Importance of Recycling for Environment and People

An urgent problem today is the issue of garbage collection and recycling. This is important because the country’s population is growing, along with which there is an active increase in the amount of waste polluting the planet. An article written by Ina Vollmer et al. describes the importance of plastic...

Role of Kehinde Wiley in the Promotion of Diversity in the Art World

For several decades, African American artists have worked on the familiar tropes of Western art to explore its poor diversity. This method has generally centered on undermining figurative art, or portraiture, which has historically provided exposure to white Europeans, from Kara Walker’s paper cut-out silhouettes to Kerry James Marshall’s portraits...

Discussion of Virtual Museum of Arts

I performed a virtual tour of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) through the organisation’s website. The top part of the homepage displays a bold statement in white with a black background reading, “We look forward to seeing you!” I wish I would have visited the museum physically but I...

Rolls Royce’s Marketing and Branding

Global Marketing The Rolls Royce marketing strategy promotes the sale and promotion of a trademark, one brand worldwide in compliance with a unified marketing policy, strategy and marketing tactics. The company’s divisions and representative offices are located in 39 countries around the world. Consumer Behaviour Consumers of Rolls Royce automobiles...

The “Dawn of the Dead” Movie Analysis

Dawn of the Dead is set on the eve of the apocalypse, as zombies progressively take over the United States. The film tells the story of a mysterious sickness that sweeps the country, forcing the recently deceased to rise from their graves and prowl the countryside, fueled by a thirst...

Dual Store Model of Memory

Responding to the dual store model of memory, the model of human memory has three main components; sensory registers, working memory, also known as short term memory, and long-term memory (LTM). The model shows that information enters the sensory registers even when the person is not mentally active and stays...

Production and Growth During the Pandemic: A Case of U.S. Manufacturing

The need to sustain production and growth is one of the central concerns in running a business. Therefore, inspecting the phenomena and notions associated with production and growth is vital. In her recent article, Harriet Torry explained that, despite the pandemic, the U.S. manufacturing industry has been thriving, showing an...

Demographic and Epidemiological Transitions Resulted in an Aging World

Demographic transition is a theory that proposes three distinct stages in the gradual shift of population groups from high fertility and mortality to low fertility and mortality. These include the pretransition, transition, and post-transition phases, which have different relationship dynamics between mortality and fertility (McCracken & Phillips, 2017). The pretransition...

The Rwandan Genocide and Its Roots

Genocide, or a “crime against humanity,” is a tragedy that influences everyone. It is the manifestation of the inability of humanity to oppose evil that leads to thousands of deaths among civilians. Therefore, all people who lived in other countries and were not interested in crimes in another place in...

Aspects of FOXO3: A Longevity Gene

The discussion presented by Jolois related to FOXO3, a longevity gene discovered in the brains of people living longer than 100 years. This development of gene science is thrilling and inspiring for the medical and layperson community for many reasons. First, humankind has been dreaming of eternal life for many...

Nikola Tesla: The Eccentric Genius

Opening “How convenient is electricity in our lives? What would you do if you could no longer charge your phones? Reflect on that for a moment. If someone told me that I would be here reading the eulogy of this great man, I would have laughed and shrugged it off....

Islam and Hinduism: Commonalities and Differences

Hinduism can be considered one of the oldest living religions known to humanity. This Eastern religion is approximately 4,000 years old, and the origins of the word Hindu in its name can be traced back to Sanskrit, an ancient language that is no longer spoken (Hinduism, n.d.). In contrast, Islam,...

COVID-19 Impact on Australia’s International Relations

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted Australia’s international relations and foreign policy. In general terms, the virus outbreak challenged Australia’s long-time strategic positioning as a regional middle power. Previously, Australia succeeded in finding the right balance for maximizing economic gains and minimizing security threats. On the one hand, the Australian...

The London ClubHouse’s Strategic Human Resource Management

Introduction Companies with a huge number of employees from different countries and cultures have decided to use the latest developer of strategic HR management. It helps to improve team relations, eliminate conflicts between departments, and develop a common company culture (Collings et al., 2021). The London ClubHouse will add a...

Applying an Ethical Theory to a Medical Care Case

It is important to note that any dilemma or problematic situation can be viewed differently depending on the ethical perspective used. The three normative ethical theories are deontological, consequentialist, and virtue theory. The former focuses on the action, the second emphasizes the consequence, and the latter is about a person’s...

Case Study of Dr. Schadt and Sage Bionetworks

The background of the case study is about Dr. Schadt who is a cofounder of a non-profit organization called Sage Bionetworks. This organization performs biological research via open-source data sharing. Sage Bionetworks possessed data worth millions of dollars that they might utilize for research. He thinks that sharing data will...

Concepts of Critical Thinking

Self-regulation is a personal skill that refers to an individual’s ability to assess and manage his reactions to feelings, strong emotions, such as excitement, frustration, embarrassment, or anger, and environmental factors for behavior control. System-1 refers to quick, reactive, instinctive, and holistic thinking that relies on salient memories and situational...

Struggle and Failure in English 1301

English 1301 is a crucial part of the learning curriculum that gives emphasis to the core educational competencies. It supports speaking, writing, critical thinking, listening, reading, and computer literacy. English 1301 is devoted to the entire knowledge process, from developing an initial idea to the final submission, which can be...

