Analysis of the Documentary Movie Cowspiracy

Introduction The documentary movie Cowspiracy, directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, demonstrates how animal husbandry negatively influences the planet’s environment. The movie creators use the results of various research to provide evidence that cattle breeding can have a disastrous effect on the ecology. Moreover, the film suggests that animal...

Social Inequality: Challenges and Benefits

Introduction Social inequality is one of the most severe problems of today’s society, requiring immediate solutions. In the previous essay, strengthening human capital, raising the minimum wage, and altering corporate governance were presented as possible solutions. However, such proposals require a detailed analysis of both the ways of their implementation...

Race and Gender in 17th-18th Century American Colonies

The discovery of America or its conquest, as they say in scientific circles in the last decade, had different consequences for the cultures of the planet. The Europeans used the new lands as an opportunity to fulfill their dreams of a golden Eldorado, while the American continent was devastated by...

Importance of Company Performance Analysis

All companies have their own level of labor productivity. Changing this level over time shows performance dynamics. Under the influence of various factors, the dynamics can change in a positive or negative direction. However, there is no doubt that the development of production occurs with an increase in productivity (Martini...

Civil Disobedience in the Context of the Black Lives Matter Movement

Introduction The Black Lives Matter Movement has ignited an array of protests around the United States of America and within the global community. People went into the streets to demand equal rights for all; the tool for delivering their agenda was through demonstrations and protests, which are commonly characterized by...

Takashi Murakami and His Superflat Paintings

Introduction Throughout the past two decades, Japanese art has become increasingly dependent on unique self-expression opportunities and the mindful exploitation of Japanese cultural themes. Takashi Murakami is one of the best examples in this regard because of his skillful use of Japanese cultural symbols that he makes accessible to the...

Generation Z: Connector Bridge to Other Generations

Understanding the differences between generations is essential both for the people who live and work in environments where different generations have to interact and for managers and leaders of organizations. Naturally, there is a serious gap between younger and older generations, now more than ever before, due to the advancement...

Aspects of Cloud Networking

Introduction Cloud networking became a valuable tool for organizations to outsource computing tasks and reduce the number of people involved in these activities. Indeed, many companies have already moved to cloud computing which allowed them to increase the cost-efficiency of their businesses (Pourvali, 2017). Cloud networking comprises five essential elements:...

School Refusal as a Psychological Problem

School refusal is a common psychological problem that causes a lot of stress for a child. At the same time, the entire environment, including family, friends and school staff, is under a certain pressure. Reduced attendance and refusal to return to school can cause both short and long-term effects on...

Modern Social Problems Through the Sociological Imagination Prism

Introduction The definition and understanding of contemporary social problems since the 1950s are not complete without understanding the concept of the sociological imagination. For a proper discernment of this term, it is necessary to support it with other theoretical ideas that best reveal the causes and consequences of both personal...

Popular Research Paper Topics

International Law Critique From Realist Perspective

Introduction There are competing general theoretical perspectives in the scope of discussing international law. One of the popular theories is called realism, or political realism which represents a view of international politics that emphasizes general international policy’s competitiveness and conflict. It is usually contrasted with idealism or liberalism, which tends...

Analysis of Energy Sources: Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power

Fossil fuels are a significant source of energy around the world. They are the aggregates of the remains of organisms that existed on Earth and, after being exposed to the heat and pressure of the Earth’s crust for hundreds of millions of years, formed and contained large amounts of energy....

The Remote Patient Monitoring System Benefits

Introduction Healthcare is a rapidly evolving and significantly responsible field that requires continuous updating and upgrading of its evidence, professional knowledge, and skills. With the global advancement of technologies and digitalization, the sphere of healthcare faces both a need and an opportunity to facilitate care-related processes to benefit patient outcomes....

The Centralized Reminder or Recall for Immunizations

Introduction My PICOT question aimed to determine if children between 2 and 24 months of age had higher immunization rates when their parents were reminded about the vaccination schedule compared to those who were not notified. The article titled “Supporting and sustaining centralized reminder/recall for immunizations: Qualitative insights from stakeholders”...

Practical Ways to Use Existential Therapy

Introduction: Existential Therapy Existential therapy refers to a therapeutic style that emphasizes on the holistic nature of the human condition. Such therapy aims at a positive approach that recognizes human abilities, but also takes into account the limitations of human resources. Over the years, many philosophers such as Soren Kierkegaard...

