Workplace Harassment

The workplace is a network of people that all have different personalities and understanding of ethics. Some employees might behave and feel strongly about others and their actions, whereas individual people can be working alone without paying much attention to anyone else. Workplace harassment can be on many bases—gender, racial...

British Petroleum: Corruption Involving Ethics

Introduction Economists rate BP previously referred to as British Petroleum as the third-largest oil company in the world. Its locality in London. It merged with Amoco and changed its name to BP. It rebranded itself by creating a new logo, slogan, and tagline. However, the company was linked to a...

Disney World Company Interests

Introduction Corporate social responsibility is becoming increasingly important in the modern society where companies are under pressure to give back to the society. According to Soule (2010), companies get all they need from the society in terms of customers, employees, security, and research services among others. It is only fair...

Social Justice and Pregnant Addicted Mothers

The issue of drug addiction among pregnant mothers has been a concern among medical experts. When a pregnant mother is addicted to alcohol and drug, she may end up causing irreparable damage to the unborn child. At the time of birth, the child may have physical or mental deformities that...

Paintings: The Baptism of Christ and Christ and the Adulteress

The two artworks representing the image of Christ I have chosen for my paper are (in the order of the pictures): (a) “The Baptism of Christ” by master of the Life of Saint John the Artist (National Gallery of Art, Washington), and (b) “Christ and the Adulteress” by Lorenzo Lotto...

An essay of 1100 words is approximately 4 pages double-spaced or 2 pages single-spaced. The most common format for all the major citation styles is 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is about 250 words per page. While APA 7, MLA 9, and Chicago also accept fonts like Arial and Calibri, TNR 12 ppt is still preferable.

A 1100-word essay contains 7 to 11 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

A 1100-word essay is quite an extensive piece of academic writing. It is to be planned well. The three distinct parts of such a paper are: introduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should include a hook, background information, and a thesis statement. Each of the body paragraphs is to focus on one argument. The conclusion should summarize your arguments.

It will take you about 22 to 44 minutes to type 1100 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 3 hours for 1100 words.

The final number of references that you should include in an essay of 1100 to 1150 words will depend on the assignment’s genre and complexity. For instance, on middle-school level, you’ll have to add 7 references on average. A bachelor-level assignment of 1100 words will require 14 references, while a graduate-level paper should refer to at least 22 sources.

Institutions and Agencies of Spatial Planning in Belgium

Spatial planning is one of the issues that are of great concern to policy-makers in Belgium. Currently, this country is strongly affected by such trends as increasing population, the growing necessity to protect cultural heritage, and transformation of former industrial zones (Gropas 2014). Therefore, it is vital for local communities...

Product-Harm Crisis Management and Strategies

Introduction Customers and consumers are constantly being bombarded by the media and other avenues with information pertaining to products existent in the market. This form of publicity may be catalyzed by a variety of events which may provide positive or negative publicity to the product or brand. Product harm crisis...

Literary Analysis: The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien

The Things They Carried Analysis: Essay Introduction O’Brien, in the short story “The Things They Carried”, captures the predicaments of soldiers during the Vietnam War. Each soldier carries a literal and symbolic object that links the past to the present. The symbols serve to distract the solders from the realities...

Family-Based Childhood Obesity and Parental Weight

Introduction The article examines the multifactorial nature of the growing health issue of childhood obesity. The authors investigate the correlation between childhood BMI and parental obesity. The authors cite empirical evidence to support their central point, which is that there exists a link between elevated parental obesity rates overweight in...

Economic Interdependence Theory and Future of Trade

Key Aspects of Economic Interdependence The modern world is a complex mechanism, as it consists of numerous actors engaged in the division of labor and resource exchange. Even the countries with high political and economic influence have always experienced a need to trade 1. This matter can be explained by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Trend of HIV and AIDS Infection

Introduction A report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2001) focused on the status of HIV and AIDS in the United States from 1981 to 2000. The aim of the research, as defined in the research problem, was to determine the trend of HIV and AIDS infection in...

The Power of Alcohol: Human Inability to Control Demands

A number of investigations conducted to define what prevents people from having happy and healthy lives. Money, drugs, unemployment… Each issue has its own value and effect. However, David Nutt admits that the idea of alcohol is missed in this list. The representatives of the government failed to define that...

Nursing as a Science and an Art

Everyone knows that nursing is a science. But according to Florence Nightingale, the definition of nursing profession is an art. This essay is about nursing as an art and science. Introduction A significant debate in the theoretical frameworks of nursing is whether the discipline is considered an art or a...

The Great War Outbreak: Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism

Introduction The First World War was one of the most bloody and large-scale conflicts in human history. It began July 28, 1914, and ended November 11, 1918. This conflict involved 38 countries. The causes of the First World War were versatile; it can be argued that the serious economic contradictions...

“Grease” Musical by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey

Grease is a dynamic school musical written by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey that got its name from the American youth subculture of the 1950s known as greasers. The action takes place in Rydell High School and involves working-class students, whose relationships are closely examined while they attempt to find...

2008 Great Recession, Unemployment and Stagnation

Introduction This paper is looking into the case of the financial crisis, which results in an economic recession and the further sustained and recovery effects with the main references made to the case of the Great Recession of 2008 in America. Unemployment, income, and other economic inequalities have been cited...

How the iPhone Is Changing Technology?

