Nutrition in China: Red Yeast Rice

In different cultures, food is consumed not only to sustain life but also to give certain social meaning. Dating back to several centuries ago, some communities used certain foods in their diet to provide good nutrition and also as a type of medicine to prevent or manage various types of...

Sexism in “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

Sexism is the discriminative behavior towards a person of the opposite sex especially towards women. In Trifles, Glaspell explores the theme of sexism particularly the oppression of women in the society. The distinction of the gender roles between men and women leads to the description of women characters. The feeble...

Pathological Perfectionism – Psychology

The introduction The fundamentals of the disease When speaking about pathological perfectionism, it is necessary to highlight the basic signs of psychological disease. So, first of all, it should be pointed out that pathological perfectionism is characterized by setting unreasonably high standards. Generally, one is to keep in mind that...

Logistical System: Private and Public Warehouses Combining

A coherent logistics system presupposes that a strong link should exist between every single element of the company’s production processes (Ismail, 2008). The reasons for combining private and public warehouses into a single system, however, may not be obvious to an outside observer at first. The above-mentioned approach is traditionally...

The Effect Technology on International Relations

Introduction Scientific innovation and invention has raised the bar of integration and relation among countries; efficient and reliable communication and transport systems plays a vital role in international integration. Globalization has necessitated the need to have improved international relations that facilitate integration and interdependence among countries (Croucher 16). This paper...

Has Technology Killed Personal Contact?

Technology which has been experienced in almost all sectors has greatly changed our lifestyles in many ways. The benefits of technology to human life are immense, as it is evident in the modern society where everything has become more convenient and easily accessible, due to advances in the trend. However,...

The Role of Social Media’s Influence

It is generally agreed upon that the social media, in contrast to the mass communication industry, reaches a large number of audiences and thus is to a greater extent, democratic. With the use of social media such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, news, and information spread fast thus, they have...

Educational Article “The Hurried Child” by David Elkind

David Elkind in his article The Hurried Child addresses the society’s plan of trying to draw the future of its children closer, than it is. The message comes up at a time when parents are endeavoring to hurry their children into adulthood. Many people have set out to unravel the...

Patient’s Violence and the Use of Doctor Force – Medical Ethics

During the administration of medical care, there is always a struggle especially if the patient is a child whether to use force or not when the kid becomes violent during the treatment. The case of Mathilda, the young girl taken for treatment by both of her parents, shows how treatment...

Performance at the Grammy Awards

The performance of Justin Bieber ft Jaden Smith & Usher with their song Never Say Never at the 53rd Grammy Awards has demonstrated that these singers really deserve the award. The composition of music, actor playing, dancing and lights produced an unforgettable impression upon the audience, appealing to their feelings...

Popular Research Paper Topics

DREAM Act: Exploring the Benefits

Introduction: overview of DREAM Act perspectives The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is a legislation that provides students from minority groups who lived in the United States with permanent residency. Adopted in 2001, the act creates wider opportunities for undocumented residents in the field of military...

The Effects of Mass Media on Sexuality

The presentation of women’s bodies with sexual overtones in the media has risen tremendously over the recent past invoking myriad debates. In the United States alone, teenagers spend more than six hours watching television and movies with several instances of sexual images and discussions. Most young people have television sets...

The Concept of ‘Responsibility’

The concept of ‘responsibility’ The peculiarities of the modern world’s development make people often think about the idea of responsibility because they should be responsible for each their step and every word. I agree that the concept of ‘responsibility’ can be discussed as one of the major elements which form...

Technology of iPhone Jailbreak: Guide in 5 Steps

Introduction With the current technological advancement, you can manipulate your iPhone to meet your own demands. Nevertheless, why should you jailbreak your iPhone 3G? Jail breaking your iPhone opens it up so that you can use many applications that you would otherwise not access. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Jail breaking...

Call Centers in Foreign Countries

Introduction Large enterprises generally tend to have the resources to establish their own call centers. However for most small to medium sized firms, it makes financial sense to outsource a call center with the aim of providing technical and customer support to current clients as well as potential customers. Outsourcing...

Decision Making Process

Steps taken to make decision Making a decision is always a challenge, even if it concerns such insignificant issues as choosing which place to travel and what clothes to wear. Hence, when I decided to travel to another state, I faced a number of problems, like what things I need...

