Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in the UK

Justification for Topic choice Customer service is an area that has been of concern to researchers and other practitioners since it plays an important role in improving the performance of businesses and encouraging customers to remain loyal. Customers have different orientations and this may lead them into attaching varying importance...

Responsibility Areas in Personal Life

I first encountered the notion of responsibility when I was six years old. I was told that taking out the trash was my responsibility. It meant that, if the trash was not taken out by the end of a day, I was the one to blame. Since then, my understanding...

Big Five Personality Inventory and Personal Results

Introduction In recent years, the Big Five Personality Inventory has gained a lot of popularity in casual and professional circles. The development of such systems has been going throughout the last century with mixed results. However, recent research has shown a measurable level of effectiveness in utilizing the Big Five...

Free Will from d’Hobach’s Determinist Perspective

Introduction The quote “Man’s life is a line that nature commands him to describe upon the surface of the earth…” is a great example of a determinist philosophy concept. It was written by d’Holbach in his work The System of Nature, which was published in 1770 (Speaks, 2006). The main...

Child Behavior in Relation to Parenting

Introduction Although parenting influences all affiliations within a family, its impact on parents-children relationships is vital as it may affect the children’s future negatively. Positive parenting necessitates parents to concentrate on improving their children’s behavior and acting as role models to ensure their wellbeing. Through positive parenting by friendly, loving,...

Three Appeals in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” Play

Introduction In rhetoric, the use of Aristotle’s three appeals is often viewed as a crucial component of any discourse. Implying that every argument must have ethos, logos, and pathos, the specified principle allows identifying a strong statement and determining the goals of a particular message. In Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare...

Online Education for Clinical Social Work

Since the time of its creation and popularization, online learning has attracted the attention of both users and researchers alike. From aviation to history or from clinical social work to agriculture, online education grants the possibility of perceiving information in an entirely new format, different from traditional learning techniques. Appraising...

Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research

Introduction The PICOT question for this study is “In children with asthma between the ages of 5 and 19 (P), does a combination program consisting 5 weeks of education sessions, once per week including children and their families in the primary care setting and a daily controller medication (I) compared...

Childhood Obesity: Methods and Data Collection

Extraneous Variables There are four main extraneous variables in the proposed study. First of all, parent’s health literacy might affect the success of education on lifestyle changes. Secondly, differences in medications used to manage childhood obesity could also influence the outcomes of the intervention. Lastly, the children’s lifestyle, such as...

Pressure Ulcers and Newer Modalities of Treatment

Problem Because nurses participate in all phases of health delivery and are the ones who closely communicate with the patients, they have the most capacity to mitigate preventable injuries. Despite this possibility, unintentional injuries are a significant concern in contemporary nursing. An example of such preventable injuries is pressure ulcers,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Prince Among Slaves” by Terry Alford

Introduction Terry Alford is a professor of history at Northern Virginia community college. He earned a doctoral degree in history at Mississippi state university and did post-doctoral studies at the University of California at Davis. He is a founding board member of the Abraham Lincoln institute and serves on the...

Multinational Corporation’s Business Factors in China

There are rules and regulations for companies interested in doing business in China. The rules or the factors to consider before investing in this country are as follows. Foreign investment rules: A company should look for the application procedure for establishment of any investment in the country, the period an...

The Problem of Balancing School, Job, and a Family in Women

Introduction Traditionally, women have been responsible for looking after families and their children. Previously, it was not as difficult for women to effectively handle all their functional responsibilities, as they were primary service providers in the family and were confined to their homes. In the changing times and scenario, the...

Organizational Behavior: Term Definition

This paper discusses the ethical issues in an organization, the individual influences that impact ethical behaviors, and how organizations can influence ethical behavior in employees. Why are ethical issues a major concern in organizations? The approach, communication within the organization, relationship, responsibility, efficiency, job satisfaction, and working effectiveness are considered...

Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Recruiting Challenges

Introduction Mass media is considered to be the most influential and opinion-construction issue in modern society. The development of the new technologies leads to the problem that two schools have collided in the battle, the old and the new one. Young editors and journalists were brought up on Internet education,...

Success in Death of a Salesman

The modern world is full of different points of view about failure and success. Different people think that success is a big family with ten children, the others consider success as a financial part of life, and some people think that it is a success when they have achieved something,...

Marketing Mediums: Advertising Effects

In today’s business world, marketing is one of the fundamentals without which a business company would have significantly less possibilities of success in the market. There are several methods for marketers to develop new ideas and advertise new products and services. Among these methods, or advertising formats, the media plays...

Judith Guest’s “Ordinary People” Reflections

Conrad vision of life after death On primary reading of the story, I find Conrad feeling pain and guilt for his brother’s death. He is incapable to overcome this barrier as already experiencing the breath of death; the boy could look at the world in a usual way. Now, Conrad...

Emerging Technologies in Higher Education

At the beginning of the 21st century, emerging technologies enter all spheres of our life. In modern educational institutions, emerging technologies play a crucial role in the development of learners and the competitive position of the educational establishment. The task of the educational sphere is to communicate benefits and goals,...

