A 1400-word essay is a standard undergraduate college assignment. You might need to write an essay of such a length on almost any discipline: marketing, political science, philosophy, nursing, psychology, etc. While writing a paper of 1400 to 1500 words, you will need to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the topic and the ability to structure your thoughts well.
Introduction The question of human life value has always been actual. For centuries people have been trying to find a good and complete answer to it. An idea that life is a gift from some supernatural powers is very common, and that is why people have no right to make...
“The Potato Eaters” by Vincent Van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh was a renowned artist born in 1853 in Netherlands. He left a legacy of rich paintings that could be easily recognized and appreciated across generations. Since his father was a clergy, he grew up in a religious household. He learned...
United Parcel Service also known as UPS is one of the largest businesses of the United States. UPS functions globally and covers more than two hundred different countries. UPS is the largest package delivery corporation in the world. The key to the successful performance of UPS is its professional application...
Introduction to the Topic TV-related popular culture functions on the correlations between the customer appeal to popular shows and revenues of broadcasting networks and companies. The article ‘Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television’ focuses on the popular culture of sharing television files among peers through various online platforms...
Prospectus Anxiety is a common feeling and every person happens to experience it multiple times of the course of their life. Having anxiety is normal, but when this feeling is especially intense and frequent, it may create a negative impact on social and professional life of an individual; in this...
How Long Is a 1400 Word Essay Double Spaced?
An essay of 1400 words is approximately 5 pages double-spaced or 2,5 pages single-spaced. The most common format for all the major citation styles is 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is about 250 words per page. While APA 7, MLA 9, and Chicago also accept fonts like Arial and Calibri, TNR 12 ppt is still preferable.
How Many Paragraphs Is a 1400-Word Essay?
A 1400-word essay contains 14 to 28 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.
How to Structure a 1400-Word Essay?
A 1400-word essay is quite an extensive piece of academic writing. It is to be planned well. The three distinct parts of such a paper are: introduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should include a hook, background information, and a thesis statement. Each of the body paragraphs is to focus on one argument. The conclusion should summarize your arguments.
How Long Does a 1400-Word Essay Take?
It will take you about 28 to 56 minutes to type 1400 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 4 hours for 1400 words.
How Many References Are in a 1400 Word Essay?
The final number of references that you should include in an essay of 1400 to 1450 words will depend on the assignment’s genre and complexity. For instance, on middle-school level, you’ll have to add 9 references on average. A bachelor-level assignment of 1400 words will require 18 references, while a graduate-level paper should refer to at least 28 sources.
Introduction Gun violence has become a nation-wide issue that might affect any person regardless of their status or location. According to Malina, Morrissey, Campion, Hamel, and Drazen (2016), more than 33,000 fatal cases involving firearm use were reported in 2013. People throughout the country are highly concerned about possible outcomes...
Matshediso “Tshedi” Florence Mholo (born September 27, 1976) is one of those South African women who project confidence, strength, and genuine talent and find themselves in harmony with the multiple challenges the world poses. An outstanding Afro-pop singer, a mother, and a person of sagacity, she has earned the reputation...
Key Issues in the Article The key issue in this news article by Jayson (2017) is to investigate factors that drive people to hate groups and other extremists’ organizations. The United States is the leading economy in the world, and it scores favorable on various life indicators. However, racial discrimination...
Human rights are the rights belonging to every person notwithstanding race, sex, faith, ethnicity, or any other quality. The core concept of human rights suggests that everyone has equal possibilities. Arda (2003) remarks that people’s freedoms should be harmonious with the others’ rights and that these rights should not be...
Introduction The United States’ involvement in the Iraq war has been a matter of international attention for over the last one decade. The issue of the Iraq war has been revisited time over time in reference to the various issues it has led to globally. Recently, the war in Iraq...
The Transitional Care Model (TCM) is an intervention aimed at the reduction of risk for negative health outcomes among older adults that move between and across health care settings (Hirshman, Shaid, McCauley, Pauly, & Naylor, 2015). Evidence-based health care management approach, which lies at the core of the model, allows...
This research paper sample focuses on the reasons why teenagers rebel against parents. Get some inspiration with our teenage rebellion essay sample! Teenage Rebellion Essay Introduction Teen life is fraught with passionate development and significant changes. The child undergoes numerous psychological, cognitive, and physical transformations. The transformations have significant impacts...
Introduction If one is a regular visitor to the history section in a bookstore, it is hard to pass on Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond. Despite the fact that the book first came out in 1997, it still manages to maintain popularity and...
Close Reading Lehman and Robert (2013) discuss the concept of close reading by providing several strategies or steps that need to be kept in mind during the reading lesson. According to the authors, these steps allow students to develop new understandings of the text they read and analyze. The steps...
