International Marketing and Marketing Communications

Introduction Marketing communications are messages and related media used to communicate with the target market. It involves all the traditional forms of promotion including advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity and public relations. It also includes all points of contact between the organization and other stakeholders. Jefkins, F. W., (1982)....

Adherence and Compliance Difference: Treatment of HIV Infection

Abstract African Americans introduce the most severe and crucial HIV burden than any other race and ethnic group represented in the USA. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the number of newly infected African American females, as well as those diagnosed AIDS-related diseases, are growing rapidly. Although the...

The Impact of the Eurozone Crisis

Introduction As from 2009, the Eurozone has been undergoing a monetary crisis, which calls for major austerity measures. With Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy being among the first victims of the crisis, other countries in the Eurozone are feeling threatened that economies may face the same challenges as the...

Total Energies: Operations Management

Executive Summary The report focuses on analysing the application and importance of operations management principles at Total Energies. A brief overview of Total Energies has been identified, as well as analysing of some of the challenges facing its operations. However, the competitiveness of the company in its operation management has...

Business Analysis: Population and Sampling Techniques

Population and Sampling Techniques Business research equips organizations with sound evidence supporting their decisions or enabling managers to develop forecasts. The exploration of employees’ attitudes towards projects, events, decisions is also an important part of big companies’ functioning since people’s perspectives have a considerable effect on organizations’ performance (Chakrabarti &...

It will take you 5 to 10 minutes to type one page on a keyboard. However, if you need to write a 15 page essay from scratch, it will take you not less than 15 to 16 hours.

A paragraph in academic writing should be at least 75 words long. So, a 15 page essay is to contain 37 to 49 paragraphs.

A 15 page essay is a typical college assignment. You might need to write such a paper in almost any field: psychology, education, or marketing. Its key aim is to demonstrate your critical thinking and your knowledge of the topic.

A 15 page essay should be planned well. The first thing you need to do is formulate your thesis statement (or, in other words, the main idea of your paper). Then break it into several parts and turn each of them into a topic sentence. These simple steps will help you organize your thoughts.

A 15 page essay is quite an extensive task. When choosing a topic for it, think of something that won’t sound oversimplified. You might want to focus on obesity, World War II, or organic farming.

Business Centre in Abu Dhabi: Business Plan

Executive Summary Business summary Learning the Arabic language has become a necessity for business people and investors in Abu Dhabi. People doing business at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre come from many countries of the world. Most of them speak English but many have the difficulty in speaking English....

The Emerging Medical Technology

Introduction Technological advances are crucial for the development of healthcare around the world, as they help to improve treatment and diagnosis methods of various conditions. According to a recently published article in Forbes magazine, there are at least nine current trends in technology that will transform medicine and healthcare in...

Banks and Banking in Spain

Introduction Spain is in South West of Europe. It has an area of 504,750 square kilometer. It had estimated population of 40,341,000 as of 2005.Its capital is the largest city namely Madrid. Some important cities in Spain are Valladolid, Burgos, Salamanca, Toledo and Badajoz. Great regional diversity is being displayed...

Long Term Retention of New Lexical Items

Introduction Incidental vocabulary learning has been a major area of study by researchers especially when examining the efficacy of glosses. From the backdrop of most empirical research studies, it has been established that incidental vocabulary learning can be swiftly enhanced when glosses are made available. This conclusive finding works best...

The Bible Book of Revelation

The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath Summary In this chapter, John continues to observe the events on earth from multiple angles in Heaven. He primarily God’s wrath against the unfaithful, which was spilled upon people of the earth since they chose to pursue false religions and prophets and worship the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Impacts

Introduction This evidence-based project will be about Sexually Transmitted Disease or STD and its impact on adolescents and young adults. The main difference this EBP will have with other typical research project is that it will have tangible results instead of simply taking scholarly resources and just rephrasing them. STD...

Raising Students’ Achievements Through Personalized Learning

Introduction Discussions are still going on the different methods of teaching that best suit to students’ ability and potentiality. The cliché that a student should listen to the teacher passively has been changed and many theoreticians have brought new innovations to this field. Among these theories, personalized learning plays a...

“The Globalization of American Law” by R. D. Kelemen and E. C. Sibbitt

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the article entitled “The Globalization of American Law,” as written by R. Daniel Kelemen, and Eric. C. Sibbitt, and published within International Organization, Vol. 58, No. 1 in 2004 (Kelemen, Sibbitt, 2004). It was published by the Cambridge University Press...

Human Behavior in Complex Social Organizations

Introduction Organizational behavior within a social company is regarded as one of the key factors that determine success. It is explained by the fact that organization and its structure define business performance, while the most important activity aspects are defined by the company’s profile, aims and objectives, as well as...

How Immigrant Parents Affect Their Kids in School

Introduction The education of immigrant children has become a growing concern for many educators and policymakers in recent years, leading to a growing interest from scholars and researchers. There has been a considerable amount of research on the impact of parental involvement on the academic success of children. This literature...

Southwest Airlines’ Strategic Analysis

Introduction Southwest Airlines is a low-cost American airline founded in 1967 and headquartered in Dallas, Texas. According to Dias (2020), it is one of the largest airlines in the United States, operating over 4,000 daily flights to over 100 destinations. With a focus on providing low-cost air travel and delivering...

The United Kingdom Energy and Emissions

Introduction The United Kingdom (UK), which is an industrialised country, has been a great contributor to the emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG). The processes that lead to such emissions include the extraction of coal, gas, and oil, as well as the transportation industry. The transport industry is one of the...

