Groupthink Concepts in Social Psychology

Social psychology is a discipline that uses systematic methods to understand and provide details on how feelings, thoughts, and behavior of individuals are influenced by the real, anticipated, or implied company of others (Baron and Byrne 12). Social psychology explains why people are highly influenced by the environment and those...

Social Media’s Influence: Activism and Revolution

Role of Social Media’s Influence in Activism and Revolution Social networking and internet creation have significantly raised people’s capacity to spread or distribute information easily and freely and as well increased the capacity of the people to organize events. Revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia were highly contributed by the use...

Specific Features Among Cultures

Human beings find affection as the emotional foundation of like or dislike. This leads to socialization especially in regards to members of the opposite sex. Kauth (54) argues that when the concept of ‘like’ in affection gets a foundational creation through emotions, attraction is definitely developed. As a result, it...

The Twenty Statements Test – Social Psychology

In order to determine self-concept, researchers Rhee, Uleman, Lee and Roman developed the Twenty Statements Test or TST. The process required the participants to answer the question “Who are you?” They were provided a questionnaire that contained this question followed by 20 blank lines that began with “I am.” The...

Psychologists Types: Differences and Similarities

Psychology is the scientific study of behavioral change and mental processes in human beings. Clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and counseling psychologists are some of the experts in the field of psychology. Although the aforementioned groups focus on the same field, their education background and treatment techniques differ slightly. The following text...

Counseling Profession’ Analysis: Current State of the Profession and Potential Threats

The current state of the profession The counseling profession offers a wide range of services. It ranges from counseling students on various issues regarding their academic work to families in a crisis situation. However, the acceptance and prominence of counseling as a profession varies according to regions. For instance in...

Cultural Anthropology: The Case of America

The US has diversity in ethnicity and races because of its historical immigration of people from various dissimilar countries. It is due to such diversity that multiculturalism is a crucial idea in the country. There is so much transition-taking place in the USA since white Americans are losing their status...

Parable of Predation as a Somali’s Political Symbol

Folklore as a part of oral language is one of the most significant cultural characteristics. My cultural background is full of national myths and parables. For my analysis one of them which is called the Parable of predation (the typed text is added at the end of the present research...

Role of Gender in Cartoons and Commercials

In recent times, people are increasingly putting their trust in media and especially the television more than ever before. The media has become a common playfield where political, social, and financial information is relayed to people. Naturally, children tend to remember what they see more than what they hear. On...

Emotional and Behavioral Disorders – Psychology

Historical perspective Since time immemorial, it has been relatively difficult to get the appropriate definition of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Various researchers involved with the subject under review have declared some of the definitions of this type of disability as critically flawed. The federal definition of EBD is part...

Pathological Perfectionism – Psychology

The introduction The fundamentals of the disease When speaking about pathological perfectionism, it is necessary to highlight the basic signs of psychological disease. So, first of all, it should be pointed out that pathological perfectionism is characterized by setting unreasonably high standards. Generally, one is to keep in mind that...

Social Networking: Positive and Negative Outcomes

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine that people can do without the Internet. It helps people share information, it helps people do business, it helps them to study, etc. Of course, the Internet helps individuals communicate irrespective of distances. People have become closer. However, more and more researchers argue that...

Comparison of Evolution Theory vs. Creationism – Philosophy

Introduction: Staring from the Big Bang There is hardly a single person in the world who has never asked him-/herself, what the origin of life is. Even though the issue is frequently addressed, there is hardly a single way to find out the truth, which, however, does not bother the...

Present Interpretation of the Term Lying

Introduction Criticized by ancient philosophers, lying has become an inherent trait of modern community. An episode from The Andy Griffith Show about Mr. McBevee demonstrates the complexity of the modern concept of lying and deception which requires taking into account not only the individual’s motives in telling a lie, but...

Parents Bear Responsibility for the Recreational Rioter – Psychology

The riots that broke out in London on August 4, 2011 shocked the British society and the world at large. The violence, aggression, destructive behavior and looting displayed by the youth have elicited varied reactions and explanations from the public. That level of violence and destruction was not expected, even...

Civil Disobediance and Multiculturalism

The very idea of civil disobedience is based on the premise that people have a right to affect the decisions of policies of the government if they believe that this institution does not cope with its duties. Moreover, citizens can and should object to the laws if they believe that...

Should Social Norms Change at the Brink of the New Era?

Introduction: Entering the New Century Living in a world without any social, political or moral restrictions can hardly seem possible, because the humankind needs certain boundaries which will define the meaning of good and evil, thus, setting certain rules with the help of which the humankind can survive. However, as...

The Cultural Change Challenges

In the article “The Old Grey Mare, She Misses What Used to be”, Shelly Fralic argues that cultural change is the main source of the challenges experienced within populations. She laments that there is a lot of confusion in the current society attributable to the human factors that are self-imposed...

Mencius, Confucianism and Asian Philosophy

This paper summarizes the main points of the Mencius, as translated by David Hinton. The paper begins with a brief introduction of the Asian philosopher Confucius, whose teachings formed the basis of the Mencius, followed by a brief introduction of Mencius the philosopher. The essay then separates the main points...

