Western Movies and Their Effect on Arab Youth

Most of the Western movies shown on the screens reflect on our culture. The movies display desire, identity, fantasy and extravagance. Globalization is on the rise, and the Arab countries are not left out of the process. Thus, the media has made it easy to access everything that one needs...

Love in Historical and Social Contexts

While speaking about the concept of love, sociologists usually note that love is a product of people’s relationships which also serves as the medium to make these relationships not only easy and pleasant but also productive. Thus, love in the historical and social contexts can be described from the perspective...

Alzheimer’s Patients and Adverse Effects Reduction

Research Question and Qualitative Method Research question: What are the best practices that could mitigate the adverse effect of Alzheimer’s disease on aging patients and how these practices influence the existing practices of geriatric nurses and patient outcomes on a long-term scale? Within the framework of the current research, the...

Herpes Zoster: Disease Features and Prevention Strategies

Herpes zoster (also known as shingles) is a disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It is characterized by a rash that reveals in the shape of a band or belt. The following questions will help to disclose the peculiarities of this illness and the prevention strategies. Is there a particular...

Puppy Care: New Owner’s Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction Taking care of a puppy can be hectic. This is more so when one is clueless on how to raise one. Puppies are often weaned at eight to ten weeks, thus it is preferable to buy or adopt a puppy once it is weaned. When considering acquiring a puppy...

Healthcare’ Human Resource Management Trends

One of the primary health care staff trends relates to the high need for registered nurses. The need for advanced practice nurses licensed vocational and licensed practical nurses is increased due to the fact that the generation of the Baby Boomers is growing up thus directly affecting the need for...

Hospitals’ Centralized Organizational Structure

Work Process Organizing Organizing the work process performs a vital role in any company. Since health institutions are responsible for people’s welfare, managing them needs to be effective to the greatest extent possible. There are two kinds of organizational structure: centralized and decentralized. The former one is more traditional. It...

Diversity in Workplace Communication

International organizations comprise of people drawn from different races, ethnicities, and religions (Harvey & Allard, 2008). The differences constitute to workplace diversity. The perception that dictates how one views a particular group has a far-reaching consequence in a diverse organization. In order to reduce this effect, companies have to address...

Mount Sinai Hospital’s Communication Strategies

Background The Mount Sinai Hospital was founded in 1852. It is now one of the best hospitals in the USA. It is a 1,171-bed tertiary care facility located in New York. The major focus of the facility is geriatrics. This is a very complex sphere where all employees should have...

Acer Group: Corporate Strategy and Challenges

According to the Acer group website, in 2006, Acer had 5,300 employees working for them in over 100 countries worldwide. Open employee communication among employees is encouraged which not only allows the company to understand employee concerns but also helps employees to find common ground and build lasting relationships. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mendelssohn’s Jewish Religious Thought

The changes in history were the primary reasons for the rise of a new movement, which can be referred to as Jewish thought (Greenberg 19). It depicted the correlation between philosophy, religion, and theology and created a novel framework of views, as it tended to reflect the lifestyle of Jews....

Analysis of the Constitution of Texas

This paper is aimed at examining the systems of checks and balances included in the Constitution of Texas. It should be mentioned that these provisions are supposed to limit the authority of the government and protect the rights of citizens. Much attention should be paid to the examples of these...

Door-to-Baloon Time Reduction: Project Implementation

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the primary causes of mortality among patients in the United States (Wilson et al., 2013). Kendall Regional Medical Center in Miami, Florida, provides high-quality cardiac health services for different groups of patients, including ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients. This group of patients is the...

Organizational Vision and Its Importance for the Staff

The concept of vision is rarely taken for granted; nowadays, it is among the top priorities of any company to come up with a unique mission and vision statements in order to get any credibility among the target customers. Usually identified as the manifestation of the company’s goals and aspirations,...

Workforce Diversity: Sociopsychological Aspects

Abstract Phenomena of diversity and inclusion observed in the workplace can be discussed with references to such social psychological perspective as the social identity theory. The reason is that interactions in the workplace are associated with the social nature of a person, and diversity, as well as the idea of...

Radiofrequency Identification Technology vs Barcodes

Radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology has been proposed as a much more advanced alternative for barcodes that can be used to improve the “product tracking, building access control, airline baggage tracking,” supply chain management and other aspects of various operations (Zhu, Mukhopadhyay, & Kurata, 2012, p. 159). The superiority of RFID...

