The Crisis of Drug Addiction

Introduction Drug use is an act that has been seen among citizens, especially the youthful generation in many countries. It is a problem that is caused by a number of factors, among them being sociocultural factors, as well as the economic factors surrounding the drug users. Heavy use of drugs...

Legal Aspects of Human Resource Management

Employers across the U.S. have several feasible systems that they can use to manage the personnel side of their organizations. These systems, according to Kaiser (2005), denote the diverse types of employment relationships that may subsist between the employer and the organization on the one hand and the employee on...

US Macroeconomic Issues: Inflation, Unemployment, and Policy

What is the current macroeconomic situation in the U.S? The macroeconomic situation in the US is currently faced with high inflation rates, which paint a gloomy picture to many US citizens (Baumol & Blinder, 2011). In the recent past, the US has come out of a recession that affected the...

Postpartum Depression: Recognizing It as a Serious Mental Health Concern

Introduction Postpartum depression is a serious mental health problem that can impair the quality of life of young mothers. According to O’Hara and McCabe (2013), the prevalence of postpartum depression in the general population ranges between 13 and 19 percent. Antidepressant therapy is considered to be effective in treating the...

Impact of Nurse Staffing Levels on Patient Outcomes: A Literature Review

Introduction Nurse understaffing is an important healthcare problem that is associated with poor patient outcomes, burnout, high turnover, and other problems faced by healthcare organizations. The objective of the change project is to test whether increasing staffing levels will have a positive outcome on employee retention, the incidence of medical...

A 950-word text usually takes about 4 pages. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

A 950-word essay contains 6 to 9 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

A 950-word essay is quite an extensive piece of academic writing. It is to be planned well. The three distinct parts of such a paper are: introduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should include a hook, background information, and a thesis statement. Each of the body paragraphs is to focus on one argument. The conclusion should summarize your arguments.

Typing 950 words on a keyboard usually takes 19 to 38 minutes, depending on your typing speed. However, if you need to write an academic paper, add time for research, formatting the text, and preparing graphic materials. You’ll need at least 3 hours for 950 words.

The final number of references that you should include in an essay of 950 to 1000 words will depend on the assignment’s genre and complexity. For instance, on middle-school level, you’ll have to add 6 references on average. A bachelor-level assignment of 950 words will require 12 references, while a graduate-level paper should refer to at least 19 sources.

Risk Factors for Hypokinetic Disease

First Family Member The first family member is my sister, twenty-six years old. She claims not to have any specific dietary practices, although she agrees that she consumes fast food often (more than four times per week, at work). She began to smoke when she was 21, but she claims...

“The Scar” Story by Amy Tan

Introduction The short story, Scar, is about An-Mei Hsu who is the main character. Her mother had deserted the family and married a rich merchant as a concubine and the fourth wife. When her father died, her brother and she were forced to live with their relatives. The grandmother, Popo,...

“Mhudi” by Sol Plaatje: A Chance for Unity

The book Mhudi, which was written by Sol Plaatje in 1920 and first published in 1930, is a novel that tells a story of indigenous African tribes, the complex relations between them, and the facts that impact these relations greatly. The sophisticated atmosphere is perfectly shown by the author, who...

Vaginitis Diagnosis: Discussion and Analysis

Vaginitis is a common medical condition among women in the reproductive age group and is responsible for numerous visits to healthcare facilities and much distress due to its capacity to negatively impact the overall quality of life (Guedou et al., 2013). Although vaginitis is basically the most common gynecologic diagnosis...

Personal Worldview, Prime Reality, and Religion

For every particular field of study, prime reality is the concept to explain on the basis of one’s personal feelings, beliefs, and comprehension. For Christian theism representatives, it appears to be a personal God, whose nature is unveiled in the Holy Scriptures. Supporters of postmodernism, however, take a naturalistic approach...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Strategies for Overcoming Staffing Obstacles in Nursing: Best Practices

Health Care Delivery Models and Barriers to Staffing Effective organization staffing is a challenge faced by the majority of health care organizations. Both nurses and unlicensed personnel make efforts to provide health care at the highest possible level. However, due to heavy workload, an adequate nurse-to-patient ratio is hard to...

Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Maternity

Introduction Topic The primary research question How does domestic violence impact the conditions and environment of maternity? The working thesis The angle would be to present evidence that domestic abuse creates a hostile environment that women perceive as dangerous to raise a child in. The essay will seek to explore...

Office Workers Use Digital Media: Escape or Distraction?

Initially one would think that the author – Ira Wagman – wanted to write about a website called and how office workers use it as a way to escape boredom. But it turns out that she merely used this website as her take-off point in order to discuss the...

