Stand Your Ground Law Issues in Florida

Laws related to self-defense and the use of guns are among the most controversial policies in the United States. In Florida, the Stand Your Ground law, enacted in 2005, has sparked a number of debates on its potential consequences. The law is related to castle doctrine, which states that a...

American Prison Systems and Areas of Improvement

Nowadays, it becomes increasingly clearer to more and more people across the US that there are many controversial aspects to the functioning of the penal system in this country. The reason for this is that, as time goes on, the current situation with it appears to raise new concerns of...

Snowden and the Ethics of Whistleblowing

Many of the critical issues facing the modern world could be considered ethical questions that appear under the influence of the evolution of society. The process of the reconsideration of some traditional values has given rise to a great number of concerns. These have been related to such issues as...

The Articles of Confederation and the New Constitution

The constitution is one of the symbols of national unity. However, the development process was not that peaceful. It involved a lot of bargaining and compromise. First, the Articles of Confederation became the source of the American law. It resulted in the development of the new constitution. The paper will...

Prison Crowding in the US

Introduction Over the years, the criminal justice system in the United States has been a major topic of discussion with regard to the welfare of incarcerated criminals. One of the biggest concerns raised by the interested parties has been the challenge of crowding in prisons. Most prisons in the country...

Juvenile Justice and Punishment Specifics

Why is parricide the perfect crime? In his interview, Defense Attorney, Paul Mones states that parricide is a unique offense. This is because children who are abused by their parents will not often rebel against their abuser. After all, that abuser is still a caregiver and provider. Children are often...

Sex Offenders’ Registration for Public Protection

Introduction The registration of sex offenders is a tool for improved public protection. It is an internationally accepted policy. The United States was among the pioneers of sex offender registration and developed the template that is followed by many other countries. Although this initiative is widely accepted, the issues of...

Disparities in Juvenile Sentencing Between Minorities

Introduction Disparities in juvenile sentencing are prevalent in the United States’ judicial system. Many juveniles from minority backgrounds receive severe punishments and are unfairly treated during sentencing. According to Leiber and Peck (2013), disparities are predominant in major crimes. Leiber and Peck (2013) aver, “The probability of a minority receiving...

Young Offenders: Criminals or Victims?

Young offenders are thought to have somewhat different reasons for committing a crime than adults. Since young offenders’ crime is based on severity in relation to their age, the punishment and treatment must be set accordingly. A film titled Young Kids, Hard Time looks at several problems that arise when...

Adolescent Recidivism and Interventions in Australia

Introduction People who are convicted of felony and other crimes may experience a relapse into undesired behaviors that are criminal in nature after they are released from prisons or after undergoing an intervention to discourage the return of such illicit ways. Shepherd, Luebbers, and Ogloff (2016) study the role of...

Implementation of Workplace Safety Standards Regarding Chemicals

Introduction Attention Getting Device Death and injury due to accidental chemical exposure is a constant and real danger in construction sites around the world. On average nearly 30 million workers a year are exposed to hazardous substances due to improper handling standards, no prior knowledge regarding the corrosiveness of a...

Government Regulations for the Ridesharing Industry

Issue The current state of the ridesharing industry, represented by such companies as Lyft and Uber, does not have any legal regulations that would protect both drivers and consumers and their rights. Thus, government intervention is needed to prevent companies from exploiting the industry and putting both sides of the...

Legislative History: Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

Introduction The Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) of 1978 was an essential step towards creating an effective government system in the US. President Carter together with unions created a system in which employees could serve the country and perform their duties. The law had direct and indirect implications on the...

Gang Delinquency and Danger for Citizens

Although juvenile gangs have always existed in the United States, the current tendency is worrying indeed. The amount of gang-related crimes is growing rapidly, and nothing promises that the situation is going to change in the nearest future. According to the statistics provided by the National Gang Center, the number...

The Public Health Service Act in Florida

The groundwork of the Public Health Service Act was formed long before the act was conceptualized in 1798. After that, several Acts of Congress were passed in 1878, 1890, 1893, and 1906. These concentrated primarily on preventing epidemic diseases from entering the land from abroad, and the spread of communicable...

Health Law: Section 4003 of the 21st Century Cures Act

The 21st Century Cures Act of 2016 (2016), which has been a public law since the end of 2016 in the US, incorporates multiple important provisions regarding technology in healthcare, especially in connection to informatics. This paper is dedicated to its Section 4003. Section 4003 focuses on the nationwide interoperability...

The Website of United States Department of Labor

Website Search The article related to the employment law on the HG website is extremely useful for employees and their employers. It provides summarized information regarding the labor law. One can find much information about the meaning of this concept and its history, which is likely to create a decent...

US Gun Laws and Homeland Security Strategies

The government of the USA has developed a range of gun policies that are meant to ensure the security of its population. They affect homeland security strategies, making it easier to prevent and investigate crimes associated with the use of firearms. The effects of these laws do not only decrease...

Judicial Review and the American Constitution

In the current digital age where criminals and terrorists use sophisticated methods to achieve their selfish goals, law enforcement agencies find themselves in increasingly challenging situations when it comes to protecting the Fourth Amendment. The courts are also making contradictory rulings, which bring further confusion to the issue. In the...

