Risk Management is a Dynamic and Continuous Process

Introduction “Project Management: the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and participant satisfaction,” (Wideman, 2010). For efficiently managing a project, a methodical comprehension and absolute information on...

Product Roadmap Chapter and Template

Introduction For many years a financial report is no longer about the performance of the previous periods only, it is expected to reflect the value of the company much more than ever. After some decades of creating value on the balance sheet as a lucrative instrument to fund all sorts...

Survey on Non-Infectious and Blood-Borne Diseases

Multiple myeloma Multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cell, is a progressive hematological disease that is a treatable but incurable B-cell malignancy (Multiple myeloma, Multiple Myeloma.org). About 20000 new cases are diagnosed in the US every year. The plasma cell, which forms a significant part of the body’s defense...

Improving Handling Contract Time Extension

Introduction There are three key organizational components in electric utilities: generating (power plants), transmission (high-voltage bulk power between utilities), and distribution (low-voltage power to end-users). According to Short (2014), power generation, transmission, distribution, and sale to the general public and industry are all covered under the umbrella term of the...

Negative Correlation Between Tolerance and Resistance in Hosts

Introduction All organisms play the role of hosts to one or more species of parasites, which can have a significant impact on their fitness. To respond to the threats from parasite infections, hosts learned to develop a range of behavioral, physiological, and morphological defense mechanisms that progressed to be effective...

Depending on the line spacing, a text of 6000 words takes 12 to 24 pages. All the most common citation styles imply that an essay is double-spaced and written in 12-point Times New Roman. This is about 250 words per page. You might want to use a different font, but a double-spaced 6000-word essay will anyway take about 24 pages.

A 6000-word essay contains 40 to 60 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

A 6000-word paper is a very extensive piece of writing that needs to be carefully planned and prepared. You might need to write a research paper, a term paper, or an academic article of such a length. Depending on the genre of the paper, it might include an abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. The exact list of elements will depend on the paper’s genre.

Typing 6000 words on a keyboard usually takes 120 to 240 minutes, depending on your typing speed. However, if you need to write an academic paper, add time for research, formatting the text, and preparing graphic materials. You’ll need at least 20 hours for 6000 words.

An average 6000-word essay contains 50 to 51 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

Influence of Congressional Caucuses on the U.S. Lawmaking Process

Introduction Throughout the history of American politics, U.S. Congressional lawmakers have always catered to their home constituents; consequently, the local concerns of Senators and Congressmen have ultimately risen to the top of the national decision making agenda. This was aptly summarized when the late Speaker of the House, Thomas “Tip”...

High Rate of CHF Admission in Local Setting

Introduction Congestive heart failure, which is often abbreviated as CHF, is a condition that one’s heart is not able to pump sufficient blood to the other parts of the body (Kinchin 204). The condition can happen in a gradual process or a in a rapid process. The CHF conditions can...

Risk Management and Its Process

Introduction Technical projects are exposed to risks that can be potentially damaging due to the cost of investments incurred in such projects (Kerzner, 2006). The exponential rise in project costs not projected before the start of a project are risks with the potential to damage project progress. McNeil, Frey, and...

The Role of Textbooks in Education

The Pros and Cons of Using Etextbooks for College Students A number of college students buy or rent the e-textbooks they require for their courses as opposes to traditional paper textbooks. E-Textbooks have become very common and very handy for college students, since they are light and take up no...

London for Investors: Organization of a Mini-Conference

Cultural and ethical background considerations of the conference participants London has become multicultural because of the entry of migrants from Asia and other parts of the world. The continuing growth of migration has occurred since early 2000, and this has contributed to the complexity of the London environment, but which...

ABC Consulting Organization’s Innovation

Abstract In the innovation field, the existing theories have suggested that organizational culture affects the capacity of a corporation to innovate. Most organizations have been unable to innovate because of the prevailing culture that inhibits the propensity of the workforce to generate and effectively use new ideas. This paper has...

Essay on Police Brutality in the United States

Police Brutality Essay Introduction Police officers are allowed to use “non-negotiable coercive force” to maintain public order and control the behavior of citizens. This provides a loophole for use of brutal force according to Bittner (1970; cited in Cao, 1999). The central problem or area of concern appears to be...