Religion: Contexts and Characteristics

Religion has been studied for many years because it significantly influences people and history. In modern world various types of faith are presented to people. Some are very popular and massive, while others are only small formed local groups. Many religions today have different ideas so that modern people can...

The Home Depot Company’s Innovation Strategy

Home Depot is a multinational home renovation company that deals with all products used in house installations and furnishing. The company’s value creation strategy is set to satisfy the demands of loyal and potential customers through quality improvement. Home Depot’s recent multichannel management innovation has enabled the company to decode...

Evolving Concepts of Organization Development

One of the valuable studies that shed light on the evolution of the concept of development organization was the project of Kurt Lewin and his team in 1964. Cummings and Worley (2015) describe this study and explain that, firstly, feedback was rated as a significant element in enhancing the effectiveness...

The Capitol Building Attack and Response Analysis

Any political confrontation between the existing Government and the system has value for study. In particular, this aspect concerns cases when the uprising acquires violent or physical characteristics. Such an event occurred on January 6, 2021, when a large number of dissatisfied voters attacked the Capitol Building. The study of...

Judah’s Life from a Biblical Perspective

Judah is one of the 12 sons of Joseph who founded the Israelite tribe of Judah. He was the fourth son of Leah, Jacob’s first wife whom Jacob loved least. The Bible portrays Judah as the son who proposed to sell Joseph to the Egyptians so that Joseph’s blood could...

Unbiased Project Schedule: Project Management and Risk Management Approach

In the process of arranging business processes, precise planning of activities is necessary. Thus, within this aspect, schedules are of particular value, which is especially useful for the correct distribution of time and tasks between employees. It is also worth noting that in this context, it is necessary to use...

Gender Inequality in “The Yellow Wallpaper”, “A Rose for Emily”, and “Trifels”

Introduction This research paper focuses on analyzing three texts: A Rose for Emily, written by William Faulkner, The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Susan Glaspell’s Trifles. All of the above works are prime examples of classic feminist literature and demonstrate the problem of gender inequality from a historical...

Cultural Sensitivity in International Communication

Any successful business relies on international cooperation on different levels in the modern globalized world. While incorporating workers from different backgrounds and cultures into a team is a general practice, communicating with international clients can have issues for both sides if certain cultural specifics are not considered. Intercultural communication is...

The US Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission

The US Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) is responsible for ensuring the reliability of occupational safety issues related to citations contesting. In particular, when the cases of occupational safety violations ruled under the Occupational Safety and Health Act are claimed to be non-viable or faulty, they might be...

The 7P Marketing Mix for Customers

In recent years, the concept of marketing has undergone significant changes. With the onset of the global internet era, customers have become more demanding and knowledgeable about the goods they buy. This situation, in its turn, has led to the need for new marketing approaches that would focus on individuality...

The Populist and Progressive Eras in the US

The activity of populists and progressives intensified in the late 19th and early 20th, as the aftermath of the Gilded Age. During this time, although there was significant economic growth, the American population faced increased injustice and ignorance from the wealthiest part of the population. The resistance movement received its...

Beyond Canada Grocery: Competitive Analysis Details

The details of the competition for “Beyond Canada Grocery” show that the company has significant advantages in the market due to the high-quality services they provide and the demand for its work in the community. The strong sides of the organization and its opportunities constitute its competitive advantage in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Quality and Risk Coordinator Position at Hospital

The Quality and Risk Coordinator in a hospital is responsible for coordinating, developing, and implementing a quality and risk management system under the direction of the Unit’s Director. The coordinator must work with the hospital administration, other hospital departments, healthcare providers and nurses to conduct risk analysis and quality assurance....

The Role of Base Interest Rates in Shaping Corporate and Individual Financial Decisions

The Role and Impact of Base Interest Rates (LIBOR and SONIA) on Corporates and Individuals Central banks such as the Federal Reserve mainly use a base rate interest to control borrowing rates and encourage or discourage spending. Base rate interests are defined as interest rates that a central Bank charges...

Spurgeon’s Perspective on the Great Commission and Ministry

Scriptural Foundations of Spurgeon’s Beliefs Spurgeon’s understanding of the Great Commission came from his conviction of one’s purpose in entering the ministry. Spurgeon was convinced that the only reason for entering the ministry was to bring glory to God. He believed that through training, one could grasp the meaning of...

Understanding Ethnic and Racial Identity Through Developmental Theories

Minority identity development theory refers to African-Americans and interprets their self-formation and self-determination. This theory was developed by Cross (1971), Atkinson, Morten and Sue (1983). The minority identity development theory suggests that cultural identity problems faced by many African-Americans and adolescents are exacerbated by social difficulties in their first few...

Educational Experiences And Significant Career Goals

Here’s an invitation to my world; as a child, l grew up in a free environment where one could discover and let themselves loose. One day, as we were with my playmates sprinkling water at each other from a nearby stream, one of us saw a frog. I wanted to...

Red Cross as an International Organization

Abstract The following document will look at Red Cross as an international body, its date of formation as well as the requirements that one has to have before joining. The purpose and the organization will also be discussed in this document. Structure and achievements will also be looked at in...

Computer Forensics Investigation Plan

Searching the employee’s purse The US Constitution prohibits employers from conducting searches on employees. However, the protection does not apply to private organizations (Easttom, 2014). The manager had a legal right to search the employee’s purse. The employee was suspected of using the organization’s softcopy data for other purposes other...

