Public-Private Partnership

Introduction Popular and emerging trends in modern times in the implementation of civil engineering projects are public-private partnerships. Public-private partnership (PPP) is an approach that has gained popularity both in developing and developed nations calling for a detailed study of the approach that is used for developing public service infrastructure....

Fixed Versus Floating Exchange Rates

A key component of stable economic growth is a stable currency exchange rate. In recent times, there has been a debate about the economic benefits of fixed and floating exchange rates. One advantage of floating exchange rates is that it frees the macroeconomic policy from taking care of the exchange...

Americanization of the World’s Cultures

Introduction Culture is an integral part of human life and one of the principal characteristics of every country. Its evolution is conditional upon international processes collectively known as globalization. Cultural globalization is considered as “the geographic mobility of cultural products and influences across national borders” (Purhonen et al., 2019, p....

Jamaica’s Economy: Problems and Solutions

Introduction Global economic competitiveness is what every country aims at, and is determined by several factors. These include the legal and administrative framework that governs a country’s institutions, economic policies, labor market efficiency, and economic innovation (Hamalainen 2003). Jamaica’s economy Jamaica is a third world country with an economy that...

The Kitchin Cycle in Modern Economy

Business cycle can be characterized as the economy-wide fluctuations in the economic activities or production over certain period of time, involving shifts in growth, decline, stagnation and recession. There are a number of cyclical theories of economic development, concentrating on the analysis of these business phenomena, cyclic measurements and stages;...

Causes and Consequences of The Great Depression

The U.S. stock market crash of 1929 initiated the Great Depression in October of 1929 though this one event was caused by external sources and was not solely responsible for the most devastating economic collapse in American history. During the decade-long depression, many lost their businesses, jobs, homes, savings, and...

Impact of Globalization on Australia

The Meaning of Globalization Globalization can be described as an economic system that is open and allows the international movement of people, goods, services, and capital. It involves greater integration of economic systems of countries through international trade, the flow of capital, and international investments. Economic globalization connotes the interrelationship...

American and Canadian Price Levels Comparison

Introduction The United States and Canada are the largest economies in North America. According to Pete (2015), there has been a raging debate as to which of the two countries is best to call home. Factors such as income and cost of living are some of the most important factors...

The Effects of Globalization on Sports

Introduction Many years have passed over with worlds states struggling for better ways in which they can bring about beneficial integration through the globalization of many fields. The results of such struggles have yielded numerous changes mostly in the fields of technology and communication. The introduction of such globalize ways...

International Monetary System and Its Importance

The international monetary system is an international convention. It stipulates the rules that should be applied in international trade. The system also clarifies the means of payment that should be used in international trade. Generally, the international monetary system was set in order to promote international trade and investment (Hill,...

Digital Wallet: Impact on Consumer Behavior

The topic will illustrate the digital currency and its effects on consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia. A digital wallet is any program, electronic gadget, or internet service that enables people or organizations to conduct transactions electronically. Along with other things like gift cards and driver’s licenses, it keeps users’ payment...

Impact of Globalization on Netflix Company

Introduction Netflix made two significant strategic moves that led to its success. First, the company did not explore all the available markets at once but in phases. It ensured that the market it exploits has been analyzed and is suitable for expansion. For instance, the first phase of its entrance...

Consumers’ Buying Behavior and Social Media

Introduction Individuals contribute item reviews, information about a service, food or wellness advice, admonitions regarding things, instructions on how to use certain items, and more aspects as customers. The purpose of this work is to investigate the impact of social networks on the decision-making activities of customers. The use of...

Principles of Microeconomics

Understanding a company’s opportunity costs is crucial for identifying the optimal course of action in terms of investments and funding. The evaluation of opportunity cost would necessitate comparison of the costs and benefits accruing from each action made versus alternatives. The simulation depicted in Figures 1.1 and 1.2 compares the...

Early Education Center Program Budgets

General development classes are very important for the mental education of young children. During classes, a child gains important qualities necessary for successful cognitive development. However, not all parents are ready to dedicate much time to teach their kids. Thus, numerous early education centers have developed special programs that help...

Globalization and Its Pros and Cons

Introduction It is hard to disagree that there is probably nothing universally positive or negative in this world. Everything has a price, and many processes that allow countries to develop also require people to pay for this development. Globalization is a unique and significant process that erases the borders between...

Collusion in Oligopoly and Game Theory

Oligopoly is a market structure in which a relatively small number of companies or organizations serve a large number of consumers. Along with monopoly, oligopoly as a structure exists in imperfect competition. Because the number of firms in oligopoly is usually extremely small, the profit of each participating company does...

JD Sports Fashion Plc’s Financial Analysis

Accounting and Managerial Finance JD Sports Fashion Plc., established in 1981, has shown great success since it’s an FTSE 250-listed sportswear retailer in the UK and Ireland (Rapley, 2017). The organization’s headquarters are in the UK. The company has developed an online platform for marketing activities where products are displayed...

The Energy Sector: Russia’s Policy

Introduction Russia’s economic and social environment is based on a previously populist system, maintained despite growing tensions with Western nations and civil unrest. As no political or economic reforms are expected, there is a need to examine the country’s structure, analyze its economic and noneconomic surroundings, and explore potential prospects...

Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly: Are They Effective?