Leo Burnett in Historical, Social, and Economic Contexts

Introduction The name of Leo Burnett is imprinted in the history of American culture as a unique expression of the approach to advertising aesthetics as a particular type of art. The originality of the Burnett brand lies in the innovative introduction of memorable characters into advertising culture. At the moment,...

Underrepresentation of the LGBTQ (Queer) Community in English Language Teaching

Introduction In the present day, cultural competence in multiple spheres of life attracts society’s particular attention. A considerable number of studies emphasize the significance and importance of the inclusion of ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic identities in various processes, including education and language learning. The LGBTQ community may be regarded as...

The Ecosia Organization’s Marketing Analysis

Executive Summary Ecosia is revered as an organization that celebrates biodiversity and climate action. In 2019, it became the first search engine to empower users to make more environmentally conscious decisions. Ecosia provides users with additional information about their search results, including a green leaf icon to indicate planet-friendly websites...

The Walt Disney Company’s Strategic Assessment

Introduction Walt Disney is a broadly diversified international entertainment media conglomerate based in Burbank, California, founded in 1923 by Walt and Roy Disney. The corporation operates in five segments: media channels, theme parks, studio entertainment, household commodities, and multimedia presentations (Boguszewicz-Kreft et al., 2019). The corporation controls a significant portion...

Analysis of A.P. Moller-Maersk Group

Introduction A.P Moller-Maersk group was first established in 1904 as a company that focuses on delivering transport and logistic services. The organisation is a pioneer in the port and shipping industry with over 110 years of experience. The company has expanded its activities to energy solutions, creating a standalone energy...

Incarceration Mass Act Among African American Males

In the history of the US, it is known as the country with the largest number of inmates globally than any other nation across the world. It has incarcerated more individuals making it have the highest population rate of people imprisoned. America has harsh punishment for the persons who commit...

Analysis and Ideas of “Tess of the D’Urbervilles” by Thomas Hardy

“Tess of the D’Urbervilles” can be seen as a straightforward love tale. However, the book covers many topics that Hardy and the society of that time could view as rather debatable. It includes the humanity of people in that society, the social morals, religion, and their conflicts. Hardy only shows...

The Market Economy and Capitalism

Introduction The topic of market economies opened my eyes to the operations of local and global markets. Notably, a market is defined by the interaction between buyers and sellers through the determined modes of exchange. The product being sold and the principles governing such exchange is the main determining factor...

Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisation

How communication skills are used in health and social care Health and social care communication involves interpersonal relationships with healthcare professionals on one hand and clients and patients on the other. This process largely depends on the healthcare professionals or workers as they are the privileged class, i.e. their background,...

Supply Risk Types and Management

Introduction In the present-day business world with its highly sophisticated supply chain system, it is impossible to make decisions without taking into consideration the risks that emerge in this intricately organized environment. Logistics and supply chain management have become integral parts of any business (Monczka, Handfield, Giunipero, & Patterson, 2016)....

The Aviation Industry: Business Pressures

Abstract The Aviation Industry is the world’s largest manufacturing industry and has been conducting business for over 30 years. In the current environment of reshuffling between business owners, many companies face multiple business pressures at once. This research report explores some of the internal and external pressures managers are facing...

Website Content: Blog Post for Submission

Blogging Trivia Blogging is just the most recent incarnation of several practices with a long and very respectable, non-technological tradition. Diarists, pundits, commentators, and givers of advice on all topics, among others, are the ancestors of today’s bloggers, going back to the days of the quill. Only the breathtaking advances...

Data-Based Decision Making in Assessment

Introduction The IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004) and NCLB (No Child Left Behind of 2001) have been added to the US Federal Laws to provide ample support to schoolchildren through evidence-based general and special education (VanDerHeyden and Burns, 2010). General education is sufficient for most of the...

Teaching Strategies in Instructing ELLs

Teaching strategies The article provides useful and valuable insights into the teaching strategies that educators can use when instructing ELLs (English language learners). One of the most effective instructional practices is an explicit instruction that demonstrates how a task is going to be done and what the teacher and their...

How the Economy Affects the Welfare System

Introduction Despite having the largest economy in the world, the United States has the highest rates of poverty compared to other wealthy nations. The government uses a specific measure of poverty based on a minimum yearly income to categorize people as poor or not to decide who is eligible for...

Apple: Organizational Culture, Structure, and Leadership

Organizational Culture of Apple: Executive Summary Apple is one of the iconic organisations associated with a charismatic but rather controversial leader, Steve Jobs. Tim Cook, who is now the CEO of the company, has to address the challenges the corporation faces in a highly competitive environment. Apple has a strong...

Toyota TQM: Total Quality Management Theory and Practice

Need to write a case study on TQM? Toyota is a great topic to write about! Toyota total quality management is among the best in the world. Read this paper to learn more! Total quality management (TQM) is a systematic approach to quality assurance that is actively used by companies...

Should We Not Abolish Capital Punishment?

Introduction Capital punishment is one of the most debated issues in our time where governments and rulers need more time to decide on – at least that’s what they say. Some governments impose moratorium to allow more ‘breathing space’ before total abrogation can be attained. One reason for postponing the...

Economic Development in LDCs and Eradication Absolute Poverty

Introduction Least Developed Countries (LDCs) have for decades experimented on many drastic economic reforms, from Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs), World Economic Trade liberalization policies to leftist socialist programmes, etc. in efforts to take-off from economic stagnation and perpetual dependence. These methods have mostly led to further entrenchment of absolute poverty,...