Transcultural Nursing Education Strategies

The Purnell’s Model can shed light on a client’s background and help nurses and other healthcare professionals to develop proper communication with him/her (Weiss, Tilin & Morgan, 2013). The model includes 12 domains. As for heritage, I am American and I live in Florida. I am 31 and I am...

Pedagogic Article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” by Amy Chua

Introduction The article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” by Amy Chua sets out to demonstrate that the parenting technique employed by Chinese mothers is superior to that used by Western Mothers. The author, Amy Chua, is a Chinese by birth and a mother to two daughters and is therefore in...

The Human Concept of Happiness and Good

In order to achieve happiness or fulfilment, men’s good character is essential. This implies that men must live righteously and strive for the good if they wish to enjoy a complete life. According to Aristotle, happiness depends on humans themselves, more than anything else. He states that happiness is the...

Indigenous Religions: Threats to the Existence

Indigenous religions are based on the strong connection between people and the nature which is reflected in people’s treating animals and their attitude to the environment with references to the natural phenomena as the ways to communicate with spirits. All the natural surroundings are full of spirits or gods, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Care Strategies of the St. Joseph’s Hospital

Introduction Medical practitioners understand well the idea of strategy development. Within the Health care institutions, this is since it contributes to individual’s as well as community’s health. Implementation of right strategies assists in increasing the medical attention to communities. However, poor strategies often results into poor services which at times...

Management of Wal-Mart Stores Inc in 2008

Firm management strategies highly depend on resources and facilities as a measure of economical expansion. Supply chain management depends on progressive and efficient production and distribution. The main driving forces of Wal-Mart supply chain stores involves working around reasonable costs to ensure customer’s satisfaction at all times, especially during the...

Important Factors in Personal Investment

Introduction When making an investment, it is important to look at a number of factors in order to ensure that the returns are within the investor’s expectations. In many cases, people make investment without a proper analysis of the underlying forces. When this happens, it is possible for the investment...

Climate Change and International Trade

The relationship between climate change and international trade has been on a great verge of developing a new critical issue. This was so evident at the Conference of Parties (COP 17) Climate Conference that took place in Durban, South Africa; the November-December 2011 conference focussed on selected imperative issues that...

“Forget Shorter Showers” and “Waste Not, Want Not”

The discussions about the environment and people’s direct impact on nature differ considerably. Many writers and researchers admit that every person has an ability to stop making environmental harm but does not know how to use it properly. The current paper aims at discussing two powerful works, Jensen’s “Forget Shorter...

Food Science and Technology of Genetic Modification

Genetically modified foods have elicited different reactions all over the world with some countries banning its use while others like the United States allowing its consumption. Thus, although the technology has been around for quite some time, most people have not yet embraced it especially the conservatives. The arguments provided...

Latino Youth Teen Pregnancy

What experience, situation, or subculture did the researchers seek to understand? The purpose of this study was to analyze the problem of teen pregnancy among Latino girls. The researchers targeted girls below 20 years. The authors mainly focused on the Hispanic (Latino) culture. The study was critical towards analyzing how...

Winning Strategies in the Game of Chomp

Chomp is a strategy game played by two individuals. The competitors play the game on a rectangular bar made up of small cells. Every player chooses a block and eats it (removes) from the board. The player who eats (removes) the poisoned block will lose the game. According to Siegel...

Child Labor Role in Westernization and Globalization

The claim by a sixteen-year-old inmate that he came from a rich family was more interesting to fellow inmates than concerns regarding the boy’s innocence or guilt. The mention of fifty six thousand dollars mesmerized the other inmates who “could not stop talking about the cars and clothes he could...

American Marketing Association’s Promotion

Marketing and innovations are the two main functions of any business (Kotler and Gary, 2012). For a business to thrive and be able to sustain itself in the global market, it must comprise of regular innovations and proper marketing techniques. That is, the management should be made up of innovative...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Legislative Issues in Georgia

This paper is aimed at examining the central questions that are viewed as the top priority by the governmental officials in Georgia. The upcoming legal acts are related to such aspects as economic development of this state, the work of police, and regulations of various narcotic substances. It is necessary...

