Virtual Life vs Reality

Nowadays, a lot of people are almost completely disconnected from reality, especially teenagers. They have no need to explore and experience the physical world. They are buying whatever they need and communicating with friends on the internet. Many young people spend most of their time on the web. It seems...

Living in a City: Advantages and Disadvantages

People are usually faced with different options when deciding on where to live. That is do they want to live in the city or would they prefer to live in the suburbs where it is more peaceful. The essay that follows intends to show the advantages and disadvantages of city...

What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?

If you have a lot of money, what will you do? Essay on this topic is commonly assigned to students. This “what would you do with a million dollars” essay will inspire a great paper. If I Had a Million Dollars: Essay Introduction People around the world have all sorts...

Social Media Effect on Young People

Are you about to write a research paper on social media effect on young people? Then check out our “impact of social media on youth” essay sample! Here, you’ll find psychological, financial, and other effects of social media. Impact of Social Media on Youth: Essay Introduction  Social media is gaining...

Five Elements of Communication Process

The five elements of the communication process are (1) a sender; (2) a message; (3) a channel; (4) a receiver; and (5) the outcome of the receiver (Kitson, Marshall, Bassett, & Zeitz, 2013). A sender is a person who is willing to convey a message. A message is a very...

Impacts of Drugs on the Society

Drug usage has been a crucial issue worldwide for many decades. It impacts not only the particular individuals addicted to illegal substances but also the surrounding around them, and eventually, it leads to massive social issues. This essay aims to identify drug addiction’s influence on society on the local, national,...

Types of Responsibility

Responsibility is a fundamental concept that shapes human behavior and societal structures. Responsibility, in its essence, refers to the duty or obligation one has to fulfill tasks, make decisions, and be accountable for the consequences. In this essay sample, we investigate the definition and types of responsibility in daily life....

Doctors and Teachers Comparison

The role of doctors and teachers is crucial. In the past, these professions were appreciated; nowadays, people take them for granted. Doctors and teachers work with people and have almost the same salaries, but their working conditions and the results of work vary. The essay explains the differences and similarities...

Drug Addiction: Advantages and Disadvantages

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Drugs? Essay Introduction A drug is a substance containing a chemical with the ability to change the normal biological processes and functions. It is used in medicine to correct or cure diseases and socially as a psychological stimulant to enhance pleasure. Drug addiction...

Drug Abuse among Teenagers Causes and Effects

Introduction Drug and substance abuse amongst teenagers is a global menace. Millions of youths are seriously engaging in drug and substance abuse posing a threat to the future generation. Youths across the world have now tested all kinds of drugs including cigarettes and alcohol to hard drugs like cocaine, cannabis,...

Interdisciplinary Approach in Social Science

This paper analyzes interdisciplinary approach in social science education. It looks at its merits as a teaching technique and proves the need of studying social science through interdisciplinary perspectives. Introduction Most sociology scholars are drawn into this discipline because it is inherently interdisciplinary by nature. Furthermore, it is almost impossible...

Changes in Family Structure

Introduction The family is often considered to be the most influential agent of socialization. A family can affect not only its members but also the structure of a society or culture. However, families change under the influence of the world as well. In fact, the developments in the family structure...

Do Video Games Cause Violence: Essay Sample

Do Video Games Cause Violence: Essay Introduction Video games are electronic devices that require the interaction of a user. This enables the generation of visual feedback. Video games vary from handheld devices to mainframe computers. Video games started as early as the mid-20th century, and today their popularity has grown...

The Impact of Social Change on the Education System

As social change occurs, the education system too undergoes some transformation. This is marked with the need for an education system that advocates for equality and social justice. It has been mentioned that the political ideology influences what is taught by the education system. Changes are noted in the curriculum...

Being Young: Advantages and Disadvantages

People are prone to aging, and gradually, starting from infancy, a person turns into the elderly. All people go through the stage of youth, when they are no longer children but not yet adults. Everyone evaluates their young years in their way, that is, someone enjoys being young, and someone...

Conflict Theory, Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism

Introduction According to Harris (1), sociologists follow different theoretical backgrounds when exploring certain subjects in the field. Most concepts in sociology are founded on the three key sociological paradigms, which include conflict theory, symbolic interaction, and functionalism. Each of these key paradigms has its own inclination when it comes to...

Can Money Always Buy Everything You Want?

Money can be defined as coins and banknotes used as a medium of exchange of goods and services. It guarantees the achievement of exchange of goods and services by being the only item on offer that is always acceptable by everyone (Mishkin, p. 4). It is however necessary because human...

Imagination Is More Important than Knowledge: Essay Example

Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge: Essay Introduction “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” is a famous quote of Albert Einstein. There are only a couple of words in this line, but if we think logically, it encloses the whole world. Imagination is a bequest of life and is indeed...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Volunteering

Voluntary work is an act where an individual offers free services to people without getting a reward in return for the service provided. Voluntary work has gained popularity over time because it comes with many essential benefits. Whereas volunteering in any organization has many benefits to the individual, it also...

