Living in a City: Advantages and Disadvantages

People are usually faced with different options when deciding on where to live. That is do they want to live in the city or would they prefer to live in the suburbs where it is more peaceful. The essay that follows intends to show the advantages and disadvantages of city...

Should Smoking Be Illegal?

Should smoking be banned? What are the pros and cons of banning cigarettes in public places? If you’re writing an argumentative essay or persuasive speech on why smoking should be banned, check out this sample. Smoking Should Be Banned: Essay Introduction Smoking involves burning a substance to take in its...

Do Video Games Cause Violence: Essay Sample

Do Video Games Cause Violence: Essay Introduction Video games are electronic devices that require the interaction of a user. This enables the generation of visual feedback. Video games vary from handheld devices to mainframe computers. Video games started as early as the mid-20th century, and today their popularity has grown...

What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?

If you have a lot of money, what will you do? Essay on this topic is commonly assigned to students. This “what would you do with a million dollars” essay will inspire a great paper. If I Had a Million Dollars: Essay Introduction People around the world have all sorts...

Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Sciences

Introduction Humanities, social science, and natural sciences are major disciplines that deal with human beings and their culture. The main similarity between the three subjects is that they study society and human relationships. However, humanities deal with the heritage and the question of what makes us human, while social sciences...

The Impact of Social Change on the Education System

As social change occurs, the education system too undergoes some transformation. This is marked with the need for an education system that advocates for equality and social justice. It has been mentioned that the political ideology influences what is taught by the education system. Changes are noted in the curriculum...

Can Money Always Buy Everything You Want?

Money can be defined as coins and banknotes used as a medium of exchange of goods and services. It guarantees the achievement of exchange of goods and services by being the only item on offer that is always acceptable by everyone (Mishkin, p. 4). It is however necessary because human...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Volunteering

Voluntary work is an act where an individual offers free services to people without getting a reward in return for the service provided. Voluntary work has gained popularity over time because it comes with many essential benefits. Whereas volunteering in any organization has many benefits to the individual, it also...

Drunk Driving Essay: Effects, Dangers, and Prevention of Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving Essay: Abstract Driving under the influence of alcohol is a common practice in all countries where alcohol consumption is legal. This behavior has emerged as an important issue affecting road safety over the past few decades. This free drinking and driving essay discusses the issue of drunk...

Social Media Addiction: Causes and Effects

Problematic or addictive social media (SM) use and its implications for health have become popular research topics in recent years. SM addiction refers to a type of behavioral addiction characterized by an individual’s excessive concern with SM communication that results in an obsessive desire to check SM feedback in a...

How to Help Homeless People?

Introduction Homeless people are one of the big problems of our society. They suffer because of the lack of food, poor clothes, and absence of homes to hide from bad weather or other factors. For this reason, I believe that people should unite to help such individuals as together we...

Drug Addiction: Advantages and Disadvantages

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Drugs? Essay Introduction A drug is a substance containing a chemical with the ability to change the normal biological processes and functions. It is used in medicine to correct or cure diseases and socially as a psychological stimulant to enhance pleasure. Drug addiction...

The Roles of Women Changing in the World Today

Introduction Women have been one of the most important elements of society but were never able to make an eminent place in the world, due to the dominance of men all over. This gender of society has forever been the lower one, with male supremacy and authority taking their toll...

Impacts of Drugs on the Society

Drug usage has been a crucial issue worldwide for many decades. It impacts not only the particular individuals addicted to illegal substances but also the surrounding around them, and eventually, it leads to massive social issues. This essay aims to identify drug addiction’s influence on society on the local, national,...

Interdisciplinary Approach in Social Science

This paper analyzes interdisciplinary approach in social science education. It looks at its merits as a teaching technique and proves the need of studying social science through interdisciplinary perspectives. Introduction Most sociology scholars are drawn into this discipline because it is inherently interdisciplinary by nature. Furthermore, it is almost impossible...

Violent Computer Games Must Be Banned

In a rapidly changing world, computer technology is becoming an increasingly important factor influencing the formation of a young person’s identity. With the growth of the influence of computer technologies on the consciousness of a modern person, a tendency has emerged that allows one to notice the increasing dynamics of...

Analysis of Gwen’s Addiction in the Film “28 Days”

Introduction Nowadays, the social conditions of different people are changing for the better, but this does not entirely protect them from the emergence of adverse mental illnesses and addictions. Unfortunately, addiction to psychoactive substances remains a pressing problem (Rosen, et al., 2018). Such substances include alcohol (Class A), which causes...

Disadvantages of Vaping

Introduction Vaping is very popular and widespread among young people nowadays. According to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than 37% of 12th graders reported vaping in 2018 (Shmerling, 2019). These numbers are quite alarming, as scientists do not know much about the potential short- and...

Causes of Violence in Society

What Are the Causes of Violence in Society: Abstract There are many factors that can cause people into violent acts. Acts of violence in humans can be caused by triggers to violent acts and propensity to be violent. The propensity to be violent depends on the personal character of the...

The Problem of Homelessness: Sociological Perspectives

Introduction Social problems affect many citizens and make it impossible for them to overcome most of the hurdles they experience in their lives. Homelessness is one of them and it is associated with poverty and absence of personalized medical services. The affected individuals will also suffer family breakdown and poor...

