Impact and Evolution of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Overview of The Policy The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a social welfare policy that provides tax credits to low-income working families in the United States. It was initially established in 1975 as a temporary program under President Ford, but it was made permanent in 1978 (Boardman, 2019). Since...

Optimizing Pay Mix Strategies: Compensation and Benefits for Job Families

Introduction The value of pay mixes in a company’s pay structure rests in its capacity to control expenses, motivate and retain staff, and link individual performance with corporate objectives. This applies to the case of the major supplier of rubber floor mats and matting moving to Rockville, Maryland. By adopting...

The Impact of Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movement on Racial Justice in America

Introduction The Civil Rights Movement and the Reconstruction Era are two crucial eras in American history that highlight the country’s ongoing struggles with racism and racial issues. These periods, which close and begin a century of conflict, illustrate America’s arduous march toward freedom and equality. In order to prepare for...

The Opium Wars’ Causes and Effects: Colonialism, Trade, and China’s Political Decline

Introduction The Opium Wars were historic phenomena highlighting notions such as colonialism, free trade, and national decline as a result of foreign involvement in internal affairs. The conflict between China and Britain was seemingly associated with the importation of the drug opium. However, despite its appearance, the nature of the...

Combining Strategies to Prevent Pressure Sores in Elderly Patients

Introduction Preventing pressure sores and the need for early detection in nursing care for geriatric patients is challenging. Standard nursing practices usually include turning patients and wiping, which help to reduce the effects of tissue compression. Combination strategies can be more successful and reduce the risk of pressure sores. This...

A 4-page text usually contains 950 to 1000 words in case you use 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is the most common format for all the major citation styles.

It will take you 5 to 10 minutes to type one page on a keyboard. However, if you need to write a 4 page essay from scratch, it will take you not less than 4 to 5 hours.

A paragraph in academic writing should be at least 75 words long. So, a 4 page essay is to contain 10 to 13 paragraphs.

A four page essay is a typical high-school assignment. One might write such a paper to demonstrate their knowledge of the topic and the ability to organize their thoughts. You are likely to be assigned a four page book review, persuasive essay, or critical writing.

If you’re short of time, the key to success is planning. A simple outline consisting of an introduction, 4 to 5 body paragraphs, and a conclusion will help you organize your thoughts efficiently.

Domes and Towers in Medieval and Early Modern Islamic and Christian Architecture

Introduction In the medieval and early modern periods, Islamic and Christian societies had to grapple with the complex technology and design of creating tall buildings. Some buildings constructed during that era include Hagia Sophia, San Vitale in Ravenna, Westminster Abbey, Chartres Cathedral, the Alhambra in Spain, the Renaissance of St....

Haiti’s and Ireland’s Nursing Education Compared

Introduction Haiti and Ireland were chosen for comparison because the two countries have curiously different histories of nursing education development. In Ireland, the development of nursing education was similar to that of the countries of Western Europe and North America: after decades of prevalence of the apprenticeship model, the necessity...

ADN vs. BSN Nurses: Key Differences in Competencies and Care

Introduction Differentiating between the competencies of associate-degree (ADN) level nurses and baccalaureate-degree (BSN) can be hard because both levels of preparation require dedication, passion, as well as imply the passing of the same licensing examination – NCLEX RN (American Association of College of Nursing, 2015). Nevertheless, there are still some...

Personal Teaching Philosophy and Its Development

Revised Personal Teaching Philosophy After the Principles of Teaching and Learning Course When I developed my teaching philosophy for the first time, I paid much attention to the explanation of the learning process because it is critical for education. Initially, I focused only on the necessity to develop a positive...

Integrating E-Commerce: Cloud, BI&A, and Mobile Solutions

Introduction Problem Statement The business presented in the case study is a brick-and-mortar business, i.e., one that has a physical building (e.g., a store) and performs face-to-face marketing (compared to e-commerce where there is often no physical building). The business has a website that does not provide opportunities for online...

Negotiating with Terrorists: Risks and Consequences

Abstract Negotiation is a practice embraced by governments to address conflicts and prevent further standoffs. However, the decision to negotiate with a given terrorist group is believed to be inappropriate since the process might become a way of rewarding the use of violence. This is the case because many terrorist...

Impact of Hotel Policies on Guest Environmental Behavior

Goals This project aims to study the relationship between the rules introduced by the management of hotels in a particular city and the environmental behavior of hotel customers. This can help to determine what influencers can be used to guide people who come to the city to more environmentally friendly...

The “Hero” Film: Shot-by-Shot Analysis

The plot of the film “Hero” (2002) by Zhang Yimou unfolds the historical events that took place in the 3rd century B.C., a time before China became a unified nation. The main character, a lone warrior, known as Nameless (Jet Li), was summoned to visit the King of Qin (Chen...

Why Joyce Oates’ Dedicated Her Story to Bob Dylan?

The story, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been, was written by Joyce Carol Oates in the mid-60s and was dedicated to the famous musician Bob Dylan. She once explained that the idea of writing this story came to her mind when she read a story about a man...

Addressing Homelessness: The Role of Substance Abuse and Systemic Solutions

Introduction The gradual improvement of the quality of people’s lives is the most critical global concern nowadays. The United Nations, along with the governments of all civilized states, focuses on helping people to improve their living conditions and enjoy various benefits. However, despite numerous attempts to resolve most complex issues,...

Transformations in American Women’s Roles: From Pre-WWI to the Roaring Twenties

Introduction Women have faced many sorts of oppression and prejudice throughout history. The Roaring Twenties depicted remarkable shifts in career prospects and societal expectations for women during the years to and following World War I (Johnson 2). The expanded number of job options opened to women was one of the...