Practice Act for Advanced Practice Nurses in Florida

Introduction The Florida Nurse Act is put in place to ensure advanced practice nurses meet every minimum requirement for high-quality and safe practice. The Act governs the responsibilities of certified nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, certified nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists. This paper compares and contrasts these population-focused roles. It...

Criminal Profiling and Hypnosis Using

What is criminal profiling? What are the procedures used in criminal profiling and how is the profile evaluated? Criminal profiling is an investigative tool that is used to create a personality profile of a suspect based on the information found at the crime scene (Fulero & Wrightsman, 2008, p. 84)....

Health Care Policy: Florida House Bill 1277

Although Florida, as well as other states in the USA, suffers from shortages of primary care physicians, acute physicians, and other healthcare providers, there are still barriers for foreign-trained physicians to be employed in hospitals and clinics in the state (Pande, 2014; Peterson, Pandya, & Leblang, 2014). Currently, International Medical...

Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative

Introduction The paper at hand will analyze the Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, Amendment 2, which was passed in the state of Florida on November 8, 2016, and came into legal force on January 3, 2017. The policy allows patients who are suffering from debilitating or terminal medical conditions to receive...

Policy Analysis: the Clean Air Act

Introduction The Clean Air Act is a significant piece of environmental legislation in the United States. First enacted in 1963, the policy seeks to regulate emissions to promote public health and environmental objectives of the country. Throughout the years, the Clean Air Act proved to be useful in improving air...

Gun Control History and Relevant Cases in the US

Introduction One of the most controversial issues in American politics that have been going on for decades is gun control. Gun control refers to the set of laws that govern the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, and use of firearms by American citizens. In many countries, firearm policies are very...

Relevance of the First Amendment

Introduction The First Amendment to the US Constitution is a document vital to the regulation of the life of its citizens and the functioning of the country’s governmental bodies (Stone et al. 21). Despite its significance, the initiative has been subject to frequent criticism. Although critics of The First Amendment...

US Federal Government Contracting and Payment Options

Introduction The United States federal government Contracting is a strategy that is used to provide equal access to government procurements to large and small businesses. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) system governs state procurement of goods and services. It stipulates the procedures for contracting together with the payment methods for...

The Problem of Non-Compete Agreements

Topic Overview and Current State The issue that is going to be investigated in the paper at hand is related to the problem of non-compete agreements or covenants not to compete. In contract law, the term refers to a specific clause under which an employee signs a document restricting his/her...

Crime Scene Investigation Effect in Justice System

Abstract Movies have been known to influence popular culture in different parts of the world. Analysts believe that the “CSI effect” is one of the fruits of popular culture. The argument presented in this paper is that the effect has significantly influenced jurors in such a way that they ask...

Thomas vs. Archer Contract and Opinion Analysis

Contracts are a critical part of the modern legal environment, as they guarantee that certain actors will engage in cooperation and remain satisfied with their results. In such a way, they can be determined as agreements between two or more parties that create a certain type of obligations enforceable by...

Intelligence-Led Policing in the US

Introduction In any society, some individuals do not want to abide by the laws of their countries, and their activity can pose a threat to national security. When such people unite their efforts to fulfill their own goals, intimidate ordinary people, undermine the reputation of authorities, or instigate conflicts between...

The Affordable Care Act: Controlling Health Care Costs

Statement of Issue The Affordable Care Act, the original purpose of which was the improvement of public health through an increase in insurance and coverage rates, is achieving unsatisfactory results. The reform has resulted in greater access to health care and improved health outcomes, but the provisions also resulted in...

Red Scare and Current Counterterrorism Efforts

Introduction It is evident that the phenomenon of Red Scare is among the most important aspects of American history due to its immense impact on social and political life of the country. The influence of this period on the current state of criminological policymaking in the United States could also...

Arizona Department of Transportation Permitting Process

In the modern world, the importance of effective transport systems is extremely high since mobility has become one of the key values in business and everyday life. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) belongs to the number of governmental organizations in the United States that are responsible for the creation...

School-to-Prison Pipeline in Political Aspect

Introduction The school-to-prison pipeline is a highly destructive tendency. It results in students being suspended and imprisoned for minor discipline violations. The problem can be studied from many perspectives, as it concerns social, psychological, and political issues. This paper investigates the school-to-prison pipeline from the political point of view using...

The Affordable Care Act and Its Implications

Status of One of the IOM Recommendations The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has introduced multiple changes to the healthcare system of the United States, supposedly improving access to health-related services. The regulation allowed implementing improvements at a range of levels, including legal and financial ones (“The Affordable Care Act turns...

Farias v. Mr. Heater Inc. Trial and Results

The case Farias v. Mr. Heater, Inc., et al. (2010) was viewed in the U.S. District Court of Southern District of Florida. The suit was filed in State Court and removed to the Federal Court due to diversity jurisdiction (Order granting defendants’ motion for summary judgment 2010). It involved Lilybet...

Proving the Necessity of Change

Introduction As we have already stated, there are numerous issues related to risks nurses might face at their workplace (these include unsafe injection equipment, workplace violence, physical contact with patients, hazardous chemicals, and the possibility of influenza occurrence). Specialists might be injured when delivering care or working with patients in...