Stigma among Mentally Challenged Individuals

Describe common perceptions and misconceptions about this group The society has varying views regarding persons with mental disabilities. In most cases, these views are due to the stereotypes in different communities. Owing to rejection and neglect by the community, the mentally challenged persons often undergo stigmatization, which leads to low...

“Solitary Nation” – Documentary Film Analysis

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the documentary film called Solitary Nation which throws light on the way in which segregation and isolation can affect convicted people. The central purpose of this movie is to increase viewers’ awareness about the use of solitary confinement in prisons and demonstrate that...

Risk and Possible Losses Evaluating

Property damage is one of the major sources of conflict in the realm of business, especially when it comes to discussing insurance-related issues. According to the case study, the person providing renting facilities to Jeff can be regarded as the party with insurable interest. Indeed, according to Rejda, the key...

Non-Parental Child Care

Childcare involves caring for young children, particularly from 0-9 years of age. There are two different types of childcare. The first one is parental childcare, where parents care for their children. The second one is non-parental childcare, where the child is taken care of by another person, but not the...

Families: Single Parent Controversy

Introduction This paper is based on the topic parenting. It seeks to explore the controversy surrounding the contemporary family institution with a special bias on single parenting. The paper borrows largely from an article authored by the vision organization and titled “The single parent controversy: Does family research stigmatize single...

Philosophical Antecedets to Psychology

Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes and physiological processes underlying them (Schultz, 2005). Since time immemorial, philosophers have tried to understand mind processes and epistemology. One of the goals of psychology is to describe, explain, control and predict behavior. The great Greek philosopher Plato brought forward concepts...

“Uphill”, “At the Border” and “Dreams of Suicide”

Mysterious and catching poetry has captivated people’s hearts and minds for centuries. Poetry widely uses various literary devices, such as allegory, allusion, metaphor, etc., which contribute to its expressiveness. The poem “Uphill” explores the theme of a spiritual journey in an allegorical form. “At the Border” is another poem using...

Economics: Currency and Banking Schools Debates

Introduction This section will briefly introduce two scientific approaches to monetary policies. In particular, it will be important to mention the debate between Banking and Currency Schools. One should also identify the leading representatives of the two schools such as Robert Torrens and Thomas Tooke (Daugherty 140). It is important...

Performance Dashboard in Healthcare

1. Characteristics of healthcare performance dashboards. Due to expansion within the healthcare system, there is a need for sustenance of the required data by the use of information technology. The data obtained should be organized and processed efficiently to assist in decision making. The creation of performance dashboards allows for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Issues: America and China Comparison

Laws The main difference between the legal systems of America and China is that, whereas American laws reflect the Judeo-Christian cultural legacy, those of China are concerned with the values of Confucianism. This is the reason why, for example, unlike what it happened to be the case with judges in...

Healthcare Organization Management: Community Evaluating

In her case study concerning the issues faced in the C. W. Williams Health Center, Linda Swayne makes it clear that the recent changes in the organizational structure of the healthcare facility have triggered major problems in both the process of healthcare facilities provision and the management of the center...

Logistics: Supply Chain Influence

Supply chains are becoming important parts of businesses as global companies seek to expand in this ever-changing and competitive world. The technological progress allows the designing, manufacturing, and delivering of new goods and services in improved ways. The change is fast and difficult to avoid given that new markets are...

The Pace of US Federal Reserve Tapering

The pace at which the US Federal Reserve has been applying mandatory cuts on bonds has raised different reactions from the business community. Opinions have been divided on whether to allow the economy to recover or decrease bond purchases at the present pace within the year. The unpredicted economic performance...

Parents Need Help: Restricting Access to Video Games

Summary of the Argument The author uses the argument of the governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, to heap the blame on makers of violent video games by pointing out that the video games are solely to blame for real violence in the society (Whitehead). According to the governor, it is...

Comparing Self-Esteem and Anxiety: Psychology

In psychology, self-esteem is a feeling that gives someone a source of purpose in life. On the other hand, anxiety is an extreme feeling resulting from imbalances in an individual’s self-esteem. It may be worsened by uncertainty (Bryson, 2003). We take a specific study of 10 nursing students and try...

Beach Benefits With Regard to Mental & Physical Health

Introduction There is probably no other place more closely associated with the idea of relaxation, stress and carefree moments than the beach. Indeed, most tour firms have utilized images of happy families and couples lounging on the beach to attract potential clients done with the drudgery of the day-to-day office...

