Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center: Case Study

Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center (OLGMC) is one of the largest medical centers in Louisiana. It provides a full set of tertiary care services and maintains 334 staffed beds as well as an acute care medical center in Acadiana (“About Ochsner,” 2022). The organization is known for its high standards...

Ethical Considerations in Lobbying

Due to the competitive nature of lobbying, the desire to use every means to win their case may be irresistible. Some individuals might be tempted to use unethical means to advance their lobbying. As other disciplines, lobbying field is guided by ethical principles. Despite enjoying constitutional right, the law requires...

The Issue of Global Warming

Global warming is a serious environmental problem that results from the rising of global temperatures, causing the earth to heat up, leading to climate changes. Temperature changes in the world are attributed to external forces some of which are natural such as volcano eruptions, which lead to the cooling of...

The Short Story “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver

Brief and simple in its language, Raymond Carver’s short story Cathedral is packed with imagery and themes that vividly and powerfully depict real life issues. The immediate impressions of the text were that Carver successfully uses an unlikely scenario- a casual interaction between the narrator and a blind man- to...

Scott Equipment Organization

Introduction Liquidity and profitability are the important aspects in the financial management of any organization. Liquidity refers to the ability of a firm to generate positive cash flows to meet its short-term obligations (Prentice Hall, 2001). A firm may decide to fund its operations either through own sources of funds...

The Short Essay “Good People” by David Foster Wallace

David Foster Wallace utilizes his short essay, “Good People,” to depict how individuals receive and respond to unexpected problems, including the role played by emergencies in shaping their thoughts. Wallace starts the story by presenting the reader with a picture of Lane Dean, the protagonist, and Sheri, his girlfriend, seated...

Victimization Rates and Characteristics Assessment

Victimization Rates Outline The victimization rates vary considerably depending on region, nationality, and various social and ethnic factors. Region Metropolitan areas have more crime victims and violent death risks than rural countries inhabitants; The country’s sections analysis demonstrated that the highest risk rate was observed in the South (6,6% –...

Trends in Contemporary British Society

Introduction Contemporary British society is considered to be the result of major changes in the spheres of politics, economics and private issues of the population. To understand the modern situation and position of the society of the UK it is necessary to underline the basic changes experienced by the population...

Changing Gender Roles in Families

Gender roles have been continuously changing for the last four decades or so. It is crucial to mention that the feminist movement was developed to give women equal rights with men. It is indisputable that massive transformation has taken place in regards to the roles of men and women. On...

Stress-Reducing Measures and Activities

Introduction As Linda (2008, pp. 3-8) argues, regardless of how an individual’s life may be comfortable, stress is inevitable in every individual’s life. Therefore, to reduce the negative effects that are associated with stress, every individual must try to identify any stress reducing activities, it is one of the primary...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Motivating Adolescents at Home and School

Many different reasons can be given to explain why teenagers are in need of additional motivation and support in their personal and professional growth. Compared to children, adolescents are more independent with high demands and expectations. Therefore, it is important for them to stay motivated and understand the worth of...

Corkely & Finn: Employees Motivation

Introduction Corkery & Finn a regional investment brokerage house has been extremely profitable but the company has decided to expand its operations and open overseas branches. At first the company starts to work in cooperation with other local brokerages and the company believes that within five years it will gain...

Movie Production Studios and Their Statistics

A studio can normally label as a class for artist and photographers, or a workshop or rehearsal space for dancers or actors. In relation to film, the workshop or construction for cinematographic, sound, or music recording is commonly referred to as a theater, and the word studios generally means “all...

Children’s Declining Health: Who’s to Blame

It has been noted that the increase in consumption of certain foods and consumer products is a direct result of increased exposure to advertisements. Study shows that consumers have linked their increase in consumption and request for certain foods and drinks to their total exposure to television and increased media...

“Nikes are Getting Harder to Find at Stores. Here’s Why”: Article Analysis

The title of the article? “Nikes are Getting Harder to Find at Stores. Here’s Why” Who wrote the article? Nathaniel Meyersohn, reporter at CNN Business. When and where was this article published? The article was published online on the CNN Business website on March 22, 2021. The main idea of...

The Consequences of High School Bullying

Armitage, Richard. “Bullying in Children: Impact on Child Health.” BMJ Pediatrics Open, vol. 5.1 e000939, 2021. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000939. Armitage distinguishes three large groups of consequences of bullying, including in the field of education, health, and adulthood. Armitage notes the appearance of the child as one of the main causes of bullying....

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat Quote Analysis

Introduction The story “The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” by Oliver Sacks is a rather interesting tale of a man who suffers from some form of the neurologic condition resulting in him being unable to look at the entirety of a particular object but rather on its...

