Family Is the Basic Unit of Society Essay

The family is considered the basic unit of the society. It is where a person acquires his/her basic characteristics and habits. They say that the personality of an individual is very much affected by the family background. One classical definition is that a family “is a social group characterized by...

Most Memorable Childhood Christmas

The most memorable Christmas I ever had was during the time I was quite a young kid on Christmas eve, just out of the theatre where the movie Superman I was running. It was a breathtaking experience and I remember quite well that it took a long time to get...

Book Fairs and Literary Festivals Exhibitions

Introduction These are two different types of exhibitions that differ in various ways, from participants to target audience and the targeted outcomes. Both have different target purposes and their purposes have been discussed in detail. Book Fairs This is an event usually organized by books’ publishers, authors, and booksellers, targeting...

Obesity in People with Intellectual Disabilities’: The Article Review

Introduction Mashall, McConkey and Moore (2003) seek to assess obese and overweight individuals and the steps taken after screening the individuals positively. In addition, the authors of this article seek to know how health promotion classes contribute to weight loss among obese and overweight individuals. The authors are compelled to...

Theory’s Role in Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Abstract There is a place for theory in all the three approaches to research namely mixed, quantitative, and qualitative methods. In a qualitative approach, a concept is used to offer the probabilities and clarifications among parameters being studied. The theory forms a bridge among the variables. On the other hand,...

Discrimination Against Women in Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

Description of the issue The issue of discrimination among women continues to influence the experience of females in the modern world. Mainly, society continues to depend on prejudices that concern the role of women in society. Coffey demonstrates that this part of the population suffers from inequality in India because...

Evaluating Ecology Footprint Analysis

Introduction It is important to note that all forms of essential human activities and lifestyle choices leave a significant impact on the environment. Ecological footprint refers to the amount of land needed to sustain the overall consumption and use of natural resources for an individual or group (Global Footprint Network,...

Participation of Different Nationalities in World War I

Introduction The First World War was more than merely a European conflict from its outset in August 1914. As this war progressed, more nations became involved making this war bigger in the years that followed. By 1918, the majority of the world’s population was officially at war, and even neutral...

The Communication Studies Journal Analysis

Communication Studies is a peer-reviewed journal whose primary objective is to cover the current agenda on communicative processes with a particular focus on the theory and research on the field of interpersonal communication. It is published both in printed and online editions by Taylor & Francis Group, specifically by Routledge....

The Number E, Its History, and Its Uses

Introduction Euler’s number, or the well-known constant, is one of the most relevant and important irrational numbers in mathematics and algebra. A natural number cannot represent a base number in an exponential function. This number is widely used in the world of mathematics. It is an irrational number, and scientists...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Management of Wal-Mart Stores Inc in 2008

Firm management strategies highly depend on resources and facilities as a measure of economical expansion. Supply chain management depends on progressive and efficient production and distribution. The main driving forces of Wal-Mart supply chain stores involves working around reasonable costs to ensure customer’s satisfaction at all times, especially during the...

Nazi Germany in “Swing Kids” by Kang Hyeong-Cheol

Why were the Nazis opposed to the swing music? In the movie, swing music is forbidden in Germany. This was because, according to Nazi ideology, all jazz music was regarded as offensive because its origins had links with African-Americans. Since it had linkages with blacks commonly called “negroes” and a...

United States-China Relations and Future Conflict

For an investment bank in the industry of currency trading, it is crucial to be able to identify risks connected to foreign investments as they have a direct impact on the outcomes of operations. In recent years, the relationship between the U.S. and China has raised many questions regarding the...

Answering Freedom’s Call: Life After Emancipation

Introduction Any social change may become a decisive factor in people’s lives. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 granted rights to people enslaved in seceded areas and created a precedent for the advancement of democratic freedom (Faragher, Buhle, Czitrom, & Armitage, 2016). However, the northern and southern attitudes regarding this process...

The Role of Colors in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

What Does the Color Green Symbolize in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Introduction Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a medieval poem by an unknown author dated by the late 14th century. Some of the colors frequently mentioned in this poem have a symbolic meaning. A great semantic...

Causes and Effects of Divorce

Introduction Since 1860 when the United States Bureau of statistics started keeping records of divorces, the frequency of divorce cases has continued to increase based on the same reasons. Reasons have remained relatively the same in comparison to the ever-increasing rise in cases. Studies have also highlighted that the reasons...

Babylon: Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization

Introduction In the time period 605-562 BC, Babylon was a renowned power. This time period also coincided with the life time of King Nebuchadnezzar. His father, King Nabopolassar, had created the Chaldean dynasty and had invaded Assyria, forcing them to go towards Northern Mesopotamia. This set the stage for Nebuchadnezzar’s...

Mercury Shoes Company’s New Opportunity in China

Mercury International Ltd is an important company in the world, which is the frontrunner in the shoe manufacturing market. This has become the topmost player in the market by their specific brand names. This worldwide giant in the industry achieved a major share in the global footwear market. It is...

