Future of Nursing: the Institute of Medicine Report

Introduction The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing in cooperation with the Institute of Medicine has implemented extensive research that revealed challenges as well as opportunities of the future of nursing. The report provided contains valuable insights on the matter. According to this report, key...

Sea Dumping: Legal and Ethical Issues

The issue regarding the pollution of the environment seems to be significantly important to solve; otherwise, the society will be in a threat. The unlimited human activity has already influenced the surrounding. The negative impact resulted in climate change. One of the most dangerous factors that contribute to the problem...

Hispanic as a Vulnerable Population in the US

Introduction Vulnerable populations encompass racial and ethnic minorities, economically disadvantaged, homeless, the elderly, those with HIV, as well as those with other chronic health conditions such as severe mental illnesses (“Vulnerable populations,” 2006). In addition, individuals in remote areas who encounter barriers while accessing healthcare services are part of vulnerable...

St. Patrick’s Nursing Home: the Recruitment of People

It is important to consider some factors when making plans for the recruitment of people to work at St. Patrick’s Nursing Home in order achieve the good results. According to Nazarko (2002, p. 112), the process of recruiting employees can be very complex at times. There are some factors that...

Anemia, Cardiomyopathy, and Congestive Heart Failure

Everyone looks forward to good health in life. However, it is important to note that one must also be able to manage his or her health status. There are very many serious health conditions. Anemia is one of the most serious diseases. The paper would cover the condition on Ms....

The Gay Human Rights: Harvey Milk Contributions

Abstract It is a struggle to achieve comprehensive gay human rights in any society. In this context, gay human rights have attracted conflicts over the years. The struggle for gay rights is traceable since 1924 and has since gained momentum due to increased public awareness and debate. This research paper...

“Our Town” a Play by Thornton Wilder

In his theatrical masterpiece, Our Town, Thornton Wilder dramatically focuses on three essential stages of human life, namely birth, marriage, and death. The first part of the play describes the daily lives of human people in a family or a community. The second act highlights the importance of relationships/companionship among...

The Lehman Bank: Irregularities and Cybercrimes

Henry Lehman had until recently been the head of one of the world’s largest and most successful investment bank. Now he was on the verge of bankruptcy and facing a damning criminal trial. He blamed his misfortune on two people in particular. A former employee of his bank named Paul...

Is Death Penalty Adequate?

The death penalty has always been a question of discussion. In my opinion, the death penalty is inadequate, as it leads to the punishment of not guilty people, feeling of insecurity, negative attitudes in the society, high volume of stress, cruelty of the execution process, and violation of ethical principles....

Delta Airlines Company’s Change Diagnosing

Company’s background Delta Airlines Inc. is one of the oldest operating airlines in America. The corporation’s history indicates that it was established in the year 1924 in Macon, Georgia (Jones, 2013). Currently, the company is one of the fastest growing global airlines. Recent data indicate that the airline is a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence – Psychology

Evaluating the intelligence rates in young children is crucial to the understanding of their needs, the assessment of the problems that children at the specified age may have, and locating any possible issues in their development (Jasinski, 2012). Therefore, applying an appropriate tool for measuring children’s intelligence is crucial to...

Banner Healthcare Strategic Planning

Strategic planning to enable Banner Healthcare to serve citizens in the next decade Banner Healthcare is a health care facility in the United States of America. It is located in Phoenix, Arizona and operates over 25 hospitals across the country. It also operates several specialized facilities in the U.S. Banner...

Anemia and Cardiopyopathy Cases

Identifying the Type of Anemia Anemia comes in several key types depending on the speed of red blood cells production, the rates of hemoglobin, and the related factors. According to the existing nomenclature, there are thalassaemia, sickle cell anemia, pernicious anaemia, Fanconi anaemia, iron deficiency anaemia, aplastic anaemia, and haemolytic...

Moral Beliefs vs. Sympathies

We are all people who live in a society that has its particular rules and norms. Generally, we follow them to act decently and be accepted. No one questions the principles he/she was taught starting with the early childhood. Our parents claimed that this is right, and that is bad,...

