The Advocacy Model in the Diseases Problem Addressing

Addressing the problem of communicable diseases (CD) within a community requires the use of an efficient leadership technique that allows for a fast dissemination of data among community members and the promotion of a rapid behavior change. Because of the ubiquitous nature of CD, it is critical to build awareness...

Nature’s Best Pet Food Brand’s Target Market

This paper is dedicated to the study of the target market for a new pet food brand called Nature’s Best, which is soon launching on the market. This brand’s high quality and focus on natural ingredients will soon make it the favorite dish of every pet. In general, an audience-focused...

Fred Stern & Company’s Case

Briefly summarize the key events surrounding the case The key events surrounding the case of Fred Stern & Company, Inc include the acts that restricted the rights of auditors and plaintiffs making the case really complicated. As such, any company can make a financial statement which contains some errors while...

Western Imperialism in the Early 20th Century

Should the field of history be mainly left to the professional historians to research and debate among themselves, or is it important for everyone to study history? In my opinion, everyone needs to learn the history and not leave research and debate over it only to professional historians. Every person...

“The Originator” by LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs

Introduction The poem “the originator” by LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs is an example of free-verse and a worthy representative of the modern American popular culture. It is a part of her book “TwERK,” printed in 2013. The author’s origin from Harlem has probably influenced her literary style, introducing the signs...

Saudi Aramco Company’s Work-Life Balance & Culture

Relation to previous research Numerous studies have been conducted to demonstrate how work-life balance influences employee performance. However, little research exists to demonstrate how HR managers may use the work-life balance to develop an effective organizational culture that will bring competitive efficiencies to the organization. There is some empirical evidence...

Brazil’ Poverty and Inequality

The high level of poverty witnessed in Brazil has a close relationship with the forced movement of black immigrants into the country to provide labour in farms and mining industries. The promotion of agendas to create a predominantly white population in cities such as Sao Paolo created a culture of...

Internet-Based Psychotherapy as an Innovative Tool

Introduction The use of evidence-based innovations in the healthcare sector has significantly improved patients’ access to quality and safe health services (Pedersen & Johansen, 2012). Based on the effects of innovation on the healthcare practice, it is essential for nurse leaders to evaluate them and promote innovations that have a...

Stress Control Measures to Prevent Nursing Burnout

Nursing fatigue is a serious problem that threatens patient safety as the former cannot provide adequate health care services while they lack job satisfaction. The recent studies by Bragard, Dupuis, and Fleet (2015) and Estryn-Behar, Van der Heijden and the NEXT Study Group (2012) indicate the importance of implementing stress...

Sociological Imagination Theory

Sociological Imagination and Its Importance The sociological imagination is a theory that links the behavior of an individual at the micro level to the society in which he/she lives, at the macro level. The concept was introduced by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959 and was defined as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Antiseizure Medications and Antipsychotic Drugs

Seizures: Pathophysiology and Best Approaches. Drugs Implemented in Treatment A seizure (also known as an epileptic fit) is a clinical manifestation of a brain abnormality that comes from its excessive electrical activity typical of diseases that bear the collective name of epilepsy. Outwardly, they may manifest themselves in the form...

Professional Organizations and Ethics in Nursing

Professional organizations in nursing The given article dwells upon the role of professional organizations in nursing, reviewing their activities from the historical perspective. The author sums up the key features of the profession, provides a list of organizations formed since 1873, and classifies them according to their activities (Matthews, 2012)....

Sex without Love: by Sharon Olds

Literature has always served people to convey their feelings and emotions. It is a very powerful remedy which helps authors show their attitude towards some issue and make people think about it. That is why it is obvious that much attention in the literature is devoted to the issue of...

Third-Party Payments in Healthcare Field

Third-party payments are arguably the most important factor that determines the cost of medical treatment in the United States. They are responsible for increasing the price of treatment and thus rendering health care services inaccessible to many Americans. Calls for the reduction of treatment expenses primarily major on government policies...

Policy in Nursing and Healthcare

Nurses as Activists Today, many people are involved in the discussions about the roles of nurses and their consideration as activists, who are able to improve modern health care and contribute the solution of nursing challenges that may occur at local, national and even global levels. Taking into consideration the...

Hilton’s Career Development and Employee Motivation

Case Description The case study focuses on Career Development and Employee Motivation Initiatives at Hilton Worldwide. As one of the pioneers in the hospitality industry, Hilton aims to attract and retain the best employees to drive its services and customer excellence. It also promotes a culture of learning to spread...

The 2010 FedEx Global Citizenship Update Video

The pros and cons of the current highway funding structure Highway Trust Fund is the organization through which the government of the United States provides financing to the highways. Over the last few years, the fund failed to keep its balance positive and the Congress passed the bill that authorized...

Personal Responsibility and Its Limits

In my opinion, being responsible means acknowledging the consequences of your actions or choices and being ready to handle them. This is a very broad definition, and numerous concessions must be made, but this is the general guideline for defining responsibility in my book. In this essay, I will mention...

Early Elective Delivery as American Nursing Issue

Introduction Early elective delivery (EED) is a major nursing problem in the United States. The study shows that at least 160,000 of nativities covered by Medicaid are elective deliveries (Bodner, Wierrani, Grunberger, & Bodner-Adler, 2013). Such deliveries pose an immense danger to mothers and children. Besides, the government incurs a...

Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model for Mental Care

In nursing, theories play an important role, showing what has already been achieved, and what kind of work must be done. Dorothy Johnson is one of the prominent nursing theorists, whose behavioral system model is frequently implemented in various clinical and healthcare settings. In this paper, Johnson’s theory will be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Red Scare and Current Counterterrorism Efforts

Introduction It is evident that the phenomenon of Red Scare is among the most important aspects of American history due to its immense impact on social and political life of the country. The influence of this period on the current state of criminological policymaking in the United States could also...

Arizona Department of Transportation Permitting Process

In the modern world, the importance of effective transport systems is extremely high since mobility has become one of the key values in business and everyday life. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) belongs to the number of governmental organizations in the United States that are responsible for the creation...

Stylistics: Content Analysis Concept

Content analysis is a term used to refer to the act of altering the symbolic composition of a document from qualitative form to quantitative form. Content analysis may also be described as an example of coding. Coding means compiling similar elements or behaviors into a reduced number of categories. It...

Courtney & Carter Reum’s Company Going Green

How far should Courtney and Carter Reum go in their efforts to be “green”? Going green is one of the most effective strategies that organizations use to gain a competitive edge. It involves using energy, water, and other resources efficiently, with the aim of reducing the impact of organizations’ operations...

Culture and Values Role in Societies and Organizations

Introduction Culture refers to a collection of behaviors, traditions, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that distinguish a society or an organization from another. Culture determines the rules that should govern the way a firm or an organization should operate in a particular environment. Values refer to the central viewpoints that inspire...

Personality Preservation Throughout Life

Introduction At different stages of their lives, people can be very different. As time passes, their experience, knowledge about the outside world, reactions, and behaviors undergo numerous major changes. Moreover, as a result of the constantly occurring process of metabolism, all the individual atoms or molecules constituting a person’s body...

Ethical Terrorist Elimination in the United States

Terrorism is one of the most important issues to resolve in the modern world since it usually involves a high number of victims. It could be said that its central goal is to evoke chaos, misbalance, and panic in the society. In this instance, terrorism violates the rights of the...

“To Kill a Mockingbird” a Novel by Harper Lee

The novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is full of examples of courage, but it has the examples of the exemplar cowardice as well. Cowardice has different forms in the novel. The first example of cowardice is the behavior of Mayella Ewell. She has no friends, and her...

Breastfeeding Quality Improvement Project

Tending to the needs of newborns represents a particular challenge for a nurse since the specified demographic is especially vulnerable to a vast variety of threats. Therefore, ensuring that the breastfeeding process remains consistent and that newborns are provided with a sufficient amount of nutrients during it are crucial steps....

Healthcare Workforce and Human Resource Management

Human resource management is an essential part of the healthcare industry due to the increased demand for qualified medical professionals. The case study of the CEO’s report of General City Hospital demonstrates important shifts and obstacles of the current healthcare system. CEO’s statement was mainly focused on describing relevant key...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Affordable Care Act and Its Implications

Status of One of the IOM Recommendations The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has introduced multiple changes to the healthcare system of the United States, supposedly improving access to health-related services. The regulation allowed implementing improvements at a range of levels, including legal and financial ones (“The Affordable Care Act turns...

Psychotherapeutic Group with Depressive Disorder

This manual is developed for a closed psychoeducational group of young adults aged 20-25 years old with the symptoms of the depressive disorder. The document is aimed at the effective organization of group work for interpersonal communication, exchange of feelings and thoughts between the members of the group to teach...

Chronic Illnesses and Nursing Interventions

A substantial proportion of the American population suffers from the impact of chronic illnesses (Mauk, 2013). Effects of such diseases tend to exacerbate as a person ages and can result in a wide range of problems in various spheres of life of older people. A family of a person of...

Healthcare Information Technology Plan and Structure

How does a healthcare company’s IT area ensure that its information technology plan is aligned to the strategic plan and activities of the organization? Healthcare company’s IT area is the foundation of the transition to conducting personalized statistical reporting in the health care sector. IT solutions allow conducting a personalized...

Sex Impact on Male and Female Everyday Behavior

The results reported in numerous research papers indicate that there are considerable differences between the sexual responses of males and females (Weiten, 2010). These discrepancies occur at different stages of the sexual response cycle. One of the most interesting pieces of data is the experience of orgasm in men versus...

Supervision in Human Services and Its Legal Aspects

The article ‘Damages for Indirect Patent Infringement’ by Dmitry Karshtedt was published in 2014. The author reveals the existing legal issue in supervision in the field of human services, which is vicarious liability. Moreover, the author claims that in the majority of patent infringement circumstances, the only useful method by...

Health Issues Affecting Latinos and African Americans

Introduction Communities all over the world are affected by different health issues and diseases due to a number of factors, including community and family stressors, prevailing socioeconomic factors, and existing community resources. These factors are known to lead to health inequalities that directly impact the lives of community members in...

Childhood Obesity and Self-Care Deficit Theory

Theoretical Framework Among all factors that affect obesity, eating habits and lifestyles can be deemed the ones that have the greatest effect on the development of the problem. Therefore, it is reasonable to suggest that changing the child’s behavior and habits as far as the physical activities and a diet...