Literary Analysis of “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid

Introduction The gender distinction and stereotypes are subconsciously nurtured into our perception of the world since childhood. The “Girl” is a short story written by Jamaica Kincaid that interprets the societal prospects regarding what a girl child advancing into womanhood should be. The protagonists of the story are both female...

Why Bullies Should Be Expelled from School?

Introduction School is one of the most important social institutions that have an educational and educative function. Safety is a critical element of a school that requires constant monitoring and development. Bullying encroaches on school safety, so now the question of what to do with bullies is quite relevant. The...

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Teenage pregnancy Teenage pregnancy is now recognized to be a major social issue because teenagers are now increasingly involving in sexual intercourse at an early age, creating severe complexities not only for themselves but also for the society at large. Associated problems include larger numbers of unmarried mothers and social...

Should People Under 18 Get a Tattoo?

Introduction For many years, tattoos used to be associated with artists, prisoners, gangsters, and rebels in the community. However, the situation has changed significantly since they have become an integral part or feature of every society. Those who chose them find it easier to express their personal views and beliefs...

Poverty as a Social Problem

This free essay on poverty as a social problem looks at a grave problem that exists in America and in the world. It provides reasons why people are experiencing poverty as well as some solutions. Introduction Society often perceives poverty as an individualistic issue, believing it is a consequence of...

The Essay “The Meanings of a Word” by Gloria Naylor

This literary analysis seeks to evaluate Gloria Naylor’s short story “The Meanings of a Word” from the perspective of a sociological paradigm. The subject of this story is the autobiographical study of a young author who describes her experiences and feelings about the use of the term “Nigger” in her...

Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood

Aging is a part of human life and entails not only physiological but also psychological, emotional, and social changes. First of all, negative or positive perception of this process depends on social connections and support, as well as a person’s attitude. Socioemotional development in late adulthood can vary depending on...

Generation Z: At the Avant-Garde of Change

When generations change, they inherit the world in the state as the previous ones left it. Each of the generations had to manage multiple problems that were not necessarily the product of their actions – these problems are, to a certain degree, unique, resulting from a peculiar combination of societal,...

Poverty: Causes and Solutions to Problem

Introduction Poverty is a global economic and social problem that has persisted throughout the centuries. Attempts to establish the causes of poverty and the solutions to the issue have been made since the emergence of early civilizations. Despite the significant drop in the numbers of the extremely poor in the...

Causes of Youth Unemployment

People need a sufficient income to procure a life of full value, not to mention that self-realization is necessary for stable mental health. However, young people sometimes do not manage to find an occupation when they are at a mature age. The problem of youth unemployment has become a global...

Celebrities Should Not Be Role Models

The question as to whether celebrities should be seen as role models for inspiring the generations of young people is controversial. On the one hand, some stars have poor values and should not be elevated to the place of authority. On the other, famous people have reached fame because of...

Alcoholism: Causes, Risk Factors, and Symptoms

Introduction The term alcoholism may be used to refer to a wide range of issues associated with alcohol. Simply put, it is a situation whereby an individual cannot stay without alcohol. An alcoholic usually drinks alcohol uncontrollably and persistently. Alcoholism usually leads to ill health, and it affects relationships between...

Annoying and Obnoxious Person’ Description

There is a sort of people who are unable to make decisions and who have gotten used to relying on other people any time they face problems. They are reluctant to look at the problem from a different angle and think over possible solutions. I have met such people many...

Homelessness: Causes and Solutions

Introduction Contemporary social problems are not only a consequence of individual factors that do not depend on people, for instance, political fluctuations in the international arena but also the outcome of unreasonable and ineffective government practices. One of these issues is homelessness a phenomenon that is acutely felt in the...

Power, Politics, and Culture in Business Environment

Introduction The term politics can be used to describe a variety of practices, including, but not limited to those that are used by the government. In the case of organizations and companies, however, politics as a concept are mostly understood in a negative light. The practice is used to maintain...

Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Young People

Alcohol Abuse Essay Introduction Alcoholism and drug addiction are considered not only purely medical but also social problems of modern society. Alcohol and drug abuse have been known since ancient times and have now extended to disturbing proportions in the world community. Even when limiting alcohol and drug abuse to...

Cigarette Smokers and Their Types

Introduction A smoker is any person who consumes burned tobacco or its vapors, either through tasting or through inhaling. Smokers are classified according to the number of cigarettes they smoke per day. Different countries use different standards to classify smokers based on their consumption rate. Thus, we cannot say a...

South Africa: Violence and Crime

The Republic of South Africa is the most economically developed country in Africa. Now it is a BRICS country and a member of the G20, but, until the end of the last century, it was under international sanctions approved by the UN due to the official apartheid policy ‑ discrimination...

Gender Inequality Issue and Solutions

Gender inequality is one issue I feel strongly about following its negative impacts on societies. It is the state in which all individuals, regardless of their sex or gender identity, are able to access and enjoy the same opportunities, rights, and resources. Many advancements have been made toward achieving gender...

Laziness as a Modern Enemy of People

Every person has dreams that they want to fulfill. Someone dreams of becoming a teacher, someone a doctor, and someone plans to travel to many countries. All this can be achieved if a person is not lazy. Laziness is a modern enemy of people because of which problems appear in...

