Russian Cinema and Political Significance of Censorship

Introduction Governments have long recognized cinema’s ability to advance social and political agendas, shape public opinion, and shape national identities. The Russian government has a deep and abiding love of movies, so it is not an outlier. From the Soviet era’s use of cinema as propaganda to the current Russian...

Representing Diversity in Beauty Campaigns: Obligation of Brands?

Abstract Organizations must accurately represent their customer base to serve and appeal to their target demographic. However, many beauty companies overlook the importance of featuring women of different body types and skin tones in their advertisements and commercials. This lack of diversity is rooted in institutional racism and deeply entrenched...

Social Classes in 19th Century British Literature

During 19th century, social class played an important role in lives of people and determined their destiny and life opportunities. In their novels, Austen and Gaskell depict the role and importance of class, and describe attitudes and values of different social classes. Persuasion and North and South are based on...

Object-Oriented Technology in IT

Abstract The concept of objects and instances in computing had its first major breakthrough with the PDP-1 system at MIT which was probably the earliest example of capability based architecture. Objects as programming entities were introduced in the 1960s in Simula 67, a programming language designed for making simulations, created...

Childhood Sexual Abuse: Impact on Psychiatric Diseases

Introduction Childhood sexual abuse is an increasing problem in modern society, and the victims of it often develop various mental and physical health issues later in life. Any childhood maltreatment was found to be a significant risk factor for the early onset of various psychiatric diseases and resistance to treatment...

A 7-page text usually contains 1700 to 1750 words in case you use 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is the most common format for all the major citation styles.

It will take you 5 to 10 minutes to type one page on a keyboard. However, if you need to write a 7 page essay from scratch, it will take you not less than 7 to 8 hours.

A paragraph in academic writing should be at least 75 words long. So, a 7 page essay is to contain 17 to 23 paragraphs.

A 7 page essay is a typical college assignment. You might need to write such a paper in almost any field: psychology, religion, or politics. Its key aim is to demonstrate your critical thinking and your knowledge of the topic.

A 7 page essay should be planned well. The first thing you need to do is formulate your thesis statement (or, in other words, the main idea of your paper). Then break it into several parts and turn each of them into a topic sentence. These simple steps will help you organize your thoughts.

FTX by Bankman-Fried: Leadership Challenges

Introduction Proper leadership implies a multifaceted approach that promotes the interests of stakeholders. The study examines the case of FTX by Bankman-Fried, in which the CEO did not meet the requirements of proper leadership. Bankman-Fried used the resources provided by his company’s investors to gamble in the stock markets, acting...

Hilton Worldwide: Market Conditions and Competitiveness

Introduction Hilton Worldwide is a United States-based multinational hospitality business. Conrad Hilton founded the company in Cisco, Texas, in 1919 (Hilton, 2022a). Through innovation, expansion, and acquisition of other related companies, Hilton now has the best-performing portfolio in the industry. Currently, the company’s head office is located in Tysons Corner,...

Mental Health Disparities in Society

Introduction Mental illness prevents most people from performing their daily tasks by altering their lifestyles. This issue can take several forms, affecting the person’s personality, character, and social interactions. Mental health issues can cause physical, emotional, or psychological symptoms (Henriksen et al., 2020). Biochemical imbalances can lead to mental health...

Theme of Deceit in Shakespeare’s Othello

Deceit and lies can be one of the most distracting factors in human life despite one’s accomplishments. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don’t have brains enough, to be honest,” the play Othello by Shakespeare accurately depicts his words. Othello is a storyline...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Talent Management and Succession Planning

Introduction The globalizing world is compelling companies to identify and implement evidence-based approaches that have the potential to maximize organizational efficiency. Firms need to rely on this knowledge to transform their managerial and human resources (HR) practices to ensure that they remain sustainable. In the international market, organizations tend to...

The Nature of Nursing Shortage in the United States: Research Proposal

Introduction Registered nurses (RNs) contribute to one of the largest groups in healthcare practice. However, analysts have identified the existence of nursing shortages in the United States and other parts of the world (Buchan & Aiken, 2008). Such shortages are usually impossible to project. The outstanding fact is that the...

Generational Differences and Their Causes

Introduction In his article John Hansen (2008) focuses on such an issue multigenerational workface. The author singles out such groups of employees as Baby Boomers, Builders, and Generations X or Y (Hansen, p. 28). The writer puts forward an argument that such age differences can be of great benefit to...

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work

Artificial intelligence (AI) is requested in the modern business world because it can lead to many positive outcomes when applied to employee monitoring. Firstly, AI can lead to a firm’s increased benefits because many technological advancements promote better working behaviors. For example, some algorithms can identify the least productive employees...

E-Commerce Future in the Market Environment

Introduction The dynamic e-commerce business environment keeps on evolving with the ongoing technology revolution. E-commerce is changing the way customers experience shopping and the traditional brick and mortar establishments are experiencing stiff competition from this development. Globalization coupled with the mobile telephony revolution and increased access to the Internet implies...

The Procter & Gamble Advertising Campaign Analysis

Introduction Advertising is an unmistakably unique way of communicating with the target audience that requires a profound understanding of the specific needs of the selected demographic, the specifics of its culture, and a thorough understanding of the issue that the offered service or product seeks to resolve. Though the core...

Modernism in Architecture: Mies van der Rohe

Abstract There can be no possible doubt that the era of modernism has played an incredibly important role in the development of the further Postmodernist tendencies and was a completely new stage and a unique experience in the world history. The importance of the Modernism as an epoch was huge,...

