Gender Roles in Medea – Stereotypes & Resistance

Euripides Euripides lived and worked in the 5th century BC; he was a tragedian whose plays won prizes at that time and appeal to the readers of nowadays. The tragedian challenged the gender ideology accepted in his society, which attracts many scholars even in the 21st century AD. The author...

Specific Needs Understanding: Individuals With Disabilities

Disability According to the WHO, disability is “an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions” (Disabilities 2015). It is a “complex phenomenon” that includes characteristics of an individual and the peculiarities of the society he/she lives in (Disabilities 2015). According to the ICFHD classification, disability is an umbrella...

The Changing Landscape of Volunteering in Australia: Trends and Social Impact

Introduction Volunteering has a long history in Australia and it has played a critical role in the development of many communities in the nation. This activity has been credited with contributing to the survival of many rural and remote communities in the country. Volunteering Australia (2012) documents that Australians have...

Impact of Neoliberalism on Ontario’s Government Policies and Governance

Introduction The transition towards neoliberal thinking in policymaking has become a tendency characterizing most local governments throughout the world during the past three decades. Canada could not but fall within the mentioned trend and witness a series of reforms that have a robust impact not only on the decision-making mechanism...

Telecom Market Insights: India and China Growth Potential

Introduction Speculators in the telecommunication industry provide information on the bright future of the sector. The telecommunication industry is a wide sector in every country and calls for massive investment from both public and private investors. There are several countries, which leads to the list of the advanced countries in...

Depending on the line spacing, a text of 1950 words takes 4 to 8 pages. All the most common citation styles imply that an essay is double-spaced and written in 12-point Times New Roman. This is about 250 words per page. You might want to use a different font, but a double-spaced 1950-word essay will anyway take about 8 pages.

A 1950-word essay contains 13 to 19 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

A paper of 1950 words is not necessarily an essay. Such a length is also suitable for an extended essay, research paper, or term paper. In addition to the introduction, body, and conclusion, you might need to include other elements, like an abstract, methods, and discussion. This will depend on the genre of your assignment.

Typing 1950 words on a keyboard usually takes 39 to 78 minutes, depending on your typing speed. However, if you need to write an academic paper, add time for research, formatting the text, and preparing graphic materials. You’ll need at least 6 hours for 1950 words.

An average introduction length of a 1950-word essay should be 295 words. The exact requirements will be given by your professor.

Why America Loves to Hate the Kardashian Family

No family in modern history has managed to attract the level of attention and popularity, among members of the public who often profess to hate the family, as the Kardashians have. The Kardashian family is famous for a reality TV show known as “Keeping Up with the Kardashians (KUWTK)” whose...

Building Client Trust in Fintech: Strategies for Success and Growth

Introduction The FinTech sphere of business is currently on the rise, and many startups wish to achieve success and offer innovative solutions to completely transform the financial sector. This case study will focus on finding out what challenges a FinTech startup may currently face and outlining key strategic steps to...

TechSystems Wearable Device’s Feasibility Study

Executive Summary This paper represents the continuation of a feasibility study directed at determining potential solutions for the line of wearable devices developed by TechSystems. It starts with determining the attractiveness of three options that were suggested to resolve the challenges associated with insufficient sales and product innovativeness. Discontinuing the...

Horror Films: Articles Analysis and Comparison

This paper is aimed at comparison of two articles concerning horror films. While the article “The Horror Film as Social Allegory (And How it Comes Undone)” by Christopher Sharrett suggests the social and political implication of horror films the second article “Avenging the Body: Disability in the Horror Film” by...

The Safer, Stronger, Protected Homes & Communities Page: Disaster Preparedness

Emergency Operations Centers The Emergency Operation Center becomes the primary site of decision-making during a disaster: “Everyone from elected and appointed officials to field operations managers coalesces into a new environment to have all of the needed leadership and subject-matter expertise in one place at one time” (Huder, 2012, p....

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Get Rid of Cable Commercial Compilation Direct TV

Description of the Commercial The Get Rid of Cable Commercial Compilation Direct TV is a short television commercial that promotes a satellite television company known as Direct TV. As it starts, we see a man who is trying to watch news, but there is a problem with the television. The...

Oil and Gas Resource Curse in Post-Soviet Space

Introduction In the context of economic development and recognition in the international arena, many states use domestic resources as key trade elements, thereby creating demand and increasing budget revenues. The oil and gas industry is promising today because, although a constant search for alternative sources of fuel is conducted, natural...

