Amazon’s Cargo Facilities and Implementation Steps

Introduction Thesis Amazon should establish cargo facilities in Beijing, New Delhi, and Munich and introduce the prime delivery service in these regions, which will require a sound strategy with the focus on effective information systems (IS), human resource management (health risks) and urban pressures in the areas discussed. Changes in...

Business Ethical Standards and Processes

Standards and Procedures Ethical behavior is very important in ensuring that Company X is successful in its normal operations. In this section of the ethics program, it is important to understand some of the applicable standards and procedures that define how individual employee should behave. This section would identify some...

“The Female American” a Book by Unca Eliza Winkfield

Unca Eliza Winkfield wrote The Female American in 1767 as a religious memoir modelled after Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. Just like Robinson Crusoe, despite being a work of fiction, there is a series of references to factual historical events meant to create an illusion of reality. From a non-critical perspective,...

Peer Support for Intellectually Disabled People

Provision of support to people with intellectual disabilities is an important topic that could potentially improve the quality of life for many intellectually disabled people around the world. This paper aims to examine several articles that explore, among others, the role of peer support in the life of people with...

Stages of Grief: Acceptance of Death in Diverse Cultures

Death is an inevitability, and sooner or later every human being is put to face it. Grief comes together with death, especially when a loved one dies. The depth and scale of grief depend on the psychological stance of the grieving person: the reaction can be stoic or destructive. However,...

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare

The play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare is characterized by comedy, farce and humor that are present throughout the play. It is mainly based on love, magic, mistaken identity and the sudden reversal of relationships. Act I begins with a scene where Duke Theseus is conversing with his bride....

The English School of International Relations: Theory Review

The English school of international relations contributed enormously to the development of the existing theories. The theory observes that a society of states exist at the global arena, even though the system is anarchic. The school tends to suggest that the international system lacks an official government that can oversee...

“Catch” by Robert Francis and “Easter Wings” by George Herbert

Two poems written by Robert Francis and George Herbert are separated by more than three centuries of the literature process. These aspects influenced the style of writing and the peculiarities of the poetic language. Nevertheless, it is still possible to determine the main differences and similarities in Francis’s “Catch” and...

The Transcendental Exposition of the Concept of Space

Introduction The Transcendental Exposition of the Concept of Space postulates that humans have a pure instinct of space, a concept that is commonly referred to as the argument from geometry. Accordingly, Kant has tried to assume a theory of space as untainted instinct from a postulation about mathematical cognition. This...

Society Transformation in Voltaire’s Letters on England

Voltaire’s book Letters on England can help readers better understand various aspects of the early Enlightenment. The author’s incisive comments throw light on the distinctive characteristics of England at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Voltaire made his observations during his stay in this country in 1729. In his work,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Introversion and Extraversion Biological Basis

The terms “introvert” and “extrovert” have become household words in the XXI century owing to Eysenck’s theory and the development of a three-factor model. Traditionally, it is believed that introversion and extroversion are defined by biological factors and that environmental factors play little to no role in defining the given...

“Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Muslim Women’s Rights

In the present-day world, when, spurred by numerous acts of terrorism, Islamophobia has reached its bursting point and has clearly grown weaker, such stories as Infidel seem to be taken with a grain of salt. However, because of the tension in relationships between the Islamic and the Christian world, Infidel...

Apologies, Their Use and Meaning in Business

Article Critique The article Apologies, Their Use and Meaning: A Course Module by Friedman and Friedman focuses on the apologies as the essential elements, which have to be included in the course material. I find this approach interesting, as the authors focus on the remarkable and curious aspects of this...

Clinical Guidelines for Mechanical Ventilation

What is the purpose of the study (research questions, purpose and hypotheses)? The study focused on understanding the development and utilization of standard rules in relation to mechanical ventilation approaches within intensive care units in Sweden (Eldh, Vogel, Söderberg, Blomqvist & Wengström, 2013). How was the sample obtained? It is...

Paintings: The Baptism of Christ and Christ and the Adulteress

The two artworks representing the image of Christ I have chosen for my paper are (in the order of the pictures): (a) “The Baptism of Christ” by master of the Life of Saint John the Artist (National Gallery of Art, Washington), and (b) “Christ and the Adulteress” by Lorenzo Lotto...

Parental Exposure and Underage Drinking – Psychology

The problem of underage drinking is not a new one in American society, yet many parents today demonstrate a total lack of strategy on how to deal with it. Common sense demands that parents be at the forefront in guiding their adolescent youth toward adopting good standards of behavior and...

The Condition of the Working Class in England by Friedrich Engels

The book ‘The Condition of the Working Class in England’ written by Engels Friedrich, a German social scientist and political theorist, is a manifestation of the evils that accompanied what is known as industrial revolution. Principally, Engels’s piece of writing is owed to the conditions of industrial proletariat in great...

Special Education: Single-Subject Research

Introduction Special education employs intervention measures (at an individual level) designed to meet the distinct needs of every student. Since it follows a framework that focuses on the individual behavior of students, single subject research can form a basis for enhancing special education. Instead of using a control group and...

