Women in Society of Three Plays Literature Analysis

The position of women in society was always determined by the attitude of men to this issue. Women were never considered as the persons with the developed abilities to rule and to have much property. Moreover, the history of the social and personal relations between men and women approves the...

Literature: ā€œOn being brought from Africa to Americaā€ by Phillis Wheatley

Introduction The poem ā€œOn being brought from Africa to Americaā€ by Wheatley elicits mixed reactions from readers. Wheatley was a slave Negro girl. She lived between 1753 and 1784. She spent her childhood years with a wealthy Boston family. However, unlike other slaves, her masters taught her how to read...

“King Lear” by William Shakespeare

One of the great things about William Shakespeareā€™s plays is that he was usually able to offer insight into the psychology of his characters. The dramatic play King Lear is no exception. Intended to be performed before an Elizabethan audience, the main action of the game follows the path of...

Literary Analysis of “A Rose for Emily” by W. Faulkner

An American writer William Faulkner is famous for his short stories which described events taking place in the so-called Yoknapatawpha Count, which is recognized to be a non-existent city. Thus, one of his short stories, namely A Rose for Emily is an issue which is to be discussed below. The...

“Felix Randal” by Gerard Manley Hopkins Literature Analysis

Felix Randal grew up like any other person, normal. Normal in that amongst his peers, he could be loved and cherished, and that he could also grow up to be hated or be hateful. The narrator tells his story and tries to explore and bring out the various facets of...

Amy Tanā€™s ā€œMother Tongueā€

In the story, Mother Tongue, Amy Tan, the author, highlights the problems that children raised by immigrant parents go through as they grow. Having born just a few years after her parents settled in California from China, Tan grew in an environment where spoken English was different from the conventional...

Global Warming: Car Emissions Effects

Introduction The purpose of my PSAs was to answer the question on how the car emissions affect the global warming. It has been noted that in the UK, the environmental problems, such as these emissions, cause various health problems to the people. The emission by the cars is seen to...

Which Country Should the US Invest in, Australia or Mexico?

Introduction A firmā€™s decision to invest in a foreign country is normally motivated by the need to increase profits by exploiting specific advantages available in another country. The firm must consider the micro-economic factors such as the technology available, its marketing skills and its ownership advantages prior to investing in...

America’s Agriculture in the Period of 1865-1938

Agriculture is the key sector in America that has conquered global exports in the world. Currently, America has put in great agricultural thought in the world. This paper analyzes Americaā€™s contribution in prevention of natural calamities, decline of soil quality, promotion of production outlay and provision of sufficient food. According...

Historical Literary Survey on Modern Theatre and Drama

Introduction Historical literary surveys about modern theatre and drama are mainly based on the arguments relating to author, the masterpiece, or the period in consideration. Studies on literary surveys about modern theatre are aimed at offering concise explanation and critical consideration of important aspects of literary discussion terms such as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Plan of the Party for Friend

A party is always the best way to communicate with your friends in the informal atmosphere, to discuss many interesting topics, and have a lot of fun. A good party is also the best way to entertain your friends and the excellent chance to share some good news with a...

Aspects of Kenya Economy

Kenya is a country that is located in the East African region. It borders Uganda to its west, Somalia to the east, Ethiopia to the north, Tanzania to the south and the Indian Ocean along its southeastern coast. It has a population of approximately 40 million people, according to the...

President Bill Clintonā€™s Biography

President Clintonā€™s eight-year term as the president of the United States of America was certainly the most concurrently contentious and effective presidency in Americaā€™s history. He was respected for his economic and social policies and received criticism for his moral selections. I admired his administration strategy, where he used public...

Present Interpretation of the Term Lying

Introduction Criticized by ancient philosophers, lying has become an inherent trait of modern community. An episode from The Andy Griffith Show about Mr. McBevee demonstrates the complexity of the modern concept of lying and deception which requires taking into account not only the individualā€™s motives in telling a lie, but...

Parents Bear Responsibility for the Recreational Rioter – Psychology

The riots that broke out in London on August 4, 2011 shocked the British society and the world at large. The violence, aggression, destructive behavior and looting displayed by the youth have elicited varied reactions and explanations from the public. That level of violence and destruction was not expected, even...

“Salt” by Phillip Noyce Film Analysis

Salt is a 2010 movie directed by Phillip Noyce and starring Angelina Jolie and Live Schreiber. Depicting a story of a CIA agent Evelyn Salt, this thriller film is based upon the suspicion that the main female character is a Russian spy. The plot of the movie contains plenty of...

The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring Film Analysis

The lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is an adventure, adaptation, action or a fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson and released in the year two thousand and one. It is an epic adventure in prehistoric times that contrasts the moral vs. malicious forces and role of...

