Chronic Acoustic Trauma and Hypothyroidism

Assessment History: Chronic Acoustic Trauma A 39-year-old male presents with a partial hearing loss. The first symptoms of deafness appeared a week ago when he returned home after a shift at a construction site where he works. He has been a construction worker for over 5 years. S: Patients report...

Miami Catholic Hospice’s Clinical Site Analysis

Goals of the Clinical Practicum The purpose of my work at the clinical site of Catholic Hospice in Miami is to find out the necessary information about the conditions in which patients with oncology are kept, as well as the measures that medical personnel take to improve the quality of...

Public Health Nursing: Societal Issues in Practice

Every job in healthcare settings requires much preparation and responsibility. However, public health nursing is more difficult than other nursing jobs because it involves a variety of duties that the employee has to perform within a short period of time. Public health nurses do not look after only one patient...

Post-Operative Education in the Lung Transplant Recipients

Introduction The issue to be addressed in the paper is how post-operative education provided by a pre-recorded DVD compares with the traditional teaching of lecture and book for survival rates in the first year in the adult lung transplant recipients. The problem is that the number of complications resulting from...

Healthcare System: Inflows and Revenue Management

Out of all the industries, healthcare sees the most impacting fluctuations to its revenue model (Baker & Baker, 2013). There are several factors that influence these fluctuations which include the development of electronic health records and revenue-managing software, the ultimate change in how care is brought to the patients, and...

Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Changes

Introduction Stress in the health care setting is one of the detrimental factors responsible for employees’ productivity and ‘quality of patient outcomes. The goal of the paper is to outline the evidence-based practice changes expected to alleviate the adverse effects of stress experienced by nurses working longer shifts. The link...

Multiple Sclerosis: Risk Factors and Treatment

MS Description, Causes, and Risk Factors Multiple sclerosis is known to be a very complex disease. The major reason for its complexity is the fact that the symptoms of this condition can differ significantly from one patient to another. Also, the range of symptoms that may occur in people affected...

Critical Nursing Intervention to Support Patient

Ineffective Coping and Lack of Support In the case of Ms. Fischer, an 82-year old female with a history of congestive heart failure, two prominent issues come to play. The first problem of ineffective coping and lack of support is associated with Ms. Fischer’s inability to make adequate choices and...

The Self-Care Deficit Theory by Dorothea Orem

Introduction The modern healthcare sector is focused on the provision of outstanding care to all patients and the improvement of the quality of their lives. It means that health workers should incorporate knowledge from different areas to attain enhanced results and assist individuals in their recovery. Under these conditions, nursing...

Fooducate Weight Loss Coach for Obese Patients

Scenario Mr. Jasper is a 45-year-old male who has been diagnosed with hypertension. The doctor says that these health problems are caused by obesity. Taking into consideration the age of the patient, he still has chances to overcome his obesity and relieve the symptoms of hypertension. The patient’s weight is...

Family Health History Genogram Assessment

Introduction The analysis of family history by health care professionals is discussed as an appropriate way to determine diseases and conditions which are typical of this family. The focus on three generations in one family is appropriate for such an analysis. In order to prepare a genogram diagram and a...

Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Cancer Patients

Introduction Cancer is one of the prevalent diseases in the world. The disease itself as well as cancer treatment becomes a frequent cause of psychological distress for patients. For example, earlier investigations reveal the damage that breast cancer treatments have on the normal cognitive functioning of female patients. Other studies...

Nursing Research: Incorporating Evidence Based Practice

Research critiques provide nursing students and nurse professionals with a framework to synthesize evidence based practice (EBP) from research studies and provide feedback for improvement (Bosewell & Cannon, 2012). Furthermore, research critiques provide nurses with the opportunity to contribute to the body of nursing knowledge (Coughlan, Cronin, & Ryan, 2007),...

Implementing Lean Production in Hospitals

Recently, many hospitals have implemented the concept of lean production (LP) into their work, applying a variety of strategies. However, few attempts were made to distinguish between those approaches and to study the actual reasons behind their application (Williamsson, Eriksson, & Dellve, 2016). The research under analysis, based on the...

Medical Errors Prevention in the Nursing Practice

Introduction The work of caring for the sick is very delicate and professionals are easily prone to making errors. Medical errors refer to an action by a nurse attributable to factors such as bad judgment, ignorance, or inattention resulting in the failure of an intended action (Armitage, 2009). They mainly...

Experimental Design to Address Pressure Ulcers

Study Design The current study is going to feature an experimental design. This is necessary to address pressure ulcers extensively and include the information that was already identified by other researchers (Grove, Burns, & Gray, 2014). One of the main benefits of this approach will be the possibility to create...

Anemia Diagnosis Case: Symptoms and Laboratory Tests

Introduction: Description of the case and diagnosis According to the case study, Ms. A, who is 26 years old, experiences shortness of breath and dizziness and lacks energy. During one of the golf games, she had to go to the hospital due to the increasing intensity of the symptoms described...

Cytarabine: Neurological Side Effects

Summary The initial goal of the data is to address whether high doses of cytarabine have neurological side effects. The reason for conducting this assessment is the fact that the present literature and publications lack up-to-date approach and interventions. The proposed information is 100% consent, and 20 out of 30...

