Healthcare Organization in Miami-Dade and Monroe

Description of the Organization A not-for-profit health care organization was critical for this analysis, an organization with seven hospitals and 23 outpatient and urgent care centers in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. The largest hospital of this organization was selected, which is a 680-bed facility founded in 1960, located in the...

Intelligence Requests for Terrorist Attacks Prevention

Introduction and Acquaintance with the Problem The problem with the concept of terrorism lies in the fact that terrorism is, by nature, rather disproportionate. This definition is supported by the example of ISIS, who use their violent tactics to fight against a more powerful opponent (the United States of America)....

Natural Sciences: Cessna vs. Piper PA-28 Cherokee’s Fuel Systems

Executive Summary The purpose of the report is to compare Cessna 150’s fuel system with that of Piper PA-28 Cherokee in terms of performance, efficiency, and cost. Both systems use the same working principles. Fuel for the flight is initially stored in the tanks located in the right and the...

“1984” by G.Orwell, “Catch-22” by J.Heller Compared

Introduction Living in this world which is a complex of different processes influenced by people, it is difficult to understand for what people live, how they live. The most interesting thing is that this world is created by people also and people create everything they struggle against after. People create...

Home Robotics in the Modern World

Executive Summary Home robotics is one of the biggest inventions in the field of science that has attracted attention of many researchers. The society has come to realize that some of the tasks undertaken by human beings can be addressed by the robots. This is coming at a time when...

An 11-page text usually contains 2650 to 2700 words in case you use 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is the most common format for all the major citation styles.

It will take you 5 to 10 minutes to type one page on a keyboard. However, if you need to write an 11 page essay from scratch, it will take you not less than 11 to 12 hours.

An 11 page essay is a typical college assignment. You might need to write such a paper in almost any field: education, biology, or technology. Its key aim is to demonstrate your critical thinking and your knowledge of the topic.

An 11 page essay should be planned well. The first thing you need to do is formulate your thesis statement (or, in other words, the main idea of your paper). Then break it into several parts and turn each of them into a topic sentence. These simple steps will help you organize your thoughts.

An 11 page essay is quite an extensive task. When choosing a topic for it, think of something that won’t sound oversimplified. You might want to focus on abortions, police brutality, or religion.

Discussion: Cell and Molecular Biology

Abstract Bacterial fermentation of dietary fiber produces short-chain fatty acids in the colon. Entry of Short Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA) in its anionic form into the colonic epithelium is mediated mostly through carrier-mediated processes; however, protonated diffusion is also a key pathway. SCFA are taken up by cells through several...

International Entrepreneurship Analysis: Cases of Markus Villig

Introduction Entrepreneurs are essential to the recent economic advancement witnessed worldwide today. As Khin & Lim (2019) illustrate, an international entrepreneur is an individual who engages in business activities across national boundaries by making discoveries, enacting, evaluating, and pursuing opportunities in those areas. According to Tabares (2020), international entrepreneurship study...

How Illness Narratives Shape Patient Experiences

Preamble and Rationale The definition of health considers diverse elements and factors. Some of these include the physical, mental as well as the social aspects of individuals (Edlin & Golanty 2010, p. 5). It is obvious that the mere absence of infirmity does not guarantee the proper health of an...

Anthropological Theory of Politics, Violence and Crime

Introduction Making laws, violating these rules, and responding to the breach of laws may be seen as the knowledge underlying crime as a social phenomenon. The primary goal of this method is to create a system that includes broad and verifiable standards and various sorts of knowledge about law, crime,...

Cardiff Millennium Stadium: Risk Management

Scope of Inquiry Risk management, trust, and relationship management are among the tasks requiring unparalleled keenness and attention for commercial and construction industries. Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating the uncertainties or hazards that deter the focus and objectives of an industry. Processes involved in risk management are critical...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Water Crisis in Nigeria: Project Management

Introduction In the World Economic Forum’s list of the most significant global risks for humanity over the next ten years, in terms of potential impact, the problem of lack of drinking water comes out on top (McNally et al. 2019). It has confidently circumvented failed attempts to mitigate climate change,...

Economic Effects of Brexit

Introduction European Union, as defined by MacShane (2015, p. 56), refers to “a politic–economic union, often called the EU, that brings together member countries of European Economic Community under the Maastrict Treaty, and envisions the eventual establishment of common economic, foreign, security, and justice policies.” Since the formation of this...

Medicaid Expansion: Addressing Financial Barriers

Introduction Financial barriers to healthcare are a significant public issue that limits access to quality and efficient healthcare services. This social determinant of health significantly affects populations living below the poverty line (Bindman, 2020). The healthcare quality provided to marginalized groups in the United States varies widely. Racial and ethnic...

A Driverless Cars Marketing Plan

Abstract Self-driving vehicles and artificial intelligence are frequently complementing technological concepts. Many significant automakers, including the AI Robotics Company, have been developing autonomous vehicles and driving technologies. Artificial intelligence is used in almost every step of the production of cars. AI is widely used in the machine-building sector as it...

Business Management Issues: 2008 Global Economic Crisis

The Main Causes of the Economic Crisis of 2007-2008 The economic crisis of 2007-2008 was termed as the Global Financial Crisis or the Great Recession due to being the most significant one since the Great Depression (Askari & Mirakhor 2015). Given the importance of the event, it seems necessary to...

WestProp Development Ltd.’s Construction Projects

Abstract The report below analyzes the strategies WestProp Development Ltd may undertake to control the amount of money it incurs in reconstructing 25 North Row W1K6DJ properties in Central London. Some of the costs that the report accounts for include land acquisition costs. Additionally, the research analyzes the assumptions in...