Introduction In industrial organizations or microeconomics, market structures are normally categorized into monopoly, oligopoly, perfect competitions, and monopolistic competition based on the extent of concertation, product differentiation, and entry barriers. It is commonly depicted that when a market is seamlessly competitive, a balance is attained controlled by invisible forces, which...

Globalization’s Role for Developing Countries: Zambia

This paper is a reflection of the module about the global environment of business. No doubt, such tendencies as globalization and the continuous extension of corporations are gaining popularity and have already revealed some results. In this paper, the results of globalization and its positive and negative consequences are discussed...

Healthy Economy and Importance of Thriving

I have listened to a TED talk by Kate Roworth, “A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow”. She talked about an important topic of redefinition of the typical economy that is center only on growth. I learned there is another way, an alternative to humanity’s development. The...

Return on Investment (ROI) and Economic Value Added (EVA)

Although ROI and EVA are the techniques used to evaluate a company’s performance, comparing and contrasting them can help understand why managers choose one over the other depending on particular situations. Both approaches measure organizations’ profitability and value, vital in making the decisions related to planning management incentives, compensation strategies,...

Payback Period Model Overview

People considering investing in specific projects are interested in many questions, answering which gradually clarifies the potential effectiveness of investments. The first question in the evaluation of projects relates to determining the period for which the cost will be returned. Each investor is interested in when investments will pay off...

Credit Card Industry: Revenue and Cost Structures

Based on the industry report by Gambardella (2020), credit card issuers, in this case, Chase Company, earn revenue from interest income, cardholder fees, and interchange fees. Some of the industry’s costs include purchases, marketing, rent, depreciation, and wages, among others. For instance, Chase generates income from the Sapphire brand through...

Generation Z and Their Purchasing Decisions

Introduction Nowadays, companies do not only have to assess the demographics of their target consumers but pay close attention to their values, habits, and lifestyles. Dividing people by generations may seem oversimplified at first. However, this is an efficient method, which provides insights into a certain group’s psyche and behavioral...

Target Market Segment Description

Description of the Primary Target Market A primary target market is a segment of a market section that the business believes will provide an opportunity for it to sell its products or services. My full-service beauty salon business seeks to attract these potential consumers to purchase the services and products...

Globalization, Its Defenders and Critics

Globalization is an ambiguous process with its advantages and disadvantages. It is impossible without significant changes in the ordinary life of people. Globalization even affects such processes as training and the development of additional skills to work in the field where changes are taking place. This process aims at changing...

Ratio and Financial Statement Analysis

Executive Summary Financial ratios show associations between various factors of the business operations. They entail comparison of income statement and balance sheet’s elements. These ratios are grouped into four distinct categories; liquidity ratios (Quick and current ratios), profitability ratios (ROE and ROA), leverage (debt-equity ratio and debt-to-assets ratio) and investors’...

Cryptocurrency in the Modern Economy

Information technology is constantly developing, building on previous innovations, adjusting not only to market trends but also to the changing economic environment. The digital economy is a key factor in the development and rise of the global economy in modern realities. Therefore, there is a growing interest in cryptocurrency, which...

Published Financial Statements and Their Objectives

Introduction Financial reporting in the corporate world is both a necessity and requirement. According to Woefel, financial reporting is done in the form of financial statements that in some cases are referred to as monetary statements (1994, p 48 ). Financial statements help investors to determine the health of a...

“When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism” Article Review

In his article entitled “When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism,” Jonathan Haidt explains why right-wing populism is increasingly gaining popularity in Western democracies. The article starts with the author citing the rise of Donald Trump in the US and the assortment of right-wing parties in Europe following the June 23...

Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory

When designing a practice change, it is crucial to utilize an appropriate change model to ensure the effectiveness of the process. Change theories can help in a myriad of ways. For instance, a relevant model is beneficial for planning future change by identifying the critical stages to achieve success (Batras...

Cash Flows at East Coast Yachts

Description of ECY Cash Flows The cash flow of the company has problems, which are indicated by the increase in accrued expenses. For example, the value of expenses not yet paid for increased from $417300 in 2016 to $6,123,200 in 2017. An efficient flow of cash should be characterized by...

Agency Problem and Capital Structure of Firms

Introduction Major corporate financing decisions center round selecting in between equity and debt financing. Finance managers sourcing funds for any new capital projects are likely to look at borrowing options, as such decision may not lead to cutting of dividends or to make a rights issue of equity. The decision...

“The World is Flat” by Thomas Friedman

Introduction Nobody can convince Charles Johnson that the world is not flat. Not when it looks that way from his front yard. His home in South California stands on a hillside. Everything within several miles of his home is visible from this position. He can see the Mojave Desert, Lancaster...

Problem of Price Discrimination

Introduction Price discrimination is the process by which a firm charges different prices to different groups of people for the same good. The firms that practice price discrimination have the market power. This means that they have the ability to raise the price of commodities without losing all demand. Such...

Oligopoly Market Structure and Market Control

An oligopoly market structure occurs where few large sellers (Pindyck & Rubinfeld, 2001 p. 446) dominate an industry. In the United States, there are few mobile manufacturing firms. The major firms include Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, LG, and Sony Erickson. Due to advancements in information technology, the need and use of...

Is Globalization a Threat or an Opportunity to Developing Countries?