Meadow Brook: Performance Management

Introduction Rapid globalization in the world in recent years has led to a number of shared environmental problems. “As globalization continues and the earth’s natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems.” (Environmental problems, 1999, para.1). One among these, a...

Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant’s Workplace Reform

Introduction of Case Study Analysis: Organizational Issues Original Milestone One Analysis The Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant in Richmond, Indiana faced multiple organizational issues. “The organizational issues faced by the plant are a failing incentive plan (the Scanlon Plan), low employee morale, poor productivity, lack of trust between employees and management,...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept and Theories

Abstract An organization cannot operate efficiently without considering the social and environmental impacts of its operations. Therefore, organizations have a sense of social and environmental responsibility since their activities have either beneficial or detrimental implications to the environment. Therefore, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) emerges whereby self-regulation is...

Building and Leading High Performing Teams

Abstract Teamwork is a dynamic and complex process that enables the exchange of diverse opinions and perspectives. This study focuses on exploring the issue of team performance in connection to leadership approaches, team dynamics, and motivation, as well as diversity. It was found that the most productive and effective teams...

How AI and Machine Learning Influence Marketing in the Fashion Industry

Research Methodology The chapter presents an in-depth analysis of the view that technology has significantly influenced the fashion industry. The research seeks to understand whether the correspondents’ view of AI in fashion is a new concept or whether the idea is lucrative enough to influence fashion users’ purchasing patterns and...

Knowledge-Oriented Leadership & Innovation’s Impact on Competitiveness

Abstract Leadership is a popular concept among researchers who are keen on investigating how it has been transforming over time. Leadership approaches that were effective two centuries ago may not be applicable in modern society. Knowledge-oriented leadership is one of the new approaches to managing people. In this study, it...

Oman Representation in Oman Culture

Introduction The main aim of this paper is to address the rare subject that entails the inclusion of the Oman culture in English literature. Oman is one of the most conducive places to visit in the United Arab Emirates. The region has a rich history, culture and background. In addition,...

Modern Communication Infrastructure as a Means of Cultural Diffusion

Introduction Technology has revolutionized most aspects of life, including societal norms, beliefs, and values. Its impact on people has been felt in various areas of social, economic, and political fields, including human engagement, institutional development, governance, human relations, business, and sports, just to mention a few (Hardey 101). The continued...

Bridgestone Middle East and Africa

Bridgestone Middle East and Africa is a branch of Bridgestone Corporation operating within the region. The company has been successful in the United Arab Emirates and the regional market because of its strong brand and quality products. However, it faces stiff competition from equally powerful brands in the market. The...

Improving Customer Loyalty And Patronage By Implementing Textmining Solutions

This research looks into the text mining activities of several companies on the aspect of text mining, which forms an integral part of improving customer loyalty and patronage. The research hypothesizes that the failure of text mining projects is specifically linked to improving customer loyalty and patronage. In turn, the...

America’s Banking Industry: Past, Present, and Future

Introduction Banking has evolved in several ways throughout the decades. Compared to previous years, banks now provide a wider variety of goods and services, and they do it more quickly and effectively. However, banking’s core role continues to be the same as it has historically been. Banking institutions utilize a...

Effects of Globalization: The Case of LuLu Group Int

The Effects of the Driving Forces of Globalization There is no doubt that today’s world has become substantially different from the social, economic, and production systems that were relevant only a few decades ago. Such changes can be seen in all spheres of life, from the classical communication between people...

Cinderella Fairy Tale in Narratology and Feminism

Introduction Children’s literature can be defined as that form of literature that is designed for readers and listeners of about twelve years or below. Barry (2009) is of the view that children’s literature can be viewed from four perspectives. The first perspective defines children’s literature as that form of literature...

Strategic Supply Chain Management

Introduction Contemporary supply chain management is concerned with building a system that aligns both with organizational needs and customer expectations. Organizations like Cisco, which operates in the tech market, have become more aware of customers’ demands and upcoming trends, thus investing in agility, sustainability, and high levels of digitalization. The...

LVMH Group’s Marketing Practices

Abstract LVMH Group is one of the largest corporations globally, specializing in the production and distribution of fashion and leather goods, wine and spirits, beauty products, and jewelery. The corporation makes billions in profits annually, making its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) one of the wealthiest men alive. The following paper...