Psychological Assessment: Dr. Gregory House Case

The character’s demographics Dr. Gregory House is a 45-year-old male character in the TV series, House. He is divorced after failing to maintain a healthy relationship with his former wife, Stacy. He studies medicine at John Hopkins University before being expelled for cheating. He enrolls at the University of Michigan...

Online Bullying Takes Over the World

In the context of a rapidly and highly digitized global environment, online bullying, otherwise known as cyberbullying, has become a prevalent issue. Using electronic means and online platforms to engage in harassment often under cover of anonymity, the problem is especially affecting younger populations. Cyberbullying can have significant consequences on...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Introduction Caring for patients is a core element of practice in nursing. Not only can the lack of caring behaviors in a hospital lead to individuals’ dissatisfaction with rendered services and ways of treatment, but it also may threaten the healthcare quality in general. The Theory of Human Caring developed...

The Issue of Wardriving: Unauthorized Access to Wi-Fi Networks

Currently, many private residents have purchased “Wireless Fidelity” (Wi-Fi) network, in effect enabling their members of the family to gain access to, for example, network drive or a printer from any location within the house. When this technology lacks the suitable security, neighbors, as well as other individuals who could...

Shifts That May Happen as the Internet Continues to Grow and Expand

Introduction The communication industry can boast of one of the most important innovations during the age of the internet. The internet has revolutionized not only the communication world but also the whole world. Information has become readily available with the click of a button and this has led consumers to...

Organizational Change in Companies

Introduction In this era of globalization and cut-throat competition in which companies face it difficult to ensure their survival, change has a significant role to play. If the companies change when the situation demands change, then only they can ensure survival and maximum returns. The main barriers to change are...

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Course Reflection

Introduction The Essential VIII that is proposed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education can be viewed as a tool for reflection. This Essential includes the sub-competencies pertinent to health assessment, intervention management and evaluation, care delivery, the evaluation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Family Relations in “Love Actually” Movie

Introduction Love Actually is a popular motion picture watched by millions on Christmas Eve all around the world. The entire plot of the film is a compilation of short life stories that many viewers can easily relate to. Despite being labeled as overly melodramatic and, at times, boring by numerous...

Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning

Introduction Present-day individuals are faced with an infinite flow of information coming from various sources, such as TV advertisements, political claims of presidential candidates, or news articles on websites. Not all of these messages are true and logical, so people have to treat information critically to avoid being deceived. Therefore,...

Identity: Personal and Social

Curiosity is a basic and natural drive in human behavior. The desire for self-knowledge is highly common among people. Defining and understanding the self is an intricate subject and has been a ponderous research topic in social psychology. From childhood, people start to differentiate themselves from the outside world and...

Live Musical Performances and Concerts’ Analysis

Introduction Music can awaken a wide range of emotions of both the amateur and the sophisticated listener. Live musical performance expands a person’s emotional range and may even go beyond that reaching those unknown types of feelings that people have not yet given a name. That is why I watched...

The Poems “We Are Really Cool” and “Malcolm X” by Gwendolyn Brooks

Introduction Gwendolyn Brooks is an important and well-known figure in American poetry of the 20th century. “We are really cool” and “Malcolm X” is one of the greatest poems written by Brooks. She is the kind of author who widely employs syntactic means to express her texts’ significant meanings. In...

Emergency Departments and Balanced Scorecard Assignment

Division Selection Emergency departments (EDs) provide services to patients that are brought in by ambulance vehicles, but those getting to the hospital on their own can also receive services in cases of emergency. These departments are established to help patients with a variety of acute life-threatening conditions, such as injuries,...

Cognition and Emotion: Interactions and Contextual Expansions

Summary of Each Article In the article “The Nature and Organization of Individual Differences in Executive Functions: Four General Conclusions” the authors, Miyake and Friedman (2012) sought to summarize the available research, at the time, on executive functions (EFs). The authors conducted the research to investigate the inherent differences in...

Criminal Behavior in Society

This paper provides detailed information on criminal behavior in society. The paper will differentiate criminal and non-criminal psychopaths. In addition, the paper seeks to differentiate antisocial personality disorder from general criminal behavior. The paper will analyze criminal activities committed under different circumstances, to gain insight into criminal behavior in society....

Strategic Planning: Healthcare Organizations

Strategic planning is one of the most important approaches to the development of any organization. Having a strategy is especially crucial for a healthcare institution, as the increase in services’ quality allows them to improve patients’ health and creates a competitive advantage. This paper will determine a small privately-owned hospital’s...

Thermochemistry: Enthalpy of Neutralization

Introduction Thermochemical reactions are an important object of study in general chemistry, allowing the study of thermal processes that occur during chemical interactions. It is well known that the whole set of reactions can be divided into exothermic and endothermic, depending on the thermal effect: heat can either be released...