National Kidney Foundation’s Educational Programs

Organization Information The organization I have chosen is the National Kidney Foundation (the NKF). Nurses pay $110 for one-year and $205 for two years of membership; students’ membership costs $25 per year (National Kidney Foundation, 2016). Several meetings are planned, including meetings in Orlando, FL (at Walt Disney World Swan...

Nurse-to-Nurse Handovers and Bedside Shift Reports

Introduction The current transformation of nursing requires improvements in patient safety. The following paper contains a review of two practices that allow for improved patient outcomes. Also, several related improvements are expected from their implementation that may improve the overall quality of health care delivery through collaboration between stakeholders. Nurse-To-Nurse...

Nurses and New Health Care Policy

In the modern world of nursing, it is not enough to be a nurse and complete several duties and tasks prescribed in special acts, regulations, and standards. Nurses must be passionate about their intentions to promote positive change and improve health care delivery (Milstead, 2016). Nursing roles have been already...

Nurses Role Overload and Burnout in Intensive Care

Introduction Research studies should withstand scientific criticism and scrutiny. The criticism determines or identifies the objectivity of studies, their strengths, and weakness. In nursing, the research aims majorly at improving the quality of care delivered to patients by addressing factors affecting the profession, patients, or resources utilized in care delivery...

Interventions to Address the Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea

Introduction Cancer is one of the most severe and dangerous diseases in the contemporary world, and oncologic patients suffer not only from numerous adverse consequences of this condition but also from various side effects of the treatments for this disease. In particular, chemotherapy, among other side effects, induces nausea, and...

Nurse Executives Competencies: Family Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Administrator

Competencies for FNPs and Nurse Administrators The core competencies of the Family Nurse Practitioner and the nurse administrator will be compared in this paper. Scientific foundation competencies for Family Nurse Practitioners include the ability to analyze data critically, integrate knowledge from different areas of science, develop new approaches to practice...

Circumcision as Controversial Topic in the United States

Introduction Circumcision has been a controversial topic in United States healthcare for a long time. Recently, a more vocal movement against the practice of male infant circumcision has been established. With different debates and perspectives on this issue, it can be hard to choose a position on the matter. This...

Discrimination Faced by Transgender Patients

Obstacles to Healthcare for Transgender Patients Nowadays, transgender people face many problems when they get sick and have to go to the hospital. Contemporary hospitals are not designed for this group, therefore, they can have many troubles there ranging from the unfriendly environment of a hospital and doctors who do...

Patient Safety Competency of Nursing Education

Safety Competency of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Safety is a core Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competency. As a professional nurse, I regard safe care as one devoid of medical errors or harm to the patient and caregivers. In practice, safety is achieved through nursing process...

Licensing and Professional Organizations

Introduction Nowadays, nurses not only provide medical assistance to people in need but also tend to play roles of mediators between the management of the hospital and patients and become role models and active political leaders (Iglehart, 2013). Advanced-Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) tend to perform their duties in a diversity...

History of the Affordable Care Act and Ethics

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, was adopted in 2010, and the purpose of the law was to provide proper health care services to more people in the United States who had been deprived of access to such services. Although the legislation was approved by many...

US Geriatric Population and Its Chronic Diseases

Defining the Community The specific population for the assessment is the geriatric population (the elderly), which is defined as a population aged sixty-five years and older. However, in some cases, the age cutoff of sixty and older is acceptable for defining the population as geriatric. Within the U.S. community, a...

Health Systems Global Organization’s Project and Partnership

Identified Organization The targeted organization for this discussion is the Health Systems Global (HSG). This global organization attracts members from different parts of the world. The agency focuses on new ideas to promote global health systems (“History,” 2017). The organization’s actions include: promoting the acquisition of new information in health,...

Massage and Mobilization in Manual Therapy

Introduction Manual therapy is a set of treatments used by physical and occupational therapists, chiropractors, trainers, and physicians (Riley, Swanson, Brismée, & Sawyer, 2016). This approach utilizes physical exercises and techniques that target various types of pain and disabilities. Manual therapy can be described as a practice that employs multiple...

Hospital Infections Prevention: Implementation Plan

Introduction As has already been stated in previous papers regarding this project, HAIs should be considered one of the primary problems of the modern healthcare sector. In such a way, the need for an intervention to enhance the understanding of the leading causes of HAIs, their development, and find efficient...

Moreno Medical Center’s Financial Performance

Nowadays, financial analysis monitors the effectiveness and helps the company or organization stay competitive (Sebe-Yeboah & Mensah, 2014). In the context of this essay, it is vital to understand the significance of different ratios when interpreting the firm’s operations by using an example of Moreno Medical Center and its financial...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Disaster Plan

Introduction A hospital disaster plan helps minimize strain on healthcare resources and management in case of a casualty upsurge at the ED. The prompt activation of the plan is important to mobilize resources for efficient care delivery within the shortest time. Periodic emergency drills are essential to familiarize the medical...

Psoriasis Diagnosis and Evaluation

Psoriasis Psoriasis is a disease characterized by red itchy patches on such places of one’s body as elbows, knees, back, face, head, feet, and palms (MedlinePlus, 2017b). Patches of thick red skin can appear in other areas of the body as well. According to Lowes, Suárez-Fariñas, and Krueger (2014), psoriasis...

The Hispanic Population’s Health in the USA

Population identification and the rationale During this course, I would like to study the Hispanic population in the USA. This group is targeted as it is one of the largest national groups in the USA that currently comprises more than 55 million people according to the official data (Hispanic Americans...

