The Causes and Effects of Obesity

Introduction Today, obesity is one of the most common diseases in many countries. Obesity is not so dangerous but leads to several complications and causes many life-threatening diseases. Currently, many ways to treat and prevent obesity often do not require medication intervention but only a human lifestyle change. Nevertheless, more...

Nursing as a Science and an Art

Everyone knows that nursing is a science. But according to Florence Nightingale, the definition of nursing profession is an art. This essay is about nursing as an art and science. Introduction A significant debate in the theoretical frameworks of nursing is whether the discipline is considered an art or a...

You Are What You Eat: Essay Example

You Are What You Eat Essay Introduction A person living a modern life should learn to eat healthy since whatever a person eats will determine their health condition in the long run. Eating healthy would lead to being in good condition, but eating junk food would lead to complications to...

Comparison of Traditional and Modern Medicine

The history of modern medicine development includes many different stages, including traditional medicine. Traditional medicine primarily focuses on using herbs and plants to improve the population’s health status and solve minor health issues. Nowadays, traditional medicine is commonly acknowledged as outdated, as modern medicine with more sophisticated intervention methods has...

Life After COVID-19

COVID-19 is significantly impacting the lives of all people on the globe. Strict quarantine measures changed the attitude towards such simple things as walking in the park, talking to strangers, working, and studying in a team. What is more, people started to value the work of medics as keen as...

Healthy Eating Habits

Introduction Proper nutrition and physical activity are important aspects of healthy livings as their contribution to reducing the rates of chronic diseases is a well-established fact. On the other hand, unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical exercise lead to diseases such as diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart diseases, and osteoporosis,...

Free Healthcare: Advantages and Disadvantages

Nowadays, the healthcare system is one of the most successful business areas. Ideally, the country’s government should be responsible for providing citizens with equal healthcare opportunities. However, the public healthcare level is much lower than in private clinics, where people pay vast amounts of money to get professional treatment. Addressing...

How to Manage Stress as a Student: Essay Example

How to Manage Stress as a Student: Essay Abstract Stress is a part of every life on earth, and everyone has their own strategies for managing it. Stress and anxiety among students, especially teenagers, are widespread. Most of the time, this stress is negative, and they are unable to deal...

The Critical Appraisal of the Article

Introduction Critical appraisal is an important factor to determine the relevance, validity, and transparency of the research. This paper presents the critical appraisal of the article ‘Light drinking in pregnancy, a risk for behavioral problems and cognitive deficits at 3 years of age’ with special focus on the relevance of...

Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment

Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment Functional Health Pattern Assessment (FHP) Toddler Erickson’s Developmental Stage: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt – Will (Di Leo, 2014). Preschool-Aged Erickson’s Developmental Stage: Initiative versus Guilt – Purpose (Di Leo, 2014). School-Aged Erickson’s Developmental Stage: Industry versus Inferiority – Competence (Di Leo, 2014). The pattern...

Advanced Nursing Practice vs. Advanced Practice Nursing

Introduction Nursing education has progressed through significant evolution from the time the training of nurses began. This was necessitated by the urge to assume the responsibility of primary care providers for young children. Historically, nursing programs were not undertaken in learning institutions, such as colleges, as compared to the current...

Recreational Therapy: The Freestyle Arm Stroke

Aquatic therapy is one branch of recreational therapy where individuals are engaged in activities in a swimming pool. I am interested in this area of recreational therapy because I enjoy active sports, and I think that aquatic therapy, in particular, can be very helpful for many patients. One of the...

The Negative Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example

Negative Effects of Fast Food: Essay Introduction Consumption of fast food is believed to have negative impact on physical and psychological health. Fast food is rich in glycemic load and energy densities. When consumed in excessive portions it contributes to the escalation of obesity, digestive problems, and depression. Obesity and...

Loss of Vision: Nursing Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Loss of vision is associated with a number of adverse psychological effects. When identified, these effects can be addressed by nursing interventions. The following paper presents two nursing care plans based on nursing diagnoses related to vision loss. First Nursing Diagnosis The first nursing diagnosis is powerlessness/hopelessness related to...

The Relationship Between the Environment and Humans

The relationship between the environment and humans is a symbiotic one – people impact their surroundings, and they influence people. It is not an exaggeration to say that environmental conditions affect human health every single day. However, it is humanity that is responsible for the deterioration of the environment and...

Global Health Issues: Essay Example

Global Health Essay: Introduction A study conducted to investigate global health’s plight reveals that it is at its utmost disaster. The study shows that the new skills brought about by science and medicine have failed to meet the global population’s needs. Although outstanding enhancements have been prepared in the health...

Benefits of Healthy Lifestyle

If you’re about to write a “benefits of a healthy lifestyle” essay, make sure to check out our sample below! Here, you’ll get some ideas for your “benefits of a healthy lifestyle” essay.  Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle: Essay Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as ‘A complete...

Effective Communication in Health Care

Introduction Effective communication between patients and care providers is a very important element of good medical practice. It does not only revolve around the patient and physician, but extends to other persons included in the health care system such patient families, consultants, referring physicians, the establishment providing the care, and...

Katharine Kolcaba’s Theory: Strengths and Limitations

Strengths One of the main strengths one can identify in Kolcaba’s theory is its logical presentation. The original 1994 article contained the major concepts outlined in a grid at the top of which were the forms of comfort sought by the clients (Kolcaba, 1994). Since its inception, therefore, the theory...

