Procter and Gamble on the China Market

Tastes and preferences are among the main determinants of consumption trends in any region. Tastes and preferences of consumers highly determine the marketing strategies that can be used by any given company. Procter and Gamble, after research hing consumer habits of China, has realized that Chinese people have variant tastes...

Transportation and Logistics Management Policy

The state, local, and federal transportation logistics policies have different levels of impact on the reverse and forward flow of a retailerā€™s products in the market. In this category are the safety, land use, environment, security, energy and climate change, trade and economics regulations, and infrastructure investment policies (Rondinelli &...

The Color of Sex: Postwar Histories of Race and Gender

The article ā€œThe Color of Sex: Postwar Photogenic Histories of Race and Gender in National Geographic Magazinesā€ issues from Catherine Lutz and Jane Collinsā€™s pen and features a powerful volume ā€œThe Gender/Sexuality Readerā€. This volume, as a whole, can be distinguished in the ocean of books devoted to the ideas...

Social Mediaā€™s Influence on the Children and Teens Lives

Social media platforms have influenced the lives of children and young teens in many ways. These platforms are associated with negative and positive aspects. Owing to this fact, there is the need for people to appreciate the impact of social media so that they can caution children and young teens...

Hernandez & Associates Agency’s Team Leadership Model

The change of the strategy of the large firm can be rather a challenge for leaders. The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, negatively influenced the general performance of many companies. The following economic downturn became inevitable. As a result, many firms had to alter their business strategy. A full-service...

Andes Survivors Expedition Leadership Model

The model of leadership that is described in the story about Andes survivors raises numerous controversies. Specifically, the propriety of corpse consummation, as well as unequal distribution of supplies between the members of the expedition, is often questioned. The modern leadership theories can verify the survivorsā€™ actions, according to particular...

Information Systems and Their Management

Living in the XXI century means being a member of the information society. The latter, in its turn, entails the necessity to acquire skills for the efficient use of modern information systems. Seeing how the skills above are important even for an individual, in the context of entrepreneurial operations, information...

Immigration in America as a Political Issues

Since the first immigration of European settlers into North America some 600 years ago, the area has been receiving thousands of new entrants every decade. The feature has created an important topic that has received massive attention over time. Also, it has caused a major problem that is currently affecting...

Effective Team Leadership’s Keys

Although the importance of teamwork has been well documented in management literature, many organizations are yet to achieve the positive outcomes associated with it due to their incapacity to form and foster effective teams (Crother-Laurin, 2006; Jasawalla & Sashittal, 2000). In this paper, I aim to not only analyze the...

Why Piety is Pius?

Socrates was one of the philosophers who sacrificed his life for the sake of justice in society. He had been accused falsely by the ten demon tyrants of inciting the youths against the owners of the means of production. Plato was one of his students and a friend as well....

Popular Research Paper Topics

US Human Service Program for Homeless People

The field of Human Services is related to providing appropriate quality of life for populations, which face serious social issues. People involved in this fieldwork on prevention and remediation of problems that present certain risks to the life of people. Knowledge of effective methods of measuring a specific behavior and...

Adapting King Lear for the Stage by Lynne Bradley Literature Analysis

King Learā€™s predicament is on how to share out his kingdom among his daughters fairly and at the same time ensure that the daughter who loves him most get the largest share without discrimination. He expects to divide his kingdom amongst his three daughters; Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia, ā€œWhich of...

Operations and Supply Chain: Management Course

While being a seemingly simple concept, the phenomenon of operations management implies that a range of complex tasks including the internal (teamwork, production, etc.) and the external (outbound logistics customer relationships, etc.) ones should be carried out. The course, therefore, has served as a real eye-opener in terms of what...

Procurement Process Improvement: Supply Chain’ Data Transfer

To be represented in the global market and attain impressive success, a company needs to make sure that the quality of its services is top-notch. However, when growing increasingly large and entering a big number of markets, an organization may lose the track of some of its vital processes. To...

The Seriousness of Global Warming

One of the most troubling ecological issues of the contemporary world is global warming. It is defined as an increase of global average surface temperature at an alarming rate; due to extra release of greenhouse gases, the temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees over the approximate span of the last...

Modern Film Version of “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

Various attempts are made to create a modern version of Shakespeareā€™s Hamlet. However, it is also important to retain the original emotional and moral conflicts explored by the author. The Royal Shakespeare Companyā€™s adaptation directed by Gregory Doran achieves this goal due to the excellent cast of actors and camera...