Studies on Nutrition Knowledge and Behavior Among Athletes

Acquaviva, J., & Domitrovits, L. (2020). Sports nutrition knowledge of Division II student-athletes and their coaches. Journal of Athletic Performance and Nutrition, 7(2), 1-9. The article aims to demonstrate the nutrition knowledge of the student-athletes and coaches and research differences in nutrition knowledge between athletes of different genders in the...

Christianity: Concepts and Personalities

Introduction Religion is an important element of human society because it defines and identifies groups of people. Beyer and Schnabel (2019) posit that the various denominations that make up religious entities are a proxy measure of varied sets of beliefs. Christianity is among the world’s largest religions by virtue of...

A Lack of a PerFormance Problem: A Training Program

Problem A lack of a performance problem is a gap that arises when an employee does not perform to the level required by the organization. Here, a training program is designed to solve a specific performance problem identified in a firm: managers who are not being as productive as their...

Romantic Period and Victorian Period Poetry Comparison

Romantic and Victorian poetry refers to verses produced during the Romantic and Victorian periods. The poems that have been chosen for my analysis, “Porphyria’s Lover” and “She Walks in Beauty”, demonstrate the most striking features of each of the literary eras. Both the Romantic and Victorian periods were two significant...

DME Sports Academy as a Learning Organization

This essay presents a profile of DME Sports Academy. The discussion draws on the results of field research that included interviews and observations and a review of secondary sources. It incorporates digital articles addressing the larger context of education and multiple creative sources to justify main points. DME Academy is...

Palm Inc.’s System Feedback Loops

Introduction Organization and individuals need to invest in learning in order to run their operations effectively. Various approaches can be employed in learning, but one striking approach is the system thinking. The approach emphasizes on one to take a 360 degree approach in organization learning to understand how various parts...

The Development and Teachings of the Early Christian Church: Origins, Heresies, and Growth

Introduction Every religion has a beginning and story that has been passed on to the following generations and written in manuscripts. Similarly, the early church in Christianity began with the death of Jesus Christ and gradually spread to various regions. Therefore, the early church began with the apostles spreading the...

Realism, Naturalism and Magical Realism in American Literature

The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Erendira and Her Heartless Grandmother The whole story that is written by Gabriel Garcia Marcia Marquiz is a very interesting one that embraces three concepts, that is realism, naturalism, and magical realism. Realism Erendira who was fourteen years old was living with her...

“Gooseberries” by Anton Chekhov: Character of Ivan Ivanovich Chimsha-Himalayan

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, a famous Russian writer, was a short story master who dreamed that people should be free and happy. Unfortunately, in real life, Chekhov had to deal with rudeness and callousness, which he called vulgarity. Chekhov made fun of philistines, stupidity, and the writer especially did not like...

Media in Retail Business

Executive Summary The idea of interactive media is commonly applied in the marketing sector to arrest human intelligence through store imaging (Lievrouw and Livingstone 2002). Advertising products and services is a significant approach for businesses since it helps them create interest and awareness in what is being offered. According to...

The Puente Project: A National Model for Student Success

Puente Project was introduced by Felix Galaviz and Patricia McGrath in 1981 when they found that there were a lot of disadvantaged students in America who did not even attend academic counseling. It was started in Chabot College where Galawiz and McGrath worked as Counselors and English professors. “In an...

Family-Operated Business in Hong Kong

Introduction It can be said that many of the large corporations of today have been started in a small way by individuals and their families. Due to hard work and vision, they have now grown to the status and size that one sees today. There are still many family owned...

Father-Son Relationships in Barn Burning by William Faulkner

‘‘Barn Burning’’ by William Faulkner provides a comprehensive look at a typical family relationship as it existed in the XIXth-century America and was affected by history, traditions, and society. The story depicts both emotional and ethical aspects of a young boy’s struggle to behave appropriately with his father. As the...

Miami, FL Health Issues: Homelessness, HIV/AIDS, and Obesity

People in Miami, FL Need Urgent Help Miami, FL is an urban community with rather dense population rates. The family houses by which the community infrastructure is represented heavily are mostly well-kept and in good condition, yet the health issues are getting out of hand. Particularly, the problem of homelessness,...

Logistics and Transportation Management Strategies

Integrated Logistics for DEP/GARD The following stages add value: The DEP’s seven-day delivery and the flexibility of the company: it can change the kind and quantity of the produced polymers; The interactive system which becomes a helpful instrument since it connects different departments and reduces the number of errors; Verifying...

Analyzing the Chess Girls DC Organization: Structure and Impact

Introduction Chess Girls DC can be attributed to non-profit organizations that promote youth involvement in cultural development. The organization was established by Robin Floyd-Ramson in 2013 to engage girls in playing chess. The key mission of this organization that contains less than 200 members is to develop a sense of...

Digital Marketing Strategies and Ethical Data Practices in Social Studies

Introduction Digital marketing uses digital channels, including search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps, to reach potential customers. It involves creating and promoting content, measuring results, and driving customer engagement. It includes paid and unpaid strategies and focuses on creating customer relationships and building brand awareness. The scope...

Risk Assessment for the Automobile Industry: Lessons from 2011 Japan Tsunami

Introduction Hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and wars are emergencies that are beyond people’s control. However, they significantly affect all spheres of human life, causing damage and other negative consequences. The 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan was a prominent disaster that shocked the entire world. In particular, the automobile industry experienced...