Introduction The tie between economic growth and the role of inflation has been of interest to the economist, especially now in the light of the global financial crunch. The emergence of new and rapidly growing economies has presented economists and other interested parties with the opportunity of analyzing economic phenomena,...
Introduction Capitalism is a means of production which is usually dominated by free competition and involves profit orientation and private ownership of business. This demonstrates an open market. It encourages individual operated firms rather than government operated ones. Capitalism has been common in the western countries since time immemorial, and...
Introduction This paper suggests an example of genre analysis, which can be considered as a tool for investigating genre systems and teaching discursive competence. Genre analysis is an example of metadiscourse. “…metadiscourse provides a link between texts and cultures” (Hyland 58). Genre analysis is important for writing instructions because it...
Introduction Shakhashiri B. Z., (1983, pp.213-215) defines a polymer as a substance composed of molecular particles branded by the numerous reappearance of one or more species of atoms or groups of atoms linked to each other in amounts appropriate to provide a set of properties that do not vary markedly...
Introduction The poem “A Rose that Grew from Concrete” by the rapper and poet Tupac Shakur, while short, contains a multitude of themes for interpretation. In it, Shakur describes rose that disregarded nature’s harsh laws and grew from a crack in the concrete, learning to survive put of the sheer...
Introduction Since ancient times, the Chinese people have had a special attitude to the written language as a normative and correct one. On the opposite, spoken language has always been much more prone to deviations and the appearance of non-normative elements. However, the development of the Internet has led to...
Introduction Divorce refers to the dissolution of a marriage as provided by family law. It is usually an upsetting event because it creates disappointment, and might evoke feelings of anger and guilt. Moreover, there are emotional, parental, and legal challenges that complicate the process. Divorce is a tough process because...
Introduction Brown vs. Board of Education is a remarkable case that took place in 1954 in Topeka, Kansas. The decision made in Brown was unprecedented since it was the first unanimous judgment against racial segregation of school children. The Supreme Court, therefore, marked that the separation was unconstitutional, even if...
Many people believe that United States experiences the worst drug problems, but there are nations with higher addiction rates, such as Russia. Some of these countries do not provide treatment for addicted individuals. As a result, a large number of citizens are left homeless and hopeless. In Russia, intravenous drug...
It goes without saying that the scientific method plays a highly essential role in the design and performance of experiments. In general, the scientific method may be defined as a series of specific processes that investigators may use in order to gather impartial, systematic, and well-founded knowledge and answer particular...
Introduction In most cases, the public is not very much informed when it comes to acquiring specialist services provided by professionals and as a result, they may be exposed to the risk of accessing substandard services because they cannot differentiate between a competent professional and an inept one. Professional regulation...
Introduction The issues of respecting civil rights and freedoms have always been essential problems for the United States. They represent an integral part of the policy of such a multinational state. One of the largest population groups in the country is African American citizens, and this group has been discriminated...
Introduction: The Identification and Significance of the Health Issues The sphere of contemporary medicine faces the problem obesity as a troublesome trend that proceeds to embrace the global citizens. The issue of overweight pertains to the so-called “American lifestyle”, which signifies fast food consummation as a payoff of the fleeting...
Introduction One of the main reasons for people to immigrate to the United States is to find out the possibilities to earn a living and create a better future. However, it is not always easy and safe to be an immigrant in this country. According to the American Immigration Council...
Can Walmart Break the Retail Code in India? Due to the fact that India is a growing economy, this state can become an essential destination for Walmart. India’s political environment is complex, with a large number of regulations obstructing large multinational companies from entering this market. Until recently, global retailers...
The Aim of the Experiment This paper presents an experiment that was conducted to determine the activity of reaction of period three elements with Oxygen, Chlorine the reactions of the third row Chlorides and Oxides. The main aim of this experiment was to determine the optimum pH level. Introduction List...
Company Introduction Saudi Aramco is a large international oil and gas corporation with a long history of business performance globally. The company is characterized by large volumes of production, partnership, global expansion, and investment in the continuous development of technologies that enable it to obtain a worldwide dominance and industry-specific...
Summary GBMC HealthCare System received the Baldrige National Quality Award in the healthcare sector for its superior service and achievements combined with success in the market. Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC) is located in Baltimore, Maryland, and provides high-quality care for patients since 1965 (GBMC, 2021). The facility’s campuses and...
Introduction In the hotel sector or the hospitality industry in general, the consumer is very crucial. The entire point of the business is to keep customers pleased. However, the margins are gradually shrinking; it is no longer enough to keep customers satisfied. As a hotel manager, one must create new...