Comparison of Eastern and Western Landscape Art

Eastern, specifically Chinese and Japanese, and western art cultures significantly differ, portraying the world differently through paintings. While Western artists depict the world from a central viewpoint and focus on the most important objects in a scene, Chinese artists in their paintings primarily focus on background detail. Such comparison will...

Unilever’s New Global Sustainable Strategy

Unilever is a global company that sells its products in almost every country in the world and has dozens of brands. Despite some shortcomings, the new CEO Paul Polman has achieved significant results in the company, demonstrating his understanding of the company’s strengths and weaknesses in an international environment. This...

Analysis of the Superman Character in a Comic Book

Superman is a monumental character in the DC Comics universe. He may or may not like it, but it is impossible to deny his contribution to world culture and influence on generations of readers and viewers alike. Superman has had a significant impact on popular culture and is a role...

The Positive and Negative Impacts of Hosting the Olympics

Introduction Olympic Games originated in Ancient Greece over 3000 years ago. The modern Olympics were then revived in the 19th century and took place in Athens, Greece. Since then, the host cities are chosen through an open bidding procedure seven years before the event. As a matter of fact, it...

The Phylogenomic Analysis of Adephaga (Coleoptera)

Adephaga are a suborder of beetles and the second-largest suborder of the Coleoptera order, with around 45,000 recorded species. The members of these species are chiefly predators in various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and some of them, such as ground beetles (Carabidae), serve as agricultural pests’ prominent natural enemies. According...

Gender Roles in the Boys Don’t Cry Movie

Introduction Topics surrounding human sexuality, for instance, gender roles, have been of interest to screenwriters and directors for a long time. Boys Don’t Cry is a famous movie directed by Kimberly Peirce at the dawn of the twenty-first century. It explores the influence of rigid gender-based behavioral expectations on a...

The Revolutions of 1848: Historical Overview

Beginning in Sicily and expanding to France, Germany, Italy, and the Austrian Empire. The 1848 Revolutions were a series of republican uprisings against the European monarchy. They all ultimately failed and repression, with liberals becoming increasingly disillusioned. However, this historical period involves several important events, personalities, and countries, allowing for...

Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives Change the World

Analyzing Social Entrepreneurship The 21st century is characterized by an increasing level of attention devoted to the issues that persists in society. As a matter of fact, there is a complex set of problems that continue to undermine the strength and unity of the people around the world. Some of...

“The Naked Citadel” by Faludi and “Selections…” by Nafisi

Humans are often referred to as individuals due to each person’s extensive and ubiquitous depth of self. However, this was not always the reality and did not remain one in various parts of the world. In the work of Azar Nafisi, “Selections from Reading Lolita in Tehran,” it is possible...

Climate Change and Health: Public Health

Introduction Human activity influences the environment in various ways, from climate change acceleration to the increasing deforestation that, as experts predict, can cause another global pandemic. Over the years, it became prevailing for environmental activists to underline this influence on the well-being of animal and plant life, economy, and infrastructure....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Women in Neolithic and Pre-Imperial China

Summary Gender norms and roles have been a very common topic for discussion among historians, sociologists, and other scientists. It is undeniable that each country had its own perspective on the matter, especially during ancient times. Such discussions have led to the conduction of various studies related to women’s rights...

Strategies for Workplace Conflict Management

Introduction Conflict is a serious disagreement, a radical way of resolving a conflict between people. According to the American Management Association, modern managers devote about 24% of their time to it (Greer & Dannals, 2017, p. 317). It is dangerous for productivity to pretend that conflicts do not exist in...

The Beyond the Bean Café’s Marketing Plan

Introduction The first-time entrepreneurs Angela Peck and David Grieg started Beyond the Bean café, specializing in gourmet coffees and associated beverages, including cappuccinos and tea. The clients enjoyed eating snacks, drinking, renting tables, and playing board tables at the restaurant. Since the partners had a start capital of $60,000, they...

Phonetic Airlines’ Electrical Hardware & Soldering

Introduction The project included designing and repairing aircrafts in a for Phonetic Airlines. It also assimilated learning from first hand experiences in handling electrical wires and soldering processes in the workshop. It guaranteed exposure to high combustive materials such as lead and iron, and exposure to hot furnaces and poisonous...

The AT&T Company’s Accounting Scenario

In most cases, business organizations may experience sudden depreciation in the value of their assets making the useful life of the products to be less than predetermined. To remain consistent and relevant in the records, such firms apply various accounting standards to correct the entries. For instance, considering the AT...

HIMT 2200 Midterm Exam: The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is the highest honor or acknowledgment for performance excellence given to a company in the United States. In the 1980s, Congress established this prize and named it Malcolm Baldrige, honoring the former secretary of commerce. Its objectives were to share best practices, establish benchmarks...