“Digital Natives Invade the Workplace” by Lee Rainie

In his article, Lee Rainie discusses the challenges that modern employers may encounter when they need to hire young workers. The author argues that people, who are aged below 20, have different attitudes towards information technologies. In particular, they believe that the use of such tools should be an inseparable...

Social Problems of People with Disabilities

People living with disabilities go through several challenges in life because society is yet to appreciate their presence. Close analysis of the professionals in the Hall of Fame suggests that stigmatization is one of the challenges that the deaf and the blind face in most societies, including some of the...

Tariffs on Car Imports in Ukraine

In March 2014, the “Globe and Mail” carried a story on Ukraine’s move to impose new tariffs on car imports and the possible economic consequences of this initiative. Ukraine is one of the newest members of the World Trade Organization. It joined the group in 2008. In addition, it is...

Moral Argument in Support of Abortion

Abortion has been a hotly debated topic since as far back I can remember with two groups always either in support or against it. Normally, you have to either be pro-life or anti-abortion. No gray area here. Coming from a deeply religious family, I tended to believe in the doctrines...

Inequalities in the Health Care Arena

Type of disparity in the U.S. healthcare system The United States is one of the countries in the world considered to be development conscious. The indicator by United Nations Human Development shows that the general health of the people within the US is satisfactory. This, however, has been discovered to...

Information Management System Practical Solutions

A system is a group of components that work together towards the accomplishment of specific goals. An information system, therefore, incorporates all data processed into information relevant to an organization that assists in achieving the set targets. Computerized information systems are in use in the modern world. Since technology is...

“The Dreamer” by Junot Diaz

The Dreamer is an essay written by Junot Diaz, a well-known Dominican writer, who immigrated to New Jersey. This piece of writing describes the story of a little girl who had a great dream that seemed to be impossible to live out. This girl was the author’s mother, who occurred...

Development of a Theory

Criminologists can define a theory in various ways. In the second chapter, Schmalleger gives two different definitions of this concept and then suggests his own (29). To summarize all of them, a theory refers to a set of propositions that are connected to each other and provide an explanation of...

Establishment of Ruth’s Chris Steak House in London

As evidently, known, Ruth’s Chris is an American entity that is going global in an endeavor to expand. Globalization will involve opening up branches he is in various countries. London is one of the lucrative cities due to its large population and tourist number. The company aims at making the...

Defining the Key Elements

Identifying the key elements to be included into the project is an essential step towards completing the latter successfully (Larson & Grey, 2011). By listing the key components, one creates the layout of the project that will help complete specific objectives and, therefore, reach the primary goals within a comparatively...

Why Do Monsters Matter in Our Lives?

Man has always had an insatiable desire to create. His creations are of varying forms; from tranquil and beautiful ones to grotesque and gruesome ones. One of the mans fascinating albeit troubling creations is that of monsters. While no one can tell the exact moment in history when the notion...

Risk of Early Pregnancies among Latina Teens

What Experience, Situation, or Subculture Did the Researchers Seek to Understand? The researchers of “A Latino Young Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy” sought to understand the community of Pacific Northwest, namely – the tendencies leading to early pregnancies among Latina girls of teen age. The research explored the relationships and...

“The Most Praised Generation Goes to Work”

The article “The Most Praised Generation Goes to Work” by Jeffrey Zaslow uncovered several important questions and answers to them regarding self-esteem of the children who are growing up. To be more precise, the article that was published in the Wall Street Journal is revealing the truth about how children...

Consumer Science: Company and Clients Relationships

To develop proper relationships with customers, companies have to create trust. Clearly, employees have to meet customers’ needs and provide all the necessary assistance and support. Services provided have to be timely or else the customer will address another company. Researchers note that reliability and character-based trust are essential for...

The Impact of Humility and Leadership

The concept of humility has received mounting attention in organizational scholarship in the recent past, particularly in the wake of unprecedented corporate scandals that are often attributed to the unbridled personality, hubris, sense of entitlement and perceived self-importance of the corporate leaders involved (Owens, Johnson & Mitchell 1517). Although humility...

