Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Rhythm Disturbances

CHF and Atrial Fibrillation Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common and most studied arrhythmias, but its treatment is still an important issue. One of the causes of the development of AF is chronic heart failure (CHF). Frequent heart rhythm disturbances are almost always found in patients suffering...

Diabetes and Its Economic Cost in the United States

Introduction Diabetes mellitus exists in two main forms, type I and type II. If the patient does not receive timely and effective treatment, the disease may lead to numerous complications (Alva, Gray, Mihaylova, Leal, & Holman, 2015). In the US alone, the economic cost of diabetes is around 240 billion...

Nursing Care Models: Patients Health Improvement

Introduction Every day nurses face diverse tasks that should be accomplished to guarantee effective care delivery and improved patients states. The given variety results in the existence of numerous approaches used by specialists to meet different patients requirements and choose the most appropriate way to solve particular health problems. Moreover,...

Public Health and Epidemiology

Definition of Public Health and Epidemiology The conducted web research has presented adequate definitions for public health and epidemiology. Public health is the science of improving and protecting the health needs of a community by promoting positive lifestyles, health environments, and implementing powerful programs to prevent diseases (Ku, Steinmetz, Brantley,...

Pediatric Nurses Creating Health Care Environment

International Council of Nursing indicates that the shortages of pediatric nurses are associated with issues related to work environment (Aiken et al., 2014). There will be increased number of nursing professionals if the environment under which nurses work is improved. The involvement of the current professionals in the development of...

Childhood Obesity, Its Definition and Causes

Introduction The social ideology of consumerism along with other aspects of progress brought new issues to society. One of them is obesity, a problem that is continuously becoming more severe in many countries. The rates of obesity in all age groups are steadily increasing every year. However, the issue of...

Health Policy in Massachusetts

Due to the increased number of health problems and the tendency towards the deterioration of the situation in the sphere new efficient methods to solve topical issues are needed. For this reason, we could observe the appearance of several new perspectives on the way care and most important services should...

Childhood Fever Patients’ Readmission and Intervention

Childhood fever is a rather common condition. However, the parents of young patients recently discharged from the Emergency Room tend to overestimate this problem and bring the patients back to the facility. Due to the lack of sufficient information, parents do not understand the possibility of safe treatment of their...

Health Care Providers and Patients Communication

Introduction The aim of this paper is to propose the need for the study of communication between health care providers and patients and its subsequent improvement based on six domains of quality elaborated by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). In particular, the concept of communication is one of the most...

Body Mass Index Reduction Program

Executive Summary The Purpose of the Program Nowadays, constantly growing Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of the major problems in the United States of America and globally, and many people are considered obese (Frank, 2015). There is a diversity of ways to deal with this issue. For example, this...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Behavioral Risk

The Major Behavioral Risk Factor for COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the condition that affects patients’ lower airways and lungs and seriously damaging their respiratory systems. The major signs and consequences of COPD are the shortness of breath that appears alongside such symptoms as progressive coughing with the...

Public Health Initiative for Childhood Obesity

Introduction Across America, childhood obesity has become a national crisis. It is estimated that among the children aged between 2 and 19, one in every three children faces the problem of overweight or obesity (Ogden, Connor, Rivera, Dommarco, 2010). Overweight and obesity are leading risk factors for hypertension and diabetes....

Advanced Practice Role in Nursing and Proper Medical Treatment of the Patients

Introduction To explain the main roles of a nurse practitioner, it would be proper to identify some requirements that one has to follow in order to occupy this position. A nurse practitioner is expected to have a master’s degree and a specific certification or a license for allowance of one’s...

Conflict Management Plan for a Regional Medical Center

Conflicts are an essential part of change management and they can either contribute or disrupt the process of project implementation (Saxton, 2012). Recognizing the indicators of conflict, revealing the motives and goals of the participants of the conflict, having methods of analysis of the conflict situation, and the establishment of...

Population Health, Its Elements and National Strategy

Constituents of population health Population health is a complex term that refers to the health outcomes distributed among the nation. This definition is used to develop governmental health policy and execute healthcare management. To measure the distribution of health outcomes, such measures as mortality, morbidity, and life quality, are used....

Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources Theory in Nursing

Applicable Nursing Theory Although medicine is a holistic and humanitarian science, in hospital management systems nurses are viewed as human resources. The majority of nursing theories are typically patient-focused and are based either on utilitarian or Kantian ethics. Thus, they are unfit for being implemented as frameworks to support the...

Bacterial and Viral Pneumonia

Viral Pneumonia Evidently, viral pneumonia transpires when the body is affected by viruses. The latter are small-sized transmittable bacteria (Singh, 2014). The majority of the individuals that are active within the scientific community believe that viruses are non-living entities meaning that they only become active when they enter the human...

Clinical Activity: Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time

Different groups among staff actively engage in the project’s success and should be included in the planned implementation of an organization change project reducing Door to Balloon (D2B) time for ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients at Kendall Regional Medical Center. This paper considers how STEMI patients and their families, emergency...

Transitional Care Management Intervention

Transitional Care Management (TCM) is seen as an effective tool to decrease the rate of readmissions in patients with CHF. The TCM often involve some services provided within a month after the discharge but this period is rather long. This paper dwells upon an intervention that involves the provision of...