Essay about New Technology and Its Impact

New Technology Essay Introduction New technologies play an increasingly important role in human lives. Nowadays, it is hard to imagine everyday life without a computer, cell phone, iPod, the Internet, etc. All these innovations become a considerable part of social life and change the way people live, communicate, work, and...

Managing Conflict Discussion: Personal Experience

Conflicts happen all the time between friends, members of the family, colleagues, or even strangers. In some cases, the problem can be and has to be solved, while in another, it is better to avoid it. I faced some conflicts, but in the first case, it ended with a broken...

Civic Engagement from Individual Perspective

Introduction Civic engagement is an essential factor in human life and its development. It includes the activities of a group of individuals or a person aimed at evolving or solving existing problems. With the help of this factor, the state has the opportunity to settle those issues that the current...

Gender-Based Violence in South Africa

Gender-based violence is any harm done to a person or group of persons because of their actual or perceived sex, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Any act of gender-based violence, whether public or private, causes or is likely to inflict bodily, sexual, or psychological pain or suffering to women,...

Anthony Giddens and the Theory of Structuration

Introduction Anthony Giddens is an English sociologist and the headmaster of The London School of Economics and Political Science. The scientist is considered to be one of the most significant figures in contemporary sociology. He has written 34 books, which have been published in 29 different languages. In 2007, Anthony...

Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Young People

Alcohol Abuse Essay Introduction Alcoholism and drug addiction are considered not only purely medical but also social problems of modern society. Alcohol and drug abuse have been known since ancient times and have now extended to disturbing proportions in the world community. Even when limiting alcohol and drug abuse to...

Causes of Youth Unemployment

People need a sufficient income to procure a life of full value, not to mention that self-realization is necessary for stable mental health. However, young people sometimes do not manage to find an occupation when they are at a mature age. The problem of youth unemployment has become a global...

Disadvantages of Vaping

Introduction Vaping is very popular and widespread among young people nowadays. According to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than 37% of 12th graders reported vaping in 2018 (Shmerling, 2019). These numbers are quite alarming, as scientists do not know much about the potential short- and...

The Power of Positive Thinking

Many people tend to evaluate events that do not correspond to their plans and the usual picture of the world as an obstacle that prevents achieving the goal. In turn, people who practice positive thinking in such situations see the problem as an opportunity on the road to success, not...

Arranged Marriages’ Advantages and Disadvantages

Welcome to our argumentative essay sample on arranged marriage: advantages and disadvantages. Here, you’ll find the disadvantages and advantages of arranged marriage, discussion, statistics, and other aspects of the debate. Arranged Marriage: Essay Introduction Arranged marriages were very popular in traditional societies across the world. Arranged marriage was considered the...

Feminist Theory and International Relations

Introduction The incorporation of feminism in such grounds as philosophical and theoretical grounds is what is referred to as the feminist theory. Feminist theory has been incorporated in various works and also a variety of disciplines which include all approaches to the females’ role and the lives of the feminist...

The Social Construction of Gender

Gender refers to the social construction of the differences between men and women. A good example of the social construction of gender is the belief that all men are brave and strong, while all women are coward and weak. Sex is described as the biological differences between men and women....

Causes of Violence in Society

What Are the Causes of Violence in Society: Abstract There are many factors that can cause people into violent acts. Acts of violence in humans can be caused by triggers to violent acts and propensity to be violent. The propensity to be violent depends on the personal character of the...

Sociological Analysis of Nosedive: “Black Mirror” by Brooker

Introduction In the past few decades, media was the source of shaping people’s opinions and the broadcaster of fundamental thoughts, ideas, and messages. The advent of television programs, radio, or social media has changed the perception of such messages, whether they are open or hidden, that sometimes cannot be easily...

Poverty as a Social Problem

This free essay on poverty as a social problem looks at a grave problem that exists in America and in the world. It provides reasons why people are experiencing poverty as well as some solutions. Introduction Society often perceives poverty as an individualistic issue, believing it is a consequence of...

Sequentially Planned Integrative Counselling for Children Model Approach

Introduction The Sequentially Planned Integrative Cancelling for Children (SPICC) is a model developed to assist in child psychotherapy through five phases: applying theories to assist in counseling children with psychological distress. The purpose of the essay is to evaluate the theoretical framework of the SPICC, considering the strengths of the...

Extrovert and Introvert Comparison

Being an extrovert is encouraged and considered normal in modern society. Many kinds of social events, educational settings, and work environments are built in a manner that requires people to be communicative and open. However, many people feel uncomfortable when forced into social activity and interaction; those people are introverts....

Communication Models: Advantages and Disadvantages

Wondering what the disadvantages and advantages of linear model of communication are? Then, check out our essay sample to find out more about this and other communication models! Communication models are mainly pictures; this is because they can put to an end very essential interactive or transitive process into a...

Effects of Cell Phone on Society

Research on the negative effects of smartphones on students is often controversial. This essay reveals the pros and cons of cell phone use in society. Impact of Mobile Phones on Society: Essay Introduction The telecommunication industry takes a considerable place in the modern life of society. The purpose of cell...