Strategic Assessment: Publix’s Business Strategy

Publix is a large grocery chain store, operating on an employee-owned basis. The brand does not operate outside of the US but has a considerable network of stores across the country. Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia – all of these states contribute to Publix’ scope...

Bangladesh: Investment Climate of the Developing Country

Introduction Bangladesh is constantly developing and is one of the most populous countries in the world. Because of its large population, a large number of the young and hardworking labor force. The country’s location attracts a lot of investment – Bangladesh is on the trade route between South and East...

Effects of High-Fat Diet and Dehydration on Rat Physiology

Introduction The research was conducted by the Physiology Division of the University of São Paulo, situated in South America. The article was published in 2022. It aimed to expound on the effects of water deprivation in male Wistar rats that feed on a diet with high-fat content. The subject rodents...

The Role of Global Powers and Organizations in Contemporary Peacekeeping Efforts

Power, international law, and peacekeeping form a major aspect of the global talk, forums, and discussions; as a threat to global security, stability, and understanding, especially from the rise in the terrorist attacks; and the armed conflicts witnessed in today’s political global affairs. This work is an analysis of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The First Three Kings of Israel in the Bible

Introduction The history of the establishment of monarchy and the reign of the first Israeli kings is described in the books of Samuel and the books of Kings. The first king, Saul, was appointed due to the fact that people turned away from God’s will; even though his successor, David,...

Health Promotion and Three Levels of Prevention

Introduction Health promotion is a basic refrain for nursing practice. It has been a major focus in the nursing practice in the recent decades due to its contribution to the nursing philosophy. This literature review analyzes the evolution of nursing roles and responsibilities in health promotion. The paper reviews three...

Comparative Analysis of Health Care Systems: A Detailed Study of the US and the UK

Introduction Bernie Sander defines the US as one of the major countries on Earth with one of the weakest health care systems and suggests making it more like those developed in European countries, such as the United Kingdom (Dolan, 2016). The comparison developed in this paper is the first step...

Haitian Culture, Religion, Language, and Economics

Introduction Culture can be defined as knowledge and behaviors peculiar to people who are united territorially. As the representatives of the Caribbean region, Haitians are drastically different from the U. S. citizens in terms of habits and philosophy, which has implications to military operations. This paper reviews facts about the...

Secrets of Stonehenge: New Theories & Scientific Insights

Introduction The movie Secrets of Stonehenge describes the investigative hypotheses made during the large-scale Stonehenge Riverside Project, scientific archeological research led by Mike Parker Pearson. Scientists concluded that Stonehenge might have served as a cemetery for the royal persons who initiated its construction. Archaeologists have also discovered that Stonehenge is...

Personal Nursing Philosophy Based on Peplau’s Theory: Insights and Applications

The metaparadigm of nursing covers the concepts fundamental to the profession. In particular, these are elements such as client, nursing, health, and the environment (Black, 2016). They are interconnected and penetrate each other, creating a holistic approach to patient care. My understanding that caring for clients should entail all these...

Analyzing Amazon’s Strategic Business Moves and Market Performance

Introduction Businesses that operate in the present-day competitive market may not record optimal performance if they disregard the prevailing regulatory standards. Such guiding principles have been put in place to inform companies’ economic decision-making processes. Contravening the laid-down ethical, accounting, monetary, and government policies may subject organizations to significant penalties,...

Poverty in New York City and Media Representation

Introduction Poverty and the widening income divide are complex and recurring issues in the United States. New York City (NYC), which is urban megapolis chosen for this paper, holds one of the highest poverty rates in the country. The poverty rate in the city is at 19.5 percent, while near-poverty...

The Risk Assessment of Opening Up the Branch

The experience of writing a risk identification and management report for a company to set its branch in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has made me learn many new aspects about effective researching and report preparation. It has become a valuable aid in satisfying my desire to traverse through...

Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 and “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

Introduction The verses “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost and Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare are among the most beautiful. They show poets’ ability to capture the essence of life. They depict the inevitability of choice and eternity; meditate about the most philosophical sides of life. Eternal Life of...

The Use of Information and Communication Technology in Education

Introduction This chapter is aimed to give the general image of the information technologies development and internet, and connect this fact with the matters of globalization. Globalization and technological change has originated a new global economy which is based on the advantages of information and communication technologies. This technological origin...

Impacts of Technology on Love

Introduction Most of us have always been strong advocates of love and attraction. At whatever time people have something to do in the name of love; we support then a hundred and one percent! We have witnessed many love made and broken, most of the time from the beginning, some...