It needs to be said that smartphone market was not the same ever since Apple presented its unique device in 2007. The number of iPhones that were bought is truly astounding, and the latest figure that was revealed by the company is 700 million (Costello par. 2). The functionality and...

The Perspectives of Genetic Engineering in Various Fields

Nowadays people strive for improving the quality of life, focus on higher accomplishments, and try to find new ways to overcome such social problems as diseases and hunger. In this context, genetic engineering seems to be potential to improve the quality of life because of creating new and improved organisms....

Softron Tax Company’s Segmentation Issues

Segmentation Analysis The main issue identified for Softron Tax is low awareness and the need to establish a strong customer base in Ottawa; the issue is directly associated with segmentation. Segmentation is the primary strategic process that a business needs to conduct to ensure proper operation and development. The process...

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Factors and Treatment

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a neuropsychological disorder characterized by changing moods and energy levels that affect the ability of the patients’ memory to function normally. The disorder affects the neurons in the brain, hence causing uncoordinated functions of the same. The effects on the brain depend on the periodic episodes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Childhood Obesity and Public Health Intervention

Fundamental Problems that Arise According to many researchers, different factors directly affect the emergence of obesity. Children can have a genetic predisposition. Sometimes, the use of too high-calorie food is the cause of overweight. Also, a low level of physical activity negatively affects children’s health. All these problems are usually...

Thinking through Paul: Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology

Purpose of the Book The authors of the book “Thinking through Paul: Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology” wanted to analyze the significance of Paul’s life to Christians. The book delivers powerful messages to the reader. Christians can imitate Paul’s life in order to achieve their religious goals (Longenecker...

East European Studies: “The Fall of Yugoslavia” by Misha Glenny

Introduction Misha Glenny’s, The Fall of Yugoslavia: The Third Balkan War is a book that gives an account of the events that led to the Yugoslavian conflict. In the book, Glenny gives a detailed account of his interaction with the Balkans and this provides a basis for understanding the origin...

Ads and Marketing in “The Selling Game” Video

What are the main messages and themes in the video “The Selling Games”? The video is aimed at delivering the following main messages and themes: Video advertisements have inspired the qualitative shifts in the ad world thus leading to a whole new approach to producing ads – making them brighter...

Arthur Miller’s Influences in “A View from the Bridge”

Introduction A View from the Bridge, a tale of Eddie Carbone’s life, was initially heard by Arthur Miller when he was doing research in Red Hook, Brooklyn. It is interesting that Miller was collecting information for a different project that was supposed to expose the corruption that occurred in the...

Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” vs. Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” Comparison

Introduction This essay will compare and contrast two classic American short stories. The comparison will take the point-by-point approach where one idea will be discussed fully before moving on to the next idea. The two stories that will be analyzed are “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, which was...

Cole’s Painting “The Oxbow and Gogh’s “Olive Trees With Yellow Sky and Sun”

Introduction Many painters from different movements have managed to produce admirable works that glorify God’s creation and guide people to address most of the social, economic, political, and psychological issues they face in their lives. Some of the famous painters of the 1800s whose artworks continue to attract the attention...

Patient Safety Promotion as Nursing Practice Issue

Discovery: topic and practice issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The topic chosen for this task is promoting patient safety within hospital set-ups. Errors are common occurrences in nursing practice, and they come with adverse effects by affecting patient safety and health outcomes (Lawati,...

Cryptocurrency Effects on Developing Economies

Introduction Those who live in developed countries like the USA and Canada got used to stable currencies and now take them for granted. The EU citizens have unfettered access to the euro, and Americans to dollars, and they may think that there is no urgent need for the emergence of...

The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is one of the deadliest school shootings in American history, along with Virginia Tech shooting and Stoneman Douglas High School shootings. This paper aims at providing an overview of the tragic case, addressing the events leading to the incident, and discussing legal considerations associated...

The Analysis of “The Philosopher” by Sherwood Anderson

“The Philosopher” by Sherwood Anderson is constructed to portray a certain multitude of paradoxical and unexpected contradictions as well implicitly as explicitly. This story has the ironic contrasts that illustrate the various emotions which are introduced by the philosopher – Doctor Parcival. That is why I would like to analyze...

Alliteration in Thomas Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush”

Thomas Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush” is one of the most well-known poems written on the borderline of the 19th and the 20th centuries. The poet employs a variety of rhetoric devices in the piece, but the most prominent of them is alliteration. Hardy’s use of this rhetorical device helps to...

Community Behavior Violator’s Experience

Introduction A norm can be described as a pattern of behavior expected within a particular society in a given situation i.e. the belief that is shared and accepted as normal, shapes and controls people’s actions in the society. People who do not follow the norms within society are considered rude...

“Beowulf”: Cultural Elements of the Anglo-Saxon Piece of Literature

The literature inheritance leaves many works that reflect the history and culture of people that lived in that period. While studying the cultural and social conditions we come across some peculiar feature of each peoples and subconsciously identify them with new character traits of the modernized society. In that regard,...

Coelho’s Biographical Representations in “The Alchemist”

Introduction Paulo Coelho is one of the most famous novelists of the world of today (Coelho, 2009). This Brazilian author wins a lot of respect for his talent of making people think of the simplest issues they have never thought of before, even when those issues directly touch their lives...

Educational Proficiency Decrease in the United States

Project Social science studies the whole complexity of human interrelations within society. Education, as one of the most important spheres of social life, is also the subject of social science study. Aside from various purely educational aspects of this subject, there are social sides thereof. First of all, education is...

