My First Experience in Riding a Bicycle

Being a child involves dealing with new issues almost every day and learning how to overcome your fears. My first experience of riding a bicycle at the age of five is among my most vivid memories when it comes to the joys of childhood and conquering fears. On that day...

My Dream Home: Personal View

Most people need a place where they can relax, feel safe and comfortable. A place, where they want to go after a hard day at work or an intense day with their friends. Most people call such place home. Although it is not easy to build or make a house...

Living in the Urban Areas vs. Living in Rural Areas

Introduction Living in the urban and rural areas is entirely different. Each mentioned place has various advantages and disadvantages. People choose a suitable type of area according to their preferences and needs. Residents of the urban cities can quickly get a prestigious profession and work, but there is practically no...

Paris: Beautiful and Breathtaking

Introducing Paris The French capital city, Paris, by the river Seine, is one of the most seductive and celebrated cities in the world. With beauty and romance in each and every part of it, it is not an exaggeration to tell that it is the most beautiful city in the...

Life Changing Events: Personal Experience

If you are about to write a short narrative essay about something that changed your life forever, you’ve come to the right place! Check out our “childhood experience that changed my life” essay sample to get some ideas and inspiration for your paper. Life Changing Event: Essay Introduction In life,...

Urban Versus Rural Areas: Compare and Contrast

Introduction There has been series of questions on the quality of having a superior or more favourable living condition or position between the rural and urban existence. However, High social status is the most important cardinal concern in the relation based on similarities and differences between rural versus urban course...

Benefits of Having a Pet

A pet is regarded as any animal kept by human beings to act as a source of pleasure and companionship. Generally, they are kept because of the pleasure they tend to give to the owners; often, especially with dogs, horses, and cats, the pleasure is mutual. Therefore, pet keeping is...

My Personal Development Plan as a Future Teacher

Being a teacher has always been my dream. Being a teacher who makes a difference, I believe, is my goal. That is precisely the reason why I pursue studies in becoming an effective teacher. Professionally, I am aware that teachers need much training for all the tasks expected of them...

The Most Embarrassing Moment In my Life

Introduction Every year our school holds a week-long cultural festival that is aimed at identifying and nurturing talents as well as showcasing the rich cultural diversity in our country. All through the cultural week, different events are held during the night and others in the daytime. The main events such...

My Dream Car: Personal View

The car of my dream is a vehicle of the new generation. It is easy to operate, powerful, safe, and, of course, impressive in appearance. The major issue of today is an environmental friendliness. Since I strongly share this point of view, my dream car will produce no carbon emissions....

Living in Small Towns vs. Large Cities

Everyone is used to the environment in which they live, work, and interact with the outside world. Having lived in a small city my entire life, I got used to quiet streets and the fact that everyone knows each other, like a big family but without relatives. When I moved...

High School Challenges in Personal Experience

Introduction High school experience is different for everyone; however, unarguably, it is both the most critical and stressful time for students. Before the school year began, I anticipated this life stage as the most essential and fun period of a student’s life. Moreover, as a learner, I wanted to explore...

Children’s Education and Role of Parents

The question of the competent and correct development of the child is quite important since based on the knowledge and skills laid down in childhood, all the subsequent future is laid. The role of parents is significant because these are the people who are around throughout the child’s life, share...

The 2022 FIFA World Cup

Introduction In 2010, Qatar won the right to host 2022 World Cup. It became a significant achievement because no Asian country has been hosting this international sporting event since 2002 when the tournament was organized by South Korea and Japan. Such events as FIFA World Cup provide many opportunities for...

Traveling With Friends, Relatives or Alone

Tastes differ, and people choose different types of time destinations during their vacations. The companions for traveling are one of the most important factors influencing one’s mood during the vacations. Traveling with friends, relatives or alone helps to escape from the everyday working routine and encourage the holiday-makers for the...

Comparison of Hard Work and Talent

Introduction Hard work refers to putting effort or working tirelessly towards achieving the desired goal. On the other hand, talent is a natural skill or ability to do something without training. I consider hard work to be the most significant aspect of talent. This is because whenever one puts effort...

My Mother Is My Source of Inspiration: Speech

Do you have an idol? Many people do, nowadays. To some, those are sportsmen; to others – pop-stars, singers, Hollywood stars and dancers. I do not need to go far or look too hard for a role model. I take inspiration from a person I am close to, and whom...

The Experience of the First Job

Growing up as a shy and self-contained person, I have never thought that I would be able to work with people. When I was offered an internship opportunity at a rehabilitation center, I was so frightened, I thought I would fail. The mere thought of constantly meeting new people and...

Benefits of Vacation for a Person

Introduction Every adult or student in school dreams about their future vacation at least once during the day. Some fantasize about going to the beach, traveling, or simply lying on the couch and binging their favorite TV show without worrying about their to-do list for tomorrow. People’s fondest memories are...