Suicide Rates Reduction Policy in Arizona

Rationale and Purpose Suicide is a major public health problem; in 2016, suicide became the cause of 1310 deaths in Arizona (Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System [AHCCS], 2018, p. 1). However, the legislation related to the reduction of suicide rates in Arizona is limited. Suicide prevention policies at schools...

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Procedures

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was enacted in 1978 as an attempt of the American Government to reveal and prevent threats to national security. FISA regulates processes of foreign intelligence surveillance including authorization procedures. Still, there are some controversial aspects to discuss related to FISA procedures for American citizens...

Freedom of Expression: Jake Baker’s Case

Introduction The case of Jake Baker (1997) transformed into a full-scale debate on topics ranging from freedom of expression to pornography and obscenity. To better analyze the ethical aspects of Baker’s case, it is important to first consider three key factors. The first factor is the nature of the stories...

Paternity Leave in the United States of America

Introduction President Obama once remarked that the United States is the only advanced country that does not provide paid parental leave to workers. Around 70 countries ensure paternity leave and 182 nations worldwide guarantee paid maternity leave, but the United States only ensures limited and unpaid parental leave. In this...

Texas v. Johnson: Flag Burning and Free Speech

Abstract The case Texas v. Johnson explores the scope of protection that the First Amendment can grant to citizens. During a protest, Johnson burned an American flag and was later convicted. He appealed the decision and won which prompted Texas to send the case to the Supreme Court. The court’s...

The Struggle for Students’ Rights: Tinker vs Des Moines

Introduction The Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District was declared in 1969. This was a decision that was made by the Supreme Court. It defined the constitutional rights of students in public schools in the United States. This Tinker test is still in use currently. It is used...

Cannabis in America: Benefits and Implications

Supporters and Opposition The use of cannabis and its byproducts in America is long, and arguments for and against its change over time. In the 1600s hemp was considered a useful and versatile material for ropes and fabrics. It became more popular as a medicinal additive in the 1800s, but...

Healthcare Reform Policies in the United States

Introduction Health care reform is a powerful strategy for supporting the economic position of a nation. The approach presents evidence-based ideas and policies that can improve health care delivery processes. A healthy nation is linked to improved productivity, reduced medical expenses, and economic superiority. Using the HITECH Act, this descriptive...

Contract Elements, Its Creation and Enforcement

Contracts are the critical elements of the everyday business operations, as they define clearly the positions of each party. Nonetheless, some legal issues have a tendency to exist due to the complicated structure and the vitality of the particular elements for the contract creation. The primary goal of this paper...

Health Care for Immigrants: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Eligible immigrants who start living in the USA often face issues connected with culture. Still, even more, crucial can be those boundaries and limitations that deal with access to healthcare and health insurance because they determine people’s opportunity to receive decent help and be healthy. Two years ago the Patient...

School-to-Prison Pipeline in American Justice

Introduction The school-to-prison pipeline is a tendency in which schools apply harsh disciplinary policies on their students. It is destructive for students’ lives and can have severe effects on their future. Justice systems make a significant impact on the way school authorities manage and implement such policies. This paper studies...

McCulloch v. Maryland: Law Case Analysis

The widely-known McCulloch v. Maryland case was read by the Supreme Court at the beginning of 1819, with the decision made in March of the same year. The case was based on the fact that in that period, the Second Bank of the U.S. was a permanent establishment that created...

The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency: Definition and Analysis

Due to its complex nature incorporating social, psychological, biological, and other factors, the problem of juvenile delinquency needs to be addressed from several perspectives, the social one being the critical component of a comprehensive analysis. Combined with economic and financial issues, social stereotypes and prejudices often serve as roadblocks to...

The Affordable Care Act in the US

The United States of America is at the top of the rating of the developed countries with the highest gross domestic product rates. Nevertheless, the country experiences some domestic problems, the most urgent of which relates to healthcare coverage. The number of uninsured people is immense in the US. Thus...

Legal Aspects of Employment in the United Kingdom

Introduction Employment laws help to ensure that working conditions are safe and fair for the employees; moreover, they can help to prevent and mediate the potential conflicts between an employer and employees. One of the key legal aspects of the employment law in the United Kingdom is the dismissal of...

Puerto Rico Court System

Background information Puerto Rico’s judicial system currently comprises of the Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the region and also mandated to direct the entire judicial system. Other courts include judicial districts courts, which are meant to deal with the most basic cases. Higher than the judicial district...

Legislative Change: Mental and Behavioral Health Treatment

Strategies for Legislative Change The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was presented during the presidency of Obama to provide more opportunities in healthcare coverage and reduce the number of uninsured people in the country. While major achievements are already evident in the medical sphere, there are many points to...

The Florida’s Physician Assistants Legislation

The ultimate objective of every healthcare system is to deliver high-quality medical care to all patients. State and local health departments identify and implement adequate policies and legislation to improve the quality services available to different citizens. The paper below begins with summarizing the Florida’s Physician Assistants legislation of 2016....

Manitoba’s Employment and Income Assistance System

Introduction Welfare systems exist in every country in the world. These systems were born through the political activism of individuals and workers unions around the world to provide a safety net against the merciless grinding of the labor market. The purpose of the welfare system, in theory, is to provide...