Article of Confederation and the New Constitution

Introduction Even though the conservatives in historic America believed in the culture of a centralized system of governance, federalists and their associated allies believed in a system of effective citizen representation in all decision-making levels of governance. After a series of debates, arguments, and counter-arguments, the United States of America...

Using New Technology in Nursing Practice

In the 21st century, the nursing practice is characterized by the more complex character in comparison with the situation observed several decades ago. From this point, today the role of nursing practice in the society is changed with references to the new nurses’ functions and expanded nurses’ duties. In spite...

Prison Population and Healthcare Models in the USA

Introduction In essence, vulnerable populations are viewed and identified on three critical bases. Firstly, it can be used to refer to people whose options in life are overtly few due to the conditions in which the find themselves. Understandably, these conditions might be either natural or artificially encountered. Secondly, they...

Illegal Immigration as a Threat to Hosts and Immigrants

The pursuit of a better life has led to people using all means possible to migrate to developed countries. People hold the perception that developed countries offer numerous opportunities that might help them to improve their living standards. A majority of the developed countries do not accommodate immigrants (Liu 2549)....

Poor Body Image Among Young Women

Body image issues have emerged as an important problem facing many women all over the world. Swami and Joanne-Marie document that women’s anxiety about their appearance has become a global phenomenon (152). This body issues have been caused by the society’s judgmental attitude towards women’s bodies. Young women are either...

“Life is Beautiful”

The absurdities and atrocities of the Nazi and Fascist regimes that dominated Europe in the late 30s and 40s, and the world-engulfing conflict they spawned provide rich fodder for movie makers and other artists. Following a tradition of laughing because it is less painful than weeping, Life is Beautiful (1998)...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Writing Skills Development

“Learning how to write a coherent, effective text is a difficult and protracted achievement of cognitive development that contrasts sharply with the acquisition of speech” (Kellogg, 2008, p. 2). Writing is one of the forms of communication that follows a person throughout life. It supports the interchanging of ideas and...

UnitedHealth Group Organization Strategies

Introduction UnitedHealth Group is a healthcare organization with its head offices in Minnesota (Plourde, 2012). The organization provides healthcare insurance services to over seventy million individuals in the US. The organization aims to enhance medical insight, information resources, and healthcare technology. The organization’s business model is very flexible enabling it...

American Nuclear Family’s Health Assessment

Family composition The health assessment was carried on an American nuclear family with permanent residence in Raleigh, North Carolina. The family consists of five members. The father is Thomas Haygood, aged sixty-one, and the mother is Samantha Haygood, aged fifty-three. Their first-born child is a lady, Joy Haygood, aged twenty-seven....

Religious Perspective of “Philosophy. The Power of Ideas”

The Samsara reveals that the human cycle is a journey. People go through a cycle of desire and suffering because of their ego and ignorance. As a result, they go through a cycle and series of rebirths until they can escape the treadmill. Karma imprisons an individual by the transmigratory...

Taxonomy of Leadership Theories

Today, in the 21st century, there is compelling evidence indicating that leadership is one of the most expansively researched social influence processes, both in academia and, of course, in practice (Parris & Peachey, 2013). The importance of diversity in leadership has been well documented in the literature (Ayman & Korabik,...

Homeless Population and US Healthcare Models

A vulnerable group or population is characterized by people who are economically disadvantaged, an ethnic minority, low-income earners, the elderly, racial minorities, those with HIV or those with chronic conditions of health, which may involve mental illness (Mechanic & Tanner, 2007). This group may also comprise of people living in...

The Charter Company’s Accounting Issues

The Charter Company, which is a cable TV service provider, has challenges in maintaining its cash flow and the CEO decided to misrepresent its customer base, incorrectly capitalize costs, and manipulate the billing rates. After making these efforts, the CEO realized that the company was going to miss its projected...

“The Price We Pay? Pornography and Harm” by Susan Brison

Introduction Nowadays, pornography has become easily accessible to many due to the latest development of technologies. However, there exist controversies regarding it; some state that pornography should be allowed for the sake of freedom, others argue that the harm it causes is formidable. In this paper, we will discuss an...

Governmental Social Movement: Class Conflicts

This paper analyzes the class conflict social movement theory and Lenin’s social movement theory. Class conflict refers “to the antagonism that occurs within the society as a result of competing for socioeconomic interests and desires between people of different classes” (Tarrow 23). Class conflict can be manifested in various forms....