Organizational Values in the Healthcare Industry

It is crucial that values of the organization promote such fundamental domains as integrity, appreciation of diversity, and commitment. It is especially important for the healthcare industry (Barbera, 2014). The alienation of nurse’s values with the organizational culture ensures high-quality care, safety, and job satisfaction experienced by the nurses. Organization’s...

Nurses Political Activism Process Agenda

Introduction The American Nurses Association (ANA) supports various policies and agenda issues that affect the performance of nurse practitioners (NPs). The agency has several programs aimed at examining the implications of different priority trends and issues. The organization informs more nurses about the major issues and policies that have the...

Health Status of the African-American Minority Group

Health status among the present-day American population has been significantly increased due to the recent technological advance in health care. More and more diseases are cured, and many complex questions are answered. However, despite the fact that the progress has led to the prolonged life of the population, African American...

Breastfeeding Challenges in Post-Partum Mothers

Overview of Selected Evidenced-Based Practice Project Evidence-based practice is an approach to health care that ensures the best possible outcomes for the patients. In its currently accepted form, the approach is founded on three core principles: the values and expectations of the patients, the clinical expertise of the provider, and...

Euthanasia Definition, Types, Pros and Cons

Introduction Overview Currently, innovation in medical science enables both life and death to be stretched (Biggs, 2001). Owing to this, a number of concerns about life and death in the society have been raised. Now, it is widely believed that modern-day medicine can force individuals to bear life past what...

Nurse Staffing and Collaboration

Introduction The current paper is a literature review related to the issue of nurse staffing and nurse collaboration in hospitals. It is known that understaffing is a common problem in hospitals, which may lead to adverse patient outcomes. It is also known that low-quality nurse collaboration may also negatively affect...

Childhood Obesity and Health Promotion

Today, childhood obesity is one of the critical health concerns. Being an important factor impacting the future of the nation, childrens health should be cultivated. However, obesity in this group has reached epidemic levels and continues to grow especially in developed countries (Sahoo et al., 2015). That is why the...

Improving the African Americans Health in the USA

Healthcare practitioners offer timely and quality medical services to more people from diverse backgrounds (Price & Khubchandani, 2016). I have been providing medical support and care to different members of our community. The neighborhood is composed by different populations with diverse cultural practices. Majority of the people in the community...

Health Care Settings for Older Adults

Feelings of guilt and worry among family members of patients in need of long-term care are a natural reaction. As a charge nurse, I would thus start from addressing the emotional part of the issue by explaining to Suzanne that the reason behind her mother’s condition is not in any...

Florida Healthcare: Community-Oriented Nursing Practice

Introduction Healthcare services in Florida target a population of about 19.5 million people residing in the state. The latest census data reveal it is the most populated state. Total healthcare spending in the state of Florida stood at $132.5 billion in 2014. When this figure is divided by the total...

Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Causes and Risk Factors

Introduction Hodgkin’s lymphoma is one of the most common types of cancer in adolescent and young adults (Hollander et al., 2015). This type of cancer influences the work of lymph tissue that can be found in nodes, bone marrow, and other organs (Pham, Ressler, Rosenthal, and Kelemen (2017). This disease...

Women’s Health: Predictors of Postpartum Depression

The article written by Katon, Russo, and Gavin (2014) is focused on women’s health. It discusses predictors of postpartum depression (PPD), including sociodemographic and clinic risk factors. This paper will analyze the research article under discussion in order to prove that it is an authoritative source of information that can...

The Electronic Health Record

Introduction Within the framework of this paper, the researcher will concentrate on the review of one of the key aspects of health IT. This technology is called the electronic health record and is used to store and generate the data regarding the patients’ state, safety, care quality evaluation, and possible...

Operational Plan for Increasing Volume Patients

Operational Plan The increase of the patient volume that is aimed at providing high-quality health care to wide populations and communities can be achieved by applying different approaches. Along with such beneficial objectives as the creation of the online platform for the patients and focus on their education, there is...

Aging Stereotypes and Cultural Perspective

The natural process of growing older may be viewed differently. Judging by the images of the contemporary American culture, one sees youth as an indispensable part of wellbeing and regards aging as an unwanted consequence of living. An elderly person is pictured as a decrepit, ill creature and frequently becomes...

Childhood Obesity in the US: Factors and Challenges

Prewriting What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. The narrowed topic is the incidence of childhood obesity in the United States: factors determining it and measures for overcoming this challenge. Who is your primary audience...

Miami Community Health Status and Affecting Factors

The health status of my community, Miami, is influenced by various factors. First of all, it is affected by individual characteristics of the population. Their knowledge, attitudes, and skills determine the way they interact with the healthcare system and treat it. For example, the majority of the population believes that...

Worksite Health Promotions and Ethical Issues

Introduction Ethics are essential for the majority of work environments. In nursing, it is one of the most important aspects of practice. Patients expect nurses’ actions to be ethical. If nurses’ actions are unethical, they may bring physical, emotional, or psychological harm to patients, and this outcome should be avoided...

Moral Distress and Effects on Critical Care Nurses

Introduction Wiegand and Funk (2014) explored the moral distress experiences of nurses, the causes of such experiences, and the effects they had on nurses’ practice, attitude, and future decisions and actions. The research questions were, “(a) What situations caused moral distress for critical care nurses? (b) What were the consequences...

The Nursing Process of Culturally Competent Care

Abstract Every cultural group exhibits spectacular values, beliefs, and medical practices. The field of nursing has evolved in such a way that it can be applied in different settings depending on the needs of the target population. This discussion uses different research studies and analyses to describe the health care...

