Importance of Globalization on International Business

Introduction International business may refer to all money making deals that occur amid two or more countries and it be private or governmental sectors. This is normally done with the aim of making profit. The government is however not only interested in the profit making, but also on political bases....

International Monetary System and Its Importance

The international monetary system is an international convention. It stipulates the rules that should be applied in international trade. The system also clarifies the means of payment that should be used in international trade. Generally, the international monetary system was set in order to promote international trade and investment (Hill,...

The UAE and the United Kingdom: Economies Comparison

Abstract This paper is a comparison of two economies, the UAE and the UK, using variables that made them similar or different from each other. First, the two countries are members of their respective regional integration, the Gulf Co-operation Countries and the European Community. The GCC and the EC have...

The Impact of Globalization

As the borders between countries erode and different economies and cultures start to interweave, the world begins to be more and more defined by globalization. The new technologies and methods of communication and transportation make distances less and less of an obstacle, and it becomes easier to establish commercial and...

Globalization’s Impact on Education

Existing Knowledge Globalization, as a complex process of increasing connectedness and interdependence of different countries, economies, and cultures, has had a significant impact on multiple spheres of human life. In particular, one of the decisive fields where the influence of globalization might have far-reaching effects is education. Indeed, research shows...

D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company’s Housing Price Prediction Model

Introduction This report was commissioned by the CEO of D. M. Pan National Real Estate. The purpose of this report is to provide a benchmark price for square foot of real estate based on the statistical analysis of the real estate prices in the US in 2019. The central question...

Credit Cards: Benefits and Disadvantages

Benefits of Using Credit Cards One advantage of credit cards is that they help in building creditworthiness. Information about credit card usage is obtained by card companies and relayed to credit bureaus. If a person uses their card responsibly, it will enhance their credit score. Secondly, credit cards provide one...

Collusion in Oligopoly and Game Theory

Oligopoly is a market structure in which a relatively small number of companies or organizations serve a large number of consumers. Along with monopoly, oligopoly as a structure exists in imperfect competition. Because the number of firms in oligopoly is usually extremely small, the profit of each participating company does...

What Can the Playstation 5 Teach Us about Economics?

The article under focus is “What Can the Playstation 5 Teach Us About Economics?”. It was written by William Chon on November 12, 2020. The author explores the case of a sudden rise in price due to the high demand for the product. The product itself is a home video...

Return on Investment (ROI) and Economic Value Added (EVA)

Although ROI and EVA are the techniques used to evaluate a company’s performance, comparing and contrasting them can help understand why managers choose one over the other depending on particular situations. Both approaches measure organizations’ profitability and value, vital in making the decisions related to planning management incentives, compensation strategies,...

Housing: An Annotated Bibliography

Anacker, K. B. (2019). Introduction: housing affordability and affordable housing.  The author in this article discusses chosen aspects of the inexpensiveness of houses in respect to domestic expenses and domestic earnings and the selected aspects of inexpensive housing. This is an excellent source because it offers appropriate foundations for considering...

Investment Strategy: Construction of Portfolio

Introduction Selection of market securities that would be included in a certain investment portfolio requires scanning of various instruments in diverse financial markets. The markets from which the market instruments are picked include the capital market and the money market (Jordan, Miller, & Dolvin, 2012).The capital market is involved in...

Laptop Market Segmentation

The first customer category that is likely to be interested in a laptop is travelers. Their primary interest would be portability, which all such products provide to some degree by default (Idemudia, 2018). As Muller (2020) adds, they are also interested in battery life and screen brightness, as they expect...

Zero Based Budgeting in Municipalities

Introduction Zero-Based Budgeting is an operational planning and budgeting process that requires managers to justify their entire budget request in detail from scratch. Zero-based budgeting is that technique of decision-making that is the inverse of the current traditional working process. In the standard traditional incremental budgeting, to which ZBB is...

The Old and the New Economy Characteristics

Introduction The old and the new economies have different meanings to different people. The old economy can be defined as the form of economy aimed at mass production of products and consumption of the same by people. It was represented by big and well-established companies. The new economy on the...

Monopoly, Its Definition and Characteristics

Definition Monopoly refers to a market where a particular individual has enough control over the production or supply of a certain product or service to the extent that he can determine the terms under which other parties who are in the market can access the goods and services (Varian, 2003)....

“The World is Flat” by Thomas Friedman

Introduction Nobody can convince Charles Johnson that the world is not flat. Not when it looks that way from his front yard. His home in South California stands on a hillside. Everything within several miles of his home is visible from this position. He can see the Mojave Desert, Lancaster...

National Income: Concept, Measurement, National Income and Social Welfare

It is the total monetary value of all products (goods and services), a nation or country produces within a specified period of time, usually a year. This monetary value is represented by profits, wages, and rents among others received by the Nation’s residents (Parkin et al 2000). This income represents...

The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: Review

In the book, The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade, Pietra Rivoli endeavors to simplify the intricacies surrounding international trade by focusing on a single product, a t-shirt. This narrowing of an otherwise broad topic allows the...