Introduction Through technological, economic, and social development within world economies, the resent time phenomena demonstrates a state where integration in these areas is increasingly binding countries and economies together such that the world becomes more or less a global village. Thai, Rahm and Coggburn (2007, p.2) indicates that globalization involves...

Monetary Theory and Policy. Money in the Utility Function

Introduction Money is the issue of the economy, due to the political and social, and other factors affecting different aspects of life and household. Money is an asset, making positive or negative or some other functional effect. Goods, demands, propositions are constantly dependent on the money supply. And the money...

Production Costs: Calculating All Major Variables

Introduction No business operates with infinite amount of resources. All production eventually faces the issue of scarcity related to employees, equipment, materials, and other related costs. Determining optimal operations capacity in regards to costs is paramount to minimize expenditures associated with production and maximize profits in short and long-term perspectives....

Chapter 9 of “International Business” by Hill

Chapter summary This chapter talks about what foreign exchange is and explains the meaning of a foreign exchange market, shows how the market works and indicates the forces that determine exchange rates, explains the association between exchange rates and international business and highlights the functions of the foreign market. Foreign...

National Australia Bank: Corporate Social Responsibility

Abstract This paper is based on the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It explores the topic through an analysis of a company selected from the database of the world’s most ethical companies. One of the issues which are discussed is how the company behaves in a socially responsible manner...

Onion Prices’ Rise in India: Demand and Supply Factors

Introduction Demand and supply forces are often expected to determine the prices of a product in the market. However, sometimes these forces may lead to unprecedented price increases in the market that makes it necessary to have other forces to help regulate the market prices. In India, during the period...

International Business and Free Trade

Introduction Economic integration makes international trade easier through the removal of trade barriers and tariffs. With economic integration, good and services, labor, and capital find their way in the country where they can be put into maximum use. Increase in mobility of factors of production faces some negative challenges especially...

Banking Merger, Its Benefits and Consequences

Introduction The trend of forming mergers in business has become very popular in the banking industry lately. In simple terms, a merger occurs when two different firms join their operations to firm one single organization (Braggion, Dwarkasing & Moorey, 2010). One of the fundamental effects of mergers is that it...

Organic Food Market Trends

Abstract The high growth rate of demand and the high price premiums charged on organic food are the main drive of the organic food market. The U.S. organic food market is the largest in the world. In addition, demand is growing at a higher rate than in most countries. The...

HP’s Outsourcing Strategy: Cost Reduction and Core Focus

Outsourcing can be regarded as one of the byproducts of globalization. Many early movers benefited from this strategy especially when it comes to the production of the products (Carbaugh, 2015). Outsourcing has been associated with a competitive advantage, but it led to significant losses for some firms (Mourdoukoutas, 2013). HP...

Global Trade and Its Impact on U.S. Retail: Products and Prices

Introduction Due to global trade, three products are only available in a local U.S. store: coffee, spices, and electronics. Coffee is grown primarily in South American and African countries before being exported to U.S. stores. Spices are grown in tropical countries worldwide and exported to U.S. stores. Main Body Electronics...

The Stock Market: Investment Instrument

Recently, the stock market has become one of the most interesting and main instruments for investing and raising capital by companies and investors. Most companies use the advantages of stock markets to attract public funding for business development. Thus, it is important to discuss how companies and different investors choose...

Preferred Stock vs. Common Stock for Investors

Securities play an essential role in the structure of the market economy, as they are an analog of money in the form of a document. Possession of them gives the right to receive a certain amount of funds or certifies property ownership. One type of security is stocks, which provide...

The Stock Market Crash of 1929

On October 24, 1929, Black Thursday, a series of bankruptcies on the stock exchange ended the general fun and lightness that reigned in the United States in those years. On Black Monday, October 28, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell nearly 13%. The next day, Black Tuesday, the market fell...

France: Macroeconomics Analysis

Introduction The French socio-economic model’s specificity is the state’s traditional high role in the economy. After the Second World War, indicative economic planning and a comprehensive social protection system were created, and by the mid-1980s, as a result of three waves of nationalization in 1936, 1945, and 1982 the largest...

The Role of Natural Resources on Economic Development

The worsening shortage of resources is one of the true underlying causes of the escalating and latent maturing local, regional and global problems of the new millennium. The existence or absence of the necessary natural resources directly affects the living standards of earthlings, the prospects for the socio-economic development of...

The Structure and Functions of the World Bank

Introduction The presentation highlighted the structure and functions of the World Bank and the United Nations in the global arena. The discussion centered on the reasons behind the formation of the two organizations and their sources of funding. A comprehensive assessment of their specific roles concerning the alleviation of poverty,...

Corruption in South Africa: Causes and Effects

In the past years, South Africa has registered several cases where public resources have been used for private gains and increasing favoritism that makes the majority of qualified and experienced citizens unable to secure job opportunities. Based on the report findings of the Zondo Commission and Crimewatch, the issue is...

Global Economic Systems Comparison

Introduction At its core, the state represents the intersection of its political, economic, social, and cultural elements. Due to the cultural differences in world views and visions of how society should work, many diverse political ideologies were invented and implemented economically and socially. As a consequence, the economic organization was...