Mind-Body Problem: Belmont Principles and Future

Application of the Belmont Principles The topic of our research is the mind-body relationship, and the main question is, “to what extent do psychological factors, and physiological factors influence a person’s character, reactions, and behavior?” The research will be based on a literature review, and thus we will work with...

Enterprise Resources Planning System Implementation

Introduction The move by the organization to streamline its operations by embracing technology is in the right direction. In the current business world, it is a cardinal sin to stick within the traditional way of doing business. Contrary to the modern, effective techniques of optimizing operations and decision-making, traditional methods...

Higher Education: Personality and Academic Success

Intelligence is not a single factor to predict the individual’s academic success in higher education because the factor of personality is also crucial to affect the academic achievement. For instance, conscientiousness is a personality trait that explains “five times as much variance in GPA as does intelligence” (Kappe and Van...

Modern and Traditional Nursing Educational Frameworks

The worksheet presented below is targeted as describing two educational frameworks of perennials and positivism. Its analysis will be beneficial for understanding the key principles as well as the way in which both frameworks are used in education and can be used in the nursing curriculum. Perennialism – A Traditional...

Popular Research Paper Topics

China as Africa’s Partner and Not a Colonial Power

China’s growing interest in Africa countries has been viewed by some people as a threat to their sovereignty. In the past decades, Africa’s major source of financial and political aid was the Western countries. However, this started changing after China developed an interest in Africa starting in the 1990s. China’s...

China–Africa Relations: Economic Consequences

There is a range of assumptions supported by different nations; among them, there are solidarity and the importance of collaboration. Speaking about such China and Africa, it is necessary to mention that it does not seem to be very easy for them to build strong and effective relationships (Asongu &...

World’s Overpopulation, Its Causes and Effects

The world’s growing population has been among the major concerns of many researchers for the last few decades. Hite and Seitz (2016) explain that the population growth is exponential: it took thousands of years for the Earth’s population to reach the first billion, whereas the seventh billion was achieved in...

Functional Curriculum Goals in Special Education

Introduction Students with mental disabilities should be given opportunity to access education from the general curriculum that is provided for normal students. This form of curriculum should maximize the students’ independence and self direction to ensure that they enjoy the learning experience. This is applicable at school, home, in the...

Standard 5 of Early Childhood Professional Preparation

Introduction Education is a vital part of human life and no child should be deprived of this right in the world where attempts to build and sustain justice are being made. Child and family advocacy encompasses a variety of practices, of which early childhood education interests me the most. Thus,...

Belarus Current Economic State

Why did Belarus decide to abolish the currency trading restriction? The reasons for Belarus to lift the existing currency trade restrictions are rather basic; according to the statement issued by the state’s financial authorities, the given strategy will allow for improving the current economic state of the country. Indeed, as...

US Medical Centers’ Information Security Policies

The common information security themes are prioritization of information security and privacy, appropriate and uniform use of telecommunication and computer resources, user’s duty of utilizing information and data in an ethical, responsible, legal and professional manner, and disciplinary measures taken in case one violates any policy on security and privacy...

Sociology: “Damned Lies and Statistics” by Joel Best

The brash title is the premiere point of the captivation of Joel Best’s ‘Damned Lies and Statistics.’ As per its apt title, the book investigates the lies and or the truths that are presented by statistics. Within it, the author states that people, for the most part, are innumerate. They...

Dominance and Cooperation as Classroom Management Strategies

Introduction The importance of applying classroom management strategies is discussed by many educators because effective classroom management contributes to developing an appropriate atmosphere for teaching and learning. However, management of students’ behaviors in a classroom can be viewed as a challenging process, and it is important to determine approaches that...

Community-Acquired Pneumonia and Thyrotoxicosis Diagnostic

Case Study The patient in the present case is E.B. – a 21-year old female who had arrived at the hospital with the following chief complaint: “I feel sick”. There was a set of symptoms displayed by the patient that came along with her main complaint. During the assessment, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Literacy Centers in Math Lessons

Promoting literacy among young students is essential to their further ability to retrieve, analyze and remember information. Therefore, it is crucial that learners should be provided with literacy centers that will help them use their current knowledge to build the next one based on the information provided by a teacher....