Total Quality Management Tools in the Organization

Outline Term Assignment Section I This paper is about the application of Total Quality Management Tools in an organization to help solve a quality issue. The organization chosen is called ‘Dinner Diner’ which is a local restaurant serving local and international cuisine to its customers for over 10 years. Through...

The Spanish-American War: Causes and Impact

The Spanish-American war was the armed conflict in 1898 between two major countries in that historical period. The fight fundamentally changed the world structure, impacting the future economics and political dominance significantly, hence being an essential event in the development of chronicles (Marolda 4). The research paper will look into...

Childhood Obesity and Healthy Lifestyles

Promoting Healthy Eating and an Active Lifestyle in Schoolchildren Summary O’Connor, a nutrition scientist, researched the various ways of fostering good eating habits and healthy lifestyles among schoolchildren (O’Connor, 2011). Her study aimed at describing the key elements of a balanced diet. She also highlighted the importance of physical activity...

The Big Picture: A Case Study of Blackberry

Introduction Originally a tiny electronics consultant firm, Blackberry, was a critical stepping stone to smartphones’ current age. Blackberry is a symbol of how quickly high-tech fortunes can change. Slow to respond to the iPhone and Samsung, this once top innovator is rapidly losing market share and income. This company needs...

Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve

This assessment deals with how the Federal Reserve uses monetary policy and its monetary policy tools to try to stabilize the economy while meeting its dual mandate of controlling inflation and maintaining unemployment. Scenario 1 The economy of a hypothetical country has been stable for two or three years with...

Marine Resource Economics: Value Addition on Tuna Fish By-Products

Introduction Value addition is the most talked-about phrase across the world of the manufacturing and processing industry, particularly in the export-oriented processing industry because of the increased realization of valuable foreign exchange. In the fishing industry like any other venture, value can be added to fish and fishery by-products to...

Brain Mechanisms Involved in Emotions

Introduction Understanding the nature of emotions as the factors that serve not only to represent a response to a specific stimulus but also as the means of gauging an individual’s psychological well-being is central to modern psychology. Remarkably, despite being an intuitively understandable concept, the phenomenon of emotion does not...

The Marital Mystique and Strategic Models of Family Therapy

Abstract Human relationships have many characteristics, and people are responsible for making their own choices that determine their future life. Family counseling aims at defining and researching such concepts as love, romance, and marriage. If families address an expert to obtain therapy, strategic models by Jay Haley, Don Jackson, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Factors Influencing Coffee Market

Summary Coffee is the most basic beverage for consumption in countries like America and Europe. Many behaviors have been adapted and are now rotating around coffee. People in white and blue-collar jobs pass by coffee shops in the morning and grab their specialty. During breaks and free time, students go...

Meth Epidemic as a Social Problem: Film Analysis

Meth epidemic as a social problem Methamphetamine (meth) is a synthetic stimulant, which affects the pleasures of the brain by making it to release dopamine (Frontline 2005). Meth has several street names, such as, “speed, chalk, ice, crystal, glass, crank, yaba, tina and tweak” (Frontline 2005). There are many ways...

Legitimacy of Humanitarian Intervention: Legal and Ethical Considerations

Introduction Since its establishment, humanitarian intervention has remained an actively debated topic both among political theorists and the general public. To further aggravate the subject, a series of measures has been conducted based on the concept in the twentieth century, most of which were later considered controversial to some extent....

Organizational Management and Leadership at Hitachi Ltd Canada

Introduction Good administration is the hallmark of good management and the proper and efficient use of resources. Managers become leaders when their personality and character, their knowledge and functional skills of leadership are recognized and accepted by the others involved. Hitachi Ltd. is a leading electronic company specialized in information...

Polygraph and Its Impact on Society

The development of human relationships was never simple, and as soon as one problem was solved, another concern occurred. In the majority of cases, challenges in communication were provoked by the desire or necessity to lie. The intention to detect deception and find out the truth motivated people to think...

Supreme Court Case Matal v. Tam and The First Amendment

Introduction The issues of the freedom of speech raised in the social sphere, as a rule, cause a great public resonance and become the subject of active discussion. The First Amendment, which is the constitutional guarantor, often becomes a key aspect affecting the adoption of specific decisions by courts. As...

