History: Preserving Hard Copy Books

Introduction Before the invention of the internet, hardcopy books were the only known types of books in the world. In the 1990s, several websites that sold e-books were launched. The following decades saw an increase in the demand for e-books, and academic institutions adopted electronic copies as classroom materials and...

The Break Book by Katherena Vermette

Katherena Vermette’s narrative details the circumstances under which a family in North Winnipeg is forced to deal with a violent sexual assault that occurs in the full view of a young Metis woman. Stella must contend with the fact that the young girl she witnessed being molested was her niece,...

Abortion Legalization and Its Implications

Introduction Abortion is a highly contentious issue in society today. The legalization of abortion has been debated for decades, and the outcome remains highly contested between pro-life and pro-choice advocates. The repercussions of overturning Roe v. Wade have stirred debate on the potential social and economic impacts of legalizing abortions....

Position on AI’s Role in Education

Introduction Educational establishments make significant contributions toward defining the future of a nation. These establishments ensure that young individuals master specific knowledge and skills, which will be further needed to succeed professionally and impact society. That is why appropriate organizations and the government are expected to do their best to...

Emergent States and Failure of Transnational White Brotherhood

Introduction Reynold’s 2008 book Drawing the Global Colour Line: White Men’s Countries and the International Challenge of Racial Equality details how whiteness impacted the world by inadvertently, creating borders, immigrants, and the global color line. This historical piece stands out because as opposed to giving a blow-by-blow account of proceedings,...

Environmental Health and Effects of Environmental Change

Abstract Environmental change, which is attributable to climatic variation, may create imbalances in the natural atmosphere. Such imbalances may have substantive health effects. This paper argues that climate change has had negative health effects, especially of urban dwellers who live in the European region cities. Environmental change exerts costs to...

Artist Analysis: Elvis Presley

Elvis Aaron Presley, popularly known as the king of rock and roll, was a revolutionary artist who significantly influenced the music culture. He is one of the most influential artists as far as music history is involved. Elvis was a diverse artist who made several contributions to the different genres...

Ethical Theories in a Work Environment

Introduction Barns Group Limited is an organization like many others that encounters different forms of unethical acts. For instance, looking at the IT department, there is a scenario that has been mentioned earlier concerning asking for an employee’s login details from a manager. It is hard to judge whether the...

Diversity and Cultural Competence in Social Work

Introduction: Case Example The example case scenario is focused on a hypothetical situation involving an immigrant individual named Miranda, and she is a heterosexual female who is 27 years old. Miranda and her husband immigrated from South America to start a family and new life in the US. They have...

Walmart Inc.’s Organizational Culture

Introduction Walmart Inc. is an American company based in Bentonville with many other branches operating a grocery chain, hypermarkets, and stores. Besides groceries and consumables, the company’s shops provide various health and wellness services, hardlines, fashion, technology, entertainment, and home goods at low prices. In the Arkansas town of Rogers,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comparing Florida and New York Nurse Practice Act

Florida and New York Nurse Practice Act: Similarities and Differences The main common feature of nurse practice acts in selected states is that they contain the general provisions for nursing professions. Also, both acts aim at ensuring that all nursing practitioners adhere to the requirements of safe practice. Another similarity...

Italian Culture Essay

This Italy culture essay sample explores different aspects of Italian culture, including religion, art, language, and food. Check out our Italian culture essay to get some inspiration for your assignment! Many scholars consider Italy to be the birthplace of human culture and the cradle of civilization as we know it....

Essay on Cross-Cultural Communication & Differences

Explore the intercultural difference with our cross-cultural communication essay sample! Here, you can find information on the importance of the topic and gain inspiration for your multicultural communication essay! Cross-cultural communication is a crucial success component nowadays. Globalization and integration contribute to the importance of it.  Cross-cultural contact is vital...

A More Perfect Union Speech Analysis – Barack Obama’s Speech

If you’re about to write A More Perfect Union rhetorical analysis, make sure to check out our sample essay! Here, you’ll find A More Perfect Union Speech Summary and learn more about the speech’s purpose and tone. In 2008, Barack Obama gave a speech, “The Perfect Union.” It provoked arguments...

The Story of an Hour Analysis & Summary – Essay Example

This sample will help you write a The Story of an Hour analysis essay! Here you’ll find a The Story of an Hour summary. Essay also contains a plot and character analysis. The Story of an Hour is a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. This famous piece...

Social Norm Violation: Essay

Check out this “breaking social norms” essay for ideas regarding violating social norms. Learn all about norm violation with plenty of examples. Introduction: Norm Violation in Sociology Social norms are changing with every new era. What was typical a hundred years ago is not acceptable nowadays. Some standards have been...

Rhetorical Analysis Essay: an Example of a Web Page Case Study

In the modern world of increasing competence, marketing needs to be as creative as possible. There are countless strategies that specialists use to attract potential clients. Indeed, great marketing professionals can make any ordinary product stand out. A great variety of methods has a common objective: to make an advertised...

Oedipus Rex & Hamlet: Compare & Contrast Essay

In this compare and contrast essay, Oedipus Rex and Hamlet’s characters are analyzed and discussed. Being the creations of two different authors, they still resemble each other in some exciting ways.  Introduction: Similarities between Oedipus and Hamlet Oedipus is a character of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King. He searches for the...

Marx vs. Weber: Capitalism – Compare and Contrast Essay

Marx and Weber are two key figures of science. Their outstanding works on capitalism are popular even nowadays. The fascinating thing is that their views on capitalism differ to a great extent. Do you need to compare and contrast Karl Marx’s and Max Weber’s approach towards the understanding of capitalism?...