Celebrity Endorsement and Consumer Purchase Intentions

Abstract This research aimed to examine the impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase intentions. The analysis was based on a survey of 300 participants between 18 and 54 years. They were from the University of Hull and surroundings, which were American consumers. The study focused on celebrity endorser characteristics,...

Cryptocurrency and Its Effects on the Global Economy

Introduction Cryptocurrency refers to a virtual or digital currency protected by cryptoanalysis hence making it impossible to counterfeit or to spend multiple times. In many cases, cryptocurrency is decentralized in technology-centric networks and distributed by separate systems of computer programs. The important note about cryptocurrency is that any authority does...

Should the Federal Minimum Wage Be Increased?

Introduction Former Californian governor, Jerry Brown, is famous for this quote: “The minimum wage has not kept pace with rising costs”. Within the past two decades, the United States has witnessed an increasing population. Most of the country’s citizens continue to encounter numerous challenges, including rising costs for primary goods,...

Economic and Social Landscape in Australia

Introduction The Australian economy has shown flexibility in tough times like the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated that the Australian economic growth rate remains at 4.2 percent as of March 2022 (The Australian Economy, 2022). It is projected that the Australian gross domestic product (GDP) will be...

Surveillance Capitalism in Shoshana Zuboff’s View

Shoshana Zuboff discloses the capital framework that exists in the digital world. Surveillance capitalism is essentially shifting the democratic possibilities that control human behavior. Different big technology corporations in Silicon Valley have assigned material worth to data on human behavior. Surveillance capitalism is different from information capitalism in that it...

Ulta Beauty Company’s Financial Performance

Introduction Ulta Beauty is a successful American cosmetics company that has balanced the externally attractive and attention-grabbing displays with ongoing revenue sources and employees’ best interests. The company successfully identified the priorities of American women purchasing cosmetics despite its lack of outlets in major shopping malls. Ulta has entered several...

Primary vs. Secondary Markets Differences

Primary and Secondary Markets When it comes to financial activities, it is necessary to understand the difference between primary and secondary markets. They are distinct phenomena, and traders, investors, and other stakeholders should know how they vary. Primary and secondary markets are different according to their overall purpose, mechanics, and...

Disney Imagineering: Local Cultures

Disney should accommodate local cultures so much since different regions have varying practices and formalities. When Disney is choosing to open a theme park in a certain location, it is necessary to identify and include the various meanings of the people for them to adapt to the park easily. Lacking...

American Express Firm’s Microeconomic Analysis

Abstract The present paper provides an analysis of American Express to make predictions concerning the success or failure of the company in 2021. Despite the unfavorable macroeconomic situation in the world, American Express managed to stay profitable even during the time of the pandemic. Even though the company’s total revenues,...

Consumer Analysis of the Charmin Brand

“Charmin” is an American toilet paper brand manufactured by Procter & Gamble. It has a wide range of products, business strategy, and active promotion, which creates a competitive advantage, allowing it to occupy a leading position in the sales market. A variety of choices makes it possible to attract different...

Challenges Faced by Ryanair Holdings Due to COVID-19

Background The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly influenced not only individual companies but also entire industries. Among them, one of the most affected is the airline industry. In 2020, the International Civil Aviation Organization estimated that the pandemic could result in a reduction of about 1.5 billion passengers and 71% of...

Subjective Financial Well-Being and Its Influence on Life Quality

Introduction Financial well-being has always been a significant phenomenon because available economic resources can influence an individual’s life quality. However, Brüggen, Hogreve, Holmlund, Kabadayi, and Löfgren (2017) admit that research on the topic remains insufficient, meaning that any scientific attempt to study the issue is considered an essential contribution. It...

The Roles of Competition and Antitrust Laws in the Future of Quality Measurement

Quality measurement refers to the standard set of parameters that help measure the quality of a healthcare provider’s performance. In fact, quality is quite a subjective concept that is difficult to calculate and define reasonably (OECD, 2013). Therefore, the quality is rarely analyzed by competition authorities (OECD, 2013). Another problem...

Creating a Long-Term Investment Portfolio

Executive Summary An investment portfolio is a model selection of investment instruments (stocks, bonds, ETFs) that meet a certain risk level and aim to achieve investment goals. Depending on the type or format of provision of ready-made investment portfolios, they may be aimed at achieving various goals: aggressive capital growth,...

Price Segmentation Versus Price Discrimination

There are many valuable techniques and tactics that markets widely accept when deciding how to charge prices for their goods or services. One such tool is known as price segmentation, and it is the second most powerful and used pricing tactic that, however, is not considered entirely fair by some...

Planned and Actual Saving and Investment Difference

Various firms and households make savings and investments that influence the economy in general. Planned savings and investments are the amounts that the companies intend to save or invest during a given period. Actual savings and investments are the quantities that are retained and invested during a specific period. These...

Role of Government in the Economy

Introduction According to Smith, prosperity results from human determination and self-interest. He argued that by giving everyone freedom to exchange their own produced goods, the economy would grow significantly. Correspondingly, opening markets for individuals to trade their goods to foreign countries will attract more funds to the US. Smith suggested...

Discussion of International Development

Evaluate Theories of International Development International development focuses on engagement with economically deprived regions to empower its people to improve their welfare by addressing the causes and impacts of poverty. Modernization theory is among several ideas used in international development, and it became prominent in the 1950s and 1960s in...