Public-Private Partnership

Introduction Popular and emerging trends in modern times in the implementation of civil engineering projects are public-private partnerships. Public-private partnership (PPP) is an approach that has gained popularity both in developing and developed nations calling for a detailed study of the approach that is used for developing public service infrastructure....

Abolition of Capital Punishment

Abstract This paper will look at the capital punishment as it applies to cost, deterrence, and the innocence of the accused. It will discuss these issues as it applies to the overall benefit of abolishing the death penalty all together. It would also discuss and evaluate large scale violations of...

Supranational Model in Human Resource in Asian and Middle Eastern Countries

Summary To trading within nations of one country to another is really complicated for different cultural aspects, economic positions, language and many more. For this reason, it is quite difficult to build IHRM in international concepts. Managers and human resource professionals have to have the knowledge and ability to build...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Hard Rock in Relation to Society

Historical background of rock music The American hard rock can be traced from the 1940s. Its history is pegged on the development of the rock and roll and country music. The inception of the music has no clear origin, but it has grown through the fusing of different types of...

Women and Glass Ceilings in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction Rationale for the study Significant progress has been made over the years to attain gender equality at the workplace. As a result of combined efforts between governments and nongovernmental organizations, the number of women in the employment sector has increased significantly. A research by the International Labor Organization further...

Preventing Forgery with Web-Based Certification Verification

Abstract The present article sets out to employ the ever-evolving knowledge of design science in information science research to conceptualize the problem of incorrect academic certifications doing rounds in places of employment or in academic institutions, which primarily originates from illegal activities such as forgery or identity theft. To prevent...

The Need for Lesson Planning and Teaching

Class profile Institution: Private English School in Iran Type of course: The course is intended for students who are yet to join higher learning institutions abroad, as well as those who want to pursue their careers in America. Course duration: 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., three times a week. Group: Ten...

Physical Security: Access Control Systems

Introduction The Physical Security Domain discusses the importance of physical security in the protection of valuable information assets of the business enterprise. It provides protection techniques for the entire facility, from the outside perimeter to the inside office space, including the data center or server room. In the early days...

The Santa Fe Time Series Prediction and Analysis Competition

The desire to predict the future and understand the past drives the search for laws that explain the behaviour of observed phenomena; examples range from the irregularity in a heartbeat to the volatility of a currency exchange rate. If there are known underlying deterministic equations, in principle they can be...

Dubai Metro Project: A Better Way of Easing the Traffic Congestion

Introduction Dubai metro is a project that has been commissioned in Dubai to serve a population of 1.5million people and it’s forecasted that it will serve a population of 5.5 million people by the year 2020. The project is developed and operated by roads and transport authority and the red...

Chitosan’s Role in Treating Tannery Effluents: Applications and Benefits

Introduction Industrial activities are essentials for the quality of life because the products derived from the same makes life worth living. The dawn of the 21st century has illuminated myriads of industrial activities. The majority of the countries with a considerable GDP are highly industrialized. As a trend towards development,...

Falls in Elderly Hospital Patients: Evidence-Based Project

Identification of a nursing issue and the application of a nursing theory Introduction Falls among elderly hospital patients is a significant issue that has been widely addressed in research and practice. According to AHRQ (2013), “a patient fall is defined as an unplanned descent to the floor with or without...

Adolescent Obesity in the United States

At a time when globalization has taken a central position in determining the global cultural affiliations and consumerism patterns, the ability to address adolescents’ health problems is indeed a key to future sustainability strategy. This is due to the vast adolescents’ health-related problems which have a direct bearing on their...

Information Management Systems: E-Business of Transport for London

Structured Abstract Purpose This paper explores the benefits accrued by organizations or institutions by embracing the modern methods of managing information. An efficient business needs thorough and methodological information management, which includes processing of information and making decisions. Information management system offers the information vital to run an organization effectively....

Prediction of Falls in Rehabilitation and Acute Care Geriatric Setting

The aim of the project is to answer the following question: “What is the effectiveness of increased patient education and participation with regular exercise-physical therapy versus current hospital fall prevention programs with limited exercise-physical therapy, in promoting balance and stability thus minimizing falls and fall-related injuries, in senior patients within...

Paired Programming Analysis

Executive Summary In the engineering of software, the software methodology applied plays a significant role in the final product of the process. For example, in a traditional linear model software is created following a set of steps and changes are often difficult and costly to implement. The pressure created by...