Folk Healers vs. Western Psychiatrists

There has been a continuous confrontation between two opposing forces that serve the same purpose. Western psychiatrists as well as folk healers basically have the same functions; all of them perform certain procedures and use certain substances to relief physical and psychological pain of a patient. The principal differences between...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Management Skills: Literature Review

The current literature review describes the main qualities and skills possessed by modern managers. Gillard and Price (2005) state that critical thinking is one of the main concepts and practices used by managers to grow and develop their strategic position. Good managers do much more than make good decisions, a...

Fur No More: Los Angeles Bans Fur Products

The heart of the American fashion and design business, Los Angeles, is setting a new trend. The production and sales of fur clothing and accessories are going to be forbidden. The latest events show the increased interest of the fashion world in defending and promoting animal rights. The city of...

Stadiums as Solution Sets for Detroit Downtown

The investigation made by Lynn Bachelor (1998) centers around the problem of finding some solution sets for the development of Detroit Downtown. The author starts the article by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned solution sets with proper examples of putting the theory into practice. These cogitations are...

The School of Athens as Renaissance Art Embodiment

The Renaissance is the period of European history, characterized by significant progress in sciences and humanities, as well as philosophy. This has been reflected in all forms of art, including music, painting, literature and architecture. Originating in Italy, the Renaissance took inspiration from the Greek and Roman antiquity and coupled...

Baby Care Class for Expectant Parents

Introduction I attended a class for pregnant women and their partners that covered issues about baby care. The responsibility of taking care of a baby, especially for new parents, can stir up a mixture of emotions as they grapple with ideas of how to best take care of their baby....

Speaking and Writing Issues In a Foreign Language

The ability to speak and write in a foreign language is considered to be one of the essential skills nowadays. Modern life and globalization dictate its own conditions, one of which is the requirement to know English at least at an elementary level. Even though for some people it can...

Texas Secession: Major Problems in Texas History

The Texas secession from the United States in 1861 was not an unforeseen political move as discontent among Texans with the Union’s direction had been continuously growing. This decision resulted in joining the group of six other states that left the Union earlier before the inauguration of Lincoln. Then Texas...

“On Compassion” by Ascher Analysis

Compassion is a feeling one experiences when confronted with the suffering of someone else; it results in the motivation to release a certain person from the anguish. The world is full of torments for the homeless, and facing the reality, where people without a permanent home live, can teach others...

Substance Abuse Problem in the Miami City Community

Evaluating the Project Interpretation of results The vulnerable population of Miami City requires increased support from local support resources to deal with the problem of substance abuse. The project has pointed out the importance of developing a new solution or a community resource that would result in a broader adherence...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Resilience in “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles and “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

Both Sophocles’ tragedy Oedipus Rex and William Shakespeare’s Hamlet can be viewed as illustrations of the resilience of human beings. Resilience means one’s capability to adapt and recover quickly from stressful events. Both Oedipus and Hamlet have difficulties accepting horrible truths about themselves and their families; however, Hamlet seems to...

The Profiling of Crime Victims

The crime theory suggests that crime victims resemble crime perpetrators and theirs main social and personal characteristics. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that it is easy to cheat and robber a person “like you” being aware of all personal features and habits of that very person. While analyzing...

True Consensus: Decision-Making Process

The decision-making process, in terms of the managerial paradigm, has become one of the major concerns for research in the past years. In order to remain relevant for each unit involved in the issue, managers are known to estimate the ultimate decision that would be of maximum benefit for everyone,...

Communication With Humans: Domesticated Dogs vs. Wolves

Introduction Numerous studies suggest that the main differences between domesticated dogs and wolves are related to their communication with humans. As a result of evolution, dogs are used to relying on humans and therefore developed a better understanding of the human behavior and interpretation of the social clues. On the...

The Juvenile Bipolar Disorders

Apps, Winkler and Jandrisevits (2008) warn that the attention recently paid by mental health professionals and the media to juvenile bipolar disorder, while beneficial to the patients themselves, can lead to misdiagnosis and faulty therapeutic approaches. Hence, they prepared this primer of sorts to help nurses find their way through...

Effects of Social Media and Internet

Effect on Me I regard social media as the most critical communication platform. As a social being, I appreciate the significance of interactions in my life. Therefore, I maintain that people need efficient connection resources, and social media through Internet facilitation is the perfect networking tool. I look forward to...

American Dream and Poverty in the United States

Many people argue that US social and economic inequality, routine discrimination, and political problems make the American Dream impossible. However, today the dream of many Americans is not luxury real estate and shares of leading companies, but the ability to choose their own way of life (Engle). The rights and...

Review of Articles on the Factors for Poor Outcomes

There are numerous social, ethnic, and culture-related reasons behind the poor health of the population. It is essential to understand their origins and connotations in order to eliminate their effects efficiently. The role of nurse practitioners has been shifting from providing direct medical assistance to directing the social changes that...

Cash Flow Statement as a Reflection of Financial Health

Lack of working capital (cash gaps), a constant search for money to repay debts to suppliers, employees, budget, non-payment of buyers, or customers all lead to the fact that a company cannot manage its obligations. These issues increase accounts payable in record keeping (Klammer, 2018). The solution to working capital...

Reflecting on Bioethical Issues

Plot Summary and the Historical Context The film Miss Evers’s Boys examines bioethical issues through the enactment of a historical unethical study on Black Americans. The American government in collaboration with the Tuskegee Institute carried out a study about the evolution of syphilis among the black population. They used 600...