Industrial Fermentation as Energy Conversion

Industrial fermentation is the way of making products useful to people by the use of the microorganism’s fermentation. Fermented products can be generated in food and other industry sectors. One of the most common examples of employing fermentation in the industry is producing alcoholic drinks and dairy products. This type...

Nursing Philosophy and Developing Factors

The current paper is designed to review the existing nursing philosophies. I thoroughly describe the two theories that are consistent with my outlooks. I also enumerate the factors that majorly influence the overall development of the nursing philosophy. My thoughts concerning the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm are also presented...

Appropriate Individualized Education Program Design

In one of my education classes, I was required to read a section called Designing an Appropriate IEP in one of the class texts. The text focused on how to plan and evaluate an Individualized Education Program. After reading through the section, I realized that learners with disabilities go through...

Nurses from Minority Groups’ Empowerment

Proposed change Empowerment of nurses from minority groups. Currently, it is exceedingly difficult or almost impossible for nurses from minority groups to acquire leadership positions in nursing. Strengths Comprehension of the varying social behavior of the society concerning enhanced interaction Before becoming leaders, nurses seeking promotion to executive positions have...

Information Technology Project Failures in 2006-08

The main idea of the text is the major cause behind the increased failing of information technology projects. The writer, herein called Levinson, explored the results of a report conducted by a US-based research and consultancy firm which had surveyed projects in 400 firms (1). The results had shown a...

Standard 2 for Early Childhood Professional Training

The purpose of this paper is to outline the NAEYC (2010) Standard 2 and prepare a plan for its exploration to improve my skills. A Summary of Standard 2 The NAEYC (2010a) Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs include Standard 2 (S2): “building family and community relationships” (p. 1)....

“The Tempest” a Play by William Shakespeare

In the Tempest, Shakespeare, portrays Caliban as an uncultured half- man, half beast, who is enslaved in his own land by a foreign intruder. Shakespeare portrays him as a person who has limited understanding on how the modern world works. Through Prospero’s own description, Caliban is shown as a beast...

Door-to-Baloon Time Reduction: Data Collection

An interview with an IT representative helped explore the existing variety of different types of data collection and reporting tools that are available to be used by nurse leaders to clarify and comprehend quality performance process parameters. At the beginning of the conversation, it became clear that today’s healthcare organizations...

Tongue in Communication and Personality Generation

The tongue is vital for communication and understanding of the ideas, values, emotions, and desires of the other people. It could be assumed that language creates new conceptions of self-identity, as it is an essential component of one’s personality and can change one’s perceptions, attitudes, and values. The analysis of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing and Health Promotion in Family Pediatrics

Family-oriented and family-focused nursing care The modern approach to the delivery of nursing care is focused on the significant improvement of peoples quality of life and the environment in which they live. For this reason, there are various models of care that are considered to be efficient under modern conditions....

Leadership Aspects in Nursing Practice

Changes in Health Care Delivery and Nursing System New approaches to the service delivery introduced the well-developed systems to monitor the performance. In this instance, the nurses have to be well-organized to provide services and expand the area of their operations. In turn, the new approaches of leadership improve the...

The Problem of Evil and Arguments for God’s Existence

The issue of whether an omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent God exists amidst all the evil that is being experienced in the world has remained to be one of the highly debatable issues among various stakeholders of religious-based education. Some people may argue that such a God would logically be incompatible...

Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation’s Six Sigma Model

There is no secret that the DMAIC framework for a project improvement has been viewed as one of the most groundbreaking and most widely used tools for successfully promoting changes in the context of a company (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009a). However, due to the need to avoid manufacturing issues at...

“The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros

Introduction Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street is an illustration of the problems faced by Latin women in a culture laden with racism, prejudice, and discrimination. Society as depicted in the book is being dominated by men where women are generally praised for their physical features; however, the Latin...

Hispanics Health and Cultural Practices

The Hispanic ethnic grouping (also known as Latino Americans), refers to a group of people who are defined by both their linguistic and cultural origins. Hispanic Americans originated in Spain and other countries in Latin America. Hispanic Americans are made up of a wide range of other ethnicities, including Chicanos,...

Ethnic Contention of Urban Settlements

This section of the book explores the nature of social struggles that are faced by individuals who reside in urban settlements. Some of the key factors that have contributed to social strife of urban dwellers include forced displacement or transfer of populations, gentrification and urban renewal. Loisaida and the Mission...