Ethical Duties of Public Officials in a Democracy

Whether elected, appointed or nominated, or a member of government staff, all public officials are bound to some ethical principles which dictate their conduct in their various responsibilities. On receiving a public responsibility as a government official, one gets into a covenant with the people who become their sole concern...

Aspects of the Identity-Based Health Disparities

Introduction Individuals of marginalized identities face disparities in various aspects of mental health care, including quality of care, accessibility of care, healthcare outcomes, and severity of mental health issues. Developing Hypothesis People with marginalized identities are affected by overt and systematic discrimination. Challenges faced by marginalized people negatively affect their...

What Makes Gilgamesh an Epic Hero?

Epic heroes are essential characters in literature and frequently serve as examples of morality and perfection. They have tremendous physical and mental abilities and are larger-than-life characters. They display traits like bravery, intelligence, bravery, and loyalty that set them apart from regular people. It is essential to note that Gilgamesh...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The ESPN Television Channel and Its Coverage

The element of ESPN’s coverage that seems to stand out is its sensationalist approach. Many of the articles, discussing either recent sporting occurrences, future games, or overviewing analytical articles – all seem to have the approach of making the news a sensation. While understandably ‘clickbait’ headliners are commonplace in news...

Long-Term Care Services: Administrative Issues

Several administrative challenges are currently facing the development and operation of programs that provide a continuum of long-term care services. Most of these challenges are attributed to the ever-rising number of the elderly population which is often associated with increased cases of disabilities and dependence. For example, a major challenge...

Measuring Current Opioid Misuse

A literature review revealed no studies that utilized past opioids as a variable in their studies. However, there are many instruments that measure present opioid misuse. The first part will review three validated instruments. First, the Current Opioid Misuse Measure (COMM) is a commonly used instrument to measure opioid misuse...

Cognitive Revolution in Homo Sapiens

Cognitive Revolution refers to the period (70,000 years ago) when Homo sapiens developed cognitive abilities that surpassed other animals during that era. The cognitive mutation enabled them to acquire better linguistic skills, making it possible to ingest, store and share information about the surrounding environment (Harari, 2015). The change in...

The Difference Between Organizational and National Approaches to Leadership

In this essay, two main methods of commercial bank leadership will be directly analyzed for their efficiency or hazard for the entity’s reputation and performance. First and foremost, there are two approaches for explaining the type of leadership in the specific organization: national and organizational. When analyzing the national explanation,...

Laila Lalami’s “My Life as a Muslim in the West’s Gray Zone”

In the feature article “My Life as a Muslim in the West’s ‘Gray Zone,’” the author, Laila Lalami (2015), expresses her thoughts and fears regarding the current status of Muslims in the world, specifically in the United States. The article suggests that Muslims are not entirely welcome in the U....

The Market Revolution Analysis

The industrial revolution, which began in the 18th century, refers to the change from manufacturing and use of hand tools to using machinery, lasted from 1760 to 1840. The main causes of the industrial revolution included the mining of new resources, the agricultural revolution, government policies, and the scientific revolt....

The Older Adult Assessment: Home-Based Primary Care

As a summary of the patient’s psychosocial interview, emphasis can be placed on the point that he is not a classic case of an elderly care client. John prefers to act independently, has an excellent psychological and physiological condition, and seeks medical help only when necessary. The results of the...

Analysis of Risks Associated with Advanced Maternal Age

Introduction: Clinical Problem The PICOT question for this group is as follows: Should maternal age be considered a normal part of aging after age 35, or is it a cause of ill health related to women’s health? The required single assignment for this group is the clinical manifestation in the...

National Organization for Women

The interest group that I have chosen is called the National Organization for Women. As it is clear from the name of the group, it tries to unite people in order to struggle for equal rights for women and demonstrate that unfair treatment and violation of women’s rights still present...

Statistics: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) involves different statistical procedures that are available to provide a researcher with a view of the data in terms of distribution and general characteristics of a given data. While analyzing data using SPSS, there are a variety of statistical procedures available to carry out exploratory data...

Religions’ Answers to Five of the Seven Worldview Questions

Islam “What is prime reality – what is really real?” For Muslims, God is the only prime and fundamental reality. “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Muslims see the meaning of their lives in following and worshipping Allah. “What is a human being? How do you explain human nature?”...

Tyrannosaurus Rex as Famous Theropod Dinosaur

General Information Tyrannosaurus rex is one of the best-known forms of fossil reptile theropods that existed at the end of the Cretaceous period. First of all, it should be emphasized that Tyrannosaurus rex is a collective name for an entire genus of four-legged reptiles, so this summary will discuss the...

