627 Psychology Essay Topics & Questions + Examples

Are you looking for interesting psychology topics to research? StudyCorgi has got you covered! On this page, you’ll find plenty of topics to write about in psychology. Do you want to explore the issues in child development? StudyCorgi has psychology assignment topics for that! Read on to discover the most engaging questions and topics in psychology for your project. As a bonus, you’ll find A+ essay examples for your inspiration.

🏆 Best Psychological Topics for Essay

🔎 Essay Ideas on Psychology

  1. Psychology in The Pursuit of Happyness Film
    “The Pursuit of Happyness” is a film that includes a wide range of psychological and organizational behavior theories. These are exemplified by character behaviors and plot points.
  2. Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory Essay
    Bandura’s social learning theory argues that gaining knowledge that result in behavior change is attained through observation, imitation and modeling.
  3. Biological, Psychological, and Sociological Explanations of Behavior
    In this paper, specificities of the major approaches to the explanation of human behavior, such as biological, psychological, and sociological aspects, will be discussed.
  4. Humanistic Psychology vs. Psychoanalysis & Behaviorism
    Among the most common attempted explanations of human behavior are psychoanalysis, behaviorism and humanistic psychology.
  5. Rocking Horse Winner: Psychological Criticism
    Horse winner symbolizes “desire” of a family to prosper and become wealthy, but at the same time “desire” is subconscious ego of the characters unable to organize their life and family life.
  6. ”Max and Ruby” Through the Lens of a Developmental Psychological Perspective
    This paper covers the features of the language in the cartoon “Max And Ruby” and its impact on the development of children’s speech, and also the cultural and gender stereotypes.
  7. Montessori Method in Educational Psychology
    The paper concentrates attention on the method by Maria Montessori. The features and the standpoints raised by her correlate to the flow of the main discussion.
  8. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Psychology
    This paper discusses the history of the cognitive-behavior theory and notes that it is an important model for treating mental disorders and restoring the mental health.
  9. Three Components of Memory in Psychology
    This paper provides an overview of the Three-Component Model of Memory, and information about the things that can affect memory.
  10. Psychological Effects of Embalming on the Bereaved
    This research proposal aims to determine the emotional and mental conditions that the bereaved experiences in associated to the death of a loved one.
  11. Informal Assessments in Psychology
    Informal assessments are assessment procedures that are used in informal situations. These settings include settings that are not structured in nature.
  12. “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe Through a Psychological Lens
    E. A. Poe is one of the masters of psychological stories, and his masterpiece “The Tell-Tale Heart” combines psychological, detective, and horror elements to impress readers.
  13. Social Psychology Influences on Personal Life
    Social psychology affects my life through various activities such as violence and aggression. Social psychology affects prosocial behavior in my life.
  14. Industrial-Organizational and Social Psychology
    Industrial psychology is a branch of psychology that studies how an individual behaves and cooperates in work settings.
  15. Psychological Trauma Assessment: Jenny Curran’s Case
    Jenny Curran has developed a complex traumatic stress disorder due to traumas obtained in her childhood. Jenny’s alcoholic father physically and sexually abused Jenny and her sisters.
  16. Forensic Psychology Analysis: Ethical Dilemmas and Principles
    Psychologists working in this sphere assess defendants’ ability to stand trial, evaluate credibility of witness testimonies, provide recommendations for the defendants’ treatment.
  17. Applying Psychological Principles to Girl Interrupted Film
    The Girl Interrupted film’s psychodynamic perspective is clearly portrayed through the different characters’ behavior, feelings, and actions.
  18. The Film “The Fisher King” by Terry Gilliam: Psychological Analysis
    The film “The Fisher King” by Terry Gilliam, showcases a possible permutation of symptoms that people suffering from schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder may adopt.
  19. Profiling Approaches in Investigative Psychology