Confucius and Other Philosophers Role in China

China is among the countries that is enjoying the fruits of ancient civilization. The reason behind this is because it has an extended and inexplicable history of around 5000 years ago. This duration contributed a lot in the growth of the country and the expansion of its territories. China been...

Youth Life and Social Changes in Developed Countries

Introduction Social change refers to the transformation in social structure and social order in society Giddens (2006 pp 43).In his study, France (2007, pp 8) found out that the pre-modern society was characterized by strong social classes and social order. It was also characterized by strong differentiation in gender. Young...

The Concept of ‘Responsibility’

The concept of ‘responsibility’ The peculiarities of the modern world’s development make people often think about the idea of responsibility because they should be responsible for each their step and every word. I agree that the concept of ‘responsibility’ can be discussed as one of the major elements which form...

The Human Concept of Happiness and Good

In order to achieve happiness or fulfilment, men’s good character is essential. This implies that men must live righteously and strive for the good if they wish to enjoy a complete life. According to Aristotle, happiness depends on humans themselves, more than anything else. He states that happiness is the...

Granting Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants in USA

Introduction The issue of illegal immigration in the United States has attracted substantial controversy with a large faction of the U.S. population supporting deportation and an equally large group calling for the government to grant them amnesty. During former President Bush’s regime, the president had pushed for the immigration reform...

The Maslow Assessment Test

The Maslow Assessment Test was researched and developed by Abraham Maslow, founder of the school of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology. He believed that our development as human beings could be viewed in a multi-level, almost pyramid-like set up corresponding to our personal development in the fields of safety, self-esteem, aesthetic...

The Disagreement Value in Knowledging

Introduction Disagreement is rarely considered as something positive. It is rather viewed as an annoying obstacle standing in the way of one’s learning process, which is rather sad because, in some ways, disagreement can lead to several fruitful results. Nevertheless, the role of argument in a conversation is often diminished. In...

Moral Judgment: The Willingness to Judge a Situation From More Than One Viewpoint

Moral judgment about a given case requires consistency in taste such that, it can apply to other related matters. It calls for a willingness to judge a situation from more than one viewpoint to achieve consistency in judgment and avoid subjective judgment (Weston 245). For instance, a pro-life proponent arguing...

Philosophers Views on Metaphysics

In his philosophical arguments, Rene Descartes aims to differentiate facts and beliefs as sources of knowledge among humans. Since facts and beliefs are hardly different, Descartes employs the concepts of skepticism, the evil demon, and God in resolving his doubts about reality and illusion. In the concept of skepticism, Descartes...

Changing or Unchanging Phenomena

The view of Heraclitus regarding the nature of reality depends on the vision that the reality’s basic element is fire. Fire is characterized by the ceaseless change determining the reality. This change is also based on the logos as a cosmic order. The view is rather reasonable because it addresses...

Psychology Issues: Stop Time

Introduction ‘Stop time’ is an unforgettable time that is considered as a person’s beginning of comprehending certain personal issues in life. Some particular issues in a person’s life only make logic through interventions of a resourceful person. The realization and interpretation of such memories enable a person to understand certain...

Epistemology Philosophy: Personal Experience and Alternative Philosophies

Analyzing My Philosophy of Epistemology Philosophers from the 13th to the 16th century all believed in the concept that the Earth was flat, yet today we know that it is round. Belief in knowledge being absolute invites the possibility of error and misjudged truths. It is due to this that...

Social Problem of Inequality

Introduction The salient crime that dominates people’s considerations is violent crime due to the fatal, shocking and traumatizing aftermath. This has led to a greater focus on this type of crime in comparison to property crime. Property crimes are the common crimes that occur in everyday life, and they do...

Contrast in Analyzing of Three Articles

In his article, Stephen Marche discusses important social problems that profoundly influence the United States. In particular, the author pays much attention to the growing inequalities in the country (Marche 255). This trend can take various forms. In many cases, the social status of individuals is not determined by their...

Ethics Issues: Personal Responsibility

Introduction The enthusiasm for admitting the significance of values that societies set for personal behavior is referred to as personal responsibility. It entails making active personal determinations to live based on the values. In fact, it also means that when a person fails to meet the anticipated values, he/she does...

Latino Youth Teen Pregnancy

What experience, situation, or subculture did the researchers seek to understand? The purpose of this study was to analyze the problem of teen pregnancy among Latino girls. The researchers targeted girls below 20 years. The authors mainly focused on the Hispanic (Latino) culture. The study was critical towards analyzing how...

Gender in the 21st Century: Fighting Dangerous Stereotypes

Introduction: A New Way of Looking at Manliness Gender stereotypes have existed since the beginning of time. Even though the tendency to subvert some of the existing gender related clichés has emerged since recently clearly not enough is being done in order to address the problems that gender profiling creates....

The Courage to Grieve

Introduction Life is an uphill task, which has many confrontations. Out of daily endeavors, challenges invade people, leaving them with grieve. For example, sudden illness, loss of a loved one, loss of a job, termination of contracts, and loss of mobility leave people grieved. Sudden changes in people’s life cause...