Dark Matter’s Evidence – Astronomy

Evidence of dark matter- the motion of galaxies within clusters Galaxy clusters are the leading bound formations in the cosmos. They are the best structure in which to view the impact of the dark matter. The dark matter occupies most of the space in the galaxy clusters. The dark matter...

Work Motivation in the Theory X and Y Context

I am a member of an organization called Children Centre for Development. It is based in Chicago. I am engaged as a social worker on a part-time basis. In the course of my duties, I have come to appreciate the fact that McGregorā€™s theories of management can be used to...

Management of Organizational Stress: Positive or Negative?

The negative outcomes of organizational stress have been well documented in the literature, particularly in light of todayā€™s business environment which necessitates organizations to raise the bar on employee productivity, effectiveness, and adaptation to change (Dale & Fox, 2008). I my view, however, the positive outcomes of organizational stress are...

Lucretius Philosophy and Religion

Lucretius was one of the philosophers that declared war on religion because of its effects on members of society. He was of the view that religion does not play positive role to the life of an individual, but instead it only confuses individuals to believe in what does not exist...

Popular Research Paper Topics

XXI Century Technology and Its Toll on Communication Skills

Introduction: Technology in the XXI Century The pace of the progress that the humankind has made in the XXI century is truly unbelievable. Known as ā€œaccelerating changeā€ (Brown 24), the given phenomenon has created the environment in which lifelong learning has become possible. However, the sharp increase in technological progress...

American Demographics of 1800s-1900s

Statistics indicate that the total population of the United States of America stood at 106,021,537 in 1920 (University of Virginia Library 1). Statistics indicate that quite a good number of people born outside the US composed the population of the time because of immigration from other countries. In fact, the...

HP Company’s Agility Principles

Being efficient in the global economy environment is an extraordinarily complicated task, mostly because of the difficulties related to the design and development of a global supply chain. Presupposing that the essential transactions should occur within a comparatively short amount of time and at impressive distances from the companyā€™s headquarters,...

Social Networking Media and the Revolution

Introduction In the 21 century, internet technology gave entrance to various internet tools. These tools have incorporated in bringing the world together through fast and efficient global communication. Acuff provides that the creation of internet tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube made information distribution from one to many, many...

Social Media Usage and Impact

Dissemination of information has been made simple and faster since the discovery and creation of social media. The most popular social networking sites include Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. These social networking sites are very effective in the mass distribution of information due to their affordability and accessibility. The number of...

Cost of Quality in Laboratory Management

Developing an elaborate cost management strategy is an essential requirement of any project, as it allows identifying possible issues in resource allocation and prevents the organization from losing significant amounts of money. However, even once a seemingly impeccable cost strategy is created, one must take the possibility of extra expenses...

Gender Changes in the Film ā€œFar from Heavenā€ by Todd Haynes

This is a movie reaction paper on ā€œFar from Heavenā€ by Todd Haynes examining the following question: how has gender changed since the 1950s and why? The story describes the traditional family of Whitakers living in 1957. The wife of a successful businessperson Cathy finds her husband Frank in an...

Angelina Jolie’ and Jennifer Aniston Comparison Biography

Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston are American actresses. They are famous for their works in Hollywood. They are known outside the United States for their roles in various works in television shows and films. The two women are celebrities in Hollywood. They have some similarities and contrasts that are debated...

The Novel “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury

The book Fahrenheit 451 is a novel written by Ray Bradbury reflecting a society that is insensitive to the plight of the minority. The book presents a society where the majority has their way, while the minorities do not have their right. The protagonist of this book is Guy Montag....

The Network Strategy of USA Today

The deterioration between Online and the newsroom is caused by numerous differences that can be better understood by conducting the resource, process, and value (RPV) analysis. The resources of the newsroom can be defined as numerous political and cultural figures and institutions, which can provide the journalists with up-to-date information...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The ā€œLectorā€ Tradition in Cigar Factories

Since the day the first book was published reading has become one of the main activities for people all over the world. Some people consider reading as an entertainment, others find the main source of information in the reading. The tradition of reading aloud in many families has remained since...

Environment in the Book “Paths to a Green World”

As numerous problems related to environmental crisis continue to emerge, the urgency of searching for appropriate solutions is increasing. There are plenty of publications covering environmental issues. However, the innovative approaches to the widely discussed issues are still to be developed. Jennifer Clapp and Peter Dauvergne presented their view on...

Quality Process Evaluation and Improvement: Scatter Diagrams

Evaluating the quality of the products released by the company is part and parcel of its existence. Unless a set of efficient quality assessment tools is introduced into the companyā€™s framework of operations, the target customers are most likely to abandon the firm and move on to another organization. However,...