Virginia Henderson Nursing Need Theory

Introduction For advanced nursing care, nurses must be familiar with nursing theories, which were established to give direction for clinical practice. According to Gligor and Carmen (2020), recent advances in technology, abilities, expert knowledge, and patient needs and expectations have resulted in a changing health system. Growing lifespans and chronic...

Anne Boykin’s Theory of Nursing as Caring

Nursing theories guide nurses in their practice, research, and professional development. Anne Boykin, in collaboration with Savina O. Schoenhofer, introduced her theory of nursing as caring in the 1990s (Alligood, 2017). The theory has been widely utilized in diverse healthcare contexts since then. This paper includes a brief description of...

The Problem of Inadequate Nurse Staffing: PICOT Statement

The problem of inadequate nurse staffing affects nursing practice and health care agencies by impairing the care process. In units with low staffing levels, nurses often experience burnout and high workload, which can lead to medical errors, poor quality of care, and low patient satisfaction with services. As a result,...

Theories of Reflective Practice: Comparing and Contrast

Introduction The development of reflective practice emerged from the requirement of making experiences in clinical practice as means to learning and improving the clinical practice of the health care practice. The basis of reflective practice however does not lie in learning by mere doing things, but the emphasis is on...

For and Against Euthanasia: An Ethical Perspective

Euthanasia is a medical practice of ending the life of a suffering patient with the injection of barbiturate or paralytic. Assisted death is legal in the majority of the European Union countries, Colombia, and several American states. However, the countries where euthanasia is legal are in the minority. Indeed, this...

The Influence and Effects of Colour on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent childhood chronic condition with various implications on an individual’s behavior, impulsiveness, and self-control. Although ADHD is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder, it is not a disability as individuals can adopt unique management approaches to address the implications of condition and avoid...

Jean Watson’s Nursing Theory and Application Strategies

How does Jean Watson’s theory influence current practice? What is the importance of the theory of human caring in nursing? Find out the answers to these and other questions in our essay sample on the application of Jean Watson theory in nursing practice. Application of Jean Watson Theory in Nursing...

Hospital’s Organizational Structure and Departments

Explore hospital organization and function with our essay sample on administrative structure of a hospital. Here, you’ll find hospital hierarchy chart and the description of hospital organizational structure.  Introduction Hospitals provide very important services, and it should be done by the high-quality standards. However, each hospital is a complex entity,...

Relationship Between Concepts, Constructs, and Variables

Introduction When research is performed in any field, scientists must develop a conceptual framework for their studies to have a clear vision for themselves and articulate it to others. It is built prior to the experimental part to help researchers answer specific questions (“Conceptual framework vs. theoretical framework,” 2022). However,...

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory and Concepts

Theory Statement Orem model of nursing, also known as self-care deficit nursing theory (SCDNT), is a grand nursing theory, which was developed by Dorothea Orem between 1971 and 2001, and it emphasizes the role of self-care for patients after interacting with healthcare providers. Concepts The major concepts of SCDNT include...

Analysis of Health Promotion Theories

A model of health promotion is a framework that helps healthcare practitioners to explain, plan and evaluate health enhancing activities (Kozier, 2004). The main goal of health promotion models is to empower individuals and communities to have a better state of health and wellness mainly through prevention rather than cure...

Motivational Theories in Nursing

Introduction Motivation is a major component of every occupation. When it comes to nursing, motivation becomes crucial. Proper motivation results in more job satisfaction, which, in the case of nursing, determines better patient outcomes. Among the motivational theories that can be applied in nursing is Maslow’s Theory of Motivation, Herzberg’s...

Hamric Integrative Model: Purpose and Structure

Abstract Numerous conceptual frameworks offer guidelines for Advanced Practice Nursing (APN). The key tenets and theoretical expositions of the Hamric model have been discussed in the paper. An integrative framework for advanced practice nursing is a science and research-based model that provides a framework for competencies and roles of practicing...

Effects of Covid-19 on Nigeria

Currently, the whole world is in the midst of a global crisis, caused by the appearance of Coronavirus. The pandemic has affected every person, every family in its own way, forcing people to adapt and adopt new ways of living. Many people have suffered because of Covid-19 and some even...

Biomedical and Biopsychosocial Models of Health and Illness

Probably all people’s primary concern is health and disease; in other words, the state of body and mind. There is a significant number of causes and factors of illness. However, not all scientists and medics agree whether all of them may influence disease and change the body’s condition. There are...

Philosophy and Major Domains in Nursing

This paper focuses on the domains of nursing practice. Here, you’ll find definition of nursing, the major domains, and other useful information. Get some ideas for your paper on domains of nursing with our essay sample! Pursuing a nursing career is challenging and requires a profound understanding of the various...

Why I Want to Be a Dental Hygienist Essay

Among many other dental hygiene application essay examples, this one is a must-read. The following dental hygiene essay will give several arguments on why you might want to be a dental hygienist over anything else. The author will talk about their childhood and skills and say a few words about...

Sick Bay for Students as a Nurse-Managed Project

Description of the sickbay The sickbay will have a waiting lounge, pharmacy, consultation room, and an examination room (which will contain an examination table, thermometer, first aid kit, cotton swabs, and stethoscopes among other items necessary for examining patients). Each of these areas is critical because the students will need...