Affirmative Action and Its Role in the Country

In society, there exist different social groups which are characterized by many features including race, gender, and economic status, among others. These different social groupings are characterized by the existence of an imbalance in opportunity available to them; this status quo necessitated the creation of special programs for the disadvantaged...

Social Issues: Understanding Opinions and Group Pressure by Solomon E. Asch

Central Argument Human beings are social creatures by nature. It is noted that most of their behavioral traits are attributed to their social disposition. For example, their actions are shaped and determined by the expectations of the groups to which they belong. Their acts are also informed by the social...

Psychology: Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and creative thinking are two forms of thinking that characterize creativity, originality, innovation, reflection, and deep comprehension of reality. Creative thinking refers to the process of developing original ideas that require further explication for full comprehension. On the other hand, critical thinking refers to the process of reflecting, evaluating,...

Philosophical Antecedets to Psychology

Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes and physiological processes underlying them (Schultz, 2005). Since time immemorial, philosophers have tried to understand mind processes and epistemology. One of the goals of psychology is to describe, explain, control and predict behavior. The great Greek philosopher Plato brought forward concepts...

Changeability of the Reality in Philosophy

According to Heraclitus, the main and most important trait of the reality was its changeability. He states that permanence was nothing but illusion (Moore & Bruder, 2010). Though, Heraclitus believed that the changes in the universe were not accidental, but determined by logos, the cosmic order. He spoke about the...

Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

Introduction Despite the numerous laws protecting the rights of children, child abuse cases have been on the increase in recent times. Most incidences involving child abuse are left unreported, which leads to further increase in such cases. Child abuse can be manifested in different forms; however, the most common forms...

Homosexuality in Canada

Origin of Homosexuality Homosexuality can be explained in three main dimensions: biological, behavioral and psychodynamic dimensions of homosexual orientations. Homosexuality is defined as an act of having a sexual relationship between two individuals of similar gender (PFLAG 2). The societal understanding of the term, however, is centered mainly on sexual...

The Issue of Race in America

Introduction One of the issues that have continued to cause major rifts among the earth’s human population is the issue of racism and discrimination. In past years, ills such as apartheid, xenophobia, and intolerance, resulted in social life being disrupted and many lives being lost. In light of the degenerative...

Code of Federal Regulations: Definition of Ethics

Research ethics is a doubtlessly significant part of any scientific project, especially when the project in question is carried out within the realm of the biomedical or behavioral studies. To assure that no harm is done to the participants involved, the Institutional Review Board was created. Though it is traditionally...

Psychology Issues: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Abstract People often experience situations that make them feel worried or suffer emotional tension. The human body reacts to such situations with a fight or flight response. Examples of experiences that can lead to such responses include rape, child abuse, bombing, torture, mugging, and natural disasters among others. People who...

Psychology Issues: Television Violence

In recent times, electronic media has caught the masses’ attention due to the many reports about sexually explicit and violent imagery in the products sold to youth. The discourse about the consequences of television violence has developed to be normative. Indeed, psychologists have bitterly argued the level to which television...

Social Issues: America and China Comparison

Laws The main difference between the legal systems of America and China is that, whereas American laws reflect the Judeo-Christian cultural legacy, those of China are concerned with the values of Confucianism. This is the reason why, for example, unlike what it happened to be the case with judges in...

Freudian and Marxist Consciousness Differences

Introduction Freudian and Marxist philosophies are the defining attributes of the social and ideological life of Europe in the XXth century. However, in spite of the fact that both branches were developed during one period, they are based on totally different conceptions, which is obvious from the comparative analysis of...

Parents Need Help: Restricting Access to Video Games

Summary of the Argument The author uses the argument of the governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, to heap the blame on makers of violent video games by pointing out that the video games are solely to blame for real violence in the society (Whitehead). According to the governor, it is...

Comparing Self-Esteem and Anxiety: Psychology

In psychology, self-esteem is a feeling that gives someone a source of purpose in life. On the other hand, anxiety is an extreme feeling resulting from imbalances in an individual’s self-esteem. It may be worsened by uncertainty (Bryson, 2003). We take a specific study of 10 nursing students and try...

Female Divine in Contemporary Culture

Traditional Vs. Modernized Black Woman Historically, discrimination has been a major challenge, but globalization and acceptance of change bring in a new world where people can freely interact and build rapport without discerning others. Taylor’s article (2006) strongly reveals change, especially among black women. A black woman in today’s society...

Care Leavers and Public Services Peer Research

Introduction The article “Care leavers and public services peer research” dwells upon care leavers and the way they become a part of the society as well as the role of public services in this process. The article is written by Rachel Lopata and published in 2011. Some of the major...

Racism Causes and Impacts in America

Introduction This paper will discuss the impacts of racism on American both the native and the immigrants. In the paper, the historic accounts of the African-American populations as well as other minority immigrants will be revisited. As will be pointed out in this paper, racism and ethnic discrimination is a...

Young Individuals Challenges and Overcoming Barriers

Introduction Various researchers and journalists pay attention to the difficulties that are often encountered by young people. In part, these challenges can be explained by the differences in values, worldviews, and lifestyles. Very often, they can lead to conflicts and misunderstanding. These issues can be discussed with the help of...