Social Media Effects: Problems Understanding

Technology has become a part of peopleā€™s lives and many individuals cannot imagine a day without their cell phone or computer. I also tend to use technology extensively. For me, a cell phone is a great helper as well as the squeezed world in my hand. I can reach anyone...

Outsourcing Advantages and Disadvantages in the USA

Outsourcing can be regarded as one of the byproducts of globalization. Many early movers benefited from this strategy especially when it comes to the production of the products (Carbaugh, 2015). Outsourcing has been associated with a competitive advantage, but it led to significant losses for some firms (Mourdoukoutas, 2013). HP...

Spiritual Needs of Patients: Interview Strategies

Interview Tools for assessment In the framework of the modern medical care, there are many challenges and aspects that need to be accounted. The aspect of the spiritual harmony and addressing the patientā€™s spiritual needs is the one that is often overlooked. However, the aim of the modern hospitals is...

Amazon Company Performance Evaluation

The main purpose of evaluating a companyā€™s performance is to determine the efficacy of organizational strategies, determine the progress attained with regard to attainment of goals, and provide feedback that can be used to improve performance (Attorney, 2007). Feedback obtained from evaluation is used to improve decision making and streamline...

The Largest Minority Group ā€“ the Disabled

Every year more and more people suffer from health problems that make them disabled. Some of them are born with particular defections, while others gain them in the course of a lifetime. In the article, attention is paid to the fact that modern companies consider ethnic groups regarding the diversity...

“In Pot We Trust” by Star Price – Film Study

Legalization of cannabis remains one of the most disputable issues in contemporary American society. Some people claim that the use of cannabis in medicine can help thousands of people, suffering from terminal diseases, endure their pain. At the same time, others argue that legalization of cannabis can lead to corruption...

Nurse-Patient Ratio and Tuberculosis

Improving the Nurse-Patient Ratio Reasons for Concern A sharp change in the nurse-patient ratio, which typically declines with the increase in the number of the latter, affects both parties significantly. First and most obvious, a drop in the number of nurses presupposes that the quality of the services provided is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Government and Immigrants: Services in Contemporary America

Ong Hing (9) has described illegal immigration as a volatile and emotional issue. The media has, in recent years hosted hotly contested debates on the rhetoric, statistics, and opinions of Americans regarding the impact of illegal immigrants on the U.S. economy (Ong Hing 9). Such a debate could not have...

Format Television Advances: Key Specifics’ Understanding

Despite the fact that the innovations of the 21st century have shifted the role of TV in peopleā€™s lives into the background, many still find the traditional media appealing. As a result, people are affected by the phenomena of translation and circulation, which are an integral part of television. According...

Statistics: Assessing Non-Parametrics or T-Tests

Introduction: The Use of T-Tests in Nutrition Studies Used to find out whether there is a difference between two groups of numbers, a t-test is an efficient means to conduct a mathematical analysis (Keller, 2011). Obviously useful in a number of fields, a t-test is essential for the evaluation of...

Texasā€™ Local Government and Its Organizational Structure

The Texas local government is made up of several members in the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, the Texas House of Representatives, and the Texas Senate. All the members of the houses are elected after a stipulated time and services for a fixed period. However, one can be...

Lucretius and His View on Mind, Soul and Spirit

Book III of De Rerum Natura, Lucretius notes that death would be something that does matter so much to the life of an individual in case it could be clear that mind is mortal stuff. However, people are always concerned because they are sure that there is no life after...

Intel Company’s Antitrust Practices and Market Power

Globalization has given firms across the globe the opportunity to reach clients in any part of the world. However, with this opportunity comes stiff competition from other firms across the globe. A case in point is the Intel Corporation. In the last decade, the firm has faced stiff competition from...

Beulah Collins’ Narratives of African-Americans in Philadelphia

In the southern states of the USA, centuries of slavery and decades of segregation created a legal and political system characterized by the dominance of White people. For example, the legislation (Jim Crow laws) prohibited the education of Afro-Americans at schools and universities along with White; they had to take...

Food for the Working-class Americans

Factors that limited food choices for the working-class Americans in the 20th century Abigail Carroll’s approach in analyzing the history of food in the United States is intriguing. Carroll argues that money was critical in determining food choices among Americans. However, with the agricultural developments during the industrial revolution, work...

