Company Profile Bovis Homes Group PLC (Bovis Homes) is a leading home construction company in the UK, which is located in New Ash Green, Kent. The company started its construction business in 1965 and achieved significant growth. Its stock symbol is BVS, which is listed in FTSE250 on London Stock...
Topic: Business
Words: 2786
Pages: 10
How to Stay Friends with Your Roommate Nothing makes a living arrangement more unbearable than animosity between roommates. Though common, roommate wars are easily avoided when both of you agree to follow a few simple rules. The following ideas will help you and your roommate stay friends and maintain a...
Topic: Academic Performance
Words: 2458
Pages: 10
Business Process Models Order fulfilment model As a mobile phone and accessories retailer, Azzaz must streamline its activities to support process integration and respond to demand changes. The BPM workflow showing Azzaz’s order fulfilment process is shown below. The model will enable Azzaz to expedite its current point-of-sale ordering to...
Topic: Information Management
Words: 2481
Pages: 10
Introduction Bushfires, like droughts, have been part of the Australian environment for thousands of years. These days, bushfires constitute a major natural and socio-economic risk, costing Australia, in excess of seventy million US dollars per year, and affecting around 2.5 million hectares of land in southern Australia alone. In some...
Topic: Firefighter
Words: 3052
Pages: 10
Abstract This report focuses on the study of the arbitration system in terms of international commercial transactions. Arbitration is understood as a contract concluded between the parties to a foreign economic transaction on the establishment of procedural rights and obligations. They are aimed at transferring possible disputes to the parties...
Topic: Law
Words: 2820
Pages: 10
Thesis statement Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or “Lou Gehrig’s disease” refers to the common neurological disease that is caused by progressive and unabated degeneration of the motor neurons located in the spinal cord (particularly the ‘ventral horn’) and cortical neurons. The effect of the disease is to cause; weakness in...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2511
Pages: 10
Project Summary The society is increasingly becoming critical of foods that are processed using animals products. Some people are critical of animal products because of some of the health problems that are associated with them. Others have been avoiding these foods because they believe it is unfair to kill animals....
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2483
Pages: 10
Introduction This analysis of a nonprofit agency will review KIPP Baltimore, a branch of a college-preparatory school network located in several parts of the United States, KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program). The report will discuss the organization’s history, structure, leadership, culture, and external relations. Then, an investigation of KIPP Baltimore’s...
Topic: Business
Words: 2816
Pages: 10
Prewriting What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. The narrowed topic is the incidence of childhood obesity in the United States: factors determining it and measures for overcoming this challenge. Who is your primary audience...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 2685
Pages: 10
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to develop a mass prophylaxis dispensing plan that will be used in Dallas County of Texas. The company that will be responsible for the dispensation plan will be the Federal Health Services Department in Dallas. To understand the dispensation plan, a definition of...
Topic: Texas
Words: 2517
Pages: 10
Making changes to any department of an organization is fraught with numerous difficulties due to the links between the operations carried out in these departments. Changes, however, are a part and parcel of economic growth, which any organization must sustain to remain competitive in the environment of the global economy....
Topic: Business
Words: 2490
Pages: 10
Background Strategic planning is an important aspect of the process of marketing. It deals with the process of defining a strategy and making decisions regarding the allocation of resources for the particular strategy. Strategic planning can be defined as the “determination of the steps required to reach an objective of...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2658
Pages: 10
Introduction The Yang Sing Hotel provided custom-made superior services and accommodation at premium notwithstanding market-monitored rates. Customer feedback and online reviews implied that Yang Sing exceeded the client’s expectations and conveyed the administration’s promise of conveying service levels that customers have never witnessed. The feedbacks of guests concerning late accommodation...
Topic: Management
Words: 2711
Pages: 10
Introduction Nike Company is a multinational organization operating in the business of designing, developing, and producing various sports products. Apart from selling shoes and apparel, the firm is known for its performance equipment, including bags, socks, eyewear, and sports balls. It has invested heavily in three key areas, namely, North...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 2977
Pages: 10
Introduction The sovereign citizen movement is a group of Americans who have denounced any allegiance with the government of the US and refused to respect or adhere to the constitution. The genesis of the sovereign citizen movement may be traced back to around 1970s, although the movement became vibrant and...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 2749
Pages: 10
The new deodorant product that our company intends to introduce into the retail chain could present great opportunities for our company. This calls for proper and effective marketing of the deodorant. While doing this, we need to consider ethical and legal issues that may arise of which I have researched...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2603
Pages: 10
Knowledge and Risk ‘Knowledge can be divided into uncertainty and perfect knowledge. Where does risk fit into this spectrum?’ According to several sources, knowledge can be defined as the relation between two or more ideas that are usually perceived mentally (Reany, 1988). Naturally, such ideas or concepts do not exist...
Topic: Forecasting
Words: 2563
Pages: 10
Introduction Food is a basic need and it must be satisfied for a person to stay alive. Adequate food supplies are therefore required for the human population to keep flourishing. For centuries, the food produced has been able to satisfy the demands of the global human community. However, the past...
Topic: Diet & Nutrition
Words: 2536
Pages: 10
Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many large companies in the West, to take pride in having incorporated the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into the very core of their operational philosophy. This practice, however, cannot be deemed thoroughly justified, because the main conceptual provisions of CSR happened...