Example of Semiotic Analysis of Advertisements: Chanel 5

For this semiotic analysis of advertising, we have chosen the fragrance advertisement campaign for the Chanel No 5 perfume. Their posters vary significantly in the intricacy and complexity of execution a good deal and offer an excellent platform for semiotic analysis.  Many questions could be asked. How does the body...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Clean Well Lighted Place Analysis: Summary, Characters, & Themes

Read this A Clean, Well Lighted Place character analysis to learn all about the old waiter, the visitor, and other characters. This A Clean, Well-Lighted Place theme essay also provides the story’s summary, looks into its topics, elaborates on “A Clean Well Lighted Place” meaning, and explores the significance of...

Nature of Leadership on the Example of Coaching

Introduction Leadership is a critical management process that helps direct an organization’s resources to improve performance and achieve goals. Influential leaders provide clarity of purpose, motivate and lead the organization to its mission realization. Deshwal and Ali (2020) defined leadership as a “process of influencing others to understand and agree...

General Motors Operations Analysis

Introduction General Motors (GM) is a symbol of the American automotive industry and culture. It is known for an exceptional quality of manufactured automobiles as well as a high level of competitiveness and significant impact on both national and global vehicle markets. GM was founded in 1908. Since then, it...

Abraham Lincoln: A Leader Shaped by Illinois and the Civil War

Introduction Abraham Lincoln is among the most respected figures in American history. He is best known for leading the country during the Civil War and assisting in the abolition of slavery. A close examination of Lincoln’s early life in Illinois, his political career, and his impact on the state during...

Abraham Lincoln’s Impact on Illinois and the United States

Allen, D. W. (2019). Establishing economic property rights by giving away an empire. The Journal of Law and Economics, 62(2), 251-280. Web. This source by Allen (2019), discusses the concept of economic property rights and how they can be established through the process of empire-building. The article examines the historical...

The Impact of Attention and Memory on Learning

Instruction and learning involve a complex interplay of cognitive processes, including visual attention, auditory attention, selective attention, and working memory. Visual attention is the capacity to focus on and process visual information, such as images or text. Auditory attention is, the measure of focus on and auditory process information, such...

Marriages and Divorces: The Motivation of Choice

Introduction A traditional marriage is the union of two people whose romantic relationship has become more profound and formalized. The relationship between people does not necessarily have to end in marriage, and many couples feel great about being single all their lives. Nevertheless, statistics show that about two-thirds of women...

Divine Currency: The Theological Power of Money in the West

When the concept of money was not yet created, the procedures of obtaining material products often involved their exchange, creating banter of exchanging the unneeded goods for wanted ones. The creation of money changed not only the process of obtaining material belongings but the nature of human beings. The literature...

Virtual Grid in Radiography: Investigative Radiology

Introduction Virtual Grid is a modern radiography innovation that allows a medic to reduce scattering with the help of digital reconstruction of a radiograph. Furthermore, a consequence of its use is an increase in the clarity of a radiograph and a decrease in the veil on an image, subverting an...

Pharmacology Research: Cyclophosphamide

Introduction Cyclophosphamide is a prodrug commonly used as one of the medications within courses of chemotherapy. Since it is a prodrug, its pharmacological action unfolds after being consumed by a patient and with the immediate involvement of other biological matters that trigger its pharmacological function. Cyclophosphamide is administered to patients...

Popular Research Paper Topics

World War II: Holocaust and Discrimination of the Jews

Background World history is rich in a vast number of different events that, in one way or another, have influenced the development of societies. It is hard to disagree that both negative and positive events and processes make a significant contribution to shaping the future of this world. That is...

Validity and Reliability of Tests on Personality

Introduction Psychological examinations cover various aspects of a character and are helpful for specialists whose employment requires immediate interactions with people. I have selected tests from the Personality category for Assignment 1 and discussed the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescent–Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF), the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R), and the Million Clinical...

Economic and Social Landscape in Australia

Introduction The Australian economy has shown flexibility in tough times like the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated that the Australian economic growth rate remains at 4.2 percent as of March 2022 (The Australian Economy, 2022). It is projected that the Australian gross domestic product (GDP) will be...

Workplace Attributes and Organizational Attractiveness

One of the many effects of globalization on the business world is the intensification of competition. Initially, companies competed nationally or regionally, with some enjoying immense control over their local markets. Attracting and retaining talents is one way that businesses employ to seek competitive advantages. However, not all the workstation...

The English Civil War: The Major Cause

Introduction When studying the factors that might have led to the English Civil Wars, it is essential to consider that the conflicts did not begin as a revolution. The individuals who were actively involved did not wish for replacement of the Monarchy. Conflicting attitudes towards the royal power as well...

Meteorological Hazards’ Impact on Aviation

Executive Summary Weather and meteorological phenomena have substantial effects on current aviation. Severe cases of weather events such as hail, thunderstorms, or cloud funnels can result in the limitation of flights, accidents, and even the loss of aircraft, equipment, and lives. As such, the following paper aims to observe the...

Humanities and Humanism in Frida Kahlo’s Art

Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo used to be a mixed-race painter from Mexico who lived for 47 years before she died in 1954. She was born in 1907 and died in 1954 after being infected with polio. Frida wedded renowned Rivera, later divorced, but again re-united and converted to a radical...

