Sexual Assault in Juli Bovard’s “The Red Chevy”

The Red Chevy by Juli Bovard is an emotional piece that describes the author’s experience with sexual assault and is an example of a remembering event essay. In her essay, Bovard successfully conveys the feeling of fear and hopelessness experienced by the victims of rape. The essay starts very abruptly...

Democratic Views on Pro-Immigration

In the contemporary world, where the process of globalization, alongside a series of other social and political factors, serves as a powerful driver of communication and relocation, immigration is one of the most frequently discussed subjects. This issue is relevant not only to the multinational countries such as the United...

Capitalism and Gay Identity by D’Emilio and Berube

Introduction Capitalism plays a major role in the separation of people according to class and status. Gay identity puts individuals into a different social class. In this paper, the author will review the link between gay identity and capitalism from the perspective of two essays. The two are written by...

US Illegal Immigrants’ Rights for Social Services

Introduction Immigration in the US has increased over the decades causing the population in the continent to swell with each passing year. The number of illegal immigrants continues to rise with each passing day. Because of this, the American society has deemed it fit to retaliate. The genesis of this...

Black Lives Matter and Animal Rights

Nowadays, many Americans assume that the legacy of racism no longer affects the qualitative dynamics within American society. One of the reasons for this is that for the duration of the last few decades, the government remained strongly committed to endorsing the policy of multiculturalism/political correctness. In its turn, this...

Poverty in “The Bottom Billion” by Paul Collier

Introduction Paul Collier’s The Bottom Billion is an in-depth study of the world’s poorest countries’ financial plight. The book provides a detailed analysis of the incidence and the remedies to the issue. Collier was a professor of economics at Oxford University and served as an economist at the World Bank....

LGBT Community in Chicago

Chicago is considered to be a major center for the LGBT community. The city has a long history of the movement, dating back to the early 1920s (De la Croix 5). Illinois is known for having been lenient with the community even when the country’s beliefs and opinions on the...

Cities’ Growth and Urban Living

Living in urban is a keystone of modern society. It is commonly associated with internal and international migration that led to the necessity of expanding cities in order to provide everyone with the needed living conditions. The process of active urbanization began around two centuries ago, and the number of...

Drug War Failure and Associated Problems

Introduction One of the challenges that the United States has been dealing with over the last several decades is the illegal drug business. Over the years, several illegal drugs have been used in the United States for recreational, medical, and spiritual purposes (Alexander 20). The war on illegal drugs has...

Smoking Bans in the Nationwide Indoor

Introduction Smoking is a widespread habit that causes many diseases. The issue of whether to ban smoking indoors by the governments of various countries is popular as they try to take a step towards curbing the harmful effects of smoking. People support smoking bans because they understand the harmful effects....

Identity Politics as a Response to Globalization

Despite numerous positive outcomes that it promises, the concept of globalization as the basis for multicultural communication and learning is not fully devoid of certain controversial issues. The lack of control over the influence that some cultures will have on others and, particularly, the impact that dominant cultures can have...

Stigmatization and Its Invisible Damage

Introduction Stigma affects several many people around the world and results in great suffering among them. Several causes of stigma include abuse, sexual assault, violence, and discrimination. The effect of stigma is detrimental and varies from a loss of self-worth, trauma, stress, and mental illness that affect personal life as...

Gender Stereotyping in Athletic Management

In their research paper, Burton and Parker evaluate the extent of gender stereotypes interference with the representation of women in managerial positions at the middle and senior levels. They investigate the information related to the masculine dominance in the field of professional sports and attempt to retrieve the reasons for...

Military Treatment, Success, and Diverse Groups

Introduction Military organs play a pivotal role in maintaining social, economic, and political order in a given society. In the course of executing its functions, the military employs theoretical frameworks to facilitate the systematic and logical treatment of diverse groups. As such, the integration of macro and micro-sociological theories highlights...

TV Show: Cooking Network

In her project, Swenson reviewed Cooking Network for the purpose of studying the portrayal of gender roles that are changing rapidly in the modern society in relation to consumption, domestic work, and television. The author chose Cooking Network as the source of materials due to the diverse representation and content...

Youth Unemployment Rates in Canadian Society

The problem under investigation is the fact that “the unemployment rate among people in the 18-25 age group is higher than any other age group in Canadian society.” This issue proves that there is a necessity to consider some ways to make the discussed population work and improve their socioeconomic...

Abortions and Rights of a Fetus in the US

The issue of the price of human life has always been topical. For years, people have been trying to determine what its price is and who has the right to manage it. Numerous philosophers devoted their works to this very issue. However, having solved this question, humanity, though, did not...

Self-Fashioning in Society and Solitude by Keohane

Although Keohane does not directly discuss the relationship between education and work, the article provides a valuable perspective on the correlation. Education is personal and professional development while working is contributing to achieving a common goal because there is rarely work that is done entirely by one person alone. In...

Social Work Values and Ethics

Different professions have ethical guidelines that facilitate effective decision-making, but there are times when the professionals face ethical dilemmas. During these situations, it is imperative to embrace the decision that causes the least amount of harm on clients and the professionals. Ethical dilemmas concerning confidentiality must be approached in the...