Family Is the Basic Unit of Society Essay

The family is considered the basic unit of the society. It is where a person acquires his/her basic characteristics and habits. They say that the personality of an individual is very much affected by the family background. One classical definition is that a family “is a social group characterized by...

How can a person change the world

Introduction We all want the world to become better, but how can a person change the world? I believe that the answer to this big question might be quite simple. If you want to change the world, you need to change yourself. Main text How is it going to work?...

Description of the Falling in Love

How would you describe falling in love for the first time? If you’re about to share your personal experience, check out our sample on falling in love essay! Get some inspiration for your paper with the help of our example essay about falling in love. Falling in Love: Essay Introduction ...

Teenage Parenting: Problems of Children and Parent

Thesis statement Teenage parenting can be a daunting task for parents even though the realities presented by this phase of development are manageable when a deep and cordial relationship between parents and children is cultivated at an early stage. Realities of teenage parenting The teen years mark an important period...

A Good Parent: Definition and Traits

If you’re looking for the best “qualities of a good parent” essay example, look no further. This sample paper provides a good parent definition and explains what makes a good parent. Qualities of a Good Parent: Essay Introduction The debate around the definition of a good parent has been heated...

The Issue of Violence in Sports

Are you looking for a violence in sports essay example? Look no further! In this essay sample, you’ll find history, causes and effects of violence in sports, and other important aspects. Violence in Sports: Essay Introduction Sports violence refers to inappropriate and harmful behavior portrayed and acted by fans, players,...

Optimism Makes You See the World Better

When I hear the word optimism, many memories and definitions come into my mind. As a little girl, I used to mention many times these words but those times I didn’t know their meaning. Probably I heard it from the adults and I used to repeat it to convince my...

How To Ride A Bicycle

Riding a bicycle is quite simple. Most people who ride bicycles do it for a variety of reasons. They could be saving on gas or exercising amongst other reasons. Whatever the motivation for riding a bicycle, you should always have fun. Riding a bicycle, however, demands a lot of precaution....

Acquaintance With the Most Annoying Person

I thought that there could be no annoying people. I believed those who call someone annoying was too rude and irritable. However, I could not be more wrong. Now I have to admit that there are very annoying people in this world. These people enter into someone’s life and make...

Overindulgent Parenting Style and Its Harm to Children

Abstract Children come into the world without resources and it is the duty of their parents to provide for their material and emotional needs. Some parents inundate their children with too much of the material and emotional resources and there are concerns that this might have deleterious effects on the...

A Problem in the Neighborhood

Introduction Life in neighborhoods involves adaptation to specific conditions since for normal social interaction, concessions and compromises are natural aspects of healthy communication. However, in conditions of obvious irritants and neighbors’ incorrect behavior, many questions arise to one another, which creates inconveniences for a normal lifestyle. In my neighborhood in...

Role of the Mother in the Child’s Life

The famous American humorist and author, David Barry, once said, “If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant’s life, she will choose to save the infant’s life without even considering if there are men on base.” This directly points to the maternal instincts...

Importance of Responsible Person

Being a responsible person entails doing the right thing in the right way. When one is responsible, he or she becomes accountable for his or her actions. Responsibility has everything to do with making wise consideration for all factors when making a decision. Responsibility is required most when a situation...

Doping in Sports: Essay Example

Doping in Sports: Essay Introduction Recent years have seen major athletes being caught with doping. Use of performance enhancing drugs is considered as one of the major crimes in sports. This act is considered as cheating and as unethical in sports. Increase in the numbers of sportsmen being caught in...

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel: Company’s Dilemma

Welcome to our sample essay on the Ritz-Carlton hotel company case study! Learn more about the hotel’s operations management with us. Ritz-Carlton Case Study Analysis Introduction Ritz-Carlton is one of the oldest hotel companies in the world. Having been established in 1893 by Cesar Ritz, it became one of the...

Concepts and Theories of Tourism

Introduction Tourism is an asset that is useful in increasing the revenue of an economy. It refers to the activities which individuals engage in for the purposes of traveling and staying in places that are considered their unusual environment for recreation, business, and other reasons. It is also portrayed as...

The Concepts of Running in Sport

Sports play a significant role in the life of many people. Physical exercise teaches to have discipline and inner strength as well as gives us a challenge. Moreover, having a specific goal of becoming healthier pushes people to do sports and become better versions of themselves. Running is an excellent...

Young Marriage: Good or Not Good?

Introduction Marriages play a very important role in the life of every person. For someone, marriage is one more step to a more serious life. Some people may think that marriages are the gates to grown-up life with its advantages and disadvantages. Someone can truly believe that marriage is something...

Importance of Work-Life Balance

Introduction In the modern world, the question of how to combine intense professional activity and personal life has become very relevant. This problem has become a concern for an increasing number of enterprises and their employees. The researchers noted an increase in the need for flexible working hours, working from...