The Ozone Limited Firm’s New Acceptable Use Policy

Purpose This paper aims to provide our clients with a clear understanding of our organization’s Technology Usage Guidelines (TUG). The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) serves as a set of rules and regulations governing the use of technology resources within our organization. The TUG is an essential document as it outlines...

Problem-Solving and Conflict Avoiding at A&B Healthcare, Inc.

Introduction As the head of A&B organization, it is important to address conflicts that may arise within the company in order to maintain a positive and productive work environment. This report aims to examine the issue of conflicts within A&B Healthcare, Inc. and to provide solutions for addressing and avoiding...

The Issue of Immigration: Articles’ Topics, Methods, Evidence, and Key Findings

Introduction It is important to note that the issue of immigration has always been a problematic element, which was the point of many disputes in the political and legislative areas. One of the most common and troublesome manifestations of the notion includes criminalization, data misrepresentation, and racialization with elements of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ulta Beauty Company’s Financial Performance

Introduction Ulta Beauty is a successful American cosmetics company that has balanced the externally attractive and attention-grabbing displays with ongoing revenue sources and employees’ best interests. The company successfully identified the priorities of American women purchasing cosmetics despite its lack of outlets in major shopping malls. Ulta has entered several...

Action Plan for a Community: Educational Plan

The Healthy People 2020 outlines a number of priority areas that key agencies in the healthcare sector need to consider if the population is to record improved medical outcomes. Different diseases and conditions are presently affecting more individuals in this country. Medical practitioners, community workers, and general physicians need to...

The Concept of Accountability in Healthcare

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) introduced the concept of accountability to increase the value of patients in the healthcare system. The most important goal is to reach their distinctive features, which enable value-based results driven by leveraging physicians and hospitals to work collaboratively to deliver quality patient care (Lewis...

Ethical Problems in Amazon

Introduction Following corporate culture and developing positive interactions with staff are valuable ethical practices that most modern companies strive to uphold. However, in some cases, violations committed by managers do not remain among the team and are made public, which, in turn, becomes an occasion for public outcry. The case...

Current and Future Security Issues and How to Combat Them

Security Issues There are overarching security threats that might occur in the future due to major changes resulting from advancements in technology, the boost of globalization, and changing consumerism. Several threats include cyberattacks, artificial intelligence and satellites being attacked by adversaries either physically or electronically. What might occur is the...

Competitive Forces in the Healthcare Market

Introduction The healthcare sector differs from other economic sectors; while it is a market capitalist economy subject, it also has many similarities with non-profit organizations. As all people may become ill, medical care availability is an important question: if not all people obtain medical help, it diminishes their human rights....

Conflict Between Friendship and Justice

I was angry with my friend Omar because he openly discriminated against other people in my presence. He was especially skeptical about homosexual people and this was not in tandem with my belief in human rights. One evening after a good time having a few drinks and laugher we decided...

Wage Regulations and Impact of Politics

Introduction Most previous studies on minimum wage regulations have focused on society’s economic well-being. The discussions have been grounded on one hand; minimum wage increases the low-earning workers’ living conditions, thus, decreasing level of poverty (Kweon and Suzuki 269). While on the other hand, they instigate that the minimum wages...

Conflict Resolution and Its Key Approaches

Conflict management is the methodical and cooperative effort required to resolve differences between individuals or groups. Each organization contains some level of interpersonal, intrapersonal, or intergroup conflict. This is because it is unrealistic to demand unanimous agreement between multiple people at all times. Executives, directors, and workers sometimes spend 20–80%...

Complete Microbiological Profile: E. Coli

Introduction In microbiology, there are a tremendous number of microorganisms that are important to human life. Many are naturally parasitic forms and cause harm, but symbionts are essential to study. When a microorganism lives inside the human body and consumes its resources, offering practical support in return, clinicians must know...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Micro-Practice Social Work to Strengthen Communities

Introduction The micro-level of social work, often referred to as the traditional approach, entails working in close collaboration with individuals, families, and small groups to strengthen one-on-one support as they navigate complicated multidimensional challenges. In this setting, social workers usually deal with individuals that struggle with various issues, such as...

Insurance Data Processing and Storage: Edge Computing

Insurance companies process much consumer data to innovate while aligning strategic organizational objectives to the evolving customer needs framework. Big data is a common denominator, from health, property, disability, automobile, to life insurance packages. With the current advancements in technology, consumers’ personalization and data privatization have become the firsthand priority....

Nursing Intervention into Public Health Issues

Intervention Analysis In the medical discipline, Nurses play an essential role in providing professional health care to patients. This is because they have undergone special training, which has enabled them to acquire relevant knowledge and skills to handle the sick. Nurses attain set goals by focusing on specific public health...

Preflight Planning Considerations

Introduction In this paper, there is a plan to fly an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), which will be DJI Matrice multi-rotor aircraft on flight lines 25 meters apart from one another. There is a need to consider safety-critical aspects that ensure that the flight does not have constraints while in...

Criminal Behavior: Biological and Evolutionary Approaches

Introduction Despite the intention to create a perfect society and remove unwanted problems and challenges, criminal behaviours continue developing, so crimes should be examined and predicted. Criminal psychology contains a number of studies to gain a better understanding of crime causes through applying science (Durrant, 2018). People may participate in...

Reducing Burnout Rates Among Hospital Nurses Through Group Therapy

Introduction Greetings, today I would like to share with you evidence, ideas, and the potential plan for action that I devised against a critical issue in the United States healthcare system. The presented evidence-based project aims to provide the basis for unified recommendations on how to deal with high burnout...

