Fast Fashion and Its Impact on the Fashion Industry

Introduction Fast fashion is a term that is used to describe a new trend in the fashion industry that is characterized by high speed and low prices in order to provide customers with popular collections that reflect celebrity styles and catwalk presentations. Manufacturers are able to reduce costs by cutting...

Building Materials Overview and Analysis

Introduction Building materials can be defined in relation to their use in construction activities. This means that it is a material that is used to enhance construction. It should be known that there are various forms of building materials that can be termed as natural occurring substances. This therefore implies...

Ergonomics’ and Aesthetics Design

Abstract The scientific discipline of product design has evolved significantly over the years. Technology, ergonomics, and aesthetics form the major components of product design. The set guidelines for creating products advocate for the use of design for ergonomics and aesthetics. Data qualifiers for ergonomics and aesthetics enable product designers to...

The Profession of an Architect

Introduction As far as architectural education provides a large amount of knowledge and skills, an architect can design various objects, from apartment buildings and cottages to hotels, schools, and urban spaces. The architects, along with other representatives of creative professions, create timeless works of art. Their responsibilities include creating the...

Target Audience of Fast Food Restaurants’ Web Sites

Introduction When designing a website, its creator focuses on the needs of all visitors or some specific, defined audience. The target audience is those users on which the web resource is specifically oriented. These visitors are commonly called target visitors, as they are aware of what they eventually want to...

The Types of Clothing Style in Modern Society

Introduction Details are very important, especially when it concerns the clothing style of the particular person. The human character can be easily explained by observation and analysis of what one wears. Such characteristics as color and shape are important, however, the overall image must be evaluated holistically. Clothing style can...

Romanesque vs Gothic Styles Comparison

Gothic vs Romanesque Architecture: Introduction Throughout the ages, architectural designs have progressed gradually in different regions. Architectural designs incorporated art to develop what we see today in the world’s cities and towns. Buildings are curved with unique and incredible styles and profiles. Most of the buildings in big cities possess...

Influence of Mathematics in Ancient Greek Architecture

Introduction Ancient Greek architecture is one of the most iconic in the world, utilizing many elements that are used in the modern day. At the same time, Greek scholars were also some of the most advanced; building on the foundations of Egyptians and Persians, the Greeks made significant advances in...

Fashion Design as a Major

Fashion design has long become global and spans across a multitude of industries, including clothing, modeling, retailing, and advertising. Clothes have functions besides covering the basic needs of human beings today. They serve as a way to express oneself, and sometimes they may be used as a communication channel. Graphic...

Principles of Curriculum Design

Introduction A curriculum can be taken as a generalized attempt to transfer the important features of an educational system’s goals and objectives in a precise format that can be translated for practical execution. An effective curriculum design gives room for professional criticism aimed at improving on its content and relating...

The Role of Architecture in the Society

Introduction Architecture is the outcome that results from the combination of art and science through planning, design and construction (Booth, 2011). Architecture has been used for years to represent the art and culture of all the civilizations that have been present in the world. Through architecture, societies have been able...

Hamlet’s Costume Design

Scenic design is a vital element in every play. The design portrays the style and the mood of the production used in the play. It also enables the audience to draw a clear distinction between a nonrealistic and a realistic theater. One important element of scene design is design of...

The Parthenon Influences on the United States Capitol

Greek architecture served as an inspiration for many architectural styles and modern iconic landmarks. It can be argued that many well-known buildings, including the United States Capitol and other politically significant constructions, are reminiscent of the renowned monuments of Ancient Greece. Specifically, the U.S. Capitol was influenced by the Athenian...

The Balenciaga Case: Scandal in the Fashion Industry

Introduction In recent months, one of the most high-profile scandals in the fashion industry has been the Balenciaga case. This company, which specializes in the production of clothing and accessories, faced public criticism for one of its advertising campaigns. Various photo shoots were launched on Instagram and other media platforms...

Coffee Shop: The Exterior, Interior Design, and Customer Service

In my opinion, coffee is significantly more than just a drink. I consider coffee a cultural attribute, a part of lifestyle, and a source of inspiration. The atmosphere of a coffee shop makes people more creative through a combination of an informal environment and visual variety.1 The magic of coffee...

Comparison and Contrast of Two Famous Architects

Introduction The United States has given the world various famous and talented architects, including Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Gehry. Wright was born a few years after the Civil War in the United States in 1867 (Wilkinson 39). Wright’s approach to architecture includes the strong influence of nature, as he...

Sustainable Fashion Survey

Survey Questions Do you know about the impact of the fashion industry on the environment? Have you considered using a vintage style? Do you consider material eco-safety as an essential factor when purchasing your clothes? Do you throw your old clothes away or try to repurpose them? Have you ever...

Menswear: History and Tendencies

For a long time, fashion and dressing modes have changed from periodically. Clothes have long been used as a means of classifying individuals. Even in the modern-day, some individuals still utilize pricey brand-name apparel as a way to stand out from the crowd. Dressing modes separate different genders, classes, professions,...

The Future of Fashion Industry

Emerging Trends in the Fashion Industry The fashion industry is constantly undergoing changes over the course of time. While fashion is known to be cyclical, new ideas and trends emerge, keeping it future-oriented. Innovation has been an integral part of the apparel industry since the very beginning, and the ongoing...