Toyota and Plexus Pricing Strategy

Toyota One of the world’s leading car producing companies, Toyota has been enjoying a worldwide success not only due to the quality of its products, but also because of the pricing strategy that it has chosen when entering the global market. Though the change of the environment, in which the...

Importance of Cultural Competence in Organizational Success

Introduction According to Community Tool Box (2014), culture refers to shared customs, traditions and way of doing things among the people affiliated to a particular group. A typical organizational setting consists of people from different cultural backgrounds, but sharing a common professional goal. Consequently, cultural competence provides a unique set...

Imagination Is More Important than Knowledge: Essay Example

Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge: Essay Introduction “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” is a famous quote of Albert Einstein. There are only a couple of words in this line, but if we think logically, it encloses the whole world. Imagination is a bequest of life and is indeed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Child Labor Role in Westernization and Globalization

The claim by a sixteen-year-old inmate that he came from a rich family was more interesting to fellow inmates than concerns regarding the boy’s innocence or guilt. The mention of fifty six thousand dollars mesmerized the other inmates who “could not stop talking about the cars and clothes he could...

The Effect of Vegetarian Diet on Children

Introduction The research question was whether children raised on vegetarian diets have different growth patterns than other children. The literature review process was mostly based on medical journals but book references accessed through the Web were also used. The Literature Review Process In identifying the appropriate material, the key words...

Arthur Miller’s Play “The Crucible”

Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” is set in Salem, the 17th-century American society, characterized by religious austerity. Due to the strictness of religious laws, adherence to Puritanism enables one to maintain reputable moral and social standing. Major characters such as, Reverend Parris and Elizabeth, are too keen on maintaining a...

“Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte Literature Analysis

The first six chapters of the novel by Emily Bronte called “Withering Heights” are designed to present the reader with the set of characters dwelling in a mention called Wuthering Heights. The people living in Wuthering heights are very unusual and the relationships between them are non-typical. For an unfamiliar...

Using IT to Reduce Errors in Emergency Cardiac Care

Introduction The article, titled “Using Specialized Information Technology to Reduce Errors in Emergency Cardiac Care”, describes the development and implementation of information technology (IT) that incorporates the existing Acute Cardiac Ischemia Time-Insensitive Predictive Instrument (ACI-TIPI) decision-support technology into a patient safety/quality enhancement reporting Time-Insensitive Predictive Instrument Information System (TIPI-IS) database...

Attention is Paid to Disabled Market: Likely to Buy the Same Products

Every year more and more people suffer from health problems that make them disabled. Some of them are born with particular defections, while others gain them in the course of a lifetime. In the article, attention is paid to the fact that modern companies consider ethnic groups regarding the diversity...

Quality Assessment Tools: Evaluating Product Quality Efficiently

Evaluating the quality of the products released by the company is part and parcel of its existence. Unless a set of efficient quality assessment tools is introduced into the company’s framework of operations, the target customers are most likely to abandon the firm and move on to another organization. However,...

The Globalization Index and Singapore as the Leading State

According to the standards developed by Ernst & Young and titled as the Globalization Index (“HK, Singapore: top 2 most globalized economies, 2010), cannot be viewed as a fully objective instrument for measuring the extent, to which a state has succeeded in the process of becoming globalized. Instead, the index...

Agility Principles at HP: Enhancing Innovation and Operational Efficiency

Being efficient in the global economy environment is an extraordinarily complicated task, mostly because of the difficulties related to the design and development of a global supply chain. Presupposing that the essential transactions should occur within a comparatively short amount of time and at impressive distances from the company’s headquarters,...

Parental Education & Pneumonia Prevention: Impact of PCV7 Vaccination

Background Vaccinations have led to the prevention of many childhood illnesses. Prior to the introduction of vaccines many of these illnesses, such as polio, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, pertussis, flu, diphtheria, and pneumonia ranked as the leading cause of death in children. Today, the vaccination coverage of children in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Literature Image Exploration: “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

In the play Oedipus the King, Sophocles uses various images to develop the narrative or highlight the inner world of the characters. This paper is aimed at discussing such a symbol as the cross-roads which plays an important role in this tragedy. To a great extent, it denotes the moment...

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts: Industry and Strategic Insights

As an object of my future economic research, I have chosen Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (WDP&R). It is a subsidiary company of a larger corporation, The Walt Disney Company. Type of Industry Walt Disney Parks and Resorts operates in the amusement park industry and is closely connected...

Diversity in Workplace Communication

International organizations comprise of people drawn from different races, ethnicities, and religions (Harvey & Allard, 2008). The differences constitute to workplace diversity. The perception that dictates how one views a particular group has a far-reaching consequence in a diverse organization. In order to reduce this effect, companies have to address...

Puppy Care Guide: Essential Steps for New Owners to Ensure a Happy Pet

Introduction Taking care of a puppy can be hectic. This is more so when one is clueless on how to raise one. Puppies are often weaned at eight to ten weeks, thus it is preferable to buy or adopt a puppy once it is weaned. When considering acquiring a puppy...

Van Gogh’s Mental Condition in “Sunflowers”

Introduction Vincent van Gogh has had a complicated childhood, and the hardships of his later life worsened his mental state. The problem of the connection between Van Gogh’s artistic talent and his mental illness is still unsolved. Likewise, it is unknown what the illness was: the most popular versions are...