Introduction The corporate governance structure is considered the company’s administrative structure, design, and overall management. The corporate management process involves several processes, which entail supervisory and market systems and the relationship between the company management and the company stakeholders (Chen, Zhang & Pifer, 2019). The company management structure aims to...
Digital technologies emerged globally and occupied every area of our life. The use of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and various innovations in the workplace is not a unique practice nowadays. Implementation of “big data” technology at the workplace is an oncoming trend that presents both positive and negative sides. The...
Introduction Technology in the modern world is an integral part of human life. Technological progress is developing rapidly and rapidly every day. It has played a significant role in the development of almost all industries, such as business, education, healthcare, banking, transport and entertainment, etc. From the scientific point of...
Social networks have an essential role for every person who uses them to keep in touch with friends and find new information for themselves, to learn about all the news from around the world. A few years ago, social networks were not that big yet, but today people can use...
The stop and frisk policy aroused debate in the US on whether the Fourth Amendment prevents it or not. The new amendment to the constitution gives protection from unreasonable frisks as well as confiscations (MacFarlane, 2018). Additionally, it states that a person has the right to consent to be searched...
Throughout centuries, artwork and the style involved in bringing the pieces to reality have differed greatly as artists continuously find different ways to portray their perceptions and emotions. One best example of such is the difference in centuries between the artworks Titian’s Pastoral Concert and Manet’s Le Dejeuner sur l’herbe...
Introduction Feeding Tampa Bay is a movement that seeks to put hunger to an end by uniting the community to create a healthier and more capable Tampa Bay. The organization is a necessary facility that works around the year and in times of crisis to ensure that the community and...
Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation known worldwide for its high-quality computers, smartphones, media players, tablets, and other accessories. Since its founding in 1976, the business has consistently ranked among the world’s biggest technology companies, among such powerhouses as Amazon, Facebook, and Google (Komalavalli & Laroiya, 2019). The company...
Staging plays to reinvent the ideas offered by various authors in their plays is one of the trickiest issues imaginable – not because these ideas are so hard to convey with the help of a certain visual medium, but mostly because setting a staged play based on a certain work...
Introduction This paper entails a critical analysis of some issues encountered in international business. The issues are based on some questions are illustrated herein. Questions Why are governments in today’s world liberalizing cross-border movement of goods, services, and resources? Governments have a responsibility to ensure that the diverse macroeconomic goals...
The literature in the Baroque period of the 1600s introduced many great and influential historical figures; one of them is Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Latin American colonial poet, writer, scholar, and a nun who was able to express knowledge of art and science, emotions, and the social protest...
The appraisal of evidence from different sources is a necessary part of the evidence-based healthcare delivery process. It improves the reliability and trustworthiness of the sources and serves as a valuable tool in the process of improvement of clinical practice. The following case study aims at gathering, appraising, and ranking...
Introduction The great paces of the evolution of the modern world pose a number of new challenges that society faces in its development. To be able to continue its growth, it should overcome these problems and find appropriate solutions and approaches. That is why the most important aspects of any...
Family Composition A family under the evaluation consists of three members: a mother, a father, and their son. This nuclear family is considered multinational as the 31-year-old mother is Chinese and 38-year-old father is American. Each of the family members performs a certain role. In particular, the father acts as...
Introduction Costco Wholesale Corporation, the company chosen for this task, can realize much importance of information management for its operations. Generally, Costco uses information management to execute its strategies and attain business objectives. Information management is designed to add value to the company directly or indirectly. Hence, the critical areas...
Introduction Leaders have characteristics that are expressed in their behaviour and their motivation when working. Just like managers, leaders take the role of dealing with daily activities at work, but they focus more of their efforts on managing the visions and missions of their firms. Thus, a leader focuses on...
Introduction Conflict can be defined as a process where one party observes that its welfare is negatively impacted by another. Handling conflict in the workstation consumes time but is an important task for health care leaders. Conflict may take place amid doctors and other members of staff, and amidst the...
Executive summary This is a business report on the advertising at Emirates Group. It entails the Group’s strategies and activities on passenger communication, visual services, and advertising. The report discusses the activities of advertising, which include, budgeting factors based on the ROI and accountability, Information, Communications, Entertainment (ICE), flight Passenger...
Medical institutions should implement powerful strategies and procedures that can ensure every targeted patient receives exemplary care. In order to support the sustainability of such procedures, hospitals should have competent nurses, physicians, and caregivers. Adequate staffing is therefore critical in such health institutions. Unfortunately, many healthcare organizations are grappling with...
