Sky Clear Airline: Company Analysis

Introduction Sky Clear Airline is a company specialising in commercial aviation. The organisation operates in local and international markets. This essay will present the analysis of Sky Clear Airline using the Balanced Scorecard tool, McKinsey 7, SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysis. In addition, the paper will address the issues of...

The Problem of Data Security in Information Technology

Introduction Information governance (IG) is a special and unique strategy that allows one to manage, control and use particular data in the “right direction” following the regulatory requirements. It is also worth considering that “information governance” in contrast to “information management” has a broader scope of application. IG incorporate structured...

Hyatt Regency Miami’s Human Resource Training on Job Satisfaction

Abstract This article analyzes employee satisfaction with work, commitment to the organization, and other metrics that affect employee performance. The hypothesis is put forward that guests’ satisfaction depends on the satisfaction of the employees, and as a result, improving the competitiveness of the hotel in the market. The article deals...

NYC Homeless Income Savings Plan: Pros, Cons, and Stakeholder Impact

Introduction In August 2019, the authorities of New York City declared that, in the nearest future, working homeless New Yorkers living in shelters would save the third part of their income using a special account. This policy is now widely discussed in New York City with reference to its potential...

Agthia Group’s Finance and Business Environment

Summary This report covers the financial analysis and business environment of Agthia Group. The company is publicly traded under common stock on Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange. It is among the food and beverage industry leaders. The current business environment is favorable for growth. The PESTLE analysis indicates a favorable political...

Depending on the line spacing, a text of 4500 words takes 9 to 18 pages. All the most common citation styles imply that an essay is double-spaced and written in 12-point Times New Roman. This is about 250 words per page. You might want to use a different font, but a double-spaced 4500-word essay will anyway take about 18 pages.

A 4500-word essay contains 30 to 45 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

A 4500-word paper is a very extensive piece of writing that needs to be carefully planned and prepared. You might need to write a research paper, a term paper, or an academic article of such a length. Depending on the genre of the paper, it might include an abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. The exact list of elements will depend on the paper’s genre.

Typing 4500 words on a keyboard usually takes 90 to 180 minutes, depending on your typing speed. However, if you need to write an academic paper, add time for research, formatting the text, and preparing graphic materials. You’ll need at least 15 hours for 4500 words.

An average 4500-word essay contains 38 to 39 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

Orpic’s Investment Strategies and Innovation in Renewables

Company Overview Established in 2011 and based in Sohar, Orpic is owned by the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and is currently one of the largest players in the Middle East oil and gas industry. The company offers a wide range of petroleum products, including fuels and plastics, for...

Classical Arabic as a Mode of Communication in the Contemporary Environment

Each language in the world demonstrates features of a living organism, as some of them evolve and take new forms, while others gradually disappear and die. Arabic remains one of the most spoken languages globally, and there are several varieties of it. The diversity of Arabic is determined by its...

Bilingualism Effects on Cognitive Development

The 21st Century has been characterised by a multicultural and diverse society (Cavaluzzi, 2010). The proportion of children taking English as a second language is also increasing tremendously. A survey carried out on London schools in 2000 showed that the children spoke more than 300 languages (Edwards, 2004). Statistics show...

Collaborative Learning in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Collaborative learning is a general term used among education stakeholders. It describes the process of learners and their teachers joining hands in looking for solutions or making efforts to understand concepts and create new ideas. Learners may work in small groups constituting classes, faculties, interfaculty and even inter-schools. The...

Traffic Situation and Safety Concerns in Saudi Arabia

Introduction For the past two decades, Saudi Arabia has been experiencing significant developments in most aspects of its economic sectors. One of the sectors, which have had tremendous growth, is the transportation sector. The recent developments began close to two decades ago when the population of Saudi Arabia more than...

Eco-Tourism: A Growing Trend in Andhra Pradesh, India

Introduction Initial Situation In the present day, traveling plays a highly significant role in the life of almost every person across the globe. Originated as a way to search food, security, shelter, and better habitat, it subsequently transformed into a source of experience, knowledge of the outside world, and entertainment....

Consumer Price Indices in Mongolia: Economic Implications

Abstract Data computation of computer price indices is a challenging issue because different jurisdictions adopt unique methodologies when doing so. This study explores how CPI is computed in Mongolia by investigating four main issues: services in the CPI, new data sources for compiling CPI, the importance of understanding and meeting...

BMW Company’s Consumer Behaviour

Executive summary This report has organised on BMW luxury car that has been suffering from declining sales for the last two years due to recessionary influences and involved to develop successful strategies for recurring this luxury car to an optimistic sales growth within a year by influencing consumer behaviour in...

Journal and Newspaper Collection on Global Warming

This paper comments on Journal/ newspaper articles on global warming from major newspapers and journals around the world. In February 2007, the United States Scientific panel concluded that global warming being experienced today is irreversible. It is also apparent from the report that anthropogenic activities have been the major cause...

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott: Jo and Amy’s Analysis

Summary The novel Little Women, written by Louisa May Alcott, illustrates the struggles, difficulties, and characteristics that influence the lives of young women in society. Two characters that have been illustrated as ambitious and persuasive yet struggling to fit into the norm of society at the time are Jo and...

