Peer Reviewing Cycle and Research Publishing

Peer-Reviewed Journals The process of reviewing is an important part of publishing new research. The peer-review cycle encompasses many steps that ensure high quality of articles and studies in scientific journals. The most important parts of this cycle include assessing the quality of research and determining its significance to the...

Attach the Block and the Bad Teacher Movie

Introduction Although Attach the Block and Bad Teacher stand out as remarkable comedies evoking a substantial amount of humor, they are of different genres. Attach the Block is a science fiction horror comedy while Bad Teacher is a drama comedy. As HĂŒsken, Schoell and SĂžndergaard (7-123) show, all comedies maintainto...

Decartes’ Critique in “The Concept of Mind” by Ryle

Since the philosophy was first implemented as a science, the question of correlation and interrelation between human body and mind preoccupied numerous thinkers throughout the history. Descartes created one of the most influential theories of mind, which prevails to be the basis for subsequent elaborations on the given issue. However,...

Leadership in Health Information Technology

What are the key drivers within the healthcare industry today for which HIT leaders must align their mission, vision, and strategy? Nowadays, the healthcare industry finds itself in a rather turbulent environment, which shapes the decision-making process for HIT leaders. Some of the key industry-level drivers that should be taken...

Making Sense of Qualitative Data

Introduction According to Coffey & Atkinson (1996), data analysis is the “systematic procedures applied by a researcher in order to identify any essential features and relationships in data being considered” (p. 9). Data analysis procedures depend on whether it is qualitative or quantitative. Quantitative data analysis tends to employ deductive...

American Psychological Association Style Guide

APA and Its Significance Why Is APA Style Used to Document Ideas in Writing? The importance of the APA referencing and formatting guide is rather self-explanatory. The APA framework provides a set of rules that allow for a homogenous format to be applied to all studies. Therefore, the process of...

Chebyshev’s Theorem and Its Implication

The Chebyshev’s theorem, also known as the Chebyshev’s inequality, is often related to the probability theory. The theorem presupposes that in the process of a probability distribution, almost every element is going to be very close to the expected mean. To be more exact, in case of having k values,...

Six Sigma for the Quality Program Improvement

Though being a comparatively recent addition to the framework of the quality management process, the philosophy of Six Sigma has established itself rather successfully in the specified environment (Baporikar, 2015). The concept has become the staple of quality measurement. However, apart from providing an elaborate metric system, Six Sigma can...

Multinational Enterprises and Alliances

Multinational Enterprises and Modes to Entry There are several different modes of entry that multinational enterprises (MNEs) may choose when expanding overseas: direct and indirect export, joint venture, acquisition, franchising, licensing, partnering, greenfield venture, and direct investment. The two most common modes are exporting and partnering. Exporting is the easiest...

Underage Drinking: Trends, Impacts and Interventions

Introduction: Underage Drinking The issue of underage drinking has been on the social. agenda for a while (Hudson, Wekerle, & Stewart, 2015); however, it has not been up until the past few years that the problem started getting out of control. Moreover, studies show that the rates of teenage drinking...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Technological Advantages Over Disadvantages

The Impact of Pollution on the Environment The Industrial Revolution in the USA in the 19th century has taken a heavy toll on the minds of the US citizens, thus, changing the established way of living once and for all. Naturally, the achievements of that era led to serious improvements...

Economic Growth and Expansion

Economic growth and the following expansion are nearly inevitable for any company with regular revenues and a good reputation within the target market. As soon as a company gains an impressive reputation in the target market, it gets an opportunity for further growth. The latter can be facilitated by gaining...

The Threat of Economic Autonomy of France

In the current world, globalization can be viewed both in a social context and in economic terms. For instance, it can address the unity and international openness of people all around the world, but it can also mean global trade, international political and economic associations, and so on. Thus, the...

Political Parties in Canada: Ideological Analysis

Analysis The abundance of issues discussed during the election can be overwhelming for an average voter. Some believe that there is no significant difference between the stands of the major federal political parties. Canadian government encounters this problem as well. The choice between the three major Canadian political forces: the...

Marketing Processes and Physics Analogies

Marketing is one of the most common and, at the same time, the most complicated occupations these days. It is everywhere, from romantic relationships to families and large intercontinental businesses. Marketing is much easier to understand if it relates it to the laws of physics. The meaning of various marketing...