Introduction The organization culture promoted in a specific healthcare institution dictates the behaviors, actions, and processes embraced by its nurses and caregivers. More often than not, conflicts occur and eventually affect the nature of healthcare delivery (Higazee, 2015). Such conflicts reduce the morale of the affected healthcare workers. The facility...
Good morning, could you tell please does your company need leaders and why does it need such people? Good morning, to begin with, I’d like to say that each company needs a leader as it helps the company to develop and grow. Considering our company, I want to say that...
Income Gaps The modern world is going through all kinds of crises these days. This sad statistic can be observed in Europe and in Asia. Unfortunately, the United States of America is not an exception either. The waves of financial crisis and the growing rate of unemployment keep hitting our...
Domestic violence is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for the development of children that grow up in such environments. The issue of domestic violence and its effect on children is one of the more prevalent topics in social sciences, but the need for additional research is clear....
Introduction The recent social and political trends have resulted in governments seeking to increase the transparency of their actions and services. The wide availability and capabilities of information and communication technologies are seen as an efficient method to promote such openness. Furthermore, it is a cost-effective and beneficial mechanism to...
Introduction Goodfellas is an iconic crime drama film released in 1990. It was directed by Martin Scorsese, also written by him and Nicholas Pileggi. The film achieved unarguable financial and critical success, as it was deemed culturally impactful, and preserved among other classics in the National Film Registry by the...
Blue ocean strategy underscores a policy that challenges organizations to distance themselves from the aggressive competition through the establishment of unexplored markets that make extant rivalry inappropriate. One of the rationales behind Kim and Mauborgne (2004) using the colors blue and red is to portray different markets illustratively. In the...
Introduction Cinematography is a primarily visual form of art, so it is only natural that the viewer concentrates on what is visible on the screen. As Gunning suggests in his essay, the invisible in films is often neglected: it is not seen as a valuable element worth attention and exploration....
Introduction Carillion plc was a large construction company in the United Kingdom that conducted activities in various locations around the world. Throughout the early 2010s, it grew via a series of acquisitions and public projects. However, concern over impairment losses emerged in 2016, which the company initially dismissed. Auditors that...
The articles under analysis discuss the question of emotional intelligence and its impact on leadership skills and strategies. The regulation of emotions in work situations is a complex process that uses an ancient neurochemical technology tuned by modern socialization and learning processes. These capacities are then applied in rapidly changing...
The process of learning has generally been understood as the process through which individuals go in acquiring their knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, beliefs, emotions and senses. The process requires the existence of certain knowledge and skills to develop them in the course of studies and ensures this development. The success...
War is an upheaval that arises as a result of a misunderstanding among two or more groups of people which can be within a nation, or among states. There are many types of war. One of the examples is conventional warfare and this is where soldiers fight physically with their...
According to Friedan & Anna (2001), gender refers to the character traits that are seen to be creating the distinction between a male and a female. The most discriminating traits under its disparity include the sexual dimensions as well as the social roles and the gender identity of an individual....
Contemporary societies have been transformed by the sweeping phenomenon of technological advancement and globalization among a host of others. The progress that has been registered especially in information technology has tremendously changed the way things are getting done nowadays. From a business perspective, the buzzword is e-commerce where businesses enhance...
Introduction The identified Critique Paper gives a detailed analysis of Hantaviruses and how they can cause Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome in human beings. The writer has succeeded in identifying some key observations that can guide scientists, medical experts, and researchers to learn more about this...
The idea of the categorical imperative formulated by Immanuel Kant is based on four specific principles, and the principle of ends is one of them, in addition to the principle of universalizability, the principle of humanity, and the principle of autonomy. The purpose of this paper is to explain how...
The United States and the United Kingdom are among the most powerful and successful democracies in the world. The structure of the government of both states was formed centuries ago and has not changed much since then. The founding fathers of the United States could not completely reject the influence...
Introduction Life has many turning moments that make people realize that there are on the wrong path, and that allows them to change their lives for the better. “Hills Like White Elephants” written by E. Hemingway and “The Story of an Hour” by K. Chopin both tell stories of such...
Introduction Human beings are social and rely on interpersonal communication to share information, ideas, secrets, and goals in life. Different models have emerged that try to describe how such interactions take place. Social exchange theory is one of them and it explains or predicts the right time when someone who...
The ways of how a person’s psychological state and attitudes to everyday situations change in response to traumatic experiences, such as war or violence, have been an inspirational topic for multiple generations of writers. “Soldier’s Home,” a short story by Ernest Hemingway, is an excellent example of works that reflect...
The beginning of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 outbreak changed the lives of people around the world. The role of healthcare as a field became more significant since the solution to this global problem was deemed to be connected to the initiatives intended to reduce the rate of infection...