Economic Inequality and Its Relationship to Poverty

Introduction One of the fundamental problems of society remains economic inequality, which leads to a number of critical consequences affecting the quality of life and well-being of the population. Strictly speaking, economic inequality should be understood as a differentiation in economic well-being between specific categories of the population; the serious...

Risk Assessment in Information Technology Field

Introduction Organizations have recently shifted their attention towards investing more in information technology. While this is the case, only a few of them seem to take security matters seriously. Cyber attack remains to be a critical issue as far as information technology is concerned. According to Trim and Lee (2021),...

Taking Action in Anti-Oppressive Advocacy

Introduction For the first review, I have chosen the fifth chapter of the Advocacy in practice book devoted to direct actions on all levels of anti-oppressive advocacy practice. My initial intent for reading this book was to grasp the general sense and idea of advocating in the human service field...

Life Changing Events: Personal Experience

If you are about to write a short narrative essay about something that changed your life forever, you’ve come to the right place! Check out our “childhood experience that changed my life” essay sample to get some ideas and inspiration for your paper. Life Changing Event: Essay Introduction In life,...

“Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros

Referring to the folklore stories, women are often expected to do a lot of things in sake of men and sacrifice their vision of happiness and real love for the family’s needs. While focusing on the cultural differences, it is possible to note that the Mexican women are expected to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Child and Family Welfare Agency’s Services

Obstacles to Accessing Services When people want to access any services across agencies, they may often encounter a range of different impediments. The main obstacles, when turning to agencies, are the inevitable bureaucracy and formalism, long processing times, and general scarcity of information on the services furnished by the agencies...

Alibaba Group and Its External Stakeholders

Abstract The paper provides an analysis of Alibaba Group’s relationships with external stakeholders in terms of legal aspects and possible ethical issues. The discussion of the impact of stakeholder perspectives on diversity is also presented in the paper. The analysis demonstrates that Alibaba Group pays much attention to aligning the...

Cyberbullying as a Criminal Offense in Singapore

Abstract Cyberbullying is the online harassment which occurs in the form of spreading false and abusive information, and it can be threatening for persons. The Protection from Harassment Bill 2014 was introduced to address the issue of cyberbullying. The bill provoked debates in the society of Singapore, and there are...

Chad’s Government and Business Environment

When Chad became a sovereign state in 1960, it had numerous social, political, and economic problems. The French colonial power had done little to enhance political collaboration, cross-cultural perception, and economic interdependence. The country had a small number of known resources, poor communication systems, and its population had a diverse...

Husband’s Violence Against Wife

Setting Identification The topic for the assessment is domestic violence. Domestic violence is the abuse of a partner or a family member by another especially through aggression (Nicholas & Maistry, 2010). The setting of the assessment is in the workplace. In this setting, one of the workers called Elizabeth Jennings...

Weight Gain, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes Relationship

Introduction The article in question deals with some effects of intensive diabetes treatment in type 1 diabetes patients. Purnell et al. (2012) claim that intensive diabetes treatment has been regarded as an efficient way to address diabetes type 1 symptoms, but it is also associated with quite serious side effects....

South Africa Health Care System

The assessment of the country’s health care system is an important step in the evaluation of the positive and negative aspects of medical services delivery in the given country. This will be beneficial for tracking the overall performance of the system, monitor the basic actions of the public and the...

Big Data: Features, Technologies, Users

Business growth and development require information. However, the exponential growth of a firm depends on the marketing strategy. A firm’s marketing strategy is a product of analysis and decision-making. Thus, information facilitates a firm’s exponential growth. Data analysts revealed that billion bytes of data are created daily. The exponential increase...

The Power of Political Rhetoric: Article Review

Introduction Political history is often determined by hindsight judgment and attempts to connect the success or failure of particular political enterprises with perceived virtues and beliefs of each side compared to actions used to promote said political agendas. However, as it often is in politics, major leaders rarely say what...

The Empowered Woman and the Skirt

Topic Introduction and Thesis Although the fashion industry is often viewed as a rather superfluous area, the clothes that people approve for wearing in public can be considered as a direct representation of societal attitudes and philosophies. The specified phenomenon becomes especially clear when considering as simple an item of...