Human Resource Management: Turnover and Retention

Introduction In the sphere of human resource management (HRM), much attention is paid to distinguishing such notions as ‘turnover’, ‘turnover intention’, and ‘retention’. Even though these concepts are usually linked to each other, for this study, it is important to focus on the employees’ turnover intentions as a result of...

Domestic Violence Problem Overview and Analysis

Domestic violence is a controversial aspect of life, evolving from both physical and mental abuse of a person. In contemporary society, violence against another person can be justified and even encouraged as an acceptable form of decent behavior. Consequently, domestic violence has its origin in societal tolerance to the victimization...

Psychological Study’s Theory and Research-Based Model

Introduction In order to appropriately respond to the requirements of the assignment, I have selected the research article titled ‘Individual and social determinants of multiple chronic disease behavioral risk factors among youth’ by Alamian & Paradis (2012). The research article is about the study that was carried out to investigate...

Global Marketing Strategy Development Benefits

Abstract This paper examines the various marketing strategies that are essential for success of any company within the global market. It begins by introducing the idea of the global markets, and then discusses the common factors that influence the channel structures involved in distribution of products. Then it looks at...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Conflict Resolution Strategies Training Program

Conflicts happen between people who have different points of view and different approaches for the same situation. Amestoy et. al. (2014) write that, in a work setting, “conflict implies disorganization of all team members and causes incased stress owing to the lack of participation in decision making, lack of management...

The Palestine and the Arab-Israel Conflict

Introduction The beginning of the Palestine-Israel conflict has a long history and in spite of many attempts made to tackle the struggle, has not been resolved until today. It belongs to a wider Arab-Israel conflict; the confrontation has various reasons for geopolitical, religious, economic, and ideological nature. In fact, almost...

Technology of Synthesis of Genetically Modified Insulin

Introduction There is no doubt that modern technologies greatly simplify human life, especially if it concerns computers and intelligent systems. Being a part of a developed digital society, the consumer integrates with existing technical solutions every day and, therefore, hardly perceives them as something fantastic. In biological technologies, the situation...

ACL Injury and Post Reconstruction Surgery Complications

Introduction Any injury to the lower limbs can substantially impair the patient, limiting their ability to walk without assistance and lead an active life. Knee injuries are particularly widespread among athletes engaged in high contact sports such as football, soccer, lacrosse, or rugby. One of the most common traumas in...

Environmental Effects in My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante

The environment plays an essential role in dictating the traits of a person. However, despite the hostility of the surrounding, the individuals who are determined to achieve their life goals always embrace success. The surrounding can make people develop fear even of their closest friends, hence seeing them as enemies....

Future Nursing Profession Analysis

Introduction Healthcare professionals play a significant role in the community since they promote people’s well-being and healthy living. They not only treat and manage diseases but also provide preventive care services. Doctors and nurses are recognized health care providers who guarantee healthy nations. My future profession is nursing, and I...

A Raisin in the Sun by Hansberry: Literary Analysis

The realities of the historical and literary processes of the second half of the 20th century convince both literature scholar and usual readers that the strugscholars civil rights, the rise of Black movement understood broadly, was merging with the left-wing literary movement, animated by critical moods, and a deep-seated rush...

Achieving the Optimal Process. Software Development

Introduction The software development industry is fast growing as user requirements change-requiring applications that can address these requirements. As the costs of development rises in developed countries, a new source of labour market is emerging to provide labour for development of such applications at reduced costs. This is achieved through...

Self-Referentiality in Jorge Luis Borges’ “Blindness”

“Blindness” is an essay written by Jorge Luis Borges in 1977. In this work, much attention was paid to self-referentiality because the author’s experience is extremely important to support his writing (Block de Behar, A Rhetoric of Silence 279-281). To understand the purpose of this essay, it is critical to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Queer Representation of Gender and Sexual Non-Conformity

This assignment aims to highlight the role of media and television in determining gender or sex roles for the consumers to follow, among others. Queer representation, as portrayed in “San Junipero”, an episode from Black Mirror, incorporates several aspects of society. Religion is expected to take the higher road and...

The Orphan Train Movement in the United States

In the mid-19th century, New York and other American cities were full of street children and orphans. In 1853, The Children’s Aid Society began a program known as The Orphan Train Movement (Gajda-Łaszewska, 2018). Orphans, mostly immigrants whose parents died, were grouped, put on trains, and transported until they were...

Internet in Our Life: Personal Opinion

My Thoughts on the Crowding Effect of the Internet Ever since I started on this class I’ve begun to notice various things online that I never really took notice of before. For one thing I have come to the realization that the popularity of online retailers such as is...

Representing Islam: Racial and Gender Identities

As an individual whose family had immigrated to North America from Africa, my identity has been closely associated with trying to fit in. Being a woman of color, particular challenges come into play, shaping not only personal experiences and interactions with the world but also my self-perception and self-identity. For...

Coronavirus and Nutrition

The 2020 coronavirus outbreak brought many health system problems to the surface. The first and most important one is that a significant number of Americans cannot afford treatment due to the high health care cost and the impossibility of getting health insurance. Therefore, many Americans might avoid medical care or...

The Capital Structure Decision and the Cost of Capital

Introduction Firms aim at portraying a positive image through optimization of its capital structure which can be based on equity and debt proportions or total liabilities. The capital structure is crucial in enabling a firm to maximize its market value in totality. It stipulates the dividend policy which means that...