Comprehensive Marketing Strategy for ForHome’s Housekeeper Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Executive Summary The product under consideration is a smart robotic vacuum cleaner called the Housekeeper from the company ForHome. This device is equipped with an additional function in pet care. It has a separate compartment that is filled with food and water. The owner can control the gadget remotely via...

External Factors of the Northern Lake Superior MĂ©tis Community’s Evolution

Introduction The Northern Lake Superior Historic MĂ©tis Community is a historically significant MĂ©tis group in Ontario, Canada. Various reports and sources provide a historical narrative of the evolution of its identity and culture. The evolution of this community, influenced by historical events and external pressures such as the fur trade...

Philosophical Thinking: The Influence of Ancient Greek Philosophy on Life

Philosophical Thinking Defining Philosophy and Its Three Main Branches Philosophy is an ancient discipline that dives into the questions of nature, knowledge, and ethics. The experience retrieved from the Greek history can be correlated with the modern reality. The philosophers of ancient Greece were following the truth based on Western...

Abortion Ethics: Autonomy, Well-Being, and Utilitarianism

Introduction One of the most popular issues that has been fiercely debated for hundreds of years is abortion. While nowadays seen as a medical procedure to remove a fetus from a woman’s body, whether due to physical requirements or personal beliefs, it has been highly contested since the issue revolves...

Mill’s Utilitarianism Framework in Solving the Trolley Problem

Thesis The Trolley Problem is one of the acutest and most morally perplexing scenarios in the realm of ethical philosophy. The problem has ignited numerous debates and discussions. It has even been reflected in the modern pop culture of memes due to its being used as a basis for the...

Restorative Justice for Juvenile Delinquents in Canada: Glowatski’s Case

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a term used to describe a broad set of illegal actions by underage individuals. This phenomenon varies in severity from minor offenses like school absenteeism to crimes such as burglary and even murder. Just like in the case of any other crime or misconduct, a legal...

Crossover Kids: Canadian Perspective

Introduction “Crossover youth,” “crossover children,” and “crossover kids” are all relatively recent buzzwords for a vulnerable social group of underage individuals who both suffered from parental mistreatment and engage in deviant behavior. Admittedly, these two factors – parental mistreatment and juvenile delinquency – are intertwined and amplify each other. Family...

Children in Need of Protection: Canadian Perspective

Introduction The concept of children’s rights and liberties is relatively new: the humanistic pedagogy emerged no earlier than the 19th century. It took even the most developed countries quite a while to accept the integrity and self-autonomy of children. Nowadays, in the Northern hemisphere, it is indisputable that children have...

The Charter and the Children’s Welfare

Introduction In Canada, the end of the 19th century was marked by the emergence of foster care: putting children in family environments was considered more beneficial than holding them in orphanages and group houses. Both the 19th and 20th centuries were characterized by adopting a more humanistic approach towards handling...

Motherisk Program Controversies and Impact on Families

Introduction Since 1991, Canada has been part of the treaty and two protocols under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. By ratifying the treaty and the protocols, the state expressed its readiness to uphold the highest standards in protecting children from abuse. Within the framework of the Convention...

International Adoptions in Canada: Legal Perspective

Introduction Over the past few decades, views on adoption, local and international legislation, and the nature of procedure have all changed. At the beginning of the 21st century, many developed countries such as the United States of America and Canada saw a growing tendency of intercountry adoption as opposed to...

Reporting Duties Under Child, Youth, and Family Services Act

Introduction When children and teenagers are abused or neglected, they have little to no power to protect themselves and stop harmful behaviors directed at them. One may readily imagine how devastating the consequences of experiencing violence and mistreatment in childhood might be. Traumatizing memories may linger for years, and a...

Sexting in Teenagers: Legal Perspective in Canada

Introduction Sexting is a recent phenomenon when people send sexually explicit texts, pictures, and videos via text messages. Even though it may be argued that sexting is a healthy way of expressing one’s sexuality and fulfilling one’s needs, the normalcy of the phenomenon might be compromised when minors are involved....

Adult Sentencing for Youth: Canadian Perspective

Introduction There is no doubt that when an individual commits a serious crime, justice should be executed, and an offender should face the consequences of his or her deeds. At first glance, such reasoning seems robust and applicable in all cases. However, when it comes to juvenile delinquents, there is...

Rainwater Harvesting Prototype

The prototype is intended to improve the use of harvested rainwater that is collected on large railway stations. Water usage is divided into three purposes: aesthetic, healthcare and education. The aesthetic aspect presupposes the creation of the waterfall effect. Most projects associated with rainwater harvesting create waterfalls. Pornchai Garden in...

Native Americans: Impact of European Colonization

Introduction With the arrival of European colonists to North America, its native residents had to face a plethora of unique problems related to their social, economic, and even physical well-being. Being motivated primarily by the need to expand the range of Europe’s influence, colonists neglected the needs of local residents....

Challenges in Governance and Management of Complex Construction Projects

Introduction Complex construction involves large-scale projects involving a huge budget and a multidisciplinary staff team. Examples of complex projects that will be analyzed in this essay include the One World Trade Center and the Al Maktoum International Airport expansion. The evolution of project management is an ongoing concern as managers...

Island Banking Services: Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan

Island Banking Services is a non-US firm that works in the Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities industry, which has the NAICS 2017 code 522320. Financial transaction processing, financial instrument clearinghouse services, and reserve and liquidity services are all provided by companies in this industry. On the island, the...

Kimball Hospital and Tanner Medical Center Merger Report

Summary Recent trends in the healthcare industry have demonstrated that mergers are an effective means for organizations to manage costs, increase efficiency, and provide optimal and accessible care to populations. Hospital consolidation has reached a peak in the last five years, with the top 10 health systems controlling 24% of...