Environment and Legislation Issues

Private action against polluters as a deterrent to the degradation of the environment Private action against polluters is often regarded as one of the possible deterrents to the degradation of the environment. This belief is based on the assumption that these lawsuits will prompt companies to improve their environmental performance....

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Report

It seems reasonable to state that the Metro New Orleans area is quite significant for the restaurant industry. Hence, a comprehensive SWOT report on a notable actor in this area is a relevant action to undertake, and Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse might be the one. There are two Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse...

Media Monitoring Assignment

Introduction As it can be seen from the survey, my personal media usage altered with the course of time. It mainly happened because of the enormous development in the technological sphere, the influence of media, and individual changes. Even in 2005, I spent the majority of my free time watching...

The Charter and the Children’s Welfare

Introduction In Canada, the end of the 19th century was marked by the emergence of foster care: putting children in family environments was considered more beneficial than holding them in orphanages and group houses. Both the 19th and 20th centuries were characterized by adopting a more humanistic approach towards handling...

Sternfeld’s Photo: McLean, Virginia, December 1978

Introduction Joel Sternfeld is considered one of the first artists to try color photography, with his works focusing on the exploration of the American psyche of the late 1970s and the 1980s. This period in U.S. history was associated with doubt and reflection, especially for the Western part of the...

Cultural Events in French-Speaking Countries

Traditional events pertinent to various cultures may be significant for the analysis, as they may tell a lot about the country. This paper explores three cultural events that share many similarities, although being different from each other. The report addresses the origins of the selected traditions, reviews their aspects, and...

Cardiology Readmissions Study Implementation

The implementation phase of the project will involve highlighting the relevant stakeholder groups and the influence of the project on them, the materials and resources required to start the research, various legal matters associated with medical research, and the actual implementation schedule. The research process will include 4 phases, which...

Nursing Change Theory and the Diffusion of Innovation Model

Improvements in delivering quality healthcare services are on the agenda of both private and public structures. There are ample margins left for further development towards more efficient health care. A considerable part of the United States gross domestic product devoted to health care does not result in satisfactory outcomes (Ryan...

Professional Association Membership: Surgical Nurses in the American Nurses Association

Introduction A list of professional nursing organizations is impressive in the United States, and each of them has its specific goals and visions. At the same time, any organization has a similar characteristic, which is the promotion of a professional culture to collectively advocate for nurses and support their interests...

Banner Health Network: Case Study

Organization Presentation: Banner Health Banner Health Network (BHN) is a care organization that unites Banner Health, the largest health care provider in Arizona, and a broad network of facilities including primary care as well as specialty physicians (“About Banner Health Network,” 2018). Banner Health itself is a non-profit care organization....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Problem Definition in Statutes

Baker Act Analysis Approaches to the timely identification of mental disorders are largely dependent on certain legislation maintained in accordance with official programs. Taking the Florida Mental Health Act (The Florida Legislature, 2019a) as background for analysis, criminal justice issues with regard to the topic concerned will be considered, and...

Future of Nursing and Its Implementation

Daily activities of nurses are essential for enhancing patients’ well-being and improving the quality of care. This issue is stressed in The Future of Nursing report published by the National Academy of Medicine (2011) that was previously called the Institute of Medicine (IOM). This paper will first discuss the work...

The Two Party System in the United States

The two-party systems have been adopted in the United States for many years, and it has been realized that the political system in the United States cannot survive without the two-party systems. Some of the main advantages that have been realized in this case are the reduction in corruption, increase...

Macroeconomic Theory: Barclays Bank in the UK

A macro economic theory represents a study of the whole national economy. Macro analysis involves the use of specific economic tools to predict a set of stylized facts about the national economy. Despite the large coverage of macro economic studies, it is important to note that macro analysis trends can...

American Psychological Association Code of Ethics

America Psychological Association’s ethical code has four main which are the introduction, the preamble, the general principles, and the standards of ethics. The main issue that the author of this document addresses in this text is the ethical standards that psychologists are supposed to uphold. The introduction has a detailed...

Institutionalizing Knowledge Management Initiatives

Introduction Knowledge management (KM) simply refers to an area of study that promotes an integrated move towards identifying, examining, obtaining, and distributing an organization’s precise and tactic knowledge resources to meet its mission targets. It involves leveraging knowledge to optimize managerial efficacy and competence. On the other hand, knowledge management...