Accidents and Driving in the UK

The detailed statistic of accidents in UK demonstrates the type of vehicles involved, the casualties, and circumstances; it indicates a high level of the personal injury accidents. The risk graph presented in British Standard (2010 pp. 33-34) indicates the necessity of the risk reduction due to the high level of...

The Character of Philoctetes

Exordium Oh, how he rages locked on his island. “I’ll be my own Troy” (Heaney 63) he cries in arrogance, not knowing that he, like the city, is destined to fall. Philoctetes has lost everything, and now only blind hatred guides him, the ghosts of the past howl at his...

Guns and Violence in America

Gun control policies should be enforced because they will make the world a safer place. The right to live in the most crucial right for an individual that is why its violation is prohibited by the constitution and involves severe punishment. There have been cases of shootings in schools carried...

The Ethnic Minority Group and Its Health Status

Various ethnic minorities groups presented in the US have their own social, cultural, economic problems that might impact their living conditions. Asian Americans are one of these groups that has specific health status and disparities. This essay will discuss unique challenges and differences Asian Americans have and will analyze cultural,...

“Disgrace” by John Coetzee: Analysis

Introduction “Disgrace” by John Coetzee is a novel about loss, pain, and the efforts to reconcile with oneself. The main characters are disgraced and deprived of all dignity in different circumstances. Even though the characters David Lurie and Lucy Lurie have in common the suffering of facing traumatic sexual experiences,...

Azure: Service Operations Management Overview

Perception of the Service The service provided by Microsoft (Azure Cloud) can be perceived as a client-centered attempt to convey the best tech for an appropriate price that would not scare customers away from the company. The operation provides consumers with an outlook on the company’s services where end-users could...

The Palestine and the Arab-Israel Conflict

Introduction The beginning of the Palestine-Israel conflict has a long history and in spite of many attempts made to tackle the struggle, has not been resolved until today. It belongs to a wider Arab-Israel conflict; the confrontation has various reasons for geopolitical, religious, economic, and ideological nature. In fact, almost...

Marxist Theory, Realism and Liberalism

Marxist Theory in Fiction Various works of fiction examine Marxist notions related to ideology, historical materialism, and the concepts of dystopia/utopia. Karl Marx’s philosophy profoundly impacted the literature of the twentieth century, including Joseph Conrad’s literary work. Dialectical materialism, for instance, posits that material conditions shape a society’s order and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Scandal of the Brand of a Medical Device – EpiPen

In 2016, an enormous spike in the price of EpiPen, a life-saving epinephrine auto-injector used in emergencies by people suffering from severe allergies, caused a massive scandal and numerous discussions. The manufacturer of the device, Mylan, confronted a public outrage and had to take measures to be rehabilitated in the...

Effects of Obesity on Human Lifespan Development

Introduction Obesity is a widespread disease, and it has multiple adverse effects on different stages of human development. Being obese means having body mass index, which is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared, “at or above the 95th percentile for height and age” (Kuther, 2018,...

Approaches in Criminal Investigation

There are many types of investigation methods used by investigators. They comprise inductive reasoning, theory, synthesis, priori, posterior, deduction, hypothesis, classification, and analysis. Any of these approaches assist investigators in their investigations. Inductive reasoning is the method of thinking that starts with concrete details to draw a general inference (Osterburg...

Speech Defending the Construction of Bicycle Lanes

Introduction City officials should be convinced of the necessity of building bicycle lanes and other facilities like bicycle parking and rental. An immediate solution is required, because, even though the bicycle is an eco-friendly and convenient transport, there are few bicycle routes in the area, and cyclists often endanger their...

Reasons that May Make a Strategic Plan Unsuccessful

Introduction According to Marian C. Jennings, the president of a national health care consulting firm that specializes in strategy initiation and development. A strategic plan may be unsuccessful due to various reasons. One of the reasons is a strategy that focuses on a single possibility in future thus ignoring uncertainties...

Alzheimer’s Disease as a Neurological Disease

Introduction to the Disease History Alzheimer’s disease is a rather common condition in aging patients. Progressing at a moderate pace affects their nervous system and cognitive abilities significantly. The disease was discovered by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906 (Prasad, 2020). Despite the time passed since its identification and recognition as...

The FACT Spiritual Assessment Tool

Abstract The present paper employs the FACT spiritual assessment tool to conduct an assessment interview with a recovering patient and demonstrate how the tool works by undertaking a critical analysis of the interview results. Findings demonstrate that FACT raises care standards, minimizes patient risks, and ensures that nursing professionals are...

Calcium and Its Effect on Musculoskeletal System

Project Summary Picture Summary The musculoskeletal system is an organ system made up of specialized tissues of the skeletal muscles and bones. Calcium relates to a mineral found primarily in foods, including milk, kale, and fish; it helps maintain strong teeth and bones in the body. This mineral plays an...