Coca-Cola Company’s International Financial Management

Introduction International Financial Management (IFM) is an integral part of any company that has positioned its operations on the global market (Madura, 2020). This may explain why Coca-Cola is interested in the concept of the IFM to manage international finances and maximize shareholder wealth. Furthermore, the idea is of value...

Climate Change: The Role of Scientific and Technological Progress

Introduction Changes in climate patterns are influenced by the advancement of research and innovative characteristics. Science, technology, and society are examined in depth in the paper and how the general public sees the course’s subject matter. It is being discussed how science and technology’s dynamic elements are linked with a...

Toyota as a Guarantor of Careful Production

Introduction Toyota is one of the most successful companies in the world. It is lean manufacturing concept and holistic approach to business organization studied in the most prestigious business schools of the world. Toyota’s business consists of two basic components – continuous improvement and respect for people (James, 2021). Toyota’s...

Wisdom in Plato’s “Apology”

Introduction The Plato’s Apology gives an overview of Socrates’ speech which he delivered while in the court of Athens – the court was deliberating whether or not to put him to death due to his practices. As explicated by Tanner, Socrates was charged with corrupting the youth, combined with his...

Popular Research Paper Topics

GlaxoSmithKline Firm’s Whistle-Blowing and Defective Products

Introduction GlaxoSmithKline LLC (GSK), a London-based multinational pharmaceutical company, was involved in a whistleblower case in 2011. The two whistleblowers, Thomas Gerahty and Matthew Burke, who formerly worked for the company, provided the United States government with valuable information about various corrupt malpractices of GSK. According to these witnesses, GSK...

Emergency Response Budgeting and the Mitigating Effect of This Inclusion

Introduction The emergency management system is a complex regulatory component that necessitates multidimensional work on numerous government entities to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters (Dorasamy et al., 2017). In order to build a model for analyzing the business and functional features of emergency guidelines, this document...

Racial Inequality, Immigration, and Healthcare in the US

Introduction American society is characterized by many immigrants of different races who have made their homes in the U.S. Although the U.S. has been applauded for being the destination for many immigrants, especially those from war zones, little has been done to ensure the immigrants’ wellbeing. Over the years, concerns...

Causes, Impact, and Solutions to Shark Finning

Shark finning has first become a problem in the ’80s, and it still continues causing severe harm to the oceans. Shark finning effects on ecosystem can’t be underestimated. Multiple solutions to this problem have been proposed throughout the years. This essay provides a detailed analysis of shark finning solutions, causes,...

The Evolution of the Panspermia Hypothesis

Introduction Illustrating enormous biodiversity, life on the Earth has been a prominent area of natural science research for centuries. The panspermia hypothesis is among the controversial theoretical propositions touching upon the possible origins of life on the planet and the existence of extraterrestrial life. Panspermia supposes that life in the...

Human Organ Donation: Causes and Effects

Organ donation, also known as organ transplant is an operation that involves moving organs from an organism, a donor to another organism, a recipient. Organ donation in the United States has helped improve the health of many lives in the last fifty years since its implementation. An organ transplante is...

Organizational Change Against Discrimination: The Case of Amazon

Introduction Organizational change can become a necessary process for any organization. As the company develops and enters the global market, it is bound to encounter specific events and requirements demanding that the current procedures are altered. In this regard, ascertaining the external factors influencing the corporation, possible barriers, the readiness...

Psychopathy Research Influence on Western Criminal Justice System

Psychopathy is a phenomenon that reflects rebellious behavior in which people can commit crimes. Personalities with such disabilities are mentally ill and can pose a danger to society. The connection with criminal justice is controversial since not all people suffering from signs of illness are criminals. On the one hand,...

Women’s Rights from Islamic and Judaism Perspectives

Introduction According to the United Nations, women’s rights are fundamental human rights that require all women to be treated equally and fairly in society. Yet most women are still denied equal opportunities as men due to their femininity. For decades, rights groups have made significant efforts in the fight against...

The Dandelion Magazine’s Business Plan

Presentation Brief Individual Presentation I am a creator of Dandelion will manage the UAE-based Magazine. As a graphic designer, I usually create magazines for customers to help them become publicans, but I want to develop my own. This is a passionate endeavour because my neighbourhood has a genuine need, and...

Maths Difficulties and Ways That Students Can Be Supported

Introduction The development of students within the framework of academic disciplines is a difficult task for both the teacher and the students. The academic discipline, focused primarily on transferring the content of a specific scientific field, has a relatively limited supply of opportunities for developing personality qualities. Therefore, the main...

Ethical Analysis of End-of-Life Decisions

Introduction In this ethical analysis, we will examine the case of George, a successful attorney and legal scholar recently diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a degenerative disease affecting the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. George is struggling with the prospect of losing his abilities to speak,...

Treating Psychological Disorders: Depression

Introduction Depression is a disorder that hinders activities of daily living and is associated with low quality of life. Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness, lack of energy, and difficulty concentrating. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2022), over 21.0 Million adults suffer from...

Ineffective COVID-19 Vaccination in Afro-Americans

Introduction The U.S. government and the healthcare department need to understand African Americans’ history with the U.S. healthcare sector to ploy better intervention strategies. Many Blacks lack trust in the U.S. medical unit due to its past encounters with the race, especially during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Tuskegee...