“A&P” by John Updike

A & P written by John Updike is a short story of a teenaged boy of 19 named Sammy who worked at a local grocery store called A&P. Sammy relates in first person the three young girls in swimsuits who entered the store. He appraises them sexually, until the manager...

Marissa Mayer’s Leadership Style at Yahoo!

Abstract Scholars have come up with theories that underscore the different leadership styles that leader employ in different organizations. The majority of leaders appreciate these theories, as they are compatible with different personality traits. However, the challenge lies in becoming an effective leader for different people may lack the congenital...

Promoting Team Effectiveness and Investigating the Causes of Decreased Productivity

Overview/Introduction Invitation by the manager to discuss reasons for the decrease in productivity prompted the writing of a report on that matter. This was blamed on the increase in the number of sick leaves, which decreased the working rate of employees. All the examined documents supported the decrease in productivity....

Teaching the Faith Forming the Faithful

Summary The book under analysis called Teaching the Faith, Forming the Faithful is dedicated to discussing the current environment in terms of people’s affiliation to church, as well as their understanding of the actual content of faith. The point is that many Christians are not fully aware of the fundamental...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Incident Management Program: Set of Guidelines

Abstract This incident management program includes a set of guidelines that should be followed by the employees who face workplace violence. They should take several precautions that can help them avoid danger. Additionally, this program includes procedures for stopping violence at the early stages. Furthermore, this plan lays stress on...

Theoretical Approach: Family Systems Therapy

Strategic Family Therapy There are many theoretical approaches in psychotherapy; every method is effective in its way and can be applied to different cases. The choice of a technique is determined by the values and needs of a client, including improving interpersonal relationships, solving family problems, or dealing with identity...

“Understand This” by Jervey Tervalon

Introduction Within the past few weeks, the United States has experienced one of the most turbulent times in its history following the death of George Floyd. This intentional murder of the African American forced many citizens across the country to stand up against the mistreatment of black people, a malpractice...

Pros and Cons of Online Learning

Introduction Institutionalized education has been affected significantly by the current Covid-19 pandemic because schools have been closed as one of the countermeasures to address this global problem. As such, online learning has become the preferred mode of delivering instruction to students. With the rapid rate of technological growth in the...

Pros and Cons of Abortion

Abstract The world has changed drastically over the past few years; the culture across the globe has drastically changed. There are far too many abortions taking place these days when compared to the previous years. Abortion is mainly opted by women who choose to avoid becoming pregnant and most of...

“The Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction Hemingway’s The Soldier’s Home is a story of a war veteran who faces the dilemma of choosing between being a welcomed member of his old social circle and staying true to his morals and ideals. When the book’s main character Krebs returns to his hometown, he is forced to...

Cultural Significance of Woody Allen’s “Annie Hall”

Annie Hall is a romantic comedy directed by Woody Allen in 1977. The movie tells a story of Alvy Singer, who is reflecting upon the reason why his relationship with Annie Hall ended. The film uses retrospection to return to unconscious decisions made in the past to understand the present,...

Green Teams at New Seasons Market

Building and maintaining cohesive teams requires bringing together employees to jointly pursue common goals. According to Alghamdi and Bach (2018), teamwork is defined as the process where two or more workers interdependently interact towards a common goal. Therefore, the initial step in creating a team is having a well-defined purpose...

IOM Future of Nursing Report and Its Importance to Nursing

Introduction The existing challenges and gaps in nursing practice are addressed by relevant documents and regulated by the introduction of suitable initiatives designed to optimize the work of nursing staff. In particular, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), as an organization that is involved in the transformation of the nursing industry...

Nursing Utilization Project on Educational Program on VTE for Nurses

Research Support First of all, it is necessary to mention that VTE (Venous thromboembolism) is an essential public health problem with the incidence rates similar to stroke and fatality rates greater than acute myocardial infarction (Baccarelli, Zanobetti, Martinelli, 2007 ). The incidence of VTE may be markedly reduced with appropriate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthcare and Risks: The Hospital of Nashville

The following is an analysis on the Nashville hospital that has Jewish owned Private Hospital whose case study has been provided in the Goldfarb’s and Nash book on Quality Solutions for improving healthcare. The scope of this analysis shall delve into the issue of healthcare and risk management and how...