Moral Distress: A Concept Analysis

Introduction The concept of moral distress has been broadly researched in various contexts in the healthcare sector. The dynamics facing healthcare organizations resulted to the emergence of complex issues relating to moral distress. On the other hand, the emergence of cutting edge health care innovations have led to numerous developments...

BMW: Company Analysis

Consumer-Buying Process for BMW The consumer buying process is a framework designed to describe customers’ paths on their way to making a purchase. With BMW, the consumer-buyer process begins with recognizing the need to have a vehicle that facilitates day-to-day transportation. At this stage, a particular problem may arise, for...

The Indigenous People as a Nation

Introduction Since time immemorial different communities inhabiting their ancestral lands have practiced various cultures and correlated with the environment. These groups have not only maintained their way of life, but also, have retained the political, cultural, economic, and social traits that differentiate them from the surrounding distinct societies. As such,...

Virtual Machines: Principles, Benefits

Abstract Computer technology, as an advanced and dynamically developing industry, constantly offers users new options and software functionality. One of such developments is virtualization as a process that transforms traditional operating systems. Virtual machines that are individual files create the environment running on the host OS independently. This separation allows...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Telstra Corporation’s Project Management

Executive Summary The report is under the study of the Telstra Corporation, which deals with telecommunication services. Its establishment began during the gain of independence of the Australian Government. The report explicitly outlines the main models, frameworks, and processes that can be applied in the pre-project to change. Under the...

Leprosy in Nineteenth-Century India

Introduction Leprosy disease is one of the oldest recognized illnesses in the world. People with leprosy (PwL) were banished in ancient Indian culture for various reasons: chronic, possibly disfiguring aspect; inconsistently successful treatment, linked with sin; and dread of infection. This combination gave leprosy a stigma that endures to this...

National Basketball Association’s Sales and Promotion

Sports companies should attach great importance to their sales and promotions approaches, as they imply working with a large audience whose interest determines the success of the organization. The National Basketball Association (NBA) is one of the most well-known sports companies, not only in basketball but also in the entire...

Monopolistic Competition in Public Utilities

Introduction Monopolistic competition is described as an imperfect competition where a small number of producers sell differentiated products, which are not necessarily substitutes (Borenstein, Bushnell & Stoft, 2010). Werner & Kirk-Duggan (2009) provide several explanations for this imperfection. They are of the view that the imperfection is brought about by...

The Impact of Ancient Greek Philosophy on Modern Day Thought

How did Greek philosophy influence today’s culture? Why is Ancient Greek philosophy important for modern literature? Here, you’ll find answers to these and other questions. Keep reading to get some ideas and inspiration for your essay! Introduction Ancient Greek philosophy has arguably played the greatest role in shaping modern thought,...

Federal Taxation of Individuals

Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, S Corporation, and C Corporation A partnership is an agreement signed by two or more parties to manage a business as co-proprietors. An organization is a business with different proprietors, each of whom has put resources into the market. A few associations incorporate people who work in...

Strategic Planning & Risk Management in Business Event Planning

Introduction Modern business players are aware of the potential benefits of cooperating with one another, as well as of pitfalls that such collaboration may hide. To avoid emergency situations and lead one’s organisation effectively, company owners exploit strategic planning, project management, and risk management on a daily basis. Each of...

Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Poems of the Black Man

Paul Laurence Dunbar was born in Ohio in 1872, just a few years after the Civil War ended. He lived during a tremendous time of social change, not only for his people as they both hoped for a better future and struggled through more of the same, but also for...

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Winterson

Since ancient times, myth has been one of the main ways of mastering reality by a human. Thanks to mythological consciousness, people explained the events of the world and understood each other better. In addition, myths allowed people to create standards of behavior and to educate people in becoming decent...

Coping Strategies in Job Related Stress in Nurses

Abstract Job-related stress among nurses is an issue that has raised massive concern among contemporary scholars. Nurses are forced to undergo very traumatizing environmental factors that are directly contributed by the nature of their job. Some issues such as pressure from the doctors, patients, relatives and, the administration affect nurses...

Correlation Between Poverty and Juvenile Delinquency

Crime significantly impacts the standard of life across the world. A case study of the United States reveals that crime has grown into a very expensive venture. There are myriads of social costs incurred by both individuals and government agencies in combating crime. Before the onset of the last decade,...

Hurricane Katrina and Failures of Emergency Management Operations

Introduction: Overview of the Hurricane The apocalyptic scenes following the destruction caused by one of the biggest disasters in American history, the 2005 Hurricane Katrina, were a direct reflection of the U.S. government’s failure to prepare for and respond to such a natural hazard. The Hurricane came from the coast...