Wood as a Construction Material: History, Properties, Use

Introduction For as long as mankind has been civilized, wood has remained an important material for the construction of housing and boats. Up until the close of the nineteenth century, virtually all the boats were constructed using wood (Hoadley, 1980). Today, wood is still a common material in the building...

History of Rock Gardens Review

Background Landscape history can be defined as the study of the ways in which mankind has tried to change the physical appearance of the environment. It is also referred to as landscape archaeology. The discipline was first discovered as a distinctive area of study in the 20th century and has...

Concrete Block: Load Bearing and Partition Walls

Concrete Bricks Concrete Bricks are manufactured under the BSI Kitemark Licensee with specification to BS 6073. The Specification and Workmanship of Concrete Bricks are based on: Location Reference: Depends on where the Brick is intended to use. For eg: Earthquake resistant building, Moisture resistant Building or Weather Proof Buildings. Work...

Graphic Design and Its Importance in Human Life

Introduction The modern world has embraced the concept of design to such an extent that people can no longer imagine their surroundings without it. Design has penetrated into virtually all spheres of human activity. This fully applies to such a kind of design art as graphic design. With its manifestations...

Fashion and Technology: Modern Fashion

The consolidation of fashion and technology is becoming one of the most modern trends in the creative industry that need detailed research and identification of prospects. The issue is of particular interest in the context of its novelty and little study. Even though the combination of digital practicality and the...

The Role of Technology in Architecture

Introduction Technology has become of the fundamental vital aspects in the modern world since it has affected many social, economic and political undertakings. In this regard, it has become a pertinent component of the architectural profession. In the past, architecture was limited to physical conceptualization and actualization of ideas to...

Rem Koolhaas “Junkspace” Review

Rem Koolhaas explores different theories of architecture whereby he manages to intertwine history and its relevance to modern day architectural activities. He relates human debris to the concept of space-junk. There is a lot of human remains which have spoilt the universe as he narrates “If space-junk is the human...

Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier

Introduction Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier contributed to the growth of architecture in America. Despite their differences in art styles, the architects significantly contributed to the buildings erected in America in the 1900s. The essay illustrates the two architects’ perceptions of architecture and gives an example of buildings created...

Exploring Popular Culture in Architecture

Introduction Popular culture which is also referred to as pop culture is one of the common components in the society that can be defined as an element of culture and even identity of a nation or locality. It is a complex combination of the different elements wherein the society is...

Natural and Synthetic Fibres and Their Properties

Natural Fibres Introduction Different fibres have a number of differentiating characteristics, in terms of their properties, which are sometimes similar to each other (Cook 1984). For the purpose of quality development in textiles and fibres, there is a need to study and analyze these properties, as well as comparing them....

Mathematics in Ancient Greek Architecture

The emergence of the mathematical sciences was a breakthrough discovery for all of human civilization. Laws, orders, equations, and identities gradually took on a material meaning as man learned to transfer numbers and letters from papyrus to life. Ancient Greek architecture was not the least area that underwent significant metamorphosis...

Indian History of Architecture

The architecture of any country is evolving throughout centuries due to changing trends that are taking place. Indian architecture had several major periods of transformation and change. It is necessary to note that Indian civilization is one of the most ancient in the world and the earliest examples of architecture...

“Architecture and the Senses” by Juhani Pallasmaa

Introduction The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses book by Juhani Pallasmaa explores the fundamentals of a classical architectural theory. The book is composed of two essays that focus on the historical development of western architecture and other authentic architectural experiences, respectively. Analysis This work aims at inspiring...

Gothic Architecture in Comparison to Other Styles

Introduction Gothic is a style of art and architecture that emerged towards the end of the High Middle Ages and became famous throughout Europe. The style had a substantial effect on the development of architecture in the region and was most often used in religious buildings, such as churches and...

The Venetian Macao Analysis

Property Overview The Venetian Macao is one of the world’s most luxurious and the largest hotels and casinos. Located in Macao, China, the building was erected on reclaimed land. The 10,500,000 square-foot building is currently the seventh-largest building globally and the largest hotel building in continental Asia (Hao et al.,...

Concrete as a Construction Material

The development of humanity is associated with permanently growing volumes of construction. People require residential and business buildings, and concrete is one of the most widely used construction materials on Earth. Gambhir (2004) argues that concrete is the second most popular substance in the world after water (p. 1). Therefore,...

Whispering Galleries in Architecture

Whispering galleries are specially designed buildings that are elliptical or have a circular shape. Such buildings make it possible for a whisper to be carried from one part of the room to another. This is possible because the building is normally elliptical, enclosed, or circular. Thus, if a person stands...

Architectural History Studies and Their Importance

Studying architectural history is of utmost significance to students aspiring to become architects. Architectural history denotes the study of architecture as it changed through various cultures and landscapes and across multiple decades. Such knowledge goes a long way in helping students understand and appreciate the craft and comprehend the milestones...

The Role of High-Rise Buildings in Countries Progression

Introduction The current generations are living in a contemporary world that is characterized by sustainable development as the main foundation for decisions regarding urban planning in many countries. The pressure arising from the surging populations among other problems that are related to transport and housing facilities are some of the...