Technologies: Mobile Phones and Human Capabilities

Mobile Phone Technology Mobile phone technology is the fastest growing form of communication in the world. Mobile phone technology is opening up new modalities of communication between individuals and organizations. The government has also been a major beneficiary of mobile phone technology. According to a World Bank report, the spread...

Models and Their Characteristics

The choice of a model for the project is not an easy task; in order to locate the appropriate mode for the project in question to exist and evolve in, one must take the key features of the latter into account and evaluate the opportunities, which each mode of operations...

Airline Certification Process and Stages

Today aircrafts are considered to be the safest type of transport. An organization that provides people with passenger and freight transportation is called an airline. As a rule, each airline has an air operating certificate or license. It is given by the national aviation authority to provide an aircraft operator...

Nivea Company Consumers

People form a vital component in the product mix. They denote the consumers of Nivea’s array of cosmetic products. The entity has adopted a consumer-led approach. Hence, its policies in product development are channeled towards meeting the clients’ needs. Nivea consumers are diverse concerning their needs. Accordingly, they can be...

Anxiety Disorders Psychology: Managing Panic Attack

Is Alex having heart attack or panic attack? How would you distinguish the differences? The symptoms that Alex shows indicate that he is suffering from panic attack. For instance, he has pain localized in the chest area. In heart attack, the pain spreads to the back, arms and the neck....

Change’s Creating and Leading

The business can be discussed as a world-class one when the company performs as a leader within the market and industry not only at the local but also at the global level. The examples of the world-class business are Ford Motor Company, Apple, Google, Boeing, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, and...

Management: Power, Authority, and Influence

The source of power and authority within an organization depends on certain structural conditions. A form of “dependency” always exists in every company or organization. After taking the recommended test, I have observed that I am constantly “gaining power and information” at my workplace. I have always worked hard in...

Investing in Real Estate in Germany: Political and Legal Factors to Consider

When engaging in international business, investors must comprehensively consider the political and legal factors existing in their preferred investment countries. These factors take a central stage since they directly affect the nature of investment and its performance in the state of preference. Political factors come in the form of unanticipated...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Care Reform and Strategic Management

Present a background statement on the case study identifying the facts of the ACA legislation that are relevant to this case as related to strategic management Affordable Care Ace also known as ACA reform launched in 2012 is designed to provide care coverage for the patients that do not have...

Corporal Punishment and Parents Position

Corporal punishment has always been a controversial subject not only for the United States but also for the rest of the world. Opinions are often divided when it comes to the effectiveness of corporal punishment as a tool for disciplining children. In most circles, corporal punishment is also known as...

Web-Based Systems and Computer Services

Web-based systems for data storage, assessment, analysis, and further application have become rather common nowadays. More importantly, these systems can be used for both personal and professional purposes, which has opened a plethora of opportunities for business and entrepreneurs all over the world. However, defining the web service that provides...

Healthcare Institutions Strategic Planning

Strategic planning can be defined as a process of influencing the overall vision to achieve an organization’s objectives and then formulating an official method to alter these objectives into outcomes (Russell, 2006). Given that effective strategic plans are formulated and implemented through strategic thinking, every institution should strive to identify...

Criminal Procedure: the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution

The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution is included in the Bill of Rights. It protects people against “unreasonable searches and seizures and generally requires the government to obtain a warrant, issued by a judge, upon showing of reasonable, before one’s person, home, or property can be searched” (Lippman,...

ECO-Trans Company Case: Project Management

Locating problems in a project management case is a challenging issue, as it presupposes that the case should be approached from a variety of angles, including the financial, the organizational, and the managerial ones (Grisham, 2011). The case of ECO-Trans and the lack of consistency in the leader’s actions, which...

Marketing and Manufacturing Strategies Role

Though the gap between the marketing approach adopted in a company and the production process that is viewed as the most adequate one in the same organization may seem rather large, the choice of a marketing strategy, in fact, defines the manufacturing one largely. The case study carried out by...

BMW Group Sustainability Plan

Introduction Modern world is characterized by the great rivalry. To be successful means to be better than others.. That is why great attention is devoted to the remedies which will help company to become better than other companies and then turn into the best in the world. Right management of...