Human Resource Strategies for Expanding into Sub-Saharan Africa: Key Considerations

This paper is a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy of expansion to sub-Sahara Africa. In this connection, it is essential to consider a variety of aspects associated with the identified topic including a number of relocating employees, commissary, employees’ family issues, and housing peculiarities. First of...

Nursing Community Practice and Its Objectives

Goals and Objectives A nurse must consider community practice as an important tool for building the necessary experience. Therefore, the practice in question must be viewed as an opportunity for developing a better understanding of how to meet the unique needs of the target population. A set of goals listed...

Importance of Friendships

Introduction Every person wants to have good friends and acquaintances. Friends play a very important role in our lives. They make us complete whenever we encounter certain challenges or heartaches. Some people do unimaginable things in order to attract and keep their friends. I have been trying to identify new...

Professional Code of Ethics for Indian Creek Foundation’s New Strategy

The professional code of ethics necessary for the work on a new strategy through implementing change to the Indian Creek Foundation should focus on a range of issues. The well-designed code of ethics should meet the criteria of credibility, being based on experience, including skills and knowledge, which a researcher...

Staffing System and Retention Management

The factors to address in developing a report on the effectiveness of a staffing process for entry-level jobs are staffing system, recruiting, selection, final match and retention, each of these factors needs to be evaluated in terms of its cost, timeliness, outcomes and reaction (Heneman, Judge and Kammeyer-Mueller 652). Staffing...

Policy-Making and Public Budgeting: Ensuring Accountability and Efficiency

Policy-Making in the Context of Public Budgeting Public budgeting is both an academic and civil service aspect that has attracted several debates in the recent past. Even though budgeting is a policy arena that focuses on government choices for fulfilling citizens’ fundamental needs, divergent perspectives exist regarding the link between...

Impact of Islamic Religion on Cultural Diversity within American Society

Introduction Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. It is projected that by 2050, 2.1% of the U.S. population will be Muslims. Many Americans have not understood the essence of religion. For instance, there is a common suspicion that Islam is anti-Western and supports terrorism. The perception...

Ethical Challenges in Patient Information Sharing: A Critical Review

Managing customers’ personal information is a rather tricky task, especially in the era of digital technology, when information management has become considerably less secure due to the Web-related threats (e.g., cyberattacks) (Seo, Park, Kim, & Eom, 2016). Therefore, it is imperative to draw the line between the acceptable practices in...

An In-Depth Commercial Analysis of Nike: Strategies Driving Brand Success

Introduction With the increasingly high number of opportunities for comfort, the importance of a challenge has become especially high nowadays. It is essential to promote the idea of being proactive among the modern population. In its recent commercial, Nike has been focusing on inspiring people to overcome challenges and push...

Ethics and Challenges of the Affordable Care Act: Network and Cost Issues

Narrowing the Networks Although the Affordable Care Act (or ObamaCare, as it was also called) was expected to make health care more accessible for all citizens of the US, it has still brought some problems that needed to be solved. The first conflict between ethics and the healthcare reform is...

The Tangent-Taker: Training and Development

The tangent-taker in a training process is an individual who has exemplary skills in connecting the subject matter in training with other topics that are not related to the program. This individual is likely to have a high level of charisma, and he or she can be very funny, which...

Understanding Statistical Process Control for Sustained Improvements in Quality Management

Statistical Process Control The title of the process is self-explanatory; as a rule, the statistical process control incorporates the array of statistical tools that permit monitoring the essential processes and quantify the outcomes thereof so that a detailed analysis of the changes in the product quality could be determined easily....

Women’s Movement in the US: First & Second Waves

Introduction Women’s movement in the United States was divided into two waves. The first wave occurred in the 1840s and helped women to obtain the right to vote. In almost a century, the second wave arose in the early 1960s. After the Second World War, many women found themselves locked...

Case Study of Memorial Hospital: Analyzing Operational Challenges and Strategic Solutions

Crisis and emergencies can lead to dramatic consequences if there are no effective emergency plans that are followed in healthcare facilities. However, the example of Memorial Hospital in New Orleans demonstrates that these plans should have strict ethical and practical instructions, and the staff should be trained to work in...

Sports Marketing: Influencing Product Sales and Participation

Marketing is the process of creating, communicating, and delivering products and services that are useful to the end-users and the community at large. Sports marketing entail marketing of sports products or non-sport products while linking them with various sports. It is however noted that sports marketing of products and apparel...

The Use of Renewable Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Today’s world is dependent on electricity, which is supplied from many different sources such as fossils fuels which emit harmful gases that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming by producing large quantities of CO2. However, with recent improvements in technology, renewable energy has been introduced in our...

Florence Nightingale’s Legacy in the 21st Century

Nightingale’s Legacy The legacy left behind by Florence Nightingale was so strong that it is still relevant in the twenty-first century. My main thought related to the Millennium Goals is associated with the idea that each person on any place in the world has his or her own role. Florence...

Support for Equal Pay Bill SB 0098: Addressing Wage Gaps

Introduction This letter is addressed to Senator Alan Hays in order to demonstrate the support for the died Bill, which has not received committee hearing – Equal Pay (SB 0098). Just like the identical bill (H 0025), it was ignored by the Senate, thus making it impossible to eradicate employment...