Bedroom Design and Special Characteristics

My bedroom provides a close view of the sea. Situated on the first floor, it is a large, glass panelled room and its balcony faces the seashore. The room is a vantage point to observe the sea and listen to its music. My aesthetic sense reflects in the manner in...

Fundamentals of Building Construction

Introduction Foundations are the basis for any construction object, and it is essential for any project to determine the most fitting type of foundation. Basically, all foundations are subdivided into shallow and deep ones in respect of the depth of their placement into the ground (Das, 2009, p. 1). Although...

What is Beauty: Discussion

Is there a clear definition of beauty? Are there standards that define the limits of beauty? Are there entities that can be taken to be universal beauties? These are among the questions to be asked when trying to elucidate what beauty is. Trying to answer these questions will always give...

Sustainable Architecture: Benefits and Drawbacks

Abstract Research studies show that when using green architecture, the ecosystem flourishes by providing clean water, air, a healthy living environment, better living standards and the adversarial effects of environmental pollutants that result from the use of traditional building technologies are reduced. Green architecture is achieved by use of recyclable...

Ergonomics Design Criteria of The Lotus Temple

Human factors or ergonomics play a vital role in building designs and are delineated according to accessibility, function, and aesthetics. Integrating human factors into an architectural design aims to increase the quality of life by improving the structure’s safety, comfort, and performance. The Lotus Temple, located in New Delhi, India,...

Bauhaus and Modernism as Art and Design Movements

Bauhaus was a school of art in Germany that was started in 1919 by architect Walter Gropius to address some of the challenges being faced in design. During this time, traditional building techniques relying heavily on materials such as wood, stone, and bricks were being by novel construction approaches using...

“Objects of Desire” by Adrian Forty

Adrian Forty in his literary work “Objects of Desire” analyses the design of consumer products since the beginning of the industrial revolution for over 200 years and how these products have taken into account various design and architectural components. In his analysis, he is able to uncover three design paradigms...

Paris as the Fashion Centre

Introduction The city of Paris was constructed as a centre for fashion. According to Hopkins (2012), some of the best fashions that are in use in the modern society are believed to have originated from Paris, France. For a long time, the global society viewed this city as the epitome...

Sustainable Homes: The Key Features

Introduction Human activity is accompanied by the emission of Carbon dioxide and an increase in the greenhouse effect, which worsens the situation with global warming. It ruins the balance of natural resources and threatens people and the environment. Sustainable homes are one of the possible solutions that can help solve...

How Technology Has Changed the Home Improvement Industry

Modern technologies change the world, influencing and improving the life of each human: one of such vectors of improvement are home building and maintenance. It is an important area, as homes are crucial for people’s lives, and making them more durable, clean, safe, and warm increases the life quality drastically....

Comparing the Pyramid of Menkaure and Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut

The Pyramid of Menkaure and the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut are two significant buildings from ancient Egyptian heritage. The Pyramid of Menkaure is located on the Giza Plateau and was built during the Old Kingdom period around 2500 BC. Ordered by the Egyptian pharaoh Menkaure, the pyramid was assumed to...

Building an Airport Project

Airport Design process The first process to avoid any hiccups in the project would be to set down the design phase of the airport, its building facilities, its runway or runways, and the taxiway. Careful planning in the design phase must be in line with a modernized airport structure to...

Britam Tower – the Skyscraper Center in Nairobi, Kenya

Introduction Architects and engineers across the globe strive to deliver projects that are sustainable, cheaper, and capable of meeting the demands of the clients. The professionals involved throughout the process should make timely decisions, engage all key partners, and use locally available materials. Every finished building or infrastructure offer powerful...

Marie Antoinette’s Influence on Fashion

Introduction When discussing fashion, the name, Marie Antoinette is mentioned frequently. The contribution of this former France queen is so significant to fashion that some fashions are associated with her. There are clothes that are named after Antoinette and that draw memories of her influence not only to fashion and...

Beauty Virtues of Mosques

Introduction “Architecture is the imaginative blend of art and science in the design of environments for people.” (An Introduction to Architecture). The area of architecture has brought about tremendous betterment due to the unity of sculpture and skills. An architect has to be keen on accomplishing the maximum beauty and...

“La Sagrada Familia” by Antonio Gaudi: Philosophy of Art

Introduction The world of art has attracted many philosophers and theorists’ opinions on the subject of their attractiveness to our cognition. In this 21st century that is marked by technological advancement, art theories and philosophies continue to judge artifacts. So when efforts are made to evaluate a piece of art,...

Personnel Requirements in Facilities Design

In the modern world, human needs and demands determine the creation of new objects. Facilities design as a type of activity is used in all areas of life, such as construction, business, manufacture of clothing, and others. To create useful and high-quality products in enterprises, a large number of specialists...

Louvre and Abu Dhabi Museums’ Design Innovation

Introduction By design and structure, most museums are architecturally fascinating. For instance, the world-famous art museums, such as the Louvre and the Guggenheim are also architecturally important in Abu Dhabi. These structures were designed and intended for design lovers. There are marginally odd museums globally, however, that may not have...

