After the conclusion (end) of the Seven Years War in 1763, British, facing no immediate threat from the French turned her interest to the colonies (Pauline 16). British had accumulated enormous defence expenses during the wars and as such needed to collect revenue from the colonies in order to offset...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 652
Pages: 3
The Dreamer is an essay written by Junot Diaz, a well-known Dominican writer, who immigrated to New Jersey. This piece of writing describes the story of a little girl who had a great dream that seemed to be impossible to live out. This girl was the author’s mother, who occurred...
Topic: Literature
Words: 652
Pages: 3
Describe common perceptions and misconceptions about this group The society has varying views regarding persons with mental disabilities. In most cases, these views are due to the stereotypes in different communities. Owing to rejection and neglect by the community, the mentally challenged persons often undergo stigmatization, which leads to low...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 652
Pages: 3
In the management literature, entrepreneurship and innovation are complementary of each other as both are critical not only for organizational prosperity and sustainability, but also in the generation of wealth and value for the company (Subramanian & Moslehi, 2013). While the survey taken to identify my personal strengths confirms this...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 652
Pages: 3
The current paper is designed to review the existing nursing philosophies. I thoroughly describe the two theories that are consistent with my outlooks. I also enumerate the factors that majorly influence the overall development of the nursing philosophy. My thoughts concerning the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm are also presented...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 652
Pages: 3
In an historical perspective, colonial power implies instituting both military and administrative control over a region, especially a country. Practically, this infers to the use of force to conduct business with underdeveloped and developing countries. In ancient times, colonialism primarily involved European powers who used their military prowess to subdue...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 652
Pages: 3
Introduction There is often much wisdom to be found in the writings and sayings of ancient philosophers and thinkers. Often, this wisdom can be of great use in one’s life. For example, the following statement belongs to Milarepa, who is one of the most widely known Saints from Tibet: Life...
Topic: Religion
Words: 652
Pages: 3
This expanded crisis theory sample essay explores crisis theory examples, as well as strengths and limitations of crisis intervention. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of crisis theory, its management, and the situational events that cause it. Applied Crisis Theory Essay Introduction In our daily engagements, challenges, and issues...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 652
Pages: 3
The Issues an Organization Faces if It Takes an “Exclusive” Approach to Its Talent Development Strategy One of the approaches to succession planning and talent development is the “exclusive” approach, which is aimed at identifying several talented employees and focusing the organization’s efforts on developing them and preparing them for...
Topic: Management
Words: 652
Pages: 3
Evidence-based practice is a part of the collective triumph of an organization. The incorporation of research evidence requires being encompassed along with the knowledge and clinical proficiency. Research evidence and quality improvement are critical factors for the wellbeing of the hospital (Hall, & Roussel, 2014). Evidence-Based Practice Disadvantages of Evidence-Based...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 652
Pages: 3
Introduction The present paper considers the missions, visions, and values of two healthcare organizations and discusses the implications of their similarities and differences. The organizations are the Brigham and Women’s Hospital [BWH] (2017) and the Huntsville Hospital [HH] (n.d.). The hospitals’ websites contain detailed information on their missions, visions, and...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 652
Pages: 3
Introduction To improve the quality of life among elderly patients with diabetes, one must consider patient education. Particularly, nutrition-based information along with instructions for exercises must be offered together with standard treatment options. Recent research carried out by Tsai (2017) points to the fact that the enhancement of awareness among...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 652
Pages: 3
Executive Summary The Awaken Delaware Project implies providing the services of both a coach and a health practitioner. The proposed service will allow developing a unique approach toward the management of addictions, at the same time addressing their personal needs (Agres, 2015). The modified framework will focus on meeting the...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 652
Pages: 3
Ever since the dawn of globalization and the emergence of large multinational corporations, leading companies and economists have been trying to find the golden formula of success – the perfect strategy template everyone should follow if they wish to achieve success in the international arena. The consensus on what is...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 652
Pages: 3
Introduction Restraint and seclusion have been included in the treatment process for a relatively long time. However, the mounting body of evidence suggests that its use does not offer a therapeutic effect and in many scenarios introduces the risk of adverse health effects, undesirable psychological issues, disrupted emotional stability, and,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction Various issues affect the business environment for companies in different countries. These issues make it difficult for companies to be successful since it is difficult to deal with the challenges. The following discussion indulges in smuggling to understand what it is, individuals who benefit from the trade, and ways...
Topic: Law
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Exporters typically prefer conservative measures when managing foreign receivables What are the reasons for this conservativism? Conservative decisions are quite typical in the realm of financial operations for numerous reasons, the high possibility of a failure as a result of the lack of proper testing being the key factor. The...
Topic: Banking
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Since the drugs first appeared in the USA, the attitude towards them has undergone multiple transformations. At first, drug use was not regarded as a problem but merely as an aristocratic whim. Later, as more people become engaged, more policies prohibiting drugs started to appear. To combat the proliferation of...