Marketing Communications and Role in a Marketing Mix

Key Definitions Marketing communications are one of the critical competitive business tools that encourage consumers to choose a specific company. Marketing Communications (MC) is essentially the process of transmitting information about companies, products, and services to the target audience using various channels. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a concept of...

Client Focused Priority Needs

The review of the literature has uncovered a correlation between mental illnesses and disempowerment. Moritz et al. (2010) have found out that people lose control over their lives the moment they suffer from a psychiatric disability. The primary concern is that global communities have traditionally stigmatized individuals suffering from mental...

Man-Nature Resistance in Faulkner’s “The Bear” and Frost’s “Mending Wall”

Introduction In literature, the theme of man-nature relationships is common and delivered in a variety of ways. In the majority of cases, people see nature as a protagonist because, despite multiple intentions, it is hard for a person to gain control over natural processes and changes. It is also important...

Use of Nanotechnology to Produce Electric Power on Mars

Nanotechnology has emerged as one of the critical sources of inspiration in the development and production of components that can be used to produce energy in various environments such as in the harsh undeveloped Martian atmosphere. According to Lyons and Whelan, the possibility of using nanotechnology to produce electricity has...

Nebulized Hypertonic Saline as an Alternative Treatment for Children Bronchiolitis

Brief introduction This paper provides a brief but comprehensive proposal for research into the use of nebulized hypertonic saline as alternative management of bronchiolitis in children. The proposed research method will be a qualitative review of current and recent literature, which has identified gaps in the existing knowledge. Currently, a...

The White Collar Crimes: Definition and Examples

Abstract Theoretically, the authorities who have power over others are supposed to protect the rights and freedoms of their inferiors, although this is not always the case. Today there are a number of crimes that are referred to as white collar crimes and include government frauds, waste and abuse. White...

The Effects of Changing the Speed of the Motor

Abstract and Objectives By experimenting, it was possible to address the three important objectives in this study. The first and second objectives were to determine the effects of changing the speed of the motor on the output current and voltage respectively. That was achieved by an upward and downward of...

Guest-Host Relationships in Homer’s ‘Odyssey’

Hospitality, the relationship between a host and a guest, is one of the most important themes that Homer portrays in his epic “The Odyssey”. In particular, Homer’s work provides excellent examples of how the ancient Greek societies had institutionalized hospitality. Indeed, hospitality was one of the most effective ways of...

Behavioral Strategies: Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

During this week, several behavioral strategies and the worth of cognitive-behavior therapy have to be discussed. Two major readings are recommended, including behavioral strategies to improve mood, increase energy, and solve problems by Wright, Basco, and Thase (2017) and the approaches to monitoring progress by Persons (2008). Although these two...

Lowe’s TV Commercial “Lawn and Garden”

The rapid rhythm of the contemporary world and excessive workload make it difficult for families to spend time together. Sometimes couples cannot find time to look after their house. However, this activity seems to be an essential ritual uniting family members. Taking care of the yard can be beneficial for...

Colonialism and Ethnic and Racial Divisions in UK

Introduction The British Empire was one of the largest empires of all the times. Its power, culture, and traditions stretched all over the world with unbelievable speed. It comprised lots of colonies, dominions, and other territories, which were ruled by the United Kingdom. The end of 1900s was the end...

International Women’s Day: Professional Pathways Reflection

The event that this reflection essay will focus on is the International Women’s Day that took place in Belmore Sports Ground. This gathering celebrated mothers’ and daughters’ roles in society by involving the local community in competitions, creative activities, life-skills workshops, and discussions. International Women’s Day in the city of...

Literary Analysis: “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction From the poem, the speaker demonstrates an unmatched love and affection for Annabel Lee who died unexpectedly. This love survives considerably after the mentioned death. Poe, the poet, uses literary styles to unveil the theme of lasting love between two characters. It is possible to recognize and understand that...

Understanding the Nursing Recruitment and Retention Process

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to evaluate specific and credible information that pertains to understanding the nursing recruitment and retention process. This process is a very important tool in establishing proper and successful management of healthcare institutions in relation to the nursing profession. Moreover, this paper contains valuable...

Diversity and Identity in Global Environment

Diversity and identity are usually placed together, and diversity is the existence of variances in thought, behavior, identity, origin, and lifestyle. The portrayal of identities over a range is regarded as diversity. On the other hand, defining our identity is commonly how we characterize ourselves in terms of age, sex,...

“Expanding the Role of Clinical Pharmacists” by Giannitrapani et al.

Analysis of qualitative studies implies considerations of not only the methodology but also the meaning behind the scholarly exploration carried out by researchers. The goals of the study by Giannitrapani et al. (2018) is to develop an understanding of the critical roles that pharmacists take in the primary care of...

Benefits of Having a Pet

A pet is regarded as any animal kept by human beings to act as a source of pleasure and companionship. Generally, they are kept because of the pleasure they tend to give to the owners; often, especially with dogs, horses, and cats, the pleasure is mutual. Therefore, pet keeping is...

The Critical Period in American History

The period of adoption of the Federal Constitution from the adoption of the Articles is termed as ‘The Critical Period’ of American history. The article of confederation left the young country in no position to deal with a series of problems. Foreign and domestic challenges were experienced. For foreign challenges,...

