A History of Disney Feature Animation

Introduction The part of Disney’s unique status in film and animation industry is its appeal to the audiences of different and preferences. Everyone familiar with Disney movies can always find something for themselves and interoperates it in a different manner. Moreover, many of the movies and animations live from generation...

The Journey of Feminism: Analyzing Losses and Victories Throughout History

It goes without saying that the issues of gender equality are still on the agenda of the present-day world, even though the gender inequality was detected quite a while ago. Despite all the efforts of the world’s most prominent feminists, women still have to fight for their rights; however, it...

Evolution History and Scientific Discoveries

Evolution History Evolution is the theory that stipulates how changes occur among living organisms through the method that proves that all life is connected. From the time evolution was proposed, it has since been accepted, not as a theory, but as a fact. However, various theories are used to prove...

Healthy People 2020: Addressing Infectious Diseases and Public Health

Overview of the Program The Healthy People 2020 program was initiated by the Department of Health and Human Services at the end of 2010 (CDC, 2015a). The campaign aims to reduce disparities in health outcomes across all social groups. It has set a goal of achieving high standards of life...

Impact of U.S. Participation in World War I and Its Aftermath

Introduction World War I was one of the most important wars in global history. The war led to the identification of world superpowers and showed how politics and economy are intertwined. Various reasons led to the start of the war. For instance, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the breaking...

Depending on the line spacing, a text of 1150 words takes 2 to 4 pages. All the most common citation styles imply that an essay is double-spaced and written in 12-point Times New Roman. This is about 250 words per page. You might want to use a different font, but a double-spaced 1150-word essay will anyway take about @ pages.

A 1150-word essay contains 7 to 11 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

A 1150-word essay is quite an extensive piece of academic writing. It is to be planned well. The three distinct parts of such a paper are: introduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should include a hook, background information, and a thesis statement. Each of the body paragraphs is to focus on one argument. The conclusion should summarize your arguments.

Typing 1150 words on a keyboard usually takes 23 to 46 minutes, depending on your typing speed. However, if you need to write an academic paper, add time for research, formatting the text, and preparing graphic materials. You’ll need at least 3 hours for 1150 words.

An average introduction length of a 1150-word essay should be 175 words. The exact requirements will be given by your professor.

Nader & Parenti on U.S. Government: Power, Plutocracy, and Reform

Essay on Nader Book and Parenti’s Branches of Government Chapters Ralph Nader is considered a highly influential American, one who has managed to save the lives of numerous citizens due to his actions targeted at the protection of consumer rights. He has been involved in the creation of such agencies...

Gulf Cooperation Council: Current and Future Prospects

Introduction Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a socio-economic and political pact, which consists of six of the Middle East nations including Saudi, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Arabia, and Oman. Founded in Riyadh Saudi Arabia on May 1981, the GCC has been keen on safeguarding the interest of its...

Medical Errors and Their Impact on Hospitalized Children: A Comprehensive Review

Medical errors are one of the most pressing problems that health care workers have to solve at the present stage of development. The patient safety approach demands to provide high-quality services and treatment and reduce the number of errors that occur in the medical environment. There is no doubt that...

Integrated Internal Business Processes at Duke’s Hospital: Efficiency and Outcomes

Introduction The internal Business process is one such technique that its importance cannot be underplayed in any organization. It is through this management technique that various institutions have been able to rise above the Challenges that faces today’s organization. This management challenges come in the form of connection between professionalism...

Future Farming Innovations: The Role of Genetically Modified Organisms

Introduction Food belongs to the things without which humanity cannot exist. Therefore, when food producers face problems, all people inhabiting the planet do, too. When farmers do not have good harvests or when insects damage crops, when natural disasters destroy fields or the conditions of storage lead to the loss...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Three Components of Memory in Psychology

Three Components of Memory in Psychology: Introduction Memory is one of the many mysteries of the human mind for which researchers are yet to have a comprehensive answer. Nevertheless, due to the importance of the topic, a vast amount of research has been done on it. One of the more...

Stress Among Graduate Health Care Students: Barbosa et al. (2013)

Problem and Purpose The critiqued article was authored by Barbosa et al. (2013) who addressed the issue of stress among graduate health care students. The authors clearly state the problem: students experience significant stressors, which is practically important because it can affect their education and further practice. The purpose was...

Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease: Dara Cris’s Journey

Case Study Dara Cris, a sixty-three-year-old European American woman, came into the emergency room accompanied by her son. She complained of uncontrollable shaking. Tremors in her right hand made routine activities, such as dressing up and eating, more complicated. Dara could not write properly also. She even had problems with...

Leadership Development: Balancing Personal and Professional Growth

Introduction Leadership development is a broad term which encompasses various activities that make sure that one becomes a better leader either as a person or as an organization. Being a broad term, there are various ways in which leadership development can be enhanced and sometimes institutions of higher learning offer...