Human Diversity at Risk Populations: Challenges and Solutions

The composition of people from different cultures is called cultural diversity. Cultural diversity defines the component of an organization with social connection (Audrey, 2013). The underlying effect of cultural diversity is evident with human diversity at risk populations. The article evaluates the correlation between human services and cultural diversity. The...

Childhood Obesity Study and Health Belief Model

Theoretical Framework Because childhood obesity presents the greatest challenge to the community and the sphere of healthcare, it is important to outline a solid theoretical framework, on which the research will be based. Development of obesity in children can emerge from multivariate factors such as parents’ cultural perceptions or genetic...

Ethical Principles in Pain Management Practices

Introduction The article by Bernhofer is devoted to the issue of pain management, which the author characterizes as elusive. The reason being, the perception of pain severity and the necessary amount of medication are strongly subject to assorted biases on the patients’ and the practitioners’ behalf. The author calls for...

Critique of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction Research is a complex and multi-phased process that can utilize various methods and approaches. Qualitative studies are known to apply an emergent design that can vary depending on researcher reflections on the collected knowledge and data. Polit and Beck (2015) specify that qualitative studies are based on a wide...

Pramlintide (Symlin) for Diabetes: Uses, Risks, and Effects

There are many drugs that can be prescribed to diabetic patients. Symlin, also known by its generic name as pramlintide, is one of the best and well-known analogs of the peptide hormone amylin (Jorsal, Rungby, Knop, & Vilsbøll, 2016). This characteristic makes pramlintide an effective drug for treating patients who...

Theory of Nursing as Caring: Essential for Master’s Education

The Concept of Caring The concept of caring is one of the main concepts in nursing. Many theories describe caring and what it must be, and all of them have approximately the same idea regarding this process. In general, caring is considered an ethical obligation and the primary responsibility of...

Understanding Phantom Limb Phenomenon in Cognitive Neuroscience

The phantom limb phenomenon is based on the feeling that the amputated organ is still attached to the body. This sensation caused by the human brain is studied within behavioral neurology. The scientists explored that individuals with an amputation have the feeling that their limb is still attached. However, such...

Nelson Mandela’s Servant Leadership Principles

Many people embrace servant leadership because it empowers them to enrich their followers’ lives. Several politicians and leaders have managed to exhibit the major principles of this style. This paper examines how Nelson Mandela employed servant leadership traits to lead, motivate, and influence others. Principles of Servant Leadership After assuming...

Biofuels and Fossil Fuels as Alternative Energy

Biofuels Every organism requires energy to function (Concepts of Biology, n.d.). The technological inventions made throughout history require energy as well. In the era of advances and improvements, the life of every individual becomes more comfortable; however, the environment suffers. Nowadays, the vast majority of people have a car, and...

Evolving Roles of Family Nurse Practitioners in Healthcare

The healthcare sector in the United States and other countries of the world is significantly affected by factors such as demographics, legislation, scientific advancement, and development goals. These changes affect the role of nurse practitioners, including Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP), causing shifts in the job market. For instance, various reports...

Barilla Company’s Distribution Strategy

Making distribution decisions does not only involve data about the rate of products’ selling out; it also depends on forecasting future sales patterns on the basis of new marketing campaigns. The company should always be prepared for either expected or unexpected boosts in customers’ interest to Barilla’s products, so it...

Exposed to Toxins: Lead Poisoning

Family Profile The targeted family has three members. These members include John, Magdalene, and Jackson. John is the head of this family. Every family member has a unique health profile. Medical practitioners should always examine the health statuses of their patients (Kacew & Lee, 2013). This approach will produce the...

Franchise Firms & Economies of Scale: Benefits & Challenges

How do franchise firms benefit from economies of scale? Franchise firms are the small businesses that are operated in such a way that they deal with goods of larger corporations. They usually buy the products from the corporation at a discounted price hence being able to supply them at a...

Profiling the American Population in 2010

Aging is regarded as one of the most serious issues of developed countries. This is also a significant concern for the USA. For instance, the number of people in their 20s equals to the number of Americans who are in their 50s. However, the population of children under ten is...

Strategies for Business Excellence in National Library Boards: A Comprehensive Review

The SPRING Singapore’s Business Excellence framework The SPRING Singapore’s Business Excellence framework is a detailed structure that outlines and provides businesses with a set of management standards. This structure was developed by SPRING Singapore, an agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry responsible for supporting the growth and development...

The Role and Impact of Port Security Legislation in U.S. Ports

The SMART Port Security Legislation The Securing Maritime Activities through Risk-Based Targeting for Port Security Act (SMART Port Security Act) was passed on June 6, 2012, by the House Committee on Homeland Security. The Act was supposed to improve the maritime security programs working under the Department of Homeland Security....

Moral Issues in 21st-Century Conflict

Introduction The ability to easily find information does not equal in importance to having actual knowledge. What a person really needs is the actual truth since only reliable facts help in the decision-making and achieving the desired outcome. To illustrate, let us say that a doctor needs to assess a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Improving Emergency Response with Training & Crisis Management

The levels of training for emergency response should be part of the crisis plan. One of the significant disadvantages of the disaster management model demonstrated during Hurricane Katrina was the lack of centralized control points that would coordinate disaster response and the emergency evacuation processes. The need for centralized control...

Technologies and Equality for Democratic Society

What impact did the Industrial Revolution have in society? The Industrial Revolution is one of the most meaningful events in the history of humanity and its altered the social life greatly. First, it preconditioned the gradual rise of the level of comfort available to people as the appearance of new...