Application of Statistics in Healthcare

Introduction In healthcare, statistics have a critical application because they help healthcare professionals to make evidence-based decisions, improve care delivery, enhance patient outcomes, and advance hospitals’ quality. Oster and Enders (2018) recommend that healthcare providers have statistical competence to boost their capacity to consume research findings and translate them into...

The Importance of Good Health

Introduction Health refers to the well being of the body with regard to the physical, mental and social aspects; based on which an individual undergoes normal body metabolism. It should also be noted that health does not mean the absence of disorders or diseases within the body, but a situation...

Motivational Theories in Healthcare

What are the major motivation issues at play in the health care industry according to the major needs-based theories of motivation (Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, McClelland’s acquired needs and Deci & Ryan’s self-determination)? What motivation theory is more popular expectancy theory or Herzberg’s two-factor theory? Keep reading to find out!...

The ABCDE (Patient Assessment) Approach

The airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, and Exposure (ABCDE) approach is the most recognized used for patient assessment. According to Peate and Brent (2021), the approach allows physicians to visualize a patient’s clinical problem, determine which intervention is most appropriate for the patient, and begin to plan an intervention. According to...

Everything About Hospital: Hospital Departments and the Services They Provide

Introduction A hospital is defined as an institution that provides health care to the sick people by the use of specialized equipment and stay. However, in some instances, a hospital may provide temporary or long time residence for the patients depending on the needs of individual patients (Roderick, 35). For...

Fayol’s Theory in Hospital Organization

In the modern world, it is impossible to imagine public organizations without competent management. For this, management principles are applied as the most general and universally applicable rules prescribing how leadership should be exercised and the organizational structure in firms and institutions of any type, regardless of their purpose. These...

The Importance of Nursing Education

Introduction In the context of present-day developments, the demand for health care services of high quality is increasing. In this regard, the significance of nurses cannot be underestimated, as they spent the greatest amount of time delivering medical services to patients. In addition, there are considerable problems with the accessibility...

Mental Illness in Steve Lopez’s “The Soloist”

The plight of people suffering from mental illnesses often goes unnoticed, and a good number of them end up homeless or in correctional facilities across the country. One of the main symptoms of schizophrenia is the withdrawal from social relations (Izydorczyk et al. 26). The patients are terrified of their...

Technology in Nursing Practice

Introduction The patient care environment has changed significantly because of the introduction of technology in nursing practice. Many nurses are technology literate and use technology to provide quality patient care (Ball 42). Nurses have transformed from passive consumers to active consumers of technology in efforts to improve their practice while...

Critique of Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Abstract Florence Nightingale was a nurse whose work formed the foundation of the environmental theory. The concepts of the theory emanated from her work during the Crimean War. During the war, she discovered that soldiers were not dying from injuries but from other diseases like typhoid. Nightingale altered the environment...

Patient’s Past Medical History

Chief Complaints The patient in question is suffering from a rash that has spread all over her face and the bridge of her nose. The rash has caused lesions on her face that itches and aches. the reasons for the crash are not yet known since no prior diagnosis or...

Using Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle to Improve Nursing Communication in Challenging Situations

Introduction Reflective practice is one of the most critical components of communication assistance in nursing. Such practice can be performed within the framework of different models that help to reveal existing professional problems and experiences better. Workflows such as Gibbs, Johns, Kolb, or Borton’s models can significantly help in reflective...

The Patient Registration Process and Its Stages

Patient registration is an important part of healthcare services provision. Either short- both long-term appropriate patient care is impossible without this procedure. The purpose of patient registration is to collect basic information about the person and record the actions performed as part of the services provided. It includes both consultation...

The Documentary “The Social Dilemma”

The documentary The Social Dilemma presents social media as an undeniable force that continues to cause unprecedented damage to society. The developers and owners of such platforms exploit its unsuspecting users using data mining and surveillance technologies. The design of different social websites is capable of causing addiction and affecting...

The Importance of Health and Safety Training at the Workplace

The implementation of health and safety regulations is one of the inevitable measures that promote employee well-being. Many hazards are present in work environments, and the employer must protect employees against harm. The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a set of occupational safety standards that must...

Ida Jean Orlando Theory: Case Study Example

Ida Jean Orlando Theory: Essay Introduction Nursing theory development has a long history, including significant changes and improvements that occurred in the middle of the 20th century. The progress of the nursing profession is evident today and its success can be explained by a deep understanding of nursing theories and...

Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model

Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model: Introduction Karabudak, Tas, and Basbakkal (2013) argue that “the Transcultural Assessment Model of Giger and Davidzar is a powerful tool that can help health professionals assess the cultural values of patients about disease behaviors and their implications” (p. 343). The model was developed by...


Subjective Data Chief Complaint (CC) The patient expresses concerns about his right eye. He reports having an itching and burning sensation in his right eye. Moreover, he says that the eye produces more liquid than usual, and the patient often wakes up with a crusty eyelid. History of Present Illness...

The Role of Nurses in Environmental Health

Introduction The primary focus of environmental health is the relationships between humans and their surroundings. The understanding of the factors that relate to environmental health is an important field in health care delivery. According to the American Public Health Association (2017), knowledge about environmental health is used in improving the...

The Consequences of Drug Abuse

Introduction In some cases, the use of narcotic drugs has medical indications and takes place under the supervision of a doctor. Nevertheless, issues in which people use drugs illegally and become addicted are more common. Drug abuse has negative social, medical, and mental consequences for the individual. In this case,...