Age Influence on the Support for Police Action

Abstract Police action is a common phenomenon in the whole world. While there are some people who support this concept and the others who are opposing the same, the concept of police action is an integral part of many states. It only waits for its time to erupt. This paper...

Traditions and Culture in Dubai

Introduction Situated in the heart of a windy-sandy desert, with scorching heat, is a fascinating town with blended mix of extreme cultures from the liberalized West to the conservative East: welcome to Dubai. Characterized by old-age architectural designs and modern day skyscrapers, Dubai skyline is captivating to watch especially during...

The Concept of Brain Plasticity

Introduction Brain plasticity, also referred to as neuroplasticity or neural plasticity, has been researched for many decades and various discoveries have led to the development of effective methods and strategies to treat numerous disorders. Interest in this phenomenon was sparked at the end of the 19th century and scientists promoted...

Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s Expansion in Greece

Introduction Enterprise Rent-A-Car (ERAC) is a worldwide car-sharing and renting services provider with American roots. Its expansion strategy regularly includes brand assimilation and taking the position of a ‘local’ company that covers vital locations (University of Salford, 2022). By prioritizing excellence in customer service, employee development, and fleet growth, ERAC...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Graduate Employability and Contemporary Issues

Employability is one of the significant challenges facing graduates; it encompasses a wide range of issues that hinder the clarity of its meaning. The purpose of this review is to draw a better understanding of this concept concerning higher education graduates. Over recent years, employment has raised concerns, leading to...

Social Media and Ethically Informed Global Supply Chain

Social Platforms and B2C Relationship Arena Today’s business paradigm is filled with a variety of approaches aimed at enhancing one’s capabilities and financial impact on a certain industry. The notion of enhanced business development has become even more meaningful in the context of globalization, as the process of pooling efforts...

Collectors and Pre-Raphaelite Art: Design Project

Abstract This paper describes my final year design project. The project will be founded on several aspects that will try to make it unique and high end. The project is founded on John Fowles book, “The collector”, and how various factors in the book interact. The project draws upon the...

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Personal Reflection

My learning experiences from this module have given me a greater understanding of the importance of innovation, social entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial leadership in my professional practice. During my course work, I have explored the concept of entrepreneurship and studied different theories and models of social entrepreneurship, including the lean start-up...

The Management of MICE Events

Introduction This report will analyze Venice, Italy as a MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions) destination. I have chosen Italy for the reason that it is one of the top five MICE destinations in Europe in terms of the size of the outbound market with over 1.1 million trips. The...

Military Tactics of Alexander the Great

Introduction Alexander the Great took over the throne after the assassination of his father, Phillip II. He secured Macedonia, put down the Greeks’ rebellion, and later focused his leadership on Egypt, India, and Persia. This was a difficult concept brought upon by his father, but he had to be determined...

Research Utilization: Chronic Kidney Disease

Abstract Today, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is recognized as one of the most pressing problems all over the world. While CKD is difficult to diagnose and other disorders, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, often complicate it, the treatment is still imperfect. To elucidate the problem, four articles pertaining to...

Critical Analysis of Project-Based Management

Introduction Identifying the objective algorithms for optimizing individual operational processes and the entire mode of operation of the organization as a whole requires a preliminary assessment and careful analysis of available solutions designed to improve specific aspects. Based on the evaluation of the Telstra Corporation, an Australian telecommunications service provider,...

Strategic Analysis of Emirates: Identifying Opportunities and Challenges

Introduction: Operating Performance The airline’s operating performance is one of the major indicators of its health and current position in the industry. The major showings, such as cost per ASK, revenue per PRK, break-even load factor, and employee productivity, represent the degree to which the firm succeeds in performing major...

Nike SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, & Value Chain Analysis

Introduction A range of factors can influence businesses at the macro- and micro-environmental levels. To discuss any company’s performance, one should conduct an industry analysis to determine this firm’s place in the market and internal analysis to identify competencies that make organizations become market leaders (Worthington & Britton 2015). Nike...

Fashion as Performance – The Ballets Russes

Fashion and the performing and visual arts have always been intertwined for those with the financial resources to indulge in one or all three. Fashion has also always been concerned with more than just covering nakedness or keeping off the cold and sun. All over the world, and even in...

Depression in Middle-Aged African Women

Abstract The presented research study investigates depression in middle-aged African women. The mental health of the population is a serious concern of the modern healthcare sector. Moreover, the tendency toward the complication of the situation and the emergence of an increased number of cases every year explains the topicality of...

Russian Policy Towards Israel: The Main Drivers

Introduction Both Russia and Israel have long maintained a bilateral relationship, with each government sending a delegate to the other. Israel has an embassy in Moscow and a consulate in Yekaterinburg, whereas Russia has an embassy in Tel Aviv and a consulate in Haifa (Igor Delanoë). Over the years, the...

Safety and Secure Risk Management

Safety is an important concept in the aviation industry because it underscores the need to protect passengers and crew against accidents. The quality of safety and risk management processes influence how flight operations are managed and how airlines respond to disasters (Vasigh & Fleming, 2016). Consequently, civil aviation authorities have...

Needs of Individuals with Disability

Introduction No one chooses to be disabled, and there is no one that cannot develop some form of disability regardless of age. Therefore, the debate about resources given to disability should not be reclaimed. Disability is that point in one life when their normal daily processes are interfered; disability can...