Dan Formosa and His Smart Design Company

The engagement of the General Motors employees into the test drive is a quality innovation, which brings the production closer to the consumers. The policy promotes trust between an employer and employees. Second, it enhances the sales, for many of the satisfied testers might like to purchase a car after...

A Hero: Character Definition in Literature

In literature, a hero is a type of character who shows courage and ability to endure dangerous or difficult situations or sacrifice themselves for the sake of the greater good. Heroes often perform feats and brave deeds and usually act according to their strong beliefs. Rayhanova (2006) explains that these...

“Barn Burning” a Story by William Faulkner

The problem of black slavery described in the story Barn Burning by William Faulkner demonstrates the most significant moments of historical development of the country. Moreover, this novel reminds me another famous story The adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain. The conflict between father and son emphasizes the...

Curriculum Development in Language Teaching by Jack Richards

Planning Goals and Learning Outcomes In Curriculum Development in Language Teaching by R. Jack, the fifth chapter, Planning Goals and Learning Outcomes involve a lecture on planning goals and curriculum development. In decision making, this forms a crucial dimension, especially in curriculum development. It is assumed that people are generally...

Genograms and Relationship Maps as Medical Tools

The purpose of this article is to evaluate the importance of genograms and relationship maps as medical tools. The methodology and when these exercises can be introduced in the medical field, the advantages of the practices from an evaluative viewpoint and how the maps may be applied in treatment are...

Skills Development: Reading Strategy

Environment plays a very vital role in the developmental studies of children. A larger percentage of children’s literacy skills are learned through observing the immediate environment. They then try to imitate the observed phenomenon before finally making it a habit and eventually a learnt skill. A good reading strategy should...

The Independent Living Center Services

The Independent Living Center, a care center in Missouri, acts as a technology demonstration center and gives resources and assistance to the disabled. In addition, the care center is mandated with the role of providing important information to researchers about the health of the patients admitted as well as any...

Genetically Modified Organisms: Pros and Cons

Genetically modified organisms are organisms that are created after combining DNA from a different species into an organism to come up with a transgenic organism (McDonagh 8). The controversy surrounding the development and consumption of GMOs has been ongoing for years now. The development of genetically engineered organisms brings about...

Depression Screening in Primary Care

Screening for depression in patients suffering from long term conditions (LTCs) or persistent health problems of the body, could largely be erroneous (Sullivan, 2011). Additionally, when screening for depression in patients with with LTCs is not adequately done, the result may significantly trigger substantial worsening of the victim’s health. This...

Genetically Modified Organisms and Their Benefits

These are plants and animals that are created by scientists through combining genes from other animals or plants. The combination of genes from different species creates a special species that does not occur naturally. Scientists believe that the use of GMOs as they are commonly referred to, is the way...

Corporate Sustainability Practices in Business

Summary The article “Disney and Other Companies, CFOs Help Drive Sustainability” delves into the subject of corporate sustainability practices and how they are increasingly becoming intertwined with new operational initiatives in creating a means by which factories and supply chains operate in a sustainable manner. Jay Rasulo, the chief financial...

The Novel “The Inheritance of Loss” by Kiran Desai

The book “The Inheritance of Loss” by Kiran Desai talks about an important world issue of class division and the differences between the social layers. The Soviet times are analyzed as the period when there was a race for satellite and space control between nations, which created even more division...

Hotel Rwanda Film Review

Hotel Rwanda is an interesting and well-told story that compels people to watch it. It is set in Rwanda’s capital city Kigali, during a time when the infamous Rwanda genocide took place. The film revolves around the unbelievable Paul Rusesabagina’s real story, an assistant manager at Milles Collines Hotel. Using...

Business, Government, and Society: Critics of Business

The chapter Critics of Business of the book Business, Government, and Society: A Managerial Perspective discusses the emergence and development of the concept of business criticism from medieval times to the present. The concept of business criticism originated from the belief that businesses were established with the main aim of...

The Book “Business, Government and Society”

Though the relation between the process of managing entrepreneurship and the social life of the citizens may be considered somewhat farfetched, the link between society and the state economy is much stronger than it may appear to be. In The study of business, government, and society, the first chapter of...

Sexual Assaults at Amherst College

Political Frame The political frame perceives organizations as jungles where conflicts, power negotiations, scarce resources and enduring differences exist. The political frame acknowledges that diversity of skills, behaviors, beliefs, interests and values among employees are organizational realities which are unavoidable. Effectively managed divergent views are important in organizations, since they...

