Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offered an opportunity to improve healthcare for people with mental illnesses. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, introduced in 2008, were the long-awaited results of the efforts to enhance insurance coverage for mental health and addiction treatment. This federal law was amended by...

The Trend of HIV and AIDS Infection

Introduction A report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2001) focused on the status of HIV and AIDS in the United States from 1981 to 2000. The aim of the research, as defined in the research problem, was to determine the trend of HIV and AIDS infection in...

Women’s Reproductive Health and Its Factors

Findings Summary The issue of women’s reproductive health has many aspects. They comprise revealing reproductive health problems, defining the causes of reproductive disorders, developing treatment strategies, etc. The articles under analysis are examples of both qualitative and quantitative research dedicated to women’s reproductive health. Women’s reproductive health, for example, can...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Mortality Rate

A Quality Collaborative or HCAHPS Kendall Regional Medical Center is a 417-bed facility in Miami-Dade County, Florida. A CMS survey revealed that Kendall has below average scores in nine HCAHPS measures, including hospital recommendation (62%). It is suggested that the hospital focuses on patient satisfaction and safety to reduce mortality...

Clinical Nurse Leader’s Essentials Skills in Practice

1. Clinical nurse leader education A master’s prepared nurse and clinical leader Need broader knowledge in pharmacology Progressive skills in physical assessment Prepared to work with various groups 2. The clinical nurse leader role Evidence-based practice application Depends on the environment and population Application of advanced competences The interdisciplinary approach...

Patient Safety Culture and Its Elements

Introduction Every patient expects to be safe inside a hospital. It is one of the core priorities of a health provider, to avoid all possible harm that can come to the patient. The lack of safety can also cause indirect issues such as higher occurrence rate of human error of...

Healthy Nutrition: Obesity Prevention in Young Children

The central research question is the following: For childhood obesity (P), does the implementation of after-school obesity prevention programs (I) compared to currently deployed educational practices (C) reduce the risks of obesity and related health concerns (O) in the long run (T)? Study Design In order to address the research...

Heart Failure Readmission and Preventive Measures

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) afflicts more than 5 million people in the United States (Garcia & Bradford, 2017). Advancements in health research have availed different CHF therapies. However, the incidence and prevalence of the disorder continue to trouble the healthcare system as indicated by increased hospitalizations and healthcare spending....

Obamacare and Universal Medical Insurance Coverage

Introduction Access to health care services has been a problem in the U.S. for a long time. The American health care system is stated to have been the most costly in the world in 2000, whereas occupying only the 37th position in performance and 72nd in the overall degree of...

Cancer Diagnostics, Staging and Complications

Introduction Today, an entire branch of medicine is engaged in oncology. Specialists study tumors, treat patients, and try to find various ways to prevent the emergence of cancer. Those patients who can recognize the symptoms of oncology at an early stage have the maximum chances of survival. Cancer is manifested...

Preoperative Screening vs Comprehensive Assessment

Carrying out a preoperative assessment of geriatric patients is crucial to the outcomes of the surgery and the opportunities for further recovery (Kim, Brooks, & Groban, 2015). However, it is also important to bear in mind that geriatric patients are under the influence of a variety of negative factors and...

Electronic Medical Record System Implementation

Question 1: Describe a healthcare product and/or service that you think would be marketable in an international market of your choice. How would you go about ensuring that intellectual property and other legal issues are addressed when introducing this product into the selected market? Healthcare marketing is a developing field...

Myocardial Infarction, Obesity and Hypertension

Differential Diagnoses The most probable differential diagnoses for this visit are hypertension, subendocardial ischemia, and ischemic stroke. Primary Diagnosis Myocardial infarction of unspecified site, ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code I21.3 (ICD-10-CM Codes, n.d.). Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests Necessary tests ECG (applicable for all differential diagnoses): is aimed to measure electrical activity of the heart...

Pressure Ulcers in Patients with Limited Mobility

Review of Literature Pressure ulcers refer to those issues that are often faced by patients with limited mobility. They affect millions of people in the USA and often entail critical healthcare outcomes, which proves that they are to be thoroughly investigated and the most effective tools for their prevention are...

Nurse Leader Competencies

Introduction Medical practice is characterized by different specialties and professions. Health practitioners working in different settings must possess specific competencies in an attempt to support the needs of their clients. The outstanding fact is that direct and indirect care providers possess some universal competencies (Roussel, 2013). A proper knowledge of...

Future of Nursing Report’s Role in Practice

The IOM report titled “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” was written as a set of guidelines designed to transform the nursing practice, education, and leadership into more modern incarnations of these concepts. It includes such ideas as the implementation of residency training for nurses, the increase of training...

Pathogens, Infection Cycle and Disinfection Methods

Conditions that favor the growth of pathogens Several conditions can influence the growth of pathogens. First of all, warm temperatures help bacteria to grow faster and spread to other organisms easier. Thus, the temperature of a human body, for example, is a good condition for pathogens to grow. Next, moist...

Evidence and Clinical Implementation in Healthcare

Nowadays, there are many problems in nursing and medical science but those affecting the effectiveness of treatment modes and preventing practical implementation of the theory are the most important. Many researchers in the field of medical science are worried about the gap that exists between theoretical insights on serious health...

Evidence-Based Practice, Motivation and Barriers

Introduction Healthcare is one of the most rapidly-changing spheres of human activity which depend on innovations greatly. Being focused on the provision of care to people in need and improvement of the quality of their lives, it tends to use innovations to guarantee the increased efficiency of treatment, its reduced...

