Family Nursing Practitioner’s Competencies

Achieving course competencies is necessary for further progress in the nursing profession. The role and scope of practice of modern nursing have proved to be significant in this course. Advanced practices can be seen as the exercises of an occupation or profession that are ahead of contemporary thought at the...

The US Barriers to Accessible Health Care Provision

Overall, the United States has lagged behind other developed countries in providing accessible health care to its citizens. Explanation of why the United States is behind in this arena and how this lack of health care affects persons of color The United States lacks behind other developed countries in providing...

SWOT Analysis for Woolworths Group

Woolworths Group is a leader in the Australian food and grocery retail market. It has multiple stores in Australia and New Zealand and provides consumers with high-quality middle-range prices products. According to the Managing Director of the company, its mission might be formulated as “placing the customer at the start...

One Cent Apparel Company’s Strategic Resources

List of The Three Strategic Resources One Cent Apparel possesses strategic resources that will provide quality products at affordable prices to all customer segments. These resources fall under three major categories, including the following: Land: One Cent Apparel owns land in a strategic location, a few kilometers from the city...

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Evaluation

Quality improvement models Healthcare organizations aim at improving the quality of care so that they could have better patient outcomes that result in improved patient lives (Hines & Yu, 2009; Kelly, 2007; Kouzes & Posner, 2009). The following six models are applied in healthcare settings to improve the quality of...

Physical Health Care During Treatment for Substance Use

The research work that is going to be analyzed and discussed covers the topic of treatment methods for the use of addictive substances, such as alcohol, cannabis, and other. The article is published in the Drug and Alcohol Review journal in May of 2021. The title of the article is:...

Engine Producer’s Business Opportunities

Automotive Manufacturing Industry The problem the company is facing is the lack of growth due to the limited sources of income. In order to ascertain other business opportunities, it is important to analyze motor demand as qualitative data and motor sales as quantitative. The company operates within the U.S. automotive...

Annie Dillard’s Statement About Gifts

There are numerous ways in which people tend to show their love, care and compassion to one another, and giving each other presents is one of the most common ones. From certified life coaches to religious leaders, we hear everyone preaching about the happiness and fulfillment one gets from sharing....

Case Communication in Social Media Networks

Communication through social media has become an essential part of human lives. Social media allowed us to contact each other even in different countries, made the business advertisements more overarching, and became the virtual platform where people work, rest, communicate, buy, sell, and basically spend most of their days. The...

Transactional and Transformational Leadership: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction There are two widely discussed leadership types, which are usually applied to different organizations and industries. One of them is transactional leadership, which focuses on rewards and punishments as tools to motivate workers. The second is the transformational style, which encourages employees by demonstrating an organization’s path. Both of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dominant and Backup Leadership Styles

The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid is a leadership framework based on two behavioral pattern dimensions. The first dimension represents a concern for people that detects the leader’s number one priorities: employee satisfaction, motivation, and positive emotional well-being. The second dimension represents a concern for results, implying the leader’s emphasis on...

What Is Shakespeare’s Definition of Love?

William Shakespeare, an English poet, and playwright wrote “Sonnet 116.” It was most likely written in the 1590s, during English literature when sonnets were famous, although it was not published until 1609. Although Shakespeare’s sonnets were not well received during his lifetime, “Sonnet 116” has become one of the most...

Evaluating an OD Intervention for the City Centre Hospital

Implementing an appropriate intervention strategy during the Organization Development (OD) process is crucial for the OD consultant. The selection of a particular tactic should properly address the outlined complication and produce the expected results, making this decision integral for the overall success of the OD initiative (Bierema, 2020). Therefore, potential...

Industrial Revolution’s Influence on Work Sphere

The industrial revolution is closely related to each sphere of society, ambiguously affecting them. The essence of these changes lies in the automation of processes and the reorganization of production routes to more efficient methods. In most spheres, the changes are positive, but the effects are ambiguous in terms of...

Aftermath of 1954 Decision of Brown

Studying court cases often sheds light on important historical moments. The 1954 trial, a class action suit by Oliver Brown and others against the Topeka Board of Education, marks a turning point in the history of the fight against racial segregation. However, unfortunately, racial inequality could not be reversed by...

Carbon Dioxide Factor in Climate Change

Introduction Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns. Although these changes can be natural, such as cyclical variations in solar activity, since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change (Tabassum 26). This is mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels...

Comparison and Contrast of Two Aunts

Introduction To compare is to examine ways in which certain things are similar, while to contrast is to see how things in question can differ. Therefore, this compares and contrasts essay which will look into the similarities and the differences of two objects which in this case are two close...

A Layered Approach in the Linux Operating System

The Linux operating system resembles a structure where several layers are stacked on top of each other. The interface with the devices is at the core of the system. It cannot be completed unless the operational framework interacts with the equipment. The working framework is the component of a computer...

Data and Measurement: Reliability and Validity

The concepts of reliability and validity are the two fundamental approaches to conducting and analyzing experiments in the behavioral sciences. Reliability helps to set the clear distinction between particular notions. For example, if the researchers estimate the reaction speed, they should hold the test repeatably to develop the dependence of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sexual Diversity Passage Analysis

“A censorship of sex? There was installed rather an apparatus for producing an ever greater quantity of discourses about sex, capable of functioning and taking effect in its very economy” (Foucault 23). The history of sexual development is identified by many cases related to censorship issues. Sex and sexuality reflect...