Marriage Satisfaction and Its Factors

Marriage is a complex social phenomenon that is based not only on positive emotions of love but also on the ability of a couple to work towards the success of their relationship. Thus, many factors influence the positive outcomes of marriage and prevent individuals from experiencing disappointment or regret in...

Ethical Breakdown in Social Media Marketing: A Deep Dive

Introduction Nowadays, due to the rapid development of modernized society, business organizations actively deploy social media to target their audience. Although such tendencies allow them to reach a new level of promotion strategies, they are not devoid of drawbacks. Among these flaws, one can find the problem of manipulating the...

The U.S. Constitution Place in the Debate on Gun Rights

The National Archives Museum holds a vast collection of documents and records that reflect the shaping of US society through history. Examining such documents is important not only from the study-of-the-past perspective but also for reflecting on the present by connecting the discovered records to modern-day events. For the purpose...

Neoliberalism’s Impact on U.S. Higher Education Quality

Neoliberalism, which plays a significant role in modern education, eliminates the personal value of man. This leads to a situation when the quality of higher education in the U.S. is depreciated, as the vector of main priorities of rectors shifts from quality to quantity. This article discusses the impact of...

Education for Gifted Students

Introduction Nowadays, educators try to create perfect learning conditions to allow students to derive the maximum benefit from the process of studying. Modern educational institutions are versatile and are often adapted according to students’ needs. One of the issues is that gifted students should receive special educational treatment. It is...

Social Media and Video Games for Teenagers’ Self-Esteem

More and more teenagers around the world gain access to the World Wide Web every day. According to some scholars, adolescents see the Internet rather as a place, just like sports sections or other communities, than as a technical tool (Yust 134). The Internet can possess all the community characteristics,...

Safeguarding Tendencies: A Clarifying Perspective

Safeguarding tendencies denote Adler’s belief that people develop behavioral patterns for protecting personal feelings against public criticism. Excuses, aggression, and withdrawal are the three most common tendencies outlined by the scholar and represent different types of approaches that people use for the purpose of shielding themselves from public disgrace. The...

Introduction and Policy Involvement in Nursing

Involvement in policy creation can be crucial, as it can affect an individual’s work conditions and specific practices. My name is FirstName Last Name, and as an advanced practice nurse, I understand the importance of being involved in politics. More specifically, in my work, I try to analyze specific policies...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Registered Nurse Course Reflection

Before enrolling in the RN-BSN program at WCU, my perception of nursing leadership and management roles was very limited, as I viewed managing positions as distant and authoritarian at its core. However, with the introduction of the nurse management role in patient care during classes, I learnt a multitude of...

Managers’ Roles in an Organization: Personal Experience

Introduction The experience that I have had when playing the role of a manager in a local organization was truly priceless in terms of the insight that is provided and the lessons that I learned. As a manager, I had to pay particular attention to the controlling function, with the...

The Role of Leadership in Nursing

Introduction Leadership qualities are essential for any professional, especially in the medical industry where the primary concern is the health of people. According to Saxena, Desanghere, Stobart, and Walker (2017), the important aspect of leadership is the intentional influence a person has on others. Additionally, one must understand the importance...

Supply Chain Management Analysis

Summary The process of supply chain management is concerned with the control of materials and information throughout the entire supply chain, from suppliers to the producers of components and subsequently to store shelves. Therefore, optimization is an essential factor of supply chain management that can ensure that all of the...

Identity and Access Management for Cloud Security

The importance to guarantee data security in the cloud is crucial in the contemporary conditions of fast technological development. All measures are to be taken in order to prevent personal data leakage. Identity and Access Management (IAM) is considered one of the most effective ways to provide cloud security. This...

Criminal Justice Sphere Consulting

Introduction The development of consulting skills is considered to be of great importance for effective work in cooperation with the clients and financial planning; the sphere of consulting management requires careful training of skills to succeed in business operations. The consulting companies, involved in the criminal justice sphere, can be...

Blood Pressure Device: The Direct Marketing Campaign

Product Description The product selected for marketing is a blood pressure device. The uniqueness of this medical product is that it can be used at home and by all family members. This product can help a person to control and monitor his condition and prevent possible problems caused by hypertension...

Online Education: Case Analysis, Technology and School Change

Introduction Information technology has brought a new wave to our education system. This availability has changed the education system in such a way that people do not have to be physically present in school to learn. The availability of number of online classes and schools has also increased lately and...

The Main Characteristics of Hinduism

Hinduism is a religious practice that originated and is practiced in India. It is one of the oldest religious practices in the world. It is mainly practiced in India and it’s the world’s 3rd most popular religion with over 900 million followers. It is a complex religion, but it is...

IDC Top 10 Predictions

Forecast for the development of the market for the coming year is usually done “in the form of predictions about market processes.” (Rosenberg, 2007) Predictions for the functioning of different markets are, as a rule, made for the entrepreneurs to anticipate the possible decline or boost of the market. To...

KOLO: Reflective and Inquiry Project

The study under consideration aims at applying the reflective practice to a procurement management problem that KOLO, and the Australian-Polish joint venture is currently facing. The problem consists in changing the system of supply due to the rapid development of technologies which entailed a frequent use of Internet marketing and...