Imagination, Illusion, and Sublimation in the Pursuit of Happiness

Introduction Happiness as an e ethereal and elusive yet constantly desirable concept has been the object of pursuit since the dawn of humankind. The phenomenon of happiness as a state of being has a special place in Western Philosophy. The subject matter has been explored by Kant, Tocqueville, Du Chatelet,...

Tax Benefits and Social Security

Lessons from the Stimulus Fight Barnes is skeptical on the effect of less than 40 % stimulus package in the form of tax cuts proposed by President Obama’s administration. He admits that the process of Economic recovery has since delayed with the rates of unemployment registering a 9 percent. The...

Retirement Planning Options: 403B, 401K, Pension, Annuities, IRA

Introduction The selection of a retirement plan is an important task and a responsibility of any employee. When it comes to retirement planning, there are many options from which contemporary workers can choose. However, it is important to have detailed knowledge and understanding of the available retirement plans for one...

The History of United States Constitution

The United States Constitution is one of the most well-known government documents in history and modern politics. It stands as a symbol for Democracy and the strength of the country that the United States has become over the last two centuries. However, the process of drafting the Constitution was extensive...

Home. Concept Definition and Personal Vision

To me, home is our ancestral house ‘Red Rose’ in Junction City, Louisiana in which grandmother Emma lives. A visit to it is like stepping into another world. The garden is full of my favorite roses. My own room stocked with clothes purchased by grandmother. Most of the family photographs...

The Analysis of the Structure of Human Relationships

Current essay deals with the analysis of the structure of human relationships, which are those relations between different people, which occur during their multidimensional patterns of interactions. There is no denying the importance of the fact that we can speak about different types or forms of human relations. As the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Interview of Two High School Students

I got the opportunity to interview two high school students from two different schools in Illinois. Jeff is 15 and schools at Joliet West High School in Illinois. He is a bright kid but is not motivated. He struggles in school and often postpones doing homework. His priority is on...

Samsung Liquid-Crystal-Display Televisions Marketing

Marketing is defined as “the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and events to create and maintain relationships that will satisfy individual and organizational objectives.” (Kotler and Armstrong 166). Another definition proposed by American Marketing Association states that marketing is:...

Sustainability Initiatives by Canadian Colleges

The issue of sustainability has become a growing necessity among higher education institutions across the world. The growing concern about climatic change, student accommodation challenges and rising cost of energy have sent higher education institutions back to the drawing board, as they try to come up with strategies towards sustainability....

Noise Pollution: A Closer Look at the Problem

Environmental issues are very important for modern people, because the future of humanity fairly depends on natural conditions. One of the most serious environmental problems nowadays is noise pollution. Noise pollution occurs in the area where the excessive amount of unpleasant sound is produced. Environmental noises are widespread all over...

Role of Social Media in Emergency Preparedness

Summary of the article The article aims at outlining the role of social media in emergency preparedness. It further points out that there are other social media that may prove pivotal in communication in case of emergency. Cases present in the article support the potential of the use of social...

All Police Officers Should Wear a Body Camera

For many decades, the relationship between minority groups in various American cities and law enforcement has been described as tense. Scholars recognize that hostility between police and multiple communities became one of the leading causes of massive civil unrest in the 1960s (White et al. 690). However, to resolve this...

Motivation and Improving Employee Behavior

Introduction All companies and managers face issues regarding leadership, conflict resolution, and motivations of employees. My name is (Name Surname), and my partner is (Name Surname); we will talk about crucial questions related to the company Wayfair, the e-commerce retailer that sells furniture. Today we will discuss essential topics related...

Health Promotion: Disease Control and Prevention

Introduction Much attention from healthcare providers and healthcare agencies is dedicated to the problems of obesity. Still, not many professionals discuss the risk of being overweight, including the potential consequence of becoming obese in the future. In terms of prevention, it is easier to help patients who have some excess...

Symbiosis: Its Types and Influence

Introduction Symbiosis is common in nature because different species interact with each other. However, while some interaction benefits all participants, others bring benefits only to one side and can harm another. For this reason, scientists distinguish between three types of symbiosis that exist in nature, such as mutualism, commensalism, and...

Animal-Assisted Therapy: Definition and Benefits

Introduction Pet owners know that interactions with animals can have positive effects on a person’s psychological condition and well-being. Despite the limited number of forms of communication accessible to animals, they easily become good companions for vulnerable individuals. This paper explores the topic of animal-assisted therapy (AAT), which is among...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Las Meninas as a Model of Variation in the Author’s Perspective

Art provides the viewer, reader, or listener with a much deeper perspective than the eye meets. Images and scenes convey invisible motives that may be hidden under the original emotions. Diego Velazquez’s Las Meninas does not deviate from the tendency of mystery in the paintings, but rethinks it and reveals...