“The Donut: A Canadian History” Book Review

Introduction The book, The Donut: A Canadian History, narrates how the donut became Canada’s unofficial national food. In connection to this, the author gives a strong affidavit explaining to the reader the reasons why the donut is connected to Canadians’ lives now and its merits and demerits on the citizenry....

Economic Adviser Assignment: Macropoland

The country’s economic growth ensures the wellness of its citizens and indicates a high standard of living. The inflation and unemployment rates are two main factors contributing to economic development. Their proportions determine the rise and decline of the country’s economy. The crucial elements in understanding these propositions are aggregate...

Microeconomic Analysis: Walmart

Production and Costs The Walmart-branded Equate pharmacy and beauty product line is the target product to analyze. These products are presented in a wide range and include cosmetic goods for body care and therapeutic drugs to maintain health (“Quality care begins here,” 2020). The factors involved in the production process...

Henry Clay’s American System

The issue of participating of the government in the economic life of the country was widely discussed in the 19th century. This tendency was characteristic of American politicians as well. In the 19th century, Henry Clay appeared to be a prominent statesman, whose activity was influential in the context of...

Policy Responses to the Great Recession

What Is the Economic Meaning of a Recession? A recession is a notable reduction in the economic performance of a nation that lasts for more than a few months affecting labor availability and industrial performance. Boushey et al. (2019) also define a recession as a period of economic contract and...

Effects of Globalization: The Case of LuLu Group Int

The Effects of the Driving Forces of Globalization There is no doubt that today’s world has become substantially different from the social, economic, and production systems that were relevant only a few decades ago. Such changes can be seen in all spheres of life, from the classical communication between people...

US Budgeting Process

Introduction The federal budget of the United States consists of the spending and revenues of the U. S. federal government. As of now, the US government’s primary expenses include healthcare, retirement, and defense programs. Among the leading trends of the last five decades, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reports the...

South African Economic Stability

South African economy is the largest in Africa with a GDP of above $ 287 billion, and a 5-year average real GDP growth rate of 3.7 %. The country’s economy is driven by vast natural resources like gold. There are also very many different types of industries. In addition to...

Global Financial Crisis and Market Efficiency

Ray Ball proposes several lessons about market efficiency that people can learn from the global financial crisis. Among the lessons are the limitations to the efficient market hypothesis, which, according to Ball (2009), is silent on the supply side of the information market. This argument means that the theory of...

Economic Incentives and People’s Response

Introduction One of the most important issues studied by macroeconomics is the decision-making process and motivation, where economic incentives play an essential role. In business, policy-making, and different kinds of economic relations, incentives are believed to define people’s behavior and induce a particular reaction. Since incentives serve as the trigger...

“Wall Street on the Tundra” by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis is the author of the article titled Wall Street on the Tundra which attempts to describe events that led to the financial crisis that befell Iceland. Even though Iceland’s financial meltdown attracted scant global attention in relation to other calamities that reverberated through the global economic powers, the...

Long-Terms Goals in Financial Planning

Introduction Financial goals refer to the aspirations in the life of an investor that needs to be achieved when the person invests his money. By setting financial goals, chances of regretting are minimized and it ensures that the desired goal of investment is realized. These goals vary from one investor...

Capital Structure and Cost of Capital in Telecom Sector

Introduction This paper has chosen Vodafone plc (or “Vodafone”) and British Telecom plc (or “BT”) under the telecommunications industry for purposes of comparing capital structure and cost of capital. This will also study the impact of industry and economic conditions for the pair of companies and will explore the current...

Laptop Market Segmentation

The first customer category that is likely to be interested in a laptop is travelers. Their primary interest would be portability, which all such products provide to some degree by default (Idemudia, 2018). As Muller (2020) adds, they are also interested in battery life and screen brightness, as they expect...

Hotel Industry in Sydney, Australia: Factors Influencing Supply and Demand

Prices of Related Goods Prices on the goods related to any given industry are a factor that influences supply and demand in it. This observation includes the hotel industry as well, and the prices on related goods obviously impact the hospitality industry in Sidney, Australia. In general, the prices of...

Escalating Global Fuel Prices and Its Effects

Abstract Despite many attempts to control the escalating global fuel prices, the efforts have proved to be fruitless. This study proposal examines the history of fuel prices, how they have changed over the years and the subsequent effects that are likely to come along with these increased fuel prices. The...

International Trade Payment Forms

There are various methods of payment in international trade. Credit in any international trade transition is provided by the exporter, importer, bank, or a combination of these. Exporters who have sufficient cash flows can finance the entire trade cycle, starting with the production of the product by the exporter down...

Making Rental Housing More Affordable in Toronto

Introduction Issue The city of Toronto is Canada’s financial capital and a major business hub that attracts not only the local Canadians but also many people around the world. It is one of the most attractive destinations for people because of its improved transport and health infrastructure, high levels of...

The Issue of Limiting Auditor’s Liability

Executive Summary The liability of auditors has been a subject of debate in the recent past. The company law, international auditing Standards and the International Financial Reporting Standards stipulate the need for auditors work in the financial reports of companies. In addition, these bodies plus the statutory legislations of different...

Rondo Company: Financial Statement Analysis

Introduction Originally, financial statement analysis is the research, which requires thorough and multi angle approach towards estimation of the financial ratios and financial flows, both horizontal and vertical. The aim of this paper is to analyze the financial ratios of Rondo Company by doing the financial ratios and also comparing...