In Support of Abolishing Veil-Piercing in Law

Piercing the veil pertaining to corporate law denotes a situation in which courts dismiss the notion of limited liability and hold an organization’s shareholders and leaders personally liable for the actions or debts. Although there is a variation of the law between state legislation, there has been a generally accepted...

The Ottoman Empire in the World History

The Ottoman Empire was one of the most influential and longest-lasting dynasties in global history. With Islam as the dominant religious ideology, it ran large territories in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Northern areas of Africa for more than six centuries. The leader of the empire, the Sultan, was...

Policy Solutions to Address Homelessness in California

California has recorded a significant increase in the rates of homelessness since the 19th century. The state’s rapidly growing economy has attracted many people to the region, causing hardships in purchasing or renting a house. This has made people look for alternative means of shelter, which are not worthy of...

John Locke: The Answer to the Epistemological Problem

The Tree Puzzle The tree puzzle is a well-known philosophical paradox that can be approached in diverse ways. Solving it requires engaging in complex decision-making processes based on the definitions of reality. The puzzle itself illustrates the extent to which perception influences the truth. Moreover, it refers to the human...

Personal Experience: Developing Leadership

Leadership has various concepts and theories that combine critical skills into standard systems. However, experience teaches leadership qualities best of all. I started as a shepherd at the United Methodist Church in Springfield, Virginia, with my pastor’s approval. My responsibilities included Bible study and counseling for a congregation of young...

Architecture of Amazonian Monuments

Introduction The urban landscape in the Amazonian Americas is significantly different from the non-urban architecture. Modern Brazilian architecture represents an important element of cultural heritage that cannot be eradicated from the discussion on designs. Speaking of unique architectural elements that can be witnessed in Amazonian monuments, the key features that...

The Impact of Postpartum Maternal Depression on Postnatal Attachment

Postpartum Maternal Depression and its Influence on Postnatal Infant Attachment During the early periods of life, infants are particularly dependent on their mothers. The attachment of a vulnerable newborn to the protective caregiver is manifested through physical, physiological, and emotional contact that is required for a baby to survive (Carlson...

Risorgimento Movement in Italian History

Risorgimento, a 19th-century movement for Italian consolidation, has multiple political actors that spurred or delayed its development. One of such individual is Metternich, a statesman whose political views influenced the minds of the Europeans regarding Italy. Namely, Metternich believed Italy had no political reality and stated it was “a purely...

Family Nurse Practitioner’s Role

Introduction The interviewee, Michelle Jones, FNP, works at Care Memphis Clinic in Memphis, Tennessee, which is a healthcare institution offering care to patients of all ages. The professional makeup of the organization is quite diverse, which means that Ms. Jones works with a variety of specialists who are skilled in...

Russian Historical Case Analysis

Introduction The case study regarding Russia evaluates Crimea’s annexation by Russia and the early stages of combat operations and political mobilization in Eastern Ukraine. The case study also assesses the approach by Russia and draws inferences from its intentions, and examines the likelihood of such a method being used again...

Ecological Consumption in Terms of Food

Introduction Ecology is a field of study that deals with the relationships between organisms and their environment. It is concerned with how organisms interact with each other and their physical surroundings. Ecological consumption has become an important area of research in recent years because it addresses the relationship between human...

The African American Entrepreneurship Development Program

Introduction While undertaking the program, the short-term outcomes will be measured by evaluating the number of African American individuals who have expressed interest and have come up with various entrepreneurial concepts. The outcome will be measured by the number of successful business plans created and the number of African American...

“The Piano Lesson” by August Wilson

The Piano Lesson is a play by August Wilson, an African American playwright, who was popular for writing plays about the African-American experience in the twentieth century. The play has strong sentiments on the role of history in the shaping of future lives. The play title was encouraged by a...

Buddhist Meditation Practices

Buddhism is a form of religion that has three major schools of thoughts including Theravada, Mahayana, and Vihrayana. Mahayana originated from India in the 5th CE under the leadership of the Gupta dynasty. The government valued the teachings of Mahayana traditions to an extent of establishing a public university referred...

Inventing the American Constitution

The process of adopting the Constitution was one of the most significant events in the history of the American nation. The Constitution was adopted by the Founding Fathers who are discussed as the most influential figures in the history of the United States. In her book A Brilliant Solution: Inventing...

The Concept of Oral Contracts in the United States

It is a widespread belief that the oral contracts are as enforceable as the written ones. However, it is only partly true. Although there were many times when those actually worked, every good attorney would recommend their clients to have the most important contracts in a written form. What is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ancient Art History: From Paleolithic to Ancient Rome

Introduction The artistic history of ancient cultures can be divided into five periods. In particular, one should speak about the Paleolithic period, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Aegean civilization, and Ancient Rome. This paper is aimed at discussing various works that represent these civilizations. Moreover, it is necessary to show how these artifacts...

Hurricane Katrina: Government Ethical Dilemmas

Leadership and Decision-Making Issues Many people are convinced that Hurricane Katrina should be considered as a prime example of government failure. And that is true. Looking back, we can see leadership failures at every possible level: local, state, and federal. First of all, the American government systems are decentralized, which...

Science and the Truth

Introduction The pursuit of knowledge or truth is an integral part of human existence. Science, as a body of knowledge that seeks to realize the truth through systematic approaches, is one of the commonly embraced reality approaches today. However, several instances show that science could either converge towards the truth...