Topic: Culture
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction Racial segregation is a significant problem that shaped the development of many countries and societies. In South Africa, apartheid was the institutionalized segregation of black people throughout the country. It had substantial repercussions for South Africa and its citizens, both positive and negative. Nelson Mandela played a crucial role...
Topic: Apartheid
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Parents generally have a strong opinion on whether sex should be taught in schools. Whether pro or con, these opinions are based on what the parent believes to be the responsible choice for not only their own child but for all children. Those that oppose sex education being part of...
Topic: School
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction In this paper, our task is to compare the works of such prominent English authors as Shakespeare, Milton and Keats. Overall, we can say that in their poems they explore themes, which have always been vital for any artist, namely, the fear of death, brevity of human life, love...
Topic: Literature
Words: 652
Pages: 2
A brand can be related to the products or services and can define the functions, meaning, image, or benefits of those products and services; combining these two elements describe the concept of brand space. The arguments given by the authors in their article regarding the mistakes made by many organizations...
Topic: Brand
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction This paper discusses the economic concept of ‘balance of payments’ and how it impacts the economy of a nation. Firstly, the term is explained through its various components and then the implications of a negative balance of payments are explained. Balance of Payments The balance of payments (BOP) is...
Topic: Economics
Words: 652
Pages: 2
The Old Testament promotes revelation as the most important process in religion which helps believers to communicate with God. The attention from the divine to believer through which all of a man is involved is revelation. It is God making Himself known to all people, disclosing Himself so that believers,...
Topic: God
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction Poets often write poem with similar themes. Poetry as part of literature which can be viewed as creative reproduction of reality, socio-political and economic commentary represent strong views of the author about particular issues affecting society. Authors normally write from some sensitivity to some strong opinions. In his Poems;...
Topic: Literature
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Marriage is commonly understood to be the embodiment of a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman. It is a long standing tradition that seems to have more of a religious connotation rather than a social meaning. The social view of “slavery for the woman and prison for the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Vowels in the English language are classified on basis of their sound in pronunciation. A vowel in the English language can be defined as a letter in the alphabet whose sound in speech is with an open mouth without constriction of the vocal tract to cause pressure whatsoever. Commonly, these...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction There are two types of fitness. The performance-related fitness and the health-related fitness. Performance-related involves athletic performance; it measures coordination and response time to a particular exercise. Health-related is linked to items that are designed to reduce the advent of diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. This...
Topic: Sport
Words: 652
Pages: 2
An earthquake also referred to as an earth tremor is a phenomenon that takes place as a result of the abrupt discharge of energy within the Earth’s outer layer that leads to the formation of seismic waves. The apparatus used for the detection and registration of earthquakes is referred to...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction Healthy nutrition is a decisive factor that affects students’ health and academic performance. Along with activities of physical activity, physical education, education on healthy eating, and access to drinking water, providing the opportunity to eat balanced meals will make children’s lives more satisfying. This paper aims to create a...
Topic: School
Words: 652
Pages: 2
“Long-term lock-in” “Long-term lock-in” is a theory that is forward by Jared Diamond in an attempt to explain the West control and rule for centuries over other continents. In his explanation; the West would rule today and will continue to rule into the future. He advanced this hypothesis by analyzing...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 652
Pages: 2
From ancient history to modern days, people have worshipped heroes. Whether they were living or dead, fictional or real, those extraordinary individuals inspired others to be better. In A Lesson Before Dying, Ernest J. Gaines explores the theme of heroes in a seemingly brief, but significant way. The novel’s plot...
Topic: Literature
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction Any literature masterpiece is composed of numerous layers and themes, which supplement each other and give it new tones and accents. One can read a book looking for some evident events and the plot lying on the surface. However, this approach will not ensure a profound understanding of the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 652
Pages: 2
When it comes to business management, the aspect of competitive advantage always appears in the discussion. According to Kotler and Keller (2015), competitive advantage (CA) is a “company’s ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match” (p. 304). In other words, it is...
Topic: Business
Words: 652
Pages: 2
The purpose of this study is to describe the consequences of antenatal contact on the health of people due to the Dutch Famine and to determine how to improve the health of their future generations. It also determines the impact mothers with malnutrition have on the size, weight, and health...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 652
Pages: 4
Company and its business The company selected for review in this paper is Starbucks Coffee Company. It is one of the leading international coffeehouse chains based in Seattle, Washington, the U.S.A that was established in 1971 by three partners to sell high-quality coffee beans and machinery. Over the years the...
Topic: Starbucks
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction Service provision in long-term care (LTC) facilities involves a great number of risks that require constant monitoring and quality improvement initiatives. One way to classify the existing risks is to focus on the affected party. This report discusses common and well-studied risks affecting patients (infections, falls), LTC staff (violence...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction The paper addresses issues that were discussed and why they are issues of interest to the finance audience. The paper also links the articles to the concept discussed in class e.g. stock valuation, risk, markets portfolio theory, etc. Finally, the paper addresses the math in the article and gives...