Developmental Care for Type 1 Diabetes

Chronic illnesses are common health challenges because they occur throughout an individual’s life (Kralik, Paterson, & Coates, 2010). The improvements in the quality of healthcare have seen many children who would have otherwise succumbed to chronic illnesses grow into adulthood (Kralik & Van Loon, 2009). Therefore, there is a need...

“Good Life” From an Ethical Perspective

What is a Good Life? The question of what constitutes a good life was pursuing humanity since the dawn of time. However, as humankind developed and formed societies, the definitions of a good life needed to be assessed, as definitions solely through materialistic possessions were not only inaccurate, but also...

Cloud Computing Models and Services

Such components as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and IDaaS are essential for any Cloud computing system because they make it easier for users to access important files, regardless of his or her location. The following work will present and cover particular functions and working methods of these services. In turn, this...

Whirlpool Company’s Strategic Sourcing

How can we weigh the performance criteria in Exhibit 2? Exhibit 2 shows the various performance criteria that can be used to evaluate the potential supplier’s performance. It also provides factors that constitute the mark for each criterion. For instance, potential supplier’s quality should be determined by a range of...

Transgender Patients and Health Care Challenges

Limited Access to Health Care One of the challenges encountered by transgender patients refers to the lack of adequate access to healthcare services. As noted by Cruz (2014), they have to face stigma while assessing the primary care that is expressed in diagnosing and using the medical language. Based on...

John Dewey’s Naturalism and Pragmatism in Education

John Dewey is undoubtedly one of the most important American philosophers and educators. The consistency of his worldview and wide-ranging theories are the key characteristics of his work that make him so appealing to new generations of educators. Dewey’s naturalism and pragmatism led him to develop a doctrine that promised...

Miami Nursing Community’s Position Letter to Legislator

Dear Legislator, I am writing this letter on behalf of the nursing community of Miami, Florida, in order to address the most troubling concern in regards to our healthcare system. As it is a matter of legislation, we have to rely on your wisdom and political acumen to change the...

The Third Psychological Stage by Erik Erikson

The third psychological stage discussed by Erikson deals with initiative and guilt; it commonly occurs during the time children are 4-6 years old (UGA Social Work Student, 2009). Kids start to initiate activities, holding the leading role that gives the power to make decisions. It is significant to give children...

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Its Threats

At the edge of centuries, the world faced great changes. The tendencies in war also became different. A shift of power resulted in the increase of substate groups influence (Medina, & Hepmer, 2013). One of the biggest and the most influential terrorist organizations today is the Islamic State of Iraq...

Ethical Issues and Strategies in Nursing Practice

Introduction The nursing profession presents nurses with ethically complex situations on a daily basis. The need to resolve these situations places an additional emotional strain on employees and can lead to flawed decisions. The following paper is a review of a study by Park (2009) that identifies the most common...

Equal Pay Act for American Women

The Equal Pay Act (EPA) was established by the American government in 1963. This law requires equal wages or salaries for every resident of the country, regardless of gender. The following paper is a literature review on the topic of the Equal Pay Act’s validity in the United States of...

Visuo-Motor Coordination Deficits and Motor Impairments

Physio-Neuro Therapy Physio-neuro therapy is a novel concept, which is derived from the realization that the individual’s intellect converses inside itself through neuronal paths. For children with learning challenges, the paths do not bond appropriately. Therefore, physio-neuro therapy entails re-training the paths. Research has shown that re-training enhances brain functionality....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pneumonic Plague in Nursing Education

Pneumonic plague develops in a person when transmitting airborne droplets through the respiratory system. In the body of the sick, the primary reaction is characterized by the rapid development of multiple foci of inflammation in the lungs (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). The standard control practices, in this case, are keeping...

Active Remediation Algorithm for Water Service in Flint

The Active Remediation algorithm (algorithm 1 – Figure 1) aims to inspect the water service in Flint, Michigan, and identify those lead pipes that need to be replaced by copper pipes. The first step is a Statistical Model that refers to the property data input, including historical records, water test...

Pressure Ulcers Project: Stakeholders and Barriers

In the project under consideration, there are two main groups of stakeholders. On the one hand, nurses are the direct executors of an intervention who have to be properly trained, and, on the other hand, patients are the participants whose health can be measured through the offered intervention (Whitty et...

Patient and Care Plan Creation

Cells It is important to pay attention to the fact that muscle cells have more mitochondria than other cells, including bone ones, because of the necessity to preserve and use a lot of energy while responding to stimuli. From this perspective, muscle cells need many energy resources in the form...

Eliezer’s Struggle in the Book “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Eliezer was brought up in a religious family with a strong reverence to God. However, the harsh and cruel conditions in the Nazi concentration camps coupled with the inhuman experiences at the hands of the Gestapo officers during the Holocaust made Eliezer and other Jews lose faith in God. Nevertheless,...

The Chinese Lesson of Religious Pluralism

Religion is one of the most important constitutes of any culture. The coexistence of many beliefs generates interest, and China is a perfect illustration of this phenomenon. The book by Yang sheds light on various aspects of religion in the country and explains the present-day situation (180). Chapter 8 and...