AlpenChoc: Venture Decision Analysis

Introduction The client, Isaac, is planning to start a new venture that will import German chocolate into Canada and sell it. The firm AlpenChoc, which specialises in handmade artisanal chocolates, is prepared to sell him seven-year exclusive distribution rights in the country. As such, he can leverage this advantage to...

Investing in London: Conference for Investors

Group Cultural Dynamics The conference will include investors who have expressed interest in investing in the local economy. Most of these investors are from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates. They are Arabs who are strongly convinced that the city has a lot to offer to the investors in various...

The Privatization of Health Care System in Saudi Arabia

Almalki, Fitzgerald & Clark (2011) stated that the policymakers and researchers are working with the healthcare industry of Saudi Arabia and they suggest to introducing gradual privatization of the health care services at public sector hospital; however, the government has already passed relevant law to put into practice of the...

American Government Intended by the Founding Fathers

Abstract In fact, the government is lacking in many areas as social injustice in recent years has increased. The social crime rate has increased, and that causes moral decline, and surely that was not the dream of the founding fathers of America. Introduction We know as the 20th century finished,...

SmithKline Beecham: Marketing Research

Executive Summary SmithKline Beecham is a healthcare organization that manufactures prescribed drugs as well as a range of non-medical products (for instance, toothpaste). The organization has a firm position in the world market; however, recently the number of consumers, the company used to have, has started declining. Contemporary business organizations...

Shoppers Drug Mart: History, Founder, SWOT Analysis

Abstract Shoppers Drug Mart is the largest Canadian drugstore chain with 1,350 licensed units opened throughout the whole country. This company provides its customers with high-quality health and beauty products as well as assisted-living services. This paper aims to provide a full review of Shoppers Drug Mart internal and external...

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities in Ladbrokes

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been anecdotally considered to provide organizational performance advantages in the contemporary market. However, the majority of the studies conducted on the impact of CSR have been rather focused on organizational performance, with little other mediating effects considered. Fewer studies still have been conducted regarding companies...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Relationship Between Physical Activity and Motivation of an Office Worker

Introduction Background Turnover is one of the central issues in human resource (HR) management due to its high cost for the organization (Lyons & Bandura, 2020). Scientific research demonstrates that there is a high correlation between job satisfaction and employee turnover, which implies that one of the central strategies for...

ABC Inc. Strategic Management

Introduction Although there is still widespread agreement that strategic thinking is required for efficient firm management, it is usually absent or, at best, poor (Bonn, 2001; Liedtka, 1998). The implementation gap is marked by a long history of misunderstandings among both scholars and practitioners, with the terms strategic thinking, strategic...

Hypertension in Hispanics: Education & Health Implications

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the current public health concerns in the United States. According to Rimando (2015), one is considered to have hypertension if the force exerted by blood against the wall of blood vessels is greater than normal. Medical guidelines often consider a blood pressure that...

Female Infertility in Arab Countries: A Comprehensive Review

Abstract Objective To review and summarize the current state of knowledge with respect to female infertility in Arab countries. Methods Review and summarize eight articles retrieved from PubMed electronic database on female infertility in Arab Countries. Results There are a number of women infected by secondary infertility after a specific...

Understanding Single African American Mothers’ Challenges with Their Sons

Introduction: The Study and the Researcher The previous chapter provided a detailed explanation of the method used to collect primary data and design considered appropriate for analysis. In this chapter, the researcher presents the analysis of primary data. The purpose of the chapter is to analyze and interpret raw data...

The Link Between Asthma and Immigrant Smoking

Introduction The purpose of this study is to determine the association between asthma and smoking status among adult African immigrants in California. I intend to use a quantitative correlation approach to explore the association between asthma and smoking status and investigate the influence of selected demographic variables (age, sex, years...

Warren Buffet’s and Al Gore’s Leadership Styles

A literature review of key theories of the nature and exercise of leadership in organizations Introduction Leadership related studies have for a long time attracted the attention of both academic researchers and practitioners such as organizational managers. There have been many definitions as to what exactly is meant by leadership....

Carrefour Company’s New Product Marketing in the UAE

Introduction UAE is the largest and richest country of Middle East in Asia. In UAE, there are lots of hypermarkets are business successfully. Among them Carrefour is most known and dynamic in player, It is selling about 100,000 items to customers everyday. New product development is a continuous process and...