Climate Change: Dangers and Prevention

Climate change is now occupying the minds of not only scientists but also politicians, entrepreneurs, and ordinary citizens. Fluctuations of the Earth’s climate, expressed in statistically reliable deviations of weather parameters from long-term values for the last hundred years, cause serious fears. While many researchers have remarked the primary role...

Minority Background Assisting Nurse Practitioners

There are many reasons why people are eager to make grants in education and enjoy the benefits they can get. It is also not easy to define one particular explanation of why a person wants to be a nurse. A number of qualities, knowledge, and abilities are necessary to become...

Personal Nursing Practice Reflection

What motivates me in my practice? One of the factors that motivate me in my practice as a nurse is a well-established team of trustworthy leaders. We have departmental leaders who are keen on meeting the needs of employees. I am never handled like a subordinate when working with the...

The Crucial Factors Affecting Health Fitness

Introduction Body fitness involves the wholesome health fitness of a person, which is conventionally portrayed by one’s physical appearance. A global health study in the United States of America exemplifies fitness by critically detailing the factors associated with the health fitness of a different population in different countries, both developing...

The Use of Emotional Freedom Technique for Test Taking Anxiety Reduction

Introduction Stress and related psychological problems seem to be critical factor that drives adolescents to self-destructive behaviors. This issue often becomes the reason for poor performance in educational institutions and causes affective disorders later in life (Church, De Asis, & Brooks, 2012). The emotional freedom technique (EFT) is reported to...

The Children’s Health: Impact of Environmental Problems

The issue under consideration is the impact of environmental problems on children’s health, and its importance is defined by the concerns of people about the future generation. It is addressed by the WHO campaign intended to minimize risks of death among this population group resulting from diseases that emerged as...

Cyber Law and Digital Forensic Science

A significant part of the information is stored in electronic format for business, medical field, and evidence storage in the modern world. Data can be stored inside a computer or other device on a hard drive, on external carriers, such as memory cards or CDs, as well as on the...

Legal Rights Afforded to the Accused

In 1966, the US Supreme Court made a landmark decision in Miranda v. Arizona; the ruling made the Fifth Amendment self-incrimination rule preeminent to the Sixth Amendment holding of Escobedo. The prescriptive holding of Miranda v. Arizona comes down to the following: whether exculpatory or inculpatory, the arrested person’s statements...

Aspects of Autonomous Vehicles

The reality of unmanned automobiles is approaching as such corporations as Tesla are testing the possibility of using them. The technology has certain advantages, such as saving time for drivers, preventing DUI incidents, and making roads safe, potentially eliminating the existing limits. All vehicles will be autonomous in the best-case...

Effective and Ineffective Managers in Personal Experience

Every organization seeks to have managers who can drive the organization towards the achievement of its objectives. They want managers who can successfully plan, organize, lead, and control the organization’s operations (Gitman et al., 2018). I have encountered a manager whom I consider an effective manager because of the way...

Factors That Justify the Use of Deadly Force by Police

Police shootings and killings of unarmed civilians arguably qualify as violations of the use-of-force standards that warrant the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators. However, American experience reveals that those involved seldom face any repercussions as the concerned authorities often deem such cases as justifiable. Nonetheless, circumstances under which some...

Why Do Minorities Delay Going to the Doctor?

Introduction In modern society, where certain groups are institutionally provided with privileged treatment, power dynamics are most often unjust. Uneven distribution of resources and social capital leaves the minority groups vulnerable against the power violations and discrimination within educational, political, and, most relevantly for this paper, medical institutions. Reported levels...

Complex Definitions of Diversity, Exclusion, and Inclusion

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ has been cited as a feminist piece of writing that stands against an oppressive and exclusionary force by many scholars in the past few decades. The narrator of the story is a woman who is put on a rest cure, a treatment...

Pope Urban II Speech at Council of Clermont, 1095

According to Halshall in his Medieval Sourcebook, he represents the Pope’s speech in 1095 at Clermont; Urban had an appeal to a crusade where he addressed to the Christians; the Church leaders and members from all walks of life. During his speech, Urban addressed his audience as he delivered what...

Transportation Safety and Security Regulations: Advantages and Disadvantages

It is important to note that transportation safety and security regulations have their advantages and disadvantages, which can be reflected not only in cases of fatalities and injuries but also costs incurred and the effectiveness of their implementations. The most evident advantage of such regulatory practices is safety and security...

Types of Business Communication

Email Email is a means or system for transmitting messages electronically, as between computers on a network (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Email is appropriate to provide large amounts of information through attachments that do not need to be explained in detail, to provide timely information and status updates in the body of...

Health Problems of Aboriginal Communities in Canada

Introduction There are many aboriginal peoples and communities in Canada, including the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis. Unfortunately, the health status of Aboriginal peoples is generally much worse than that of non-Aboriginal Canadians (NCCAH, 2013). This is a severe problem that requires attention and government aid. The article “An Overview...

Two Vietnamese Cuisine Restaurants: A College Student’s View

There is a variety of options to choose from for travelers in Berlin when it comes to Asian restaurants. Every Asian cuisine enthusiast would certainly find something that suits any budget, dietary preference, and aesthetic demands and expectations. Two of the Vietnamese restaurants we visited were Quy Nguyen (QN) Vegan...