Mitsubishi Motors’ Automobile Advertising

The goal of captivating the readersā€™ attention was successfully achieved by the designers of an advertisement for Mitsubishi Motors auto which was printed in MensHealth in February, 2011. Appealing to the viewersā€™ desire to feel safety through protection from the surrounding, on the one hand, and the audienceā€™s fear of...

Granting Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants in USA

Introduction The issue of illegal immigration in the United States has attracted substantial controversy with a large faction of the U.S. population supporting deportation and an equally large group calling for the government to grant them amnesty. During former President Bushā€™s regime, the president had pushed for the immigration reform...

Young American Males and Filibustering in the Age of Manifest Destiny by Robert May

The author, May has tried to convince his readers about the effects ā€˜filibusteringā€™ had on the American citizens. In his article ā€œYoung American males and filibustering in the age of Manifest Destiny: the United States Army as a cultural mirrorā€ in The Journal of American History, published in 1991, May...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Changing or Unchanging Phenomena

The view of Heraclitus regarding the nature of reality depends on the vision that the realityā€™s basic element is fire. Fire is characterized by the ceaseless change determining the reality. This change is also based on the logos as a cosmic order. The view is rather reasonable because it addresses...

Electronic Health Records Systems

The purpose of the program Over the past years, the industrial giants have invested heavily in computerization in the world. However, despite such global developments, patientsā€™ data are still recorded manually while the prescriptions are hand-written. In fact, patients still report to the receptionist for any inquiries or seek an...

Ethics Issues: Personal Responsibility

Introduction The enthusiasm for admitting the significance of values that societies set for personal behavior is referred to as personal responsibility. It entails making active personal determinations to live based on the values. In fact, it also means that when a person fails to meet the anticipated values, he/she does...

Financial Projections for Entrepreneurship in Food Industry

Running a restaurant, especially in the area known for its high competition rates among the local food production companies, particularly, the fast food industries, is not an easy task. However, by defining the profits and losses that the company is likely to witness in the first year of its operation...

Organ Donation: Possibilities, Threats and Legal Issues

Abstract There has always been an air of controversy around organ and tissue donation. At some points, religion intruded the field of medicine, claiming that brain death and the Catholic definition of death did not quite coincide and, therefore, the person who is considered dead by medical experts might not...

Psychology: Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and creative thinking are two forms of thinking that characterize creativity, originality, innovation, reflection, and deep comprehension of reality. Creative thinking refers to the process of developing original ideas that require further explication for full comprehension. On the other hand, critical thinking refers to the process of reflecting, evaluating,...

Roadrunner Sport Company’s Social and Digital Media

Introduction Roadrunner Sports was founded by Michael Gottfredson in 1983. The organization is located in California with various retail stores in San Diego, Washington, Georgia, and Virginia. The organization is involved in charity work through activities such as offering sponsorships and donations to the needy. The organization has embraced the...

World Trade Organization and Doha Declaration

The landmark multilateral agreement at the Bali conference in Indonesia under the umbrella of the WTO remains a major achievement of the Doha Declaration. The ministers had agreed to adopt about 50 decisions on different issues such as agriculture, investment measures, textile and clothing, technical red tapes to trade, and...

Shangri-La Hotels Company Management

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is a deluxe hotel chain that operates in Eastern Asia, the United States, Australia, and Europe. There are several competencies of this orthe ganization which need to be discussed. The main strength of this institution is its ability to take into account the cultural backgrounds of...

How to Travel With a Teenager?

Most families get time to spend together only during vacations when they travel for leisure or just as a way of enhancing the bonding among the family members. Before a person pack for a vacation, it is important to look for a good and affordable destination. It is not always...

Communication Process and Behavior

Introduction Managing a project means being able to coordinate the work of several teams and make sure that every single member has unique roles and responsibilities (Sanghera, 2014). Apart from the aforementioned element, the process of project management involves the need to manage the communication processes that occur at different...

Workplace Harassment

The workplace is a network of people that all have different personalities and understanding of ethics. Some employees might behave and feel strongly about others and their actions, whereas individual people can be working alone without paying much attention to anyone else. Workplace harassment can be on many basesā€”gender, racial...

Project Management Selection and Initiation

Starting a project aimed at addressing a specific problem is the first step towards improving the overall performance of the organization (Kerzner, 2014). A project, however, needs to comply with a set of specific standards, which concern determining goals, objectives, criteria and expected outcomes. Although the research conducted by Wan...

“Meet You in Hell” by Les Standiford

Les Standiford managed to create a composition where history can be read as easily and thrilling as a good novel. A captivating double biography of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick is merged with the history of the Foundation of American Industry and the ruthless steelworkersā€™ uprising that turned two...