The Problem of Bullying in School

Introduction Bullying refers to the consistent and deliberate actions used by individuals to undermine others. Such actions aim to cause distress and provoke the victims since they are perceived to be powerless. In schools, bullying poses a danger to young students since it creates an uncomfortable environment for them to...

Sociological Analysis of Nosedive: “Black Mirror” by Brooker

Introduction In the past few decades, media was the source of shaping people’s opinions and the broadcaster of fundamental thoughts, ideas, and messages. The advent of television programs, radio, or social media has changed the perception of such messages, whether they are open or hidden, that sometimes cannot be easily...

An Analysis of the movie “Crash” by Paul Haggis

In the movie “Crash,” Paul Haggis tries to show how our racial biases affect the way we interact with others. In the movie, the characters tend to assume certain socioeconomic status and behaviour with certain cultures. As a result of these prejudices, the characters feel threatened even when they are...

Why Are Superheroes So Important in Society?

Superheroes are extremely popular in modern society. They are considered good role models who teach us to stand up for justice and to protect others. This essay analyzes the question, “Why are superheroes so important in society?” and discusses whether modern day superheroes’ depiction can be bad for children. Introduction:...

Babbie Earl’s Book “The Practice of Social Research”

Introduction The modern world has become increasingly dynamic due to the ever-changing patterns of life and societies. There is a strong relationship that exists between social ways of life and science. Scholars in sociology and science attempt to decode this interrelationship by adopting research practices that focus primarily on understanding...

The Article “Our Blind Spots About Guns” by Nicholas Kristof

In his New York Times Article “Our Blind Spots About Guns,” Nicholas Kristof (2014) addresses a pivotal social issue, which gun ownership, outcomes, and responsibility related to it. The author introduces his topic by drawing a similarity between fatalities induced by cars and those caused by guns. Kristof (2014) states...

Social Issues in Sports & Activities: Athletics

In athletics, gender inequality and racial discrimination are two main social issues that affect females. One of the most vivid examples is the lower payment that is provided to female athletes in comparison to their male counterparts. Namely, $35-40 million is paid to the male winners of the FIFA World...

Bullying in Schools: Anti-Bullying Programs

Introduction Bullying in schools is a growing concern all over the world. Violence and insults cause psychological harm not only to victims but also to bullies. Students who get abused often feel insecure at school and dream of a safe place to go. In turn, those who insult their classmates...

Workplace Harassment and Retaliation

This paper discusses the topic of workplace harassment and its different aspects. In particular, the definition of harassment as a whole is discussed, pertaining to both employee and non-employee led harassment against individuals. Furthermore, particulars of verbal, physical, and online harassment are discussed. The paper aims at enhancing the awareness...

Poverty and Theories of Its Causes

Over the past decades, poverty has adversely affected some schools’ performance. For example, in my workplace, some students cannot afford the basic requirements to support their learning. In addition, they do not get adequate parental support because the parents are spending most of their time looking for resources. Behavioral learning...

Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning

Introduction Present-day individuals are faced with an infinite flow of information coming from various sources, such as TV advertisements, political claims of presidential candidates, or news articles on websites. Not all of these messages are true and logical, so people have to treat information critically to avoid being deceived. Therefore,...

Free School Lunches: Support of Free Lunch and Opposition and Rebuttal

Introduction Children are delicate, and they should be given all the necessary support that they need at school, including being offered free lunch. Hungry children cannot learn efficiently because they lack the capacity to tolerate the effects of an empty stomach. However, whether school lunches should be free or not...

The Problem of the Unemployment

Introduction Unemployment is a serious problem in the modern world since it has social and economic consequences for individuals and the country. Crises and disruptions in the state’s economy can lead to the fact that it will no longer be able to create a sufficient number of jobs for citizens....

Beauty Pageants: Importance and Benefits

Beauty pageants are contests that have been held in almost all the countries of the world for a long time, where participants demonstrate their talents and, first of all, beauty. Their popularity can be explained by the fact that these pageants entertain viewers who cheer for their compatriots. Besides, such...

Child Labor and Social Worker Interventions

The child labor is among the most terrible life issues that children face today around the world. According to the “International Labor Organization Statistics”, 211 million children between five and fourteen years old work globally. 120 million children work full time while others work part-time to support their families (Staff,...

Chronicles of Bullying: An Editorial Article

Bullies are people with the prevailing antisocial behavior of getting under others skin and converting them to be their helpers (Besag, 2009). How and why on earth would one child bully another? Well, someone can be wondering what they gain by making others their subjects. Bullying can exist in different...

Social Classes in 19th Century British Literature

During 19th century, social class played an important role in lives of people and determined their destiny and life opportunities. In their novels, Austen and Gaskell depict the role and importance of class, and describe attitudes and values of different social classes. Persuasion and North and South are based on...

Gender-Based Violence and Its Effects: Literature Review

Introduction Gender-based violence is considered to be one of the most persistent issues affecting women around the world, and many literary masterpieces were oriented on the massive spread of this problem. Wirtz et al. (2018) posit that gender-based violence has immediate and long-term consequences, including missed work, poor physical and...