Peopleā€™s Attitude toward Social Networking Services

Social networks became the peopleā€™s everyday reality, and today the public is divided into the proponents of using these services and opponents who focus on the advantages of the face-to-face interaction. Furthermore, the users of social networking services can also be divided into groups according to their attitude to this...

How Do Works of Literature Differ from Works of Visual Art?

There are a number of aspects in works of literature that are completely different from visual arts. To begin with, the appealing nature of visual art is higher than the works of literature. Any form of visual art is also unique. Works of literature refer to all forms of artworks...

Roles and Lifestyles of American Women

In a retrospect, the evolution of women in the American society truly is fascinating, especially when considering the social roles played by the Native American women at the very start of the colonization era and the roles that American women played in the society by 1850s. Because of a continuous...

Urban Planning: Smart Growth and Community Collaboration

Smart Growth refers to the leading systems of urban planning, which employ such critical objectives as transportation facilitation, ecology-friendly land use, and realization of sustainable regional development. In this work, the overview of the collaborative principle, which encourages common work between the citizens and stakeholders, is provided. The efficiency of...

Workhorse Group: Company Information

Workhorse Group Inc. is a company that designs and produces electric battery power trains, as well as truck chassis. While its main administrative, research, and developmental offices are located in Ohio, the plant producing medium-duty truck chassis, which is to be discussed in this paper is situated in Union City,...

The Code of Ethics of the American Nurses Association

Introduction The Code of Ethics developed by the American Nurses Association is aimed at protecting the wellbeing of patients and promoting the improvement in the healthcare environments. It is a document that should guide the behavior and decisions of nursing professionals. In this case, ethics can be viewed as a...

Critical-Chain Project Management

Everybody knows that if a project is planned properly, the work is half done. To prevent possible disasters, managers often add extra time to the project schedule. In theory, it allows the participants of the project to feel comfortable and gives employees additional time in case if something goes wrong....

Decision Making: Selection of Suppliers

The supplier selection process is quite complex due to the wide range of unpredictable and uncontrollable factors, and thus, it requires wise decision-making addressing the arising issues. Besides the cost, considered the primary basis for this choice, there exists a row of crucial parameters. In the following paper, the research...

V for Vendetta – Film Study

ā€œPeople should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.ā€ (Chocano, ā€œV for Vendettaā€) That is one of the arguments that has been presented in the movie V for Vendetta. The movie is engaging and although it might seem unappealing to all those who do...

Pizza as One of the Most Famous Food in London

ā€œCan you imagine adding some fruits from your ornamental house tree to favorite dish? Would you be brave enough to exchange your traditional normal bread into a multi flavors gradients that collected from around the entire world? Dear reader, this month we would like to present a new recipe for...

The Development of Communicative Skills

Abstract Problem-solving and creative activities are critical for improving the communicative skills of ESL students. These tasks prompt learners to develop such cognitive abilities as critical thinking, analysis, and formulating conclusions on the basis of evidence; in turn, these abilities enable learners to communicate more effectively. Furthermore, problem-solving and creative...

Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

The fifth chapter of the book looks at the cultural implications of psychiatric mental health nursing. I expect that this chapter will look at the different cultures where nursing care is practiced and the relationship between this culture and nursing. The authors focus on areas such as global cultures and...

The True Cost of Living in the Virtual World

Introduction: A Runaway to the Utopia of the XXI Century There comes the time when people feel that they are too sensitive for reality, and the virtual world seems the only option. At first, reading books seemed to be the only possible solution, but after the technological boom, the opportunities...

Why Immigrants Should Receive Social Services?

Immigrants are people who leave their countries so as to live in other countries. They do so for reasons such as higher education, search for job opportunities and medical care. There are various stereotypes associated with immigrants. Some people view them as uneducated and a drain to welfare. The stereotypes...

Cuban Counterpoint – Tobacco and Sugar

Whenever thinking about Cuba, the images of Cuban cigars and the sounds of machete cutting through the thicket of sugarcane is what immediately pops in oneā€™s head. Indeed, according to Ortiz, tobacco, and sugar were a major driving force for the Cuban economy, without which the country would have never...

Fallacies and Assumptions – Psychology

Assumptions are a part of human cognitive processes that are framed by knowledge and contemplations in relation to the leading out reasons or potentially factual information. There are times when assumptions are true or false and can be based on real facts or made up information. Usually, a person assuming...

Somerset Furniture Company Transportation Management

The Somerset Furniture Company experiences significant problems with organizing the transportation of the prepared furniture from China to the United States in order to provide customers with the purchased pieces without any delays (Russell & Taylor, 2013). It is important to note that if the company completes all the required...