Theory of Interpersonal Nursing

Introduction Nursing theories bridge the gap between knowledge and practice thus influencing the patient outcomes. They are commonly applied in guiding education, research, and clinical activities. Specifically, the theories are used to evaluate care interventions and provide a rationale for decision-making. However, their application can only produce positive impacts if...

NP Bill Review: S3506 or A1535

Bill Description The bill under review can be regarded as either S3506 or A1535, and it dwells on the possibility of providing nurse practitioners with more freedom in terms of individual patient care. This bill is exceptionally important because it will motivate nurse practitioners to complete 3,600 practice hours. They...

The Facebook Outage Case and Its Key Stakeholders

The Case Background Facebook and its other platforms, including Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger, went down globally for close to six hours on 4th/5th October 2021. It would be more than five hours before services would begin to be restored. Facebook has not gone into much detail about what went wrong...

Visual Art as a Good Way to Communicate

History and the development of human thoughts through culture, visual art, and music is Wendy’s greatest interest. It is a complex vision, and I never thought that music and visual art could be more than a way to entertain. Indeed, music, especially instrumental music of the Renaissance and classical music,...

Quantitative Reasoning in Mortgage Calculations

Introduction The increasing cost of housing during the 21st century pushes people to opt for mortgages despite having a low income. As a result, banks provide loans to help individuals settle mortgage charges. The loans depend on the type of mortgage selected by the loanee. However, during the purchase of...

Analyzing Gender Bias in the Fire Department

As part of this assignment, the Assistant Chief of the local fire department is examining the potential problem of gender barriers that may exist in employee promotions. To do so, data from fifty employees who applied for promotions were collected and formed into the crosstab shown below. At first glance,...

Wild Planet Toy Company Case Study

Wild Planet toy company is a company created by Daniel Grossman, which is making socially-responsible toys for children with a purpose of sparking their imagination and creativity. The company is currently a subsidiary of Spinmaster, which it was sold to in 2012 (Gunther, 2013). Before the purchase, Wild Planet brought...

Political Psychology: Conspiracy Theories

Introduction At all times, people created conspiracy theories and believed in them. Nowadays, YouTube has become one of the most popular platforms, where misleading misinformation videos constantly appear. Site leaders say they try not to promote such content and that it is less than 1% (Madrigal, 2019). The first reason...

Barriers to Healthcare Access: Adults with Mental Health Challenges

Access to mental health and healthcare is a crucial issue affecting the well-being of individuals and society. This issue has been studied from various sociological perspectives, highlighting different aspects of the problem and providing unique insights. Exploring the issue from the structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionist perspectives gives...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of Media in Creating Mass Opinions in the US

Introduction The mass media – both traditional and social – are an important component of the mass communication of society, which acquires special significance in the post-industrial era. The media carries various socio-political roles: organizing, unifying, consolidating society, educating and informing masses, and others. However, it can also play a...

Aspects of the Nursing Work Environment

Introduction Workers in the healthcare industry, especially nurses, are among the first responders during a pandemic because of their responsibility to care for patients. They carry out their duties despite the increased danger to themselves, including increased risk of infection and psychological discomfort, exhaustion, and trauma. Employees, employers, and society...

Human Trafficking and Public Service Announcements

Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are powerful social issue ads targeting a great variety of problems, including human trafficking. To increase the effectiveness of an advertisement campaign and address the issues more efficiently, it is important to understand what the project’s target audience is and select the appropriate communication means which...

Pathogens, Infection Cycle and Disinfection Methods

Conditions that favor the growth of pathogens Several conditions can influence the growth of pathogens. First of all, warm temperatures help bacteria to grow faster and spread to other organisms easier. Thus, the temperature of a human body, for example, is a good condition for pathogens to grow. Next, moist...

The Theme of Nature in Mary Oliver’s “August”

The “August” is a poem included in Oliver’s third collection, American Primitive. In this collection, we see the author entering the perspective of an “Other”, following the Native American beliefs. In this collection, Oliver can be seen doing the narration by transforming into other life forms, usually an animal. This...

Personal Nursing Philosophy: Assumptions, Beliefs, and Domains of the Nursing Metaparadigm

Nursing can be defined as an act of providing and maintaining people’s health and capabilities, preventing illnesses, performing the treatment, educating patients about proper self-care, and increasing the level of health care quality in general (by contributing to the well-being of each person in particular). It is a constantly changing...

Social Change and Advocacy Comparison

The society is rapidly changing nowadays, and the changes that take place within it affect different groups of individuals in distinct ways and to different degrees. The fact that some (vulnerable) groups may be left behind means that advocacy is paramount to promote their interests as well. This paper considers...

Nursing Care Philosophy, Assumptions and Beliefs

Defining Nursing Nursing is the practice of caring for the infirm, sick, and anyone who required care. Nursing exists to provide general care to the patient during their recovery. I chose to practice nursing after being inspired by the works of Virginia Henderson and her “Needs Theory.” The concepts she...

Clostridium Difficile and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Clostridium difficile (C.diff) is an infection that triggers an immediate development of nausea, diarrhea, and fever in patients. Although the infection can be contracted in a variety of environments, it is commonly known as a nosocomial one (i.e., a hospital-acquired health issue). According to the statistical data provided by...