Registered Nurses’ Role and Regulatory Requirements

Introduction The number of diagnostic and surgical procedures performed by non-anesthetic practitioners is rising. The State Boards of Nursing issue directions on anesthesia methods that are adapted into hospital policies to avoid inconsistencies, ensure patient safety and promote regulatory compliance. The Board decisions are founded in practice principles and recommendations...

Obesity: Genetic, Hormonal and Environmental Influences

Abstract The prevalence of obesity has gradually increased over the last few decades. The rates are almost similar in developed and developing nations. The current study investigates the relationship between obesity (a medical condition) and genetic and environmental factors that influence its occurrence. The study utilizes twins where the general...

Miami Baptist Hospital’s Cultural Nursing Education

Introduction The mission and vision statements of healthcare organizations include a variety of crucial issues such as taking care of patients’ welfare, providing the medical employees with the necessary equipment, and being fair and unprejudiced to patients’ gender, age, or ethnicity. However, there is another essential component to be included...

Drug-Drug and Food-Drug Interactions

Current CDC Guidelines and Drug-Drug Interactions Drug-drug interactions occur when a medicine interferes or affects the activity of a second drug when administered together. Such interactions produce synergetic or antagonistic effects (Juarez-Cedillo & Martinez-Hernandez, 2016). Such synergetic effect increases the effect of a drug when administered together with another one....

Professional Burnout Reasons in Nursing

Abstract The research on nurse practitioners’ burnout triggers and coping strategies is proposed for submission to the Journal for Nurse Practitioners. The paper provides reasoning for selecting the journal and discusses research steps associated with the chosen topic of interest. It outlines a general abstract structure and discusses the potential...

Legalization of Marijuana: Pain Management

Legalization of marijuana bothers people. There are many supporters and opponents of this idea. I belong to the group where this idea cannot be accepted even regarding its possible positive outcomes. Today, media discusses the necessity of legalizing marijuana to be used for medical purposes and help patients deal with...

Levels of Evidence in Evidence-Based Medicine

Case Report A case report that is also known as a case-controlled study can be referred to as the exploration of a certain phenomenon, family, or a single person. As a rule, the case report integrates quantitative and qualitative methods of research. The information collected as a result of this...

Hackensack University Medical Center’s Information

This paper focuses on the description of one of the most successful healthcare organizations in the United States – Hackensack University Medical Center. It is the biggest organization specialized in the delivery of outpatient and inpatient services in New Jersey. The Center can place up to 780 inpatients; it is...

Social Anxiety Disorder, Risk Factors and Symptoms

Abstract This paper focuses on the peculiarities of social anxiety disorder that prevents people from living normal lives as they cannot communicate with others. It describes its main symptoms, including physical, emotional, and behavioral ones. For instance, attention is paid to anxiety and fear of interacting with strangers and making...

Infections Prevention: Quality Improvement Team Meeting

Quality improvement (QI) projects usually cut across multiple clinical disciplines. An effective QI committee should comprise of an ad hoc team made up of representatives drawn from the affected practice areas that ideally report to the facility’s CEO. The QI committee holds regular meetings to identify the practice domain for...

Miami Infectious Diseases and Healthy People 2020

Introduction Communicable or infectious diseases are a burden of the contemporary society. Immunization stimulated substantial progress in eliminating infectious diseases but their cases are still frequent due to healthcare access disparities and many other reasons. According to Healthy People 2020 initiative (2018), the US healthcare system targets 17 infectious diseases...

Revenue Management of Catheter-Related Issues

The main task of any healthcare organization is the fulfillment of patient needs through the provision of high-quality service at minimum cost. Revenue management practices, including financial regulations and billing requirements, help hospitals to stimulate social-economic development. Since revenues serve as the primary stimulus for the organizational growth and sustainability,...

Clermont Community’s Windshield Survey

Clermont (Florida) is a steadily growing city where the community can access various services in many spheres of people’s lives. The city can be referred to as the City of Champions, which is stressed by the local government (City of Clermont, 2018). The central industries are real-estate and tourism due...

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

Job Description A Registered Nurse Anesthetist is a nursing professional who administers health care services to patients. Registered Nurse Anesthetists are also known as Advanced Practice Registered Nurses and may offer be basic or specialized services as dictated by the needs of patients (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). Typically, different...

Native Americans’ Mental Health

Abstract Native Americans tend to acquire mental illnesses more often than other cultural groups that live in the USA. Suicide and depression rates among these indigenous peoples are growing. Native Americans are reluctant to seek help in medical facilities due to distrust and lack of awareness of the Native context...

Symptoms and Diagnostic Reasoning: Heddy Ramiro Case

Summary of Case Study 8-year-old Heddy Ramiro presents to your clinic with her mother who is wondering if anything can be done about Heddy’s nasal congestion and cough. Symptom Analysis Questions In order to identify the possible causes of illness, the doctor has to ask the child and her caretaker...

Meditech System: Features and Benefits

Meditech is an electronic health record structure that offers clinical recording for health care specialists at midsized and public hospitals. This EHR has continuously been praised for its reliability and user-friendliness (Cruz et al., 2014). The clinical boards feature permits doctors and other medical workers to follow current patient actions...

Zika Virus: Epidemiological Analysis

History of the Condition Zika virus (ZikaV) is the reason why the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently announced an international state of emergency (Nunes et al., 2016). The virus started in Brazil around 2014 spread all over the Northeast region and farther. Its main vector, the Aedes aegypti mosquito,...