Public Dental Health Policies: Allocative and Regulatory

Introduction Various policies have been developed to guide dental public health. This is aimed at ensuring that each is taken care of regarding their dental health. However, these policies are designed while having the interest of general health in mind and not specifically the dental aspect. It then becomes the...

Maria: Bronchitis and Pneumonia

Introduction Pneumonia and bronchitis are some of the common communicable diseases in the world today. They may have a devastating effect on the patient if they are not addressed early enough. According to Wright (2002), it is important to know some of the symptoms of these two diseases in order...

Smoking and Health Promotion in the UK

Introduction There is no doubt that most people in the world (especially those who live in developed countries) know that smoking is harmful to health. They know that it may lead to the development of cancer and painful death. Despite this awareness, the level of smoking remains high in many...

Acute Care Case Study Analysis: Differential Diagnoses

Eye Socket Fracture According to the details of the case, the patient has eye swelling. The identified information may imply that there is a possibility of an eye socket fracture. The specified type of injury is quite common in car crashes (Wang, Lim, & Teng, 2017). Therefore, the problem needs...

Rehabilitation of Criminal Offender

Rehabilitation entails the process of restoring an individual’s character and reputation (criminal offender) be it a juvenile delinquent or a youth or adult offender, with the main aim of making him or her acceptable in the society as well as being transformed to a productive member of the society. Rehabilitation...

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech Analysis

Introduction John Fitzgerald Kennedy became President of the United States when the nation needed a strong leader with the capacity to overcome challenges posed by the Cold War and unrest in both Europe and the U.S. In his famous inaugural speech of 1961, Kennedy reinforced himself as a firm individual...

The Turtle-Headed Sea Snake’s Habitation Areas

Introduction Also known as Emydocephalus annulatus, the turtle-headed sea snake lives in shallow coral reef waters. The snake is mainly found in Indonesia, northern Australia, and the Philippines. The name is derived from its pointed snouts that resemble a turtle. The snake has a habit of prodding cluster fish out...

C. S. Lewis: “Course He Isn’t Safe. But He’s Good”

In chapter 8 of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, Mr. Beaver talks about the experiences of Tumnus. He explains that Tumnus was arrested by Secret police under the White Witch’s spell (Lewis, 1950). Children, to whom Mr. Beaver was talking were scared and wanted to...

How to Start a Catering Business

The catering business is a good way to make money for those who love to cook since catering is not always about making lunch for hundreds of guests. However, the sphere is quite competitive today because more and more people consider it profitable and reliable and are trying to create...

Don Quixote and Christianity

The novel Don Quixote was written by the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. The work recounts the incredible adventures of the character of the same name. Don Quixote is a wandering knight with sincere and honest intentions. However, on his way, the hero gets into ridiculous situations, from which...

Changes in Definition of Family

Introduction The progressive social and cultural organization has led to changes in the structure and concept. A family is the backbone of any society, and therefore, it is a society’s basic structure. The traditional definition of a family, the basic structure of a community, is too narrow to give modern...

Impact of Technology on Nonprofits

Introduction Nonprofit-making organizations operate under limited budgets and are in many ways disadvantaged when compared with for-profit businesses. However, they have greatly improved their day-to-day operations in the past few decades, thanks to the technological boom. Nonprofits that have been more open to technological change have outperformed the resistant ones...

Clinical Case Management Knowledge Base

Introduction Clinical case management has come a long way to its current definition, interpretation, and scope of activities. The concept of case management and the procedures associated with it are century-old, as they were mentioned by Mary Richmond in 1922 as “social casework” (Kanter, 2010). The key issue in the...

Language Learning and Teaching Philosophy

Introduction Due to better global education opportunities that students have during the current century, it has become increasingly common for students from various continents to interact with each other through education. International scholarship programs have been essential in enabling students to travel from their native countries to foreign ones in...

Microeconomic Analysis of Australian Oil Market

Introduction The rise in the price of gasoline is a widely discussed topic in Australia. This market affects and significantly affects the lives of both end consumers and at larger and larger levels of the economy. Since the Morrisson government significantly promoted the idea of reducing the pressure on the...