Groupthink Notion in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

It is commonly assumed that many heads are better than one. However, the sad fact is that in a large number of cases groups fail to correct individual mistakes; on the contrary, they usually even exacerbate these mistakes or support opinions which are clearly harmful (Sunstein and Hastie 2). A...

Richard Wright’ and Langston Hughes Literature Comparison

Richard Wright and Langston Hughes are the writers that were very concerned about the racial issues in the society of the United States of America. Both of the authors use their talents to address the problem of racial differences and the outcomes they cause. Hughes and Wright emphasize the equality...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Paul’s Letters to Rome and Corinth

In his letters to Christians in Rome and Corinth, Paul focused on the Christian blessings in contrast to the state of affairs with the Judaism being the religion of the flesh, law, and strict sin detection regulations. The following discussion will address how exactly Paul represented Christianity as superior to...

“Birds without a Nest” by Clorinda Matto de Turner Literature Analysis

Clorinda Matto de Turner has recounted the misfortunes that befell the Yapangui family in Killac, Andean, in the late 19th century in her novel, “Birds without a nest: A story of Indian life and priestly oppression in Peru”. Just like the other Indian families, the Yapanguis also have to endure...

“Story Performance and Event” by Richard Bauman Literature Analysis

The “Story Performance and Event” by Richard Bauman is relatively a short book, but very deceiving. The brevity conceals a hypothetical richness and depth that is hard to find in most works of literature which double its volume. In this book, Bauman illustrates the necessity of novel strategies in the...

Film Studies – Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music

Introduction This paper dwells upon the film which goes under the title Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music. The film features Bill Monroe and a number of famous musicians talking about bluegrass and the impact Bill Monroe had on the development of this genre of music as well as other...

Social Justice and Pregnant Addicted Mothers

The issue of drug addiction among pregnant mothers has been a concern among medical experts. When a pregnant mother is addicted to alcohol and drug, she may end up causing irreparable damage to the unborn child. At the time of birth, the child may have physical or mental deformities that...

Health Medical Organizations’ Identifying and Comparison

Introduction Improving the working conditions of medical professionals is essential for quality health care delivery. Health Medical Organizations (HMOs) operate in the health care environment to offer members services similar to those offered by insurance companies to cater for their unique needs (Taylor et al., 2010). The beneficiaries of the...

Emerging Powers and World Order

One cannot tell what will happen in the next 25 years in international politics. Nevertheless, experts agree that the world will become less liberal. In fact, it is assumed that the United States will be unable to retain its power and maintain global order, as newly powerful states will start...

Fall of Humanity as a Religion Issue

Introduction The fall of humanity can be considered one of the major, and, by far, the most complicated topics addressed in the Christian religion. Incorporating a range of concepts such as sin, the Exile, the Divine Promise, death, etc., the fall of humanity can be viewed as an integral part...

The Panama Canal’s Role for the United States

Abstract The building of the Panama Canal to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans was started by the French authorities and businessmen, but then, the project was ruled by the United States which used it to support the idea of the country’s international domination. The building of the Panama Canal...

Free Will Problem in Philosophy

John Searle and Rene Descartes on Dualism Descartes’ philosophy can be represented as an extreme manifestation of dualism since the philosopher believed that a mind does not have any physical properties and, thus, is related directly to consciousness. Searle, on the other hand, believed that there is a strong biological...

Bill Monroe – Father of Bluegrass Music Film Analysis

Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music (1993) is the film directed by Steve Gebhardt which discusses the biography of Bill Monroe with references to many interviews with Monroe himself and with the musicians influenced by his music. The film clearly explains why Bill Monroe is discussed as the ‘father’ of...

Military Policy that Should Be Changed

Promotion Criteria The military is a secret organization that does not disclose its activities to the public, mainly because of the strict rules and regulations. However, some of how things are conducted ought to be changed because they are unfair to the officers and the country’s development. One of the...

Organizational Culture: Key Concepts and Best Practices

Observables artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions for the firms General electric is a company that is focused on the management of time. Time management is applied at different levels starting with an individual employee who should be at the right place at the right time. Through the management of...

Occupational Hazards of Musicianship

Introduction Musicians and other artists encounter multiple health problems that are unique to their lifestyle and occupation. Their level of risk varies considerably depending on several factors, including the features of individual performers, the kind of music that they play, and whether they use instruments in their performance. Many complaints...

Catholic, Church of Christ and Jewish Religions Comparison

Catholics, Protestants, and Jews are three major denominations of Christianity among many others. While the pope is the head of the Catholic Church, Protestantism and Judaism refer to Christianity that is not a subject to Papal authority (Neusner, 2001). The Catholic Church and the Church of Christ are the two...

Women and Men HIV Prevention

Women’s Health Factors Operating in the Situation Being a middle-aged widow who identifies herself as a lesbian can be challenging as the individual faces psychological, biophysical, behavioral, sociocultural, and healthcare issues. The woman is aging, and her body is undergoing significant changes that affect her psychological and emotional states. Being...