Growth Distribution Patterns in Health Sciences

The main objective of this lab work was to conduct a statistical study to determine growth distribution patterns for both the sample and the population. Such analysis is necessary in order to build a deeper understanding of distributions, make assumptions, and make data-driven decisions. Screenshot 1 demonstrates the results of...

Bitcoin Implementation: Cryptocurrency Taxation and Exchange Platform Regulation

This paper proposes the implementation of the possibility of paying with cryptocurrency, like bitcoins, for an IT company for settlements with suppliers. Such a transition will require appropriate financial costs and changes in accounting control systems, but at the same time, it provides advantages in the form of security, speed...

Five Competing Marketing Philosophies

Marketing entails making products that are desired by a certain section of the target population or consumer. Marketing has been viewed as an ongoing dynamic process involving a set of interacting activities dealing with a market offering by producers to consumers on the basis of reliable marketing anticipation (sales or...

A Peacock Spider’s Mating Rituals and Reproduction

Spider Mating Ritual Research As shown in picture 1, male peacock spiders have a bright and colorful appearance, designed to attract females (Antonsen, 2019). However, their fascinating looks are only the tip of the iceberg, as these creatures have a whole slew of moves and signals aimed at gaining the...

Tennis Injuries: Trends and Patterns

Tennis is a valuable activity that attracts people who enjoy physical competition. However, as with almost every sports game, injuries often occur in practice. Moreover, since tennis can be played by people who perceive it as a professional sport, some might attempt risky moves to win. This report explores what...

The “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality” Documentary

The documentary True Justice tells about the inferiority of the judicial system in the United States. The US criminal justice system is far from perfect and is often seen as unfair to poor people and people of color. Justice should be concerned with the protection of citizens and not lawlessness,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nicaragua Catholics and the Pope

What did some reform-minded Catholics in Nicaragua hope the pope might do during his visit to that country? When the Pope made his highly publicized visit to Nicaragua, the reform-minded Catholics in the region hoped that he would give a message of peace to the people. This is because they...

Arrhythmias and Acute Coronary Syndrome Studies

What is the mode for the variable inpatient complications in Table 2 of the Winkler et al. (2014) study? What percentage of the study participants had this complication? The mode for the variable inpatient complications is “AMI post admission for patients admitted with UA” (Winkler et al., 2014, p. 423)....

Planning Services in a Nonprofit Organization

Introduction Whether you are starting a new business or launching a new product, conducting a marketing analysis is the first step in determining if there is a need or audience for your idea. Knowing the market’s needs and how it is currently serviced provides you with key information that is...

Legal and Ethical Implications of the Debate

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that all the necessary implications by the DWI and FCC may be regarded as the confrontation on the basis of competition in the telecommunication sphere. Originally, the solution to the problem of these debates should take into account the offered changes...

A Contract of Service or a Contract for Service Between Terri and Jackson Mortgage Brokers

A contract of service and a service contract are two distinct types of agreements that define a worker’s status in a company. A contract of service indicates an employer-employee relationship, while a service contract is preferred in the case of a self-employed individual (Canada Revenue Agency 7). Therefore, to understand...

Nuclear Disaster Prevention and Related Challenges

The article addresses the role of transparency in monitoring nuclear arsenals as well as the varied approaches for identifying challenges encountered in ensuring that terrorists have no access to these weapons (May et al., 2005). Although a nuclear attack is uncertain, it seems like an eventual terrorist disaster, which would...

Emotional Intelligence Assessment in Terms of Leadership

Working through the Assessment To assess one’s emotional intelligence, the following aspects need to be tested: awareness and management of emotions, the ability to motivate oneself, empathy, and interpersonal skills. Discussing the emotional intelligence as a concept and a skill Stein and Book (2010) characterize it as one’s ability to...

The Impact of Communication on Human Development

As all living beings in nature, an individual develops assimilating the experience that humankind has accumulated throughout its existence. Human development is a complex and contradictory process initiated by many forces: biological, cultural, and internal motives and external influences. This process starts from the moment of birth and lasts until...

The Great West Expansion in American History

Introduction The history of the United States is a fascinating subject that can reveal many surprising facts about the past of American society and the country in general. As the country grew into the international power the United States is today, most of its history is well-known as it is...

Emergency Plan for the Older Adult (OA)

Introduction The current presentation aims to address the following objectives: Identify emergency-related needs and challenges of an older adult (OA); Identify necessary emergency supplies; Specify emergency preparedness measures; Develop a personal emergency plan for an OA; Specify the importance of independent OAs Emergency-Related Needs and Challenges of an OA Some...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Unethical Practices

Ethically run businesses or organizations improve the attraction of investors and consumers. Ethics in the workplace are known to protect assets, increase productivity, and enhance teamwork. As a result, these organizations have a good decision-making policy as well as a good public image. Nonetheless, businesses and organizations that practice unethical...