Topic: Economics
Words: 652
Pages: 2
“Yellow”: A Turning Point Originally from London, Coldplay started their journey in 1997. Their really talented music was noticed very quickly, and the first three albums of the team exploded. Now Coldplay is considered perhaps the brightest and most promising new wave Britpop band from England. Moreover, the team’s popularity...
Topic: Song
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Diabetes management requires a comprehensive approach continuing medical care and patient education so as to prevent short-term and long-term complications (Labrose-Lhermine et al., 2007; Benoit et al., 2005). Glycemic control is the essential treatment objective for diabetes care. Glycemic control is a medical phrase that presumes to support blood glucose...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction The present paper provides a summary and analysis of the article by Eneh et al (2012), titled “Nursing Leadership Practices as Perceived by Finish Nursing Staff: High Ethics, Less Feedback and Rewards”, in terms of scholarly writing demonstrated by the authors, bias, opinions, quality of evidence and suitability to...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction It is essential for individuals in the field of nursing to pursue a graduate degree. This makes them to be more experienced, skilled and competent in their respective fields. To determine this, an interview was conducted on a random candidate from the 2009 graduate list of Kaplan University. Random...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 652
Pages: 2
How Dental Care is organized at the Local Level Dental care at the local level is organized around several institutions and programs, namely local city and county governments, local foundations, nonprofit organizations, school departments, dental and dental hygiene schools, dental residency programs, and private dental practice. Local city and county...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 652
Pages: 2
What were Hitler’s reasons and objectives for starting down the road to war? Hitler sought to conquer new lands for the good of the Volk or German people to expand its territory and influence. The ultimate goal was focused on establishing the “Aryan” race as a superior nation in the...
Topic: War
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Abstract This paper is a valuable summary of the critical foundations of pharmacology theory. Throughout the essay, both the fundamental conceptual concepts of science and the science-based properties of drugs are described. In particular, the paper discussed the beneficial properties of probiotics, onion, and elderberry extracts. Natural Medicine Paper The...
Topic: Antibiotic
Words: 652
Pages: 2
The private property occupies a special place in the system of social relations. The participants in property relations are states, classes, and individuals. The history of human development has confirmed that there is a deep relationship between human economic behavior and social relations. All issues of economic life are closely...
Topic: Law
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Sherman Alexie’s short stories “War Dances” and “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” describe the life of Native Americans who have to deal with vices and vulnerabilities in everyday life. Their values and suffering have different causes, but they are similar due to the degree of pain projected onto daily...
Topic: War
Words: 652
Pages: 2
The Whale Rider is a dramatic movie based on the Witi Ihimaera’s 1987 book with the same title, which describes the adventurous events of a girl’s life in a New Zealand tribe. The film includes various settings of the ancient lands of the continent and represents the lives, culture, and...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Discussions are used in the classroom for many reasons: discussions increase student interest and participation, help get feedback from teachers, facilitate good lecture preparation, and improve student skills. There are many benefits to having class discussions during class (Vetter et al., 2020). Classroom discussions are a common pedagogical approach that...
Topic: Classroom
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction Parents always wish the best for their children and do not want them to feel vulnerable or not protected. That is why they take an active part in their lives and do everything to let their children become full-fledged members of the community. In the Philippines, children are considered...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Fetal growth retardation (FGR) might be considered a pressing issue in the modern medicine framework. A plethora of scholars and practitioners are dealing with this phenomenon to a great extent nowadays. Below, a thorough discussion on the essence of fetal growth retardation will be provided. The placenta is a provisional...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Big data is one of the most demanded technologies, being actively implemented in all spheres of human activity. The volume of information processed by the user is growing every year. In addition, the development of machine learning and the widespread use of smart devices contribute to this, which reinforces predictions...
Topic: Banking
Words: 652
Pages: 2
The current problem of teenage pregnancy is associated with poverty, low levels of education, and substance use. This problem is marginalized, and young mothers suffer severe stigmatization and their children. It is essential to understand the causes and circumstances of teen pregnancy and how to make this problem even less...
Topic: Pregnancy
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela represent two examples of how radical political and social changes can be brought to life without the use of violence. The tactics used by these two leaders have ultimately brought independence to India and democracy to South Africa. The three types of non-violent resistance that...
Topic: Nelson Mandela
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Understanding the changes that occur when people age is critical knowledge for many professions, ranging from educators to healthcare specialists. This process may turn one’s life unbearable at some point, yet, with modern advancements, many people can still experience their life in full at the age of 50 through 60....
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Kate Chopin’s “The Awakening”, Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman”, Lucille Clifton’s “Homage to my Hips”, Rebecca Fulleylove’s “The Feline Artist Whose Work You Need to Know”, RBG directed by Betsy West and Julie Cohen all discuss different aspects of gender equality. I agree with the overall message of these works, which...