Competitive Advantages for Yahoo

Introduction Yahoo is an internet services provider in the global community; it has grown for a period of time now as a portal company. The company has had its share of challenges and success just like any other company in the market. The company has a huge market share and...

Socialization of People with Disabilities in the Workplace

Executive Summary Organizations have varying perceptions of disability in the workplace. The study discussed in this paper was undertaken in 15 organizations with a view of investigating their views on people with disabilities. It was undertaken in employment sectors that included education, production, companies, local governments, and small and medium...

Soil Profiles in Australia

Introduction In Australia, all types of soils characteristic of the tropical, subequatorial, and subtropical natural belts are represented in a regular sequence. In the region of humid tropical forests in the north, red soils are widespread, changing towards the south by red-brown and brown soils in moist savannas and gray-brown...

Canada History Since Confederation

The new state of 1867 – 4 provinces on the Atlantic and along the Laurentian Basin – expanded extraordinarily in less than a decade to stretch from sea to sea. Rupert’s Land, from Ontario to the Rockies and north to the Arctic, was purchased from the Hudson’s Bay company in...

African Independence: International Politics Analysis

Introduction Africa has quintessentially been known to be a continent ravaged by poverty, disease and war. Although their lands and resources are vast enough to provide the needs of its people, it is quite unthinkable why poverty, disease and war have overturned almost all 54 nations in Africa after they...

GenRays Company: Human Resource Information System

Purpose To develop a business case for the industry to pursue a modern and comprehensive human resource information system to replace the current systems. The new system is aimed at improving employee’s access to track their careers and enhance the management hiring process. The human resource information system will improve...

Marketing Strategies of Asda Company in Retail Market

Executive Summary The main aim of this report is to identify the current stage of Asda in the retail market and its marketing strategies. Current analysis shows the improvements to be made. The current recession has made the retail market down due to less spending by the consumers. In addition,...

Remington’s Restaurant: Performance and Satisfaction

Introduction Remington’s restaurant is famous in Tampa, Florida, which offers casual dining to its patrons. Although the restaurant has earned a good reputation in the hotel industry owing to the quality of services it offers to its patrons, it has encountered several complaints from patrons. In this view, the restaurant...

African American Women’s Education and Barriers

Site Selected According to the official statistics, the lack of African Americans receiving higher education contributes greatly to the overall increase in their unemployment rates throughout the U.S. (African American employment, 2014). The issue is especially topical for African American women since, without proper education, they have extremely restricted employment...

Business Plan: Tinapa Natura

Introduction The modern day world is faced with a number of challenges. In America one of the major challenges is obesity with a large portion of the population engaging in unhealthy eating habits (Man-tao 76). The risk of health can no longer be ignored and the need for responsible restaurants...

The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime of 2001

Introduction On November 23, 2001.The initial global agreement on computer and internet-connected offence was opened for signature in Budapest. The agreement which is know as the convention on cybercrime was developed by the Council of Europe ( CoE ), climaxing a five-year process dating back to 1997.As of July 16,2002,the...

Business Strategy Formulation: Goodmark’s Approach

Strategy Formulation and Business Strategy Business strategy in a consolidated form is the “direction and scope of an organization in the long-term which enables it to achieve competitive advantage through configuring its resources within a challenging environment in order to meet the needs of the market and expectations of the...

International Tourism Policy and Development

Report The History of Tourism Policy Tourism policy refers to a set of practices, decisions, and discourses initiated by governments and sometimes in partnership with social and private sectors to achieve diverse goals related to tourism. According to Hall 1994, the history of international policy outlines impacting tourism is classified...

Child Welfare Policy in the US Critique

Outline Child welfare has generated a lot of interest in the recent years; a phenomenon that might have began with backing from some research findings that scrutinized the existing child welfare practices. The principle goal of the child welfare is to provide each and every child with a safe and...

Post-operative Breast Cancer Patients With Depression: Annotated Bibliography

Article #1 Kim, M.S., Kim, S.Y., Kim, J.H., Park, B., & Choi, H.G. (2017). Depression in breast cancer patients who have undergone mastectomy: A national cohort study. PLoS One, 12(4). Author’s Credentials Min -Su Kim: Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University, Seongnam, Korea, So...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pride & Prejudice and Emma: Compare & Contrast

Abstract Jane Austen is a woman of her times. She is well known for her piercing social commentary and portraits of courtship and marriage. She also has a deep understanding of family life and the complex interactions between parents and their daughters. Among her best works are the novels Pride...

Japan’s Decision to Attack Pearl Harbor in 1941

Countries strive to promote a sense of international association while trying to retain as much sovereignty as possible. The most powerful actors in the world typically maintain a strong military and economic foundations. Prior to the 1930s, Japan appeared to be a small island nation that had launched itself out...

Estée Lauder Firm’s Social Media Marketing Analysis

Introduction Estée Lauder is an American beauty company that operates worldwide, selling its products via a variety of channels. Founded in 1946 by the eponymous beautician, it focuses on premium products that use high-quality ingredients and deliver superior results at an appropriate price. It produces skincare, makeup, perfume, and hair...