The Great Wall of the United States for Immigrants

Introduction When the 1996 presidential candidate Pat Buchanan proposed a barrier along the Southern border, he met criticism and condemnation from various individuals, mainly in politics, economists and human rights groups. However, after the immigration surge of 1999-2001 and the 9/11 attacks, the idea of erecting a physical wall in...

Dismantling Institutional Racism: Effects and Possible Solutions

Institutional racism denotes a kind of racial discrimination demonstrated in the performance of political and social establishments (Phillips 2005:360). What are the effects and possible solutions for institutional racism? Institutional racism differs from individual racism, which signifies racial discrimination against one or more people (Gillborn 2006:98). Institutional racism has the...

Domestic Violence Problem and the Impact on the Children’s Psyche

The problem of domestic violence has always been an ongoing issue for a coherent society. The fact is that due to the disregard of this stigma and the lack of actions aimed at the reduction of its incidence, the problem became extremely sophisticated. In accordance with the relevant statistics, about...

US Racial Inequality, Legislation and Immigration

The Significance of De Jure Segregation, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Civil Rights Act Society today can be described as a mosaic of races with different people living together as one society. This situation is starkly different from what the society practiced many years ago when they were pure...

Domestic Violence and Victims’ Resistance

The modern society still suffers from several social problems that deteriorate the quality of peoples lives and result in the appearance of numerous health and psychological issues. Regarding the fact that a human being is a central value in the modern world, these stigmas should be eliminated. This domestic violence...

Structural Violence and Hurricane Matthew in Haiti

Paul Farmer’s chapter “Suffering and Structural Violence” explains the concept of structural violence and applies it to Haiti. According to Farmer, structural violence occurs when the political, economic, or social structure of the country facilitates the suffering of certain categories of people. Vulnerable communities are characterized by various axes of...

Acculturation and Immigration in the UK

Introduction: Acculturation as a Phenomenon. Definition, Examples and Expected Outcomes Immigration has always been associated with several negative issues, starting from the unemployment due to the influx of immigrant labor force to the possibility of cultural conflicts. The issue of immigration, however, is rarely considered from an immigrant. Acculturation is...

Lois Brown Responses to Uncle Tom’s Cabin

In the article, Brown’s thesis is that Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin did not fully address the needs of the African Americans, as well as the issue of slavery since in his endeavour to address slavery, the author dealt with racism instead. It is for this reason that most of the...

Slavery’s Impact on Contemporary Society

Introduction The history of slavery continues to have a significant influence on contemporary society in diverse ways. According to Crane (2013), societies are not blends of distinct people fashioning themselves anew from various generations. Rather, “a complex web of social connections and a long train of historical influences interact to...

Racial Bias in Criminal Justice Systems and Workplaces

Background of Racial Bias against African-Americans On 28 February 2016, renowned African-American comedian Chris Rock was the official host of the 88th Oscar Academy Awards. During his opening speech, Chris Rock delivered a monolog in which he sought to answer the often-asked question about whether Hollywood depicted racist elements. In...

Organ Transplantation and Felicific Calculus

Introduction Contemporary society faces numerous moral issues. Organ transplantation is one of those topics that attract much attention of both professionals and the representatives of the general public. Different parties argue whether this medical procedure is the best option that should turn into a common practice or immoral action that...

Parents’ Gender Roles and Children’s Aspirations

Introduction The article in question dwells upon the development of stereotypes in children and adolescents. Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014) state that parents inflict their implicit and explicit beliefs concerning gender roles on their children. Croft et al. (2014) utilize the social role theory as a theoretical framework for...

Child Labor, Its Forms, and Disputable Issues

Introduction Despite numerous attempts to eliminate remnants of the dark past and enter a new humanistic era, there are still numerous social stigmas that hamstring these efforts. It means that we still can observe such phenomena as slavery, discrimination, intolerance, poverty, etc. The disappointing effect that comes when facing these...

Ethics as Learned and Not Natural Behavior

Introduction Ethics is a very common topic nowadays, which encompasses knowing what is moral and immoral. There are no doubts that ethics are very essential in all aspects of life. Throughout the history of human kind, there are numerous theories and thoughts that have been developed to explain ethics and...

Racial Profiling: Trust, Ethics, Police Legitimacy

Introduction In contemporary societies, even such tolerant and multicultural as the Canadian one, racial profiling is a serious and urgent problem. Not only is it used to justify the illegal and anti-societal actions of some policemen, as it often happens in the United States, but it also has an impact...

Marijuana Social and Health Effects on Teenagers

Introduction Consumption of illegal drugs among teenagers or adolescents is a problem that has serious health and social concerns. Marijuana addiction has increased significantly in the US since the mid-2000s (Hasin et al. 602). Consuming marijuana during adolescent years may have serious consequences in adult life. Heavy use of marijuana...

The Concept of Privacy Rights

Introduction The present paper is devoted to the topic of privacy rights and its relationships with other concepts. In the US Constitution, there is no particular statement that would define privacy rights, but as suggested by Lim (2015), the right is “grounded in the very architecture of the Constitution” (p....

Domestic Violence Forms: Cases Analysis

Domestic abuse of family members, particularly children, adults, and the elderly, should be considered a form of deviant behavior to which researchers give different explanations: biological, psychological, and socio-cultural. The sociological reasoning for domestic violence implies taking into account socio-political, socio-economic, legal, psychological, and socio-cultural factors. In the cases described...