Health Care Cost-Utility Analysis in Germany and the USA

Introduction From a general economic point of view, Cost-Utility Analysis (CUA) is used to guide procurement decisions. While in health economics, CUA is taken as the ratio between the cost incurred in the course of health intervention and the benefits produced by that intervention and is therefore considered to be...

‘Song of Myself’ by Whitman: Nature and Life Beliefs

Introduction “Song of myself” is written by American poet, humanist, essayist and journalist, Walt Whitman. Whitman is considered famous among American poets and his poetry collection, “leaves of grass” and many of his works were highly controversial during it’s time. (Carew 545) Furthermore, his sexuality was also unclear and it...

Defamiliarization in Tristram Shandy

As it is well-known nowadays, a special artistic technique is meant under the term “defamiliarization”. Its main meaning is that the audience is forced to perceive the suggested things and actions from a distance, in an unfamiliar way, as if they were strangers there. The technique is aimed at the...

College Athletics and Its Role in America

The role that athletics play in the higher education system in America, whether regarded as a commercial product or a cultural development college sport (popularly known as an intercollegiate sport) have been and continue to be for many Americans one of the best-known characteristics of higher education. College athletics programs...

Electricity Dependency Studies

Introduction In the field of sociology, the research of human dependencies on civilization benefits of society is widely popular. In this context, the critical question is related to determining the degree of interconnection between an individual’s social behavior and tools of interaction with the environment. In other words, the paramount...

Difficulties of Partnership in the Contemporary World of Architecture

Nowadays corporate structures, such as companies, exclude sole practitioners and partners from the architectural market. We live in a highly competitive society, and old forms of unions are not as effective today, as they were before. Though the definition of a partnership sounds optimistic enough and tells that it “is...

Media Influences: Art of Enlightenment and Selling

The Media Industry The morning of a modern person hardly begins with a shower or coffee. First of all, upon waking up, a lot of people pick up the phone and turn on Wi-Fi. Throughout the day, they also read newspapers on the subway, listen to the radio in cars,...

Ethical Challenges for the Finance Manager: Case Study

Situation You are the finance manager in a long term care facility that is struggling to remain solvent. The facility’s administrator has hired a consultant to work with you to increase Medicaid reimbursement. The consultant recommends that you be more “liberal” in coding the severity of residents’ needs to justify...

Critical Thinking and Critical Response in Human Studies

Critical Thinking Nietzsche’s Apollonian and Dionysian have some differences which individuals can analyze. One of the differences is that factors that are explored in Apollonian include stillness and thinking, while movement and distinct and shared trance are involved in Dionysian. Additionally, dancing is another aspect of Dionysian, which makes it...

The Native American Pipe Ceremony Then and Now

The Native American Pipe Ceremony is the heart of the spiritual and cultural life of the native people of North America, particularly the Sioux or Lakota, the Northeast Indians, and Plains Indians. The ritual ceremony connects people spiritually and physically; therefore, it was considered to be sacred (Waabanong Centre, 2012)....

The Dangers of Texting While Driving

Specific Purpose: Convince the audience about the dangers of texting while driving. Central Idea: Texting while driving is a dangerous trend in the US that breaks the law, distracts the driver, and endangers both passengers and bystanders. Introduction Attention Getter: Did you know that one in four car accidents in...

Validity and Reliability Discussion

Determining the validity and reliability of the research instruments when reading a research study When reading and assessing a quantitative research study, it is paramount to determine the validity and reliability of the instruments utilized in that study to understand whether the findings of that study can be trusted. The...

Borderline Personality Disorder Concept: Theory and Practice

People have different personalities that make them unique and stand out among others; ones personality is an element of biological and social factors (Carpenter & Huffman, 2010). Personality is defined as the totality of inner attributes of a person that dictates or influences the way he perceives life; it is...

Defining Scholarly Research: Components and Research Problems

Typical components of a scholarly research report Journal articles are used widely by the scientists in their work for various reasons which include; creating awareness, teaching, and conducting research work. Over the last three decades, the number of journal articles read has significantly increased due to the steady increase in...

The British Petroleum and the BTC Pipeline

What are the main ethical issues and dilemmas Bp faces in this case? British Petroleum faces various ethical issues and dilemmas, which revolve around the idea of transporting the oil to various states and protecting the communities where the pipeline passes through. Most of these ethical issues include environmental issues,...

Environmental Problems and Social Movements

Introduction Environmental safety has come to be among the most volatile topics of discussion at the local, national, and international levels. With the emergence of global warming, greenhouse effects, and other environmental issues, countries have resolved to use a united approach in solving these problems. There are very many factors...

Business Culture in the United States and Poland

Major Cultural Differences from the United States From the Hofstede cultural scores, the United States and Poland have close similarities in terms of long-term orientation and masculinity. However, they differ in Power Distance, Individualism, and Uncertainty Avoidance. Poland is more of a hierarchical society compared to the U.S. This implies...