Human Resource Management: Concepts and Theories

Conceptual Framework In view of impending workplace challenges, human resource management (HRM) must be reorganised to include long-term development, regeneration, and rejuvenation of human resources (Cansoy, 2019). Long-term human resource management necessitates strategic human resource management. On the current labour market, occupations that are restricted due to the presence of...

Nokia: Change Initiative Project

Change is an inevitable part of any organization. As the external and internal environments evolve, leaders and members within the organization will need to change their attitudes and approaches to accomplish the established goals. Additionally, change management refers to how organizations handle change to ensure smooth and cost-effective implementation. In...

Childhood Obesity and Nutrition

Summary The prevalence of childhood obesity in schools can be compared to an epidemic of a virulent disease on a global scale. Research statistics have shown that on average 15.5% of children aged between five to fifteen in school have body mass indexes reaching 30 or higher, far above the...

Is Prostitution a Victimless Crime or Not?

Introduction Victimless crimes refers to category of felonies that involve one or more than one person through consensual agreement which results to no direct injury or loss, more importantly these crimes do not interfere with other people’s rights in any way. They are therefore referred as victimless crimes because no...

Responsibility in Managing the Capabilities of the Team Members

Introduction Introduction The research done on managing a team of people in a project, it has allowed project managers and research consultants from Small and medium enterprises (SME) in Sweden improve upon their effectiveness by developing better communication patterns. However, project teams pose unique challenges that are culture-based and can...

The Bridge Drop-In Center’s Program Evaluation

Introduction Various social assistance programs, especially within the framework of the provision of mental health problems assistance, require evaluation to assess the effectiveness of interventions and their potential changes. Peer-run programs have unique characteristics and require professionals to pay attention to the main elements that distinguish these programs from traditional...

Television and Violence in Children

Abstract The value, attitudes and behavior of individuals are usually influenced by the type of television programs that they watch. Children are more likely to be affected in a negative way by viewing violent television programmes, in comparison with their adult counterparts, owing to their inability to distinguish between reality...

The Essence of Palliative Care

Introduction Palliative Care is a form of medical care that tries to reduce the disease symptoms instead of providing cure to the disease suffered by the patient (Pathmavathy, 2004). It attempts to mitigate the severity of the symptoms rather than halting the disease itself to boost the quality of life...

International Finance Law and Economics

Introduction Traditionally the capital and financial markets in most developing countries face strict governmental regulations. Stability of the financial markets and protection for investors has been the major arguments supporting such strict regulations. In addition, supervision has been another reason to maintain checks and balances on the constituent institutions of...

Analyzing the Cohesion of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)

Introduction NAM at present with a two-third United Nation’s members and 55% of the world’s population comprising of both small and large players represents cohesion to that extent where one thinks of it as a ‘multicultural’ movement. Founded in the 1915, with 118 member nations, the NAM is based on...

Emerging Terrorist Threat in Africa

Introduction If judging terrorism only by the media, its face is always changing. In that regard, it can be stated that its most recent face seems to be in Africa. The African terrorism threat is different and its difference is not a positive one. Judging such threat through the media,...

The Methodist Religion’s Impact on Education and American Society

Introduction This annotated bibliography is a part of the project on Christian education in American schools. The primary aims of the project are to define and explore the Methodist religion, find out how it is connected with education, and determine its other severe impacts on various aspects and fields of...

Magna International’s Strategic Management Process

Executive Summary This paper aims at studying all major aspects of the strategic management process of Magna International, a Canadian automotive supplier. It is the final report, focusing on a detailed representation of strategic management processes and strategies. Special focus is made on the history and evolution of the company...

The Investment Risk Management Firm’s Business Plan

Executive Summary Vision/Mission Statement The mission is to minimize investment risk through a competent approach to cost forecasting and developing an investment strategy for project implementation. The company views high-quality services as the main priority and focuses on attaining high satisfaction levels among the target audience. Company Summary The company...

Toledo Specialty Glass Problems: Solar Sandwich Project

Abstract This paper examines the problems of Toledo Specialty Glass concerning the Solar Sandwich Project. It analyzes the problem, then proposes solutions supported by business management and innovation theory. The major problems looked at include team making, synergy, motivation, and behavior modification. Introduction Kiernan cites James Brian Quinn in his...

Racial Profiling in America: Analyzing Violations of Civil Rights and Their Consequences

In a multicultural and multi-racial society like that of the United States (US), stereotypes are bound to arise. Such generalizations are primarily directed towards minority groups, such as gays and blacks. In this paper, the author provides an analysis of such stereotypes about the issue of racial profiling by police...

Presentation of African Americans in Education Programs

Literature Review of References used in the Overrepresentation of African Americans in Special Education Programs. The following literature review looks at peer-reviewed journals whose research topics relate to culturally diverse pedagogy, the teaching of students of color, and the experiences of special education, segregation, equity in educational opportunity, and African...

Tourism and Socio-Cultural Conflicts in Lhasa, Tibet

Outline Balancing the need for revenue in Lhasa by increasing attractions sites for visitors may not only lead to potential damage to the sites but is likely to conflict with the social norms and traditions. Lhasa, the regional capital of Tibet is located on the north Shore of Lhasa River...