    Driven by the use of investigative tools, evidence, and data, forensics can provide characteristics that can aid in the identification, apprehension, and conviction of an offender.
  20. “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” Book by McMinn
    “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” is a book that reflects the professional experience and the wisdom of the author as a teacher and practitioner.
  21. Big Ideas of Social Psychology: Essay Example
    Social psychology studies have helped to build societal thinking about life. There are many ideological thoughts about people’s behaviors.
  22. Social Psychology Theory in “American Beauty”
    The movie “American Beauty” reveals a social psychology theory revealing dissonance in roles distribution in the stereotyped American society.
  23. Nature vs. Nurture: Psychological Theory
    In this paper, the debate of the nature-nurture psychological idea will be extended by analyzing the historical aspects and the opinions of different people.
  24. Ethical and Legal Considerations in Psychological Assessment
    Psychological assessment of people in the workplace allows employers to increase productivity and income. Personality testing helps employees choose a career path.
  25. Investigative Psychology and Other Approaches
    Investigative psychology focuses on evidence at the crime scene and how the offender’s behavior when committing a crime makes it different from other approaches.
  26. The Impact of Divorce on Children’s Psychological Wellbeing
    One of the major challenges of divorcing is ensuring that the children are not affected so that their mental and psychological wellbeing remains intact.
  27. Mother Teresa’s Analysis in Humanistic Psychology
    Mother Teresa was a missionary and nun in the Catholic Church, born in Albania, Macedonia, in 1910 to the family of Nikola and Dranafile Bojaxhiu.
  28. Behavioral and Humanistic Approaches in Psychology
    Both behavioral and humanistic approaches are drivers for the formation of a specific picture of society and contribute to a better understanding of the motives of certain actions.
  29. Theories of Crime in Forensic Psychology
    Forensic psychology as a discipline has become closely correlated with the broad theories of crime that aim at defining the reasons behind the offender’s decision to act.
  30. Analysis of Reverse Psychology Used by Lago in Shakespeare’s “Othello”
    The essay explores the uniqueness of the character through the focus on how Iago uses reverse psychology in telling the truth within his lies to fool other characters of the play.
  31. Forensic Psychologist’s Role in Death Penalty Trial
    Forensic psychologists play critical roles in court cases. They help the judges to investigate the claims from a professional dimension.
  32. Cognitive Psychology Role in People’s Life
    Cognitive psychology plays a vital role in people’s everyday life: mental processes occur based on thorough decision-making, and cognitive functions are behind these processes.
  33. The Stroop Test Applications Within Cognitive Psychology
    The Stroop test is used in cognitive psychology precisely to reveal the degree of automation of transition from verbal to sensory-perceptual functions.
  34. Psychology and Theology: Worldview Issues, and Models of Integration
    The model views theology and psychology as valid disciplines that should not be in conflict as both contribute to the contemporary understanding of human nature.
  35. Psychology: Sensation and Perception
    Sensation and perception are fundamental physiological processes whose effect transcends beyond comprehending the occurrences in the surroundings.
  36. Psychological Criticism in Allende’s “The House of Spirits”
    The novel called The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende gained immediate attention from the reading audience at the international level.
  37. Child Psychology: Playing with Cash Register Toy
    A toy cash register can lay the foundation for children’s math abilities. In the form of play, they can learn social talents, such as understanding the meaning of money.
  38. Comedy Movies: Positive Psychological Effects
    Comedy movies make people feel relaxed, especially after stressful events or when they are extremely exhausted.
  39. Three Developmental Theories in Child Psychology
    This research paper focuses on the three main development theories, their main concepts, major differences and similarities.
  40. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
    Often known as Industrial and Organizational psychology, the discipline seeks to look at how psychology can be applied at the workplaces in various organizations.