Social Networking Sites: Companies Fan Pages Popularity

Clients are the biggest asset of social networking sites, thus, efforts should be made not only to acquire new ones, but also to maintain the existing ones by ensuring client satisfaction. Social networking sites ensure that their users stay on board by reassuring them that they are in the best...

Jack Welch’s Leadership Style in General Electric Company

One of the outstanding functions of a leader is to create a vision for his or her organization. It is necessary to have a vision in order to ensure an organization realizes its goals. Every individual in an organization can create “a concrete mechanism for examining and verifying the successful...

The Ancient Egyptians Social Lives

The two books focus on the social lives of the ancient Egyptians. In the book Voices in Ancient Egypt, Kay presents an anthology of poems and pictures of workers in ancient Egypt (Kay & Moser, 2003). On the other hand, Hibbert in the book Rich and Poor in Ancient Egypt...

American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics

Introduction In Philosophy, ethics refers to things involving a systematic defending and coming up with the concepts that define right and wrong behaviors in a society. The term originates from a Greek work ethos referring to habits and customs. Ethics defines the best way the society intends human beings to...

Political Philosophies: Principles of “Just War”

Wars have always been an indispensable part of human life. At different times, different nations are in the state of war. Though people understand that war is something vicious and undesirable, they also try to justify it. Thus, Ancient Roman statesmen developed a set of criteria that could justify the...

Night by Elie Wiesel – the Nazi Concentration Camps

Night illustrates the life of Elie Wiesel and his father in the Nazi concentration camps during the World War II (Rucco 3). In the concentration camps, they underwent through cruel and brutal situations. The situations affected and changed their relationship in a number of ways. After being taken to the...

The Progressive Era History

The term ‘Progressive era’ in American history refers to a wide range of reforms in the country’s social, political, economic and moral aspects between 1890s and 1920s. During this period, the American society experienced a number of reforms in its economic productivity, science and technology, gender roles, roles of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Balanced Literacy Teaching Method

Balanced literacy is a “teaching methodology whereby the tutor integrates various instructional methods” (Carver 348). The teaching approach uses different strategies to achieve the goals of the learning process. The tutor should use multiple strategies in order to ensure every learner achieves his or her objectives. Balanced literacy is a...

The Various Poetic Elements

In his poem “Musee des Beaux Arts,” Wystan Auden uses ekphrasis, “a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of art” (“Glossary Terms”). Auden provides visual descriptions of a Breughel’s painting, “In Breughel’s Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away / Quite leisurely from the disaster; the...

Students in Public Schools and Uniform

Public schools, unlike private schools, are meant to cater to students of all classes regardless of their social status. Therefore, these schools are considered to offer a standard level of education affordable to all those who are willing to learn. Thus, public schools should stand out and be exemplary even...

The Walden Learning Community Membership

Prior to joining the Walden learning community, I used to have a limited view of a learning community as nothing more than a virtue or physical network of friends with similar interests and drivers in life. Although my description was valid to the extent of sharing similar interests and drivers...

Medical Intervention: Ethical, Legal, and Moral Dilemmas

While implementing crisis intervention strategies to work with terminally ill patients, nurses and physicians can face a lot of ethical, moral, and legal dilemmas. One of the most problematic situations in this case is the patient’s plan to commit suicide. On the one hand, the terminally ill patient can suffer...

Does Damage to Frontal Lobes Produce Impairment in Memory?

Summary of the key points in the article Stuss and Alexander (84) sought to substantiate whether memory is impaired when frontal lobes are damaged. The authors posed this question based on an ongoing controversy about the role of frontal lobes in performing the function of memory. Stuss and Alexander identified...

Labeling in Special Education

Currently, there is an intense debate about labeling and its effects in the area of special education. Some people believe that labeling is helpful because it distinguishes those students who have learning problems from those who are regarded as normal. Additionally, they also believe that it creates cultural solidarity. Arguably,...

Why Is the Fed Managing the Economy?

The Fed has gained a positive image in the eyes of the public, but this is a misrepresentation of the actual picture with reference to the Fed’s actual performance. The Fed is “a private organization consisting of private banks and it is charged with the responsibility of managing the flow...