Startup Idea for Entertainment Industry in Nigeria

Business Idea A startup idea for a business in Nigeria is to set up training centers for animation, visual effects, directing and sound engineering, camera work, and other professions in the entertainment industry. The release of certified personnel in the entertainment industry is gaining momentum in the country. This business...

Women of Color in Leadership: Obstacles

Gender, ethnicity, and religion are not distinctions of equality, which means everyone has the same rights, obligations, and freedoms. Therefore, women, men, transgender people, and individuals from all walks of life are impacted by inequality due to their race, ethnicity, and even religion. There has never been an equal playing...

Equality and Diversity in Visual Culture

Introduction The themes of equality and diversity in visual culture were selected due to several reasons. In particular, the development and production of visual art can be considered essential human practices that benefit society by educating the audience, improving one’s creativity, and stimulating the global economy in general. Visual culture...

NASA’s Efforts of Space Colonization: Pros and Cons

Introduction It is vital to note that with the recent advancements in astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and astronomy, the topic of human space colonization is no longer considered far-fetched but rather a realistic goal. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is actively working on the project of Mars colonization. However,...

Parents Are Not to Blame for Obesity in Children

Introduction Childhood and adolescent obesity have recently reached epidemic levels in the United States. About 17% of children in the United States are obese (Derks et al., 2017). Being overweight is a chronic disease characterized by excessive adipose tissue accumulation, usually due to excessive food intake and low energy consumption....

Substance Use Disorder During Pregnancy: Project Translation and Planning

Introduction Substance use disorder during pregnancy is a significant public health concern that puts mothers’ and infants’ lives and well-being at risk. According to Peltier et al. (2022), women with previous mental health issues are at a higher risk of experiencing substance use disorder. Therefore, healthcare professionals should implement evidence-based...

Academic Fraud & Dishonesty and Its Consequences

Introduction In modern society, violations of the norms of scientific ethics have become a big problem. These include plagiarism, falsification of empirical material, fabrication of references to non-existent works, incorrect citation, undeserved authorship, sale of dissertations, sabotage. The above types of violations of ethical standards can be qualified as specific...

The Internet in Modern Human Life

Introduction In the modern world, information technology, mobile communications, and television are becoming increasingly significant. The leading role is played by wireless and wired Internet network, which is not only a source of information, but also a universal environment for communication, entertainment, and education. The number of Internet users grows...

Adolescent Substance Abuse and Family Dynamics

One of the critical problems of modern adulthood continues to be teens turning to substances in search of easy fun or an escape from reality. The U.S. government lists the main reasons why teens turn to this addiction as an attempt to relieve boredom, to forget their problems and satisfy...

Healthcare Law: Conditions of Contract Law

Four main conditions must exist for a contract law to be valid. The first condition is that both parties must be legally competent to enter the contract. Any contract with a mentally incompetent person is invalid (Showalter, 2020). The second condition is that there should be a meeting of minds...

Gender in the 21st Century: Fighting Dangerous Stereotypes

Introduction: A New Way of Looking at Manliness Gender stereotypes have existed since the beginning of time. Even though the tendency to subvert some of the existing gender related clichés has emerged since recently clearly not enough is being done in order to address the problems that gender profiling creates....

Morals Metaphysics: Criminal Punishment and Gay Basics

The Metaphysics of Morals It is not wrong to punish a criminal primarily as a means to reform the criminal. By punishing criminals, they pay for their deeds and justice is paid to the victim, society or the state. It is justifiable to punish any criminal so that the criminals...

Cultural Intelligence Development in International Business

The world has become an open village. Such globalization has made it possible to sojourn to different parts of the world, meeting different types of people who have very different practices, which of course seem strange. Despite these differences people need not only to enhance communication between them, but also...

Vanguard Healthcare System’s Strategic Plan

Introduction Vanguard Health is a long-term care provider in the United States of America which was founded in 1997. The healthcare system is headquartered in Brentwood, Tennessee. The system has many facilities that provide rehabilitation and excellent nursing services to patients who are recovering from illness, injury, or surgery. Currently,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Culture Is Ordinary” a Work by Raymond Williams

Introduction It is imperative to mention that culture is a fascinating topic that has been actively discussed by scholars. Moreover, it is important to understand that numerous definitions have been suggested, and many scientists have different perspectives. An essay by Raymond Williams titled “Culture is ordinary” that was published in...