The Impact of Fashion Marketing on Middle Eastern Culture

Abstract This essay covers the fashion industry in the Middle East. The influence of Western culture, social media and liberal ethical constructs on the fashion and culture of modern Saudi Arabia is explained. Strategies for finding a compromise with a strong Islamic culture are described, as well as recent attempts...

Sustainable Mobility Focus on Cycling

Abstract Sustainable mobility is an important focus for many cities around the world as they look to reduce congestion and pollution. One area that is often overlooked in sustainable mobility planning is cycling. Cycling is a sustainable, low-cost form of transportation that has many benefits for both individuals and society...

T-Shirt Design and Customization

Creating something with your own hands is a unique experience connecting the imagination and reality. Hand-painted clothes are an excellent way to make things stylish and distinctive. Each painting is unique, representing the style and character of the creator. In the modern fashion world, the mass market produces stuff in...

The Great Pyramid of Giza: Cultural Artifact

Culture is one of the means that shape peoples’ outlook. Many places in the world are defined intricately by cultural habits that make them stand out to everyone. An excellent example of such essential cultural artifacts is the Great Pyramid at Giza. The pyramid is the greatest, oldest, and most...

Craft: Definition and the Most Important Manual Crafts

Introduction A craft is an occupation that requires specific skills based on an individual’s creativity and interest. The word crafts depict the group of creative activities within the domain of ornamental arts, which are expressed by their link to useful or handy items such as statues in the vessel custom...

Land Use, Zoning and Planning

Introduction Land is one of the vital natural resources on earth. It forms the basis on which all other human activities are done. Human beings use land for various activities including farming, establishment of buildings and infrastructure. Therefore, land is a necessity if any other activity needs to be done...

Architecture and Spatial Relations in the Zulu Culture

Space plays quite an important role in architecture, contributing to the expression of not only form but also function. Through the prism of architecture, the notion of space is perceived as a combination of exterior and interior elements.1 When arranged in a particular way, the identified components of the spatial...

Form vs Function in Architecture

Introduction Architectural techniques are the forms and nature of the planning of objects, and the types of space planning solutions, executed by the architect and perceived by the viewer. Architecture is based on a symbolic understanding of space, which means that it refers to the symbolic sense of the structure,...

Computer Technologies in Fashion Industry

Introduction Fashion is an expression in appearance that is popularly done at a specific period with a specific context. Fashion is about clothing, makeup, structure, and hairstyle as well as body proportion. Fashion is a distinctive expression, which is supported by traditions and is recognized and supported as an industry....

Colosseum: Creation, Purpose, and Historical Significance

Introduction The Colosseum is one of the most recognizable architectural miracles in the world. It is located in the center of Rome, Italy, and represents the largest ancient amphitheater that survived. The site for its building was carefully chosen in a low valley between the Caelian, Esquiline, and Palatine Hills...

Clothing Styles and Developments in Clothing Creation

Industrialization was a watershed moment in the garment business since it enabled the manufacturing of handmade apparel as well as the fabrication of varied designs from various textiles. Furthermore, a shift in the renaissance, both in culture and art, marked the beginning of the production of various clothing patterns (Vehmas...

Beethoven Concert Hall Design in Bonn

The project design aimed at Beethoven concert hall building was connected with the decision to create one of the world best music building with perfect acoustical and architectural elements. Beethoven concert hall in Bonn is considered to be of top class in accordance with experts’ evaluation of the project. Special...

Fashion Sustainability for High-End and Low-Cost Brands

Introduction In recent years, the concept of sustainability became highly essential in the sphere of manufacturing all over the world. In particular, fashion companies demonstrate a growing interest in their products’ environmentally and ethically appropriate manufacturing, distribution, and consumption. However, according to many consumers, the option of sustainability in the...

Mesopotamian and Greek Architecture Design

Introduction The features of the ancient Mesopotamian and Greek architectures are a unique topic for discussion. These civilizations used different methods of building construction and various materials. The purposes of buildings were also distinctive, although the religious background was one of the fundamental ones. The analysis of the two types...

Islamic Art: The Dome of the Rock

Introduction The Dome of the Rock is a key landmark that also serves as an Islamic shrine. This landmark is located in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount, an ancient platform often referred as “The Noble Sanctuary” by Muslims. This landmark that took 3 years to complete (from 1688 to 1691)...

John Galliano, a Fashion Designer

Introduction Fashion design is the practical art concerned with clothing and daily life accessories created in the cultural and societal influences of a certain period. This art is presumed to have a built in likeliness of one or two seasons according to various cultures. Fashion designs are created by fashion...

The 1920s Fashion: Historical Overview

Introduction Fashion has long been accepted as either a form of expression or establishment of social status. People wear clothes in order to belong to a class as it was earlier indicated that those who are moneyed have the means to pay for stylists or designers for newer looks. This...

Anti-Fashion as Trends of the 1970s

Vintage Fashion Fashion can be regarded as a set of trends that come and go, make comebacks and vanish. The changeable nature of fashion is closely related to an ever-changing society (Milford-Cottam 2018). Fashion can be a reflection of ideas, concepts, and trends that emerge in human society in general...

How the Internet Transformed Design Fashion

Digital sketches help add changes to the existing work without starting drawing from the beginning. By using the Internet, people can shop online and avoid overcrowded shopping malls. It saves time, and people do not get tired while looking for a specific product. The Internet use allows people who love...