Healthcare Reform in the US: Right or Not

Introduction Many industrialized nations provide universal health care access to their citizens. However, America is different from its peers because it has struggled to provide unlimited access to health care services, despite being one of the wealthiest nations on the planet. Statistics show that more than 39 million people are...

The Bill of Rights, Freedoms and Values

Today, the USA is a single democratic country that provides numerous and equal opportunities for its citizens. Moreover, it is one of the most influential states in the world. However, it might never have happened if the Bill of Rights had not been created. For this reason, it was selected...

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sexual Harassment Class Action

Introduction Sexual harassment appears to be a relevant topic in human resource management. The number of complaints regarding the problem has significantly increased over the past few decades. There are numerous occasions when harassment in the workplace is associated with employment-related promises and threats forcing people (women mostly) to provide...

Senate Bill 42: Effects on Sentencing Principles

The primary goal of this paper is to discover the substantial principles of the Senate Bill 42 in the context of parole and sentencing, as it is one of the important documents in the history of the criminal law. Another goal is to discover its effects on the sentencing principles...

New York City Marijuana Legal Policy

Introduction In the article “Marijuana in New York: Here’s How the Laws Are Changing” Wolfe (2018) describes the changes in New York (NY) legal policies concerning marijuana use. According to the author, the NY government has made another step towards legalizing recreational marijuana by changing the statutory penalty for smoking...

Ethical Perspective: the Philandering Parole Officer’ Case

Abstract This paper is aimed at analyzing the case of the Philandering Parole Officer. The analysis approach uses the concept of hedonism to justify and critique the fact of the case. Even though hedonism supports the idea of seeking for pleasure and happiness, the idea of free will and utilitarianism...

Myths of Policing: Police Work’ Expectation

Introduction The work of the police is surrounded by various myths developed through TV and literature that picture it differently from real activities. It makes ordinary people believe that police officers encounter danger every day and deal with many events that are very important for national security. While the latter...

Legal Business Structure Models in Canada

Introduction The high cost of legal services and the inability of ordinary people to access quality legal representation have impeded access to justice in the Canadian business environment. This issue has been partly catalyzed by the fact that lawyers are increasingly working to promote business goals at the expense of...

Kathy Castor’s Mock Interview

Current Health Care Bill Elected officials propose many bills related to healthcare, discussing various issues, and pressing problems. One of the most heated debates is the issue of abortion, which often reveals the polarized opinions of the elected officials. For example, one can see that a bill about defunding Planned...

Criminalisation of Aviation Accidents

Abstract The criminalisation of aviation accidents has brought many discussions in the field of aeronautics. There have been disagreements concerning the purpose of criminalisation of a professional mistake. The aim of criminal justice is to guarantee retribution and prevention. One of the problems that come with criminalisation is the dilemma...

Professional Ethics in Criminal Justice: Singleton vs Norris

Abstract The given paper is devoted to the investigation of a specific case that revolves around a person who suffers from a kind of mental disorder. Considering the fact that people with schizophrenia could not be sentenced in accordance with the basic law, a criminal creates a precedent by ignoring...

Repression and Crime Control

In the article “Repression and Crime Control: Why Social Movement Scholars Should Pay Attention to Mass Incarceration as a Form of Repression” Pamela Oliver raises the topic of repression of black Americans in the 60-70s. The author provides statistical data on the number of prisoners in this period, and the...

Texting and Driving: Social Problems

Texting and driving refers to the act of receiving, reading and sending text messages while operating a motor vehicle, which is a hazardous practice that causes many fatalities. The act is so dangerous that it has been outlawed in some states in the United States. The habit is most common...

Functions of the National Labor Relations Board

What I have learned The National Labor Relations Board is a federal agency that is tasked with the protection of the rights of employees to organize to collectively bargain for their rights (National Labor Relations Board, 2016a). This board not only oversees the actions of the public sector, but it...

Ethics and the Affordable Care Act’s Conflicts

The full title of what is known as the Affordable Care Act is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that was signed into law in 2010 and became effective in 2014 (Veccione, 2012). The major purpose of the Act seems not only to allow the citizens of the...

Marriage Equality: LGBT Couples’ Constitutional Issues

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) couples get married for most of the same reasons that lead straight people to get married. These reasons include love, a desire to start a family, a rite of passage, and to celebrate a union. Nonetheless, if the discourses surrounding LBGT marriage equality and...

Legalization of Marijuana: Reasons

Introduction Marijuana is a psychoactive substance that is classified as an illegal drug in the United States. It is commonly used for medical and recreational purposes which are leading to its widespread acceptance. Numerous US jurisdictions have considered legal options to decriminalize the drug. The legalization of marijuana is necessary...

Patent on Genetic Discoveries and Supreme Court Decision

Abstract Supreme Court did not recognize the eligibility of patenting Myriad Genetics discoveries due to the natural existence of the phenomenon. Nonetheless, I do not agree with this perspective, as the topic is novel, socially beneficial with the recognition of similar discoveries in the past. In turn, legal regulation regarding...

Legal Research: Skills and Resources

The law refers to the rules that govern society (Yell & Conroy, 1999, p.40). If there is a major activity that has to be accomplished, then it is important to understand the legal requirements fully. If the legal requirements are ignored, then it is possible to violate certain statutes and...