Information Systems for Patient Education

Introduction Modern health policy functions in such a way that vital importance is given to patient education. It contributes to increasing the life expectancy of various medical institutions’ wards, improves the quality of care, and also reduces the cost of treatment. By teaching a patient, nurses help him or her...

Remote Patient Monitoring in Medical Practice

Introduction The rising costs and growing pressure on medical interventions have caused the health care system to adapt to patient needs. Developing technological capabilities of health information technology has led to the wider adoption of telemedicine. It is revolutionary for the health market as telemedicine fundamentally shifts the process of...

The Health Issues of South Africa

Despite the overall improvements in healthcare of the South Africa, the advances are uneven and in some cases insufficient (Coovadia, Jewkes, Barron, Sanders, & McIntyre, 2009). Several challenges responsible for this can be identified, with at least three – the HIV pandemic and the public health response to it, the...

Foams Effectiveness in Fighting with Aircraft Crash Fires

There are many aircraft crashes, which occur in many parts of the world. The crashes often result in large fires which if not contained lead to massive loss of property and human life. Airport managers worldwide make sure that they put in place the most effective mechanisms of fire fighting...

The Global Campaign: Share the Happiness With Coca-Cola

The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s leader in producing sweet soft drinks. The company is a powerful market player that feels the latest trends in the modern market perfectly and makes skillful use of them. Hence, Coca-Cola’s recent promotion campaign is truly global as it targets different countries including Nigeria...

How Can Teachers Effectively Collaborate?

What is Co-teaching? Co-teaching is described as an act of teaching performed by two or more educators who deliver the instructions and learning activities at the same time working in one physical space with one class (The Benefits of Co-Teaching for Students with Special Needs, 2013). Besides, co-teaching is also...

Heritage Assessment: Health Traditions

Introduction It has been acknowledged that one of the barriers to the provision of patient satisfaction is cultural differences and different health traditions. American healthcare professionals have to take these peculiarities into account when treating patients. Behrens, Del Pozo, Großhennig, Sieberer, and Graef-Calliess (2015) note that the acculturation style used...

Jim Mallozzi’s Positive Leadership in Real Estate

What elements of positive change do you see implemented by Jim Mallozzi? At the outset Jim Mallozzi explores the use of optimistic energy with a view of realizing organizational goals. Optimism, based on positive thinking, is regarded as a great tool in leading business institutions (Kelly and Cameron 215). This...

Iron Seeding Oceans: Global Warming Solution

Global warming has the capability to destroy the planet due to rising sea levels and unpredictable weather changes (Webersik 19). Global warming is made possible by greenhouse gases or GHG (Victor 193). The critical component of GHG is carbon dioxide (Weart 12). The GHG effect is a phenomenon that traps...

Effective Team: Stages, Characteristics and Roles

5 Stages of Group Development Developing an effective team comes with challenges and expectations at every stage of its development. An effective team must go through five development stages, namely, forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. That was the case with the environmental cleaning team we formed. At the forming...

St. Anthony’s Medical Personnel: Internal Marketing

One of the critical approaches to implementing a new marketing strategy is presenting it to the stakeholders – employees and patients. It is also crucial to address any concerns or different perspectives that they may have regarding the new offerings because it may help improve it and ensure the participation...

Loneliness in The Diary of Anne Frank

Summary The novel is based on real-life events that happened during World War 2. The main character of the novel, which was a Jew, narrates how the Jews survived during the holocaust. The diary of Anne Frank is an account of a young girl’s experience. The diary narrates the ordeal...

Nursing: Cultural Theories and Conceptual Frameworks

Encouraging a customer-oriented approach in nursing typically implies creating a sustainable framework for meeting diverse patients’ needs. The described characteristic of contemporary nursing goals is linked to the process of globalization and the increasing rates of diversity within communities all over the world (Ray, 2016). Promoting cultural awareness has become...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Evidence-Based Practice

Chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD) is a serious chronic condition among millions of Americans that is characterized by airflow blockage and various breathing-related problems. In the majority of cases, patients who are diagnosed with COPD have to be hospitalized in order to receive appropriate treatment and management of the disease...