Ocado Internet Shop and Its Features

The Ocado Internet shop offers online grocery store experience for people living in the UK territory. Ocado was established in the UK over 16 years ago, and it is now serving over 580 000 customers in the country (Ocado Group 2017). The entire shopping process is conducted online, and Ocado...

Nursing: Transitions Theory by Afaf Ibrahim Meleis

Not many patients are able to cope with transitions associated with interventions and interactions. There are many ways to support and guide people, and the theory of transitions is one of the available options. This theory is the result of long and serious work that Afaf Ibrahim Meleis began in...

Theory and Research in Nursing

Quality Literature Review Doing a thorough and careful literature review is essential in any research. By providing a literature review, authors tell readers that they do not neglect the basic rules of their research and rely on other researchers to ensure the quality and relevance of their work (MacDonald, 2014)....

Information Technology in Preschool Structure Change

Memorandum Organizational structure provides the platform for advanced process organization and decision-making. It directly affects the effectiveness of any given organization in completing its goals. Information technology plays an essential part in the organizational process by improving the speed of information transfer and enabling the use of leaner management structures,...

Intimate Partner Violence Against Pregnant Victims

I want to focus on reproductive coercion in IPV. Discussing domestic violence against pregnant women, we should note that the problem significantly increases the risks of obstetric complications in DV victims. These complications may be different, and they are caused both by physical and psychological violence since pregnant women are...

The Star Wars Story, Plot and Characters

The Star Wars story takes place in a galaxy that is going to face numerous threats. The viewers are introduced to main characters, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi that have to complete a mission and meet various allies during their long journey. Damaged by the Federation, their ship needs to...

Patient Safety and Nurse Working Conditions

The report by Committee on the Work Environment for Nurses and Patient Safety (2004) that is now called the Health and Medicine Division proposes the importance of nurse working conditions as a premise for patient safety. Based on a series of national surveys, the report identifies specific guidelines for enhancing...

Recruitment for Customer Service and Manufacturing

There are many options for human resource managers to find skilled employees. However, some methods of recruitment prove more efficient than others. For example, when hiring a customer service assistant, it is important for an HR manager to consider a specific set of qualities for a future worker and choose...

Concept Analysis: Preoperative Anxiety

According to Rodgers’ approach to concept analysis, this process involves seven stages (Foley & Davis, 2017). The third of these phases involves choosing a suitable realm (sample) of data collection. For the selected concept, the process was realized through the review of the literature. Such professional medical databases as MEDLINE,...

Violence Against Women: Importance of the Problem

Violence against women presents one of the most important problems of modern society and there are a lot of researchers who aim to analyze the present situation in order to develop the best solution. In their article, Netto, Moura, Queiroz, Tyrrell, and Bravo (2014) report the results of their research...

Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality

Errors during the medication administration process remain among the leading causes of compromised care quality. An ongoing transformation of care is expected to minimize the adverse impact associated with the activity. The following paper provides an overview of possible applications of a transformation process to the practice of home health...

The Factor Analysis: Definition and Logic

Factor Analysis The logic behind the factor analysis is grouping variables into factors, each of which represents several variables that correlate highly with one another (Field, 2013). Factors, therefore, attempt to explain the maximal quantity of common variance between the original variables by using a lower number of dimensions (Field,...

Nursing Philosophy and Generally Used Practices

The purpose of the following paper is to develop a personal philosophy of nursing based on generally used practices. Such factors as sharing work experience and analyzing the widely used practical models of the present have led to the occurrence of the key concepts of the philosophy. In accordance with...

American Nurse Manager’s Duties in the Future

Considering that the population in the United States is aging, nursing managers need to ensure that hospitals and medical facilities are provided with enough equipment, effective staff, and specialized health care workforce who will be able to address the needs of elderly and frail patients. As Dall et al. (2013)...

Healthcare Agencies’ Challenges and Baby Fae’s Case

Legal Issues Health care agencies can encounter many problems that impact every member and part of their structure. One of these concerns is the growing problem of hospital mergers and legal complications that follow it. Hospitals that decide to merge with other organizations face the challenge of following every legal...

Trinity Hospital’s Ethical Standards in Informatics

When choosing the ethical perspective for the analysis of its options, the Trinity Hospital can decide to be guided by appropriate codes of ethics, which are produced by international or national organizations that specialize in healthcare informatics and medical information management. An example of such code is that by the...

Nudity and Nakedness in Paintings

In his article, Danto suggests two opinions about nudity and nakedness. The first one is concerned with embarrassment – refinement opposition, and the second one focuses on the vulnerability and disgrace of nakedness as opposed to nudity’s serenity and beauty. Danto explains his first viewpoint on the divergence between the...

Senate Bill 42: Effects on Sentencing Principles

The primary goal of this paper is to discover the substantial principles of the Senate Bill 42 in the context of parole and sentencing, as it is one of the important documents in the history of the criminal law. Another goal is to discover its effects on the sentencing principles...

Response-to-Intervention Tiers and Their Features

The response to intervention (RTI) plays a significant role in the school that I attended. This process is essential for helping learners who may underperform due to some reason. Overall, teachers take the three-tiered approach to this task. At the first level, the educators ensure that every child can receive...