Afro-Latino Family Health Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Many people in Miami benefit from various amenities and resources provided by the Florida’s state government. Family heads in this community are usually expected to provide for their children (Waters et al., 2014). The targeted family for this health assessment consists of four people. The nuclear family has two...

Human Adult Versus Embryonic Stem Cells Study

Moreover, the continuous debate about funding of the research created another obstacle for the progress of the stem cell therapy (Learn.Genetics, n.d.). In order to successfully continue the study of the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) using stem cell transplantation, scientists would have to address a number of ethical and...

Clinical Systems Informatics Solutions

The three clinical systems I did not know existed in our organization are the computer-based online patient record (CPR), telemedicine system (TMS), and the health information system (HIS). CPR: Computer-Based Online Patient Record Description The system makes health records of both the outpatient and inpatient clients available online in a...

Practicing the Art of Nursing

Introduction The nursing profession is considered to be one of the most challenging and demanding. It requires a lot of skills and emotional resources. While nursing is usually considered to be a scientific field, it does not limit to pure knowledge as it promotes the need for soft competencies. Thus,...

Children With Asthma: Risks Created by Smoking Parents

Introduction The available literature indicates that secondhand smoking (SHSE) from parents hurts children with asthma and other respiratory diseases causing various complications. The current practice of nursing has not been effective in enabling the parents to address the issue of SHSE. It is paramount to develop an effective approach that...

The Role of Nurses

Discussions The article written by Scott (2013) reveals that the majority of the general public and even public health agencies do not understand that nurses are capable of improving public health in their areas significantly. The author claims that the National Health Service is going to develop a range of...

Mental Health and Domestic Violence in Bangladesh

This article investigates the experiences of pregnant women in rural Bangladesh that are exposed to lifetime domestic violence (DV). According to the study, the research on this subject is scarce, and the connection between the mental health of pregnant women and domestic violence is rarely discussed. Researchers try to find...

Nursing Malpractice Claims and Protection

Nursing practice can be associated with negligence and malpractice claims and lawsuits. Risks of such claims for nurses are high because of their independent decision making and functioning (Balestra, 2016; Gardenier, Thomas, & O’Rourke, 2016). Therefore, nurses require a kind of protection from such claims and suits in the form...

Nurse Practitioners’, Educators’, Leaders’ Scopes

Any state organization for registered nurses is supposed to provide a set of standards encompassing all levels of nursing practice that can serve as a template for a professional activity for nurse practitioners, educators, and leaders. Some aspects of professional performance are common for nurse practitioners, educators, and leaders whereas...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurological disorder caused by many factors, which usually affects older members of the population. AD is a form of dementia that includes cognitive impairment, behavioral changes, and impairment of daily activities (Waldemar & Burns, 2016). The disorder is not new to medical science. Nevertheless,...

Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare Leaders and Nurses

Introduction The high quality of care is one of the primary concerns for patients and the responsibility of health care providers. One of the factors which influence the quality of care is effective leadership. It is evident that healthcare professionals should know and apply leadership styles and theories (Giltinane, 2013)....

Nursing Care Models: Healthcare Settings and Research

Introduction Nowadays, nursing plays one of the key roles in the medical sphere, as these specialists tend to be discovered as mediators between the management of the hospital and patients. The quality of the provided care and patient satisfaction are vehemently dependent on their actions while implying that their job...

Life Expectancy and Obesity Health Indicators

Introduction Scientific research in the sphere of healthcare is often connected with the desire to describe the health of the population and the way it has changed. Trying to obtain the most accurate and authoritative results, professionals refer to the quantifiable characteristics of the population, which allows them to conduct...

Heart Palpitations and Patient Lifestyle Education

Introduction The case describes a 69-year-old male, Mr. Russel, who complained of heart palpitations and dizziness. Also, he has suffered from hypertension and taken HCTZ. Several laboratory tests were carried out, and the results were satisfactory. The main goals of this paper are to develop a pharmacological plan and discuss...

Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Nursing Roles

It should be noted that nursing profession is one of the most critical and challenging occupations due to a number of reasons. At present, in the USA, the majority of healthcare institutions and organizations is experiencing nursing shortage, which has been caused by high staff turnover and professional burnout of...

Person-Centered Health Care Reform

Introduction Proper access to health care is one of the most crucial issues in many countries of the world. In the US, this question is also a rather important one. There are people whose income does not allow them to count on receiving the full specter of healthcare services once...

Organ Transplantation in Christian Beliefs

Sometimes we face uncertain, challenging, and controversial decisions that are impossible to arrive at without any undesirable circumstances. Such situations are especially exacerbated when parents are obliged to render one of their child’s organs in order to save another son or daughter’s life. A similar situation is presented in a...

Future of Nursing Initiative Implementation

Introduction Nurses constitute the most numerous group of healthcare professionals. Taking into consideration the difficulties encountered by these specialists caused by insufficient education and participation in decision-making processes, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in association with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation committee initiative on the Future on Nursing prepared a...

Advocacy and Nurse-Patient Ratios

Introduction Healthcare system in the US has many flaws that require legislative change. Nurses, being the primary and most numerous practitioners of medicine, are intimately aware of the problems that get in the way of proper healthcare. This is why nurses are urged to share their experience and step into...