Analysis of Nightingale’s Nursing Theory and Its Relevance in Modern Healthcare

Introduction In the field of healthcare, in addition to attracting practical knowledge, it is necessary to pay more attention to the theories that have been developed in this field of knowledge. The need to take this aspect into account is that theoretical approaches are the basis for any medical specialist...

Deere & Company Establishing E-Business Standards

Introduction A B2B exchange should present Deere with an opportunity to market its products using a cheaper platform. This should in turn reduce its operation cost hence an increase on profits. There is however one big question about the whole exercise. This is on whether Deere should join an existing...

Haier Group: Company Case

Introduction Most Americans pronounce it as “hair”, while others make it sound like “higher”. The latter is more like it, for Haier Global occupies a higher place in the world’s electronic and home appliances goods and products. This Chinese company with a global presence has a long history, from a...

Hallmark Cards Inc.: Trends and Countertrends

Introduction Ask any American whether they have heard about Hallmark Cards and the answer is more likely to be in the affirmative. This company has been around the American social scene for the past one hundred years. It was established in 1910 by one visionary teenager named Joyce C. Hall...

Lens Analysis: Natural and Applied Sciences

The issue of women in the workforce is an important one in the field of natural and applied sciences. According to Noonan (2017), 76 percent of the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) workers are men. There are numerous reasons for this disbalance, one of which is the high rates...

Lens Analysis: History. Humanities

The discussion of women in the workforce from the historical perspective would be incomplete without mentioning of the feminist movement. Initially, the movements of the 19th century were focused on women’s suffrage, i.e., the ability to participate in elections. Later, from the 1960s, feminists pay attention to the position of...

How El Niño Affects Ocean Circulation and How Climate Is Impacted

El Nino is a climate trend in which the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean has unusually warm surface waters. El Nino influences ocean temperatures, strength and speed of ocean tides, the well-being of coastal fisheries, and regional weather from South America and Australia, and beyond. The occurrence of El Nino plays...

Bilingual Education Policy in Taiwan

One important role of a country’s education system is to ensure that its students can compete favorably in the international job market. To achieve this, the education system must emphasize the topics of relevance like technology, management, ethics and above all languages which act as the tool of communication that...

The Mysterious Ways in Which God Moves

Introduction The discussion of the existence of evil and, more importantly, its coexistence with the forces of good as the cornerstone contradiction that may disrupt the very premise of the Divine existence has been discussed in theology for centuries. The dilemma can be worded in the following way: if God...

Launching Antibacterial Wipes in the UAE Market

This report describes the market research conducted on behalf of ABC multinational company planning to launch wipes with antibacterial qualities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market. Antibacterial wipes are pre-moistened towelettes that contain sanitizing or disinfecting substances such as alcohol or chlorine compounds which kill germs on surfaces and...

Psychological Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction PTSD is a mental illness that can occur as a result of extreme trauma, such as physical, psychological, or sexual experiences. Traumatized people are more likely to acquire (PTSD), a condition in which the victim’s consciousness is dominated by the recollection of the traumatic incident, affecting their lives, mental...

High or Low Self-Efficacy Students Characteristics

Characteristics of Students with High or Low Self-Efficacy The students mainly assessed their self-efficacy as rather high; most respondents assessed it as 8 or 9 on the scale from 1 to 10. In particular, students #1, #2 and #3 gave themselves the mark of 8 on a 10-point scale, student...

High and Low Context Culture in Business

Introduction Different cultures can be classified along a continuum with two conceptual extremes. These extremes are high and low-context cultures. “High context” and “Low context” are the terms that were popularized by Hall (1976) and they are employed to describe the wide cultural differences among the societies of people. In...

Stella McCartney’s Falabella Bags: Creating and Capturing Value Through Bags

Introduction Stella McCartney’s Falabella bags have become an iconic product despite the industry’s scepticism regarding the reduction of the use of animal-sourced materials. Its success is attributed to the fact that the accessory was issued as an opposition to the traditional view of luxurious handbags and also introducing new materials...

Substance Use Disorder During Pregnancy: Project Translation and Planning

Introduction Substance use disorder during pregnancy is a significant public health concern that puts mothers’ and infants’ lives and well-being at risk. According to Peltier et al. (2022), women with previous mental health issues are at a higher risk of experiencing substance use disorder. Therefore, healthcare professionals should implement evidence-based...

International Business Strategy: Problems and Operations

Introduction Business organizations often develop business strategies that define their mission, vision, objectives, and goals of the organizations; these strategies also include how firms will organize their activities to achieve their objectives and mission. To gain a competitive advantage, firms engage in strategic decision-making processes that define long-term activities and...

Impact of Divorce on Child Mental Health in the UK: A Comprehensive Study

Introduction The given project is devoted to the investigation of children’s mental health and factors that might impact it, specifically, parents’ divorce. The choice of the given issue is preconditioned by several factors. First, children’s health is one of the major concerns of contemporary society as they are the future...

Learning Investment Philosophy from the Masters

Quite possibly, Benjamin Graham would have called my philosophy and train of thought an attempt at speculation due to insufficient analysis of McDonald’s and Coca-Cola. The valuation could have been based on a broader time frame and many other external factors that affect the price. It is worth taking into...

Reasons Why the RMS Titanic Sank

Introduction Before 1982, passenger steamships were the sole way for travelers and mail to travel between Europe and North America. The Cunard Steamship Company’s Lusitania and Mauritania were the fastest and largest, with a gross weight of 31000 tons and a top speed of 26 knots (Felkins et al., 1998)....