Cultural Values of Eugene Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People

Introduction Art is a highly subjective matter that influences people in many ways. Culture, and subsequently, works of art, have the ability to carry the influences and impacts of their epochs (Leach, 2014). Eugene Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People is a product of the July revolution in France, and it...

Mythological Criticism of “Lake Mungo” by Anderson

Introduction One can say that myths are both a product of culture and its cornerstone. They are a manifestation of the past and current experiences of a particular society and a determining factor in subsequent works of art. It is why people, attentive and erudite readers and viewers especially, notice...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Poland: Democratic Nation vs. Communist Country

Poland, where the communists changed the rule and the economy of the land, was invaded by the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1989. Using the Red Army, the Soviet Union ensured the destruction of all anti-communists in the country (Bukowski & Novokmet, 2021). The opposition would be exiled or sentenced...

Marketing Project of Sony Ex4D Pro

The company producing the cellphone is Sony, and the product name is Sony Ex4D Pro. Shape your experience. This slogan presumes that by using the new cellphone model Sony Ex4D Pro a customer can use its multifunctional interface for different activities. Sony Ex4D Pro is an ultra-powerful smartphone from a...

The Black Eyed Peas’ “Where Is the Love?”: Civic Engagement

The given analysis will primarily focus on the harmful aspects of Haidt’s three “great untruths,” which are setting up the current generation for failure, and how the author’s key message in regards to the importance of civil engagement is reflected in a song by The Black Eyed Peas’ “Where Is...

Thinking Processes of Artificial Intelligence

The question of whether artificial computing machines could think as humans do was relevant for several decades, starting from the dawn of technological progress. People predominantly use artificial intelligence for practical purposes, such as calculations or preliminary detection of errors in all sorts of different simulations. Thus, there is no...

Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address and Biblical Perspective

There have been many great and charismatic leaders and famous personalities in the history of America. However, what distinguishes both the culture and the mentality of Americans from the rest of the world is their close connection with faith and the divine. Together, these two phenomena—spirituality and religiosity and charisma...

Apple Company: OM Forecasting and Management

OM Forecasting Apple’s OM forecasting is based on the bottom-up approach because the organization is focused on providing the best quality products. The inventory control department details the number of supplies that will be needed. Hence, the basis of Apple’s forecasting is qualitative techniques, such as time series analysis and...

Community Life in Modern America

Introduction The questions about community-making and its importance for a democratic society have been asked since the times of Classical Greece. When it comes to the United States, the significance of its residents’ voluntary engagement in social life was described by Alexis de Tocqueville as far back as the 1830s...

The Columbian Exchange Impacts

Columbian exchange is the process by which ideas, information, crops, goods, animals, and viruses have been transferred to Americans from Africa, Asia, and Europe and vice versa. It all started with an Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus, and his voyages in 1492. The consequences strongly modified and shaped people, their style...

“Introduction to World Religion” and “How to Study Religion”

Introduction Religions have always been shaped by their surroundings, but there is a specific way in which they have been shaped. The kind of human problems that religion addresses are problems that arise in part from local situations. Many people who live in areas where gods exist can benefit from...

How the Cold War Ended Peacefully

One of the most dangerous and bitter rivalries among the great powers in modern history erupted during the cold war. The cold war developed after World War II between the Soviet Union and the United States. The battle was mainly based on economic, political, and propaganda strategies. There was a...

Clean Air to Breathe for Generations to Come

Air pollution kills millions of people and harms the environment in numerous ways. Perhaps recently, considering the pandemic issue, the problem of air pollution has remained in the background, but this does not mean that it is less relevant. Small, invisible particles in the air penetrate deep into people’s lungs...

Convincing Techniques of “The Danger of a Single Story” Speech

Scholars have discussed the mechanics of persuasion since ancient times. Persuasion encompasses all aspects of culture, with rhetoric being the most important instrument of influence in all spheres of society, from secular negotiations to major national debates. One might say that every form of communication is persuasion. Written or spoken,...

The SmoothPay Mobile Payment Application

Background SmoothPay is a mobile payment and loyalty application catering to small- and medium-sized businesses. The app has numerous partnerships with cafes, quick-serve restaurants, and retailers in high population urban areas. The app is integrated with Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Visa Debit, and PayPal payment systems, allowing users to pay for...

Environmental Management and Sustainable Solutions

The Responsibility of a Citizen First, people must assume the true responsibility of a citizen and humans living in this world, using its resources. This responsibility goes beyond simply paying taxes. For me, the first sustainable solution is to be politically active. The issues of the environment and the need...

Sexual Division of Labor: “Encanto” Meeting Hartsock’s Theory

Having charmed millions of people worldwide, “Encanto” has become the Disney hit that has allowed for a strong emotional connection with all of its characters. However, the film also represents a curious character study from a sociological standpoint, namely, due to its being grounded in the history and social paradigms...

Sitcoms and People with Disabilities

Schultz’s arguments about legality seem reasonable and sufficiently explained to me as for a person who has never seen the show. The author successfully emphasizes the progressive and positive aspects of the sitcom without downplaying the importance of the main character’s image in representing people with disabilities. At the same...