How Canadian Criminal Law Regulate Deviant Conduct

Introduction Deviance refers to behaviour that goes against various established societal norms, including formally enacted rules and regulations. Violation of rules amounts to crime whereby an individual would be punished according to the set laws. Moreover, deviance entails contravention of social norms, such as folklores and customs. The role of...

Cultural Identity and Ethnicities’ Integrity Significance in Mora’s Poetry

Pat Mora’s poetry book Chants illustrates the essentiality of heritage conservation and the relationship between different cultures. She is a Mexican American writer who is well-known for her biculturalism style. She puts emphasizes the problem of adaptation of non-acceptance of immigrants of Latin origin in the US. The writer also...

The Play “Othello” by William Shakespeare

Introduction It is worth noting that the play “Othello,” written by William Shakespeare, is a rather complicated story that can be explored at different levels. In particular, it talks about the loss of trust, love, and the meaning of life. At the same time, the play shows a conflict between...

Establishing the Pain of Children With Cerebral Palsy

This was qualitative research conducted to establish the pain of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Since children who suffer from CP cannot talk for themselves, the study was carried out by interviewing the parents of those children who were suffering from CP. This study was carried out by Umea University’s...

Dyson Stores Company’s Marketing Plan

Executive Summary Dyson Stores is a company that has been in the market for a long time and is doing well in its operations. James Dyson founded the company in 1991, and it deals in hand dryers, hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, and utensils (Dyson for business, n.d). The company is committed...

The FISHstory Project in Environmental Studies

Introduction In the 21st century, the preservation of the environment has become an area of growing interest for researchers across the globe. Indeed, while modern technological development introduces major improvements in terms of convenience in people’s personal and professional activities, these advancements come at a cost. The immense environmental impact...

Competing Needs and Quadruple Aim in Healthcare

Competing Needs Competing needs form an area of increasing concern for policy-makers across various industries. In fact, this issue is particularly topical for the healthcare context, as the number of stakeholders and other parties involved is highly considerable. Patients, medical managers, clinical teams, and authorities are engaged in a continuous...

RFID Chips: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Condensing information to an amount as small as possible while keeping the crucial details is vital in a range of instances, including the provision of guidelines, the inclusion of data in product description in trade, and other situations of the kind. Among the tools that help to provide succinct...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Personality Disorders According to American Psychiatric Association

Summary All of the following information was taken from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th Edition (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) unless otherwise noted. Personality Disorders Overview A personality disorder refers to an enduring, pervasive pattern of thinking, behaving, and functioning that deviates remarkably from the expectations of a person’s culture...

“I Love Lucy”: Retrospect, Supporting and Subverting Gender Roles

Introduction TV shows of the past might appear to be simply relics of the bygone era at first sight. However, on further analysis, they can reveal a treasure trove of peculiar details and facts about the time slot that it is expected to portray. Moreover, with the fingerprints of multiple...

Kant’s Deontological Ethical Theory and Policing Ethical Practices

The police system is a universal hierarchy that has the purpose to control the criminal world and ensure the citizens’ safety. Most police officers, when starting the education, decide to devote their lives to serving people within the framework of ethical values, norms, and principles. Notably, Immanuel Kant’s deontological ethical...

Diabetes Patient Case Study: Endocrinology

Mr. X’s situation can be analyzed through the lens of social determinants. The first determinant is health care access and quality, which means the utilization of individual health services in a timely manner to get optimum health results (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2021). For Mr. X, this...

The Multi-Agency Team Involvement in the Case of the Child’s Murder

Introduction Child care policies and the supervision of guardianship authorities are significant elements of the socially-oriented work of the legal field. The example case reported by Smith (2018) proves that a large multi-agency team is involved in promoting child safety and controlling parental behavior. At the same time, as the...

Ethical Issues in Health and Wellness Coaching

Introduction Health and wellness is a field of science that has become a common healthcare practice functioning as a conduit for community or public health. Historically, researchers have tried extensively defining the terms health and wellness to establish a comprehensive understanding of the roles definitions and diverse types (Perlman et...

Operation Geronimo’s Legitimacy of Execution

Introduction On April 29, 2011, President Obama, the then-United States of America commander in chief, ordered an operation that resulted in the death of the most wanted man on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) watch list, Osama bin Laden. According to Cox (2020), the president had consulted with the CIA...

Annual Outdoor Adoption Event Project

Introduction Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and managing resources to aid in the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. It involves setting up timelines and budgets and assigning responsibilities to specific team members. The annual outdoor adoption event is a project known for rescuing neglected...

Adult Learning in the Workplace

Introduction Adult learning is essential for professional development and productivity in organizations. The concept has gained increased attention in previous years, with many institutions and businesses adopting it to increase employee skills and expertise. Despite the increased adoption of adult learning, many organizations and educational institutions face challenges in developing...