Experiential Learning Based on Kolb’s Reflective Cycle

Introduction Learning is essential to individuals’ personal and professional growth, and various academic theories have distinct approaches to this subject. Experiential learning, known as Kolb’s reflective cycle, is one framework that emphasizes empirical evidence as the primary learning instrument. Based on substantial experience, Kolb’s reflective cycle introduces three additional stages...

Women Are Better Parents Then Men

Are women better parents than men? Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. What is your position? Prewriting for a...

Why I Would Be a Good Nurse

My personal values and philosophy of the nursing profession will help me to become a passionate and dedicated nurse. Entering nursing school, I would be able to develop my personal skills and master professional knowledge. I suppose that the main qualities of a nurse are based on universal principles of...

Wedding Plan Project Overview

Jane Jones and John Smith are excited about their wedding day. Wedding is one of the most celebrated events in this world. The moment that Jane and John inform their loved ones about their upcoming nuptials, a stream of parties and get-togethers have taken place. Most of John’s and Jane’s...

Child Adoption, Its Pros and Cons

Introduction In our modern-day society, it is considered the right of every child to grow up in a protected family environment surrounded by loving parents and in some cases other siblings. However, this is not always the case and there are numerous incidents where a child may need “new parents”....

Buying a Laptop: Personal Experience

Although the modern computer hardware market provides a lot of options to choose from, buying a laptop is not an easy task. It is necessary to find such a model that would satisfy the technical requirements of a customer and be reasonably priced. The current paper describes the experience of...

Digital Technology in My Life

Introduction Digital technology has become a part of my life, but I still differentiate between the digital and real-world, although for some, this line is already blurred. I also understand that my life will be completely different without the numerous devices I have. Digital technology has shaped my personal, academic,...

Personal Financial Plan: Personal Experiences

One of the first things that I would like to deal with is the financial challenge of student loan debt. I believe that its impact could be detrimental, so it is essential to manage all the unplanned expenditures and make sure that I am going to accumulate enough wealth to...

Sustainability in Tourism Industry

Introduction Tourism is one of the world’s fastest developing industries, with its continuous growth having an enormous impact on the environment. Following the rise of environmental awareness over the last several decades, a number of strategies and initiatives were introduced to address the issue, with the concept of sustainability being...

Impacts of Yoga and Meditation on a Person

Introduction Meditation has existed over very many years, for the practice makes an individual feel relaxed and good. I have used meditation to help me recover from a very serious illness and stress due to my condition. One year ago, I was diagnosed with stage three cancer. Through meditation, I...

Losing a Loved One and Learning to Live Without

Introduction As you get older, you come to realize that life is not always bright and pleasant. Once, there comes a moment when you have to face the reality, and it can be far from what you expect or dream about. Meeting and losing people is inevitable in life, but...

Field Trip to Ghana

Introduction Field trips offer a good learning experience for students. It is during such trips students have the opportunity to apply practical knowledge they have theoretically acquired in class. Over time, there has been a shift in regards to the purpose of travel. Initially, travel was meant to be a...

Joy Feeling and Its Value for People

Good events or experiences make a person feels happy and excited and fills him with the sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. The smile on the face is the evident symbol of joy. It is like a spring sunlight, soft and tender, and never dull. The personal achievements or receiving the...

Challenges of Hospitality Business in Nigeria

Introduction The travel industry is a huge supporter of the Nigerian economy, which as of late has extended consistently. It is obvious that the cordiality business has been adversely affected by the pandemic. The business overall is battling to restore the work to the state as it has been before...

Visit to Africa: An Unforgettable Experience

Introduction Ladies and gentlemen, I still have a vivid memory of my visit to Africa on a safari to see wildlife. The safari was a vocational journey that turned out to be very educative. We visited Serengeti in Tanzania to witness the great migration of the wild beasts before moving...

Importance of Friendships

Introduction Every person wants to have good friends and acquaintances. Friends play a very important role in our lives. They make us complete whenever we encounter certain challenges or heartaches. Some people do unimaginable things in order to attract and keep their friends. I have been trying to identify new...

Parenting Styles’ Impact on Child’s Development

Introduction Parenting styles represent specific ways in which parents tend to express their love and concern for their children, regulate their behavior, as well as establish discipline and boundaries. Different parenting styles affect children’s personality development in a variety of ways. Their self-esteem, communication skills, social competences, and mental health...

Comparison of Swimming in Sea and Swimming in Pool

Amongst the different forms of exercise, swimming, whether done in the swimming pool or at sea, is an excellent rejuvenator that leaves a person relaxed and brimming with freshness. It does not make the person feel exhausted or worn out as in other forms of exercise. It is an excellent...

How Happy Relationships Affect a Person: Cause and Effect

Introduction Relationships are among the social bonds that keep people together. Social and positive relationships are sources of belonging, strength, and physical and emotional support. Individuals tend to create social connections with peers, coworkers, relatives, and friends with the hope that they will find satisfaction in life. The connections can...