Alternative Procedures Against Returns to Court

What was Kalief arrested for and how old was he? Kalief Browder was arrested in the Bronx for supposedly stealing a backpack. During that time, Kalief was sixteen years old, and the arrest resulted in him being jailed at Rikers Island (“Kalief Browder, in His Own Words”). However, it is...

Dallas County Homeland Security: Methodology

Research Question The first research question that should be answered within the framework of the current study is the reason why the shooting occurred in Dallas in 2016. The second research question relates to the identification of the gaps in the approaches to homeland security in Dallas County. The third...

The Family Law Court System Functioning

Introduction It is worth noting that family law is one of the most complex and labor-intensive areas of jurisdiction because it is directly linked to the realities of life and, as a rule, affects people in their most sensitive moments. This places additional responsibility on lawyers, attorneys, and all participants...

Sherman Antitrust Act Violations and Lawsuit Recommendation

Healthcare litigation can take on many forms. All parties involved often experience significant costs and challenges as health law litigation can be complex. Therefore, when possible, alternatives should be found to determine a mutual resolution. This report will investigate various means to legally resolve a scenario of a surgeon suing...

Florida HB 423 and Health Coverage in the State of Florida

Introduction The Florida HB 423 – ARNP/PA Controlled Substance Prescribing is a bill that has been in place since January 2017. The law allows Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) to prescribe specific controlled substances under protocol requirements and supervision. Prescription for controlled medications should be in...

Healthcare Reform and Ethics: Obamacare Act

Introduction Healthcare reforms are made to improve access to healthcare services and medicines as well as their quality. Unfortunately, in some situations, they fail to meet these requirements and lead to conflicts instead. Inequality of Access Healthcare services and medicines in the US are rather costly that is why the...

Labor Market and Legal Reforms in Ontario, Canada

The current paper pertains to the changes in the labor legislation which are currently under consideration in the province of Ontario, Canada, as well as to the possible future changes in the (global) labor market and to the ways in which these changes will affect millennials. First of all, the...

Patterson v. McLean Credit Union Case

Justice In Patterson v. McLean Credit Union, Patterson, an African-American woman who worked for McLean, a small company with less than 15 employees, sued the employer claiming that he (employer) discriminated her by promoting a white person to the position of an accountant. Based on chapter reading, justice was not...

Supreme Court: Miranda vs. Arizona

Miranda v. Arizona is among the most notable Supreme Court cases that were decided in the second half of the twentieth century. Miranda, a rapist, was arrested and, after interrogation in the police department, he admitted that he had committed the crime. As a result, Miranda was sentenced to 30...

Safe Nurse Staffing Act Analysis

Introduction Nowadays, staff reduction is the main policy in many global companies and businesses, which causes loss of clients sometimes. Still, when the business involves health care and human life, it is crucial to provide patients with high-quality services, which is possible only with adequate staffing. Recently, there have been...

Strategy to Enhance International Supply Chain Security

Introduction This strategy was developed in response to the SAFE Act which called for the development of strategic plans in order to promote the security of the international supply chain. This was to improve the level of security by curbing the transportation of mass destruction weapons and any other materials...

Rethinking Justice: Emergency Management

Abstract The paper is devoted to the comprehensive analysis of the article Rethinking justice: can data-driven approaches remove politics and bias from policing? and investigation of its main ideas in terms of the suggested readings devoted to the emergency management. The fact is that the current situation in the sphere...

Health Policy Bill: Describing the Medications

Health Policy & Political Action Senator Denise Grimsley filed Bill SB 210 in 2015 (Florida Senate, 2016). It was aimed at empowering ARNPs in terms of prescribing controlled medication to patients. It also provided an opportunity for physicians to bypass the existing forms, thus, easing the process of filling in...

Child Workers of the World

Introduction In previous works, we have already discussed child labor as one of the most significant problems the modern society faces. In fact, ruthless exploitation of individuals who are responsible for our future might seem unwise because of its pernicious impact on the health of the nation, its culture, intelligence,...

Homeland Security Concerns and Responsible Governance

Every government has a system that enables its departments and individuals pass and receive information. The command structure varies with each department or unit. The importance of understanding the bureaucratic system allows one to know how to handle basic requirements. Project on Government Oversight (POGO) came into being in order...

Health Policy: Restrictive Licensing

Policy Background The Florida Association of Nurse Practitioners (FLANP) recognizes that restrictive nurse practitioner licensure legislation is a problem for Florida, and it should be addressed from the perspective of recommending health policy change (“Current Issues,” n.d.). It is a state-level issue affecting advanced practice nursing, as regulations are different...

Leonard v. PepsiCo Inc. Case and Invalid Contract

Leonard v. PepsiCo, Inc. is a famous example of an invalid contract. In 1995, John Leonard under the influence of a Pepsi commercial tried to enforce an alleged offer to obtain a Harrier jet for 7 million company’s points (Contract Law, n.d.; Lexisondemand, 2009). The court ruled in Pepsi’s favor...

Healthcare Directive and Life-Sustaining Treatment

A clinical decision is regarded as a process that involves such steps as making a diagnosis, providing assessment, and determining an appropriate treatment. The current health care system is oriented to a patient-oriented approach which includes a shared decision-making philosophy to increase the involvement of patients in clinical decisions about...