Topic: Social Responsibility
Words: 2514
Pages: 10
Introduction HIV/AIDS is a major epidemic affecting a large fraction of the US population. A great percentage of this [population is blacks. These people are African American. Statistics have been carried out, and there are factors about the spread of this epidemic. It has been found out that 60% of...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 2504
Pages: 10
Introduction Much attention of the whole society is paid to the problem of animal testing in the modern world. It is impossible to imagine modern biochemical research without using animals. Each new vaccine, each discovery is based on theoretical research and testing of the drawn conclusions on animals. There are...
Topic: Biomedicine
Words: 2711
Pages: 10
The case scenario The padding that hurt does appear to contain a number of ethical issues, which call to be resolved in one way or another. The main of them can be outlined as follows. Should Sue Davenport (Human Resources Director) persist with insisting that Dan Murphy (Senior Vice-President) must...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 2507
Pages: 10
Introduction Oil exploitation comes with direct benefits such as improved tax revenues, employment opportunities, and royalty payments. However, oil exploitation has many costs as well, including environmental damages. In Canada, oil sands, oil, and gas exploitation in the Western provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and British Columbia has increased in...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2601
Pages: 10
Introduction This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of Costco Wholesale, providing the main reasons for its success in the global and local markets, the principles of the strategy, as well as a SWOT framework with a financial analysis of key indicators. This information is then compared with direct competitors Sam’s...
Topic: Business
Words: 3009
Pages: 10
Introduction The study of how a particular religion gained strength and spread among people is of particular value. This helps to better understand the processes that contributed to this aspect and understand what is behind the creed. Thus, this research aims to study how Islam spread and took root in...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 2759
Pages: 10
Introduction A person’s right to privacy has been highly cherished in the US and in many countries across the world. This is because the consequences for victims of privacy intrusion can be devastating, ranging from hurtful gossips to stealing of identity and even damaged credit ratings (Chiu, 2000). Even though...
Topic: Internet
Words: 2835
Pages: 10
Options for U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies and the Criminal Justice System The question of whether human nature is good or evil has been the object of intense philosophical and psychological debate for centuries. Proponents of the natural law state that ‘good’ exists as a natural state. Some philosophers have held...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 2872
Pages: 10
The topic of this article entitled Personality Characteristics as a function of frequency and type of substance abuse, written by Michael Wolff, and Kathleen Wolff discusses the problem of substance use and abuse and how this tendency could be associated or correlated with types of personalities or possible personality flaws....
Topic: Abuse
Words: 2734
Pages: 10
ABC News (2014) explains that the Gaza Conflict is one of the many conflicts within the Israeli-Palestinian warfare. The Gaza strip has been under attack for decades. Bennett (2013) explains that the conflict in the region can be attributed to the lack of clear boundaries and political affiliations in the...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 2584
Pages: 10
Introduction “The American Dream” is one of U.S. literature’s most popular and cutting-edge themes and a common symbol of American prose and poetry. The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a vivid example of a literary work that explores the American dream, its corruption through materialism, and the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 2724
Pages: 10
Introduction Organizational managers and policymakers use the budget for accountability and decision-making purposes. Budgeting is a process that involves the allocation of resources to the objectives of a given entity or a strategic plan (Brusca & Labrador, 2016). The allocation of resources to a policy can influence various aspects of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2770
Pages: 10
Introduction Wealth and income inequality are global problems that result from various individual and societal factors. Although income inequality and wealth inequality may seem similar, they are two distinct concepts. While income inequality is the degree to which a population’s wealth is unequally divided, wealth inequality describes the disparity between...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 2821
Pages: 10
Introduction Antoni Gaudi was a genius architect whose name became one of the biggest trademarks for Barcelona and Spain in general. Despite his rather complicated childhood, Gaudi represented the change that Barcelona needed to stand out finally among other European gems. Gaudi’s attitude became the main reason why he was...
Topic: Design
Words: 2702
Pages: 10
Introduction Lately the iPad has been gaining a significant amount of momentum in the U.S. as an additional teaching tool within various kindergartens to grade 6 classrooms (Banister 2010, 121). As various school districts and teachers have noted students are able to relate better with technology driven lessons rather than...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 2551
Pages: 10
Jane Austen’s Emma Overview Emma, published in 1816, like other novels of Jane Austen, deals with one major subject, that is, young lady’s attempts at finding proper husbands. Although superficially this seems to be the storyline of the novel, there is much more than only this at the deeper level....
Topic: Literature
Words: 2761
Pages: 10
Introduction During the last several decades, people have been obsessed with creating their rules, standards, and qualifications and following the principles of democracy, free will, and independence. However, such confidence and persistence make them vulnerable to a serious, primarily invisible threat known as fake news. Social media and other online...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 2701
Pages: 10
Introduction Google Incorporation is presently one of the most profitable and competitive technology giants in the United States and across the globe. This organization provides a unique product portfolio designed to attract more users and support their advertisement aims. The available platforms use a free-use model intended to ensure that...