Animals Should Have the Same Rights as Humans: Pros and Cons

Should Animals Have the Same Rights as Humans? Essay Introduction Concern over the indiscriminate use of animals by humans has gained prominence since the latter half of the twentieth century, with the increase in the insensitive use of animals for scientific research and the increased availability of literature raising moral...

Goffman’s Theory of Symbolic Interaction and Dramaturgy

Introduction Erving Goffman was a sociologist who developed and presented the symbolic interaction theory alongside dramaturgy ideology. The dramaturgy principle is a social psychological viewpoint that studies the behavior of human beings and social interaction through its correspondence with the theatre. This perspective is also related to symbolic interactionism, a...

Greta Thunberg’s Speech: Rhetorical Analysis

This persuasive and rather emotional speech was delivered by sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental and climate activist. She is famous worldwide for calling on leaders and governments to begin taking sufficient steps to fight against climate change. This speech was given on 23 September 2019 at the United Nations...

Living in a Big City, Its Causes and Advantages

Wondering about the advantages of living in a big city as opposed to rural areas? Want to know about the disadvantages of a small town lifestyle? This essay sample is for you—check it out! Why Is It Better to Live in a Big City: Essay Introduction There was once a...

Personal Responsibility in Society

Introduction Every human being has a role to play in life. Any role played by an individual may contribute to personal or societal growth. Individuals in the society have different levels of responsibility depending on the hierarchy of the social structure and individuals’ dependent on them (Brown 67). The following...

Ethics and Morality: Similarities and Differences

Ethics and morality are two closely related concepts, albeit with particular distinctions. Morality can be defined as the ability to determine what is right and acceptable and to act accordingly. Morals can be shared by a group of people, but they remain highly individual, personal, and ultimately internal. Meanwhile, ethics...

Parents Should Limit the Usage of Screen Time for Their Children

Background Teenagers spend a lot of time staring at devices, which might conflict with getting proper exercise, finishing homework, and spending time with friends. Teens are more self-sufficient, but parents must still monitor how their children use technology (Ashton and Beattie). Teens may need to devote more time to completing...

Ugli Orange Case and Filley’s Conflict Management Theory

Conflicts are an inevitable part of all group activities. However, in many cases, a suitable approach to conflict resolution process will provide acceptable terms for both sides. The following paper analyzes the Ugli Orange case, identifies and applies to it an appropriate conflict management theory, and offers an optimal resolution....

How to Help Homeless People?

Introduction Homeless people are one of the big problems of our society. They suffer because of the lack of food, poor clothes, and absence of homes to hide from bad weather or other factors. For this reason, I believe that people should unite to help such individuals as together we...

The Importance of Children’s Rights

Introduction Children are human beings who are still young and among them there are those who are very young. By virtue of them being human beings, they possess particular moral status. They are not supposed to be subjected to some kind of treatment because they are human. But at the...

Should Animals Be Used for Research?

Introduction Animals, from rabbits to dogs, are widely used in research studies as test subjects. They are an important component that allows scientists to increase their knowledge regarding human biology and health, as well as develop new drugs. The use of animals in scientific research has been a hotly debated...

Power, Politics, and Culture in Business Environment

Introduction The term politics can be used to describe a variety of practices, including, but not limited to those that are used by the government. In the case of organizations and companies, however, politics as a concept are mostly understood in a negative light. The practice is used to maintain...

Urbanization, Its Challenges and Benefits

Abstract Urbanization refers to the growth of natural or rural land into an area with increased density of people and people made structures due to population in-migration. Urbanization is mainly attributed to the expansion and growth of towns and cities. Urbanization is characterized by the movement of a large number...

Analysis of Gwen’s Addiction in the Film “28 Days”

Introduction Nowadays, the social conditions of different people are changing for the better, but this does not entirely protect them from the emergence of adverse mental illnesses and addictions. Unfortunately, addiction to psychoactive substances remains a pressing problem (Rosen, et al., 2018). Such substances include alcohol (Class A), which causes...

Beauty Pageants: Importance and Benefits

Beauty pageants are contests that have been held in almost all the countries of the world for a long time, where participants demonstrate their talents and, first of all, beauty. Their popularity can be explained by the fact that these pageants entertain viewers who cheer for their compatriots. Besides, such...

Drunk Driving Essay: Effects, Dangers, and Prevention of Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving Essay: Abstract Driving under the influence of alcohol is a common practice in all countries where alcohol consumption is legal. This behavior has emerged as an important issue affecting road safety over the past few decades. This free drinking and driving essay discusses the issue of drunk...

How Cell Phones Affect Family Relationships: Essay Sample

The entire world has been witnessing numerous technological advancements across all sectors in the society in the 21st century. World governments have invested in this sector to be on par with the current technology. Markedly, technology has both negative and positive effects on the final users in society. This essay...

Verbal and Non-Verbal Cross-Cultural Communication

Introduction Cultural communication is a way through which the members of the society express their views and relay information. All aspects of human beings including communication are affected and altered by culture. Culture includes how individuals express themselves including the way they think, move, and solve problems. When we discuss...

