualitative research and quantitative research is the nature of the data that each of them uses. While qualitative study deals with narrative data, the quantitative study deals with numerical data. In addition to...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1172
Pages: 4
Abstract Mathematics is an essential subject in the world of academics which makes use of symbols diagrams and words. Mathematics has borrowed a lot from the English language in its application. For instance, mathematics applies written English in various academic settings, and this serves to unify its applications (Bolling, 2011)....
Topic: Literacy
Words: 2802
Pages: 10
Introduction This paper will start by looking at data analysis strategies and techniques of analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative and qualitative data must be clearly linked to each other in order to allow easier interpretation of data. This article has information about data analysis and interpretation in business research...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 2779
Pages: 10
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Research work in social work is either qualitative or quantitative in nature. Qualitative research, according to Neill (2007, p. 1) is used when the data that is gathered, or the research that has been performed, can not be quantified or assigned numerical weight. For example,...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 1477
Pages: 5
Chapter 4 The article “Damned lies and statistics” by Joel Best analyzed the impact and implications of statistical figures on the cultural orientation of the society. The author analyzed various factors or statistical accounting and errors. His account dominated the views of statistical errors rather than conflict reporting. The articles...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 614
Pages: 2
Introduction The current paper will use the chi-square test in order to check whether there was an association between the class that female passengers traveled in on Titanic, and their chances of being saved from that ship when it sank. After a brief data file description, the assumptions of the...
Topic: Titanic
Words: 1198
Pages: 5
Introduction The pursuit of knowledge or truth is an integral part of human existence. Science, as a body of knowledge that seeks to realize the truth through systematic approaches, is one of the commonly embraced reality approaches today. However, several instances show that science could either converge towards the truth...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1101
Pages: 5
Introduction Euler’s number, or the well-known constant, is one of the most relevant and important irrational numbers in mathematics and algebra. A natural number cannot represent a base number in an exponential function. This number is widely used in the world of mathematics. It is an irrational number, and scientists...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 708
Pages: 2
Often, the buyer is faced with a difficult question as to whether to buy a car or lease it. On the one hand, among the positive features of leasing, one can single out relatively lower investments. In addition, leasing allows you to drive a vehicle that people cannot buy due...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 634
Pages: 2
In managing research in any area of life, it is imperative to employ procedures to collect data and analyze it. When viewed in that perspective, it is referred to as research methodology. Research methodology is a critical decision in the whole process of an individual’s research. Developing one’s research methodology...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 411
Pages: 1
Introduction Social research utilizes two data analysis methods: quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative approach interprets textual data and observations, while the quantitative method analyzes numerical data using statistics. This paper will compare qualitative and quantitative data analyses based on two articles published in the Public Administration Review. One study, conducted...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1226
Pages: 4
It is hard to disagree that space is expanding for humans at an unimaginable rate. New constellations and galaxies are discovered every year, and better photos of other planets become available. This may mean that humanity is on the verge of great discoveries, and the conquest of space is getting...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 195
Pages: 1
Author, F. (1776). Effects of classroom testing by microcomputer. Journal of ABCDE, 99(9), 9-19. Problem Recently Active Shooter rates have been on the rise, while general Homicide rates keep decreasing. Research into the reasons for these crimes, the means through which they are executed, and the motivation of killers has...
Topic: Classroom
Words: 867
Pages: 2
Science as the method to understand the development of human life is a valuable achievement of humanity. The understanding of this concept and its role in people’s life requires the analysis of Berk’s (2018) textbook, Dobbs’ (2009) article, and videos presented by Gawande (2016) and Oliver (2016). The observation of...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Introduction The correlation between GPA and IQ, given for analysis, can be interpreted as having positive dynamics. At first glance, there is a hypothesis that the intelligence of a student is directly related to their overall attestation results. The higher the intelligence, the higher their GPA, and vice versa –...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 594
Pages: 2
Classical astronomy was based on Aristotle’s concepts and was relatively rudimentary. Centuries after the times of Aristotle, a lot of beliefs started to shift, and scientific revolutions began to produce more discoveries. Galileo and Copernicus contributed to science by proposing their theories about the cosmos. Copernicans believed that stars, like...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 378
Pages: 1
There has been a surge in interest in assessing human development and the elements that influence it. This area has attracted the interest of many academics and practitioners. Some academics had previously claimed that if human development is stagnant, it is a sign of impending doom, and it is impossible...