The concepts of law and morality have often been used interchangeably. They all reflect goodness and badness of certain deeds, and are seen as a means to justice – it being the desirable state of society. However, they are different in several key aspects, and what is moral and right...
The Reconstruction period in the United States of America is known for the establishment of novel legislation and laws. Mississippi Black Codes became the first regulatory document designed for African Americans that, even though it formed certain rules for the population, mostly prohibited various constitutional rights. The Codes were primarily...
Introduction Freedom is considered to be the principle concept in the democratic functioning society; the rights of free expression through the media are reflected in major aspects of social, economical and political life, as well as the system of justice. The role of media in the courtroom is merely determined...
The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald is considered one of the cult books of the 20th century. The protagonist, Jay Gatsby, was the forerunner of an entire literary dynasty of rich personalities with a mysterious past. The novel, which draws the reader into the atmosphere of a continuous holiday,...
Introduction The year 2009 was marked by the resonant case of the investment advisor Bernie Madoff who admitted to committing eleven federal crimes and received a 150-year prison sentence. The convict ran the biggest fraudulent scheme in the history of the United States known under the name of the Ponzi...
Introduction The rate of adolescent pregnancy is currently on the increase. According to recent research, approximately half of the people in the universe are below twenty-five years old. Therefore, their decisions about childbearing are crucial for the future population. Even though many people become sexually active at teenage, they do...
Introduction With the development of humanity, the problems of gender interaction in society have become less acute compared to the situation in past eras. Nevertheless, despite the success of the struggle for equality and established moral values, the issue of gender-based violence continues to exist. Women, in this case, are...
Introduction Nowadays, the organization and the building process of smart cities, in which all the scientific achievements would be implemented, is the topic of multiple discussions. These ideas are widely transmitted in movies, cartoons, and books. Scientists tend to make daring predictions about the lifestyle in the future when an...
Introduction Air pollution is a critical public health threat and one of the most significant environmental problems in urban centers. Kinney explains that New York City is among the most polluted areas in the United States (176). Odach states that environmental experts have ranked it sixteenth compared to other cities...
Introduction The concept of kalokagathia was highly important to Ancient Greek society. It went beyond the traditional aspects of beauty and status that is seen in modern-day society, it was a holistic philosophy. The word encapsulates an individual that is both utmost beauty and absolute goodness. It was an ideal...
East Brother Light Station East Brother Light Station is not a typical lighthouse by any standard. The lighthouse is a rectangular, buff-colored, wooden construction with white trim. It is not particularly high and faces a bay rather than an ocean. Nonetheless, in the 19th century and early 20th centuries, East...
Introduction Issues of clinical relevance are often not narrowly focused but instead seek to explore a set of practical measures that can make the patient’s experience better. Including one such pressing issue is the prevention of bedsores for inpatients who cannot perform physical activity. It is widely known that bedsores...
Introduction The 19th century was one of territorial expansion for the United States. Starting with the Louisiana Purchase and continuing with the acquisition of new territories all the way up to the Pacific coast, the United States acquired new lands under the slogans of Manifest Destiny. Yet even in this...
Introduction One of the most important aspects when conducting the treatment of patients with kidney substitution therapy is the quality of their life. This problem remains the most acute because this group of patients feels constant dependence of their health and life on the factors they have little control of....
Introduction Pollution of the Earth in recent years has become a problem that worries environmental activists and the states. Pollution of the oceans, depletion of the ozone layer, and air quality in large cities adversely affect the health of people and animals. Although the states are concerned about the impending...
Introduction Researchers have applied different methods to gather data and analyze their results to develop viable interpretations. The research method selected is determined by the purpose and complexity of the research problem. When the sample is considerably large, the method chosen should facilitate fast, convenient, and accurate solutions (Atmowardoyo, 2018)....
India has a caste social structure that divides them into Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and the Shudras. The caste system is derived from Manusmriti, the most regarded and esteemed book in Indian law and Hinduism. The Brahmins are the highest regarded social class, including preachers and teachers, followed by Kshatriyas of...
Racial prejudice is an ugly truth in white societies propagated by perpetrators’ years of ignorance, indifference, or malicious intent. The United States, while serving as a bastion of peace and equality, exhibits racism in many facets of its society. Past writings on the issue have been predicated on the existence...
Introduction Integration of commercial drones in various industries has a significant potential to positively impact such industries. These drones are deployed to conduct inspections that improve industry operations, including increasing precision, driving efficiency, and providing safer workforce options. In 2021, the global drone inspection and monitoring market recorded $7.47 billion....