Euthanizing Handicapped People: Ethical and Moral Concerns

The most fundamental right of every human being is the right to life. Consequently, care should be taken to ensure that every person lives until he or she dies naturally. However, there may come a time when a person’s life will become a burden to society. In such a scenario,...

Moral Argument in Support of Abortion

Abortion has been a hotly debated topic since as far back I can remember with two groups always either in support or against it. Normally, you have to either be pro-life or anti-abortion. No gray area here. Coming from a deeply religious family, I tended to believe in the doctrines...

Depressed Women and Art Therapy

Introduction Depression is a serious mental health issue that has become prevalent in modern society. While this condition afflicts people indiscriminately, women are more predisposed to developing depressive disorders. A report by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) estimates that one in eight women will face a major depression...

Interracial Couples: Concepts and the Nature of Problems

Introduction Although some societies have accepted and integrated the concept of racial marriages in their societal practices, still the concept faces a lot of prejudice not only from external members of families but also from natural problems, associated with differences in couples cultures. To a larger extent, such segregations jeopardize...

Truth Concepts in Mathematics, the Arts and Ethics

Introduction Truth primarily means conforming to factual reality. Depending on individuals’ perceptions, way of thinking, emotionality, or form of verbal and non-verbal communication (language), truth is relative (Atwood p. 1). Human beings base their judgments on mere perceptions, which vary depending on an individual’s state of mind, societal influences, and...

Omar Al-Bashir’s Regime and George Orwell’s “1984” Comparison

Introduction The dystopian genre of literature revolves around society with oppressive leadership with non-conforming structures (Orwell 26). Usually as Booker (5) notes, malevolent autocrats rise to the throne and stamp autocratic systems in running the society. More often, the government of the day is characteristic of endless travesties that cause...

Why Do Monsters Matter in Our Lives?

Man has always had an insatiable desire to create. His creations are of varying forms; from tranquil and beautiful ones to grotesque and gruesome ones. One of the mans fascinating albeit troubling creations is that of monsters. While no one can tell the exact moment in history when the notion...

Risk of Early Pregnancies among Latina Teens

What Experience, Situation, or Subculture Did the Researchers Seek to Understand? The researchers of “A Latino Young Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy” sought to understand the community of Pacific Northwest, namely – the tendencies leading to early pregnancies among Latina girls of teen age. The research explored the relationships and...

Sexual Education’s Lack and Its Impact on Sexual Choices

According to our class readings for the topic “Sex and Moral Values” in our class book “21st Century Ethical Toolbox” the act of sex or making love does not always have to come from a physical standpoint. It may also come in the form of intellectual stimulation of one another,...

Philosophy Issues: The Allegory of The Cave by Plato

Introduction Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher. Although he travelled to Italy on several occasions, he spent the better part of his life in Athens. Having been born in a noble family, Plato had the benefit of acquiring the finest education as reflected in his collection of philosophical works that...

Social Community Constructions, Expected Social Conduct, and Economic Structures Within the Society

Introduction This paper outlines social community constructions, expected social conduct, and economic structures within the society. Also, it analyzes the government’s support for occupations and unfortunate citizens. It evaluates various aspects of society and their significance to the culture. Come the unity refers to a social set up with values...

Loneliness Causes – Psychology

Loneliness is a serious problem of the contemporary world. Lots of people of all ages are suffering from the inability to find a suitable partner and arrange own love life. Settling down is a big issue. Maintaining successful interpersonal relationship and being in a couple has become so difficult that...

Learning and Cognitive Theories Comparison – Psychology

Feud’s theory During the oral stage in Feud’s theory the baby’s body responds to pleasurable sensation through the gums, tongue and mouth. At the anal stage, pleasurable sensations mainly emanates from the anus of the baby. The most vital body part is the penis. Genital stimulation generates a lot of...

Food Across Cultures: Asida (Jamza) Meal Project

The modern world has been under the influence of the process of globalization for many decades. The consequences of this process are the increasing range of interactions between representatives of various cultures. The borders between different countries are being erased and multiple waves of immigration are hitting most of the...

“Flight from Death” by Patrick Shen

Introduction In human beings, death causes anxiousness, fear, depression, and sorrow even at its mention. Even with the knowledge that death is inevitable for living, people can never be prepared for it, and that explains why sorrow and grief accompany death. Although man has invented ways and means of stopping...

Domestic Violence in Florida

Florida Department of Children and Families: Domestic Violence The mission of the Florida Department’s Domestic Violence Program is to contribute to creating the safe environments for the victims of domestic violence while focusing on building the partnership relations with different community’s organizations in order to guarantee the provision of the...

Sociology: Muslim and Western Women

Introduction Globalization has had significant impacts on the lives of many people in different continents. However, the Muslim society has resisted various attempts to brainwash it with western ideologies. Most Islamic issues have not changed even though there has been an improvement in their lifestyle. Women are very vulnerable to...

Social Issues: The Drinking Age Limit

Persuasive essay In the majority of countries, the minimum age limit required for one to consume alcohol is 18 years (International Center for Alcohol Policies 2). Only a few countries have set the drinking age limits of 16 years and 21 years (International Center for Alcohol Policies 2). In recent...