Elasticity of Demand: Definition, Types, Formulas

Introduction Price elasticity refers to “the percentage change in the quantity demanded caused by the price change” (Arnold, 2015, p. 505). This is a key concept in economics and is used by companies and business analysts to predict the impact of price changes on the quantity of products or services...

The Goals of a Banking Institution

Following the interview between a member of our research team and one of the directors of a bank, a multinational bank with branches all over the world, we were able to deduce the firm’s goals as follows; The vision is to be the champion of the socio-economic prosperity of the...

Modes of International Trade Payment

Prepayment The importer pays for the goods before they are shipped for export. The supplier is fully protected from nonpayment for the goods as it gets done in advance. The importer is at a greater risk since the exporter may receive the payment, and either fails to deliver the goods...

Economic Characteristics Comparison: UAE and India

About the Economies The UAE The UAE was established in 1972 after the merger of six states. The UAE has a vibrant economy. Its performance can be compared to nations in the European region. The country heavily depends on the production and sale of oil, other oil equivalent products, and...

Tax Reform as a Solution of Economic Problems

In an ailing economy and threats of frequent economic crises, one of the main areas of interest is the idea of tax reforms. Some scholars argue, within the context of classical versus Keynesian economic theories, that the ailing economy is a strong incentive for implementing tax reforms to reduce the...

Budget: Apple Inc. R&D Project Funding

Introduction Apple Inc. is a technology company that operates in a competitive environment and requires creativity to navigate the dynamic niche. Some of Apple’s main competitors are Amazon, Samsung, Google, IBM, and Microsoft, which leverage social media technology to build mutual relationships with customers. Investment in research and development has...

Consumers’ Buying Behavior and Social Media

Introduction Individuals contribute item reviews, information about a service, food or wellness advice, admonitions regarding things, instructions on how to use certain items, and more aspects as customers. The purpose of this work is to investigate the impact of social networks on the decision-making activities of customers. The use of...

Corruption in South Africa: Causes and Effects

In the past years, South Africa has registered several cases where public resources have been used for private gains and increasing favoritism that makes the majority of qualified and experienced citizens unable to secure job opportunities. Based on the report findings of the Zondo Commission and Crimewatch, the issue is...

Ways of Eating Around the World: Impact of Globalization

Introduction The concept of globalization closely links to the interchange of ideas and cultures across different communities. Food preparation methods vary from culture to culture, and until now, each community has been known for its distinct cuisine. People may now move throughout the world more quickly because of globalization. One...

Transfer Pricing and Related Problems

A transfer price, also known as a transfer cost or a transfer price, can be used to trade supply or labor between departments. Transactions between a parent company and one of its subsidiaries, or transactions involving subsidiaries from the same company located in different countries, can use transfer prices. In...

Uber’s Effect on Taxi Companies

Uber’s innovative format of transportation services affects companies in the taxi market. Specifically, its pricing strategies and the ability to damage the reputation of taxi drivers deserve attention in this regard. This essay will examine the cause-and-effect connections between Uber’s activity in the transportation industry and its meaning for more...

Casino as a Tool for Economic Development

Introduction According to the American Gambling Association, most American voters believe casinos help strengthen their communities and improve local economies. – Lim and Zhang. Growth and Change. For each country, economic development is one of the most important areas of activity. Thus, the state applies various measures to improve this...

Consumer Analysis of the Charmin Brand

“Charmin” is an American toilet paper brand manufactured by Procter & Gamble. It has a wide range of products, business strategy, and active promotion, which creates a competitive advantage, allowing it to occupy a leading position in the sales market. A variety of choices makes it possible to attract different...

Global Management and Cultural Diversity

Introduction The level of international trade and associated economic activities have expanded in recent years, hence, greatly influencing the global economy. This phenomenon is attributed to augmented transportation, communication, technological connectivity between countries, increased mobility of financial assets, and factors of production. These underlying factors are believed to have resulted...

Shanghai: A Smart City. Analysis

Introduction Nowadays, the organization and the building process of smart cities, in which all the scientific achievements would be implemented, is the topic of multiple discussions. These ideas are widely transmitted in movies, cartoons, and books. Scientists tend to make daring predictions about the lifestyle in the future when an...

Combating Recessions with Spending Hikes Rather Than Tax Cuts

Introduction The economic recession has a variety of negative repercussions on the economy, including increased unemployment, weak economic development, and reduced investment, among other things. To deal with a recession, many economic techniques are frequently employed. A recession also denotes a considerable reduction in general economic activity, largely a consequence...

Demand and Supply Curves

It is important to comprehend the critical idea of Demand versus Quantities Demanded prior to examining different hypotheses of financial aspects. The law which is working behind the scene and conveys mostly about interest. A law which reveals to us how much interest of a customer or gathering of buyers...

Germany Economic Overview

Germany is the largest economy in Europe and among the biggest economies in the world. The current economic condition is on a negative trend due to the outbreak of the Corona Virus. The COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of businesses and a low in sales of various products, especially...

The Foreign Exchange Rate Systems

Introduction There are several types of foreign exchange rate systems namely; floating exchange rate, pegged exchange rate and fixed exchange rate system. In a floating exchange rate system, the market movements determine the rate of exchange. The government or the central bank does not interfere with the rate of exchange....