Snapple Juice Company Marketing Strategies

In terms of distribution infrastructure, the company owns over one hundred and seventy distribution centers within the U.S and twenty-three within Mexico with its warehouses operating within the proximity of the bottling plants. This in effect means that the company utilizes its network, convenience stores, and supermarkets for the purposes...

Ecological Problems in “the Human Footprint” Documentary

The Main Problem The main problem the filmmaker addresses is the impact of human activities on their environment. The environment includes the external physical environment and the internal environment: the human body. The various parts of the movie show how different actions that human beings do on daily basis impact...

Loneliness Causes – Psychology

Loneliness is a serious problem of the contemporary world. Lots of people of all ages are suffering from the inability to find a suitable partner and arrange own love life. Settling down is a big issue. Maintaining successful interpersonal relationship and being in a couple has become so difficult that...

Nutrition: How to Prepare Scrambled Eggs?

Our life consists of millions of actions and processes which we perform every day. Usually, we do them unconsciously, without even thinking about them or taking into account some peculiarities of their behavior. However, each process has its algorithm according to which it carries. Peculiarities of this algorithm determine the...

Food Across Cultures: Asida (Jamza) Meal Project

The modern world has been under the influence of the process of globalization for many decades. The consequences of this process are the increasing range of interactions between representatives of various cultures. The borders between different countries are being erased and multiple waves of immigration are hitting most of the...

Infinite Regression in Franz Kafkaā€™s Works

The concept of infinite regression plays an important role in philosophy and epistemology. In many cases, this notion can be used to highlight the limitations of human cognition and peopleā€™s inability to learn the truth about reality. Furthermore, it is particularly suitable for describing contradictions that an individual is not...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Malaysiaā€™s Inflation

The move by Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government to apply cuts on subsidies in 2013 to reduce Malaysia’s fiscal deficit and high debt burden is part of the reason for the faster increase in prices of essential commodities. So high was the inflation that the consumer price index surpassed the...

Consumer Science: Anna Quindlenā€™s ā€œWhy Stuff is not Salvationā€

Exposition analysis Acquiring much stuff for pleasure and prestige does not amount to happiness. Anna Quindlenā€™s ā€œWhy Stuff is not Salvationā€ highlights how consumerism has taken precedence in the American society. The need to acquire more stuff as a sign of wealth has been emulated by the American citizens without...

London Heathrow Airport Price Control

The site at west London has been a point of controversy in regards to the cost charged to airlines that use the facility (Sky News par. 1). While the price cap instituted to the Heathrow airport operator may be justified in several ways, it is pertinent to mention that price...

Aristotleā€™s Views on Ethics

In this paper, I will present Aristotleā€™s ethical views, how they apply to humanity and the purpose of studying ethics. First, I will explain the notion of ā€œeudaimonia,ā€ according to Aristotle. Then I will elaborate on the goals of Ethics as a study and the use of main principles of...

Preparing Students for College

College life often presents formidable challenges and anxieties to many fresh students. Ideally, the first year should not present any difficulties at all to students apart from the nitty-grittyā€™s of socialization and the usual cultural shock in the event that a student comes from overseas. However, many fresh students will...

What It Means to Be Successful?

What is Success? Is it directly proportional to happiness or is it simply achieving everything that you ever desired? Success is within the mind of a person and it means different things to different people (Knoch 376). It takes different definitions with different interpretations. Many hold the idea that success...

Substance Abuse: How Much Is Enough?

Sociocultural determinants of substance abuse Drug and substance abuse is caused by many factors that include environmental, age, race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income level and socioeconomic class (Howinson, 2005). Socioeconomic determinants that determine substance abuse include peer pressure, family influence, social networks, and societal attitudes towards substance use....

Using Animals in Medical Experiments

Abstract This paper explores how the principles of the character-based ethical approach can be applied to the discussion of using animals in the medical research as well as in laboratory experiments. The specific type of the character-based ethical approach that is applied to the topic in the paper is constructive...

The Cost of Prejudice and Discrimination

It is common for human beings to experience and practice prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice refers to the ā€œthe inflexible and irrational attitudes and opinions that are held by members of one group about another, while discrimination refers to behaviors that are directed towards another groupā€ (Lang, 2006). Prejudice prompts individuals...

Financial Statement Analysis: Seven Crucial Components

Introduction Financial stability of any company helps in creating good reputation that could be considered by banks for future loans. The management team should focus on strengths since this is the core that determines the status of each section of the company. Calculations on financial ratios are basically derived from...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethics of Using Animals in Medical Researches

Abstract This paper explores how the principles of the deontological ethics can be applied to the discussion of using animals in the medical research and laboratory experiments. The specific type of the deontological ethics that is applied to the topic in the paper is the Kantian theory. In spite of...