Children’s Literature by Carl Tomlinson and Nancy Anderson

In this paper, two children’s books will be analyzed and reflected on: Essentials of Young Adult Literature, presented by Carl M. Tomlinson, and Entering the World of Children’s Literature, written by Nancy Anderson. As a kindergarten teacher, I find these two readings very helpful and really captivating. It is not...

Data Sufficiency in Organizational Diagnostics

The Parameters for Evaluating the Sufficiency of Different Types of Data There are two major types of errors that can occur due to the insufficient evaluation of data – false negative and false positive; the former error happens when the null hypothesis that was actually disproved by the data is...

Clinical and Didactic Assessment Tools in Nursing

The Competency Outcomes and Performance Assessment (COPA) model recognizes the following core practice competencies: assessment and intervention skills, communication skills, critical thinking skills, human caring and relationship skills, management skills, leadership skills, teaching skills, and knowledge integration skills (Kenner & Lott, 2013). The model is associated with the replacement of...

American Revolution in Jonathan Boucher’s View

Review From Jonathan Boucher, A View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution (1775) The document provides the audience with the position of Jonathan Boucher regarding the situation in America as of 1775. Being an Anglican minister, Boucher was also known as one of the rampant loyalists who...

Russian Federation: Political History and Democracy

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world and a major player in global politics. The country is rich in terms of natural resources, such as oil and gas, and has a population of over 140 million (“Russia country profile,” 2018). Despite its role on the global scene,...

Is the Electoral College Outdated?

Introduction It is worth noting that the presence of the Electoral College contradicts the existing belief that, in a democracy, the winner is the one who receives the most votes. This system was introduced to eliminate the possibility that a large state would impose its political position on the whole...

Mary Fisher’s 1992 National Convention Speech

On August 19, 1992, the Republican National Convention was held in Houston to nominate the President for re-election. The day was also remembered for the eloquent speech of political activist Mary Fisher, who called on party members and all concerned listeners to support her and stop silencing the spread of...

The Negative Impact of Long Working Shifts on Nurses’ Efficient Practice and Health

Introduction The nursing profession is often associated with working long shifts and being available on-call. Even though having employees present for long hours may aid work processes at medical facilities, staff might be suffering from adverse psychological and physiological outcomes of such a schedule. Nursing practice requires a high degree...

Social Change: Electoral Reform in the United States

Our country has successfully used the Electoral College method of electing a president since the 1800s. It has been a highly effective election tool that has helped to keep order and sanity in our political 2 party system. However, I find it unfair that my general election vote is rendered...

Population Density and Major Problems of This

Population density is a problem in every city where people migrate from different parts of the country or state. This paper presents the major problems related with population density and crowding. America also experiences the problem of population density and the writer tells his own experience when he had been...

Relationship Between a President’s Leadership and Campaign Styles

Introduction Most leaders have one thing in common; they tend to transform their styles of leadership in the office, although traces of their campaign styles keep with them. America in particular has had many presidents, most of which have had great challenges in their pursuit of the White house. Among...

Land Supply and Real Estate Development in Hong Kong

Hong Kong for some time now has been under the land supply limitation policy adopted by the government. The limitation of land sully has had a great influence on the real estate industry and the economy of Hong Kong as a whole. This paper examines empirically the effect of land...

Marketing Strategies After Deregulation

The deregulation influenced the air transportation market in a variety of ways. In this essay, we are giving a brief overview of how deregulation determined the emergence of new marketing strategies. Before we pass directly on the post-deregulation marketing, it is necessary to describe the situation that preceded it. Before...

Communication Technology and the Reduced Contacts of People

Introduction The term technology has a broad meaning and can imply different artifacts used to develop computers. The term can also refer to those tactics applied in the process of designing these artifacts. Researchers have revealed diverse categories of technology. For instance, the onset of computer technology in the early...

The Prevalence of Fiber-Implicated Diseases

This short essay examines the evidence for diseases in which lack of fiber in the diet is implicated and what these imply for health education. Both the National Academy of Sciences(NAS) Institute of Medicine and the British Nutrition Foundation have issued guidelines recommending from 12 to 18 grams intake of...

Apple Inc: Company Profile and Analysis

Introduction The finance manager is the authoritative person who is responsible to look after the financial activities within an organization. Finance is considered the lifeblood of every business enterprise irrespective of the products and services produced by it. The financial capability and efficiency of concern are highly dependent upon the...

Nursing Practice: The Importance of High-Level Assessment Skills

Assessment refers to a process of acquiring data concerning the health status of an individual. Patient assessment is an integral component of nursing practice, necessary for effective planning and provision of nursing care that is family and patient centered. Assessment can either be an admission assessment, which entails the comprehensive...

Transporting Blood Gas Samples Through Pneumatic Transport System

In the medical field, laboratory examinations are playing a huge role in the interpretation of the clinical diagnosis of patients. Each test has its repercussions. Some of the samples need special handling depending on their sensitivity, stability, urgency. Its effects interfere with the tests such as arterial blood gas samples....

International Economics Brief: Vietnam

Introduction The Socialistic Republic of Vietnam is a developing country that demonstrated tremendous economic growth during the past 30 years. The economic reforms started by Đổi Mới in 1986 had massive success, turning the country from one of the poorest nations to a lower-middle-income country (World Bank, 2020). Its GDP...