Walmart Brand Products’ Microeconomic Analysis

Introduction As the company for analysis, Walmart has been selected, the largest retail organization providing retail and wholesale services. In addition to goods coming from suppliers, the company is also a manufacturer of its own products. As a product for evaluation, the Walmart-branded Equate pharmacy and beauty product line will...

Ratio and Financial Statement Analysis

Executive Summary Financial ratios show associations between various factors of the business operations. They entail comparison of income statement and balance sheet’s elements. These ratios are grouped into four distinct categories; liquidity ratios (Quick and current ratios), profitability ratios (ROE and ROA), leverage (debt-equity ratio and debt-to-assets ratio) and investors’...

The Concept of Organizational Development

Business leaders apply evidence-based strategies to identify effective processes and initiatives that can transform less profitable operations. The concept of organizational development (OD) guides managers to improve business practices and eventually maximize overall performance. This discussion defines and describes OD as a critical concept for strengthening a company’s culture, processes,...

Analysis of Mixed Economy Approach

Introduction The mixed economy contains the characteristics of three other models: traditional, market, and command. The definitive version of it is supposed to include the best options from these systems in order to make the living comfortable for the private sector, the government, and the nation. However, in the modern...

Japanese Currency Yen Overview and Analysis

The Japanese yen is one of the most important currencies in the world. It is also one of the most popular currencies for trading. During the last ten years, the yen has seen several ups and downs, as the exchange rate to the US dollar has been ranging significantly. Various...

Stock Performance Analysis

Introduction Predicting stock performance is extremely difficult and has been called a futile exercise by many people. This is because due to the inefficiency of stock markets about information asymmetry. Many of the fundamental factors affecting stock performance do not fully reflect themselves in stock prices in the Long-run or...

Technological Advancements and Job Growth

Advancement in Technology has, to a larger extent, eliminated different forms of jobs in the recent past. Job automation technology coupled with globalization has been the principal force behind the moribund wages together with diminished prospects of most workers around the globe. Within the next 25 years, job growth is...

The Factors Involved in Setting International Prices

The determination of the international pricing policy is essential for the management team of an enterprise that wants to develop its activities abroad and set a long-term vision for the new markets. Pricing, as part of marketing policy, has a direct impact on the dynamics of sales and profitability, a...

General Aspects of the Investment

Introduction Investment is a term used by different people to mean different things but on the financial aspect is the act of acquiring or purchasing a product that has value with the aim of getting profits or returns in future. Investment can take different aspects, for instance, the financial aspect...

Real Estate Industry Review

Introduction Real estate refers to land and improvements done on it such as the erection of buildings, digging of wells, and construction of fences. Generally, the improvements have to be immovable or permanent (Case 1992). Countries worldwide conduct real estate businesses in different ways. The way the industry is conducted...

Bauman’s Concept of Globalization in Understanding the Rise in Human Displacement

The 1990s saw the term globalization become more apparent in the west mostly in the disciplines of politics, sociology, mass media, and economics. Various definitions have been developed in an attempt to fully capture all the elements inherent in the process. Generally, it is seen as the process through which...

India’s Economy: The 1991 Reforms and Caste System

Introduction The Indian economic system is unique because of an interaction of social and political factors that have occurred there. The 1991 reforms, as well as the caste system, are key factors in understanding India’s economy and they shall be examined below. How the economic policies of the Indian government...

TNCs Contribution to Globalization of Retail Industry

Introduction Transnational corporations make a great contribution to globalization issues and development of the global industry structure. TNCs change the world brining information technologies and methods of buying to development countries. They support information and goods exchange and promote new life styles nad new values. TNCs are associated with concentration,...

World Economy Problem and World Economic Crisis

During 2007 the world economy grew at 5.2 percent which was mainly powered by the rapid economic growth in the emerging economies of China, India, and Russia at 11%, 9% and 8% respectively. Hence, during the year 2007, the economic condition of the world appeared to be very bright and...

Starbucks’s Stores and Canada’s Gross Domestic Product per Capita

Introduction The topic selected for this report is “Investigation of the relationship between the number of Starbucks’s stores per capita and Canada’s ‘GDP per Capita’.” Starbucks Coffee Company (Starbucks) is a leading coffee brand that has the largest chain of stores. It is based in Seattle, Washington and its shares...

Elasticity, Own Price and Demand in Hotel Industry

Introduction This paper is based on the topic of elasticity. It explores the topic by looking at the concepts of own price and income elasticity of demand. The paper also evaluates how the understanding of these concepts may help me as the manager of a luxurious family owned hotel in...

Social and Economic Aspects of Unemployment in the UAE

Introduction The rate of unemployment is one of the elements that determine how well or poor a country is performing about the established global average levels. Joblessness is a multifaceted social and economic aspect that influences the performance of other sectors such as health and education. In this regard, an...

Globalization Theories in the Business Environment

Introduction Globalization is defined as a concept that refers to expanding network of international economic activities resulting from increased movement of commodities, technology and information across national boundaries. Globalization as a process, therefore, ensures that the state retains the political role while the economic functions of the state are being...