School Communication and Involvement of Parents in the School Activities

Background The involvement of parents in the school activities of their children is an important to investigate. Although such involvement might present many challenges, there are many aspects the school can focus on in order to engage parents in the school experiences of their children; communication is one of such...

Issues of Paid Family Caregiving

Introduction Paid family caregiving is a widely discussed and controversial issue, which requires appropriate research to support or refute the necessity to continue this practice implementation. It is possible to outline several valid reasons, which clearly define why this care method can potentially deteriorate the quality of service and cause...

Transformation of America by Europeans

Nowadays, America is one of the most developed continents in the world, and the quality of life there is getting better every year. Spaniards and Portuguese were the first and the major contributors to the creation of American history. They began the transformation of such areas as politics, economics, and...

Researching the Concept of Biodiversity

In general, biodiversity is a key player in maintaining the survival of all kinds of life on Earth. However, in everyday life, it is hard to formulate what it is really about. What is surprising, scholars also tend to give broad definitions because of the wide scope of the phenomenon....

Effective Management Practices at Work

Introduction and Methodology While companies are driven by profits and competition, they should not disregard the well-being of their workers. Employees should stay motivated to perform to the best of their abilities, and their motivation depends on a work-life balance, division of labor, work stability, and teamwork. This report aims...

Public Health Problems Related to Depressive Disorders

Introduction Depression is a serious illness that can completely change and limit a person’s functioning. Depression is when a person is constantly in a bad, decadent mood (Healthy People 2030, 2022). Today’s rhythm of life is such that mental health is more and primarily negatively impacted. Studies worldwide show that...

Public Opinion as a Part of American Politics

Coherent society is characterized by an increased level of self-actualization, the great desire of people to be useful for their country, and their intention to change the existing state of affairs. People start to realize, that they are not just spectators, but are responsible for the future of their country...

Information Privacy Protection Practices in Africa

There are huge differences between the regulations of information privacy in some regions that are caused by differences in culture and other significant factors. This article discusses current problems that are related to privacy in Africa that are complicated by the economic state of the countries on the continent. The...

Best Buy Company’s Payroll Costs and Turnover Rate

I was asked to investigate the reasons for the high payroll costs of Best Buy Limited during the past year. A thorough investigation led to understanding that the current turnover rate may be the reason for the issue. The present report demonstrates how turnover affects payroll costs and offers two...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Psychology of Physical Activity. The CATCH Kids Club

Population and Setting. The study was done in 16 after-school programmes in El Paso and Austin, Texas. There were 258 students at baseline, but only 182 were present during the post-test measurement. All in all, 157 students were able to complete both the baseline and follow-up measurements. The mean age...

Policy: Evaluation and Integration

Integrating a policy is a multi-dimensional aspect. In that regard, policies of executive departments can be especially difficult in terms of integration.Taking the example of the National Strategy released by the current administration in the White House, it can be stated that broad points might put some difficulties in terms...

Gilgamesh and Homer’s Achilles as Epic Heroes

In many aspects, Gilgamesh and Homer’s Achilles, the main figure of the Iliad, are similar. Achilles is a demigod, like Gilgamesh, born of the goddess Thetis and the human Peleus (Homer 10). Hector, the Trojan prince, is defeated by him in single combat, demonstrating his strength and combat prowess. Additionally,...

Marketing Processes and Physics Analogies

Marketing is one of the most common and, at the same time, the most complicated occupations these days. It is everywhere, from romantic relationships to families and large intercontinental businesses. Marketing is much easier to understand if it relates it to the laws of physics. The meaning of various marketing...

Older Rural People with Diabetes: Life Expectancy

Purpose The article by George and Thomas (2010) is aimed at reporting the issues related to diabetes self-management that were identified in a previous study. Because of the increase in the instances of diabetes development and the lack of awareness on the subject matter, a detailed overview of the existing...

History of Russia After the Soviet Union

From the time when Soviet Union was founded in 1922, Communist henchmen thought of it as simply a tool of spreading Communism across the Globe. Soviet coat of arms featured sickle and hammer over the Earth and Soviet Constitution openly stated that it was only the matter of time, before...

Business Ethics of Choosing a Program Proposal

Peter Botta had failed to have his proposal for a given program approved, although it was comparable to the one presented by Zang Wei. Such an ethical situation should be analyzed and addressed in a professional manner (Schwartz 18). Being the Ethics Officer at Success Investment, I would begin by...

The Impact of the Black Plague on Europe

The Black Death or the Black Plague reached Europe in the middle of the fourteenth century. Before Europe, this dreadful pestilence had hit China, India, and Persia. The plague most likely spread via growing trade routes between East and West and later gained strength throughout Europe. Due to poor sanitary...