“Archer” by Wassily Kandinsky and “The Sick Heart” by Paul Klee Paintings

In the historical course of its development, the art of painting has witnessed cardinal changes in its techniques and objects. By the end of the nineteenth century, artists have developed a manner of painting that was often too enigmatic and obscure to the general public. Therefore, written explications were provided...

Apac Company Challenges Analysis

Introduction Apac Company is one of the leading paper and package companies across the country. It is involved in the distribution of paper and janitorial products to wholesale consumers in Michigan and in some parts of Ohio (Ford and Park par. 1). It is important to indicate that the company’s...

Personnel Administration Related Data

Performing human resource management presupposes supervising a variety of processes that the members of the personnel in question are fully aware of their roles, responsibilities, and current tasks, as well as ready to strive for the common goal (Storey, 2014). Therefore, personnel administration can be deemed an important part of...

Glaciers Melting and Geological Misconceptions

The global warming and the melting of the glaciers on our planet has been one of the most discussed issues of the last several decades. The effects of the melting started to be noticeable and it began to worry the scientists. After many researches and measurements the geologists came up...

Financial Aid for College Students

Education is probably one of the most significant things in the life of every person. Without proper education, it is not easy to find a good job and earn enough for living. It is known that money is “social embodiment of both form and the content of value” (Smithin, 200),...

Organizational Burnout of Employees

Burnout is one of the major reasons for the high rate of turnover in organizations (Childs & Stoeber, 2012). Clearly, companies have to operate in the highly competitive business world in quite difficult conditions, since such resources as funds, technology, human resources and so on are quite scarce (Childs &...

The Rise and Fall of Eastman Kodak

Central Problems of the Case The major problems facing Eastman Kodak Co. can be traced back to the early 1970s. They emanate from the rapid changes in the market and industry conditions (Jones 464). Other issues are associated with the company’s management and organizational structures. Failure of Eastman Kodak Co....

The Role of Gender in Interactions via Social Media

It has been acknowledged that men and women quite differently use social media. For instance, females tend to focus on development of certain relationships and creating a community while males tend to use social media to get information, have fun and so on (Correa, Hinsley & De Zúňiga, 2010). Interestingly,...

Salix Company Strategy Analysis

Salix is a pharmaceutical company; it has a goal to provide gastroenterological medications of the best quality to the patients suffering from gastroenterological issues such as Crohn’s disease, inflamed or irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, traveler’s diarrhea. The medications made by Salix are distributed to gastroenterologists and general practitioners. The...

Wolf Motors Company Supply Chain Management

Recommendations There is urgent need for Wolf Motors to restructure its supplier relationship process. To begin with, the management at Wolf Motors should strive to offer a large selection of automobile parts to customers. This implies that the automobile company should seek additional supplier sources for vehicle parts that are...

Pet’s Parks and Hotels Business Proposal

Executive Summary The new business will appeal to travelers who consider pets as a part of their families and would like to present gifts to them after being away. It will exploit opportunities emerging from new regulations that require hotels to have pet parks and the need to present gifts...

Formation and Weathering of Rocks

In the process of lithification, sedimentary rocks are traditionally formed, according to Lutgens and Tarbuck (58). As a rule, the process of lithification presupposes that sediments should remain under pressure; the sediments expel the so-called connate fluids in the process and finally turn into sediment rock. The difference between a...

Weathering and Erosion Geology: When Rocks Turn into Dust

Lutgens and Tarbuck provide a very decent account of the processes of formation, weathering and decomposition of rock. It is truly fascinating to learn about the cementing process, which literally takes ages, as well as learn about the power of weathering and erosion. The fact that wind and water, which...

The Book “We Need New Names” by NoViolet Bulawayo

The book We Need New Names tells the story of Darling, a young African girl and her mischievous gang of friends. Darling is the protagonist. Bulawayo tells of the girl’s life in violent and unstable Zimbabwe as well as her experiences as an immigrant in America. However, the ending of...

Literature Resources in William Faulkner’s “A Rose, for Emily”

There is no use denying the fact that literature is a very powerful remedy that has a great influence on people. There are many ways in which this influence can be realized. Authors can use unexpected development of a plot or some unusual stylistic devices to attract a reader or...

“Big Black Good Man” and “Battle Royal”

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the methods of revealing racial themes in Richard Wright’s “Big Black Good Man” and Ralph Ellison’s “Battle Royal”. The goal is to show the differences between the demonstrations of racial prejudice in the short stories. The analysis of this...