Conflict Theory: Background, Critical Aspects, and Personal Views

Abstract Different concepts exist that make it possible for people to learn more about societies. Conflict theory is one of those models and it is believed to have originated from the works of Karl Marx. This model theory is informative and capable of describing the origin of class differences and...

Gender Differences in Development of Schizophrenia

Gender-Related Factors Mental health characteristics differ among males and females from adolescence onwards. During development, gender dissimilarities have been discovered in various factors. Men are more likely than women to suffer from schizophrenia as they develop the illness at a younger age than women. Females appear to have stronger premorbid...

The Brand Management Job: Skills and Functions

Introduction Brand managers work in a spectrum of industries. They endeavor to develop an easily recognizable image for products and services. Brand management mainly focuses on market segments that are likely to have the largest sales volume (Kotler and Denize 41). Therefore, brand managers focus on the most attractive market...

A Financial Manager as a Reflexive Practitioner

Introduction and Research Design The reflexive practice involves assessing an individual’s thoughts due to their professional development. As a result, the scope of this research is to determine the role of reflective practices and the essence of self-awareness on financial managers. I selected self-awareness due to its integral role in...

Benton Community’ Public Health and Needs Assessment

Introduction While working as a community public health nurse, a specialist in the field should understand the features of the community, and she or he should be able to address the needs of this diverse group. The exploration of the public health in the community is an important stage in...

Sir Matt Busby’s Contribution to the Manchester United

An Introduction about Football and its Reach Football is a game that is played all across the globe; millions of fans watch the game each day and enjoy the experience of watching it. Soccer is more than a game; the game has got everything in it which a person can...

Economic Opportunities and Challenges of Investing in Ghana

In the context of recent years, private investor interest in African economies has been growing. Despite some setbacks of the COVID era and the challenges of the environment and infrastructure, experts predict that the private sector will play a critical role in the economic development of African countries, propelling them...

The Impact of Game Theory on Economic Development

Several mathematical models have been deployed in economics to help in such practices as simulation and forecasting production, distribution, and even demand and supply. According to Kronberger (2019), game theory can be described as a catchword attractive even to individuals who believe that economics and economic theories are subjects befitting...

The Future of Trade Integration in Africa

Introduction Globalization in the modern world economy is essential in shaping the economic development of many countries. Economic ties between countries are becoming closer because of the realization of significant mutual benefits. Trade is a major component of countries’ economic relations. The African continent is no exception and is committed...

Socialism as an Alternative to Capitalism in the United States

Introduction The United States has always defined itself by its ideological values and political beliefs which have become the centerpiece of citizens’ lives. The country has emerged as a Democratic counterbalance to authoritarian rule. Eventually, Democracy intertwined with capitalist economics became the global status quo. However, recent social trends have...

The Politics of the “Get Out” Film by Jordan Peele

Introduction Few topics confronting society today generate as much discussion and debate as racism. Often, the definition of racism is a crucial component of the argument. To know how to operate morally in a society, a precise understanding of racism is necessary. Jordan Peele’s 2017 psychological thriller Get Out analyzes...

Skills Shortage in the United Kingdom

In the contemporary world known for its rapid development a number of spheres of life are changing very quickly. The causes of such changes are mainly technological progress, scientific discoveries, social alterations, and the process of globalisation. Business world and labor market constantly undergo various metamorphoses that shift the balance...

Strategic Plan of Vietnam Business Evaluation

Background Information History Vietnam is a communist state with descendants from China and Indonesia. Notable historical experiences include the Vietnam War and the involvement of the US. Vietnam has engaged in several wars with its neighbors over border disputes. Over the years, the country’s relationship with the US has improved...

Tesco Company: Project Risk and Procurement Management

Check out our sample essay about Tesco’s procurement strategy. Here, you’ll find information about Tesco’s purchasing department and its supply chain management. Tesco Procurement Essay Introduction The establishment of any functional department in an organisation is determined by the value it brings to the firm. The procurement function, for a...

Walmart Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Promotion

This essay sample explores Walmart social responsibility and ethics, their initiatives, and related issues. Check it out if you’re curious about Walmart CSR. Executive Summary The Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Company has been known as the provider of comparatively cheap goods and services of a rather impressive quality for years. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Renaissance Development and Crisis of the World War I

Overview The Renaissance was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life in the early modern period. Beginning in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence was felt in literature philosophy, art, politics, science, religion, and other aspects of intellectual enquiry. Renaissance...

The Norovirus Outbreak Investigations

Introduction Notification Date and Time On the morning of March 11, the Texas Department of Health (TDH) in Austin received a telephone call from a student at a university in south-central Texas. The student reported that he and his roommate, a fraternity brother, were suffering from nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea....

The God, Freedom, and Human Dignity Book by Highfield

Ron Highfield’s book, God, Freedom, and Human Dignity, offers a thoughtful and illuminating exploration of how to embrace a God-centered identity in a me-centered culture. The author draws on various sources, including scripture, literature, and philosophy, to present a compelling argument in favor of living a life of faith and...

Problems That City Causes for People and Environment

Introduction Though most of the people prefer to live in the cities, there are many problems associated with life in the cities. Although these problems vary from one city to another, nonetheless, most of them are common and are detrimental to the lives of the people living in such cities....

Automated vs. Military Pitot Static Tester

Executive Summary The following report carries out a comprehensive analysis of two pitot static tester models. The models include the Automated Pitot Static Tester Model 6300 and the Military Pitot Static Tester Model 6300-M3. Both of them serve the same purpose of generating and measuring pressure or partial vacuums while...