International Business and Free Trade

Introduction Economic integration makes international trade easier through the removal of trade barriers and tariffs. With economic integration, good and services, labor, and capital find their way in the country where they can be put into maximum use. Increase in mobility of factors of production faces some negative challenges especially...

The Challenges for Intermodal Transportation in the Twenty-First Century

Introduction Intermodal transportation implies the simultaneous transportation of a set of goods or one product through different means of transport within the same steel container. Intermodal transportation is highly effective in modern trading systems because it supports the faster and safer movement of goods over long distances. The first-paced 21st...

China’s Aviation Industry: Impact of Globalization

Executive Summary Globalization is a term used to describe the increasing interdependence and integration of national economies. Local economies could suffer if globalization has the opposite effect of helping developing countries. This paper investigates the impact of globalization on China’s aviation industry. The report covers a wide range of topics,...

The Analysis of the Daycare Center’s Operations Budget

Introduction This memo concerns the analysis of the Daycare Center’s operations budget for the year 2000. An Exhibit A from the Northville Daycare Center Case Study shows the prospective expenditures that this daycare center will have in the first year of its operations. One of the most crucial aspects of...

Free Market and Corporate Social Responsibility

In today’s world economy, there is only one rule that can be applied to a free market: supply and demand. In this case, the free market has nothing to do with corporate social responsibility. Milton Friedman’s philosophy was also based on the idea that despite the claims of large companies...

Economic Concepts and Daily Life

Introduction Economics is a wide field of study, one that has produced many important and interesting theories on how society should operate. Depending on the economic conditions one finds themselves in, a variety of theories, mechanisms, and assumptions can be relied on. This includes potential explanations of the free market’s...

ABC Manufacturing: Analysis of the Budget Case Report

Budgeting is essential for large companies’ strategic decision-making, recourses allocation, and determining risks and opportunities. Income and expense estimation enables the teams to set priorities, adjust their operations, and initiate activities that affect every employee (Schmitz, 2020). In the ABC Manufacturing case, budgeting addresses the general aspects, such as expenses,...

Cryptocurrency and Its Effects on the Global Economy

Introduction Cryptocurrency refers to a virtual or digital currency protected by cryptoanalysis hence making it impossible to counterfeit or to spend multiple times. In many cases, cryptocurrency is decentralized in technology-centric networks and distributed by separate systems of computer programs. The important note about cryptocurrency is that any authority does...

Megatrends in the Real Estate Market

Over the past few years, the global real estate market has been at the center of dynamic economic and social changes. Accordingly, its players have faced new risks and opportunities. While most of these trends can already be tracked and analyzed, investors and developers still underestimate their impact on their...

Sustainability of Economic Growth

In the last few decades, overall economic growth spiked dramatically. The growth is closely connected with people’s life quality (Figueroa, 2021). This is why some have begun to question whether this process can be sustainable and infinite. In theory, economic growth can be unlimited if it adopts sustainable principles (Ashmarina...

Solution for the House Purchasing Scenario

Background The purchasing of a house is one of the most complicated financial decisions people make. It requires significant efforts to choose the most suitable option, taking into account all the current and potential necessities of a family. The vital point is the price of a house and other related...

A Financial Manager as a Reflexive Practitioner

Introduction and Research Design The reflexive practice involves assessing an individual’s thoughts due to their professional development. As a result, the scope of this research is to determine the role of reflective practices and the essence of self-awareness on financial managers. I selected self-awareness due to its integral role in...

Marx’s Four Types of Alienation

Marx alienation focuses on the capitalist mode of production and an objective approach resulting from the reality that evolves in an individual’s knowledge in capitalist society (Lavalette & Ferguson, 2018). Alienation is the loss of control over one’s attributes whereby the participant’s relationship with the attribute is disconnected. The product...

Recent Matters of SDGs Related to Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

According to United Nations, infrastructure investments, such as irrigation, transportation, electricity, and information and communication technology, are critical for accomplishing supportable extension and endowing populations in various nations. Growth in productivity and wages and gains in education and health consequences have long been acknowledged as necessitating infrastructure ventures. Infrastructure denotes...

What’s Important to Have Target Costing?

Introduction In today’s global business environment, the major constituents are the high level of competition worldwide, swift automation of production and another process through advancement in computer technology and production techniques, increased regulatory measures being taken by the governments in different regions with respect to environment and health issues. Moreover,...

Capital Structure and Cost of Capital in Telecom Sector

Introduction This paper has chosen Vodafone plc (or “Vodafone”) and British Telecom plc (or “BT”) under the telecommunications industry for purposes of comparing capital structure and cost of capital. This will also study the impact of industry and economic conditions for the pair of companies and will explore the current...

Objectives of Portfolio Overview

The main objectives of these portfolios are to construct a portfolio that is of low risk and low correlation between the stocks selected for a period of 3 weeks. The portfolios selected should have a volatility of less than 130 percent. The portfolio aims at investing 10 million in Hang...

Rondo Company: Financial Statement Analysis

Introduction Originally, financial statement analysis is the research, which requires thorough and multi angle approach towards estimation of the financial ratios and financial flows, both horizontal and vertical. The aim of this paper is to analyze the financial ratios of Rondo Company by doing the financial ratios and also comparing...