Topic: Equality
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction People see and perceive things differently depending on their cultural background and language. People’s perceptions are often based on experiences and activities they are accustomed. Having lived in Andalusia, Spain, I have observed that the way of life is almost entirely different from that in countries. The eating habits,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction Time progressed along with man, and in the 21st century, weapons of both single and mass destruction appeared. However, machine guns, pistols, and nuclear and chemical weapons are no longer designed to feed a man and one’s family but to harm other humans. An international war is the most...
Topic: Realism
Words: 652
Pages: 4
Basic Knowledge This book has improved my understanding of communication in three main ways. First, I have learned that language is used in all aspects of human activity, no matter how different the field. The study of the character of utterances and the variety of generic facets of expressions in...
Topic: Speech
Words: 652
Pages: 2
People in the United States of America are constantly in danger of natural disasters, such as storms and tornadoes. The government helps its residents to recover from such types of events by providing them with funding to rebuild destroyed structures. However, serious actions are not taken to warn people or...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Professional Screenshot to Share The ProjectLibre software is used to create a simplified Gantt chart, work breakdown structure, and estimate the costs for each project task. Dependencies in a project refer to the relationship between activities and how they can be initiated with reference to one another. The selected project...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Understanding religion as a whole might seem like a formidable task. Different religions have existed throughout the entire history of humanity, from primal beliefs of primordial people to modern phenomena, such as Pastafarianism, which most people consider to be more of a social movement. With a history this long, it...
Topic: Religion
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Performance management is closely tied to the context of its occurrence. The context provides many variables that may influence performance management at all stages. However, it might be difficult to predict them. Missed opportunities provide a perfect example of such variables – it emphasizes situations and events that go beyond...
Topic: Management
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Studying architectural history is of utmost significance to students aspiring to become architects. Architectural history denotes the study of architecture as it changed through various cultures and landscapes and across multiple decades. Such knowledge goes a long way in helping students understand and appreciate the craft and comprehend the milestones...
Topic: Architecture
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction Currently, Body Mass Index (BMI) is the standard accepted measure to classify obesity. Obesity is a public health issue that is characterized by having an excessive amount of body fat where the BMI is above 30 (De Lorenzo et al., 2019). Unfortunately, the current healthcare environment in which primary...
Topic: Obesity
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction The poem entitled “What Is to Come We Know Not” by Ernest Henley is one of the most life-asserting works in literature. Indeed, in his poem, the author portrays his gratitude for whatever good moments he had and at the same time conveys his bravery to face whatever life...
Topic: Literature
Words: 652
Pages: 3
In an ailing economy and threats of frequent economic crises, one of the main areas of interest is the idea of tax reforms. Some scholars argue, within the context of classical versus Keynesian economic theories, that the ailing economy is a strong incentive for implementing tax reforms to reduce the...
Topic: Tax
Words: 653
Pages: 3
Childcare involves caring for young children, particularly from 0-9 years of age. There are two different types of childcare. The first one is parental childcare, where parents care for their children. The second one is non-parental childcare, where the child is taken care of by another person, but not the...
Topic: Childcare
Words: 653
Pages: 3
Introduction The management of stress is a fundamental attribute for all workers throughout the globe. The free and undistracted mind is able to facilitate and accommodate working conditions by implementing strategies to relieve stress. Essentially, extroverts are able to live social lives by making friends who can solve problems, provide...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 653
Pages: 3
Cardiovascular diseases refer to the ailments that affect heart and blood circulation. These diseases are the most common causes of death in the UK, especially among the older population (Bonow et al. 120). Physical inactivity, lifestyle of individuals and unhealthy diet are among the key factors that increase a person’s...
Topic: Cardiovascular Diseases
Words: 653
Pages: 3
Introduction Currently, the new technologies are developing rapidly, and their implementation may prove effective in a variety of fields, including nursing. There exist several technologies that have not yet been widely introduced, but the use of which may significantly advance the quality of nursing care. In this paper, some of...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 653
Pages: 3
Abstract The evaluation design is selected depending on the type of research question, set hypotheses, and on expected evaluative outcomes. Measurements used to gather data become determined by the chosen evaluation design. Referring to the research question, the procedures of the evaluation design, the possible access to data, and the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 653
Pages: 3
Car industry has been developing day by day in many countries. The major purpose of this industry is to create, develop, improve, market, and sell motor vehicles, cars in particular. The progress of car industry is perfectly noticeable. For example, Marsden tells that during the 1970s, car industry in Britain...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 653
Pages: 3
Introduction The article How to Keep Your Employees Motivated in a Downturn by Peter Twemlow (published in The Guardian newspaper on the 20th of November 2012) investigates a highly important topic of employee encouragement in the period when the company is going through hard times. The recommendations the author provides...
Topic: Business
Words: 653
Pages: 3
Introduction Annual exams can be utilized to assess the health and well-being of a patient and address any present complaints. Evaluating the state of adolescent health is especially important, as young people go through many changes during this period. Adolescent patients may experience alterations in their body as well as...