The Ethical Debate on Abortion: Perspectives and Moral Implications

Introduction Abortion has always been a disputable issue because of the numerous ethical issues associated with it. The parties supporting the legalization of the procedure and those insisting on its prohibition offer various arguments to support their claims. The moral permissibility of abortion depends on the perspective of the procedure...

The Opium Wars’ Causes and Effects: Colonialism, Trade, and China’s Political Decline

Introduction The Opium Wars were historic phenomena highlighting notions such as colonialism, free trade, and national decline as a result of foreign involvement in internal affairs. The conflict between China and Britain was seemingly associated with the importation of the drug opium. However, despite its appearance, the nature of the...

Packaging Materials Comparison: Merits and Demerits

Exporters, importers, and shipping companies should put into consideration a number of factors before deciding the type of containers to use for delivering goods. For instance, the strength of the goods being transported is a pertinent factor to bear in mind. If a product is quite robust, it definitely requires...

Business Administration Students’ Main Concerns

Introduction In the recent past, the number of students enrolling at institutions of higher learning has dramatically increased in line with the shifting expectations in the job market. However, of concern is the fact that many of these students enroll into disciplines and courses they have scant information about, leading...

Mexican Uprisings in “The Underdogs” by M. Azuela

“If a man has a rifle in his hands and a beltful of cartridges, surely he should use them. That means fighting. Against whom? For whom? That is scarcely a matter of importance.” (Azuela 87). The uprisings in Mexico chronicled in The Underdogs reveal themselves as less than romantic and...

Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Despite the fact that there is no one universal definition of a conflict, Kreitner and Kinicki (2010) defined it as a “process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party” (p. 373). In a professional setting, conflicts can arise from...

Monopoly Drugs Versus Generic Drugs

Pharmaceutical Monopolies The importance of medical science innovation can hardly be overestimated and is reasonably appreciated by the government of most countries. As a result, when a pharmaceutical company creates a new drug it may apply for and be granted a patent that is a “legal protection that shelters an...

Obesity Prevention in Childhood

Due to the criticality of physical and mental health consequences of childhood obesity, the central objective of the proposed research is to find a relevant and accurate answer to the following clinical question: for childhood obesity (P), what are the effects of after-school education practices programs (I) compared to currently...

Conflict Resolution Between Nurse and Patient

Introduction It would be great if the treatment process could be addressed with a few difficult psychological situations as possible. Unfortunately, conflicts among patients and health care personnel are not a rare thing. It is important for nursing staff, as well as for other participants of the process, to understand...

Pros and Cons of the U.S. Electoral College System Analyzed

Introduction Prior to the Great Depression, very few people would agree with the statement that the government can substantially impact the market. Nowadays, very few people would disagree with it. Monetary and fiscal authorities wield the most powerful weapons for shifting economic landscapes of a country. These weapons include but...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jean Watson’s Nursing Theory and Application Strategies

How does Jean Watson’s theory influence current practice? What is the importance of the theory of human caring in nursing? Find out the answers to these and other questions in our essay sample on the application of Jean Watson theory in nursing practice. Application of Jean Watson Theory in Nursing...

Insomnia and Its Negative Health Effects

Introduction People’s quality of life heavily depends on the extent to which the essential needs of the human body are fulfilled. It is known that eating disorders present conditions that are associated with significant health risks as proper nutrition acts as a key to good health. Similarly to them, the...

Higher Education Should Be Free for Everyone

While K-12 education is free in the USA, paying for higher education is a struggle for most Americans. For those whose household income is not high enough to pay for college immediately, there are several options. They can either start saving money from the child’s early years, take student loans,...

Business Plan for SLMC Wellness Center: Feasibility and Goals

Introduction Enhancing the range and scope of services provided by an organization can help it to attract new customers and generate more revenues. However, when undertaking new projects, it is critical for the management to understand their long-term outcomes and possible considerations. The proposed project is to open a new...

“Preferences for Photographic Art Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer” the Article by Grossman, A., Schroeter, K., Hanson, A. and Hanson, H.

Introduction Prolonged hospital stays are associated with various psychological complications, which include depression, fatigue, and boredom as well as degradation of social skills and mental acuity. A healthcare setting must not only provide comfortable means of prolonged hospital stay but also address the patient’s socio-emotional needs through stimulation and therapy....

Evidence-Based Strategies Applied to Hispanic Health Initiatives

Introduction One of the crucial elements of the successful work of a health care professional is the ability to benefit from experience exchange with other organizations and specialists. Broad implementation of evidence-based practice and the application of past results achieved by others might enrich one’s scope of health care skills...

Should Parents Spank Their Children?

Introduction Spanking or striking children as a method to correct bad behavior has been widely used by parents in many cultures as a primary means of discipline. Lately, though, this disciplinary technique has been the subject of criticism among experts who have adopted a philosophy of positive parenting. Corporal punishment...