Tourism: Historical Trends and Developments in the 20th Century

Introduction Travel dates back to prehistoric times, but tourism is a more contemporary industry that emerged following the industrial revolution. The search for new experiences, activities, and lifestyles has prepared the way for this notion known as “new tourism” (Hunt and Layne, 1991). As times change, so do the wants...

The Commercialization of Sports

Sporting activities are not only a hobby for people. It has been recommended by medical practitioners as a remedy for numerous health-related complications. In addition, sporting activities have developed to be a source of income not only to the sportsmen but also to sponsoring companies, individual businesses, and a country...

Comparison Between Love and Money in Life

Money is the medium for various transactions and financial activities. Money use has enabled an exchange of goods and services freely from one individual to another. In contrast, love is the deep affection for something or someone. With the emergence of money, countries worldwide were able to transact with each...

A Letter to My Future Child

Writing a letter is one of the hardest things ever because you hardly know how to begin writing and make it sound reasonable. Against all the odds, I will try to let you know how I feel in this letter so that you could read this letter when you will...

Sport and National Identity

Participating in sports is typically seen as the source of self-actualization through physical exercise and competition. However, apart from allowing one to build a clearer sense of self, taking up sports and participating in sports competitions, especially on a global scale, helps to create the sense of unity and national...

When I Became a Mom: An Unforgettable Experience

Introduction Being a new mother is without any doubt an unforgettable experience in every woman’s life. The new duties and obligations such a responsibility brings out with it are demanding. And still, the joy of bringing a new human being into this world covers all the expenses. In the following...

Good and Bad Parenting’s Impact on Children

Introduction The majority of parents typically use a variety of parenting strategies, although some adhere to only one. All parents have standards for their kids’ behavior, academic progress, and observance of the law, and they base their parenting style on the way the kid behaves. Some parents indulge their kids...

Trends of Modern Tourism Industry

Understanding Modern Tourism Industry Within a fast-growing, technology-based society, the majority of leading industries aim to keep up with the latest changes to achieve stable progress. Tourism is generally considered one of the most prosperous business domains, which faced critical challenges over the past year. The dramatic spread of COVID-19...

A Place to Remember

When thinking of a memorable place, some of the most popular spots are the ocean or sea, touristic attractions or distant locations. I have seen quite a lot of majestic and remarkable places that could astound any individual. However, Albert Einstein quite rightfully claimed that the “only thing you absolutely...

Responsibility in Personal Life and Environment

Introduction Every person becomes responsible for something as we all grow up and start realizing the importance of various duties and others’ expectations from us. Responsible people are more reliable and are much easier to communicate with, as they may be considered mature and wise. Every responsibility requires a particular...

Gibbs Cycle as a Reflection Scheme for a Therapist

Introduction According to Cotton (2001), reflection is to tackle and decide the contradiction between what the practitioner wants to be in the ideal world and what he actually does in the real world. The desire by the practitioners to make their minds up brings a lot of tension which is...

Experience at an Amusement Park (Sixflags)

To begin with, the world of entertainment excites me much, and I can hardly find anyone in my surroundings who does not want to experience the flow of adrenalin throughout body and mind as well. I am talking about my personal experience while visiting the amusement park Six Flags Magic...

The Impact of Crime and Violence on Tourism in Jamaica

The rapid development of international tourism and its spreading almost in every corner of the globe put sharply the problem of safety provision for tourists. It can be said that recently there was a considerable rise in the threat for tourists’ lives, health, and belongings. At the same time, tourism...

Why Filipino Parents Choose Their Children’s Careers

Introduction Parents always wish the best for their children and do not want them to feel vulnerable or not protected. That is why they take an active part in their lives and do everything to let their children become full-fledged members of the community. In the Philippines, children are considered...

Child Abandonment and Interventions

Introduction Child abandonment is a voluntary action done by parents, where a child is deserted and left behind. Some parents abandon their children by ensuring that they will be taken care of, but others leave children without any assurance. The primary concern is to identify what are the reasons for...

Maldives: A Tourism Situational Analysis

Introduction Many countries worldwide could build a robust economy due to the tourism industry. Tourism can be defined as a slow trip that immerses a person in various cultural activities (Huang and Jordan, 2021). About 5% of all tourist travels are destined to subtropical and tropical islands due to the...

A Sedentary Lifestyle: Where, When, and Why It Started

Introduction A sedentary lifestyle is an inactive way of life that includes a lot of lying down and sitting, with almost no exercise. Nowadays it is a lifestyle of many people; sitting all day in a class, or an office, in a car or a bus, watching TV or playing...

Personal Experience: How Being Bullied Shaped Me

In my life, I have experienced many challenges and opportunities which have shaped my religious views, spirituality, and personhood. What I am is a sum of experiences that I have gone through. Some of the times I thought were the worst built character traits and values that are beneficial to...

Personal Financial Goals on the Next Five Years

One of the essential conditions for being and staying ‘on course’ is financial stability. It might be challenging to envision one’s future, but it is possible to stay motivated by setting realistic short-term and long-term goals. A personal financial plan can help students take control of current spending habits, make...