Topic: Health
Words: 653
Pages: 3
The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most iconic drama films in Hollywood history representing the criminal justice system and “life in prison” themes. The movie was directed by Frank Darabont and released in 1994. It stars actors such as Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, and Bob Gunton (“The Shawshank Redemption,”...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction There are many ARNPs (advanced registered nurse practitioners) living in Miami-Dade County who submitted their research proposals to IRB (institutional review board) and were accepted by the commission. Jessica Maclntyre who occupies the position of director of clinical operations at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center is one of them. The...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The documentary An Eye on You: Citizens Under Surveillance attempts to describe the extensive network of surveillance and data collection which occurs in the modern technological world. One of the film’s underlying premises is that it happens without consent which can actively compromise individual privacy. While targeted commercials may be...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 653
Pages: 2
In what respects are the following common practices subtle (or not-so-subtle) forms of price discrimination? Frequent-flier and frequent-stay programs? Frequent-flier and frequent-stay programs Frequent-fliers are incentive programs are used by airlines to reward clients who have continuously been loyal travelers (Samuelson & Marks, 2006). The strategy aims to reduce travel...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 653
Pages: 2
According to the seminar, there are three (3) steps in a job search for internships or career jobs. The first step is to know who you are and what can you contribute to the business or industry of your potential employer. These contributions may include the level of education you...
Topic: Professional Development
Words: 653
Pages: 2
TOMS SWOT Analysis: Abstract Although businesses are rarely involved in non-profit activities, some companies, such as TOMS, help people in need. To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of these activities and future possibilities, a SWOT analysis may be used. It is demonstrated that TOMS’ philanthropic campaign is characterized by strengths...
Topic: Strategic Analysis
Words: 653
Pages: 2
What is meant by the “autonomy” of a person? Personal autonomy refers to an individual’s ability to gain control over the course of his or her actions. In ancient Greece, Plato and Aristotle associated autonomy with self-mastery and self-governance. For Plato, the rational part of the human psyche was superior...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 653
Pages: 2
In “Night,” which is a semi-memoir dedicated to Elie Wiesel’s harrowing experiences in concentration camps, the topic of a father-son relationship and its development is very important. Elie, along with other Jewish people of his town, falls victim to the German occupation of Hungary. In 1944, Elie and his family...
Topic: Night by Elie Wiesel
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction The period from 1865 to the 1930s included a variety of processes in the country’s economy, which the government tried to control. The commonly accepted principle of non-interference started to be altered to more strict interference since laborers and businessmen asked the government to support them. The government began...
Topic: Economics
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Given that alcohol abuse affects myriad families, ruining people’s health and harming social life, it is still a sensitive and critical issue to consider. Alcohol use disorder is probably the most preventable cause of mortality, which leads to a variety of acute and chronic diseases. For example, it is indisputable...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The Monkey’s Paw: Analysis Introduction The Monkey’s Paw is a horror short story written by William Wymark Jacobs in the early twentieth century. Despite telling about mysterious events and matters, the story feels probable due to realistic settings and characters. The synthesis of the real and unreal world helps the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Elimination (Environmental Health Concerns) Air pollution from oil and gas activities Transport is the major air pollutant Noise pollution from planes and motor transport No pesticides usage due to absence of agriculture Satisfactory hygiene practices including access to laundry services Safety control concentrated on transportation issues Although Bethel is not...
Topic: Health
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Wondering what the disadvantages and advantages of linear model of communication are? Then, check out our essay sample to find out more about this and other communication models! Communication models are mainly pictures; this is because they can put to an end very essential interactive or transitive process into a...
Topic: Communication
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Sonnet number 130 is one of Shakespeare’s most famous sonnets. The convention of writing love sonnets during the days of Shakespeare was to compare the beloved to everything beautiful in nature and raise the beloved to the level of a Goddess. The greatest poet of this tradition is Petrarch. In...
Topic: Literature
Words: 653
Pages: 2
How Wal-Mart has increased taxes on their products According to Richard (2006), the recently increased taxes by Wal-Mart on their products have purposely been introduced to hide the truth regarding the company. Recently, the company launched an advertising campaign worth multi-million dollars to silence the critic of the company and...
Topic: Tax
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction Freud was a physiologist, medical doctor, and psychologist, who later developed interest in the working of the human mind resulting in unprecedented research. His findings and theories form the framework of psychology today. He developed a specific area of psychology, known as psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is the careful examination of...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction A healthy relationship refers to a good relation with the people around you whereby there are no instances of quarrel or disagreements over given issues. Not every person in the society knows how to maintain healthy or good relationship with the people around him or her and this is...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction Eradicating old and unfair eligibility procedures and phrases that unjustly distinguish male’s participant capabilities from female’s capabilities contribute to attaining sexual equality during skating. The social construct that people should not be given prevalence by being members of the pampered gender needs to be applied in sports (Sarah, 2011)....