Topic: Human Development
Words: 455
Pages: 2
Statistics are an important tool for researchers and policymakers when analyzing particular social-related issues. The types of statistics that can be accumulated in relation to the area can be either objective or subjective (Rahman, 2020). Objective statistics are grounded in physical realities and numbers. Subjective statistics are typically related to...
Topic: Social Problems
Words: 309
Pages: 1
The article explains the nature of faulting aspects. The author states that any feature may be transformed into a mountain or a ridge. During the transformation process, the horizontal shear changes into an expanding tensional motion across the ridge or rift with a change in seismicity at the point of...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 592
Pages: 2
The 1961 Milgram experiment can be considered a non-experimental design. It is essential to first differentiate between an experimental and non-experimental research designs. In the former, a controlled factor is subjected to some type of treatment and then compared with another factor that was kept constant. It also entails allocating...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 295
Pages: 1
Astronomy has had an important influence on many aspects of past civilizations. Culture, agricultural farming, education, film, and communication industry as well as medicine have used astronomy widely. The knowledge of time as well as differentiating different seasons has depended on astronomy to a great degree, especially in many developing...
Topic: Civilization
Words: 1292
Pages: 4
Introduction Standing waves are produced when identical waves occur on the same medium. The waves travel in the opposite direction but have the same amplitude and wavelength. Usually, standing waves are best produced by connecting a string to a vibrating body on one end and a reflecting body on the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1097
Pages: 3
Introduction Mechanical physics allows investigating the nature of dynamic processes occurring routinely in solid objects. Using the principles of mechanics, it becomes possible to carry out theoretical calculations, determine the permissible rate of loading, and predict the deformation of bodies when they are subjected to physical impact. Thus, Hooke’s law...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 498
Pages: 2
Introduction Aircraft building is a complicated process that requires meticulous selection of the right materials. Engineers must fully understand the qualities and limitations of all construction materials in order to make the right selection. Ideal metals for aircraft production often have minimal weight, are corrosion, fatigue, heat, and crack resistant,...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 2873
Pages: 10
Abstract and Objectives By experimenting, it was possible to address the three important objectives in this study. The first and second objectives were to determine the effects of changing the speed of the motor on the output current and voltage respectively. That was achieved by an upward and downward of...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1100
Pages: 4
Introduction The applied research and the traditional academic research methods derive their processes and procedures from the generalized definition of research. Research is the scientific process through which solutions to problems are derived from statistical inferences (Salkind, 2006). The notion of finding a solution to the current problem is the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1139
Pages: 4
Introduction A mouse-trap car according to Balmer (1998) is a kind of motor vehicle that is motorized by the power that is accumulated in a wound up mouse-trap spring (1). A simple mouse-trap is constructed by attaching a string on a mouse-trap’s snapper arm and then winding this string on...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 993
Pages: 3
Problem statement The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between nurse staffing and the observed patient outcomes in hospital settings, paying special attention to acute care, nurse staffing policies and strategies (Penoyer, 2010). In particular, the researcher notes that the relationship between low nurse-patient ratios and desired...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1076
Pages: 4
The interview under analysis was conducted and three participants have been involved into the study. Six questions focused on defining participants’ goals, beliefs, and ability to logical thinking. While conducting the interview, similar thematic patterns were defined among the participants. Specifically, while thinking over the most favorite historical or famous...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1394
Pages: 5
The evidence in the study suggests that xylitol was found to be effective in treating caries. The dependent variable (level of caries formation) and independent variable (xylitol usage) were positively related to each other. The study compared treatment with xylitol chewing gum and oral health education within the intervention group...