The Native Women of Canada Case

The case raises the issue of the function of law. It questions the extent of the application of the law in resolving societal issues of inclusion. It also evaluates the obligations of the government and their interpretation, as well as whether there is a violation of the law or not...

Jackson Memorial Hospital Compensation Strategy

Introduction Compensation strategy that a firm uses has a major influence on the output of its employees. According to Spitzer (2013), effective compensation strategy does not necessarily mean giving your employees very high salaries above the market average. It entails identifying individual employee’s effort and rewarding it in the most...

Community Health Nursing: Family Health Assessment

The N. family was chosen in the community to be assessed with the help of a family health assessment. The purpose of the assessment is to discuss the specifics of the family composition, psychological and physical health, and to analyze the social aspects of the family development. The results of...

“The Time Machine” by Herbert George Wells

The Time Machine is a science fiction story by Herbert George Wells, and it was published in 1895. The story involves fascinating narratives with unparalleled implications on contemporary social concerns, and it gives insight to numerous scientific theories. Wells wrote the novel based on personal social and political views that...

Religious Concepts in “Philosophy. The Power of Ideas”

Hindu ideas of Brahman, atman, and reality Karma is one of the basic notions in Hinduism, which means action or deed. Every human action has its own effect on the existing life and may last over several lifetimes. A human being passes through the series of rebirths in different forms....

Starbucks Company’ Financial Analysis

Introduction Financial ratios are used to predict the liquidity, solvency profitability, as well as the performance of a given company within a specified period. Thus, investors and other shareholders need to understand accurately the meaning of each ratio before making any investment related decision (Lewellen, 2004). This paper provides an...

“Young Goodman Brown” and “Wakefield” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

A writer’s literary works often reflect certain circumstances of his or her private life as well as peculiar personal characteristics. Such is the case with one of the most prominent writers of American Romanticism, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Born in the city of Salem, Massachusetts, which is notorious for its witch trials,...

“The Power of Ideas”: from Ancient to Modern Philosophies

Karma explains that what people become in the present life is a result of their actions in the past life. Every action is followed by another action or an event appropriate, which may last a lifetime. An individual by surrendering to God and becoming enlightened on liberation can build up...

“Tituba, Black Witch of Salem” by Maryse Conde

A migratory narrative is based on a subject that moves from the primary location to a different setting. The approach is one of the ways used by different authors to show and describe how black people dealt with the migratory issues as slaves. The author tries to explain the impacts...

William Shakespeare’s Play Titus Andronicus Literature Analysis

One of the major problems, which William Shakespeare highlights in his play, is recognized to be a problem with patriarchy. While discussing the issue, some fundamentals of the play must be considered. So, first of all, it must be noted that William Shakespeare’s play Titus Andronicus involves numerous contradictory issues....

New Woman Visualizing in the Chinese Context

The new Chinese woman featured in Goddess (1934) can be seen as a manifestation of the chasm between the reality and people’s ideas on the new world that is also manifested through the difference between visual and textual documents focusing on the issue. It is necessary to note that the...

“Sympathy” by Paul Laurence Dunbar

“Sympathy” is the poem written by Paul Laurence Dunbar, one of the first African-American poets, whose works gained popularity at the end of the 19th century. The son of the enslaved father, Dunbar, knew a lot about the misfortune of being a slave. “Sympathy” is the author’s narration about the...

Henrik Ibsen ‘A Doll’s House’

Introduction Henrik Ibsen’s play ‘a doll’s house’ is intriguing as it provides insight into love and relationships. The author uses several characters to depict various forms of relationships and how each is perceived in the society. From the play, major characters are Nora and Torvald Hermer, Christine Linde, Nils Krogstad...

How to Achieve a Goal?

There are many things without which it is hard to imagine this life, and a properly set goal is one of them. People should have a goal, a dream, or an intention on the basis of which it is possible to develop new relations, improve living conditions, and think about...

Linking Cultural Diversity and Work Safety

Cultural diversity in public organizations presents a big challenge to public servants who may not be familiar with the concept of multiculturalism. Public servants serve people from different cultures and it is therefore important for them to fully understand how to deal with the issue of ethnic diversity (Steinberg, 2009)....