Human Resources Management in Projects

Introduction Human resources management is required to ensure that resources are well managed in a project; project management is the process through which projects are initiated, implemented, managed, and controlled for a successful project goals and objectives attainment; the process has a time and costs framework that it must meet....

The Problem of the “Technological Bondage”: The Internet Addiction

Psychologists compare Internet addiction, which appeared with the development of the Internet, with alco- and drug dependency. Unquestionably, the Internet has great importance for humanity in the modern world and greatly benefits humankind. The network is a great source of information and an affordable way to acquire skills and knowledge...

Parenting Styles Exemplified by the Molly Family

Introduction Molly wants to stay up after her bedtime to go to a party where she will meet a famous athlete. Molly’s parents’ answer will depend on a parenting style they follow and believe to be right. Their reaction might fall into four different types: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and rejecting-neglecting...

Cottage Town: Oral Presentation of Project

Introduction Oral presentation is considered to be a real success of any project because it gives an opportunity to communicate with the audience and have an eye-to-eye contact with your possible clients. Oral presentation can bring a beneficial deal but only in case if one follows the main rules and...

Lululemon: Consumer Behavior, Market Challenges, and Growth Plans

Introduction Lululemon is a renowned international manufacturer and retailer of sportswear with a focus on high quality and fashion. The company produces goods for training, accessories, and health products. The company was founded in 1998 in Vancouver and, through its continuous development, has expanded worldwide with more than 500 stores...

Mattel’s Strategy: Training Managers to Become Leaders

Leadership is one of the key factors that contribute favorably to the success of any organization. In organizations where leadership is lacking, there is always confusion since there are no well-structured organizational goals. Leadership can be described as the ability of an individual to use emotional and personality skills to...

“Liberalism and Social Action” by John Dewey

In 1935 philosopher John Dewey published Liberalism and Social Action. John Dewey was one of a number of intellectuals in the 1930s who openly articulated antagonism toward the free market economy that dominated most of the United States’ policies; John Dewey’s enmity was largely targeted toward the unequal distribution of...

Role of the Mother in the Child’s Life

The famous American humorist and author, David Barry, once said, “If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant’s life, she will choose to save the infant’s life without even considering if there are men on base.” This directly points to the maternal instincts...

History of the United Arab Emirates

Introduction The history of the area starts in the 7th century when Islam was converted, but the archeological research shows that the first human occupation can be referred to as the Neolithic period. A new formation, United Arab Emirates, comprising six emirates (Abu Dhabi, Umm al-Qaiwain, Sharjah, Fujairah, Dubai, and...

Learning Models in Early Childhood Education

Introduction The search for the perfect learning model has been continuing ever since the traditional adult-run approach was first doubted. The tendencies switched between such extremes as transmission and acquisition of knowledge. Community-of-learners model does not stand in the middle between one-sided models, as it is a completely different philosophical...

COVID-19 Crisis and Its Effects on the US Economy

Covid-19 is a global public health epidemic that has crippled most aspects of human operations, including lives, labor market and corporate functioning. All these upshots have a trickle-down effect on the economy, particularly with the announcement of lockdowns to contain the spread of the virus. Other measures that countries have...

Technical Mastery in the “12 Years a Slave” Film

Introduction Based on Solomon Northup’s 1853 autobiography of the same name, Steve McQueen’s drama picture 12 Years a Slave was released in the United States in 2013. The movie takes a solid and moving look at the atrocities of slavery, and its technical features are essential in delivering that message....

Roosevelt’s New Deal: From Skepticism to Bureaucracy

When Roosevelt took over as president of the United States in 1933, he initially did not look favorably upon large federal bureaucracies and expansive government programs and spending (Leuchtenberg 52). In that regard, he shared the values of his predecessor Herbert Hoover, who maintained his stance that government assistance would...

Systemic Thinking: Core Components, Models, and Applications in Human Resource Management

Introduction Systemic thinking comprises certain core components, including innovation to improve the system, data-based decision-making, and collaborating effectively within a system. It is defined as a holistic viewpoint, which recognizes that relationships between system components and between the environment and the components are imperative (Mirnezhada, 2022). As far as innovation...

Aspects of Electronic Health Records

Introduction Electronic health records in healthcare are sophisticated software used to capture and store information about patients. The system was developed as a program aimed at streamlining the country’s healthcare system. The program’s main function was to ensure that all the relevant data concerning the country’s citizens were kept safe...

“The Great Gatsby”: The American Dream Is Not Feasible for All

Introduction The American Dream is the idea that any person can become rich in the United States. Through hard work, an optimistic outlook for the future, and virtuous character, a person can become successful. However, in practice, not all people can achieve this dream by showing dedication and acting ethically,...

Failed States and the Importance of Addressing the Issue

The concept of a failed state, also known as a fragile state, emerged about three decades ago, but politicians and researchers have not reached unanimity in defining and interpreting this issue. Generally, states are considered to be failed when they have lost control over considerable parts of their territory (Lynch...

Sexual Health and Identity as Global Issues

Origins and Essential Information about the Issue The first question about sexual health issues was raised during the two Population Conferences in Rome in 1954 and Belgrade in 1965. However, the participants of the conferences were predominantly concerned with the demographics and control of the population growth. They believed that...

The Evolution of Romantic Encounters and Norms and Actions Within Relationships

Romantic relationships as an essential part of an adult’s life and a certain rite of passage for people transitioning from adolescence to adulthood might seem as quite difficult to theorize, yet there are similarities in behavior patterns of those involved in them. Although the general premise and goals typically remain...