Pros and Cons of Raising the Minimum Wage

Many citizens of the United States of America are not satisfied with their hourly incomes. Hence, the population wants its government to raise the minimum wages in the country in order to reduce poverty. Increasing the minimum wage should help some works, and it will help stimulate the economy overall...

Knowledge as a Factor in Economic Development

Introduction Development is always supported by knowledge and skills proficiency within the workforce. Basically, countries with people who possess skills and knowledge have always registered a higher social, economic, and political growth than those with the majority of unskilled people. This is because knowledge and skills encourage creativity and innovativeness...

National Income: Concept, Measurement, National Income and Social Welfare

It is the total monetary value of all products (goods and services), a nation or country produces within a specified period of time, usually a year. This monetary value is represented by profits, wages, and rents among others received by the Nation’s residents (Parkin et al 2000). This income represents...

Culture Variables in International Business

Introduction As defined by Muhlbacher, Helmuth & Dahringer (2006:14) international business refers to all business transactions and trading relations that exist either between two countries or among multiple countries. It involves exchanges of good and services between or among countries within an established set up of both legal and international...

Issues in the International Politics: Globalization

Introduction The notion of “globalization” is related to the process of enlarging cross-border transactions and interactions in political, socio-cultural and economic spheres. It describes the denationalization phenomenon which tends to be perceived as a political project. Globalization in the international political system is considered to be centralized due to its...

Philippine Financial Institutions: An Overview

Introduction Owing to the strategic position of the country as a trading entrepôt in East Asia – doing a brisk trans-Pacific trade with Mexico for centuries, exporting minerals and forest products to China, trading sugar with (what was then) Great Britain, and cashing in on foreign exchange earnings of Filipino...

Investment Analysis: SHSAX vs. GGHCX vs. FHEAX Funds

The investment due diligence analysis has been performed to assess the performance of three funds, which are SHSAX, GGHCX, and FHEAX. The obtained results indicate that the best option to invest in is SHSAX. As compared with the other two funds, SHSAX has had the best performance over the last...

Neoliberalism in the Film “Wall Street”

The modern world in its social, political, and economic manifestations has gone through a series of ideological changes throughout centuries of its existence. Overall, the search for an ideal type of government has always been a never-ending process due to the evolution of thought and constant willingness to change the...

Vancouver’s Housing Crisis and Solution

Introduction The city of Vancouver has encountered a significant problem concerning the crisis in the sphere of real estate. The prices for houses and apartments inconsistently grow to produce non-realistic costs of real estate, thus causing difficulties for the residents of Vancouver to purchase or rent accommodation. Such a critical...

“Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not a Problem” by Jay Richards

Introduction The last century was marked by a spectacular battle between two powerful economic systems and ideologies: communism and capitalism. By the end of the 21st century, it has become exhaustively clear that capitalism seems to prevail and bring countries to prosperity and economic domination. Communism, on the other hand,...

The Relationship Between Unemployment and Economic Growth

Among the factors that define economic growth and development, human resources and unemployment are considered to be the most vital. The well-trained and educated labor force has a significant and direct effect on the economy by producing a high-quality product. However, the problem is not only in finding sufficiently trained...

Crude Oil Extraction and Economics: Historical Insights

Introduction Crude Oil or petroleum, as we all know is the world’s most robustly dealt commodity. In her book Oil: The Economics of Fuel, Joann Jovinelly emphasizes the importance of this source for the whole world and the USA in particular (2007). It is extracted from the earth through oil...

International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation

The IFRS Foundation is a non-governmental and non-profit making organization whose principal objectives are directed to the interests of the general public (IFRS 2011). The organization aims at developing a set of high-quality products and easy to comprehend globally accepted international financial reporting standards through the organization’s standards-setting body, IASB....

Customers’ Views on Service Dimensions

Executive Summary Two important factors for understanding how to improve the success of service-oriented businesses are customer satisfaction and service quality. This analogy is true for telecommunication firms because their success depends on their service quality. Therefore, to quantify their success, they need to measure their service quality. However, service...

Monopoly Company in Managerial Economics

Introduction The shape and structure of most modern markets are shaped by market power and competition. Market power stands for the strength of a company or a product in a particular market. All companies seek to increase their market power, which results in competition. In economics, the four Ps of...

Crude Oil Price and Impacting Factors

Introduction Crude oil is a critical commodity in the modern industrial world. It is one of the most actively traded resources in the global market. The extent and volume of such commerce have their impacts on the international community, forming a reciprocal connection that both regulates and can be affected...

US vs. Canadian CPI: A Comparative Analysis of Food Prices

Abstract The current research paper dwells on the critical differences between the US and Canadian economies in order to make informed conclusions regarding the gap between consumer price indexes of the two countries. So as to do that, the researcher conducted a literature review on the subjects of product pricing...

Emaar Properties Company’s Investment in Kazakhstan

The entry strategy chosen for Emaar is FDI or foreign direct investment. This strategy was selected due to the specific economic state of Kazakhstan, which will supposedly soon enjoy steady economic growth but remain to be a developing country. For Emaar, a company that is present in more than 30...