Challenges Within the Transport and Logistics Management

Abstract The effective management of transportation and logistics systems is crucial for the success of businesses and the economy. However, managers in this field encounter many challenges leading to delays, rising costs, and overall business inefficiency. This paper aimed to identify the challenges faced by transportation and logistics management. The...

Community Policing Impact on Juvenile Delinquents

Abstract The current research dwells on the prevalence of delinquent behavior in teenagers residing in Columbia County, GA. The researcher effectively addressed the issues inherent in the concept of community policing and identified several programs that may help throughout the process of mitigating the occurrence rate of delinquencies. Moreover, the...

Influencer Marketing Essay: Application in the Fashion Industry & Examples

Influencer Marketing Essay: Introduction The concept of influencer marketing (IM) emerged recently due to the development and growth of social media platforms, most prominently a photo-sharing application Instagram, and the increasing popularity of the video service YouTube. This component is a part of digital marketing – a term describing varied...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Attitudes

Abstract The current paper extends the CSR literature empirically by investigating the linkage between CSR and job satisfaction and employee retention. Besides, the paper cites the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the employment industry. The pandemic has seen many employees’ working contracts terminated, suspended, or even forced to survive...

The Creative Industries of India and New Zealand

Introduction In the current times, creative industries had become imperative contributors in the economies of any state. It is for this reason that regulatory bodies and governments have started to support creative industries so that yield of the industry can be utilized to the fullest. Creative industries not only contribute...

Anti-Communist Campaign and Film Industry

Introduction The American society has for a long time been enchanted by reconstructing history on film. Filmmakers in the country have always tried to convey their translations of history through films. In this report, the main center point is the effect of the descent of the Iron Curtain and the...

Beijing Olympics Games & Chinese Tourism Industry

Introduction The topic “What are the impacts of the Beijing Olympics games on the Chinese tourism industry?” analyzes the impact of this event towards Beijing city. This paper studies the various impacts that have been created while Beijing holds this event as well as after this event. This event will...

Shoppers Drug Mart Company’s Retail Networks

Abstract The paper presents the analysis of business concept applications on the example of a big Canadian company Shoppers Drug Mart. A systematic literature review provides information on retail networks and the peculiarities of their functioning. It also proves the importance of using diverse strategies such as measurement of distribution...

Medical Negligence and Professional Indemnity

Introduction He was just 8 years old, and according to New South Wales Deputy State Coroner Scott Mitchell, his death could have been prevented. In a story published in The Daily Telegraph on August 16, 2011, Jacob Belim’s death was as a result of septic shock arising from a ruptured...

Role of Parental Involvement in the Modern Era

Factors that affect academic achievement and adjustment are a matter of increased interest among scholars. Recent research revealed that students are affected by a myriad of factors that can be subdivided into four categories: academic, social, cultural, and financial (Son & Cho, 2020). Family is also known to have a...

China’s Soft Power and Its Diplomacy in Taiwan

The relations between China and Taiwan have been quite contradictory, which is a characteristics feature of all neighboring states. Taiwan appeared in “the Chinese cultural orbit” in the 16th century and became an administrative unit of China in 1689, but it was ruled “with a light hand” (Bush, 2013, p....

Cosmetic Surgery Advertising: Multimodal Analysis

Introduction This study documents the multimodal analysis of cosmetic surgery advertisements in British clinics. Specifically, flyers from three clinics have been analysed throughout this study. The analysis has considered the textual and visual elements used to pass the messages to the targeted audience. It describes how advert discourses utilize the...

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EPPCO and ENOC Companies Problem

Executive summary It goes without saying that business and strategic planning is a very important aspect in the successful business development. Every business person should have a determined strategic plan of business steps that should be taken according to different types of business operations, companies’ actions, corresponding information about companies,...

Clinical Trials in Stem Cell Research: Key Issues

Introduction Stem cell research is a branch of medicine that focuses on harvesting stem cells from living organisms for purpose of disease treatment (Ncbi.gov, 2010). It was first feasible in 1981 when stem cells were successfully isolated in mice; however, a breakthrough in isolating stem cells in a human was...

Public Healthcare Privatisation in Saudi Arabia: An Analysis

Abstract The purpose of this dissertation is to identify the present situation and future trend regarding privatisation of public healthcare system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; in addition, it aims to suggest a right direction to carry on public healthcare privatisation in the KSA in order to reduce governmental...