Narcotics Trafficking and Smuggling in the UAE

Multiple substances that have a negative impact on the well-being of nations and economies are made illegal by states, although the problem of their spread remains. Drug trafficking is an illicit global enterprise that involves the cultivation, production, distribution, and sale of narcotics forbidden by law. The efficiency of the...

Innovating Healthcare: The Use of Wireless Endoscopy

Introduction Wireless endoscopy is a medical procedure that entails looking inside the body using a camera pill capsule. The patient has to swallow the pill, which comprises one or two microscopic cameras, a battery, a light bulb, and a radio transmitter. Other names used to describe medical technology include capsule...

The Role of the Father in the Development of Attachment

Introduction Attachment theory provides a framework for understanding the development of relationships between parents and their influence on the child’s later life. In the first part of the 20th century, it was believed that children formed attachments to people who fed them (Fonagy 2018). John Bowlby questioned these assumptions and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Coca-Cola Company’s Diversity in the Workplace

Introduction The company that was initially chosen for this assignment is the Coca-Cola company. The home country that the assignment will be analyzing is the United States while the host country is Canada. Coca-Cola is a globally recognized brand that operates worldwide. International leaders need to be well-versed in a...

Visual Flight Rules in Instrument Meteorological Conditions

Introduction The purpose of the study conducted by Gallo et al. (2015) was to investigate inadvertent encounters with Visual Flight Rules (VFR) -Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) among General Aviation (GA) pilots through the interface of the latter’s first-hand experiences. The need for the study was supported by the fact that...

The Analysis of Procurement Methods

The research, which has been carried out, is aimed at analyzing procurement methods and their use. In particular, it is of the crucial importance to identify the major criteria for creating the customers profile and organizing delivery. We should also pay extra attention to the choice of particular technique, and...

ANCOVA and Factorial ANOVA

To identify the best way to educate elementary-age children in mathematics, a researcher decides to conduct a pilot study among fifth-grade children throughout a school district. The researcher thinks that fifth-grade girls do better in small class sizes while boys perform well in larger classes. The pilot study involves classroom...

Repeated Measures ANOVA: Analysis of the Statistics

Exploratory Data Analysis A high school teacher is interested in determining whether his students’ test scores increase over the course of a 12 Week period. Descriptive statistics for students’ test scores for the 12 Week period are provided in Table 1. Of the 12 students who participated in this study,...

Entrepreneurial Intentions and Personality Traits

Introduction Entrepreneurship is a powerful approach that guides investors to identify potential areas for doing business. In most cases, entrepreneurial ideas emerge as a response to a unique challenge in the market. Most of the presented theories and models make it possible for investors to identify appropriate opportunities, acquire the...

Scandinavian Airlines’ Eco-Friendly Practices

Research Problem and Rationale Nowadays, the topic of human impact on the environment is an urgent aspect. It is argued by the fact that the eco-friendly trend is becoming more popular due to the harmful effects of industry on nature. Scientists are concerned that further human activities without appropriate intervention...

Recovery Efforts During 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina

Abstract It is a prerequisite of any government in place to always be prepared for any disaster of whatever nature whether natural or humanly initiated; it is never known the day, hour or minute when tragedy may befall a nation. A small time disaster is wake up call for major...

The Cold War and Decolonisation History

The Cold War and decolonisation were global occurrences, and even though each event occurred independently, they ended up overlapping with time. In this context, the Cold War underscores the underlying conflict and tension between the United States and the Soviet Union starting from 1947. On the other side, decolonisation denotes...

Acme Hydrocarbons Ltd.’s Environmental Law Case

Introduction This paper reports a case surrounding operations and enforcement imposed against ‘Acme Hydrocarbons Ltd’ following their violations of COSHH standards about the environmental laws. Upon the receipt of the memo, Mr. Patrick the line manager of the company requested me to appropriately advice his company based on the findings...

The Hut Group Company’s Governance Issues

Introduction THG plc, formerly The Hut Group, is a British e-commerce retail company headquartered at Manchester Airport, England. It sells own-brand and third-party cosmetics, dietary supplements, personalized products, and luxury goods online. It provides e-commerce software, digital marketing, and fulfillment services to third parties through its Ingenuity division. As of...

The Hearing Aid Market: Demand and Price

Elasticity and Hearing Aids Over 30 million people in the United States experience hearing loss, but just over 7 million choose to use hearing aids. In other words, less than one-quarter of potential candidates for hearing aids use them. There are several reasons why so few people who would benefit...

Business Plan of Veteran Fitness Center

Executive Summary This paper outlines a business proposal for a fitness center in Sharjah for military veterans who do not have health coverage for physical fitness. It analyzes the external and internal environments, risks, and prospective growth. The business proposal is viable owing to a number of factors. For example,...

Discusses of the Role of Gender in the Employment

The Role of Gender in the Employment, Career Perception and Research Performance of Recent PhD Graduates from Dutch Universities Abstract Recent decades have seen a sharp increase in the number of female PhD graduates in the Netherlands. Currently, the share of females among newly graduated PhDs is almost on par...

Berths and Terminals

Introduction Berths are stations within the port area, where shipping carriers can pick and drop loads during their routine maritime and mainland operations. Thus, a safe berth is convenient to shipping agencies. Terminals provide facilities for the berth. According to Alderton (2008), berths needed by a port will vary mainly...

Training and Education in Health Care Organization

Introduction Training is a process through which job-related skills are passed to the employees. It involves undertaking a set of activities aimed at preparing an individual to work in the real world. It is appropriate for new employees and experienced workers who desire to improve their skills and meet job...