Topic: Disability
Words: 461
Pages: 1
Abstract The number of hours worked by male and female respondents does exhibit apparent differences. The study then performed independent-samples t-test to determine if the apparent differences are statistically significant. Evidently, independent samples t-test indicate that the mean number of hours worked by male respondents is statistically significantly higher (32.61±...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 636
Pages: 4
Introduction The power supply unit in electronics is the central unit that provides a load within the system-controlled power. Essentially, the supply unit gets its power from the mains; it then rectifies the AC power input through a series of rectifiers made from a combined circuitry consisting of transistors, resistors,...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1584
Pages: 7
Executive Summary The demand for electricity in today’s world is on the rise. As a result, many technologies are being tested to come up with the most appropriate one to supplement the current electric power generation. Over the years, the use of pressurized water reactors has become common. The process...
Topic: Water
Words: 8338
Pages: 30
Introduction Qualitative research is not precise and sometimes looks vague because of the extreme broadness of the area to be covered, hence the difficulty in defining it. Firestone (1987, p.17) states that qualitative research methods are established on a “post-positivistic, phenomenological world view”, with assumptions that social constructs define reality...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 2241
Pages: 8
Introduction An analysis of the findings is a standard procedure after one conducted a research study. This allows seeing if the data they collected during the experiment supports the initial hypothesis, for example, by measuring positive correlation. However, this method does not show if one phenomenon is caused by the...
Topic: School
Words: 724
Pages: 2
One of the prominent Muslim scholars is a mathematician, geographer, and astronomer Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (pp. 780–850). There is not much information about his life, in particular, it is assumed that he came from a clan of Zoroastrian priests and was considered a magician. The term “algebra” was formed using the...
Topic: Muslim
Words: 954
Pages: 4
The history of Leonardo Fibonacci and Fibonacci numbers Many people who have done some units in mathematics have come across the name Fibonacci. Fibonacci is one of the middle age scholars that have contributed highly to mathematic but most especially to the knowledge of numbers. Fibonacci was born Leonardo Pisano...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1130
Pages: 4
Introduction Fabrication is a term common to the industrial world. It makes reference to the processes that facilitate shaping up of metals including cutting, bending and assembly among others.. The process to be used are of often guided by the material requirements for the end product desired. Modern technology has...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1965
Pages: 8
Introduction Combinatorics is a section of mathematics that is primarily used for efficient counting of various things. At the basic level, it addresses such problems as enumerating all the ways in which a certain structure with some given properties can be arranged, or proving if such a structure could exist....
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1925
Pages: 7
Galileo went to Florence in search of more opportunities to satisfy his genius, ignoring all the pleasures of Padua. In 1609, the telescope arrived in Italy. There is no documentation about the invention of the telescope. Galileo had heard about this invention and was really interested in it. The news...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 617
Pages: 2
Introduction The class traveled west about a half-hour from Denver. The route cut through Lakewood City on US-6 W. On turning southwest on the I-70 W at West Pleasant View and heading towards Grand Junction and Jefferson County, we knew we were almost there because the urban sprawl that is...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 602
Pages: 2
The earth is made up of three main layers namely the crust, the mantle, and the core. The crust is a thick solid rock, the mantle also referred to as magma is a thick molten rock and the core has an eccentric slid surrounded by liquid. Temperatures inside the core...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 676
Pages: 2
Methods The plastic mesh fabric was placed over the mouth of the Mason jar, and the metal screw band of the latter was fastened firmly over the plastic mesh sheet. Scissors were used to cut the edges of the plastic mesh to make it perfectly match the mouth of the...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 848
Pages: 3
Introduction Saunders et al (2009) assert that an onion can be used to represent the research process (see Figure 1). The layers of the onion must be unwrapped before one can reach the innermost core of the onion (the data collection and data analysis). The outer layer comprises of philosophies...
Topic: Police
Words: 1650
Pages: 6
Describe the bathymetry of the ocean seafloor and how the features relate to plate tectonics The geology of the earth’s surface has been shaped by two important processes: plate tectonics and continental drifting. Continental drifting is a concept that explains how the Earth’s continents move relative to each other. The...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1418
Pages: 5
In this essay, you will find everything related to categorical logic: examples, definition of a categorical proposition, and more. What Is Categorical Logic? Categorical logic is a type of deductive logic that is based on four propositions. These propositions are statements, which categorize members of different classes on the basis...