Power & Conflict in Individual & Group Behavior

Relationships within work teams are pretty complex due to the intricate balance of power and conflict in the workplace setting. Understanding the principles based on which these relationships develop is the key to resolving workplace conflicts successfully and managing the power dynamics within a team to ensure that staff members...

Marketing Definitions and Examples of Experiences

Definitions of marketing Marketing can be defined as “the process via which a firm creates a value for its chosen customers. Value is created by meeting customer needs. Thus, a firm must define itself not by the products it sell, but by the customer benefit provided.” (Silk, 2006; p. 3)....

Diverse Families, Immigrants and Low Income on Early Childhood Education

Diverse families and their impact on early childhood education How does parent involvement affect early childhood education? A parent’s involvement is the dedication of available resources to their children in a certain domain. The dedication may include participating in school activities, child’s effective environment, and exposing the child to cognitively...

The Issue of Identity in “Proof” by David Auburn

Published in 2000, a winner of Pulitzer Prize and multiple awards, Proof by David Auburn is a profound masterly written play that examines the issues of identity, the borderlines of genius and madness, sanity and instability, a correlation between logical mathematical proof and the emotional proof of human relationships, love,...

The Media and Society: Media Influences

These days, the media have turned from a simple tool of searching, processing, and transmitting information into means that control and transform a person’s inner, mental world. Instead of expanding the horizons of the development of human awareness, giving it sovereignty and independence in judgments, modern media are increasingly manipulating...

The Human Body. Anatomy Components

The human body constitutes of cells. The cells vary according to their function but they work in harmony. Cells with similar characteristics make up bigger units called tissues which work in a specialized way. The human body is made up of different tissues that is muscle, nerve, epithelial and connective...

The Legally Binding Contract: Intention From the Involved Parties

The law states that for any contract to be valid, there must be an intention from the involved parties to be legally bound. Thus, for any contract to be enforceable, the following three requirements must be fulfilled. They are intention, agreement and consideration. In this case, the existence of intention...

The Role of Women During Civil War

Annotated Bibliography Giesberg, J. (2013). Waging war their own way: Women and the Civil War in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Legacies, 13(1-2), 16-27. Web. This article presents information regarding women’s activities in Pennsylvania during the Civil War. It describes their contributions to providing soldiers with homemade goods and emphasizes the female population’s...

Johnson & Johnson Company’s Strategic Alternatives

Situational Analysis – SWOT Strengths According to the letter of Johnson & Johnson’s CEO to the company’s shareholders, the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the company in a positive way (Gorsky, 2021). The company was able to develop a COVID-19 vaccine in 12 months which indicates employees’ high level of morale and...

Slavery in Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass

Slavery is one of the most disgraceful pages in American history. The system existed in 1619-1865 and humiliated the dignity of black people, claiming them as the powerless free workforce. Though the Declaration of Independence of 1776 contained the point of abandoning slavery, many wealthy people were against it, and...

Preparation of Fresh Frozen Plasma from Whole Blood

To design a standard procedure used in the collection and preparation of fresh frozen plasma (FFP). The standard operating procedure aims at providing laboratory staff and others with professional and regulatory guidelines in collecting and managing fresh frozen plasma. Policy The policy aims to provide an easily accessible and adequate...

Feline Mental Health and Separation-Related Problems

Introduction Physical health in cats has been a very commonly reviewed topic. But it also sparks discussions regarding feline mental health. Since mental health research in pets normally focuses on dogs, it is important to review the existing studies related to cats as well. Moreover, the almost insignificant amount of...

Plant-Based Meat: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Starting from November 2021, McDonald’s started its new attempt of introducing plant-based meat by presenting the specific vegan burger ‘Mc Plant.’ According to current research related to plant based-meat products, the appearance of such products is in line with raising awareness of the natural environment and healthy diet (Onwezen,...

The USSR-Germany Interaction in the 1920s and 1930s

Research questions How strong was the revanchist sentiment in Germany after World War I? How great was the influence of the newly formed USSR state on postwar Germany? Why did Germany decide to go to war not only with the Allies but also with the USSR? Primary sources used The...

Evo Morales: The Non-Western Leader

How Evo Morales’s Background as A Poor Farmer Differed from The Background of Other Western Leaders Evo Morales’s background as a poor farmer differs substantially from the backgrounds of most Western leaders. His family was peasant farmers and from an early age, he took part in planting and harvesting crops...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Why Immigrants Should Receive Social Services?

Immigrants are people who leave their countries so as to live in other countries. They do so for reasons such as higher education, search for job opportunities and medical care. There are various stereotypes associated with immigrants. Some people view them as uneducated and a drain to welfare. The stereotypes...

International Attempts to Curb the Power of Microsoft

Dear US and EU Competition authority, Am writing to you with regards to the many attempts made by Microsoft Corporation to reduce our monopoly power which is totally against public interests. Microsoft Corporation is a public multinational corporation that specializes in developing, manufacturing, licensing, and at the same time, supporting...