Nurses’ Experiences in Preventing Medication Error

Introduction Medication errors should be prevented because they result in increased expenses in health care (Smeulers, Onderwater, Zwieten, & Vermuelen, 2014). Such errors are capable of causing patient harm even though they are easily preventable. Hospitals with the magnet status designation use appropriate strategies and practices in an attempt to...

American and French Healthcare Systems

Introduction Providing health care for citizens is a basic necessity for any country in the world. Without a doubt, a healthy nation can develop faster than one whose citizens are bogged down with health challenges unaware of how to deal with them. This paper compares and contrasts healthcare systems in...

Careers in Hospitality & Tourism Industries

Management Careers in the Industries The hospitality industry presents a vast area of careers in management. Food and beverage management is one of the popular careers in the industry. It entails the management of catering companies, restaurants, and other entities that serve food. The main role of a food and...

Science and Technology in Ancient Civilizations

Introduction The role of scientific advancement and technological evolution in the development of the ancient civilization was humongous. Improvements in scientific knowledge strategically changed the operations of the inhabitants of the ancient kingdoms. Their way of life was considerably improved through these advancements in both scientific and technological precepts (Krebs...

Intergovernmental Aspect of Education

Background The US educational system has been criticized heavily as there is a gap between secondary and post-secondary education. One of the major concerns is associated with graduates’ inability or rather poor readiness to enter a higher educational facility (Nelson et al. 199). The development of assessment standards has been...

Group Presentation Performance: Analysis of IKEA

Introduction In the essay, I am going to give my reflection about a group presentation in a Business Studies class. The essay will focus on my experiences as part of the group as well as lessons learned. The essay will highlight several areas of interest. These areas include giving the...

Lessons Learned from “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad

Marlow left for Africa specifically to Congo in the service of the Belgian company occupying Congo as its protectorate (Conrad 3). However, when Marlow was presented with the map showing the Belgian empire, he raised concerns with the effects of imperial presence in Africa. For instance, the Congolese viewed the...

Children in Need of Protection: Canadian Perspective

Introduction The concept of children’s rights and liberties is relatively new: the humanistic pedagogy emerged no earlier than the 19th century. It took even the most developed countries quite a while to accept the integrity and self-autonomy of children. Nowadays, in the Northern hemisphere, it is indisputable that children have...

Keeping Minors and Adult Inmates Separate to Address the Problem of Violence in Prisons

Introduction Managing aggressive behaviors in prison and preventing the instances of violence is a critical issue that warrants a serious discussion. Although prisoners, in general, might not evoke much sympathy in most law-abiding citizens, it is essential to ensure that inmates’ rights are recognized and met fully. Thus, preventing the...

Comparison of Nursing Theories: Orem’s Self-Care Theory and the Neuman’s System Model

Introduction Nursing theories have been developed for describing, predicting, and explaining the process of nursing for those in the field. They offer a foundation for the nursing practice as well as help to generate further knowledge to indicate the direction in which the discipline should be developed in the future....

Personal and Cultural Identities in “Ceremony” by Silko

Introduction Self-consciousness, as a significant part of personal identity, largely determines not only the views on certain concepts but also the ability to adapt to society within the framework of specific living conditions. Those communicative, religious, and other beliefs that a person follows are the background for the perception of...

Du Firm’s Possibilities for Expansion Outside UAE

Introduction Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company is a vibrant and multiple award-winning telecommunication service in the United Arab Emirates, which is more commonly known as Du. It has more than 9 million customers providing mobile, fixed-line, broadband internet and Home services using LTE network (“Company Overview”). The company is the second...

Supervalu Retail Chain of Stores’ Market Analysis

Introduction SuperValue retail chain of groceries has been in operation for 135 years offering a wide range of products that include grocery, Pharmacy and supply chain operations across the country. It operates approximately 2500 stores and about 2500 affiliated retail shops through the company’s supply chain operations. Currently the chain...

“Of Miracles” Essay by David Hume

Introduction Miracles are something that human beings always want to believe in, but what scholars, philosophers, and scientists try to dismantle. In other words, being a purely religious phenomenon, a miracle is doubted by those who actually doubt the very essence of religion and the fact of the existence of...

Importance of Our Moon

Introduction The moon has been the subject of wonder, story, rhyme, and song since the beginning of mankind. People’s fascination with the moon has extended to fairy tales and myths, religious ceremonies, hunting and farming rituals, boating routines, and romance. The moon has been a fundamental element of human culture...

Arguments for Euthanasia Analysis

Introduction Euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide, has been a controversial subject for many centuries. Opponents of legalizing the practice suggest that euthanasia is a ‘slippery slope’ that would allow increasing instances of coerced suicide, family members pressuring the elderly not to postpone their inevitable demise for...

Church Views in Past and Present

This paper considers how controversies have been handled in the past and how such knowledge is relevant to the handling of controversies facing the present church. It is clear that there are general principles that guide church leaders in their interpretations of scripture and teaching. Of great interest to most...

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McKinsey & Company: State Farm Insurance Assessment

Introduction State farm insurance refers to an association of companies that render financial and insurance services. It is a dominant industry player and holds a large chunk of the market compared to its competitors. It ensures cars and homes in America and Canada. State farm initially dealt with insurance of...

Western and Eastern Religions and Their History

Introduction Religion has played an important responsibility in the traditional world as well as in the modern world. In order to complement religion, a number of societies for example Chinese, Romans and Greeks emulated rationalism. Modern world is the historic period when the European countries began to expand spreading imperialism...