Infosys Firm’s Information Systems Management

Executive Summary This research study is concerned with the role played by information systems management within an organisation. The company under exploration, in this case, is Infosys Solutions, an information system management company that provides information systems solutions to government, corporate and individual organisations. Following a brief description of the...

LGBT Minority in Higher Education

Introduction Positionality is a concept that plays an integral part in an individual’s day-to-day life. Misawa (2010) defines this concept as, “the power inherent in an individual’s immediate respective social positions. This concept is founded on the assertion that any person’s identity is not fixed but depends on their position...

Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions

Abstract This research paper will focus on exploring how corporate mergers and acquisitions affect a company’s financial well-being and the effectiveness of the employee’s performance. Particularly, it will examine the above-mentioned issues from the perspective of financial and HRM effects on the employees whose management was changed due to the...

Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure and Evidence in Australia

Introduction The problem of child sexual abuse has been a major problem in Australia for several years. According to Frost, Daniels, and Hudson, laws have been enacted to ensure that the offenders are subjected to appropriate punishment as a way of deterring the behavior within the community. However, reports indicate...

Sickle Cell Disease: FDA Regulations, Grants, and Family Involvement

Sickle Cell Disease Case Study The purpose of this case study is to provide analysis of sickle cell disease (SCD), investigate the involvement of the family in making healthcare decisions, and determine the role of grants and FDA regulations in scientific and pharmaceutical advances. Sickle cell disease is considered as...

Protein-Protein Interaction for Plant Salt Tolerance

Introduction A general introduction of the MAPK cascades and plant salt tolerance Plant survival under adverse environmental conditions generally depends on a combination of stress adaptive metabolic and structure variations into internal growth factors (Golldack, Li, Mohan, & Probst, 2014). Abiotic environmental aspects, including deficiency of water and salinity are...

Using Mobile Health to Manage Chronic Diseases and Empower Patients

Introduction Chronic Disease Management (CDM) in the elderly has become a serious public health concern due to the fast aging of the world’s population. Older adults may be unable to receive CDM because of a lack of health resources and costs. It is possible for patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs)...

Education Issues for African American Women

Introduction to the Literature Review This chapter reviews the existing literature in support of the research study. The literature reviewed presented a discussion on the barriers and success strategies for African American women to obtain higher education. Also, a discussion of the Critical Race, Social Learning, and Feminist theories was...

Indian Healthcare Information System

Introduction Technology has become one of the most important aspects of healthcare in the modern world bearing in mind that it has been embraced extensively. In this regard, it has been integrated into various operational functions in the Indian healthcare information system. New programs have been developed continuously to solve...

The Armed Conflict in Nigeria and Its Impact

Background Armed conflict in Nigeria has grabbed news headlines in the recent past due to escalations. Regardless of where armed conflict takes place, the effects are always devastating to human life. Deaths and destruction of property also cause further damages to the economy. Nigeria can be considered to be the...

How Smart Cities Dealt with COVID-19

Introduction Background of the Problem The novel coronavirus pandemic has put the world to an ultimate test. These challenges encompassed an array of spheres, as no corner of the planet remained unaffected by the outbreak. In addition, the pandemic had a strong impact on most spheres of human activity. Entertainment...

Leadership Strategies for Organizational Success

Introduction The efficiency and success of an organization greatly depend on the type of leadership approaches or strategies that are practiced in the corporate organization. According to some organizational change scholars, a leader must be capable of influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute to the success and efficiency of...

Indian Business Law Comprehensive Analysis

Critical evaluation of the Indian political system India is in essence a sovereign, democratic, secular state with a profound parliamentary structure of government. On 26 of November 1949, the nation’s constituent adopted the constitution, however, the constitution came into operation in the wake of 1950. According to legal experts, the...

Ethical Leadership in the Non-Profit Sector

Introduction The success of every organization is dependent on the effectiveness with the type and style of leadership adopted. Leadership refers to the process of influencing others with the objective of accomplishing a particular common task. In the business environment, leadership mainly focuses at maximizing profits and reducing cost. However,...

The Role of High-Rise Buildings in Countries Progression

Introduction The current generations are living in a contemporary world that is characterized by sustainable development as the main foundation for decisions regarding urban planning in many countries. The pressure arising from the surging populations among other problems that are related to transport and housing facilities are some of the...

Understanding Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: Properties, Significance, and Evolution

Introduction The protein evolution rate and mechanisms are one of the crucial questions in evolutionary biology. It was estimated that this rate depends on the protein’s functional constraints. Modern methods of investigation, in particular, amino acid sequence, provide an opportunity to examine the dependence of protein functions on its primary...

Globalization and Poverty: Trade Openness and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria

Introduction Globalization can be defined as the process of interdependence on the global culture, economy, and population. It is brought about by cross-border trade, which involves the flow of people, information, investments, goods, and services. The economic partnership has been in operation for centuries, but it gained popularity after the...

H.L.A. Hart’s Theory of Law: Central Features

Introduction This paper seeks to discuss the statement that H.L.A. Hart’s theory of law has been subjected to many criticisms and refinements but its central features can still be accepted. This paper argues that there is the basis to some of central features of Hart’s theory of law and their...