Apple Inc.: Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies

Introduction This essay explores Apple’s business-level and corporate-level strategies as a dominant player in telecommunications. The paper recognizes the company’s creative potential as its most critical business strategy while having stores in every country as its most effective corporate strategy. More importantly, Apple’s competitive climate is also analyzed against Samsung,...

Autism: Diagnostics and Treatment

Introduction Autism is, perhaps, one of the most broadly known mental health issues. However, unsurprisingly, it is often poorly represented due to the presence of multiple myths regarding autism. Moreover, the lack of awareness concerning the phenomenon of autism may lead to a failure to notice the presence of an...

Discussion: Legalization of Abortion Aspects

Introduction Abortion is one of the controversial and socially complex issues having been debated over since the emergence of modernity. It is a significant moral topic raising much concern in the current generation. It is quite challenging and tempting to assess laws and policies related to abortion based on traditional...

Entrepreneurship: Case of Oprah Winfrey

Introduction Entrepreneurship has been a key mechanism for bringing progress to society throughout centuries of history. The great Industrial Revolution between the 1780s and 1849 in Europe showed the unprecedented potential for change brought by industrialists. Nowadays, the concept of entrepreneurship strikingly changed because of the development of technologies and...

Analysis of Cardiac Nursing Role

Summary Nursing professionalism is a holistic concept that provides healthcare services to community members to mitigate health disparities. Nursing roles require nurses to practice positive ethics that will enhance proper behavioral practice within the healthcare system, which is gained through an educational experience. In this case, the preferred Master’s prepared...

Workers’ Compensation: Articles Review

FindLaw. (2016). Workers’ compensation overview. Small Business Law.  This article refers to workers’ compensation as a set of laws that provide guidelines for protecting injured employees by offering them health benefits. Although some states have unique insurance programs for workers, the Federal government outlines distinct compensation laws for specific industries....

Netflix Opportunity Project: Introducing New Subscription Options

Introduction Over the past years, the perception of consuming video content has changed drastically, as the introduction of streaming services facilitated people’s ability to access and enjoy TV, reality shows, and movies. As a pioneer in the streaming service universe, Netflix is rightfully considered one of the most successful and...

Coding and Reimbursement: Health Information Management

Introduction to Coding and Reimbursement Coding and reimbursement are two essential components of the healthcare system. Coding refers to the process of assigning specific codes to medical procedures and services, while reimbursement refers to the payment for those procedures and services. Understanding coding and reimbursement is crucial for healthcare professionals,...

The “Running from Bondage” Book by Karen Cook Bell

In Karen Cook Bell’s book, Running from Bondage: Enslaved Women and Their Remarkable Fight for Freedom in Revolutionary America, she examines the courageous actions of enslaved women in the American Revolution period and how their fight for freedom changed the course of history. Through a broad range of primary and...

Scoliosis: Causes, Effects, Prevention and Treatment

Introduction In the context of present-day public health concerns, the issues of posture are often overlooked. However, while the shift in the focus of health management is understandable given the greater threat, addressing musculoskeletal concerns is also necessary. Due to the effects that abnormal spine curvature and the associated issues...

Child Killers: The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Risk factors are elements, parameters, or potential perils that, if revealed in a person, make it more likely that an individual will advance a condition instead of someone chosen from the overall population. A risk factor anticipates an enhanced likelihood of future offending. According to a recent report from the...

African American Students’ Perceptions of Higher Education Barriers

Davidson, J., Clark, T., Ijames, A., Cahill, R., & Johnson, T. (2020). African American students’ perceptions of higher education barriers. Educational Research Quarterly, 43(4), 59-69. The research by Davidson et al. (2020) explored the perceptions of African American college students regarding the barriers associated with enrolling in higher education institutions....

Strategic Planning and Forces That Impact the Industries Development

Differentiation Differentiation strategy is a set of actions that are structured by a company to deliver unique services and goods at an acceptable cost. The customers see as if something different has been done to guarantee satisfaction (Baker, 2001). According to Fred Smith, the founding director of the FedEx, the...

ASOS Company: Business Plan, Fashion Sector

Online retailing is increasingly becoming the conduit through which companies that want to avoid the hassle of owning outlets turn to. E-tailing, as it is popularly known, has created mega-corporations such as www.amazon.com and Staples, Inc that have leveraged the shift of buyers to the virtual world Among the many...

Poverty: Causes and Solutions to Problem

Introduction Poverty is a global economic and social problem that has persisted throughout the centuries. Attempts to establish the causes of poverty and the solutions to the issue have been made since the emergence of early civilizations. Despite the significant drop in the numbers of the extremely poor in the...

Health and Safety Effects of Computer Use

Introduction In the 21st century, there has been advancement within the technological environment as a result of development in information technology. Most organizations have integrated the use of computers within their workforce in order to increase efficiency. The learning institutions have also incorporated the use of computers as one of...

International Finance and Responsible Financial Management

When COVID-19 spread over the world in the first few months of 2020, it put existing and planned commercial activities in jeopardy, resulting in terrible effects for many. Despite certain commonalities, governments and organizations reacted in a variety of ways, with diverse consequences on the business sector in general and...

Daytime Robbery Investigation Plan

Introduction Robbery is an offensive and unlawful action of taking a victim’s property. It often involves violence and threats, making the activity a severe crime. The offender is usually armed with a weapon and uses it to threaten the victim. The criminal might not use the gun, but it makes...

Environmental Studies: Life & Culture in the Pacific

The journal “Culture and Sustainable Development in the Pacific,” by Antony Hooper describes how different cultural beliefs in the Pacific affect development. According to Hooper, culture and development are factors that are always intertwined. The relationship is affect in every aspect of life including the media and political debates. Most...