The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan

Rhetorical questions are a feature of style extensively used in literature to capture the readers’ feelings in any article. It involves asking questions in the course of narration or describing scenarios that raise such questions within the reader’s mind. More complex rhetorical questions are built using other stylistic features. Rhetorical...

Iraqi Freedom Operation

In March 2003, the Bush Administration declared the commencement of Operation Iraqi Freedom, which was an intensive US-led military operation whose main goal was to topple the Saddam Regime and subsequently bring positive economic and political change in Iraq. The invasion was the culmination of decades of bad relations between...

“Behind the Beautiful Forevers” by Katherine Boo Literature Analysis

Boo investigated and wrote in detail about the cultural influence of western society on the Indian mindset. Many writers reviewed her analysis and also criticized her in a few areas. To support her analysis, Boo referred to the incidents that took place in Annawadi. Annawadi is full of individuals who...

Varying Religious Beliefs’ Concepts

Samsara is the process of birth, dying, and being reborn. Karma stands for action. It shows that every cause or activity has its consequences. It looks at humans in general (Brooke 490). Each choice made by an individual, whether good or bad, has its outcomes. Good deeds bring about happiness,...

“The Tyger” and “The Lamb” by William Blake

William Blake’s poems called “The Tyger” and “The Lamb” belong to the collection of the poet’s works called “The Songs of Innocence and Experience.” This collection is divided into two parts. The first part, called “The Songs of Innocence” was published in 1789, this part contains various poems, one of...

Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

The population of illegal immigrants in the United States continues to rise at an alarming rate. This has prompted the need for a solution to deal with the issue. Many proposals have been made; ranging from deportation to granting amnesty to illegal immigrants (Ashabranner 16). Amnesty refers to the act...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano Literature Analysis

It is apparent that Olaudah Equano is a Nigerian native who was born in 1745 in Eboe. At the age of 11 years, the young lad was captured and sold to West Indies as a slave (Eqioano Interesting Narrative 32). From a careful review of literature, the young boy spent...

“Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros

Referring to the folklore stories, women are often expected to do a lot of things in sake of men and sacrifice their vision of happiness and real love for the family’s needs. While focusing on the cultural differences, it is possible to note that the Mexican women are expected to...

Mental Health: General Hospital Psychiatry

Introduction People suffering from severe various mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, or even eating disorders may need to spend some time in psychiatric words so that their disorders can be addressed. When one is experiencing psychosis symptoms, it is advisable to visit a mental facility before the problem...

In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

Introduction Michael Pollan in his essay talks about how the focus of food processing in America has been on individual nutrients rather than on dietary patterns or whole food that are beneficial to consumers. He speaks of a complex subject and simplifies it in a manner that his readers can...

The African American Soldiers in the American Revolution

Slaves in America constituted close to a fifth of the population by 1776. According to Anderson and Stewart (1), the American and European economies were vastly developed using African-American slaves who were bought and sold in well established slave markets. These slaves were mainly deployed in plantation farms to work...

The Personal Identity of Unemployed American IT Labor Force

Most people endure adversity through the adjustment of their acceptable standards. The new set standards allow individuals to accomplish satisfaction with the available assets. When a person has an occupation that is satisfying, and whose conditions get progressively better, they tend to raise their standards of life to a level...

Alternative English Literature Courses for Students

Abstract The proposal presents the project of creating Alternative Courses of English Literature for students of our university. The objective of the proposal is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of education at out university and broaden the intellectual horizons of the students who study English literature, as...

Hertz-Sprung-Russell Diagram of Star Lifecyles

Hertz-sprung-Russell diagram is a disperse chart of stars correlating the stars luminosities against their spectral types and effectual temperature. Through this diagram, temperatures are measured in Kelvin’s ranging from 3000 to 30,000. Similarly, the magnitudes of the stars range from +15 to -10. The stars luminosity and effective temperature are...

Civil Disobediance and Multiculturalism

The very idea of civil disobedience is based on the premise that people have a right to affect the decisions of policies of the government if they believe that this institution does not cope with its duties. Moreover, citizens can and should object to the laws if they believe that...