Water Management in Sustainable Engineering

Introduction At present, sustainability has become one of the central objectives of national development, and many organizations adjust their operational processes according to sustainability goals. The research transparently reflects the negative impact of manufacturing on global ecology and reveals the necessity of innovative and green approaches to business (Penn &...

Architect Le Corbusier and His “Ville Radieuse”

Representing the modern architecture movement as its pioneer, Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, also known under his alias, Le Corbusier, created the buildings that incorporated not only functionality but also a unique and inimitable style, therefore, shaping people’s perceptions of expressivity in architecture. Although his “Radiant City” project represented an original and interesting...

Le Corbusier and Luis Barragan: Colours’ Choices

Thesis The peculiar feature of many of Le Corbusier’s works is an unusual choice of colors: he explains such attention to colors as the last attempt to correct all those errors and shortages of proportions, which could spoil the work, to underline the uniqueness of the buildings, and to accentuate...

Design and Aesthetics of Architectural Styles

Introduction Architecture is more of a civic art than a fine art. An architect derives fame and pleasure from the satisfaction of people who appreciate architecture as a fine art. More importantly, the recognition of architecture as a civic art bestows respect and admiration to the profession while binding together...

Ancient Architectures Comparison: Similarities and Differences in the Architecture of Different Cultures and Epochs

Architecture represents the core values of the national culture and historical period. By comparing particular examples of Aegean, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Byzantine architecture, this paper will explore the similarities and differences which can be found in works of architecture of different cultures and epochs. By comparing the Lion...

Wikipedia Website’s Structure and Features

Abstract Wikipedia is currently the largest collaborative source of knowledge about different things and subjects. This paper provides a brief review of Wikipedia’s structure and purpose, its overall “look and feels”, its target audience, and the most useful technical and information features. The value and implications of Wikipedia for information...

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in History and Art

Historical influences and inspirations of the grand mosque The mosque is named after Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the first president of the United Arab Emirates. Born in 1918, Sheikh Zayed was the Emir of Abu Dhabi and is known for his contributions towards the social and economic development...

The Influence of Euphoria on Fashion

Euphoria, starring Zendaya, Hunter Schafer, Sydney Sweeney, Alexa Demie, and others as teenage teens juggling love, family, addictions, and personalities, has released the second season. The show’s costumes present a mix of older items with nostalgic undertones and more modern outfits, such as skinny jeans and knitted blouses with quilling...

Sustainability in Fashion Overview

The modern fashion industry has faced a tremendous shift in rethinking its manufacturing and reducing the mass-produced garments to fight the environmental impact of the current fashion business. I have many favorite clothing items in my wardrobe; however, I do my best to eliminate the number of clothes and shopping,...

Facades of Buildings During the Mamluk Period

Introduction ‘Mamluk’ is an Arabic word for slave and refers to soldiers who were captured from non Muslim origins, converted to Islam, and trained to fight for their captors. Mongol or Turkic is believed to be the Mamluk sultan’s foundation. While there, they acted as guards on behalf of Ayyubid...

Pangaia: An Eco-Friendly Fashion Brand

Pangaea is an ethical fashion brand that employs the latest advancement in the textile industry to diminish the adverse impact on the environment. Given that fashion is one of the most polluting industries globally, the trend for more sustainable apparel production has spread considerably, and brands like Pangaia emerged (Woodside...

Spatial and Revelatory Functions of the Guggenheim Museum

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City is uncharacteristic for the architectural landscape of the 5th Avenue, to say the least. Surrounded by strictly organized box-like buildings, the fluid form of the museum contrasts with them sharply. Its horizontal levels are not simply superimposed upon each...

Art and Design: Graphic Design

Graphic design is an artistic field which, in most cases, involves a designer and a client coming to a mutual agreement over some form of work. This work is usually completed with procedures from programmers, sign makers and printers who are geared toward conveying a given message to the specified...

Jane Jacobs: Her Contribution to the Development of Planning

Jane Jacobs is a renowned American born Canadian writer whose contribution in urban planning cannot be ignored by any stakeholder of urban related studies. Her approach to urban planning was in sharp contrast with most urban planners, a fact that made her be on a coalition path with most of...

Art Deco in the History of Interior Design

Academic Classical Revival also includes great variety of Late Abstract Classical substyles, whose distinctions are so fine as to warrant collective consideration under the generic title “Art Deco.” They include Art Deco proper, which stylized classical forms into straight lines, zigzags, and vertical accents; Moderne, which emphasized round shapes and...

Design of Workplace Suitable for the Disabled

Introduction In the recent past, a new generation of the workplace has emerged, with new social consequences. In this era of e-commerce, organizations have to re-examine and re-organize what design the office or workplace should take. For example, if the handling of information is carried out more appropriately with a...

The Analysis of Procurement Methods

The research, which has been carried out, is aimed at analyzing procurement methods and their use. In particular, it is of the crucial importance to identify the major criteria for creating the customers profile and organizing delivery. We should also pay extra attention to the choice of particular technique, and...

Interaction Design and User Experience

Introduction Interaction design can be defined as the discipline that is concerned with identifying systems’ behaviour and products with which the user can freely interact. Interaction design is a unique field that aims to establish better systems that trigger from targeted users. This can be achieved through either creating more...