Camping: The Important Advantages

People planning a vacation by the sea sometimes consider camping. Camping is a summer type of auto tourism, which involves a closed area with places for tents. This type of recreation is widespread worldwide, and often in the warm season, people prefer it to many other types of leisure. Even...

How a Blind Man May Fall in Love

The sense of sight is essential in perceiving an expression of emotion by observing other people’s nonverbal communication. Blind people cannot see the facial expression of another person, but they are not blind to emotions because they have a unique way of sensing responding to sentiments expressed by other people...

Parenting Styles: Indifferent, Indulgent, Authoritarian, and Authoritative

Research has shown that parenting plays a significant role in the optimal growth and development of a child. In that regard, the style of parenting adopted determines the quality of parent-child relationship. Studies conducted in the field of developmental studies have shown that parenting style impacts the mood and temperament...

Divorce and Single-Parent Families

Introduction Families across the world face different challenges. One such challenge is marital instability, which in a significant number of families, lead to divorce. Divorce is a legal process in which there is mutual agreement by a couple to end their marriage. As far back as 1983, there was concern...

Discussion of Motherhood in Sociology

Introduction In modern sociology, motherhood refers to the social structures, experiences, and expectations associated with childbearing and being a mother. At the same time, this term differentiates becoming a mother as a biological fact and mothering as practices involved in childcare from cultural and public norms linked to these processes....

Football Watching as Entertaining Action

Introduction Sports are an important aspect of recreational activity as well as cultural affairs. With the technological advancements, there are many different sports activities that are in the world today. However, an exceptional sporting exercise that is enthralling to a lot of people currently is soccer. As an individual, I...

Authenticity in the Tourism Industry

Introduction Authentic tourism entails a visit experience whose impressions and expressions hold true according to the traveller’s evaluation. In authentic tourism, most sightseers expect their destinations to host attractive sites that are real, true and genuine. The genuineness and truthfulness of these sites can be accomplished when the hosting nation...

Hospitality: Case of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

Introduction In the 21st century, the global business environment has been experiencing major changes caused by various factors. Accordingly, management and leadership strategies have had to adjust to the new reality across industries, which is equally true for the hospitality sector. All segments related to tourism imply increased attention to...

Junction Hotel’s Design and Effectiveness

Executive Summary The Junction Hotel case study presents a number of issues and challenges that the management team needs to identify and address in a timely manner. Sections like organizational design, communication, bureaucracy, and organizational effectiveness form the foundation for improving the way the hotel functions on a day-to-day basis....

Culture Shock’s Experiences

I first heard about culture shock when I was thirteen years old. My parents were missionaries in the Philippines, and we were citizens of the United States of America. To me, the word sounded extremely awful. According to the explanation given by the adults, the immigrants to the Philippines were...

“Does Trying to Be Happy Make Us Happy?” Article by Grant

Grant’s paper revolves around the idea of being happy and what it means. The author enumerates mistakes people make when trying to become happy and cogitate about them. However, I think the main point of the paper is not to explain these mistakes and teach people how to avoid them....

Self-Reflection in Human Resource Management

Introduction Self-reflection is a cognitive process involving refocusing the brain on past or present encounters meant to shape or acquire a deeper insight regarding an aspect for present or future application. Folks engage in self-evaluation for various purposes, including the desire to avoid faults committed in the past. Often, people...

Domestic and International Travel and Tourism

Introduction Tourism is a form of leisure travel. Tourists, on the other hand, are those who travel for leisure. According to the “World Tourism Organization” (WTO), tourism is the activities of individuals visiting and living in places beyond their familiar surroundings for several years for leisure, commerce, or other objectives....

Parenting Styles – Case Study Analysis

At the family dinner Jake’s father said: “It is you who shall decide if you want to leave college or keep studying. Either way, I will accept your choice.” In this case, Jake’s father acts like an affectionate parent who lets his son make his own decisions. This interaction seems...

My Best Friend For Life: Explaining Realtionships

Every day, I sit at my computer at a specific hour and log into MSM Messenger. As the icon comes to life, I see that my cyberfriends are now online and ready to chat with me. These people have never seen me in person and I have never seen them...

Watching Animals at the Zoo

The act of watching animals at the zoo can reveal a lot about human nature. Zoos have been present within human civilization for centuries. Despite the changes in their appearance and practices, their core function remains the same. In the following essay, I will reflect on my visit to the...

Deputy Sheriff Profession: Reasons for Choosing

We live in uncertain times. Gone are the days when one could walk the streets any time of the day or night with the confidence that no harm would be put upon your person or belongings. These days, we look at each other with anxiety because of the continuing rise...

The Impact of Divorce on Children’s Psychological Wellbeing

Introduction Divorce refers to the dissolution of a marriage as provided by family law. It is usually an upsetting event because it creates disappointment, and might evoke feelings of anger and guilt. Moreover, there are emotional, parental, and legal challenges that complicate the process. Divorce is a tough process because...