Barclays Bank’s Decision-Making & Risk Management

Introduction The decision-making process in multinational financial structures is complex and multifaceted, including a number of steps and operations. The questions about what stages the decision-making process should include are rather controversial and solved differently according to the specific style of governance and the scope of the organization. Being one...

Public Budgeting Leaders: Roles, Skills, and Decision-Making

The public budgeting leaders have the responsibility of fulfilling various roles including planning, reforming, and budgeting. Public budgeting involves three areas that are mostly dominated by the fields of economics, planning, and data sciences. Planning is used to determine goals and setting up the necessary programs to achieve them. Programming...

The Solution for the Investment Problem

Introduction Before, investing, it is important to evaluate the risk-return profile of an individual security and entire portfolio. Further, when selecting a stock to include in a portfolio, it is important to take into account the concept of diversification. Diversification lowers the overall risk of a portfolio (Brigham & Michael...

Importance of Standard Costing System in the Modern World

Standard Cost System: Introduction Standard costs are set (target) costs expected to be incurred when a company operates under efficient conditions (Drury, 2008). The main function of standard costing is to eliminate wastage of resources during operation and increasing efficiency during operation. Standard costing is generally best applied to companies...

Market Equilibrium: Demand and Quantity Demanded

Introduction Changes in prices of goods and services are triggered by shifts in demand and supply. In other words, prices of goods are determined by the interaction between supply and demand. Market equilibrium occurs when buyers purchase exact amounts of goods sellers are willing to sell (Welch & Welch 2009)....

Swiss Gold Referendum: Domestic and Global Impacts

Introduction This research explores the Swiss Gold Referendum as a contemporary economic issue that may have both domestic and global impacts. Swiss Gold Referendum is a controversial issue that requires voters to decide. The proponents of the Swiss Gold Referendum want the Swiss not to give away their gold. Traditionally,...

Financial Analysis of Renting Versus Buying Real Estate

Introduction Financial planning is one of the critical tools of conscious living, allowing one to forecast expenses and assess risks. An approach in which an individual can manage money wisely and create an environment in which finances can multiply allows one to create greater freedom of action and be prepared...

Financial Analysis of Post-NFL Bankruptcy

Introduction Dermontti Dawson was a former Pittsburgh Steeler who appeared in the NFL from 1988 to 2000. Despite a successful career, he experienced significant financial issues and declared bankruptcy in 2010, having around $70 million in debt (Andrew, 2022). Overinvestment in real estate, according to his instance, is a primary...

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Aspects

Introduction Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are products that are sold quickly and at a relatively low cost. According to Veselova (2022), common examples of FMCG include food items, beverages, toiletries, household cleaning products, over-the-counter medicines, and other consumer products. These goods are usually purchased with the intent of daily use...

The Challenges for Intermodal Transportation in the Twenty-First Century

Introduction Intermodal transportation implies the simultaneous transportation of a set of goods or one product through different means of transport within the same steel container. Intermodal transportation is highly effective in modern trading systems because it supports the faster and safer movement of goods over long distances. The first-paced 21st...

Macroeconomics and Microeconomics in Business

Introduction Economic relations are an essential part of human life and have a significant impact on both entire states and individuals. It is impossible to abstract from interaction with other subjects or isolate from them. For several centuries, the circle of these relations has been closely studied to identify patterns...

Bitcoin: The Use of the Digital Money

Introduction Bitcoin is an online version of cash and can be used to purchase products and services from retailers and merchants who accept them. There are several ways of using bitcoins, and the variety of options makes it favorable to many. Bitcoin provides peer-to-peer transactions and encourages society to appreciate...

Macroeconomic Policies in Nigeria

Introduction The functioning of the economy as a whole is a focus of fiscal and monetary policy. Macroeconomic policy is to create a climate that is secure and supportive of a resilient and sustainable increase in the economy, which is essential for generating wealth, employment, and better living standards (Alam,...

The Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

What is a HELOC Home Equity Line of Credit is a type of credit that is secured by a home and one is able to use it for anything. The way HELOC work is similar to the way the credit card is being used, it allows one to continually to...

Effects of COVID-19 on Industries

The epidemic has had a significant impact on the workplace. Aside from the risk to public health, the economic and social turmoil endangers millions of people’s long-term livelihoods and well-being. The pandemic significantly affected labor markets, economies, businesses, and worldwide supply networks, causing major commercial disruptions. The practically immediate economic...

A Trade Policy for Game Consoles in the US and Brazil

Introduction Trade policies are certain agreements and rules that apply to international trade. This policy regulates what goods and services, and on what basis, can be exported or imported to countries, depending on the established agreements between their governments. Each country has its trade policy, which, among other things, sets...

The Role of the Federal Reserve

Introduction Federal Reserve, otherwise known as the Federal Reserve System, is the United States central bank. It was created under Federal Reserve Act signed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. The act dictates its roles and responsibilities in the financial sector. The Federal Reserve is headed by a Board of...

The Federal Reserve’s Benefits and Disadvantages

Introduction The functioning of the national financial system is reliant on the effectiveness of the management of macroeconomic factors for the stability of the domestic market. In the United States of America, the federal reserve has been established as a tool for regulating the economy of the country and balancing...

Economic Concepts and Daily Life

Introduction Economics is a wide field of study, one that has produced many important and interesting theories on how society should operate. Depending on the economic conditions one finds themselves in, a variety of theories, mechanisms, and assumptions can be relied on. This includes potential explanations of the free market’s...