Vincent Parillo “Causes of Prejudice”: Key Ideas

Throughout the world, human equality has always been a problem. Stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice have become intergenerational, and society has accepted these forms of behaviors as satisfactory and usual. Based on the article Causes of Prejudice, Vincent N. Parrillo argues that prejudice appears in two forms, either sociological or psychological....

The Advantaged and Disadvantages for People in the Modern Civilized World

Introduction The history of mankind is full of different levels of development when people improved their lives using different innovations. The modern world is full of different computerized innovations which help people to live in the world. On the other hand, the civilization creates a lot of inconveniences, if not...

Needs of Individuals with Disability

Introduction No one chooses to be disabled, and there is no one that cannot develop some form of disability regardless of age. Therefore, the debate about resources given to disability should not be reclaimed. Disability is that point in one life when their normal daily processes are interfered; disability can...

Social Media Addiction: How to Overcome the Problem

Introduction Social media addiction is the extensive usage of social network platforms, including Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, disrupting individuals’ daily lives. Despite social media connecting people across the globe, 18% of US citizens are considered addicted to social media, engendered by its variable reward system engendering satisfaction (Hou et...

The Film “The Help” from a Sociological Perspective

Introduction One of the most ideologically reactionary varieties of naturalism in sociology is the racial-anthropological approach. The main theme of the film ‘The Help’ is the relationship between representatives of different social and racial backgrounds. Therefore, this particular sociological perspective will be rational as the other approaches do not concentrate...

Disadvantages of Wealth

Achieving wealth and prestige is often the life goal of many young people. Money brings such advantages as better food and medicine, any things a person needs and wants, as well as the fulfillment of almost any desires without effort. However, stories of spoiled children of millionaires or pop stars...

“Is Social Work a Profession?” by Abraham Flexner

Abraham Flexner’s article “Is Social Work a Profession” opens the author’s view on the essence of social work and its compatibility with the concepts of profession and professionalism. While his vision can be misinterpreted, it is worth noting that the article significantly impacts social work development. The publication provides criteria...

“Plata O Plomo: Silver or Lead” Article by Javdani

In “Plata O Plomo: Silver or Lead,” Marie Javdani aims to address the ways of dealing with the persistent problem of drug use and selling in Colombia. The main objective of the article was to urge the US government to look for alternative ways of dealing with the problem because...

Is Stealing Ever Justified?

It is necessary to pay more attention to the causal relationship for the interpretation of all crimes and misdemeanors, that is, to study the factors influencing the causes of the occurrence of a variety of crimes. The reason is that their content is closely related to each other. Stealing is...

The Article “Blue-Collar Brilliance” by Mike Rose

Introduction In the article, Blue-Collar Brilliance, Mike Rose examines the assumptions about intelligence, vocation, and socioeconomic status. The author uses his family to illustrate how hard-working, intelligent people with skills that match those found in white-collar jobs. He stresses that the blue-collar workers are the unsung foot soldiers driving the...

Addiction in “Dragged High on Alcohol” Documentary

“Dragged High on Alcohol” is about an alcohol addict Ryan, and the film crew follows him and his family, showing how Ryan experiences his addiction. At the end of this film, Ryan dies from injuries he received in a bike accident, and because he was consuming so much alcohol, his...

Racism: “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah

Born a Crime is an autobiography written by comedian Trevor Noah, where he reflects on his childhood under the racist laws of apartheid. It is thrilling to follow his experience because it showcases the horrors and unfairness of racism. He talks about being a chameleon among African people as a...

Simone de Beauvoir: ‘Introduction’ From the Second Sex

Simon uses the question “what is a woman” to showcase the idea and how it applies to men and their perception of women. For instance, “what is a woman” has been used to argue that women are always wrong, men are always right. The view has been brought forward to...

Loe’s “Working at Bazooms”: Qualitative Sociological Analysis

Summarizing The article presents an investigation into the power of dynamics of the Bazoom Girls restaurant chain. In the beginning, the author gives the background of the research and implies how it was conducted. Then the article goes in-depth regarding the job powers, the gender roles, and the sexualization aspect...

The Problem of Abuse on Women and Children

Reason 1: Afraid to Report One of the reasons why abuse on women and children is rampant is the fact that the victims are afraid of reporting their experiences to the relevant authorities. Hamilton explains that the fear to report is usually based on two things (6). The first is...

Examples of Conflict Between Personal and Professional Values

Introduction The profession of a social worker is meant to enhance human wellbeing by helping the needy people. In addition, it focuses on the empowerment of the socially marginalized people in a given society. In other words, the social work entails caring for the needy, which calls for professionals with...

Racism in Ken Liu’s “The Paper Menagerie”

Preconceptions based on racial origin are exceedingly unjust and hurtful because one cannot select their ethnicity. Hearing disparaging statements from strangers is different from suffering emotional disrespect from those closest to an individual. The pain of discrimination is portrayed within a blended background in Ken Liu’s “The Paper Menagerie.” The...

Context of “The Land of the Free” by Sui Sin Far

Introduction Sui Sin Far is a British-American female writer known for her literary portrayal of the Chinese people’s experience in North America, inspired by witnessing the hostility and prejudice against Chinese natives. Far discusses the underlying concerns of being a Chinese person overseas from historical and legal perspectives. The story...