Managing Diversity: Managing Employees in Modern Organizations

Business success is achieved through a working implementation of a multi-dimensional stratagem that will harness the efficiencies of the entirety of an organization’s facets. Organizational fronts have to work together in synergy towards the accomplishment of shared and declared goals. Many organizations that have downplayed the importance of prioritizing diversity...

Human Trafficking Through a Historical Lens

Introduction Human trafficking is a global issue that involves coercing a person to provide services or labor forcefully, violating their human rights. Trafficking started in the sixteenth century, targeting individuals from all genders, backgrounds, and ages. Women and girls are the most targeted population trafficked for forced labor and sexual...

Negative Effects of Human Cloning

Abstract Human cloning as an assisted reproductive tool has numerous harmful effects. The goals of human cloning include creating human beings or developing human tissues for empirical studies. The practice is now the subject of discourse with critical implications on moral, economic, and political issues among others. This report evaluates...

Marriott Hotels’ Marketing Management

This study analyzes Marriott Hotels’ marketing management and how it is connected with Marriott brand positioning. Keep reading to learn more about Marriott positioning strategy. Abstract This report assesses the performance of Marriott Hotels concerning strategic marketing. The report assesses the type of segmentation that the firm has integrated. This...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son

Introduction A Christian Creed is a collection of defining assertions that summarize Christians’ fundamental beliefs. All Christians hold them to be the unchanging realities. In the past, newly converted Christians would research their new faith and write their ideology based on what they had discovered. However, several particular creeds gained...

The Old Testament Through the Lens of Exile

Introduction The Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible, is a collection of religious writings in Hebrew. It tells the story of a group of people brought out of slavery who intended to become a small nation on land ostensibly promised to them by God. According to Kelle, although...

The Gucci Firm’s Sustainable Business Strategy

The luxury handbag industry is a multi-billion field dedicated to producing expensive leather goods of exquisite designs. This sphere has become a significant driver of the global GDP. However, it is a highly competitive sector, with only several brands accounting for the majority of the sales. Moreover, the most recent...

Information Security Policies in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction For any organization’s system to be secure, the company should be able to identify and prevent all risks. Such threats may be cloud and phishing attacks, insider and hacking menaces, among others (Esposito et al., 2018). Risk identification and assessment is a process of detecting, studying, estimating, treating, and...

Google HR Practices & Google HRM

Google HR Strategy: Essay Introduction Founded as a small company in 2008, Google has grown to be a major technology company operating in almost all countries around the globe. Like many global companies, Google’s management and major operations are based in Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California. Google is a leading...

Transformational Leadership and Management

The topic of leadership development within organisations has become high on the agenda, as businesses need to become more competitive. Nevertheless, there is no clear answer to the question of what makes a good leader. While some think that effective leaders are born, others think that it takes experience to...

The Vacant Municipal Lands and Properties: Entrepreneurial Activities

Executive Summary Ontario Province has established a series of private and public partnership programs over the years to serve the public and reduce service provision cost. These programs have demonstrated significant success in specific areas. This research focuses on the types of entrepreneurial initiatives available to small towns as they...

Semantic Folding Theory and Vector-Based Similarity Representation

Distributional Semantics As has become known by now, semantics characterizes the discipline concerned with the study of word meanings. High interest in the term persists not only because determining the semantic mechanisms of the human mind allows a more profound definition of brain potentials but also because the issue of...

Human Resource Planning for Logistics Department

Executive Summary The paper discusses and analyzes human resource planning and its impact on the organization, Unilever. Special attention is given to organization, industry analysis, and current HR strategies used by the company. The paper discusses research methodology used to collect the data. Also, the paper analyses HR department and...

Analysis of Saudi Arabian Airlines (SAUDIA)

Introduction The presented paper is devoted to the in-depth analysis of Saudi Arabian Airlines, or Saudia. It is a flag carrier of Saudi Arabia, with its central office in Jeddah (Gamraoyi, 2016). Its main operational base is located at King Abdulaziz International Airport (Gamraoyi, 2016). The company also has several...

The Starbucks Company Change Report

Introduction Company Profile Starbucks is an international coffeehouse chain, with headquarters based in Seattle, Washington. Currently existing as the largest coffeehouse chain in the world, the brand is well-known and recognized all around the world. Starbucks locations are opened all around the global market, including Japan, China, Canada, the UK,...

Assessment of CIMERWA PPC Using Strategic Analysis Frameworks

Introduction CIMERWA Cement Company was founded in July 1984 as a government parastatal in Muganza Sector, Rusizi District, in the Western Province of Rwanda. The company was initially called Ciments du Rwanda and was established under a cooperation trinity between the Government of Rwanda and the People’s China Republic. However,...

Role of Buddhism in World Culture and the Formation of Worldviews

In view of the urgent problems associated with the environmental crisis, spiritual degradation, and information overload. Paying attention to the processes taking place in the modern world, one may come to the conclusion that the cause of the conflicts taking place in it comes from the contradictions that arise within...

Digital Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality

Introduction The advent of information technology has opened new avenues for business enterprises to reach out to their target audiences. Today, digital marketing has become part of every business firm, regardless of the industry. The predominant importance played by digital marketing has a direct impact on how businesses operate. With...