Nurse Bullying: Unprofessional Conduct

Bullying in workplaces comprises of deeds that directly bring forth emotional effects directed to a person over a given period. It is prevalent in the healthcare sector and acts as a menace to peer associations. It also impacts the rates of attrition and turnover in nursing (Meires, 2018). Bullying can...

Eric Williams: Slavery Was Not Born Out of Racism

In Capitalism and Slavery, Williams writes: “Slavery was not born out of racism: rather, racism was the consequence of slavery” (7). The author proves this fact by describing the historical development of slavery; in this essay, a similar attempt at proving the thesis will be done. First of all, Is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Crises: Everything People Should Know

Types of Crises Crises have different types: sociocultural, adventitious, situational, and maturational. Some people can experience different types of crises, as listed below. Maturational crisis can happen during any period of transition in biopsychosocial development and growth. A maturational crisis occurs when a person cannot envision their new roles and...

Importance of Persuasion: COVID-19 Crisis

Importance of persuasion is especially evident in the current debates about COVID-19. In particular, media, experts, and ordinary people compare economic crisis caused by COVID-19 with global financial crisis of 2008 (Estrada & Arturo, 2020). The authorities traditionally prepare for the past, already known downturn. However, the events caused by...

Terminals and Locations: Hinterlands and Forelands

Hinterlands are the lands or regions behind a coast line served by a port as the terminal for commercial activities. These lands are where the port as a terminal draws its commercial activities from. The forelands are the lands beyond the sea serving as a destination of goods and services...

Creating a Job Description as a Function of a Manager

Introduction Hiring highly qualified personnel is a challenging task for present-day companies. It is usually addressed through the involvement of the human resource (HR) management, and their participation implies the development of appropriate job descriptions reflecting business priorities and needs. Therefore, successful talent acquisition is the sole responsibility of organizations’...

“The Bite of the Mango” by Mariatu and McClelland

Mariatu calls Santigie (her half-brother) her “Spirit Watching Over Me.” Who is the “Spirit Watching Over You”? Describe the person you believe or would like to believe is your guardian angel. In every person’s life, there are special people who are of great value to them. These people can be...

The Issue of Transracial Identity

In the article In Defence of Transracialism, the author Rebecca Tuvel explores different arguments against and for transracialism, standing clearly with the latter. Her main idea lies in the point that a strong and genuine sense of identification with a certain social group is similar in its essence to the...

Concept and Aspects of Groupthink

Introduction Being a part of a team and having to participate in its activities and decision-making processes may be challenging for some people and both beneficial and destructive for the whole group. To make sure the achieved consensus is likely to be effective, it is essential to have an in-depth...

Program Notes on Classical Music

Introduction Classical music can never grow old-fashioned as long as it is too complex to be related to a particular epoch. For centuries, both musicians and audiences have gained inspiration from the beauty and sentimentality of instrumental melodies. The strains of classical instruments can wake a full continuum of emotions,...

Discussion of Movie “The Queen”

The Queen is the movie directed by Stephen Frears, depicting the events and behavior of the British royal family during the week following the death of Princess Diana. This film tells about the decisions of the Queen, as well as English patrials’ grief and discontent. The current situation threatened the...

Art Creation & Reflection: The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

The history of art is the history of intellectual appropriation and reinterpretation. No work exists in a vacuum and can be truly original; a quote commonly attributed to Picasso states that “good artists borrow, great artists steal”. In this assignment, we take one of the most famous paintings of all...

The Theme of Slavery in Poetry

Introduction “On Being Brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley and “The Slave Mother” by Frances E.W. Harper are two poems that convey the harsh reality of slavery. The people of African descent had to experience inequity due to their ethnic background for centuries. In the poems, the central...

The Day of the Dead in the Film “Coco”

Coco, a culturally sensitive, beautiful, and colorfully animated film, is formed around the Dia De Muertos (the day of the dead), a Mexican-based traditional and cultural celebration conducted to commemorate and honor the dead. Norms and cultural practices are usually specific and meant to portray or represent a precise meaning...

How to Obtain the Startup Funds

The basis of a successful business: is one idea, great enthusiasm, and initial capital. When I start my own business, I have to be aware that this is a risk. One of the most critical keys to launching my project is getting sufficient funding for development. It is not easy...

Analysis of Ben & Jerry’s Company

Ben & Jerry’s has a reputation as a socially responsible company. They try to combine, at first glance, difficult compatible things: to prosper financially and take care of people. They do not describe themselves as a vast conglomerate, striving only to earn more and more money every year. They, first...

Sex Worker Unionization: Violence in Commercial Sex Work

Sex work is a profession with a long-standing and turbulent past. Throughout history, prostitution was rarely considered an important topic, with sex workers often being subject to stigmatization, marginalization, criminalization, and even ostracism. Thus, it is crucial to consider the history of sex work and the treatment of workers in...

Analysis of “Preface to Shakespeare” by Samuel Johnson

Introduction “Preface to Shakespeare” is one of the classic and universally recognized documents in the field of literary criticism in English society, which came from the pen of Samuel Johnson. This work is a collection of reliable knowledge, assumptions, and ideas of the author about the great playwright’s life moments...