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 653
Pages: 2
It is obvious and widely held that everyone is different, and every individual’s character traits have a profound influence on every aspect of their life. Not many people consider that personality traits can be measured by specialized tools, and inferences can be made about a person based on the measurements....
Topic: Psychology
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction Business ownership is an inviting opportunity for everyone as its benefits attract people towards financial and personal freedom. Among other factors, it offers the absence of the top management, engagement with different people, and schedule flexibility. In this essay, the thorough description of setting up a small business will...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Georg Cantor’s early life Georg Cantor was born on 3rd March 1845 in western merchant colony at St. Petersburg, Russia as the eldest child of his father and his full name was Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor. His father was a Danish Jewish merchant that had changed to Protestantism and...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Being one of the most ancient social formations, the notion of marriage has attracted the attention of many thinkers and researchers throughout human history. This interest is associated with the desire to understand the place and role of marriage in society. It is also conditioned by the need for a...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Nowadays, it is hard to deny that companies tend to use various marketing strategies to draw customers’ attention. Greenwashing is considered to be one of these ways, which implies that a company confuses a customer by creating an image of an ecologically-oriented organization. Cause washing, in general, is a modern...
Topic: Business
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Uniform Crime Report is a reporting system that is summarized with data concerning different geographic levels in a State. The data that is reported in Uniform Crime Report is officially represented to the agencies that enforce law and order. These agencies are therefore required to forward that report to the...
Topic: Crime
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Between 1929 and 1936, a horrible process of Mexican Repatriation took place in the United States of America, making hundreds of thousands of Mexican people homeless, scared, jobless, and humiliated. At that time, local governments deported about 1.8 million people to Mexico (Wagner). According to Little, it happened because they...
Topic: History
Words: 653
Pages: 4
Nurses are the greatest components of health care; they are ever-present to patients and hold a wide range of responsibilities. Lauu (2000) notes that nursing, as a profession, is committed to social life, human behavior, and the health of people. She further indicates that nursing works to instill knowledge, power,...
Topic: Illness
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Research in diabetes was indeed an awesome experience to me throughout the study. Although I was not very confident from the beginning of the research program, I eventually came to appreciate the entire research study. I was quite doubtful about the potential of the program to improve my ability to...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction Surfactants refer to chemical substances that lessen the surface tension in water. Lowering the surface tension of water makes it possible for dirt to dissolve in it. Therefore, washing is made easier by the inclusion of surfactants in the washing water. Surfactants can be categorized into four main groups...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction The Mayan refers to a group of communities who had similar cultures and lived in Mesoamerica and specifically in the Yucatan peninsular. The Classical period in this question lasted from 250AD to 900AD. The Yucatan peninsular had a vast landscape with good water catchments areas that could support agriculture....
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Social exclusion is the inability of taking an active part in a social, cultural, and economic life of society. The health consequences of social exclusion are an actual topic for discussion these days because even isolated people have right for medical service. The aim of the given essay is to...
Topic: Health
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction Philosophy has often been criticized for its lack of practical utility. Indeed, some scientists and their followers maintain that most of the philosophical questions, especially the most basic ones that have been researched for centuries, are still unanswered. As a result, metaphysical, ontological, and existential endeavors are seen as...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The development of communication strategy, both internal and external, is essential for a company’s productive and efficient functioning. In particular, for such a large enterprise as the Coca-Cola company that operates in multiple countries of the world and strives to ensure high-level corporate culture and social responsibility profile, adequate communication...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Literature has always been used to mirror society; thus, the changes that occurred in women’s stance can be learned through literary representations. The main characters of all three plays, Nora, Eliza, and Cate, reflect greatly on the similarities in terms of a rigid stance of a woman in a patriarchal...
Topic: A Doll's House
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Film Analysis: The Fugitive Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Professor’s Name Date There is a significant difference between content and form in a film, despite that it enhances the quality of the experience among the audiences. In the movie The Fugitive, the form significantly complements the content to elevate the...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Supplier relations are essential for the proper functioning of a firm. From a general perspective, this process consists of identifying and selecting the best-value offer for a company. This way, the firm obtains the required materials for the production of its goods or provision of services. In other words, the...
Topic: Business
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Nowadays, especially thanks to the younger generations who believe in the necessity and effectiveness of philanthropy, equality, collaboration, and mutual respect, the concept of social justice is known and used widely. However, despite the fact that one may often hear this phrase, not everyone understands the meaning behind it and...
Topic: Justice
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction The essay by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich entitled “Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History” examines her slogan’s ambiguity on how well-behaved women rarely make history. One group of people might interpret the saying to mean that only misbehaving women are most likely to make history. As a reader, the first sentence...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The short story written by Flannery O’Connor is one of her most famous works. A Good Man Is Hard to Find is an excellent example of southern gothic, combining dialogues about everyday things and Christian values. It is characterized by many questions raised, allowing scholars to explore the work in...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The work which was highly captivating for me was the Cultural Theory and Popular Culture by John Storey. The compilation of the different researchers’ perspectives allows analyze the influence of the culture as an intellectual movement on society. To be more precise, the reading contributes to understanding the complexity of...