Abnormal Psychology: Case Studies

These abnormal psychology case study examples cover four different psychological disorders. Check out this sample essay if you’re interested in mental illness and therapy. Case Study One: Margaret In most cases, psychologists draw their diagnostics by conducting an interview with their clients like the one conducted by Louise on Margaret....

Poverty: Causes and Solutions to Problem

Introduction Poverty is a global economic and social problem that has persisted throughout the centuries. Attempts to establish the causes of poverty and the solutions to the issue have been made since the emergence of early civilizations. Despite the significant drop in the numbers of the extremely poor in the...

Promote Outdoor Fun Than Mobile Games to Children

With the development of technical progress, which led to the emergence of all sorts of computer technologies, mankind has acquired not only advantages but also significant disadvantages that mainly affect the development of children. Among the benefits of mobile gaming, the most important one is that according to the recent...

No One Can Make You Feel Inferior without Your Consent: Meaning

When someone tries to hurt you, think about Eleanor Roosevelt’s words that nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. This essay unpacks the meaning of this quote. Introduction The famous line, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent,” is credited to one of the first...

Social Media and Friendships Overview

Introduction The Internet revolution of the 21st century has redefined the way people meet, make friends, and sustain friendships. Social network sites (SNSs) have changed the conventional meet-and-talk scenarios where people would have face-to-face communication, know each other, and form meaningful friendships. SNSs encourage individuals to visit various social media...

Differences Between Traditional and Modern Women

Introduction Women in modern society can choose one of the two opposite worldviews to establish their values. Traditional women prioritize creating the nuclear family and supporting the patriarchal family structure. Traditional perception is often considered outdated in modern society because it is often associated with religion and supports conservative political...

Homelessness: Causes and Solutions

Introduction Contemporary social problems are not only a consequence of individual factors that do not depend on people, for instance, political fluctuations in the international arena but also the outcome of unreasonable and ineffective government practices. One of these issues is homelessness a phenomenon that is acutely felt in the...

Male and Female Attitudes to Housework

Introduction Nowadays, due to the modifying of traditional values of society, many women go to work. However, even though the roles of males and females became different over the years, the issue of housework remains topical. Despite the changes that occurred in gender roles, women have more welcoming attitudes toward...

Violent Computer Games Must Be Banned

In a rapidly changing world, computer technology is becoming an increasingly important factor influencing the formation of a young person’s identity. With the growth of the influence of computer technologies on the consciousness of a modern person, a tendency has emerged that allows one to notice the increasing dynamics of...

Is Stealing Ever Justified?

It is necessary to pay more attention to the causal relationship for the interpretation of all crimes and misdemeanors, that is, to study the factors influencing the causes of the occurrence of a variety of crimes. The reason is that their content is closely related to each other. Stealing is...

Cigarette Smokers and Their Types

Introduction A smoker is any person who consumes burned tobacco or its vapors, either through tasting or through inhaling. Smokers are classified according to the number of cigarettes they smoke per day. Different countries use different standards to classify smokers based on their consumption rate. Thus, we cannot say a...

The Roles of Women Changing in the World Today

Introduction Women have been one of the most important elements of society but were never able to make an eminent place in the world, due to the dominance of men all over. This gender of society has forever been the lower one, with male supremacy and authority taking their toll...

The Effects of Overpopulation

Global problems affect the life not only of certain individuals but the society in general. One of the global dilemmas that can consequently lead to the severe outcome is overpopulation. The major purpose of the paper is to discuss the problem of overpopulation, highlight the risks and environmental problems, as...

Gender-Based Violence and Its Effects: Literature Review

Introduction Gender-based violence is considered to be one of the most persistent issues affecting women around the world, and many literary masterpieces were oriented on the massive spread of this problem. Wirtz et al. (2018) posit that gender-based violence has immediate and long-term consequences, including missed work, poor physical and...

Industrial Revolution and Sociological Theory Development

The Industrial Revolution refers to the transformation of manufacturing processes in the United States and Europe from 1760 to around 1840. It involved the development of mechanized factory systems, moving from hand production methods. Sociological changes were observed by altering society’s social order, including changes in social institutions, behaviors, and...

Prevention of Substance Abuse

Drug abuse is becoming a growing social and a public health problem. There are many substances blamed to be of use and abuse. Substances are either licit or lawful (bought legally as tobacco and alcohol) and illicit or illegal as heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, or cannabis. This has influenced public and...

Migration as a Social Problem

Sociologists have over a long time studied tribulations of migration and its consequences across and within cultures. Migration is defined in a number of ways but for this paper, it shall be used to refer to the movement of persons from one country or locality to another as defined by...

Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood

Aging is a part of human life and entails not only physiological but also psychological, emotional, and social changes. First of all, negative or positive perception of this process depends on social connections and support, as well as a person’s attitude. Socioemotional development in late adulthood can vary depending on...

The Importance of Ethics in Personal and Professional Life

Ethical consideration is an important issue in personal and professional life. Over the years, ethical conduct has attracted diverse opinions. This has been the case especially when people compromise ethics for material or other gains. Ethical practice is not an easy task; it calls for a person to be dedicated...