Socio-Cultural Aspects of Chinese Architecture

Introduction The importance of ancient architecture cannot be neglected or misunderstood because it tells a lot about people, their history, and the choices made and approved during the centuries. China is the nation with a long 4,000-year-old documented history with a number of ancient architectural activities (Fu, 2014). During these...

Modernism in Architecture: Mies van der Rohe

Abstract There can be no possible doubt that the era of modernism has played an incredibly important role in the development of the further Postmodernist tendencies and was a completely new stage and a unique experience in the world history. The importance of the Modernism as an epoch was huge,...

Crown Casino Melbourne Interior Design Analysis

Introduction According to the phenomenology theory ideas and recommendations, design is one of the most essential and significant components of any building, room, and space. This part, as a rule, has its original idea, essence, and specific meaning that an author of creation wants to convey (Lemes de Oliveira, 2022,...

Living Tebogo: Home for Handicapped Children

Creating living spaces in places that are characterized by rather specific conditions is a complex task that requires a well-thought out approach. The town of Johannesburg in South Africa is a prime example of such specialized areas – there is, for example, an issue of weather conditions and temperature of...

Cross-Body Men’s Bag: Trend Analysis

Introduction The market is a volatile environment characterized by the emergence, fast evolution and disappearance of various trends affecting the work of various companies. The increased demand for specific products is explained by their ability to satisfy specific groups of clients and fill their needs for a particular product. The...

Qanat Quartier: Architecture, Infrastructure, and Environment

Quality of Architecture and Infrastructure Overall, Qanat Quartier has a large number of positive aspects, connected with eco- and pedestrian friendliness and colorful architectural designs, although some negative aspects still can be noted. First of all, it is important to mark that mentioned quarter was designed using the city of...

Hagia Sophia: History, Significance, Style

Religion plays a critical role in people’s lives and can serve as the source of inspiration to create unique masterpieces. Numerous statues, paintings, and buildings emerged due to different religions and people’s attempts to create notable and visible signs of their faith. Thus, Christianity is one of the most popular...

Design and Modern Technologies

Abstract This paper explores the different ways through which computers are applicable in the technology age that we are living in today. It brings out the importance of computers in art and its application in the modern world. The relevance of this paper is to show the reader that without...

The Education of the Architect

An architect is a very important member of any society. However, becoming a fully-fledged architect is not an easy process for it requires meticulous work, both theoretical and practical, and a natural ability to translate imagination into sketches and diagrams. However, an orderly and beautifully built environment cannot be realized...

GPS Surveying and Laser Total Station Surveying Within Construction

Surveying refers to a kind of technology employing instruments to accurately determine the terrestrial or three dimensional space position relationships between points on land and express shapes, areas and other aspects by figures or drawings (Bell, 1991). Surveying dates back to the ancient times (Keay, p. 182, 2000), and were...

Dubai Spatial Planning. Population and Urban Growth

Introduction Spatial planning of Dubai involves the public sector function that influences the distribution of activities in the city. The town’s concept consists of creating a more rational organization of the urban center to ensure effective land use and the linkage between them. Spatial planning is essential for Dubai as...

Sports City Zones Development for Urban Tourism

The study conducted by Smith (2010) assessed the new development of coding urban centers as sports’ destinations. It related the economic benefits arising from the activities of tourists to these regions. The researcher aimed to assess the prevailing indication and plan for regional cities of sports. He compared the existing...

Graphic Design of the 1950’s

The 50’s – the time of bloom The 50s was the period of bloom, the period of modernization and development of the everyday techniques. The 50s was the time of material well-being for many Americans, that meant people had more money to spend. The end of World War II brought...

The Unique Fashion Style: Changing Standards and Ideals

Sell Each woman tries to find her unique style in the world of fashion. Still, having completed a difficult journey in order to find the exclusive style, many women choose to follow well-known standards and images, such as ‘Femme Fatale’, ‘Ingenue’, ‘Siren’, or ‘Girl Next Door’. Moreover, they see such...

Ionic Order Column From the Temple of Artemis

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (n.d.) presents multiple examples of the architecture of Ancient Greece, including the marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis. The column is a representative of the Ionic order, which was developed by Ancient Greece and is still employed in modern architecture. As a...

Semiotics Theory and Signs in Designs

Introduction Semiotic is a theory that explains the application and results of signs and symbols in both artificial and natural language structures1. It tries to explain the origin of meaning rather than what the word or phrase means. The theory of semiotics assumes that the thing human beings suppose to...

The PayPal Website’s Compliance With Standards

Introduction Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is becoming increasingly important in today’s world as more and more people of different ages, backgrounds, and experiences use applications in their daily lives. This is especially true for mobile payment services, for which a direct correlation between high-quality HCI and trust levels has been proven...

Graphic Design Used for Advertising Purposes

Abstract Graphic design is one of the fast-evolving spheres focused on creating visual content for various purposes. In the modern business world, it can be viewed as a potent tool to interact with the audience and convey specific messages. The given paper is devoted to analyzing how graphic design is...

Use of Modern Construction Materials

In building, concrete is an architectural material composed of a strong, noncorrosive particle material called aggregates, typically sand and pebbles bound together with water and cement. Concrete is used in the erection of modest skyscrapers and mansions to generate the framework, from the underpinnings to the panels and structural components....