Conservation Model and Domestic Violence

Netto, Moura, Queiroz, Tyrrell, and Bravo (2014) provide credible information regarding women’s experiences of domestic violence in the context of the conservation model. The major strength of the study is the collection and analysis of personal views of the females about the issue. The researchers managed to obtain vivid examples...

Legalization of Marijuana: Pain Management

Legalization of marijuana bothers people. There are many supporters and opponents of this idea. I belong to the group where this idea cannot be accepted even regarding its possible positive outcomes. Today, media discusses the necessity of legalizing marijuana to be used for medical purposes and help patients deal with...

Sexuality in “Love Beyond Gender” by Alysia Abbott

The question of sexuality has always been an ongoing issue for human society. Being one of the basic instincts, sexual interest impacts the life of an individual and predetermines the choice of a partner. Sexuality plays a crucial role in the process as it conditions this very choice and results...

Depression Treatment and Management

Considering the case, there is a great need for medication as untreated depression could result in significant deterioration of patient’s quality of life. That is why antidepressants should be prescribed. It is extremely important to be careful with dosing for the patient to remain stable and be able to lead...

Learning and Cognitive Theories Comparison – Psychology

Feud’s theory During the oral stage in Feud’s theory the baby’s body responds to pleasurable sensation through the gums, tongue and mouth. At the anal stage, pleasurable sensations mainly emanates from the anus of the baby. The most vital body part is the penis. Genital stimulation generates a lot of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Discovery in Law and Its Four Types

From a legal perspective, discovery can be defined as the procedure that allows obtaining crucial evidence from other parties involved in a legal process by means of interrogation and other techniques (Bergman and Moore 183). As a rule, four types of discovery are identified. These include deposition, interrogatories, production of...

Asthma: Corticosteroids and Side Effects in Children

Asthma is one of the most widespread chronic diseases. Moreover, children are prone to it. Despite various medicines, corticosteroids, which are hormones in its essence, appear to be an effective way of treatment. However, many specialists are inclined to think that this type of medicine might harm the child’s health....

“Deconstructing Health Care Reform” by Gardner

In her article, Gardner (2011) claims that Americans need affordable health care because it is their right. Furthermore, politicians should focus on benefits associated with the promotion of the Affordable Care Act in spite of the fact that it violates the norms of the modern healthcare market. Finally, nurses also...

Theory, Practice and Research in Healthcare

To begin with, it is necessary to mention that both theory and research are interrelated. The main purpose of any study is to prove or refute a particular theory. In contrast, the primary goal of any theory is to develop a new approach to an existing problem. In turn, any...

Electronic Health Records as a Change in a Clinic

The major change that occurred in my clinical settings is the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHR). The complexity of the change is explained by the fact that its success is largely predetermined by the willingness of the staff to accept the new technology. Otherwise its meaningful use cannot be...

Substance Abuse in Reducing Frustration

Frustration usually co-occurs with substance abuse. The research question is whether substance abuse can reduce frustration. This problem is significant because there is a gap in literature addressing this question. Whereas there is evidence that frustration can lead to drug use, the question whether drug abuse can reduce frustration requires...

9/11 Terrorist Attacks and Its Effect on Muslims

Introduction On September 11 2011, a group of 19 Islamic extremists with links to the Al-Qaida terrorist network took control of four transcontinental airplanes and crashed them into strategic locations in the United States of America, killing thousands of civilians and maiming many more (Abdo 7-8). The main intention of...

Housing for Disabled People: Needs Research

To assess the needs of non-elderly disabled people in the context of housing, it is appropriate to apply the qualitative field research methods as they can provide a researcher with useful information including perceptions and attitudes of the respondents to the issue. It is necessary to identify the target population...

Family Planning Services’ Effect on Budget

Answer It is rather difficult to answer unequivocally the question of whether eliminating funding on Family Planning Services would have a positive budgetary effect compared with the impact on individuals utilizing these services. Firstly, comparing the impact on the budget with the influence on people is not easy. Secondly, the...

Ethical Codes and Competitive Intelligence

Principles to Establish Ethics Codes In their work, Nickels, McHugh, and McHugh (2013) proposed six steps to adopt the ethical norms and formulate codes in the organization. The two steps that are most significant to establish the effective ethics code and the ethics-based culture in the organization are the following...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Problem with the Ventricular Rate

Is the Problem with the Ventricle Rate? The irregular ventricular rate can be used in the medical examination as a major indicator allowing diagnosing a patient with atrial fibrillation (January et al., 2014). A way to detect the ventricular rate is to administer ECG. Mr. Martinez’s ECG showed such irregularity,...