Nurse’s Communication Skills Training in Practice

Abstract This paper formulates and hypothetically develops a research project for publication in the Journal of Advanced Nursing. The project that has been developed relates to how communication skills training for nursing professionals can be used to improve patient satisfaction with the quality of care provided in inpatient settings. Introduction...

Patient Simulation Effectiveness in Nursing Education

Introduction The issue that is going to be reviewed within the framework of the current research paper is patient education. The latter is a rather complex problem that has to be recognized by doctors, nurses, and other individuals involved in the provision of healthcare. Patient education is essential, and it...

Latino, Black, White Families’ Heritage Assessment

Introduction Healthcare providers should be able to use different tools to diagnose, examine, and predict the health needs of their patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. Since culture is a risk factor for health outcomes, practitioners must monitor the norms and practices associated with specific groups. The purpose of this paper...

Blended Bedside Nursing Report Implementation

Introduction The article prepared by Sand-Jecklin and Sherman (2014) is focused on the effects of blended bedside nursing shift reports. It discusses improvements obtained due to the implementation of the change. Mainly, professionals focus on patient safety and nurse accountability. Assessment of the effectiveness of nursing shift reports is required...

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment: Risks and Benefits

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) belongs to long-term disorders in the autoimmune system and primarily affects the joints. However, the scope of its adverse impact may be wider and reach other body parts (Choy, 2012). Due to being a rather serious disease, RA constantly requires the scientists to come up with new...

Medication Safety in Patient-Centered Nursing Care

Introduction Mistakes in the administration of medications cause high morbidity and mortality rates and are accountable for many deaths every year (Garrouste-Orgeas et al., 2012). In this regard, the concept of drug safety becomes important in the provision of health care and nursing care in particular. This concept fundamentally states...

HIV/AIDS Trend, Monitoring, Management in the USA

Description of AIDS Trend in the USA According to AVERT (2017) and the CDC (2017), more than 1.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS in the USA. Estimates show that one out of eight people within this population group is not aware of their HIV status. Although the prevalence rate for...

Nursing Practice and Patient Care Delivery Models

How Nursing Practice Will Change and Grow Nurses and caregivers form the greatest percentage of healthcare workers in the United States. As the United States continues to identify new strategies to restructure its healthcare delivery system, the field of nursing will have a critical role in this new transformation. The...

Food Diversion as a Type-2 Diabetes Treatment

Introduction Diabetes affects more than 100 million citizens of the United States with a large section of the population either experiencing type-2 diabetes or prediabetes that might lead to the development of type-2 diabetes (“New CDC report,” 2016). A great variety of treatments and diagnostic techniques have been researched and...

Chest Pain: Angina or Acute Coronary Syndrome?

Differential Diagnoses The chief complaint of a 45-year-old MR is a two hour left lower and mid-chest pain radiating to the back. The initial differential diagnoses include: Angina pectoris, unspecified (I20.9) is a frequent type of chest pain that is caused by reduced blood flow to the heart. This disease...

Depression and Thyroid Issues in Young Woman

Introduction The object of this week’s study is a 21-year-old woman. At present she complaints about frequent headaches and general bad condition. Besides, she is bothered by gaining some weight in the last month. The lady supposes she has a thyroid problem because it was observed in her family. She...

Iron Deficiency Anemia’ Case

Introduction Anemia is a condition that develops as a result of low hemoglobin (Hb) and hematocrit (HCT) contents, as well as a low erythrocyte count. Hb is a protein contained in erythrocytes. It is responsible for the reception of oxygen in the lungs, its transportation to various body cells, and...

Nursing Education Regulatory Requirement

Opening Remarks New recommendations from influential agencies such as the Institute of Medicine, American Nursing Association, and American Association of Colleges of Nursing require nurses to hold a Bachelor of Science (BSN) degree to enhance patient care outcomes (Grant, 2014; Jones, 2015). In realization of the fact that most nurses...

Diabetic Retinopathy Among Hispanics in Miami

Introduction The community that will be addressed in this paper comprises individuals living in the city of Miami, Florida. As the windshield survey revealed, the community does not appear to be suffering from serious social problems. This paper pertains to the population of Hispanics/Latinos in Miami who have diabetes. The...

Just Culture and Transformational Nursing Leadership

Introduction Attention Material: The notion of “just culture” has a significant influence on the way nurses and other medics interact with patients (Dekker & Breakey, 2016). On a bigger scale, it imposed on the nursing practice several justified limitations but provided the former with adequate protection against wrongful accusations when...

Family Nurse Practitioner’s Scope of Practice

Introduction Family Nurse Practitioners need to have specific qualifications and obtain licenses to provide practice. In order to understand what scope of practice FNPs have, paper aims to focus on the nurse practitioner who has been interviewed before. The answers to the interview questions will also be addressed in this...

Early vs. Delayed Palliative Care Management

Key Information: Authors and Topic Alleviating pain in patients with oncology issues is one of the crucial tasks faced by nurses in the modern healthcare setting (Paice et al., 2016). In their study, Bakitas et al. (2015) compare early and delayed palliative care management techniques. Primary quantitative analysis was conducted...

Shape Up Somerville Community-Based Program

The Shape Up Somerville community-based prevention program is a campaign initiated in Somerville, Massachusetts in 1998 and targeted at the issue of childhood obesity. After more than fifteen years of collective community effort, the campaign has resulted in measureable improvements in the area of public health, community engagement, and interaction...