My First Day at College

Of all the enemies of people, the worst is a human itself. This is the way people think when they refuse to communicate with others, though they do not air it and maybe even don’t think of it directly in this precise form. But it is still there. And the...

Change of Family Standards in the 21st Century

If I were a sociologist, I would devote my scientific career to the study of modern family relationships. In our time, rapid changes are taking place in all spheres of human life. This applies to science, art, technology, communication, and, undoubtedly, building family relationships. Some consider the accelerating pace of...

Modern Families and Current Trends

Introduction The notion of a family differs in various cultures and social contexts. While the idea of a nuclear family continues to dissipate, other options for relationships have become more popular among younger generations (Ferris & Stein, 2018). The drastic changes cause conflicts between different ages and within the same...

Conflict Between Friendship and Justice

I was angry with my friend Omar because he openly discriminated against other people in my presence. He was especially skeptical about homosexual people and this was not in tandem with my belief in human rights. One evening after a good time having a few drinks and laugher we decided...

The Challenges of Being a Parent

Introduction Parenting is a task with many variables, from physical care and affection to challenging psychological moments and conversations occurring in a family. Parents have an essential responsibility to balance personal boundaries and an active role in the child’s life. Several aspects in this area are most interesting for discussion:...

Physical Exercise for Adolescents

Introduction As technology develops and ordinary lifestyles change, people tend to be less and less active. Sedentary lifestyles as well as sedentary habits spread rapidly and become an emerging trend. Moreover, current circumstances, including pandemic-related restrictions and lockdown conditions, exacerbate the fragile situation. Physical training and regular exercise may be...

Why Marriage Should Be Based on Love and Not Arranged?

Introduction Arranged marriage is a practice that appears strange to most Westerners. It is usually an integral part of the culture in the countries of South and East Asia and the Middle East, such as India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Japan, China, Israel, Iran, and Iraq. In these cultures, arranged marriages still...

Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion

Introduction Abortion remains one of the most controversial topics in the world. Many people believe that it is wrong and consider it to be murder, where a significant number support it but for specific reasons. Abortion provides one of the unending and disturbing American moral and legal struggles. The topic...

Japan as a Preferred Place to Visit

Every person who has at least once visited Japan can agree that it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Its nature, traditions, and culture inspires and excites millions of people and evokes dreams about living in the country. There are many breathtaking places there for everyone...

Singapore as a Touristic Destination in Asia

Introduction Tourism plays an important role in the economy of a country including foreign exchange earning, source of employment, cultural preservation, providing an avenue for development of a country’s infrastructure among others. Countries which have faced challenges in the field of agriculture and other areas can capitalize on tourism as...

Divorce as a Controversial Topic

Divorce is one of the most disputed questions related to family life, along with abortions, same-sex couples’ marriage, and adoption. Each of these aspects of matrimonial relationships induces numerous debates and arguments both among those involved and those interested on the part of legal or ethical aspects. It is a...

The Social Impact of Events: A Case of Formula One and the Olympic Games

Introduction In recent times, the prominence of events in attracting the masses has grown, with cities and countries across the world now fighting to host big events. The emerging trend has attracted the interest of researchers who have ventured into the study of events and their impact. Indeed, events feature...

The Fight that I Won by Losing It

My story happened when I was a teenager, with all the angst and rebelliousness associated with that stage. I may have taken it further than most people, growing far apart from my parents. In the end, I asked my doting grandmother, who lived across the town, to take me in...

The Physics Behind Football

Introduction Football is a sport that has gained popularity in leaps and bounds especially in recent years. Majority of the fans enjoy the sport for the fun of it and the players enjoy it because of variant reasons. However very few people really get to actually appreciate the physics that...

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory and How It Has Shaped My Life

Introduction Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory rests on the foundation that the environment in which a child grows has a profound effect on the development of the child. This therefore means that the end product of a child from the time of birth to the time the child becomes an adult is...

Physical Health Indicator: Pulse Rate Experiment

Introduction Pulse rate is an essential indicator of a person’s health and fitness. According to Arena et al., “cardiorespiratory fitness, determined by exercise testing, is considered a vital sign” (180). Therefore, by examining a person’s pulse, a health professional can gain an understanding of their physical state. With exercise, the...

Are Working Women Better Mothers?

Introduction The globally increasing number of employed/working women The number of working women has steadily increased, especially over the last two decades. In some countries, the number of working mothers constitutes a more substantial percentage relative to stay-at-home mothers. In the US, for instance, more than 70% of women with...

A Defining Event From My Childhood: Personal Experiences

It is a commonly known fact that every person’s childhood experiences can remarkably affect their adult life. Both significant events, such as winning a contest, and smaller ones, like a particular talk to a family member, can leave a mark on an individual. This paper aims to present a defining...

The Consequences of Doping in Sports

Introduction The utilization of substance that enhances performance in the field of sports has a long history, preceding the earliest Greek Olympiads. It is important to discuss doping in sports since in the 20th century; issues concerned with this practice were reported. In addition, the use of steroids have several...