The Communication Inquiry: Semiotic, Cybernetic, and Critical Traditions

Introduction Communication is the act of transferring information from one place, person, or group to another. The transmission of the message from sender to recipient can be affected by a vast range of things (emotions, the cultural situation, location). Communication is quite a complicated process with many particles, variables, and...

Preventing Gender-Based Violence

Introduction With the development of humanity, the problems of gender interaction in society have become less acute compared to the situation in past eras. Nevertheless, despite the success of the struggle for equality and established moral values​, the issue of gender-based violence continues to exist. Women, in this case, are...

The Advantaged and Disadvantages for People in the Modern Civilized World

Introduction The history of mankind is full of different levels of development when people improved their lives using different innovations. The modern world is full of different computerized innovations which help people to live in the world. On the other hand, the civilization creates a lot of inconveniences, if not...

Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Sciences

Introduction Humanities, social science, and natural sciences are major disciplines that deal with human beings and their culture. The main similarity between the three subjects is that they study society and human relationships. However, humanities deal with the heritage and the question of what makes us human, while social sciences...

Why Bullies Should Be Expelled from School?

Introduction School is one of the most important social institutions that have an educational and educative function. Safety is a critical element of a school that requires constant monitoring and development. Bullying encroaches on school safety, so now the question of what to do with bullies is quite relevant. The...

Neighborhood Problems and Perceptions

There is no doubt that a neighborhood consists of pleasant and bad neighbors. Some neighbors may cause issues in the neighborhood by being disruptive. Besides, other neighbors might have to either tolerate them or report them to the management so they would take action against them. Although some people think...

Karl Marx’s and Max Weber’s Contributions to Sociology

Introduction The world knows many sociologists who have made significant contributions to the study of society and its interactions. However, as in any area of knowledge, in sociology, one can single out the founding fathers who created and substantiated science foundations. These founders are considered to be Karl Marx, Max...

Social Media Addiction: Causes and Effects

Problematic or addictive social media (SM) use and its implications for health have become popular research topics in recent years. SM addiction refers to a type of behavioral addiction characterized by an individual’s excessive concern with SM communication that results in an obsessive desire to check SM feedback in a...

Social Media Addiction: How to Overcome the Problem

Introduction Social media addiction is the extensive usage of social network platforms, including Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, disrupting individuals’ daily lives. Despite social media connecting people across the globe, 18% of US citizens are considered addicted to social media, engendered by its variable reward system engendering satisfaction (Hou et...

Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction

A family is a natural social system that occurs in heterogeneous forms today and represents a diversity of cultural heritage. The addictions that have effects on marriage can be classified into two groups: substance addiction and process addiction. Prominently ranked among the various types of substance addiction is drug addiction....

Adolescent Drug Abuse, Their Awareness and Prevention

Introduction Adolescent drug abuse remains a big challenge in the world today. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality amongst young people. Also, drug abuse is costly to society. It is crucial to note that the factors behind adolescent alcohol and drug abuse are preventable. Chakravarthy, Shah, and Lotfipour...

Simone de Beauvoir: ‘Introduction’ From the Second Sex

Simon uses the question “what is a woman” to showcase the idea and how it applies to men and their perception of women. For instance, “what is a woman” has been used to argue that women are always wrong, men are always right. The view has been brought forward to...

Gender and Sexuality: Essay Example

Gender and Sexuality: Essay Introduction Human beings live in a world which is characterized by a variety of preferences and opinions about various facets of life. For instance, people hold different views and opinions about certain aspects of life, such as attitudes towards a given orientation in life. These different...

Schools Should Block Social Networking Sites

Introduction Social networking sites are becoming an ever-growing part of our lives. They are used to connecting with friends and family, staying updated on current events, and making new connections. But in schools, they can be a distraction and even a source of cyberbullying. Because of this, it is becoming...

Equal Rights for Men and Women

During the last several decades, women have demonstrated considerable shifts in proving their rights and equality along with men. Some people still do not believe in equal rights for men and women, addressing unfair treatment and biased judgments. In this paper, the equality of gender rights will be proved through...

Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory Essay

Social Learning Theory Essay: Introduction Bandura’s social learning theory argues that gaining knowledge that results in behavior change is attained through observation, imitation, and modeling. Besides, the theory postulates that the learning process is achieved through role imitations, attitudes, and anticipated outcomes (Bandura, 1977). In other words, individual learning abilities...

What Will Future Jobs Look Like?

There is an array of jobs that have become obsolete due to extensive automatization and technological advancements. Warehouse workers are replaced by robots that can move goods and heavy packages faster. Factory robots in the car manufacturing industry replaced people on assembly lines. Customer service has moved online where automated...

Sociolinguistic Concepts: Definitions, Concepts, and Theories of the Speech Community

Outline The existing different categories used by sociologists to study society include; economic characteristics, class, regional characteristics, and ethnicity. Sociology defines a community as a dimension of shared possessions, knowledge, and behaviors. Linguists however use another dimension of social organization by using speech community to refer to the community. Sociolinguists,...