Security Awareness in a Healthcare Facility

Security awareness is an essential constituent for developing a comprehensive and efficient security policy. Nevertheless, to make it productive, it is critical to focus on elaborating a well-thought and detailed awareness plan. Therefore, the paper at hand aims at designing a multidimensional framework aimed at raising security awareness in a...

The Overuse of Antibiotics and Its Role in Child Obesity

Abstract The issue of childhood obesity remains one of the top reasons for concern in the United States, as well as in the global setting. Childhood obesity has drastic effects on the health status of patients. Apart from leading to an array of complications and chronic diseases and disorders among...

Chinese and Swiss Healthcare Systems and Status

Healthcare System of China The health status within the framework of the healthcare system of China can be summarized as follows: Life expectancy at birth m/f – 75/78; Probability of dying under 5 (per 1000 live birth) – non-available; Probability of dying between 15 and 60, m/f (per 1000 population)...

Mohave Community College: Concept-Based Program

Research Product to Be Disseminated The research to be disseminated aims at evaluating the effectiveness of the use of a concept-based program for RN students at Mohave Community College. The major measurement will be the rate of the students who pass NCLEX. The program will be regarded as effective if...

Healthcare Facility: George Herman Assisted Living

Introduction The establishment described in this paper is George Herman Assisted Living facility that is a relatively large institution of the type. The facility is designed to station ten patients. In spite of the common stereotype that assisted living facilities serve to provide long-term care to the elderly individuals only,...

Pressure Ulcer Treatment in Emergency Department

The risk of developing pressure ulcers both in intensive care units and in usual hospital settings predetermined the need to find solutions to this nursing problem. The possibilities of modern medicine make it possible to competently approach the struggle against ulcers, and in many hospitals, new modern protocols have been...

The Allapattah Community’ Healthy Living

Living a healthy life has very many facets and determinants. An environment in which one lives would quickly shape the health choices one has to make. The environmental concerns of the Allapattah community critically determine their healthy living and their health objectives. Community Overview The Allapattah is the community in...

Family Nurse Practitioner in Professional Organizations

Introduction The nursing profession, in addition to professionalism, requires dedication and endurance, bordering on self-sacrifice. The specialist working in this sphere should not only know the theoretical part of medicine well but also be an excellent practitioner. The qualification of a nurse is essential both for patients and management. Self-education...

Children and Adolescents With Obesity: Physical Examination

Introduction The article, Physical Examination Findings Among Children and Adolescents With Obesity: An Evidence-Based Review, by Armstrong, S. et al. seeks to address the issue of physical examination of children who suffer from obesity, a harmful condition which affects a third of US children (Armstrong, et al., 2016, p. 1)....

Leadership and the Graduate Nurse Role

Leadership Style Leadership and its attributes are extremely important for many spheres of human activity and nursing is no exception. Within the frame of the assignment, we were supposed to complete a short quiz in order to define our leadership styles and know more about merits and flaws of our...

Iron Deficiency Anemia: Tests and Diagnostics

Introduction There are three possible types of anemia: sideroblastic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, and thalassemia. Thus, in order to treat the patient properly, it is important to identify the type first. Taking all the symptoms that Ann reported into consideration, it is possible to come to the conclusion that she...

Undergraduate Research Forum for Nurses

Overview Undergraduate Research Forum (URF) is a platform for students of Miami, Florida that aims to promote research academic experience. Students of any major are eligible to participate in this scholarly activity. They may apply online and prepare their presentation in any form: individually, in groups, as a community project,...

Caffeine Use in Medicine and Pharmacy

Introduction Caffeine is used is increasingly becoming popular (Phillips & Ogeil, 2015; Ralph, 2015). The authors of the published research article are distinguished researchers in the field of medicine and pharmacy. They have conducted numerous researches with their findings helping to shed light on various issues related to the health...

Nursing: Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track

Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) The framework of MAP-IT proposed by Healthy People 2020 is a powerful tool to create a comprehensive care plan for the aggregate of Jewish population living in Miami. It seems appropriate to consider each of the elements in detail. Mobilize. To improve the contemporary...

Myasthenia Gravis and Its Immunologic Basis

Introduction Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder that results in progressive weakness of ocular, bulbar, limb, and/ or respiratory muscles due to a defect in neuromuscular transmission and subsequent contraction of skeletal muscles. The autoantibodies target the acetylcholine receptor on the postsynaptic membrane leading to a decrease in several receptors...

“A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson

Introduction The modern society is concerned about the increased number of abortions. Some people consider such medical interventions to be a murder, whereas other theorists promote the opposite point of view that seems to be unacceptable at first. The following paper will discuss and summarize the main aspects of the...

Alzheimer’s Patient Safety Improvement Strategies

Problem Introduction Alzheimer’s is a clinical condition that affects the wellbeing of many people above the age of 50. Smebye, Kirkevold, and Engedal (2016) indicate that Alzheimer’s is one of the common types of condition dementia. This mental condition affects the life outcomes and experiences of the patients. Within the...

Cervical Cancer Prevention Among British Women

Introduction This project will establish the policies that have been developed in the UK to prevent cervical cancer among adult women and the measure taken to improve the health and well-being of women diagnosed with the disease. The research is informed by the need for extensive research to establish the...

Alternative Transportation Use for Public Health

Topic HP2020 Topic: Environmental Health; HP2020 Objectives: EH-2 Increase the use of alternative modes of transportation for work. Transportation is an important determinant of public health. At the same time, the issue receives modest attention on the institutional level, which necessitates promotion at the community level (Litman, 2013). The project...