Topic: Business
Words: 2856
Pages: 10
Abstract The rising inflation affects the UK housing market and has caused significant fluctuations. Research findings report that the current inflation rate is 9%, an increase of more than 1.5% from the previous year’s recorded rates. However, the trend in the increasing rate of inflation has been experienced for the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 3031
Pages: 10
Introduction Over the last decades, the issue of ethical business performance has been widely discussed among individuals highlighting the importance of including moral actions, respect, and trust in everyday life of corporations. Whilst some firms keep performing in an aggressive manner, being focused on goal achievement, other companies develop their...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 2600
Pages: 10
Introduction This study aims to examine pilots’ alertness level post-COVID-19 pandemic using the Boeing alertness model scale, which employs a questionnaire. Alertness in this context means the ability to complete a particular task within a specific timeframe. To ensure high accuracy, the data collected post-flight by the BAM scale will...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 2805
Pages: 10
Different architects, theorists, and critics held different views regarding the centrality of technology in architecture. This paper examines three facets of this centrality. It includes a discussion on the centrality of technology in architecture, followed by recent technologies used in architecture, and closes with a discussion on the necessity of...
Topic: Architecture
Words: 2834
Pages: 10
The fast spread of modern communication and information technology, trade-related support services, trade liberalization, and cross-border financial flows are causing unexpected transformations in the global business setting. The globalization of the commercial environment has made it imperative for small and medium-sized businesses to seek out possibilities in overseas markets to...
Topic: Business
Words: 2812
Pages: 10
Summary NATO appears to be in a political no-win situation in Kosovo despite the much-touted military victory. To escape that dead end, the alliance must rethink its political goals. NATO continues to insist on a settlement based on autonomy for the Albanian Kosovars inside Serb-dominated Yugoslavia. But that goal is...
Topic: Negotiation
Words: 2816
Pages: 10
Introduction The productivity of a company is dependent on its ability to proactively organise its human resource management strategy. As a matter of fact, labour is a vital factor of production that quantifies the performance, output, and goal achievement with optimal use of available inputs. The Barclays Bank in Stanford...
Topic: Banking
Words: 2775
Pages: 10
Introduction Leadership style, the decision-making process, and self-managed teams collectively add up to the canvas making up organizations behaviour (Daft, 2007). The environment in which organizations operate is dynamic and presents a variety of threats and opportunities for the organization existence (Busemeyer & Townsend, 1993). An analysis of the efficacy...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2634
Pages: 10
Introduction Culture is defined as the total behavioral traits learned, manifested and shared among members of a society. Consumer culture in the past used to vary widely in the entire world and that called for diversity in marketing strategies and advertisement for every region. This seems to be changing. Hollensen...
Topic: Culture
Words: 2734
Pages: 10
Introduction Economic globalization is the increased economic integration and interdependence that goes beyond national, regional, and continental borders. Economic integration occurs through the globalization of production, technology, marketing, labor, and other factors of production. Economic globalization is heavily dependent on Information Communication Technology (ICT). This paper will explore the aspects...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 2669
Pages: 10
Abstract On February 6th, 2014, the Board of Directors of Crumbs Bakery requested the head of the Procurement and Budgeting Board to conduct a feasibility study about alternative sources of energy that would help the company to reduce its costs. I was chosen as the best qualified applicant to prepare...
Topic: Business
Words: 2481
Pages: 10
Abstract This paper demonstrates the use of financial data for financial analysis. The objective is to carry out a broad financial analysis for an actual company. It explores the various techniques and tools used for financial analysis. In the analysis, we use financial data for Hellenic Community Trust for five...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2722
Pages: 10
Abstract Religious hostilities in Ethiopia and Eritrea have posed challenges for quite a long period. Such religious disputes have been threatening peace and stability in the nations and the whole region. This study discusses the perspectives that exist regarding the supposition that religious hostilities create global unsteadiness, progress to the...
Topic: Religion
Words: 2483
Pages: 10
Introduction The price of goods and services is one of the factors that the consumers consider before making decisions on what they need to purchase.The law of demand shows how demand of a commodity changes as own price changes. Price elasticity of demand is an indicator of the rate at...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 2484
Pages: 10
Nowadays, it represents a commonplace assumption among many people that democracy is the best form of societal governing. As Dewey pointed out, “Democratic political forms are simply the best means that human wit has devised up to a special time in history” (1937, p. 457). This assumption, however, cannot be...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 2554
Pages: 10
Analysis of print advertisements for similar products using semiotic methods This is a semiotic analysis of two print advertisements whose similarity lies in the fact that all of them refer to fragrance, but of different sexes. Semiotics study focuses on signs, sign systems, and their resultant meanings. People use this...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 2528
Pages: 10
Introduction Nigeria possesses one of the world’s largest hydrocarbon deposits and is one of the top oil-producing countries in the world. Aka confirms that Nigeria is an important member of OPEC owing to its vast crude oil reserves (229). As such, Oil has continued to play a significant role in...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2567
Pages: 10
Executive summary Organizations are always looking for new ventures and opportunities that can help them succeed in competitive markets. Some of the initiatives that organizations can use to achieve their short, medium, and long-term objectives include diversification of existing products and the introduction of new products into the market. Rochep...
Topic: Market Research
Words: 2591
Pages: 10
Introduction The discourse in “Maggie Anderson-Power of People in Organisation” is an academic work that presents research findings on the role a manager plays in seeking to apply human resource principles and practices in practical situations to model the best way to relate with and manage the people by motivating...
Topic: Performance
Words: 2737
Pages: 10
Outline Serial killings or serial murders are the most dreaded and publicized crime in Australia and the USA. Although the occurrences of serial killings have become less in the past twenty years than in the 1980s and ’70s, these still remain the most notorious form of crime. Serial killers are...