Ancient and Medieval Empires: Conquerors and Power

Definition and treatment of subject people The antique and medieval Mediterranean world differed significantly in many perspectives. The treatment of subject people, slaves, in particular, was a distinctive feature of every period. The Roman Empire is taken as an example for the comparison of the treatment of subject people in...

A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility

Though being a comparatively recent addition to the framework of a companyā€™s structure, the relational aspect of the stakeholder association with business still deserves being considered one of the most successful and promising innovations in the field of business and management. It is essential that the needs of all stakeholders...

Transition Models in Nursing: Role and Value

Models of transition are important notions in nursing since they help the nursing professionals cope with the change in different contexts (Buppert, 2011). The following paper will address different aspects of transition models with an objective to make the conclusions regarding their value for facilitating the nursing practice. My Models...

Wal-Mart and Procter & Gamble: From Rivalry to Partnership

What were the reasons for the adversarial relationship between Wal-Mart and Proctor & Gamble in the past? Despite the fact that Wal-Mart could not be considered a former rival of Proctor & Gamble (P&G), the relationships between the two left much to be desired several decades ago. Defining the key...

Leadership Styles Assessment: Evaluating the Impact

Owing to the great importance placed on leadership in recent decades, organizations and scholars are becoming increasingly obsessed with deconstructing the phenomenon into a universal set of measures (Dulewicz & Higgs, 2005). This obsession has fuelled the upsurge of numerous leadership styles assessment tools aimed at providing insight into leadership...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Blue Sky Software Consulting Company Analysis

The company has recorded great success in a period of fifteen years. While under the leadership of Max Blue as the companyā€™s founder as well as chairman of the Board. He played a significant role in the production of the services and goods which led to the companyā€™s success. Most...

The Gospel of Matthew: Jesus Christ’s Thinking

The first chapters of the Gospel of Mathew in the New Testament relate an account of how Jesus Christ has begun his earthly ministry to people. In this paper, chapters 3, 4, and 5 will be observed in detail with an objective to narrate my insights into Jesus’ thinking as...

Transformational Leadership: An Ideal Solution

Extant scholarship on leadership and management demonstrates that transformational and transactional leadership styles are widely validated in business and industry owing to their impact on employeesā€™ outcomes and performance (Ilies et al., 2006; Ismail et al., 2010). In this paper, I focus attention to comparing the two leadership models to...

Social Problem Analysis: Social Inequality in Education

My current interests encompass the persistent issue of social inequality that we can witness as a routine practice every day. The topic is too multifaceted to study as a whole, thus, I have chosen to commit to the problem of social inequality in education. I have studied two scholarly peer-reviewed...

Management and Motivation Theory: What Motivates You?

The question of whether a leaderā€™s motivational aspects have an impact on his or her leadership style and performance has been subjected to substantial empirical exploration by scholars and practitioners for several decades now (Ellemers et al., 2001). In this paper, I make an attempt to deepen the understanding of...

Management and Leadership: Defining the Relationship

Available literature demonstrates that the terms ā€œmanagementā€ and ā€œleadershipā€ are often confused and used interchangeably despite the different timing of their evolution, as well as their differing functions based on their underlying conceptualisations, philosophies, functions and intended outcomes (Toor & Ofori, 2008). In this paper, I purpose to demonstrate the...

Drucker and Leadership: The Father of Modern Management

Managing an organization means being able to make adequate decisions is an essential skill that an efficient leader must possess in order to steer the company the right direction and promote its further prosperity (Robbins & Judge, 2014). A range of theories have emerged over the past few years, shedding...

The Poem “El Gato” by Jimmy Santiago Baca

Introduction Literature acts as a store for people’s culture. It also communicates one’s feelings as it shows how people in society do things. Poems are forms of literature that are essential in modern life. People use poems to express their feelings or happenings that exist and take place in society....

Logistics and Supply Chain in the Chinese Market

I concur with Zhang and Okoroafo (2015) that supply chains are turning greatly global and advanced. With the internationalization of business operations, competition amid different players has developed into rivalry among supply chains. The information by the authors is true as supply chains are turning highly developed and critical to...

Carrefour Company: Retail Chain Configuration Updating

Improving the design of a retail chain is an essential step toward enhancing the companyā€™s competitiveness and performance rates in the global economy (Mangan, Lalwani, & Butcher, 2011). Since the retail chain design defines the speed and quality of the product and raw materials delivery, its configuration aimed at meeting...