Theoretical Perspectives of Social Work

Theoretical Perspectives There are several different social theories, concepts, and perspectives that denote, in one way or another, moments of social interactions, relationships, and phenomena. Each of these theories implies a certain connection not only with theoretical but also with practical activities. They are constantly in development, changing, correcting, and...

Understanding Brain and Learning Conncetions

Introduction The brain is one of the most complicated and multifunctional organs in the human body. Medical specialists, psychologists, and neuroscientists have always been paying special attention to its abilities and role in the organism. One of the main functions of the brain is connected with the process of learning....

A Care Setting for a Patient With Learning Disability

Introduction Nursing care is one of the most common but underestimated services in hospital settings. While doctors focus on diagnosing and medical decision-making for patients, nurses are responsible for following prescriptions and treatment plans and supporting their patients in various ways. There are several types of nurses with specific obligations...

Customer Experiences and Loyalty to Various Firms

Introduction Customer experience defines the feelings and attitudes that consumers are likely to harbor regarding their interaction with the suppliers and providers in their world (De Chernatony & Cottam 2006). Obviously, businesses cannot avoid establishing some form of experience whenever they interact with customers, and this brings out the customer...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Theory: Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing

Introduction Today, there are many nursing theories that can be applied to clinical practice to solve a nursing or healthcare problem, improve the current state of affairs, and address the needs of clients and employees. High-quality nursing care is the goal that has to be achieved, and if the application...

Circumcision Ethical Dilemma and Nurse’s Role in It

Introduction Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin of a male child’s penile skin. In some African tribes, this ritual takes place in girls as well, namely, circumcision of the clitoris and the labia minora. However, this paper focuses on the procedure in males. Circumcision of newborn boys for...

Perseus and Moses Heroes’ Journey Pattern

Introduction Myths and legends are an important part of the legacy of the past, and it is critical to be able to analyze them to gain a better understanding of the cultural heritage of a particular person. This paper provides an analysis of two heroic figures from the mythology/religion of...

Caterpillar Inc.’s Vision and Strategic Management

Introduction A firm’s direction is solidified through its core values, proposed mission, and vision that its employees and leaders follow. It is vital for companies to choose a starting point for their operations that will justify the reason for their existence (Bright et al., 2019). The principles for generating such...

Experiences of LGBTQ Community Practicing BDSM

Introduction Today’s worlds represent a rapidly changing environment regarding sexuality and sexual practices. Sexual orientation has been pluralized with diverse sexual practices characterized as non-normative. The LGBTQ community makes up a minority sexual group that does not conform to non-traditional sexual preferences and practices. Traditionally, society has encouraged individuals to...

Features of Snapchat Plus Premium Subscription

Introduction Snapchat Plus premium subscription, launched in June, already has more than one million users. The premium version of the messenger has also added new features, such as unique emojis and backgrounds for avatars and TechCrunch reports. Snapchat’s premium version is very popular: according to Sensor Tower, in the first...

Comparison of Healthcare Between the U.S. and Other Developed Nations

Introduction The Affordable Care Act is an all-inclusive healthcare reform that became law in March 2010. Before 2010, it was called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, while many Americans refer to it as Obamacare. The law consists of a list of healthcare guidelines targeted to expand access to...

Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Teaching

Self-Rating and Effectiveness of Courses for Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Skills, Competence, and Ability to Teach Mathematics The research question chosen for analysis is “What are pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their skills, competence, and ability to teach mathematics?” To answer the question, seven preservice teachers were interviewed on themes...

Ebola Virus Disease and Global Health Risk

Overview Ebola virus disease, also referred to simply as Ebola, is one of the conditions that are known as extremely deadly unless addressed within the shortest period. Because of its extraordinarily short incubation period, it is very easy to spot, yet the management of patients’ needs requires immediate actions, specific...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder’s Impact on Children

Birkeland, Marianne S., et al. “Perceived Social Support and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Children and Youth in Therapy: A Parallel Process Latent Growth Curve Model.” Behaviour Research and Therapy, vol. 132, 2020, p. 103655. The purpose of the study is to evaluate, among children and young people participating in therapy,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Advanced Nursing Practice vs. Advanced Practice Nurses

Introduction Nursing has recognized several misconceptions about the differences between advanced nursing practice (ANP) and Advanced Practice Nurses (APN). The public should be notified of the distinct responsibilities of APNs and ANPs within the healthcare system and the significance of the advanced practice. The importance of advanced practice techniques to...

Evaluation of the Intervention

Introduction The nurse must become more relevant to the population’s needs, namely her patients. She should become a well-educated professional, an equal partner, working independently with clients and contributing to the community’s health. The nurse currently plays an important role in providing medical and social help to the elderly and...

Social Relationships: Why Do We Need Them?

Introduction The interactions between two or more individuals develop over time depending on the shared emotions, goals, ideologies, and purpose of existence. Relationships have different types of bonds that result in acceptance or rejection. According to Brown and Fredrickson (2021), the longevity of social relationships depends on the nature of...

Epicurus’s View of the Greatest Pleasure

Epicurus defines pleasure as nothing more than the elimination of pain. If a person can attain a mental state without pain, they have achieved a state of pleasure. Therefore, Epicurus holds that individuals experience the greatest pleasure after all suffering has been eliminated (Voorhoeve, 2020). This implies pure, genuine pleasure...