Topic: Logic
Words: 359
Pages: 2
How does the study of heat relate to the kinetic theory of matter? The kinetic theory of matter maintains that matter comprises tiny particles that are separated and in constant motion. These molecules collide with the walls of a container they are placed in. The theory gives an experimental explanation...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1461
Pages: 6
Action research is a type of research used in social sciences that implies taking action toward solving problems while conducting the research. Action research has been proved to be an effective method of addressing certain issues that involve human interaction and cooperation (Stringer, 2013). Also, there are many other areas...
Topic: Action Research
Words: 549
Pages: 2
The Indian solar installation program has slowed down year-after-year according to Mercom Capital Group. The consultancy and communication firm had predicted the installations to reach 1,000 MW by the end of this year. Between 2012 and 2013, solar installations in India increased by 12 MW; so elusive was the growth...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 925
Pages: 4
Mathematical induction is traditionally defined as a mathematical method, or a type of a mathematical proof, which is used when the necessity to prove that in the following expression: “(fg)’ = f’g + fg’”, “for every integer n >= 1, the derivative of f(x) = xn is f'(x) = nxn...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 299
Pages: 2
Canada and the US are countries that are located in the American continent. Both countries are relatively large, and they occupy a large part of the North American region (Reynolds 7). Canada and the US are countries that have many similarities, although they are slightly different in terms of resources,...
Topic: Demography
Words: 597
Pages: 3
I agree that the item evaluation and selection of individual groups’ events and behaviors are the main processes used in sampling. This sampling involves strategies where the selected sample is well explained and referred to the chosen group while researching various items. The sampling theory investigation of the population is...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 331
Pages: 1
As part of this assignment, the Assistant Chief of the local fire department is examining the potential problem of gender barriers that may exist in employee promotions. To do so, data from fifty employees who applied for promotions were collected and formed into the crosstab shown below. At first glance,...
Topic: Firefighter
Words: 647
Pages: 2
Decision-making skill is one of the most important aspects of every company’s leadership as it allows to make the right choices and minimize risks in connected parts of the business. According to Klien (2017), statistics is closely related to decision-making as specific numbers and exact data can make the production...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 590
Pages: 2
Since their discovery, neutron stars have represented one of the most enchanting mystery for scientists. A recent article by Adam Mann suggests that the discovery made lately concerning the nature of neutron stars may reinvent the entire perspective on the subject matter. Though discovering the entire nature of the core...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 313
Pages: 1
Introduction One of the fundamental beginnings of mathematics is the possibility of theoretical generalization and the search for analogies between concepts, which allows various parts of mathematical disciplines to be linked together. It is necessary to understand that the development of mathematics has taken millennia and has always gone on...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1517
Pages: 5
Surveys Research that uses a survey as its method is a structured approach that involves a systematic and unbiased way to gather qualitative data on a chosen topic. It consists of creating a set of standardised questions with fixed short response options presented to the target population to analyse the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 620
Pages: 2
Introduction and Definition Research processes require sharing of spaces between the researcher and participants. A researcher may take a stance on a particular subject by forming biases and perceptions of others and how outsiders perceive them. Participants may have a specific belief that contradicts the ontology and epistemology of the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 674
Pages: 2
Introduction There is a wide range of methodologies that can be applied to different studies. Nevertheless, one of the best options to realize the numerous factors that underlie a social issue is the utilization of phenomenology. The approach implies an attempt to deal with all the inner experiences unprobed in...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 894
Pages: 3
Methodology and data analysis are some of the most crucial processes that constitute a research paper. In the research done by Xiao and Shailer (2022, p.2) to investigate stakeholders’ perception of the factors affecting credibility of the sustainability report, methodology and data analysis were used accordingly to achieve the objective...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1399
Pages: 5
Introduction Virginia is divided into six provinces based on various physiographic features – topography and geology. Virginia’s provinces from East to West are Coastal Plain (Tidewater), Piedmont, Triassic Basins, Blue Ridge, Valley and Ridge (Appalachian Mountains), and Appalachian Plateau (Allegheny). The six provinces are not unique to the state of...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 2921
Pages: 10
Generally, qualitative and quantitative studies are two types of research conducted in science. The first type is designed to learn as much as possible about the properties of the phenomenon or object being analyzed. There are no strict criteria for how information is collected — a free form can be...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 284
Pages: 1
The purpose of qualitative research is to evaluate a phenomenon and identify the factors that influence it significantly. It often begins with a limited understanding of the situation and the expected outcomes, discovering them through analysis of information collected over the course of the study. As such, qualitative research objectives...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 289
Pages: 1
The Four Dimensions of Statistical Reasoning The four dimensions are an interrogative cycle, types of thinking, investigative cycle, as well as dispositions. They contain specific and generic statistical thinking habits that operate simultaneously within the thinker. Five thinking types that are marked fundamental are consideration of variation, transnumeration, need for...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1136
Pages: 4
The most manageable steps of reading a long article are to overview what the authors communicate in the papers. The reader may not get the significant meanings of what the writer speaks about in the report but develops a clue of what he is to expect. The first step is...