Nevada Public Health Policy Meeting and Changes

Introduction The following paper will outline the outcomes of the public policy meeting, which took place on the 16th of May 2017 in Nevada City, California. The meeting was devoted to the state’s health care situation; during its course, various aspects of citizens’ health behavior and care delivery within the...

Encephalitis, Giardiasis, Granuloma Inguinale in Miami

Introduction Healthy People is known as a program on a nationwide scale aimed at health promotion and preventive measures. It is run on a regular basis. Nowadays, Healthy People 2020 is a guide for health care professionals: it sets several key goals in different areas, one of which is immunization...

Obesity’s Effect on Children and Elderly People

Introduction Obesity belongs to one of the most common health issues of the current time. It impacts all groups of people, notwithstanding their age, sex, ethnicity, or social circumstances. Overweight may be connected with the family history, sedentary lifestyle, emotional distress, unhealthy food consumption, or family nutrition preferences. The specific...

Health Care Associated Infections in the US

Health care–associated infections pose a considerable problem in the contemporary health care setting. Apart from causing additional suffering for the patient, making their quality of life lower, and often even posing a threat to their life, they result in major additional spending, which means that the costs that could otherwise...

Hospital Services Amalgamation and Its Outcomes

The process of hospital merging has some benefits and drawbacks. While the benefits of developing such a plan may help health care providers to save money and devote their financial and material resources towards a more profitable business structure, political and social ramifications of this decision may negatively affect the...

Parkinson’s Disease Case: Patient’s History, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Scenario Jack is an 80-year-old male who was admitted to the primary care physician’s office. He is a widowed person, and his family currently consists only of his two sons and their wives. Even though they are in the same state, the client lives independently and is distanced from his...

Family with a Chronically Ill Member: Health Assessment

Introduction The family usually provides an individual with emotional and social relationships in the most important moments of their life. It is a group of people bounded not only by their kinship but also by the other relations and bonds made to participate in the lives of each other. Still,...

North Miami Community Health Assessment

Introduction The community selected for this assignment was North Miami, a large community that is in a relatively good condition; however, it included some of the problematic areas. This review is focused on the primary characteristics of the community in terms of socio-economic dynamics, living conditions, and health-related issues. North...

Professional Development and Nursing Education

Introduction The nursing profession is the largest part of the health care personnel. Today, it comprises about 3 million members. Working directly with patients, nurses play a major role in helping to understand the objectives of the 2010 Affordable Care Act and improving the health care system of the United...

Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: Nursing Care Plan

Presumptive Nursing Diagnosis The accuracy of diagnosis is dependent on various factors. Subjective and objective assessments assist in acquiring the information about the patient’s condition (Rosdalh & Kwalski, 2008). In the context of the presented case, the presumptive nursing diagnosis is Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus. This autoimmune disease has a special...

Congestive Heart Failure Education and Readmission Rates

Developing a Question In elderly patients (P), does receive congestive heart failure education with a post-discharge follow-up (I) compared to not receiving one (C) decrease the risk of heart failure readmissions (O) within a month’s time post-discharge (T)? Identifying a Problem Setting The problem of educational deficit in relation to...

Healthcare Technology’s Integration and Interoperability

Introduction The modern healthcare sector benefits from the wide implementation of diverse IT technologies that have already become an internal component of the functioning of numerous facilities and units. The primary aim of these innovations is the facilitation of the interaction between workers and significant improvement of their activities due...

Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Models

Introduction The great paces of the evolution of the modern world pose a number of new challenges that society faces in its development. To be able to continue its growth, it should overcome these problems and find appropriate solutions and approaches. That is why the most important aspects of any...

Nursing Health Promotion and Its Importance

Health promotion is one of the concepts that must be more explicitly defined for nursing due to its frequent use and the development of different health care trends that could determine its value. According to the classification system developed by McEwen and Wills (2014), health promotion can be defined as...

General Hospital’s Case of Conflict Management

The Conflict That Is Occurring at General Hospital Instances of conflict are said to occur when one party feels that another party has negatively or always negatively affected equipment or a service that the first party cares or is supposed to manage (Javitch, 2007). According to the views of many,...

Childhood Obesity and Community Nursing Intervention

Introduction In the recent decades, the issue of childhood obesity in the US has been increasingly coming to the forefront in the public view and in academia as a major health problem. Currently, the obesity rate in the States is some of the highest in the world, with a significant...

Nursing Care: Costs and Strategic Planning Process

Cost of Nursing Care There are various ways to assess the cost of nursing care. For example, Nursing Costs Per Patient Day are based on monthly or quarterly data, which implies that the individual cases are not examined, and the cost of nursing care is calculated based on “average” patients,...

Mindfullness and Professional Burnout Among Nurses

Introduction The article “Rekindling the Flame: Using mindfulness to end nursing burnout” is devoted to the issue of professional burnout among nurses. It has presented the symptoms, constituents, and stages of the disorder. Besides, it suggests some ways how to avoid the problem. Symptoms, Constituents, and Stages of Nursing Burnout...

Electronic Health Record, Its History and Goals

Introduction Electronic health record (EHR) is also known as the computer-based patient record. Generally speaking, EHR is “electronically maintained information about an individual lifetime health status and healthcare [including] medical history, current medications, laboratory tests, x-ray images, etc.” (Leavitt, 2002, p. 257). It indeed is a breakthrough in the field...