Importance of Therapeutic Communication in Nursing

Nursing professionals must always ensure that their clients always have access to elements that support their well-being. One of the main components of every patient’s experience in medical facilities is communication with the staff. Because nurses spend a substantial portion of their working hours interacting with clients, they have to...

Types of Health Information Management Systems

Health information management (HIM) systems are divided into three different types, which are as follows: Clinical systems. These systems are utilized for collecting, storing, changing, and allowing access to different kinds of clinical information necessary for the process of delivering quality healthcare. They tend to contain peer-reviewed knowledge, laboratory systems...

Nurse-to-Patient Ratios: A PICOT Statement

Nurse staffing ratios have become a crucial concern in recent years. Numerous institutions have reported the decrease in nursing professionals’ numbers, arguing that inadequate staffing significantly reduces the quality of care for the patients (Falk & Wallin, 2016). In addition, the nursing personnel often encounter the negative consequences of unsafe...

Qualitative Descriptive Research and Case Study Research: A Comparison

Applying qualitative research to the field of nursing allows shedding light on various issues such as the nature of specific phenomena, the perception of a problem by nurses and patients, and other concerns. Qualitative research encompasses a range of methods for the analysis of key variables, which define the focus...

Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory in Nursing

Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory: Introduction The contemporary society is focused on the cultivation of humanistic values, which also presupposes the gradual improvement of the state of the health of the nation. Due to this fact, nursing plays a critical role in the evolution of communities and the increase in...

Nursing Department’s Strengths and Threats

Brief Explanation of a Leadership Issue Arranging a proper level of unit collaboration Increasing overall job satisfaction of units Raising the morals of the nursing staff Building backgrounds for effective teamwork Creating a comfortable environment in a hospital Providing a stable operation of all units Note: For many people, job...

Unethical Business Research in Pharmaceutics: Pfizer

Ethical research practices bear exceptionally high significance in bioethics since the products developed within the pharmaceutical industry will define the efficacy of managing public health issues. Thus, ethical misconduct may become a matter of life and death in some cases. The case of Pfizer can be deemed as a stellar...

The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Achievement

Introduction Sleep is a basic necessity for every person because the entire organism receives the required rest while an individual is sleeping. However, not all people understand this fact, which results in the deprivation of sleep, and this issue is typical among adolescents. Objective and subjective reasons can result in...

Importance of Nurse Manager Role in Budgeting

Nurse Manager Role in Budgeting: Budget Planning Process Nurse managers set objectives and outline the budget (typically in association with the finance division) for their own duty center or nursing team. Next, when the budget has been established and efficiently restructured, it is given in to the management and, at...

Research-Based Practice: JHNEBP Model and Iowa Model

Introduction The process of integrating scientific evidence into nursing practice is critical for ensuring efficient performance. Thus, there is a wide scope of different models developed in order to assist nurses in implementing the relevant knowledge in their work. The paper at hand provides a brief overview of the two...

Why Is Public Health Important

Health promotion, disease prevention, and life extension are public health goals. Public health aims to maintain and promote people’s health in their communities and protect their environment’s health (American Public Health Association, 2020). A primary objective of public health is to promote healthy lifestyles, prevent disease and injuries, and detect,...

King’s Conceptual System Theory in Clinical Practice

Introduction Imogene M. King coined conceptual system theory to help nurses care for patients. The theory is known as the goal attainment theory and was introduced in 1968-1971 and then expanded since 1981, focusing on the nurse-patient relationship to obtain set health goals (Friend & Sieloff, 2014). The theory contains...

Should Vaccinations Be Required for Public School Students?

Vaccination of the population today remains the most acute and discussed problem in light of the events associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Large-scale immunization programs are one of the most successful public health interventions, especially in the United States, overall vaccination coverage is very high. Kindergarten students fulfill these requirements...

Medical Law, Ethics and Professional Practice

Introduction Medical law, ethics, and professional practice are essential in the field of health and medicine as it manages, legislates, and control ethical behaviors in professional medical practice. “Medical law, ethics, and professional practice also enable patients, their families, the society and the doctor to have proper regard to health...

Acutely Ill Patient: Care Management

Introduction People are often diagnosed with diverse illnesses, and some diseases can cause prompt changes in a person’s condition. Healthcare professionals face various challenges in terms of recognising and assisting acutely ill patients in a timely manner (Bliss and Aitken, 2018). Typically, deteriorating patients have modifications in their physiological parameters,...

Shortage and Its Impact on Nursing

Introduction There are many contemporary trends that impact nursing in a variety of ways: new kinds of therapy, education, ethical diversity, etc. Still, nursing turnover remains to be one of the most burning and influential concepts nowadays. Though the reasons and outcomes vary considerably from those that have been identified...

Nursing Reflection on Patient Education Using Gibbs’ Cycle

Description As a student midwife working with my mentor in a hospital during my clinical practice, I am responsible for providing information and advice to a woman with a high-risk pregnancy due to diabetes. In this situation, it is important to provide information to the woman about the potential risks...

Organizational Structures in the Clinical Environment

The effectiveness of corporate enterprises depends on numerous factors, and one of the most important of them is the organizational structure. Essentially, the way responsibilities are distributed among employees in the company directly affects its operations and internal processes. There are several organizational structures which are extensively utilized by enterprises...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Vaccination

Introduction Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of diseases that affect human beings. As such, researchers and medical experts have dedicated most of the available resources to ensure that both preventive and curative measures are put in place in a bid to avoid...