Lessons Learned From a Job as a Caregiver

Introduction Despite meticulously created curricula aimed at developing skills and teaching all necessary knowledge essential for a young professional in a work setting, there are issues that cannot be properly trained in the classroom. Indeed, when it comes to practice and proper completion of job tasks, an individual does not...

Cross-Cultural Management in Hospitality and Tourism

Introduction In the modern world, globalization has led to an increase in passenger travel from one part of the globe to another. Improvement and development of transport infrastructure across the nations is a critical influencer contributing to the ease of movement. With reference to the stated advancement above, the tourism...

Effects of Single Parenting on Children

Children have a right of being brought up by both parents who are expected to show love and affection. Kids who grew up seeing a father and mother have higher chances of becoming more stable in life. However, this is not always the case as some children find themselves in...

One Thing to Bring to a Desert Island

The idea of being stranded on an uninhabited island has been quite inspirational, providing ideas for a range of entertainment products, from literary fiction to TV shows. The idea of going to the primitive state within days is both frightening and exciting to observe. However, facing the described situation personally...

The Future of Families in Modern World

The Future of Families Modern families have shifted their practices, behaviors, and values when contrasted with those of the past. A proper understanding of these changes can guide parents to be prepared for emerging challenges and support their young ones accordingly. This discussion uses the TED Talk The Future of...

Should Athletes Be Held to a Higher Moral Standard?

Introduction The debate about athletes and higher moral standards sparks whenever there is an ethical scandal involving athletes. It happened after Lance Armstrong was found using drugs to increase his performance rates and win Tour de France seven times in a row (Ingle); it was brought up after many members...

Living On-campus vs. Living Off-campus When Attending University Comparison

Introduction While entering a university, students have to choose where they would live, either on campus or another place. Since both campus and off-campus options have advantages and disadvantages, this choice becomes quite complicated. Students often pay attention to such issues as costs, locations, comfort, meals, and so on. Although...

Kenya, Its Tourist Attractions and Food Culture

Introduction Kenya is one of the most beautiful African countries I have ever been to. I am always thrilled to visit it. However, it has taken some time since I was there. I could not hide my happiness when my family finally settled in the country for the winter holidays....

Soccer and Basketball Differences

To begin with, the world of sport is a versatile unity of strength, endurance, will to compete and win realized in tempos and movements of various kinds of difficulty. Though, in this paper, the comparing and contrasting ideas are emphasized between two sports: soccer and Basketball. Thus, a peculiar outlook...

Foster Care: Advantages and Disadvantages

The Definition of the Concept of Foster Care Foster care is a system that helps children whose parents are unable to provide them with decent living conditions. As a rule, such children can get help from child welfare agency staff. According to the rules and norms of foster care, a...

The Role of the Family in the 20th and 21st Century

Family is one of the most basic kinds of human activity, an essential condition for the functioning of society, and an important element of its self-organization. The institution of the family has a significant influence on society’s economic progress and political culture. The current socio-economic situation in the world and...

Stadium Development in Sports

Introduction Around the world, stadiums have played a major role in the sports industry as avenues for recreation and entertainment for people. While on one hand, they cost much money to build, on the other hand, millions of revenues are collected depending on the publicity, attendance, and popularity of events...

Personality Mask Overview

This mask symbolically represents six facets of my personality from different personality perspectives. It gives the viewer an idea about my emotions, thoughts, attitude to the world, and general behavioral patterns in a visual way, without using any descriptive words. Instead, this mask uses symbols and colors that reflect my...

Personal Experience of Child: Parenting Styles

It is a well-known fact that parenting choices exert an enormous impact on the future life of children. The behavior of parents towards children can fall into four categories or parenting styles. The current essay reflects my own childhood experience regarding the parenting style my parents tend to follow. In...

Effects of Divorce on Children

Divorce refers to the dissolution of marriage through legal means (Theu 2). In any divorce case, there are various duties that the divorcing parties must undertake so as to have the divorce process completed. These responsibilities include taking care of the children as well as sharing property. In most cases,...

Benefits of Physical Activity

Physical activity is necessary for a person if he/she wants to maintain a healthy form of his or her body. The main factor influencing the health in our bodies is metabolism. If its runs smoothly and averagely fast, then it ensures our bodies with appropriate protection from diseases. It also...

Why Do Dogs Make the Best Pets?

Dogs make the best pets and are loved by people all around the world. Dogs are guards that watch the house One of the most practical benefits of having a dog is that it will guard the house and the loved ones. Burglars are much less likely to break into...

Analysis of Childhood and Adolescent Development

Introduction Study of child and adolescent development can help in a variety of ways. This includes understanding the health implications affecting these categories and subsequent development of appropriate programs to cater for their health. In addition, it can help the development of appropriate education curriculum and child care programs that...