Behavioral and Ethical Concepts

Introduction The fundamentals of people’s behavior in society have always been of interest to sociologists and philosophers, and different approaches to the study of certain motives have been developed. Thus, as a comparative analysis, two teleological philosophies – egoism and utilitarianism, as well as two moral concepts – teleology and...

New Harbor Community Center

New Harbor is a vibrant, multicultural city that currently hosts a considerable number of immigrants who have come in search for employment and better living conditions. Like any diverse community, New Harbor has to deal with high crime rates, homelessness, and poverty that cannot help affecting both adults and their...

Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Poverty

Introduction In the early seventeenth century, European colonists in the US turned to Africa for slaves in an effort of getting a cheaper, more abundant source of labor when judged against indentured servants (mainly the more underprivileged Europeans). 1619 acted as the year when slavery increased across colonies in America...

Problem of Racism in the Modern World

Racism is a representation that innate biological characteristics of a person determine his or her behavior. This doctrine propagates a specific perception of the world in which individual’s personality does not perform as a determining factor while the fact of belonging to a particular racial group does. The purpose of...

Domestic Violence, Its Existing and New Solutions

Solutions to the Problem Currently, domestic violence is a problem that is researched and monitored by various agencies. According to McLaughlin, Banks, Bellamy, Robbins, and Thackray (2014), different social care establishments try to create a system for possible interventions. However, the authors note that these agencies often fail to document...

Living Conditions: Migrant Workers in Malaysia

Issue One of the current practices in Malaysia that are somewhat ethically dubious is the living conditions that migrant workers are subjected to. On average, Malaysian companies that bring in contracted workers place them in low-cost housing projects with up to 12 or 20 people within a single three-bedroom apartment...

Term Diaspora’ Concepts and Meanings

Introduction Although the term Diaspora applies to diverse transnational formations, there have been contentions regarding to its exact meaning. Sociologists, journalists, public, political scientists and anthropologists have applied the term differently depending on the circumstances of their perception and application. One view of the term diaspora means transnational groups that...

Human Trafficking in Florida Law

Human trafficking is an illegal activity that poses numerous risks to the well-being of vulnerable populations. Despite the significant allocation of resources, the issue cannot be resolved without the contribution of all involved parties. Healthcare providers are among the stakeholders that often encounter potential victims in a professional setting. The...

Computer-Mediated Interpersonal Communication

Communication is one of the people’s needs who are eager to share their knowledge and experiences with others. People have developed numerous channels of communication and the beginning of the 21st century is one of the most remarkable periods in this respect. Development of technology-enabled people to squeeze the world...

Transgender Issues in Cis- and Trans-Made Movies

When transgender and transsexual persons’ experience has finally started to present a point of interest to the audience that is willing – either sincerely or pursuing some personal interest – to understand them, the representation of trans community on the screen can be seen. However, what the mainstream broadcast mostly...

Police Brutality Toward African-American Males

Police Brutality toward African-American Males as the Contemporary Issue Violence among law reinforcement officers remains a topical issue nowadays; The African-American community is affected especially strongly; In 2015, 500 people were killed as a result of police brutality (Krieger, Chen, Waterman, Kiang, & Feldman, 2015); Therefore, immediate actions must be...

“Communication Mosaics” a Book by Julia Wood

Groupthink Concept As discussed by Julia Wood in the book, Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication, groupthink refers to a psychological phenomenon happening within a cluster of persons under which the aspiration for conventionality within this cluster results in a biased outcome in the decisions made. The...

Ethical-Legal Controversy in Decision-Making

Introduction Human behavior can be evaluated from the perspective of ethics, but in some cases, it may be difficult to define an action as moral or immoral. Frequently, ethical considerations and legal regulations enter into a collision and significantly challenge decision making. Such a controversy between ethics and law can...

Marijuana Use and Governmental Regulation in the US

Ethical Issue One of the most persistent public debates in modern times involves the use of marijuana. From the 1950s, a significant section of the population has felt that the use of marijuana should not be under government regulation. However, until now any unauthorized handling of marijuana in most parts...

Tobacco and E-Cigarettes Smoking: Negative Effects

Introduction Cigarette smoking is well known to have diverse health effects on humans. Some of the common illnesses associated with cigarette smoking include those that affect the lungs, liver and heart. The diseases include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, bronchitis and heart attack. This habit has also been associated with...

Women’s Movement in the United States

Introduction Women’s movement in the United States was divided into two waves. The first wave occurred in the 1840s and helped women to obtain the right to vote. In almost a century, the second wave arose in the early 1960s. After the Second World War, many women found themselves locked...

Patrick Finn’s Book “Literacy with an Attitude”

The problem of educating children from working or low-class families is actively discussed today. However, it is important to note that current debates were provoked by Patrick Finn’s book Literacy with an Attitude: Educating Working-Class Children in Their Own Self-Interest published in 1999. In his book, Finn discusses the complex...

Violence Against Women and Its Consequences

The article at hand successfully addresses the issue of domestic violence within the framework of the conservation model. The research is properly evidenced both theoretically and empirically. Myra Estrin Levine’s Conservation Model chosen for the analysis perfectly aligns with the purpose of the study providing the author with the necessary...