Contract Law: Josh Hartlyā€™s and the Car Dealer Case

Introduction A sales contract is an agreement between a seller and buyer. The contract states the terms of engagement and period that a transaction took place and it is signed when a product is transferred from the seller to the buyer (Twomey, 2013) A mutual mistake of fact refers to...

Watching a Movie at Home and in Theatres

Introduction It does not matter whether a person likes action, drama, comedy, or another genre of films and movies. Almost everyone loves watching video materials. There are many reasons for the peopleā€™s desire to watch video films and movies. While most people watch videos to release stress or for recreation...

The Movie “The Boy in The Striped Pajamas” by Mark Herman

People are often inclined to speak about selfhood and identity with references to adult persons who try to find themselves in this world. However, the role of oneā€™s identity can be even more critical for children and adolescents who seem to confront the reality in order to learn who they...

“Young Frankenstein” by Mel Brooks

The film Young Frankenstein is often viewed by many critics as one Mel Brooksā€™ best works because it eloquently demonstrates the best elements of parody as a cinematographic genre. To some degree, this movie illustrates the way in which classical literary archetypes can be dramatically transformed. In particular, Mel Brooks...

Psychological Therapy of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a distressing condition that leads to brain disturbance due to exposure to dreadful situations. This condition also affects normal individuals who are exposed to stressful circumstances. Remarkable biological and psychological manifestations reveal the presence of PTSD in an individual. This essay explores the situational...

What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a psychological and emotional response to a traumatic event (Elzouki, 2012). There is a higher probability to develop PTSD if a person went through a disaster, emergency situation, or traumatic situation. However, it is difficult to diagnose PTSD due to several comorbidity issues. It...

Personal Loss Psychology: Bereavement and Grief

Bereavement Bereavement refers to a state of mourning someone who has died, which is usually characterized by intense emotional pain (Boss, 2006). It is an important process of coming into terms with the demise of a loved one. Grief is experienced in several forms that include mental, physical, emotional, social,...

Bereavement and Grief of the Personal Loss

Personal loss ā€œoccurs when someone loses something precious in his or her lifeā€ (Leming & Dickinson, 2011, p. 26). This kind of loss occurs after the death of a beloved person. Personal loss is usually associated with deep emotions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Bereavement and grief describe the emotional responses...

Comparison of Plays by H. Ibsen, by B. Brecht and by S. Pollock

Henrik Ibsen, Shirley Pollock, and Bertolt Brecht are three of the literary worldā€™s famous playwrights. Ibsen, a Norwegian, is often called the father of modern drama because his works explored subjects that were not normally touched by writers during his time (Barranger 134; Siddall 7). Pollock known as Canadaā€™s female...

Encouraging Students in Reading and Literacy

Enhancing literacy acquisition in students is a hard task requiring a lot of responsibility, persistence, and skills for adopting a unique approach towards students. Unless a teacher is capable of encouraging students for acquiring new literacy skills, their students will not be able to make any tangible progress (International Reading...

Robert Johnson’ Life and Music

Can’t You Hear the Wind Howl?: The Life and Music of Robert Johnson (1997) is the film directed by Peter W. Meyer in which the unique story of the legendary bluesman is discussed. In his film, Meyer tries to resolve the mystery of Robert Johnson’s life and work while referring...

Argument Against the Great Wall of America

The building of a wall between Mexico and the United States was meant primarily to prevent illegal immigration. Over the years, the government of the United States has grappled with problems arising from the porous southern border. Eventually, the government resolved to build a wall and entrench this development into...

“Akeelah and the Bee” by Doug Atchison

Introduction “Akeelah and the Bee” is a movie that transcends the limitations of its average plot and linear storyline to reveal valuable and intrinsic lessons that have been forgotten by people at present in their pursuit to be “winners.” In a sense, it is a critique of the current predilection...

Michael Sweerts’ “Head of a Woman” Painting Review

Descriptive Element Created in the mid-1600s in Italy by the artist, Michael Sweerts; the Head of a Woman can be considered as a unique representation of the artistic styles of the era. The reason behind such an assertion is connected to the fact that the subject was a poor woman...

Biology: Comparison and Contrast of Cats and Dogs

This paper is aimed at discussing the similarities and differences between cats and dogs. These animals are often regarded as bitter antagonists that cannot co-exist. Nevertheless, they can actually bear resemblance to one another. For instance, one should mention their interactions with people and their eating habits. Nevertheless, it is...

The Play ā€˜How I learned to drive ā€™by Paula Vogel

Introduction Paula Vogel was brought up in Washington, DC. She graduated from Catholic University with a B.A in drama. However, her graduate study was turned down at Yale school of drama thus became very difficult for her to get her early plays produced. Nevertheless, she kept on working towards her...