Literature Evaluation on the Depression Illness

Bernaras, E., Jaureguizar, J., & Garaigordobil, M. (2019). Child and adolescent depression: A review of theories, evaluation instruments, prevention programs, and treatments. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(543), 1-24. Web.  The article centers on depression among children and teenagers, intending to provide a concise overview of effective prevention and treatment programs. In...

National Origin Discrimination at Work

Introduction The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that everyone is equal from the very birth. The principle of equality is of paramount importance not only for the individual but also for the state, striving to establish fair social relations. Departure from this principle, discrimination on various grounds, poses a...

Public Health: Tobacco Use Cessation Plan

Introduction Cigarettes containing tobacco and nicotine have been used for years, but with new methods of smoking being introduced, the numbers are rising. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2022), 22.3% of the global population uses tobacco, 36.7% of all men and 7.8% of the world’s women. Office of...

Sustainable Development of Haier Smart Home Co., LTD

The issue of sustainability concerns the business environment in all its dimensions: social, economic, cultural, and ecological (Baranauskas and Raiơienė, 2022; Fu, 2019). A company may not consider achieving sustainability strategically important, but the need for sustainable existence will still determine how it conducts business (Yang, 2018). The Haier company...

Collaboration Between Local, State, and Federal Governments in Addressing Healthcare Issues

Introduction Local, state, and federal governments all play an important role in implementing policies that mitigate healthcare issues. At the local level, governments can implement policies encouraging health-promoting behaviors, such as increasing access to healthy food options, creating smoke-free zones, and increasing physical activity opportunities (Butler, 2020). State governments can...

The Challenges for Intermodal Transportation in the Twenty-First Century

Introduction Intermodal transportation implies the simultaneous transportation of a set of goods or one product through different means of transport within the same steel container. Intermodal transportation is highly effective in modern trading systems because it supports the faster and safer movement of goods over long distances. The first-paced 21st...

Statesmanship Model and Organizational Leadership

Introduction Statesmanship is a grounded and excellently balanced model of leadership that has originated in politics throughout the development of the art of diplomacy. Current politicians have regarded the statesmanship approach as outdated and even dead for the needs of modern politics. Despite these cynical statements, its principles of striving...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Epidemiology: Malaria

The Problem Malaria is a dangerous disease caused by a parasite through the bite of mosquito. Half of the population of the world is at risk, especially in poor countries, because of malaria. According to the report of World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 2.7 million deaths occur every year, and...

Human Impact on Seismic Activity

Modern science is actively arguing that human activity extensively damages the environment. That results in climate change, global warming, and an increase in natural disasters. One of the underexplored disasters is the human impact on seismic activity. Gibbens (2017) suggests that people often perceive earthquakes as unforeseeable phenomena they cannot...

Gender Roles From Sociological, Medical, and Religious Perspectives

Introduction Gender roles affect the contemporary American public in various ways. Society reinforces the roles it learned from the previous generations, yet some things change over time. Nowadays, gender roles are becoming more fluid than they used to be, facing resistance from conservative groups and individuals. This essay discusses the...

Genetic Mechanism of Colorectal Cancer

Mechanisms Colorectal Cancer (CRC) occurrence is connected to environmental factors, hereditary factors, and individual ones. CRC has a genetic heterogeneity that makes it a challenge to understand individual cell mutations and their clinical implications (Thanikachalam & Khan, 2018). The current essay explores and critically analyses the manifestations of genetic mechanisms...

The Effect of Disgust on Outgroup Dehumanization

Abstract The two studies examined how food disgust affected the perception of a foreign culture and was associated with outgroup dehumanization. The first study focused on how groups could be dehumanized based on the level of disgust displayed by participants who were introduced to different food options of a made-up...

Las Vegas Mass Shooting in 2017: The Causes

In every society, regardless of geographic location, and other aspects, some people are always ready to commit illegal actions. Despite all law enforcement agencies’ efforts, criminals still exist in any modern society. There are many reasons for this, from global economic to cultural and personal problems (Films Media Group, 2003)....

The Issue of Drug Abuse in the Community of Kinsburg

The life of people is extremely closely connected with society. The community and all its components in various organizations, traditions, and established trends impact both a person’s life and health. In some places, people have more access to technology and opportunities to self-actualize more effectively. In other areas, a lack...

Language-Rich Environment in Hong Kong Schools

Introduction Creating a language-rich environment is a complex process that requires significant effort at each stage. To study a foreign language, a student must put forth the effort, so having the desire and knowledge of why they are doing it is crucial. When it comes to school-age students, it is...

“Banquet” by Jan Davidzoon de Heem

Dutch 17th century still lifes represent a felicitous confluence of artistic talent, religious freedom, societal support, disposable income, and plentiful subject matter. The apparently static, but faithfully depicted, arrangements of objects express a startling range of themes and messages. They reflect the cultural, economic, and scientific achievements of their time,...

Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” Book Review

Background Information The author of The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgerald. He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1896. He attended Princeton University but dropped out after two years. After leaving college, Fitzgerald joined the army and wrote his first novel, “This Side of Paradise 1920” but The...

Police Brutality in the United States

In Chapters 14 and 15 of The Lucifer Effect, Philip Zimbardo’s book on the psychology of evil, readers are confronted with case studies on the atrocities at Abu Ghraib. Zimbardo describes when an individual may be responsible for their behavior or when their environment may be to blame. This same...

Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation

Abstract The concept of leadership has been examined by many philosophers, sociologists, and theologists throughout history. Various styles and forms of leadership have been described, and several approaches to leadership have been proposed by scholars over the years. The topic of leadership has attracted the widespread attention of writers who...

Behavioral Learning Approach and Gender-Role Behavior

Application of Behavioral Theory It is possible to say that personal traits manifest themselves through decisions and behaviors. As the behavioral theories of personality suggest, individuals learn particular behaviors when influenced by various environmental factors associated with specific macro- and micro-social contexts. It means that a child learns how to...

United Parcel Service Compensation and Benefit System

United Parcel Service also known as UPS is one of the largest businesses of the United States. UPS functions globally and covers more than two hundred different countries. UPS is the largest package delivery corporation in the world. The key to the successful performance of UPS is its professional application...

Global Environmental Change

Introduction Water is among the most valuable natural resource found on the earth. The human body can survive for a number of days without food, but its systems will fail without water. The ecosystem requires water in order to supply human beings with food, energy and other resources essential for...

Global Warming Causes and Impacts

Introduction A large percentage of people have continuously ignored scientific attests on the severity of global warming. According to research, the large-scale intervention will effectively counteract global warming effects. Environment advocates accentuate public to participate in all initiatives to counteract environmental degradation due to global warming. Dire messages about the...

Intellectual Property Theft and Research Preservation

Introduction The growth in the international economy relies on technological innovations that fuel intellectual property (IP) development, innovation, research, and intellectual capital development. The reliance on IP has become the most valuable responsibility where organizations can potentially invest. In the past, the United States has been the universal leader in...

Software Development: Creating a Prototype

Front-end web developers usually worry about the look and feel of their design interfaces since it is a major consideration by end-users in their decision to use their product. As discussed in class, Vilar, (2010) proposed eight golden rules of interface design. The first on his list is that the...

Shakespeare vs Marlowe

During many years, nearly two centuries, many literary critics and lovers of the literature are pointing out the great similarity between the works of William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe. Some people approve that this is the one and the same person. Others claim that Marlowe is one of the predecessors...

Positive Aspects of the War in Iraq

Introduction When President George Bush initialized plans for an all out war on Iraq, the world immediately cast him as the world’s villain-in-chief. And when the war actually begun in March 2003, the media took up the hue, condemning Bush and all his government’s ideologies. International bodies distanced themselves from...

Transformation of Kurtz’s Character in “Heart of Darkness”

Introduction Characters represent the essence of the plot as their experiences and perspectives shape the attitudes of readers toward the story being told. Without characters and their development during the narrative, the story cannot progress. Thus, the characters of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness had to be memorable with their...

Flat Organizational Structure in Hospitality Industry

Abstract Many businesses hierarchically organize themselves, with the executive management at the top and subordinates below them. Nonetheless, hospitality companies fare better when their organizational structure is flat and employ no middle managers or supervisors. Flat organizational structures are characterized by increased flexibility in disseminating information throughout the workforce, leading...

Periphery and Core Areas of Canada

Core/Periphery Areas, Obstacles to Transition, and Required Conditions The core-periphery model distinguishes between urban (core) areas that are better developed and the less developed rural (periphery) areas. The core-periphery model can examine countries, provinces, and cities’ economic, social, and political relations. The core-peripheral relationship is built on exploitation, where the...

Pathophysiology of Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease

Modern medicine achievements have reached a level that allows for treatment for multiple diseases threatening the lives of mankind. However, there still remain a number of ailments the cure for which has not been discovered. Among those, a group of brain diseases is recognized, occurring both in humans and animals...

Social Media, Body Image, Mental Health, and Social Comparisons

Introduction Social media is a part of everyday life for the majority of people on the planet. Accessible from computers and smartphones, it allows for instant messages, sharing photos and images, and offering stories of one’s life and success to others. At the same time, social media has become a...

The Problem of the Dog Meat Farms in South Korea

Introduction The issues concerning animal welfare have seen rising awareness from the public, resulting in protests and the establishment of organizations that aim to protect the rights of animals. For instance, among the most vital issues are those that pertain to violence. For instance, canine meat is consumed as part...

The Sales, Profit, and Cost Problems in Catering Company

Introduction Catering services management is an integral part of any business. It is where the real money is made in this sector, and unfortunately, it is also where many companies make the biggest miscalculations. The catering company, owned by a celebrity group and with one of the most extensive catering...

Marriott Hotel: Reputation Management

Introduction The Internet revolution and evolving market dynamics in the 21st century have altered the modus operandi of several enterprises in contemporary marketplaces. The rising significance of reputation in the internet world is one of the most significant transformations. As a result, hotel reputation management is the process of monitoring...

Change in Energy Crisis and Save of the Earth

Brief History Basically, a battery is comprised of numerous electrochemical cells. In 1792, an Italian physicist by the name of Alessandro Volta came up with the first electrochemical cell. By 1800, he had developed the first battery comprising of multiple electrochemical cells. It was Luigi Galvani’s discovery that spurred Volta’s...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Starbucks Company: Business, Culture and SWOT Analysis

Brief History The first Starbucks’ coffee store was opened in 1971, and the company has chosen the Seattle’s Pike Place Market as a historic location (Schultz & Yang, 2012). Nonetheless, the idea of the creation of the original coffee place started in 1983, when Howard Schultz (the Chairman and the...