Recycling Is Vital for the Future of Earth

Businesses and societies worldwide move toward developing sustainable practices to address climate change, pollution, and local environmental problems. Motivation and urgency to take action might be explained by severe health and economic outcomes, expanding human population, and the negative impact of waste on flora and fauna (Woods 40). One of...

Diagnostics and Cognitive Science: Critique Analysis

For an accurate diagnosis, the practitioner must have extensive background information. Theoretical and methodological developments can considerably aid curriculum and teaching in biomedicine and education programs in biomedical informatics in the learning and cognition sciences. This is achieved through discussing topics like the methods used to understand medical data and...

The Political Stability Effects on a Growing Company

Business executives and entrepreneurs despise macroeconomic volatility more than anything else. Businesses function following future projections and scenarios that include both surprises and certainties. Even though corporations take uncertainty into account, the one thing they try to avoid at all costs is the macroenvironmental instability brought on by political radicalism,...

Analytics in Understanding Employee Attrition

The concept of employee attrition is one of the pillars of human resources research and business in general. The problem of attrition – when employees leave faster than they are hired – can signify many undiscovered issues at a company (Frye et al., 2018). It requires deep analysis to ensure...

Ecosystems: Characteristics and Analysis

Summary Ecosystems fall into many types and are classified based on a number of factors. The paper will be concentrated on the main types of ecosystems and try to understand the basis on which these classifications are made. It is also essential to know the different factors that distinguish ecosystems...

Falling Levels of Religiosity in the United States

The report focuses on religiosity in the United States and societal trends on this issue. The report is based on data from telephone surveys and compares the data to 2009. The number of people of faith in the U.S. has declined dramatically from 2009 to 2018, with the number of...

The Prosecutors and Incarcerated People Exchange

A prosecutor’s adherence to the ethics of legal proceedings is critically significant since only the relevant facts should be used to decide a case. That implies that a prosecutor must comply with ethical standards of criminal investigations and reporting, where clarity, dispassionate submissions, and fairness promotes balanced justice for the...

Cosmopolitanism in Rap Music

Any given nation should be seen as a form of collective action and thought. According to Hesmondhalgh (2013), a community could be maintained by means of cosmopolitanism, which is a form of moral standing that makes every person equal. As a musical genre, rap music seems perfectly related to cosmopolitanism,...

Launching Solar Panels in Senegal

As domestic markets become saturated and highly competitive, new ones should be explored in different foreign countries to enhance the performance of business organization. Therefore, it is necessary for firms to venture and offer their products to emerging markets to meet the customers’ needs. Most companies believe that the game...

Microsoft Word as the Best Environment for Course Activities

Introduction Today, students get access to various computer applications for their course activities. Some of them are Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Google Docs. Each program has its advantages and disadvantages, addressing the basic needs of users and developers. People are usually free to choose the most convenient applications...

An Audit of Radiographers’ Practice by Adejoh et al.

Errors in radiographic image annotation can lead to incorrect clinical interpretations and disastrous consequences. The research aims to examine the practice of radiographers’ use of left-right image annotation in film screen radiography and after the installation of computed radiography in a tertiary hospital in Africa. The study outcome indicated that...

Lewis Blackman Case: Quality and Safety Education for Nurses

After discovering that Lewis Blackman had pectus excavatum, his parents decided to have him undergo surgery at a university medical center. Lewis was prescribed painkillers and ketorolac to help ease the excruciating pain he was in the following surgery. On day three, Lewis started having severe stomach discomfort, which the...

Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Letter to Danbury Baptists

The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are among the fundamental documents in the history of the United States that set the cornerstone of American values and beliefs. In turn, the Letter to the Danbury Baptists serves as a corroboration for these values. The given documents are significant to today’s...

Person-Centered Care: Nursing Model

Patients with learning disabilities need help and attention from a nurse as they have difficulty performing simple daily activities. While working with such a patient, it is necessary to maintain a careful balance between support and the patient’s autonomy. The Roper Logan & Tierney Model of Nursing aims to encourage...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Abortion: An Ethical Dilemma

There are many reasons as to why abortion poses an ethical dilemma for most women. Reasons such as religious beliefs, medical concerns are easily resolved by reason and need. While other cases, such as pregnancies resulting from criminal acts, are more often debated and considered an ethical dilemma. It is...

Environmental Studies: Water Recycling

Introduction Water shortage is a situation where the available water cannot meet the demands of the population sufficiently. With the continued rise of the population and industrialization, there is much pressure on water sources to serve the growing needs of the people. The rise in demand for water has led...

“The Creature From the Black Lagoon” by Lois Banner Literature Analysis

In her essay The creature from the black lagoon, Lois Banner has picked up the theme of whiteness and try to give it meaning based on the life of the popular 1930’s public figure that was Marilyn Monroe. To this end, Banner has divided the concept of whiteness into five...

Drama: “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry

Introduction A Raisin in the sun is a play written by Lorraine Hansberry. The play revolves around the life of the family of the late Lee Younger and mainly focuses on their daily struggles to make ends meet. Mrs. Lenah Younger, the wife to the late Lee Younger, fondly referred...