Green Logistics in the World Analysis

Introduction The primary practices involving green logistics include sustainable strategies that focus on the integration of environmental conservation in transportation and supply chain businesses. The theory of green logistics started during the 1990s. At this time, the standard logistic infrastructure had severe impacts on the environment as the levels of...

Small Businesses Like Stable Diet: Premium Natural Foods

Stable Diet’s Marketing Strategy and Target Market Stable Diet is a small business enterprise based in Ireland. Essentially a baking business with products like cakes, breakfast cereals, and flapjacks (www.stablediet.com), Stable Diet tries and caters to the traditional whole food sub-category of natural foods. The emphasis of the company is...

Corporate Culture Clash: Novartis’ Adaptation to Saudi Traditions

Executive Summary The focus of this paper was to investigate the impact of Saudi national culture on corporate culture. The case study focused on Novartis Corporation. The national culture in Saudi Arabia is unique and significantly different from that of many western nations. Being the origin of Islam, society is...

Our Place in the Primate Family Tree

Abstract Environmental studies provide learners with an opportunity to advance their knowledge of how organisms interact with their environment. The study enhances one’s knowledge of how the interaction shapes the species of organisms. Some species have gone extinct, while others have undergone significant changes to fit in the new environment....

Care Policies for Disabled Children in Jeddah: Evaluation and Recommendations

Disabled children care policy evaluation Policies are useful for business and non-profit organizations as well as governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations. Just like the policies for other organizations that are developed in line with the organizational objectives (Policy, p.15), the government policies should be developed and enacted in line with...

Developing the Islamic Banking Cluster in the UAE

Introduction Islamic banking is a model for offering financial services in addition to the conventional banking system. It entails service delivery guided by the Sharia law requirements as opposed to the usual banking system that is guided mainly by non-religious regulations. Maghfuriyah et al. (2017) state that “Islamic banking as...

Food Innovation: Ayran Yogurt in the Scandinavian Market

Abstract The introduction of a product in a new market requires comprehensive research on its suitability, sustainability, and competitive advantage. Reflectively, the process is intrinsic of market demand, uniqueness of the production, and its value addition above rival competitors. This paper researches the suitability of Ayran yogurt products in the...

Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation

Abstract The paper is a concise review of the module on new venture creation. Almost every aspect that is required of an entrepreneur is covered in this module and also mentioned in the paper. Diverse subject areas like new venture start-up risk, funding and financing of new ventures, business plans...

Plastic Surgery Trend Among Adolescents: Premises and Implications

Abstract This paper aims to examine the risks of excessive engagement in plastic surgery among adolescents, the factors that motivate this age group to change their appearance, and potential health risks. Unrealistically high beauty standards and the availability of appropriate procedures have become the main reasons for the spread of...

Natural & Social Science Grade 3 Classroom Library

Reflection and Library Vision One of the foremost professional tasks, on the part of a teacher, is to compile a methodologically adequate list of literature-references, which can be organically incorporated into the learning process (Tompkins, 2005). Because this process never ceases to be affected by what happened to be the...

Effect of Colour Coding and Test Type On Students

Data Analysis and Discussion The present section is organized into two parts: the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data. The analysis of the quantitative data seeks to answer whether color coding was of any use for enhancing memory retention in students. The first part of the results section interprets...

Understanding the Terminal Illness in Children

Abstract The idea of a child having to deal with, and finally succumb to a life-threatening disease is difficult for any one of us to understand. Certainly, it may be viewed as a flawed justice for a child to be struck by a terminal illness. Nonetheless, this does happen and...

Developing Personal Capacities for Innovation: Strategies for Professional Growth

Abstract The given term paper is devoted to the topic of personal innovative capabilities and the variety of ways to enhance them. The timeliness of the research is strictly connected with the fact that the requirements that successful specialists are expected to meet have changed recently. The purpose of the...

Is Gender a Culturally or Biologically Perscribed Role?

Introduction The concept of gender as a product of culture or as a product of biology has been debated and analyzed by various researchers. The result of this debate has further polarized the topic rather than brought logic to it. The topic has generated into a heated debate with two...

Single African American Mothers’ Relationships with Adolescent Sons

Topic Endorsement Research Topic The proposed research topic is single African American females’ experience of being mothers to their adolescent sons, including their experiences of interacting with them (Elliott, Powell, & Brenton, 2015). The experience of the mother’s relationship with their sons, including how these mothers experienced the development of...