One Thing to Bring to a Desert Island

The idea of being stranded on an uninhabited island has been quite inspirational, providing ideas for a range of entertainment products, from literary fiction to TV shows. The idea of going to the primitive state within days is both frightening and exciting to observe. However, facing the described situation personally...

Racism in the Poem “Black Judgment” by Giovanni, Nikki

The main theme of the poem is how conventionality cannot relate to the issues of minorities. Nikki Giovanni was an African American revolutionist writer who illustrated that the surrounding environment plays a critical role in the creative aspect of a writer. The given piece wants to show that one cannot...

The Crack Cocaine Epidemic: Sharanda Jones’s Case

Introduction In the 1980s-1990s, the United States witnessed the crack cocaine epidemic. At that time, people excessively used cocaine, which led to increased crime rates. Since the late 20th-century society was not free from cultural and racial prejudice, representatives of particular minority groups or ethnicities felt higher pressure on the...

Gender Discrimination Issues and Interventions

Introduction The identification of gender discrimination is a social issue that requires much attention from public opinion. Thesis statement: gender discrimination is a social construct that prevents women from progressing, and the main beneficiaries are insecure men who fear competition in different life aspects. Gender discrimination causes Describing the background...

Domestic Violence, Consequences and Solutions

Introduction Domestic violence is a burden of contemporary society. In the United States, there are more than ten million victims of violent actions every year (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2015). Cases of domestic violence can be found in any community. Their prevalence does not depend on age, social status,...

Gender-Based Violence in South Africa

Gender-based violence is any harm done to a person or group of persons because of their actual or perceived sex, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Any act of gender-based violence, whether public or private, causes or is likely to inflict bodily, sexual, or psychological pain or suffering to women,...

“Why You Should Take a Break” by Hardcastle

The TED Talk “Why you should take a break: Prioritizing mental health in schools” was given by Hailey Hardcastle on February 2, 2020 at the Salem Convention Center. The speaker’s primary message is that states and schools should institute provisions to help students who are struggling with their mental health...

Domestic Violence Against Women in India

Introduction Domestic vehemence is a severe social problem in India, with among the world’s highest rates. Around 30 percent of all women in India have suffered family abuse at minimum once for 15 years (Domestic Violence and Women’s Health in India: Insights from NFHS-4, 2022, para. 4). Approximately 4 percent...

Sociological Themes in the “Taxi Driver” Film

Like other forms of artistic expression, movies can serve society, draw public attention to existing problems, and raise ethical questions. Taxi Driver is a movie by Martin Scorsese that tells a compelling emotional story of Travis Bickle, who works in New York as a cab driver after being discharged from...

Poverty Effects on an Individual

People work hard to meet their needs. However, this does not necessary mean escape from poverty. Poverty can cause extensive damage on one’s life. This is mainly because poverty affects health, education, employment opportunities, family, friends and social status, among others. Poverty causes extreme suffering, especially if one cannot afford...

Martin Luther King’s Three Ways to Meet Oppression

Oppression is the state where one is subjected to cruel and unjust treatment. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an activist, spoke largely on oppression and classified three ways in which oppressed people can deal with their oppression. These three ways include; acquiescence, violent, and nonviolent resistance. However, from his text,...

Sociology. Analyzing Everyday Life: Doing Nothing

I chose to conduct my experiment at a mall in my home town. It was an ideal location for the experiment because so many people purchase their household goods from the mall. They also come there for recreation and the like. I knew that there was a very serious likelihood...

Sugar in School Breakfast Article by Lengyel et al.

Article Summary The article Sugar in School Breakfast: A School District’s Perspective provides a detailed account of the sugar amounts in students’ food rations. As the parents become more concerned about the effects of increased sugar levels on the children’s health, this study evaluates the learners’ everyday intake of sugar,...

Joseph Kahl and Dennis Gilbert’s Model of Social Class

Most sociologists agree with Weber’s social class ideas defining it as a group of people with similar power, wealth, and prestige. Joseph Kahl and Dennis Gilbert’s model of social class stratifies the U.S. population into six different groups. The underclass is the lowest one that consists of low-income households characterized...

Promote Outdoor Fun Than Mobile Games to Children

With the development of technical progress, which led to the emergence of all sorts of computer technologies, mankind has acquired not only advantages but also significant disadvantages that mainly affect the development of children. Among the benefits of mobile gaming, the most important one is that according to the recent...

Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction

A family is a natural social system that occurs in heterogeneous forms today and represents a diversity of cultural heritage. The addictions that have effects on marriage can be classified into two groups: substance addiction and process addiction. Prominently ranked among the various types of substance addiction is drug addiction....

Why Celebrities Should Be a Positive Role Model

Living within a culture that values fame and stardom, celebrities enjoy followership, attention, and admiration from their fans. It is not surprising that the appreciation of a famous person’s work may expand to include interest in their lifestyle and the desire to emulate it. Coincidentally, it is often the most...

The Link Between Sensation and Perception

Sensation and perception are two distinct processes that are closely linked. The senses constitute the stimuli that the body’s sensory receptors detect from the surrounding environment. On the other hand, perception describes a mental process where the perceived cues are selected, organized, and interpreted into meaningful patterns (Byrne, 2018). Although...