Bullwhip Effect and Knowledge Sharing

Bullwhip Effect The bullwhip effect is a name used to describe situations in which a prediction negatively affects the efficiency of the supply chain. It was first described by Jay Forester in 1961. The amplitude of a bullwhip in motion often resembles the effect that forecasts can have on supply...

Evidence-Based Nursing for Practice and Science

Today, using reliable evidence is known to be an effective method to better both theoretical and practical aspects of a particular sphere. In particular, the notion of using evidence is actively promoted in nursing today, and it is shown that it allows for significantly increasing the quality of care that...

Chapters 1-6 of A Short History of Reconstruction

A Critical Summary of the Book: Chapters 1-6 The book “A Short History of Reconstruction, 1863-1877” examines how the Republican government wanted to transform America. The main goal was to have a society that treated former slaves as income earners. The author of the book believes strongly that Reconstruction did...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Plan

The paper indicates reasons for stakeholders in supporting the proposed plan for preventing pressure ulcer occurrence in hospitalized patients at intermediate care units. Patients Stakeholder’s Support Since patients suffer from pressure ulcer symptoms, the level of support will presumably be high if patients are explained why the changes are implemented....

Employee Tardiness in Annual Performance Review

Before the annual review, a manager should prepare by evaluating the performance of the employee based on measurements of productivity used in the company. In the case of employees like Jim who have a tardiness issue, a record of late arrivals should be kept leading up to the meeting. Performance...

Confucianism and Chinese Culture

Introduction Virtually, every country cherish specific codes of ethics that makes them unique and therefore, exceptional. As a code of ethics, Confucianism was adopted amongst the Chinese people as the official religion that inspired faith in the Han, Shang, Zhou, and Xia Dynasties (Yang 245). People across the world have...

Hospital Risk Management and Patient Safety

Governance in hospital risk management entails the commitment of the healthcare providers in carrying out their professional responsibilities in caring for the patient who is exposed to risk and guarantee their safety. According to Carayon (2010), hospital systems are prone to emergencies in operating rooms and intensive care units. Emergency...

Alcohol Consumption in Children and Public Health

Alcohol has long been a big concern for public health, especially alcohol use by children. Undoubtedly, alcohol negatively influences many aspects of life: firstly, health, education, and social relationships. Current research of Sumnall et al. attempts to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a combined classroom curriculum and parental intervention...

Business Performance Measurement: Essential Concepts

Introduction Enhancing the performance of a certain team in a specific business environment implies that the person acting as a change agent is capable of identifying every single variable in the corporate equation. Unless the crucial concepts are identified, creating an efficient team is hardly possible. Therefore, the definitions provided...

“Religion in Chinese Society” by Ch’ing-k’un Yang

Religion has always been an ongoing issue for human society. For centuries people have been trying to define the role it plays in their lives and the extent to which this phenomenon impacts their being. Yet, the attitude to religion in Eastern and Western societies differed greatly. Yang states that...

Letter to a Politician: Migratory Situation

Thank you for the support you provide for our community. I am writing to express my concern over the destabilization of Syria that has led to the mass displacement of people in the region. As I am sure, you are aware that Levantine civilization has long been targeted by the...

The Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms

The proposed study will explore ways to prevent chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). Therefore, the use of the theory of unpleasant symptoms is beneficial for the research. The theory of unpleasant symptoms was developed in 1995 by research nurses (Lopes-Júnior, Bomfim, Nascimento, Pereira-da-Silva, & Lima, 2015). According to this theory,...

Ethics in the American Nurses Association Code

Improving access to care is one of the primary tasks faced by healthcare practitioners all over the world (Currie, Chiarella, & Buckley, 2015). Unfortunately, because of the specifics of certain communities, such as low family income, poor infrastructure, lack of highly qualified healthcare experts, etc., accessing care is fraught with...

Yellowstone National Park’s History and Tourism

The whole idea of a national park was created by a small group of people in the 19th century. Yellowstone was established as the first one in 1872 (Runte 197). It is located in the territories of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. A few years later, more parks were authorized by...

Perioperative Anxiety Implications for Nursing Practice

Apart from some serious medical side effects of perioperative anxiety, several nursing implications can be avoided if a nurse is cautious and professional enough. First of all, nurses need to provide relevant education to their patients. Research indicates that preoperative instruction offered by nurses decreases anxiety (Kalogianni et al., 2015)....

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Therapeutic Alliance Center’ Customer Services Management

Problem Statement Customer service prioritization is the pillar of growth in any organization (Wetzel, Hammerschmidt & Zablah, 2014). Statistics indicate that thirty percent of all businesses fail to succeed because they do not focus on customer service satisfaction (Beckers, Risselda & Verhoef, 2014). Consequently, there is a need for businesses...

Population Health: Creating a Culture of Wellness

The book titled Population health: Creating a culture of wellness provides additional information about the establishment and the evolution of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The act itself was passed in 2010 to reduce the number of uninsured citizens and improve the overall status of the US population health. It...

Nursing Malpractice: Legal and Ethical Implications

Working in the nursing environment means complying with a range of legal and ethical standards that allow increasing the quality of care and meeting the needs of the target population efficiently. The decisions made by nurses may have massive legal implications unless the existing standards of ethics are met. Although...