New Content Marketing Ideas

Content marketing is a booming activity right now, with thousands of websites and blogs posting tens of thousands of pieces of new content daily. This competitive market of ideas can challenge a business/website owner seeking novel content to attract and retain customers. This task is complicated by rapid changes in...

Teaching Architecture and Freehand Drawing

The experience of Sue Ferguson Gussow in teaching freehand drawing to architecture students is the central theme of the article. The theme was premised on the fundamental approaches to freehand drawing techniques that underline the preliminary stages for understanding architecture. Presented from a simplistic point of view, the article is...

Get Real in Northern Exposure

The use of metaphors always makes any art/literary/musical work more interesting, more captivating, and more educative to any person. When a person gets a chance to comprehend the meaning of the metaphor, its intentions, and expected effects on people, this person has one of the most significant lessons in his/her...

Hristianity and Islam Differences and Similarities

Christianity and Islam are two major religions in the world. Some people often see the two religions as convergent as people practicing them tend to oppose each other. Of course, these religions have some differences but they also have loads of similarities. In fact, Christianity and Islam have a lot...

Industrial Revolution Affects on British Workers Lives

In 1833, a law was passed in Britain limiting working hours about women and children working in textile mills; this came as a result of a parliamentary investigation into the conditions of working in the textile industry. In the course of the investigations, several people were called up to give...

The Reaction of the American Citizens to the US Entry into World War I

Being the first global international conflict in the twentieth century, World War I challenged the European countries as well as the USA to mobilize their military forces to oppose German aggression. In spite of the fact the USA insisted on the state’s neutrality about the conflict to protect the interests...

The Cold War and Its Effects on American Policies

Introduction The end of the Second World War led to the rise of two major global powers, namely, the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R., who emerged victoriously. The two nations had different political and economic ideologies, which made them suspicious of each other. Americaā€™s economic and political system was capitalistic in...

Racism in America between 1783 and 1836

The question that needs to be asked in this instance is whether the concept of the ace existed ninety years ago or still exists in America. Is it a cultural issue or a scientific fact? And lastly, have racial issues been conformed to the historical notions or should be abandoned...

The Affordable Care Act Enactment Purpose

Introduction President Obama accented to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010. It signifies a major shift in the healthcare system in many aspects since the 1960s. It was legislated to improve the value and accessibility of health insurance. The ACA is aimed at expanding coverage, ensure accountability from insurers,...

Religious Studies: Spirituality in Nursing

Summary of assessment findings Spiritual assessment refers to evaluating patientsā€™ religious needs and values to find out whether they have effects on medical health (O’Brien, 2013). It would be important to indicate that most patients associate their illnesses with spirits (Aten, McMinn & Worthington Jr, 2011). Thus, they use faith...

Teamwork Benefits and Social Loafing Issue

Introduction The completed “Evaluate Team Member Effectiveness” self-assessment has revealed that I am highly effective in teamwork. This is true since my score was 105 points. I agree with these results because I always find it easier to deliver positive outcomes whenever working in a group. I liaise with my...

Communications: Facebook Social Media Platform

Introduction Facebook refers to a social network that allows people to share information online. One becomes a user after he or she signs up and adds a personal profile, which shows an individual’s gender, photo, and contacts. One can choose to belong to a group of persons, such as colleagues...

Identify the Theodicy and Eschatology of the Catholic Religious Group

Introduction The Catholic religion is one group that has several rituals that distinguish it from other religious groups. The term Catholic Church is derived from the Greek word ā€˜Katholikos,ā€™ which means ā€œuniversal.ā€ Therefore the Catholic group can be said to be a body of believers found across all nations in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impacts of Teaching Detective Stories to ESL Students

Abstract for teaching detective stories to ESL students The purpose of the research is to examine the impact of including detective stories in teaching ESL students. Detective stories are part of literature that is imaginative and creative. It has been put into writing by acknowledging previous articles already developed in...

Joint Commission: National Patient Safety Goals

Introduction Patient safety remains to be one of the main concerns in areas of health care and nursing. The Joint Commission is an organization that is responsible for accrediting health care facilities, and patient safety is one of the main criteria to consider while making a decision in hospitals (The...

Nutrition: Fighting the Childhood Obesity Epidemic

Introduction Childhood obesity is defined variably as the condition of excessive body fat in children that adversely his/her health. It has been cited as a serious health concern issue in many countries. BMI, which is an acronym for Body Mass Index, is popularly used to measure obesity. This index varies...

Literature: The Man in the High Castle by Phillip K. Dick

Introduction The stories by Phillip K. Dick have a philosophical background. An imposter is one of Dick’s works. Although it is written in the genre of fiction and narrates about the imaginary future, its plot shares the common themes with the philosophical teachings of Plato, the Ancient Greek philosopher. The...