Regulations That Shape the Country’s Civil Rights

Introduction The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects people’s freedom of speech. However, the government can limit free expression under certain circumstances such as advocacy characterized by the use of force. Incitements capable of producing violence or suicide can also be limited (Gahagan & Brophy, 2014). Expressions that are...

Ontario Post Traumatic Stress Legislation for Employees

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder is a mental condition that can develop after a person experiences traumatic events. The events may include traffic accidents, warfare, death threats, sexual assault, or other trauma. Members of some of the most important governmental institutions are forced to deal with traumatic events daily. Police, paramedics,...

Conjugal Visits and Castration Punishment Ethics

Abstract The following paper is aimed at reviewing the controversial topics of conjugal visitation and the chemical/surgical castration of sex offenders. The paper establishes plausibility of conjugal visits implementation and argues for the efficacy of castration. Findings from relevant research and logical reasoning are used to back up the solutions...

The Role of Bike Helmets and Bike Helmets Law

Football, baseball, and basketball are the favorite kinds of sports of a majority of American children. Still, cycling stays on the top of this list as well as on the top of the list of sports-related head injury kinds of sports. Many children cannot understand the worth of the question...

The United States Employment Commission and Lawsuits

Introduction Equal employment opportunity is one of the main aspects of United States ethics. The protection of this practice is highly important to sustain the values the country expresses (Gostin, 2015). This function is performed by the United States Employment Commission also known as EEOC. Their efforts prevent discrimination against...

The Marshal Islands vs. the United Kingdom

Introduction The International Court of Justice is a powerful tool that is used to solve problems and problematic situations that might appear between different states in the course of their cooperation. The importance of the given tool could hardly be overestimated as it results in stopping of aggression and creation...

Information Sharing to Ensure National Security USA

Information Sharing Information sharing environment among agencies was established by the United States Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act in 2004. The information-sharing information-sharing environment provides the agencies with information on security in the nation to ensure national security. Information sharing weaknesses was the main factor that contributed to the...

US Homeland Security: Strategies and Expenses

In her article Homeland Security: Building a National Strategy, Ruth David (2002, p 1) argues that for a very long time the government of the United States overlooked or even ignores the increasing risks of terrorist attacks on the American population. This attitude made the country more vulnerable to external...

Should the Province of Nova Scotia Increase Its Minimum Wage?

What is the issue? People in Nova Scotia, Canada want to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour because they do not earn enough money to make both ends meet. Why is this an issue? The wage of $10.70 is not enough for people from Nova Scotia to satisfy...

Brain Malpractice Verdict for Brain Surgery

Issue of Integrity The news clip chosen for this response is linked to a $20 million negligence verdict against Arkansas Children’s Hospital for the surgery performed on the wrong side of the brain of a 15-year old boy. As a result of the surgery, the boy was left severely brain-damaged....

Selective Criminalization of Aboriginals in Canada

Introduction By and large, the Canadian Criminal justice system is anchored on the legal doctrine. To be precise, the country’s democratic ideals are grounded on the rule of law that each individual is liable to the customary law of the Canadian territory (Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission 10). Since the patriation...

United States Customs and Border Protection Agency

Abstract The research paper is devoted to the United States Customs and Border Protection. The agency that is discussed in the paper was established in 2003 when the Customs Service was restructured. Significant organizational changes were caused by the necessity to coordinate the work of different agencies responsible for border...

Cargo Security to Protect the Nation

After the attack by terrorists in 2001, the Department of Homeland Security has taken various measures to protect the nation from an even bigger attack by terrorists as they are capable of using weapons of mass destruction. The department has taken the initiative of launching the security measures of inspecting...

Business Law: the Becker v. Pettkus Case

Introduction Family law litigations have exposed the strengths and weaknesses of various judicial systems in society. Over the decades, family matters regarding business have taken surprising turns, owing to the judgments made by the court. Litigated in 1980, the Pettkus v. Becker matter is one of the interesting family law...

Cargo Crimes and Threats: Government Accountability Office

GAO Report Government Accountability Office (GAO) report was first published after the September 11 attacks. It was published during the attempt to improve on the security of the United States. After the September 11 attacks, the government realized the nation was not as secure as earlier thought. Before the attacks,...

The USA Patriot Act in Fight with Terrorism

Introduction The USA Patriot Act refers to an Act of Congress that was enacted into law in 2001 to fight terrorism and prevent terrorist attacks (“Highlights of the USA PATRIOT Act,” n.d). It was signed into law by President W. Bush following the September 11, 2001 attacks that devastated America....

Special Purchase and Resale Agreements

Introduction A competent distribution of financial resources is an integral component of the successful economy, and corresponding procedures determine some possible ways of money investment. Various treaties and agreements that are regularly concluded among different entities are the mechanisms of the business sphere and are controlled by the banking authorities....

Decriminalization of Prostitution in Canada

Abstract Prostitution is one of the most ancient professions that attract criticism and praise at equal measures. The opponents of prostitution believe that it not only contributes to moral decadence, but also leads to erosion of cultural values. On the other hand, the proponents believe that it is a way...