“The Unpatriotic Act” by Cook, and “It’s Good to Look at One’s Shadow” by Calcumil

Introduction The dramaturgy analysis is regarded as the inevitable aspect of realizing the culture of any epoch. Dramatist generally aims at revealing his/their entire understanding of the surrounding world, and their sense of the epoch, ideas and considerations of the generation as well as people’s concerns. As a whole, analysis...

Ultrasound Program Overview and Analysis

My Experience in This Program From the very beginning, the ultrasound program that I have chosen has set high standards that must be met. My understanding was that the program would require my full commitment and best efforts to achieve my academic goals. Despite my initial hesitation, I was encouraged...

Human Trafficking: A Threat to All

Introduction Human trafficking can be defined as the transportation of a human being into a situation or event that exploits them in one way or another. By this definition, it is arguable that many people have been trafficked over the last decade. Kushubekova et al. argue that on average 30...

Leadership Model for Migrant Workers

Introduction: When the Matter Should Be Taken into the Hands of a Strong Leader Immigration issues have always been on the agenda of most states, and are most likely to remain there. Immigrants always have to deal with many complexities, such as the process of assimilation, the economic and financial...

Global Pandemic Issues: Prevention of Infection and Transmission of COVID-19

For the last seven months, the world has been dealing with the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic. The disease is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The outbreak started in Wuhan, China, in September 2019, before spreading around the globe with the current data showing that to...

A Family Experience of a Child Being Diagnosed With Cancer

Nowadays, the problem of childhood cancer is becoming more and more complicated. In 2004, one in 900 young people aged from twenty to thirty four was a survivor of childhood cancer (Clarke, 2005). This means that a growing number of families have to go through some of the most complicated...

“Retail Revival” by Doug Stephens

Retailing has evolved over the past century; the traditional model that was used in the 20th century has been replaced by the modern model. Retail shops have been shifted online and virtual stores have been created. Doug Stephens’s book The Retail Revival explores the shift from traditional retailing to modern...

Impact of the Currency Exchange Rate on National Economy

Introduction Nowadays, business transactions become more and more complicated due to the interdependence between different economic segments. The currency exchange rate is one of the definers of the relationships and goods exchange in the international arena. The concepts of supply and demand and market equilibrium determine a value of a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Humanity: Understanding and Observing Othering

All over the world, there is still discrimination against individuals and entire groups that differ in one way or another from the generally accepted norm’s notion and are perceived as Others. The emergence of a system of social perceptions is an integral part of cultural production and the exchange of...

Application Whitelisting: Advantages, Disadvantages and Issues Surrounding Its Use

Introduction Application whitelisting is a security technique that restricts applications or components that can be executed within an organization to a list of specifically approved (whitelisted) ones. Components in this case refers to libraries, configureation files, or other similar elements (Sedgewick, et al., 2015). Thus, only known “good” activity is...

Labeling to Black Males in the Courtroom

The judicial system is supposed to be impartial and play by the rules of fairness to deliver justice without favoritism or prejudice. However, in the American justice system, minorities, especially black males, experience disproportionate unequal treatment due to their race or ethnicity. To some extent, blackness and criminality are almost...

American Telephone and Telegraph’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Introduction Capital budgeting is a matter of heated discussion among scholars and practitioners. Indeed, the importance of the topic is difficult to overstate, as the capital investment decision-making process is crucial for the survival and long-term success of companies regardless of their size and industry (Kengatharan, 2016). One of the...

The Debate on Gun Control. Law Control

The debate over gun control and legislation addressing gun violence in the U.S. remains of high importance. While some individuals believe that there is a need for stricter laws, others argue that bearing a legal firearm is a fundamental human right that must be protected. As Wilson states, “any consideration...

Office Information Systems

Introduction At the beginning of the 21st century, information systems and information technology penetrated all spheres of life. Information systems make routine work fast and simple, and support complex operations and performance deficiencies. In dentistry, information systems support daily operations and simplify routine work and data storage facilities (Eaton and...

The Legalization of Organ Market

Introduction Selling human organs is unethical; they cannot be placed on par with other goods, they say. Now, is it ethical that seventeen people die every day waiting for an organ transplant? (Health Resources & Services Administration). For millions of people with serious illnesses, modern transplantation allowed prolonging life. However,...

Virtual Colonoscopy to Screen for Colon Cancer

Introduction The issues of virtual colonoscopy vs. conventional colonoscopy are often raised in the contemporary medical literature. In spite of the simplicity and comfort of the former, the latter is still considered simpler and more effective. On the one hand, such evaluation is originated from the conservative approach of the...

How Does the Digital Divide Affect Low-Income Communities?

Introduction When first introduced in the second half of the 20th century, personal computers were expensive and of interest mostly for business users. However, Moore’s law has been proving itself accurate and today computing is cheap. Despite economic advancements and unprecedented increases in global GDP, only half of the worldwide...

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Are Fundamental to the Life Sciences

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is a course area, which has contributed hugely to life sciences. To affirm this, some molecules are often recognized as building blocks for cell formation, implying that they are fundamental to the physiology of humans. Biochemistry primarily involves the study of such molecules, and this underlines...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sex Offenders and Their Prison Sentences

The first article under consideration is called Abusing State Power or Controlling Risk?: Sex Offender Commitment and Sicherungverwahrung written by Demleitner. In the article, the author addresses the problem of the civil commitment of sexual predators. This problem is of considerable importance despite the fact that the number of such...