Strategic Management: Case Study Assignment

Numerous examples of products ahead of their time did not allow them to become famous. One of the innovations that failed was Microsoft SPOT Watch (Karella, 2020). Before the invention of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, Microsoft decided to use FM to transmit various information to their watches. Microsoft called this technology...

Evolution of Food Photography: From Daguerreotypes to Digital Storytelling

Introduction Food photography has developed throughout time via improvements in technology, techniques, and interest. Photos of food have been taken, shared, and appreciated for decades, from ambrosia salads in the 1970s to the current trend of upside-down acai bowls and elaborate latte art. The trend of food photography began as...

Persuasion on Voter Suppression in the United States

Introduction The urge to win elections shapes the decisions to suppress voters today in the same way it did during the Reconstruction era. The modalities applied in the American South depend on the balance between external restrictions and internal factors. Violent suppression dominates when a state’s capacity to apply formal...

The Effect of Discredited Alibis on Guilt Ratings in Court Cases

In the criminal justice system, an alibi is a defense that a defendant provides to prove they were not present at the crime scene when it was committed. In court cases, the credibility of an alibi can play a significant role in determining the defendant’s guilt or innocence. The likelihood...

Reducing Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease in Hypertension

Introduction: The Healthy People 2030 Objective Several methods exist for reducing the prevalence of hypertension among those with CKD-stage 6. The first step in controlling blood pressure is supporting healthy lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise and a nutritious diet low in salt. Controlling the blood pressure levels of individuals...

Postnatal Depression: Prevention and Treatment

Introduction One of the most prevalent mental health issues that have significant adverse implications is postnatal depression. Community-based health promotion practices based on relevant theories, approaches, models, and methods constitute a powerful tool aimed at managing this problem. This presentation will cover the reflection on the health promotion aimed at...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Substance Abuse Among Teenagers

Abstract Over the past several decades, substance abuse among adolescents has risen alarmingly. Adolescents are known for their intense social lives and peer pressure to drink or use drugs. Alcohol is often a common part of nightlife for teens, and many young people try marijuana for the first time in...

Potential Role of Technology to Resolve Low-Value Civil Claims

Online dispute resolution (ODR) is an effective tool used in practice in court. It is used in the cases of low-value civil claims that do not require much attention or caution from the side of the jury. This technology is already present in the courts, which facilitates the judicial system’s...

Machiavelli’s The Prince: Essay Example

According to Machiavelli, what should a prince be an expert at? Keep reading to find out! In this The Prince essay example, you’ll find the summary, information about Machiavelli’s early life, and answers to frequent questions about The Prince by Machiavelli. In the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance, Italy...

Gas Cars vs.Electric Cars Essay: Compare & Contrast

Need to write an electric cars benefits essay or an electric cars vs. gas cars compare and contrast paper? Then make sure to read this sample for inspiration! There has been a lot of development in the car industry, especially if comparing the current achievements to the first car models...

Empathy in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Essay

Empathy in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Essay Introduction Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, a sci-fi genre novel, was created by the fantastic mind of Philip K. Dick in 1968. Later it became widely known as Blade Runner. It also became an inspiration to the popular 1982 movie...

John Donne and His Literary Works

Introduction There are many great writers whose literary works still fascinate people and are studied by students and researchers. One such person is John Donne – an Anglican cleric and English writer of the late sixteenth – early seventeenth century. Researchers note that his art “is distinguished by its emotional...

Reducing Stress in Filipino Care Workers in Japan

Asis, E., & Carandang, R. (2020). The plight of migrant care workers in Japan: A qualitative study of their stressors on caregiving. Journal of Migration and Health, 1-2, 100001. Web. This research was published in the Journal of Migration and Health, an open-access publisher of articles and reviews concerned with...

Effects of Poverty on Education in the USA Colleges

Introduction Poverty entails a collection of several factors befalling an individual, family or a group of people that lead to impossibility for such a person, family or group of people to afford the basic human needs. Prolongation of such a state for at least three generations leads to a cycle...

Poverty and Homelessness in Canada

Introduction The quality of the life of a fellow human being should be considered to be of extreme importance by every human being. Even though this is a utopian hope, there is appreciable concern among many quarters of the society in bringing about a positive change in the lives of...

Great Leap Brewing: The Marketing Strategy

Executive Summary The paper is a business environment audit report that examines the marketing strategy for Great Leap Brewing to enter the draft beer market in Russia. The work includes considering key aspects, including situation analysis and marketing objectives, aimed at assessing the company’s development potential within a new market....

Video Game Addiction: History and Future Implications

Introduction Video games are arguably the most popular form of entertainment among the youth today. Generally, males play more than females, although this trend has been shifting in the last decade (Lopez-Fernandez et al., 2019). The video game industry is an interesting topic to study since it is filled with...

Negotiation Case Study: Negotiation and Conflict Management

Before analyzing the negotiation, it is necessary to consider the scenario and essential aspects such as purpose and participants. The interaction to be considered in this project is the negotiation of the sale of publishing rights for the book. I want to grant a second party the print and electronic...

Reducing the Number of Delayed and Canceled Operations in the Surgical Department

Introduction According to Al Talalwah and McIltrot (2019), treatment of more advanced illnesses, which sometimes necessitates more severe and costly treatment, is one of the medical repercussions of postponing surgery. Through features like checklists, alarms, and prediction tools; incorporated clinical guidelines that promote standardized, evidence-based procedures; and computerized prescribing and...

Global Financial Management and Ethics in Governance

Introduction Since the worldwide financial recession of 2008, the global economic order has witnessed increased instances of trade wars, volatility, protectionism, and nationalism. The international economic situation is increasingly becoming challenging, making it hard for companies to expand to external markets. The paper assesses and discusses various aspects that help...