📂 Amazing Essay Topics for Psychology Papers

Cannot find a perfect topic for your paper on psychology? Do not panic! Check the following paragraphs to receive a lot of inspiration!

Causes and Consequences of Aggression

Aggression is a violent behavior intended to harm that can be caused by genetic factors, diet, sleep patterns, exposure to stress and pressures, the presence or absence of adequate social support, and specific traumatic brain injuries. Besides, frustration, pain, and discomfort can also trigger aggressive outbursts. Such behavior often brings about social isolation, depression, substance abuse and addiction, financial instability, and even legal problems, including arrest, fines, and incarceration.

Applications of Positive Psychology in Healthcare

Several types of positive psychology interventions are used in healthcare, such as humor, gratitude, building character strengths, optimism, mindfulness, kindness, and active-constructive responding. PPIs can be customized to individual needs and used alone or combined with others in a treatment plan. The effectiveness of these interventions stems from their ability not only to lessen negative emotions but also extensively cultivate happiness and life satisfaction.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

ASPD is a tough type of personality disorder, distinguished by impulsive, reckless, and frequent criminal activity. Patients with antisocial personality disorder are likely to be manipulative and irresponsible, with no empathy for the feelings of others. ASPD, like other types of personality disorders, has a spectrum of severity, ranging from occasional bad behavior to persistently breaching the law and committing significant crimes.