Affordable Care Act, Its Functioning and Improvement

How to Fix the Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act is considered by some to be the Obama administration’s greatest success, while others brand it as its greatest failure. While the systems have plenty of flaws, its successes prevent both the Congress and the President from abolishing it outright,...

The Justice System: Confessions and Interrogations Protection

Confession and interrogation procedures are protected by the Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments. The confession is recognized as a significant evidence having impact upon the prosecution. Taking into account the importance of preventing the cases of illegally obtained confessions and ensuring the proper interrogation procedures, the three amendments which are...

Attempted Suicide Among American Soldiers

Even though the United States Army is often regarded as one of the most powerful armies in the world, the problem of suicide among soldiers remains extremely important in any part of the country. Therefore, if I were the battalion command sergeant major, I would try to encourage the development...

Using Developmentally Effective Approaches Standard

Early childhood education (ECE) is focused on the teaching and development of children younger than five years of age. The inclusion of families is crucial to the learners of this age. That way, the ECE teachers who work in a wide range of versatile settings (kindergartens, preschools, community-based classes, homes,...

Randomized Control Trial in Nursing Research

Randomized control trial (RCT) is considered “the gold standard” in the assessment of healthcare situations (Block, 2006, p. 102). RCTs have several major advantages such as attention to the probable sources of mistakes, decreased bias, and decline of confounding (Block, 2006; Loiselle, 2007). However, even with their abundant benefits, RCTs...

The Cultural Competence and Linguistic Competence Policy

The Cultural Competence and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment (CLCPA) was designed for the purpose of supporting community health centers and evaluating their preparedness for dealing with culturally, demographically and linguistically diverse communities (CLCPA, n.d.). This test shows the levels of awareness the agency in question has of other cultures and...

Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” Inspiring “The Bright New Day”

Source of Inspiration: Context and Artistic Movement Even though Van Gogh’s infamous lack of recognition at the time when he reached his artistic peak is slightly exaggerated, people know him by two or three of his art pieces, at best, and The Starry Night is one of them (Brodskaia, 2014)....

“Young Goodman Brown” Story by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The story of “Young Goodman Brown” unravels as the titular character abandons his spouse called Faith despite her protests. However, Goodman Brown assures Faith that he will return shortly and that, as long as she continues to pray and lead a pious life, nothing can harm her. He leaves for...

The Article: Target Hires Supply Chain Executive From Apple

The Target Hires Supply Chain Executive From Apple article by Loretta Chao enlightens the issue concerning the appointment of Benjamin Cook as a Target Corporation senior vice president. It is expected that the former Apple executive will manage the company enhancing the supply chain processes and inventory management of the...

Use of Six Sigma in the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

Introduction The process of executing control over the essential processes in the organization after the crucial changes of its QA Department is made will be required to maintain high-quality rates. Particularly, it will be necessary to make sure that the significance of customer satisfaction should be acknowledged by every single...

Copyright Issues in a Global IT Market

Introduction This proposal is about the study of copyright issues in a global IT market. It proposes to study how these issues limit and affect both hard and software use hence monopoly by developers and exorbitance in pricing and maintenance. Many software companies like Microsoft use the copyright on their...

“The Lives of Animals” by J. M. Coetzee

Reflection The novel by Coetzee is concerned with the basis of morals, the need for people to copy each other, and humans’ desire for what others wish to have as these result in aggression and a great tendency to scapegoat animals. The author calls for an ethic of empathy, not...

Non-Native Snakes as an Ecosystem Threat

Invasive species represent a significant threat to global biodiversity and ecosystem. The US government uses over $100 billion in the management of invasive species. The native reptiles pose a serious threat to other animals. The non-native snakes also make the mammals reduce in number because of their invasive nature. The...

The History of Gold Rush

The Gold Rush was a massive event, triggered by the discovery of gold in Coloma, California. James W. Marshall found the gold, while he was inspecting the river’s channel. This discovery led to the development of California as a state. The city of San Francisco had grown from a mere...

Recruitment Techniques and Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal employment opportunity Equal employment opportunity refers to the approach used to ensure fairness and impartiality in their employment and recruitment practices (Byars & Rue, 2010). This term was first coined by President Lyndon Johnson during the signing of the executive order that prohibited employers from discrimination against employees based...