Competitive Strategies for UK Banks After Recession

The economy of any country is largely influenced by the banking sector due to the significant roles they play in the financial markets. The level of profitability and revenue margin of UK banks was greatly affected by recession that started towards the close of 2007. Due to the nature of...

The Limitations of Financial Ratios

Profitability Ratios The inflation of prices affects the financial ratios reported by organizations. Companies usually prepare financial reports, either quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. During these different periods, inflation might occur, leading to the distortion of prices (Rashid, 2018). Eventually, failure to reflect real prices of commodities will emerge in the...

Can Developing Countries Catch Up to Developed Countries

Introduction Globalization has been widely related to the fast-growing economies of the countries around the world. Developed countries are observed to easily catching up with the emerging trends when it comes to the economic issues of the country. As the developed countries continuously grow as a progressive countries, the developing...

Monopoly: Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages

Monopoly can be defined as a situation whereby a single individual or firm has adequate control when it comes to supplying a specific good or service to be able to considerably determine the conditions on which other individuals or firms will have access to them. Monopolies are characterized by an...

Licensing, Joint Venturing, Mergers or Acquisitions

Introduction Licensing is the granting of rights to another or individual, for a fee, whereby the firm that has been granted to sell and produce the products or services by the licensing company. Licensing provides a way of expanding the products but with minimal costs on the innovating company, and...

Problem of Price Discrimination

Introduction Price discrimination is the process by which a firm charges different prices to different groups of people for the same good. The firms that practice price discrimination have the market power. This means that they have the ability to raise the price of commodities without losing all demand. Such...

Foreign Direct Investment and Collaborative Ventures

Introduction Cross-border investment has become a popular approach to expanding the market share in the current competitive business environment. According to Shenkar et al., advancement made in the fields of transport and telecommunication has made it easy for firms to explore new markets (52). Venturing into new markets requires an...

“Use It or Lose It” Budgeting Approach

Introduction The company budget is based on the ‘Use It or Lose It’ budgeting approach. As such, various departments have the propensity to utilize idle financial resources toward the end of every financial year. It is generally observed that this spending tendency is ostensibly based on the notion that the...

China External Environment and Its Effects

Executive Summary This dissertation aimed to examine the topic “The external environment in China and its effect on foreign beverage companies: A case Study of Pepsi and Coca Cola”. The literature review of this dissertation concern with theoretical aspects of Environmental Effect on the Strategic Choice, Chinese Policy towards the...

Per Capita Income: Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Real per capita income is among the values that indicate financial position of countries and people who contribute to their success. As it follows from the information presented in the report of the World Bank, twenty richest countries in the world (based on incomes per capita) include European countries, Asian...

China and India as Business Destinations

Introduction The current wave of globalization has transformed how business operations are executed. Within the past three decades, the number of multinational firms doing business in foreign countries has increased significantly. New practices such as offshoring and outsourcing have become common in the recent past (Gaspar et al. 12). These...

Transaction Cost Economies and Resource-Based View

Introduction The concept of internationalisation emerges from an attempt by companies to expand their enterprises beyond their primary markets (Liker & Meier 2005). Although researchers rarely agree on what internationalisation entails, many of them have developed different theories to explain the process (Ramanathan 2009). Common theories include the absolute cost...

The “One Belt, One Road” Program

The “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) initiative is a program that opens a drastically new perspective to the global communities. The essence of this program is to form, establish, and promote international partnership and development. It is to be achieved through the strengthening of the existing regional bipartite and two-sided...

Onion Prices’ Rise in India: Demand and Supply Factors

Introduction Demand and supply forces are often expected to determine the prices of a product in the market. However, sometimes these forces may lead to unprecedented price increases in the market that makes it necessary to have other forces to help regulate the market prices. In India, during the period...

Finance: The Currency School-Banking School Debate

Introduction The period of the 1840s in the history of the economic thought is characterized by a significant controversy observed between the Currency School and Banking School. The debate influenced not only the British monetary system but also the approaches to the monetary policies in the United States (Block 15;...

Digital Wallet: Impact on Consumer Behavior

The topic will illustrate the digital currency and its effects on consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia. A digital wallet is any program, electronic gadget, or internet service that enables people or organizations to conduct transactions electronically. Along with other things like gift cards and driver’s licenses, it keeps users’ payment...

Description of Rational Choice Theory

It is essential to note that rational choice theory is a concept that explains the rational behavior and choices of individuals in pursuing the opportunities available to them in society. Individuals rank these opportunities according to the degree to which they serve their goals (Blossfeld & Prein, 2019). They follow...

The Role of Natural Resources on Economic Development

The worsening shortage of resources is one of the true underlying causes of the escalating and latent maturing local, regional and global problems of the new millennium. The existence or absence of the necessary natural resources directly affects the living standards of earthlings, the prospects for the socio-economic development of...

Corruption in Africa: Causes and Solutions

Since corruption is a negative social phenomenon that hinders the development of many countries and undermines their economy, the fight against it is considered one of the most significant tasks of the modern world. Bribery is probably the most burdensome for the inhabitants of African states, where it weakens the...