Davis Service Group Plc: Strategy in Action

Introduction The Davis Service Group Plc has been successfully expanding its operations in most parts of Europe through acquisition and organic growth. Consequently, it has turned out to take leadership in the textile services industry throughout the continent. The company has identified an opportunity in the Australian market for its...

American History: Irish Immigrants

The Irish American community is the second-largest self-reported ancestral group in America second only to the German Americans. An American community survey conducted in 2006 showed that 12 percent (36,495,800) of the entire population were Irish migrants. The Irish had been migrating to the USA even before the Revolution; these...

Employee Orientation and Training Checklist

The first day at work is integral for everyone after being employed. The new employees meet new people, fill out paperwork, and learn about the organization’s work culture. Orientation is very important for new hires because it helps them learn about the company and understand how it works (Pathiranage, 2019)....

Rhodium Company: Financial Report

Terms of references The aim of setting of optimal capital is to use the whole amount of capital that has less cost of acquisitions. This includes debt and equity capital. The profits are measured in terms of the total assets used to conduct business operations and not just the equity...

Gas Prices Effects on the United States Economy

Executive Summary The United States economy is not dependent on fossil fuels for growth. Gas provides about 24% of total energy sources, and its price is, therefore, a major factor in overall economic productivity. There have been relatively mild changes in the price of gas over a long period, with...

Business Behavior in Changing World: Siemens Case

Critically apply Cyert and March’s analysis of organizational decision making to the Siemens case. Compare/contrast your finding with Brusson view According to Cyert and March, fundamental structure analyzes the process of decision making in the terms of the variables that influence the decision-making process; the goals of an organization, the...

International Legal and Ethical Issues in Business

Abstract Political, economic, environmental, cultural, and social factors are some of the factors that can affect business operations and in effect influence decision-making processes in an organization. This paper examines some of these factors, and the effects they have had in the operations of two international companies dealing in petroleum...

Using Behavior Modeling as a Training Method

Introduction The use of games and simulations in behavior modeling has been an ongoing process in employee training and other areas for decades now. With the entrant of computers and information technology, games and simulation are even surreal than was the case before. This is because the simulated situations represent...

Symptoms and Diagnostic Reasoning: Heddy Ramiro Case

Summary of Case Study 8-year-old Heddy Ramiro presents to your clinic with her mother who is wondering if anything can be done about Heddy’s nasal congestion and cough. Symptom Analysis Questions In order to identify the possible causes of illness, the doctor has to ask the child and her caretaker...

Airline Industry in the UAE: Role of Supply Chain

Introduction Background information Both domestic and international airline companies dominate the airline industry in the UAE. The industry plays an important role in the UAE’s economic growth. The sector generates over AED 32 billion, which represents 26% of the UAE’s Gross Domestic Product [GDP]. The industry creates approximately AED $13.5...

Chemical Hazards: Risk Assessment and Analysis

Introduction Critical Systems and Key Resources (CI/KR) in America are essential for optimizing the basic functioning and security of the country. Through risk assessments (RA), impending dangers will be discovered promptly, allowing for mitigation. Risk assessment evaluates the potential hazards to buildings and other types of assets in the case...

The Devondale Murray Goulburn Company Strategic Management

Introduction As the industrial competition for production resources, human resource capital, and reliable customers intensifies between corporations and the business environment changes unpredictably, firms have no choice than to adopt strategic measures. Strategic management has been an overriding business administration aspect that has influenced the planning techniques of many organizations...

The Future CSUF College Town Project

Executive Summary California State University, Fullerton, the oldest university in Fullerton, in collaboration with the City of Fullerton has come up with a project to develop a town known as college town. The location of the town is to be behind Hope University and the current Nutwood Street. The college...

Preparing for Terrorism and Disasters in the New Age of Health Care

Introduction In retrospect, healthcare has changed greatly over the past few years, both due to the legislation changes and the introduction of new technological opportunities. With the advent of the era of new technology, the necessity to reconsider the standards for healthcare emerged, and, though the changes have not been...

The End of the World Theory: Unstructured and Multidimensional Big Data

There are many disturbing news concerning the imminent planetary devastation of our world. Looking at the rate the planate is losing its resources, sooner than later, humanity will either have to find alternatives for resource crisis or they will go extinct. Many theories in support of the end of the...

Female Patient With Hypotension and Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction The case study analysis a female patient with hypotension and Alzheimer’s disease who recently suffered a fall. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) code 2018 and Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 require nurse-patient confidentiality. Therefore, in the analysis of this case, I will refer to the female patient as...

The Alibaba Firm as a Yangtze River Crocodile

Introduction Major business enterprises can utilize various frameworks to evaluate their marketing strategies and their outcomes. Examples of those frameworks are the MBA matrix, the PMI matrix, and the CAGE model. This case study aims to apply these theories to Alibaba, the largest e-commerce corporation in China. Thus, the paper...

Nurses’ Role in Preventing Patients’ Falls

Nurses play an essential role in the rehabilitation process, enhancing people’s quality of life and independence following an injury, sickness, or chronic illness. The practice of rehabilitative nursing incorporates certain distinctive aspects of the function of a nurse in the context of not just routine but also multidisciplinary and interdepartmental...

Nursing: The Importance of Patient Satisfaction

Introduction A nurse must have a clear understanding of the standards of care and base the practical approach on evidence from scientific research. Practical success should be shaped by medical personnel’s broad knowledge of reliable theoretical literature. To form an evidence-based approach, the nurse must critically evaluate and analyse scientific...