Does Canada’s Electoral System Need Reforms?

In the past decade, the voting and electoral systems of various countries have been scrutinized by analysts. This resulted in several reforms which were aimed at strengthening the democratic institutions. Scholars from all over the world have engaged in identifying how different electoral systems work and their impact on the...

Economic Situation in Rwanda

In this paper, we are going to discuss the economic situation in such a developing country as Rwanda. In particular, it is necessary to carry out growth diagnostics and propose the strategies, which may help to overcome the difficulties that this state currently faces. In this work, we rely on...

Motivation in Spencer Johnson’s “Who Moved My Cheese?”

Introduction Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and Your Life is a book about motivation enhancement by the author Spencer Johnson published in 1998. According to the New York Times, it has been a best seller ever since. The general message of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Demand Versus Supply: Discussion

Introduction A quantity is the effect of a given intensity of demand upon the amount of a commodity that will be brought over a certain range of prices. Generally less of a commodity will be sold at a high price than at a low price this is because, as price...

Earth Solution: Definition and Explanation of the Earth Initiative Charter

Introduction The world as it is today is in peril. All are in quick transition causing people to be irresponsible in conserving their moral and political duties. Production and resource use is on a downward trend. Devastation and depletion of resources have led to the total destruction of species that...

Expert Systems in Work Environment

Introduction An expert system is a computer program that is designed to help in solving problems using the knowledge of an expert in a given field. The program simulates the behavior and judgment of an individual or an organization using the expert knowledge and experience that is used in writing...

The United States’ Crisis of 1798: Sedition

France and United States were on the verge of war during the 1798 summer, a situation which put the U.S at the greatest point of worry bearing in mind that her enemy was among the superpowers at that time (Sharpe 59). It was not just the overseas enemy which the...

Founding Brothers by Joseph Ellis

Author The author, Joseph John Ellis was born in 1943 and is currently professor at the Mount Holyoke College of History on the Ford Foundation. He wrote the Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation in 2000 and received the Pulitzer Prize in History in 2001 for it. He received his PhD...

Speciality Guidelines for Forensic Psychology

Introduction A primary goal of this paper is to discover various guidelines, which are vital to the forensic psychological practice. Firstly, the Speciality Guidelines are discussed, and their significance is assessed. Secondly, the Ethical Principles and Speciality Guidelines are displayed, and Speciality Guidelines are evaluated with the assistance of specific...

Political Sciences. “Inside Job” Documentary

Introduction The movie “Inside Job” can be acclaimed among the most successful documentary films released in 2010. And this is no wonder as the film features an interesting and thought-provoking layout with reliable information and good quality of its accomplishment. In general, this film is a story about the economical...

Ways to Prevent and Treat Pressure Ulcers

Introduction Pressure ulcers are generally present in patients that are unable to move due to a particular condition freely and sometimes after surgical intervention. Although easily prevented most of the time, amounts of patients experiencing pressure ulcers continue to grown since the last decade steadily. There are a number of...

The Ethical Side of Animal Testing

Animals often become objects of scientific research aimed to test new cosmetics, medicines, methods of treatment, and food. It leads to the endless hardship of hundreds of thousands of animals, which until recently were considered to be a sole means to check drugs and products. Nowadays, new advanced technologies, especially...

Information Technology Disaster Recovery Planning

Introduction A disaster is a sudden catastrophic event that occurs and hinders the normal operation of a business or organization such as efficient processing of information technology systems that support business functions. Many organizations and businesses invest a lot of resources towards various infrastructures to ensure they remain afloat in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner

The plot of “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner involves Colonel Sartoris Snopes or Sarty, a little boy from a poor family, whose father decides to burn barns of the people he works for. The setting of the story is early spring in rural America in the end of the 19th...

Martin Luther King’s Three Ways to Meet Oppression

Oppression is the state where one is subjected to cruel and unjust treatment. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an activist, spoke largely on oppression and classified three ways in which oppressed people can deal with their oppression. These three ways include; acquiescence, violent, and nonviolent resistance. However, from his text,...

Presidential Controversy in the JFK Film by Oliver Stone

The film called JFK, produced by Oliver Stone, is one of the most discussed in the cinematic world. People have divided into two groups, and while one community believes that all described actions and events presented in the film are correct, another group denies the truthfulness and refutes the facts...

Lessons Learned from Operation Anaconda

Introduction The causes of successes and failures of the operation Anaconda in Afghanistan can be revealed by considering the most critical conditions. They include several aspects which were essential for the outcomes and equally affected the failures and the ultimate victory of the plan. Thus, the examination of the preparation,...