Social Media Addiction and Depression

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Recent studies have indicated a correlation between high social media usage and an elevated risk of depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. This happens as online networks trigger negative emotions due to unrealistic portrayals of others’ lives and feelings of isolation and loneliness. In addition, excessive social media use can create unhealthy self-centeredness and distance people from real-life relationships.

Psychology of Attraction in Relationships

People’s perceptions of what is attractive vary based on cultural and individual factors. According to research, attractive features in women are large eyes, high cheekbones, a narrow jawline, and a lower waist-to-hip ratio, while men with facial and body symmetry are generally considered more attractive than individuals with asymmetric features. Social traits also play an important role. For instance, attributes like warmth in women and leadership in men can be just as captivating.

👍 Good Psychology Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Psychology: Working vs. Procedural Memory
    Memory is a complex interconnection of mechanisms serving a wide variety of purposes. This paper discusses the differences between working memory and procedural memory.
  2. Social Psychology as a Science
    Social psychology is a scientific field that studies factors that influence an individual’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings in a social setting.
  3. Theorist in the Field of Child Psychology
    Jean Piaget made great contribution to child psychology and development of the new approaches and concepts in this sphere.
  4. Psychology. Ernest Hemingway and His Personality
    This paper analyzes Ernest Hemingway’s personality using Alfred Adler’s theory, Erik Erikson’s theory, and Albert Bandura’s theory.
  5. Psychology Behind the Movie “Trading Places” by Landis
    The psychological trends of society are usually described with the help of various concepts, theories, literary works and movies.
  6. The Role of Psychology in Everyday Life
    As Zimbardo states, some aspects of psychology have become so common for people that they take them for granted and utilize them in multiple spheres.
  7. Social Media and Their Psychological Effects
    The overuse of social media results in low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and other psychological issues.
  8. Social Psychology Concepts: The Belief That Cognition and Behavior Are Linked Together
    It is important to understand social psychology as a sub-field of psychology. The focus is on the thought process and how it is linked to behavior.
  9. Personal and Professional Ethics in Psychology
    Understanding the personal ethical perspective and its relationship to professional ethics is of utmost importance in the field of psychology.
  10. Psychology as a Science About Human Behavior
    Psychology is a science that studies a human being. It focuses on the study of the mental state of a person and how to deal with emotion.
  11. American and Romanian Cross-Cultural Psychology
    The study finds some differences between Romanian and American student stress response mechanisms despite an overall similarity in how they handle it.
  12. The Psychology of Music
    Despite the numerous and often contradictory findings regarding the phenomenon of music, there are no doubts about the powerful connection it has with a human mind, emotions, feelings, and actions.
  13. Developmental Psychology History and Application
    Developmental psychology is a branch of psychology that targets the development of people and their behavior over time. The research in this field touches upon various theoretical areas.
  14. Physiological Psychology as a Branch of Psychology
    The research paper focuses on some of the contributors to the field of physiological psychology, the relationship between the human nervous system and behavior.
  15. The Role of Psychology in Othering of Disability
    This article will define and theorize the concept of “discernment” and also question the role of psychology in social interaction of people with disabilities.
  16. Psychology and Mass Communication Theories
    Several mass communication theories try to explain various influences as well as dynamics surrounding the diverse types of mass media and their effects on the public.
  17. Nature vs. Nurture in Child Psychology
    The nature versus nurture discourse concerns the relative impact of a person’s natural qualities in the establishment of personal differences in behavioral characteristics.
  18. History of Assessment and Ethical Issues – Psychology
    Personality assessment involves the study of the characteristics which constitute the social, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive functioning.
  19. Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychological Testing
    Within the scope of the question of voluntary participation, it is difficult to reason when tests are taken by people who are under care because of their mental state.
  20. Professional Philosophy in Sports Psychology
    Sports consultancy is a relatively young field, which explains the absence of an overarching consensus in regards to approaches to practice.
  21. Young Adulthood in Developmental Psychology
    Erikson, an ‘ego psychologist’, believed that psychological development took place in 8 stages across the lifespan. Each stage is critical and builds upon previous stages.
  22. Psychology. Memory Disorder in “Fifty First Dates” Film
    The paper discusses the memory disorder of Lucy from the movie “Fifty First Dates” with reference to the different kinds of memory classification.
  23. Historical Perspectives in Psychology
    Theoretical perceptions about the historical perspective in hedonic psychology made breakthroughs for a lot of experiential results.
  24. Psychological Concepts in Real-Life Situations
    This paper will discuss psychological concepts contained in five different news articles and propose real-life applications of theories based on the provided examples.
  25. Human Development Psychology
    The Notebook novel is told in two versions; first, when Noah reads the notebook to a woman by the name Allie. He reads to her how Allie and Noah fall in love young.
  26. Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
    David Entwistle explains the interaction of faith and science. He opens an article about how Christians in a church were poisoned by carbon monoxide but continued to pray.
  27. HRM Strategies and Psychological Atmosphere of the Team
    The HRM rules and principles are regarded as the coherent approach to the management the most valued principles of team activity within any organization or company.
  28. Self-Concept in Social Psychology
    The present paper reviews and evaluates the works of the most respected thought leaders in social psychology about the concept of self and identity.
  29. Multicultural Psychology and Biopsychosocial Model
    Biopsychosocial Model of Behavior is a holistic approach to behavior explanations because it acknowledges the influence of multiple factors on a person’s behavior.
  30. Domestic Violence: The American Psychological Association
    The American Psychological Association (APA) style is a set of rules that describe different components of scientific writing.
  31. The Twenty Statements Test – Social Psychology
    The Twenty Statements Test helped people understand the correlation between culture and self-concept. The research design contained many flaws that had to be rectified.
  32. Psychology of Leadership Theories
    The paper encompasses and discusses the psychology of three leadership theories: relational, transactional, and behavioral.
  33. Statistics in Psychological Research
    Statistical tools and techniques aid the organization of data into a more interpretable form, saving time and money for psychological researchers.
  34. Forensic Psychology and Criminal Profiling
    The paper seeks to explore insight into the nature of criminal investigative psychology and a comprehensive evaluation of the practice in solving crime.
  35. Nature and Nurture in Developmental Psychology
    The psychological state of a person, its actions, and reactions are considered from the influence of nature on a person, and not as a consequence of the acquired experience.
  36. Emotional Regulation From a Cognitive Psychology Perspective
    Over the past decades, the number of publications on the problem of the regulation of emotions in norm and pathology in the psychological literature has increased many times.
  37. Forensic Psychology: Quantitative vs Qualitative
    The comparison of the quantitative and qualitative research designs used in psychology is important to conclude when the actual statistical data are expected to be found.
  38. Ethical Dilemmas in Psychology
    Forensic psychologists face numerous ethical dilemmas as they write reports and testimonies related to therapeutic interventions or evaluations in court proceedings.
  39. The Psychology of Emotions, Feelings and Thoughts by Pettinelli
    Mark Pettinelli, through his book attempts to throw new light on the subject of cognitive capabilities of the human mind concentrating on the mechanisms of thought, emotions and feelings
  40. Korean Culture From the Psychological Perspective
    The Korean culture is not exempt from having a broad spectrum. However, there are some elements that immediately give us a clue on how the culture works.