Topic: Space
Words: 569
Pages: 2
The study of science implies not only the presence of talent, but first of all, it requires aspiration and a strong desire. Without these characteristics, it will be complicated, and not many will be able to engage in this field. However, there are people with disabilities who could prevent them...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 285
Pages: 1
Action Research is a methodology that simultaneously involves the researcher and the participants in a cyclical process. Thanks to the theoretical knowledge of the former and the practical experience of the participants, a system with an established working mechanism are realized. There are traditionally three stages in this system: planning,...
Topic: Action Research
Words: 454
Pages: 2
The discovery of the atom’s complex structure is the most crucial stage in the formation of modern physics. In creating a quantitative theory of the design of the atom, which made it possible to explain atomic systems, new ideas were formed about the properties of microparticles, which quantum mechanics describes....
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 1515
Pages: 5
Introduction The paper aims to compare four ways of data collection, such as survey research, which involves a process of asking questions and analyzing responses, field research, which focuses on making observations, and secondary analysis of existing data, and triangulation, which refers to the combination of the methods. The author...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1083
Pages: 4
Research misconduct is a serious offense that occurs quite frequently in the academic community. It is heart-breaking when some researchers violate authorship rights and pocketing years of somebody’s hard work. Thus, it is crucial to monitor plagiarism and unfair practices in scientific research carefully. This paper aims to consider why...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 403
Pages: 1
Compare the various types of ANOVA by discussing when each is most appropriate for use. Include specific examples to illustrate the appropriate use of each test and how interaction is assessed using ANOVA Analysis of variance (ANOVA) has two different types: the tests can be one-way or two-way, and the...
Topic: Health
Words: 1050
Pages: 3
Qualitative research is aimed at obtaining valuable data on the deep motivation of respondents and detailed information about the subject of research. Qualitative methods involve the collection of information in free form; they focus not on statistical measurements, but rely on understanding, explaining, and interpreting empirical data. Additionally, they represent...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 676
Pages: 2
Introduction The essence of theoretical thought is based on the complex process of theorizing, aiming at explaining a particular scientific phenomenon through the correlation of epistemology and research. In terms of family studies, the process of theorizing reflects “three basic orientations toward theory” (Bengtson, Acock, Allen, Dilworth-Anderson, and Klein, 2004,...
Topic: Epistemology
Words: 599
Pages: 2
According to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, a body exerting force on another body experiences a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. As bodies experience acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely proportional to their mass, lighter objects exerting force on heavier ones accelerate away...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 212
Pages: 1
New Mars rover “Curiosity” landed Mars on August 6. According to the comments of its creators, the purpose of this sophisticated device is in participating in long term robotic exploration of Mars (Webster par. 2). In particular, the mission of this Mars rover is to attempt answering the question that...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 607
Pages: 2
In order to conduct a complete qualitative research and present a cohesive qualitative research plan, it is necessary to match the structure and topic of the study with existing data collection and management techniques. There are specific patterns and models for organizing data that would immediately allow a researcher to...