Why Are Some Animals So Smart? by Carel Schaik

How does Carel Van Schaik define culture? In reference to Sumartan orangutans Carel Van Schaik makes a conclusion that that the animals that the cultural animals are also intelligent. The scientist explores various opinions considering the forces that serve to stimulate the development and evolution of intelligence among animals. Van...

“The Giver” by Lois Lowry

Lois Lowry is the author of the story “The Giver”. She is an American writer who has written almost forty children stories. Lowry lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Lois Lowry’s place of birth is Hawaii. She was a calm and introverted child who liked reading. During childhood, she had to live...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

A protagonist is the major character who let readers follow the story. The protagonist is the person whose actions and choices influence outcomes of the story, and in Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee tells the story through the lead character, David Lurie. Through the protagonist of Disgrace, readers must understand all information...

The Attack on the Pearl Harbor

Causal chain of the events The attack on the Pearl Harbor is attributed with the United States involvement in the World War II. The devastating event that lasted for 2 hours is perceived to have created a great loss in terms of the army vessels and soldiers (Davenport 42). The...

“Rrose Selavy” by Man Ray

The photo of Rrose Selavy (i.e. Marcel Duchamp) by Man Ray in 1921 showcases Duchamp dressing as a woman in order to manifest his alter ego Rrose Selavy. When examining the photo, it immediately just seems like either a very masculine looking woman in a fur coat or a man...

America and Germany Comparison

This paper is aimed at comparing such countries as the United States and Germany. In particularly, it is necessary to focus on such aspects as employment, education, and medical insurance. This discussion of these aspects is important for understanding the policies of the governments and the experiences of many people...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Anthropological Problems: Origin of Human Beings

The article Our True Dawn by Catherine Brahic describes the challenges that appear to modern scientists while trying to trace our relatives. The author also describes the difference in methods used by scientists. For geneticists to determine the period of splitting humans from apes means to specify exactly the time...

Deviance Definition Theories and Approaches

Deviance is a state of straying from ordinary or accepted standards, particularly in a social or sexual context. Scholars have also defined deviance as a drift from the accepted manners in society. Therefore, the term “deviance” always describes all behaviors that go against the social and moral values of the...

Presidency in US: Bush Vs. Obama

American society has long been regarded as one of the most democratic and exemplary societies in the world. The three branches of power balance each other, and society is secured from any violations. However, the beginning of the twenty-first century was the beginning of the new era for American society...

Political Science: On How Taiwan Belongs to China

Introduction The official name of Taiwan, which is an independent state in East Asia, is the Republic of China. Initially, Taiwan Island was based in China, the People’s Republic of China that is commonly known as the China Mainland. The countries that neighbor the ROC include Japan, the Philippines, and...

Why College Students Drop Out of School?

Most students enter colleges with the aim of increasing their future earnings and having more career options, but not every student manages to successfully graduate the college. Dropping out of college has been attributed to unpreparedness to the life in college and to the level of education, overwhelming work, and...

Communication Networks

Communication networks within a firm include wheel network, chain network, circle network, and all-channel network. Wheel network is a form of communication network where information is acquired from one central point to the rest of the employees. There is minimal involvement of employees in the decision-making process as the source...

Military Medical Assets Usage

Whenever a disaster strikes, it is crucial that the people, who are under the threat of being affected by it, should be able to locate the required resources fast and use them efficiently to prevent injuries and ensure safety. However, it should be kept in mind that in case of...

Women and Men TV Roles

The roles of men and women in society have always been different to a large degree, and it would seem that women’s movement would change the way women were treated in society, but television and media brought about new problems that are evident in the modern day and age. For...

The Art of Writing and Storytelling

Introduction Composition writing is an integral part of learning the art of writing and storytelling in different aspects. Also, apart from enabling students to move from one academic level to another, composition writing is important for students because it allows them to learn how to present ideas and real-life events...

Classical and Baroque Music Differences

The transition from baroque music to the classical period is marked by key cultural trends including the Romantic movement, revolutions in America and France, increasing scientific progress and the prevalence of logical ideas over religious dogma. The manifestation of Man, as the pride and joy of the Universe’s creation, influenced...