The Link Between Organizational Behavior and Change Management

Higher Professional Level Acknowledgment I am thankful to many of my colleagues and professors whose help led to the paper submission. I want to thank my tutor for recommendations, research support, and help in organizing the paper, and to the management staff of the organization, I am working with. Executive...

Impact of Terrorism on the Economy

Background The past few years have been characterized by a significant rise in terrorist activities worldwide. Although many cases involve problems experienced at the national level, recent occurrences have been linked to international geopolitical differences. Terrorism causes significant economic disruption due to the loss of human life and injuries sustained...

European Imperialism in Africa: The Main Causes

Introduction Imperialism ism is referred to as the process through which superior regions exercise power over other less superior regions. Imperialism can be either complete or partial; in partial colonialism, the superior nation only controls a few aspects of the other country, but in whole imperialism, the country has total...

Aldi Strategy Analysis & Management Structure

Aldi’s Strategy Analysis: Strategy Formulation Deliberate and Emergent Approaches First of all, it is essential to note that the company’s current business model was the result of emergent strategy formulation. According to Rice (2019), Aldi’s roots can be traced back to Essen, where the mother of Karl and Theo Albrecht...

E-Health System and Semantic Web

Summary A project is an endeavor that focuses on accomplishing planned objectives that can be grouped in terms of benefits or outputs. It is termed success if it has attained the goals within the budget ad set timescale. Project management utilizes the skills, knowledge, techniques, and tools that aid in...

International Project Management

Introduction The surface area of the Democratic Republic of Congo is comparable to that of Western Europe, and it is the most populous country in Sub-Saharan Africa. The country has a large population, and, unfortunately, the primary population consists of poor people and people from the lower class (The World...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Crusades: Origins, Purpose, and Effects

Introduction The Crusades refer to a series of battles by Christians in Western Europe to retake the Holy Land from Muslims. The Crusades activities started in 1096 and the late thirteenth century marked their end (Morton, 2020). The word “crusade” was first used to refer to European efforts to reclaim...

Rapid Weight Loss and Dietary Inadequacies

Introduction During the COVID-19 pandemic, many sports events and training courses have peen put on a pause, which meant that athletes got less training. The sudden changes in activity could influence their physical fitness, either positively or negatively, or both to some degree. The purpose of this literature review is...

Impact of Accounting Conservatism on Innovation

Introduction Background Accounting conservatism refers to a collection of record of financial principles of maintaining a record that requires a high level of scrutiny before a corporation can legally claim some gain (Guo et al., 2020). The basic idea is to consider the worst scenario for a company’s financial status....

The Tesla Inc. Strategic Analysis

Introduction In the environmental vehicle (EV) industry, Tesla, Inc. is currently a global leader with high brand recognition and customer loyalty. Tesla, Inc. products are not limited to EV manufacturing and sales but also include the expansion of charging stations, next-generation batteries, and intangible assets, namely the development of EV...

Predisposition to Lifestyle-Associated Conditions During the COVID-19

Introduction In result analysis among the study participants, there was a dramatic decrease in the individuals involved in the active category of exercises after the COVID-19 lockdown. Before the COVID-19 lockdown, 47% of the participants were in the active class, while after the lockdown, the percentage drastically fell to around...

The Rivian Automotive Company Analysis

Firm Analysis Rivian Company is a recent firm specializing in the manufacture of electric vehicles. The business plan to expand its operations into a new nation. Among the government with potential, China is a favored area through which Rivian Company can thrive. The country’s political stability, broad market, and faster...

Cancel Culture and Public Policy Research

Introduction Public opinion has been of particular importance for many years. It contributed to the overthrow of rulers, the change of social trends, and the formation of new phenomena. One of these phenomena was the emergence of a culture of cancellation, which has become widespread in the last few years....

Importance of Nurse Staffing Questions Decision

Problem Statement Current medicine is slowly but steadily becoming focused on working efficiency, minimizing patient stay at the clinics, and teaching personnel to handle multitasking. It is believed that a healthcare professional that can provide various services to the patients is most effective and needed at the working place. However,...

Aspects of Sports Program Development

Introduction Athletic directors are responsible for organizing, leading, and ensuring that sporting programs in educational facilities run smoothly. As leaders, the directors play the most pivotal role in athletics for educational institutions because they lay down the structures and procedures to be followed by all other stakeholders. To ensure they...

The Importance of Effective Leadership in Public Safety

Introduction Leadership involves an individual influencing other individuals and guiding them towards the accomplishment of a common goal or objective as well as developing a vision. It is an essential part of any department or organization, including the public safety department, whose main objective is the protection of the general...

Business Analytics and Machine Learning

Introduction The emergence of big data cultivated radical shifts in audit and data processing. Specialists acquired new opportunities for working with clients and offering them a more detailed and structured analysis (Li et al., 2016). At the same time, a set of new challenges emerged as there is a growing...

The Website Remodel Project Scope Statement

Introduction Website Remodel aims at improving a website’s user interactions, majorly by re-examining the current navigation, set-ups, content, and technology in place. This website redesign will help improve the end-user interactions with the web content, hence acting as a powerful tool for sales of the company product and services. A...

The Study of the Future of Terrorism: Review of Literature

The promotion of power and control becomes one of the vital goals for many nations. Politicians, international researchers, world-known philosophers, and engineers devote their lives to create the best and safest conditions for people. However, as well as the necessary resources are found, the unlawful use of force is possible,...