Cell Phones’ Adverse Impact on Social Interaction

Introduction All forms of technology are important to the day-to-day life of the 21st century. The gadgets that come from are made possible by modern technology and have simplified various aspects of life. Cell phones make up the bulk of technology in modern times. Cell phones have made interpersonal communication...

Problem of Homeless and Mass Incarceration in USA

Introduction Homelessness is the problem that influences the life of the whole society adversely. It especially is critical for the USA as almost half a million of citizens do not have their own houses or flats. They do not have the opportunities that the representatives of the general public have...

Communication: Passion and Creative Confidence

If we just want something, and it is hard to have it, at the first obstacle, we prefer to have something else we will never achieve anything in life. We have to want something a lot and work hard to have it. The determination is a great weapon. It takes...

Sexism and Gender: Culture and Conflict Reflection

Introduction The present statement is an example of gender-based discrimination and prejudice among women. Sexism and gender discrimination in America have a long and complicated history. Scott (2017) states that “Historically, women were underrepresented in the workplace, athletics and academics” (para. 3). Today, women have earned the right to work...

Diversity, Inclusion and Minorities

Introduction The current demographic trends in America have set new standards for greater diversity. Consequently, critical disturbing social changes have been cited as challenges ahead. The melting pot concept of America is now being replaced with the ‘mosaic society’ to reflect changes brought about by a diverse society in the...

Modern Slavery, Its Consequences and Countermeasures

Introduction Quite a lot of time has passed since slavery in any form of its manifestation was banned as a social phenomenon, and many people gained freedom. Nevertheless, despite the lack of legislative support, this remnant of the past is still encountered in the modern world, and this problem is...

Socialization Theories by Mead, Cooley, Piget

Introduction Socialization is a powerful process through which human beings learn the behaviors, cultural aspects, and ways associated with their respective societies. The complexity of the process explains why it is influenced by the surrounding environment, parents, relatives, strangers, and media outlets. It is agreeable that George Herbert Mead and...

Sociology: Cultural Object of Sexual Fantasy

The article, written by M. Newton-Francis and G. Young, scholars, specializing in sociology, examines the phenomenon of a Hooters Girl – the image of a sexualized woman used as a brand image by the Hooters restaurant franchise and established as a role model for the waitresses. The argument in the...

Domestic Violence in the Health Policy

Introduction Domestic violence is a crucial issue that has to be addressed in order to eradicate abuse and help the patients to overcome the issue of retained supremacy. It should be understood that such clinical problem requires a multidisciplinary approach that will help the nurses to contend with the premises...

Canada’s Commitment to Human Rights Principles

Human rights refer to those aspects that uphold the outmost virtues of humankind. Human rights have also been defined as the “highest moral rights because they regulate the fundamental structures and practices of political life, and in ordinary circumstances, they take priority over other moral, legal, and political claims” (Donnelly...

Swanscombe Community’s Homelessness and Urban Health

Introduction The paper at hand represents an urban health profile aimed at providing a rational and concise assessment of an urban health issue in the context of a particular community. In this paper, one will focus on the question of homelessness as one of the most critical problems in the...

Immigrant Generations in America

Define the 1.5 and second generation. What are their basic characteristics (countries of origin, economic status and so on)? How are they different, if at all, from the descendants of previous waves of immigration? There are a lot of people who are foreign born, but living in the United States...

Heroine Abuse and Its Effect on Families

Introduction The child with a substance abusive parent is almost always adversely affected and carries a greater chance to become addicted itself. Government data shows that since 1991, the number of children who have incarcerated parents has increased by 80% (Poehlmann & Eddy, 2013). In 2007 an estimated number of...

Gender Stereotypes’ Effects Career and Mental Health

There are various differences among the members of our society. A significant difference is the one that exists between men and women. This difference in biological in nature, and it is characterized by varying physical features in the two sexes. The society has traditionally used the biological differences to create...

The First Amendment’s Relevance

The First Amendment to the US Constitution is an important initiative that regulates not only the life of American society but also the functioning of state bodies (Stone et al. 21). According to this document, residents of the country have the right to confess any religion that they want, and...

Worker Exploitation in the Social Conflict Theory

The conflict theory suggests that the different social groups within the society are engaged in a constant struggle over the scarce resources and for dominance over each other. These struggles often take the form of wars, politics, negotiations, and many other forms of interest clashes. The major contributors to this...

Employment Precarity and Household Well-Being

Introduction The authors of Its More than Poverty focus on how the state of employment has changed over time (Lewchuk et al. 12). Apparently, employers prefer using contracts that do not work with allowances or any form of benefits besides the basic wages. From the report, employment insecurity has become...

Dream Act as an Institution of American Democracy

Introduction The United States of America is one of the world’s leading democracies. Since its independence in 1776, the country has made an effort to embrace democratic governance. However, it is important to note that several challenges have affected the ability of this country to be seen to embrace democracy....

Belgium and Senegal Dispute

Summary On June 20, 2012, the UN Court made a final decision in the case related to the obligation to prosecute or extradite (Belgium v. Senegal). The Court ruled that it has jurisdiction to review the dispute between Belgium and Senegal regarding the interpretation and application of Article 6, para....