Planning Disaster Management in the Urban Context

As it always occurs with management processes, one of the major problems with the principles of handling disaster issues is that they are hardly applicable to large cities. Simplifying the problem of disaster management for megalopolises, one must admit that, the bigger the city is, the harder it is to...

Education Impact on Life Quality

There is an old axiom which says that good quality education is the key to a successful and fulfilling life. This axiom could never be further from the truth, especially now in the 21st century when competition for existing career positions is increasingly high. The intense competition has triggered a...

“La Dolce Vita” Movie by Federico Fellini

La Dolce Vita is a very interesting movie directed by Fellini which portrays issues as they are in the real world. The director (Fellini) captures certain characters in the movie to communicate occurrences in real life situations. It is interesting to watch how the director portrays the tabloid media and...

“Thank You for Smoking” by Jason Reitman

The movie, ‘Thank You for Not Smoking’ has a theme that mainly revolves within the tobacco industry. This industry faces challenges due to the obvious reasons that, tobacco smoking is harmful to health, a fact that has resulted in anti-smoking campaigns, which evoke a decline in the number of young...

“The Piano Lesson” a Play by August Wilson

August Wilson dwells upon a very important issue in his play The Piano Lesson. He tries to find the best answer to the question concerning people’s past and heritage. Eventually, the playwright decides that people should understand, accept and cherish their past to have their future. The answer is manifested...

TV Script: Populist Movement and Its Relation to The Wizard Oz

My greetings to everyone, who decide to spend some time near own TV-sets and watch our program! Today, we will talk about our history, our past that has an unbelievable impact on our present and certainly on our future. At the end of the 19th century, lots of American farmers...

The Breakfast Room by Pierre Bonnard

Pierre Bonnard was a French painter. He was born in 1867. The painter lived a long life and created a lot of works. He traveled a lot and had a number of exhibitions. The Breakfast Room is one of his most known paintings. It was created in 1930-1931. The painting...

The Movie Battleship Potemkin

The movie, Battleship Potemkin, is a story about the maltreatment of the crew of the Potemkin battleship, which leads to riots against the use of rotten meat to prepare dinner. Apart from the rotten meat, several other acts of mistreatment such as unwarranted whippings increased the resolve by the ship’s...

Death Upon Request: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

In this documentary, assisted euthanasia is the result of the patient’s decision since some people prefer to die in dignity in order not to burden their loved ones with looking after their health. However, this is done for patients suffering from incurable diseases, which cause unbearable pain and prevent the...

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Legalization of Marihuana for the Public Use

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Law: Freedom of Speech and the Right to Offend

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Gender is a Role, not a Biological Sex, and it is Cultural

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Nutrition Issues: Obesity and Breastfeeding

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Animal Rights: What of Animal Cloning?

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Media Exposure and Its Influence on Adolescents

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Cover Letter for Job

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Freakonomics the Movie

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Character Development in Interpreter of Maladies

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Theoretical Foundation of Gender as a Culturally-Prescribed Role

Vast majority of investigations concerning gender and its characteristics in comparison to biological sex are dated at the beginning of the 1970s, when the necessity to identify the difference between sex and gender turned out to be crucial (Holmes, 2007). Inability to take into consideration all influential factors led to...

Bachelor of Science in Web Design and Development: Scholarship Application

My life is full of numerous challenges, adventures, and emotions, this is why I can hardly agree with the opinion supported by people that it is impossible to get education, bring up a baby, and make the cherished dreams come true. Though it is hard to follow personal interests and...

Domino’s Pizza Company’s Success

Domino’s pizza has dominated both the United States’ market and the international market in manufacturing pizzas since starting its operations in 1960. It has a vision that targets to absorb brilliant people to assist in achieving the mission of producing and delivering the best pizzas. The company has chains of...

Why Should We Look at Race When Trying to Understand Fascism?

Fascism is traditionally defined as a method of radical authoritarian nationalism, which achieved great eminence in Europe at the beginning of the 1900s. It originally was established in Italy in the course of World War I as an antagonistic form of organizing a nation to liberalism. Moreover, it is a...

Roots of the Arab Spring

The Arab Spring has already touched a number of countries around the whole world. Some people, who are not directly involved in the situation, want to know more about the reasons for the events. The native citizens try to understand their possible impact on the development of the events. Academic...