Creativity, Design, and Innovations

Creativity, design, and innovation are closely related to each other, despite the plurality of their definitions and differences in the constituent components. Human creativity is now valued above others since most of the analytical and monotonous work is automated. However, creativity requires some training to know all the rules of...

Construction and Operation of the London Eye

Summary The chosen case study for the current assignment is the construction of the London Eye – one of Europe’s most prominent sightseeing attractions. Nevertheless, the construction of the Millennium Wheel was significantly complicated by unexpected external factors, and the opening date was slightly postponed. The commotion occurred due to...

Sustainable Architecture Design: Strategies, Techniques, and Buildings

Sustainability refers to the ability to inflict little damage to the environment. Sustainability in architecture implies the use of design strategies that decrease negative consequences for the environment (“Sustainable” par. 4). Architects use safe materials and water management systems during construction. Spending on sustainable design can benefit air and soil...

Architectural Design in UK Hotel Industry

The UK’s Design Council mission is to motivate and facilitate the best use of design to make the UK a more competitive, creative and sustainable nation. It aspires to build the nation’s capacity to innovate and bring world class brands, products and services by supporting the use of design in...

Sound and Space in Urban Settings

Project Description While Crossing a London Square, there are a number of views that you can experience. A London square-park has been chosen in order to experiment the experience of vision while you are passing through it.The square which has been chosen is surrounded by a number of features. These...

A Gift for Antoni Gaudi Analysis

Introduction Antoni Gaudi was a genius architect whose name became one of the biggest trademarks for Barcelona and Spain in general. Despite his rather complicated childhood, Gaudi represented the change that Barcelona needed to stand out finally among other European gems. Gaudi’s attitude became the main reason why he was...

Rem Koolhaas and Junk Space

The term junk-space is increasingly being used in the modern architectural world especially after Rem Koolhaas won the Pritkter prize. What is junk space and what is its implication in the modern architecture? The term Junk space refers to the residue materials that human beings leave on the earth. According...

Why Do We Need Brands?

Each brand has specific attributes, functional or emotional associations assigned to it by customers. Brand identity is a kind of long-term promise to consumers. Out of two similar products on a shelf, a person is more likely to choose the one that is well-known and correctly positioned (Hameide, 2011). It...

The New RIBA “Charted Practice” Scheme

RIBA is an organization that strictly controls the quality of the service of architecture bodies in the UK. Membership in RIBA guarantees the trust and respect of customers. Apart from this the Royal organization provides a wide technical support of its members. Thus, participation in the “Chartered Practice” scheme looks...

Bleacher Report and ESPN: Comparing and Contrasting

Introduction Websites tend to implement different types of graphic styles based on their functionality and purpose. Proper design catches the viewer’s eye, puts emphasis on the most vital parts, as well as makes searching and reading information simple, fast, and comfortable. However, there are numerous mistakes that website creators make...

Green Architecture: Principles, Advantages and Stages

Introduction The work of factories, the process of building, and any human activity in general lead to severe damages caused to the functioning of the planet Earth. Climate change, air and ground pollution can change the lives of future generations. Green architecture is a developing trend that can bring a...

The Analysis of an Iconic Givenchy the Little Black Dress and Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Introduction Audrey Hepburn tops the list of the most famous style icons of all time. Revering as one of the most beautiful and fashionable women, Audrey is widely acknowledged for her chic simplicity and elegance. Featuring in several prominent movies, one of the memorable roles Audrey played is in “Breakfast...

The Practice of Church Building

From its inception, a critical component of Christianity has been the congregation of people to worship together. The practice of worshipping together as a crowd has been a guiding principle for Christians, from the time of Jesus to date. Originally, Christians used to gather in synagogues or in other people’s...

Harry Seidler and His Works

For several decades the name of Harry Seidler (1923-2006) stands to denote “progressive” architecture in Australia. The name was the first Australian name known to the world-wide architectural community. Other architects of great distinction have joined him, but the work and reputation of this Australian architect is really unfading, they...

Supply Chain as a Crucial Component of Sustainability in the Fashion Industry

Introduction The fashion industry has always been one of the most influential drivers of society. For many decades, designers of apparel dictated the rules, and millions of people all over the world obeyed them. However, with the recent emergence of the movement towards sustainable development, the roles have switched. Nowadays,...

Soil Mechanics in Construction Engineering

Introduction Soil mechanics is a relatively new discipline in civil engineering, which entails the study of the engineering properties of soil relative to the design of various engineering structures that are constructed in or from the earth. Here, civil engineering structures include embankments, earth retaining walls, sub-surface water repositories, dams,...

Evolution of Healthcare Facility Design in 1960-1980

1960 The development of medicine in 1960 required a more rigid division of hospital buildings and complexes by specialization. Complexes began to be designed and built everywhere as a series of free-standing medical buildings and auxiliary structures located isolated from each other among the greenery. The organizational and planning structure...

John Kennedy Library and Museum

Introduction The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum is a presidential library and museum located on Harbor Point in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The library houses materials related to the life and Presidency of John F. Kennedy, while the museum displays artifacts and exhibits related to Kennedy’s life and legacy (Tsao 204)....