Nancy Cruzan’s Case in End-of-Life Decision Ethics

When considering a challenging situation of terminating life support, the ethical analysis is applied by both medical personnel and family members to determine the best outcome. Most people feel that such cases require all possible interventions. Morally, it is considered that life-sustaining treatment should be terminated if the chances of...

Dietary Knowledge and Adult Overweight in China

The main idea of the article, on which the authors focus their attention, is obesity and overweight being the rapidly growing threats throughout China. The research question of the article is to find out changes in obesity and overweight rates in China in the period from 2006 to 2011. The...

The Primary Care Units

The primary care units, as well as any health care institution, face multiple challenges in the modern competitive professional world. A significant number of stakeholders involved in primary care services provision encourage the organizations to enhance the quality of their performance. Moreover, a lot of fatal accidents in hospitals could...

Anger and Guilt as Moral Emotions

To establish a foundation for discussion, it is critical to explain the psychological profiles of anger and guilt with the help of examples. The development of anger is driven by a violation of autonomy norms (Doris, 2010). This means that anger is a reaction by an individual to injustice or...

Magnet Recognition Program for Nursing Excellence

In contemporary nursing practice, it is paramount to comply with high-quality professional standards so as to achieve better patient outcomes. There exist several programs aimed at recognizing hospitals adhering to such standards, and the Magnet is one of such programs. The Magnet Recognition Program is an initiative aimed at recognizing...

Natural Death Act and Life-Sustaining Treatment

A natural death act is a form of a living will be supported by a statutory enforcement. The common form of the act is a declaration to withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment in terminal state occurrence. A person must sign it over 18 years of age and in a state...

Consumers’ Choice and Companies’ Responsibility

In spite of threats associated with advertising the unhealthy products and goods that can be harmful to people, it is a primary responsibility of an individual to make a reasonable choice and buy those products that are non-harmful. However, even if a person is ready to make a right choice...

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Picasso, Primitivism, and Anticolonialism by Leighten

Synopsis: Leighten Picasso and other artists of prewar France were fascinated with the cultural and political issues of Africa, which was reflected in their art. Primitivism that was used to portray various social issues and excerpts from the everyday life of African countries could serve not only as an art...

Changes in a Person Analysis

In this essay, I will discuss the changes occurred with my friend whom I have known for over three years. Although we live in the same city, we rarely meet, but often talk on the phone. She runs a small business that provides printing products for various organizations. My friend...

Communicative Gestures in Everyday Conversations

While talking to other people, one may underestimate the effect of their nonverbal expressions. Sometimes the information conveyed by them is arguable more important than what was spoken. When uncontrolled, nonverbal elements can hinder communication, but their deliberate use may enhance the message. This paper will be devoted to gestures...

Public Health Project Creation and Management

The development of any project gives rise to several various concerns. These are related to such issues as the success of the whole process, constant improvement of the performance, and the ability to meet the main participants expectations. The last one is crucial for the further evolution of any project...

Paraphrasing Technique in Learning and Writing

Introduction As opposed to direct citation, summarizing or paraphrasing a writer’s thoughts requires that one must have the capacity to present their understanding of writer’s views and coordinate them all the more consummately into the structure of their composition. Paraphrasing With the concrete end goal to react to others’ writings,...

Healthcare Reform and Nursing Metaparadigm

Possible Impact of Healthcare Reform on the Nursing Metaparadigm The metaparadigm of nursing consists of four concepts: nursing, person, health, and the environment. The concept of nursing is focused on providing care and studying illnesses, health, and their relationship. The concept of the person is a human that is defined...

Social Media’s Effect on Activism and Revolution on the World Stage

Development of social media Reflectively, the source of media reference in this paper is social media use which has surpassed other means of communication. Scholars in the field of communication media are still fully glued to the well distributed channel of communication known as internet to predict and explain the...

Research-Based Practice: JHNEBP Model and Iowa Model

Introduction The process of integrating scientific evidence into nursing practice is critical for ensuring efficient performance. Thus, there is a wide scope of different models developed in order to assist nurses in implementing the relevant knowledge in their work. The paper at hand provides a brief overview of the two...

Healthcare Financing and Drug Addiction

Historical Perspectives on Health Care Financing The healthcare sector is one of the key directions for the development of any country since the health of citizens is an indicator of the success of the current policy. In the modern world, this area has been developed significantly because of numerous breakthroughs;...

Religion in Chinese Society: Confucianism

Confucianism has been proven to be one of the key contributors to the development of the Chinese society. It established the basic principles that guided the operational values for family life, social endeavors, as well as governmental affairs. The Confucianists (scholars trained in the doctrine of Confucianism) were considered the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Blue Horses” by Marc Franz

Marc Franz was an outstanding representative of German expressionism. He created “Blue Horses” in 1911 (“The large blue,” n.d.). The unique style of this work inspires artists throughout the world. The specific atmosphere of “Blue Horses” motivated me to create a painting “Love of a Companion.” The purpose of this...

Cash and Credit Cards, Their Pros and Cons

For most intents and purposes, credit cards are superior to carrying cash. They are more compact and secure and can enable payments over the Internet. The situation for vendors is somewhat different, but credit card readers are becoming increasingly widespread. Nevertheless, many people prefer to use cash instead of cards...