Spot Garage Startup Business Plan

Feasibility Study Finding a reliable mechanic or garage in the UK is challenging. However, owning a car in the UK is a dream of every young family. Challenges arise when a car needs repair. Locating a garage can be a problem especially for ladies. According to Ramaseshan, Ishak, and Kingshott...

Understanding the Teaching Strategies and Models With Regard to Nasogastric Tube Insertion

Introduction This essay paper reflects on my teaching effectiveness and efforts necessary in teaching students in the clinical setting. It takes into consideration learning theories, models, and strategies used in delivering content to learners. Much of the theories and models are discussed based on research conducted. These strategies helped improve...

Starbucks Operations and Inventory Management

This case study analyzes Starbucks operations, its inventory system, and issues such as shortages. Check it out if you need to write about Starbucks operations management. Abstract The key factors for any business growth and sustainability comprise management of operations, service reliability, and high product quality. Starbucks experience in operation...

The Commonly Used Expatriate Compensation Strategies

Introduction Globalization is gaining more and more impact on institutions ranging from small companies to multinational corporations. The shrinking of international boundaries among enterprises and their markets has made it necessary for institutions to come up with the possible strategies for dealing with the demands of such diversification. The element...

“Brexit” Essay Example

This Brexit essay deals with the results of Brexit and its impact on the world. Check it out if you’re looking for Brexit essays to take inspiration from. Introduction The possibility of the UK leaving the European Union or the so-called Brexit is a key source of concern for the...

U.S. Policy to Iraq From 9/11/2001 to U.S.-Iraq War

Introduction This paper examines the USA foreign policy especially towards Iraq after the 9/11 attack on Pentagon and World Trade Center in 2001. The attack was launched by suspected al-Qaeda network suicide bombers who hijacked the American Airlines Flight 77 and later plunged it into the infamous American Pentagon and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Biology: Mechanical Signals Regulating Development

Introduction The success of tissue engineering is dependent on the ability to promote the desired cellular processes. Given the intricate process involved in tissue development and regeneration, it is crucial to understand how microenvironment regulates cell behavior. Generally, mechanical signals contribute significantly to the development of human beings, especially during...

Medicine: Physician-Assisted Suicide – Expanding the Debate

Introduction Physician-assisted suicide is one of the issues that characterize provision of health care in the contemporary world. The practice is very common among patients who choose to take their lives with the help of a physician (Battin, Rhodes, & Silvers, 2004). Physician-assisted is closely related to euthanasia in terms...

Discrimination of Women in Rock and Roll

It is worthy of noting that discrimination can take multiple forms that cannot be detected easily. The colonial past of countries has led to the emergence of this negative manifestation. Discrimination is a state in which one caste, group or category of people considers themselves more privileged than other social...

The Impact of the Work Environment on Management

Introduction Management is the process of managing and controlling an organization’s resources. It includes creating and implementing strategies, policies, and programs to ensure the most efficient and effective use of resources. The physical and social space in which work is performed is the work environment. It covers the tools, equipment,...

An Effective Leadership Style in Military Units

Abstract This paper proposes a research study intended to gather more information regarding different types of leadership in military units. Most of the past studies have failed to identify some of the common styles and their efficacy in the Marines. Such a gap affects the performance and goals of many...

The Building of Affordable Housing

The Opportunity The issue of homelessness is a complicated yet urgent concern for both the national government and the global community. There are numerous issues that have led to the increase of the number of people who do not have a roof over their head over the last two or...

L’Oreal: Building a Global Cosmetic Brand

Analyze international markets and assess the risk elements, including political, economic, and socio-cultural factors Nowadays, L’Oreal is considered one of the world’s most commercially successful cosmetic brands. The validity of this statement can be well illustrated, in regards to the fact that, as of 2002 alone, the company declared a...

Building Environment and Analyzing Methodologies

There is no use denying the fact that the current stage of the development of science could be described as unique. The fact is that nowadays there are many various spheres studied by a great number of scientists to understand some regularities of their functioning and obtain knowledge that might...

Environments of Oil and Gas Industries

Executive summary This report looks into the emerging role of shale gas within unconventional gas plays from a technological, commercial and geo-political perspective. Shale gas is currently a major contributor of natural gas in United States, Australia, China and Europe. Technological advances in the field of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal...

Solutions to Hydrogen Power Challenges

Introduction Renewable energy is slowly replacing fossil fuel, considered a waste in the environment. The pollution affects air, water, and plant cover, making its widespread spread re-evaluated. A recent effect of fossil fuel soiling is related to the climate changes that have depleted the ozone layer and reduced vegetation cover,...

Macroeconomic Policies in Nigeria

Introduction The functioning of the economy as a whole is a focus of fiscal and monetary policy. Macroeconomic policy is to create a climate that is secure and supportive of a resilient and sustainable increase in the economy, which is essential for generating wealth, employment, and better living standards (Alam,...

Challenges and Opportunities in Developing a New Business Venture in V.R.

Introduction Virtual reality is a new technology becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. VR has continued to show up in different parts of a design, helping to give users new experiences and opening up new ways for people to work and interact with each other (Kamińska et al., 2019)....

France: Macroeconomics Analysis

Introduction The French socio-economic model’s specificity is the state’s traditional high role in the economy. After the Second World War, indicative economic planning and a comprehensive social protection system were created, and by the mid-1980s, as a result of three waves of nationalization in 1936, 1945, and 1982 the largest...

Comparative & Competitive Analysis of Coca-Cola and Pepsi

Coca Cola vs Pepsi: Introduction The main objective of this report is to analyze and compare two multinational companies, Coca-Cola Company, and PepsiCo. Firstly, this paper will present the historical background of both companies with financial performance and determine the strongest performer. Both companies produce, distribute, and market non-alcoholic beverages...