The Effect of the Digital Era on the Implementation of Lean Six Sigma

Abstract The paper’s primary purpose is to demonstrate the impact of the digital era on the implementation of Lean Six Sigma. Moreover, it aims at defining the concepts of Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0 by raising the preliminary research question “How the Digital Era impacts the implementation of Lean...

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work

Artificial intelligence (AI) is requested in the modern business world because it can lead to many positive outcomes when applied to employee monitoring. Firstly, AI can lead to a firm’s increased benefits because many technological advancements promote better working behaviors. For example, some algorithms can identify the least productive employees...

The Health Effects of Environmental Change

How Florence Nightingale’s legacy has influenced my perception of the Millennium Goals Based on Nightingale’s influence, I feel that developing the Millennium Development Goals by the UN is a significant milestone in alleviating inequitable access to healthcare, education, food, and water among other resources (Brinks, 2013). These social factors influence...

British Airways: Company Information

Abstract The blistering rise of digital devices preconditioned the increased importance of IT technologies for the functioning of the majority of organizations and corporations. In this regard, the given paper is devoted to the precise investigation of the main aspects of a certain company that benefits from the exploration of...

Religions of the World and Their Analysis

Introduction Religious beliefs are an intrinsic part of a vast number of cultures and therefore need to be recognized as crucial phenomena that deserve close attention. Religions shape societal standards, morals, ethics, and behaviors worldwide, often affecting not only individual development but also the evolution of an entire nation. Therefore,...

E-Commerce in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Introduction With the invention and expansion of the Internet and the outburst in the development of information and communication technologies, our everyday life has changed. Nowadays, we do not need to leave our homes to work, study, communicate, and even do shopping. We are lucky to live in the era...

“The Sun Also Rises” by Ernest Hemingway

The book ‘The Sun Also Rises was published in 1926 and was the first novel published by the renowned Novelist Ernest Hemmingway. The book is also known as Fiesta in some countries because this was the original title that Hemmingway chose for the novel. The Sun Also Rises expounds upon...

Improving Access to Pediatric Mental Health Care

Introduction Similar to adults, children also encounter many mental health challenges. According to the latest statistics, almost 20% of youth experience some mental health-related problems and have a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder (MBDD) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2019; Delaney, Burke, DeSocio, Greenberg, & Sharp, 2018). Nonetheless,...

Marketing Research Brief: Research Design, Sample, Questionnaire

Research Design The main goal of the research brief is to set clear objectives in the form of questions and design appropriate research. The key objectives are to understand consumers’ intentions towards the category of food provided by the company and estimate market penetration in the given category of products....

Social Determinants of Health in Australia and the Philippines

This paper focuses on the wellsprings of health equity in social policy, pointers of inequity, and how two national contexts and approaches to education effect better health outcomes. In particular, the paper investigates the most important manifestation of health inequity for Australian Aborigines. There being no such racially-oppressed minority in...

The Heart Failure Patients: Health Belief Model

Introduction Heart failure is a serious condition affecting many people in today’s society. The condition arises when this organ becomes weak and fails to function properly. Under such circumstances, the output of the heart is very low. As a result, the body of the individual suffering from the condition becomes...

Relationships Between the European Settlers and the Native Americans

Introduction Many factors played their role in the growth and development of the Colonial New England. Future America has served as a place where three district human cultures intersected. Relationships between the European settlers, the Native Americans, and the African Americans are intricate, and the groups have had a significant...

Applying an Evidence-Based Model: Benefits and Pitfalls

Introduction Most health care policies and systems in use by different countries have evidence based approaches incorporated into the procedures. There is a general consensus that is growing about the role of particular health determinants such as healthcare. The last two decades have seen a tremendous amount of change and...

Extreme Scenarios: The Issue of Energy Resources Shortage

Introduction Imagine that you cannot use electricity or get fuel for your car because these energy resources are no longer available. Your home has no power, and the lights, television, and the fridge are not working. You drive to the gas station, but there you find out that there is...

Ethical Issues in Wells Fargo

Introduction Wells Fargo is one of the banking institutions in the U.S that faces significant ethical issues due to its distinctive practices. Over the decades, the company faced various lawsuits and scandals concerning customer relationships and breaches of their trust. A violation of clients’ rights in producers’ and consumers’ settings...