Workplace Death and Injuries

As the powers of the federal and state governments overlap (Nelson, 2000, p.225), the preemption issue is regarded as one of the most important and debatable ones. Deborah Ballam investigated the history of attitudes to preemption in the United States and The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and its...

Film Studies: “I am Sam”

“I am Sam” is a movie about a single father whose developmental disabilities make it hard for him to raise a 7-year old daughter. The movie was released in 2001, and it garnered a lot of acclaim for its portrayal of the developmentally challenged members of the society. “I am...

Bottled Water Impacts on Environment

As the use of bottled water continue to rise steadily around the world, many critics have focused on its impacts on the environment, economy and other social implications related to the use, including waste management issues, depletion of groundwater, energy consumption and many more. In the US, for instance, in...

Email Marketing: Common Errors and Solutions

Email marketing, ubiquitous for everything from businesses, to charities, to political advocacy groups, has powerful potential to build customer or audience awareness and loyalty. However, there are some distressingly common errors, in using this tool, all of which are largely preventable. Are you segmenting your email list? Email, unlike many...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Iran’s Proposition to Own Nuclear Weapons

Who owns and possesses a nuclear weapon is an issue of great concern for most countries. Essentially, most countries in the West get concerned when nations express the desire to own nuclear weapons because such weapons are capable of causing massive destruction to both property and human life if not...

“Violent Media is Good for Kids” by Gerard Jones

The past few decades have been characterized by an increase in the media content available to the public. Some of this media is of a violent nature and questions have been raised as to the effect of exposing children to violent media. Parents, teachers and psychological health professionals all express...

Immune System and How It Functions: Types and Processes

Immunity Humoral and Cellular Immunity In contrast to the cellular immunity, the humoral one presupposes that the B cells should identify specific pathogens in the blood. The cellular-level response, in its turn, implies that T cells should be involved in the response to any hostile element in the bloodstream. The...

Management Analysis and Decision Making

The firm is carrying out the process of downsizing. Downsizing involves the reduction of the labour force. This process may involve temporary suspension or conclusive termination of an employment contract for business and strategic reasons (Cummings and Worley, 2014, p. 359). The management prefers downsizing as one of the turn-around...

David and Lucy in “Disgrace” by John Coetzee

Introduction ‘Disgrace’ is a contended fictional book by J. M. Coetzee that is dedicated to several common issues of post-apartheid South Africa. What makes this novel compelling and exceptional is presenting the existing problems of the society through the prism of perception of the book’s protagonist David Lure and his...

Health Medical Organization Concept

Health Medical Organization (HMO) is a medical organ that renders health services at a fee. The Services provided by the agency include health care for individuals and groups and health care plans among other services. Also, the organ connects members with health care medical providers on a pre-paid basis. Kongstvedt,...

Aristotelian Philosophy and Empiricism

The Scientific Revolution of the 17th century marked the beginning of a new era of modern science that significantly transformed and advanced the existing knowledge and ideas. The philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Francis Bacon played an instrumental role in shaping the theory of empiricism that, to a considerable extent, challenged...

Intercultural Communication in TV Shows

Human beings are usually “attached” to specific cultural or racial groups. Every country or society has different cultural groups. Some of these cultural groups encounter various challenges, such as discrimination, prejudice, and “communication barriers.” However, it is mandatory for individuals in a society to communicate with one another. This explains...

Religious Studies of Healthy Grief

Grief is the deep sorrow that people experience when they receive news about death, illness, or loss of property. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross model summarizes the stages that make up the grief process. The model states that people undergo grief in five main stages (Curry, 2011). This paper focuses on the five...

Mobile Banking Development and Analysis Project

Abstract Many different ways of transacting and trading with money have been developed as a result of the current technological advancement. The introduction of mobile banking applications to help consumers in accessing banking services is a very brilliant strategy. In addition, it can greatly change the cost of operation in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Natural Disasters: The Budalangi Flood

The world is full of natural occurrences. Sometimes floods come when people are not aware. The Budalangi flood occurred when people believed that the dykes the government had constructed would protect them. When natural disasters occur, it is how people respond that determines the extent of the damage on human...

Technology’s Influence on Design Evolution

The introduction and adoption of the new technology in the contemporary world has significantly intertwined graphic design practices and other reproduction techniques. The so rapid growing use of the modern digital media makes the expectation of the design practices more difficult to meet. Today, graphic designers must learn both the...

Mitra Organization’s Introducing Changes

Introducing changes to an organization is always a challenging task. Even in case the smallest details have to be altered, the entire system has to be shaped so that the alterations in question could lead to an improvement instead of harming the firm. The situation in Mittra’s organization, the case...

Life Philosophy in “Nicomochaen Ethics” and “Exodus”

“Nicomochaen Ethics” is a piece of work consisting of ten books written by Aristotle. It is considered one of the best ethical treatises ever written and presents a broad exploration of the way a man should live a life (Miller 1). “Exodus” is the book included in the Old Testament...

Social Services for Illegal Immigrants

The United States is a land with numerous opportunities, consequently, most people consider it a dreamland. A lot of people try to settle in America legally, the country of their dreams and opportunities (Acme articles). However, there are countless illegal immigrants in this country which sparks debates on whether they...