Conflict Resolution in the Miami Hospital

Identification of the Conflict The current conflict transpired in one of the hospitals in Miami and involved two individuals, Jacqueline and Lisandra. The latter is a nurse manager, and the former is a nurse. The conflict transpired because of incompatible personal interests and ineffective role assignment process. The conflict developed...

Communicable Diseases in Miami-Dade County

Introduction The fight against communicable diseases and the search for a reliable way to protect the population against them are among the most crucial issues in contemporary health care. Frequent contacts with the diseased people, low immunity status, and body’s resistance to infectious diseases as a consequence of poor nutrition...

Children’s Health Literacy Program Development

Introduction Helping young people learn about the ways of improving their health is one of the means to establish and maintain positive habits among the representatives of this population group. As a community health nurse, I have to do my best to arrange and implement an effective program that would...

Obesity Trends Among Non-Hispanic Whites and Blacks

The article, “Four decades of obesity trends among non-Hispanic whites and blacks in the United States: Analyzing the influences of educational inequalities in obesity and population improvements in education”, authored by Yu (2016) reports the findings of a study carried out to investigate the relationship between education, race, and obesity...

Social Media in Nursing Practice

Introduction It is evident that social media became one of the most powerful instruments used by numerous specialists from a variety of professions (Hood, 2014). People use social networks to find out about the latest news and exchange information. It is interesting how the current state of the social media...

Gabriela Family Health Assessment

In the quest to understand the lifestyles of people living in the United States and ascertain their wellness needs, I developed a questionnaire attached at the appendix of this essay. Using the questionnaire, I collected data from a family that resides in the state of California. The questionnaire had a...

Cardiovascular Diseases in African Americans

Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in African Americans while stroke is among the biggest problems affecting women from this race. Beal (2015) conducted a study titled “Stroke education needs of African American women” to investigate the perceptions about stroke and health information seeking behaviors in African...

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for Nurses

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is an American health care reform act expected to affect millions of citizens. The act is expected to promote universal healthcare, improve the quality of medical services and reduce medical costs. The passage of the bill brings many reforms to the...

Nurses’ Educational Preparations: Differences in Competencies and Decision-Making Approaches

Introduction Nursing is a profession that is dealing with life and death situations occurring every day. A nursing professional requires a high level of education regarding a variety of subjects such as anatomy, pharmacology, physiology, etc. It is often stated that nursing professionals that acquired a higher level of education...

Nursing Theories in Adolescents Issues Treatment

Approaching the Subject of Alcohol Use with Adolescent Patients The question of alcohol consumption among adolescents is quite acute and pressing and, therefore, requires an appropriate and rational approach. Having an adolescent patient using alcohol, it is crucial to identify the core of the problem. As a rule, they try...

Foam Dressings for Venous Leg Ulcers

Introduction The given paper is devoted to the investigation of treatment methods for venous leg ulcers (VLUs) focusing on foam dressings. The major advantage of this type of advanced dressing is that it is highly absorbent and, therefore, may reduce the risk for maceration of peri-ulcer skin and does not...

Russian-American Family Health Assessment

Family Description The family was interviewed for the purpose of completing this health family assessment is a Russian-American family, whose ancestors migrated to the USA in the early 20th century. The family is comprised of three people, which include the father (43 years old), the mother (40 years old), and...

Antibiotics: Approaches to the Appointment and Usage

Inappropriate strategies that are associated with prescribing antibiotics often lead to bacterial resistance to certain medications. As a result, it is important to address this problem by changing approaches to prescribing and using antibiotics while treating adults and children (Peate, Wild, & Nair, 2014). To respond to this tendency, it...

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field for Diabetic Patients

This proposal seeks to address the issue of diabetic neuropathy among patients aged between 30 and 60 years. All the targeted patients suffer from the problem of refractory leg pain. The proposal suggests PEMF (Pulse electromagnetic field therapy) as an intervention Plan for treatment of diabetic patients who have a...

Nursing Education and Clinical Practice Guidelines

Systematic Review There is a variety of jobs related to healthcare and people holding such positions often have severe health issues as their patients do. In order to understand health situation and determine the most important health risks for nursing professionals, a long-term study has been conducted. In their article,...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction Non-Human Obstacles

The door-to-balloon (DTB) time reduction depends largely on the chain of human specialists performing their roles with as little wasteful steps as possible, following the recommendations and best practices (CCN, 2013; American College of Cardiology Foundation & American Heart Association, 2013). However, the non-human factors can also play a significant...

Self-Care Plan in Medicine

A medical worker is to serve as an example of a healthy and responsible lifestyle to the patients. That is why it is highly important that a registered nurse knows how to apply self-care and health promotion actions at the personal level before encouraging the same activities for the patients....

Concepts’ Differences and Their Application in Nursing

Introduction: Research and Practice in Nursing Exploring new opportunities for the improvement of the quality of nursing services is a crucial step toward managing patients’ needs. Research serves as a powerful tool for determining how the identified goal can be accomplished. Evidence-based practice (EBP), in turn, provides the foundation for...

Brucellosis, Gonorrhea, Lyme Disease in Miami

The city under discussion in Miami, Florida. It can be easily found with the help of its zip code, which is 33193. There are a lot of websites that discuss the healthcare condition of this city from various perspectives. Both epidemiological and surveillance data are included in the majority of...