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Its Impact

The civil rights act of 1964 was mentioned by John F. Kennedy in 1964 and passed into law, the same year. It dealt mainly with freedom and right of association, of all races more specifically the African Americans although within it there were clauses that dealt with discrimination due to...

Socrates and His View on Happiness

Philosophers and thinkers are always the rebels of their contemporary society. The foundations of their philosophy are laid based on human welfare. Looking into the history of all the mighty revolutions becomes evident that it was philosophers who awoke the sleeping nation and fought for the noble cause of freedom,...

New Pharmaceuticals and Their Path to the Market

When a new pharmaceutical is invented, several steps need to be taken in order for it to be brought to the market. Effectively marketing is an essential process, which is preceded by primarily drug development and drug manufacturing. It is very important to find just the right chemicals that will...

Resources Sterategies in Organization

Resourcing strategy in an organization, employ specialist to coordinate resourcing within the organization. This resourcing strategy uses three actions to achieve their goals in employee resourcing. They include reallocating of tasks among employee, reallocating subordinate within the organization and making new recruitments from the external sources (Price, A. 2004 p.349-350)....

Accounting, Marketing, and Management in the Organization

Introduction An organization is a complex system that is made up of integrating structures, systems, and applications that are represented in form of roles and functions as indicated in the organizational structures and departments/ functions. Departmentalization, therefore, is the process via which the tasks and applications in an organization are...

Correlations Between Jewish Diasporas and Cultural Hybridity

Globalization is associated to the idea that advanced capitalism, aided by digital and electronic technologies, will ultimately obliterate local traditions and creates a homogenized, world culture. Critics of globalization argue that human experience everywhere is becoming fundamentally the same. Appadurai claims that modern Diasporas are not simply transnational but “post...

Trade Policy Dilemmas in Australia

Policies refer to statement of intent about developmental issues. Policies are developmental theories and assumptions about the world. They carry incentives that encourage development and others that discourage particular actions. Public policies are intended to achieve certain objectives, an action by the government to attain certain results. The policy process...

“The Break Up” Movie: Family Conflict Theme

Lemons and Pool Tables The movie The Break Up introduces the viewers to the couple Gary and Brooke and their ugly break up, hence making the audience comprehend how they can come to good terms with their partners after disagreements. The argument concerning lemons and pool tables is an illusion...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Osmosis Egg Lab Report

Introduction Osmosis is a process whereby water or any fluid moves from an area of less concentration of dissolved particles to a region of high concentration of dissolved particles across a semi-permeable membrane. Due to the difference in a concentration gradient, dissolve particles can move across a semi-permeable membrane tan...

Management of Human Resources to Maximize Employee Production

Human resource management is an important department in a company owing to the fact that it bridges the gap between employees and organization itself (Frohman, 1984). Every successful company must have a good human resource management department that ensures proper hiring of the right workforce who form the backbone of...

Brooks’ “Reading Too Much Political News…” Rhetorical Analysis

The summary of the article The current paper contains a rhetorical analysis of the article “Reading too much political news is bad for your well-being” . Brooks (2020) address an urgent topic of how political news affects people’s mood. The author concludes that it is vitally important to limit the...

Fall Prevention in Elderly Homes

Introduction Falls among the elderly population staying in nursing homes are common though preventable adverse incidents. According to the Joint Commission (2015), the number of people aged 65 and older is growing at a rapid pace, which corresponds to an increased risk of this group getting injuries from falling. For...

Health Communication for Public Health Leaders

Key Elements of Health Communication that are Essential for a Public Health Leader Health communication is an important aspect of public health leadership (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011). The Center for Disease Control has contributed to the general understanding of the key elements of health communication, which are essential for public...

Carrots and Silverbeet: Review

Carrot is considered a root vegetable because it has a horn like shape. It comes in different colors like red, white, and yellow varieties. However, most varieties come in an orange colour. A fresh carrot has a crisp texture. Its taproot is commonly eaten as it contains a high concentration...

Third-Party Logistics Providers Improving Supply Chains in the Aviation Industry

Introduction The literature review was conducted from publications that are not older than 2016 to reveal that third-party logistics providers can improve the aviation industry’s supply chain. It stipulates the advantages and Future of the partnership of the 3PLs and the aviation industry’s chain supply. The topic is essential because...

How to Manage a Diverse Team of International Managers

According to Dowling and Welch 2007, there are 4 Multinational entity approaches, namely ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric, and egocentric. The ethnocentric approach indicates that the decisions are made by the PCN, and the key positions can be held by the personnel from the headquarters. It has many advantages, like it makes...

“The Corporation”: The Idea of the Movie and Analysis

If there will always be dominating, self-serving institutions, why is the corporate rule today any worse than the alternatives? The movie The corporation gives us a good and clear description of the main processes peculiar to the economy of the majority of states in the world nowadays. It states the...