Women’s Life in America

The late part of the 18th century in America is the period of developing the complicated relations between the European settlers and Native Americans. In spite of the fact that this topic is interesting and rather controversial, more attention should be paid to the discussion of the women’s lives in...

York County Intervention Resources

My Knowledge of Intervention Resources Human Services Professionals (HSPs) should be aware of the services available to clients with specific needs. According to my knowledge, York Pennsylvania has different organizations that support many citizens. Such agencies are available in every part of the county. The institutions address different problems such...

The Effects of Social Media on Today’s Society

The contemporary society is closing to the state of total digital inclusion, which means that soon the vast majority of people will become the constant users of various digital technologies. The use of devices such as tablets, cell phones and computers is getting more and more popular, and it starts...

Healthcare Programs in the Developing Countries

Responsibility of governments of rich countries to help poor countries achieve better health The authorities of the well-off countries are obliged to take care of those territories that are less strong economically. The reason for that is that the health situation of the planet is not restricted by the national...

Aging: The Impacts of a Growing Elderly Population

Introduction Humanity is facing a significant demographic shift as in many countries of the world (the vast majority of them are developed countries) population is aging. Thus, it has been estimated that by 2050 in Japan the number of people in their 70s will have been twice bigger than the...

The Role of Music in Patient Therapy

Different types of art therapy are actively used today in the health care system as effective methods to influence the patient’s psychological and physical state. Music is also an important tool to contribute to the patient’s successful treatment. Nowadays, music is used in the field of health care as the...

European Colonialism and Regression of Africa

This paper reveals relationships between Europe and Africa, particularly how the first one influenced the regression of the latter. I present the explanation of the following statement: “colonialism in Africa was a one-armed bandit” providing convincing facts and arguments. The highest peak of colonialism in Africa took place in the...

Blogs’ Potential for Research in Higher Education

Technology has changed the way people do things in numerous ways. It has turned the world into a global village where people can communicate and share information from different geographical locations. A number of communication platforms have emerged over the years as a result of technological advancements. They have resulted...

Grief in Nicholas Wolterstorff’s Book “Lament for a Son”

Introduction Lament for a Son is a book by Nicholas Wolterstorff focused on the author’s personal experiences of the death of his child, grasping his grief, and finding hope in the faith. The objective of this paper is to analyze how the author describes discovering joy after loss, to provide...

Performance Enhancing Drugs and Professional Sport

The issue of using performance enhancing drugs by professional sportsmen or the question of doping can be discussed as socially significant because many people today orient to the athletic competition as the important element of the modern world. However, modern professional sports can also be considered as the great business,...

“Creation and Wisdom: Three Themes” by Philip McMillion

Distinguish between key concepts and subordinate ideas. Concisely summarize these The key concept of ‘Creation and Wisdom’ by Phillip McMillion is that creation plays a vital part for a minimum of three ways in the acumen of the Old Testament: Wisdom and ethics, wisdom and idolatry, wisdom and praise. The...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Life and Destiny

This paper is a literary essay on Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee. The book reveals a passion and lust, racial hatred and violence, and loneliness and despair that pursue heroes all their life resulting in deep reflections about life, its meaning, and destiny. The story describes the South African community...

Birds Starvation and Death in Alaska

The article under consideration Thousands of Birds Found Dead along Alaskan Shoreline is written by Seth Kovar and Steve Almasy. It addresses the relevant issue, namely the death of the birds in Alaska because of starvation. However, it should be highlighted that the primary reason is somewhere deeper. The major...

Christopher Columbus and His Discoveries

The amazing discoveries of Christopher Columbus made him one of the most well-known explorers in the history of humanity. His voyages have contributed immensely to the sociological and economic development of our society and certainly changed the course of history forever. The persona of Christopher Columbus, his travels, discoveries, and...

Workplace Immigrant Discrimination: Opportunities and Challenges

The paper aims at examining an article about the peculiarities of immigrant discrimination in the workplace written by Krings, Johnston, Binggeli, and Maggiori in 2014. The authors introduce two hypotheses about immigrants, identify their roles in local labor markets, and prove that certain cultural, educational, and personal issues are crucial...

Slavery in the American Society

Slavery is one of the historical events that characterize the American society since many people lost their lives in trying to prevent it while others decided to shift to other places, particularly in the neighboring countries owing the conditions that were unfavorable to human survival. Through an analysis of the...

Individual Legal Personality in International Law

The individual is considered as a legal personality when one becomes involved in a legal system and gains particular rights and obligations. The question of whether the legal status can be obtained by individuals on an international basis attracted the attention of many commentators. All people were claimed to be...

Personal Worldview Inventory – Philosophy

Understanding a personal worldview is not an easy task, and every person has his/her own time to get outside of this issue. I try to stay consequent in all my discussions not to confuse people and not to be confused by myself. As soon as spirituality is discussed in terms...

The Animals Images in “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

Symbolizing animals is an old practice that persists in modern literature. However, making the symbols too obvious is not considered professional. For example, attributing archetypal feline qualities to a woman or parallelizing cats and witchcraft is considered cheap (Hannah 4). Thus, we can configure that labeling a dog with the...