Social Issues: Digital Divide in Washington

Background The term ‘digital divide’ has become popular with the recent developments in the information and technology sector. According to McGrath (2011), the term basically refers to the gap that exists between those individuals who can readily access information and communication technologies and those who are unable to do this....

Anxiety Disorders Psychology: Managing Panic Attack

Is Alex having heart attack or panic attack? How would you distinguish the differences? The symptoms that Alex shows indicate that he is suffering from panic attack. For instance, he has pain localized in the chest area. In heart attack, the pain spreads to the back, arms and the neck....

The American Family: Reduction in the Size of the Family and Its Historical Factors

The size of the family has been reducing gradually. The reduction in the number of children has increased the proportion of elderly people in the population. Some places are experiencing a reduction in the size of the population. America is experiencing a reduction in birth rates. This has increased the...

Amish Group Values

The Amish are a group with over 200,000 members who are American Protestants. This group originated from European Anabaptists as they escaped persecution. These people follow a written code of rules that they call Ordnung. These rules define all life aspects including what it really means to be an Amish....

Emergency Plan for the Midland Community Center

Introduction Disaster preparedness is a crucial element of the strategy facilitating the safety of a community. Despite the fact that some parts of the United States, such as Michigan, are less prone to disasters than the others, it is crucial that the maximum safety should be provided to every single...

Illegal Immigration: Impacts on Immigrants and Countries

In the contemporary society human being is proclaimed to be the main value and everyone should take care and protect it from any possible humiliation of its dignity. The era of humanism and tolerance is supposed to come, when everyone should have equal rights. Unfortunately, things are not so good...

Crisis of Chemical Dependence: Drug Abuse

Introduction Drug abuse is a major challenge in the contemporary world because it leads to grave social and economic consequences (Kuhar & Wrobel, 2010). According to research findings, the United States of America has the highest percentage of drug abuse globally (Warner, 2008). Drug abuse mainly begins during teenage (Kuhar...

Marijuana Legalization Debate: Arguments Against Legalization

According to the opinion article posted by the Editorial Board of the Washington Post newspaper, the rush to legalize the use of marijuana should be rejected by Washington D.C voters. The board notes that handling of small amounts of drug was decriminalized recently and therefore, it is not logical to...

Unequal Privileges: Legal, Religious and Social Factors

Introduction The annals of history are replete with inequalities in human relations including, discrimination based on religion, ethnic extraction, race, gender, and sexual orientation. Discrimination has never augured well with many people and so abolitionists still clamor for justice and equality, and have made major strides towards ending it. Nevertheless,...

Great Wall of America and Mexican Illegal Immigrants

Introduction Widespread immigration is one of the defining characteristics of the modern world. While immigrants have a variety of destination countries, the US has been the choice destination for millions of people from all over the world. Due to the restrictions imposed by the Federal government to curb the number...

Institutional Violence in Healthcare: Factors and Ways of Intervention

Precipitating Factors Institutional violence includes various institutionalized acts of aggression committed by societal agents (James & Gilliland, 2012). Healthcare workers, as people who play a frontline role during emergencies or crises, are more prone to victim aggression than other professionals are. In recent years, a number of factors, namely, substance...

Rape’ Definition and Dynamics

Definition of rape Rape is a form of sexual exploitation usually characterized by copulation or other related forms of penetration. It is criminal because it lacks consensus between the victim and the perpetrator (Cahill, 2001). In most cases, rape occurs through coercion or taking undue advantage over individuals who lack...

Substance Abuse: How Much Is Enough?

Sociocultural determinants of substance abuse Drug and substance abuse is caused by many factors that include environmental, age, race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income level and socioeconomic class (Howinson, 2005). Socioeconomic determinants that determine substance abuse include peer pressure, family influence, social networks, and societal attitudes towards substance use....

Social Cultural Determinants of Substance Abuse

Introduction Chemical dependence implies the continual use of drugs beyond the discovery of related medical problems. Clear symptoms of chemical dependence include an increased desire by a victim have more of a given chemical substance, fear of indulging in social and recreational activities, and the determination by the affected person...

Using Animals in Medical Experiments

Abstract This paper explores how the principles of the character-based ethical approach can be applied to the discussion of using animals in the medical research as well as in laboratory experiments. The specific type of the character-based ethical approach that is applied to the topic in the paper is constructive...

Chemical Dependence in the United States

Introduction Substance use is an illegal industry that has cost the United States billions of dollars. Money that is meant for developmental projects is used to pay hospital bills and losses that are caused by drug abusers. Nonetheless, various factors drive individuals to misuse of drugs. Continuous use of drugs...

Immigration to the United States – the DREAM Act

Introduction The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is a law that aims to offer permanent residency to immigrants who show good moral character and graduates of American institutions (Schwab 21). “The DREAM Act was introduced as a piece of bipartisan legislation in 2001 under the rhetoric...

“Are We Worried About Storm’s Identity – or Our Own?”

Patricia Williams, in her thought-provoking chef-d’oeuvre article, Are we worried about storm’s identity—or our own, uses several rhetorical devices; however, the most outstanding ones are story telling and irony. The article opens with a story about the author’s son and a little girl, Jessie. The two kids had the habit...