Psychosocial Risk Factors for Eating Disorders by Keel and Forney

Eating disorders are a complex and multifaceted problem that is even today far from being resolved. Thus, it is incredibly important to understand what can act as a cause for their occurrence in order to design effective and relevant interventions. The article by Keel and Forney (2013) discusses specifically what...

Healthcare Ethics: Ethinomics and the Commonwealth Fund

What is Ethinomics? The term ethinomics was first introduced by scientist Marrill Mathews at the end of the last century, and the main essence of this concept was the unification of ethics and economics definitions (Rambur, 2015). The main essence of this phenomenon is to describe a certain term from...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The US and Middle Eastern States’ Cooperation

Why is the Palestinian question the central focus of Arab complaints against the United States, and do you think that terrorist attacks in our homeland will cease if problems of Palestinian is not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved? There exist some areas of close cooperation between the...

Regulatory Agencies: FDA and CMS

FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) are two agencies that regulate each nurse’s practice concerning patient advocacy and patient safety. In case a patient requests an alternative form of therapy, each of these organizations has some implications. In FDA, patient advocacy is realized...

Apple Inc.’s Stockholders’ Equity Analysis

Apple Incorporated has a common stock that is traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC. In 2018, the company had 12,600,000 shares authorized, 4,754,986 shares are issued, and 5,126,201 shares are outstanding (Apple Inc., 2018, p. 40). Apple’s treasury stock for the year 2018 is equal to $0, so it...

Financial Decision Making for Managers

Introduction Business ethics are standards that are applied to examine certain behaviors in the business processes of corporations. Companies are held accountable if they do no follow ethical guidelines in terms of societal welfare, environmental benefits, and other ethical values. The companies that do not have any sense of responsibility...

Building a Waste-Treatment Plant in the Region

Waste management and treatment is a local issue with global implications. As the world’s population grows, the amount of waste it creates also increases. In particular, in 2015, 2 billion tons of waste was generated worldwide, while this number is expected to ascend every year (United States Environmental Protection Agency,...

Mercury Consumption Effects on Human Beings

Objectives The report’s objective is to determine the capacity and the danger of mercury consumption by human beings. Introduction Mercury is a toxic heavy metal and is found in some parts of the environment. There are several artificial and natural mercury sources; however, the most significant ones are those which...

Scientific Approaches to Medical History in Former British Colonies

Introduction The article’s purpose is to explain why the colonial and post-colonial era approaches are ill-suited to assessing medicine in Africa, the Subcontinent, and British India. The author emphasizes that British scientists transferred many scientific approaches to the evaluation of medicine in the then colonies, propagating the mistakes that occurred...

Social Entrepreneurship and Leadership Styles

Social Entrepreneurship Definition Social entrepreneurship is a unique phenomenon aimed at addressing social issues that influence the lives of individuals. The significance of this issue results in the emergence of numerous definitions. One of the most relevant ones views it as offering innovative solutions to the most important social problems....

“Where My Characters Come From” by Haruki Murakami

Introduction Murakami, in his article “Where My Characters Come From,” gives an overview of how he chooses the characters in his novel and what motivates the choices of characters (2). Murakami’s purpose is to explain how he develops his characters over time in his writing career and how the characters’...

Emerging of Virtual Assistance Technologies and Their Impact on Society

Introduction A virtual assistant is an artificial intelligence system designed to mimic human actions to perform certain tasks or help the user. An example of one of the first attempts to create such a technology is the assistant in Microsoft Office back in 2003 (Kim et al., 2020). However, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Quebec Separatism: Canadian Study

Main Arguments In the article “Canada’s Separatism Fatigue”, Rex Murphy explains how “the history of Quebec separatism has induced an ever-expanding distaste and weariness in Canada” (Murphy par. 5). Canada as a whole has become weary and understood how to accommodate this issue of separatism. This move has the potential...

Sabbath in the Judaism Culture

What is the Sabbath? What does it commemorate? When does it begin and end? The Sabbath is a day of rest that commemorates that day in the book of Genesis when God stopped creating the world because he thought it was already complete. It normally begins at sunset on Friday,...

Professional Competence for Future Career Goals

What is professional competence? A professionally competent person has the professional knowledge, professional capacity, professional skills, and good work experience. The person must have certain personal qualities that are sharpened to make him fit in the situation of the firm. Such a person must also be loyal to its management...

Falls in Patients with Dementia and Alzheimer’s

What is the purpose of this research? In their study, Velayutham, Chandra, Bharath, and Shankar (2017) consider the opportunities for reducing the threat of falls among patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Seeing that the identified demographic is especially prone to falls, it is essential to address their needs with an appropriate...