Aspects of Price Elasticity of Demand

Introduction The work of any company critically depends on its ability to analyze the market and its target audience. The fact is that the modern business environment is a complex phenomenon impacted by numerous factors. It also means that companies have to work in a highly changeable environment as altering...

Microeconomics: Scarcity and Social Provisioning

Introduction At its core, economics deals with people’s decisions to sustain the scarce amenities available to them. Microeconomics is the subdivision of economics that relates to the choices made at a personal point. The choices made may include clients and companies that a person makes after analyzing resources, costs, and...

Ways of Eating Around the World: Impact of Globalization

Introduction The concept of globalization closely links to the interchange of ideas and cultures across different communities. Food preparation methods vary from culture to culture, and until now, each community has been known for its distinct cuisine. People may now move throughout the world more quickly because of globalization. One...

Capitalism: History and Basics

Introduction Capitalism represents the dominant economic concept in modern reality, based on private property, the competence of actors, and the principle of supply and demand. The role of the state in the capitalist economy is reduced to protecting the rights of citizens and creating a safe and comfortable environment in...

The Gig Economy: Purpose and Benefits

Gig Economy is a free-market system that employs independent workers for a short-term commitment. Due to the advancement of technology, it has become possible. The Gig Economy participants happen to treat the gig as their primary source of income. It is very significant in organizations and industries. Gig Economy has...

Labor Market in Alabama and Its Trends

Labor Market in Alabama Alabama is a state in the U.S. located in the southeastern region of the country. The state’s capital is Montgomery, one of the nation’s economic hubs. Moreover, Alabama’s demographics consist of about seventy percent Whites and about twenty-seven percent African Americans (“QuickFacts; Alabama” 1). The state,...

Junk Food Taxation in the United States

Taxation for junk food has many supporters and an even bigger audience of opponents. Supporters of this initiative declare the health benefits of potential consumers of junk food and select the most optimal taxation methods, such as excise or product tax. Scientists and experts are proposing introducing the tax at...

Effects of Celebrity Ratification on Brand Equity

Research Rationale Celebrity endorsements positively influence buying intentions, brand identification, memory, and purchase behavior. In addition, celebrity ratification surpasses a positive frame of mind toward an organization; however, there is little evidence on whether an international or national star has a similar influence on product standards in the local market....

Individualized Targeting and Consumers’ Privacy Concerns

Advancements in digital technologies and data collection allow marketers to implement individualized targeting (IT), which presupposes that current or prospective consumers receive personalized advertisements based on their preferences. IT is beneficial: marketers identify target audiences while customers receive relevant recommendations. Nonetheless, the application of this strategy involves personal data use,...

Taxation Without Representation

“Taxation without representation” is when a whole population is taxed but has no say in spending money or implementing policies. The colonists of the United States said to their British overlords that “taxation without representation is tyranny.” Because of the adoption of the English Bill of Rights in 1689, it...

Comparing American Dream Collapsing and the Fading American Dreams

The first article is American dream collapsing done by Jim Tankersley in 2016. The author is writing about the decline in several children earning more than their parents. In 1940, 92% of children earned more than their parents compared to 46% in 1980 (Tankersley, para 2). The biggest conversation is...

The Toronto-Dominion Bank in the Industry

Which company are we looking at? The Toronto-Dominion (TD) Bank Where does it take place? In Canada What is the time frame? In 2021 What industry are we analyzing? The paper analyzes the banking industry but with more focus made on digital banking External Analysis (PESTEL + CDG) Political Factors: The...

The Ways to Start Saving and Investing

Saving and investing will always attract people who are interested in making money via financial operations. Savings are not spent income or postponed consumption that can be achieved through various ways. Some individuals still adhere to conservative savings methods such as piggy banks, participating in sou-sous; some create savings accounts...

Analyzes of “Jean Tirole: Market Power and Regulation” Work

Jean Tirole: Market Power and Regulation In what is perhaps the culmination of his life’s work, Jean Tirole: Market Power and Regulation encapsulates the efforts of a man focused on revolutionizing global economics. Tirole’s decisive and methodical approaches to issues such as competition and regulation have improved upon existing theories...

The Efficient Market Hypothesis

Introduction In economic theory, there is a concept of market efficiency; the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is one of the basic ideas of finance theory. There are three forms of market efficiency: weak, semi-strong and strong. The criterion of efficiency is determined by the access of its participants to information....

Singapore: The Asian Tiger Country

The Asian Tigers is a general term used to describe the economy of Singapore. The Asian Tiger countries are driven by the rapid form of industrialization and exports. In addition, the nations have retained a higher percentage rate of economic growth from the year 1960 hence joining the ranks of...

The Limitations of Ratio Analysis

The Ratio Analysis framework is extensively utilized by businesses and provides companies with numerous insights into their financial operations. At the same time, Ratio Analysis has several significant limitations, which include the utilization of past data, the absence of inflation adjustments, and possible changes. First of all, every Ratio Analysis...

Current Events in Macroeconomics

Introduction The success of any state’s economy in 21st-century economies largely depends on the stable macro and microeconomics status of financial and stock markets. Macroeconomic studies focus on the productivity of the general economy in relation to money systems, performance, financial structures and the behaviour of financial markets. Due to...