Introduction Volunteerism is vital for a society to maintain good connections as humanity adopts globalization trends. Simultaneously, encouraging the participation of all possible volunteers in the long term to build a sustainable community. Studies indicate that the global number of volunteers is increasing, making volunteering an increasingly popular cultural practice...
Introduction The shakers involved a small group of protestant religious denominations founded in England in the mid-1700s. It was a dissident cluster of friends in society. It was derived from the word shaking Quakers because their assemblies included dancing and singing. A confident woman called Ann Lee, who was believed...
Introduction Over the years, dogs have been a significant part of human beings offering the necessary company at home. The relationship has grown, and in the current world majority of pet owners have adopted the tendency of having the canines join them, especially when traveling in their cars. Following the...
Quotes and analysis The story called “Lieutenant Gustl” was written by Arthur Schnitzler in 1901. This work was created in a form of an inner monologue of a young military officer, the development of the story happens over a short period of time – basically, one evening, when Lieutenant Gustl...
Introduction There is ample evidence pointing to the fact that different ways of organizing and providing health care vary in their impact on patient outcomes across a wide range of measures. Even though these outcomes depend on provider groups, they are, nonetheless, sensitive to nursing interventions (Finkelman, 2012). Numerous case-control...
Introduction A crucial part of the successful production of livestock is making certain that there is adequate grass to cater for hay and pasture needs (Briske et al. 2015). Nevertheless, limited soil nutrients restrain the production of forage. However, with proper management and proper application of fertilizer, the output of...
Business success and a high level of organizational performance are usually typical of the companies with a healthy internal environment and a harmonious organizational culture. At the same time, an unhealthy internal climate can lead to a variety of problems that are likely to spread to multiple levels and produce...
Introduction In the contemporary world of rapidly developing technologies, science and medicine advance quickly powered by technological innovations expanding the potential of contemporary healthcare employees and facilities. However, alongside the evolving technologies, the threats they bring about development and growth as well. In particular, one of the most widely known...
The problem of a victimless crime has been labeled as controversial due to the different opinions surrounding this issue. In this paper, the definition of the victimless crime, as well as my position on the crime, will be presented and discussed. Victimless Crime: Definition and Limitations A crime can be...
Introduction Language can be viewed as a means of domination, meant to consolidate the relationship in the system of organized political and social power. It means that the language is ideologized in its nature. Moreover, the less explicit the relationships between different parts of a political-social system are, the more...
Introduction to Selected Topic One of the Healthy People 2020 leading health indicators (LHIs) is access to health services. The nature of medical services available to a given individual will dictate his or her quality of life. Although the government spends a lot of money to support the health needs...
Forms of Transformation Processes used by Companies and Their Relation to the Facility Layout Selecting the most appropriate transformation process and facility layout is one of the keys towards achieving success in the company’s performance. In general, there are many forms of transformation processes, and each has particular facility layout....
Introduction Neanderthals, crude tools, and problems associated with the socio-economic limitations of the ancient world are things of the past because of the breakthrough in technology. After inventing the wheel and after the discovery of techniques related to agriculture and animal domestication, ancient people pursued one innovation after another. Human...
The suggestion that “close reading is something we should teach students to do, rather than something we just do to them” (p. 17), contained at the very beginning of the 2013 book Falling in love with close reading by Christopher Lehman and Kate Roberts, appears highly reflective of the main...
Introduction There are several events that redefined the future of the United States from 1400 to 1865. One of them was the Civil War that took place during the early 1860s. Many scholars acknowledge that this upheaval was catalyzed by the burning issue of slavery. The war was between the...
Introduction The world of business is continuously improving, and organisations, as well as their leaders and managers, must work hard to succeed. Nowadays, there are many tactics to control people and information. Impression management is one of such processes, the essence of which is to influence human observations and opinions...
Critical Reflection Introduction The social economy develops as a response to societal issues that cannot be addressed through traditional businesses and approaches. This paper reflects on the purpose of social enterprises, more specifically focusing on co-operatives and mutuals and their validity and capability to generate profits for the owners. The...
Introduction In view of the John F. Kennedy assassination which could still evoke debate and un-resolved discussion, it is important to stick to facts and reality which could be at best presented in the form of actual footage, coverage, and narration of witnesses to the event. While various interpretations and...
Introduction Psychology refers to childhood as the time between birth and puberty, just before the human being enters adolescence (Gowers, 2005). However for sociologists, childhood is considered as the period after infancy, wherein the human being begins to actively participate in his or her immediate social environment and make conscious...
Ideas and thoughts can be communicated by different means other than spoken words. Thus, nonverbal communication may be defined as a method of communication, which consists of “messages other than words” which are usually used in verbal or oral communication. The importance of nonverbal communication arises due to its pre-positioned...