Lost Childhood in Ghetto in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”

Elie Wiesel revealed his experience in the ghetto in his novel Night. He portrayed the horrors of the war years and the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps. The author shares his thoughts and deepest emotions. The book is a very intimate confession of a person who tried to come...

Video Games and Aggression in Statistical Analysis

If there is a correlation between two variables that tends to be close to linear (that is, if one variable changes, the other also does so), this tendency can be demonstrated on a Cartesian coordinate system by drawing a straight line to which the data points converge. How scattered the...

Mental and Neurological States in Churchland’s Views

It could hardly be doubted that there is a profound connection between the mental states and the work of neural systems of the human brain. One could even argue that these processes are identical. Patricia Churchland is a scientist who is well-known for her work that connects neuroscience and traditional...

Government Regulations and Business

State regulation is one of the key factors determining the investment climate and macroeconomic indicators in general. As practice shows, for the normal functioning of a market economy with its inherent variety of forms of ownership, the system of state regulation of the financial sector as a whole, as well...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Naked Economics: Adverse Selection and Discrimination

In Chapter 5, Wheelan considers the importance of economic information and the consequences of its imbalance, which brings along the sensitive issue of discrimination. Adverse selection can happen because of the imbalance of information, and it presupposes the increase of the least profitable proposals coming from those who possess more...

Formal Lab Report: the Problem of Biodiversity

Peer Review The authors of the article chosen for the analysis focus on the problem of biodiversity and its connection to thiamine, also known as vitamin B1 deficiency. The reason for such discussion is the observation that many wildlife populations continue declining at rates, and the threats to biodiversity turn...

Trainer’s Role in the Learning Process

The relationship between the process of learning and the role of the trainer is rather complex. Different theories of learning refer to trainers as to interventionists or facilitators; however, these two sides are not polar, and their compilation provides an opportunity to review the issue more comprehensively. The purpose of...

Obesity’s Effect on Children and Elderly People

Introduction Obesity belongs to one of the most common health issues of the current time. It impacts all groups of people, notwithstanding their age, sex, ethnicity, or social circumstances. Overweight may be connected with the family history, sedentary lifestyle, emotional distress, unhealthy food consumption, or family nutrition preferences. The specific...

Dialogic Reading as a Teaching Approach

I watched the following four videos: About oceans-integrating language and literacy activities, Providing phonological awareness instruction, Becoming aware of print and Dialogic reading –an interview with Christopher Lonigan (WETA, 2011). I found the last podcast most interesting. Here the speaker, Dr. Lonigan, briefly details the strategy as a teaching approach...

Fears of Public Speaking

Introduction It is important to note that fear of public speaking is an interesting topic for discussion. One of the most significant aspects that should not be disregarded is that numerous factors affect an ability of an individual to communicate with others. The assessment of self-esteem is critical most of...

Moral Test of Government: Hubert H. Humphrey’s View

“It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy, and the...

Foreign Aid Effect on the Country’s Economy

An ongoing debate surrounds the provision of financial aid to the developing countries that lack domestic resources. Over the decades, the researchers have revealed the pieces of evidence of both the positive and negative influence of foreign aid on the economies of the recipient states.1 The proponents of foreign aid...

Organizational Design and Development

There are several organizational boundaries that exist within any entity and they are key elements of management. These boundaries mostly exist in respect to employee groupings and basic personnel management (Aarons, Ehrhart, & Hurlburt, 2015). An environment in which boundaries occur is juxtaposed by a ‘boundary-less’ environment whereby horizontal or...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction Non-Human Obstacles

The door-to-balloon (DTB) time reduction depends largely on the chain of human specialists performing their roles with as little wasteful steps as possible, following the recommendations and best practices (CCN, 2013; American College of Cardiology Foundation & American Heart Association, 2013). However, the non-human factors can also play a significant...

Medical Marijuana Bill, Its Pros and Cons

Problem Statement Since there are plenty of health care issues, policies, regulations, and laws that are discussed regularly by health care legislators, it is important to select the one that seems to be most controversial. As far as Florida is concerned, the issue that is addressed most frequently is the...

Behavior in “The Slipover Sweater” by Jesse Stuart

There is no use denying the fact that people are different and they all have their tastes and styles of behavior. This fact makes our life more interesting as one can never know what awaits him/her and how a person will react to certain actions. The story The Slipover Sweater...