💭 Cognitive Psychology Essay Prompts

If you are stuck on writing a compelling essay on cognitive psychology, we have some fresh prompts for you! Read the following paragraphs to learn more!

Cognitive Psychology and Creativity

In an essay on this topic, describe the cognitive processes associated with creativity, e.g., divergent thinking and mental imagery. You can investigate how an individual’s capacity to focus and be receptive to new experiences influences their creativity. Also, you can add information about the significance of memory in the creativity process.

Social Cognition

Dwell on the critical processes involved in social cognition and the role that they play in our social interactions. Then, you can examine how cultural backgrounds impact our social cognition and how we feel, think, and behave in social situations. Afterward, it would be a good idea if you provided real-life examples of social cognition from your daily life.

Can Playing Video Games Improve Cognition?

Explore the positive impact of gaming on children’s attention, memory, and multitasking. Analyze concerns about excessive gaming and its potential adverse effects on youth behavior. In addition, you can examine the types of games that might be most beneficial and propose healthy gaming habits.

Cognitive Bias

In your writing, investigate situations where cognitive biases can be beneficial and when they might lead to negative outcomes in areas like financial choices, relationships, or career paths. Then, come up with efficient strategies to counteract these biases and make more rational judgments.

Selective Attention and Multitasking

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You can analyze how selective attention, the brain’s ability to focus on specific information, suffers when divided between multiple tasks. Also, you can dwell on the role of individual responsibility in managing selective attention in an increasingly digital world and explore how to train our brains to switch between tasks efficiently when necessary.

🌶️ Hot Psychology Topics to Write About

  1. Research Methods in Psychology
    Such a research method as a case study is widely used by modern psychologists. One can describe examples of this technique; one of them is the famous case of Susan presented by Irving Kirsch.
  2. Private Speech in Psychology
    Private speech is the act of communicating with oneself for the purposes of self-guidance and self-regulation.
  3. Music in Films: The Psychology in Film Music
    Music plays the role of a mood transmitter of a cinematic picture and sets the tone. “Dexter Opening Theme” throughout the introduction.
  4. Evidence-Based Methods in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
    The industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologists tend to use special methods when recruiting and selecting staff to ensure the right person will do the job.
  5. Leadership in Sports: Sport Psychology
    The leader is the most crucial figure in any project or event. That is a person who establishes inner and outer communication and ensures that the desired goal is reached.
  6. Understanding of Motivation: Motivation and Personality Psychology
    This paper explores the relationship between personality psychology and motivation, discussing how personality traits influence motivation and how motivation affects human behavior.
  7. Attitude in Social Psychology
    This paper discusses one and two component attitude model, three components attitude model, behavioral approach, cognitive approach, and heuristic-systematic model.
  8. Intelligence Testing in Professional Psychology
    The widely accepted Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) method was developed in the 1930s to measure nonverbal and verbal skills.
  9. Psychological and Theological Perspectives on Anthropology
    Psychological and theological perspectives on anthropology have some things in common; for example, they employ the scientific method to some extent.
  10. The Uninvolved Parenting Style and Its Effect on the Psychological Development of a Child
    Approaches to parenting and child care can vary significantly based on the parents’ characteristics and their preferred style.
  11. Psychology: Does a Criminal Mind Exist?
    Various concepts have been developed in relation to the need to establish the causes of antisocial and criminal behaviors in general.
  12. Joy Definition: Psychological Issue
    Some individuals require psychological help to become happy and enjoy every day. The following paper is intended to provide a definition of joy in a broad context.
  13. Biological Psychology and Human Nature
    Biological psychology is an integral part of people’s lives, and its study plays a rather significant role in the study of human nature.
  14. The Psychology of Physical Attraction
    Psychologists have demonstrated increased interest in understanding the factors that come into play for people to admire and like others.
  15. The Abnormal Psychology Case of Billy Milligan
    Milligan’s case can be considered unique in the history of psychology and psychiatry. The presence of a dissociative identity disorder in a man is proven.
  16. Animal Behavior and Psychology