Natural Soap Making: Step-by-Step Guide

In this soap making process writing example, you will find a detailed explanation of soap manufacturing process. Check it out if you need to write a soap essay. Abstract Making soap at home is a very rewarding experience. It is also a way of reducing home expenses since it is...

The Rich vs. the Poor in United States of America

The growing wealth inequality in the US is now a major social issue. As such, academics, including sociologists and economists, have explored wealth inequality from various perspectives and found multiple responsible variables. For instance, the video, the Extent of U.S. Wealth Inequality, presents a dramatic extent of that imbalance by...

Nursing Empowerment and Professional Expertise

Empowerment is an important aspect of nursing practice. In addition to psychological and emotional benefits, the concept has a positive impact on nursing practice. The paper describes the role of the concept in my learning journey and determines its contribution to the baccalaureate nurse transition process. The topic which I...

Lusa and Cole’s Relations in “Moth Love” by B. Kingsolver

The concept of interpersonal relations is complex indeed: people have to consider the importance of social, cultural, family, and other influences and make the solutions that correspond to their understanding of life. It is not an easy task to develop strong relations and be confident in their correctness. People have...

“Teach Like a Champion 2.0” by Doug Lemov

The fourth and fifth chapters of the book “Teach Like a Champion 2.0” by Lemov (2010) offer insights into the lesson-planning techniques that can be of use for a teacher of mathematics as well as other disciplines. The fourth chapter focuses on planning as such while the fifth one described...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medication Safety in Patient-Centered Nursing Care

Introduction Mistakes in the administration of medications cause high morbidity and mortality rates and are accountable for many deaths every year (Garrouste-Orgeas et al., 2012). In this regard, the concept of drug safety becomes important in the provision of health care and nursing care in particular. This concept fundamentally states...

Debate on Circumcision: Is It Unethical and Unlawful?

Introduction Circumcision refers to the surgical removal of the foreskin of the male reproductive organ. It is an integral part of the Christian doctrines because they do it as part of God’s covenant with humankind that all boys were to undergo the procedure on the eighth day (Terkel & Greenberg,...

Gross Domestic Product Per Capita Growth

GDP growth is a standard economic indicator that is used to measure the economic growth in a country by dividing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the number of the country’s citizens. The higher the GDP, the better is the country’s economic performance and, presumably, the quality of life in...

Nurse Engagement in the Strategic Planning Process

Strategic Planning Model All organizations that operate in the current markets need to develop an annual business plan to ensure that it will be able to reach the desired future and meet a range of goals for growth. Its key components are included in strategic planning that provides the foundation...

Masculinity of King Arthur in Literature

Is Chretien merely mocking Arthur or the concept of Arthurian literature? Chretien as Bonnie Wheeler explains is not only mocking Arthurian literature but also the character that is King Arthur by confining him to contexts that portray him as weak and not only ridiculous but laughably so. The story of...

Exchange Rate Regimes: Is the Bipolar View Correct?

This paper is a summary of the Distinguished Lecture on Economics in Government: Exchange Rate Regimes: Is the Bipolar View Correct? article published in The Journal of Economic Perspectives in 2001. The article by Stanley Fischer describes the problems of reforming the global financial system. Precisely speaking, he notes that...

Four Metaparadigms of Nursing

Nursing is an ancient profession. It is as old as humanity itself. Even in the most primitive and ancient human tribes, there were individuals tasked with taking care of the sick and injured. A caring attitude is not something that could be transmitted on a genetic level from one generation...

Authoritarian States and Party Systems

The world’s history describes numerous authoritarian states that existed at different times and had varied features. Nevertheless, the majority of them suffered from frequent wars initially, which made them implement radical changes to be able to rebuff. One more reason for states to become authoritarian is a constant political pressure...

The Embraer Company’s SWOT Analysis and Strategy

Introduction Embraer is the third largest aircraft manufacturer in the world. The company has undertaken several strategic decisions that have improved its competitiveness. Government support and specialization in the regional jet market are some of the key success factors of Embraer (Khandwalla, 2001). Embraer faces increased competition from Bombardier. This...

“Sleepers” a Film by Barry Levinson

Introduction In every society, there are certain values and conditions that are usually established, and it is expected that they are naturally followed by every member of the society and passed through generations without active questioning or suggestions of radical changes. In assessing Immanuel Kant’s theory on morality, we shall...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Anxiety Disorder: The Fear of Making Mistakes

Introduction Social anxiety disorder is a condition characterized by the intense, persistent, unreasonable, and overwhelming fear of social situations that are based on false and negative beliefs about other people’s opinions (Antony, Antony, & Rowa, 2008). People with this disorder experience high levels of nervousness and self-consciousness that arise from...

Smoking Cessation and Stages of the Change

There is a situation when a client addresses to a social service organization for help to solve his smoking cessation. The client is a 43-year-old Black man from New York, who started smoking after his father passed away. The client had a smoking history when he was a teenager. He...

Leadership Styles Comparison: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-Faire Leadership

Leadership style is an essential managerial characteristic. According to Lewin’s model, there are three types of leadership: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire (Marquis & Huston, 2011). Authoritarian leadership is characterized by rigidity, strict control, and discipline. Such leaders mainly focus on the desired results. Within organizations, authoritative leaders tend to ignore...