Topic: Culture
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction The aim of this study was to elaborate a deeper understanding of authenticity that was experienced by senior managers. Authenticity is linked to people’s motivation, psychological well-being at work, and self-esteem. The premise for the study was based on last researches that showed destructive influence on employees’ feelings, satisfaction,...
Topic: Business
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Biases and assumptions are crucial concerns in the research field. The phenomenon poses many challenges in various professional areas, including education, health and wellness, social and cultural aspect, and mental health. Bias and assumptions occur at different stages of the research, such as data collection, population sampling, and analysis of...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The importance of working capital to the Apple Inc. organization A company’s working capital is measured by its ability to function and its short-term financial stability. There are enough short-term debt payments and expenditures to cover the company’s short-term cash flow based on the company’s networking capital. There are several...
Topic: Business
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Presently, more people start to lead sedentary lifestyles or are restricted to a little amount of activity due to work or studying. In this situation, the solution to such a problem is incorporating stretching techniques that will assist in reducing pressure from the limbs and avoid injuries in the future....
Topic: Sport
Words: 653
Pages: 2
As Spike Lee’s documentary attests, inconvenient realities were allowed to exist that contributed to the societal tragedy that Hurricane Katrina so dramatically displayed. When the Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts, directed by Spike Lee, illuminates the complex network of social, legal, and environmental blind spots that contributed to...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction The Malaysian government has been privatizing some state-owned companies, including power generation companies, to reduce its debt burden and promote efficiency in the usage of resources. The approach has positively impacted Malays’ entry into the power market, as private companies can now compete for contracts to build and operate...
Topic: Business
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Zappos is an active business entity that conducts its operations online. The organization stocks a wide range of products, including shoes, clothes, and appliances (Askin & Petriglieri, 2016). Accordingly, Zappos is a subsidiary of Amazon but operates independently. The following section covers the online retail firm’s financial consideration by focusing...
Topic: Business
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Existing Knowledge Globalization, as a complex process of increasing connectedness and interdependence of different countries, economies, and cultures, has had a significant impact on multiple spheres of human life. In particular, one of the decisive fields where the influence of globalization might have far-reaching effects is education. Indeed, research shows...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction Human suffering is inevitable and may have a long-lasting impact on someone’s life. People grieve the loss of someone they loved much or situations they have little or no control over. Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” utilizes symbols to reinforce the melodramatic mood. The conversation between the speaker of...
Topic: Edgar Allan Poe
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction In order for a play to be convincing and lively, it should not only consist of an exciting plot, but also incorporate believable and diverse characters. They serve as driving force for any scenario, helping readers and viewers to live out their story. Moreover, strong and well-written characters serve...
Topic: Trifles
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Romania’s GDP per capita has grown over the past ten years but remains much lower than the EU average compared to that of the European Union leader, Germany. So far, Romania ranks, respectively, penultimate in the EU in terms of actual per capita individual consumption, which in 2018 was 59...
Topic: Economics
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The German philosopher and economist Karl Marx created a Marxist theory in the middle of the nineteenth century. It impacted the economy, social order, and politics of different countries around the world. Even though the theory is outdated for the modern world, many countries still have communist parties operating within...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Problems/Issues The field of cashless payments continues its expansive growth and development as the demand for innovative payment methods grows in need to optimize and speed up payments. Traditional players in the market of non-cash payment systems still retain their weight and leading positions. However, due to the rapid development...
Topic: Management
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction Workplaces provide mini communities involving different players operating based on some basic social laws and principles. However, the anticipated peaceful coexistence among workers and other stakeholders frequently ceases when specific individuals turn inhumane. Such occurrences lead to workplace violence, defined as the danger of harassment, violence, intimidation, and other...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Since the era of Aristotle, aesthetics has been among the most challenging problems for philosophers to solve. It is possible to categorize the many theories of aesthetics into two classes: the cognitivist and idealists, although they differ in several aspects. Idealists maintain that a person can use an objective view...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction Depression is one of the leading contemporary issues that teenagers face today. This disorder negatively impacts the mental state of teenagers and interferes with their daily routines. Horowitz and Graf (2019) explain that in the modern world, teenage depression is a significant concern, especially among those aged between 10-18...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction Abortion is a divisive and ethically difficult issue that has been discussed for millennia. It includes the end of a pregnancy and is classified into two types: spontaneous abortion, commonly known as a miscarriage, and procured abortion, which is a planned abortion. The nature and ethical consequences of these...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Rudeness as an Increasing Issue in Nursing Education In the readings on handling student misconduct and rudeness, I discovered three that were intriguing or unexpected. First, I was shocked to see that rudeness is an increasing issue in nursing education. In a survey of nursing professors, nearly half said they...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Creativity, Innovation, and Intrapreneurship Creativity is defined as the mental ability to create or imagine new and meaningful ideas. On the other hand, innovation is the process of transforming creativity into products and services for the real world (Jones 366). There is a significant link between the two concepts. For...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 654
Pages: 3
In the context of product recalls, crisis management can be defined as the systematic attempt often initiated by the management of the organization to avoid organizational crises or to manage those crisis events that do occur using various crisis management strategies classified into four main categories, namely denial, involuntary recall,...