Perspectives on the Individual in Literature

Perceptions of childhood in Wordsworth’s and Freud’s Writings The first common thing in Wordsworth’s and Freud’s perception of childhood is the influence of the events that took place in childhood on the future development of the individual. Freud’s theory that all complex of the individual has its roots in early...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of External Funding in Academic Projects

The article, A genre system view of the funding of academic research, by Christine M. Tardy, identifies grant funding as one of the fundamental requirements for the success of academic research. Tardy proposes that the genre of a researcher’s body of work is instrumental in determining the kind of funding...

European American Culture and Polish Heritage

A Brief History of the Cultural Group Chosen cultural group: European Americans; First Europeans in the US: Spanish; “Euro-Americans”: to emphasize geographical origin; Arrived in two large migration waves; Largest groups: German, Irish, English Americans; US citizens still call them “Whites” (“Euro-Americans,” n.d.). A Brief History of the Socio-Cultural Group...

Morality Play: Everyman

This paper discus Everyman, a morality play performed during the medieval ages. The morality plays are also known as allegory essays and focuses on the behavior of man in earth and life after death. In this play, the main character is Everyman who has been used symbolically to represent the...

Creating an Ideal State: Phamagust

Introduction Phamagust is an independent country with a population of about 400.000. It is an island state bordering the Atlantic Ocean and the USA. The capital, Gaudium, has a number of architectural sights and a blue lagoon that was used to attract tourists prior to the war. Rehabilitation of the...

Employment Law: Unfair Dismissal in the UK

In the UK, one of the main conditions for recognizing termination as legal is the criterion of reasonableness. For instance, an employment tribunal may consider that, despite the absence of a requirement for mandatory notification of dismissal in the law and the contract with the employee, the employer should nevertheless...

Multiaxial Approach in Abnormal Psychology

Introduction Contemporary medical analysis reveals the existence of biomedical replica of a disease. This has largely been possible by using a new system of psychosomatic model. The Multiaxial Approach for psychiatry treatment allows the diagnosis to be confirmed as a procedure of alteration in the environment. The DSM-IV-TR approach is...

Societal Behaviors: Term Definition

Introduction A society can be defined as a relation of people in territories defined by geography under similar cultures, politics or language. A society can further be outlined by association. Through these associations, various factors do eventually emerge about the morals and general term for description of behaviors of these...

Comparison Between Jackie Robinson and Barrack Obama

In life, there are moments when the actions of one person can invariably change the history of a nation. In America, there are people whose heroic deeds have been landmarks in the history of the nation. A good example of such kind of people is Jackie Robinson and Barack Obama....

Apple Computer Incorporation: Market Overview

Apple Inc. was formerly known as Apple Computer Inc. The company is a multinational corporation with headquarters in California, United States of America. Research indicated that Apple Inc. is the official designer and distributor of Apple personal computers, Apple computer software among other consumer electronics in the world. Macintosh is...

Trends in Education Overview and Analysis

Introduction The past few years have witnessed impressive changes/improvements in computer and internet scenarios. The previously huge size of a computer has been reduced in size to as small as a mobile phone. Customary media like television, radio and printed material are being rooted out by the internet. There seem...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Decision Tree Analysis and Genetic Algorithm Methods Application in Healthcare

In data mining, the decision tree analysis is used to determine the best choice from various viable options. Through this process, researchers and managers get an opportunity to evaluate the risks, benefits and inconsistencies associated with the decisions. The first step is structuring the problems or issues being faced by...

Breast Cancer: Etiology, Signs and Symptoms

Introduction Breast cancer has become one of the most popular diseases among women all over the world. This form of cancer is characterized by the growth of abnormal cells in the breast tissues. Breast cancer is believed to have claimed many human lives in the last four decades, but its...

Walmart Canada: Marketing and Online Analysis

Introduction Walmart has 282 units in Canada, and it faces enormous competition from various nations and contenders. The strongest competitors are Kmart, Target, ShopKo retail chains, Costco Wholesale, Meijer and BJ’s discount. Numerous other more modest retailers target a little market specialty that can likewise contend with Walmart utilizing specialization...

Marketing of Recreational Therapy

Introduction Recreational therapy provides a wide range of beneficial effects on both the physical and emotional health of a patient (“How can recreational therapy benefit your health?” n.d.). This is especially relevant when the therapy is tailored to their own interests and requirements. Many therapeutic leisure programs promote a person’s...

Knowledge and Perception of Registered Nurses: Annotated Bibliography

Alhamidi, S., Alshahwan, M., & Tumala, R. (2021). Knowledge and perception of registered nurses regarding the scope of practice of speech-language pathologists. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 1–11. Web. The purpose of the study was to ascertain what registered nurses (RNs) knew and believed about speech-language...

QuietCafe: Business and Marketing Project

Vision and Opportunity Goals, Purpose, and Mission After leaving the university, I’d like to create a business project that would be sustainable, correspond to the demand on the market, and, most importantly, coincide with my philosophy of not bothering anyone unless it is necessary. While many business models of our...