Law: Animal Testing Debates

People in developed countries are living longer and fuller lives due to improvements in the quality of their lives and advances in medicine and research. Animal testing, largely, accounts for this unprecedented development. More so, cosmetics industry also heavily employs animal testing. It is noteworthy that fighters for animalsā€™ rights...

Leadership Vision, Its Goals and Objectives

Leadership refers to the process of influencing people in order to achieve certain goals and objectives. Leaders posses certain qualities and skills that determine their levels of success. Also, they adopt different styles depending on their goals and personality traits. Examples of leadership styles include narcissistic leadership, laissez-faire leadership, toxic...

Concepts of American Dreams

Each one of us dreams of having a successful life. Historically Americans have been seeking to achieve the American dream of fame, success and immense wealth through changes and much effort. Achieving American dream depends on one’s understanding of the dream and there have been many dreams in history. Martin...

Dallas County Homeland Security and Emergency Management

The major question that will be answered in the proposal can be formulated as ā€œWhy did the tragedy with shooting policemen take place in Dallas in 2016? What were the gaps in Dallas County homeland security and emergency management? What changes both regionally and nationally did take place after the...

Immanuel Kantā€™s Philosophy About Ethics

The philosophy of morality and ethics determines the laws that should be the guide for every human being. Immanuel Kant has extensively written on the topic of ethics and by what principles people should behave. Even today, Kantā€™s work on the highest moral principles is adequate to outline the truth...

Technology and Its Effects on Society

Technology is a capable aspect in the current world. Through technology, many goals have been achieved in the twentieth century and beyond. The power of technology plays an important role in aspects of our day to day life. Also, technology is a very component in reproduction, communication, traveling, education, playing,...

Gender is an Often Culturally-Prescribed Role

Over the years, there were debates about notions of ā€œsexā€ and ā€œgenderā€. The recent point of view is that gender roles are not universal for every individual, people regard them as fundamental and build their lives according to rules and standards prescribed by society. The historical background of the gender...

African American Women: Domestic Violence and Integrity

Introduction: The Authorā€™s Intent and Its Interpretations Of all the equality issues, the one regarding render profiling and the means of fighting it might seem somewhat overlooked. Despite the fact that considerable efforts have been made in order to attain equality between men and women in the XX century, at...

Gender Studies: Feminism Varieties

Crenshaw observes that women have consistently gone through various forms of injustices in the society and the main problem that almost each of them faces is violence, which has always characterized their lives. However, the author notes that women are gaining consciousness to an extent that some have organized into...

Effects of French Revolution on European Peasantry

French revolution (1789) is one of the greatest events not only in the history of France and Europe but also in the history of the world at large. It gave humanity the message of freedom, equality, and social justice and paved new roads leading towards the protection of human rights...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Its Features

Posttraumatic stress disorder is simply a disorder that can develop in human beings following a life-threatening event that has occurred in his or her life. Any individual who has ever experienced such an event tends to keep away from things that might remind them of the past traumatic events. Posttraumatic...

The Problem of Free Will

John Searle and Rene Descartes on Dualism Descartesā€™ philosophy can be represented as an extreme manifestation of dualism since the philosopher believed that a mind does not have any physical properties and, thus, is related directly to consciousness. Searle, on the other hand, believed that there is a strong biological...

Governing at the Grassroots

Democracy The fair and peaceful elections are the pledge of democracy. They are evidence of the high level of civilization, and they play a crucial role in the transfer of power in a peaceful manner. The voting right allows the citizens to elect their leaders and to determine the future...

Immigrant Children and Poverty

For some considerable time now, the impact poverty has had on the children of immigrant workers, has gone unnoticed. It may look as if immigrant child-poverty does not merit a lot of concern, for the sole reason that they tend to look even better in their new country than in...

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Biography

One of the people who cannot be easily forgotten as far as the history of America is concerned is Benjamin Franklin. Franklin is regarded as one of the main founders of the United States because of his active participation in the development of different fields. This paper presents the biography...

Brainstorm for Final Project Details Memo

Research-based report Formal reports are very important for the successful communication of the information. They are usually used instead of formal meetings or other ways of information promotion. Research-based reports are generally created in order to demonstrate business ideas to the necessary audience. Their main aim is to present the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sounds of Life: The Role of Music

Music is one of the most influential aspects of life in society. I am yet to come across an individual who does not like music at all. Different people listen to different genres of music; a scenario that shows how different we are (Diserens 1939, pp.6). The types of music...

Concept of Natural Legal Crime

Our legal system is set up with the innate goal to protect, as the old adage goes, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As citizens of this country we put our faith in the system and trust that the laws are based on rationale and justice and exist to...