Patient’s Information Sharing: Inappropriate Cases

Managing customers’ personal information is a rather tricky task, especially in the era of digital technology, when information management has become considerably less secure due to the Web-related threats (e.g., cyberattacks) (Seo, Park, Kim, & Eom, 2016). Therefore, it is imperative to draw the line between the acceptable practices in...

The Right-to-Die Bill: Why All States Should Pass It

Introduction The Right-to-Die bill is a proposed law that is aimed at giving authority to terminally ill patients to end their lives through the assistance of a physician. Currently, six American states allow citizens to opt for physician-assisted suicide rather than continue suffering. In addition, to the six states, the...

Endometrial Cancer Symptoms in Women After 35

Studies have recurrently highlighted the fact that endometrial cancer is more common in women in the postmenopausal period. However, there has been an increase in the number of women being diagnosed with endometrial cancer at a significantly earlier age. It is also apparent that the younger women being diagnosed with...

Health Care Ethics Instructional Design Plan

Abstract The development and adaptation of simulation and games in corporate training and learning is a modern tendency that is based on the fact that such tools are effective to make learners develop their skills and apply knowledge to real-life situations. Today, simulations and games are also actively used in...

Nursing Process and Culturally Competent Care Delivery

Introduction Since 2000, the Hispanic population, i.e., persons of Latino descent, in the U.S. has grown by 43%, raising the demand for culturally appropriate nursing care for this cultural group (Sobel & Metzler, 2016). A disproportionate risk of high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, TB, and HIV/AIDS has been observed among...

Health and Illness Among African-Americans

Introduction In Miami, people have different perceptions of health and illness. Latinos, African-Americans, and Asian-Americans constitute some of the ethnic minorities who are highly vulnerable to inequalities when it comes to healthcare accessibility. This paper focuses on the perception of health and illness among African-Americans in Miami. Statistics on Healthcare...

Asthma: Corticosteroids and Side Effects in Children

Asthma is one of the most widespread chronic diseases. Moreover, children are prone to it. Despite various medicines, corticosteroids, which are hormones in its essence, appear to be an effective way of treatment. However, many specialists are inclined to think that this type of medicine might harm the child’s health....

“Deconstructing Health Care Reform” by Gardner

In her article, Gardner (2011) claims that Americans need affordable health care because it is their right. Furthermore, politicians should focus on benefits associated with the promotion of the Affordable Care Act in spite of the fact that it violates the norms of the modern healthcare market. Finally, nurses also...

Electronic Health Records in Urinary Infections Control

Introduction There is an enhanced need for healthcare coupled with nurse staff shortages leads to poor documentation and maintenance of patient health records. In recent years, several hospitals have implemented electronic health records (EHRs) as a part of quality improvement efforts to enhance care quality (Rojas & Seckman, 2014). The...

New Technologies in Healthcare: Telehealth Usage

Introduction Emerging technologies in the healthcare industry have improved the provision of healthcare services to patients across the world. Most health care centers have focused on improving telecare services within their organizations. The global health research agenda has also focused on improving collaboration between countries on identifying and testing new...

Falls Prevention: Hopkins’ Evidence-Based Nursing

Introduction The paper at hand is aimed at elucidating the problem of falls prevention. It is assumed that this problem is particularly acute with elderly patients – it leads to negative health complications and impedes the treatment process. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the relevant scientific literature has been carried...

Family Nurse Practitioners: National and Global Dynamics

National Dynamics The role of nurses in the healthcare setting has greatly increased in the recent years, both due to the expansion of the range of responsibilities and in response to the changing national health care dynamics. The described impact is especially evident for family nurse practitioners (FNP). The primary...

Ailanthus Plant as Homeopathic Medicine

How I Took Remedy When I received this assignment, I felt some dizziness, perspiration, and slight nausea. The search on ABC Homeopathy revealed that Ailanthus fits my symptoms (see Appendix 1). I ordered it from the same website and took in the form of pills once a day as the...

Nightingale’s Philosophy and Millennium Goals

Contemporary globalization processes eliminate the boundaries used to restrict the spread of many diseases and make health preservation a global concern. Together with national and international organizations, nurses in cooperation with other healthcare practitioners can contribute to mobilizing “new approaches to education, healthcare delivery, and disease prevention” (Beck, Dossey, &...

Ethnic and Cultural Bias in Human Service

One of the most persistent issues in psychiatry is ethnic and cultural bias. The article under the title “Mental health misdiagnosis twice more likely for socially disadvantaged groups” dwells upon this matter. It is noted that the recent research shows that therapists tend to misdiagnose people who have a different...

Fad Diets’ Impact on Human Health: Problem Solution

Solution The issue of fad diets is rather broad as it encompasses every cluster of the population regardless of their age, gender, socio-economic status, and other factors. To reach the goal of educating the population on healthy eating habits and eating behavior, a nurse can start with educating patients whose...

Healthcare-Associated Infection Countermeasures: Best Practices

Introduction Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are common in many hospitals. Such infections tend to affect the health outcomes of different patients. In order to deal with these infections, healthcare practitioners should embrace various behaviors and practices (Iglehart, 2013). This essay uses the ideas gained from the “Partnering To Heal” video to...

Theory, Practice and Research in Healthcare

To begin with, it is necessary to mention that both theory and research are interrelated. The main purpose of any study is to prove or refute a particular theory. In contrast, the primary goal of any theory is to develop a new approach to an existing problem. In turn, any...