Cash and Credit Cards: Comparative Analysis

Introduction The modern world allows people to use more than one type of money to participate in trade. Currently, cash and card payments coexist, although there is a significant trend in favor of greater use of bank cards (Boden et al.). In addition, other payment methods are developing, allowing people...

Punjab National Bank Housing Finance Company: Case Analysis

Punjab Nation Bank Housing Finance Limited has experienced stagnant growth since its incorporation with other partners in 1988. It has been experiencing different challenges that led to the low rates of market share. The company had a small loan portfolio which resulted in its low performance. The bank also had...

Engineering, Procurement and Construction Strategy

Introduction Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) is an innovative strategy applicable to big and complex projects. EPC activities are conducted by specialized contractors who undertake actual work on behalf of the owner. The details of engagement are outlined in an EPC contract, including the control, costs and risks. The EPC...

TD Canada Trust Bank’s Performance Management

Introduction Performance management is one of the key components of the modern internal business organizational model. As highlighted by Belcourt et al. (2019), employees’ qualifications, professional skills, and commitment to the task are crucial components for long-term success. As these elements play a considerable role, the performance and requirements are...

Concept of Mindful Consumption

The concept of mindful consumption has a deeper meaning than simply consuming the amount of goods and services necessary for an individual’s life. According to Sheth et al. (2011), mindful consumption has both tangible — the behavior, and intangible — mindset — facets. Therefore, consuming the goods and services mindfully...

Artificial Intelligence Economy

Abdulov, Rafael. “Artificial Intelligence as An Important Factor of Sustainable and Crisis-Free Economic Growth.” Procedia Computer Science, vol.1, no. 169, 2020, pp. 468-472. Abdulov takes the opportunity to explain the role of artificial intelligence in improving the subsectors of the economy. According to Abdulov, the new technology has quite many...

Discussion: Public and Private Good

In a civilized modern state, private business harmoniously complements public administration and trade spheres. Services and goods are distributed in many areas intelligently between private individuals and the state. These individuals are bound by the laws of their country and take full responsibility for providing quality services and goods. The...

The Toronto-Dominion Bank in the Industry

Which company are we looking at? The Toronto-Dominion (TD) Bank Where does it take place? In Canada What is the time frame? In 2021 What industry are we analyzing? The paper analyzes the banking industry but with more focus made on digital banking External Analysis (PESTEL + CDG) Political Factors: The...

Role of Government in the Economy

Introduction According to Smith, prosperity results from human determination and self-interest. He argued that by giving everyone freedom to exchange their own produced goods, the economy would grow significantly. Correspondingly, opening markets for individuals to trade their goods to foreign countries will attract more funds to the US. Smith suggested...

Effect of Cost Control and Cost Reduction Techniques

The Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell is the largest oil and gas company. The organization, with the headquarter in the Netherlands, is registered as a corporation in the United Kingdom. Analyzing the work of such companies and considering the problems that firms in the oil and energy industry have recently faced...

Germany’s Political-Legal Environment for Business

Cultural differences between U.S. and Germany Germany is one of the many member states of the European Union that are open to the global economy. The German culture is slightly different from the culture of the U.S., especially in terms of business transactions. As MICUS ventures into Germany, it is...

Timing Differences in Accounting

Importance of timing differences in accounting and businesses In business, it is important to make an accurate tax return so as to avoid the costs associated with penalties that arise from filing wrong returns. An accountant needs to note down the differences in the timing of the amount of income...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business

Summary The following paper provides a thorough study and report on the current business situation that was heavily influenced by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. First of all, the researcher presents an issue while talking about it became extremely difficult for small businesses to grow further due to many restrictions...

The Futures Contracts Case Study

Introduction When entrepreneurs decide to engage in futures investments, they must remember that it is always a risky business. The initial cost of buying a contract always changes, so it is difficult to guess whether the purchase will be profitable or not, and will bring only losses. However, using a...

Success Factors in Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley grew very fast because of its technological specialization and innovative corporate culture. The firms and individuals in Silicon Valley showed a strong tradition of innovation and cooperation. There was coordinated focus on manufacture of hardware, development of software and capital investment. Several economic development strategies converged to benefit...

Globalization of the SK-II Brand

Introducton Procter and gamble company began its operations in the year 1837 and immediately after the Second World War it globalized its operations. P&G as it has come to be known focuses on transforming slow-moving products into promising business ventures. The company has been said to concentrate on its core...

Types and Causes of Financial Crisis

Introduction A financial crisis refers to a situation where the assets of financial institutions keep on reducing their value. A financial crisis may occur in banks, at the stock market, or in Mortgage firms. In 2008, the world witnessed a slowdown in economic growth that saw an upsurge in the...

Barriers to International Outsourcing in Sysco

The research paper relates to Sysco Corporation. The firm’s background information has been given with reference to the products that the firm deals in. A set of objectives for research paper are outlined. The core objective of the research paper was to conduct an analysis of the barriers that Sysco...

Regional Integration Inconsistency with Globalization

Abstract With the term of Globalization being in vogue and regional integration agreements being signed across the globe, the coalition of the concepts has been questioned. On one hand, the two concepts are considered as facilitators of each other while on the other hand, the thinkers like Kudo Akira believe...