Climate Change from Different Perspectives

Introduction Climate change has been a pertinent issue in the last several decades with the rise of human civilization and the immense industrial revolutions that have accompanied these developments. Human beings have made massive strides in the production and exploration of sources of energy and the most significant of these...

Staffing Challenges at Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention: Issues and Solutions

Founded in 1987, the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP) is a non-profit community-based that relies on volunteers to achieve its strategic objectives (Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention 2014). The Black CAP is a community-driven organisation whose mission is to “reduce the spread of HIV infection within Toronto’s Black...

Emotional Branding in Advertising

Introduction Many organizations have embraced the art of advertising to capture the attention of consumers. Emotions account for more than half of the extent to which consumers are satisfied with various products. Trend assumed by firms is dependent on the emotional involvement of consumers. With current escalation in the adoption...

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Employee Personality and Performance Correlation

Introduction Personality can be described as the different characteristics that make up an individual, which are common to the given individual. The characteristics form a trend that people can use to identify any person. Personality of an individual can be viewed as a trait of a given individual that can...

The Idea of Terroir and Identity of French Wines

Introduction Global trade leads to large-scale transfers of cheaply and efficiently processed foodstuffs from unidentified sources to foreign markets. This situation has resulted in growing concerns about the disappearance of local food traditions, reduction in the quality and safety, and detachment between food production and consumption. As a result, a...

Evaluating US Healthcare Reform: Effectiveness and Policy Analysis

Introduction Many industrialized nations provide universal health care access to their citizens. However, America is different from its peers because it has struggled to provide unlimited access to health care services, despite being one of the wealthiest nations on the planet. Statistics show that more than 39 million people are...

Family Business: Entrepreneurial Challenges and Financing

Introduction Entrepreneurial activity is one of the best practices that people can embrace to promote economic development, fight poverty, and increase upward social mobility. Many learning institutions and welfare programs take this issue seriously. The ultimate objective has been to equip the greatest number of people with business competencies and...

The Evolution of Cryptography

Introduction Communication is a process that people have used, developed, and improved since ancient times. In the majority of cases, it is necessary to make sure that information remains protected. The examples of ancient leaders, kings and queens in the Middle Ages, and modern generals show that privacy and confidentiality...

Google: Organisation’s Strategy Social Responsibility

In a modern corporation, strategy at any level is an important issue in the history and tradition of any society irrespective of its level of development. People started contemplating and viewing the process of strategy and strategic thinking in ancient times. Google is one of the most successful companies based...

Gaius Valerius Catullus’s Poetical Works

Gaius Valerius Catullus was Roman poet that lived in the 1st century BC. His works are still popular among the readers due to their liberalism and in-depth perception of love. Catullus was also famous for his “angry love poem”. Catullus creative but short life (84-54 BC) was devoted to the...

Millennials’ Mindset as to Privacy Violations

Introduction There are many benefits of using social media, spanning from convenience in communications to finding new friends and business partners. It became so ubiquitous that it started posing questions regarding user privacy and safety. There are real-world examples of how lack of care toward confidentiality may lead to adverse...

The Principles of Rhetoric in Media

Introduction All forms of media, including their written and visual variants, are used to relay messages. Be it a single individual, a group, or an entire community, various forms of media can be used to transfer information from one party to another. However, it should be noted that any form...

What Is More Impactful: Freedom or Slavery?

Introduction The history of slavery and everything associated with it is, no doubt, one of the darkest pages for the American national consciousness. A consequence of the nation’s European origins, it led to the decades of oppression and violence committed by white Americans against their Black slaves. The structure and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sydney Metro Project, Progress, and Strategies

Sydney Metro Sydney Metro is Australia’s largest public transport scheme and the new independent metro system. It is also the new generation of world-class trains that are fast and reliable. Moreover, this project is supposed to link citizens to where any destination they wish. The technological system applied by Sydney...

The Association for Intellectual and Developmental Challenges Citizens

Introduction The Association for Intellectual and Developmental Challenges Citizens (ARC) is the largest national community-based organization advocating for and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and serving them and their families. ARC has more than 600 local chapters and has been approved for people with disabilities for 70...

BMW Case Study: The Market for Lobbying in New Zealand

The external environment of a particular company, such as the carmaker BMW, may include any outside factor that influences the day-to-day running of the business. External factors affecting BMW may be political, economic, technological, and social. External factors such as the environment and legal factors include trends (Anderson et al.,...