Instances of the Fingerpost by Francis Bacon and a Scientific Method

The Novum Organum is one of the most known philosophical works by Francis Bacon. This book was published in 1620 in Latin for the first time. With time, this work has been translated into several languages in order to spread the offered theory all over the world and provide other...

Critical Reflection on a Reading the Level of User Satisfaction in an ERP System

The title and the abstract This article is about the benefits and the level of user satisfaction in an ERP system. The article’s abstract gives a precise summary of the entire article. Article summary In this article, the authors are trying to find the user benefits of the ERP systems...

Some Issues of Logistic Manager

Introduction A logistics manager oversees the supply of goods and services. One needs to perform his duties well to avoid the dissatisfaction of the clients. As a result, a logistics manager needs to be very careful especially when dealing with online fraudsters. Thus, some of the issues that a logistic...

Nursing Informatics and the Results of Research

Introduction Leadership in nursing as well as in any other sphere of life is all about making successful and effective ideas real and proving their worthiness. It is not an easy task to become a good nursing leader, make use of all skills and knowledge gained during the process of...

The Elements That Achieve Realism in Moore’s Poem

Most literary writers try to achieve realism in their work to reach the hearts of their readers. They use different tools, such as similes, metaphors, characterization, and imagery that may help them sound more realistic. On the contrary, these techniques can create an unrealistic tale depending on the author’s intention....

The Occurrence of Ebola Virus

Introduction Ebola is a viral disease that was first detected in 1976 in Central Africa. The disease is normally associated with high fever an hemorrhage. The disease has a fatality rate of nearly 90% when contracted by humans. The Ebola virus is said to have originated from animals before it...

European American Jewish Heritage Presentation

Introduction European American Jews originated from Eastern Europe. Mass immigration of the Jews from Europe to America started in the mid-1880s. This was due to persistent economic challenges and persecution in Eastern Europe (Royal, 2011). It is believed that the American Jews are the descendants of the Jewish community that...

Organizational Behavior in a Criminal Justice Agency

Background of the study Organizational behavior is the study of the impact of an individual or groups of individuals at their workplace in an organization. Research indicates that the behavior of a group of people in an organization affects the functions of that particular organization and vice versa (Arthur &...

Mathematics and Logic. A Troublesome Inheritance

Introduction As we know, humanity has been interested in issues of nature and society from the very moment the first cultures appeared. To answer these essential topics, the best minds of civilizations have created science and many categories within it, some of which are mathematics and logic. Despite their technical...

European Debt Crisis: Fiscal Union Perspective

Introduction European countries have been facing a very acute financial crisis over the years. It has led some of these countries to go to the extent of not being able to finance their government debts without the help of third-party states. Some of the most affected countries include Greece, Italy,...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Review

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is nowadays, spreading widely across the globe. COPD is increasingly becoming a natural burden and anticipated to as the rank third cause of mortality by 2020. There is a need to establish an early diagnosis for the disease. Similarly, clinical context and risk factors that...

Research Critiques and PICOT Question

Patients in assisted living facilities are vulnerable to healthcare-related infections (HAIs). The transmission of the diseases results in a poor quality of life for patients. As a result, the problem causes an increasing trend of hospitalization. Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are a common infection in nursing care homes. Hence...

Harassment and Employment Related Laws

Employment laws refer to regulations that oversee the relationship among the employees, employers and their unions (Appleby, 2008). These laws consist of contract doctrines and statutory regulations. Matters such as labor wages, hours, safety, and protection are predetermined in the employment laws. Apart from enhancing the relationship among labor stakeholders,...

Domestic Violence against Women: Problem Solutions

Introduction According to Chinn (2009), violence refers to an act of aggression against a party that is considered weak. Domestic violence can either by physical in nature or a mental torture. Recent surveys have confirmed that domestic violence is on the rise and that women are the major victims. Domestic...

The Movie “Back to the Future”: The Genre of Science Fiction

Introduction Understanding the primary features of various film genres is an essential part of a film studies researcher. Different types of movie categories can convey multiple ideas and stories, underlining specific aspects of ordinary lives or exploring the capabilities of human imagination. Some film types combine the knowledge from academic...

Expansion of Saputo Inc. into Germany, China and South Africa

Introduction Saputo Inc. is a Canadian dairy company with a history of more than 60 years. Currently, Saputo not only in Canada but also in the USA, Argentina, the UK, and Australia (Saputo, 2017). The current paper examines the profitability of Saputos expansion into Germany, China, and South Africa from...

Life After Death: Nevitt’s Survivalism vs. Oderberg’s Survivalism

Introduction Different religions have unique views on what happens to people after physical death. The nature of immortality of the human soul is an intriguing topic in the philosophy of religion, and numerous scholars have addressed this question, including Saint Thomas Aquinas. As a renowned philosopher and Catholic priest, Saint...

Shortfalls of Descartes Mediation

The aim of Descartes’ Mediation 1, “Meditation on the First Philosophy,” is to present the philosopher’s radical doubt and its implications for people’s abilities to know anything. To a great degree, Descartes breaks down the knowledge and reality in order to reconstruct it on more reliable and science-based grounds. The...

Connie and Arnold in “Where Are You Going…” by Oates

Introduction It is important to note that the story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates addresses a wide range of critical and key topics, such as narcissism, deception, manipulation, and reality versus appearance. The given analysis will primarily focus on the deceptive interactions between...