Teacher Preparation and Outcome-Focused Evaluation

It should be stated that outcome-focused evaluation can be considered a functional approach towards teacher preparation assessment. It provides an opportunity to display the levels of readiness of teachers to furnish educational services right after graduation. It is worth noting that on the one hand, such an approach to the...

Cisco Company’s Internet Practices and Market Share

B2B is a business terminology that refers to a commerce transaction that exists between a business and a business such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler or a wholesaler and retailer. In such an environment, the twist that the new technology of e-commerce and the social media introduces requires...

Women Sex Studies by M. Todd and S. Weiss

Todd Nowadays people live in a democratic world where homosexuality and bisexuality are no longer considered as something awful as society develops a modern idea of equality and gender selection. However, the debates around the sexual identity of lesbians and gays are still intense. In her article published in the...

“Modern Chivalry” a Novel by Hugh Henry Brackenridge

‘Modern Chivalry’ is an American novel based on Captain John Farrago, who is portrayed as the American frontier Don Quixote. He departs from Pennsylvania to take a “ride” around the world accompanied by his servant Teague presumably to observe human nature. His comparison to Don Quixote is quite justified given...

Value-Driven Healthcare and Reimbursement Programs

Value-driven health care strives to link reimbursement and quality of services provided to patients. The policymakers leverage public reporting as a way to improve care quality, making information open and accessible for all. For example, according to the recent research conducted by Kavanagh, Cimiotti, Abusalem, and Coty (2012), reporting strategies...

Racial Oppression: The Scenario of Jim

The issue of racial discrimination is still relevant to this day, and the debates on whether the topic should be closed or not persist (Vaidyanatan, 2016). This reflection paper will focus on the scenario of Jim, a young man that unwillingly offended two African American men who were sitting in...

Action Research in Human and Social Services

The participatory action research method is one of the many methods used in qualitative research. Action research sees a lot of use in areas that have to do with people – namely psychological, sociological, and educational studies. The method is popular in these areas due to its circular nature, which...

Cuba’s International Policies and Relationships

Nations formulate policies to enable a positive relationship with other countries. The formation of international policies may be guided by other nations’ actions, which affect a country directly. The following essay analyzes Cuba’s foreign policies to determine how they affect and are influenced by other nations. The U.S. and Cuba’s...

Spiritual Perspectives on Globalization by Ira Rifkin

Article summary This is the summary of the article Spiritual perspectives on globalization by Ira Rifkin written in 2003. The article under consideration dwells upon globalization, its elements, and how it affects us. Economic, cultural and individual elements of globalization are considered as the most important for the world. Economic...

Research Bias and Literature Review

Eliminating bias in research A crucial element of any competent research is objectivity and researchers are responsible for critically examining the methods and conclusions for bias. To help researchers avoid and eliminate biased attitude, a standard of validity and reliability may be instrumental in research (Creswell, 2013). One of the...

Yas Entertainment Island’s Strategic Group Map

Executive Summary Overview Two primary principles encourage the creation of Yas Entertainment Island in Abu Dhabi. On the external level, the intention is to create a wide selection of leisure attractions to put Abu Dhabi at the same level as other global tourist attractions. On the internal level, the creation...

What Did Trump and Putin Tell Each Other?

A recent article authored by the editorial board of The New York Times discusses an unannounced meeting between the United States President Donald Trump and the Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this July (“What did Trump and Putin,” 2017). The authors’ main point is that it is unclear what the...

MS Office Excel to Design WBS

To develop a project successfully, one has to identify the key milestones in its evolution prior to the implementation thereof. For these purposes, the MS Office Excel software (Warburton & Kanabar, 2013) was used. With the addition of a WBS-related extension, which allowed introducing the BS score into the project...

Outsourcing from China and India

When it comes to defining the benefits of outsourcing from countries like India and China, one must admit that a comparatively low cost is the most obvious benefit. Indeed, a closer look at the specified countries will reveal that the cost of the services, which the labor force from the...

Differentiation in Education, Its Pros and Cons

Benefits and Drawbacks of Differentiation in a Classroom Differentiation is usually viewed as an approach that is effective to address the problem of heterogeneous classrooms where diverse students learn under the supervision of only one teacher. As a result, a teacher is expected to work as a real professional in...

The Responsibility of Stakeholders in Cargo Security

In international trade, the issue of security is very critical. The major concerns in the international trade are drug trafficking and security well being of the country. There are several security threats posed to the country through international trade. These include shipment of mass destruction weapons and other dangerous goods....