Global Ethics and Ethical Compliances Promotion

Introduction On the home page of the website, a lot of information about its vision of global ethics can be found (Global Ethics). First of all, the representatives of the Institute for Global Ethics state that their mission is to promote ethical action. They are targeted at the global...

Immigration in American Culture

Introduction Immigration is one of the most controversial topics in American culture, mostly due to a host of political issues associated with it. Despite a significant amount of research done on the subject, the public perception of immigration remains polarized. While some U.S. residents believe that the phenomenon has severe...

Gender, Race and Sexuality Issues in Society

Gender difference is not biologically based, but instead it is a social construction because individuals are socialized to behave in a certain manner with specific roles to play. Women have never enjoyed their rights and freedom since time in memorial because of male patriarchy and oppression that society has always...

Animals Usage in Laboratory Research

Introduction Modern technology has allowed scientists to make a considerable step ahead in many spheres of medicine. While the results of the research suggest beneficial outcomes for the present and future of mankind, not all of the methods employed in such studies are humane enough. Apart from special equipment, scientists...

Regional-Level Challenges: California’s Homelessness

According to statistics, the app. 115,000 people living in California are homeless, 73,000 of whom are unsheltered, and have to sleep in the streets. The problem is pressing indeed since California is still one of the few states with increasing homelessness (which has risen by 3% in 2016). Despite the...

Society’s View About Ethics

Introduction Ethics and morality are notions that have been studied widely to influence human behaviours and relationships. The concepts have significant implications in different fields such as business, management, accounting, sociology and healthcare. The film “12 Years a Slave” is a work of art that explores the challenges and prejudice...

“The Myth of the Age of Entitlement” by James Cairn

Introduction The given paper reviews the book The Myth of the Age of Entitlement: Millennials, Austerity, and Hope by James Cairn. It impresses a reader by a usual perspective on the modern youth, or millennials, their lifestyle, opportunities, responsibilities, and problems. Unlike other authors, Cairn does not blame young people...

Domestic Violence by an Intimate Partner

Summary This study was aimed at examining the trends in attitudes about violence between intimate partners. In setting the foundation of the study, the authors hypothesized that if people across the world are affected by the diffusion of global norms, then the number of persons who think that violence between...

Should Marijuana Be Legal in United States?

Introduction The legalization of marijuana in the United States has caused a decidedly heated and divisive matter currently. Most Studies reported that around 60% of all Americans consider that marijuana should be legalized, and the remaining 40% considers that marijuana should be prohibited (Pierre 598). Marijuana contains minimum effects on...

Special Care Needs and Available Services

Introduction A significant percentage of our population is currently living under some special care due to their needs. The statistics are indeed a profound tragedy and a point of concern for the government and the society as a whole. Analysis of the care needs The care needs of disabled people...

Abortion: Reasons and Issues

Introduction The debate on abortion has taken a different shift in the recent times with many pro-choice members of the society claiming that it should be a right for every woman to determine whether to terminate a pregnancy or keep it. It is apparent that the extreme groups in this...

Equality Among African-Americans and the Law

Case (2012) affirms that Whites might not identify every aspect of white privilege, civilization, and power since they are members of the principal racial grouping. Through the enhancement of proficiencies to disrupt one’s racist views and perceive elusively racist conducts, they might progress to a greater evaluation of unidentified racism...

Domestic Violence and Public Awareness

Description of Topic and Research Questions Topic Description The topic I would like to research is domestic violence. Sadly, this issue is widely spread in families in our country and many other countries in the world. Various categories of people suffer from this kind of crime, and there are different...

Contemporary Slavery: Sex Trafficking

Introduction Sex trafficking is among the most lucrative trades around the globe, with thousands of people being victims of such unscrupulous activity. Sex trafficking entails the trading of unwilling persons, to perform sexual activities i.e. either locally or internationally1. The victims are often lured by certain promises such as lucrative...

Agonies of the Immigrants in Kiran Desai’s Novel

Written by Shah Jadhav and Phil Nirmal, the article, Agonies of the Immigrants in Kiran Desai’s ‘The Inheritance of Loss’, highlights the suffering and pain that people went through whilst being in foreign countries during the post-colonial period. The authors indicate that during this period, the majority of the postcolonial...

Affirmative Action and Common Good

Racial and ethnic discrimination is always related to the violation of civil and human rights. The term discrimination is used to refer to any action aimed at differentiation, exclusion, limitation, or preference based on racial, national, or ethnic characteristics. Discrimination involves humiliation or derogation of social acceptance, an unfulfillment of...

Effects of Cocaine, Tobacco and Marijuanas

History of cocaine Historically, cocaine was consumed in the form of coca leaves. For instance, the Inca used to chew them to stimulate their working capacity. Also, they were used in such drinks as Coca-Cola. Moreover, such influential individuals as Freud advised their usage for therapeutic purposes to treat depressive...

History of Slavery and Its Impacts

Introduction and Thesis The concept of slavery in the contemporary society has undergone a gradual transformation. Though previously thought to have been abolished in the early nineteenth century, slavery has found its routes and continues in the modern society affecting the majority population worldwide. Modern forms of slavery include forced...

The History of Slavery and Contemporary Society

Introduction Slavery is one of the most harmful concepts devised by humans. It strips people of their identity and uses them as property, rather than human beings. Throughout history, this practice took many forms. From the earliest recorded examples in Mesopotamia to modern examples of human trafficking and dictatorial rule....