The Album “Violator” by Depeche Mode

Abstract The paper explores the history of the band called Depeche Mode and its influence on the world of music through the album “Violator”. The research is based on the biographical facts, interviews of critics and celebrities. The findings show that the impact Depeche Mode made on the history and...

Tesla Inc.’s Strengths and Weaknesses, Resources and Competencies

Introduction Tesla Inc. is the leading automaker of fully electric cars in the world. The company took a bold step to lead the world toward using sustainable energy. Its operations are considerably influenced by various aspects, ranging from the general environment to internal and external factors. The paper evaluates the...

Low Media Coverage Related to Homophobia

Introduction Women athletes are generally given less media coverage compared to their male counterparts. For instance, one study indicated that the local network affiliate sportscasts only covered 3.2% of female sports, while Entertainment and Sports Programming Network (ESPN) coverage was even lower at 2% (Cassidy 1). The apparent reluctance of...

Leadership: Improved Leadership Skills and Aptitudes

XYZ Company’s leaders and executives should focus on developing goals that are visible and clear. This can be achieved by evaluating various aspects to avoid ambiguity in the set objectives. Remarkably, leadership in the company can be improved when SMART goals are implemented. Moreover, complete visibility is realized when all...

The Pleasantville (1998) Film by Gary Ross

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Korean Popular Music’s Contribution to Nationalism

Introduction This study examines the cultural meanings of people’s music-related activities in society, particularly Korean popular music or K-pop. The study is based on a review of relevant literature, musical and textual analyses, participant observation, and interviews with people of the K-pop world, with critical eyes on self-reflexivity issues. The...

The “Harry Potter” Books by J. K. Rowling

Introduction While reading through the Harry Potter series by anyone, it quickly becomes clear that the series is more of a family friendly type of book. It gives of a child-like sense of adventure, giving magic and the excitement of a new world to whoever reads it. This does not...

Ability Grouping of Gifted Students and Its Effects

Introduction In the journal article, Ability grouping of gifted students: Effects on academic self‐concept and boredom, Preckel et al. (2010) argue that securing appropriate challenges or preventing boredom is frequently used in justifying the ability grouping of gifted students. He also postulates that this criterion has, over time, revealed positive...

NestlĂ© Company’s Global Business Environment

Nestlé Food Company Nestlé was established during economic hardship, and due to its largest scale size or operation, the company survived by acquiring government contracts. By the time the war came to an end in 1918, the business had about 40 factories worldwide (Chung et al. 2020). Henri Nestlé developed...

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Scientific Worldview, Faith, and Reason Comparison

Introduction There is a group of people who argue that science is just a myth and, like other religious doctrines, it is based on faith. For example, Paul claims that “It [science] is one of the many forms of thought that have been developed by man and not necessarily the...

Meat Consumption: Environmental Impact

Introduction Most meat sold in the United Kingdom is manufactured in industrial farms. These establishments are elements of a devastating worldwide industrialized meat and dairy production system. This framework is dominated by retailers like Tesco, Sainsbury’s, and Asda, together with fast food businesses such as KFC, Burger King, and McDonald’s....

Human Sexual Behavior: Sexual Disorders

Abstract Sexual disorders refer to any physical or mental conditions that causes disturbance to the normal functioning of the body, thus preventing one from desiring or enjoying sex. Both men and women suffer from sexual disorders, albeit in varying degrees. Common causes of sexual disorders in both men and women...

Symbolism in Walt Whitman’s Poem Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

In the poem, Crossing Brooklyn Ferry by Walt Whitman, the poet describes his crisscrossing journey back and forth Brooklyn via a ferry. The poem’s central theme relates to the shared human experiences that transcend both time and space. The poet uses symbolism to explore this theme whereby he connects himself...

Macintosh Computers and Parallel Desktops

Introduction General Operation, Description, and Purpose Macintosh computers were developed by another company apart from apple inc. Apple Inc is the widest computer manufacturer in the world and has made several computers in the recent past. However, a Mac was not made by apple inc. it was developed by other...

“Dear Marcus” by McGill and “The Jungle” by Sinclair

Introduction The disadvantaged position of specific population groups is a critical issue in the present-day world, which stems from the initially established relationships between them. In other words, in the past, the fact of belonging to these categories of citizens, living in less favorable conditions than their peers, was directly...

Describing Nate Garvis and Vernā Myers Presentations Skills

Introduction Effective communication refers to an individual’s ability to convey information to other parties more effectively as well as efficiently. Leaders who have good verbal nonverbal cues and excellent written communication skills assist in sharing information with their followers. According to DuBrin (2015), effective communication is more than just sharing...

Bluevine’s Organizational Culture: Impact of Politics and Power

Organizational power and politics are essential to any company’s performance. Managerial skills are complex issues that require a manager’s expertise and professional knowledge, especially during the decision-making process. With Politics and power becoming new issues in organizational management strategies, many companies globally are keen on handling matters to do with...

“The Closing of the American Mind” Book by Bloom

Introduction In 1987, Allan Bloom published a book that would stir up a great deal of controversy. The Closing of the American Mind examined the state of higher education in the United States and painted a bleak picture. Bloom argued that American universities had abandoned their mission to educate students...

Cinematography and Animation Courses in Nigeria: Business Plan

Introduction Courses in cinematography and animation in Ibadan require developing a specific business plan for its further implementation to launch a start-up, considering the issues of strategy, marketing, financing. Operations The need for personnel and resources is manifested at the initial stage of project launch. Online courses are not considered...