Long-Term Health Care Settings for Older Adults

Apart from the main expertise, the job of a nurse requires effective communication skills that are especially important when discussing such sensitive issues like nursing homes and long-term care facilities. The task of the nurse is to provide informational support to patients and their families about all aspects of this...

Placebo and Treatments for Depression

The placebo effect This is the improvement in the general health of a patient even without taking administered medication. The improvement may be either observable or felt. It is facilitated by factors like classical conditioning, the expectations of the patient, or even a regression to the mean, among others. The...

ESL Students Curriculum and Assessment

My curriculum is organized around an analytical skill. I organized my curriculum in a way that leads to instilling in my students’ analytical skills, this relied on none other element but grammar (Graves, 2000, p.135). In this curriculum, learners received suitable program support to allow them to participate productively in...

The Morality of the Movie “Gone Baby Gone”

The Gone Baby Gone movie represents one of those pieces of art which leave the audience with contradictory opinions about the ending. While the whole film is full of dramatic moments, its final part is the most powerful as it brings about the crucial question: should the character’s decision be...

Teaching Statements and Beliefs

Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, teach others to teach… or do they? The idea that those people who cannot teach, teach others to teach is rather provocative, and it is based on following the balance between theory and practice, passive discussions, and real actions. This balance...

Humanistic Theory in Childhood Obesity Research

Overview and Guiding Propositions It should be noted that the theoretical construct of the future research would be built around the principles of humanistic theory. Its main guiding proposition lies in the understanding that people are not a collection of body parts and functions but complex beings in whom all...

Emergency Preparedness Plan in Healthcare Facility

Disasters and emergencies are associated with the need for sufficient staffing in healthcare organizations or facilities. In the healthcare facility under discussion, a disaster response plan is developed according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations. The plan for emergency preparedness is designed to include the policies for...

Training New Technology in the Classroom

Several schools are currently employing the use of technology in their classrooms. This is because they strive to keep up with the world’s technological advancement (Willson & Garibaldi, 2002). These technologies are aimed at providing improved instruction that contributes to improved student achievement (Krasavage & Stallings, 2002). Additionally, these novel...

American Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was to ensure all citizens in America had access to affordable and quality health care (Giovannelli, Lucia, & Corlette, 2014). The Act was designed to transform the country’s healthcare system by containing costs (Hall, 2014). The proposed reforms are...

Housing for Disabled People: Needs Survey

The survey is one of the methods used to collect data for a quantitative study. This technique enables a researcher to collect a vast pool of data and cover quite large populations (Babbie, 2016). It has been found that many programs concerning housing for people with special needs are not...

Action Research and Its Types in Social Sciences

Action research is a type of research used in social sciences that implies taking action toward solving problems while conducting the research. Action research has been proved to be an effective method of addressing certain issues that involve human interaction and cooperation (Stringer, 2013). Also, there are many other areas...

“Miss Ever’s Boys” a Film by Joseph Sargent

Ethical Conflict: The Tuskegee Experiment Opening with the narration of Eunice Evers, the nurse, the movie poses a conflict between the principles of respect for persons of a nursing specialist and the selfish goals that the institute pursued (Houser, 2015). As the story unwraps, it becomes evident that the Tuskegee...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Care for Depression in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Scholarly Paper Analysis: “Improving Care for Depression in Obstetrics and Gynecology In the article developed by Melville et al. (2014), the theme of depression in obstetrics and gynecology is discussed. The authors use the statistical data and evaluate the impact of a certain depression care intervention that could be adopted...

Respiratory Complications Reduction: Negotiations

The plan for reducing respiratory complications in patients undergoing interventional radiological procedures involves negotiations with several stakeholders. Registered Nurses at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Rationale for Support or Resistance These stakeholders are not essentially associated with Interventional Radiological (IR) Procedures. Therefore, their response to the change might be neutral....

Staff Turnover in Restaurants: Causes and Effects

Whereas for big business, especially for sales and marketing departments, staff turnover is a common phenomenon. Staff changes within the small and medium business (such as a small chain of fast-food restaurants) result in billions of dollars of lost revenue. Fast food restaurants in the U.S. averaged a whopping 145%...

Unix System Technology for Legal Company

Directories Since the internet was invented, several forms of directories have been applied in different areas to facilitate work. It entails the usage of the software that is mainly charged with the role of storing, organizing, and accessing information in case needed in a computer operating system. In the field...