What Core Competencies: Importance, Advantages and Limitations

«What.” is a well-known digital agency in Switzerland that provides a wide range of innovative services to people interested in business promotion. The company has been operating on the market for more than seven years and has successfully implemented many valuable and practical concepts. Nevertheless, the need for innovative business...

Mobile Assisted Language Learning in Saudi Arabia

Abstract The use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning is becoming common in several schools within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The researcher aimed to determine the effect of Mobile Assisted Learning on the grammatical accuracy of English as a foreign language, Saudi learners. The review of the literature revealed that...

International Business: The US – UAE Relationship

Introduction This paper has proposed the USA as chosen country of expatriates living here originated from UAE for the product of Arabic style furniture. Here international business is the mode to enter into the USA for the proposed business category. Proposing country the USA has the economic strength amongst the...

Educational Policies Addressing Income Inequality in India: An Overview

Introduction The history of economic growth in India is now often perceived through the lens of social disruption. While the overall view of the developing country may suggest that the economy of India is booming, a closer look at the state’s communities reveals a growing divide between the richest and...

Walt Disney Human Resources Strategy

Walt Disney Strategy Human Resources: Abstract The following paper provides a thorough research of The Walt Disney Company (Disney) as one of the key performers in the world of multinational entertainment corporations. Based on the recent academic developments in the fields of organizational and personal management, communication, and behavioral studies,...

The Role of Religion in African Societies: A Literature Review

Introduction There are approximately 4200 religions in the world today. Most of these groupings are characterised by organised behaviours, membership rules, and adherence criteria. The main aim of this essay is to take an in-depth look into the issue of how literature helps to illustrate the theme of religion in...

Human Resource Planning for Logistics Department

Executive Summary The paper discusses and analyzes human resource planning and its impact on the organization, Unilever. Special attention is given to organization, industry analysis, and current HR strategies used by the company. The paper discusses research methodology used to collect the data. Also, the paper analyses HR department and... E-Business and E-Commerce Management

Management Summary Tesco Plc (Tesco) is one of the largest retailers with a presence in-store and online spheres. Its retail stores offer the widest possible range of products which includes both food and non-food items, clothing, health-care and beauty products, electronic items, home appliances, stationery, furnishings, etc. In the late...

Technological Developments: Solutions to Socio-Economic Problems

Introduction Technological developments have been seen by the global society as a solution to many of the socio-economic problems in the world. Technology is supposed to make human life enjoyable by addressing issues that limited the ability to do some specific things. The invention of digital technologies has widely been...

Intervention for Communication Impairments in Traumatic Brain Injury

Mr. Johnson, a 45-year-old male and a successful attorney, is married and has no children. One day as he was walking up to the door of his apartment building, he became the victim of a drive-by shooting. He was injured, and his MRI shows left brain damage, which includes damage...

Strategy and Marketing Environment: Hyundai Motor Company

Need an analysis of the marketing environment Hyundai Motor Company operates? Read this essay! Learn the secret of Hyundai business strategy that made the company so successful. The Hyundai strategy includes an environmental policy that meets modern sustainability and technological innovation challenges. Want to know more? Keep reading! Overview of...

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Morality Concepts Analysis: Theories and Principles

Morality: moral pathways This concept is used in the determination of what is good or right and what is bad or wrong. It is a concept that has been the subject of much debate with various individuals having different viewpoints on the matter. One such viewpoint is the concept of...

Nursing Theories of Watson, Nightingale et al.

Jean Watson’s Nursing as Caring Theory Meaning A description of the main ideas of the theory (assumptions) The Jean Watson nursing theory is based on the caring relationships that characterize humanity and life experiences in general. Specifically, Jean Watson’s theory is concentrated on relationships between caregivers and patients (Lukose, 2011)....

Financial Management in Nokia

Acknowledgements Executive Summary This essay explains the role of financial management in Nokia with reference to the historical, current and forecasted financial condition of the company. The financial planning, control and budgeting processes are explained with reference to the company. The financial analysis including ratio and trend analysis and vertical...

Nauru Island Shipping Industry: Challenges

Executive Summary Countries and islands along the Pacific coast face numerous challenges in the shipping industry due to social, technological, climatic, and economic factors. Significant factors affecting the industry include capacity constraints, the smallness of the islands, economic instability, distance from large markets, and effects of climate change. This paper...

“Not So New” New World Order. Conspiracy Theories

Introduction Conspiracy theories have been around for as long as humans have had the ability to question authority. They are generally associated with events of such a sheer magnitude that seemingly have to be part of a secret plot. Conspiracy theorists usually stick together in the fact that they associate...

The Wokefield Police Department’s Work in Memphis

Introduction The police play a critical role in maintaining order and safety and creating an enabling environment for economic activities. The critical role can be maintained by empowering the police department to investigate, detect and prevent crimes before they happen. Wokefield Police department is responsible for enforcing the law in...

Business Plan for a Screw Factory

Introduction Executive Summary Business summary Though the production of screws and the related products may seem a minor cog in the creation of furniture and various types of equipment, it, must not be underestimated, as screws allow for assembling the former and keep the piece of equipment in question together....