“Factors That Influence the Development of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction in Emergency Department Nurses” the Article by Hunsaker, S., et al

Introduction Taking into account the overall tendency of the nursing profession to become a demanding and intensive occupation, nurses face a significant problem of workplace burnout. This issue is caused by numerous factors which need accurate addressing for the following implementation of the procedures aimed at the reduction of burnout...

Activity Based Costing: Key Aspects

Introduction Activity based costing (ABC) is commonly used because it gives detailed information on the cost of a product unit that is produced. Under activity based costing, the use of cost drivers is quite significant. These drivers are used to allocate total costs to a unit of the commodity produced....

European Brewery Industry’s Environmental Analysis

Analysis of the Macro-Environment The macro-environment where the European brewery industry operates is analyzed via the PESTEL framework. PESTEL assists in the understanding of political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal peculiarities of the environment. Firstly, the governments are fighting drunken driving leading to a reduction in the consumption of...

God’s and Elijah’s Formal and Informal Leadership

Introduction This paper will discuss formal and informal leadership represented by God and Elijah the Prophet, respectively. It will focus on Elijah’s going through illness and hopelessness and God’s assisting him in finding the path to salvation. According to Merida (2015), “We have read of Elijah’s mountaintop experience at Mount...

Sustainable Logistic and Supply Chain System

Introduction Globalization and international trade provide an opportunity to import raw materials. Raw materials are natural resources that are limited in supply in North America. The company must outsource either from Uzbekistan, Australia, or South Africa. The company can consider importing from Uzbekistan to reduce transportation costs. The political and...

Osteological Studies and Understanding of History

The clarity and reliability of research of the historical evidence are particularly important for the understanding of the human past because, with the knowledge of nations’ heritage, they can build informed future decisions. In this regard, combat archeology provides a significant amount of data about the specific features of battles,...

Concept Map in Educational Research Organization

Research Organization: Concept Map The concept maps are the software tools that may be effectively used for the systematization of information and its storage (Martelo, 2011). The developed concept maps include the main ideas introduced in the reviewed articles. The tool allows the readers to arrange the information in a...

Managers Financial and Non-Financial Performance Indicators

Balance Scorecard Developed in the 1990s, the balanced scorecard technique emerged as a holistic strategic management tool for reviewing organizational performance (Jeffs, Merkley, Richardson, Eli, & McAllister, 2011). It encouraged managers to avoid using a narrow assessment of corporate behavior, which is based on financial metrics, and instead develop one...

Confidence Intervals: Coefficient and Constants

Confidence interval (IC) is a type of interval estimate of a population constant. lt is used to ascertain the reliability of a statistical estimate. Rather than estimating a constant using a single value, a range is determined that includes the constant. The interval between the constants is measured by the...

“Trading Places” Directed by John Landis

The movie “Trading Places” is a story of two wealthy brothers, Randolph and Mortimer Duke, who bet on whether heredity or environment defines a person. Their game’s pawns are a rich investment manager Louis Winthorpe III and street-smart Billy Valentine. The wager of the Duke brothers involves ruining Withorpe’s life...

History of Drug Use in Incarceration

History The history of drug use among incarcerated people could be dated back as far as when prisons and drugs began. However, there is no documentation of this history, which mean only inferences can be made from the trends and statistics. Between 2000 and 2009, the US Department of Justice...

A Documentary Analysis: “The Age of Consequences” by Scott

Introduction Jared P. Scott is the director of The Age of Consequences, a documentary that discusses how climate change can be a catalyst for further conflicts. The film is produced by three distinguished creators, Sophie Robinson, Jared P. Scott himself, and Kelly Nyks. The film’s actors played themselves, and their...

Therapeutic Alliance Center’ Customer Services Management

Problem Statement Customer service prioritization is the pillar of growth in any organization (Wetzel, Hammerschmidt & Zablah, 2014). Statistics indicate that thirty percent of all businesses fail to succeed because they do not focus on customer service satisfaction (Beckers, Risselda & Verhoef, 2014). Consequently, there is a need for businesses...

Appeals in Mass Media Advertisement

Television advertisements, also known as ads, are commonly targeted at potential buyers or passing important information. These ads are usually based on different themes. They also apply other elements to appeal to viewers; these include emotional, logical, and character-based appeals. Various viewers react differently to different appeal methods, and so...

Reconstructionism, Marxism, and Education

Reconstructionism philosophy holds that society encounters change continuously. The purpose of education is to ensure that this state is maintained (Ozmon & Craver, 2013, p.1 58). From this philosophical paradigm, people who drive change within a society resort to the deployment of education as the most efficient tool for fostering...

Nazism: Power, Order, and Justice

Introduction Nazism, or National Socialism, is a set of political beliefs and convictions associated with the National Socialist German Workers’ Party in Nazi Germany. Nazism is a radical branch of fascism: while the adherents of Nazi ideology retained their contempt for social liberties and parliamentary democracy, they pushed fascist policies...