The Mind-Body Problem in Philosophical Theories

Introduction The mind-body problem is a philosophical discussion explaining the relationship between the body and mind. Various past and modern philosophers have developed varied positions regarding whether the mind is independent of the body. Sufficient evidence shows that the mind is what the brain does and that both are interdependent....

The Inc. Brokerage’s Digital Adoption Plan

Executive Summary The Key Elements of the Plan for the SME Businesses have adopted internet commerce due to the present boom of technical developments. The real estate industry has been quick to absorb these technologies. This study aims to genuinely help stakeholders understand the importance of e-platform concepts in the...

Child Maltreatment and Psychosis: Impact on Child Development

Child maltreatment is a crucial social problem which is related to a complex of various aspects of the functioning of society and its beneficial evolution. The growth of the level of attention devoted to the problems of upbringing resulted in the appearance of a number of important questions. The relations...

Body as a Media’ Social Subject

Introduction The human body is a dominant subject in contemporary social discourse. Besides being a symbol of individual identity, the body, as presented in the media, is a powerful tool for understanding beauty embodied in its various visual forms. Contemporary marketing communications predominantly feature socialized slender visual forms. In the...

Behavioral Problems Caused by Video Games

Introduction Video games can be played by people representing different age groups and even sexes. Their greatest appeal is that they offer a version of reality in which a person can feel invincible or all-powerful at least for a short time. They give access to the environment in which people...

Atmospheric Phenomena Studies for Aviation

Introduction Even though modern aircraft have sophisticated navigation and communications systems helping to ensure the safety of flight, they are still wholly dependent on the atmosphere, which generates aerodynamic forces sustaining them. Also, all avionics systems for navigation and communications rely on signals that have to penetrate the atmosphere before...

Tesco and Sainsbury Companies: Business Environment Issues

Introduction The report elucidates the key business environmental issues of the retail supersector and two companies within its food and wholesale subsector – Tesco and Sainsbury. According to FTSE Russell’s Industry Classification Benchmark, the retail supersector may be segregated into two sectors: food and drugs, and general sectors (FTSE 2012,...

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Virtual Reality: A Practical Tool or a Trojan Horse?

Introduction Technological advancements have made it possible to create a reality that has been only a sci-fi concept several years ago. Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated technology that allows the user to interact with a three-dimensional image or environment using special electronic equipment, such as a headset with a...

Chapters 2-5 of “Psycholinguistics” by Thomas Scovel

Chapter 2 In this chapter, Thomas Scovel discusses the way in which children acquire their mother tongue. At first, the author notes that crying can be viewed as the precursor of language and speech (Scovel 8). As a rule, it is a response to the discomfort that infants can experience....

English Literature. Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”

Introduction Jonathan Swift was popularly known as a satirical writer during his era. Aside from being a poet, essayist, and a political pamphleteer, he became the dean of Saint Patrick’s in Dublin. Swift was born on the 30th of November, 1667 and died on the year 1745. Most of his...

Literature Plan for Preschoolers

Introduction Preschool children learn a lot at this age through what they see, hear or touch. The learning process is as a result of interacting with their parents, siblings, teachers, caregivers, other adults, and from the surrounding. This is a very crucial age as whatever children learn at this age...

National Transportation and the Economy

Introduction Transportation is integral as part of infrastructure to the economy of the nation as it is required for the numerous sectors of the economy to prosper. All the main sectors of the economy including the service sector, manufacturing industries and agriculture rely heavily on transportation. Its importance is further...

Importance, Scope, and Definition of Clinical Supervision

Introduction Psychologists are essentially more concerned with the study of the human mind. People need not subject their minds to dogmatism. Hence, issues that are akin to critical evaluation of human behaviors must be clear and concise. For this reason, consideration of supervision in the clinical context demands a clear...

Evaluation of the Intervention

Introduction The nurse must become more relevant to the population’s needs, namely her patients. She should become a well-educated professional, an equal partner, working independently with clients and contributing to the community’s health. The nurse currently plays an important role in providing medical and social help to the elderly and...

Race of Suspect and Eyewitness Identification Accuracy

Eyewitness reports have been used in courtrooms to administer justice for a long period. The effectiveness of the information is based on the different social factors. The annotated bibliography will address the topic of how the race and ethnicity of the suspect and witness impact eyewitness identification accuracy. The paper...