The Film “The Help” from a Sociological Perspective

Introduction One of the most ideologically reactionary varieties of naturalism in sociology is the racial-anthropological approach. The main theme of the film ‘The Help’ is the relationship between representatives of different social and racial backgrounds. Therefore, this particular sociological perspective will be rational as the other approaches do not concentrate...

Juvenile Mental Illness and Sex Offenders

Introduction Juvenile delinquency refers to juveniles engaging in illegal activity; traditionally, this refers to those who are under the age of 18. Numerous reasons have contributed to the growth of adolescent delinquency, which is an issue that many cultures are becoming more concerned about. These include poverty, a dysfunctional family,...

Internationalizing the Bershka Brand to Canada

Summary Bershka was established in 1998 in Spain and focuses on fashion and designs of clothing manufacturing. The company started its operations in 2000 when it recorded an increased demand for its fashion products from Spanish citizens (About us, 2022). Up to now, the firm has opened thousands of its...

Food Service Facilities Design: Food Preparation

The food service facility design in a mall in Singapore is based on providing customers with various dining options, including fast food, casual dining, and fine dining. The facility is designed to be visually appealing and easy to navigate, with clear signage and ample seating. The kitchen and food preparation...

Stock Dividends and Stock Splits and Corporate Effects

Introduction Concepts of the corporate environment can affect the fluctuations in the stock market. This is reflected in a variety of examples. For insqance, the declaration of stock dividend for corporations may be revoked at anytime before the actual issuance of the stock. Unlike in cash dividend, a stock dividend...

The Impact of Marijuana Studies

Introduction The use of recreational and medicinal drugs is a topic of public discussion across the world. Many people are concerned with the influence of marijuana, which is an important subject due to cannabis having substantial negative consequences but also being affiliated with certain health advantages (Dahlke et al., 2022,...

New Zealand’s Legal Structure and Society

New Zealanders are safeguarded by a robust and independent legal system well recognized internationally. Although New Zealand does not have a formal written constitution, it has a collection of legislations, conventions, and other key texts that collectively create its constitutional structure. Some of the primary legal systems that form the...

Environmental and Public Health Risks Caused by Plastic Pollution

Introduction The build-up of synthetic plastic products in the surroundings to the extent where they constitute a threat to wildlife, and their habitats and humankind is referred to as plastic pollution. Plastics can be classified either in primary plastics, for instance, cigarettes butts, bottle caps, or secondary plastics, that is,...

How Do Different Artists Confront the Modern Age?

Modernity, especially modernity in art, is a subject that is not necessarily about encompassing the present. Instead, it can be interpreted as looking at a phenomenon from the perspective of a person living in the present. Modernity, while often associated with nonconformism and nuanced approaches to stagnant processes, is also...

Budget Justification for New York City Transit Agency

Introduction This report aims to give justifications for FY 2021 budget increment for the department of security and counterterrorism, which is one of the divisions of New York City Transit agency. Due to covid-19 pandemic, New York City is experiencing arise in insecurity since some unemployed citizens have resorted to...

YA.SI.GA.MO.MA.GE Company: Business Plan

Executive Summary The proposed business is named YA.SI.GA.MO.MA.GE, a name that shows the strong bonds between family members. Following the passion for decoration, the company will be established to offer interior decoration services. Although the sole proprietor has the knowledge and motivation required to start off, they need capital, which...

Health Disparities Faced by Pregnant Black Women

Introduction Maternal health is a critical field in the wider medical system that is intended to meet the needs of women during childbirth, postnatal period, and pregnancy. The professionals in this field possess a wide range of competencies that empower them to provide high-quality and personalized support. When proper care...

Mahindra and Mahindra Limited’s Company Analysis

Executive Summary Mahindra is an Indian multinational corporation that manufactures automobiles and farm equipment. This company has established subsidiaries in China and the United States as a tactic to reach overseas markets. Mahindra leverages technology development in these foreign nations to manufacture its vehicles and tractors and sell them to...

Magnesium in Enhancing Bodily Strength in Athletes

Introduction Magnesium comes as the fourth most abundant mineral found in body cells. However, the two ounces or more of magnesium present in the regular human body exists as magnesium ions instead of metal. That is, positively charged atoms of magnesium found in solution form or compounded with tissues like...

Henri Cartier-Bresson’s and Martine Franck’s Photography

Berger John. 1972. Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin Books. The book by Berger (1972) is a monograph on the interpretation of visual arts from a viewer’s perspective. The book is targeted at a diverse population, including the general public as its primary audience, which is validated by its appeal to...

Nursing History: Today and Beyond

Introduction Patients should be targeted to their specific requirements, not those of the healthcare workers who are providing it. An overhaul of the healthcare sector is necessary to accomplish this. Health care reform will necessitate a significant change in the duties of many health workers, especially nurses. When it comes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of Social Seclusion and Economic Marginalization in Crime

Introduction High rates of crimes and violent activities are becoming a dire threat to the population worldwide. With rapid population growth and challenging economic times in society, criminologists have difficulty controlling crimes leading to extensive studies on the significant causes of crimes. Crime causative factors include social seclusion, economic marginalization,...

Cultural Perspectives in Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart”

Introduction Things Fall Apart is a novel that depicts the traditional life of Nigerians in the pre-colonial eastern part of the country. People living in the villages of Umuofia and Mbanta have self-government and a developed system of communication, relationships, and values. The author Chinua Achebe depicts the arrival of...