My understanding of the nature and mission of the church in the light of God’s call and purpose is that the church is dependent on and defined by how well it relates with God. Since God is a mystery but and known to us, the church should therefore be never...
Christian Perspective of Spirituality and Ethics in Contrast to Postmodern Relativism There are many different views on spirituality and ethics discussed in the context of health care, but now it is important to contrast the perspectives of Christianity and postmodern relativism regarding these concepts. People’s spirituality is expressed with reference...
Introduction Cognitive psychology plays a vital role in people’s everyday life. It is clear that people’s mental processes occur based on thorough thinking or decision-making, and cognitive functions are behind these processes. Nowadays, psychologists and researchers pay special attention to the language processing that conditions why people choose this or...
The gradual technological advances continue to modify the way people do their business, have rest, and interact with others. For instance, the development of a tiny integrated circuit (SoC) made way for modern smartphones that became relatively compact and affordable daily assistants for their users. In 2018, 96% of Americans...
In the health care settings of the United States, medication errors are one of the most frequent errors that occur. The Institute of Medicine reports that more than 1.5 million people are harmed every year. According to this report, on average, one patient will suffer one administration error each day....
Introduction Cancer refers to any disease that is characterized by abnormal cell growth and the potential to spread to different body organs and tissues (Eyre, Lange, & Morris, 2002). Common signs and symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes, inexplicable weight loss, tumors, persistent headaches, frequent infections, chronic pain in different body...
Introduction The case study concerns Juan, a 59-year-old commercial pilot who has come to visit a clinician at the urging of his son. He lives alone, having divorced his wife and had his children move away. He engages in extensive daily drinking of both beer and hard alcohol, which he...
Introduction The novel, The Marrow Thieves, was authored by Cherie Dimaline and published by Cormorant Books Incorporated on April 15th, 2017. The story focuses on a bleak future in Canada in which most people are no longer able to dream, and indigenous romantics have to escape their routine. The antagonist,...
Karl Marx is a famous philosopher known for a variety of economic works discussed and applied today. The most outstanding work is devoted to discussing capitalism and its components. Cooperating with Friedrich Engels, Marx created a small political group which is known as the Communist Correspondence Committee (Lebowitz 2020). Among...
Stock-stories are prevalent group stories, passed down through historiographic documents and commemorated through rituals, law, art forms, schooling, and mainstream press. They describe race issues in ways that defend the status quo and validate the white majority racial firm’s point of view. On the other hand, counter-stories in under-represented communities...
Introduction Change is a condition that must be adopted with time since moments, generations, and processes get altered. A change can be positive or negative depending on the person or group in charge of change institutionalization. One way society can bring change is by activism, which means actions to sensitize...
Introduction A theme of AI-human relationships takes an important place in science fiction literature, movies, and video games, but it is not limited by them. In fact, AI could significantly affect the real-life future of humanity on multiple levels, especially in social and economic spheres. Moreover, this influence is already...
Introduction Techfite is a medical technology company based in Houston, Texas, near the Johnson Space Center. The organization partners with NASA to produce medical devices specifically for the space program. Currently, the company seeks to collaborate with international agencies, which implies the need to process, store and transfer more data....
Modern technology companies offer users a variety of innovative products. Among them are also hardware and software, which together ensure the operation of devices. Major technology corporations, including Microsoft, Apple, and Google, also develop operating systems for both desktop and mobile devices. Currently, iOS and Android are the main products...
Introduction The Issei, Nisei, and Sansei experienced many hardships in identity formation as being connected with two cultures: Japanese and American. One of the most popular resources reflecting the culture and problems the Japanese experienced is the Nisei Daughter memoirs. Using the biographical format, Kazuko Monica Itoi describes her own...
Introduction and Identification of Key Economic Issues and Concepts Consumer behavior is a multidimensional phenomenon that proficiently influences business competence and productivity within a marketplace. In the research by Gokhale et al. (2021), the researchers focus on assessing significant factors that influence the purchasing decision among the clientele of luxurious...
Introduction Today, there are numerous social problems experienced in society. One of the social problems people experience is the high poverty rate among seniors age 65 and over. Currently, there are still millions of elderly who are living below the poverty line (Karger & Stoesz, 2018). To solve this problem,...
Introduction The United States has the highest corn consumption in the world today. Although a bigger portion of corn is used for biofuels and animal feeds, research indicates that an average American consumes around 1500 pounds of corn annually (Pendarvis and Crawley 180). Due to its rapid growth and low...