Math and Data Management Lesson Plan Analysis

Date of lesson 26th July 2013 The time frame of the lesson 30 minutes Number of students and age range or grade level 24 students in grade 3 Subject Math; Data Management Pre-assessment The students can be able to do simple mathematical activities. Examples of such activities include collecting and...

Women Are Better Parents Then Men

Are women better parents than men? Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. What is your position? Prewriting for a...

Mattel’s Workforce Strategy: Fostering of Teamwork

Teamwork is one of the most effective tools in management as it enhances collective responsibility towards the common goal of the organization. According to Duke Corporate Education (2005:4), a team may be described as a small group of people sharing a common purpose and possessing complementary skills to pursue the...

Organizational Behavior and Motivation Scheme of an Employee

The subject of the present study is the way organizational behavior is influenced by the issue of payment and what role payment plays in the whole motivation scheme of an employee. The question is discussed on the example of the company Norsk Petroleum that faced a problem of mass resignations....

The Issue of Gender Pay Discrimination in Canada

The phenomenon of the gender pay gap is a well-fixed one in modern society: women working at the same time earn only part of men’s salary. Historical flow influenced the aspect of economic equality for females throughout the whole world. It should be noted that the problem of gender pay...

Technological Determinism

Technological determinism indicates that the society is shaped by the type and the level of technology available (Surhone, Timpledon, and Marseken, 2010). Today, the society has altered to accommodate the current technology, and numerous changes have occurred in social structure too. As a result, social norms and values in the...

Cancer: Disease Specifics and RNA-Based Detection

Introduction Cancer is a common problem and one of the key causes of death in the population. Risk factors associated with the development of cancer cells relate to radiation exposure, damage to the body by pathogens, as well as hereditary predisposition. Different types of neoplasms are named according to their...

The Prevalence of Diabetes in the Elderly From 2000 to 2009

The elderly populace is generally predisposed to numerous non-communicable diseases such as diabetes. Owing to a lack of vital knowledge concerning these diseases and the risk factors associated with them, the menace associated with such ailments has heightened leading to its puffiness impediment and transience. The endeavor of this review...

Scientific Approach to Food Safety at Home

Introduction A scientific approach to handling, preparing, and storing food that explains how to prevent sickness is known as food safety. Unsafe food implies that the food may be rotten and exposed to germs or dirt, leading to infection due to microbial activities. The diseases caused by food are unsafe...

Criminal Justice System: Fairness and Reforms

Current Situation in the USA Most prisons in the United States are overcrowded at the moment, sometimes unconstitutionally. The statistics of incarcerated people in the U.S. are higher than in any other country in the world, both per capita and in absolute terms. The state “has less than 5% of...

Finding Solutions for Ethical Dilemma

The ethical dilemma that Mr. Markham is currently facing is the necessity to choose between the two undesirable options. These are: whether to report the board of directors of the pension funds the real numbers regarding their value of liabilities, which are two times higher than the ‘official numbers,’ or...

The Metro West Refined Project in Sydney

Procurement The project has developed a detailed suggested delivery strategy. It recognizes the possibility of public-private partnerships separating parts of the project. Continuous refinement of the final delivery strategic approach is vital. Timeframe Besides the project’s commencing its statutory planning progression in late 2019, its first commencement timeframe will depend...

Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” With the Consideration of His Personal Experiences

Introduction Returning to the completed writing and considering its primary characteristics is necessary for creating a comprehensive understanding of the work. My chosen novel, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, is an intriguing piece that regards the subjects of surreality, human alienation, and betrayal within the story of Gregor Samsa. The...

Beauty Through the Prism of Feminism

Some researchers consider beauty as a social construct, while others claim that it is rooted in human nature itself. The standard of female beauty in the modern world appears as social capital and a means of achieving certain resources. Advertising and the beauty pageant industry have a huge impact on...

The Biological Basis of Eating Behavior

Human eating is both a driven and a biological need, and it is consequently affected by a variety of mental, commercial, and ecological factors. Comprehending the biological base of feeding behavior is essential for determining how extra-biological stimuli are converted into nutrients intake. From childhood to adolescence, human-eating behaviors change...

UK Media Representation of Ethnic Minorities

British society is not outnumbered by ethnic minorities, although new immigrants have come, mainly from Asia and Eastern Europe. 85% of UK citizens are white British, while the remaining 15% are recognized as ethnic minorities (Georgiou & Zaborowski, 2017). Black African, Black Caribbean, Indian, and Pakistani are the four largest...

Features of Snapchat Plus Premium Subscription

Introduction Snapchat Plus premium subscription, launched in June, already has more than one million users. The premium version of the messenger has also added new features, such as unique emojis and backgrounds for avatars and TechCrunch reports. Snapchat’s premium version is very popular: according to Sensor Tower, in the first...

Classroom Analysis of a Recorded Class

Class Background Information The recorded audio represents a literature class for high-school students. The topic of the class is empathy in literature, which aims at educating the students about the notion of empathy and how writers might use it in their attempts to engage their readers. The teacher’s task is...

The Contribution of Abraham Lincoln in American History

Abraham Lincoln was among the most influential leaders that the world has ever seen. He was the sixteenth president of the USA. He was instrumental in dealing with the civil war. He showed America a new road during the Civil War which is also considered by many as the toughest...

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Often known as Industrial and Organizational psychology, the discipline seeks to look at how psychology can be applied at the workplaces in various organizations. Organizational psychologists through well conducted research and devised strategies significantly make contributions towards the success of the organization owing to the enhanced work output and improved...