    For interest and projection of events, it is worth beginning by identifying the place, time, motivations, and potential actions of each animal species.
  17. Psychology of Gratitude and Appreciation
    Gratitude is a warm feeling of thankfulness, which involves being appreciative and thankful towards specific individuals or the world.
  18. The Teaching of Developmental Psychology
    This paper analyzes the teaching of developmental psychology. The research concepts integrate interpersonal spirituality with developmental systems.
  19. Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”: A Psychological Approach
    The short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, discusses the limitations imposed on women by society and domestic life.
  20. Nature vs. Nurture: Psychological Issue
    The nature vs. nurture issue is a topic that is related to psychology, and the debate about the dominance of one phenomenon over the other is ongoing.
  21. The Significance of Sports Psychology
    The sports psychologist’s purpose is to support athletes block the mental distractions they face and to identify distractions that impede their achievement.
  22. Psychological Program Evaluation and Assessment
    Program assessment is a unique type of psychological research, and whether or not it counts as research may be a point of contention.
  23. Literary and Psychological Prowess of Shakespeare’s “Othello”
    Shakespeare uses Othello’s weaknesses to justify his sad conclusion that people such as Othello and his ilk are unfit to rule because of their inherent flaws.
  24. Analysis of Social Psychology Concepts
    Social psychology is the science of how people’s ideas, attitudes, beliefs, desires, and aspirations are formed in a social setting due to their encounters with others.
  25. Everything Psychological Is Simultaneously Biological
    Myers & Dewall identified the beginning of psychology history in 387 B.C.E. when Plato identified the brain to be a centrum for the mental process.
  26. Psychodynamic Perspective of Psychology
    The paper aims to present a psychodynamic approach of psychology that focuses on childhood and the unconscious mind to help persons recognize who they are.
  27. Human Development Psychology: Stages, Socio-emotional Development, and Emotional Attachment
    Lifespan development is the growth of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that incurs throughout life.
  28. What Is the Psychological Contract?
    Schein described it as “a set of unwritten reciprocal expectations between an individual employee and the organization”.
  29. Psychology Branches and Future Career Perspectives
    The paper discusses biopsychology, cognitive neuropsychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, geropsychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and others.
  30. Psychology Research Methods: Detailed Worksheet and Analysis
    Psychoanalytic perspective involves the affiliation between unconscious and conscious psychological state. This perspective is not suitable for team work but it takes place between the analyst and the patient.
  31. APA Standards and Forensic Psychology Practice
    This paper gives answers to two psychology-related questions about the changes in APA standards and the influence of forensic psychology on the concept of competence.
  32. Gerald Stano’s Psychological Analysis
    Stano had murdered about 41 women. Most of the murders associated with his activities were reported in Florida and New Jersey.
  33. Serial Killers’ Psychology: Aileen’s Case
    Aileen was not born a killer; her family made her that way. Knowledge about serial killers’ psychology is essential to understanding their motives for committing crimes.
  34. Enhancing Organizational Performance Through Psychological Assessments
    This study highlights the impact of psychological assessments on organizational success, demonstrating their role in optimizing employee placement and fostering creativity.
  35. Child Psychology Among Career Paths
    This paper analyses the psychology career opportunities and states why child psychology is a useful course that will be in demand for years.
  36. Human Vision: Physiological and Psychological Bases
    This paper focuses on human vision and considers the various physiological and psychological bases of the system.
  37. Cognitive Load Theory in Psychology
    The collection of articles explores various aspects related to cognitive load theory, offering insights into how cognitive load theory can inform diverse fields and phenomena.
  38. Risk in Psychological Research
    This paper identifies the main directions for studying risk in psychological research. It determines the interrelation between public perception of risk and its semantic image.
  39. Positive Psychology in Other Related Areas
    Positive psychology is one of the areas contributing to the task since it is directly connected to the increase in the effectiveness of interventions in other related fields.
  40. Reflection on God’s Work: Psychology and Christianity
    As more concerns are arising on the relationship between Christianity theology and psychology, it has led to increased research, and inventions.