The Choctaw Three: Criminal Ethics Case

Abstract The Choctaw Three refers to Victoria Bell Banks, Medell Banks, and Dianne Bell Tucker, who were indicted and prosecuted in the great State of Alabama for the capital murder of a child that never existed. This case demonstrates what transpires when a prosecutor fails to adhere to the standards...

Nova Scotia Minimum Wage Increasing

Issue There is pressure from certain organizations (such as workers’ labor unions) to increase the minimum wages to $15 per hour. Why Is This an Issue? Increasing the minimum hourly wages is an issue because there are numerous workers whose wages are lower than the proposed minimum level. This means...

The Affordable Care Act: Healthcare and Ethics

Introduction Any substantial government reforms, even those that are generally beneficial for the people, create certain ethical conflicts and discourses. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, has sought to expand health care access by increasing state health expenditures to provide more coverage to vulnerable populations, while at...

Why Cops Are Not Often Sentenced for On-Duty Homicides?

Introduction Claims of the police using excessive force when dealing with unarmed criminals are common in the United States. The increase in the number of homicides perpetrated by police officers in the line of duty has evoked great indignation across the country. The public demands that police officers are held...

US Homeland Security Issues

Introduction The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has the responsibility of ensuring that all Americans remain safe while in the American soil. It also plays major responsibilities in protecting all crucial infrastructures from destruction by enemies. In the execution of its mandates via various divisions, the DHS faces different issues...

Pauli Murray’s Advocacy for Civil and Gender Rights

Pauli Murray was an effective advocate for civil rights and gender rights because of her courage, vision, and personal struggles with segregation and gender identity. Her courage is evident from her lifelong commitment to challenge racial and gender segregation, and discrimination through her active participation in the civil rights struggle....

The Affordable Care Act and Its Future Paradigm

Introduction The present paper is devoted to the discussion of healthcare policy development, implementation, and its relation to healthcare professionals and uses the example of the Affordable Care Act. Access to affordable healthcare has been an ongoing problem for the United States health system, and the coverage options were expected...

The Litigation Process: Becker v. Pettku Case

Introduction Failure to resolve controversies through alternative dispute resolution (ADR) approaches prompt the parties involved to consider legal actions. Litigations concerning business matters usually affect the operations of the affected businesses by deviating attention and resources. The litigation process adopts a process that seeks to facilitate the realization of equality...

The Impact of the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) introduced by President Obama in 2010 remains one of the most controversial bills in US history. It was widely criticized for the last seven years since its introduction, but at the same time, a good portion of American society vehemently opposes its repeal. The achievements...

Legislation After the 9/11 Terrorist Attack in New York

Paragraph 5 The USA Patriot Act was one of the key pieces of legislation signed into effect following the 9/11 terror attack in New York City. The USA Patriot Act was signed on 26th October 2001 and focused on the enhancement of law enforcement powers and intelligence gathering procedures (Falk...

Criminal Profiling and Police Corruption

Criminal Profiling Solving murder crimes is a complex process that requires law enforcement personnel to use special techniques to narrow the list of potential suspects. One such technique is criminal profiling, which has proven to be especially effective when investigating homicides on sexual grounds (Douglas, et al., 1986, 403). Criminal...

The Law and Business Activity Aspects

Introduction At the center of liberated communities and civilizations is the presence of an autonomous economy, constituting of businesses authorized to carry out their actions without any meddling from weighty policies and demands from legal authorities. We also have to consider that business cannot be carried in the absence of...

Future Antiterrorism Policies in the United States

Introduction The frequency of terrorist attacks against the United States of America is increasing. According to Bakker (2012), it is unclear whether or not the reason for this is the ineffectiveness of the strategies currently employed to deal with this crime. Despite various efforts made by the US government, attacks...

Insider Trading Situation in 2017

Insider trading as a trade of companies’ stocks by persons who have access to the corporate non-public data is usually discussed as a legal problem that affects corporate finances. However, this issue has many aspects and dimensions because not all types of insider trading are discussed as illegal, and there...

Florida Legislature on Primary Care in 2017

Florida Legislature The Florida Legislature consists of two houses, namely, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The legislature is situated in Tallahassee at the Florida State Capitol. Currently, the legislature consists of 160 legislators, 120 of them belong to the House of Representatives and 40 – to the Senate....

The Discrimination of Employees: Nurse’s Case

Introduction The enactment of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was meant to streamline the relationship between employees and employers by minimizing instances of discrimination in relation to race and other categorizations. Title VII prohibits among other things, the discrimination of employees on the basis of their...

Safety of Healthcare Information: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Introduction The present paper is devoted to the discussion of HIPAA regulations. It considers the Privacy and Security Rules, examines the HITECH Act as a complementary set of regulations, reviews the challenges that HIPAA needs to respond to, and evaluates HIPAA capacity to do so. It is concluded that HIPAA...

Business Regulation by Federal Government

Regulation involves government actions that are used to guide the behavior of businesses and citizens so as to reach social and economic goals. The government’s action of regulating businesses has led to the reduction of discrimination, freed competition, banned dangerous products, reduced workplace accidents, enhanced business competition, protected the environment,...