Topic: Murder
Words: 3108
Pages: 10
Outline This paper is a study of problems in project management with particular reference to cost overruns. It is seen that project management is a complex undertaking and requires managerial and technical skills for the efficient completion of projects. Cost overruns are frequent in most projects irrespective of the area...
Topic: Management
Words: 2716
Pages: 10
Classification of each source of evidence into either the general information resource, the filtered resource, or the unfiltered resource The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Family of Physicians (AFP) present goods examples of filtered information resources (AAP and AFP, 2004). The sources with filtered information are generated...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 2528
Pages: 10
Abstract The literature concerning counseling acknowledges the importance of building rapport as a basis for enhancing a working alliance with the aim of offering excellent services. This is the foundation of working agreements, group counseling sessions, and joint conferences, mainly constructed through common face-to-face communications. Today the technology has a...
Topic: Health
Words: 2576
Pages: 10
Introduction Aims and Objectives The information about the performance of a firm is essential to the job seekers and investors as well as companies seeking employees. However, such basic requirements for identifying the best firms depending on their performance have not been availed in a precise manner. Therefore, this project...
Topic: Management
Words: 2536
Pages: 10
Chinese Banking System In the case study under analysis, Chaudhuri (2014) pays much attention to the banking system of China and the development of different banking sectors in regards to the latest changes and requirements that may occur at the local or national level. Regarding the latest achievements, existing progress,...
Topic: Banking
Words: 2478
Pages: 10
Introduction Scholars like Robert Wistrich and Joseph Massad debate over the exact cause of the Jewish Zionism in the better part of the 19th century. Initially, the Jews lived in different communities across Europe and in Palestine; they lacked a place of their own in which they could live as...
Topic: Zionism
Words: 2505
Pages: 10
Introduction The proposed business plan focuses on describing the development strategy of Island Foods Manufacturing Limited. The company is a small start-up aiming to create a broad diversity of authentic and ready-to-eat Caribbean products and drinks. The products include Jamaican Jerk Chicken, Jamaican Rum Punch, and Jamaican Beef Patty. Thus,...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 2860
Pages: 10
The advancement in technology and science has helped man over the years to come up with miraculous cures and inventions; profitable to the mankind in all ways possible. One of the major reasons of the exponential growth in population is the sharp decrease in mortality rates all over the world;...
Topic: Bioethics
Words: 2517
Pages: 10
Introduction A mission is a thrilling goal accompanied by a firm conviction to achieve a desired outcome. God’s mission can be understood through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The mission is accomplished by sending people to different parts of the world to preach the word and convert souls to Christ....
Topic: Bible
Words: 2805
Pages: 10
Introduction The Oklahoma City bombing, one of the worst acts of domestic terrorism in American history, was carried out by American Timothy McVeigh. At least 168 individuals lost their lives as a result of the bombing incident (Linder, 2006). McVeigh’s philosophy, which was based on white supremacy and anti-government radicalism,...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 2804
Pages: 10
Introduction Qatar Airways is one of the best airlines in the world. It was founded in late 1993 but started its operations at the beginning of 1994. Though the airline served a handful of routes over the years, its re-launch in 1997 marked the beginning of its current vision, which...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 2766
Pages: 10
Introduction of the Client For proper patient assistance and diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account all the internal and external factors that influenced the current state of the patient. Kathy, a divorced patient, is a forty-five-year-old woman of Caucasian descent. The patient is a well-educated person who has...
Topic: BPD
Words: 2895
Pages: 10
Introduction Childhood attachment can be the result of severe psychological impairments in adulthood, and parenting aspects are largely those factors that stimulate specific disorders. According to Corcoran and McNulty (2018), parental neglect is a driver of emotional development difficulties in children, and the lack of attention is fraught with anxiety,...
Topic: Anxiety
Words: 2817
Pages: 10
The research study is an analysis of the benefits of endoscopic band ligation over argon plasma coagulation in the treatment of gastric antral and fundal vascular ectasia. According to research, GAVE is a serious consequence of cirrhosis. Several medicinal, surgical, and endoscopic therapy approaches have been offered, with varying degrees...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2575
Pages: 10
Introduction One of the two American white supremacists that used terrorism to further their racial objectives was the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Whether a cause is legitimate, individuals have always harbored genuine emotions against something or someone. These groups often focus on a specific race of individuals. One of these...
Topic: Terrorism
Words: 2759
Pages: 10
Introducing the Test The Rorschach inkblot test is a psychological questionnaire which was designed by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach in 1921 (Choca & Rossini, 2018). This test is used to examine a person’s mental health and personality. It is also used to evaluate a person’s response to various situations. People...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2848
Pages: 10
Introduction Falls in-home care is one of the major causes of further complications, especially in older adults. By the very definition, home care implies that nurses and family caregivers provide assisting services to patients. The daily tasks that require help are composed of transfers from a bed to a wheelchair...
Topic: Health
Words: 2767
Pages: 10
Today, the tendency of changes in natural and climatic conditions, the intensification of seismic and heliophysics processes is observed, which is also expressed in an increase in the frequency and scale of disasters, the development of natural disasters into man-made and vice versa. The danger of transboundary transfer of pollutants...