Large Hadron Collider’s Launch and Consequences

Introduction The aim of the present paper is to argue on the matters of Large Hadron Collider launch, the probable consequences of the launch, and to compare the view on the probable consequences of the launch. For several years, politicians and researchers alike have announced that “globalization” is the future...

Team Collaboration: Processes and Expectations for Communication

“Effective collaboration requires early involvement and the availability of appropriate resources” (Crow, 2002; Maddux, 2003). To achieve our objectives in the development of an extremely clean, professional, clear and easy to navigate and a dynamic institution’s website, our team members share ideas and information in the most explicit communication channels....

Mental Health and Outdoor Therapy

Introduction Mental health has become a significant issue in the modern world. Thus, different approaches have been introduced to help people improve their psychological health. Outdoor therapy is one of the strategies used to treat cerebral disorders. Consequently, one can analyze outdoor education to determine how it can help improve...

“The Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller Overview

Arthur Miller defies the American dream mythology in “The demise of a salesman.” He invented the salesman character for the audience to connect with him without a recognized product. Before ‘The Depression’, Willy Loman had an optimistic attitude toward riches and success and suffered from his dissatisfaction with the dream...

Working Remotely: Advantages and Obstacles

Many professionals have quickly transitioned to full-time remote employment due to the 2019 coronavirus pandemic. The effort to provide employees with all of the tools they need to work from home, on the other hand, came out of nowhere. Working remotely, on the other hand, has numerous advantages. If their...

Measuring Mars Atmospheric Winds from Orbit

This paper is a comprehensive summary of a White Paper titled ‘Measuring Mars Atmospheric Winds from Orbit’ and submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032 on 15 July 2020. Its context is formulated by human and robotic Mars exploration developments by MEPAG (Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group),...

Analysis of “Divine Comedy” by Dante

The End That It Serves from a Narrative Perspective From a narrative perspective, the Divine Comedy by Dante, as provided by John Sinclair, serves to demonstrate to be one of the greatest works of literature in the world historically and in contemporary society (Alighieri, 2014). Dante’s work is divided into...

Healthcare Governance and Its Common Features

Group governance in the healthcare industry Governance comprises of a set of rules and structures established by an organization to help it achieve its vision by guiding it through its businesses. Group governance is characterized by certain responsibilities, which include; decision making, strategic planning, and oversight (Ransom et al., 2005)....

Successful Struggle of Canadian LGBT Community

Over the years, the Canadian LGBT community has managed to achieve its ultimate goal: official recognition of their rights, including the right to legal marriage in 2005 (Gallagher par. 17). Their dedication, hard work, and commitment to the issue yielded results that nobody could even have dreamt of several decades...

Early Elective Delivery as American Nursing Issue

Introduction Early elective delivery (EED) is a major nursing problem in the United States. The study shows that at least 160,000 of nativities covered by Medicaid are elective deliveries (Bodner, Wierrani, Grunberger, & Bodner-Adler, 2013). Such deliveries pose an immense danger to mothers and children. Besides, the government incurs a...

Leading and Controlling Theories in Addressing Challenges

Introduction Understanding the significance of management is intrinsic to the successful functioning of an organization. While the role of a manager might not seem as big, it defines a company’s performance. Therefore, the theories linked to the use of managerial functions are to be examined thoroughly. Theories Theory 1 As...

First Coronavirus Response Act

Overview The coronavirus pandemic has hit all sectors of human activity. The U. S. government has passed several laws and regulations to alleviate the unfavorable effects of the disaster. Among the responses is the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which aims to provide tax relief and socio-economic support to...

Static and Kinetic Friction: A Lab Experiment

The key objectives that were to be achieved by this experiment included the following: To measure the force of static friction and find out its relationship with the weight of an object. A further objective is to determine both the coefficients of static friction and the coefficient of kinetic friction...

The Pharmacists’ Action on Smoking Program

Purpose The purpose of the research is to analyze and evaluate the results of the Pharmacists’ Action on Smoking program and to consider whether its impact on society in the relation to smoking cessation is higher than in comparison with casual pieces of advice from pharmacists. Rationale Cigarette smoking is...

Fundamental Attribution Error

Introduction It is human nature to never stop observing and analyzing others. Whenever an individual is confronted with something that is not easily explainable, he or she resorts to either internal (personal) or external attribution (Martinko & Mackey, 2019). A simple example would be the situation in the picture above....

Impressionist Cézanne’s Biography and Art

A highly sensitive topic for an analytical essay is discussing the genius of famous artists combined with a critical examination of their talent. The objects of this paper are the biography and art of Cézanne, a famous French post-impressionist painter whose work fell in the second half of the 19th...