Human Resource Practice, Leadership and Management

Introduction Contemporary Approaches to Human Resource Management and Development Human resource management is a factor within the organization that prominently influences the asset value and competency in the marketplace. The department deals in the optimal coordination of employees towards enhancing appraisal exchange. The intensification in digital entrepreneurial practices globally fostered...

Oral Health and Obesity Among Adolescents

Introduction One of the central threats to the clinical well-being of the population continues to be the problem of overweight and obesity and all the disruptive consequences that these conditions lead to. It is well known that obesity causes a multitude of pathological changes in the patient’s body, including any...

Modernism and the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry has undergone rapid development and revolution due to technological change. It has experienced fundamental changes in organizational structures and power, which have taken place over a relatively short period. The information system has been radically revolutionized, characterized by data collection, processes, distribution, coordination, and control changes. Many...

Body Shop: Marketing and Markets in a Digital World

Introduction The Body Shop International is a multinational firm that specializes in cosmetics and body fashion. Anita Roddick established the company in the year 1976. Shampoos, bath products, soaps, and other beauty-related accessories are the company’s core focus. All of the company’s products are made completely of natural materials and...

Barclays Bank’s Strategic Analysis

Introduction Barclays Bank is among the largest financial services providers in Europe, America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Australia. The bank deals mainly in offering retail banking, corporate banking, credit and debit cards, wealth management, and investment banking. The bank comprises global corporate and investment banking, international wealth management,...

The Pilot Solar Installation Project Evaluation

Executive Summary This solar installation pilot project was a joint venture between QF as the implementing agency and the Doha city council as the funding entity. The project was implemented in 10 schools and ten hospitals at a total cost of 18.8 M Riyals. As a result of this study,...

Truth Perception and Ourselves

In everyday life, people can be observed visualizing things as individuals rather than as things are. When another supplants control one problem, the interpretation is from the brain or sentiments. Since everyone links different things differently, people’s feelings toward some objects are unique. People see them as they are because...

Solar-Powered Borehole Drilling in Qatar

Abstract The present report aimed to evaluate the success of a project of drilling ten solar-powered freshwater wells for Qatar Petroleum. The project was completed by Drillserv, a drilling company located in Doha, Qatar. The project had high profitability of 202,940 QR in net income before tax. It was completed...

3M Corporation’s Innovation and Project Management

Introduction Historically, the socio-economic development of any state is determined by the level of its scientific and technological development as a fundamental factor in the formation and development of the state’s economic potential. At the same time, scientific and technological development is defined as creating new knowledge and technologies based...

Biometric Identification Management System’s Features and Functions

Abstract Biometric ID management systems have been thoroughly discussed in recent years and are now universally utilized for security purposes. At present, the two primary types of biometric systems include physical and behavioral approaches. The two models have distinct advantages and disadvantages, including cost-efficiency, simplicity of implementation, and accuracy rates....

Reasons and Implications of Divorce

Introduction The institution of marriage is unique to human society, with every race and culture having its own unique customs and practices, although the essence of the union tends to remain similar. Marriage instills an expectation of a long-lasting or even lifelong relationship between two individuals who have agreed to...

Skills for Social Promotion in the Music Industry

Strategies for Self-Promotion With the extended globalisation and digitalisation of society, it is becoming evident that using previously working promotion schemes no longer makes sense. As a contemporary artist, it is not enough to be able to play the guitar well and perform on the street to become famous. In...

Accounting and Financial Management for Expo 2020 Dubai

Introduction Expo 2020 is the continuation of the World Expos that started more than 170 years ago to provide a platform for showcasing the world’s greatest innovation and creativity in various industries. As such, Expo2020Dubai, hosted by Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, where innovation is a pertinent factor in...

Factors Affecting Public’s Attitudes Toward EHTERAZ

Introduction Most findings acquired from data analyses were consistent with the current body of knowledge. First, the demographic variables, including age, gender, nationality, and education level, had no significant impact on attitudes toward EHTERAZ. The literature review demonstrated that the majority of previously created regression models showed no significant influence...

Moana Through the Lens of Formalism and Feminism

Introduction Contemporary cinema encompasses a wide range of issues, discussing the themes pertinent to society. Such topics as gender roles, stereotypes, and the promotion of inequality are often represented in the movies, attempting to shed light on the negative consequences of these practices. In the current age, the stereotypization of...

“Trendsetters Glamorama” Beauty Salon Business Plan Sample

What is a beauty salon business plan? Keep reading to find out! Here, you’ll get an idea of how to write it with the example of Trendsetters Glamorama salon business plan. Executive Summary Trendsetters Glamorama is a proposed full-service salon and day spa with an upscale and therapeutic atmosphere for...

Air Quality Issues in New York

Introduction Among the most serious environmental risks to metropolitan populations are air quality issues. Exposures vary by city and within cities, but all individuals living in cities are exposed to present pollution levels, damaging many as a result. Infants, small children, seniors, and those with heart and lung diseases are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Shetland Wool Company: Costs Management

Finance Managing costs is one of the best ways of ensuring that a firm can charge a competitive price on its products without compromising on its profitability. At The Shetland Wool Company, the managing director has to take into consideration the conflicting interests of the sales director and the finance...

OCP Nigeria: Business Strategy

Introduction OCP Nigeria is one of the leading experts in construction and agriculture industry that produce fertilizers and the related goods. To reach even greater excellence, OCP Nigeria will need to focus on expanding into new markets. Expanding its supply chain by building a large fertilizer plant is one of...