Topic: Management
Words: 2869
Pages: 10
Introduction Effective leadership includes achieving the organization’s goal and setting its tone and culture, planning and implementing strategies, acquiring resources, and recognizing and resolving conflicts (Fatien & Nizet, 2019). Leaders build employees’ strengths, talents and nature dedicated teams for a mutual benefit. Companies and other institutions all around the world...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2809
Pages: 10
Introduction The following article observes and analyzes a number of themes and topics associated with palliative care. The report recounts the key concepts and principles that guide the appropriate use of palliative care in healthcare settings. Following this, the presence of palliative care in neurological practices is outlined, issues and...
Topic: Health
Words: 2819
Pages: 10
Introduction As early childhood educators, teachers each have their own perspective on tutoring, classroom management, family participation, and curriculum development. One must advocate for more developmentally appropriate ways to engage in educational programs, provide teaching based on their developmental level, and differentiate for all learners. Children’s play sets the groundwork...
Topic: Education
Words: 2785
Pages: 10
Introduction Both the global history of religion and the history of a particular religion in a separate state have always dominated the attention of researchers, philosophers, archaeologists, historians, and theologians. Journalists write articles in magazines, interview public and religious figures, and gather stadiums of followers. For quite a long time,...
Topic: Religion
Words: 2764
Pages: 10
Introduction Clara explains the growth and development of the working class and conventional women movements from their homeland up to the 19th century to the beginning of the first quarter of the 20th century. Zetkin shows the strengths and possibilities that arose from women’s liberation in the revolution times. It...
Topic: Communism
Words: 2842
Pages: 10
Introduction “Parsifal” is the last of Richard Wagner’s operas, which is considered the most beautiful and, at the same time, the most enigmatic of his works. Its creation occurred during almost all of the composer’s conscious life. While working on Lohengrin in the late 1840s, learning the legend of Parsifal...
Topic: Literature
Words: 2868
Pages: 10
Introduction Addiction is wickedness that deprives people of their freedom and will. It makes them weak, creating false desires for substances. Addictive habits seize control of human lives, making people incapable of making their own decisions and often leading to destructive behavior. While science looks at addiction from an empirical...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 2882
Pages: 10
Introduction The issue of feminism has been debated for decades. There are various schools of thought on what feminism is, and what it should achieve. Ideally, a significant majority of these schools of thought are founded in the West, thereby, it can be argued that other cultures in other parts...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 2762
Pages: 10
Introduction The phrase financial crisis has been applied in wider aspects in recent days with an array of state of affairs in where some financial organisation or assets unexpectedly go down of a large portion of their value. Through around the centuries the civilization has evidenced financial crises coupled with...
Topic: Financial Crisis
Words: 2809
Pages: 10
Approaches to parenting and child care can vary significantly based on the parents’ individual characteristics and their preferred style. Each of the strategies exhibits unique features and characteristics that envelop parents’ personality traits and identify the behavioral patterns chosen. However, the most outstanding achievement of parenting style theories lies in...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 2790
Pages: 10
International Marine law is essential in governing the natural resources from illegal acts of pollution that poses dangers to marine life and life, depending on the waters of oceans or seas. Law on exploitation and utilization of sea resources is also essential to avoid overexploitation and damage to these resources....
Topic: International Law
Words: 2661
Pages: 10
Introduction Forecasting future sales with certainty is impossible since the market conditions are unpredictable. The economy is always constantly changing. Despite the uncertainties, management of companies still need to prepare sales forecasts to enable them to prepare a budget for revenue and expenses. The preparation of such budgets is always...
Topic: Forecasting
Words: 2485
Pages: 10
Introduction According to the World Health Organization (2014), there are approximately 800,000 deaths that occur annually due to suicide. Moreover, suicide has been reported to be one of the major causes of death among people aged 15 to 44 years and the second highest cause of death among individuals aged...
Topic: Death
Words: 2669
Pages: 10
Introduction Emergency responders need massive amounts of information to guide their decision-making when a crisis threatens lives and livelihoods. The decision-makers take the information promptly and with sufficient precision to accurately appraise the situation. Visual pictures and other remotely sensed data are critical for response preparation because they provide a...
Topic: Health
Words: 3085
Pages: 10
History of Cinema The history of cinema extends to over a hundred years where it started off as a carnival novelty in the 19th century. As time passed however it changed from being a novelty form of entertainment to one that serves the masses with resounding effects on arts, culture...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 2602
Pages: 10
Introduction The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and other methods of argumentative and alternative communication (AAC) have gained popularity in their usage to improve the communication capabilities of people with extreme communication impairments. An example of communication disorders is Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Individuals with ASD have challenges with speech...
Topic: Communication
Words: 2540
Pages: 10
Abstract The paper provides a critical review on a journal authored by Nichols, Raska, and Flint (2015). The authors conducted a millennial customer research on the impact of buyer humiliation on volume and worth. This journal was based on how millennial and non-millennial clients were affected by their emotional impacts...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2527
Pages: 10
Introduction The respiratory system is accountable for providing oxygen to the body since energy is required for life on day to day basis. Oxygen is required to obtain energy from the food that is consumed. We breathe in air that is rich in oxygen (Miller et al, 2005). Oxygen is...
Topic: Respiratory Disorders
Words: 2836
Pages: 10
Qualitative Article Analysis Overview Changing the realm of healthcare is an essential step towards improving the quality of life of the U.S. population (Romney, Brown & Fry, 2012). In their article, Scuka (1994) addresses the issue regarding the changes, which the healthcare area was supposed to undergo in the 1990s,...