Sexual Assault: Diagnostic Studies and Prevalence

Etiology/Pathophysiology/Incidence/Prevalence Sexual assault is ā€œnon-consensualā€ sexual behavior (Harkin, Borock & Amaranto, 2011, p. 404). The most vulnerable groups are women especially living in the low-income environment and those who abuse substances. Children and the elderly are also vulnerable. However, sexual assaults occur in all populations irrespective of ethnicity, age, gender...

Females Interaction with the Art of Design

The article states that females establish a strong interaction with the art of design. Thus, they appear in multiple roles, which are central in the sphere: women work as designers, models; they contemplate the art of design from the positions of consumers, critics, historians, etc. However, the expert argues that...

“The Watcher at the Gate” by Gail Godwin Literature Analysis

Gail Godwinā€™s The Watcher at the Gate offers a personal reflection on the myriad manifestation of the critical voice, a voice that typically blocks any and all creative endeavor before the implementation stage. Godwinā€™s essay recounts the effect of the critical voice on novelists specifically, however her ā€œwatcherā€ refers to...

Mark Twain Biography

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, who commonly used his pet name Mark Twain, is one of the most celebrated writers of the 19th century because of his great contribution to the world of literature and history. Most of his literary pieces give an insight into the past as they explore events that...

Global Issues Influencing Compensation in the US

Compensation is a systematic approach of providing monetary value and other benefits to employees in exchange for their work and service. To understand compensation within a global framework, recognition of the existing differences and similarities between the various contexts in which a company operates is important. Milkovich et al. (2008)...

The DREAM Act: Development and Education for Alien Minors

The DREAM (Dream, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act is an American law that was first accented to in 2001 by the Senate. This act provided residency options for immigrant minors whose character was considered exemplary. This law applies only to young immigrant adults of good conduct and who...

Diversity Competencies for Leaders

Available research evidence demonstrates that one of the critical challenges that leaders face today is how to deal with the very powerful and emotional issue of diversity, particularly in the context of how it can be used not only as a critical component to the long-term organisational success, but also...

Ocean Research vs. Outer Space Exploration

The exploration of space has always set peopleā€™s imagination on fire. Popular science fiction only added to the excitement of the humankind, making people wonder what wonders the Universe has in store for its explorers. However, focusing on the unknown and the mysterious that the outer space concealed, people are...

Technological Advances in Intermodal Transportation Industry

The intermodal industry has seen major changes supported by development in technology. Intermodal is the transportation of cargo in an intermodal compartment or vehicle, utilizing various modes of transportation (rail, ship, and truck), with no handling of the cargo when moving from one mode to the other. The following are...

Roosevelt’s “New Deal” in Great Depression

Most of us support the idea that the Great Depression was ended by the New Deal recovery plan proposed by R.D. Roosevelt. The key goals of the recovery plan were to establish employment, raise the workersā€™ salary and provide social security for Americans. Economic stability plays one of the major...

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert Literature Analysis

Introduction Madame Bovary is the novel written by the outstanding French author Gustave Flaubert. The novel is considered to be one of the masterpieces of the world literature and one of the most famous works of its author. The novel is interesting for its rich plot telling about the fortune...

The Future of Reading

Introduction It should be known that e-books and online blogs are definitely going to have an effect on the future of reading books and libraries. This is based on the popularity of e-books and online blogs that has been intensifying in recent years. E-books and online blogs will definitely have...

“The Wife of Bathā€™s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer

The wife in ā€œThe Wife of Bathā€™s Taleā€ dismisses authoritiesā€™ criticism on women but also goes ahead to state and refute her own words which make her appear to be contradicting herself and going against her own conviction. For instance, she is eager to know from her husband to be,...

Motives for Writing by Robert Keith Miller

It goes without saying that there are no literature works that would not be created under the influence of a particular idea, emotion or event in life. Thus, the three works of literature that we are going to discuss in this essay also were created under the influence of the...

South-Eastern Asia: Political, Economical and Social Trends

South-Eastern Asia is one of the most actively developing regions in the world. In spite of the fact that the majority of countries in this region are traditionally discussed as underdeveloped in relation to the economic and political factors, the situation has changed significantly during the 2010s (Butts, Mitchell, &...

Tartuffe, The Importance of Being Earnest and The Way of the World Literature Compare

The success of the tragic comedy genre is confined to such dramatic effects as recognition and reversal. These devices contribute to the complexity of the plot and allow the reader to gain the depth of pity, tragedy, and fear experienced by the main protagonists. In particular, the recognition and reversal...

“Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy and the Concept Feminism

Struggling for rights has always been one of the integral parts of a manā€™s life, which predetermined the pace of humankind development. It is quite peculiar though that woman started to protect their rights and freedoms relatively not quite long ago. Perhaps, this could explain the rapid growth of the...

Shakespeareā€™s The Tempest and Image Exploration

The sea water is an important image of William Shakespeareā€™s play The Tempest because it symbolizes the power which can lead to the loss and devastation or which can symbolize the personal success because of being calm and consistent. Thus, the damaging power of the sea water is reflected in...

“A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift Literature Analysis

Written by Jonathan Swift (1729), ā€œA Modest Proposalā€ is an essay with content based upon the lifestyle of Ireland, where the majority who were poor Roman Catholic Believers work as agricultural laborers and lessee farmers. The modes of payment were the produce, and the rates were excessively high for the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

ā€œSocial Anxiety Disorderā€ by Schneier Franklin

The article, ā€œSocial Anxiety Disorder,ā€ by Schneier Franklin, was published in 2006, in the New England Journal of Medicine. The writer outlines what he considers the main causes of social anxiety disorder and proposes two solutions, namely, therapy and medication. He deconstructs the condition using an anecdotal example of a...

Literature: The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden

The name of the author of the story is George Selden. He is an American writer; he was born in Connecticut. George Selden is an author of several books about Chester Cricket and his friends. The main characters of the story are Chester Cricket, Mario Bellini, Tucker Mouse, Harry Cat,...

A Modest Proposal by J. Swift and Candide by F. M. Arouet Literature Analysis

Based on the evident mistreatment that women get in society, feminists have devoted themselves to making hefty campaigns to end gender segregation. However, the role of women in society has not received its due attention. As a result, the paper sheds light on the roles of women as portrayed by...

Will California Really Fall into the Ocean?

There are various speculations about the possibility of a significant natural disaster that can take place in California in the near future. In particular, it is often assumed that this state may eventually fall into the ocean due to the influence of some forces. One should keep in mind that...

The ā€œValuesā€ Wasteland by Charles Sykes Literature Analysis

Lots of writers prefer to use exemplification in their works. Such preference is based on one simple thing ā€“ the essence of exemplification and its ability to express the major idea of the text using examples and their explanation. (Zillmann & Brosius, 1) Nowadays, readers want to find information that...

Shirley Jacksonā€™s Short Story ā€œThe Lotteryā€ Literature Analysis

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is a memorable short story that has been called a piece of gothic horror (Contemporary Literary Criticism – Select). It is also clearly a piece of social commentary. It has even been analyzed as a feminist critique of patriarchy and male oppression (Oehlschlaeger). It gets part...

American Literature: Powers by Deborah Jacobs

In her book, Powers, Deborah Jacobs presents a good fiction story, which is told through the eyes of Gwen and Adrian. The book is set in the modern times in Canada, and it examines several aspects of power from different angles of Gwen and Adrian who possess special powers. This...

ā€œWuthering Heightsā€ by Emily Bronte Literature Analysis

The first six chapters of the novel by Emily Bronte called ā€œWithering Heightsā€ are designed to present the reader with the set of characters dwelling in a mention called Wuthering Heights. The people living in Wuthering heights are very unusual and the relationships between them are non-typical. For an unfamiliar...

“Paradise Lost” by John Milton Literature Analysis

Before we look into the passage, it is better to understand the poem of Paradise Lost. The passage is taken from the first book of the poem. Paradise Lost was written by John Milton in 1665. It was written in ten books and then revised where two other books were...

Treatment of Interwar Japan as a Fascist Regime

During the inaugural speech of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, Chief Prosecutor Joseph B. Keenan pronounced the following: The evidence will show that [Japanā€™s] militaristic cliques and ultra-nationalistic secret societies resorted to rule by assassination and thereby exercised great influence in favor of military aggression. Assassinations and...

Unilever Corporation Profile Overview

Unilever is a multinational corporation that operates in the consumer industry where it sells such products as Ben & Jerryā€™s ice cream. The company sells multiple consumer products to different markets across the globe. Its major markets are in Europe, Asia, North and South America and Africa. The company dominates...

Geology: Iquique Earthquake in Chile

Recent Earthquakes It is possible to provide several examples of earthquakes that took place during the past six months. For example, one can mention the Iquique earthquake that took place on 1 April, 2014. It occurred on the western coast of Chile. The estimations indicate that its magnitude was 8.2....

Female Gender Bias in College

Causal argument research paper The subject for Paper #3 Causal Argument Research is female gender bias in college. Female gender bias in college is a current problem of the society that refers to the gender inequality issues in higher educational settings. Although women enrollment in college increased drastically over the...