Math Anxiety Effect on Children With a Learning Disability

Abstract Math anxiety is supposed to be the feeling of nervousness for Young people when they have to solve mathematical problems. The paper discusses if young people have math anxiety from elementary school or it develops later as they grow. It gradually analyses all aspects related to this problem among...

Arranged Marriages’ Advantages and Disadvantages

Welcome to our argumentative essay sample on arranged marriage: advantages and disadvantages. Here, you’ll find the disadvantages and advantages of arranged marriage, discussion, statistics, and other aspects of the debate. Arranged Marriage: Essay Introduction Arranged marriages were very popular in traditional societies across the world. Arranged marriage was considered the...

The Onlife and Verbophobia Neologisms Analysis

Introduction Humanities is the field that examines human expression. However, while other approaches are based on psychological, sociological, and biological explanations, humanities encompass a more analytical and subjective approach. Language, art, and philosophy are among the branches included in this subject, elements that lack objectivity but provide an overview of...

Functionalism and Other Theories of Popular Culture

Introduction Commonly held values and norms in society are reflected in popular culture. Among the many things that fall under this category are media products, forms of entertainment, prevailing styles, and lexical norms. Popular culture is also the sum of its most widely shared activities, ideas, and objects. Different theories...

The Bag Nation Firm’s Application of Marketing Mix

Abstract Big Nation is an event coordination company based in San Diego, California. The entrepreneurs, composed of college mates, have been doing business within the region, but they are yet to implement an effective segmentation for their product. First, the company must segment by factoring in locational, behavioral, firmographics, and...

How Louis Vuitton Develops Brand Meanings

Introduction The purpose of the research is to provide a better understanding of how Louis Vuitton develops its brand meanings and how that interaction with its clients may affect consumer behavior and boost the company’s market success. Research Question Three overall research questions to address by this research include: What...

The Dividend Policy: Theories and Factors

Introduction The evolution of modern organizations and companies critically depends on the investment, capital, and readiness of potential investors to use their money to support the growth and development of the firm. At the same time, the shareholders and their involvement in the company’s work and readiness to participate in...

Cybersecurity in Cruise Ship Industry

Introduction The world cruise industry continues to be characterized by a significant growth rate. In the global cruise community, two such American giants as Carnival Cruise Lines (CCL) and Royal Caribbean Cruises (RCL) dominate. The modern cyberspace and the level of development of information technologies provide unique opportunities to manage...

ACME Consumer Buying Behavior

Executive Summary The report examines the markets of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany to determine the value proposition and sales opportunities for high-end refrigerators in each country. The results of the analysis show that the value propositions, and accordingly, the characteristics of the production and advertising of...

Possibilities of Over-the-Counter Medications and Their Impact on Human Health

The practice of over-the-counter drugs and self-medication are important components of any healthcare system. The use of over-the-counter drugs is part of the self-medication process. The popularity of over-the-counter drugs among patients can increase the likelihood of abuse of such drugs. Pharmacists are often the first point of contact with...

Introduction to Research in the Arts

Introduction Empirical research is a set of various procedures within the framework of scientific activity aimed at obtaining reliable information about the subject of research: a process or phenomenon. The research technology answers the question of how to get the data; the data itself answers the question of what was...

The Economic Impact of Counterfeiting in Hong Kong

Executive Summary The nemesis of piracy or counterfeiting is a major product of criminal activities in today’s world. With criminal activities on the rise, it is seen that counterfeiting has made deep forays in the world and is a fully-fledged industry in itself. Counterfeiting harms the original products as well...

The Changing Nature of “Global Governance”

Abstract This dissertation aims to test the validity of the initially proposed thesis that the transforming essence of ‘global governance’, triggered by China’s intention to become its rightful agent, should be seen as indicative of the fact that it is specifically the Realist model of IR, which better than any...

Status of Body Shop and Technology Used in Cosmetics Sector Marketing

Abstract Marketing is a major determinant of whether or not a company will survive the turbulent market. Most definitions attribute marketing to the processes involved in value creation for consumers. Marketing strategy involves planning, implementing, and monitoring marketing activities to deliver company objectives. This paper explores the Body Shop’s current...

Lipitor Company’s Marketing Plan

Current marketing Strategy of Lipitor Smith (2008) argued that this Pfizer, the pharmaceutical giant to whom Lipitor belongs to and Lipitor turned into blockbuster not only it’s exclusively, but also for the smart marketing, Pfizer knows how to reach to the pyramid of revenue generation with its current marketing strategy....

Corporate Governance and Hedge Fund Activism

Introduction Corporate governance can be defined as a system of norms and rules implemented to control how a company is managed. Boards of directors play a primary role in corporate governance. According to Tricker, their main duties include but are not limited to the selection of chief executive officers (CEOs),...

The Magna Electronic Scooter Marketing Mix Analysis

Executive Summary There is a certain demand for electronic scooters in the market, and their popularity keeps growing. Canadian people also follow the trend and actively use the devices to move across the cities to easily and quickly achieve the final destination. The purpose of this paper is to prove...

Optimizing Supply Chain Management in Starbucks

Introduction and Supply Chain Role The modern world is a highly globalized environment characterized by constantly developing international discourse and relations. This factor influences all spheres of human activity, including the business sector. For this reason, the most successful corporations run globally and open their stores, facilities, or offices in...