Lego Toy Company Expansion and Management Strategies

The article “Unpacking Lego” explores the growth trajectory of a company (Lego) that has expanded to become the second-largest manufacturer of toys in the world. Also, it explores the current challenges that the management of the company is dealing with. Lego has grown into the second-best toy manufacturer over ten...

Ethical Dilemmas in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Introduction Hamlet is William Shakespeare’s tragedy play that was written in the late 14th century. It is believed to be the most popular of his literary works owing to the catchy phrases that have found their way in today’s conversations such as “to be or not to be” (Shakespeare 110)....

Inside Ayurvedic Medicine: Documentary by T. R. Reid

This documentary film casts a light on the peculiarities of Ayurvedic medicine. One should note that it is a set of techniques which have been practiced in India for more than two millenniums. In turn, the movie explores the experiences of a journalist who wants to undergo this form of...

“Night” by Elie Wiesel and His Faith in God

Night is a story by Elie Wiesel in which the writer accounts for the horrible experience he had with his father during the time of the Holocaust. Throughout the novel, Wiesel reproduces the details of his staying in the Nazi German concentration camp during the Second World War. The protagonist...

Night by Elie Wiesel – Eliezer and His Father

Introduction: When Night Falls. Eliezer’s Story Starts Parent-child relationships have never been easy; since the dawn of time, people have been trying to work on the gap between the older and the younger generation, yet with little success; it seems that the solution of the problem is unique for each...

The Faith in God in Night by Elie Wiesel

Introduction: Back to the Biblical Legends. Job and Eliezer Testing the faith is not a new issue to talk about – it is basically as old as the hills, sine even the Bible mentions the instances when a man was tested to prove that he actually was a hardcore believer....

Gun Control: New Restriction Laws

The measures and laws to restrict gun violence are traditionally discussed in the American society in association with the shocking events when adults or teenagers use guns against the public. The problem is in the fact that gun assaults are typical for the American society. Thus, the necessity to restrict...

American Exceptionalism Definition and Impacts

Exceptionalism is a term that could be used to define something special or of a particular character. American exceptionalism on the other hand is a term that has its origin from the American Communist Party (Seymour, 1996, p.1). It has been in use since in the 1920s when it was...

Relations to the Idea of Responsibility

Responsibility refers to the willingness of an individual to control one’s thoughts, actions, and behavior to create and promote a society that gives all people equal opportunity without infringing on their rights and wellbeing. A responsible human being is someone who accepts that his or her behavior and actions have...

Film Studies: “The Sound of Music” by Robert Wise

“The hills are alive with the sound of music”– this eternal line from the song with which the movie begins echoes through our imagination as we speak of Europe or Salzburg (The Sound of Music). Lush green countryside with snowcapped mountains in the background is a nature lovers’ paradise. The...

Women’ Liberty in the House of Representatives

America is a great democracy that many countries seek to emulate, and the amount of freedom enjoyed by the American citizens makes it a great nation. However, an important question arises on the extent to which these freedoms are enjoyed in society and by whom. The June 2012 incidence in...

European and North American Transport Systems

The European and North American transport systems present a mix of similarities and difference. The author must have found it necessary and therefore compelled to compare these two regions because they are among the key global transport powerhouses in regards freight transportation. The regions have been used to offer the...

Personal Selling and Sales Management

Reflecting on the success of Vivek Gupta, the IBM salesman, chapter nineteen, discusses personal selling and sales management strategies. Over the years, personal selling has become a lucrative career since salespersons often add value to a product or the selling process (Grewal & Levy, 2011). In the concept of value...

Self-Esteem Role in Stress Management

Self-Esteem and Its Role in Promoting and Resolving Stress Self-esteem underscores confidence in one’s beliefs and values. It emerges from attitudes that a person develops towards something, which could be a personal vision such as career objectives, lifestyles, and other personal responsibilities. Psychologists argue that attitudes mold characters that one...

Organizational Growth and Decision Making

Growth in terms of revenue and earnings is the priority of every investor. In most companies, rapid developments lead to decreased performance in stock (Jones 201). Growth and death are not found in every organization. However, it is important to note that stagnation does not necessarily translate to death. Growth...

The University of San Francisco Jesuit Education

The University of San Francisco (USF) always supports Jesuit education. It makes this education relevant in the present century. The university’s Jesuit mission is to support the religious and personal needs of every human being. The university educates students from all backgrounds and beliefs. The diverse student fraternity inspires every...