A Special Education Plan: Grade 1 Male Student With ADHD

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common brain disorder that can normally be found in children, but people of all ages can suffer from it. ADHD is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. According to medical practitioners, this disorder usually affects the brain areas that are responsible for planning, thinking,...

Sociological Hypotheses and Theories

Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis Representatives of any subculture are more likely to violate different social norms or rules which are followed in the concrete society. Independent variable Cultural affiliation; or the fact of people belonging to any subculture. To support the variable, it is necessary to ask the following questions: Does...

Social Psychology and Health Issues

Social psychologists respond to health issues taking into account people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Patients and their relations with others are examined. Social psychologists look at the issue from the mental perspective. They evaluate consumers’ interactions and their influence. The traditional approach to healthcare delivery is based on clinical and...

Difference Between Sample Types – Mathematics Issue

A random sample presupposes that all the elements of a particular frame are given the same selection probability. A random sample can be of great use in creating and analyzing surveys carried out among the customers of a particular company. A stratified sample is probabilistic. It is utilized when every...

Why Flogging Should Be Brought Back?

Flogging is “an act punishment whereby someone is beaten with a stick or whip” (Jacoby 197). The modern society should learn a lot from the Puritans in order to deal with every felon. Several arguments have been presented in order to support flogging. Many people believe that flogging is an...

Mary Shelley’s Novel Frankenstein

Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus can be used for discussing the limitations of human knowledge, especially, the inability of a person to foresee the long-term effects of one’s actions. This paper is aimed at discussing such an issue as the responsibilities of the creator and the creation....

Popular Research Paper Topics

US Logistics and Transportation Industry

The Specifications of the American Economy The United States of America represents the most dominant world economy level, which may be justified by the high development of the US infrastructure as well as efficient international marketing. Thus, the American dollar became the most usable world transaction currency. It characterizes the...

The Aeneid, the Iliad and the Odyssey Literature Comparison

The Aeneid is an epic poem written by Virgil. This work narrates the story of Augustus by using the character, Aeneas. The Aeneid is related to Greece and Rome, as the story begins in Troy and ends in Rome. The principal aim of the work is to appreciate the achievements...

“The Breakfast Club” by John Hughes

If any person of my age group is questioned what their preferred motion picture of all times is, many of them will name ‘The Breakfast Club’ one of the top three on the list without any hesitation. The movie is a faultless instance of patrician relations in the teenage culture....

Competitive Bid Problem and Right Decision Making

General Issues The phenomenon of a competitive bid is quite common in the global market as well as in local ones. Typically defined as the situation, in which the issuer chooses from a range of bids submitted by the companies applying for a deal (Harding, 2015), the specified phenomenon allows...

Position on the Death Penalty

Capital punishment remains a contested issue in many societies across the globe. Many countries have abolished this form of punishment. Such countries believe that the malpractice is unethical. From a personal perspective, capital punishment is wrong because it does not deter criminals from engaging in unlawful activities. More often than...

Coalition Against Landmines in Afghanistan

In egalitarian societies, political leaders are elected based on the principles they espouse (Ginsberg, Theodore and Margaret 299). Consequently, the same principles ought to guide each decision they make in the course of their tenure. It is true that even the most principled individual sometimes finds it difficult to take...

Human Resource Management: Skills and Requirements

Being an efficient human resource manager is not an easy task, given the fact that a true HR specialist must not only make choices regarding candidates employment and responsibilities distribution, but also concerning the strategies for employees’ skills training, as well as possible strategies of shaping organizational behavior (York 308)....

American Education System and Social Stratification

Equality and the American Education System The equality in education presupposes the implication that people of different background living in the same country have the same extent of the access to education. The question of the equality in education goes beyond just the political and economic situation in a certain...

Nike Company Change Techniques and Decision Making

Changing Decision Making and Introduction of New Products at Nike Nike’s downfall started when the managers developed the feeling that their decisions were final and correct with regards to the operations of the company. However, deteriorations in market performance forced the management to acknowledge the need to change how decisions...

Oil, Water and Corruption in Central Asian States

The region of Central Asia has been a focus of the world’s political and economic attention due to its rich oil and gas resources. Ever since the 19th century when the natural riches of the area were first detected the region became a target for the dominant powers of the...