Advanced Nursing Practitioner’s Roles and Goals

Advanced Practice Nursing Role South University provides consistent training to prepare high-quality nursing specialists. The university offers a wide range of study areas including educational programs for Nursing Practitioners. The role of this specialist is critical for medical practice. Thus, an Advanced Nursing Practitioner is a nurse that provides primary...

Cloning Research Ethics: Ethical Dispute and Issues

Modern technology is known for its fast advancement and ample possibilities. However, in the sphere, if medicine, where progress is especially needed, technology cannot decide everything. The supply of human transplantable organs is much smaller than the demand. Therefore, alternative ways of decreasing this deficit are suggested. Cloning research is...

Continuous Quality Improvement Process’ Analysis

Introduction Continuous quality improvement is an extremely important aspect of the everyday life of any contemporary healthcare organization. Since healthcare is one of the most dynamically developing spheres, growth, change, and the ability to transform in order to follow the latest standards and best practices are the major tasks of...

Breast Cancer Studies: Evaluation and Analysis of Scientific Papers

Introduction Despite significant progress in the development of new technologies, cancer remains one of the problems of modern medicine. Today, society increasingly draws attention to women’s breast cancer since this issue does not lose its relevance. Numerous developments of experienced doctors cannot help to get rid of this problem entirely....

The University of Utah Healthcare: Compensation’ Strategy

Introduction Compensation is the practice of providing monetary value to employees in return for their work. Compensation is an important element of human resources in an organization. It serves different purposes depending on the goals of the organization in question. For instance, besides assisting in recruitment, it may be used...

Factors Affecting the Miami Hospital

Hospital Description The University of Miami Hospital ( is one of the best health care institutions in the USA. It provides a wide range of treatment services, including rare fields like sports medicine (Sports Medicine, 2017). This hospital is a part of the University of Miami Health Systems. Various factors...

Alzheimer’s Treatment in Geriatric Patients

Literature Review The research conducted by Saragat et al. (2012) focused on the dependency between the variations in nutrition and several certain conditions related to the psycho-functional state of geriatric patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The analysis of this dependency was conducted via bioelectrical impedance vector analysis. The vital signs of...

Healthcare Delivery to the Little Haiti Population

Introduction Creating the environment in which every single member of a community has access to the required healthcare services is a crucial task that lies ahead of the Little Haiti authorities. Seeing that the unavailability of efficient services, the lack of qualified experts, the increasingly high poverty rates, and the...

Affordable Care Act: Institutional Policy Analysis

Policy Type Summary of the Policy (in your own words) Explain if the policy is effective and provide a rationale Describe the financial outcomes of the policy Provide examples of policy violations National Improve cost-efficiency of health services The state-wide improvements contribute to overall result (Liverani, Hawkins, & Parkhurst, 2013)...

The Yvonne Learning Center Health Literacy Program

Introduction Being a health literate is one of the essential characteristics any individual should have. Nevertheless, people, and especially minors living in low-income urban areas are not aware enough of the need to be self-sufficient in terms of their health (Marks, 2012). Thus, community nurses must take an important role...

Mental Health Rates and Healthy People 2020

Introduction The Healthy People 2020 initiative states major goals for improving the health of Americans and tracks progress in achieving these goals. The measurements are performed based on 26 leading health indicators (LHI) divided into 12 topics. One of the significant aspects of the initiative is regular reporting on the...

Improving Care in Highly Populated Senior Citizens

The Issue Florida is a state with a very high population of senior citizens (“Population and demographic data,” 2017). People are either living on their own or in retirement homes, and communities often require additional care. This fact makes elderly care one of the most important issues in the state....

Electronic Health and Medical Records

Introduction In the era of the modern technology, electronic health records are used to keep the information about patient’s mental and physical conditions, personal background and various illnesses (Carter, 2008). Using this approach allows retrieving the data rapidly and avoiding the loss of the information. For instance, nurses can easily...

Chlamydia Transmission, Examination, Treatment

The pathophysiologic instruments of chlamydial contagion are not implicit comprehensively. Chlamydia contaminates columnar epithelial cells that put the pubescent woman at actual danger due to the occurrence of the squamocolumnar intersection on the ectocervix waiting for the premature maturity. The original reaction of epithelial cells to the contagion is a...

Can Hospitals Manufacture Drugs in the US?

Introduction News bulletins report a stunning statement coming from some of the primary healthcare providers in the USA. Having been fed up with unfair prices and obscene shortages of primary and basic medications, the representatives of four leading US health systems have announced plans for developing a not-for-profit drug company...

Effect of Patient Satisfaction

Introduction Improving the quality of life in elderly patients through a holistic approach towards quality of care has always been one of the primary goals of the US healthcare system. The USA sees an increase in the elderly population, standing at 46 million people aged 65 or older. By 2060,...

Global Health: Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Abstract A nursing practice based on the evidence implies a conscious search and critical evaluation of the available scientific evidence and the subsequent selection of the optimum tactics to the patients’ treatment taking into account their individual characteristics and requirements. In other words, the evidence-based practice involves a combination of...

Second Opinion with T. R. Reid: Inside Ayurvedic Medicine

Lessons from the Video The video “Second Opinion with T. R. Reid: Inside Ayurvedic Medicine” gives a critical analysis of Ayurvedic medicine. After Reid’s surgeon in Denver suggested that his shoulder should be replaced using surgery, he decided to pursue other medical options in India. The most outstanding lesson from...