Negotiating Globally: The U.S.-China Trade War

Donald Trump added to the controversy of his term in the U.S. President’s office by starting a full-scale trade war against China. Trump ended Obama’s strategy of putting pressure on China via high-level bilateral negotiations and indirect measures, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) project (Bown, 2021). Instead, the Trump...

Revenue Recognition in Company Performance

Introduction Revenue recognition is a common accounting standard that defines and accounts for the exact criteria under which income is recorded and confirmed. Revenue is often documented when a significant incident happens, and the money quantity is clearly measurable to the organization. Revenue is key to any firm profitability, and...

Ford Motor Company: Quality Management Problems

Introduction Ford Motor Company is an American automotive company that manufactures cars under the brand “Ford.” The headquarters of Ford Motor Company is located near Detroit, in Dearborn, Michigan, USA. The firm produces a wide range of products: cars of different sizes, purposes, and costs; representative offices and factories of...

The Expo 2020 Dubai and Technology Operation Centre

Introduction Expo 2020 Dubai, like the previous World Expos, provides the international community with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to join together and discover answers to the shared concerns that mankind faces. Its organization coincides with the government’s intentions to create a highly technological sphere with leading innovations (Singh, 2015). It provided...

Unilever Plc’s Financial Analysis

Introduction Unilever Plc is a multinational conglomerate founded in 1883 in the United Kingdom (UK). The company has its headquarters in London; it has grown its product portfolio from the founding sunlight soap brand and now boasts over 400 different product brands. Its operations span 190 countries globally, providing a...

McDonald’s Digital Marketing Campaign Analysis

Abstract Over the decades of its existence, McDonald’s has been demonstrating quite impressive success. Due to its smart use of marketing, particularly, branding, pricing, and product diversification, the company has achieved notable success. However, in the realm of the digital market, the marketing approach had to be changed drastically. The...

Leadership Challenges as an Educator

Introduction Leadership is a critical factor in the success of any organization, including schools. These factors include learning loss and widening economic gaps, existing systematic inequities, ongoing barriers to a quality education workforce, increased trauma and social-emotional need, and meaningful growth and change barriers. These challenges can arise when there...

Consumers’ Buying Behavior and Social Media

Introduction Individuals contribute item reviews, information about a service, food or wellness advice, admonitions regarding things, instructions on how to use certain items, and more aspects as customers. The purpose of this work is to investigate the impact of social networks on the decision-making activities of customers. The use of...

Psychological Traits in Consumer Behavior

Introduction The development and survival of corporations in the globalized and expanding market depend on their capacity to satisfy customers. Consumer fulfillment pivot on recognizing, understanding, and executing the advertising techniques, data on the behavior consumers display in processing, handling, utilizing, and discarding goods to satisfy their requirements and needs....

Motivations Effect on Second Language Learning

Statement of Research Problem In the current globalized society, many people are finding it increasingly important to learn foreign languages because of socio-economic and political reasons. According to Huang (2011), the ease with which people learn foreign languages depends on many factors. Some people find it easy to learn a...

Environmental Impact of Rice Production

Introduction The production of rice has greatly increased as it is a staple food and hundreds of people consume it from across the world. Mostly, these are people living below the poverty line struggling to make a living in the developing countries such as South America. The production of rice...

Managers’ Role of a Researcher and a Leader

Introduction This paper will discuss the requirements for pursuing the role of academic researcher in conjunction with a managerial position. Naturally, a manager has a plethora of roles directly associated with their field of work, such as supervising the employees, setting tasks, checking their completion, and working on employee motivation,...

Solutions for Functional Elements of Hibbett Inc.

Hibbett Inc. has both internal and external environments. Its interior surroundings comprise the stakeholders, who include employees and the management. Hence, in protecting the external environment, the managerial staff must make careful decisions for the company (Mikalef et al. 20). They are the backbone of the company operations, which comprise...

Trees: Physical Description and Life Cycle

White Oak Common name: white oak Scientific name: Quercus alba Physical description: with each species, height varies. Usually reaching a mature height of 50 to 75 feet. Able to reach heights of 100 feet. 40 to 70 feet in width. Simple, lobed, alternate leaves with rounded tips. With a diameter...

Positive Effects of Video Gaming

This “positive effects of video games” essay explores the benefits of games on education, cognitive skills, social side of gaming, and other aspects. Get some ideas for your “positive effects of gaming” essay with the help of our sample. Introduction The influence of video gaming on an individual’s physical and...

Ethical Issues in Healthcare Essay: Ethical Dilemma

In the complex world of healthcare, many ethical dilemmas arise. They challenge healthcare professionals with difficult choices that can have profoundly affect patients, providers, and the broader healthcare system. The Ethical Issues in Healthcare Essay explores the intricate ethical dilemmas encountered in this field, examining the various factors that contribute...

Nike Company: Marketing Principles and Concepts

This sample paper focuses on the marketing concept of Nike. Here, you’ll find Nike’s marketing principles and concepts, branding, organizational culture, and other information that might be useful for your essay writing. Nike is an American multinational corporation founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports and later changed its name...

Tesco Supply Chain Management

Tesco Supply Chain Management: Executive Summary Supply chain consolidation is crucial competitive value for firms with international operations. Close supplier relationships help improve quality, streamline delivery systems, and reduce operational costs. This paper examined Tesco’s coordination strategies for its global supply chain, returns on its R&D investment, supply chain risk...

Importance of Standard Costing System in the Modern World

Standard Cost System: Introduction Standard costs are set (target) costs expected to be incurred when a company operates under efficient conditions (Drury, 2008). The main function of standard costing is to eliminate wastage of resources during operation and increasing efficiency during operation. Standard costing is generally best applied to companies...