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Comparison of Evolution Theory vs. Creationism – Philosophy

Introduction: Staring from the Big Bang There is hardly a single person in the world who has never asked him-/herself, what the origin of life is. Even though the issue is frequently addressed, there is hardly a single way to find out the truth, which, however, does not bother the...

The BNW Car New Models

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Functionalistic Theory of Edward Lee Thorndike – Psychology

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Healthcare Governance and Its Common Features

Group governance in the healthcare industry Governance comprises of a set of rules and structures established by an organization to help it achieve its vision by guiding it through its businesses. Group governance is characterized by certain responsibilities, which include; decision making, strategic planning, and oversight (Ransom et al., 2005)....

Subway Restaurant in the US

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Ruth’s Chris Restaurants SWOT Analysis

Ruth’s Chris steak house is a worldwide series of chic restaurants. Diverse schedules have positioned Ruth’s Chris amid the greatest restaurants in the United States. The company runs in close to 80 places, together with four others in Mexico and around two in Taiwan. More than half of the restaurants...

Changing Gender Roles in Families

Gender roles have been continuously changing for the last four decades or so. It is crucial to mention that the feminist movement was developed to give women equal rights with men. It is indisputable that massive transformation has taken place in regards to the roles of men and women. On...

Project Budget: Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Estimating

Creating a budget for a project is a complex task that requires a careful analysis of the existing assets and an evaluation of the threats that the project in question may be exposed to. Traditionally, two strategies for calculating the budget are identified; these are the top-down and the bottom-up...

The Qualities of an Efficient Leader

Guiding the members of a project through multiple stages, identifying the key tasks and assigning the participants with the corresponding roles and responsibilities are rather challenging tasks. In order to qualify for a successful project manager, one must incorporate several crucial qualities and enhance the significance of certain concepts. Traditionally,...

World Fascism: A Historical Definition

The issue of fascism is considered to be quite berated and misinterpreted throughout the entire twentieth century. The fascism of pre-war period has been described trough the prism of the public democratic mass media and innumerable performances of political discussions. Nowadays the genesis of the fascism appears to be discounted;...

Interpreting of “B of the Bang” and “The Angel of the Night Might”

One of the least explainable phenomena and the most exciting way to journey into the psychic of a genius, art is at the same time a perfect way to capture reality and visualize the rights and wrongs of a modern society. Likewise, art evokes hope and the desire to change...

Political Issues: The United States Military

The United States military is considered to be one of the most respected forces in the world. The treatment that the serving men and women receive there is full of respect, proper training, and many other advantages. One of the primary reasons one would want to become an officer in...

American History: Eleanor Roosevelt

Women have always been in the sidelines of men. Throughout the history of our world, men have been playing a key role in society. There is a great number of famous men whose names are familiar to every person. However, very often these men have a woman, who is not...

Depression in the Elderly

Introduction Depression can be defined as a state of anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2011). It can affect people across all ages, who present with diverse signs and symptoms (Blatt, 2004). It has been shown that there are different types of depression, which require unique approaches with...

Potential of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

The article “Potential of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” analyses a recent treatment method that can support the health needs of many patients. Many people will encounter different traumatic or terrifying events in their lives. Such events can trigger a psychological...

Personal and Political Pacifism

Personal pacifism as stated by Reitan refers “to that personal commitment to non violence, essentially not construed under the general obligation to abstain from violence and 
not to express the belief that all persons ought to oppose violence under every circumstance indented to”. Going per the above definition it appears...

Critical Thinking to Solve Hard Problems

The hard problem is problems without functional explanation as opposed to easy problems, which involve explanation in the form of what mechanism can perform what function. The problem becomes hard when our consciousness can not figure out the mechanism through which we can solve the problem. The problem also becomes...

Self-Employed Nurses as Agents of Change in Canada

The position of the nurse in the currently existing medical system has been a debated issue for a certain amount of time (Gotlib Conn, Kenaszchuk, Dainty, Zwarenstein, & Reeves, 2014). This paper discusses an article by Wall (2014), which considers the phenomenon of self-employed nurses in Canada and their contribution...

Aboriginal Art and Culture Role in Canadian Studies

Aboriginal Art and culture help us to understand the worldview, values, and traditions of the Canadian people, their past, and the present. Aboriginal culture reflects the long-term colonization of Canada, during which Aboriginal people “have used art-making as a strategy for survival” (TrĂ©panier and Creighton-Kelly 18). Aboriginal Arts show themselves...