Macmillan Cancer Support Organization’s Data-Driven Decision-Making

Executive Summary The data-driven decision-making process is an important process in healthcare-related management. Since data collection and integration have evolved over the past years, a comparative analysis is significant for the purposes of ensuring consistency. The clinical nurse specialist (CNS) to patient ratio provides management data subsets for workforce planning....

The History of Egyptian Architecture

Introduction The history of architecture has evolved in many diverse settings and civilizations throughout the centuries. Architectural history is a worldwide history reverting to ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greek cultures, and more. According to Mahdi, “the spread of western architectural styles has become imperative for us to search for the identity...

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott: Jo and Amy’s Analysis

Summary The novel Little Women, written by Louisa May Alcott, illustrates the struggles, difficulties, and characteristics that influence the lives of young women in society. Two characters that have been illustrated as ambitious and persuasive yet struggling to fit into the norm of society at the time are Jo and...

The Social Impact of Events: A Case of Formula One and the Olympic Games

Introduction In recent times, the prominence of events in attracting the masses has grown, with cities and countries across the world now fighting to host big events. The emerging trend has attracted the interest of researchers who have ventured into the study of events and their impact. Indeed, events feature...

How Network Security Devices and Safety of the Computer Systems and Networks

Background As the world increases its adoption of computers, the security threats to computer systems are also increasing. Attackers are working as hard as developers as they try to find ways in which they can gain illegal access to a computer system (The Daily Swig, 2021). A Cybersecurity and news...

Type 1 Diabetes and Appropriate Therapeutic Diet

Food and Nutrient Intake and Assessment In type 1 diabetes therapy, nurses monitor the quantity and quality of food that patients consume in their diet. Health workers also analyze the drinks consumed and the diet in general. To record the results of the assessment, the nurses make entries in the...

KFC Philippines Company’s Risk-Management

Introduction KFC is a subsidiary of YUM Brands, Inc, with about 3% own managed restaurants and 97% franchises in 131 countries worldwide, making it one of the largest restaurant chains (Uddin, 2020, p. 172). However, despite being part of one of the world’s largest companies, KFC is still vulnerable to...

Artificial Intelligence: Advantages and Applications

The fast evolution of technologies and their penetration in all spheres of human activities indicate the fourth industrial revolution. The scope of the change is significant, and multiple opportunities are linked to the further rise of science and the emergence of new devices. Numerous industries and spheres already accept the...

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field for Diabetic Patients

This proposal seeks to address the issue of diabetic neuropathy among patients aged between 30 and 60 years. All the targeted patients suffer from the problem of refractory leg pain. The proposal suggests PEMF (Pulse electromagnetic field therapy) as an intervention Plan for treatment of diabetic patients who have a...

Nokia Company’s Financial Analysis and Management

Acknowledgements I would like to thank my teacher for giving me an opportunity to research and write on such an important topic. The research work has not only increased my knowledge in the area of financial management but has also enabled me to apply these techniques in practical decision making....

Financial Management in Nokia

Acknowledgements Executive Summary This essay explains the role of financial management in Nokia with reference to the historical, current and forecasted financial condition of the company. The financial planning, control and budgeting processes are explained with reference to the company. The financial analysis including ratio and trend analysis and vertical...

Asda in the Retail Market and Its Marketing Strategies

Executive Summary The main aim of this report is to identify the current stage of Asda in the retail market and its marketing strategies. Current analysis shows the improvements to be made. The current recession has made the retail market down due to less spending by the consumers. In addition,...

How Procurement Optimization Adds Value to Organizations

Component 1: Primary Research What are you doing in your daily procurement in your daily work? My primary duty as a procurement officer is to ensure that my company has a regular supply of the needed raw materials to facilitate normal operations. On a daily basis, I have to plan...

The Perception of the Nation of Islam in “The Fire Next Time” by Baldwin

Introduction Religion is an essential element of many cultures and countries that often determines the attitudes of the general population toward specific questions, behaviors, or social structures. Authors sometimes exploit religion as a tool for elucidating a particular problem. For example, James Baldwin views anger and racial discrimination through the...

A New Government Entity with Computing Resources On-Site and Remotely

Proposal Overview To assist the US government in managing computing systems use during crisis times, it is important to engage smaller contracting organizations that are qualified to provide consultancy in designing and optimizing local IT infrastructures. In this proposal, the case of Virtual International, a small organization that acquires leadership...

Teacher Turnover and Workplace Spirituality

Teacher turnover in public and private schools is a significant problem for the US education system. Almost 14% of teachers leave their current job every year, creating vacancies that are difficult to fill (Garcia &Weiss, 2019). Around half of these teachers leave the profession for various reasons, including retirement and...

Cardiovascular Diseases: Effects of Diet and Exercise

Abstract Among a variety of health problems that challenge humans, cardiovascular disease has always been a leading cause of death. People of different ages and both genders are frequently diagnosed with myocardial infarction, stroke, or ischemic heart disease. In addition to individual characteristics, there are many risk factors, including diabetes,...

Federalism in the Context of Immigration and Trump’s Presidency

Introduction The federalism in the US, with more than two hundred years of history, was built on the symmetry of the constitutional status of the Federation’s subjects. Transforming the confederation into a federation, the founding fathers of America saw the basis for the future state structure as the maximum integration...

Parent-Child Relationship and Its Effect on Adolescents

Introduction When an individual thinks about what a good parent-children relationship should be, several factors come into mind. Researchers often touch upon the type of bond that holds the connection together in order to explain the concept of bond as a whole. Other elements that are considered in such relationships...