Lewy Body Dementia: Diagnosis/Condition

LBD is a condition that leads to the development of dementia and which predominantly affects people over the age of 50 (Taylor et al., 2020). In the United States, over 1 million patients, with higher prevalence among men when compared to women (Sanford, 2018). The etiology of LBD is the...

Disaster Recovery Plan in Overcoming Disparities

Health, Cultural, Social, and Economic Barriers Affecting Safety, Health, and Recovery Health services are a social determinant and barrier that affects community health, safety, and recovery efforts. Lack or limited access to health services can significantly affect a community’s safety during a disaster (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,...

Minimum Wage and the Distribution of Income

Introduction Since the United States has always been viewed as a country of enormous economic opportunities, the minimum wage issue has been debated for a long time. The opponents of raising salaries claim that this policy may increase unemployment in the country (Lester et al.). The supporters of this idea...

House Museums Piligrimadge

A house museum is a historic place that used to be a dwelling but was transformed into a museum. The desire to visit a house museum can be explained by a person’s admiration of a historical figure that used to live there or the era that is reflected in the...

Freshippo Company’s Innovation and Technology-Driven Business Model

Problem/ Solution Statement There is competition among Freshippo, unattended convenience stores and unattended shelves and the Amazon Go, the technology-driven new retailers in the new retail industry. The retailers had appeared in Chinese and U.S markets where they could do their businesses. An innovative initiative like ‘Daily Fresh’ and Hexioama...

Repression and Depression in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Introduction Nowadays, society mostly acknowledges the importance of treating women equally and paying sincere attention to their needs and concerns. However, more than a century ago, it was a common practice not to perceive females as intelligent and worthy. Indeed, the repression of women is a horrifying and long-lasting process...

Theories of LeBron James’ and Beyoncé’s Success

LeBron James The legendary basketball player LeBron James is regarded as one of the sport’s all-time greats. James achieved a great deal of achievement both on and off the field. Many factors have contributed to his success; two theories can help explain it: social learning theory and cognitive development theory....

Climate Policy in the United States

Introduction Climate change has been a topic of discussion in the U.S., with organizational activities playing a key role in environmental sustainability. The role of federal agencies in climate policy formulation and implementation has been a topic of discussion after the Supreme Court’s ruling on the West Virginia v. EPA...

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention in Racial Minorities: Lifestyle Changes

Introduction During the last several decades, diabetes has remained a serious racially-based health problem in the United States. In addition to disproportionately affecting Blacks (11.7%), American Indians (14.7%), and Hispanics (12.5%), a higher burden of complications (11.7% of blindness and 37% of chronic kidney diseases) is commonly reported (Haw et...

Role of Technology in Industrial Urbanization

Introduction Industrial urbanization can be defined as the growth of cities and towns as a result of the need for places of stay by the large workforce and workers for industrial factories. In the 19th century, factories and cities attracted many people from the rural parts of the country and...

Reducing the Number of Delayed and Canceled Operations in the Surgical Department

Introduction According to Al Talalwah and McIltrot (2019), treatment of more advanced illnesses, which sometimes necessitates more severe and costly treatment, is one of the medical repercussions of postponing surgery. Through features like checklists, alarms, and prediction tools; incorporated clinical guidelines that promote standardized, evidence-based procedures; and computerized prescribing and...

Using Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle to Improve Nursing Communication in Challenging Situations

Introduction Reflective practice is one of the most critical components of communication assistance in nursing. Such practice can be performed within the framework of different models that help to reveal existing professional problems and experiences better. Workflows such as Gibbs, Johns, Kolb, or Borton’s models can significantly help in reflective...

Flaws in Mental Health Care: Insights from Pete Earley’s ‘Crazy’

Introduction Mental health is one of the most essential parts of a human being. It allows the person to properly function in society and collaborate with others in daily activities: working, learning, and spending free time. However, when a person struggles with mental health, the community quickly rejects them. In...

Computers in Education, Their Role and Importance

Importance of Computers in Education Since the advent of computer technology, the world has undergone a revolutionary change because computers perform most of the tasks that were hard to perform; for example, storage of volumes of information or took a lot of time to finish. In addition, computer technology has...

Rising Fortunes of Superfine Wool Producers: Market Trends and Predictions

An overview of the article An article, Finally superfine wool pays by Sarina Locke highlights the rising fortunes of superfine wool producers because of good feed and great prices (Locke 2011). The indicators of the market have been good since 1988-89. These indicators are mainly for wool that makes “luxurious...

Drones Production Company Marketing Plan

Introduction Drones are officially known as remotely piloted vehicles or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These aerial vehicles can carry some objects like cameras in order to take photographs and to make videos at a distance, without the direct participation of a man in the process. Drones allow photography or scientific...