Hospital Readmissions Reduction in Heart Failure

Introduction This paper discusses the study by Donaho et al. (2015), which is entitled “Protocol‐Driven Allied Health Post‐Discharge Transition Clinic to Reduce Hospital Readmissions in Heart Failure.” An assessment of the methodology employed by the authors of the said study is proposed. The provided questions about the research article are...

Intelligent Hospital Pavilion: Risks and Benefits

Introduction Intensive care units (ICU) treat patients that are in serious or critical condition. Therefore, rapid response and a proper environment for healing are crucial for improving the patient’s health. Advances in information technology have contributed to the development of smart ICU rooms aimed at optimizing the standards of care...

Doctor of Nursing Practice: Professional Identity

PICOT: in nursing staff at VEGA Medical Center, how does the implementation of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016) guidelines affect the accuracy of diagnosing and management of depression in the geriatric population within 10 weeks? Clinical scholarship refers to a variety of activities that a Doctor of...

Lean Supply Chain Management Strategies

What are the similarities and differences between lean and agile supply chain strategies? Lean supply strategy focuses on cost reduction, minimization of waste, and maximization of overall performance (Vonderembse, Uppal, Huang, & Dismukes, 2006). The Lean approach suggests planning-based production that “supports the flow of value, let the customer pull...

US Homeland Security Strategies and Structures

Do you believe that the U.S. government is properly organized or structured to accomplish the six critical mission areas defined in the 2002 version of the National Strategy for Homeland Security, or the four goals outlined in the 2007 version? Why or why not? The U.S. government is ready to...

Sentencing by District of Colombia Courts System

Introduction Across the world, political cultures have evolved, this has brought people’s emotions, feelings believe and opinions to form governments. The political cultures have grown in the extent that it affects different countries and states across the world (Spring 111). In the United States, the political cultures have influenced the...

Old and New Money in The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the twentieth century, the “Jazz Age” in America. The writer considers many socially and morally significant topics in the novel, such as love, friendship, social division, and money. The last one is trickier than it seems at first....

“Street of Crocodiles” by Timothy and Stephen Quay

Introduction The 1986 film “Street of Crocodiles” by Timothy and Stephen Quay is a dark stop-action animation film consisting of approximately 21 minutes of musically-scored storyline. Essentially, the action of the film shows an old worker at a theatre or museum as he goes about cleaning the empty space. He...

In His Steps: How Did Maxwell, Norman, and the Shabby Stranger View the City of Raymond?

In the novel In His Steps, Charles M. Sheldon explores the problems in society by observing the city of Raymond through the eyes of different characters. Sheldon’s goal was to “urge Christians to join forces to ameliorate social ills” (Smith 114). This essay examines the characters’ thoughts on Raymond. The...

CytoGainer Overview: Purpose and Results

Analyzing the food supplements, it can be stated that most if not all of them specifically indicate that they do not cure, treat, or prevent any disease (“Cytosport Cytogainer – Vanilla Shake”). Merely, they are a concentration of ingredients, which provide the organisms of different combinations of elements, usually difficult...

Economic Environment for a Construction Firm

Introduction The construction industry is plagued by a lot of difficulties in the UK and other parts of the world. This study mainly focuses on economic conditions affecting construction firms based in the UK. This focuses more on those industries which are trying to expand. Construction firms basically deal with...

Patient Guide to the Internet

Nowadays, it turns out to be very easy to find lots of captivating information on the Internet. However, ordinary users and lay people may face numerous challenges because not all information is reliable and accurate, this is why it is better to make use of the patient guide to the...

Malpractice and Disciplinary Action Issues: Bayless’ Case

Malpractice and Disciplinary Action Malpractice can be defined as an action where a professional fails to perform his or her duty causing serious injury or death to a patient (Iyer, 2001). It is done out of negligence or when a person in charge of the situation fails to deliver what...

Assessing a Two-Way ANOVA

Introduction In the task #12.7, a two-way ANOVA was utilized to test the influence of two categorical independent variables on each of the two dependent variables: percentage of immunized persons and the number of days of immunization delay. In this paper, the claim that no statistically significant interaction was detected...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Consumption of Illicit Drugs in the United States

Definition of the Problem The consumption of illicit drugs refers to the use of prohibited drugs for non-medical purposes. Usually, these drugs are illegal in many countries. They may include cannabis, cocaine, heroin and other types of drugs. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the US (National...

Valero Energy and Chevron Corporations’ Financial Management

Stock Performance During the last four quarters, Valero’s stock price has fluctuated between $60.83 on 05/2020 and $72.14 on 04/2021 (Figure 1). During this period, the lowest stock price was spotted at $37.88, whereas the highest reached $84.39 one month ago. In March 2020, a powerful oil prices shock was...

Marine Organisms an Adaptations

One of the important aspects of marine biology is the study of how marine organisms exhibit a variety of physiologic adaptation that makes them suitable for the marine environment and particularly successful in a particular ecological niche within the overall marine environment. Phylum Porifera Phylum Porifera or Sponges are aquatic...