The Neoliberal Economic Model: Analyzing Its Influence in Western Countries

Introduction Probably the most notable characteristic of today’s living in the West is that there is presently a strongly defined neoliberal quality to the socioeconomic realities in Western countries, reflective of the assumption that one’s entrepreneurial freedoms cannot be restricted – even if it comes at the expense of undermining...

“Oedipus Rex” a Play by Sophocles

Oedipus Rex is a Greek tragedy play written and directed by Sophocles who lived many centuries ago. The play is a classic master piece of Greek talent in theatre and drama and has generously contributed to modern forms of theatrical arts. The play revolves around the tragic fate of Oedipus...

Depression in Breast Cancer Patients: Factors and Solutions

Health Problem Under Analysis Cancer was once regarded as a health issue of the elderly, but it is now a significant health concern for younger people. When it comes to women’s health, breast cancer is one of the most serious health problems associated with various psychological and emotional issues. The...

The Experience of Asking for Help

Since the purpose of this assignment is to analyze the experience of asking for help, the behavior of the person whom I asked it for, and the results that I obtained, I started recollecting similar situations. It was not hard to make a decision, as the problem that I am...

Strategic Management Insights: Process, Advantage, & Trends Review

Strategic Management In this video, Erica Olsen clearly and accurately explains the notion of the strategic management process using schemes. First, the company should determine the mission statement clarifying its paramount goal. It is important to identify the starting point from both internal and external angles including staff, customers,...

Nike Proxy Statement Analysis

Abstract The purpose of this work is to analyze the proxy statement of Nike and provide details about what comprises the executive compensation plan of the company. It also includes the amount of compensation received by the CEO, Mark Parker, and how it compares to the median salary earned by...

The Ancient World: Art of Ancient Times

The art of ancient times is not merely a story of dead people and civilizations gone forever. Filled with contradictions, tragedies, and moments of glory, it reveals the lives of former generations, which define current customs and traditions. Moreover, the striking similarities in various aspects emphasize its importance in understanding...

Mental Illness in Steve Lopez’s “The Soloist”

The plight of people suffering from mental illnesses often goes unnoticed, and a good number of them end up homeless or in correctional facilities across the country. One of the main symptoms of schizophrenia is the withdrawal from social relations (Izydorczyk et al. 26). The patients are terrified of their...

The US Mental Health Parity Act

The protection coverage in the United States has failed to provide adequate assistance of mental health illnesses. Deductibles, day cutoff criteria, and co-protection all show disparities in mental health and substance use disorder inclusion. Many states passed equality laws that included psychological well-being protection as a key component in an...

Aspects of IKEA HR Management

Introduction IKEA is a multinational conglomerate and retailer best known for selling furniture, home appliances, and other décor, goods, and accessories for the space. Being founded in Sweden in 1953, it has since then grown to be a global brand with a reputation for simple but stylish designs, utmost level...

Mary Teresa Barra’s Transformational Leadership

Introduction One of the key elements of organisational performance stems from the management’s ability to make correct decisions and lead the company in accordance with the outlined objectives. The case of Mary Teresa Barra, CEO of General Motors, is an interesting and informative example of how transformational leadership can result...

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Product’s Risk Analysis

Introduction Many organizations have set out policies and procedures to protect and safeguard themselves against risks. How a business adopts and handles threats is influential to business success. The way a company handles risk-related issues is essential to other stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, employees, and the government. In order...

Enhancing Reading Skills in an Eight-Year-Old: Intervention Strategies and Assessment

Abstract The case study focuses on the case of eight-year-old Adam, studying in K-3 grade elementary school. The boy has weaknesses in memorization and a limited understanding of descriptive language and the text’s central idea. Cognitive and emotional difficulties contribute to the emergence of these problems. An assessment of Fountas...

Sex, Gender, and Inequalities

Abstract The main aim of this paper was to analyze the distinction between gender and sex. The author started by introducing the two concepts. Also, the impacts of the two on social structures were highlighted. It is important to evaluate the level of gender and sex structures in society. Such...

Iraq War Mistake: Faulty Intel and the WMD Misconception

Abstract The US government’s decision to invade Iraq was based on faulty and unreliable intelligence report that says Saddam Hussein’s government was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. The Iraq War was one of the costliest mistakes that the American government made in the 21st century. The US government failed to...

Creativity and Innovation in a Business Environment

Introduction Creativity refers to the ability to come up with a unique solution that can solve a problem. Creative ideas arise in different ways and under different circumstances. Sometimes, they occur after an individual work hard to find a solution to a problem by investing all the effort and resources...