Medical Marijuana and Governmental Policies in the US

Introduction Implementing addictive substances for medicinal purposes is one of the major concerns raised by scholars worldwide. Even though some drugs possess clinical qualities that can contribute to the patient’s overall health, scientists still debate if allowing the use of mild stimulants should be permitted at federal and state levels...

The Trait Theory of Personality

Introduction Personality traits reflect people’s characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Personality is defined as the enduring characteristics and behaviors that constitute a person’s unique adjustments to life, including traits, interests, drives, values, and many more. The definitions are diverse and have myths surrounding them (Bergner, 2020). The first...

Diabetes Self-Management Assessment Effect on the Quality of Care

Introduction Professional nurses collect data, prepare reports and conduct monitoring. This information forms the basis of benchmark data that compares the quality of patient safety services. This paper will explore data on the issue of diabetes self-management, which I discussed earlier in other assessments. The 61-year-old female patient was diagnosed...

Overworked Healthcare Systems: The Case of the US and Canada

Introduction In the 21st century, the world’s healthcare systems have been undergoing major transformations that stem from a variety of factors. First of all, the very understanding of medical care providers as a one-way avenue has been rendered obsolete. Today, this process is a dialogue between clinical experts and patients,...

Abolishing Out of Pocket Healthcare Insurance

Introduction Out-of-pocket healthcare refers to a mode of healthcare payment that entails using one’s own money to purchase health services; there is no support from insurance companies. US healthcare is costly and complicated and is paid for through premiums. The policy brief aims to bring to the government and the...

Intersectionality in Gender and Sexual Differences

Introduction There is a high prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence among bisexual persons than among heterosexuals in the current society. RollĂš et al. (2018) establish an overwhelming increase in the rate of abuse across the LGBT community cause of their societal stigma and potential rejection. As a result, these individuals...

The International Olympic Committee Human Resource Portfolio Analysis

Human Resource Portfolio Analysis The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has a unique human resource management (HRM) since the organization attracts both employees and numerous volunteers. The IOC’s HRM focuses on the recruitment process, training, and motivation system. The sports industry is structurally complex, which is especially true for international organizations....

Structural Factors Inhibiting Upward Economic Mobility

The United States (US) has a long history of promoting and enhancing structural factors which prevent individuals from diverse backgrounds from rising the socioeconomic ladder. Socioeconomic mobility defines the concept of how individuals move from one social or economic class to another. This positional shift is influenced by job changes,...

Sex Offenders’ Registration for Public Protection

Introduction The registration of sex offenders is a tool for improved public protection. It is an internationally accepted policy. The United States was among the pioneers of sex offender registration and developed the template that is followed by many other countries. Although this initiative is widely accepted, the issues of...

Case Study on Regulated Power Supply

Abstract The reason that this case study is to educate on the scheme, modeling, process and usages of the regulated power supply which simply is an essential structured block of many electronic arrangements that we come across in everyday life such as in mobiles and laptop chargers, entertainment as well...

Quality of Life Changes in Manchester in 1750-1871

Introduction Contextualization Industrialization was one of the most influential periods in human history, introducing new manufacturing technologies and significantly changing the conventional way of life. The period from 1750 to 1871 can be classified as the First Industrial Revolution, and Manchester was the world center of the ongoing transformation. This...

Strike Activity in the United Kingdom

Introduction: The Trend of Strikes in the UK for the Past 40 Years The unemployment rates in the UK – that is, the number of people without a formal source of income who have been seeking employment and are ready to work – have decreased over the past decade. According...

Pre-pandemic and Pandemic Consumer Behavior

Introduction Commerce is among the spheres, on which the pandemic of COVID-19 has had a considerable influence. The purchasing power of the population, the use of various payment methods, and the offline and online shopping rates – each of these aspects have undergone noticeable changes. The most substantial reframing, however,...

Americanization of the World’s Cultures

Introduction Culture is an integral part of human life and one of the principal characteristics of every country. Its evolution is conditional upon international processes collectively known as globalization. Cultural globalization is considered as “the geographic mobility of cultural products and influences across national borders” (Purhonen et al., 2019, p....

Romanticism, Patriotism and Chopin

Frederic Chopin was a great composer whose success in music was largely conditioned by his ability to accurately react, represent and reflect on the environment, and an inbuilt genteel, and graceful instinct of spontaneous creativity. Films which have attempted to recreate the Polish iconic composer Frederic Chopin have centered on...

Country Analysis of the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation was for a long time isolated from the outer world within the formation of the Soviet Union, which in turn was reflected in its economic development. After opening the borders, business in Russia was developing in leaps and bounds. The country has gone through various transformations combined...

Marketing Plan for ScafĂ© Fabrics’ P4DRY

Introduction Firms that want to succeed in their respective segments need to develop and implement the most appropriate business plans. Competition remains a major obstacle that can affect the overall performance of a given organization. Scafé Fabrics is a modern company relying on emerging technologies to design and develop superior...

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Villa and Zapata, Mexican Revolutionary Leaders

Communities have been looking to their founders, whether real or imagined, for inspiration and models for behavior and attitude, as long as there have been founders to which descendants might look. For example, the Roman republic looked to the hardy twins Romulus and Remus, nursed by a wolf, for their...