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia and Economic Challenges

Introduction Colombia is a country diverse in its cultural beliefs, traditions, political decisions, social achievements, and military events. Although the country is famous for its beautiful landscapes, diversity, and large amounts of natural resources, Colombia is often recognized as having had one of the longest civil wars in history as...

Political Power: Definition and Dimensions

Political Power Political science is a very elaborate as well as a very complex science which concerns itself with the study of various disciplines and how they influence politics of the day. The field of political geography is concerned with the political power aspects. It emanates from a complex combination...

Ethical Issue in Global and Local Marketing

According to Armstrong (12) ethics can be defined as a branch of philosophy that describes morals and values. It is therefore seen as a branch of philosophy that differentiate between what is right and wrong hence ethics can be seen as norms of conduct which distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable...

The Lehman Brothers Bank Collapse

Introduction The objective of this chapter is to describe the methodology employed by this study to collect and analyze data. Reyes (2004) recommends Watkins’ (1994) research methodology, which involves seven steps: novelty of the problem; investigator’s interest in the problem; practical value of the research to the investigator; worker’s special...

Ades Cash & Carry Ltd: Corporate Strategy

Introduction Small and mid-size firms (SMEs) have sales, assets, or a particular percentage of workers below a predetermined range. Each country defines a small and medium-sized (SME) firm differently. Specific size criteria must be satisfied, and the business sector is also frequently considered. The European Union (EU) defines a small...

Tobacco Intervention Initiative in India

Health Care Initiative and Rationale for Choice India is a low-middle-income country, as its GNI per capita calculated using the Atlas method was around 1,900 current US dollars in 2020 (The World Bank, 2020). At the same time, in 2020, India ranked 131 out of 189 participants in HDI, being...

Predicting the Replicability of Social Science Lab Experiments

It is quite obvious that the reliability of the facts and conclusions obtained by the researcher depends on how the latter came to these facts and conclusions, that is, on the method he or she used. Until recently, the philosophy and methodology of science were dominated by a simplified view...

Care Plan: Quincy Town, Massachusetts With Childhood Obesity

Introduction Quincy is the 8th largest city in Massachusetts, USA, and is located in Norfolk County. As of 2009, Quincy town had a population of 91, 073 persons (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). The city is located to the Northern side of Boston and the Western side of Milton with the...

Online Reviews Influence on Travel Industry

Introduction Active development of the newest technologies and their introduction to most of the spheres of human interactions have a direct influence on the evolution of social and economic relations (Audretsch & Welfens 2013; Burns 2015). It is true for all countries regardless of the level of their development and...

Best Practices in Business and HRM

Introduction Human resource management has gone a long way from being an obscure and novel approach to a legitimate and widely recognized concept among all modern business practices. Academic efforts dedicated to studying and expanding the field of HRM have broadened the views on the subject and significantly improved the...

Climate Change and Human Heath

Introduction Climate change refers to the long term alteration in the statistical properties of the weather patterns within a specific region, or even globally. Some of these changes would include temperatures, precipitation, and cloud cover, among others. Contributed factors to climatic change are classified into two main categories; natural and...

Tesla: Socio-Economic and Legal Assessment Report

Introduction The automobile industry is one of the most profitable and influential economic branches in the world. As the overall global GDP is growing despite the recent lockdown, which has weakened people’s potency to buy products, more consumers are willing to invest in comfortable, safe, innovative, and reliable cars. However,...

Employee Satisfactions on Empowerment

Executive Summary The study tends to determine the relationship between employees’ satisfaction and empowerment, compensation, and career development, taking ADNOC as the case. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were applied. Besides, the literature review, a survey was conducted among thirty participants to determine the correlation between the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Raising Students’ Achievements Through Personalized Learning

Introduction Discussions are still going on the different methods of teaching that best suit to students’ ability and potentiality. The cliché that a student should listen to the teacher passively has been changed and many theoreticians have brought new innovations to this field. Among these theories, personalized learning plays a...

Outsourcing in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction Our world is living differently than about a decade ago. Some say we are living in a global village. We mean proximity when we talk of village. So, it is just so near, or a short distance. This is the twenty-first century where everything and everyone are interconnected. Communications...

Fair Market Value Overview and Analysis

Introduction Financial Accounting Board issued a statement permitting the use of fair value measurement for business as a measuring attribute but some entities such as the banking industry suspended the application on the basis that FABS 157 contributes to the current credit crisis. The application of this measurement would change...

The Gospel of John: Analysis

Cite two reasons that Jesus left Judea. 4:1-3 (cf. Mark 1:14). Bruce, p. 100. Jesus left Judea for Galilee for two reasons. First, the province was a foothold of the Pharisees who Christ often condemned for their hypocrisy, and therefore, they were filled with malice against him. Although he was...

Literature Review of Articles on Cyber Security of Young Children

Introduction The Internet has become an inherent constituent of modern life, to which people are exposed from early childhood. Almost every child is expected to have a smartphone in the future. The Internet permeates every aspect of life – work, education, communication, entertainment, and many others. The web contains content...