The Role of Professionalism in Nursing

Nurses are expected to perform as decisive and experienced professionals, who can effectively address emergent and critical situations in healthcare facilities. In this context, professionalism in nursing means being confident, punctual, patient-oriented, and having developed theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Punctuality can be discussed as being of great importance for...

Charles Manson’s Antisocial Personality Disorder

Introduction Charles Manson was born in 1934, Ohio as Charles Maddox. In early childhood, Charles Manson lived with an alcoholic mother. Charles Manson’s mother was not ready to provide quality care to her son, thereby leading to the development of a disadvantaged child (Sidner, 2015). As a single mother, Kathleen...

“Mental: A History of the Madhouse” Documentary

The documentary “Mental A History of the Madhouse” discloses the way the mental health system has been managed in the United Kingdom. The main issue that this documentary focuses on is that the mental health patients were kept in the asylums located in the old Victorian buildings. Moreover, some of...

Hospital Discharge Process Improvement Strategies

Introduction The hospital discharge process is a critical administrative task that requires critical reform. Hospitals are faced with various logistical challenges that occur due to an inefficient discharge mechanism. This results in an increased length of stay, scheduling issues, and high rates of readmission, which accrue costs and limit patient...

Four Basic Metaparadigm Concepts in Nursing

In the process of nursing development, four key metaparadigms were identified, which were formed historically and became the basis to which many specialists adhere. These notions include the concept of patient, nurse, health, and environment. Each of these metaparadigms has its distinctive features and is an essential component of nursing....

Resnick’s Self-Efficacy Theory in Gerontology

Abstract This paper targets the critical analysis of the self-efficacy theory elaborated by Barbara Resnick. Based on the theoretical underpinnings of Bandura’s self-efficacy and social cognitive theories, Resnick adopted them and transformed, focusing on gerontology patients’ needs. The theory involves four meta paradigms that determine its essence: a person, health,...

Strengths and Limitations of Research Designs

Abstract Quantitative research designs utilize standardized mathematical approaches to affirm or disprove theories or explanations. They are characterized by the collection and analysis of numerical data to draw conclusions on a phenomenon. The strengths and weaknesses of each design determine its suitability for a particular research. The correlational research design...

Preventive Health Care Issues

Introduction Preventive healthcare is a form of medication that aims to prevent diseases as opposed to curing them. Preventive healthcare does not primarily refer to medicine; it may refer to measures taken to prevent occurrences of given diseases (Nussbaum, 2006). Although unknown to many people, preventive healthcare is very important...

How Humans Breathe

Breathing is an essential process of a human’s existence: you will not survive for more than five minutes without getting some air into your body. The air is necessary for all systems to function, as it participates in blood and nutrition exchange, brain functioning, and the whole body’s development. It...

Nursing: Human Becoming Theory by Rosemarie Parse

Human Becoming Theory: Essay Introduction Rosemarie Rizzo Parse is the author of the theory of human becoming that aims to guide nurses and make them focus on patient living quality. Human experience is characterized by the presence of reverence and betrayal, awe and shame, respect and pride (Parse, 2016). The...

Heart Issues: Joseph Martinez’ Case

Joseph Martinez comes to the hospital complaining about his heart: it has been pounding for three weeks. Also, the patient has been feeling tired a lot before his visit and experiencing shortness of breath after doing exercises. Mr. Martinez is a 48-year-old male of 5 feet 9 inches and 165...

Social Factors and Trends in Professional Nursing

Nursing and healthcare are areas that must constantly change and evolve according to current social trends. This is because medical professionals are not guided only by up-to-date scientific findings but are highly dependent on people’s needs and demands. Modern nurses must recognize that health is influenced by many cultural and...

Importance of Using Nurse Burnout PICOT Question Frame

Introduction Most nurses face different levels of stress levels associated with the burnout they experience in the places of work. The primary cause of burnout in nurses that predisposes them to stress is workload (Gulavani & Shinde, 2014). Once nurses are faced with such stressful events, they react through the...

New Technologies in Nursing

Welcome to our Technology in Nursing essay sample! Here, you’ll learn the importance of technology in nursing and its impact on the healthcare. Get some ideas for your paper about technology and nursing! Technology in Nursing Essay Introduction The current nursing technologies have transformed how nurses conduct their duties. Evidently,...

Filipino Culture Values and Practices in Relation to Health Care

Introduction The contemporary nursing care practices are oriented primarily at the provision of patient-centered and holistic care that is based on cultural competence and inclusion. In this regard, each culture represents a complex set of concepts, ideas, identities, and beliefs that determine the patients’ attitudes to and perceptions of health...

Nurses’ Role in Preventing Patients’ Falls

Nurses play an essential role in the rehabilitation process, enhancing people’s quality of life and independence following an injury, sickness, or chronic illness. The practice of rehabilitative nursing incorporates certain distinctive aspects of the function of a nurse in the context of not just routine but also multidisciplinary and interdepartmental...

Bullying at School and Impact on Mental Health

Introduction Bullying hurts the academic performance of the victims since it limits their participation in the school environment. Harassment affects the emotional and social well-being of victimized children. Students who are bullied find it hard to concentrate in the classroom and portray a decreased interest in attending classes. As a...

ICARE Model and Nursing

Introduction The emergency room setting is notoriously a high-stress environment where interprofessional teams must collaborate to ensure quick and efficient delivery of care to patients, particularly those who are in crisis. The emergency room consists of various teams such as physicians, front-end nurses, advanced trainees, paramedics, and medical students that...