Swanscombe Community’s Homelessness and Urban Health

Introduction The paper at hand represents an urban health profile aimed at providing a rational and concise assessment of an urban health issue in the context of a particular community. In this paper, one will focus on the question of homelessness as one of the most critical problems in the...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in an Old Lady

Introduction The patient, Tegan, a retired college professor of social studies, used to be an active and outgoing old lady before developing severe mental health issues after being involved in a train accident. This inciting event, like any crisis, happened unexpectedly and caused significant physical and emotional trauma to this...

Is the International Criminal Court Effective?

Introduction In the past years, the world recorded severe criminal cases, including genocide that left the majority of people dead. Such incidents caught international attention prompting the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The system was aimed at ending the impunity that was growing significantly across the globe. Since...

Outpatient Cardiac Care Management Alternatives

How to Obtain Necessary Approval Before choosing the best procedures to follow in getting the approval to undertake the health research, I would investigate all relevant health bodies involved in the implementation of the health plan and find out all legal frameworks governing the process. After doing so, I would...

Postmenopausal Women with Breast Cancer

Introduction Quantitative research entails objectivity as well as generalization of results (Moballeghi & Moghaddam, 2008). This research critique is a review of the article, Experience of adjuvant treatment among postmenopausal women with breast cancer: health-related quality of life, symptom experience, stressful events and coping strategies, by Maria Browall. The critique...

Interracial Couples: Concepts and the Nature of Problems

Introduction Although some societies have accepted and integrated the concept of racial marriages in their societal practices, still the concept faces a lot of prejudice not only from external members of families but also from natural problems, associated with differences in couples cultures. To a larger extent, such segregations jeopardize...

Exhibition of the Ancient Mosque Architecture

Introduction In any part of the world practicing Islam, the mosque, regardless of its type remains a typical Islamic edifice. The mosque or masjid in Arabic, offers a worshiping place for the Muslims. Therefore, a mosque is basically “a dedicated room for praying” (Casares and Amarillo 66). While nearly all...

Better Zoom Meeting with Gladwell’s “Tipping Point”

Introduction With the emergence of the deadly coronavirus disease, numerous changes have been noted in physical meetings. The regular one-on-one conferences were noted to be the hotspot for the disease spread. However, a new mechanism on how to proceed with various sectors’ initial operations had to be derived. In this...

Symbolism in Steinbeck’s Story “The Chrysanthemums”

A reader who makes serious effort to analyze the short story The Chrysanthemums,/can comprehend the signs of the autobiographical elements of the writer John Steinbeck. The story is considered one of Steinbeck’s most gifted short stories. Author builds up the story through the eventful life of woman named Elisa Allen...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Intellectual Property Law and Piracy on the Internet

Intellectual property law is a legitimate concept that deals with legal property rights such as copyrights, industrial design rights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks and any other creations of the mind whether artistic or commercial and their related rights. Under this law, anybody who holds either of these rights is entitled...

Key Leading Macroeconomic Indicators

Summary of Excel Spreadsheet Report Analysis and Forecast Investors can use the economic review to determine whether the economy is experiencing a recession, for instance, before deciding whether to invest in a business that depends on purchaser spending. Economic indicators offer information about an economy and its growth or shrinking....

The Meaning of Freedom for Jazz Instrumentalists

Art has always been one of the main indicators of the state of society. It appeared at the dawn of civilization and were used to reflect feelings and emotions a person had towards a certain phenomenon or process. Besides, developing along with society, art obtained new features and provided numerous...

Electrical Engineers: Career Development

Nature and Causes of the Problem When analyzing the situation for determining any serious issue in the department of human resources, Mr. Sweeney found out that the turnover of electrical engineers was quite high. As soon as any work opportunities appear, engineers leave the job to improve their working conditions....

Smallpox Vaccines History: Lesson Plan

Introduction Topic: The History of Smallpox Grade: 7 Unit: 5 Time period: one 50-minute class period Size and type of class: 22 students, high school The aim The purpose of this lesson is to educate students on the role of vaccines in the prevention of the smallpox epidemic and familiarize...

Civil Law, Common Law & Islamic Law System

Introduction Executive Summary Law is defined as a system of rules that guide people in a society on how to relate with each other and are usually enforced by predetermined institutions. In this research paper, three types of law systems are handled; Civil law, Common law and Islamic law. All...

Pharmacare Company Ethic and Corporate Responsibility

Introduction Ethics is an issue that should be at the core of the operations of all corporations. The concept of ethics is one that goes hand in hand with corporate responsibility. These concepts, even though important, are sometimes not adhered to by the corporate bodies (Johnson, 2012). This lack of...

Arguments Favor and Against the Nightingale Pledge – Nursing

Introduction Nurses are important professionals in the health care system. They outline the point of contact between a patient and the system. Similarly, they identify problems, assess health situations, and offer solutions for health issues that may, or may not, need a doctor’s intervention (Haigh, 2013). Because of their critical...

Global Nitrogen Cycle: New Developments and Global Change

Introduction Nitrogen (N2) is the most abundant though crucial to living things element that can be found in the water, air, and soil. To a great extent, the nitrogen cycle is a systematic biochemical process under which nitrogen is converted into several usable forms, including nitrates and nitrites. Such nitrogen...

Diversity and Other Conflict Management Tools

Introduction The corporate world is an intricate system that involves issues that pertain not only to customers but to employees as well. The main output and results are provided by the workforce of the organization, and they can only be efficient when there is a positive workplace climate. While some...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impact of Fashion on Gender and Sexual Identity

Fashion has long been used to communicate gender and sexuality. From corsets to contemporary streetwear, clothing is a powerful way of expressing identity and communicating with the outside world. It can express edginess, femininity, masculinity, or any combination. By adopting certain styles, people can show others how they want to...