The Role of Natural Resources on Economic Development

The worsening shortage of resources is one of the true underlying causes of the escalating and latent maturing local, regional and global problems of the new millennium. The existence or absence of the necessary natural resources directly affects the living standards of earthlings, the prospects for the socio-economic development of...

Human Resource in Healthcare: Health Insurance

Policies adopted by employers to encourage or discourage enrollment in employer-sponsored health plans. The two kinds of policies are (i) regarding eligibility and (ii) the take-up rate. It is seen that in health coverage offering firms, 14% of employees worked for firms that offered cashback payments in the event the...

Accounting Ethics. IMA Standards and Support

Stakeholder’s position United Thermostatic Controls is engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of residential and commercial thermostats. Appliance efficiency averages establish lower power levels for appliances and may forbid the sale of less effective models. More severe appliance efficiency standards would make power efficiency developments less costly by implement new...

ABC Company: Cash Flow Performance

Executive Summary As on jan1, 2007 ABC had paid up capital of $100m and $10m as retained earnings. ABC planned well and enhanced the total equity to a level of $190m by the end of Dec. 31, 2007. The company raised capital during the year as well as operational profits...

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“Animal Farm” by George Orwell Review

One of the greatest books I have read outside the school program is “Animal Farm” written by George Orwell. I believe that the story is a satirical masterpiece that everyone should read. The book has a form of an unreal condition that cannot be typically represented in real life. However,...

Climate Change Prediction for the Caribbean

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Evidence-Based Intervention for Substance Use Disorder

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Modern and Traditional Moral Political Philosophies

Worthy Future For a Great Nation Consolidated America is a voluntary union of American citizens whose main aim is to provide a well-deserved life to the current and future generations of Americans. We are building a society of people assured and confident in their future, engraining the psychology of personal...

“How the Meaning of Digital Transformation Has Evolved” by Puthiyamadam

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The Computerized Physicians’ Order Entry Issues

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Information System Capabilities and Firm Performance

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Liberal View on Sexual Behavior

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Israeli Settlements in Palestine: Legal Issues

In 1947, Israel was created to settle Jews in the lands separated from Palestine. However, the conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews has not been resolved, and it can be observed even today. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the rights of Arabs and Jews in these territories,...

Apple Inc.’s Managerial Accounting Conceptual Model

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EEST Company: People-Oriented Organization

Information sharing is an integral part of knowledge management in the company. Assessing the context of information sharing, it can be said that it is associated with personal attributes, as information, sharing is a “voluntary act of making information available to others, [where] sharer could pass the information on, but...

“Research Methods in Education” by Check

The validity of research is identifying how sound a study is. In other words, research validity is evaluated by assessing the appropriateness of methods for answering the set research question. There are many aspects of valid research that should be kept in mind to make the research valid. First, sound...

“The Tragedy of Macbeth” by William Shakespeare

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Relationships in the “Night” Novel by Elie Wiesel

People rarely value their relationship with others, especially with parents who they believe will always be around and therefore allow themselves to be rude to them. Yet, when people experience a traumatic event together, they often become closer and start realizing the significance of honoring and respecting their loved ones....

“The Last King of Scotland” Film Analysis

If power is the ability to influence the results and behavior of others, then The Last King of Scotland helps us understand where despotism and tyranny can lead. The film was directed by Kevin MacDonald and was released in 2006. The story is about Idi Amin – the real ruler,...

Freedom of Speech: The Adequate Restrictions

Freedom of speech seems an inalienable human right that cannot be restricted or taken away because it determines the ability to express and broadcast opinions and experiences. In reality, however, freedom of speech cannot be unlimited because individuals live in a society that sets the limits of acceptable speech. It...

Control of Microbial Growth with Antiseptics and Disinfectants

Introduction S. aureus and S. agalactiae are pathogens that are found in many environments, including those associated with the human body, capable of causing infections ranging from mild to health hazards. Inhibiting of microbial growth with antiseptic drugs is a preventive public health measure (Stathis et al., 2021). In the...

Simon Hughes Article “Hook off!”

In his article, Simon Hughes uses a number of literary devices in order to stir readers’ emotions and drive their attention to the facts. He starts with a non-propositional absolute construction (Houghton Mifflin Company 2005, 347) to make his writing sound more eloquent: “The convoy, blue lights flashing” (Hughes 2012,...

Wachovia Bank Financial Report

Introduction Wachovia bank, which is now a part of Wells Fargo bank, was regarded as the fourth-largest bank holding company in the USA, the financial system of which was based on total assets. The merger with Wells Fargo Bank was stimulated by loan crisis events of the years 2007-2009. Therefore,...