Communication Technology and Globalization

Globalization is the impact of spurt of advancement in communication technology. The communication growth is so rapid that globalization has to double step in attaining the pace with such technology achievements. Technological inventions of very recent past now look like decade old when compared to current advancements and inventions. Communication...

Art in Renaissance Period

The age of new awakenings in Europe is called the Renaissance, and everything was changing in this period. This was one of the greatest periods of human history and it contributed many great minds to the society. The Renaissance Art was sometimes termed as the rebirth of the Classical traditions....

New Technologies and Impact on Sports

The establishment and diverse application of technology is not only profound within the sporting sector, but also incorporated within the process of enhancing training and education. Essentially, the earlier strategies of disseminating information, collecting fans, conducting businesses, and teaching students are ineffective as perceived nowadays. It has been argued broadly...

Sports Tourism and Events in Barbados

Elcock (2005) evaluated the connection between the developments of sports in relation to tourism prowess. The researcher performed this analysis through assessing the trends of tourism where affected by the sporting activities held within and outside Barbados. Primarily, this country was located within the tropics where the weather conditions favor...

The Phenomenon of Indian Art and History

There exists a certain measure of sensuousness in portraying the human figure in Indian art which can be often described as art which actually borders on erotic and even a sort of pornography. This phenomenon can be observed throughout centuries from Indus Valley civilization to Rajput painting period. The artisans...

The Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club’s Performance

The Kitchener Rangers are a major junior ice hockey team from Ontario. They play in the Ontario Hockey League. In the paper, The Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club: Skating Into The Future, Schnarr, Krizmanich, and Lee are focused on the structure of The Kitchener Rangers hockey club with paying a lot...

P.I.L.E.S Development Stages for Curriculum Planning

During development, children undergo developmental stages from birth to adulthood to become mature people (Casper, 2009). Children who successfully complete these stages show talent and outstanding capabilities. Physical development is the most important aspect among the major domains of early childhood development. It is determined by the ability for children...

Stress Management: The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale

According to the two tests I took, I can say that my stress level is slightly high. The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale shows that my score is 233, which is the average stress level. This suggests that I have a certain probability of acquiring psychological difficulties in the absence...

The History of the United States in the Book “Give Me Liberty” by Eric Foner

The book “Give Me Liberty” whiten by Eric Foner can be acclaimed as one of the best textbooks on the events of American history along with the country’s pathway to liberation existing in the current period of time. Within the book the audience will find a logical and coherent argument...

Federalism in the USA Overview

Every country has its unique political system, and the United States of America is not an exception. American Constitution provides for both federal and state governments to have somewhat equal powers or for federalism. Federalism can be described as a system where political power is equally divided between the state...

The CN Tower Is the World Cultural Heritage Site

Introduction Among the world’s architectural structures, Toronto’s CN Tower occupies a significant place as one of the unique objects with a distinctive form. Its role, both in the culture of Canada and globally, is explained by an extraordinary approach to construction and a non-standard design. The CN Tower is the...

History of Science: Newton and Other Researchers

The history of science is only linear if one ignores the fascinating achievements of various ancient civilizations. Nevertheless, if one assumes a Eurocentric perspective, there is a certain logic to the progression of innovation throughout modernity. While they might not seem interconnected, great discoveries only happen when humanity’s accumulated knowledge...

Consciousness and Your Brain

The human consciousness was a mystery that stirred the minds of the greatest philosophers back in ancient times, and the disputes around the topic even nowadays cause major controversies in scientific communities. Modern technologies allow scientists to study the ongoing processes in a living brain, which made a precise mapping...

Why Choose All-Natural Bath and Body Products?

In the context of the 21st century, people have become increasingly interested in the goods and services that do not harm their health and body as well as the environment. To keep up with the world’s pace, manufacturers from all over the world were urged to shift their production towards...

The Most Critical Nursing Tenets

Any work must obey specific rules and principles established for a particular profession. This allows people to see the primary goals they are pursuing through their everyday activities. In addition, such tenets are usually associated with universal human values, common for everyone. Therefore, their observance is ethically essential for the...

History of Graffiti in Pompeii

After the eruption of Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD, the entire city of Pompeii in the Gulf of Naples was buried under a layer of volcanic ash and forgotten until the middle of the XVIII century. Today, the city of Pompeii is one of the most significant archaeological sites,...

Black Lives Matter: “Sitting upon Another Man’s Shoulders”

According to Thoreau, every human should follow his or her contemplations and pursuits without exploitation, “sitting upon another man’s shoulders.” As a matter of fact, this statement did not lose its actuality in the present day in relation to the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Its activists currently demonstrate against racist...

Concept of Interpretation in Art on Basis of Culture

The museum that attracted my particular attention is The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (Google Arts and Culture, n.d.). The three pieces of art that I like and chose for the analysis are “Study of a Young Woman,” “Study of a Young Woman” may be called “Girl with...

Music as an Accelerator of a Learning Process

Throughout the ages, music has been an imprescriptible part of humans life. The music of ancient people could tell the researches a lot about their historical events and lifestyle. Currently, people also use music for various purposes: to celebrate a festival, to relax and meditate, or to going for sport....

History of Accounting and Its Importance

Accounting is as old as civilization and one of the most important professions in the field of business and economics. Accountants are known to have been involved in developing cities and trade in the process of building wealth. They created the concept of numbers and wealth besides pioneering the advancement...