The Slaughter That Came With the Arrival of Christopher Columbus by Las Casas

Identify the author The full name of the author of this historical document, an eyewitness account written over four hundred years ago in 1542, detailing the abuses committed by the Spanish against the Taino Indians of the Caribbean, is Bartolome de Las Casas. Identify the title of the document The...

Water Management and Ecology Issues

On the whole, water management is one of the job skills that are of great importance to many organizations and institutions that can be both public and private. It should be noted that this area incorporates the elements of different disciplines; for example, one can speak about hydrology, geology, planning...

“Paradise Lost: Book II” by John Milton

In general, the British literature highlights Satanā€™s convincing tactics on the two characters in the story. The two characters faced several problems, and through the text, we see that Satan is convincing them to choose the death path to avoid any more suffering. The opening line of the literature is...

Documentaries: How Art Made the World: More Human than Human

Introduction The BBC documentary ā€œHow Art Made the World: More Human than Humanā€ explains why human beings form close associations with their cultures. God created human beings in the same manner. This common human identity does not prevent individuals from embracing various cultural practices. These unique and distinct cultures always...

ā€œHeart of Darknessā€ by Joseph Conrad Literature Analysis

An important aspect of any story is the setting that the reader can imagine. The atmosphere that is created, very much adds to the general theme and the relationship between the characters and the surrounding environment. ā€œHeart of Darknessā€ by Joseph Conrad is a story where the setting plays a...

American History: Civil War Evaluation

The civil war is one of the most defining events in the history of the United States. The war, which was fought between the two ideological opponents in the country, led to a number of resolutions whose effects still resonate with the American public and the municipal administration. The United...

Import Substitution and Specialization

Import substitution is a strategy that is normally applied by the developing countries in controlling imports. The government replaces its foreign imports with domestic production. Import substitution is important because it helps the country reduce its foreign dependency. Specialization, on the other hand, refers to a situation where a country...

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“Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare

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Linguistics: Connotation and Denotation of the Word Line

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Corporate Board Governance in Medtronic Inc Case Study

Introduction Business organizations in the contemporary environment face different challenges, which include environmental turbulences and dynamics. As a result, most of the current business organizations develop effective and efficient business strategies. Effective and efficient business strategies play a significant role on development, growth and prosperity. Corporate governance is a vital...

Red Tails by George Lucas Film Analysis

What do you know about the first all African-American squadron in the World War II? May be you suppose that it cannot be the real fact? Red Tails produced by George Lucas can help you supplement the luck of historical knowledge. This movie is a life action-drama about the Tuskegee...

Social Institutions and the Society

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Medical Ethics: Pet Euthanasia

The evolution of animal rights has lead to improved animal healthcare. It is imperative to state that while modern medicine is intended to cure animalsā€™ diseases, there are instances where the quality of a petā€™s life is threatened by an incurable, irreversible and insufferable condition, injury or old age. In...

Psychologists Types: Differences and Similarities

Psychology is the scientific study of behavioral change and mental processes in human beings. Clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and counseling psychologists are some of the experts in the field of psychology. Although the aforementioned groups focus on the same field, their education background and treatment techniques differ slightly. The following text...

Parable of Predation as a Somali’s Political Symbol

Folklore as a part of oral language is one of the most significant cultural characteristics. My cultural background is full of national myths and parables. For my analysis one of them which is called the Parable of predation (the typed text is added at the end of the present research...

Gender Roles in Cartoons

Discussion Most children do not differentiate between reality and fantasy; hence, they are vulnerable to interpretations of gender in televisions, particularly childrenā€™s cartoons. Cartoons are mostly viewed by children between the ages of two and thirteen. Thus, most people believe that children can use the portrayals of gender in cartoons...

Great Depression in the United States of America

In the decade between 1920 and 1930, the United States of America experienced success in their overall national economy performance. However, disparities in the growth of the various sectors of the economy posed a significant threat. In addition, the bulk of the gains from the economic prosperity rested on a...

Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers: Gender Roles

There are a lot of cartoons aimed at teaching children something new and interesting. Being directed at portraying many different aspects of human life and teaching children relationships, attitudes and priorities, many cartoons depict the gender roles. Watching Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers is becomes obvious that the gender roles...

Role of Gender in Cartoons and Commercials

In recent times, people are increasingly putting their trust in media and especially the television more than ever before. The media has become a common playfield where political, social, and financial information is relayed to people. Naturally, children tend to remember what they see more than what they hear. On...