Ethical Issues: Euthanasia Debate

Introduction Voluntary euthanasia occurs due to permission from the patient. On the other hand, involuntary euthanasia may be carried when the patient is not in a position to make a decision or did not leave a good will. Active euthanasia happens when a third party carries out a deliberate act...

Social Studies: The American Dream’s Concept

The American dream focuses on making life better for its citizens and immigrants. It entails the aggressiveness instilled in the residents of America once they find themselves in various quagmires of life. The dream aims at improving the living standards of the Americans and other inhabitants by ensuring they seize...

Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy About Ethics

The philosophy of morality and ethics determines the laws that should be the guide for every human being. Immanuel Kant has extensively written on the topic of ethics and by what principles people should behave. Even today, Kant’s work on the highest moral principles is adequate to outline the truth...

Looming the Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11

The Boy Spies Mubarak was the president of Egypt when the events introduced in the chapter took place. Zawahiri who has been also referred to as the ‘brains of Al Qaeda’ had a plan to kill Mubarak together with the Egyptian radicals during his visit to Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), to...

Articles on Gender, its Development, and Cultural Aspects

Definition of gender Unger and Crawford (1993, p. 122) argue that the definition of gender becomes clearer when one makes a distinction between gender and sex. In their article, the authors review about five definitions relative to different female and male traits, which are either sex- or gender-oriented. Here, the...

Gender is an Often Culturally-Prescribed Role

Over the years, there were debates about notions of “sex” and “gender”. The recent point of view is that gender roles are not universal for every individual, people regard them as fundamental and build their lives according to rules and standards prescribed by society. The historical background of the gender...

Theoretical Foundation of Gender as a Culturally-Prescribed Role

Vast majority of investigations concerning gender and its characteristics in comparison to biological sex are dated at the beginning of the 1970s, when the necessity to identify the difference between sex and gender turned out to be crucial (Holmes, 2007). Inability to take into consideration all influential factors led to...

Transnational Population of Tamils in Sri Lanka

The Transnational Tamils in Sri Lanka are a section of Tamilians pushing for the creation of an independent Tamil-dominated nation in the north and east of the country. They have been agitating for autonomy and secession since Sri Lanka obtained its independence from The British Empire. Significant part of the...

Radical Feminism as a Significant Step in the Development of Feministic Theories

The present paper focuses on radical feminism as a significant step in the development of feministic theories. In order to understand the specific ideology of radical feminism, its history is traced as a basis for the peculiar character of this type of feminism. Further on, the key notions of radical...

African American Women: Domestic Violence and Integrity

Introduction: The Author’s Intent and Its Interpretations Of all the equality issues, the one regarding render profiling and the means of fighting it might seem somewhat overlooked. Despite the fact that considerable efforts have been made in order to attain equality between men and women in the XX century, at...

Gender Studies: Feminism Varieties

Crenshaw observes that women have consistently gone through various forms of injustices in the society and the main problem that almost each of them faces is violence, which has always characterized their lives. However, the author notes that women are gaining consciousness to an extent that some have organized into...

On Anarchist Squints and the Sociological Imagination

Introduction At first glance, it might seem that the two concepts – the anarchist squint and the sociological imagination – have almost nothing in common. Although both concepts promise to drive humanity to a better future if implemented by people, there is a distinct difference in the main ideas: where...

Racism in American Education

Even though we live in a democratic country free from prejudice, there are a lot of cases of racism expressed via pressure and violence. Racism in American schools is one of the most spread ways of expressing prejudice and dissatisfaction as children can be cruel, and the absence of an...

Buffalo Re Use as a Social Entrepreneurship Endeavour

Social entrepreneurship is an innovative process that responds to market failures through the use of transformations so as to provide solutions to social problems. By use of transformations so as to provide solutions to social problems. This paper focuses on Buffalo Reuse as one of the endeavors in America towards...

Understanding Human Rights: Labor Rights in a Globalizing World and Gender Rights

Globalization and labor rights Labour rights are human rights that encompass the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of forced and slave labor; the abolition of child labor; and the eradication of any forms of discrimination at the workplace’’ (Mayer et al. 131). Globalization is “the growing interpenetration of states,...

Social Movement Theory: An Analysis of the Class Conflict Social Movement Theory and Lenin’s Social Movement Theory

This paper analyzes the class conflict social movement theory and Lenin’s social movement theory. Class conflict refers “to the antagonism that occurs within the society as a result of competing for socioeconomic interests and desires between people of different classes” (Tarrow 23). Class conflict can be manifested in various forms....

Eliminating Healthcare Disparities in the LGBTQI Community

A barrier is anything that will impede progress. Each and every person in society will one day face some type of barrier in their lifetime. It could be inequality, racism or discrimination, which are among every social class, gender, religion, nationality, and sexuality. These barriers are sometimes seen in healthcare....

Prevalence of Use, Abuse, Addiction to Crack Cocaine in African-American Children Living in Low Income Housing

Introduction The persistent poverty in African-American households became the primary cause of the crack cocaine prevalence, especially in inner cities. During the 1980s-1990s the addiction to crack cocaine involved the majority of the black population of problem neighborhood. The crack obsession controls the life of the drug addicted and influences...