Topic: Health
Words: 2750
Pages: 10
Introduction It is a renowned statistic that cigarette smoking is much more common among the patients with psychiatric diseases for a number of reasons which may include (but are not limited to) psychological implications and neurobiological mechanisms. The addiction to nicotine is often associated with co-occurring psychological ailments and is...
Topic: Depression
Words: 2737
Pages: 10
Introduction The United States Department of education, working closely with the Council of Governors, has been struggling to ensure that there is a universal implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) across the country. The initiative is a typical standardized approach to teaching content and learning approaches in formal...
Topic: Disability
Words: 2498
Pages: 10
This paper discusses the topic of workplace harassment and its different aspects. In particular, the definition of harassment as a whole is discussed, pertaining to both employee and non-employee led harassment against individuals. Furthermore, particulars of verbal, physical, and online harassment are discussed. The paper aims at enhancing the awareness...
Topic: Sexual Harassment
Words: 2739
Pages: 10
Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the initiatives sponsored by a firm to promote the wellbeing of the community in which it does its business. In the recent past, the concept of CSR has gained root where each corporation is seeking to gain customers’ loyalty by giving back to...
Topic: Business
Words: 2495
Pages: 10
Introduction Nokia is one of the world’s largest corporations as a worldwide technology and telecommunications firm. Nokia Corporation’s mill operation was established in 1865 (Bhalodiya & Sagotia, 2018). Nokia’s corporate culture is built on a foundation of respect, accomplishment, renewal, and taking on new challenges. A company’s growth and market...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 2864
Pages: 10
The Millennium Dome was a project intended to commemorate the passing of the second millennia and the entrance to the third one. Nowadays it has become one of the most recognizable features of tourism in the United Kingdom. You can easily recognize it if you fly over London. As the...
Topic: History
Words: 2296
Pages: 10
Introduction Understanding leadership has become a challenging and elusive task, owing to the nature of leadership itself. According to Daft (2017), leadership studies are a growing discipline, and the notion of leadership will continue to evolve. Leadership can be described as an influence connection between leaders and followers who want...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2859
Pages: 10
In spite of the fact that executive coaching is the actively developed concept and practice, researchers and practitioners cannot agree on the theory that can be used to explain and support the main principles of this process. The lack of the special theory in the field of executive coaching makes...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 2660
Pages: 10
Introduction Generally, in curriculum studies, as in other educational contexts, researchers define curriculum as a document that describes the content of a subject area and, in varying degrees of detail, the teaching strategies to be used to facilitate student learning and performance in that area. This limited view of the...
Topic: Curriculum
Words: 2815
Pages: 10
Bethlehem The West Bank of Bethlehem, also known by the Arabic names Bayt Lam (“House of Meat”) and Bet Leem, is located in the Judaean Hills five miles (eight kilometers) south of Jerusalem (“House of Bread”). According to Luke and Mathew’s gospels, Jesus was instinctive in Bethlehem, which relates to...
Topic: Religion
Words: 2236
Pages: 10
Introduction Alcohol consumption has health and social impacts borne by the individual, their families and the community. The number of patients admitted with health conditions linked with alcohol used in Cambridgeshire is rising. For example, in 2018, about 3,452 hospital admissions were caused by excessive alcohol use (Cliss, 2019). This...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 2762
Pages: 10
Introduction The needs of the elderly are now among the key concerns for the medical practitioners and counselors. Today, the life expectancy in developed countries for all genders and races is close to 80 years, and it is projected to grow further in the next years and decades. An increase...
Topic: Population
Words: 2533
Pages: 10
Introduction The Korean Conflict was a domestic and armed war that took place in the Korean Peninsula. The conflict was between North and South Korea. It got to its peak between 1950 and 1953. The conflict emanated from the partitioning of Korea after WWII. As a result, industrialist and socialist...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 2575
Pages: 10
Introduction Supersessionism, also known as replacement theology, is a Christian doctrine that asserts that the New Covenant supersedes the Old Covenant. It establishes the current status of the Christian Church in relation to the Jewish people and Judaism, claiming that it has succeeded the Israelites as the definitive people of...
Topic: Religion
Words: 2799
Pages: 10
How solar panels operate A solar panel, also known as a photovoltaic panel, is an assemblage of photovoltaic cells that convert sun rays directly into electricity through a process known as the photovoltaic effect; the interconnected photovoltaic cells (or the photovoltaic module) are protected from the environment, sometimes with a...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 2578
Pages: 10
The document is a brief report on Unified Software Development Process (USDP) and Extreme programming (XP) methodologies, critically comparing them to check their suitability to deliver increased efficiency and quality to the software projects and how well they support effective cost estimation, project planning, risk management and testing. Introduction There...
Topic: Management
Words: 2745
Pages: 10
Introduction The evolving world has exposed teenagers to the day-to-day use of social media; unlike in ancient times, adolescents can access information and network online. According to Ahmad et al. (2019), the digital era has played an important and pivotal task in shaping the awareness levels of teens. The availability...
Topic: Social Media
Words: 2852
Pages: 10
Abstract Currently, there have been talks about economic growth and trade. As well, there has been the issue of economic growth and environmental conservation which has become a global issue. This means that there should be a way of addressing this global issue while at the very time encouraging global...
Topic: Economic Growth
Words: 2977
Pages: 10
Introduction For students at elementary schools, reading is a complex process that requires the application of numerous skills ranging from question-asking to decoding. Good readers understand the meaning behind written words, know how to pronounce them, use clues from the context to understand unfamiliar words, as well as use the...