For and Against of Gay Marriage

Introduction Same-sex marriages is a union that takes place between two people who belong to the same social gender or similar biological sex. On the other hand, the word ‘gay’ is used when referring to a person who is a homosexual. Gays share a common characteristic and lifestyle, since they...

Canbide Corporation Operations Management Tools

Managers are the professionals who are assigned the role of overseeing the duties of every employee in an organization towards achieving mission statements. They are the people who work closely with the employees and quite often they are consulted by administrators when decisions are being made in an organization. They...

Conquest of Mexico and Downfall of the Aztec Empire

Introduction While the human race takes great pride in the progressive nature of each subsequent civilization, human beings continue to harbor a keen interest on ancient civilizations. This interest in the past sometimes springs from specific attributes of certain ancient civilizations which are hailed as benchmarks in the civilization process....

Stealth Aircraft Support in the United States Military

Introduction As it currently stands, the United States is the world Superpower boasting of the largest and best equipped military. However, this situation is slowly changing as rival nations gain more military might therefore posing a threat to the US. In the present time, the US faces multiple wars and...

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

According to the research study conducted by Mcgee et al. (2009), classroom behavior between children diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and those growing typically normal revealed a marked difference in the social communication profiles of the two groups. A total of 24 children clustered into 12 pairs took part...

Alzheimer and Dementia Patients Nursing Care

Nurses working with, and caring for patients suffering from dementia will oftentimes realize the difficulty of the task. It can be an exhausting and frustrating work. One of the reasons why it is extremely challenging to work with patients suffering from Alzheimer is that they do not retain explanations or...

Philosophic Comparison: Fahrenheit 451 and Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’

Introduction One of the main aspects of a contemporary living in the West is that, as time goes on, citizens continue to grow intellectually marginalized – something that will eventually result in them being turned into nothing short of ‘organic machines’, whose purpose of existence is being solely concerned with...

HIV and AIDS Comparing and Contrasting

Introduction HIV and AIDS is a disease that affects human beings. HIV is a virus that specifically transmitted through sexual contact, mother to child through during birth, or intravenous drug use using sharp objects (Stolley & Glass, 2009). This paper discusses the pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, nursing and medical management, and...

Philosophy of Things Changing

Heraclitus argued that reality is changing ceaselessly. According to this philosophy, there is no other reality apart from the reality of change (Moore & Bruder, 2012). The argument further states that permanence does not exist because it is only an illusion. He argued that fire is the root substance of...

Gender in the 21st Century: Fighting Dangerous Stereotypes

Introduction: A New Way of Looking at Manliness Gender stereotypes have existed since the beginning of time. Even though the tendency to subvert some of the existing gender related clichés has emerged since recently clearly not enough is being done in order to address the problems that gender profiling creates....

African Americans Stereotypes and Prejudices

From the 16th century, African American people were facing racial discrimination. As they had a different color of skin, they were treated unfavorably and even violently. With the course of time, the situation changed but still a lot of aspects are to be improved. Even though slavery was abolished more...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Philosophers Views on the Reality Changes

Heraclitus believes that there is no other reality apart from change. Everything else in the universe changes apart from the change itself. Apart from the fact that nothing in the universe remains the same over a period, change also originates from cosmic order. He believes that for everything that exists,...

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are bacterial conditions that normally occur in the gastrointestinal tract in the human body, causing irritation and abdominal pain. Normally, the inflammation of the bowel occurs as a result of the destruction of harmless digestive bacteria during the clean up of the immune system. This...

Psychology Issues: Television Violence

In recent times, electronic media has caught the masses’ attention due to the many reports about sexually explicit and violent imagery in the products sold to youth. The discourse about the consequences of television violence has developed to be normative. Indeed, psychologists have bitterly argued the level to which television...

JetBlue Airways Company Strategies

David Neeleman’s original strategic vision for JetBlue was to “bring humanity back to air travel.” This was through the provision of low price air travel service that is affordable to all combined with comfort, value, and quality of onboard services. His ideas mostly were from professional and personal experiences. With...

Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Its Treatment

Abstract With the increase of life expectancy, the number of people suffering from age-related diseases has also increased. Dementia syndrome is admittedly one of such disorders. Dementia can be caused by different factors that influence the specifics of the disease’s development. It is obvious that special attention must be paid...