Cultural Events’ Role in Tourist’s Decision-Making

Abstract Tourism is as innate to the human nature as breathing. Ever since we were distinguished from apes in the evolutionary cycle, men have been discovering new lands and places. The desire to travel and explore new places has led to the rise and fall of societies over time. Most...

Kabaddi: an Outdoor Game with Indian Origin

Other than watching TV shows or engaging in video games, humans can engage in outdoor games and events to have a good time with their family, friends, or associates. Dyck believes, “Outdoor games are usually preferred than other sources of entertainment because they involve physical and mental activities necessary for...

Chinese Dating Culture and Its Origin

Introduction Dating and romantic relationships are common and crucial aspects of life in adolescence and the early years of adulthood. Scholars have emphasized the relative significance of dating, which is vital for society and individuals. Close, good relations have been associated with enhanced physical and mental well-being, a more vibrant...

Entrepreneurship in the Hotel Industry

Introduction In my business endeavor, I have decided to venture into the hotel industry and set up a fast-food restaurant in the heart of the city. The reason behind choosing this kind of a venture is because the hospitality and hotel has for the past two decades become a very...

Throwing a Successful Party

Man is a social creature by nature. Therefore it is not uncommon for us to gather in groups for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and other important events in our lives. Sometimes, we don’t even need a reason to throw a party other than we just feel like it. However,...

How to React to an Arrogant Person

A person is said to exhibit arrogance if they have a personality trait characterized by an excessively inflated opinion of their self-worth. People are considered arrogant when they behave in a manner that suggests they are better, more deserving, and more important than others. As a result, they tend to...

Reasons and Implications of Divorce

Introduction The institution of marriage is unique to human society, with every race and culture having its own unique customs and practices, although the essence of the union tends to remain similar. Marriage instills an expectation of a long-lasting or even lifelong relationship between two individuals who have agreed to...

Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry

Control of Pesticides, Fertilizers, Cleaners, Wastewater, Sewage The world and the people, in general, are increasingly becoming conscious of the impacts that their activities have on the environment. The environment is now a contemporary question in various spheres of human life. Traditionally, the impact on the environment was concentrated on...

Family Happiness Definition and Aspects

Family Happiness: Introduction A family is the basic unit of society. Owing to the complex nature of contemporary family structures, it has increasingly become difficult to comprehend and define the key tenets of a happy family life or whether there is such a thing as a truly “happy family”. Incidences...

About the Time My Friend Was Judged Unfairly

Sometimes in life, the strongest people face the most challenging battles. Life does not treat everybody the same, and as a result, there are many cases where people are not treated fairly. Some cases may seem common, like an annoying boss or abusive partners. Other cases are unique and may...

Gender Lightbulb Moment in Personal Experience

My gender light bulb moment occurred on a visit to my grandmother’s place. I had always liked helping my father out with his work at home, especially fixing the car. I loved how the engines worked, the mechanisms involved and all the physics involved. It was not long until I...

Balancing Home and Work Life for Students

After conducting my own research, I collected and summarized the information about day planning that seemed most applicable in my situation. Due to their application, I will successfully cope with the roles of mother, grandmother, employee, and student, and I will have enough time for each of them. After reading...

What Does It Mean to Be a Pacific Islander Today and in the Future?

Introduction The Pacific Islands or Oceania region is an area with rich cultural heritage and history, representing a plethora of indigenous peoples, each one of which obtains unique cultural traditions. I identify myself and the community of Nauru as a part of the detached group of cultures, nevertheless heading to...

COVID-19 Effect on Hospitality and Tourism

Introduction Coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19, is one of the most dangerous recent diseases, and people should take multiple steps to manage its prevalence and adverse effects on different spheres of life. Global tourism and the hospitability industry have undergone significant changes because of the pandemic and the necessity...

Health: The Benefits of Running

Introduction Over the years, running has become an extremely popular sport across the age divide. While many people simply run for fun, others do so from the realization of the physical benefits that the sport can bring. With the spread of unhealthy eating habits, there have been increased calls for...

My Way of Balancing Responsibilities

Nowadays the tempo of life is becoming faster for the modern world requires a person’s performing many tasks. That is why people try to find a way to manage their time in order to deal with all the problems and responsibilities successfully. There exist courses, programs, and books that suggest...

Analysis of Social Institution of Marriage

Marriage is a unique social institution that can be viewed as an agreement between partners needed to regulate social life and create a legally recognized union based on passion, love, religion, or other reasons that might help to generate benefits and get an advantageous position, or a desired social status....

Reasons for High Divorce Rates

Family is the basic institution of society that impacts its functioning and contributes to further evolution. For centuries, it has been associated with marriage as the only possible way to create a family and promote the development of communities. However, today, one can observe the decline in the importance of...

How Italian Culture Influenced Life: Personal Experience

My Italian family makes a great impact on my life and shapes me as a personality. I remember that from my early childhood, my parents taught me that family is the most important issue as it gives acceptance and support. I am proud to be of Italian origin, and I...