Emerging Adulthood: Challenges and Opportunities

In history, rites of passage, rituals, or social practices that signified the transition from adolescence to adulthood, marked this transition exceptionally clearly. Unfortunately, many of these initiation rites are no longer practiced or are not as significant in modern-day and age as they previously were. Additionally, adolescents must navigate emerging...

The Sun Coast Remediation Company Information

After identifying the problems that relate to the functioning of the company Sun Coast Remediation, it is necessary to carefully analyze them. Words correlation, regression, t-test, and ANOVA were used as keyword search criteria. Moreover, the conducted research mase a positive impact by helping to determine recommendations to solve the...

Report Specifications in Healthcare

Similar to any other scientific area, healthcare and medicine have a vast knowledge background. Countless students, practitioners, and scholars consult with the healthcare database to improve their understanding, provide a better service and ultimately improve societal quality of life. The database is gradually improving thanks to the constant research; however,...

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Britain took control of the territory known as Palestine after the Ottoman Empire was defeated in World War I. In those lands, the population consisted predominantly of Arabs; the Jews were a minority. From the 1920s to the 1940s, the number of Jews arriving there grew (“Origins and Evolution of...

Terrorism as a Pressing Social Issue

According to the course material, terrorism is an act that intimidates the civilian population. Terrorism is a crime, the main purpose of which is a violation of public safety, which is expressed in encroachment on the life and health of citizens, critical infrastructure facilities, the natural environment, the information environment,...

Netflix: Globalization and Information Research

Summary In a three-stage expansion process, Netflix could make strategic decisions and establish effective policies in those markets. Before moving forward, they carefully selected a few calls to employ as a test and then studied those markets. One of the best strategies the business can employ to expand is to...

Security Goals, Threats, Safeguards, and Ethical Use

Purpose of Information Systems An information system is an integrated collection of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and delivering information, knowledge, and digital goods. Information systems used by organizations include transaction processing, managerial information, customer relationship, and decision support (Cin7, 2019). Companies in today’s globalized, constantly changing world...

Self-Confidence in a Reality Show

Conceptual Definition The construct I am interested in and which will be presented in the study is self-confidence. Self-confidence is the self-perception of oneself, one’s capabilities, and level of professionalism. It is expressed as a positive assessment of one’s skills, abilities, and strengths to achieve meaningful goals. Self-confidence can likewise...

The Innocent Drinks Brand Identity

The environment in which Innocent competes is dynamic and complicated. To maintain development and achieve a competitive edge, almost every firm takes into account external issues like political, economic, legal, and many others. When a company maintains earnings that are higher than the norm for its industry, it has a...

The Poem “The Iliad” by Homer: Achilles’ Motivation in Ransoming Hector

Internal motivation is to engage in an activity for its intrinsic satisfaction rather than seeking a separate benefit. When people are intrinsically driven, they are inspired to act by the impacts involved rather than by outside pressures. Achilles’ anger is fueled by his sadness and grief for Patroclus’ death before...

The Meanings of the Communion of Saints

Introduction The Communion of Saints is an act of communion of spiritual union that allows for an exchange of blessings. The Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC] points out that this exchange is possible only in the Church where all the saints gather (CCC 946). Communion is a deep bond...

Gender and Students’ Performance

Data Analysis Plan This study will explore the impact of gender on a student’s overall class performance. The variables used are “gender”: male or female, and the “previous grade point average (GPA)”. The student’s “gender” is mutually exclusive, and cannot be ordered in any meaningful way. Therefore, the variable will...

Social Class and Discrimination Practices

Introduction People are united into different social groups by social interests, which are the real reasons for action. Various individuals form them due to their positions and roles in social life. The social structure of society and its dynamics are critical themes in contemporary society. This is because there are...

Military Leadership. The NCO 1700: Valley Forge

Introduction The NCO 1700: Valley Forge is an important case study that examines the history of leadership in the military. This case study looks into the development of leadership techniques and styles from the time of the Revolutionary War to present day. It provides insight into the evolution of military...

The Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movements

Introduction The article “Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movement: A Comparative Analysis of Two Social Movements in the United States” by Dewey M. Clayton provides an in-depth comparative analysis of two of the most significant social movements in American history (Clayton, 2018). The groups include the Civil Rights...

Five Project Management Methodologies

Introduction Any project has specific stages to be completed, which should bring excellent products or services. There are many project management methodologies used in the modern business world. However, they differ in their focuses, so it is more reasonable to analyze the needs and requirements of a project to find...

Isolation and Mental Health in the Interstellar Film

Introduction In Christopher Nolan’s film Interstellar, loneliness plays a key role in the storytelling and progression of the plot. The director skillfully operates with human emotions, contrasting the great cosmic discoveries with human feelings and emotions. Since people are social beings, it is vital for them to communicate because, in...

Supply Chain Management Role in the Contemporary Business

Introduction In the contemporary business world, supply chain management is an important part of business establishments since it helps to minimize cases of fraud and bribery. Integration of IT into supply chain management provides new techniques that are critical in limiting the rates of exposures to various risks. A considerable...

Social Time: the Heartbeat of Culture

Time Factor The time difference is a major reason for the versatility in the cultural practices of various communities. Moreover, different perspectives of lateness differ in various communities. Having these differences is the reason for the versatility in the social and corporate world aspects. Introduction The concept of time is...