Communicative Features of Gender-Neutral Language

Communicative characteristics of Male/female A constructionist point of view takes gender as a radical challenge to the question of whether women and men use language in different ways. A common assumption that upholds many questions of ‘gender difference’ in speech is simply intricated in everyday speech. Thinking realistically, if one...

Improving Surgery Practices with Project Management Techniques

Project Background A cross-functional collaboration among professionals in various fields of practice is essential to improve the quality of their work. Particularly, this statement is relevant for integrating project management skills in healthcare where the role of process planning is obscured with the sense of urgency and the need of...

Communication Behavior in Air Force

High problem recognition publics (Air Force officers) will exhibit higher levels of information seeking behavior than low problem recognition publics (enlisted airmen) with regards to Air Force religion guidelines. Abstract Organizations are consistently in a search for ways of interpreting, analyzing, classifying, and categorizing, among other things, the characteristics of...

Improving the Housekeeping Department at DWTC

Executive Summary Dubai’s meteoric rise in the Gulf region is well known all over the world. The construction of state-of-the art hotels and skyscrapers fill headlines and business magazines from every corner of the globe. A company called Dubai World Trade Centre was able to capitalize on the early success...

Direct Interactive and Digital Marketing

As 2009 progressed we saw Digital Marketing outstrip “traditional” approaches to marketing. Why has Digital Marketing grown? Digital marketing is an advertising strategy where brands are marketed using digital Medias such as the internet, televisions, and phones. However, digital marketing becomes interactive if the customers are able to communicate with...

America Association of Retired Persons

Background information Formed way in 1958, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is a non-profit organization that advocates focus on addressing the needs and interties Americans of middle-aged to elderly descent. The association owes its formation Ethel Percy Andrus, a retired teacher whose goal was to assist the elderly...

The Importance of Children’s Rights

Introduction Children are human beings who are still young and among them there are those who are very young. By virtue of them being human beings, they possess particular moral status. They are not supposed to be subjected to some kind of treatment because they are human. But at the...

Theodore Roosevelt Reform Movements on Prostitution

Introduction Prostitution can be defined as the practice of offering sexual services by an individual to another person in exchange for some form of payment. In most cases, prostitution takes place between people of the opposite sex. Individuals who engage in prostitution activities are called prostitutes. Prostitution has been considered...

Determination of Gas Bubbles Within Separation Vessel

Abstract From the study, it has been found that there are many methods of bubble production. The choice of production method depends on the situation and application that the user desires. It is however not possible to recommend the best method based on the study but rather highlight the strengths...

Law and Medical Ethics: Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Death

Introduction Euthanasia (which means “good death” in Ancient Greek) refers to bringing life to an end in a way that eliminates pain. According to the ancient Greeks the transition from life to death ought to be peaceful and noble, not an excruciating experience. The patient’s ‘right to die’ has sometimes...

BHP Billiton and Telstra Corporation

Introduction The portrait of the two famous Australian companies have outlined in this paper considering the importance of their WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) and financial risk management strategies for both of their managers. Before going to the theoretical discussion and WACC calculation, it is important to take a...

American History 1865-1970: Development, Struggle, and Achievements

During this period, racial struggle in United States was at its peak. The period was characterized by intensive struggle between the South and North over black’s place in the society. The South had a large number of white racists who were of the opinion that the blacks should be separated...

The Consumer Attitude Towards Buying Organic Food in Hong Kong

Abstract The growing demand for eco – friendly consumption has prompted various experts to study the factors that influence organic food purchase. The majority of these studies are based on customers’ self-reports of their purchase behavior, which is investigated through expressed subjective norms. In Hong Kong, there is a dearth...

Depression and Depressive Disorders

Introduction Depression is quite widespread and one of the leading causes of disability in the world. Commonly recognized symptoms of all types of depressive disorders are recurring feelings of sadness and guilt, changes in sleeping patterns such as insomnia or oversleeping, changes in appetite, decreased mental and physical energy, unusual...

Obsession with Beauty of North American Women

Introduction Most women in America and the world over have at one time or the other in their lifetimes involved in some form of a beauty contest. People want to look physically attractive. According to our society’s standards, beauty is so important that it is becoming everyone woman’s obsession. The...

Personal Practical Theory of Pedagogy Proposition

Within a practical theory framework, consisting of components and structure, which is personally meaningful to you, and which reflects a critical appreciation of the literature on teachers’ practical theories, outline your own practical theory. Indicate clearly the context to which this theory of practice applies. Being a teacher has always...

Doctrine of the Trinity about the Nature of the Church

Introduction The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is important in understanding the nature of God as well the human-God relationship. However, based on the nature of the church, the doctrine is marked by some ambiguities. For instance, many Christians and Bible scholars tend to be confused on the subject of...

Racial Disparities in Public Schools and Teacher Preparation

The modern system of education in the USA aims at meeting the needs of every student and offers a high quality of knowledge. However, these options are available not to every learner included in the public school system. Many students belonging to minority groups do not relish the opportunity to...