The Dominican Republic Revolution

Introduction The Dominican revolution started long before the events of 1965. 1956 was the epitome of the resistance when farmers and workers poured into the streets, demanding an e aboutnd to foreign interference in the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic went through phases of foreign occupation by the French, Spanish,...

Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type

Introduction The process of ageing is associated with numerous changes such as generational variations, status, self-image, attitudes, and mindfulness of mortality that weaken bodies. Eventually, these changes lead to deterioration of an individual’s health. In serious cases, deterioration of health results in mental retardation. This essay explores the Dementia of...

Consumer Behavior in Hamilton and Chernev Articles

Description of the basic purpose/focus of the article and the research question addressed The basic research question in the article by Hamilton and Chernev (2013) is exploring how price images are formed and how they influence consumer behavior. The focus of the article is on addressing the anomaly found in...

Raul Healing Hospital Paradigm

Introduction Raul Healing hospital has numerous roles that incorporate the roles of healing the mind, the body, and the spirit of a patient. A healing culture that touches on values, beliefs, and philosophies that surround a given societal background that the hospital serves is manifested. Many researchers have revealed that...

British Society and the Media

Introduction The media has significantly influenced the lives of the British people. On the average, Britons spend over 5 hours each day on media services such as the internet, television, and/or the mobile phone. The European Union was established in 1973 through the interventions of Edward Heath who was a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Colonial History of the U.S.

History is as old as man is. It tells the story of humankind since the beginning of this planet. The subject can be compared to an old man who is thousands of years old, and who has witnessed the happenings in this world. Therefore, the old man, with a memory...

Criminology Discipline and Theories

Introduction The discipline of criminology helps to understand why individuals commit particular crimes as well as the factors that lure them into offenses. Understanding the reasons why people engage in crimes can go a long way towards developing strategies to mitigate felonies. Besides, it can help law enforcers to preempt...

The Play “Don Juan of Seville” by Tirso de Molina

Don Juan is considered to be the most famous and even legendary libertine, the affairs of whom have been described by many authors during different periods of time. This personality was a real genius, who was able to seduce any woman any time. He got unbelievable pleasure while fighting with...

Cultural Differences and Their Impacts on Business

Culture plays a critical role in ensuring the successful completion of business transactions. Understanding people’s ways of life in any market is the first step towards winning their hearts. The American business culture differs significantly from those of other major business partners, such as China, Africa, and Britain. This article...

Superfine Wool Industry: Evolution and Prediction

An overview of the article An article, Finally superfine wool pays by Sarina Locke highlights the rising fortunes of superfine wool producers because of good feed and great prices (Locke 2011). The indicators of the market have been good since 1988-89. These indicators are mainly for wool that makes “luxurious...

The Insurance Regulator in the State of New York

Insurance has a long history, which stretches back to the 3rd millennium BC. In its early history, insurance was nothing other than rudimentary risk spreading mechanisms employed by Chinese traders. They distributed their wares into many vessels so that if one or a few vessels capsized, the loss was evenly...

Inventing the American Constitution

The process of adopting the Constitution was one of the most significant events in the history of the American nation. The Constitution was adopted by the Founding Fathers who are discussed as the most influential figures in the history of the United States. In her book A Brilliant Solution: Inventing...

Buddhist Meditation Practices

Buddhism is a form of religion that has three major schools of thoughts including Theravada, Mahayana, and Vihrayana. Mahayana originated from India in the 5th CE under the leadership of the Gupta dynasty. The government valued the teachings of Mahayana traditions to an extent of establishing a public university referred...

The Book “How to Lie With The Statistics” by Darrell Huff

The book under analysis is called How to Lie with the Statistics. It is written by Darrel Huff. This book is not his work first work. There were also Career Story of a Young Commercial Photographer and The Dog that Came True. However, only the book under analysis became a...

The Movie “Good” and the Holocaust by Vicente Amorim

Nowadays, the very abbreviation SS invokes in most people the horrifying images of concentration camps, piles of corpses being pushed down the pit with bulldozers and the black smoke rising over camps’ crematoriums. Therefore, it comes as not a particular surprise that SS officers are generally assumed to have been...