Promotion of Sports Events

Sports events are important because they play a significant role in the development of the society. Their significance in unifying diverse cultures and restoration of peace can even be dated back to 1914, during the Christmas truce of the First World War (Masterman, 2009: 6). This was the period in...

Prolonged Hospital Stay and Care Delivery Factors

Introduction The selected periodical journal is Advances in Nursing Science (ANS), one of the most recognized journals for practitioners and graduates of educational programs in nursing. ANS provides most recent data on a great variety of topics such as nurse-patient relationships, health behavior, patient education, culturally sensitive intervention, and others....

Fall Prevention Intervention Technologies

Introduction Falls in the elderly are some of the most common issues that cause significant injuries. It has been estimated that around 30% of older adults fall each year (Tiedemann & Lord, 2013). It is necessary to note that researchers and practitioners have examined various aspects of the problem. Prevention...

Patient Teaching Plan: Hypertension as a Modifiable Risk Factor for Kidney Disease

Introduction of a Modifiable Risk Factor The patient has been diagnosed with renal failure. The modifiable risk factors of this disease include anemia, dyslipidemia, metabolic perturbations, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease (Parikh et al., 2006). The present assignment shall focus on hypertension as a modifiable risk factor for kidney disease. Important...

Nationally Determined Contribution of the US

Every effective climate change agreement always requires broad participation, stimulates high compliance rates, and reflects high individual and collective ambitions (Bang, Hovi, & Skodvin, 2016). The 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement aims to meet these high standards and encourages all nations to contribute to the achievement of the formulated global...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mitosis, Meiosis, and Genetic Variation

Mitosis Mitosis is the process of cell division; as a result of it, two identical cells emerge. The cells of all types, except for sex cells, multiply via mitosis. Mitosis occurs in several phases (Dawson, 2002; The University of Arizona Biology Project, 2004): Interphase is the phase of preparation; during...

School Nurse’s Communication with Pregnant Teenagers

School nurses face ethical and legal challenges while working with teenagers because of issues associated with supporting young pregnant females and disclosing important information to parents. This paper aims to discuss the case of Lucie, a 17-year-old student who has type I diabetes and whose pregnancy test is positive. Furthermore,...

Business Valuation Techniques Selection

Every enterprise requires good record keeping. Valuing a business is critical to its success. It is prudent to establish the valuation techniques that suit one’s business. Adjusted Present Value and Net Present Value are some of the valuation techniques to examine. Adjusted Present Value It is the Net Present Value...

Medicaid and Medicare Access Barriers

Introduction Medicare and Medicaid insurances were created in 1965 by the Social Security Amendments, which defines their purpose (Rajaram & Bilimoria, 2015, p. 420). Medicare is geared towards making healthcare more accessible to elders (over 65 years old) and the disabled. Medicaid works with the low-income population (Rocco, Gellad, &...

Acute Pancreatitis as a Life-Threatening Disease

Disease Overview acute pancreatitis – a severe inflammation of the pancreas; alcohol abuse, gall stones, infection, injury; the leak of enzymes; steady and severe pain, often felt as back pain; nausea, running temperature, rapid heart; gene mutations (hereditary). Acute pancreatitis is a severe inflammation of the patient’s pancreas caused by...

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing: Review and Assessment of the Guidelines

Essentials in Nurse Practitioner Programs Nurses play an especially important role in healthcare delivery. Nowadays, the healthcare system is characterized by “explosion of knowledge, expanding technologies, increasing diversity, and global health challenges” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014, p. 3). Therefore, the current situation produced a necessity for high-quality...

Police Misconduct and Its Affecting Factors

Control and Flexibility in Policing Police discretion is a necessary element of the policing activity. Many situations which officers encounter on a daily basis require judgment and appropriate decision-making. To reduce the possibility of unlawful actions, possible decisions are codified in policing policies. However, the diversity and complexity of social...

Characters of John M. Coetzee’s “Disgrace”

Introduction Coetzee’s “Disgrace” is a reflection of the extent to which brutality and sexual violence characterized the famous South African era of apartheid. This novel features David Lurie as the central character whose negative perceptions of women, racist attitudes, and cases associating him with rape depict the level of moral...

Microsoft Access: Efficiency and Collaboration

Introduction The main purpose of implementing an Information System (IS) in an organization is to integrate Information Technology frameworks and the organizational processes across all levels such as management, with main objective of enhancing the execution of organizational processes. IS extends beyond the Information and Communication Technology infrastructure with an...

Cultural Films’ Studies: Perception and Analysis

Cowboys & Indians: Perception of Western Films among American Indians and Anglos by Shively The American Indians admired the Cowboys and envied their lifestyle (Shively, 1992). The respondents considered the Cowboy’s lifestyle as a decent due to the variety of the existing freedoms (Shively, 1992). Many respondents underlined the ability...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pan-African and Diaspora Politics in the US

Introduction The 1870s saw the 15th amendment of the American constitution that gave African Americans the right to participate in universal suffrage. In essence, from the 1870s, blacks in the United States of America were to exercise the right of self-determination of how they were to be governed. These rights...

Ineffective Employee Behavior and Keys to Effectiveness

For the team to work effectively, it is important that each member has certain characteristics that ensure coherency. First, each individual should be focused on achieving the concrete result. For example, every person should set corporate goals prior to individual ones. Second, all workers should have an active position. It...