Nursing Informatics Competencies and Nurse Effectiveness

With the development of technology, informatics entered nursing as well as many other spheres. Nursing informatics is expected to reduce the time needed for documentation, streamline searching activities, and provide more opportunities for communication with healthcare professionals and patients. Some of its areas are also relevant to my current position....

Congestive Heart Failure and Nutrition Issues

In the case under analysis, four essential problems can be identified immediately. These include the patient’s CHF, retention of fluid, nutrition issues, and loneliness. The hospitalization due to the exacerbation of CHF, hypertension, weight loss, and the development of depression after the loss of her husband can be considered the...

Type 2 Diabetes: Disease Process and Screening

The Choice of the Topic The disease process selected for this assignment is type 2 diabetes. It was chosen because, among all the cases of diabetic known to modern medicine, this type is the most common. The process of this disease revolves around insulin resistance experienced by the body of...

Public Health Threat: Chikungunya

History of Chikungunya Chikungunya is one of the public health issues which are currently causing concern in the United States. Even though the spread of the virus is common in Africa and parts of Asia, a study by Foster and Vitale (2013) shows that the virus is spreading very fast...

Transitional Nursing Strategies in Oncology

Transitional nursing or transitional care is a model that was developed to address the set of practices that are needed when patients have to transit from one place (e.g. hospital) to another (home). This model of nursing care is especially relevant to patients with chronic illnesses that have to change...

Evaluation and Appraisal of Aacn’s Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

Abstract The purpose of the paper is the evaluation and appraisal of AACN’s Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing (EMEN). Every essential reflects specific skills and competencies nurses should develop to provide reliable care, improve public and individual health outcomes, and enhance health systems. Each essential is briefly described, and...

Nursing Conflict Resolution Strategies

Introduction The growing diversification of nurse responsibilities can lead to the emergence of conflicts, some of which cannot be resolved with immediate intervention. Nevertheless, by analyzing the conflict it is possible to identify the strengths of the involved parties and devise strategies for further prevention of similar occurrences. Description of...

Patient Satisfaction and Outcomes Measurement

The times when nurses received payment for providing care independent of its quality has long gone. Now hospitals’ management teams try to evaluate the quality of care that their patients receive. Measurements that define outcomes can be both physiological and social (Polit & Beck, 2004, p. 232). While both doctors...

Family-Based Childhood Obesity and Parental Weight

Introduction The article examines the multifactorial nature of the growing health issue of childhood obesity. The authors investigate the correlation between childhood BMI and parental obesity. The authors cite empirical evidence to support their central point, which is that there exists a link between elevated parental obesity rates overweight in...

Nursing Philosophy, Knowledge and Competencies

Introduction The Professional Capstone and Practicum course has equipped me with adequate competencies that will support my future practice as a healthcare worker. The course has outlined most of the attributes associated with nursing practice. The skills and knowledge gained from the course can be applied in different healthcare settings...

Kendall Regional Medical Center and Its Information Laws

Background Maintaining patients’ data safety has become increasingly topical and important in the context of the 21st century and the application of digital tools as the means of managing information. Seeing that hospitals keep a detailed record of not only their patients’ health issues but also their private data, it...

Kendall Regional Medical Center: Pressure Ulcer Problem

Health care management can be seen as the optimization of internal and external processes within the institution. The effective manager affects the levels of income and expenses, administers the work of the personnel, and ensures the implementation of organizational objectives (DeWit & Kumagai, 2014). Moreover, successful managers know the ways...

Sharp Healthcare Organization’s History and Mission

Introduction Sharp HealthCare, a well-being maintenance provider located in San Diego, is a medical organization that includes several hospitals, medical groups, and centers. Sharp HealthCare traces its roots from the establishment of Donald N. Sharp Memorial Community Hospital, named after the young pilot from San Diego who sacrificed his life...

Hypertension Prevention, Treatment, and Education

Topic Identification and Rationale There is hardly a person who has never heard of someone complaining about high blood pressure. A periodic or continuous high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is detected in 29 percent of the US adult population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

Information Systems for Patient Education

Introduction Modern health policy functions in such a way that vital importance is given to patient education. It contributes to increasing the life expectancy of various medical institutions’ wards, improves the quality of care, and also reduces the cost of treatment. By teaching a patient, nurses help him or her...

Hospital Senior Managers in Total Quality Management

In the past, it was widely believed that Total Quality Management (TQM) was linked to business and manufacturing activities. However, nowadays, this practice is actively employed by different service providers including medical facilities (Ramseook-Munhurrun, Munhurrun, & Panchoo, 2011). It could be said that this strategy has a vital impact on...

Democratic Style of Leadership and Attributes of Leadership in Graduate Nursing

Introduction For the purposes of this assignment, I completed a short eighteen-question quiz that helped me to recognize my leadership style. The results of the quiz reveal that I lean towards a democratic style of leadership. Democratic leaders or participative leaders value the collaboration of a group and engage it...

Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical and Nursing Care

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) is gaining in popularity in the health-care environment as it allows more opportunities to achieve a threefold purpose: It provides the most effective evidence, suggests clinical expertise, and makes it possible to take the best care of patient values. EBP allows for reducing costs, and at...

Medical Marijuana Bill, Its Pros and Cons

Problem Statement Since there are plenty of health care issues, policies, regulations, and laws that are discussed regularly by health care legislators, it is important to select the one that seems to be most controversial. As far as Florida is concerned, the issue that is addressed most frequently is the...