The Role of Non-Verbal Communication in Everyday Life

Non-verbal communication occurs through eye contact, posture, movements, appearance, body language, and voice alterations. My strongest form of non-verbal interaction is eye contact, facial expressions, and smiling. They have helped me develop a healthy relationships with other people. My unique quality of nonverbal communication has always been the smile. People...

Urban Sociology: Chicago School Contribution

Introduction Chicago school has been contributing to the development of the sociology field for years. The principal focus of specialists has lied in thorough research of cultural and population diversity making the city a kind of search laboratory. It should be noted that the area of urban sociology was developed...

Why All Forms of Child Labour Should Be Banned

Introduction Child labor is among the many challenges that the world continually experiences. It is where children are forced to work from a young age. Currently, there are millions of children between the ages of 5 and 17 who are working in various sectors to earn an income (Sámano-Ríos et...

The Social Construction of Gender Roles

Gender Is a Social Construct: Essay Introduction Gender is an underlying characteristic of all societies, and the social construction of gender roles, behaviors, and expectations is an important aspect of modern society. Seeking to understand how gender is constructed and how gender expectations influence our lives, this essay will provide...

Concept of Juvenile Crime

Introduction There has been a considerable rise in juvenile crime arrest and this is causing alarm to parents and the society at large. Sadly, parents no longer have control over their own children who continue to disappoint them. In the world we are living today, many juvenile have completely deviated...

Using Animals in Medical Research

Introduction The use of animals for medical research has generated heated debate in recent times where certain quarters in society support the use of animals for research while others don’t. It is evident that the use of animals for research has enabled tremendous steps in the field of medicine that...

Is Animal Testing Ethical: Essay Example

Is Animal Testing Ethical: Essay Introduction Inflicting pain upon others has become a source of deriving pleasure for many people; animals have their feelings, and they too feel the pain as the human beings do, but this has been consistently ignored by the human beings and especially the scientists who...

Violence: The Social Problem

Introduction Following the news in the media, people acknowledge the prevalence of violence in society. In addition to violence depiction in various films, shows, and video games, news outlets are filled with reports on cases of violence as well. It should be noted in such matters that there are no...

Relationship Between Morality and Happiness

Introduction The issue of happiness appears to be the central determinant of a person’s life. The critical factor in establishing whether one had a good or bad life is whether this person was happy or not. Therefore, finding what one can do to achieve happiness and sustain it throughout his...

Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Democratic values ​​promoted in modern society concern not only political but also social freedoms. Opportunities for self-development and expressing individual interests openly are the perspectives that are guaranteed to a person in different areas. However, some acute issues arise regarding gender differences and equality between the sexes. In particular, the...

Domestic Violence and Its Environmental Influences

When it comes to the discussions regarding society and gender roles, many argue that we still live according to a patriarchal hierarchy. This important aspect of our society is inextricably linked to the problem of domestic violence. It is important to mention that women can hurt men when it comes...

The Use of Animals in Scientific Research

The question of animal rights is a rather controversial issue of the twenty-first century. Some people believe that “animals have feelings, too,” while others are convinced that animal testing is essential to future scientific research. The opinions are entirely different, and one side of the conflict does not want to...

The Problem of Abuse on Women and Children

Reason 1: Afraid to Report One of the reasons why abuse on women and children is rampant is the fact that the victims are afraid of reporting their experiences to the relevant authorities. Hamilton explains that the fear to report is usually based on two things (6). The first is...

Theories of Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead about Human Development

Cooley and Mead Theories: Introduction Socialization is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for an individual to become a member of a community. When children are born, they start undergoing primary socialization taught by people who bring them up (Ritzer & Stepnisky, 2017). Although most scholars agree on...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Its Applications

Numerous people have heard about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs many times, as it is one of the world’s most famous psychological theories. Abraham Maslow created it about 80 years ago, during the Second World War, and it stays relevant nowadays according to different scholars. Therefore, it is essential to pay...

Importance of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Intercultural Communication

Introduction Communication is a day-to-day aspect of the human being. People need to communicate in order to share thoughts, opinions or coordinate activities. Technological advancement, advancement in means of transport and communication, and globalization have allowed more intercultural interactions. Intercultural communication is essential as people interact in colleges, businesses, workplaces...

Celebrities Should Not Be Role Models

The question as to whether celebrities should be seen as role models for inspiring the generations of young people is controversial. On the one hand, some stars have poor values and should not be elevated to the place of authority. On the other, famous people have reached fame because of...

Population Growth and Technology

Introduction Technology is a term that has been used to refer to the development and usage of human knowledge to improve their lifestyle. It involves the practical usage of human knowledge to create new things and it requires the application of both the mental and the physical efforts of the...

Paternity Leave From Work: Advantages and Disadvantages

Nowadays gender roles are changing, and women tend to work as much as men. However, most of responsibility related to children is still brought by mothers who spend all their time caring for the child. It leads women to stress, tiredness, and even mental disorders. Besides, it creates a financial...