An ERP system can help people simplify the whole company and centralize all data, allowing for more accurate analytics and a more productive, collaborative, and data-driven workplace environment. Individuals from various develop common meanings through intercultural communication that is a representational, interpretative, transactional, and contextual activity. From the perspective of...
Introduction One of the most devastating diseases of our time, Parkinson’s disease, is a pressing issue for healthcare providers worldwide. It is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects the ability to control movement (Carranza et al., 2013). The main cause is the extinction of dopamine-producing cells of the brain, which...
Introduction The book Children of the New World by Djebar is an insightful source of information regarding the social position of women in Algeria. Importantly, the impact of female activism on the setting in the country has been unrecognized and underappreciated. The book exhibits the efforts and sacrifices made by...
Introduction The core of the entire marketing philosophy is consumer behavior. In-depth consumer information is required for effective marketing operations and is the foundation for identifying the target market of complex marketing development. Understanding the reasons for potential customers and the capacity to professionally analyze consumers’ decision-making process to acquire...
Introduction At first glance, it might seem that the two concepts – the anarchist squint and the sociological imagination – have almost nothing in common. Although both concepts promise to drive humanity to a better future if implemented by people, there is a distinct difference in the main ideas: where...
Introduction The Roman Empire was formed in the 1st century by Emperor Augustus, and it enjoyed a brief period of economic and political prosperity before experiencing a decline that led to its eventual demise. The third-century crisis is considered by many historians to be a decisive period in the history...
Racism is a severe disease of society, which leads to unpredictable consequences. Although this disease is rather psychological and emerges in people’s minds, many social, economic, and even political factors contribute to its emergence. This paper examines the problem of racism, describes its causes and impact on society. Besides, the...
Environment in Nursing Metaparadigm: Introduction Nursing is a unique occupation that is extremely important for our society. It is focused on providing help to people in need to guarantee their recovery and significant improvement of the quality of life. However, not everyone could become a nurse as it presupposes specific...
Introduction Domestic violence is a complicated issue to which people do not always pay adequate attention. However, the feminist movement has revealed and explained several important aspects of this problem. They are profoundly discussed in the book called Feminism is for Everybody that presents hooks’ theory (Hooks 61). The main...
The issue of Islamophobia, as well as the term itself is relatively new, even though the phenomenon of exaggerated fear and prejudiced attitude towards Muslim people has been observed for centuries. Over the last couple of decades, Islamophobia has been aggravated by numerous clashes between the representatives of the Western...
Introduction It is necessary to mention that the influence of the capitalist market economy on impoverished working people is the topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years. Karl Marx and Adam Smith are two prominent figures whose works are praised and commonly studied. A contrast between...
Introduction Military organs play a pivotal role in maintaining social, economic, and political order in a given society. In the course of executing its functions, the military employs theoretical frameworks to facilitate the systematic and logical treatment of diverse groups. As such, the integration of macro and micro-sociological theories highlights...
Nowadays, it represents a commonplace practice to refer to the policy of apartheid in South Africa, as having been innately racist – something that serves as the best indication of this policy’s sheer inappropriateness. The main assumption behind such a point of view is that the policy’s practical implementation used...
Introduction In the article by Boonstra, Versluis, and Vos (2014), the focus was to determine the current issues in the implementation of electronic health records (EHR) in hospitals. In the past, hospitals relied on physical files to store patients’ data. Using this traditional method, it was time consuming and tedious...
Abstract The USA is a country that is currently a home for people of different nations. They have their own unique view, values, and beliefs. It is critical to provide patient-centered care for nursing professionals who are patient advocates. In this framework, they are also expected to reveal their cultural...
Introduction Globally, healthcare systems are under immense pressure to augment efficacy, manage cost, account for and document approaches adopted and validate the effectiveness of used methods. Furthermore, awareness among patients on care and medication has massively increased and, therefore, high expectations from care models are apparent. Moreover, nurses and health...
Abstract This research study offers a detailed description of various focus groups that were carried out among employers. The study was conducted in the Midwestern state using 10 different communities that were made up of 10 focus groups. To obtain a fair representation in the research study, all the segments...
Summary of data for division A and B Division Type of unit bought Market price per unit Units bought from Division C Units bought from an external source Total number of units Transfer price A 101 $900 3000 1500 4500 $1,000 B 201 $1900 1000 500 1500 $2,000 The table...
It was a chilly weekend winter morning in 2003, and for some reason, I chose to deviate from my routine of a kid on Saturday morning to watch cartoons and instead went outside to play. It was an urban neighborhood that my family lived in at the time, and there...
In the book, The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade, Pietra Rivoli endeavors to simplify the intricacies surrounding international trade by focusing on a single product, a t-shirt. This narrowing of an otherwise broad topic allows the...