Ethical Dilemmas in Business: KFC Company’s Case

Introduction The ethical decision-making process in business is associated with resolving ethical dilemmas; i.e., situations in which a choice needs to be made among several options, each of which is unethical in a way (Crane and Matten 7). In such situations, it is crucial for an organization to predict all...

Nike Global Strategy & Marketing Approaches

Company Description Nike Inc. is a multinational corporation that deals with the design, development, and production of different varieties of sports products. The company focuses mainly on the sports industry. Its head offices are at Beaverton, Oregon. Murphy and Mathew (2012) allege that Nike Inc. is a global manufacturer and...

“Farewell My Concubine” by Chen Kaige

Introduction The 1993 film Farewell My Concubine (directed by Chen Kaige) is now referred to as one of the Chinese cinematography’s finest works. There are several reasons for it, but the most important one has to do with the film’s high educational value. After all, even though Farewell My Concubine...

Procter & Gamble Company’s Creativity and Innovation Processes

Executive Summary Creativity and innovation are the key instruments of success in the corporate world. They aid in mobilizing resources with new aspects to create wealth. Creativity and innovation therefore lead to wealth creation. Organizations such as Procter & Gamble manage to achieve competitive benefits when they become creative and...

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Social Media Marketing Plan for Colonized Coffee

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The Booking Firm’s Customer Relationship Management

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Does Poetry Still Really Matter in the Modern World?

Critics have shown that poetry in the modern times is a specialized occupation of a small and isolated group of individuals, yet it was a major form of communication and expression of intelligence a few decades ago (Arana 91). The poets command only a small residual prestige but they are...

Medical Treatment in Religious Beliefs and Ethics

Introduction Ethical dilemmas are integral to nursing practice, which is why it is essential to study them. Every day, nurses make critical decisions that impact patient health and life. Having such a significant responsibility makes it important for nurses to choose options that are in the patient’s best interests. Sometimes...

Evaluating US Counterterrorism Policy After 9/11

Introduction After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the United States of America implemented more stringent policies to counter terrorism, especially within its borders. Since the attack, the government has spent billions of dollars in funding programs that aim to annihilate jihad terrorists around the world. America’s policy on counterterrorism...

Crime in Texas: Security Strategies

Introduction Every state in the United States and the world experience some sort of crime at one time or another. Texans experience crimes that come in different forms. To correctly assess and measure the trends of crime, Texas takes part in the Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) which enables the...

Literature Evaluation on the Depression Illness

Bernaras, E., Jaureguizar, J., & Garaigordobil, M. (2019). Child and adolescent depression: A review of theories, evaluation instruments, prevention programs, and treatments. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(543), 1-24. Web.  The article centers on depression among children and teenagers, intending to provide a concise overview of effective prevention and treatment programs. In...

“The Perils of Obedience” Book by Stanley Milgram

The relations between an individual and authority are complicated, and people have to learn how to behave regarding their personal principles and the social standards set. The work of Stanley Milgram (1963), “The Perils of Obedience” is one of the sources where captivating and educative information on how people should...

Literary Criticism: The Key Theories

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Happiness: Hedonism and the Theories of Virtue

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Borderline Personality Disorder in an 18-Year-Old Woman

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Employer Oversight: Human Resource Management

The issue that needs to be fixed is connected to actions that should be performed in the workplace with regard to surveillance and employee tracking. This notion can be assessed as problematic since rigorous employee surveillance can become a subject to a potential conflict of interests. A more detailed idea...

Artificial Intelligence Projects Failed

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) entails an approach to make a computer, software, or a computer-controlled robot think intelligently as the human mind. It is achieved by examining the human brain’s pattern and by assessing the cognitive process. The results of the studies create intelligent systems and software. AI idea is...

Partnership Between Blue Ridge Restaurant and Terralumen: Objectives and Impact

Case Developing a plan to dissolve partnership between Blue Ridge Restaurant and Terralumen. Key Business/Management Issues The top managers at Blue Ridge Restaurant are keen to achieve rapid growth in Spain. To achieve this aim, they have hired Mikael Sodergran, a young, inexperienced executive as the regional vice president instead...

Artemisia Gentileschi’s Paintings as Allegory

Introduction In the patriarchal society of the 17th century, art like many other fields was dominated by men. History does not present many examples of female artists, but in 1970, an Italian woman by the name of Artemisia Gentileschi was recognized as a progressive figure in the artistic movement of...

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