Sick Kids Motherisk Program

Introduction Since 1991, Canada has been part of the treaty and two protocols under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. By ratifying the treaty and the protocols, the state expressed its readiness to uphold the highest standards in protecting children from abuse. Within the framework of the Convention...

Amateurism: Paying College Athletes for Their Work

Introduction The issue of college student-athletes being paid has been widely debated due to the range of different opinions surrounding it. However, in this paper, the argument that student-athletes should be paid for playing collegiate sports will be presented, despite the existence of current rules established by the National Collegiate...

Recidivism in American Prisons

Introduction A prison system appeared to introduce some impact on people who violated laws. In other words, prisons are a kind of deterrent measure that prevents people from acting unlawfully. Nevertheless, numerous people still keep committing misdemeanors and felonies irrespective of possible punishments. Consequently, if a person who has perpetrated...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Collaborative Care Model in Nursing Practice

Choosing a nursing model that fits a specific team and facility is likely to improve the quality of care delivered to patients. The organization of care delivery is usually predetermined by such factors as leadership styles, staff retention and recruitment rates, and relevant economic conditions in healthcare facilities. This assignment...

Nursing Theory of Music, Mood, and Movement by Murrock and Higgins

Introduction Healthcare professionals can identify and use different nursing models to provide exemplary medical services to their patients. Middle-range theories are powerful frameworks that offer evidence-based insights for bridging the gap between care delivery and knowledge. They provide meaningful concepts and notions that can improve the quality and nature of...

Kinser et al.’s “Awareness Is the First Step” Critique

Review and analysis of the existing scientific articles is an essential step in creating new academic knowledge. Qualitative studies contribute to the exploration of specific fields of research, which is why it is paramount to pay attention to their findings. The article under analysis delves into the problem of finding...

Classism in Patient Care Provision

Modern U.S. society lives according to the principles and ideas of meritocracy and individualism, which imply that every person is responsible for their success and happiness. Unfortunately, such a system of values leads to significant class-related disparities, as the population is not motivated to help each other establish good living...

Italian Renaissance: Art and Architecture

Italian Renaissance is well known for its cultural and societal achievements which took place between 14th to 16th centuries and initiated from Tuscany, thereby affecting the Greek and Roman culture. However the mid 15th century is considered to be as a true and prominent renaissance era. Innovators of the Italian...

Settings in “Richard III” Play by Shakespeare

Introduction Literature is a priceless heritage of humanity that provides people with an opportunity to understand people’s nature, their motifs, ideas, fears, and beliefs. Being an effective way to convey messages, novels, stories, or poems contributed to the increased attention to the events in history that were significant for the...

The Concept of Positioning in Marketing

Introduction Positioning strategy defines how the company products differ from competitors’ products. Therefore, Positioning is the process of designing the company’s image and value offer so that the customers understand and appreciate what the company stands for in relation to its competitors. A Positioning strategy adopted puts a company in...

Patient-Centered Medical Home as Quality Initiative

Introduction The changing health needs of different patients are something that requires evidence-based care delivery and treatment models that result in reduced medical costs. Leaders in the healthcare sector have been focusing on different initiatives that can improve quality and maximize people’s experiences. A good example of such innovative strategies...

Decision-Making in Organizational Management

Introduction The process of decision-making is a sequence consisting of small parts that fit to work together so as to resolve the problem. These parts that make up the problem solving process include the definition of the problem, problem representation, analysis of the problem, brainstorming for possible solutions, choosing the...

“Girl With a Pearl Earring” by Tracy Chevalier

As we can see in “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, written by Tracy Chevalier, the author can be free in selection of facts and settings. The novel is a kind of composition on a free topic or the description of one’s feelings at the time of looking at the picture....

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“Shooting an Elephant” and “Stranger in the Village”

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A Personal Behavior Modification Experiment Using Operant Conditioning

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Analysis of the Interview Response by an Addiction Counselor

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Feminism in “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath

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Using a Pico(T) Framework and Evidence to Develop Care Practices

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Analysis of Violence in “King Headley II” Book

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Racial Inequality in the USA: Problem & Solution

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Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare

Introduction Instances of medical malpractice have become a topical issue in the healthcare professional community. Such cases cause major disputes, and the potential ways of their resolution have been an area of intense interest across industries. In the case of medical malpractice, namely allied health professionals, there is a growing...