Teamwork and Collaboration in Nursing

Introduction In the healthcare setting collaboration and teamwork entails collective planning, decision-making, problem-solving, coordinating efforts, and establishing effective communication. The main goal of the collaboration is to enhance the holistic and safe delivery of care to patients. Studies in disciplines such as aviation and military have demonstrated that teamwork is...

Web of Causation Model

Introduction The main aim of epidemiology is to collect and use data that is necessary for preventing and controlling diseases through interventions. Epidemiology in community health and partnerships has been evolving over the years. In the past, epidemiology associated the causes of diseases to commitment of sins. However, major historical...

Nurse Practitioner Scientific Foundation Competencies

Introduction Nurse practitioner core competencies are imperative because they help prepare a nurse practitioner to be independent during the provision of care. The core competencies include scientific foundation, leadership, quality, practice inquiry, technology and information literacy, policy and health delivery system. The scientific foundation competency is one of the categories...

Case Management in Nursing: Benefits and Disadvantages

The responsibilities of medical workers are not limited only to providing the most effective and optimal care and treatment. According to Tomajan and Hatmaker (2019), advocacy and social activism are also aspects of the healthcare provider profession. Nurses and physicians can bring about the necessary changes in the healthcare institution...

Nursing in the Maternal Role Attainment Theory

Definition of the Meta-Paradigm of Nursing in the Maternal Role Attainment Theory and the Parent-Child Interaction Model The meta-paradigm of nursing in Ramona Mercer’s Maternal Role Attainment Theory is concerned with the health of nontraditional mothers who have an insufficient maternal identity (“Maternal role attainment theory,” 2016). The theory may...

Application of Goal Attainment Theory in Nursing Practice

Imogene King On January 30, 1923, Imogene King was born in West Point, Iowa. In 1945, she graduated from St. John’s Hospital School of Nursing in St. Louis, Missouri, with a nursing degree. King graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from St. Louis University in 1948, and in...

Nursing Theory of Virginia Henderson

Virginia Avenel Henderson was born on November 30, 1897, in Kansas City, MO. She graduated from the U.S. Army School of Nursing in 1921, completed her B.S. at the Teachers College in 1932, and her M.A. at the Columbia University in 1934. Then she taught at the Columbia University until...

Nursing: Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model

Need to write a paper on Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model? Check out our essay for inspiration! Here, you’ll find Dorothy Johnson theory summary, subsystem, metaparadigm, and application of the Johnson behavioral system model in nursing practice. Sounds interesting? Keep reading to learn more! Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model: Introduction...

Euthanasia Pros and Cons

Introduction The question of human life value has always been actual. For centuries people have been trying to find a good and complete answer to it. An idea that life is a gift from some supernatural powers is very common, and that is why people have no right to make...

Community Health Assessment

Introduction Community health assessments help to identify the health needs of a given community. Through these evaluations, practitioners can address issues affecting the health outcomes of a population. A fundamental principle in evidence-based practice is that clinical practice should be centered on the best available proof (Demarco & Healey-Walsh, 2020)....

The Concept of Nursing Informatics

Introduction The 21st century has seen significant progress in terms of computer technology growth and its practical applications in a variety of spheres. Modern informatics allows for efficient data storage and exchange, thus contributing to the quality of services. This factor plays a role of paramount importance in healthcare, as...

Reflective Account about the Scrub Placement

For this reflective account, I am going to be looking at the standards of proficiency number 13.1 which requires operating department practitioners to understand the anatomy and physiology of the human body, together with knowledge of health, diseases, disorders, and dysfunctions relevant to their profession (Health & Care Professions Council,...

Assessment of Meleis’ Transition Theory

Introduction Theories are widely used in nursing to guide practice. They not only shape practitioners’ skills but also their views and beliefs about their clients and work (Barker, 2009). Various theories have been formulated by different scholars in the nursing profession to guide the nursing practice. One such theory is...

Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing leadership and management essay examples like this one will help you write your own excellent leadership in nursing essay. We recommend it to student nurses and other healthcare workers. Leadership in Nursing Essay Introduction In the past, nursing was an amorphous and unrecognized engagement that was often left at...

The Novant Health Organization’s Structure & Management

Organizational Structure Novant Health is a network of clinics located in four US states. This allows us to conclude that the structure in the company is multi-step, and not a classic hierarchical one. So, first of all, it should be noted that the organization has a headquarters with its own...

Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators (NSQI)

Introduction Nursing is a complex practice consisting of diverse elements. In order to assess the effectiveness of the provided care, nursing sensitive quality indicators (NSQI) have been introduced. Several definitions of the concept exist, but they all involve a set of major components. For instance, Xiaoquan Xu defined NSQI as...

Nursing Theory of Music, Mood, and Movement by Murrock and Higgins

Introduction Healthcare professionals can identify and use different nursing models to provide exemplary medical services to their patients. Middle-range theories are powerful frameworks that offer evidence-based insights for bridging the gap between care delivery and knowledge. They provide meaningful concepts and notions that can improve the quality and nature of...

Patient-Centered Versus Team Nursing Care Model

Introduction Care delivery can be designed in different ways. Usually, a healthcare facility selects a care delivery model and builds its work in accordance with the principles of this model. The choice of the model determines the processes of care delivery. There is a variety of care delivery models. There...