Discussion of “Tiling a Bathroom Floor”

Phrasing Of the Specific Purpose and the Main Ideas The specific purpose tells the audience the main intention of the speech which may include, “to inform, to persuade, or to entertain.” Undoubtedly, the specific purpose provided in the speech Outline about “Tilling a Bathroom Floor” is properly phrased because it...

Industrialization and Its Positive and Negative Sides

Industrialization rapidly transformed Europe from a static society based on privilege to an enlightened society. It undermined previous class structures in the continent and altered Western nations’ philosophical and economic outlooks. The second industrialization can be considered the determining series of events that boosted Western nations to great heights in...

Hyperlipidemia: Treatment, Nutrition and Prevention

Introduction Hyperlipidemia is a condition caused by a high level of fats in the bloodstream. The fats are cholesterol compounds, phospholipids, cholesterol and triglycerides that travel through the vascular system as parts of lipoproteins (large molecules). It influences the production, usage and carriage of lipids in the blood and their...

Multiculturalism and Power Dynamics

Introduction “It is a credit to Foua’s general equanimity, as well as her characteristic desire not to think ill of anyone, that although she found Lia’s birth a peculiar experience, she has few criticisms of the way the hospital handled it.” (Fadiman, 1999, Chapter 1) Discussion The quote is about...

Andromache in the Iliad: Character Analysis

The role of women in the ancient world is generally accepted to be that of possession and house-servant, mother and decorative status symbol, but not human, not thinking and not individual enough to act upon her own volition. This impression comes from a long line of ancient texts and documents...

Cultural Change at Texaco: Organizational Culture

Organizational culture has been known to be an operational concept of differentiating one organization or a firm from another. The same conception can be used to initiate the ethical culture capable of solving unethical issues arising in the organization. These rules ought to be part of the agreement where potential...

The Importance of Properly Changing the Oil of Your Car

Introduction One of the most routine maintenance procedures suggested by your car manufacturer is the regular changing of your automotive oil. It is a procedure which, although costly, is the main reason why a car can offer its owner decades upon decades of use before the engine finally conks out....

You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover. Good First Impression

We are often told that it is most important to create a good first impression when meeting somebody for the first time. The connotation is that we are most often judged first by our physicality, and only secondly upon our character. Sadly, this is the criteria by which we are...

PTSD: Coping Mechanisms and Recovery Paths

Another very important predictor of PTSD is peri-traumatic dissociation in which the individual loses sense of self,/has a problem with images, and also lacks a sense of realization. That is, the person starts living an imaginative life that makes him/her relive past traumatizing events. PTSD can also be predicted by...

History of Yellow Dog Contracts

Introduction The employers of the past centuries would enforce the yellow-dog contracts and labor injunctions (interventions against labor protest) in an attempt to set boundaries as to how employees could respond to dissatisfaction in their work environment. The resistance to the formation of labor unions by employers only led to...

Professional Ethics in Logistics

I intend to become a Logistic Specialist as I am currently doing a major in Business for Applied Arts and Science, Management, and Marketing. My concentration is on Logistics and Supply Chain Management. In this profession, the logistics specialist is responsible for maintaining logistics policies, coordinating in-house sales, and administering...

The Most Crucial Social Problems

According to statistics provided by the National Alliance to End Homelessness (2020), every 17th out of 10,000 people suffers from the absence of a permanent residence. On the national scale, it means that in 2019 more than 560,000 have no place to spend the night. The personal experience suggests that...

Selfies, Filters, and Snapchat Dysmorphia by Abigail Fagan

The article Selfies, Filters, and Snapchat Dysmorphia: How Photo-Editing Harms Body Image, written by Abigail Fagan, raises a crucial question for the contemporary society of how social media influences our perception of the ideal body image that every person should have, according to the online influencers and opinion leaders (Fagan,...

Success Factors for Hosting Mega-Events

The first success factor for the mega-event that contributes to both economy and tourism is repositioning by employing innovations. By utilizing the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo to promote its new technologies, Japan established an image of a leader and proceeded to host mega-events (Dubinsky, 2019). Japan was able to...

The Inmate Mental Health Issue Analysis

Annotated Bibliography Al-Rousan, T., Rubenstein, L., Sieleni, B., Deol, H., & Wallace, R. B. (2017). Inside the nation’s largest mental health institution: a prevalence study in a state prison system. BMC Public Health, 17(342).  The researchers carried out a cross-sectional study using the Iowa Corrections Offender Network to determine the...

The Art of the XIX and XX Centuries

Introduction This paper studies the prominent art styles and artworks of the XIX and XX centuries, focusing on Post-Impressionism, Expressionism, Analytic Cubism, Dada, and Abstract Expressionism. Prominent French, German, and American artists and their unique approaches to these styles are discussed considering the cultural and historical context. The purpose of...