Everpix Business’ Failure

Everpix was a business establishment that focused on providing customers with an excellent app for managing their photos. The founders of the firm aimed at making the startup become a world choice for the management of photos. The service could help people to manage their photos using digital cameras and...

The Nurse Practice Act Concept

Purpose of the Nurse Practice Act The work of the nurse requires knowledge, skills, and the ability to make decisions. Nurses function in a changing society and focus on different therapy and rehabilitation approaches. As the matter of fact, there are certain risks that the unprofessional and incompetent nurse can...

Music as a Part of Life: Personal Impressions

There are many reasons for why people can like or dislike music because it can reveal the most secret and unknown aspects of a human life. One of the most powerful aspects of music is the impossibility to predict where it could lead. In her book, Sarah Dessen defines music...

“Day of Infamy” a Book by Walter Lord

Born in 1917, Walter Lord was an outstanding historian and author. He wrote many books, most of which detail major historical events such as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. He toured many parts of the world, interviewing hundreds of eyewitnesses about their experiences before, during, and after...

Taste Technologies and Transformations

Pork used to be the most popular meat on the territory of the United States up to the beginning of the twentieth century. This was happening because this meat was easier to breed for the families of farmers that grew grains and lived near the woodlands.1 Pigs gained weight easily...

Why Business Firms Need to Have a Web Page?

Businesses use few funds advertising over the internet through websites as compared to other forms of advertisements thereby making website adverts economical for corporations. The content of the advert is also accessible for a longer period and can be viewed by a bigger audience can be reached within the shortest...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sensory Perception and Memory Role in Its Processing

Over the years, the issue of whether human beings can trust their conscious awareness has generated numerous reactions. Some people believe that they can trust their senses to interpret data and get an accurate view of the world, while others believe they cannot (Amicus, 2011). Senses play a crucial role...

Photography Exhibition “Charles Harbutt, Departures and Arrivals”

The exhibition “Charles Harbutt, Departures and Arrivals” tries to reexamine and celebrate the photographic work of this great photojournalist. Harbutt is a successful photojournalist who managed to combine both commerce and art. The exhibition goes further to celebrate the relationship between “the printed page” and photography. On top of that,...

Ethical, Legal, Moral Dilemmas of Terminal Illness

Today, more than ever before, it is becoming increasingly clear that the nature and limits of end-of-life (EOL) decisions present the nursing profession with immense ethical, legal, and moral dilemmas (Tamayo-Velazquez, Simon-Lorda, & Cruz-Piqueres, 2012), and that the so-called right to die with dignity for the terminally ill may be...

Role of Evil in the Novel “Night” by Elie Weisel

Various reasons why Moishe was not believed and whether modern journalism has eliminated the problem of complacency In the novel “Night” Moishe, the Beadle warns the residents of Sighet that all was not well in the world and that they were in a lot of danger. Moishe’s warnings went unheeded...

Elie Wiesel and His Novel called “Night”

Elie Wiesel is a well known American author of Jewish origin and a Nobel Prize winner. His novel called “Night” is a significant and meaningful work that carries multiple functions. Apart from being an outstanding literary masterpiece, the book has a historical character because it is a reflection of Elie...

Baby Talk: How Children Produce Language?

How did the age and gender of the infant/child affect the way in which adults spoke to him/her? Make a note of any of the specific milestones in language development WITH definitions. For example, did the child exhibit an understanding of semantics, syntax, pragmatics, phonology, holophrases, telegraphic speech? The age...

“Othello” a Tragedy by William Shakespeare

Introduction Besides love, the play contains other themes such as conflict, war and jealousy, among others. Moreover, most characters in the play exhibit disjointed feelings for each other. For instance, Iago hates Othello for promoting Cassio over him. Additionally, Othello demotes Cassio for alleged fighting. On the other hand, Desdemona...

Walt Disney Company Conflicts Management

Creativity, Innovation, and Intrapreneurship Creativity is defined as the mental ability to create or imagine new and meaningful ideas. On the other hand, innovation is the process of transforming creativity into products and services for the real world (Jones 366). There is a significant link between the two concepts. For...

Management and Business’ Information Systems Advantages

In the present-day world, nearly all business theorists seem to have agreed upon the fact that the right use of information that the entrepreneur in question has at his/her disposal makes a pivoting point in the development of private entrepreneurship. However, the so-called informational systems need a very delicate treatment....