Pornography: A Global Problem

WWW these three letters have changed the world forever, some might argue that the change has been for the worse but majority of the people would agree that the introduction of the internet has brought many changes in society. Internet offers unmatched facilities to countless people all across the globe,...

Discussion of Cyberbullying in Society

Cyberbullying is an aggressive and intentional attack made on an individual or group of people through electronic means like computer devices (Thomas et al., 141). Those who get attacked hardly have the power to protect themselves from their bullies. In some instances, victims may fail to know their abusers. In...

Analysis of “Hoodie” Poem by January Gill O’Neil

“Hoodie” by January Gill O’Neil is a poem the central topic of which is a mother’s concern about the safety and wellbeing of her teenage son when she sees him walking in the street. At the same time, in order to understand this work to the fullest extent, it is...

The Machiavellianism Theory’s Application to Slavery

The discipline of social sciences is widely used to denote the way individuals behave within a society, differentiating the morally accepted behaviors that are mostly referred to as immoral. Those individuals occupying certain leadership positions are prone to being dictators and thus many of them would be vulnerable to leading...

The Effects of Violent Video Games and Movies

Researchers do not yet have a definite answer on what effects violent games and movies let to. It should be mentioned that there is a continuing debate among researchers over the relationship between violent video games and movies and aggressive behavior (Onwukwe et al., 2017). If with adults, the situation...

The History of Slavery: Impacts on Contemporary Society

Introduction Slavery is one of the most harmful concepts devised by humans. It strips people of their identity and uses them as property, rather than human beings. Throughout history, this practice took many forms. From the earliest recorded examples in Mesopotamia to modern examples of human trafficking and dictatorial rule....

The Effects of Overpopulation

Global problems affect the life not only of certain individuals but the society in general. One of the global dilemmas that can consequently lead to the severe outcome is overpopulation. The major purpose of the paper is to discuss the problem of overpopulation, highlight the risks and environmental problems, as...

Surrogacy, Its Benefits and Risks

Introduction Many couples around the world wish to have children, but some are unable to conceive or carry a baby due to various reasons. People who cannot go through the process of having a child often resort to surrogacy. The concept refers to the practice of a woman undertaking gestation...

Teenage Pregnancy in Modern Society

The current problem of teenage pregnancy is associated with poverty, low levels of education, and substance use. This problem is marginalized, and young mothers suffer severe stigmatization and their children. It is essential to understand the causes and circumstances of teen pregnancy and how to make this problem even less...

“The Fine Art of Baloney Detection” Essay by Carl Sagan

The chapter revolves around the idea of deception and its different types. The author starts his congratulations with a strong example, mentioning his parents’ death, which was shocking for him. Although much time has passed, he is still sometimes “seized by the overpowering realization that they didn’t really die” (Sagan,...

Seeing the Strange in the Familiar

Introduction Social perspectives refer to the various ways human beings apply to understand and appreciate the social world. This involves seeing the strange in the familiar, by critically identifying and examining both our own and other people’s ethics and beliefs. Theories on this subject were explored by several prominent sociologists...

Violent Revolution in Response to Political Oppression

Introduction Culturally and economically marginalized groups endure constant injustice and inequality that stem from limited access to basic health services, education, food, and job opportunities. As such, oppression persists in constructing new realities in a world where the complexities and dynamics of socioeconomic and political change have been interwoven throughout...

A Lesson You Learned the Hard Way

Introduction Numerous lessons can be learned from our life experiences and the experience of others. This is a story about a boy returning to his old neighborhood during the holidays. Our hero and his family had to move to another town many years ago, and now our hero and his...

The Eliminating Poverty Strategies

Introduction Poverty is a multifaceted concept that describes lack of resources that are necessary in order for people to get access to basic human needs that include food, shelter, and clothing (Gilbert, 2004). According to the United Nations, more than 3 billion in the world live in poverty (Maconick, 2002)....

“How to Be a Success”: Article by Michael Gladwell

Summary In his 2008 article, “How to Be a Success,” Michael Gladwell contemplates on the essential attributes of a successful person in the 21st century. Pursuing success, both in social interactions and in business is currently seen as one of the main goals for an individual to achieve. According to...

Development Stage: Early Adulthood

Introduction Early adulthood is one of the age-related stages of life, considering people in the age of twenty to forty. The phase is characterized by the individuals transiting from late adolescence who are determined to have a well-defined identity and lead a responsible life. They engage in various developmental tasks,...

Obsession with Beauty of North American Women

Introduction Most women in America and the world over have at one time or the other in their lifetimes involved in some form of a beauty contest. People want to look physically attractive. According to our society’s standards, beauty is so important that it is becoming everyone woman’s obsession. The...

Alcohol Use Disorder: Case Conceptualization

Introduction The patient is a 45-year-old male presenting with a drinking problem. He works as a corporate lawyer at a local company. In this case, no clear information about his family is given, except that he has a wife who threatens to move out with their children if the man...

The Case for a Parenting License: Benefits and Controversies

Introduction Although a parenting license is considered a restriction of human rights, this measure is beneficial because it prepares adults for parenthood, provides the child with a financial safety net, and protects them from abuse. The intersection of the institutions of the state and the family has always been a...