Career Burnout in Nurses Serving Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

Outline In this article, I use the phenomenon of Alzheimer’s neurodegenerative disease to study the syndrome of professional burnout in nurses who provide care to such patients. This is a comprehensive project that consists of two key sections, namely the study of Alzheimer’s disease and the study of nursing burnout...

Is National Health Service Implementing Job Evaluation to Assist Pay Equity?

Introduction The health care delivery system is one of the vital components of the public welfare schemes of the government. The healthcare components like accessibility to good medical care, quality and cost are increasingly moving beyond the grasp of the general public. The downtrend of the national healthcare delivery system...

HIV/AIDS: Prevention, Control, Treatment

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a global issue that can have a negative impact on healthcare and social dynamics. It leads to the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS, which emerged during the last decades of the 20th century. It is a major epidemiological disease that severely damages an...

Cultural Sensitivity in Medicine and Cancer Treatment

Introduction The last three decades have witnessed a dramatic improvement in the effort to comprehend the cancer cell biology and also the genetic factors resulting in oncogenesis. Accordingly, this has resulted in substantial improvement in the status of health for patients with cancer. However, the marked health status improvement has...

Information Systems That Apply to Parks & Recreation

Introduction The contemporary world of rapid development of Information Technology has made each sector of life with ease and efficiency. Information technology has found its place of importance and application in the daily as well as business life of people. “The term information system refers to information technology that is...

Research in Motion Firm’s Governance and Accountability

Introduction Research in Motion (RIM), also known as BlackBerry nowadays, once was a leading designer and manufacturer of mobile communication technologies based in Waterloo, Ontario. The company’s most successful and distinguished product was the BlackBerry phone. It was among the first to provide users with access to the Internet and...

Ethical Leadership in Business Engagement

Executive Summary In a modern globalised environment, businesses encounter a variety of cultures which can create challenges for their operations. Cultural competency and ethical leadership serve as critical elements for the growth and success of a company. This report examines a case study from a perspective of culture, particularly its...

Leadership Selection and Development Programme at General Electric

Introduction Leadership is an integral component of nearly every sphere of contemporary life. It is equally applicable to business, education, or healthcare. On the whole, it is an ability to provide an impact on other people using one’s personal qualities and values. Management is another important sphere of any company...

Health Care Policy: Florida House Bill 1277

Although Florida, as well as other states in the USA, suffers from shortages of primary care physicians, acute physicians, and other healthcare providers, there are still barriers for foreign-trained physicians to be employed in hospitals and clinics in the state (Pande, 2014; Peterson, Pandya, & Leblang, 2014). Currently, International Medical...

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company’s Management Challenges

Abstract Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has gained the reputation of one of the most successful companies in the UAE. The firm has been operating in the realm of the oil and gas industry, which is currently one of the most profitable industries in the global economic realm. ADNOC...

Stress Migraine in Women After Menopause

Abstract The age of 40 and 60 years is the time when a female organism undergoes several changes. It is usually called menopause and characterized by such symptoms as irregular or no periods, uncontrolled hot flashes, sleep problems, mood and weight changes, and unpredictable headaches. In this paper, the researcher...

American Environmental Policy for Hazardous Waste

Introduction and background information Numerous products that seem to make human life easier and more comfortable characterize the post-industrialization world. Mobile phones, personal computers, vehicles, pharmaceutical products, and polythene products are some of the products that are being manufactured in huge numbers. The mega-productions of these products result in the...

Physical Changes in the Elderly

Introduction The aim of this study was to examine the physical changes that occur during normal aging, along with common chronic diseases and diseases that are associated with pathological changes in the elderly. According to Haldemann and Wister (2019), “for more than 30 years, the interface of aging and the...

Reading Program for First-Grade Students

Reading Program for 1st Grade The reading program discussed in this essay is going to focus on the first-grade students. The key components of an effective reading program are fluency building, phonemic awareness, and phonics. Phonemic awareness is especially crucial for first-grade students because it is the basis of the...

Selflessness and Motivation for Ethical Behavior

Introduction Over the past few decades, corporate public sector scandals have become rampant, which leaves many people to question why the available rules cannot prevent unethical behavior. Some ethical breaches often tend to violate organizational formal rules. However, others can be perceived as falling within a dangerous grey area or...

Aspects of Coffee Culture

Introduction Coffee is one of the leading commodities that contribute to the world’s economic growth. Although people like to generalize the word coffee, it should be known that the term may mean the plant, roasted beans, or the final brew, which is the beverage. Most people consume coffee as a...

Information Technology Implications for Military

Summary Modern warfare has also undergone dramatic changes as a result of the Information Technology revolution. Information is integral to modern warfare, arguing that a military capability’s success depends on information supremacy. The justification for seamless operational activities, shared battlespace consciousness, location surety for hospitable and enemy troops, and genuine...

The U.S. Antitrust Law and Economics

Abstrac The US antitrust law is a set of laws governing the business industry (Hyton 2003). The goal of these laws is to enhance reasonable competition through agreements among customers, suppliers, or competitors (Hyton 2003). These laws thus protect all the parties involved in business activities from unfair competition, violation...

Island Banking Services: Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan

Island Banking Services is a non-US firm that works in the Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities industry, which has the NAICS 2017 code 522320. Financial transaction processing, financial instrument clearinghouse services, and reserve and liquidity services are all provided by companies in this industry. On the island, the...