“Suicide in the Trenches” by Siegfried Sassoon: Combat Gnosticism

Siegfried Sassoon’s Poetry Through his poems, Siegfried Sassoon demonstrates a sharp distinction in the reaction to war. In this way, his poetry is separated into two parts: before and after the war. Under the significant effect of his own military experiences, Sassoon’s perspective on the war underwent a profound shift...

Sustainable Development of Tourism Businesses in South East Cornwall

Introduction Society has in the recent past viewed environmental sustainability with increased concern. Many leaders in the tourism industry are gradually shifting policies towards this direction. Despite the efforts to put in place environment-friendly practices in the tourism industry, concerns have been raised as to the level of adoption of...

Ideology in “The Matrix” Film

An ideological analysis seeks to discover the system of ideas behind a body of work. There is a close connection between ideology and science fiction because science fiction is a form of art that seeks to explore ideas. Unlike fantasy, science fiction borrows on the pre-existing social, political, and technology...

Human Resource Management: Employee Engagement

Introduction The above statement, which announces the end of remote working for Tesla’s workforce, directly results from Tesla’s lack of engagement and connection with its employees. Such an announcement requires consultation with every organization member regardless of their seniority. Since the matter directly concerns junior employees, involving them in the...

Is the International Criminal Court Effective?

Introduction In the past years, the world recorded severe criminal cases, including genocide that left the majority of people dead. Such incidents caught international attention prompting the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The system was aimed at ending the impunity that was growing significantly across the globe. Since...

911 Evolution: Computer-Aided Design for Personal Safety

Introduction USA emergency service relies heavily on the speed of reaction and allocation when interacting with people in need. However, the lack of funding and logistical management issues often lead to inefficient service provision and consequent victims. Every year, over 10,000 Americans die due to the outdated 911 system (Reynolds,...

Religion: Linking Humankind and Supernatural

There is no clear consensus of what constitutes a religion. It can be defined as a social-cultural system of specific morals, beliefs, behaviors, and ethics. Religion generally links humankind and supernatural, other-worldly, or spiritual elements. There are thousands of distinct religions worldwide, most of which explain the origin and meaning...

Challenges With Homeless and Runaway Youth in Waianae

The Nature of the Problem The problem in question is concerned with one of the acutest burdens of young people living in the Waianae area of Hawaii: homelessness. Due to a number of factors, the rate of youths leaving homes is drastically high in this region. Domestic violence, adverse behaviors...

Reducing the Number of Delayed and Canceled Operations in the Surgical Department

Introduction According to Al Talalwah and McIltrot (2019), treatment of more advanced illnesses, which sometimes necessitates more severe and costly treatment, is one of the medical repercussions of postponing surgery. Through features like checklists, alarms, and prediction tools; incorporated clinical guidelines that promote standardized, evidence-based procedures; and computerized prescribing and...

Anoxic Brain Injury: Causes and Effects

Introduction People with existing conditions are always at risk of experiencing additional negative health outcomes, and one of them is anoxic brain injury. At the same time, such a brain injury can also affect healthy individuals, including children, as a result of accidents such as drowning. Moreover, the eventual health...

Baddeley’s Working Memory Model

According to the multi-component model of working memory, a working memory model is vital for resourceful intellect. According to the dual pathway model, triggering instead of disengaging moods increases working memory capacity, allowing for greater cognitive suppleness. Short-range memory is also called the working memory. As an alternative to all...

Crisis of Masculinity in Hamlet

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is among the most famous works of William Shakespeare. Written between 1599 and 1601, it focuses on the story of Prince Hamlet, who struggles after losing his father, King Hamlet. The work has been heavily studied by literary critics and scholars because it...

Effective Presentation Skills in Medical Communication

Introduction A presentation is a type of communication in which an individual conveys information using slides that could contain text or visual messages. It is worth noting that a presenter’s appearance and language determine how well the message is received (Mehta, 2020). Therefore, it is crucial to establish rapport by...

YA.SI.GA.MO.MA.GE Company: Business Plan

Executive Summary The proposed business is named YA.SI.GA.MO.MA.GE, a name that shows the strong bonds between family members. Following the passion for decoration, the company will be established to offer interior decoration services. Although the sole proprietor has the knowledge and motivation required to start off, they need capital, which...

An Intricate Correlation in Sylvia Plath’s “Daddy” and Theodore Roethke’s “My Papa’s Waltz”

Relationships between family members, as well as childhood memories, have always served as one of the most popular subjects of many literary works. Sylvia Plath’s “Daddy” and Theodore Roethke’s “My Papa’s Waltz” are poems written in the middle of the 20th century, with about 20 years of difference in their...

Occupational Therapy for the Kids: Marketing Campaign

Since the product of interest for this marketing campaign is occupational therapy for the kids, it is vital for the visuals to resonate with the parents of children that require rehabilitation and assistance in performing activities of daily living. Considering the price policy and market location, the target customer for...

Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Approaches

Summary Segmentation targeting and positioning are marketing approaches that are used by marketers towards achieving positive outcomes from a certain market depending on the consumer behavior that is characterized by that market. Before comparing these 3 forms it is important first to identify and define each of them in comparison...

Christian Identity, Nationalism, and Patriotism

Christian Identity Since the institutionalization of Christianity, the Church has always competed with monarchs for control over the states. Only after the beginning of the Reformation did Christianity begin to cooperate with local authorities. It can be said that such a symbiosis of unique cultures and local Christian practice norms...