Music of the Renaissance

Background The Renaissance era (1400-1600) refers to the period that marked the revitalization of art and rebirth of music. Musicians and artists of this time composed and performed style of music that was different from that of the medieval era due to the influence of the ancient Rome Greece classical...

Comparing Education in USA and in Saudi Arabia

Education has become basic in all societies and nations across the globe. Today, every country devotes large resources to provide education to its citizens. It is generally agreed that education has great benefits to society as well as individuals, both economically and socially. However, the education systems in countries tend...

“The Piano Lesson” by August Wilson

The Piano Lesson is a play by August Wilson, an African American playwright, who was popular for writing plays about the African-American experience in the twentieth century. The play has strong sentiments on the role of history in the shaping of future lives. The play title was encouraged by a...

American Political and Economic History

President Wilson and the First World War The Great Wars that existed between nations before the emergence of the First World War ensured that America protected its territories from external attacks. It has to form diplomatic relations with countries that share with its international waters to ensure its navy and...

“Masters of Command” by Strauss Barry

Strauss’ book ‘Masters of Command’ revolves around three war leaders Alexander the Great, Hannibal and Caesar. They stand out as leaders of their time as they ruled effectively and won their battles. Strauss strives to bring out lessons concerning good leadership, which is mostly characterized by good strategy formulation and...

Usage of Alternative Energy

Introduction Alternative energy is a term used to describe any source of energy that replaces the usage of fuel as the source of energy and they are deemed not to have the negative effects that are accrued with the usage of fossil fuels. Fossil fuel and nuclear energy has been...

Information Warfare and Cyberterrorism

Introduction The last several decades could be characterized by the rapid rise of technologies. They became an integral part of modern society as the bigger part of activities are performed using different devices. They double the efficiency of different processes and result in the digitalization of the environment. Today, there...

Importance of Post-Program Evaluation

Abstract The assessment paper reveals that post-evaluation of the training programs is critical, as it contributes to the continuous improvement and increases the efficiency of the subsequent training programs. This aspect is crucial, as the training advances the competences of the workforce while driving the development of creative ideas. As...

The Meaning of Life: A Discussion

Introduction In philosophy, it is a good tradition (if it might be said so) to look for answers to very general questions, such as questions about the origin of the universe, human nature, good and evil, and so on. One of these is the question of the meaning of life....

The Budget of Saudi Arabia and the USA

The comparison of budgets of the two super states may be essential for further evaluation of financial potentials of both countries. The paper is claimed to evaluate and compare the budgets of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. In the year 2007, Saudi Arabia anticipated a budget shortage....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Evidence-Based Model and Solving Problems with School Funding

The epic with the Ohio school funding system has been lasting about 20 years. At first, to make the Ohio school funding system constitutional, the cost-based model was offered: it implied calculating an average per-pupil amount and providing schools with corresponding funding (Endicott). Thus, funding was supposed to be equal...

Gerald Graff and Michiko Kakutani

It does not present a particular challenge to outline the main idea, promoted in Gerald Graff’s article. According to Graff, it is methodologically inappropriate to refer to what he defines as ‘street-smart’ activities (sports, games, fights, dating) and intellectual activities as conceptually incompatible, because just as it is the case...

The Paradoxical Effects of Time Travel

The issue of travelling in time is not new because it has interested people for centuries and continues interesting us today. However, in spite of people’s high concern and eagerness to uncover time’s mysteries, it still keeps its secrets as it did centuries ago. Even in our time, when a...

Maximizing Profits in Market Structures

Introduction A market structure is the number and size of buyers and sellers who are interested in a product or service. Apart from buyers and sellers involved in the market, market structures for a commodity also include the likely entrants. Because of the differing level of competition within the market,...

Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior

Introduction The three main components of the memory are sensory, short term, and long term memory. In this essay, I shall concentrate on how the information travels in the three components and how the brain process this information. I will as well discuss the prototype theory of categorization, analyzing some...

Health Education Plan

Health care plans intended for the management of certain metabolic disorders may involve a solid framework from various sources in the society. This could be due to the frequency of the disease occurrence. Hence, in this context obesity could be chosen as the topic for description. Obesity is an important...