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Diagnostics

History and Physical Examination The patient under analysis is a female, thirty-five years old. The woman has a rash on the face for approximately one week. The allergic reaction to soap, lotion, or food is excluded. The rash is over the face and is itchy and painful. The woman did...

Euthanasia Controversy and Supporting Arguments

Introduction A current definition of the term ‘euthanasia’ suggests the bringing about of easy and calm death, predominantly regarding the people who are suffering from aching and irredeemable illness. Euthanasia is one of the most controversial issues in the modern health care environment. It can be performed in several assorted...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care

Summary of an Article Related to the Theory The research conducted by Ranheim, Kärner, and Berterö (2012) was aimed at bringing together the theory of nursing care created by Jean Watson, on the one hand, and the empirical discoveries made in three studies pertaining to the nurses’ caring intentions and...

Chronic Bronchitis, Heart Failure, Hypertension

Introduction Chronic bronchitis (CB) is one of the usual occurrences during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It presents divergent clinical complications such as a risk of acquiring of airflow obstruction in people who smoke, and increased lung function decline, an inclination to infections in the lower respiratory tract, and higher...

Homeless as Vulnerable Population in the US

Introduction The vulnerable population that will be examined throughout this paper is homeless people. The geographic scope is limited to the USA to facilitate data mining and analysis. This population has been selected since a recent study has determined “a drastic surge” in the number of entire families that have...

The Biological Theory of Aging

The biological theory of aging combines two main approaches toward aging in the human body: programmed and damage (error) theories. Programmed theories are based on the assumption that the aging process is regulated by gene expression and changes that happen in those. Damage or error theories specify environmental assaults as...

Professional Health Care: Teamwork and Collaboration

Teamwork and collaborations are essential for professional health care and nursing. These concepts are concerned with such tasks as collective planning, decision-making, problem-solving, goal-setting, taking responsibility, effort coordination, sharing of knowledge and skills, as well as establishing effective communication. The importance of collaboration in professional nursing is determined by its...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Identification and Control

Anderson’s Research (2009) Conceptual Framework The measurement of kidney function in people of older ages is rather difficult due to age-related changes. Design/Method The end-stage of chronic kidney disease has been analyzed. Sample & Setting The members of the sampling were approximately 75 years old with pre-clinical kidney disease. Major...

Personal Health Records in the US Healthcare

Introduction Personal health record (PHR) is a useful electronic service that is used by patients to store and access their medical information. PHR presents a unique opportunity for patients to store all their medical information electronically and manage it if required. PHR is entirely managed by patients and contains information...

Health Reform Strategy in Vermont

Introduction Today, the health care sector passes through the stage of its reforming. Numerous attempts to improve the situation are performed. The fact is that the current state of the sector remains far from perfect. The state of the nation deteriorates every year, and threatening tendencies could be observed. Additionally,...

Women’s Therapeutic Lifestyle Modification Study

“Effects of a three-month therapeutic lifestyle modification program to improve bone health in postmenopausal Korean women in a rural community: A randomized controlled trial.” by Oh et al. What were demographic variables measured at the nominal level of measurement in the Oh et al. (2014) study? Unlike ordinal and interval...

Miami Epidemiology and Healthy People 2020 Program

Introduction The analysis and study of disease distribution and determinants of illness condition in various populations are significant for forming a healthy nation. Increasing risks of infectious diseases and other illness conditions caused certain efforts to conduct appropriate surveillance and prevent some diseases. Thus, it is important to review the...

HIV/AIDS Patients’ Prognosis and Affecting Factors

If a person has HIV, it is essential to get a better understanding regarding the impact the virus has not only on the health status and condition but on the life-expectancy as well. The primary purpose of the paper is to address an urgent issue, namely the differences and similarities...

Surgery: Complications of Using the Foley Catheter

Planned change is an essential component of medical practice for a great number of reasons. However, implementing change in a particular environment can present a challenge. A manager has to possess the knowledge and understanding of change theory frameworks to succeed in this effort. One of the major obstacles in...

Huron County Health Department’s Strategic Planning

Organization Profile Huron County Health Department (HCHD) is a non-profit small organization located in Huron with a mission to promote and protect people’s health by providing a variety of quality health, environmental and human services to the residents of Huron County. The organization seeks to collaborate with the Board of...

Inpatients’ Eating Disorders and Countermeasures

Abstract The role of a nurse in promoting the appropriate eating behaviors and habits among patients, in turn, is often underplayed. Therefore, there is a need to reconsider the current approach toward building awareness among patients and introduce the target population to proper eating habits with the help of educating...

The Problem of Obesity in the USA

Introduction to the Problem Obesity is a global epidemic associated with financial burdens, and poor lifestyles. It is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. The incidence of obesity is around 35 percent of the US population. This bracket includes individuals who have a body mass index...

Nursing Associate Degree vs. Baccalaureate Degree

Introduction A strong academic background has a strong and important effect on all the fields of health science sin the modern times. It is the principal qualification requirement for all the professionals involved in the healthcare sector, including clinicians, physicians, laboratory technicians, biomedical specialists and pharmacists. To be a registered...

Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores

Introduction Patient satisfaction is considered to be among the main determinants of care quality. Nurse communication is a significant factor contributing to the decline in patient satisfaction. Furthermore, communication issues can lead to medical errors and impaired treatment outcomes. According to Pierce and Dietz (2013), the process of patient handoff...