The Data of Annual Salaries: Descriptive Statistics

Methodology The data of annual salaries were collected from a sample of 12 operators (N = 12) in a chemical manufacturing company. The sample of plant operators was selected randomly and annual salaries recorded. Sharpe, De Veaux, and Velleman (2015) assert that sampling of data reduces researchers’ biases in the...

Nurse’s Role as a Medication Prescriber

The delivery of care that is usually offered by nurses has already undergone considerable changes and improvements in the United States. The main developments touched upon the economic situation, the number of medical workers and the quality of their work, and the promotion of healthcare services in different areas (Fong,...

Dementia Patients: Communication Strategy and Techniques

Communication Strategy The research team has suggested a communication technique that is based on the principle of an individualized approach. It implies that communication should be as simple and positive as possible. Importantly, the approach implies avoiding a neutral form of interaction since research has evidenced that it produces a...

Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing

Newly graduated nurse educators such as Aminah Rachedi face myriad challenges in focusing on what nursing students need to know and connecting to them in ways that enhance individual learning needs (Sorrell & Cangelosi, 2015). It is clear from the interactive case study that Rachedi’s volunteer students have diverse learning...

Organizational Missions and Mission Statements

An organization’s mission statement is a crucial document that allows all outside and inside stakeholders to understand long-term plans and goals clearly. While the document is often the first official paper produced by project managers, it is a very labor-consuming matter that requires numerous collaborations and careful evaluation. While writing...

“Sensitive Line” in Interpretation and Personal Experiences

The concept of the sensitive line seems fairly simple at first. Implying that everyone has a psychological defense mechanism that is activated once something or someone jeopardizes the existence of a person’s ideal image of self, the sensitive line explains the source of numerous interpersonal conflicts occurring in all domains...

Science, Nursing, and Knowledge Base Expansion

The concept of normal science seems to be crucial in the realm of nursing since it promotes the further improvement of patient outcomes and the enhancement of knowledge and skills acquisition among nurses. The emphasis on the exploration of the existing opportunities and the use of research as the tool...

Social Cognitive Theory in Advanced Nursing Practice

One of the behavior change theories that have been employed in advanced nursing practice is the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). SCT considers the complexities of human behavior, suggesting that multiple internal and external factors are at play when a person learns something new (Middleton, Hall, & Raeside, 2018; Spear, 2016)....

The Learning of Medical Students

Summary Assignments created to assess the learning of medical students are targeted at identifying whether the students demonstrate the expected behaviors, developed new abilities or values, acquired new knowledge with regards to the medical practice and were overall successful after completing an educational program. To assess the student learning at...

Parental Engagement in Special Education

The teaching process is often hard and complex. It should ensure students receive the information in the best possible way. Usually, teaching is viewed as being universal and having a similar structure throughout all institutions. However, every student is different, and it is crucial to use a unique approach with...

Post-Partum Depression and Perinatal Dyadic Psychotherapy

A Response to Ryan Ryan, you answer all six questions to the case in a comprehensive and detailed manner, which makes it easier to keep track of logic chains helping to find the right answers. Discussing the third question about the aspects to be clarified during further interviews, you focus...

Therapeutic Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest

Introduction Therapeutic hypothermia is widely used to enhance the survival of patients. This technique is used to protect the brain after successful resuscitation. Health care specialists perform body hypothermia up to 32-34° C using a cooling catheter that is typically administered into the femoral vein. In addition, external cooling can...

Earthquake Bed Product in the Italian Market

An earthquake bed is a new product that elicited mixed reactions from the general public. However, it is highly necessary to assess the probability of the success of launching this product in a specific country. There are several factors that have to be considered. The main goal of this paper...

Jovian Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Introduction Also known as the gas giants, Jovian planets are the four celestial bodies that comprise the outer planets of the solar systems. These are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The name gas planets do not imply that the planets consist of gases through a significant portion of the planet...

HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Miami, Florida

This paper aims at discussing HIV/AIDS as one of the most serious and dangerous health problems in the United States, as well as in the whole world. The evaluation of this epidemiological problem is based on the statistical data gathered from such world-known organizations as the Centers for Disease Control...

Heart Failure Readmission: Evidence-Based Project

Introduction Heart failure (HF) is a clinical symptom that occurs when impairment of ventricular filling prevents the heart from properly maintaining blood flow (ACCF/AHA, 2013). A recent report issued by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2016) reveals that almost 5.7 million American adults suffer from the disease. Moreover,...

Patients with Dementia: Communication Techniques

Discussion The article “Pilot testing an educational intervention to improve communication with patients with dementia” states that one-quarter of all patients over 75 years old have a secondary diagnosis of dementia. Also, it states that by the year 2040, the diagnosis is likely to become twice as common. To assist...

Concept Map in Educational Research Organization

Research Organization: Concept Map The concept maps are the software tools that may be effectively used for the systematization of information and its storage (Martelo, 2011). The developed concept maps include the main ideas introduced in the reviewed articles. The tool allows the readers to arrange the information in a...

Qualitative Data Analysis and Trustworthiness

When the researcher deals with qualitative data, the concepts of reliability and validity are not applicable. Instead of that, trustworthiness must be established. This can be done in the following ways (Creswell, 2013): by establishing credibility, which contributes to the general trustworthiness of the information since it is created as...