Concept of IT Security

Ensuring the security of information does not entail securing the servers and the network only. Physical security of the organization is paramount in ensuring the IT security. When I got to the company, it did not have proper physical security measures for its equipments. Employees could access the server room...

The Impact of Electronic Medical Records

Information technology is transforming the world from the large volumes of files in the offices to a paper free environment and health care sector is not left behind given the advantages attached to this technology. Electronic medical records can simply be defined as digital medical records ā€“i.e. medical records stored...

Is Cloning “Playing God”?

Cloning is the “manufacture” of an organism identical to one that already exists. Several types of cloning are practiced among human beings: these are reproductive cloning, therapeutic cloning, and replacement cloning (Playing God?, par 2). Although Cloning has given rise to several social-ethical implications, especially in the matters concerning family,...

Endangered Species- Polar Bear

The flora and fauna of the nature get always confronted with the ever changing climactic challenges that vary from region to region. There may be many possible reasons like depletion of natural resources, global warming, natural calamities etc. But, together these changes may also lead to species extinction. There is...

The Impact of Divorce and Separation on Family Relationships

Abstract This research aims at understanding the effect of divorce and separation on family relationships. The researcher will employ a random sampling technique to select the participants of the study, and a qualitative research approach to collect the required data. Six participants, three males and three females, will take part...

Undergraduate Nursing Program and Resnickā€™s Theory

Planning a new undergraduate nursing program, I would incorporate the Theory of Self-efficacy developed by Barbara Resnick into the curriculum. The significance of this theory can be hardly underestimated since it has a wide scope of implementation in evidence based practice. Resnickā€™s theory is of great use to the nursing...

Education: Qualitative Research Study Roles

Steps Involved in Conducting a Qualitative Research Study The first step is to identify the topic of interest. This is then followed by developing a research problem that will be investigated through the research and to state the purpose of investigating that particular problem. In order to carry out the...

Current Events on Economics and Politics in the USA

Alan Brinkley, in his book The Unfinished Nation, develops on new insights as of the history of the United States. In this respect, the author underlines the provocative idea of his book, starting with its title. In fact, one of the richest economies of the world, the United States, as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Psychology: Humor Theory Concept

Many people believe that cracking a joke about others provides them a platform to prove themselves as smart. In fact, a good sense of humor is definitely a positive characteristic trait in a human being and people do like to enjoy funny things, no matter how trivial they are. Unfortunately,...

What Is the Social Study?

A skill is a practical ability to succeed in something. The inquiry is learning through interaction that actively engages students in meaningful ways. The inquiry has the following characteristics; interactive student-centered activities focused on questioning, exploring, and posing explanations. The objective of inquiry is to assist learners in getting a...

Global Inequality: Gender, Racial and Ethnic Inequality

Introduction Sociology refers to the study of the relations between people, the statutes, and procedures that govern these interactions by either binding or separating persons, organizations, or societies (Oesamn 45). Some of the basic sociological concepts that are looked at in the study of sociology include culture, deviance and social...

Health Promotion Proposal Obesity Prevention

The purpose of this proposal is to inform and educate parents, children, and adolescents of the importance of having a good balanced diet and exercise in their daily lives to avoid obesity. The latter is a serious problem in contemporary society. It is the main causative factor of a number...

Contracting Out Private Prisons

The US immigration and customs enforcement is mandated with the duty of handling the detention of inmates who are awaiting deportation, illegal immigrants, asylum seekers, and other detainees who have committed immigration-related offenses. Since the year 2005, the number of detainees has rapidly increased by about 36%. The daily number...

Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized?

Today the issue of same-sex marriages is widely discussed in the legal and social spheres in the USA. Every day the situation becomes more and more controversial because this problem involves the questions of the equality of civil rights for all people in the country and the role of states...

Introduction to Communication: Advertising

After the influence of salesmanship became publicly noticed in the 18th cent., the present complex form of advertising began to evolve. Nowadays, one cannot imagine his/her life without openly sponsored offering of goods, services, or ideas through a variety of media of public communication. On the one hand, advertising convince...

Moral Grounds of the Cloning

Modern society has been equipped with the technology that has revolutionized almost every aspect of life. In Science and Medicine, latest advancements have become a remedial source for various health related problems. However, it is well known that controversy exists or surrounds science through several forms. Due to this, new...

Making School Lunches Healthier and More Affordable

Most schools are not able to provide children with affordable and healthy food. Most of the parents who provide their children with healthy food end up paying large sums of money in schools. There are certain parents who cannot afford to provide their children with quality lunch because of high...

Importance of Sex Education

Sex education is one of the main preventive forms aimed to protect children from undesirable pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Thus, critics admit that sex education promotes sexual practices and informs children about sex. The impulse to regulate sex venues under the sign of HIV prevention has serious political implications...