Malaria Campaign and Interventions in Guatemala

Introduction The world is full of fantasies and every one wants to be a part of these fantasies. There are some factors involved which keep a person active and smart. Health is a state of physical activeness which keeps a person mentally and physically fit. According to the world health...

Journalistic Ethics in the Digital Age

Introduction Journalism ethics is a subset of communication ethics studies that seek to define, analyze, and promote the correct and virtuous conduct among professional media workers. The first substantial attempts to develop the norms of responsible journalism can be traced back to 17th century Europe (Ward 307). Inspired by the...

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Meditation: Reducing Stress and Bringing About Relaxation

Introduction Statement of the problem Meditation is a very simple thing yet very critical to the well-being of every human being. According to physicians, very many people suffer due to inadequate power to meditate upon their lives. The daily life of human beings has got a lot of experiences and...

Cybercrime Legislation in the UAE, US and India

Abstract Various countries depending on their sizes adopt suitable information systems that help make sensible managerial frameworks. These information systems are vital in ensuring efficiency within the various organizations in respective through proper storage and access of data. As a result, gains are made both in terms of country reputation...

Dental Clinic Establishment: Practice Management for the Dental Team

To a great extent, a dental clinic is a facility where dentists and their subordinates perform oral health procedures and treatments for multiple patients. The dental clinic that will be established will be referred to as Alqassim Dental Clinic and will provide medical health and educational services to clients regarding...

Biometric and Fingerprint Technologies: Advancements and Applications in Security

Introduction Technological issues and the desire to ensure that processes being carried out by individuals and corporate are performed efficiently have resulted in the increase in the use of automated systems. This means that an increased number of individuals have opted to use these systems to perform their tasks. The...

Walmart’s Radio Frequency Identification Integration

Abstract The following project is devoted to the peculiarities of RFID technology and its implementation into the functioning of Walmart to attain better outcomes and generate a competitive advantage. The given innovation allows better tracking and data sharing by providing up-to-date information about the current location of a certain product...

The Americanization of Pasta

Introduction: Origins and background history of Pasta Pasta as an ancient food Pasta is one of the world’s most available types of food, with most countries at least having their own variety of pasta. Tracing the history of the food is a difficult thing to do first because during the...

The Impact of Colombia’s Armed Revolutionary Forces on Society and Politics

Introduction Colombia is a country fragmented by tropical forests, mountain ranges, and poor infrastructure. It is also characterized by a tradition of insurrections and armed revolts against the government. The elements have provided fertile grounds for the growth of guerrilla groups in the country. Guerilla warfare is one of the...

“Crescent” and “Arabian Jazz” by Diana Abu-Jaber

Introduction The Arab American writers have always employed several literary components and literary devices that reflect the true history and traditional values of Arabs living in America. The literary works of Diana Abu-Jaber in her two novels, Crescent and Arabian Jazz are some of the most important Arab American novels,...

EU Intellectual Property Legislation

Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual property is a very precious commodity in today’s business world. Intellectual Property Rights form part of the assets of a company. It is therefore important for businesses to identify, secure, and value their intellectual properties. However, it has not been easy for many businesses to identify...

Teaching American Literature to Non-native Speakers

Introduction There can be few doubts as to the fact that when compared to what is being the case with teaching American literature to native speakers, teaching this literature to non-native speakers poses several different challenges. This is because, it is not only that many non-native speakers often lack the...

Treating Mild Depression: Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy

Introduction Depression is a major health concern, which is relatively prevalent in the modern world (World Health Organization, 2017). In the US, over 6% of the population experience moderate to severe depression (Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, 2016; National Institute of Mental Health, 2018). An additional 15% experience...

Pilots and Officials Call for New U.S. UFO Probe

One of the most dramatic and fascinating ways that psychology and spirituality come together is in the case of UFO. A UFO (unidentified flying object) is only classified as a UFO after a thorough investigation where no plausible answer resulted from the investigation. Everything else is an IFO (identified flying...

The Registration Documents to Become a University Student

Executive Summary The topic discussed in this study is the registration documents required to become a university student in Ottawa and the legal contract and documents related to it. The student willing to join the University of Ottawa must submit certain documents that are considered to be proof of the...

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