Take a Stand: Underage Drinking

Abstract Despite the actions taken to prevent underage drinking, the specified issue still remains a major problem in the United States. The state law, which prohibits selling alcohol to underage people, does not prevent teenagers from engaging in drinking. However, these are not only the immediate risks such as the...

Homelessness to Mass Incarceration

Introduction Homelessness and incarceration are two experiences with a two-fold correlation. Not only the conditions of homelessness make people vulnerable to the different societal factors that may lead to imprisonment, but also the experience of the incarceration creates a high possibility that the former inmates of the penitentiary institutions will...

Rhetoric and Stereotypes: Feminists, Tattooed Persons, Politicians, and Senior Citizens

Stereotypes are generalizations that people have formed about other people who belong to other groups or class (Grobman, 1990). Stereotyping takes place in people’s lives at one point of their lives concerning people who they view as outsiders. These generalizations maybe reinforced by the society or environment. People stereotype others...

Why Gun Control Laws Should be Scrapped

Introduction Columbine High School, Westroads Mall in Omaha, Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University, and Lane Bryant in Tinley Park are places that have more than one thing in common. These places are sites where numerous victims have fallen prey to vicious gunmen who shot them to their untimely demise. Surprisingly,...

The Danger of Leaving a Child in a Hot Car in Florida

A few parents leave their child in the car. This act may lead to death of the baby. Since the 1990s, many hot car deaths have taken place in Florida. Appropriate precautions should be taken to avoid hot car death. Average temperature in Florida is 80 degree Fahrenheit (F). Between...

Physical, Emotional and Sexual Abuse of Children

The “Child Abuse” is the term given to the violent actions of adults in or out of a family against children. In such abuse, children may also participate unwillingly or willingly under coercion, force, threat or any other reason to let this act of abuse happen. This sexual abuse can...

Hispanic Cuban Americans’ Cultural Heritage and Traditions

Introduction The theme of this paper is about my Hispanic Cuban family. I am a resident of the U.S., and of Antilles descent. I am 41 years old and hail from a middle-class family. I am a Christian, of heterosexual inclinations and without any physical or mental disability. In this...

Should Abortion be Legal or Illegal?

Over twenty-five years ago the Supreme Court ruled that an anti-abortion law violated a woman’s constitutional right to privacy. The right to privacy and the choice for abortion is solely dependent on the person(s) involved and should not be rescinded by a superior authority. The two following articles highlights the...

Women’s Influence in Russian History

“Behind every successful man is a hard working woman.” This cliché could not be scientifically proved but the contribution of women in all aspects of life has had a great impact on the platform of the world history. Leaders have come and left memorable marks receiving credit for their exploits...

World’s Famine and Virtue

In his article called “Famine Relief: The Duties We Have to Others”, Christopher Heath Wellman focuses on the subject of ethics in the act of helping other people. His major statement is that if one has the resources and an ability to help someone who is in need of help...

International Development, Colonialism, Social Inequality and Class Stratification

Colonialism This is the situation where a country extends its national sovereignty over land beyond its borders. This is by establishment of settler colonies or administrative representatives in which the native populations are ruled directly or relocated. The country that colonizes usually controls the resources, work force, and markets of...

Abortion as a Controversy

Introduction Debate on abortion has been in the public domain for quite some time. On one side is a group opposed to legalizing abortion, arguing that legalization of abortion would make people more irresponsible. Irresponsibility would lead to more unwanted pregnancies, and the rate of abortion would soar up. Proponents...

Sexual Identity: Attributions and Meaning-making

Identity forms an integral part of the very human existence. The term is often used in social sciences to refer to an individual’s understanding of himself or herself in relation to other people, ideas and nature. Of late, the sexual identity of an individual has become an increasingly important concept...

Gender Identity: Promotion of Equality for Sexual Orientation

Introduction Marginalization can be referred to as a situation where a certain community has been abandoned and no one cares about what it needs or what it should have for it to cope-up with the challenges that it might be going through. Marginalization can be based on various ways: race,...

National and the New York State Social Studies Standards

Introduction Social sciences are the study that encompasses geography with significant emphasis in the manner in which people live and plan themselves in the community. The sociological study usually takes place in the secondary and elementary institutions with a view of integrating the economics and geographical aspects of history and...

Global Inequality: Gender, Racial and Ethnic Inequality

Introduction Sociology refers to the study of the relations between people, the statutes, and procedures that govern these interactions by either binding or separating persons, organizations, or societies (Oesamn 45). Some of the basic sociological concepts that are looked at in the study of sociology include culture, deviance and social...

Domestic Violence with Disabilities

Introduction It is always good to understand the meaning of what one wants to discus. It will be impossible for one to critically discuss what he or she does not understand. The key word in this discussion is domestic violence but before I get into that I will first explain...

Should Illegal Immigrants be Made Legal Citizens?

Introduction The term or phrase illegal immigrant is used to describe people who enter a country without government’s legal permission. On the other hand, the term illegal immigrant can be used to describe people who have lived in a country beyond the period indicated in their visa. The term can...

Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized?

Today the issue of same-sex marriages is widely discussed in the legal and social spheres in the USA. Every day the situation becomes more and more controversial because this problem involves the questions of the equality of civil rights for all people in the country and the role of states...