Cyberbullying Through Social Learning Theory Lens

Introduction The growing popularity of technological society and developing online interactions often create new dangers for users. Potential offenders now have more anonymity due to the rising of social media to establish relationships and consider targets for criminal activity. Cybercriminals have created a wide range of activities, many of which...

Authentic and Pseudo-Transformational Leaders

In order to achieve success for the company, leaders should motivate their followers. Thus, in defining the source of their motivation, leaders can be motivated by bringing good to many people. Alternatively, leaders can be motivated to move the company towards success for personal gain. Thus, the leaders who set...

Teenage Pregnancy as a Global Problem

Introduction Adolescent pregnancy refers to the pregnancy of an underage adolescent girl (usually 11-17 years old). The problem with adolescent pregnancy stems from a mismatch between the age of sexual and social maturity. The age and criteria of social maturity vary from country to country and culture to culture. The...

Structural Oppression, Marginalization and Alienation

There are various instances in the Bible where structures oppressed, marginalized, alienated, or created or enhanced privilege and power. The stories of Moses and Jesus discussed below are such occasions. In Moses’ narrative, he is hiding and placed in a reed basket by his parents so he could float on...

Bullying: A Serious Social Problem

Introduction Bullying is an undesirable word commonly encountered in schools and at workplaces. Bullying is associated with the abusive behavior of an enlightened person. Bullies fear being publicly summoned to account for their actions. Hence, this demonstrates that a person who bullies aims at hiding his/her inadequacy. Despite the bravery...

An Ideal Society. Key Components

People belong to specific cultures, societies, and nations. The field of sociology allows individuals and researchers to learn more about societies, how they develop, and the attributes governing members’ behaviors. Sociological perspectives offer superior ideas for supporting the establishment of an ideal society. However, the realities recorded in different communities...

The Dangers of Speeding While Driving

Outline High speed driving is a dangerous but very common practice and has been blamed for most motor accidents happening in modern day society. Motor accidents lead to fatal injuries that may result in permanent disability and also cause very many premature deaths as well as damage to the vehicles....

Alcohol Taking by the Teenagers

Introduction Teenage drinking has increased recently and has brought about a great concern in the society. The average age in which boys start consumption of alcohol is 11 years while for girls is 13 years. Teenage drinking is caused by peer influence, depression due to problems in the family, promotions...

The Fattening Room: Advantages and Disadvantages

I am of the idea that the fattening room is both advantageous as well as disadvantageous to the community based on several observations. To expound, based on Simmons’ ideas, it is evident that the time spent inside the room exposes the teenage initiate to depression. For example, Margaret Bassey Ene...

Horizontal and Vertical Gender Segregation in Employment

Gender segregation refers to unequal distribution of men and women in the occupational structure. Vertical segregation refers to placing men at the top of occupational hierarchies and women at the bottom of the ladder regardless of the academic qualifications. Whereas horizontal segregation describes the fact that both sexes are at...

Perception of Blackness in “The Struggle” by Issa Rae

Issa Rae’s The Struggle presents a black person’s point of view in modern society. Rae experiences stereotypes by being pressured to imitate what individuals perceive as the social standards of black people. The racism she often endures cautions her on things black people are not supposed to do. Rae wrote...

Diana George’s Changing the Face of Poverty Book

Introduction The problem of poverty of the population, as well as excessive social and material stratification, has catastrophic prospects. This is a problem that will not be solved by itself, but only accumulate the future collapse of the economy and society. Diana George’s book, Changing the Face of Poverty, begins...

Addiction Among Adolescents and Christianity View

Introduction Addiction is wickedness that deprives people of their freedom and will. It makes them weak, creating false desires for substances. Addictive habits seize control of human lives, making people incapable of making their own decisions and often leading to destructive behavior. While science looks at addiction from an empirical...

Social Pressure to Young Adults

Social pressure has existed for as long as human beings have lived in groups. People exert influence on their friends and colleagues, making them take some actions and change their behaviors to engage in their social circle. Various persons have suggested that, despite the differences between generations in terms of...

Urban Sociology: Chicago School Contribution

Introduction Chicago school has been contributing to the development of the sociology field for years. The principal focus of specialists has lied in thorough research of cultural and population diversity making the city a kind of search laboratory. It should be noted that the area of urban sociology was developed...

“Interstellar” Film Under Sociological Analysis

Section I: Introduction Interstellar is a 2014 cinematographic masterpiece by Christopher Nolan that portrays a near-future dystopian society placed on Earth. Nolan’s film narrates about an environmental disaster and the threat of famine because of crop disease called blight. One day, a private facility of NASA is discovered by the...

The Thai Culture: Stereotypes and Generalizations

Introduction Culture makes up the way of life of different people, including their foods and economic and social aspects. Culture is exciting and diverse among other societies; hence it should be respected. But again, it is hard to do this sometimes, bringing about the aspects of generalization and stereotyping of...

Workplace Violence and Harassment

Character Analysis: Contributors to Domestic and Workplace Violence Workplace violence may take many forms and can have far-reaching consequences for employees’ health and well-being, job duration, employment stability, and career satisfaction. According to Hango and Moyser (2018), workplace harassment encompasses verbal abuse, demeaning behavior, personal threats, physical assault, and sexually...