Problem of the Alcohol Addiction in Modern Families

Introduction Over the recent past, the problem associated with alcohol abuse and addiction has increased. The increasing cases of alcoholism, also known as addiction, have led to a rising concern and a research on its challenges and remedies. It is important to note that alcoholism is a disease that requires...

History of Slavery and Its Impact on Contemporary Society

Nowadays, there are many opinions about the impact of slavery on people. Some people believe that slavery is something from the past and can never return. Still, some people think that slavery as it cannot be dead and continues influencing people in a variety of ways. Reece and O’Connell (2015)...

“Black Lives Matter Because America Tends to Forget”: Article Critique

Lives of all people matter to the society, but some people believe that they are treated differently. The attitude of white people towards African Americans is often questioned not only by the minorities but also by representatives of the general public. The issue of inequality starts to be discussed with...

Conflicts: Main Reasons and Resolution

Introduction Conflicts are one of the main aspects of human behavior. The human society is comprised of several individuals who appreciate various beliefs and have different points of view on the same issue. However, the ability to make a compromise and accept the existence of another point of view could...

Inequality in Wealth Distribution in the US

In the speech, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen talks about the inequality in income and wealth distribution in the United States. Before the Great Recession, the gap was relatively small. However, the losses that people incurred widened the gap. High rates of consumption widened the gap further and made the...

What Makes People Join Hate Groups?

Key Issues in the Article The key issue in this news article by Jayson (2017) is to investigate factors that drive people to hate groups and other extremists’ organizations. The United States is the leading economy in the world, and it scores favorable on various life indicators. However, racial discrimination...

Homeless and Mass Incarceration’s Connection in US

Introduction Today homelessness is considered to be a critical issue for the USA as almost half a million of citizens do not have their own houses or flats. They are in a constant search of subsidized homes, shelters, goods, clothes and food. These people have limited opportunities and are not...

Concept of the Responsibility in Society

Every day during all our life, we hear that we are to take responsibility for every action. But to bring something into life one should clearly define its profound meaning. Some views on responsibility in the society are too all-encompassing, so that it becomes hard to determine the correct behavior....

Dynamic vs Non-Moving Crisis Theory in Social Work

Introduction The postulates of the formal theory never change from the perspective of their relation to the world. In this way, regardless of a situation under consideration, the theory for explaining it is always the same. So, it is complicated to apply basic theory to a dynamically changing behavior and...

Human Trafficking and Unethical Business in the US

Abstract Human trafficking refers to the illegal smuggling of people into a country for forced labor and other forms of exploitation. This also involves falsely recruiting, transferring, harboring, and exploiting people in a foreign land without their consent or for activities they did not sign up to undertake. Victims of...

Human Services for Low-Income Elderly Immigrant

Introduction The subsequent hypothetical case study aims its attention towards the 79-year-old female. She has applied for help from the agency that provides case management for low-income seniors who live at home and for whom English is a second language because of her recent loss. Sara Anderson is a Caucasian...

The Africa Biofortified Sorghum Project

The Africa Biofortified Sorghum Project is aimed at resolving the problem of hunger and malnutrition. Also, food security contributes to poverty eradication and the support of economic well-being and development. Therefore, the more general aim of the project was to improve the quality of life in Africa and ensure its...

Gender Stereotyping among Children

Andrews and Ridenour (2006) assert that gender stereotyping in children is a common reality that superintendents and school principals cannot ignore. In particular, the authors argue that young learners who aspire to work as school administrators must be in a familiar learning environment whereby equality exists between both boys and...

Racial Discrimination at the Workplace

Racial discrimination has always been one of the most serious and common issues in the workplaces of the United States as well as all other multi-national countries. The concerns of this kind are not the most frequently found problems of the business organizations, but they still happen quite a lot....

The Number of African Americans in Baseball

Introduction The number of African Americans in baseball has remained quite small in the United States. The issue is social in nature since it affects people in the nation differently. A detailed study will reveal the major reasons why African Americans have not been involved in this sport. This paper...

Immigration and Social Prosperity of United States

Immigration is a socioeconomic as well as a political issue that has trigger attention on media platforms in the United States. Through these media platforms, immigrants are attracted to what they believe in an American dream. Whether the existence of the American dream is real or just a myth, immigrants...

Domestic Violence Intervention in Health Care

Type of Legislation Domestic violence is a concept that can be described as emotional, verbal, sexual or any other existing kind of abuse that may scare the victim or lead to a situation where one of the participating parties will be keen on retaining supremacy over another. This issue has...

Anti-Abortion Advocacy of Pro-Life Movement

Introduction The topic of abortions has been deemed controversial for many years. It is a discussion about legal, ethical, moral, and other complications. The researchers usually define two central claims that directly contradict each other. The first argument, which is discussed in this paper, supports the idea of abortions being...

Substance Abuse: Environmental Influences and Biology

Introduction Substance abuse is not a new problem the human society faces as drugs have been used for centuries. However, the scale of the problem is quite alarming these days. For instance, it was estimated in 2012 that almost 10% of the population (23.9 million teenagers and adults) used illicit...