Sustainable Solutions for the Bank of America Tower

Introduction The Bank of America tower, also called One Bryant Park, is one of the most efficient and ecological buildings designed by architects Cook and Frank. This magnificent building was opened in 2009 and is one of the buildings that have embraced the green economy movement. The building cost about...

Beauty, Skincare, and Cosmetics Challenges

This study will be based on an analysis of four indicators, including place, promotion, product, and price. The first among my competitor brands is Queen Tarzi from the Netherlands. The fundamental difference of this company is that this cosmetics company creates completely vegan products. Given people’s desire for an ethical...

House Museums Piligrimadge

A house museum is a historic place that used to be a dwelling but was transformed into a museum. The desire to visit a house museum can be explained by a person’s admiration of a historical figure that used to live there or the era that is reflected in the...

The History of Egyptian Architecture

Introduction The history of architecture has evolved in many diverse settings and civilizations throughout the centuries. Architectural history is a worldwide history reverting to ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greek cultures, and more. According to Mahdi, “the spread of western architectural styles has become imperative for us to search for the identity...

The de Stijl Movement: Rethinking Space

The de Stijl movement is a new idea of organizing space, born in the war-isolated Holland. The style was a way of breaking out of the standard framework of art and moving toward neoplasticism (Frampton, 1980). The artist Theo van Doesburg can be called the founder of the movement. However,...

Workbench: The Process of Building

Workbenches are very useful and often essential items in any workshop. These working surfaces range from simple table-like ones to sophisticated and complex design workbenches with multiple drawers and utilization opportunities. Nonetheless, despite the variety of workbenches available, one might benefit from a simple, cost-effective, easy-to-build workbench that would help...

Green Building and Design Promotion

Natural capitalism is a global economy concept that emphasizes human dependence on natural resources and ecosystems provided by nature. In the context of ordinary capitalism, these values are usually not taken into account. However, man’s dependence on nature and the continuing struggle of humanity with the natural order of things...

Planning a Kitchen: Remodeling Project

When planning to start a project it is very important to understand the order of the things you want to do. Choosing the color, the material, the texture, the make, the design, the quality must be orderly. It is not wise to buy beautiful rims and then shop for a...

Roman Architecture: Civic Architecture and Arch Invention

How the invention of the arch contributed to Roman dominance in the region The invention of the round arch contributed to Roman dominance in the region due to this structure’s suitability to the task of building premises for significant numbers of people. In the vault construction, it allowed enclosing large...

The Graduate House of the University of Toronto: Innovation or Provocation

Introduction The Graduate House of the University of Toronto is one of the architectural projects that provokes multiple discussions and separates the public opinion by its design. Though many architectural critics do not advocate the idea of this building (Rochon, 2000), there are architects who support the innovation and fresh...

Architectural Style: Lubar School of Business

Introduction The architectural style of every building is unique, though projects can have similarities in comparison with architectural styles of previous eras. It is necessary to mention that some particular elements may be characteristic for buildings of the same period or similar purpose. For example, churches of the same historical...

Sydney Opera House in the Geographical Context

Australia is known for its unusual nature and wildlife, yet one of its most recognizable cultural symbols is the Sydney Opera House. The structure was opened in 1973 and serves as one of the main tourist destinations attracting millions of visitors each year (The Sydney Opera House, 2019). It is...

The CN Tower Is the World Cultural Heritage Site

Introduction Among the world’s architectural structures, Toronto’s CN Tower occupies a significant place as one of the unique objects with a distinctive form. Its role, both in the culture of Canada and globally, is explained by an extraordinary approach to construction and a non-standard design. The CN Tower is the...

Architectural Styles of the 19th Century

During the 19th century, a number of different architectural styles were developed in response to the widely changing times. The Industrial Age was in full swing, with a tremendous focus on the wonders of the machine and the new materials that were being mass produced in the nation’s factories. As...

Energy Consumption in Architecture and Environmental Design

Energy consumption can be seen as one of the problems related to architecture and environmental design. In that regard, a confirmation of the aforementioned statement can be seen in that “about 50% of all energy consumption in Europe and 60% in the US is building related” (Holm, 2006, p. 247)....

Interior Design and Respective Skills

Scholars have not agreed with the definition of such a term of interior design because this field of human activities comprises several elements like art, engineering, psychology, ecology, etc (Gibbs, 2005). Thus, many students, who have chosen this profession, are occasionally unaware of those difficulties that they will have to...

The Relocation of Three-Bedroom Apartment Into a Modern Style

The main scope of this project is to relocate a three-bedroom apartment into a modern style. The present arrangement of this apartment is not excellent and there is very little space. There should be more space after the new arrangement of furniture. Also, interior designing should be done with the...

Project for the Construction of a New Cottage Town

Introduction The project is devoted to the building of the new cottage town in the country and is aimed at the satisfaction of citizens’ needs and providing them with a new wonderful way of life. The proposal purpose of the project is to highlight the main aspects of it and...

Nine West Company Strategy Overview

Introduction Nine West is a designer, developer, and marketer of fashionable women’s footwear. Nine West is involved in wholesale and retail operations. A U.S. women’s shoe market represents a separate market segment in apparel industry (Nine West Group, Inc 2007). As a retailer, Nine West relies on innovations and fashion...