Early Care and Education: Health Policy Review

Introduction Childhood obesity is one of the biggest modern health problems. In the United States, more than one child in five (age 2-5 years) is overweight or obese (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017). As stated by Cunningham, Kramer, and Venkat Narayan (2014), the number of the US...

National Labor Relations Board

Organizational structure is a major factor that determines the management styles and performance of various organizations. According to Myers (2017), organizational structure determines the division of work, assignment of duties, and the level of authority of employees and management levels. Vertical and horizontal organizational structures are two major forms of...

Florida’s Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment

The Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) or Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) is a program that can offer an effective method for ensuring that patients’ choices regarding end-of-life (EOL) are honored (Braun, 2016; National POLST Paradigm, 2017). Even though advanced directives (ADs) can be effectively used for the...

Cargo Crimes and Threats: GAO Report

The worldwide supply chain comprises of a wide range of infrastructures that are used for transport. This includes ports, railways, and airlines that all make up the supply chain. All these infrastructures are interconnected such that they all work together for faster transport of goods. Supply chain means the transport...

Confessions in Saudi vs US Criminal Justice Systems

Introduction Interrogations are a vital element of the criminal justice system. They are helpful for solving cases and bringing perpetrators to responsibility. However, not all professional policemen are able to collect enough evidence during interrogations and investigations. In this way, it is important to point to another critical element of...

The Mau Mau Legal Hearings and Recognizing the Crimes

Introduction The case discussed in this paper concerns the claim received from Ndiku Mutua, Paulo Nzili, Wambugu Nyingi, Jane Muthoni Mara, and Susan Ngondi against the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of Great Britain (McCombe). The primary issue discussed was the fact that British armed forces tortured the participants of the...

The Legislative Changes Promotion

Introduction Current policies on vaccination in Florida need to be improved so that it is ensured that people are not widely deprived of this specific aspect of access to proper health care. The legislation suggests that individuals may refuse to be vaccinated based on their personal beliefs (e.g., religious), and...

Liability Issues for Police Departments

Introduction Police departments are designed to guard ordinary citizens against crime and to punish those who commit it. However, the growing number of cases in which police officers committed crimes shows that unfortunately the authority given to them is being misused. Cases that incriminate the innocent, excessive use of force,...

Griggs vs Duke Power Company: Discrimination Case

In Griggs v. Duke Power Company case, African American applicants proved that the company violates the Civil Rights Act while hiring in prestigious positions. In particular, the statistical data showed that the human resource management of the company required from candidates the obligatory presence of the Higher Education Diploma and...

Problem of the Gun Control Laws

Introduction Many people die yearly due to handgun linked incidents in the country. The number of casualties who die from gun-related accidents, in the country, is much higher compared to other bordering countries. The difference can be attributed to the other countries having much stricter gun control laws. In addition,...

Public Defenders and the American Justice System

According to the (n.d.), a court is supposed to appoint a lawyer for a person who is unable to meet the expense of a lawyer. In this case, the appointed lawyer is called a public defender. Therefore, a public defender refers to a lawyer selected to represent individuals who...

Car Dealing Problem and Contract Validity

An offer made by a car dealer, Brad Benson, to give a Florida pastor, Terry Jones, a new car if he abstains from burning a Quran can be considered a valid contract. An advertisement issued by the offeror was a demonstration of willingness to enter into a contract that included...

US Medical Leave, Discrimination, Disability Acts

Abstract Employment laws are enacted for, they offer protection to employees and employers. Understanding and complying with the laws does offer societal benefits. When a company is seeking employees it is necessary to understand the laws to avoid conflict of interest and legal battle there after. The importance of understanding...

Antitrust Laws and Competition Regulation

The antitrust laws were set by the United States’ Federal and individual states’ governments to regulate businesses and corporations. These laws were laid down to regulate them from growing too much and eventually oppressing the consumers. Likewise, they were also laid to prevent monopolies from exploiting consumers and therefore, offer...

Amazon Company’s Conditions of Use

Arbitration has been used in the US for more than a century as a mechanism for quick and effective dispute resolution. The introduction of arbitration clauses into consumer contracts has been especially prevalent with the emergence of online services. The aim of this paper is to discuss advantages and disadvantages...

Intellectual Property and Its Abuse

Introduction Intellectual property has been a valuable commodity and a generator of wealth for people and companies throughout modern history. It is an umbrella term that encapsulates all results of intellectual and creative processes. A great number of things fall under its categories, from company names and slogans, to design...

Approval of Public Health Policy Meeting

Topic and Focus The topic of the public policy meeting was “Healthcare for All,” during which Michael Lighty, Director of Public Policy for National Nurses United, California Nurses Association explained to the public of Nevada City the Healthy California Act, SB 562. The Act guarantees that every Californian citizen will...

The Interpretation of the Second Amendment

Main Body The interpretation of the Second Amendment guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms outside of one’s home is one of the most controversial provisions of the American Constitution. On one hand, the opponents claim that it is imperative to impose restrictions on the right to buy arms...

US Workplace and Race Discrimination Court Cases

Abstract This paper has analyzed the O’Bannon v. Friedman’s and Nyfield v. Virgin Islands Corp cases with the view to gaining a deeper understanding of important concepts associated with workplace discrimination. The O’Bannon v. Friedman’s case has not only demonstrated how employees can become the recipients of workplace discrimination due...