Social Networking: Privacy and Surveillance

Internet sites and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, among others, have created new revolutionary ways to communicate, socialize, and interact. Other powerful mobile and web-based applications have also been developed for almost every social aspect of human life: From Uber, which helps users to get...

Pets Effects on Their Owners’ Health

The decision to have a pet animal is traditionally far from being rushed; quite on the contrary, the potential owners of a house animal weigh all pros and cons carefully prior to having one. Moreover, a range of people have prejudice against pets, such as the fear of losing it...

Leadership Styles: Garry Kelly in Southwest Airlines

Introduction Existing scholarship shows that leaders, through their leadership styles, approaches and practices, have the capacity to positively or negatively influence outcomes for their respective business organizations, employees, customers and stakeholders. Indeed, in the turbulent business environment of the 21st century, many organizations have managed to remain competitive courtesy of...

Global Supply Chain Management

International business is impossible without proper supply chain networks. Global logistics are critical towards delivering quality products to different consumers. The term supply chain “refers to the processes involved in the distribution of different commodities” (Done, 2011, p. 3). Businesspeople should therefore use the best practices in order to have...

Jews – Permanent Record in an Impermanent World

A story titled “A Permanent Record in an Impermanent World” can be considered a legend, as it tells of events that took place in relation to history and the development of people. The arrival of Jews to Kaifeng was one of the major impacts on the Jewish people in their...

Research and Development (R&D) Process at Unilever

Product development Product development has been defined as the process of creating new or dissimilar features that provides new or extra benefits to consumers. This could involve alteration of the prevailing product, its appearance, or design of a completely new product that gratifies a newly identified consumer preference or market...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Petroleum Products Problem in the USA

America’s overdependence on petroleum products is one of the main reasons for the sluggish economy. The cost of importing crude oil creates a trade deficit, and it increases the debt burden of the United States. Also, policymakers must explore other sources of energy because petroleum products contribute to the degradation...

Healing Hospitals: the Holistic Medicine Principles

Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Introduction Healing Hospitals are institutions that support the principles of the holistic medicine. This type of medical care is base on the combination of the physical treatment with the belief in the spirituality as an important part of the treatment process. In the modern framework...

Do Child Toys Restrict Criteria for Gender?

There are various ideas raised by various authors portraying the distinct or somewhat similar attributes in regards to how gender is formed. Feminism arises where such factors of social, political, and economic boundaries are addressed. In a bid to evaluate and demonstrate how authors portray gender in their writings, this...

Strategic Compensation in Employees Management

Are employees more likely to favor defined contribution plans over defined benefit plans? Defined benefit plans provide benefits for the retirement which are established by a certain formula.  The formula includes calculations based on the number of years a person spent working for the company multiplied by the monthly sum...

Problems Facing the Caribbean Societies

The Caribbean societies face several problems, which are attributable to the legacies of the system of slavery, including male marginalization, violence, crime, gender issues, and male identity. During slavery, the Caribbean societies suffered the most since they were the targets of colonialists given the productivity of their lands and the...

Ethical and Moral Philosophy: Opinions Difference

Abelard and Heloise shared most of their beliefs. They both explored the concepts of moral intentions and feelings. The most significant and meaningful teaching of Heloise was the one about disinterested love, where the true love was determined by the generosity of the lovers and the ability to love someone...

“The Miser” by Jean-Baptist Moliere

“The Miser” is a 1668 five-act comedy of manners by a French playwright Jean-Baptist Moliere. Being first staged at the Palais Royal in 1668, this play is popular among contemporary theatre lovers, who are not less indignant at avarice and inhumanity of Harpagon, the miser and the main protagonist of...

Religion Philosophy: Right and Wrong Beliefs

From the point of view of Hinduism samsara is a cycle of being born, living, dying and then being re-born again. This cycle will repeat many times, while the person is tied up by their own karma, which is the law of causes and consequences that determine an individual’s quality...

Jorge Borges Collection of Short Stories

The collection of short stories named Ficciones can throw a light on the way in Jorge Borges perceives the meaning of writing and its role in the life of an individual. In order to illustrate these issues, one can examine such works as The Garden of Forking Paths and Pierre...

“Moving to U.S. and Amassing a Fortune, No English Needed”

This essay discusses Kirk Semple’s article, Moving to U.S. and Amassing a Fortune, No English Needed. The article discusses the increase in the number of wealthy “Americans” who, ironically, cannot speak English. Precisely, the writer uses Felix Sanchez, a Mexican, who crossed to America in 1970 and amassed lots of...

Justice System: Due Process of Law

It is paramount to note that the availability and application of due process of law are equally important for both criminal justice system and the civil justice system. The reasoning behind this statement is that one of the main principles of this legal requirement is that every individual needs to...

An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village by Elizabeth Fernea

Response to the book Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village The book written by Elizabeth Fernea illustrates the situations when a person is placed outside his/her own culture. The author illustrates those cases when a person has to confront various behavioral norms. For example, the writer...