Topic: Crisis Management
Words: 654
Pages: 3
Among many other dental hygiene application essay examples, this one is a must-read. The following dental hygiene essay will give several arguments on why you might want to be a dental hygienist over anything else. The author will talk about their childhood and skills and say a few words about...
Topic: Hygiene
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Nowadays, employers value employees who have additional skills and knowledge that cannot be adopted through academic education. These extra abilities are often called soft skills, and many kinds of soft skills are distinguished: critical thinking, creativity, problem-resolving, time management, self-organization, responsibility, etiquette, etc. Overall, it is possible to divide soft...
Topic: Business
Words: 654
Pages: 3
Introduction Despite the attempts to raise awareness about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections (STIs), as well as the strategies for their prevention, STIs remain a common and quite burning issue on the contemporary agenda of healthcare worldwide (Henry & Hann, 2015). According to the WHO data, more than 1,000,000...
Topic: Disease
Words: 654
Pages: 3
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven rate among the most outstanding composers in the history of classical music. They both died over 150 years ago but their works continue to be studied, performed, and admired all over the world. Although both composers are equally popular, their music still differs...
Topic: Beethoven
Words: 654
Pages: 3
Abstract This paper discovers submission criteria for the International Journal of Nursing Studies and proposes the article The Effect of Leadership Mentoring on Motivation of Nurses: A Mixed Study Approach. It reviews its content according to the publication guidelines and finds that leadership mentoring has an immense impact on motivation....
Topic: Leadership
Words: 654
Pages: 3
What are some ways databases are used in the work environment? What are some ways database use could be improved in the workplace? A database can simply be defined as a set of similar data organized in a predetermined sequence for ease of retrieval and use. Examples of databases include...
Topic: Commerce
Words: 654
Pages: 2
If you have a lot of money, what will you do? Essay on this topic is commonly assigned to students. This “what would you do with a million dollars” essay will inspire a great paper. If I Had a Million Dollars: Essay Introduction People around the world have all sorts...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Describe the structure and culture of an organization. List the weaknesses and strengths. How does the structure and culture of an organization influence the behavior of its members? What are your recommendations for improvements? There is no use denying the fact that every organization has its structure and culture which...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 654
Pages: 2
How do you perceive simulations, including telepresence, influencing education, and training in the future, in response to your social media readings and discussions? As it is known, nowadays simulations and online communication have become a part of many people’s lives; they are already used in many fields. One of such...
Topic: Communication
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Introduction The story innocently titled “The Lottery,” written by Shirley Jackson would be generally expected to have a positive theme. However, the plot narrates the events of the annual lottery, which takes place in the most ordinary setting of a small village (more specifically in its main square). The purpose...
Topic: The Lottery
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Introduction The problem of school bullying is widely discussed by modern researchers since it affects a great number of teenagers annually. Speaking about the key characteristics of the issue, it is pivotal to note that bullying involves the use of power, position, or manipulations with the sense of fear in...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 654
Pages: 2
The current essay analyses an article by Stone about the Costco company (55). The article analyses the business development and its growing into one of the most successful corporations in the United States. It is mostly concentrated on CEO Craik Jelinek because his management is probably the reason for Costco’s...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 654
Pages: 2
When thinking of a memorable place, some of the most popular spots are the ocean or sea, touristic attractions or distant locations. I have seen quite a lot of majestic and remarkable places that could astound any individual. However, Albert Einstein quite rightfully claimed that the “only thing you absolutely...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Dreams of fantastic technologies of the future usually border on an incredible catastrophe that threatened humanity with extinction. Typically, such ideas are beautifully depicted in dystopian novels. The problem of the post-apocalyptic planet is often reflected in the works of fiction writers, which is typical for the work of The...
Topic: Literature
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Decision to Consolidate The decision to consolidate financial statements when a company acquires a small company is based on the general rules listed below. The acquiring company will own the majority of the voting interest. The ownership of the voting interest exceeds 50%. In either case, the company has to...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 654
Pages: 4
Introduction Entrepreneurship climate largely determines how an organization is revitalized from time to time. New ideas need to be incorporated to the management of companies and organizations because the world is very dynamic. Entrepreneurship refers to the ability to organize, undertake and manage ventures that are productive by taking risks...
Topic: Culture
Words: 654
Pages: 2