Managerial Prerogative in Australia Since 1990

The directors of different organizations have the power to dictate the strategies of a business, while the workers of these institutions have no such privileges. These innate privileges that permit the employers to supervise the employees are referred to as the managerial prerogatives. The powers are only left in the...

Artificial Intelligence Threat for Employees

The article “U.S. Lost Over 60 Million Jobs—Now Robots, Tech And Artificial Intelligence Will Take Millions More” published focuses on the ongoing unrest around the future of the job market and AI presence within. It is a well-constructed article that delivers a professional opinion on the subject. The author also...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Staff Risks and Insufficient Funding of Hospitals During the COVID-19 Period

Introduction The United States differs from many developed countries in its health care financing system. Suppose in many states there are centralized organizations that provide health insurance for citizens. In that case, the United States is characterized by the absence of a unified, universal health insurance system, in which resources...

Comedy Play “Tartuffe”: A Character Study

Tartuffe is one of Moliere’s most famous comedy plays. Although the first version was published back in 1669, the play is still present in the repertoire of modern theater companies. The reason for this is the bright comedy plot, as well as memorable characters. This essay aims to analyze one...

Organizational Problem of Everest Tragedy of 1996

The tragedy of the mountain Everest refers to the events that occurred on May 11, 1996 and led to the mass death of climbers on the southern slope of Everest. Two expeditions at once – Mountain Madness and Adventure Consultants simultaneously began their ascent on May 10th. In total, there...

Is Terrorism Ever a Justifiable Form of “Political Violence”

Anyaeze, Regis Chima. 2020 “Terrorist Framework and Inclination: The Behavourial Pattern of Boko Haram in Nigeria.” International Relations 8(04): 127-141. Web. In the article, the author examines the effects of terrorism, specifically Boko Haram in Nigeria. Although the author argues that before 2008, violent extremism in Nigeria had nothing to...

Forensics Analysis of Terrorism Crime Scene

Introduction Terrorism uses calculated violence to generate public fear and panic to establish a specific political agenda within the general population. Terrorism is likely to be practiced by political movements with both rightist and leftist goals and objectives, religious, revolutionary, and nationalist groups, and state institutions such as police, armies,...

John Milton’s Poems “L’Allegro” and “IL Penseroso”

John Milton’s corresponding poems “L’Allegro” and “Il Penseroso” explore the value and the pleasures that people take in two competing but complementary lifestyles and the attractions of two competing sources of artistic inspiration. “L’Allegro” is a celebration of the beauty of rural nature and urban vitality and glorifies mirth and...

Race and Intelligence: Sterilization and Confinement in California

Since the advent of intelligence tests in the early 20th century, the relationship between race and intellect has been the subject of debate in both popular science and research literature. However, such tests demonstrate the disparities in average IQ scores between self-identified people of different races or nations. There is...

Evaluating HBO Max’s Resources, Capabilities, and Competitiveness

Core VRIN-based Competencies of HBO Max Quality content Quality content is the number one core competency in the media industry. Warner Media owned HBO offers TV shows and movies to the audience. Its content is unique and has been known for establishing milestones in the TV industry. For instance, its...

Grendel and Medea Literary Characters’ Comparison

Grendel and Medea are different characters who appeared from the pen of different authors in different periods. However, they are united by one crucial detail — the monster’s nature. From this detail, a whole complex of similarities grows, such as hermit, rejection by others, savagery, and inability to accept oneself....

Business Culture as a System of Values in the UK

Culture as a system of values serves to form people’s outlooks, attitudes, and stances. It plays a major role in all spheres of life but is especially relevant in business, as it may hinder or assist cooperation depending on how close the businessmen’s cultures are. The UK, being the center...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Counseling Research: A Practitioner-Scholar Approach

Research Importance There are many advantages to relying on research in the practice of counseling. A mix of “practitioner-scholar” and “scientist-practitioner” models emphasizes its utility as clinical training, research, and practice are tightly intertwined, with the overlap in required skills and competencies (Balkin & Kleist, 2017, p. 16). According to...

“The Teenage Brain” by Somerville

Adolescence represents a developmental transition to maturity characterized by swift changes in the body and brain. At this stage, teenagers strive to understand their self-identities and learn to make independent decisions. Consequently, the rapid changes experienced by adolescents can be challenging or stressful. This increased awareness of the implications and...

Justice and Policies Among the Law Enforcers

Event/Situation Significantly, in the police departments, the consent agreement concentrates on upholding justice and policies among the law enforcers. In the case study, the insight comprised four riders in California apprehended twelve years earlier. The detention of the four riders involved evidence planting and false accusations by the officers. The...