The Early Education Issues: Development and Importance

Issue: It is known that early education provides a tremendous benefit for the future. Should early education (beginning age three) be mandatory and free? My opinion is that early education is an essential aspect that contributes to the future in a significant way, and that is, should be mandatory and free....

Literature Comparison: Shakespeare’s Falstaff and Milton’s Satan

Both – Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 1 and Milton’s Paradise Lost – focus on the moral degradation of medieval society, as well as reluctance to acknowledge the conventionally accepted wisdom of chivalry, honor, and respect. In these literary works, Sir John Falstaff from Henry IV, Part 1 and Satan from...

Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Nhuong

The book Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Nhuong tells the story of a young boy in a central village in Vietnam. The boy has an unlikely companion by the name Tank, a water buffalo. The water buffalo sends the bullies packing whenever they harass Nhuong. The buffalo...

Supposed Barriers’ Impacts on the Clinical Nursing

A few studies opined the prevalence of supposed barriers to the research use at the hospital setting. They argued that such barriers affected the capability of nurses to implement evidence-based practice in the hospitals. The article endeavors to analyze this finding. The article is not able to discern evidence to...

The Rationalisation Concept in the Work Process

When considering how human beings can get more out of work and life, it is important to consider the concept of rationalisation. Rationalisation as a concept has been defined by Max Weber a leading authority on issues of economy, employment, work, and capitalism. Rationalisation is a concept that applies to...

Xerox Company Business Marketing

Reading summary Xerox was once a well-performing company in the marketplace. The company went through a difficult financial time before the end of the 1990s. It plunged into bankruptcy. To begin with, the Securities and Exchange Commission investigated the accounting practices of the company (Grewal & Levy, 2012). Several cost-cutting...

The Computer-Mediated and Face-to-Face Communications

The rapid development of technologies led to significant changes in the manner of people’s interactions because of the necessity to respond to the tendencies of the constantly changing world. The progress of Instant Messaging technologies, social media, and Skype means the beginning of the digital era in which the computer-mediated...

“Ode to a Day in the Country” and “The Day My Mother Died” Comparison

Poetry is an effective form of communication. Literature students read and compare poems from different eras in order to understand their similarities and differences. This contributes to the knowledge of an array of issues that exist in societies such as culture, religion, and media. This paper outlines comparative literature of...

“Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451 has been written by Ray Bradbury, an American author who has received numerous awards. This work is paramount for the writer because he wanted to express his concerns about the future. It is ironic that this book has often been censored and even expurgated because of the events...

Nursing Care Delivery Models: Pros and Cons

Holistic Nursing Holistic nursing (HN) is a type of nursing practice that focuses on curing the whole person rather than just treating the biomedical problems. HN pays much attention to the relationships with the patient, caring for their “interconnectedness of self,” as well as their ties to “others, nature, and...

The First World War Beginning: Causes and Reasons

The First World War, considered as one of the deadliest confrontations in the world’s history, started on July 28, 1914, and finished on November 11, 1918. Almost all the major players on the political scene of that time were involved in this confrontation. The War took place all over Europe,...

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Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech

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Race’ Role in the Understanding of Fascism

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Health Promotion Role in Public Health

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Philosophy of Life: Major Principle and Problems

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Mitigate Stress Exercise Program at the Work

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ExtremeNet and Allen Lopez: Moral Practices Application

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Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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Egyptian Culture History: Legacies to the Modern World

Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest cultures in the world. It is apparent that its governmental structure, architecture and other aspects had a vehement influence on the formation and outlook of the modern world. Consequently, a primary goal of this essay is to evaluate an effect of each aspect...

Illegal Immigration in USA

Whereas many people believe that illegal immigrants do not have any right for basic social services, there is a group of activists affirming the need to make sure that every individual irrespective of the citizenship status should get access to social basic services. Consequently, these two sides have led to...

The Effect of Globalization in Economic Development

There are fundamental concerns, issues, and resolutions arising from the association of the communities living across the world as a global community. They merge to form a self-sustaining system that facilitates further developments related to their mutual capabilities and abilities. These aspects termed as globalization make them massive and undefeatable...

The Old Age: Description on TV Programs

Old age is an issue that almost every person eventually has to face in their life. Even though sometimes the aged are depicted as senile and debilitated by the media, many of them still retain much energy. To find out how elderly people are depicted on TV, we viewed three...