Max Weber’s Contributions to Sociology

Introduction Every academic discipline is defined by the work of a few founding fathers. One such figure is Max Weber, considered one of the most influential thinkers of the past century (Hanke et al., 2019). In a 1997 survey, two of his books were cited as the most influential publications...

How Gender Stereotypes Affect Society

Gender stereotypes are harmful because they only teach men and women to act in certain ways. They confine people to a set of behaviors associated with their gender. Women are assigned feminine traits, such as modesty, empathy, gentleness, and amicableness. On the other hand, men are expected to be strong,...

Police Officers Treatment Towards Civilians Based on Social Class

Introduction Bias is an action or an attitude that is unfair, prejudicial, and narrow-minded. Humans are oftentimes making fast conclusions, judgments, and using the power of their positions as it is in their nature. However, in modern society individuals make an effort to abandon bias ideas and reach an equal...

Impact of Domestic Violence on Society

The Nature & History of Domestic Violence Most cultures of the world tolerate domestic culture due to male dominant positions in cultures, customs, and traditions. Some cultures have justified domestic violence as acceptable form of disciplining women. Such cultures believe that men have rights to instill discipline in their wives...

Child Prodigies and Their Future

A lot of the children in the world are smart and talented in different ways. In Marshall’s article, “Child Prodigies,” Marshall focuses on analyzing the numerous differences that exist between children in terms of their abilities. This is clearly illustrated by the focus of his article on the characteristics of...

Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Democratic values ​​promoted in modern society concern not only political but also social freedoms. Opportunities for self-development and expressing individual interests openly are the perspectives that are guaranteed to a person in different areas. However, some acute issues arise regarding gender differences and equality between the sexes. In particular, the...

“Reaction to Hernando Washington” by Lisa J. McIntyre

The piece on Hernando Washington’s case, written by Lisa J. McIntyre (2013), is an analysis of criminal behavior from the sociological perspective, yet, on the individual level. The text leaves mixed emotions on that, and it is the task of sociologists to deconstruct the case. Nevertheless, it is fair to...

Tourism and Children Prostitution in Bahamas and Asia

Introduction Prostitution occurs when people offer sex to their sexual counterparts for the exchange of money and other incentives. Prostitution is an old business that has been in existence for many centuries. Prostitution is most vibrant to individuals who do not spend most of their time in their homes. This...

Acquaintance With the Most Annoying Person

I thought that there could be no annoying people. I believed those who call someone annoying was too rude and irritable. However, I could not be more wrong. Now I have to admit that there are very annoying people in this world. These people enter into someone’s life and make...

Children’s Hardships in Modern Society

Children face many issues in the contemporary age, affecting their development and prospects in life. These challenges are manifested in many spheres and are influenced by many factors. Due to the number of conflicts around the globe, the issue of international adoption gets a lot of attention, as well as...

“The Smart Swarm” Article by Peter Miller

The author of the article “The Smart Swarm,” Peter Miller, is interested in the question of how individual animals are coordinated. He wonders how animals can spontaneously begin to act as a single organism. Miller coined the term “smart swarm” to explain this phenomenon (para. 2). In essence, it means...

“What Is Poverty” by Dalrymple

Theodore Dalrymple is a critic and psychiatrist who has written articles on various controversial topics. In one of his many essays, What Is Poverty, which was published in 1999, he argues about the definition of poor. The author states that the perception of poverty has changed in recent years; however,...

Social Organization Concepts and Their Predominance in Society

The society is made up of different components. For there to be unity and understanding the different aspects of a social grouping must be well defined and organized. In order for one to be able to predict the possible traits of an individual they must first understand the social background...

“When May I Shoot a Student?” by Greg Hampikian

America has always been grounded on social groups interests and focused on complying the individual needs. The fulfillment of the citizens’ needs by federal and state structures makes American policy. According to Hrebenar and Scott, “the number of participants in American group policies has significantly expanded” (11). But what if...

Assumptions, Values, Biases in Social Work

Definitions Nowadays, people like to live in regards to their values, assumptions, and biases. However, several people continue making the same mistake again and again when they fail to comprehend true definitions of these terms in professional practice in human and social services. Therefore, it is not enough to comprehend...

Aging Process: The Fear of Getting Older

The fear of getting older is a common phenomenon faced by a significant part of the population. Many people are scared to grow old at a very young age. The majority of individuals associate the elderly and senile age with something negative. For example, with infirmity, cognitive disorders, dementia, or...

Reducing Violence Against Women

Introduction While civil rights movements all over the world have shaped the way societies view different groups of people previously marginalized, certain problems still occur and represent a significant danger for vulnerable individuals. A topic that is to be discussed in terms of prevention and addressing is violence against women....

Violence on TV: Impact on Children

In modern society, the media is one of the leading channels of socialization of children and adolescents that serves as an alternative to school and family. The impact of the media on the personal and intellectual development of the child, his or her psychological and mental health and emotional status...

The Problem of Homelessness in Canada

Introduction Homelessness is a common societal issue in Canada and many other developing nations. Every year, about 235,000 people in Canada experience this aspect of homelessness and between 25,000 and 35,000 individuals might be homeless on any particular night. Homelessness is defined as multiple situations, like staying in unsuitable places...