Effects of Illegal Immigration in the U.S.: Control Measures and Societal Impacts

Introduction Illegal immigration is one of the main topics that have dominated debates across the United States for several decades. The federal government defines illegal immigration as the situation where a foreigner acts in disregard to the country’s immigration laws by either gaining entry into the United States without a...

Hans Christian Andersen’ Works Analysis

Introduction The term ‘author’ can be used to refer to someone who “…….originates or gives existence (or life) to something” (Hodges 2002). In the context of literature, an author can be described as an individual who originates or gives existence to a piece of text. This is for example a...

London Heat Reduction Plan: Greening, Policy, and Warnings

Executive Summary This comprehensive project plan presents a strategic and practical solution to increasing temperatures in the city of London. The three proposals presented are promotion of a standardised greening strategy for existing projects, establishment of a development policy for new infrastructure and creation of heatwave warning systems. Through a...

The Case Roper v. Simmons: Concept of National Consensus About Juvenile Death Penalty

Introduction In the modern democratic world, the notion of human rights and freedoms is fundamental. There is no law or regulation that allows one person to deprive another person of life. There are different forms of murders – self-defense murder, unintentional, and premeditated murder. Unintentional murders are punished with imprisonment...

Novel Strategies in Greek Health Service-the Influence of Networking

Introduction The adoption and use of internet has allowed the Greek Health sector to innovate unique and novel strategies in developing their business plan. The change in the socio-demographic patterns and shortage in healthcare manpower has increased the need to adopt information technology. Internet provides an opportunity to “fundamentally reinvent...

The Problem of Human Trafficking in America

Proposal The Historical misfortune of women concerning their position in American society is perhaps repeating itself. In the 1930s, women’s experiences in terms of roles in a society formed quite conspicuous dimensions. The society deprived them of their vital rights. The male gender, being eloquently dominant, served to advance this...

The Brady Act: A Critique. Analyzing the Problem

Executive Summary Gun related violence and crime is a plague of modernity where death becomes as instant as noodles. While the US democracy allows freedoms that are unparalleled in many modern states and liberal countries today, it has also deprived its citizens who are victims of gun-related crimes who are...

The United Parcel Service Firm’s Overview

Introduction The total process of controlling how resources are bought, maintained, and delivered to their eventual destination is logistics, and it is the main specialization of the shipping companies. United Parcel Service (UPS) is one of the biggest corporations in the United States delivery market, along with its main competitor,...

Domestic Support for the British Empire: A Historical Analysis of Public Perception

Introduction One of the features of the historical development of statehood is the pursuit of colonization and conquest as a means of expanding political, economic, cultural, and territorial influence. Underlying these processes is the ideology of imperialism or colonialism, in which a state can use any means, including military force,...

Social Protection for Employee Skills Development

Introduction The introduction of social protection can be regarded as one of the most important milestones in the history of humanity. People earned their right to safe working places, proper conditions, relative employment certainty, and so forth (Yeh & Shi, 2013). Countries have different social protection systems that have been...

Literature Review of Hepcidin: Importance, Production, Regulation

Iron regulation in the body Iron is a constituent of all living matter. Iron is a core factor in the electron transfer chain in the body; it is also a vital part of oxygen transport and iron storing molecules such as hemoglobin. It is also a component of host defense...

Mercedes Benz Firm’s Strategic Change Management

Executive Summary Mercedes Benz is one of the world’s most recognizable automotive brands. Founded in the 1800s, the German company has evolved from a small makeshift firm specializing in the production of four-stroke gasoline power engines into a market leader in the production of luxury cars. Its global market outreach...

Analysis of a Case Study: The Future of the HR Profession

Introduction It is challenging to overestimate the significance of people for any organization. This statement equally refers to executives who develop strategies and make decisions and ordinary employees who work to ensure that managers’ plans can be implemented. That is why organizations and chief executive officers (CEOs) should draw significant...

Global Organizations and Their Impact on International Relations: A Comprehensive Overview

Formative Essay: Essay Plan This essay aims at investigating whether the growth of international organisations during the second half of 20th century has influenced the conduct of international relations. To achieve this aim, the essay begins by discussing the emergence of the discipline of international relations followed by the emergence...

Glass Ceiling: Women in the US

Abstract The glass ceiling is a phenomenon that has been perceived to exist in the US. The phenomenon has been seen to prevent women and minorities from attaining higher positions in private and public corporations, educational institutions, and federal and state government bodies in the US. The Glass Ceiling Commission...

Ubras China: Launching Nude Bras in the African Market

Introduction Science and technology have made the world evolve as people seek to apply these changes in their daily lives. Businesses have not been left behind as more and more business evolves to cater to the needs of their customers. The clothing industry has been affected by these innovative ideas....

Kubernetes: Security Issues and Resolutions to Cloud Computing

Literature Review Multiple papers from the proceedings of the academic research venues, books, and journals on the security of using Kubernetes in cloud computing. The areas examined in this review include security features, threats, vulnerabilities, solutions, standards, and applications. Kubernetes have continued to make it possible to automatically scale, building...

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Macmillan Cancer Support Organization’s Data-Driven Decision-Making

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ABC Company Opens Father Branch in Jeddah

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The Impact of Racism on Globalization

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European Economic Integration: The Case of Hungary

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