Hispanic Vulnerabilities in the US: A VPCM Review

Introduction Vulnerable populations encompass racial and ethnic minorities, economically disadvantaged, homeless, the elderly, those with HIV, as well as those with other chronic health conditions such as severe mental illnesses (“Vulnerable populations,” 2006). In addition, individuals in remote areas who encounter barriers while accessing healthcare services are part of vulnerable...

Violation of the Human Right to Life: Death Penalty

The problem of the death penalty cannot be separated from the general concept of human rights as it violates the paramount right of a human to life. In particular, the death penalty is contrary to the international legal standards in the field of human rights, violating the universally recognized norms...

Digital Marketing, Its Forms, Pros and Cons

Introduction Digital marketing refers to a marketing strategy that involves the promotion of products or services online. Numerous online venues are available for online advertising including the social media, email marketing, short messages (SMS), and videos as illustrated in the following image. The invention of the Internet has enabled people...

Venous Thromboembolism: Tamariz et al.’s Systematic Review Analyzed

What Does This Review Ask? The review compares the levels of accuracy of several rules for clinical prediction of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism and tries to determine what rule of diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis is the most effective and often used. The objective of the study is...

Racial Minorities’ vs. European Immigrants’ Social Mobility

Introduction Diversity remains a unique aspect of many urban areas across the globe. Cities characterized by diversity have higher chances of benefiting from economic expansion and innovation (Xiangming, Orum, and Paulsen 179). However, wealthy individuals have been observed to isolate themselves from the poor members of society. Individuals from minority...

Training Pilots for Unexpected Events: Landman et al.’s Study Analysis

Overview The analyzed article delves into the peculiarities of pilots training in emergent situations that demand unusual actions. The central reason for pursuing this research is the lack of training for a surprise in the aircrew (Landman et al. 793). The authors state that the existing regulations provide specialists with...

Climate Change and Social Responsibility in the UAE

The UAE is rapidly developing for the several decades already, which has a positive influence on the well-being of the population. However, the changes that entail this process affects the environment adversely. People tend to use cars, which spoil the air, dangerous substances, and chemicals that can pollute water and...

Enhancing Patient Hand Hygiene to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Infections

Background of Study/Summary Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are some of the leading causes of prolonged stays, high costs of healthcare, and unprecedented mortality and morbidity rates among admitted patients. The clinical problem that led to the study was the role of observing hand hygiene among both patients and nurses in the...

Malcolm Knowles’ Assumptions About Adult Learners

Malcolm S. Knowles was a prominent and a key figure in spearing adult education and was also known as a veteran of andragogy, informal adult learning, and self-driven learning. His research concerning the educational theory was mainly geared towards the assessment of the learners, on their motivation to get involved...

Acme International Expansion Program

Introduction Acme is widely known for its services all over the world in the production and provision of services. The idea of starting up a Greenfield production plant is one of its steps in meeting its goals as a multinational organization. The company has therefore selected a steering committee that...

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Family-Operated Business in Hong Kong

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The Short Life of Évariste Galois and the Big Life of His Ideas

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Property Crime Rates in Fayetteville, North Carolina

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Brexit and the Car Industry Issues

Introduction In the recent past year, the UK announced its intention to exit the European Union (EU). Membership to the EU enabled the UK to enjoy several benefits, including the benefits of barrier-free trade. Therefore, its exit from the organization is definite to have an impact on the UK’s economy....

Christopher Gardner’s Rise from Homelessness

Abstract This essay demonstrates the rise of Gardner from homelessness to richness using various psychological theories. These theories offer alternative explanations on crime and influencing factors. Gardner’s Rise from Homelessness to Financial Success and Current Status Chris Gardner is currently an investor, writer, philanthropist, actor and a motivational speaker who...

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Utilization

Energy demand is required to improve people’s health, welfare, and meeting economic and social development is on the rise each day. All societies in the world need a form of power to support basic human essentials such as cooking, lighting, communication, mobility, and space comfort (Gielen et al. 2020). Fossils...

Religious Discrimination at the Workplace

Along with the ethnic and gender identities, religious ones are likely to be stigmatized at the workplace due to stereotyping. There are many documented cases regarding discrimination against specific religious groups. For instance, Christians are stereotyped as close-minded and naïve, Jewish – as disloyal and greedy, Muslims – as menacing...

The Big History Theory in Europe, Americas, Asia

Introduction The Big History offers an interesting outlook on how historical events can be reviewed and analyzed. This approach encourages one to adopt a different perspective and use multidisciplinary methods, as well as varying levels of analysis to examine events. One can use the example of coffee and trace its...

Mental Health in Adolescents Ages 15-18 of Hispanic Culture

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Discussion of Legalization of Abortion

Berer, M. (2017). Abortion law and policy around the world. Health and Human Rights Journal, 19(1), 13-27.  The source aims at providing a clear view of various policies and laws around the globe on abortion. The author, Berer, has played a vital role in establishing a number of social issues...