Confronting Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

The article written by Susan Wolf urges the readers to reevaluate their views on euthanasia and assisted suicide. Certainly, people should look at this moral dilemma from the perspective of the patients who suffer from a painful and terminal illness. Yet, they should not forget about their immediate duties towards...

Nurse Roles in Practice

Patient/family/client situation The roles of professional nurses continue expanding and changing relative to the rising populations in need of healthcare on one hand, and on the other hand, there is the philosophical shift in healthcare provision in that besides nurses curing illnesses, they are also required to promote health, take...

The Rise of Police Brutality against African-American Males

Introduction The problem of police brutality against minorities is actively discussed in the modern American society because of the publicā€™s attention to each case when police officers demonstrate the excessive use of force. In most cases, those situations in which victims of police brutality are African-American males attract more publicā€™s...

Post-Impressionist Period, Its Features and Movements

The artistic period which I would like to visit is the Post-Impressionism period as it is very different from the other periods of its time due to the use of unnatural, arbitrary and vivid colors, typical brushstrokes and thicker coating of paint thus, emphasizing more on geometric and distort forms...

Mining as a Cause of Environmental Disaster

Unfortunately, a tremendous upgrowth of the production sector requires the extraction of more and more materials that can be found on our planet. Mother Nature is generous, but we tend to impose upon her kindness and use her gifts in a way that does hurt our planet. Our industrial activity...

Animal Use in Pharmacology: Negative Effects on Humans and Animals

Animal testing has been a contentious issue in biomedical research for a long time. For decades, scientists have used animals to carry out tests before they implement them on humans. Supporters of the animal testing claim that it enables scientists to understand physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, and pathology in humans. On...

Peacekeeping by Global Powers and Organizations

Power, international law, and peacekeeping form a major aspect of the global talk, forums, and discussions; as a threat to global security, stability, and understanding, especially from the rise in the terrorist attacks; and the armed conflicts witnessed in today’s political global affairs. This work is an analysis of the...

Natural History of Peace by Robert Sapolsky

According to Robert M. Sapolsky, human beings feel that they are unique, unlike other species. This has been questioned by studies that have been done on other primates. Theodosius Dobzhansky, an evolutionary biologist, viewed that all species are unique. According to him, humans are unique; thus, they feel more proud...

US International Trade and Economic Nationalism

The economic success of each country can be seen through its international economic relations as far as the exports and imports are a concern. Being a global enterprise, the various economies of the world have developed as a result of diversifying its markets and an effective imposition of policies, which...

Staying Single or Getting Married

After the passage of the teenage years, a person has the choice of remaining single or getting married. Both are similar in two ways. Firstly, both single, as well as married persons, remain part of society, participating in it in various ways (such as being sportspersons, entertainers, politicians or entrepreneurs)...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marriage or Cohabitation: Benefits and Drawbacks

There was a very long period of time in the history of human relationships when marriage was the preferred method of indicating a permanent coupling between a man and a woman. Since marriage had a huge historical significance in society, pairs who chose to live together or cohabit were shunned...

Credit Cards: Safe Method of Payment or Not

A credit card enables you to buy something now and pay for it later. As a result, a credit card can help you when youā€™re short of cash. Further, carrying a credit card can be a lot safer than carrying cash. Cash can be lost or stolen. Credit can be...

Environmental Studies on Coral Reefs

The current research has revealed that both the New Caledonia Barrier Reef (CCBR) and the Red Sea Coral Reef (RSCR) are among the principal coral reefs. For instance, sources indicate that CCR harbors the second greatest barrier reef. The total average size of CCBR is approximately 1,500 kilometers (Darwin, 2010)....

Space Exploration: India Space Mission

Abstract The following paper will discuss the topic of ISRO to launch India’s first spacecraft to Mars. Even though primarily it might seem as a sensation with positive factors, there are some concerns that have been voiced by the people of India, as well as other countries. Some of the...

Psychology: Personality and Music Preferences

Background information Many researchers and neuroscientists concur that brainwaves have the potential to predict the popularity of hit songs. For example various pieces of equipment that record neurometric and biometric responses can be used to monitor the skin temperature, respiration and heart rate of the listeners of a musical piece....

Literature: ā€œDarfur: The Ambiguous Genocideā€ by Gerard Prunier

Summary of the Case The article ā€˜Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide’ by Gerard Prunier gives a critical view of the war that has been taking place in Darfur. According to this article, this war has continued for a long time, and it would be right to consider it genocide. Many innocent...

The Civil War and the Cold War

History is a very significant subject that displays peopleā€™s attitudes and behaviors in relation to their own, as well as foreign cultures. There were several major events in American history that shaped the country in a way that has led to its present state today. The Civil War and the...