Immigration Law in Arizona: Main Concepts

American policy-makers attempt to develop regulations that can minimize the negative effects of illegal immigration. Much attention is currently paid to the legislation which was adopted in Arizona in 2010. It enables police officers to detain people, who might be staying in the United States illegally, without a warrant. Additionally,...

Literature Studies: “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan

The fiction involves being imaginative or inventive; it is characterized by losing touch with the aspects of reality. Fiction is based on illusions, and an individual who acts based on fiction lacks pragmatism. Two Kinds by Amy Tan focuses on the relationship between a mother, and her daughter, the mother...

Obamacare Policy-Making in the Federal System

More often than not, the structure of the government in the United States makes it quite daunting to effectively implement policies, especially the policies that are developed at the federal level. One of the policies that have been subjected to criticism and failed to live up to the expectations of...

Sexual-Orientation Oppression in “Now That I Am Forever with Child” and “Condition XXI”

Living in the ‘white’ American society, African Americans experience the consequences of prejudice and discriminating actions not only because of their race but also because of a range of associated factors. Thus, the issues of race discrimination towards African Americans are closely connected with gender and sexual orientation issues. In...

“Trifles” by Susan Glaspell Literature Analysis

The short story by Susan Glaspell is full of flat and round characters. There is a reason why the authors crated both flat and round characters. This is a typical formula used by writers. This is because there is not enough space to develop characters and for readers to empathize...

The Play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Hamlet and Ophelia both exhibit insanity, but for different reasons and in their own degree. Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, presents an enthralling view on lunacy and the individual mind. It presents a sharp contrast when comparing two characters, Hamlet and Ophelia. Claudius kills Hamlet’s father and takes his crown. He further...

Can Future Success in a Skill Be Predicted?

Generalization today is one of the most frequently discussed issues. Developing stereotypes is a form of judging that is typical for our way of thinking as humans. This ability helped the humanity survive till present days. In ancient times, judgment and stereotypes were one of the major helpers of people....

Gun Control and School Shootings

Abstract The adoption of stricter gun control laws can be useful for reducing the risk of shootings in various educational organizations. In particular, this policy can prevent students from taking firearms without proper authorization. Additionally, this approach can ensure that a person with firearms cannot enter schools or colleges. It...

“The Day of the Locust” by Nathanael West Literature Analysis

Nathanael West’s novel, The Day of the Locust, depicts the story of the lives of people who live in the fantasies of their dreams. They dream of a life full of luxury with lots of money to crown their happiness, yet such a life seems unachievable. This creates a phenomenon...

Women in Society of Three Plays Literature Analysis

The position of women in society was always determined by the attitude of men to this issue. Women were never considered as the persons with the developed abilities to rule and to have much property. Moreover, the history of the social and personal relations between men and women approves the...

Literature: “On being brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley

Introduction The poem “On being brought from Africa to America” by Wheatley elicits mixed reactions from readers. Wheatley was a slave Negro girl. She lived between 1753 and 1784. She spent her childhood years with a wealthy Boston family. However, unlike other slaves, her masters taught her how to read...

“King Lear” by William Shakespeare

One of the great things about William Shakespeare’s plays is that he was usually able to offer insight into the psychology of his characters. The dramatic play King Lear is no exception. Intended to be performed before an Elizabethan audience, the main action of the game follows the path of...

Literary Analysis of “A Rose for Emily” by W. Faulkner

An American writer William Faulkner is famous for his short stories which described events taking place in the so-called Yoknapatawpha Count, which is recognized to be a non-existent city. Thus, one of his short stories, namely A Rose for Emily is an issue which is to be discussed below. The...

“Felix Randal” by Gerard Manley Hopkins Literature Analysis

Felix Randal grew up like any other person, normal. Normal in that amongst his peers, he could be loved and cherished, and that he could also grow up to be hated or be hateful. The narrator tells his story and tries to explore and bring out the various facets of...

Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue”

In the story, Mother Tongue, Amy Tan, the author, highlights the problems that children raised by immigrant parents go through as they grow. Having born just a few years after her parents settled in California from China, Tan grew in an environment where spoken English was different from the conventional...

Global Warming: Car Emissions Effects

Introduction The purpose of my PSAs was to answer the question on how the car emissions affect the global warming. It has been noted that in the UK, the environmental problems, such as these emissions, cause various health problems to the people. The emission by the cars is seen to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Which Country Should the US Invest in, Australia or Mexico?

Introduction A firm’s decision to invest in a foreign country is normally motivated by the need to increase profits by exploiting specific advantages available in another country. The firm must consider the micro-economic factors such as the technology available, its marketing skills and its ownership advantages prior to investing in...

America’s Agriculture in the Period of 1865-1938

Agriculture is the key sector in America that has conquered global exports in the world. Currently, America has put in great agricultural thought in the world. This paper analyzes America’s contribution in prevention of natural calamities, decline of soil quality, promotion of production outlay and provision of sufficient food. According...

Historical Literary Survey on Modern Theatre and Drama

Introduction Historical literary surveys about modern theatre and drama are mainly based on the arguments relating to author, the masterpiece, or the period in consideration. Studies on literary surveys about modern theatre are aimed at offering concise explanation and critical consideration of important aspects of literary discussion terms such as...