Economic Efficiency for Policy Analysis

Economic Efficiency Economic efficiency is the use of resources such that maximum utilization of those resources is achieved in production of goods and services. It involves effective and equitable allocation of resources. An economy is said to be economically efficient if any change made to make one agent better off...

Genetically Modified Food Safety and Benefits

Arguments for and against GM Technology Currently, our world faces a major problem of the shortage of food supplies to feed its growing population. Although scientists have discovered a possible way of tackling this problem by the use of genetically modified foods, this development has been surrounded by several facts,...

Father-Son Relationship in Wiesel’s “Night”

Introduction Wiesel’s book Night can be regarded as a story of dehumanization and lost hopes. However, it is also a story of affection and desire to remain a human in inhumane conditions. There are different themes in the book, but the father-son relationship is one of the central and most...

Eliezer and His Father’s Bond in Wiesel’s “Night”

The Relationship Between Eliezer and His Father Eliezer is the protagonist of the Elie Wiese’s Night narrative. Eliezer was the son of a Jewish elder called Chomlo (Bosmajian 211). Throughout the novel, Wiese narrates how Chomlo treated his son throughout his life. Similarly, he narrates how Eliezer’s attitude towards his...

Approaches to Death, Their Types and Differences

How do the biological, psychological, anthropological, philosophical, and sociological approaches to death differ? The biological approach mostly differs from philosophical and sociological approaches while being correlated with psychological and anthropological approaches because this approach depends on studying death in connection with changes in human bodies. From this point, medical issues...

Foreshadowing in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

Examples of Foreshadowing in The Lottery While not immediately obvious, there are instances of foreshadowing in the story which seems to imply that some form of auspicious practice was about to occur. The most obvious example of foreshadowing was the emphasis the author placed on how the various characters in...

Rational Emotive Therapy for Identifying Emotions, Thoughts and Solving the Issue

People have a way of expressing their inner feelings. Rational Emotive Therapy helps to identify a person’s emotions, thoughts and provides a means for solving the issue. The paper would discuss the RET method. Activating Event One day the police found my colleagues and me chatting in a food café....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Employee Union and Productivity Incentive Plans

Employee union Organizations with unions should not try to persuade workers to decertify their union since these unions are a critical part of employee welfare. Reflectively, the basic building blocks of labor unions are identified as the need for collective bargaining and increased negotiation power. Labor unions are responsible for...

Ethics Scenarios in the Healthcare Workplace

The Affair The scenario involves the affair between Bobby and Leanne, the employees of the hospital, and the aftermath, which ensued after Bobby has confessed the affair to his wife, Kara. While the affairs are a considerable breach of workplace ethics, this particular scenario focuses on another sensitive issue often...

Teacher’s Influence on Student’s Personality

There is no such thing as a self-made man. Every one of us, no matter how talented, smart or independent, has someone who helped raise us, who taught us the things we know, and who molded us into the people we are today. Parents are our first teachers. They teach...

Professionalism and Values in Nursing

Effectiveness at Meeting the Program Essential This course made me realize what it means to be a professional in multiple aspects of this notion. Firstly, I gained theoretical knowledge that set the framework, through which I could view certain aspects of my work more clearly and distinctly. For instance, I...

Recovery Operation Using an Unmanned Maritime Vehicle

Location and Limit The deployment of scientists, an engineering team, and aircraft for marine applications requires intensive efforts and operational expenses. However, the cost of implementation may not provide adequate resolution and analysis to guarantee comprehensive information accessibility for all regions and functions of recovery. Unmanned maritime vehicles (UMV) can...

Visual Art Creation and Reflection

Introduction The inspiration that comes from observing works of art is the driving force that stimulates creativity and allows one to better understand the nature of the human thought. In order to express an idea, people often resort to visual images that can awaken different emotions and feelings. The aim...

“Jonestown. The Life and Death of Peoples Temple” the Movie by W. McKeown

The tragedy that occurred in late autumn back in 1978 is considered the most massive suicide of the 20th century. On November 18, 909 people died in the small settlement of Johnstown, located in Guyana. Johnstown was a camp settlement where followers of Peoples Temple’s religious movement emigrated. The purpose...

Five Presidents: My Extraordinary Journey With Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford

Introduction The chosen Presidents for this assignment are Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Kennedy is known for some domestic progress on civil rights as well as a foreign policy seeking to stabilize the nuclear conflict with Cuba and the Soviet Union. This strengthened the U.S. economically globally. Nixon established a...

Criticism of the Painting by Pawel Kuczynski

The work is a painting depicting a boy or young man, with his head pressed against an open book lying on a desk with a vise. Other books are stacked on the desk; no labels are visible, and text in the two open books is illegible. The proportions are realistic,...

Tranquility and Its Positive Life Effects

Introduction Aggression, violence, and irritation are negative emotions. Oppositely, the ability to stay calm and peaceful, without worry and noise, in any stressful situation is a handy and respectful skill. Moreover, the inefficiency of controlling anger may have a devastating impact on a person’s life. The purpose of this essay...

Gender as a Social Process: Theoretical Foundation

Introduction The process of acquiring gender identity can be explained with reference to certain theoretical perspectives on gender socialization. These theories are social learning theory, identification theory, symbolic interaction, and cognitive development theory. According to these theoretical models, different components in the process of gender formation are accentuated by researchers...