The US Economy of Today

Introduction The world’s largest economy has been a subject of very heated debates among political and economic analysts. Why? Because recent trends in the economy as portrayed by key performance economic indicators have shown some bit of laxity in the economy as compared to earlier robustness of this economy. Some...

The Global Oil Industry Overview

Introduction The Global oil industry is the industry that encompasses the process of acquiring oil through exploration, extraction, refining, marketing and distribution on a global level. Oil is a major source of energy and has been referred to as ‘Black Gold’ because it is vital to many industries and the...

The Economy of India

India is a diverse country located in Asia. Many languages are spoken in the country and the country is very rapidly coming up as far as the economy is concerned. The population of the country is the second-largest in the world, some people look at this as a negative but...

American and Canadian Price Levels Comparison

Introduction The United States and Canada are the largest economies in North America. According to Pete (2015), there has been a raging debate as to which of the two countries is best to call home. Factors such as income and cost of living are some of the most important factors...

The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention

Introduction The chapter “The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention” of “The Lexus and The Olive Tree” by Thomas Friedman is devoted to a unique and rather insightful finding. This finding is exclusively the author’s own and has been challenged by some. While McDonald’s is one of the restaurants around...

Banking, Its Ancient and Modern History

Introduction The history of banking dates back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. The first prototypes were created by merchants around 2000 BC in Assyria and Sumeria. During the Roman Empire and in Ancient Greece, banks were primarily based in temples. Lenders accepted deposits, issued loans, and changed money....

Transformational Leadership in Pakistan’s Banking Sector

Introduction The field of leadership is one area of academic research that has evolved and fundamentally shifted its paradigm. The understanding of effective leadership has progressed from the orthodox transactional epoch point of trait, behavioral and contingency theories towards the existing leadership paradigms of charismatic and transformational leadership. This report...

“The Globalization of Markets” by Theodore Levitt

Introduction The modern economy is characterized by increased economic and cultural integration, which has promoted international relations as well as international trade. This has been heavily facilitated by globalization. In general terms, globalization refers to global integration of economic, technological, political, and social aspects among different countries (Hamilton 2008). In...

National Australia Bank: Corporate Social Responsibility

Abstract This paper is based on the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It explores the topic through an analysis of a company selected from the database of the world’s most ethical companies. One of the issues which are discussed is how the company behaves in a socially responsible manner...

Globalization: Managing Across Cultures

Introduction Globalization is an aspect that has changed the way national and international businesses are carried out; it is an aspect that has totally removed barriers between countries, encouraging cross-national business to take place. At the same time, globalization has encouraged most companies, specifically from developed countries to initiate business...

Robert Shiller’s Views on the Efficient Markets Hypothesis

Introduction In the environment of financial review, the efficient market hypothesis theory (EMH) is a general thinking which assumes that “the existing stock prices indicate the denomination of the business according to the materials available” (Shiller 23). This theory proposes that persons trading are not in a position to receive...

Starbucks Company Financial Reporting Accounting Principles

The paper tries to detail why it is a requirement for companies to adhere to the generally accepted accounting principles when following the rules of financial reports. Starbucks has been used in the paper as an example as they are a major company that adheres to the set standard all...

Geopolitical Environment in the Asian Region and Car Sector

As the second and third biggest economies in the world, respectively, China and Japan are the two most powerful nations in Asia and substantially impact political and economic cooperation within the area. However, at best, ties between these two nations are cordial. Due to the disagreement over the Diaoyu or...

The Structure and Functions of the World Bank

Introduction The presentation highlighted the structure and functions of the World Bank and the United Nations in the global arena. The discussion centered on the reasons behind the formation of the two organizations and their sources of funding. A comprehensive assessment of their specific roles concerning the alleviation of poverty,...

CNP Bank Card: Case Analysis

Problem Statement In the world of the market economy, credit cards are becoming more popular, and they are swiftly displacing traditional forms of payment. However, with the growing acceptance of the medium, the risk of default is increasing over time. In this regard, credit card issuers are constantly faced with...

The Federal Reserve’s Benefits and Disadvantages

Introduction The functioning of the national financial system is reliant on the effectiveness of the management of macroeconomic factors for the stability of the domestic market. In the United States of America, the federal reserve has been established as a tool for regulating the economy of the country and balancing...

Aspects of the Global Business Environment

Introduction Technology is an essential element in the global business environment since it has revolutionized the international economy by making it become a vital competitive strategy. Technological changes have contributed to markets and production globalization by facilitating the transition of services from manual to electronic delivery in every sector (Marszk...

Electrification and Development of Namibia

The electrification of Namibia is an urgent issue that determines its economic development. Scientists analyze the processes of electricity supply from various angles, including dependence on oil and biofuels, and compare the alternatives of ecologically friendly sustainable energy solutions. Hoeck et al. (2021) say that in Namibia and sub-Saharan Africa,...

Comparing American Dream Collapsing and the Fading American Dreams

The first article is American dream collapsing done by Jim Tankersley in 2016. The author is writing about the decline in several children earning more than their parents. In 1940, 92% of children earned more than their parents compared to 46% in 1980 (Tankersley, para 2). The biggest conversation is...