Plan of the Party for Friend

A party is always the best way to communicate with your friends in the informal atmosphere, to discuss many interesting topics, and have a lot of fun. A good party is also the best way to entertain your friends and the excellent chance to share some good news with a...

Aspects of Kenya Economy

Kenya is a country that is located in the East African region. It borders Uganda to its west, Somalia to the east, Ethiopia to the north, Tanzania to the south and the Indian Ocean along its southeastern coast. It has a population of approximately 40 million people, according to the...

President Bill Clinton’s Biography

President Clinton’s eight-year term as the president of the United States of America was certainly the most concurrently contentious and effective presidency in America’s history. He was respected for his economic and social policies and received criticism for his moral selections. I admired his administration strategy, where he used public...

Present Interpretation of the Term Lying

Introduction Criticized by ancient philosophers, lying has become an inherent trait of modern community. An episode from The Andy Griffith Show about Mr. McBevee demonstrates the complexity of the modern concept of lying and deception which requires taking into account not only the individual’s motives in telling a lie, but...

Parents Bear Responsibility for the Recreational Rioter – Psychology

The riots that broke out in London on August 4, 2011 shocked the British society and the world at large. The violence, aggression, destructive behavior and looting displayed by the youth have elicited varied reactions and explanations from the public. That level of violence and destruction was not expected, even...

“Salt” by Phillip Noyce Film Analysis

Salt is a 2010 movie directed by Phillip Noyce and starring Angelina Jolie and Live Schreiber. Depicting a story of a CIA agent Evelyn Salt, this thriller film is based upon the suspicion that the main female character is a Russian spy. The plot of the movie contains plenty of...

The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring Film Analysis

The lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is an adventure, adaptation, action or a fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson and released in the year two thousand and one. It is an epic adventure in prehistoric times that contrasts the moral vs. malicious forces and role of...

Mitsubishi Motors’ Automobile Advertising

The goal of captivating the readers’ attention was successfully achieved by the designers of an advertisement for Mitsubishi Motors auto which was printed in MensHealth in February, 2011. Appealing to the viewers’ desire to feel safety through protection from the surrounding, on the one hand, and the audience’s fear of...

Granting Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants in USA

Introduction The issue of illegal immigration in the United States has attracted substantial controversy with a large faction of the U.S. population supporting deportation and an equally large group calling for the government to grant them amnesty. During former President Bush’s regime, the president had pushed for the immigration reform...

Young American Males and Filibustering in the Age of Manifest Destiny by Robert May

The author, May has tried to convince his readers about the effects ‘filibustering’ had on the American citizens. In his article “Young American males and filibustering in the age of Manifest Destiny: the United States Army as a cultural mirror” in The Journal of American History, published in 1991, May...

Changing or Unchanging Phenomena

The view of Heraclitus regarding the nature of reality depends on the vision that the reality’s basic element is fire. Fire is characterized by the ceaseless change determining the reality. This change is also based on the logos as a cosmic order. The view is rather reasonable because it addresses...

Electronic Health Records Systems

The purpose of the program Over the past years, the industrial giants have invested heavily in computerization in the world. However, despite such global developments, patients’ data are still recorded manually while the prescriptions are hand-written. In fact, patients still report to the receptionist for any inquiries or seek an...

Ethics Issues: Personal Responsibility

Introduction The enthusiasm for admitting the significance of values that societies set for personal behavior is referred to as personal responsibility. It entails making active personal determinations to live based on the values. In fact, it also means that when a person fails to meet the anticipated values, he/she does...

Financial Projections for Entrepreneurship in Food Industry

Running a restaurant, especially in the area known for its high competition rates among the local food production companies, particularly, the fast food industries, is not an easy task. However, by defining the profits and losses that the company is likely to witness in the first year of its operation...

Organ Donation: Possibilities, Threats and Legal Issues

Abstract There has always been an air of controversy around organ and tissue donation. At some points, religion intruded the field of medicine, claiming that brain death and the Catholic definition of death did not quite coincide and, therefore, the person who is considered dead by medical experts might not...

Psychology: Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and creative thinking are two forms of thinking that characterize creativity, originality, innovation, reflection, and deep comprehension of reality. Creative thinking refers to the process of developing original ideas that require further explication for full comprehension. On the other hand, critical thinking refers to the process of reflecting, evaluating,...

Roadrunner Sport Company’s Social and Digital Media

Introduction Roadrunner Sports was founded by Michael Gottfredson in 1983. The organization is located in California with various retail stores in San Diego, Washington, Georgia, and Virginia. The organization is involved in charity work through activities such as offering sponsorships and donations to the needy. The organization has embraced the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

World Trade Organization and Doha Declaration

The landmark multilateral agreement at the Bali conference in Indonesia under the umbrella of the WTO remains a major achievement of the Doha Declaration. The ministers had agreed to adopt about 50 decisions on different issues such as agriculture, investment measures, textile and clothing, technical red tapes to trade, and...