Meditech System at the Kendall Regional Medical Center

Kendall’s Electronic Health Information System In alignment with the need for keeping medical errors at bay, the adoption of electronic health information systems had prompted the development of various applications to aid in the achievement of this cause. Meditech is one such application that is used in the Kendall regional...

Death Perception Along the Life Span

The course on human growth and development was an excellent opportunity to enhance my knowledge of various issues connected to growing up and aging. I believe that a solid understanding of the various developmental stages can help me in my future work as a nurse, as it will enable me...

Restraint and Seclusion Evidence-Based Project’s Variables

Introduction Restraint and seclusion are considered some of the more inhumane practices in modern medicine. The presented evidence-based project is designed to address this issue by reducing the instances of restraint and seclusion in hospitals through higher quality of care being provided to the patients, patient-focused interventions, and even introduction...

Two-Tier Fee System in Canada

Executive Summary This paper deals with some drawbacks of the current Canadian healthcare system and includes a brief description of possible policies that could address the issues mentioned. The major issues the system has are the substantial governmental investment and insufficient health outcomes. The country is facing numerous issues, which...

Being a Successful Leader: Leadership Style and the Graduate Nursing Role

In order to provide the best patient care in the increasingly complex healthcare settings, today’s nurses are expected to possess the attributes of leadership and be aware of leadership practices related to their field. It is true for nurses in administrative positions, but it is also true for nurses who...

Health Policy: Long-Term Care in Nursing

Introduction Health policy is a highly complicated issue as it deals with a whole variety of problems that have to be taken into consideration. Policies can affect both separate individuals and organizations determining their access to certain health care services, availability of medications and technology, etc. (Shi, & Singh, 2014)....

Responsibility in the Nursing Workplace

Background Although the concept of responsibility might not seem like a difficult one to grasp, it often eludes members of healthcare (Düchting 11). The specified phenomenon can be attributed to the fact that following a set of rigid ethical standards in the environment that can be described as extremely challenging...

Providing Patients with Quality Care

Student 1 Perspective The contemporary medical industry is aimed at providing patients with high-quality care. However, it appears clear that it is impossible to organize health care services in a way that would allow for 100% efficiency. Of course, this leads to lower quality care and the dissatisfaction of clients....

Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program

The present paper is devoted to the analysis of a form and reports that were created for a database, which is based on the information from SEER, a Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. The form is made in the split view: it allows us to enter all the data...

Manual Therapy Identification: Practice and Treatment

In connection with the increase in the number of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system in medical practice, a large number of new techniques have been observed in recent years. The manual therapy is associated with a field of medical practice, representing a complex system of manual medical methods...

Health Information Exchange: Definition and Components

Definition The phenomenon of Health Information Exchange (HIE) is typically rendered as the process of gathering, processing, and distributing health-related data by the corresponding facilities within a specific community (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 2014). To put it simply, HIE implies the design of a proper data management strategy in the healthcare...

Miami-Dade Youth Risk Behavior Survey

Defining the Community The type of population that is being assessed is a Pediatric aggregate. The population used for the community assessment is school-age children in grades 9 through 12. The community is the Miami-Dade County that is a south-eastern part of Florida State. According to the United States Census...

Universal Health Care Funding and Free Enterprise System

From an ethical standpoint, it is obvious that universal health care is one of the fundamental human rights. Health is directly associated with the quality of life and at least in some instances can be tied to the right to life. From a broader perspective, it is possible to consider...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Quality Collaboration

Health care is a highly dynamic field that constantly evolves and reviews its core concepts. Naturally, with improvements in means of care delivery and the changing social and scientific standards, the understanding of the goals and objectives of health care were also reshaped. Among these changes are the definitions of...

Respiratory Clinical Case, Assessment and Care Plan

Patient Initials G. M. D. Subjective Data The patient is a 65-year-old female of Caucasian origin who was discharged from the hospital almost three months ago after she had been injured in a car crash. The patient complains of frequent cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing. She also claims that...

Nursing: Retaining Inspiration Amidst Routine

Nursing: Science or Art? Balancing Between the Art and Science of Nursing Although nursing is typically viewed from an academic perspective, there are two sides to the phenomenon in question; particularly, it can be viewed as not only science but also art. Claiming that nursing can only be defined as...

Nursing Leadership Traits and Strategies

Leadership Traits for Successful Management in the Clinical Arena Leadership is not simply a role one is forced to take on at his/her work; it is always a choice that distinguishes a born leader from a regular employee. Regarding the sphere of nursing, “successful nurse leaders are those who engage...

Diagnosis Disclosure and Child-Parent Relationship

Diagnosis disclosure can cause complex ethical issues, which nursing professionals need to address, even despite possible inconveniences or adverse effects. Diagnosis disclosure to minors is a more complicated issue as children and adolescents have the right to understand what is happening to them, but family involvement can hinder it. The...

Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care

The above anticipated changes in nursing were presented to several colleagues in my department. Most of the listeners were glad to understand some of the major changes that will be experienced in the future by nurses. The nurses also acknowledged the fact that nursing was a changing field that continued...