Bachelor and Associate Degrees in Nursing

In the United States, different nurse-training programs vary in duration, curriculum, and competencies that specialists have upon the completion of the studies. It should be noted that a gradual increase in awareness of patient care has led to the increased need for qualified and trained health care specialists with advanced...

Acute Ankle Sprain and Pain-Relieving Medications

The relief of pain in the joint after an unpleasant fall or another similar injury is usually accompanied by the use of appropriate analgesics that should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. However, there are cases when NSAIDs cannot be used for certain reasons. Since the 26-year-old patient denies...

Women’s Health: Depression as a Psychological Factor

Biophysical, Psychological, Sociocultural, Behavioral and Health System Factors Women who identify themselves as lesbian are likely to experience depression as well as anxiety. Betty is depressed, and there are certain reasons for that as well as factors that contribute to the development of depression. Biophysical, psychological, sociocultural, behavioral, and health...

Financial Concept Map in Nursing Work

Nurses have always affected the way resources are allocated through their reports and commentaries concerning things they need to complete tasks assigned. At present, budgeting has become an indispensable part of nursing professional activity. In many cases, nurses provide reports including their potential budgets for a certain period. Nursing professionals...

Door-to-Balloon Time Project and Dissemination Plan

Introduction To develop a successful plan featuring the best dissemination strategies, it is necessary to identify the goal of the project, its target audience and stakeholders, and the required resources (Barksdale, Newhouse, & Miller, 2014). The activities are to be organized to expand the dissemination plan in two major directions:...

Nurse Staffing: Job Satisfaction and Retention

Article Review Empirical and non-experimental studies play critical roles in the nursing practice and healthcare provision in general. As such, almost every element of evidence-based nursing practice is based on research. Most studies are published and are available in peer-reviewed journals as articles. This paper reviews an article by Hairr,...

Dietary Education Program’s Goal and Variables

Extraneous Variables Extraneous variables can affect the relationships between the independent (education) and dependent variables of the study (the BMI and body fat percentage) (Schmidt & Brown, 2014). To increase the internal validity of the study, it is necessary to effectively control the following variables: intelligence, pre-education, and socio-economic status....

Healthcare Providers’ and Practitioners’ Types

Types of Health Care Providers Primary Care Providers Nursing Care Providers Specialty Care Providers Pharmacotherapy Professionals A primary care provider is a professional who specializes in minor health problems and checkups. Nursing Care Provider is a person who assists a doctor and takes care of the patients in hospitals or...

The PICOT Framework in Healthcare

Introduction The PICOT framework provides a convenient method of developing researchable questions in nursing. It is important because to research and address a problematic issue, it is needed to set up boundaries, i.e. to identify exactly the types of cases that are to be studied and examined and to define...

Medical Advances in Consumer’s and Physician’s Views

Introduction In this article, the authors investigate one of the current health-related issues – the implementation of the newest technologies in the health care industry and their impact on providing medical care. They focus attention on such devices as smartphones used for self-monitoring the condition of an individual’s health, electronic...

Breast Cancer: Disease Screening and Diagnosis

Background Patient Information Carolyn Cross is a 41-year-old Hispanic-American woman who has come to a medical facility for her wellness visit and regular examination. The woman has two children, and she was pregnant two times overall. She does not have any particular health complaints or worrying symptoms: she came for...

Somnambulism: Symptoms and Plan of Care

Introduction It should be noted that somnambulism is a condition in which a person can perform complex and purposeful actions during sleep; however, after awakening, he or she, as a rule, does not remember committing any actions or movements. This condition can occur in both adult patients and children. Nevertheless,...

Healthcare Industry and Workforce Issues

Today’s marketplace and industrial sectors are constantly changing with the regular forces in the market (Abbott and Coenen 2008, 10). The health sector is among these sectors that are changing enormously with time considering that regularly there are new emergencies, inventions, new market demands, regulations and sector improvements. A country’s...

Nurse-Led Email Reminder for Hypertensive Patients

Research title and authors The article under analysis is called “Efficacy of a nurse-led email reminder program for cardiovascular prevention risk reduction in hypertensive patients: A randomized controlled trial.” It was written by Cicolini et al. and published in 2013. Research problem and purpose The article targets the issue of...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Dimension and Perspectives

Introduction Nowadays, there are a great number of people who suffer from various chronic illnesses, and it is extremely important for healthcare specialists to develop specific recommendations or plans of care that would take into consideration the particular needs of patient groups. The document which is called Healthy People 2020...

Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy in Cancer Patients

Introduction Lesiuk (2015) is a healthcare professional and scientist focused on the use of music therapy. She conducted research to discuss the advantages of this intervention for nursing practice. Her article reveals that attention and mood can be improved with this therapy in women with breast cancer. Purpose The article...

Family Health Assessment and Diagnosis

Introduction This paper reports the results of a family health assessment done on an African American family of five living in a nucleus setup. The family is headed by a 49-year-old woman since the man, who is in his early fifties, is currently unemployed. Although their three children are over...

Tuberculosis, Influenza A, AIDS in Healthy People 2020

Healthy People 2020 was launched in 2010 by the Department of Health and Human Services with the aim of promoting equality in health, minimizing disparities in care delivery, and ensuring that more people attain longer. Different communities in Florida such as Miami (Zip Code: 33146) have implemented adequate initiatives to...