Personal Leadership Philosophy Statement

Introduction Public safety leadership position requires an establishment of a solid personal philosophy that would affect the approaches applied to the process of organization of labor and general leading. Personal leadership philosophy defines the core principles of the leader that they incorporate into the overall productivity of the organization in...

The Religious Pluralism Theological Framework

The current examination of religious diversity highlights the problem of religious plurality, whereby traditions fundamentally different from each other yet able to maintain historical adherence, sometimes for millennia, contend on which provides ultimate truth. While Race’s threefold typology depicts three different responses to a religious plurality within a modern comparative...

The Health Information Technology Adoption

Introduction Electronic health records, a subset of health information technology, are increasingly viewed as tools that help enhance health systems’ safety, efficacy, and quality. These technologies can provide practitioners with real-time decision support, making crucially important clinical information more accessible and significantly reducing unnecessary testing. Still, many practitioners find it...

Reconstruction and Civil Rights

Introduction The first drafting of the Reconstruction plan belongs to Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated, as historians now believe when the full-fledged Reconstruction began. Lincoln’s plan was complex and took into account the political aspect, first of all, since Lincoln wanted to weaken the Confederacy. The period of Reconstruction, 1865...

The True Story of Che Guevara: Conflict & Terrorism

The name of Ernesto “Che” Guevara is among the most well-known names in the world. The Argentinian freedom fighter played a crucial role in the Cuban revolution and institution of a Marxist Communist regime in the country and the deterioration of the diplomatic relationship between Cuba and the United States....

Health Problems Facing the Vulnerable Population

Despite aspirations and efforts in the U. S. to eliminate or minimize inequalities in healthcare by 2010, disadvantaged societies endure facing large differences in morbidity, access to treatment, mortality, and risk factors. There are significant racial or ethnic inequalities in birth outcomes in the United States. In 2002, the mortality...

Art and Religion in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Introduction The medieval period is very difficult and conservative in the history of world art. It was dominated by rigid religious tendencies over innovative ideas, making the works of artists, sculptors, and writers very much tied to the Church’s theme. When this influence began to wane, the Renaissance was born...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Students With Mental Health Needs

Introduction The world is constantly changing, and new innovative technologies are entering life, the use of which is expanding every day. This has a great impact on every person, but especially on the mobile psyche of children and adolescents. This has a number of consequences and causes depression and anxiety....

The Heroic Quest in “Sundiata” and “The Popol Vuh”

Introduction A heroic quest is when the protagonist of a story travels to faraway lands to pursue vital life goals that will benefit them individually or a group of people. One of the literary works that share the theme of the heroic quest is Sundiata by Djibril Tamsir, originally published...

Perfectionism: Positive and Negative Sides

Introduction Notably, some psychological or mental conditions usually appear to be more beneficial than harmful to the health of adolescents. For instance, perfectionism seems to be a positive attribute that can significantly contribute to an individual’s success in life. However, at certain levels perfectionism can make an individual develop negative...

Animal Cruelty in Philosophers’ Arguments

It is important to note that ethical perspectives and frameworks provide insight into how people should act morally. The given analysis will primarily address Kantian and Singer’s points of view on animal cruelty as well as Baier’s arguments on the unethicality of trust relationships. Kant highlights the importance of personhood...

How I Plan to Implement the Public Health Campaign

The proposed public health campaign would consist of three main steps. The first step involves evaluating the logistical requirements for the campaign and outlining their roles in the public health campaign. This process would only take one month. The second step involves identifying partners to support the public health campaign...

Lighting Design Role in the Play

Introduction Lighting design is a significant aspect that can contribute to viewers’ perceptions of the play. It involves both creative, collaborative, and technical processes and requires the engagement of the whole team. This paper presents a description of these processes and ­provides a detailed explanation of them. It also features...

Electronic Patient Portals: Enhancing Patient Care and Engagement

Introduction The establishment of electronic patient portals became possible with the development of the Internet and online websites that provided information directly to the user. Patient portals today can be defined as secure websites or web pages that provide users with necessary information related to their treatment and/or condition anytime....

American Association of Colleges of Nursing: A Comprehensive Guide

Abstract The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) presents educational institutions with a list of critical knowledge and competencies that future nurses should develop and obtain. This includes an integration of different subjects, understanding of organizational functioning and leadership, improvement of quality. Additionally, AACN highlights the need for implementing...

Comparing PICOT Questions in Hand Hygiene Research Studies

In medicine, research, experiments, and surveys are regularly conducted and serve as excellent tools for the development of new treatment methods, understanding patients’ needs, concerns, and so on. It also helps healthcare professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of new medications and medical procedures. One of the ways to conduct successful...