Astra Plc Health and Fitness App

Introduction Many are spending most of their time working implying that they have no time for physical activities and exercises. Astra Plc is intending to launch a new fitness and health app in an attempt to diversify its portfolio in the next three months (The Association for Project Management, 2021)....

The Impact of Fingerprint Evidence in the Farrow Case: A Landmark in Forensic Science

Introduction The development of fingerprint expertise significantly impacted the investigation process and improved their overall quality. This technique allowed forensic specialists to accurately examine the crime scene and make evidence-based assumptions about the possible suspects. One of the most outstanding examples of the role of fingerprints during investigation is the...

Mesopotamian and Modern American Contracts on Marriage, Divorce, and Adoption

Introduction In every period of human development, specific juridical structures and laws formed how people live and perceive each other. One of the most essential parts of these rules is how people should interact in society. This essay will explore such aspects as marriage, divorce, and adoption in the contracts...

Flaws in Mental Health Care: Insights from Pete Earley’s ‘Crazy’

Introduction Mental health is one of the most essential parts of a human being. It allows the person to properly function in society and collaborate with others in daily activities: working, learning, and spending free time. However, when a person struggles with mental health, the community quickly rejects them. In...

The Impact of World War I: Political, Social, and Technological Transformations

Introduction The Great War, usually called World War I, began in 1914. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the future heir to the Austro-Hungarian crown, was killed on Jun 28, 1914, in Sarajevo by Princip Gavrilo, a 19-year-old Slav citizen (Epic History TV 2022). The assassination of Ferdinand sparked a conflict that raged...

Julie Dash as an Auteur: Exploring Her Cinematic Legacy Through Auteur Theory

Introduction Auteur theory in cinematography refers to a framework where directors are seen as the driving forces in filmmaking who share their perspectives of creativity and add a personal touch to the motion picture. The criteria that make a director an auteur encompass unique filmmaking styles, exploration of unconventional topics,...

‘Ziegfeld’ by E. Mordden: A Book Summary and Review

Summary The book ‘Ziegfeld: The Man Who Invented Show Business’ is written by Ethan Mordden and is entirely about the inventor of the show business Mr. Florenz Ziegfeld. Ziegfeld transformed the unspectacular show industry into glamorous show business by the time he left the industry. He is widely known as...

Innovative Strategies to Explore the Naked Wrist Syndrome by Wrist & Rye

How can Wrist & Rye improve its functioning and attain higher revenues by choosing an online marketing campaign? Wrist & Rye is a specific company that is focused on the creation and distribution of jewelry for men who adhere to a particular lifestyle. However, at the moment, it needs a...

Mixed Methods Research in Marketing: Benefits and Applications

Introduction A study strategy known as mixed methods research combines quantitative and qualitative research techniques. It is frequently employed when a researcher wishes to use both quantitative and qualitative data to understand a research subject better. Numerical data collection and analysis are part of quantitative research approaches. Surveys, tests, and...

World War One: Key Factors and U.S. Involvement

Introduction World War One differs from the other wars that happened before and after it. The researchers conclude that the leaders of Europe aimed to be dominant and receive power across the globe. The primary objective of the paper is to examine the fundamental reasons that have led to World...

Austria-Hungary and Nationalism: Catalysts of World War I

Nationalism as a Cause On June 28, 1914, Gavrilo Princip shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, and the ensuing chaos triggered a cascade of events that later culminated in the First World War. While scholars agree that the shooting and killing of the Austrian heir sparked the war,...

World War I: Chronology and Lasting Impacts

Abstract The history of the world is shaped by both events and people. In this regard, people are the most crucial determinants since they initiate, develop, and document the events. This implies that the world’s history is determined by people and their activities. In order to understand the world’s history,...

German-Speaking States and the Causes of WWI

Introduction World War I was witnessed in the course of 1914 following the assassination of a renowned global figure, namely, Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria-Este. The available historical evidence indicates that diverse aspects triggered this war, for instance, the emergence of imperialism and nationalism in the 19th century. The...

Public Service: Tackling Discrimination & Inefficiency

Problem Description Introduction The selected organization for this case operates within the public service sector. The firm has been performing dismally within the past two years. The leaders at the firm have taken long to understand the reason why the quality of services has been declining. The leaders in the...

Analyzing Women in Art: Matisse vs. Lichtenstein

Introduction Women have been the focus of artists since pre-history. A close analysis of the painting can provide insight into the way the public and the author perceived women at the time. This paper will analyze two paintings representing young women performing leisurely activities, a compare and contrast approach will...

Sexual Dysfunctions Among Women

Introduction Today, there are many women with a significant history of sexual desire and arousal complaints. Therefore, women’s sexual health turns out to be a considerably growing area of research interest among the representatives of different countries (Youngkin, Davis, Schadewald, & Juve, 2013). In this paper, the topic of sexual...

Plan of Care: Addressing Gynecological Symptoms

History-Taking At the beginning of the work, it is pivotal to take a complete medical history from the patient to exclude problems with other systems of the body. When interviewing the patient, special attention must be paid to potential pregnancy, sexual history, past gynecological diseases, changes in general health condition,...

Women’s Empowerment from 1607-1876: Milestones and Shifts

The democratic order of the United States has been regarded as an illustration of equality and justice, although various issues still persist. Society was very different in the 17th century since slavery, as well as the distribution of gender roles, was often seen as the plague that could have destroyed...

Contributions and Challenges of Women in the American Defense Sector

The poster above is an illustration of women in the American defense forces. People have expressed different opinions about the ability of this social group to provide security to a nation. The proposed research will address this question. Research Question The proposed research will be guided by the following research...