Topic: Data Management
Words: 835
Pages: 3
Introduction Earth’s surface represents the point of four spheres’ meeting, where they overlap and interact. The atmosphere is the outer gas shell of the Earth, the lower border of which lies through the lithosphere and hydrosphere. The hydrosphere is a water shell of the Earth, which includes all waters on...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 342
Pages: 1
Introduction The matter is the amount of substance. There are three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gaseous states. These states of matter are traditionally distinguished by the arrangement and proximity of their particles or molecules. In a solid state, the substance particles are closely packed, compact with strong interactive...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1131
Pages: 4
L-alanine is “one of the 20 amino acids common in proteins” (Zhuan-Ping and Wen-Hui, 2012). It is manufactured in the muscles with lactic acid acting as its primary raw material. Consequently, it is converted to pyruvate, an important molecule in the production of sugar (glucose). L-alanine is categorized under the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 639
Pages: 2
With the rapid development of Internet technologies and the increased number of possibilities entitled to users, the question of analyzing commercial websites is rather acute. It is necessary to evaluate e-commerce web pages since their usability and other features influence the potential consumers’ choices to a great extent. As Andreolini...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 286
Pages: 1
Abstract Spectroscopic methods are a natural adjunct to chemical analysis, allowing for a quantitative and qualitative investigation of substances with unknown characteristics. In this report, it was explained how the use of the Beer-Lambert spectroscopic law allows determining the concentration of the active ingredient in medicinal products, which, moreover, was...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1266
Pages: 4
Every kind of research demands a clear and properly structured methodology for it to be successful. What is demanded from a researcher is that he or she should understand the main components of the scientific research method and be ready to ground his or her thoughts and ideas reasonably and...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Exploratory data analysis (EDA) involves different statistical procedures that are available to provide a researcher with a view of the data in terms of distribution and general characteristics of a given data. While analyzing data using SPSS, there are a variety of statistical procedures available to carry out exploratory data...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 472
Pages: 2
In the mathematical sciences, much attention is paid to classification and methods of solving equations: linear, quadratic, and polynomial. There is no doubt that the practical application of the equations can be found in any environment of public life: from sociology to rocket science. Thus, the precise identification of the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 641
Pages: 2
Exploring new mathematical models often involves difficulties in perceiving information and an inner desire to find more straightforward explanations. If geometrical patterns are understandable due to their visual representation, it seems more challenging to work with abstract numbers. It is necessary to be completely honest to say that I have...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 362
Pages: 1
Introduction The study of available information on chemical elements allows systematizing the existing knowledge and immersing the study of chemical diversity. It is essential to note that the study of the element must be complex and multifactorial, reflecting not only the technical information about the chemical and physical properties but...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 936
Pages: 3
Introduction Vitamin A has for a long time been considered to play a crucial role in the normal biological and metabolic functions of the human body. It can be introduced into the body in form of supplements such as cod liver oil which contains the “cis” form of vitamin A,...
Topic: Vitamins
Words: 1399
Pages: 5
Generally, t-test include five assumptions that have to be taken into consideration at all times when the analysis is executed. As discussed by Kim and Park (2019), first, the scale of measurement applied to the collected information follows an ordinal or continuous scale. Second, the data is derived from a...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 373
Pages: 1
Economic inequality is one of the ever-present global issues that social scientists try to resolve. Hunt and Colander (2016) note that even in the US, more than 12% of the population lives in poverty (p. 234). I believe that social scientists currently lack the ability to solve the issue, at...
Topic: Social Science
Words: 271
Pages: 1
Introduction Thorough research and understanding of the problem of spatial distribution, and the phenomena of the principles of spatial distribution is a great challenge nowadays. The issues of spatial distribution entail the knowledge from different areas, such as healthcare, environment, geology agronomy, and lots of others. These studies become more...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1034
Pages: 4
Introduction Analyzing the surrounded environment it can be concluded that the law of physics are the same for both non-organic and organic world, where in living organisms these laws are under the control of biological processes. Humans as the highest forms of those organic forms are studied by a number...
Topic: Respiratory Disorders
Words: 1098
Pages: 4
Introduction A sample can be described as a portion of the population selected for a survey or experiment. Obtaining facts regarding a parameter from the entire population is desirable. However, it is often time-consuming and costly, which necessitates sampling (Das, Mitra, & Mandal, 2016). Nonetheless, small samples cause uncertainties in...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 674
Pages: 2
Introduction One significant aspect of conducting successful research is the research survey used for collecting primary data. A survey describes the features of large populations and sports research studies frequently use surveys to collect primary data (Andrew, Pedersen, & McEvoy, 2011). The aim of this paper is to highlight the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1109
Pages: 4
Isaac Newton was a famous English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and theologian. He contributed greatly to different fields of study. But how exactly did he come up with his ideas? Newton made his discoveries with the help of mathematics, physics, and astronomy. There are also a lot of anecdotes about Newton...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 283
Pages: 1
Introduction The article selected for review is titled “Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Higher Education Institution”. It reports on a study conducted by Mohammad, Habib, and Alias in 2010. The study considered the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors of staff in higher education settings. The...