Industrialization in the 19th-Century America

Introduction The Industrial era drastically changed the working and living conditions of people, resulting in an at the same time unprecedented boom of production and a decrease in the demand for labor. While containing within itself both extensive benefits and substantial drawbacks, industrialization became a process that fundamentally changed the...

The Value of Evidence-Based Management When Proposing Change

Introduction To answer this question, it should be ascertained what exactly is evidence-based management. It is a framework that organizations are using to correctly measure, manage and improve the value that they get from their products. Evidence-based management focuses on improving the results that the company gets, be it PR,...

Henrik Ibsen – A Doll’s House: Setting

Setting in A Doll’s House: Summary The play ‘The Dollhouse’ was written in 1879. In this work, Henrik Ibsen criticizes Victorian marriage and the secondary roles of women in society. The freedom and independence of the main character, Nora, is limited by her husband and father. Ibsen skillfully uses settings...

Computer Software Development and Reality Shows

Computer software development has grown at such a rapid pace over the past decade that it have invaded every aspect of our lives and ever fiber of our being. It has allowed people to disconnect from reality and enjoy various activities without ever having to actually participate in it. It...

Greasy Lake, Lord of the Flies, and The Lottery: Compare & Contrast

Introduction Weapons of mass destruction (biological, nuclear, etc.) are primarily designed to kill large quantities of humans as well as destroy natural and man-made structures and the biosphere in general. In an age in which technology ranks superior, much emphasis is placed on the actual weapons as opposed to the...

Organizational Development and the Management Process

Introduction Certainly, each organization strives to improve its effectiveness and structure. Such field of academic study as organizational development is connected with industrial processes, business strategies, human communication, and psychological issues. Regarding this, there arise many definitions of this term where one serves as a conceptual boundary for another. Still,...

“The Storm” by Kate Chopin

On 18th July 1898, Kate Chopin wrote a short story titled “The Storm” which played around the events happening in the life of a woman (Calixta) over a stormy afternoon. Calixta was a typical traditional housewife bundled with the task of taking care of the home while her husband (Bobinôt)...

Chivalric Code in Sir Gawain and the Green Knights

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a Middle-English alliterative romance that outlines the adventures of Sir Gawain. He and other characters are being guided by the code of chivalry which shapes the values described in the poem. All of the most important human virtues are depicted in the poem,...

Economics. Publicly Financed Stadia in Vancouver

A research conducted by Lee (2002) reviewed the participation of stadia to the economic development of cities. This research was implemented due to the argument that triggered heated debates as probed by the media in regard to their public financing. A part of these arguments pointed out that the stadiums...

Drunken Driving as a Problem in Many Countries

Alcohol is a drink that is made from natural products like fruits and vegetables that are fermented by the use of yeast. Alcohol comes in different forms and can be used as an antiseptic or a sedative. When people drink alcohol, it gets absorbed in the bloodstream thus affecting the...

How the Experiences of Adolescents Shape Their Lives

Adolescence is a landmark stage in the growth and development of young people. This is a confusing stage when the young people make the attempt to do what they consider mature with the aim of projecting the image of adult people. It is however a fact that these young people...

The Issue of Pleasure

Discussing and Imagining Pleasure for Ourselves and Others The week’s readings offered different perspectives on the issue of pleasure both in public and private. They showed the extensive scope of the problems associated with sex, pornography, and prostitution. Among them is the necessity to create a discourse that would consider...

Theme of Grief in “The Secret Life of Bees”

The Secret Life of Bees is a novel by Sue Monk Kidd that explores themes of loss, grief, acceptance, and forgiveness. Furthermore, in her book, Kidd raises the topics of race and color. In fact, in 2004, the novel received The Indies Choice Book Award and was nominated for The...

Moral Relativism and the Same-Sex Marriage

There are many contemporary moral issues that some societies or religious organizations condemn. One of such aspects is same-sex marriage, which has evoked numerous debates in political, religious, legal, and some other dimensions. Various cultures tend to accept marriage in different ways, depending on the moral and ethical norms accepted...

What Is Partner Violence

Abstract The paper reviews partner violence and its position in the modern world. There are different approaches to defining the phenomenon, and each of them focuses mainly on the personality of victims. Partner violence is a general term that consists of smaller components that can affect people of different ages...

The Concept of Servant Leadership and Its Difference From Followership

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to analyze the increasingly popular concept of servant leadership and to show in what way followership contrasts and at the same time complements it. The attitude to leaders in various spheres has changed dramatically, as young generations tend to be motivated by the...

Jeep’s Marketing Campaign During the Super Bowl Season

The Super Bowl season is a remarkable event in the United States that creates opportunities for people to spend more time together and for social marketing campaigns to be presented. The main marketing idea is to combine the importance of style and sport, and many companies promote their brands and...

Health Promotion: What Are Energy Therapies?

The body is just not a physical form that adheres to nature’s laws, but rather has an energetic structure that encompasses matter. This includes the emotional, mental, and spiritual components of the inside body which promote the inner healing of a patient. Energetic theories are thus incorporated by a nurse...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Relevant Aspects of the Movie “A Beautiful Mind”

Introduction While a great number of films are mostly entertainment in their nature, there are some that cause a storm of emotions and experiences in the audience precisely because of their profound ideas and thoughts. They are remembered for a long time and make people think about something that may...