Six Sigma Methodology’ Deployment

The article “Deployment of Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce Complications in Intravitreal Injections” reveals how Six Sigma principles can be utilized in the modern healthcare delivery setting. According to the authors, this quality improvement method was initially used in manufacturing processes, but now it has more spheres for use such...

Tobacco Use Reduction Among Adults

Introduction Tobacco smoking is one of the major causes of various diseases and premature mortality among adults. The recent statistics show that the smoking prevalence in the United States for both genders is 17%, whereas female prevalence equals 13% and male prevalence is 22% (World Health Organization [WHO], 2017). The...

Physical Activity’s Impact on Cognitive Function

Topic Description The idea that physical activity early on in life may help to improve cognitive function later on in life considerably is not new. There are many approaches and thoughts on how this particular issue can be developed. Best (2010) proves that cognitive function, and executive functioning in particular,...

Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Health-Related Quality of Life

Introduction Diabetes is one of the most widespread chronic diseases, which are known in the world. Apart from being a critical health problem, it affects various aspects of the lives of people who are diagnosed with it. Therefore, the disease in question might change the lifestyle due to its complications...

How Big Data Is Used in Health Care

Description of Published Health Article For purposes of this paper, we choose to use an article by Chirowa, Atwood and Van der Putten (2013) to demonstrate the use of big data in public health. The article explores the relationship between gender inequality, health expenditure, and maternal mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa....

Ayurvedic Medicine in “Second Opinion with T. R. Reid”

Introduction Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of medical knowledge integrating the information on disease prevention and management, human temperaments and physiology, as well as healthy lifestyles. The given school of medicine has existed in India for over several thousand years and influenced the development of many other traditional healthcare schools,...

Health Practices to Integrate Online Care

Abstract The literature concerning counseling acknowledges the importance of building rapport as a basis for enhancing a working alliance with the aim of offering excellent services. This is the foundation of working agreements, group counseling sessions, and joint conferences, mainly constructed through common face-to-face communications. Today the technology has a...

Family Development, Health Beliefs and Issues

Family Composition The family chosen for the assessment consists of four members: husband, wife, and their two daughters. The extended family is not large as the husband’s parents live abroad and rarely visit. Both of the grandparents from the mother’s side live in a retirement home; however, the family sees...

Nurse Engagement in the Strategic Planning Process

Strategic Planning Model All organizations that operate in the current markets need to develop an annual business plan to ensure that it will be able to reach the desired future and meet a range of goals for growth. Its key components are included in strategic planning that provides the foundation...

Effective Leadership for Graduate Nurses and Quiz Results

Effective leadership in any organization has major value for the establishment of its image and success. In healthcare facilities, leadership is extremely important since people’s welfare and even lives depend on the leaders’ decisions and actions. At every level of the healthcare process, there are people who organize and sustain...

Memorial Hermann Healthcare System’s Health Records

Introduction Healthcare industry is witnessing a rapid implementation of programs based on the use of information and communication technologies. Adopting the Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 caused it. This legal act introduced the meaningful use criteria that claim that eligible hospitals and professionals should use and have...

Medicare Patients’ Readmission Rates Reduction

Introduction This paper is devoted to the possibilities of reducing the readmission rate through transitional care among Medicare patients with heart failure. The reduction might allow reducing the financing of the hospitalizations in particular, as well as overall expenses on healthcare. The previous three stages of the project have provided...

Falls Prevention Among Hospice Patients

Falls are defined as a situation when a person is inadvertently lying on the ground, floor, or any other place. Injuries related to falls could be fatal but most of these injuries are nonlethal in spite of the fact that they bring plenty of sufferings to the patient. This paper...

Clinical Problem: Suicide Prevention in Geriatric Patients

The clinical problem that will be considered in the proposed research consists of the challenge of suicide prevention in older patients, especially those suffering from terminal illnesses. In general, suicidal thoughts in older people can be viewed as a significant health concern; for example, in the US, over 6,000 older...

Policy Process in Nursing: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Policies The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2018) works towards improving the state of healthcare in the United States. The foundation explores many spheres of healthcare, including nursing. In its initiative, called “Charting Nursing’s Future,” the foundation examines and prioritizes a number of issues. First of...

Nursing as a Science and Art

Introduction Nursing is one of the professions in the field of health. Nurse practitioners (NPs) use their skills to offer timely, high-quality, and safe care to communities, individuals, and families (Duran & Cetinkaya-Uslusoy, 2015). They provide adequate support to ensure more people maintain or attain optimal health. The wide range...

Healthcare Technology’s Usability and Integration

Introduction The concepts of usability, integration, and interoperability in the context of healthcare technologies refer to a variety of processes and events associated with the use of data to support the delivery of high-quality care to patients. The usability of healthcare technologies is explained as an extent to which individuals...

Helicobacter Pylori Treatment: Heartburn and GERD

As the patient’s symptoms of heartburn remain persistent, stronger antacids might be recommended to reduce the intensity of pain and the recurrence of symptoms. Antacid Maximum Strength can be prescribed to the patient, but only for one to two weeks, as its ineffectiveness might indicate that the patient does not...

Hypertension: Diagnostics, Management, Education

Introduction Based on the subjective and objective data presented in the case, it is possible to assume C.D. has hypertension (HT). It is one of the most widespread chronic disorders among adults: it affects nearly 1 billion people around the globe (Wise & Charchar, 2016). HT decreases the quality of...