Health Equity Issues & Solutions for Addressing Disparities

Issue Identified One of the main healthcare policy issues that are currently in need of addressing is health equity (HE) (American Public Health Association [APHA], 2015). Alternatively, it can be identified as the presence of health and care disparities (Ubri & Artiga, 2016). In other words, HE is a challenge,...

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Aspects of Computer Information Security

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The Big Data Phenomenon and Security Issues

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Marxism Importance Literature Discussion

Weston, F. (2020). Biden’s win is no victory for the working class: The US needs a workers’ party! | United States | Americas. Web. Weston explains that the USA still faces caste, which needs to be levelled by a strong political party. He explains that it connects the two presidents,...

The Marijuana Impact on Biopsychology of the Brain

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Theological Differences Within the Major Christian Traditions

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Nike Inc.’s Strategic Opportunities and Limitations

International expansion is the goal of many firms because selling goods worldwide and locating productions in multiple countries simultaneously is vital for competitive advantage in most markets. Companies that adjust their strategies need to evaluate their current conditions, place at the market niche, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats they might...

Role of Physical Activity in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Introduction Exercise helps people maintain better control over blood glucose levels and aids in weight loss, which are significant risk factors for diabetes. Physical activity alleviates typical health difficulties among elderly diabetics, such as poor balance and flexibility. Regular exercise is critically essential for effective glucose management. Understanding how type...

Grey Areas from a Christian Standpoint

The most important thing for Christians to acknowledge is that there is no black and white in the world. Only grey areas that must be navigated carefully exist and continuously call Christians to action. The discussed story is “Free Fruit for Young Widows” by Nathan Englander, featured in the May...

Relationship Between Airlines and Airports

The aviation business has experienced rapid evolution patterns and intense rivalry recently. On the one hand, the profitability of the airline business is declining as airline competition increases. On the other hand, privatization processes present new managerial difficulties to airports. These trends affect not only international airports but also regional...

Abortion: Ethical and Moral Issues

Introduction Abortion is one of the urgent problems worldwide, and disputes about the permissibility of abortion and infanticide have been conducted since ancient times. It has demographic meaning, political and social significance, and an essential ethical aspect. The acuteness in the discussion of abortion problems persists, even though this problem...

Self-Reflection: Gibbs’ and SWOT Models Combination

Introduction In the context of this reflexive study, I consider an example of my planning using the methods of Gibbs’ cycle of self-assessment. Such an example is the process of choosing the direction and prioritizing the upcoming vacation. Using the cycle, feelings and descriptions of the plan’s details were analyzed,...

Reforming the US Foster Care System: Addressing Challenges and Enhancing Support

Introduction The US foster care system aims to provide temporary care and protection for children unable to stay with their biological families. However, challenges such as insufficient resources, inadequate support for foster families, placement disruptions, and high social worker caseloads hinder its effectiveness. These issues negatively impact children’s emotional, social,...

Texas’ Four Physiographic Regions: Landscapes, Climates, and Cultures

Introduction The state of Texas, known for its size and geographic variety, serves as a canvas on which numerous natural beauties are painted. Studying the distinctive blending of natural and human factors requires thoroughly studying its physiographic regions. Texas has four main physiographic zones, each distinguished by distinct topographical features,...

Waste Management Inc.: Accounting Principles

Nowadays, all organizations have to use unified accounting concepts to ensure sufficient reporting of their financial transactions. Waste Management Inc. was one of the organizations that violated these standards while being accused of financial manipulations and fraud. In this instance, reviewing its accounting principles can help understand the actual financial...

Galileo’s Condemnation and Religious Conflict: Science vs. Church

The condemnation of Galileo by the Catholic Church is a prime example of the vast dispute between religion and science. It is widely believed that his support of Copernicanism, the theory that the earth rotates on its axis, led to his condemnation by the Catholic Church. However, modern historians disagree...

Evidence-Based Diabetes Management Practices and Their Efficacy

The prevalence of onset type-II diabetes remains the major health concern in the Eatonville population. The rate of the disease and its diagnosis remains at approximately 24.4 percent. Overall, this level of morbidity in a population is particularly high for disease and can be technically considered an epidemic. Towns around...

Othello’s Image in Shakespeare’s Tragedy

Introduction The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice is an outstanding tragedy by William Shakespeare. It focuses on highly essential issues of tragic flaws, crucial miscommunication, revenge, deep hatred, and love. One of the most significant themes of a play that reflects both the social state of the Renaissance...

The Essence of Machiavelli’s Book “The Prince”

Introduction In the early 16th century, when Italy consisted of city-states ruled by princes, Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a handbook for princes and dedicated it to Lorenzo de Medici, Duke of Urbino and the ruler of Florence. This work became infamous because it justified criminal deeds committed for the sake of...

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