Psychoanalytic Criticism of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson’s story, which shook society in the last century’s forties, became a kind of accusatory revelation. The plot in The Lottery is reduced to the fact that in a particular abstract town a lottery is held, where all residents gather. From their conversations, it becomes clear that this is...

Money Theme in Moliere’s Tartuffe and Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

The plays of Moliere’s Tartuffe and Henrik Ibsen A Doll’s House are some of the most famous literary works. Both plays explore the all-consuming topic of money and the obsession with money, which are still relevant in modern society. A Doll’s House and Tartuffe depict the influence of money on...

Healthy Cola’s Market Entry and Competitive Advantage

Healthy Cola has been recording profits for the last five years in the US. The management believes that the next critical step is for the company to become an international brand. The idea behind this suggestion is based on adverse market research conducted in the last six months. In particular,...

Liberty and the Common Good: COVID-19

In modern political culture, libertarianism has acquired new supporters and has taken on a new existence. The philosophical underpinnings of libertarianism are essential to discuss because they can point out the limitations of the ethical system in the present context. To explore the issue, it was chosen to focus on...

Freakonomics the Movie Overview

Introduction Freakonomics, a movie released in December 3 2010 originates from the book with a similar name. The directors of the movie are Heidi Ewing and Alex Gibney among others. Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, the authors of the book Freakonomics discuss social issues like abortion, parenting and the impacts...

Investments and Loans Practical Insight

The ability to dispose of money and other resources in a proper way predetermines the wellbeing of every person. One might have 1,000 dollars and turn it into the extensive network of manufacturing facilities, while another person might lose the whole number of millions of dollars without an understanding of...

Fundamentals of Biostatics by Bernard Rosner

Probabilistic Reasoning The theme of probability and its reasons is perfectly described in two sources. One of them is the chapter in the book Fundamentals of Biostatics by Bernard Rosner where the author gives several clear and interesting examples and defines the essence of probability in different cases. And another...

The Language of the “Citizen Kane” Film

The film Citizen Kane is notable not only with the story it uncovers for the audience but also with its effective use of cinematography techniques. The film’s deep-focus photography, mise en scène, lighting, and camera movements have earned numerous appraises by critics over the decades after Citizen Kane was filmed....

The Structural Determinants of Neighborhoods and Crimes

Sociologists and criminologists believe that there are marked variations in crime rates across US neighborhoods. In their study Robert Sampson, Stephen Raudenbush, and Felton Earl examine the impacts of collective efficacy on violent or deviant behavior in the community. Their hypothesis is that social cohesion and peoples willingness to intervene...

Atkins Popular Fad Diet: Analysis of the Diet

A fad diet is a weight loss plan devised to offer quick results. These diets are not considered healthy by various health and diet associations since fad diets are not based on the guidelines provided. In most cases, fad diets do not give long-term success to the users (Rastogi 60)....

Family Planning: Reproductive Health

The Cairo ICPD in 1994 considerably expanded and improved the status and health protection among women. This change is characterized by certain pros and cons in regards to limited financial and logistic resources, especially in some regions of sub-Saharan Africa where HIV/AIDS problems remain to be urgent. On the one...

Perception of Research, Personal Meaning of Nursing

Being a director of a nursing department, I am particularly interested in the findings of the most up-to-date studies, as they play a tremendous role in patient care. I am firmly convinced that a medical worker has to be well-aware of the best-practices, adopted in various hospitals because this knowledge...

Business Prospectus: Initial Assumptions

Introduction The EcoLive company is a new business venture that seeks to operate in a food delivery sector across the United States. The company seeks to address the importance of eco-friendly food packaging and delivery from the perspective of recycling activities, as well as to meet elevating customer requirements for...

Sarcasm and Irony in the Article of the Washington Post

Sarcasm and irony are literary tricks that make the text richer and help to grab a reader’s attention. These tools are most often used to emphasize the absurdity of a situation or another person’s words or show the speaker’s irritation and surprise. This paper uses Allyson Chiu’s article on Trump’s...

Criminal Justice in Texas: Todd Willingham and Death Penalty

The case of Cameron Todd Willingham was one of the most controversial criminal justice cases handled in Texas. In 2004, the man was charged with the murder of his three young children by arson. In Death by Fire, the PBS crew provides an analysis of the case, with the focus...

Linking Income, Wealth, and Inequality

Income inequality is one of the defining features of modern economies, including in the United States. According to Coady and Dizioli (2017), “rising income inequality over recent decades is a growing concern for policymakers worldwide” (p. 3). It is primarily determined by the uneven distribution of various material goods. In...

Limonene: A Component of Citrus Oil Fruit

Introduction Citrus fruit oil is a product obtained from Citrus fruit on both Lemon and Grape fruit, with strong solvent properties. It contains valuable and essential composition that is helpful to human body when applied on the skin. It affects the skin by energizing it. Chinese companies make many products...

Enron Scandal: Risk Assessment

Enron was the second largest company in US history to be declared bankrupt. Recently, the Congressional committees have analyzed the company in order to establish the cause of its fall. Although the cause has not been determined with precision, some of the vital elements that caused its downfall are clear....

Heineken Industry Evaluation

Heineken is a global business as it produces beverages for Europe, North and South America, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the Asia Pacific. Heineken’s main strength is brand diversification, aimed to meet the customer’s tastes (Gaspar and Massa 9). Its main weaknesses include currency fluctuations and poor margins as...