Microcytic Anemia and Recommended Treatment

Introduction Anemia is defined as a condition that makes it impossible for the hemoglobin to be at regular or high levels, which means that the red blood cell count is predominantly less than normal. For women, anemia is of particular concern due to the losses of blood during menstruation. Common...

Miami Jewish Community’s Health Risk Factors

Selecting the Aggregate Location, Demographics The selected aggregate is the Jewish community of Miami, Florida. This population has been growing rapidly for the past decade (Varn, 2014). Varn (2014) states that the Jewish population has increased by approximately 10% during the past three decades. The western part of the city...

Nursing and Midwifery Recognizing Domestic Violence

Introduction, Problem, and Purpose The article “Are We Failing to Prepare Nursing and Midwifery Students to Deal with Domestic Abuse? Findings from a Qualitative Study” is a qualitative study conducted by Bradbury-Jones and Broadhurst (2015). This research article explores the issue of nursing and midwifery students recognizing abuse in practice....

Family Planning Services’ Effect on Budget

Answer It is rather difficult to answer unequivocally the question of whether eliminating funding on Family Planning Services would have a positive budgetary effect compared with the impact on individuals utilizing these services. Firstly, comparing the impact on the budget with the influence on people is not easy. Secondly, the...

Pressure Ulcers and Management Methods

Pressure ulcers (PUs) are a significant problem that lowers the quality of life in patients; it can also have complications, which result in increased mortality (Sullivan & Schoelles, 2013). Apart from that, the prevention and management of PUs require complex and costly interventions that do not always demonstrate desired results...

Hospital’s Financial Problems and Decision-Making

Financial Management Issue The financial problem that my organization is currently trying to address is connected with inadequate expectations of patients as per value-for-money factor in proposed medications and interventions. Satisfaction of the majority of the patients depends on the costs of treatment since they are convinced that cheaper health...

Simulation and Social Media in Healthcare

Abstract The important stage in using the simulation and social media in training is the determination of the facilitation activities and logistics. While using the simulation and social media in the field of healthcare administration and healthcare ethics training, it is important to provide a detailed discussion of the facilitation...

Inside Ayurvedic Medicine with T. R. Reid

Introduction Ayurveda is defined as a part of Indian medicine that has been practiced for more than five thousand years. It includes such methods of treatment as diet, yoga, herbal medicine, massage, and others. It is a general opinion that Ayurvedic medicine has gained special attention nowadays as the number...

ABC Healthcare Organization’s Employee Benefit

ABC healthcare organization provides its employees with affordable and competitive benefit and compensation package. It is willing to improve this package for the staff members constantly to receive as much advantage as possible. This brochure reveals an overview of those benefits that are offered to all employees. In case of...

Abortion: Judith Thomson’s Ethical Perspective

Introduction Abortion is an act that entails the termination of a pregnancy through the removal of a fetus from the uterus. It is a controversial aspect and, at times, requires a personal decision of the woman. Abortion could be induced where the person carrying the pregnancy decides deliberately to terminate...

Nurse Practitioner as a Health Educator

Introduction Despite the fact that nurse practitioners are obliged to inform their patients, provide medical services, and make various records, they also have to be competent in the sphere of health promotion and education. Nurses are expected to explain basic standards of a healthy lifestyle to people who might not...

Pressure Ulcers in Critically Ill Patients

Introduction The article “Pressure ulcers in critically ill patients: Incidence and associated factors” is written by Borghardt, Prado, Bicudo, Castro, and Bringuente (2016, p. 460). It appeared in the Brazilian journal of nursing just several months ago. The work is focused on the issue that is faced by many patients...

Self-Care Deficit Model and Collaborative Care

Introduction Models of nursing care delivery characterize skills, leadership concepts, decision-making procedures, quality improvement methods, outcome measures, and initiatives used in a particular nursing care setting to address patients’ needs. This assignment will focus on reviewing the literature on existing nursing care models, analyzing observations of the nursing environment for...

Nurse Staffing Levels and Employee Retention

Introduction Nurse understaffing is an important healthcare problem that is associated with poor patient outcomes, burnout, high turnover, and other problems faced by healthcare organizations. The objective of the change project is to test whether increasing staffing levels will have a positive outcome on employee retention, the incidence of medical...

Miami-Dade County’s Communicable Diseases

Research and present on the local, state, national, and global trends such as incidence, prevalence, and populations at risk for their communicable disease group. Good health and well-being are among the SDG goals aimed at transforming the world by the year 2030 (World Health Organization, 2015). The progress towards the...

Leadership and the Graduate Nursing Role

Nurse as a Leader: Reporting the Quiz Results Although it has been confirmed by numerous studies that leadership skills are not hereditary and can be fostered successfully, being at the helm of a team is a nonetheless challenging task (Cherry, 2016). The absence of the ultimate leadership style that is...

Hospital Infections and Rogers’ Evidence-Based Change

Background The modern healthcare sector faces numerous challenges that result from the complexity of the environment and living conditions. Therefore, there are multiple attempts to align the gradual improvement of the state of the health and eliminate factors that could be found in hospitals, and that might result in the...

Childhood Obesity in the USA

Topic Childhood obesity in the USA: What are the possible causes of obesity in children? What are the associated problems? How does childhood obesity affect USA as a whole? How can we reduce childhood obesity in the USA? What has the USA government done to reduce childhood obesity? Topic Importance...