Development Theories in Patient Care

Introduction Development theories are essential in understanding individuals’ developmental needs that may arise at any stage. In this case, Daniel Levinson’s theory of adult development and the Big Five personality concept provide a framework for describing, examining, and understanding emotional and external influences that may impact health across the lifespan....

Group Work at Guangdong Finance College

In the course of teaching in higher education, teachers increasingly ask students to complete group assignments. To make this cooperative learning method work, teachers will evaluate the results of students’ group assignments to identify their strengths and weaknesses so that students can be motivated and improve. A reasonable evaluation mechanism...

Easy Jet Airline’s Strategic Marketing Audit

Industry and Company Overview Based in Britain and with its headquarters located in London-Luton airport, Easy Jet Airline was inaugurated in 1995. The company had a workforce exceeding 8000 people by September 2012. The main mode of expansion of the company is through acquisitions (Sumberg 2011, Para.5). Its main secret...

Organization Training Strategy

Background Acme HR Organization is a Fortune 500 corporation that has hired 200 HR Professionals to provide DEI training to every department in the United States. It has Acme branch offices in 40 states and numerous divisions. Acme researchers discovered a poor attitude toward total DEI training through employee input....

The Effects of Early Childhood Education on Cognitive Development

Introduction Child development is a fascinating and complex subject that encompasses a wide range of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur during the first two decades of life. From the moment of birth, children begin to grow and develop at an incredible pace, and their experiences and interactions...

Food Waste Management Importance

The world is gradually losing its beauty and is constantly coming under pressure from different problems every other day. Diseases, food shortages, among others are some of the numerous issues that are hitting up news headlines. Even among the most developed nations, some of these problems limit the effort and...

Modern Art: Paintings and Representatives

Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” was created by Pablo Picasso in 1907 in Paris. The artwork depicts a group of nude young prostitutes staring at a viewer, therefore breaking the fourth wall (Picasso, Les Demoiselles D’Avignon, n.d.). The painting is considered revolutionary because it symbolized the breakaway from...

Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog Documentary

Introduction Werner Herzog’s movie Grizzly Man (2005) was one of the best films during its period. In fact, it got much acclamation in the way it presented the life and subsequent death of Timothy Treadwell. As clearly demonstrated in the film, he was assumed to have lived among Grizzlies before...

Religious Parable of “The Three Rings” by Gotthold Lessing

G.E. Lessing created a powerful poem that talks about a father’s love for his sons. The father’s love for his three sons was illustrated through the importance of the ring of power. He will bequeath the ring to his favorite child (Lessing 1). However, he realized that he equally loved...

Popular Research Paper Topics

What Must Be Taught via the Use of a Language for Communication

Introduction The creation of a scenario centered on the Common European Framework of Reference (CERF) is essential for establishing a discourse on what must be taught via the use of a language for communication. In this scenario, migrants have problems acquiring a basic understanding of the English language, particularly in...

The Aeneid Contextual Analysis

Introduction In the Aeneid, Virgil depicts the culture of ancient Rome, notably the notions and values of honor, known as pietas, which the ancient Romans valued highly. Virgil expands on this pietas code through the character of Aeneas and his interactions with people and the world. He accomplishes this by...

Different Perceptions in Knowledge

Introduction Knowledge in this world is relative not always what we see but also dependent on other extra-sensory perceptions. Unlike animals who mostly judge the world and its knowledge in a limited way with their senses, our methods of perception include the use of the five senses, reason, logic, emotion...

Medicines Control for Public Health in the UK and the US

Introduction Governments in the U. S and U.K have empowered some institutions in their countries to regulate and ensure proper and quality availability of drugs. These regulations have led to research on the regulatory methods on various products. The survey results done by different researchers show that in the U.K...

Critical Comments on “A Streetcar Named Desire” by Williams

Introduction The play presents an analysis of the postwar American society and how the attitudes and institutions at the time restricted the lives of women. The author uses the dependence of Stella and Blanche on men to depict and evaluate how women were treated by men during the early twentieth-century...

Muckraking: Sinclair and Riis Impact

Muckraking in the historical context Muckraking is simply investigative journalism with a leaning towards exposing corruption in government and institutions involving public trust. It is also associated with revolutionary ideas and concerns of reform in government and public institutions. Originally, the term ‘Muckrakers’ was coined to refer to American writers...

Regional Integration Inconsistency with Globalization

Abstract With the term of Globalization being in vogue and regional integration agreements being signed across the globe, the coalition of the concepts has been questioned. On one hand, the two concepts are considered as facilitators of each other while on the other hand, the thinkers like Kudo Akira believe...

Talyllyn Railway Company’s Supply Chain Management

The Problem The Talyllyn Railway in Wales is an example of a once-successful tourist-oriented enterprise that contends with the challenge of the modern and more competitive tourist market. As the tourism industry grows, people are drawn to resorts and fun places that offer a novel experience and pleasure such that...

The Contribution of Abraham Lincoln in American History

Abraham Lincoln was among the most influential leaders that the world has ever seen. He was the sixteenth president of the USA. He was instrumental in dealing with the civil war. He showed America a new road during the Civil War which is also considered by many as the toughest...

Mitigating Postnatal Depression in New Mothers: A Recreational Program Plan

Introduction Research studies have shown the importance of leisure activities on mental health (Laursen et al., 2011). Strategically designed leisure activity programs can improve the mental health conditions of children and adults. Depression is one of the prevalent mental disorders in adults. Post-natal depression is a popular form of depression...