Children’s and Families’ Well-Being Assessment

The assessment and intervention of child and family problems require social workers to implement a set of specific skills including ethical decision making, multicultural sensitivity, and profound professional competence to convey the necessary risk information to the clients and refer them to the helpful sources of support. The intervention plan...

Racism and Constructing Otherness in the US

The society that existed two or three centuries ago has evolved. Today more things divide people than in those days. As a result, there is more construction of otherness than pulling together as a community. Religion has now taken center stage in the construction of otherness. The first step in...

Transgender, Its History and Development

Introduction Transgender is not a new concept and people have discussed the issues associated with it since the 19th century. First, it is necessary to provide a definition of the term. Stryker (2009, p. 1) notes that transgender is “the movement across a socially imposed boundary away from an unchosen...

Suicide Causes, Awareness, and Prevention

A life is one of the most priceless gifts given to a person, and it seems to be unnatural and truly egoistic for people to commit suicide and leave the world without any clear and justified reason. Though suicide is not the first reason for human death, it is still...

Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence is one of the most complex, controversial, and latent issues typical of modern societies. National boundaries cannot be discussed as barriers to spreading the problem of domestic violence globally, and thousands of persons become victims of their partners’ violent actions annually (Dutton, 2011). Sociologists, culturologists, and anthropologists...

Quality Interviewing and Case Management in Social Work

The main purpose of case management is to promote the well-being of the client through communication, education, consultancy, and empowerment. It is important to recognize, however, that unlike similar services, quality interviewing aims at facilitating self-sufficiency in the client and reduces dependence on external sources. Thus, the ultimate goal of...

Islamophobia: Concept, Development, Outcomes

The issue of Islamophobia, as well as the term itself is relatively new, even though the phenomenon of exaggerated fear and prejudiced attitude towards Muslim people has been observed for centuries. Over the last couple of decades, Islamophobia has been aggravated by numerous clashes between the representatives of the Western...

History of Slavery and Its Impacts on Society

The history of slavery continues to have a significant influence on contemporary society in diverse ways. According to Crane (2013), societies are not blends of distinct people fashioning themselves anew from various generations. Rather, “a complex web of social connections and a long train of historical influences interact to form...

Islamophobia and Its Nature Across the World

The concept of Islamophobia has gained massive popularity over the last couple of decades. The clashes between cultures with different religious and ethnic backgrounds have been relevant for centuries. However, the modern globalizing world has facilitated a more active mutual integration of the cultures and resulted in local and global...

Marijuana Popularity, Its Causes and Consequences

Many people raise their voices claiming that they are forced to drink alcohol and become addicted as they are not allowed to use marijuana which is less addictive and has fewer negative health outcomes. The debate concerning the legalization of marijuana is still ongoing (Caulkins et al. 56). Moreover, it...

Group Polarization and Groupthink

Introduction The power of groups in facilitating various outcomes has attracted many scholarly debates in contemporary contexts. This power emanates from a multiplicity of dynamics and concepts that play a significant role in deciding whether groups will have a positive or negative influence on members (Suhay, 2015). The present paper...

Women’s Views on Long-Existing Gender Stereotypes

The US society is seen as an illustration of an egalitarian society where all people enjoy equal rights and have equal opportunities. Nonetheless, the power is still distributed unevenly between the genders. Women are still seen as creatures fit for child-rearing and keeping households. Men still think that women cannot...

Psychological Effects on Social Workers

A social worker is a professionally qualified personality who strives for the general well- being of individuals from all lifestyles. A social worker analyses the inherent causes of social problems like antisocial behavior, social inadequacies, unemployment, poverty, illness among others, and assist concerned individuals to overcome them. It is essential...

The Issue of Gun Violence and Prevention Measures

Introduction Gun violence has become a nation-wide issue that might affect any person regardless of their status or location. According to Malina, Morrissey, Campion, Hamel, and Drazen (2016), more than 33,000 fatal cases involving firearm use were reported in 2013. People throughout the country are highly concerned about possible outcomes...

Racial Gender Inequality in the United States

Introduction Human beings are said to be complex beings whose behaviors are influenced by many factors, among them the surrounding environment and their origins. Understanding how human beings behave is important as it helps in dealing and handling them under various circumstances. The study of how human beings behave, the...

Canadian Studies: Sexuality and Human Rights

The introduction of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982 was a watershed moment in Canadian history that made possible the transformation of the country into a world leader in the battle for the rights of LGBT community (Graupner and Tahmindjis 98). Canadian Studies integrate many stories, symbols...

Successful Struggle of Canadian LGBT Community

Over the years, the Canadian LGBT community has managed to achieve its ultimate goal: official recognition of their rights, including the right to legal marriage in 2005 (Gallagher par. 17). Their dedication, hard work, and commitment to the issue yielded results that nobody could even have dreamt of several decades...

Getting Involved in Advocacy Practice for Social Justice

Analyzing the main factors influencing the willingness of people to get involved in advocacy efforts is the key to figuring out how to boost the activity of the workers. Chapter 3 “Getting Involved” of “Advocacy Practice for Social Justice” provides an in-depth analysis of the valid literature resources exploring the...

Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King, Jr.

In 1842 Henry David Thoreau did not to pay his taxes. He did the same thing the following year. In 1846 he was arrested for failure to pay taxes. Thoreau decided not to pay his taxes in order to protest slavery (Dillman 1). It was an illegal arrest. The law...