Essay on Eating Disorders in Adolescents

Abstract There are various types of feeding or eating disorders that affect adolescents. The prevalence rate of eating or feeding disorders depends on the different types and various risk factors. Young people have issues with their body weight and image, thus often suffer from eating disorders because they have a...

Benchmark Crisis Intervention Plan

Introduction An intervention plan is a guide used when it comes to helping individuals who are going through a difficult situation. When it comes to social science, a crisis intervention plan is always geared towards addressing a specific problem within a specified period. For this assignment, the skills of a...

The Effects of the Lack of Teamwork in Healthcare

Introduction Interprofessional collaboration is necessary for medical institutions because it promotes successful cooperation and the formation of consensus about the design of care plans and the quality of healthcare. Numerous research in health and social care has substantially enhanced the ability for cooperation and interprofessional collaboration to carry out diverse...

Nursing Care for Elderly Patients

In fact, every nurse has to look for elderly patients in their professional practice. However, only geriatric advanced practice nurses have the special preparation for elderly care; the other nursing specialists often lack it (Melillo & Houde, 2011, p. 31; Touhy & Jett, 2014, p. 11-13). Therefore, for a nurse...

The Importance of Medical Ethics

The US government, in collaboration with different medical organizations, has formulated rules and regulations that govern how healthcare is provided and accessed. These policies are referred to as medical ethics and dictate the roles and responsibilities of different stake holders to each other. For patients, medical ethics are important because...

Pharmacy as a Professional Field and Its History

Pharmacy is one of the unique and creative professions which combine modern knowledge and skills and ancient traditions. I am excited about the profession because it joins unique principles of folk medicine and modern innovative approaches to treatment and curing. Popular medicine was based primarily on the use of home...

Betty Neuman’s Systems Model in Nursing

General Description of the Theory Introduction The nursing theory under analysis is Neuman systems model developed in 1970 by Betty Neuman, a counselor, professor, and community health nurse. This theory belongs to the middle-range nursing theories, as it includes enough variables to provide a solid abstract description of phenomena and,...

Importance of Evidence Based Practice in Nursing

Introduction Compared to other professions, nursing practitioners spend a significant portion of their time caring for patients through administration of treatment, catering for patients’ needs and making major decisions concerning the care process. Most nursing practitioners are also involved in the formulation and design of policies to enhance the wellbeing...

Staffing Problem Solution: HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics

Introduction HE metrics program and workforce analytics will play a significant role at Regional Hospital, especially when it comes to improving quality of care and performance efficiency. According to Kassick (2019), HR metrics “are data (numbers) that provide descriptive detail about given processes or outcomes” (p. 55). Therefore, the metrics...

Community Health and Nursing

Within the medical and clinical sciences, community health is a significant area of research focusing on the preservation, safety, and enhancement of demographic groups and communities’ health status. Primary healthcare services seek to decrease risk factors and strengthen the promotion of a healthy society. This essay explains how a nurse...

Sentinel Town Community Health Assessment

Introduction Primary prevention is an approach to managing the population’s health by engaging in initiatives that help prevent the onset of a disease before it develops. The Sentinel Town residents have an issue with all three aspects of healthcare access because their economic condition and low income do not allow...

The US and New Zealand: Healthcare Profiles Comparison

Introduction Health care in the US needs comprehensive reform, and one way to suggest the direction of change is to learn from other countries. A small island nation, New Zealand ranks above average in income, wealth, and health care (Cumming, 2017). Akin to the US health care, the system in...

Dzubay’s “An Outbreak of the Irrational” and “Alternative Math” by Ideaman

“An Outbreak of the Irrational” The piece under analysis entitled “An Outbreak of the Irrational” is written by Sarah Dzubay. The article deals with the attitudes to vaccination that became a debatable issue several years ago. The primary point the author makes is the effectiveness of vaccination in establishing safe...

Causes and Effects of Fast-Food Addiction

At the beginning of his career, Brad Pitt worked for El Pollo Loco to pay the bills for his acting classes. The fast-food industry may have given the world one of the most talented actors, but is it enough to turn a blind eye to all the adverse effects it...

Computers in Patient Care and Nursing Administration

Introduction In the nowadays world, the ignorance of computer technologies is intolerable. Any sphere of human activity involves good knowledge of new technologies: because the modern world is built on information, electronic devices designed to work with raw data and process it according to the instructions (programs) help in various...

Biofeedback, Its Types, Purposes, Pros and Cons

Introduction Learning to control one’s body may help individuals to overcome certain conditions. To give patients more information about their body processes, medical professionals can use biofeedback. The research on biofeedback interventions produces different results due to the nature of this procedure. It is important to understand the relationship between...

V. Henderson’s Need Theory and D. Orem’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit

The two theories for discussion are Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory and Dorothea Orem’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit. Henderson’s theory is rather abstract, and its purpose is to explain the functions of a nurse to respond to a patient’s needs in a wide context. Therefore, the concepts include those associated with...

Concept Comparison and Analysis: Nursing Theorists

Introduction Nursing is one of the most respected professions in the world. The role of nurses in health and recovery of patients is obvious. In practice of nursing, nurses are guided by various concepts on nursing. The concepts have been developed over a period that nursing has been in use....

Evaluation of Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care Theory

Introduction In the contemporary world, the knowledge about cultural diversity has become increasingly important for nurses. Values, attitudes, and norms of different cultures demand appreciation since these factors have accentuated the need for all-inclusive and culturally competent nurses. Nursing theories hold that individuals with diverse cultural origins may have varied...