Shangri-La Hotels Company Management

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is a deluxe hotel chain that operates in Eastern Asia, the United States, Australia, and Europe. There are several competencies of this orthe ganization which need to be discussed. The main strength of this institution is its ability to take into account the cultural backgrounds of...

How to Travel With a Teenager?

Most families get time to spend together only during vacations when they travel for leisure or just as a way of enhancing the bonding among the family members. Before a person pack for a vacation, it is important to look for a good and affordable destination. It is not always...

Communication Process and Behavior

Introduction Managing a project means being able to coordinate the work of several teams and make sure that every single member has unique roles and responsibilities (Sanghera, 2014). Apart from the aforementioned element, the process of project management involves the need to manage the communication processes that occur at different...

Workplace Harassment

The workplace is a network of people that all have different personalities and understanding of ethics. Some employees might behave and feel strongly about others and their actions, whereas individual people can be working alone without paying much attention to anyone else. Workplace harassment can be on many bases—gender, racial...

Project Management Selection and Initiation

Starting a project aimed at addressing a specific problem is the first step towards improving the overall performance of the organization (Kerzner, 2014). A project, however, needs to comply with a set of specific standards, which concern determining goals, objectives, criteria and expected outcomes. Although the research conducted by Wan...

“Meet You in Hell” by Les Standiford

Les Standiford managed to create a composition where history can be read as easily and thrilling as a good novel. A captivating double biography of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick is merged with the history of the Foundation of American Industry and the ruthless steelworkers’ uprising that turned two...

Snapple Juice Company Marketing Strategies

In terms of distribution infrastructure, the company owns over one hundred and seventy distribution centers within the U.S and twenty-three within Mexico with its warehouses operating within the proximity of the bottling plants. This in effect means that the company utilizes its network, convenience stores, and supermarkets for the purposes...

Ecological Problems in “the Human Footprint” Documentary

The Main Problem The main problem the filmmaker addresses is the impact of human activities on their environment. The environment includes the external physical environment and the internal environment: the human body. The various parts of the movie show how different actions that human beings do on daily basis impact...

Loneliness Causes – Psychology

Loneliness is a serious problem of the contemporary world. Lots of people of all ages are suffering from the inability to find a suitable partner and arrange own love life. Settling down is a big issue. Maintaining successful interpersonal relationship and being in a couple has become so difficult that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nutrition: How to Prepare Scrambled Eggs?

Our life consists of millions of actions and processes which we perform every day. Usually, we do them unconsciously, without even thinking about them or taking into account some peculiarities of their behavior. However, each process has its algorithm according to which it carries. Peculiarities of this algorithm determine the...

Food Across Cultures: Asida (Jamza) Meal Project

The modern world has been under the influence of the process of globalization for many decades. The consequences of this process are the increasing range of interactions between representatives of various cultures. The borders between different countries are being erased and multiple waves of immigration are hitting most of the...

Infinite Regression in Franz Kafka’s Works

The concept of infinite regression plays an important role in philosophy and epistemology. In many cases, this notion can be used to highlight the limitations of human cognition and people’s inability to learn the truth about reality. Furthermore, it is particularly suitable for describing contradictions that an individual is not...

Malaysia’s Inflation

The move by Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government to apply cuts on subsidies in 2013 to reduce Malaysia’s fiscal deficit and high debt burden is part of the reason for the faster increase in prices of essential commodities. So high was the inflation that the consumer price index surpassed the...

Consumer Science: Anna Quindlen’s “Why Stuff is not Salvation”

Exposition analysis Acquiring much stuff for pleasure and prestige does not amount to happiness. Anna Quindlen’s “Why Stuff is not Salvation” highlights how consumerism has taken precedence in the American society. The need to acquire more stuff as a sign of wealth has been emulated by the American citizens without...

London Heathrow Airport Price Control

The site at west London has been a point of controversy in regards to the cost charged to airlines that use the facility (Sky News par. 1). While the price cap instituted to the Heathrow airport operator may be justified in several ways, it is pertinent to mention that price...

Aristotle’s Views on Ethics

In this paper, I will present Aristotle’s ethical views, how they apply to humanity and the purpose of studying ethics. First, I will explain the notion of “eudaimonia,” according to Aristotle. Then I will elaborate on the goals of Ethics as a study and the use of main principles of...

Preparing Students for College

College life often presents formidable challenges and anxieties to many fresh students. Ideally, the first year should not present any difficulties at all to students apart from the nitty-gritty’s of socialization and the usual cultural shock in the event that a student comes from overseas. However, many fresh students will...

What It Means to Be Successful?

What is Success? Is it directly proportional to happiness or is it simply achieving everything that you ever desired? Success is within the mind of a person and it means different things to different people (Knoch 376). It takes different definitions with different interpretations. Many hold the idea that success...

Substance Abuse: How Much Is Enough?

Sociocultural determinants of substance abuse Drug and substance abuse is caused by many factors that include environmental, age, race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income level and socioeconomic class (Howinson, 2005). Socioeconomic determinants that determine substance abuse include peer pressure, family influence, social networks, and societal attitudes towards substance use....