Poverty in the “LaLee’s Kin” Documentary

Introduction Social issues are conditions that are undesirable to the human society. They are those factors that infringe on the dignity of the human race. For purposes of a dignified living, these problems must be corrected by the individuals and other stakeholders (Leon-Guerrero, 2015). Social problems include contemporary issues affecting...

Promotion and Gender: Scenario Analysis

The connection between Promotional Status and Gender In order to find out if the connection between promotion and gender exists, the assistant chief can design two hypotheses. The null hypothesis will tend to prove that these two dimensions are independent while the alternative hypothesis will be focused on the dependence...

Karl Marx’s Sociology and Its Principles

Abstract In this paper, the general description of Marx’s sociology is given. A review of literature that focuses on different aspects of Marx’s theory about society is provided. A comprehensive analysis of the literature sources is conducted, and the main purposes of these sources are identified. A general overview of...

Human Trafficking in the USA

Abstract Human trafficking is a major societal issue in the current global set up. Complications of labor and competition in businesses have ensured that human trafficking is one of the most widespread crimes in the world. According to some scholars, it is considered as a form of modern-day slavery given...

The Human Rights Act as a Protection Tool in the UK

Introduction Originally, the HRA (Human Rights Act) was introduced in the UK in 1998 as a means of implementing an internal judicial method of addressing human rights concerns (i.e. cases which cross into apparent violations of human rights) as outlined in the European Convention on Human Rights without having to...

Women’s Stereotypes of Gender Roles Distribution

Advancing the Scientific Knowledgebase Your study should advance the scientific knowledge base in your field by meeting one or more of these four criteria: The study should address something that is not known or has not been studied before. The study should be new or different from other studies in...

Issues of Illegal Immigrants in the US

Introduction The issue of immigration evokes a lot of emotions in the U.S. Currently, it is estimated that there are over 11 million illegal immigrants. In the U.S., there are industries that have benefited from the presence of illegal immigrants. This has led to the argument that immigrants benefit the...

Why Same-Sex Marriage Should Be a Norm?

The topic of the same-sex marriage has always been a controversial one. Furthermore, with the recent legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States the public has divided the views on this point into two opposite frameworks. While on the one end of the spectrum there are people who support...

Divisiveness and Mismatching in Anti-Racism

Introduction The year 2018 is promising to be a very politically active year in the USA. With the rising tensions among various strata in the American society and the ongoing campaign against police shootings and inequality, affirmative action is on the rise. Many people are willing to stand up for...

Sociological Theories and Methods Applied by Specialists in the Field of Sociology

Sociology studies social interactions and culture. It suggests solutions to existing issues, taking into account different theories and concepts. Sociology describes all social groups and international communities. The main goal of this paper is to discuss sociological theories and methods applied by specialists in this field. Sociological imagination is a...

The Immersion Project Value

The Immersion Project was an opportune moment for me to interact with several individuals from a different cultural group. After the project, I observed that every culture had its unique values, practices, and rituals. The targeted culture was the Hispanic population. The first observation about the culture was that its...

Global Environmental Changes: Population’ Growth

The global environment refers to the things that surround living organisms and their change causes an impact on them either negatively or positively. The components of the global environment include; water, air, soil, climate, plants, and animals. Living things greatly depend on this component of the environment in one way...

Vegetarian Diet and Animal Testing Theory

Is a vegetarian diet ethically preferable? Explain why or why not using ethical theories to support your position To answer the question whether a vegetarian diet is ethically preferable, one should consider a number of theories. It is vital to point out that different ethical teachings recognize various spheres of...

The Issues of Illegal Immigration in United States

Introduction The United States of America are mainly inhabited by immigrants. Several millions of people came here during the past centuries to build a better future. However, as the laws for aliens become stricter each decade, the American society does not seem very excited about the newcomers. Illegal immigration is...

Gender Stereotypes in Women’s Opinion Study

This study focuses on the opinions of women and their perspectives on the prevalence of gender stereotypes. The qualitative research will best fit the purpose of the study. The participants will explore their experiences and the way they affected the formation of gender-related stereotypes. The qualitative methodology is the most...

Drug Dependency and Behavioral Addictions

Introduction Drug addiction is a complex condition that includes a variety of aspects that create dependency in a person. Often such dependency may have highly negative consequences for both the person and their family. Non-drug addiction does not include dependency on a chemical from an outside source, but consequences of...

Conservation Model and Domestic Violence

Netto, Moura, Queiroz, Tyrrell, and Bravo (2014) provide credible information regarding women’s experiences of domestic violence in the context of the conservation model. The major strength of the study is the collection and analysis of personal views of the females about the issue. The researchers managed to obtain vivid examples...

Descendants of Slaves: African Americans

The psychological consequences of slavery for African Americans are discussed widely in society. In order to discuss the problem in detail with references to the statistical analysis, it is necessary to find the answer to the following research question: Do those African Americans who identify themselves as the descendants of...

Intercultural Competence: Theories and Concepts

Introduction Given the discursive implications of Globalization, there can be only a few doubts as to the fact that one’s ability to act as an effective cross-cultural communicator does positively relate to the measure of his or her existential competitiveness. Therefore, it is indeed fully justified, on the part of...