Circumcision, Its Legality and Morality

Introduction The question of whether circumcision is a medical right or a human right issue has been discussed for many decades in various forums by numerous scholars. Medical researchers and social scientists have focused on the different aspects of the issue to come to a conclusive answer as to the...

The Health Problems that LGBT People Face

Until recently, nursing policy organizations failed to take notice of the numerous health issues encountered by LGBTQ people. The American Academy of Nursing declared its support of the community only in 2012, which was two years after the Institute of Medicine had advocated for LGBTQ-related research (Shattell & Chinn, 2014)....

Trimethoprim and Tetracycline Pharmacological Effects

Pharmacological Effects of Trimethoprim in the Treatments of UTI and Nursing Implications Description and action of Trimethoprim Used for the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections Precaution for chronic recurrent urinary tract infections Blocking action for the bacterial folic acid synthesis Bactericidal action against susceptible organisms Effective against gram-positive and...

Moreno Medical Center’s Budget Management Analysis

The financial statements for Moreno Medical Center are from the year 2012 to the year 2013. They indicate the financial status of the company. They are also helpful to make decisions for the future of the company. The financial ratios will help to explain further how the company has been...

Suicide Ideation in Patients With COPD

What was the article about and what purpose did it have? The article written by Fleehart and her colleagues is focused on the suicide ideation. This work was published in a peer-reviewed medical journal and is said to be original research, which proves that the information mentioned in it is...

Postpartum Depression as Serious Mental Health Problem

Introduction Postpartum depression is a serious mental health problem that can impair the quality of life of young mothers. According to O’Hara and McCabe (2013), the prevalence of postpartum depression in the general population ranges between 13 and 19 percent. Antidepressant therapy is considered to be effective in treating the...

Stress-Coping Strategies in Nurses

Introduction The PICO question guiding this paper is; in nurses working 12-hour shifts, do strategies to control stress, compared with doing nothing, reduce nurse errors, and improve patient outcomes, in a period of one year? The paper is a critique of a quantitative study examining effective interventions for stress reduction...

Affordable Care Act, Its Functioning and Improvement

How to Fix the Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act is considered by some to be the Obama administration’s greatest success, while others brand it as its greatest failure. While the systems have plenty of flaws, its successes prevent both the Congress and the President from abolishing it outright,...

Osteoarthrosis, Its Symptoms and Treatments

A sixty-five-year-old man by the name of MP comes to the hospital with a complaint of pain in his back, knees, and hips. He has experienced these symptoms for the last six months. To subdue the pain, he has been taking OTC Advil. MP describes the pain as stiffness and...

Primary Nursing Care vs. Relationship-Based Care

Introduction There is ample evidence pointing to the fact that different ways of organizing and providing health care vary in their impact on patient outcomes across a wide range of measures. Even though these outcomes depend on provider groups, they are, nonetheless, sensitive to nursing interventions (Finkelman, 2012). Numerous case-control...

HIV/AIDS, Respiratory Syndrome, Unhealthy Lifestyle

HIV/AIDS Only several decades ago, HIV was regarded as a disease that could only strike minority or marginalized groups of the population (which concerned mostly homosexuals and drug addicts). This partially accounts for the fact that there was not enough research done on the topic. Very little attention was paid...

Decreasing the Mortality Rate Among Dialysis Patients

Aims of the Project The issue selected for this paper is focused on the reduction of the mortality rate among dialysis patients. This problem has been one of the major global concerns for many years. That way, its research is relevant and could be beneficial for public health in the...

Lewy Body Dementia, Its Symptoms and Treatment

Definition Lewy body dementia (LBD) is ranked as the second most frequently observed type of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease. LBD occurs as the so-called Lewi bodies, i.e. alpha-synuclein aggregates of protein, start developing in nerve cells in the substantia nigra or cortex of the brain (Walker et al. 519). As...

Patient Safety in the Delivery of Nursing Services

Title Due to the alarming rates of cases associated with patient safety in the delivery of nursing services, conducting a study on the elements that trigger the trend is essential. As such, I am interested in endeavoring on an inquiry on the topic: The Patient Safety in Nursing Practice. Research...

Birth Control Pills and Cervical Cancer Development

Introduction Cervical Cancer is one of the illnesses that have been associated with a high level of mortality among women, and the health care system has partnered with various organizations focusing on cancer to create awareness of the risk factors associated with the disease. It is apparent that most researchers...

Nursing Conflict and Cooperation

The efficient cooperation between all members of a team is a key to the improved final outcomes and significant increase of the overall efficiency of any collective. Especially important enhanced cooperation becomes in spheres where peoples lives depend on the ability to collaborate and provide in time assistance. These could...

Manual Therapy Techniques: Management of Joint and Tissue Problems and Pains

Manual therapy is a physical treatment method that uses hands-on practices for the diagnosis and cure of joint and soft tissue problems and pains with the aim of enhancing motion, decreasing swelling, facilitating relaxation, boosting tissue repair, and promoting function (Bishop et al., 2015). Manual therapy practitioners choose, set, and...

Nursing in Obamacare and Healthcare Reform Era

Introduction Nowadays, the nursing profession is not simple since it not only enhances patient’s medical condition but also requires treating them with respect. To ensure a high-quality patient-centered care, the nurses have to understanding the importance of law and ethics when resolving the conflicts. Nonetheless, nurses and customers have to...