🕵️ Forensic Psychology Topics for Essay

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Forensic psychologists are legal system detectives who apply their psychological expertise in court. They conduct interviews, analyze behavior, and write reports in cases involving mental competency or insanity pleas. Forensic psychologists must have an advanced degree in psychology, legal knowledge, and unwavering ethical standards.

Check the top 5 fresh topic ideas on forensic psychology for an essay that we have prepared for you below:

  1. The Contributions of Forensic Psychologists in Preventing Terrorist Activities.
  2. Do Juvenile Murderers Deserve a Life without Parole?
  3. The Link between Mental Illness and Violence.
  4. Does COVID-19 Affect the Fairness of the Plea Process for Defendants?
  5. The Use of AI Technology in Forensic Psychology.

🎓 Most Interesting Psychology Topics for Presentation

  1. Pyromania as a Psychological Disorder
    Pyromania is an impulse control disorder that is characterized by an abnormal obsession with setting things on fire in order to relieve tension.
  2. Psychological Aspects of Desdemona’s Death: The Power of Deceptions and Racial Differences
    Desdemona’s death at her husband’s hands proves that jealousy seeds are easy to sow because they are reinforced by the outside psychological and racial means.
  3. Biological and Psychological Trait Theories and the Criminal Justice System
    Biological theories of crime assume that certain people are biologically different from non-criminals and are thus “born criminals.”
  4. Fantastic Psychology in the Casares’ “Invention of Morel”
    The novel “Morel’s Invention” describes a completely enclosed space. Its central theme is escaping from reality and an attempt to perform the same action constantly.
  5. Criticism of Medical Model of Psychological Disorders
    Even though the medical model of mental disorders has long been accepted and widespread, some scientists consider it inappropriate.
  6. Psychologists Erik Erikson, Gordon Allport and Raymond Cattell
    The three prominent psychologists, Erik Erikson, Gordon Allport, Raymond Cattell, contributed greatly to the understanding of personality development.
  7. Who Am I? American Psychologist Profile
    This paper aims at discussing the professional motives and accomplishments of one of the most outstanding figures in psychological science.
  8. The Theories of James, Wundt, and Jung in Psychology
    Wundt’s perception of psychology came to immense publicity after the production of his book Principles of Physiological Psychology in 1874.
  9. “Psycho”: A Psychological Thriller by Alfred Hitchcock
    Psycho is a 1960 American psychological thriller. The film is universally considered to be iconic for film culture and a staple of the thriller or horror genre.
  10. Human Psychological and Physical Development
    The average human life is determined by different stages of psychological and physical development, which have distinctive features and problems.
  11. Speciality Guidelines for Forensic Psychology
    A primary goal of this paper is to discover various guidelines, which are vital to the forensic psychological practice.
  12. Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology
    Correctional psychologists can act as expert witnesses who can tell the court about the mental problems that an individual could face in the past.
  13. Psychological Perspectives of Behaviorism
    John Watson, B.F. Skinner, Edward Tolman contributed to the psychological perspective of behaviorism. Their approaches had many similarities and some radical differences.
  14. Supermarkets: Psychology of Marketing
    The aim of this report is to point out how the psychology of marketing tends to distribute the place, visibility, type and popularity of a product in supermarkets.
  15. The Psychological Effects of Downsizing on Employee
    When productive employees, through no fault of their own, lose their jobs, they, along with their families, experience a very high degree of stress on the psychological level.
  16. The Human Factor: Exploring the Psychology of Making an Error
    The phenomenon of the so-called human factor as the justification for and explanation of an error is quite well-known.
  17. Leadership Psychology and Behaviors
    Understanding leadership in the organizational environment means to understanding the unwritten agreements among leaders and employees.
  18. Psychology: Anxiety Coping Strategies
    There are three types of strategies that can be useful in coping with anxiety such as problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance strategies.
  19. Psychology and Personality: Jung Typology Test
    Jung Typology Test discovers a personality type characterized by certain strengths and inclinations and establishes an individual’s learning and communication styles.
  20. Music Therapy and Its Positive Psychological Impact
    Music therapy is defined as an evidence-based and clinical use of interventions related to the musical experience.
  21. Evolution Psychology: “Is Anatomy Destiny?”
    The media “Is Anatomy Destiny” raises questions relating to the issue of anatomy by arguing that the concept of anatomy is to a large extent influenced by social categorizations of the human body.
  22. Psychological Assessment: Psychology and Testing
    Various psychological tests aimed to assist in making decisions were designed. It is important to highlight the most significant one of them.
  23. Working Youth: Psychological Observations in Café
    This study reviews various meanings of working in the experience of young individuals based on field notes and a few-hours observation in one of the local coffee shops.
  24. Psychological and Physiological Influences on Behavior
    The research question is as follows: “to what extent do psychological factors, and physiological factors influence a person’s character, reactions, and behavior?”
  25. Van Gogh’s Art Psychological and Esthetic Analysis
    Vincent Van Gogh was a prolific artist in the 19th century. His impressionist forms were influenced by his close collaborations with Mantic, Gauguin, Lautrec and Cezanne.
  26. Psychological Effects on Social Workers: Understanding the Challenges
    A social worker is a professionally qualified personality who strives for the general well- being of individuals from all lifestyles.
  27. Psychological Attitudes, Their Nature and Origins
    Many theories have been developed to try to understand what makes people have attitudes toward different things. This paper will cover the nature and the origin of attitudes.
  28. Role of Dreams in Psychology
    In the scientific world, the study of dreams is called Oneirology that regards the dreams as the ones referred to different things as argued by various authors.
  29. Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence – Psychology
    Evaluating the intelligence rates in young children is crucial to locating any possible issues in their development. For this use Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence.
  30. Insight Into Character Psychology in Shakespeare’s ”King Lear”
    One of the great things about William Shakespeare’s plays is that he was usually able to offer insight into the psychology of his characters.
  31. Psychology: Science of Behavior and Mental Processes
    Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes and physiological processes underlying them. Since time immemorial, philosophers have tried to understand mind processes and epistemology.
  32. Barack Obama: A Leader’s Psychological Portrait
    Exploring Barack Obama’s presidency through the lenses of Freud’s psychoanalytic approach and the Five-factor Model of personality.
  33. Experience With a School Administrator and Psychologist
    School administrators play a pivotal role in ensuring the school’s operations are smooth and the proper management of staff and facilities.
  34. Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, and Neurophilosophy
    This paper highlights various secondary sources’ operational definitions of cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and neurophysiology.
  35. The Gendered Psychology of Gratuity: A Case Study of Tipping Behaviors Between Men and Women
    The paper discuss are the sexual differences between men and women innate or products of cultural socialization?
  36. Diagnosing Abnormal Psychology in Media: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”
    “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is a famous psychological comedy film that revolves around the behavioral traits of Randle McMurphy, the main character.
  37. Educational Psychology in Teaching
    Identity development in children can be supported in the school environment. Erikson’s perspective on the subject matter would pertain to the theory of psychosocial development.
  38. The Chronic Psychological Stress
    It is proven that chronic psychological stress causes diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
  39. Psychological Therapy: Analysis of Covariance
    This paper provides an analysis of covariance of a data set describing the effects of two types of psychological therapy on a group of stalkers.
  40. Postpartum Psychological Disorders
    Postpartum psychological disorders include mild conditions known as “baby blues,” postpartum depression, and postpartum psychosis.