The Role of Managed Care Organizations

Managed care organizations (MCOs) have become integral to the modern healthcare environment. These organizations provide various services, including health insurance, network management, and utilization management. The administrative role of healthcare organizations in executing risk management policies and ensuring compliance with MCO standards involves several key functions. Firstly, healthcare organizations must...

Sustainable Human Development

According World on Environment and Development (1987), sustainable development is “development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Beckerman (1994) asserted that sustainability is interdisciplinary in nature and can be explored from three broad aspects namely: economic, social...

Romantic Era’s Music

Introduction This paper analyzes two musical pieces of the romantic era period to ascertain the characteristics that cause emotive feelings among their audience. The two musical pieces are Symphony number one (produced by Gustav Mahler) and Si, mi chiamano Mimi (a composition by Giacomo Puccini). The latter is an opera,...

Films: Dr. Strangelove and The Russians Are Coming

With the international nuclear fear during the Cold War, the culture was politicized. Stanley Kubrick in his movie Dr. Strangelove and Norman Jewison in his movie The Russians Are Coming used comedy genre for expressing their criticism of the nuclear strategies, showing the absurdity of the irrational fear of the...

“Antigone” by Sophocles: Antigone and Creon Characters

Character and motivation of Antigone and Creon In the play, Antigone is mainly motivated by love for her family, respect for the gods, and belief in the afterlife. When she is faced with a difficult choice concerning new law, which challenges Theban traditions, she opts to disobey because of her...

Crimes Against Property and Their Characteristics

To what extent are property offenders’ rational actors? Many people are convinced that property offenders are rarely guided by any logic or rationality. However, many of them are. The truth is the logic of such a person is not the same as the logic of an engineer or a mathematician,...

Small Business Administration and Management

Definition of Small Business A small business is any business that has less than 500 employees. Also, it is not a dominant player in that specific industry on a national basis. There are various areas of businesses that attract small businesses but the most notable ones are the retail, hotel,...

Constitutional Law and The Fifth Amendment

Introduction The first amendment to the US constitution protects the rights to religion, freedom of speech, press, peaceful assembly, and petition for the governmental address to citizen’s grievances. The amendment was accepted in 1791. It prohibits Congress or any other lawmaking body from making laws that would disrespect the establishment...

Employment Relationship: Nature and Tensions

Briefly explain Human Resource Management – ensure you explain the various activities that are conducted under HRM. Provide a variety of research in your explanation. In modern literature two versions of Human resource management have been emphasized these are the rational approach which emphasis on aligning business strategy and Human...

Sony Company’s International Business Strategy

Effective international business strategy prepares managers for heightened international competition. It gives them the potential to negotiate and manage firms and organizations in varying cultural settings. The strategies help the managers to be able to market their products across the continent. Managers should address international business with a discipline-based framework...

Physicallism and Dualism: Definition

Physicallism and dualism are two different paradigms, which have the opposite views on the essence of life, however, they complement each other. Abstract Physicalism and Dualism are the most confronting philosophical theories that represent the views of the origin and nature of life and the surrounding world. Physicalism stands for...

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COVID-19 Vaccine Studies: Design, Framework, and Paradigm

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High Costs for Alzheimer’s for Elderly Americans

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London Club House’s Strategic Human Resource Management

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Alcatraz Prison and Its History With Criminals

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Faces and Voices of Recovery: Fundraising Company

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Patriots and the American Revolution

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Setting Up a KCF Franchise: Project Life Cycle

The external environments The success of an enterprise depends on many factors. This applies not only to the internal environment of the company but also to external factors that often do not depend on the actions of the company, but they have to be constantly taken into account. An analysis...

Professional Growth Through Supervision

Being a leader and manager requires an individual to possess important skills that will enable him or her to integrate quality improvement into the process of strategic planning. This is important for both the individual and the organization which the individual works for as this helps to promote quality and...

Cheating as the Cause of Divorce

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Economic Boom Factors of the 16th Century

Introduction The historical analysis of the development of the economy may be useful for the understanding of the current problems and challenges faced by contemporary society. In this relation, the sixteen century was a remarkable period in world history. It was the period, which gave birth to geniuses and brought...

A Car: Technical Specifications & Safety Features

Introduction The main objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the new 2010 Nissan Maxima car. The paper provides an overall description of the car that includes the various highlights of the vehicle, its standard & safety features as well as technical specifications. Vehicle highlights “The...

Testing a Contingency Plan in Business

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The Role of Chief Information Officers in Healthcare

The role of a chief information officer (CIO) is crucial for many organizations. In healthcare, a sphere that is constantly changing and stays vital for society at any time, CIOs must not only adapt to transitions but ensure that technology and information processes benefit the patient and health care providers....

Delyta Plastics Inc.: Case Study

A delyta plastic is a manufacturing and supplier leading industry that is pooling benefits pertaining total quality management. It also involves the act training and teaching all employers of what is exactly needed and expected of them in the assisting of customers effectively. However the entire process involves profit maximization....