Patients with Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer Diseases

What is the purpose of this research? The article discusses the research study aimed at the identification of the influence of gait and balance parameters on the condition of people with Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. The authors believe that these parameters can be used to analyze clients’ states and...

Neurobehavioral Effects of Aspartame Consumption

What are the assumptions for conducting a paired or dependent samples t -test in a study? Which of these assumptions do you think were met by the Lindseth et al. (2014) study? The assumptions for conducting such test are the following: the evaluation of variables on a continuous scale; a...

“The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness” the Article by T. Rose

Main Points One-dimensional thinking prevents people from recognizing talent. Talent and individuality are often complex and multifaceted notions. The facets of talent or individuality are frequently independent of each other, and there is a need for emerging criteria to measure or evaluate it. It is challenging to produce an objective...

Computer Elements: Hardware versus Software

Personal computers usually differ from business computers in their capacity and the level of technologies applied in the hardware. Thus, business computers are designed to perform multiple complex tasks requiring the high speed of processing, the high resolution of a display, and upgradability (Archambault, 2013). On the contrary, personal computers...

Theme of Judgement in the “To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee

Introduction To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee is one of the most vehement novels that break the tradition of ‘ part pour l’art’ and proceeds to provide some strong lessons. Racism and classism are one of its major themes, and in course of exploration of such a theme,...

Media and American Judicial System

The reference work Media and the American Courts by S L Alexander provides the reader with both the necessary historical perspective to understand the increased media coverage of the court system and access to landmark cases in which additional rights were awarded to the media. The concern over the conflict...

My Space and Linkedln Benefits

Introduction Myspace and LinkedIn are social networking positions that specifically target business people. LinkedIn is the biggest among other social networking tools with more than 45 million users. LinkedIn is among the most powerful networking sites and helps businesses as well as individuals who find some interest in it like...

Essay on a Rose for Emily

“A Rose for Emily” is a beautiful short story written by William Faulkner in which the writer uses new structural devices of story telling. The central character, Emily, is a symbol of changes. She also represents the victimized generation in South America after the civil war. The North was getting...

The Holistic Development of the Child

Leading scholars have not yet come to the consensus as to what technique is the most conducive to the holistic development of the child. Such term as holistic development is multidimensional; this notion comprise two constituent parts: intellectual and moral growth. Overall, it is quite possible to single out the...

Free Will in Hard Determinism, Soft Determinism and Libertarianism

The questions of free will were always agitating the minds of philosophers. This could be explained by people’s tendency to acknowledge the responsibility of one’s actions. The questions that might arise ask whether there were other options in doing certain options or it was already predetermined. As a purpose of...

The Concept of Political Parties in the United States

Introduction From as early as the 18th century, the need to have the people’s interests represented by some form of political party had begun to arise. As the nation grew, more and more people gained the right to vote. These citizens had opinions on what and how they believed the...

Country of Origin Effects on the Consumer Decisions

Introduction The consumer decisions into whether to buy or not to buy a certain product are influenced by the products’ Country of Origin (COO). Researches have been conducted relating to country image perceptions as well as perceptions of consumers in different countries on products made in different countries (Fan, 2008)....

Racial Diversity and Educability Relationship

Introduction Being educable simply means to the willingness to accept the fact that it is not possible to have all the wisdom in the world concentrated in one head. With this acceptance, one proceeds to take the crucial step of listening and learning from others as opposed to making blanket...

Tin Cup Hogback Ridge: A Geological Field Trip

Introduction The class traveled west about a half-hour from Denver. The route cut through Lakewood City on US-6 W. On turning southwest on the I-70 W at West Pleasant View and heading towards Grand Junction and Jefferson County, we knew we were almost there because the urban sprawl that is...

Role of Washington: Public Administration

Washington through interest group activities influences policy creation and implementation in United States. It is largely through the actions of organized groups that the public’s opinion shape policy making and thus help assure that policies are responsive to popular preference (Derthick, 1979). These group activities occur through out the policy...

The Causes of Congestive Heart Failure

A literature review is a description of a publication on a certain subject attributed by researchers. In the selection of the topic of study by the researchers, there are some procedures that are usually followed. For instance: appraisal of the allied literature. This furthermore entails the methodical recognition of the...

Freedom of Breath, Foundation of Life: China’s Neonatal Resuscitation Program Review

Birth asphyxia remains a major concern in developing countries, with seven deaths per 1000 births caused by asphyxia, compared to less than one death in developed countries (World Health Organization, 2006, p.3). This fact highlights the need to create and sustain national programs to reduce childhood mortality rates and to...

African American Women of 40–50 Obtaining Higher Education

Abstract The issue of education is becoming increasingly important in the highly competitive realm of the XXI century. Having a degree is a mandatory requirement for almost any job applicant. The representatives of African American communities, however, especially women in their forties and fifties, seem to have been having issues...

How Do People Use Biology in Their Everyday Life?

Introduction Biology is a scientific subject that studies living organisms relative to their interactions with each other and their immediate environments (Phelan, p. 1). On the other hand, life implies cells or a state of energy. The concept of life as cells implies that a life form can be made...