Theological Reasoning as a Basis for Faith

Theological reasoning strives to pose questions and answer them in terms of sacred theology. Such issues as meaning, essences, causes, distinctions, and so on compose the core of reason. For instance, questions about what grace is and what God reveals by it can be posed. This teaches how to consider...

Religious Oppression: Pluralism Understanding

Today, different religions can coexist in the modern world, and this phenomenon can be defined as religious pluralism since a diverse array of religions is accepted (Phan & Ray, 2014). Apart from the fact that religious pluralism creates separation and tensions in society, the statement “pluralism is the greatest philosophical...

Field Experience: Science Lesson

The goal of the chosen science lesson is clearly identified. Students have to share their knowledge about availability of water changes habitats and explain how the existing water availability in the environment could affect the living organisms. The lesson is effective when students and teachers use the same materials to...

Work and Family in Pakistani Working Women’s Views

Faiz (2015) explores the experiences of Pakistani working women who have to work in quite an oppressive working environment and balance their work with domestic responsibilities. The focus of the study is the females’ views and attitudes towards their work and home life. The researcher chose the case study methodology...

Peer Reviewers and Editors of Scholarly Articles

The peer-review cycle is a time-consuming process that requires a considerable amount of effort. Some essential steps of a peer review include ideas, grants, and research. The first step- finding an interesting idea or a fresh, relevant perspective can be hard due to the abundance of research. Secondly, research can...

The Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis

The case under analysis involved diagnosing a patient with the following symptoms: fluttering in the chest, shortness of breath, no traces of dizziness, and the signs of hypertension and high cholesterol, which had been addressed previously. The identified scenario implied several possible diagnoses, which was why communicating with the patient...

Pauli Murray’s Contribution to American Democracy

Despite the fact that such a woman as Pauli Murray is unfamiliar to many contemporary people, this woman’s contribution to the history of the development of American democracy and social equality, in general, is very significant. This African-American became one of the few representatives of the struggle for freedom who...

Supreme Court: Miranda vs. Arizona

Miranda v. Arizona is among the most notable Supreme Court cases that were decided in the second half of the twentieth century. Miranda, a rapist, was arrested and, after interrogation in the police department, he admitted that he had committed the crime. As a result, Miranda was sentenced to 30...

Drug War’s Impact on the US Correction System

Introduction The USA is famous for having the largest prison population in the world. The American prison system holds around 25% of the world’s convicted criminals, beating even such totalitarian countries as Russia and China combined. Yet, at the same time, this does not indicate that the USA is a...

American Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution

The primary goal of this essay is to compare and contrast the content of the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution by presenting the weaknesses and threats of both documents. It could be assumed that the U.S. Constitution provides detailed information about the importance of government by providing additional...

Data and Information Difference Explanation

The web search of the phrase “difference between data and information” resulted in a variety of links, from which to choose. Upon the exploration of some of them, website was chosen as it specifically focused on providing information about how certain phenomena differ from one another. The “Difference between...

Ableism and Its Effects on Patient Outcomes

Topic Definition: Ableism in the 21st Century Although discrimination is recognized as a major social issue and has been addressed for quite a while, some of its forms persist in contemporary society (Nario-Redmond, Gospodinov, & Cobb, 2017). Ableism is one of these forms, and it affects people’s lives to a...

Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule Rates

Introduction The currently proposed Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) rates have the potential to cause harm to the laboratory industry and to the Medicare beneficiaries that require lab testing. By informing and organizing the medical professionals whose work will be affected by the new CLFS rates, our hospital can...

Standard 2 of Education of Young Children

Professional development of an educator involves lifelong learning, compliance with standards and setting new ones, sharing knowledge and experiences. Another important component is doing comprehensive secondary sources research as well as observation and even implementation of some surveys. This paper includes an example of such elements of professional development. The...

ANOVA Company’s Failures in Manufacturing

Carrying out tests in the manufacturing setting is an essential step towards improving the production values in an organization and delivering the products and services of the finest quality. Although the ANOVA testing tool is not traditionally viewed as a part and parcel of the manufacturing setting, it is still...

Marriage in Bradstreet’s, Dooley’s, Larkin’s Works

Marriage is an important event in the life of a significant percentage of people, and it is no wonder that a considerable amount of literature is devoted to portraying the married life. This paper discusses three literary works on this topic: A. Bradstreet’s To My Dear and Loving Husband, the...

Nursing Values in Communication with Patients

Combined with a passion for medicine, my willingness to help others and offer both medical and emotional support can be deemed as the primary key factors that contributed to my choice of nursing as the primary area of professional interest. My value system is based on the importance of human...

Drug Safety Approach in Advanced Nursing Practice

Drug safety is an essential factor that has to be under control in every medical institution. In case of inaccurate accounting procedures, the local medical personnel might be responsible for the loss of a particular item. The following paper will discuss and cover a strategy of applying a drug safety...

The Impact of Public Consultation in Australia

Summary The impact of public consultation in Australia is scrutinized by Kerley and Starr (2000). The authors acknowledge that the new concept of public consultation is an overseas trend as implied by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). There are six benefits or values of implementing public consultation...