Electronic Health Records: Functions and Examples

Introduction An electronic health record is a digital kind of a patient’s medical sheet. One of the main characteristics of an electronic health record is that health data can be created and processed by sanctioned providers in an electronic format able to being shared with other workers across more than...

Peplau’s Interpersonal Theory in Nursing Practice

The concept of empowerment is prominent in many contemporary nursing theories. Nevertheless, without proper understanding, it is sometimes misinterpreted and misused, which undermines its credibility. The aim of the paper is thus to analyze the concept as presented in Peplau’s interpersonal theory. The concept is outlined and evaluated by reviewing...

Door-to-Balloon Time Minimization Project

Purpose of the Project Since cardiovascular diseases are statistically the main causes of mortality among American patients, it is crucial to target available resources towards eliminating the issue and ensuring better patient outcomes. Thus, the purpose of the project is the improvement of quality through the implementation of a strategy...

Health Sleep for Low-Income Youth Model

Introduction One of the vulnerable population categories with respect to healthy habits and behaviors is low-income youth. Young adults from 18 to 25 continue their studies at colleges and universities or have to work part-time or full-time to earn their living and pay for studies. However, they frequently lack time-management...

Staffing Issues in Nursing

Short Staffing Inadequate staffing is often a problem in the nursing field and has emerged as both a personal and professional concern for practitioners in this sector. According to Harrington, Schnelle, McGregor and Simmons (2016), poor staffing is among the top reasons nurses leave their jobs and patients fail to...

Asthma During Pregnancy, Its Symptoms and Treatment

The Case A 22-year-old woman diagnosed with “mild persistent” asthma is suffering from recently increased symptoms of asthma. She is pregnant, and her lab work confirms it. As a medication, she uses two types of metered-dose inhalers: albuterol and fluticasone. Her use of these inhalers has increased over the last...

Registered Nurses as Patient Advocates

Role of the Registered Nurse in Patient Advocacy Patient advocacy is one of the primary responsibilities of a registered nurse. The nurse’s duty is to act in the interests of a patient. Nurses provide 24-hour care for patients. Thus their role as patient advocates is significant. Scholars identified three major...

Religion and Ethics in Healthcare Provision

Religion and Health Care Religion is often a major factor in the provision of health care to a patient. All major religions imply cherishing one’s health and making efforts to prevent harming the life that is given to human beings. However, different medical approaches feature different procedures that not all...

Hospital Structure Decentralization and Its Benefits

Organizational structure is the framework that determines how an institution or company is governed. The framework outlines the channel used in decision making. Each organization has a structure that provides guidelines on how various processes are undertaken. The two types of organizational structures are decentralized and centralized systems. The decentralized...

Female Infertility in Arab Countries

Abstract Objective To review and summarize the current state of knowledge with respect to female infertility in Arab countries. Methods Review and summarize eight articles retrieved from PubMed electronic database on female infertility in Arab Countries. Results There are a number of women infected by secondary infertility after a specific...

Antibiotics as the Main Treatment for Children

Abstract Acute otitis media (AOM) is a common disease that is usually observed among patients in early infancy and childhood. Several methods of treatment can be offered. Antibiotic use is one of the most frequent options in such countries as the USA and Australia. Watchful waiting is an alternative that...

Impact of Patient Education on Health Outcomes

Introduction It is possible to hypothesize that patient knowledge about the chronic disease they are suffering from might allow for increasing their health outcomes via a variety of mechanisms. This paper proposes an evidence-based project to assess the impact of patient education on health outcomes of the patients educated so....

Childhood Obesity and Depression Intervention

Leading Health Indicators Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) are aimed at improving health and the wellbeing of the population, reduction of health inequities, and the development of health systems. This program considers the guidance and policy indicators, in particular, the 26 key indicators approved for measuring the progress in the health...

Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement

Evidence-based Practice The decision to integrate evidence-based practice (EBP) in the intensive care unit is sound, especially when one considers the need to continuously improve patient outcomes in the broader healthcare system. Yoder-Wise (2012) argues different researchers have demonstrated that evidence-based practice has led to better patient outcomes. Therefore, it...

Conflict among the Nurses at the Hospital

Recurring Conflict The most recurring conflict in the healthcare facility was interdependence conflict among the nurses. Cases often arise where a nurse or group of nurses complain that other nurses failed to do what was expected of them before handing over a patient to the group taking over the shift....

Conflict Resolution Strategies in Nursing Settings

Description of the Conflict Conflicts in healthcare settings are usually common and affect the quality of care available to targeted clients. The targeted unresolved conflict emerged from the unfair treatment of caregivers by their Nurse Manager (NM). One of the affected nurses stated clearly that the workplace was characterized by...

Cognitive Neurodegeneration in the Elderly Population

Introduction The needs of the elderly are now among the key concerns for the medical practitioners and counselors. Today, the life expectancy in developed countries for all genders and races is close to 80 years, and it is projected to grow further in the next years and decades. An increase...

Value-Driven Healthcare and Reimbursement Programs

Value-driven health care strives to link reimbursement and quality of services provided to patients. The policymakers leverage public reporting as a way to improve care quality, making information open and accessible for all. For example, according to the recent research conducted by Kavanagh, Cimiotti, Abusalem, and Coty (2012), reporting strategies...