Horizontal and Vertical Gender Segregation in Employment

Gender segregation refers to unequal distribution of men and women in the occupational structure. Vertical segregation refers to placing men at the top of occupational hierarchies and women at the bottom of the ladder regardless of the academic qualifications. Whereas horizontal segregation describes the fact that both sexes are at...

Literary Analysis of “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid

Introduction The gender distinction and stereotypes are subconsciously nurtured into our perception of the world since childhood. The “Girl” is a short story written by Jamaica Kincaid that interprets the societal prospects regarding what a girl child advancing into womanhood should be. The protagonists of the story are both female...

The Problem of Homelessness: Sociological Perspectives

Introduction Social problems affect many citizens and make it impossible for them to overcome most of the hurdles they experience in their lives. Homelessness is one of them and it is associated with poverty and absence of personalized medical services. The affected individuals will also suffer family breakdown and poor...

Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning

Introduction Present-day individuals are faced with an infinite flow of information coming from various sources, such as TV advertisements, political claims of presidential candidates, or news articles on websites. Not all of these messages are true and logical, so people have to treat information critically to avoid being deceived. Therefore,...

Child Labor and Social Worker Interventions

The child labor is among the most terrible life issues that children face today around the world. According to the “International Labor Organization Statistics”, 211 million children between five and fourteen years old work globally. 120 million children work full time while others work part-time to support their families (Staff,...

Global Communication in Society and Business

Introduction In the modern world, communication plays one of the decisive roles in the functioning of many spheres of society. Global communication plays a unique role as a way to exchange information with people anywhere in the world. This is facilitated by the development of multiple innovative technologies, such as...

Social Classes in 19th Century British Literature

During 19th century, social class played an important role in lives of people and determined their destiny and life opportunities. In their novels, Austen and Gaskell depict the role and importance of class, and describe attitudes and values of different social classes. Persuasion and North and South are based on...

Responsible Person and Their Traits

Responsibility can be determined in a variety of ways, depending on the views of a person. As far as I am convinced, being responsible means being aware of the future outcomes of your current choices. My responsibility covers my words and actions in my personal sphere, as well as in...

Language and Cross-Cultural Communication

Language and Cross-Cultural Communication: Essay Introduction The importance of language in enhancing effective cross-cultural interactions cannot be underestimated. Schmid (2001) argued that language is a faculty in the human brain. It enables human beings to understand their culture and that of others groups. Each country has a distinctive culture. When...

Disadvantages of Wealth

Achieving wealth and prestige is often the life goal of many young people. Money brings such advantages as better food and medicine, any things a person needs and wants, as well as the fulfillment of almost any desires without effort. However, stories of spoiled children of millionaires or pop stars...

The Life of Married Woman: The Elements of Social Life

Life is made up of a number of events. Some bring happiness while others are a source of pain and misery. This essay is a focus on the events in the life of a female interviewee. Going by the name Grace, which is not her real name, this humble lady...

Poverty Effects on an Individual

People work hard to meet their needs. However, this does not necessary mean escape from poverty. Poverty can cause extensive damage on one’s life. This is mainly because poverty affects health, education, employment opportunities, family, friends and social status, among others. Poverty causes extreme suffering, especially if one cannot afford...

Substance Abuse Literature Review

People often abuse substances such as alcohol, drugs tobacco for many varied and complicated reasons. It is very clear that our society plays an important role in the existence of this vice. The major indicators of the increase in substance abuse are the daily cases of health damage in hospitals...

“What Is Poverty” by Dalrymple

Theodore Dalrymple is a critic and psychiatrist who has written articles on various controversial topics. In one of his many essays, What Is Poverty, which was published in 1999, he argues about the definition of poor. The author states that the perception of poverty has changed in recent years; however,...

Serial Killers: Speech Analysis

Introduction Getting attention The act of murdering other people is, unfortunately, a common thing in our society. To kill one person is already a horrifying deed, to kill more than that is a crime against all humanity. Nowadays, those who have killed three or more people are officially called serial...

Celebrities as Role Models: Positive and Negative Influences

Introduction In the present-day world, the universe has been considered a global village because of technology’s exposure and connections. Human interactions have been improved, primarily through social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (Leng and Phua 3). Mostly these channels are dominated by socialites, entertainers, and celebrities from...

“Miss Representation” Documentary Film Analysis

The film created by Jennifer Newsom and titled “Miss Representation” depicts the reality of the disproportionate objectification of women and girls in the contemporary media-constructed culture. The film attempts to introduce a new narrative of criticism toward the biased representation of females on TV, social media, and traditional media. In...

Malala Yousafzai’s Speech on Education

Introduction Malala Yousafzai was a schoolgirl from Pakistan who gave a speech to the Office of the Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth and thousands of proficient grownups on her 16th birthday. The day when the speech was being conveyed was called Malala day (Yousafzai 1). The audience was gathered in...

The Lifeboat Case as an Ethical Dilemma

The Lifeboat case describes an incident where four sailors were stranded in the middle of the Atlantic. They had run out of food, were starving, and decided to kill one sailor for the survival of the rest. The remaining three sailors were rescued and tried in the court of British...