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Hospital pays great attention to continuous quality and safety improvement, focusing on research, inpatient, and outpatient care. The observation of the official website that presents the recent data related to the hospital performance illustrates that such domains of health care quality as timeliness,...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Progress Decreasing

Chronic kidney disease, also known as renal disease, is a condition which leads to a gradual loss of renal function and results in kidney failure, or end-stage renal disease. While chronic kidney disease is generally recognized as progressive and irreversible, a variety of treatments exist which help manage the condition...

Perinatal Mental Health Bill by Lauren Book

The bill that I would like to discuss in this post touches upon the problem of patient education related to mental health and the consequences of issues that often remain unnoticed (postpartum depression). The title of the bill is SB 138: Perinatal Mental Health and it was created by Lauren...

Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy and Mental Health

Introduction Knowing that the psychological well-being of cancer patients can have an impact on their physical condition, many researchers pay attention to the effects of various interventions on cancer patients’ mood. In her research, Lesiuk (2015) aims to define the effectiveness of an intervention that uses music as a tool...

Chronic Disease: Diabetes Mellitus

Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic illness marked by hyperglycemia which derives from insulin action or insulin secretion deficiency. Chronic hyperglycemia may lead to such long-term harm as dysfunction or failure of the organs. Most frequently, diabetes impacts kidneys, nerves, eyes, blood vessels, and heart (American Diabetes Association, 2010). In...

Medication Errors’ Sources and Prevention

Introduction Healthcare institutions monitor the experiences of their clients to identify new methods that can improve the quality of care available to them. Nurses cooperate with patients whenever providing care to them. Patient experiences are greatly impacted by the skills and obligations of nurses. Various environmental factors in every healthcare...

Fad Diets and Their Long Term Effects on Health

Problem It is evident that the principal reasons why people to begin using fad diets are, the desire to achieve visible effects in a short period of time, and the lack of education about the potential side-effects of maintaining a low-fat, low-calorie diet in the long term. These two factors...

Heart Disease in American Women: Raising Awareness

Heart disease is a serious health problem that poses a significant danger to the population. In this paper, the issue of heart disease among women in the U.S. is considered, and some ways in which the situation can be improved are discussed. The problem of heart disease among women is...

Value Care of Cancer

Introduction Cancer is a chronic disease that emanates from genetic mutations, which causes cells to lose their cellular regulation mechanisms and grow uncontrollably. The uncontrolled growth of cells in the body forms cancerous cells that affect tissues and organs in where they occur or spread to other tissues and organs...

Ethical Dilemmas and Religious Beliefs in Healthcare

Introduction The modern healthcare environment could be characterized by numerous challenges specialists should face delivering care. The appearance of these problems is preconditioned by the increased complexity of the majority of health issues and patients diverse needs. The scope of nursing practice includes close cooperation between all actors to acquire...

Lupus, Lyme Disease, Mononucleosis Diagnostics

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) The patient could be suffering from SLE as she reported muscle aches without stiffness and a skin rash with an increased photosensitivity. These symptoms are associated with Lupus, the chronic inflammatory condition that is most commonly found in women of childbearing age (Bartels, 2016). The reasonableness...

Organizational Structure: Project Leadership

Drug to Drug Interactions Drug to drug interactions are among the major causes of medicine-induced harm in patients with various diseases. According to recent statistics, the problem occurs in over 1.9 million of individuals annually and results in up to 220.000 emergency department referrals per year (Scheife et al., 2015)....

Adolescents’ Health and Life: Sexual History

Taking a Sexual History from an Adolescent Taking a sexual history is a necessary part of a gynecologic examination (Hawkins, Roberto-Nichols, & Stanley-Haney, 2016). It is crucial in case there is a probability of sexually transmitted diseases which are also frequent among adolescents (Neinstein, 2009). Taking a sexual history from...

Obesity in the United States: Learning Process

Learning Goals and Objectives Obesity is a persistent problem in many developed countries. According to Fox (2016), over 40% of American females are obese. The percentage of children and teenagers who have some degree of obesity is also concerning: the study found over 17% of children and teenagers to be...

Healthcare Fee-For-Service Payment vs Other Models

Introduction A fee-for-service model is the most commonly used payment scheme in healthcare. In the frame of this model, a healthcare provider is paid essentially for the scope of services he or she performs. On the one hand, this model encourages healthcare providers to provide a client with the maximal...

Medicine: CDS Organization Leadership Model

Abstract The advantage of transformational leadership if compared to the transactional one is that, instead of maintaining status-quo, it allows a leader to adjust the performance of the staff to the requirements of a complicated situation. Therefore, transformational leadership is a number one choice for a CDC director. Having accepted...

Healthcare Conflict Resolution Case

The Conflict The current conflict involves two individuals, Kimberly and Jade. Kimberly is a nurse and Jade is a nurse manager. The conflict is based on individual matters and involves the problem of role assignment within the professional medical setting. The conflict originated two weeks ago and developed at a...

Caucasian Family Health Assessment and Problems

Introduction Assessment is referred to as a collection of data about the state of health at the individual or family level. It is a general opinion that modern families experience constant stresses in their everyday living, which makes it difficult for them to participate in healthy activities. An unhealthy way...

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults

Type 2 diabetes is a current-day epidemic. Affecting more than 370 million adults worldwide (26 million people in the United States), it is one of the most critical health issues (Pratley, 2013). However, the growing number of those suffering from the disease, as well as people with a pre-diabetic condition,...