Telephone-Based and Online Care Implementation Phase

Introduction In the paper, the implementation phase of a randomized controlled trial will be described. The randomized controlled trial aims to research whether telephone-based and online care are more effective compared to standard nursing home visits in patients who are 36 years old or older and who undergo post-acute care....

Nurse Staffing and Academic Knowledge Gaps

Introduction The issue of an inadequate nurse-patient ratio is backed by a significant amount of studies. However, the findings of the studies often lack consistency and scientific rigor. The current literature review analyzes five studies on nurse staffing in order to identify the gaps in academic knowledge and suggest a...

Early Elective Delivery and Associated Risks

Which would be the most appropriate researchable population for use in your research project? The researchable population should focus on delivering the objective of the study. In this case, the risks associated with early elective delivery would provide the objective of the study. Therefore, the most appropriate researchable population will...

Postnatal Depression Prevalence and Effects

Introduction While the birth of a child is generally considered as a happy event in people’s lives, it may sometimes be accompanied by negative issues such as physical or emotional complications of a mother. Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious psychological disorder that disables the woman to take proper care...

Ebola in Sierra Leone as a Public Health Issue

Community and Public Health Issue Sierra Leone is a West African country that has a population of more than 7 million people (Lahai, 2017). Emerging from a civil war that lasted more than a decade, the country has a poor health infrastructure characterized by poor access to health care facilities...

Family-Oriented, Focused, Community-Based Nursing

Two Concepts of Care Family-focused care also known as family-centered care (FCC) can be defined as a collaborative approach to making decisions related to health care (Kuo et al., 2011). FCC is a philosophy of care that has been recognized and held in high esteem by numerous medical societies, legislative...

Information Technologies in Patient Education

Introduction Nowadays, information technology in the healthcare system provides the foundation for the future. The significance of modernization can be seen in retrospective by comparing healthcare provision now and thirty years ago. Most of these years were devoted to the development of computer technologies that improved patient care, whereas, for...

Asian-American Family Analysis and Nursing Care

Introduction Facilitation of family health is considered to be one of the ultimate goals of nursing. The purpose of a family health assessment is to identify potential or actual problems of individual family members and of the family as a whole. The process includes assessment, diagnosis, implementation, and evaluation of...

Financial Viability in Healthcare

Introduction If a nurse manager wants to become a significant part of the decision-making process in their organization, it is important to learn the financial status and other financial aspects of the work. A nurse manager has to investigate the key financial statements, interpretive techniques, ratio analysis, management reports, and...

Healthcare Reform: Evolving Nursing and Patient Care Practice

Introduction The current healthcare system in the USA is viewed to be strikingly inefficient by the majority of experts, at least when compared to other healthcare systems around the world. The pay-for-fee model is considered to be inefficient, as it facilitates exorbitant price growth, which is then expected to be...

Problem of the Childhood Obesity

I have chosen childhood obesity as the population health issue that interests me most as I believe it is one of the most pressing problems of the XL generation. The major controversy concerning childhood obesity is whether the condition is predetermined by genetics, individual behavior, or the social or physical...

Medical Research Design: Selection and Comparison

Selecting a proper study design is very important in medical and scientific research. It can affect the quality, reliability, and usability of a study. Specifying the design is a requirement in all medical research papers (“Study designs,” 2016). Typically, the research topic determines what type of study is going to...

Health Insurance Policy’s Impact on Nursing

The federal policy that has a significant impact on the role of the advanced practice registered nurse is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The policy strengthens the privacy of the patients’ personal information by providing them with several sets of rights such as the right to obtain...

Ultrasound in Acute Appendicitis Diagnosis

Main Issue of the Study Since the diagnosis of acute appendicitis is normally dependent on patient history and symptoms presented, which have low sensitivity and specificity, the study (Moghimi, Khaledifar, Taheri, Ganji, & Mobesheri, 2015) hypothesizes that the use of imaging techniques such as ultrasound is necessary for accurate and...

Undertaking of Florence Nightingale Pledge – Nursing

Introduction The practice of taking an oath before undertaking an activity or holding a given position is a common tradition among various professions and society in the world. An oath binds an individual to a given activity in accordance with a given set of conditions, rules, and regulations. For instance,...

The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights

Abortion Argument and the Counterargument The argument about the legitimacy of abortion has been in existence for quite a while. The proponents of prohibiting abortions as a morally bankrupt concept are nowadays labeled as the pro-life movement, whereas their opponents are defined as the pro-choice one (Kaczor, 2014). Because of...

Implementation of the IOM Future in Nursing

Introduction It should be noted that The Future of Nursing Report was developed to cover several goals and objectives. Importantly, it intends to encourage healthcare practitioners and nurses to take on greater responsibility and exercise autonomy by taking on leadership positions. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has financed the evolvement...

Workplace Stress Control Among Nurses

Introduction The issue of stress in the workplace can concern people of different professions, but nurses are prone to this problem very often since they are forced to work directly with patients, and their communication is not always smooth. Moreover, additional factors that affect stress and burnout can arise –...

Culturally Competent Care and Hispanic Patients

Introduction Hispanics make one of the fastest-growing demographics in the United States. Most of the Hispanic population that is found in the United States comes from Mexico, but a significant portion also comes from other South and Central American countries. The presence of Hispanic clients has necessitated healthcare professionals to...

Nursing Core Competencies: Comparison and Implementation

Comparison of Core Competencies Nursing professionals have different core competencies depending on the peculiarities of their profession. A lot of diverse features can be found when comparing those competencies that are developed for a nurse practitioner (NP) and for a nurse administrator. Differences can be observed already when focusing on...