Topic: Justice
Words: 5029
Pages: 18
Concepts of terms and terminology are critical in science and research. The term provides accuracy, clarity, and understanding of scientific thought. Terminology forms part of the specialized vocabulary, into which not common words and phrases calling subjects and concepts of various spheres of people’s professional activity included. There are specific...
Topic: Ethnocentrism
Words: 319
Pages: 1
This paper will discuss the video Gravitational Waves: A New Era of Astronomy Begins from the World Science Festival. This video tells about one of the most significant achievements in physics in the 21st century, the first direct detection of gravitational waves. The scientists, including those who made this discovery...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1082
Pages: 4
This paper tries to highlight the benefits that are derived by studying the topic of probability. More emphasis is put on the prior probability and the Bayes theorem. The application of Bayes’ theorem in everyday’s life and in school can never be underestimated. The lesson has brought insight into different...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 588
Pages: 2
Statistical assumptions In this analysis, the labor force status will be the explained variable while the number of people married will be the explanatory variable. In the analysis, it will be assumed that there is a linear relationship between the two variables and that the data follow a normal distribution...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 757
Pages: 2
Introduction Mountains are landform that ascends well higher than its environs, usually displaying steep slope, a comparatively limited summit region, and significant local relief. They are formed by processes like faulting, folding, or up warping of the earth’s surface as a result of plate movements. The Rockies in North America...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1172
Pages: 4
This paper discusses the Social Facilitation of human beings specifically and about the development regarding social facilitation, exploring the tendency of people to be aroused in such an environment that would ultimately end up in better performance on simple assigned tasks or the tasks on which they have full command...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 908
Pages: 3
Introduction This paper provides a discussion on description and analysis of data. For this population, the population statistics of UK for the years from 1970 to 2006 has been used. Data was obtained from the World Bank site (WB. 2008). Description of Data accessing The data selected for the paper...
Topic: Population
Words: 1154
Pages: 4
Summary Type of Study The correlation between society and individual has always remained a prosperous field for psychological research. As for the main reasons for this fact, Rosenmann, Reese, and Cameron state that “social groups are an essential feature of human life”. Hence, the value of the groups allows researchers...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1648
Pages: 6
Mid-Atlantic Ridge Scrutinizing the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from the perspective of the Continental Drift Theory (CDT), one will understand the nature of the object and the processes that take place within it. If the entire mass of water is drained from the Earth, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge as a divergent plate boundary...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 291
Pages: 1
Research design In this project, I was interested in determining whether there is a relationship between academic performance in reading and academic performance in science courses. The study sought to test the following hypothesis: H0: There is a significant correlation between reading performance and performance in science courses. H1: There...
Topic: Academic Performance
Words: 849
Pages: 4
Introduction The value of qualitative research in evidence-based practice includes cases when the results cannot be measured using qualitative research but observations, assessment, interviews, and reports can be processed to find out how some actions influence the patients. For example, qualitative research in evidence-based practice can help to find out...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 564
Pages: 2
One of the distinctive features of the naturalistic inquiry is its focus on the context (Patton, 2014). This type of qualitative research is often associated with working in the field. Clearly, context is the key component of the research. Therefore, the theme that is the most persistent when considering the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 585
Pages: 2
Logic models can be a helpful tool for formulating and assessing a wide array of programs. In particular, they may be of use for both creating and evaluating human and social services programs. In this discussion, some of how logic models can help with assessing such problems are considered. Also,...