Border and Migration Management

Introduction Borders play a significant role as they regulate and facilitate the trades and movement of people from one state to another. Additionally, effective border management can allow nations to achieve a more balanced approach to border management that enhances a country’s security. Migration management is another essential aspect that...

Great Depression as Great Shame of Canada: Causes and Effects

The Great Depression will always be remembered in the history of the U.S. and Canada as one of the darkest and most desperate times. However, for Canada, the economic recession observed on the nationwide level, also elicits an overwhelming feeling of shame for a good reason. Unless the excessive focus...

Global Business Opportunities in Indian Markets

Introduction This report section will conduct a preliminary assessment of geographic, economic, social, and political-legal factors that create global business opportunities in Indian markets. This section will also consider ways technology could create new business opportunities in India. The business chosen for this section is the information and communications technology...

World Trade Organization’s History, Achievements, and Challenges

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the global international organization that regulates trade between nations; that was established in 1995 and consists of 164 members. More precisely, this organization ensures that trade flow is smooth and that none of the countries imposes a tariff or non-tariff trade barriers. The role...

Memo and Essay Explaining the Flexible Budget Variances

Variances can be described as the difference between budgeted performance as planned and expected and the actual performance for the budgeted period. The organization had forecasted a sale of $1,400,000 but actual sales were $1,325,000. The cost of goods sold, which is the main component of the expense part of...

History of Globalization and World Integration

The process of globalization is often viewed as an exclusively modern phenomenon that has arisen due to the development of multinational corporations and technological innovation. However, historians have been considering the periodization of world integration for a long time and also trying to determine the time of its beginning. Nevertheless,...

Stock Market Crash of 1929

Introduction The stock market crash of 1929 is currently defined as the most significant economic collapse in US history. It created unbelievable chaos in the country’s financial markets and resulted in the Great Depression regarded as the longest period of contraction and unemployment in modern history. However, even though the...

Generation Z and Their Purchasing Decisions

Introduction Nowadays, companies do not only have to assess the demographics of their target consumers but pay close attention to their values, habits, and lifestyles. Dividing people by generations may seem oversimplified at first. However, this is an efficient method, which provides insights into a certain group’s psyche and behavioral...

Microeconomic Analysis: Walmart

Production and Costs The Walmart-branded Equate pharmacy and beauty product line is the target product to analyze. These products are presented in a wide range and include cosmetic goods for body care and therapeutic drugs to maintain health (“Quality care begins here,” 2020). The factors involved in the production process...

South Korea’s Chaebol Analysis

The South Korean economy is a highly developed mixed economy, holding 10th place by nominal GDP, which is one of the most successful and flexible in the world due to its high-tech industries. However, the country’s economy is characterized by a unique feature that is not seen to such an...

Unemployment Rate During COVID-19

COVID-19 and subsequent lockdown measures significantly affected the civilian labor force participation rate and the unemployment rate. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021), 61.4% is the last known so far civilian labor force participation rate. The current U-3 total unemployed percentage is 6.3, while the current U-6...

Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009 Assignment

The global financial crisis of 2008-2009 was triggered in the US as a result of the bursting of the US housing bubble. This was precipitated by the increased defaults of subprime mortgages where banks encouraged homeowners to take on high loans hoping that they would be able to pay them...

Fairtrade: Better Solution to Underdevelopment

Introduction Fairtrade®: Definition With the rise in globalization, opportunities for trade have expanded tremendously, allowing for cooperation between organizations on a global level, and reinforcing international partnerships. As a result, the necessity to create homogenous standards for interacting in the global economic environment has emerged. Thus, the platform for building...

Foundations and Applications of the Time Value of Money

Introduction This paper intends to discuss the concept of time value of money. The goal is to show that current cash flow is valued highly compared with future cash flows hence the need to compare cash flows in terms of present value and future value. Time value of money is...

Banks and Security Lending: A Discussion

Introduction One of the major operations of banks in contemporary society is lending. This is whereby the bank makes money available to the public for various purposes in the form of loans. The borrower approaches the bank for a loan to finance various activities. These may include the purchase of...

Consumer Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The onset of Covid-19 in December 2019 was unprecedented since its spread and impact were not imminent at the time. By March 2021, the world had to shut down; movement restrictions were introduced. Social distance, both partial and total lockdowns mandates were also implemented changing human behavior patterns (Mehta,...

Economic Environment for a Construction Firm

Introduction The construction industry is plagued by a lot of difficulties in the UK and other parts of the world. This study mainly focuses on economic conditions affecting construction firms based in the UK. This focuses more on those industries which are trying to expand. Construction firms basically deal with...

The United Arab Emirates and International Trade

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become one of globalization’s most prominent economic success stories thanks to its diversified economy. Oil profits and long-term pro-business policies have allowed UAE to create a robust infrastructure that supports the development of non-oil sectors like manufacturing and transportation and more fruitful participation in...

Globalization as a Phenomenon and Its Impacts

Globalization is a phenomenon characteristic of the present-day world, which has been made possible due to the development of communication technologies, especially the Internet, and multifaceted relationships among countries. This process is generally understood as “the transformation of economic and cultural structures into a single and universal world” (Marifovich, 2019,...