Topic: School
Words: 2526
Pages: 10
Introduction Homelessness is the problem that influences the life of the whole society adversely. It especially is critical for the USA as almost half a million of citizens do not have their own houses or flats. They do not have the opportunities that the representatives of the general public have...
Topic: Mass Incarceration
Words: 2566
Pages: 10
Introduction The problem under discussion in the following literature review covers the effects of consumer’s perception of creativity on Instagram engagement with a focus on the travel industry. The purpose of the study is to investigate the matter by exploring the existing literature about consumer engagement, perceived creativity, brand familiarity,...
Topic: Instagram
Words: 2461
Pages: 10
Introduction Many crimes, especially murder, result from betrayal by someone close to or known to the victims. In other words, to be betrayed, the victim must have first trusted the betrayer. Betrayal is caused by greed or selfish motives, which are human nature. Betrayal is a bad experience that destroys...
Topic: Literature
Words: 2765
Pages: 10
Introduction Literary works of various cultures and historical epochs are an exciting topic to study. Hence, this scientific paper aims to examine two texts and discern what significant meaning is generated by their differences. Moreover, the work denotes similarity that allows the difference to highlight a meaningful idea. Thus, The...
Topic: Medea
Words: 2601
Pages: 10
Need and Problem for The Study Lack of parental involvement in a child’s education is an existing problem that teachers and guardians face. When parents are not invested in their children’s future and education, their offspring may experience poor student achievements and growth in various ways (Boonk et al., 2018)....
Topic: Parenting
Words: 2808
Pages: 10
Introduction Representations of distinct events in the Bible can often yield significant information regarding the social attitudes and customs of the age discussed. Several sections of the Old Testament books are designated for particular thoughts and events to be delegated to the public during readings and liturgies. Such excerpts from...
Topic: Old Testament
Words: 2572
Pages: 10
Has capitalism failed? Look at some of the events of the past few years; they have left the average Joes, nurses, teachers, journalists, and countless others ready to throw in the towel regarding our free-enterprise system. Capitalism has seemed on the verge of a heart attack. The economy has been...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 2487
Pages: 10
Introduction Cross-cultural communication refers to how people from different cultures communicate. It encompasses the differences and similarities between the different cultural communities as well as the effort different people from different cultural backgrounds put to communicate effectively across cultures. Cross-cultural communication has become an important discipline due to globalization. People...
Topic: Culture
Words: 3012
Pages: 10
Humanitarian intervention is best understood as the process of engaging in military intervention by one state into another state with the purpose of minimizing suffering in the recipient country. Although this intervention is based on a very noble cause, a number of challenges have arisen in terms of such situations....
Topic: International Relations
Words: 2991
Pages: 10
Introduction Development is always supported by knowledge and skills proficiency within the workforce. Basically, countries with people who possess skills and knowledge have always registered a higher social, economic, and political growth than those with the majority of unskilled people. This is because knowledge and skills encourage creativity and innovativeness...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2717
Pages: 10
Executive Summary The current research proposal aims at reviewing the marketing strategies used in the hospitality industry on the example of a comparison of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The purpose of the study is to show that marketing is an imperative aspect of managing the...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2836
Pages: 10
Introduction Social movements are an important driver of social change since they help minorities to get lacking rights and liberties. Although much progress has been made in the field of civil rights recently, there are still social movements fighting for the rights of oppressed population groups, and one of them...
Topic: Activism
Words: 2882
Pages: 10
Media is one of the most powerful sources of information about people, events, nations, and any type of progress. Though its quality is hard to control, consumers cannot neglect an opportunity but rely on the material they observe in movies and find in articles online. Despite the number of concerns...
Topic: Culture
Words: 2756
Pages: 10
Abstract This research proposal is based on whether money is evil or virtue for Christians. To adequately address this research problem, the researchers have decided to address the topic using four factors: meanness versus generosity and greed versus frugality. This will be a qualitative study because it aims to evaluate...
Topic: Money
Words: 2890
Pages: 10
Introduction The transportation system plays a critical role in the growth and development of the country. It is through this system that people and goods are able to move from one destination to the other for various reasons. The transportation system is the means through which international trade, business, and...
Topic: Homeland Security
Words: 2498
Pages: 10
Introduction The discussion explores the impacts of web tech on adolescents’ cognitive, psychological, physical, and socio-emotional development. Recently, advancements in technology, especially in social media, digital gaming sites, and smart televisions, have made teens the target group. It is significant to be aware of the effectiveness of the rapid net...
Topic: Cognitive Development
Words: 3081
Pages: 10
Introduction Religion is a vehicle that replicates ethical codes and social composition in the process of civilization, but also forms cultures and affects the growth and expansion of civilization and society as a whole. Religion has been an incredibly influential element of society and has, of course, played a vital...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 2492
Pages: 10
Educational Theories Formal and informal learning takes place in guided frameworks or structures commonly referred to as educational theories. According to educationalists, these are theories that outline the purpose of education, its application as well as the interpretation of educational learning. These theories provide a guide through which Knowledge, skills,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 2503
Pages: 10
Introduction It would seem that the society that exists in the 21st century is one of a population with a thirst for realism in everything that relates to their function as human being. More so when it comes to television viewing habits. All of a sudden, television has become an...