Bullying and Work-Related Stress in the Irish Workplace

Introduction Lately, work-related stress has become one of the most common problems of the 21st century. As a result, this issue has a considerable effect not only on the physical and mental health of individuals but also productivity of various organizations. In fact, the inability to maintain a healthy work-life...

Military Sexual Trauma: PTSD in Female Veterans

Introduction Traumatic experiences that military personnel encounter during their profession predispose them to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research has shown that PTSD that military personnel experience in their lives emanates from cumulative stressors of pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment experiences (Fisher, 2008, p. 50; Fullerton, & Ursano, 2004, p. 1374). The...

Diabetes: Overview of the Problem and Treatment

Introduction As the leading cause of disability and death in the U.S. and the entire world, chronic conditions can be considered a significant public health problem in modern society. In fact, they are usually associated with constant pain, fatigue, and mood disorders, which worsen the overall quality of life. At...

Reflection of Advanced Practice in Nursing

Introduction The nursing practice in Australia has been evolving over the years. The recent changes in client demands and government regulations concerning the healthcare industry have had a great impact on the role of nurses in Australia and the world in general (Australian Nursing Federation, 2005). Technological advancements and need...

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Economic Impacts

Introduction The world is strongly connected and integrated, thus, a disaster in one region significantly impacts other areas. Therefore, one infected person led to a global pandemic affecting more than four million people. Such is the case that the world is experiencing now with the Covid-19 outbreak. According to McKibbin...

Consumer Law Enforcement in the United States

Summary Consumer laws are set up in order to see to it that consumers benefit from the competition through low prices, better products and services in a freely competitive market where each business involved in the competition will try as much as it can, to attract consumers in various ways....

The Relationship Between Education and Recidivism

Introduction Training and the learning or academic programs have been there in prisons for a long time. These programs were developed in America because prisons have been in existence there for a long period of time. In this annotated bibliography, different research are analyzed to determine whether inmates who engage...

How Smart Cities Dealt with COVID-19

Introduction Background of the Problem The novel coronavirus pandemic has put the world to an ultimate test. These challenges encompassed an array of spheres, as no corner of the planet remained unaffected by the outbreak. In addition, the pandemic had a strong impact on most spheres of human activity. Entertainment...

Sainsbury’s Company’s Contemporary Management Issues

Introduction Sainsbury’s is a popular chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom. It offers a wide range of products, including groceries, homeware, alcohol, kitchen appliances, clothing, and electrical appliances. Sainsbury’s shops range from small local convenience to large hypermarkets and superstores offering various types of products. J Sainsbury, which is...

Veema Banking Company’s Investment in the UAE

Executive summary The UAE global business world has been growing, and the economy of the UAE has been improving for the past few years steadily. The stability of the UAE economy has been on the increase, especially due to the capital resources available at the disposal of the UAE. Setting...

Byrons Hamburger’ Firm in Saudi Arabia

Introduction The issue is whether Byron’s Hamburger should establish a branch in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The answer is yes. The reason is that Saudi Arabia is currently one of the biggest markets for fast food. As such, Byron’s Hamburger should establish a branch in Riyadh to capture this market. Fast...

Saudi Basic Industries Corp.’s Marketing Plan

Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) is a manufacturing company with a diversified portfolio of products ranging from chemical and intermediates, fertilizers, industrial polymers, and metals (SABIC 2008). Under polymers and metals, the company has established the SABIC Innovative Plastic Film and Sheet business, where it manufactures corrugated iron sheets for...

Safaricom Company’s Structure and Performance

Introduction The success of an industry relies on the strategies formulated and developed to reach the customers within the component organizations. Services or goods are prepared or manufactured and supplied to customers through distribution channels. A business must spy its directions in a strategic way to ensure that all organizations...

Ben Sherman: Retail Marketing and Logistics Issues

Introduction To discuss retail marketing and logistics issues, the selected retail company is Ben Sherman. This report will observe the current positioning strategy of this company and illustrates the current competitive environment, SWOT and PEST analysis, BCG matrix, considered the concept of marketing logistics as well as recommends future strategies...

Muted Generation or How Internet Changes the Way We Live

Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet in 1989-90, for the benefit of all humankind. Unfortunately, like any invention, the Internet is used today both for good and for harm. Due to the lack of awareness, many people misuse the Internet, damaging their daily lives. Several studies provide examples of how the...

Challenges Within Transportation and Logistics Management

Logistics is the process of moving assets or resources from the level of production to the point of usage. Technology and creativity are essential to the future of logistics and distribution. Significant developments in the transportation sector are eagerly awaited by customers. The transportation industry needs to halt operations due...

Movement of Exchange Rate Volatility and Capital Budgeting

Exchange rate volatility The exchange rate can be defined as the currency of a given country expressed in terms of another country’s currency. The changes in the exchange rate affect the profits made by international trading partners and multinational corporations. The exchange rate also affects the value of investments as...

Girlfunk Jewelry Company’s E-Commerce Business Plan

Executive Summary The Girlfunk Jewelry is a business that will specialize in the avant-garde line of sustainable jewelry targeting the celebrity customer segment. The business is based online and will have a strategic e-commerce platform for ordering handmade jewelry designs, which incorporate retro junk into high fashion futuristic funk. The...

Leadership and Cross-Cultural Differences

Abstract The paper provides a detailed overview of cross-cultural leadership and management in the workplace, in an effort to better signify the need to embrace acceptance and diversity in treatment of employees. The importance of working and adapting to modern challenges in treating one’s employees was stated, and the particular...