Algebra Development: Rhetoric, Syncopated and Symbolic Stages

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships, structures, and quantities. Elementary algebra is a category of algebra that is concerned with solving arithmetic, operands, and arithmetic equations. Historians associate the origin of algebra to the early priests in Babylon four thousand years back. Algebra is known to have...

Lupus Disease: The Causes, Symptoms, and Types

Introduction Immune system illnesses are a category of diseases that cause hyperactivity or dormancy to the system. In case it becomes excessively active, the body targets its own tissues and destroys them. Lupus is defined as a lifelong inflammatory disorder with a wide variety of clinical symptoms which impact different...

Transportation Means in a City

There are different means of public transportation in different cities which also come with different advantages. Disneyland captures what to expect from many of the cities of the world. In Disneyland, one will find such variety including scaled down railways, horseless carriages, riverboats and park trams. One of the most...

Teen Anorexia: Mental Illness and an Eating Disorder

Introduction In recent decades, adolescents have increasingly been diagnosed with anorexia. They often have a nervous type of pathology, which is a psychological illness and is accompanied by an eating disorder. The disease is characterized by intense and stable weight loss due to an unreasonable and uncontrollable fear of obesity....

Influenza Pandemic Outbreak Analysis

Abstract The group case study involves analysis of preparedness plan and challenges of an influenza pandemic on a developing nation. The infectious disease has undergone extensive studies in collaboration with CDC leadership. The leadership in the management of influenza pandemic is vital for efficient mitigation. Leaders in the healthcare infrastructure...

Emotional Inmpact of Two Paintings Compared

The portrait depicts the slain Marat holding his murderer’s letter of introduction and the knife that had been used to kill him just next to his bathtub. In the picture of the return of the sons of Brutus, there is the depiction of a grieving leader (Brutus) mourning his sons...

New Network Contacts Research and Development

Introduction Maintaining and developing a network of valuable contacts is a vital skill and duty in almost every industry, and is critically important in any business which relies on interprofessional connections to function at the top of its efficiency. The importance of such connections is progressively recognized more and more...

Health Problem in China: Sheer Level of Pollutants

Introduction The main health problem in China is the sheer level of pollutants in the atmosphere which has impacted the quality of life of people in its various cities. Describing the Population and Health Issue As of late, China has grown to become the second-largest economy in the world, however,...

Federal Budget Activity Overview

A significant portion of the federal budget is focused on defense programs, domestic security, and maintaining foreign relationships. Although the federal budget accounts for several vital aspects like healthcare, education, and social security, where any changes would have an instant effect, the same could not be said about reducing some...

Operant Conditioning. Education

The upbringing of a child often requires significant efforts; however, it is also important to understand various aspects of rewards and punishments. Operant conditioning is one of the learning methods described by Skinner, who identifies four consequences of reinforcement that can be applied in different situations. Further, this framework is...

Employee Rights in the Philippines

The right to work is one of the fundamental human rights. The state of legislation in the field of the implementation of this right is not only an indicator of the society’s level of development but also an aspect that directly affects the efficiency of its economy. In this regard,...

Equal America: Keeping the History True

American history, for its relatively short lifespan, involved many instances of injustice and atrocities. Since its conception, it has thrived on outrageous instances of discrimination and dehumanization – with the reasons lying in multi-billion-dollar revenue that these practices produced. Ever since the moment the first captured Africans stepped on American...

Theoretical Approaches to Child Parenting

Differentiation and the ability to distribute are essential initially for both the parent and the child. The basic formation of cognitive ideas is accompanied by the phenomena of animism, when a child perceives inanimate objects as living with which one can interact. Of the similar systemic errors of children’s perception,...

Projections of Family in 2030: A Demographic Perspective

The traditional family roles have been evolving over the years with more emphasis on the female gender. Men still hold their roles as the primary provider in most families, but this is changing with women’s active roles in making sure the family is comfortable financially. The changing gender roles have...

The Arguments in Favor of Pregnancy Termination Decriminalization

The topic of abortion has been one of the most complex and controversial discussions of the modern era. Several appealing arguments have been presented from both opposing sides, but the ongoing debate is still far from reaching any form of real consensus on the matter. Partly the reason for that...

Whistleblower Protection Program

The topic of this informative essay may seem controversial, and it is evident that not all people have the same opinion on it. Nevertheless, it is incredibly important to raise employees’ awareness and talk about their rights, safety, and protection if they are in a situation that will be discussed...

Haiti: Artifacts, Culture, and Today’s Issues

Self-expression and Artifacts Humans may create cultural artifacts for such simple reasons as survival. However, the object will be different from that created by another person, although if they belong to the same culture, some similarities are also likely to exist. The need for self-expression arises from the sense of...

The Future of Computers and Cybersecurity

The research of technical ties between security and threat perspectives highlights the significant influence that computers have had earlier and the certainty of its growing influence in the near future. Since most people’s personal and professional lives are performed online today compared to earlier on, cybersecurity has become a critical...

Reliability in the Era of Electrification in Aviation

The article, “Reliability in the era of electrification in aviation: A systems approach” talks about the reliability of electric powerplants being a primary source of thrust used in aircrafts, as well as the challenges that will inevitably come with it. The article describes the motive to incorporate electric motors and...