🧑‍🏫 Behavioral Psychology Research Topics for College Students

Behavioral psychology is the field of psychology that studies how humans and animals learn, respond to stimuli and form habits. Besides, it explores how our environment and experiences shape our behavior and assists scientists in understanding the relationship between behavior and the human mind.

Look at 5 behavioral psychology research topics for college students that may come in handy:

  1. How Can Classical Conditioning Be Used to Understand and Treat Phobias?
  2. Behavioral Analysis of Procrastination and Its Key Outcomes.
  3. Reinforcement Learning: Effective Methods of Motivating Students.
  4. How Does Stress Affect Cognitive Processes and Decision-Making?
  5. The Efficiency of Behavioral Techniques in Managing Anxiety.

💡 Simple Psychology Essay Ideas

🧠 Psychology Essay Titles for High School Students

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📝 Interesting Psychology Topics for College Students

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📌 Easy Psychology Essay Topics

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✏️ Psychology Project Topics

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📓 Good Psychology Paper Topics

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❓ Psychology Essay Questions

Not sure what to write in your paper? Try our free writing toolkit:
  1. What Are the Differences Among Clinical and Counseling Psychology?
  2. Does Human Psychology Drive Financial Markets?
  3. Does Motivation Enhance Athletic Capability and Winner’s Psychology?
  4. How Both Sociology and Social Psychology Can Help Us To Understand Anti-social Behaviour?
  5. How Can Criminal Psychology Remove Acts of Violence?
  6. How Can Cross-Cultural Psychology Be Applied To Other Fields Beyond the Field of Psychology?
  7. How Can Social Psychology Explain the Behaviour of Suicide Bombers?
  8. How Can the Psychology of Crowd Behaviour Contribute to Effective Crowd Management?
  9. How Moral Psychologists James’s Philosophies Coincide with Today’s Fields of Psychology?
  10. What Are the Main Perspectives in the Study of Psychology?
  11. What Are the Strengths and Weaknesses of One of the Perspectives of Psychology?
  12. What Can Evolutionary Psychology Tell Us about Who We Find Attractive and Why?
  13. How Behavioural Economics Relate to Psychology?
  14. What Extent Psychology Can Be Considered a Science?
  15. What Have Been the Major Historical Phases in Psychology?
  16. What Psychologists Have Found Out about the Psychology of Testimony?
  17. What Was the State of Cognitive Psychology in 1967?
  18. Why Only Christian Psychologists Can Practice True Psychology?
  19. Why People Commit Suicide by Using Her Knowledge of Psychology?
  20. Why Metapsychology Is Not Considered as a Part of Psychology?
  21. What Are the Essentials of Understanding Psychology?
  22. What Is Historical Introduction to Modern Psychology?
  23. What Statistical Methods Are Used in Education and Psychology?
  24. How to Solve the Problem of Activity in Psychology?
  25. What Is the Province of Functional Psychology?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 627 Psychology Essay Topics & Questions + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/psychology-essay-topics/

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StudyCorgi. "627 Psychology Essay Topics & Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/psychology-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "627 Psychology Essay Topics & Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/psychology-essay-topics/.

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