Problems of Spanking Children

Introduction Parents should not employ spanking as a disciplinary technique for shaping a child’s behavior. Some studies indicate that spanking is a futile technique for disciplining children. However, none of these studies show its benefits or usefulness. In reality, spanking estranges children from their parents, instead of promoting good behavior....

Executive Leadership for Women: Examining the Rhetoric and the Reality

Introduction The focal point of this paper is to present an article critic on the literature review by Kathy L. Cocchio published in March 11, 2009. The title of the text is Executive leadership for women: Examining the rhetoric and the reality. The fundamental thesis of the study is clearly...

Projects or Stop Violence Programs: Domestic Violence

Introduction The manner or behaviour that entails one party abusing the other denotes domestic violence. The violence mainly happens between the families, dating, cohabitation, marriages, as well as intimate relationship. Domestic violence may come I form of intimate partner violence, dating abuse, family violence, battering, spousal abuse, and domestic abuse....

Problems of the Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is gaining notoriety each passing day. More and more women are falling victims to this social ill at an alarming rate. Research, by Yehuda, shows that an estimated 1.8 to 3.6 women are suffering under abusive violence from their intimate partners each passing year. Male partners are the...

Argument Against Physician – Assisted Suicide

All physicians swear by the Hippocratic oath before they start practicing medicine. The oath includes a strong admonition against the issuing of harmful and in fact deadly drugs to a patient. When it was being crafted, it did not consider that a physician would want to do anything other than...

Compromise and Collaboration in Conflict Resolution

Introduction Conflicts are inevitable in the lives of people. A person can be involved in a conflict situation with family members and friends as well as colleagues or even strangers. Conflicts are usually caused by the incompatibility of principles, aims, interests, or experiences. In every case, the success of conflict...

Communications: Facebook Social Media Platform

Introduction Facebook refers to a social network that allows people to share information online. One becomes a user after he or she signs up and adds a personal profile, which shows an individual’s gender, photo, and contacts. One can choose to belong to a group of persons, such as colleagues...

Human Trafficking: Current State and Counteracts

Outline One of the emerging issues regarding criminology is human trafficking that is conducted through organized crime. It involves transportation of people from their mother country across interstate borders as well as within their mother countries to be sexually exploited as well as a become source of cheap unskilled labor...

“The War on Human Trafficking: U.S. Policy Assessed” by Anthony M. DeStefano

“The War on Human Trafficking: U.S. Policy Assessed” by Anthony M. DeStefano is about one of the modern-day plagues of our society; human trafficking. The author recognizes that talking about human trafficking phenomena is a broad and complicated topic. So DeStefano starts his analysis at a certain historical point. It...

Community Services: Personal and Social Benefits

Community Service Project, which I chose and continued, and my benefit from it. The action performed by a human being that benefits his or her community is known as community service. Getting involved in a community enables us to be healthier and livelier. Things that could be considered as community...

Teenage Pregnancy and Its Negative Outcomes

Teenage pregnancy or pregnancy at a very early stage is defined in different countries in different ways. For instance, in the United States, it is defined as an under-aged girl becoming pregnant, whereas, in the United Kingdom, there is a legal definition whereby a woman is considered to be a...

Animal Testing: Evaluation, Prediction and Risk

Animal testing is a controversial issue. On the one hand, there is a necessity to use them for scientific purposes. They are helpful in the conduct of research on given products, cosmetics included, and drugs in order to examine their potential effects on human beings. However, an ethical issue forces...

Sociology: Stereotypes and Their Influence

Introduction The concept of social stereotype was brought into scientific use by Walter Lippman, who considered it as the ordered, and schematic image or picture determined by the culture of the world in people’s head. Lippman outlined the following principal causes based on which people resort to stereo-identification: first, based...

Global Impact of Social Media in United Arabs Emirates

Abstract This research paper examines the impact of social media on teenagers in the UAE. Through primary survey research, it was established that social media has positive and negative impacts on teenagers. The research was based on a sample of 30 respondents through a mixture of direct interviews and questionnaires....

Men and Women Interrelationship

When it comes to discussing the main principles of how men and women interrelate with each other, it is important to be aware of what accounts for the biologically predetermined workings of the feminine/masculine mentality. The reason for this is apparent – once, we are being in such a position;...

Video Games: Negative or Positive Effects on Teenage Kids

Introduction Video gaming is a highly controversial issue. It is often argued that it is very harmful to the players, gives them nothing, and is plainly a waste of time. On the contrary, large numbers of people still play games very often and enjoy them much. Which opinion is true?...

Use of Social Programs by Social Class in Canada

Introduction Canada, contrary to popular belief, is a highly stratified country. While the general perception to some citizens and foreigners alike is that it offers equal opportunities for individuals who strive to excel, the reality on the ground tells a different story. The history of Canada has been tainted by...

Understanding and Explaining the Canadian Identity

Creating a national identity for Canada is the central theme of the documentary Shameless Propaganda by Robert Lower. This film is an overview of Canadian documentaries made in the period during World War II. It helps in understanding the main ideas the Canadian government used in the past to build...