Burj Al Arab Hotel Marketing Analysis

Burj Al Arab Marketing Strategies: Introduction Today, it is crucial to take into account the complexity of the market if a business is to be successful. To do that, it is recommended to use the various tools provided by marketing; the latter can be defined as “the management process responsible...

Where Does Organizational Culture Come From? Main Sources

🚩 Organizational Culture Sources – Introduction This paper explores the sources of organizational culture in public and private organizations. You will find a definition of organizational culture and a discussion about where the organizational culture comes from. The original sources of organizational culture include the characteristics of people within organizations,...

McDonald’s Organizational Culture and Its Elements

McDonald’s Organizational Culture: Introduction Organizational culture refers to the “values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization” (Cameron & Quinn 2011, p. 13). It encompasses the expectations, values, and experiences that promote cohesion and achievement of organizational goals (Flamholtz & Randle 2011, p....

The United Arab Emirates Exchange Rate Regime Analysis

Introduction Exchange rate refers to the “price of one country’s currency expressed in another country’s currency” (Boyes and Melvin 253). The exchange rate is an important macroeconomic variable since it influences the competitiveness of a country’s exports and imports (Boyes and Melvin 156). It also influences the returns on different...

Mental Healthcare Provision & Barriers to Innovation

Introduction Mental health providers require innovative ways of improving care delivery, but they are experiencing significant challenges in adopting innovations. Mental health has emerged as an essential aspect of care due to the significant increase in cases. More patients are being diagnosed with cognitive challenges, especially with the just concluded...

Analysis of Amazon Go’s Expansion Into the European Market

Introduction Amazon is a global corporation headquartered in Seattle, United States. It is principally an online retailer and technology company based on cloud computing, artificial intelligence, digital streaming, and e-commerce. Amazon is, therefore, renowned for its technological prowess including the revolutionary development of the Amazon Go shopping experience. Amazon Go...

Electromagnetism Studies in Laboratory Works

Introduction One of the four fundamental types of interaction widely found in nature and used by humans in the industry is electromagnetism. In general, electromagnetism should be understood as a branch of general physics that studies the interaction of charges and the electric fields they create with magnetic fields (Braza,...

Netflix’s Globalization in Brazil

Introduction The modern world has become more connected due to globalization and multinational dependence on areas that support socioeconomic development. The 21st century is largely credited with the unprecedented growth of globalization, particularly through global economic interaction, trade, and capital flaws (McGrath et al., 2022). Factors such as technology are...

Canada’s International Trade Policy

Introduction International trade strategies have changed for Canada. In fact, 2017 is proving to be the year that define the country’s international trade policy. The US wants to renegotiate NAFTA and the dwindling outcomes of the Asia-Pacific trade policy, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), provide an opportunity for a review of trade...

Philosophers’ Theories on Climate Change

Introduction The paper demonstrates two philosophers’ theories on climate change, namely Laura Westra and Graham Long. The thoughts and ideas are evaluated by using a hypothetical situation. Company X, an engineering firm, decides to shift its operations to a developing country with less rigorous environmental rules in order to conceal...

Impact of Outdoor Activities on Mental Health

Rationale for Research The need for the present study emerged from the researcher’s observations of people whom they guided in the mountains during hikes and treks as a mountain leader and scout leader. The majority of individuals coming to the natural setting complain of having chronic stress in the environment...

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to a Group of Bereaved Patients

Introduction When individuals lose someone close to them, either spouse, friend, or family member, they tend to experience grief. When facing a loss, people manage this traumatic experience in different ways. Some enter into depression, especially children who have not experienced such events. There are two approaches that a therapist...

The Ashari Theology in Sunni Islam

The Islam religion is primarily known for their belief in the Quran as their primary material of reference as it guides them in their daily conduct. The religion further believes in their first prophet Muhammad who creates an understandable link between God and His people. The Quran, the Islamic holiest...

Argos and eBay Firms’ Talent and Knowledge Management

Introduction eBay Inc., a leader in payment, is a global commerce platform established in 1995 in San Jose, California. It connects millions of sellers and buyers (Kassem 2022, p. 1). They accomplish this by using GSI, which enables e-commerce, digital marketing, and multichannel retailing for multinational corporations (Zarra et al....

The Just Eat Company’s Structure and Culture

Introduction Just Eat is a UK-based online food ordering and delivery service founded in 2001 and headquartered in London, United Kingdom. The company operates in fourteen countries, with six hundred and thirty-four thousand local partners. Customers can order food from restaurants via the website or app and have it delivered...

Joseph and Yusuf in the Qur’an and the Bible

Introduction Prophet Yusuf is a character in the Holy Book of the Koran, the Bible, and Jews. He lived, preached, and died in Egypt in the sixteenth century BC, living for nearly one hundred and ten years. His name is mentioned twenty-six times in the Qur’an, and there is also...

Qatari Community Recreation Centre Project Management

Abstract Projects are key factors in the improvement of numerous organisations and communities, as they contain the possibilities for advancing the companies’ outputs and creating additional services for the residents. However, to successfully design and implement a project, numerous considerations must be followed. Therefore, comprehensive knowledge about the project life...

Researching of Responsible Leadership

The Commitment to Social Responsibility The Concept of Responsibility The concept of responsibility is essential because it provides a sense of purpose at an individual and societal level and the ability to become accountable. It is an ethical term that relates to individuals’ and groups’ moral obligations and duties to...