“The Sound and the Fury” a Book by William Faulkner

The Sound and the Fury is a wonderful written work first presented by William Faulkner in 1929. The book has many compelling episodes to get absorbed with. It is interesting how Faulkner described his characters so vividly, each of them has own principles, virtues, attitude towards life and towards Caddy....

Legitimization of Prostitution

Prostitution is the exchange of sexual acts for payment. There are many reasons why people enter prostitution and some of them are age, early home leaving, childhood sexual abuse, drug abuse and poverty (Sullivan, 2001). Prostitution is accompanied by many problems chief among them being physical and sexual abuse, drug...

Identify World Music Terms

Indonesia Instruments Rebab: It is a fiddle with two strings. It’s mainly found within Muslim nations. Gambang: Is an instrument that resembles a xylophone. It’s made of wood and is commonly used in the Southern Philippines and Indonesia. Suling: A bamboo flute used by Indonesians in gamelan ensembles. Kendang: A...

“The Cold War: A New History” a Book by John Lewis Gaddis

In the book The Cold War: A New History, John Lewis Gaddis proposes a unique vision of the Cold War and its impact on the world and relations between the USSR and America. The book consists of seven chapters devoted to different aspects of the Cold War and relations between...

Health Economics – Health Insurance

Introduction According to (Roemoeer, 1986), Health insurance pays for part or all bills of health care of a person. There are various types of health insurance which include individual plans, health plans for the government, health plans for groups and worker’s compensation. Health insurance is also classified into managed care...

World’s Famine and Virtue

In his article called “Famine Relief: The Duties We Have to Others”, Christopher Heath Wellman focuses on the subject of ethics in the act of helping other people. His major statement is that if one has the resources and an ability to help someone who is in need of help...

Media Censorship and Its Impact

The freedom of information, the press and free speech is arguably an important human rights deeply rooted in the structures of democracy. Democracy, which largely derives its origin from the US, is one of the legal rights that should be provided and protected in the modern context (Goldberg, Verhulst and...

Basketball: Invention, History, Rules and Techniques

Basketball is a sport that involves a total of ten players who makes two teams, five on each side playing against each other by passing a ball and shooting it into the basket, which is always10 foot high ring controlled by rules that make the game organized. The players can...

Psychology: Deviant Behavior and Control

For ages, scholars have tried hard to identify an explanation for social deviance. While the normalcy and naturalness of things go unnoticed by many, the intricacies involved in the daily conceptualization and attachment of meaning to actions and things remain a controversial issue in the realms of sociological scholarship. For...

Women Empowerment: Role of Women in Chinese Society

The role of women in Modern Chinese Society contrasts greatly from traditional Chinese society. There are more equality and fairness, and most Chinese people back in China and abroad regard their women with respect. “Chinese women are now entitled to occupational and educational opportunities” (e How inc). It is important...

Liberal Arts: Otis College of Arts and Design

Private school education has been one of the major topics for serious discussions these days. There are many significant issues concerning private education that deserve close scrutiny today. Otis College of Arts and Design, the most distinguished institutes of the kind in the state, has involved in one such discussion...

Cosmetic Surgery History and Effects

Cosmetic surgery has become commonplace, and it is registering alarming statistics of both candidates and physicians. It started gaining popularity during the reconstruction period when it was used to give hope to young soldiers after the world wars. This is despite the fact that it had existed for a long...

Consequences of Religious Freedom in America

Since 9/11 the most contentious issue pertains to whether or not religious freedom should be granted in America and whether granted or not, what would be the appropriate means of interpreting and applying the First Amendment’s clause. The answer takes us back to 1791, when Congress enacted the First Amendment...

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Life Insurance: Theory and Practice

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The Milky Way and the Expanding Universe

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Technologies: the Role of Drones in the Modern World

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Nutrition: Foods Containing Calories

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Historical Freedom in America

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The Chinese Dragon Dance and Lion Dance

Introduction: Into the Primitive People cannot live without rituals, which must be why dancing makes such a huge chunk of literally any culture. There is something entrancing in performing ritual motions. The Chinese Dragon Dance and Lion Dance are the exact representation of the above-mentioned; moreover, because their long Evo...