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Compassion: Explorations of Its Nature & Function

The term “compassion” or its analogs exist in many religious cultures of the past. The harsh living conditions forced people to gather in social groups, increasing the chances of survival. To maintain good quality relationships and be a viable social community, people need to be compassionate and empathetic, and conversely,...

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Public Health and Private Medicine Relationship

Summary According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), public health is characterized by its mission which is fulfilling society’s interest in assuring conditions in which people can be healthy. The assuring conditions referred to in this paper mean collective promotion and protection of everyone’s interest in well-being. Private medicine, on...

Health Economic Concepts and Implications

Healthcare is one of the most important spheres of society’s life. Any such large and global industry requires regulatory processes, especially from the financial side. Hence, for this, there is a healthcare economy that deals with the problems of efficiency, value, and behavior in the field of medical care. This...

Social Media Impact on Activism

Introduction Social media is a digitally facilitated technology used to enable communication through virtual communities. Activism entails the efforts put into place to bring along the desired change in political, economic, and environmental policies for a perceived greater good (Nikunen 15). Activists use different forms to drive their agendas, such...

What Viruses Can Cause the Common Cold

Common cold is a broad designation of upper respiratory infections, caused by more than 200 different viruses. In fact, it is one of the most widespread illnesses that exist in the world. It affects the social, economic, and political spheres of people’s lives, forcing them to miss their work and...

Material Success and Failure in Miller’s Play “Death of a Salesman”

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Masculine Nature in Media

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IT Security: Hacking and Its Components

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Westward Migration and Expansion of Slavery

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Perception, Equality, and Curiosity in Cross-Cultural Communication

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The Contact Lenses Product Flow Optimization

Background & Objectives Summary This interim report highlights details in the proposed lean implementation procedures and Product Flow Optimization techniques in producing AI-powered contact lenses. This report emphasizes the background, the desired objectives, and the proposed methodology. A Gantt chart is provided for the tentative timeframes for the project. The...

Hawthorne’s Views on Utopian Societies

Introduction The Blithedale Romance novel dramatizes the conflicts between the private desires of romantic rivalries and the commune’s ideas. Hawthorne’s book discloses the modern settings of communities and the challenges American societies face in viewing everyone as an equal. Set on the Blithedale farm, the American fictional writer incorporates his...

Skepticism in Descartes’ Meditations

Rene Descartes was a famous philosopher from the era of Enlightenment who has made some relevant points today. Throughout his life, he has challenged the views he was taught and one’s perception of the world. This made the philosopher one of the most influential figures in skepticism and rationalism. The...

Review of “1776” Book by David McCollough

Introduction 1776, written by David McCullough, is a follow-up to his earlier biography of John Adams and is intended to expand the reader’s understanding of the early stages of the American Revolution. The book provides a fresh viewpoint on those events in a clear and exclusive manner. This review essay...

Families in America: The Main Problems

The health of families is an evergreen topic, especially in modern society. Despite being the basic unit of society, families experience various problems that make their survival and development a major issue. Statistics indicate at least 50% of marriages in the United States end up in divorce or separation (Schweizer,...

Compensation Package for a New Expatriate Position

Introduction As the new head of human resources at Java Corp, a homegrown cold coffee and tea business, a qualified individual needs to fill the executive director role in the soon-to-open office in London, England. This will be a two-year assignment, and there is a need to plan for a...

Review of “Black Gold” by Mark James Francis & Nick Francis

Black Gold is a documentary released in 2006 that deals with a non-evident but the extremely crucial problem the world faces today. The film is about coffee production with a special focus on the position of farmers in Ethiopia, which is the birthplace of coffee that produces the most high-quality...

Digital Storytelling and Background Music

Digital storytelling combines the art of telling stories with a mixture of digital media, such as background music. The interplay between narrative, sound effects, and music is key to people’s perception of any form of storytelling. Background music has long been a critical aspect of storytelling, presenting itself in various...

Cosmic Horror in Campbell’s and Machen’s Works

Background Cosmic horror is the fear and terror we experience when exposed to things beyond our knowledge, whose reach stretches beyond the limited context of human affairs and exhibits cosmic significance. Fundamentally, cosmic horror is a hybrid of horror and terror, defined by a great fear of external forces and...

Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Causes and Economic Impact

Introduction The use and abuse of alcohol and other substances by teens have become a very common and dangerous trend. Alcohol alone leads to more than 88,000 deaths in the US annually (Compton et al., 2023). Statistics have shown that 50% of deaths of teens between 15 and 25 years,...

Comparison of Health Trends in Texas (Harris, Brazoria, and Travis Counties)

Comparison and Contrast of Health Trends in Three Counties The following paper reviews health trends and health inequalities within Texas. Texas’s Brazoria, Travis, and Harris counties are the three I have chosen to compare. These three counties, in particular, were picked because of their proximity and the fact that I...

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