Free School Lunches: Support of Free Lunch and Opposition and Rebuttal

Introduction Children are delicate, and they should be given all the necessary support that they need at school, including being offered free lunch. Hungry children cannot learn efficiently because they lack the capacity to tolerate the effects of an empty stomach. However, whether school lunches should be free or not...

Illegal Immigration: Causes and Consequences

Introduction The issue of immigrants has been of global concern in the recent past. This is because of the increasing number of immigrants in most of the developed nations. Immigrants entail people who decide to leave their country of origin to other nations where they settle (Williams, p. 83). The...

Gay Marriage and Ethical Theories

Introduction Professor Michael Boylan stated in his book “A Just Society” that ethics is a science that deals with the right and wrong of human behavior (Boylan, 2004). Ethical theories emphasize on different points, each theory trying to reach a morally accepted conclusion. If a gay marriage is blessed in...

South Africa: Violence and Crime

The Republic of South Africa is the most economically developed country in Africa. Now it is a BRICS country and a member of the G20, but, until the end of the last century, it was under international sanctions approved by the UN due to the official apartheid policy ‑ discrimination...

Does Technology Promote Loneliness?

Introduction In the 21st century, people tend to use technology in all aspects of their lives. Since early childhood, they play video games, listen to music, and use their smartphones and laptops. Specialists argue whether these technologies cause social isolation or, on the contrary, increase interaction. Without a doubt, the...

Gender Roles Effects on Children Development

Introduction Many aspects of children education affect their development. One of these aspects is the way in which they are taught about gender roles. Gender typing refers to the process through which children acquire certain values, behaviors, and attitudes that are ascribed to either of the two genders (Banks and...

Social Networking Advantages and Disadvantages

The emergence of online communication has introduced significant shifts to social perception of communication and media. New channels of cooperation and coordination, as well as possibility to be in touch with people all over the world, have created a new sphere of social interaction. The popularity of such social networks...

Aristotle and Virtue Ethics

Explore the importance, advantages, application, and other aspects of virtue ethics theory with the help of our reflective essay sample! Get some ideas for your virtue ethics essay! Virtue Ethics: Essay Introduction Aristotle holds that virtues originate from actions that human beings perform because one can either be a good...

Plan of the Party for Friend

A party is always the best way to communicate with your friends in the informal atmosphere, to discuss many interesting topics, and have a lot of fun. A good party is also the best way to entertain your friends and the excellent chance to share some good news with a...

The Value of Saying “Please” and “Thank You”

Introduction The issues of presenting appropriate manners and adequate etiquette are more relevant nowadays than they have ever been. Generally, one’s manners are judged by their verbal and external demonstration of basic etiquette principles, such as saying “please” and “thank you.” The history of the expressions highlights the fact that...

Gender Inequality Issue and Solutions

Gender inequality is one issue I feel strongly about following its negative impacts on societies. It is the state in which all individuals, regardless of their sex or gender identity, are able to access and enjoy the same opportunities, rights, and resources. Many advancements have been made toward achieving gender...

Theories of Deviant Behavior: Homosexuality

Introduction Deviant behavior is behavior that violates rules that are formally enacted or formal social norms. The concept includes any behavior that differs from formal and informal norms and standards set out by society (Bader & Baker, 2019). Homosexuality – sexual attraction between the members of the same sex –...

Handwriting a Letter vs. Sending an E-Mail Message

Introduction Ever since the beginning of electronic mail usage, electronic mailing has to turn out to be a quick, suitable, and easy means for people to keep in touch with one another. The handwriting letter is now given the name snail mail. For the fact that electronic mail is conveyed...

Peer Pressure Problem: Negative and Positive Influences

Introduction Peer pressure denotes the direct influence on a person by his/her peers through following their conduct, attitudes, and ways (Black, Devereux, & Salvanes, 2013). It varies from social influences as it makes a person change his/her approach or behavior with respect to the influencing individual or group. Peer pressure...

Child Kidnapping in the 21st Century

Introduction Child kidnapping is a global issue that affects countries all over the world. It can be defined as a terrifying crime involving the illegal or unauthorized removal of a child from their parents or guardians (Hilson 91). From a legal perspective, child kidnapping is a criminal act of unjustly...

Gangs and Fraternities: Similarities and Differences

In order to identify the similarities and differences between gangs and fraternities, it is vital to examine their structure, rules, and goals which these organizations try to achieve. In the vast majority of cases both of them can be called secret societies; they are inaccessible to the outsiders. Secondly, its...

Using a Mobile Phone While Driving

The use of cell phone while driving should be banned in all states. The cell phone has become one of the best-liked and fascinating technological inventions of the 21st century. Currently, the cellular phone has turn out to be a major safety concern in our roads. In the United States...

Ideal Society and Its Constituents

Introduction In the contemporary world, the issue of an ideal society is fundamental to discuss, especially in the context of problems such as mental illnesses, widespread bullying, and the harmful effect of social media. In accordance with Aristotle’s topoi, to have a more comprehensive review of an ideal society, one...