Topic: Technology
Words: 2418
Pages: 10
Introduction Currently, people have many freedoms that were inaccessible to residents of the past centuries. One of these is the right to vote, especially regarding religious views. If in modern society, every person, regardless of gender and position, can preach any religion, then in the seventeenth century, everything was completely...
Topic: History
Words: 2805
Pages: 10
Executive Summary Herbal is a small business that has recently had a major breakthrough in the form of using a plant-derived painkiller to treat cancer. Currently, the company’s CEO is looking for investors to fund further research on human subjects and to start the process of production. The uniqueness of...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 2837
Pages: 10
Topic Overview Research has shown that many people are not aware of the dangers associated with the use of tanning booths. As a matter of fact, the effects of tanning booths are worse than sun’s exposure owing to extreme radiation. Empirical evidences have shown that over 2.5 million teenagers use...
Topic: Cancer
Words: 2543
Pages: 10
Introduction After the abolishment of slavery in Europe and North America, many people celebrated since the achievement triggered the introduction and passage of human rights clauses to protect mankind from forced labor. Notions of democracy continue to focus on evidence-based approaches that can empower global citizens to pursue their personal...
Topic: Human Trafficking
Words: 2780
Pages: 10
Ayoub, Mona, et al. “Genetic and environmental associations between child personality and parenting.” Social psychological and personality science 10.6 (2019): 711-721. Web. The article discusses how many people’s ideas about parenting are based on how it affects their kids. The authors say that children can affect how their parents raise...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 2714
Pages: 10
The Spirit of Inquiry Ignited Cancer is a grave disease that is highly lethal and often delivers a slow and painful death at later stages. Statistically, in 2008 the mortality rate from cancer was at the level of 62% (Siegel et al., 2014). Breast cancer is one of the most...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 2709
Pages: 10
Introduction Science is derived from a Latino word “Scientia”, implying acquisition of knowledge. The word science does not have a universal definition. The new Webster Collegiate Dictionary states that scientific knowledge is acquired through both studies and practice. This includes knowledge obtained through experimentation of events using scientific methods; thus,...
Topic: Mind
Words: 2523
Pages: 10
Introduction The purpose of the presentation aims to develop a disaster recovery plan that will address the health disparities and improve access to services after a disaster, with a focus on supporting vulnerable populations. The goal is to ensure that everyone in the Villa Health Community has access to the...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 2447
Pages: 10
Radomska, M., Mehrabi, T., Lykke, N., Radomska, M., & Mehrabi, T. (2020). Queer death studies : Death , Dying and Mourning from a Queerfeminist Perspective Queer Death Studies : Death , Dying and Mourning from a Queerfeminist Perspective. Web. This article explains the special issue entitled Queer Death Studies examines a recently...
Topic: Death
Words: 2760
Pages: 10
Social media has surpassed email as the primary method of communication with individuals from all around the globe. It has proved beneficial to some and harmful to others. Social media is slowly but surely transforming how we live and interact. Our social relationships have devolved into impersonal encounters through smartphones...
Topic: Communication
Words: 2064
Pages: 10
Climate change has been happening at an unprecedented rate over the last decade to become a major global concern. People’s livelihoods and wellbeing, global security, and climate are intricately intertwined, and affecting one of these factors has a ripple effect on the other. As such, climate change poses serious security...
Topic: Climate
Words: 3018
Pages: 10
Arthur, D. C., Pollock, G., Steinman, A. M., Frank, N., Mazur, D. H., & Belkin, A. (2020). DoD’s transgender ban has harmed military readiness. Palm Center. The study by Arthur et al. (2020) was one of the first scholarly studies undertaken to investigate the impact of the ban on transgender...
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 3004
Pages: 10
Safety Improvement Plan Annotated Bibliography Health Informatics Melton, B. L. (2017). Systematic review of medical informatics–supported medication decision making. Biomedical Informatics Insights, 9. Web. The given resource offers information about the applications and implications of existing medical informatics-based decision support systems. The author states that their use in medication prescribing...
Topic: Health
Words: 2619
Pages: 10
Introduction This exemplar focuses on analyzing reproductive diseases and disorders and on determining the benefits of using assisted reproductive technology like in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic screening or diagnosis (PGS/PGD). The particular case that is discussed in this exemplar is associated with a reproductive disorder known as recurrent...
Topic: Disease
Words: 2844
Pages: 10
Abstract Nurse Practitioners (NPs) possess consummate decision-making, leadership, health promotion, and critical thinking skills. However, it is necessary for such nurses to have completed their bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) programmes. This essay identifies and describes the core courses for the BSN programme. The paper goes further to give...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 2746
Pages: 10
The Beggar’s Opera is the first of a new form of opera that was developed by John Gay in the early 1700s as a reaction against the superficiality of the popular Italian opera and its effects upon his culture. This form of entertainment came to be known as the ballad...
Topic: Culture
Words: 2454
Pages: 10
Teaching is one of the most honorable, revered, and complex professions in the world, which requires a person to have certain qualities and skills. Also, there are some subjects that are much more difficult to teach than others. It happens because they relatively recently appeared in the educational system, and...
Topic: Computers
Words: 2759
Pages: 10
The brain controls all human body activities, from thoughts, speech, movement, and memory. It also acts as a regulating organ for various parts of the body. A healthy brain functions automatically and quickly; however, the outcomes can be fatal when problems occur. Brain ailment or damage affects several areas including...
Topic: Brain
Words: 2768
Pages: 10