New Zealand Cultural Safety in Nursing Practice

Introduction The sphere of healthcare is directly related to interpersonal relationships where cultural considerations play a very influential role. As a healthcare provider, a nurse must understand that their culture determines how they diagnose, communicate with patients and how effectively they can deliver culture-sensitive services to diverse populations. In New...

The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence for Nurse

Introduction It goes without saying that nursing theories and conceptual models currently play an immeasurably essential role in the research and practice of any competent nurse specialist. In general, the nursing theory is a framework that was designed to support evidence-based nursing practice, organize knowledge, and explain specific phenomena in...

Guide: Weight Loss Steps

Losing weight is a primal requirement for the modern urban population who generally suffer from the risk of obesity. However, there are some fundamental steps to avoiding obesity and losing extra weight. Make sleep a priority ─ The quantity of sleep we get is very important since it helps in...

Three Philosophies of Nursing Including Nightingale, Benner, and Watson

What is philosophy? Philosophy is what a thinker has to say about a certain phenomenon, according to his or her own thought process, provides logic, and comes to a conclusion regarding a certain subject. Just like many great thinkers have come up with philosophies related to humanity, psychology, and the...

HIV/AIDS: Prevention, Control, Treatment

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a global issue that can have a negative impact on healthcare and social dynamics. It leads to the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS, which emerged during the last decades of the 20th century. It is a major epidemiological disease that severely damages an...

Socioeconomic Health Determinants in a Concept Map

Figure 1 demonstrates an example of a concept map for the socioeconomic determinants of health (SEDH), which is based on the information from the Healthy People 2020 project (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [ODPHP], 2014). The map attempts to demonstrate the fact that there are complex interrelations between...

Insomnia and Its Negative Health Effects

Introduction People’s quality of life heavily depends on the extent to which the essential needs of the human body are fulfilled. It is known that eating disorders present conditions that are associated with significant health risks as proper nutrition acts as a key to good health. Similarly to them, the...

Mayo Clinic: Health Care Risk Management

Introduction Healthcare risk management is critical to patient safety, as it helps minimize the risk of adverse events and improve the quality of care. Mayo Clinic, a renowned healthcare organization, has a comprehensive approach to healthcare risk management that includes several components, such as patient safety culture, patient safety processes,...

Calista Roy’s Adaptation Theory in Nursing

Introduction Sister Calista Roy is a nursing theorist, writer, and professor known for her exemplary contribution to nursing. Born in 1939, Roy went to school where she studied until she received a degree in nursing from St. Mary’s College, LA, in 1963 (Callis, 2020). She is known for her revolutionary...

Grand Theory v. Middle Range Theory

Background of the Theories Dorothea Orem’s grand theory and Nola Pender’s middle-range theory are some of the most popular theories in the field of nursing. These concepts are often used to define the approach that nurses should take when caring for their patients. Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory is one of...

Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing

Introduction Similar to most students, I believed it was crucial to have the talent to pursue a given course. Owing to my passion for caring for the elderly and sick people, I do not doubt that my endowment is nursing. This has made me want to pursue a PhD in...

Nursing Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Research

Introduction For nurses, it is paramount to be able to properly select a research design for their study. It is often needed to choose between quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. The current paper compares these methods. Quantitative Research Quantitative research involves studying phenomena that can be operationalized as quantifiable variables....

Physical Activity’s Lack Effects on Health Problems

A sedentary lifestyle is a common phenomenon in today’s world and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity. A modern person needs to take less and less action to perform daily tasks, which negatively affects the body state. When people travel by transport to work, seat about eight hours...

Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Mother and Child

Introduction One of the most pressing social problems is teenage pregnancy. In particular, it concerns underdeveloped countries, areas with a low level of sexual education, widespread adolescent marriages, and a low level of universal development. Teenage pregnancy is of particular interest for research as it has an effect not only...

Social Determinants of Health in Wolverhampton Town

Introduction Wolverhampton, which is situated in the West Midlands area of England, is known for its post-industrial history, friendly citizens, and high-quality health care. The town is also referred to as Wulfrun, which means “the settlement of the wolf.” In the past, it was an important town in England and...

Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory

The Validity of the Theory Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory highlights the significance of enhancing patients’ independence to ensure the treatment process in healthcare organizations is effective. The concept is valid as it makes a broad focus on human needs, which offers direction on the practitioner’s activities in attaining positive treatment...

The Dangers of Smoking and Its Prevent

In our current society, the free choice of smoking has gradually evolved into an alarming levels of addiction. Although smokers are warned on the dangers of smoking on the cigarette packs, they have repeatedly ignored this notion, and though avoidable, cigarette smoking has continued to cause deaths and disability across...

Transtheoretical Model vs. Health Belief Model

Similarities and Differences between the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) and the Health Belief Model (HBM) Similarities Both HBM and TTM strive to predict how people adopt preventive health practices to protect themselves from diseases (Seals, 2007). Both models also focus on increasing people’s awareness about health issues as an instrument for...

Healthcare Information Systems: Components, Benefits

Standard Components of Healthcare Information Today, information systems are at the foundation of many businesses, including health providers. Healthcare information systems help care providers and institutions to manage critical information. However, there are also numerous challenges associated with health information systems that must be addressed by providers. The present paper...