Nursing Leadership Styles and Model Case

Increased attention to the analysis and development of nursing concepts in the recent decade can be explained by the researchers’ aim to clarify any issues and inconsistencies that in the past were accepted as correct or common. Because some nursing concepts, including those regarded as essential, were defined by unclear...

Health Literacy Intervention in Cardiology

Abstract This report aimed to present health literacy as an evidence-based intervention tool that could help in reducing readmission within 30 days following the discharge of acute myocardial infarction patients. Low health literacy was identified as a major factor that contributed to significant cases of hospital readmission within 30 days...

Immunization, Safety Concerns, and Public Attitude

The current thinking on whether to immunize has resulted into mixed reactions that have been obtained from the importance and negative effects of immunization. It is without doubt that immunization has been vital in healthcare delivery. There are several case4s when this practice has saved lives. Perhaps, it is necessary...

Baccalaureate Versus Associate Degree Nurses

Differences in competencies It is obvious that the provision of the high-quality medical care and services is one of the main tasks of the modern healthcare sector. However, the increased complexity of the environment and new challenges result in the great level of demands to professionals working in the given...

Vanguard Healthcare System’s Strategic Plan

Introduction Vanguard Health is a long-term care provider in the United States of America which was founded in 1997. The healthcare system is headquartered in Brentwood, Tennessee. The system has many facilities that provide rehabilitation and excellent nursing services to patients who are recovering from illness, injury, or surgery. Currently,...

Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Activity Index

Abstract Acute pancreatitis is a serious condition with increasing cases of hospital readmission following 30 days after discharge from inpatient settings. As such, interventions have been formulated and implemented to reduce cases of readmission. In this report, Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Activity Index (AP-CAI) was presented as an evidence-based, disease-specific intervention...

Acute Otitis Media in Children

Acute otitis media (AOM) is a condition that affects children from various demographic categories and is commonly seen in primary care offices (Liese et al., 2014). Approximately 25 percent of children will be presented to a clinic with an episode of AOM by age 12 years (Dickson, 2014). Risk factors...

The Vulnerable Population of Brownsville: Disabled People

Introduction The community under investigation is a census-designated place Brownsville, Florida. The population is nearly 16,000. The majority of the population is healthy, not obese, and satisfied with the quality of their lives. The vulnerable population of Brownsville community is represented by disabled people. They are not provided with all...

Meditech System as an Electronic Health Record’ Tool

Standards A consistent improvement in the quality of the nursing services provided to the target audience is the first step toward promoting wellbeing and meeting the essential responsibilities of a nurse (Kisokanth, Prathapan, Indrakumar, & Joseph, 2015). Therefore, the introduction of the latest technological advances is crucial to maintaining the...

Health Care Fraud, Abuse and Ethics

The Concept of Health Care Fraud Health care fraud is the imposition of plenty of unnecessary treatments. According to Pyrek (2011), fraud is determined as “deceit or breach of confidence perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage” (p. 81). It is also should be noted that...

Working Conditions: Nurses Creating Safe Systems

The ultimate goal of nursing is to ensure every patient receives timely and quality health care. Nurses and medical practitioners must be aware of the best strategies that have the potential to support the diverse needs of many patients. Several concepts and theories have been proposed to guide nurses whenever...

Evidence-Based Practice: Impact on Patient Outcomes

Introduction In the context of contemporary approaches to patient outcomes, there are a number of frameworks that support traditional and evidence-based practices. Evidence-based health care is often opposed to the sometimes practices inherent in the daily work of medical practitioners. It is also important to point out the fact that...

Executing Change in Healthcare: Conflict Management Strategies

Effective change management should evaluate the role of conflicts in change implementation properly. Practice shows that any reform that transforms the common operation flow is associated with the increase in psychological tension and stress that are likely to cause additional disagreements. Different types of workplace conflicts, including confronting conflicts and...

Burnout Syndrome in Professional Nurses

Introduction Burnout syndrome is a serious issue that negatively affects many workers in any profession, especially nurses. The syndrome is associated with a number of psychological distress forms, such as the sense of low personal fulfillment, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization (Dde, Magnago, Sakae, & Magajewski, 2009, p. 1559). To resolve...

The United States’ Pediatric Healthcare Services

The sources of pediatric primary care in the United States The US government has tried to develop the healthcare system that will be characterized by efficiency and universal coverage (which means addressing the needs of the entire population). Pediatric primary care is the area of considerable concern as the number...

Telemedecine and Electronic Health Records

Introduction The quality of modern health care delivery can be significantly improved with the adequate utilization of patient care technologies (Cassano, 2014). The evolution of IT industry provided the basis for the continuous drive for innovation in the medical field. Health care organizations (HCOs) recognized the need for the development...

Transitional Nursing Technology and Education

Outcomes Description Introspect into the issues faced during the transportation of patients from the operation room to another setting, and vice versa, has shown that there is a need for introducing a more efficient tool for identifying the needs of target demographics during the transfer. Indeed, the outcomes of the...

Nurses Creating High-Quality Healthcare Environment

Introduction Health care is one of the fastest-growing fields in the US economy. Nurses are one of the main medical workers that promote development and growth. They create standards, improve the environment, and promote the importance of health care. It is not enough for nurses to know what safe systems...