Topic: Logic
Words: 668
Pages: 2
Introduction Both qualitative and quantitative research designs are regularly used by professional nurses and scholars who conduct different studies. The context and findings of every project require analyzing it to decide on the most appropriate research method that must be used in a particular case. The following paper is intended...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 875
Pages: 4
Although the question above seems to be philosophical or rhetorical, I will try to explain and argue my opposite viewpoint from different perspectives. The process of learning particular information from reading or analyzing appropriate materials is a scientific method. According to this data, it would be proper to claim that...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 580
Pages: 3
When conducting research, it is important to reach accurate conclusions and generalizations concerning the participant groups. For this purpose, statistical tests are used, which can be classified into parametric and non-parametric. While for the first type, the researcher is aware of the parameter to be applied to the sample, the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 462
Pages: 2
If there is a correlation between two variables that tends to be close to linear (that is, if one variable changes, the other also does so), this tendency can be demonstrated on a Cartesian coordinate system by drawing a straight line to which the data points converge. How scattered the...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 689
Pages: 3
Plan for Data Analysis of Demographic Variables To identify associations between the demographic variables, correlational descriptive statistics tests will be used. The correlation coefficient will be the key focus to show how closely the two or more variables are related. The regression equation and the correlation coefficient will be calculated...
Topic: Demography
Words: 558
Pages: 3
Experiment Description Introduction Identifying the flow rates of liquid in a specific environment is a complicated task. However, the adoption of the Venturi Flow Meter contributes to acquiring rather accurate results. Purpose The purpose of the experiment is to understand the principles of flow measurement and to learn to apply...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1399
Pages: 6
Formation of Continental Mountain Ranges and the Life Cycle of an Ocean When two limestone rocks are split into halves, their inside reveals the existence of fossils. The rocks, one with trilobite and the other one with ammonite, are taken from the top of two mountains, Andes Mountain and Mount...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1470
Pages: 6
The issue of travelling in time is not new because it has interested people for centuries and continues interesting us today. However, in spite of people’s high concern and eagerness to uncover time’s mysteries, it still keeps its secrets as it did centuries ago. Even in our time, when a...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1231
Pages: 5
The Most Important Thermodynamics Law There are four laws of thermodynamics in physics, each describing unique aspects of heat transfer. The laws include the postulation of the principle of thermodynamic equilibrium, the law of conservation of energy, heat conversion, and zero temperature. However, in my opinion, one of the most...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 441
Pages: 1
Introduction The practical value of statistical analysis lies in the ability to make data-driven decisions that reduce the effects of bias and subjectivity of conclusions. In this paper, statistical analysis is used to analyze differences in child mortality data between two regions. Since the data do not fulfill the criteria...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 541
Pages: 2
Introduction: Problem Statement The problem addressed in this project involves analyzing a large set of historical data for two basketball teams, the Los Angeles Lakers and the Chicago Bulls. The goal is to conduct statistical analyses and derive insights to improve their respective performances using the Python programming language to...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1689
Pages: 6
Introduction Examining the specifics of perception, particularly the ability to evaluate size and the related ability to perform a respective action, represents a peculiar area of study. Specifically, the correlation between the ability to assess the size of an object and take respective actions to grab or hit it represents...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 608
Pages: 2
Introduction The Society for Social Work and Research is determined to advance social work research in all spheres of life. The organization focuses on designing and transferring rigorous research practices that influence policy decisions that impact social welfare programs. Therefore, it is vital to explicate the role statistics plays in...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 1136
Pages: 4
Introduction Statistics have an essential place in modern-day healthcare, directly affecting its most significant components. In particular, the correct application of statistics contributes to the quality and safety of care and promotes beneficial health practices. Furthermore, statistics can point to more effective leadership practices, improving the care process. This paper...
Topic: Health
Words: 975
Pages: 4
Introduction This task examines the benefits of cooking a meal yourself compared to buying a ready-made meal. Specifically, the cost per cooked portion is £1 per person, which is equivalent to £3 for a family of three. Accordingly, the key objective of this analysis is to determine whether cooking a...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 362
Pages: 1
The categorical variable selected is X2SEX which is the T2 Student’s sex. The continuous variable selected is S1HRVIDEO which is the hours spent playing video games on a typical school day. Table 1.0: descriptive for variable X1SES Descriptive Statistics T1 Socio-economic status composite Valid N (listwise) N 4295 4295 Minimum...
Topic: Social Change
Words: 309
Pages: 1