Cross-Sex Friendships: The Main Benefits

Although this is a subject of a very long debate, I believe that men and women can form platonic friendships. In the clip from “When Harry Met Sally,” Billy Crystal’s character, Harry, claims that the reason men and women cannot be friends is that sex always gets in the way....

The Intimate Relationships Development

According to Delamater et al. (2015), three factors play an essential role in how intimate relationships such as friendships and love develop between two people in determining whether the relationship will grow or die. The factors include self-disclosure, trust, and interdependence, which contribute to the level of mutuality between people...

John Gottman: What Makes Marriages Work

In his research on love and relationships in couples John Gottman and his team utilized diverse types of data. Additionally, the information was collected in different ways by implementing validated questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, physiological measurements, etc. Therefore, such types of data as the couples’ story of how they met, heart...

A Modern Family Institution in America

It is hard to disagree that socialization is an essential process that should properly appear in children’s lives. It allows individuals to function effectively and successfully in their social worlds and learn about various social expectations. Family is considered the primary one among many agents of socialization, including social media,...

Mental Health: Current Situation and NCAA Policies

Athletes are one of the groups that face highly increased health risks in their lives, and it applies fully to college and university athletes. The rigors of studying combine with the pressure put in them as athletes combine to make university athletes susceptible to mental health issues. Even though one...

Achieving the State of Joy and Happiness Project

Introduction Feelings of joy and happiness have always been highly desirable due to their beneficial influence on one’s body and mind. To achieve the state of happiness, psychiatric research promotes the importance of mindfulness incorporation. Research by Rodrigues et al. (2017) suggests that mindfulness-stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy serve...

Non-Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports

Sports activities at any level and especially at the professional and international level are more than just entertainment. Competition is at the heart of these actions, be it in the form of a competitive struggle between teams of athletes or the achievement of an individual record or training norm. That...

Sports Chaplaincy and Its Foundation Elements

The relationship between attitude and presence as foundation elements in sports chaplaincy (SC) relies on the responsibilities of chaplains in guiding athletes spiritually. The concept has evolved over the years in various continents across the globe to incorporate the role of chaplains in sports. SC plays a significant role in...

Having a Pet Helps a Lot, New Research Shows

Having a pet is morally, emotionally, socially and physically good for individuals. Every person should get a pet if they are able. The variety of pets and animals to choose from allows for certain variety in terms of both care and requirements, letting people with no experience also experience having...

How Fragile Human Life Is and How Easy It Is to Lose It

Practical implementation turned out to be surprisingly different from what we learn in theory. Medicine and healthcare never attracted me more than having general knowledge of the human body. Still, at school, when we were taught to behave in urgent situations, I remember imagining how I can once save a...

Parental Listening, Encouraging, and Trusting

Introduction Teenagers are particularly susceptible to certain emotional and social challenges due to their vulnerability in terms of mental health, physical changes, environment, and other factors. Moreover, this is a period of transition from dependency to independence, which may also manifest itself in various behavioral changes. While often wanting to...

Cardi B’s Hair Controversy in Mixed People

Cardi B is an American rapper who rose to fame in 2017 and has been known for sharing a lot of her personal life on social media platforms. On November 14th, 2021, she posted a mirror selfie on Twitter, showcasing her grown-out hair, saying it is the result of being...

Uncertainty as the Risk’s Subset

Although risk and uncertainty are different concepts, the paper argues that uncertainty could be regarded as a risk subset. Risk is a situation when a companys decision might turn either into a win or a loss of its assets. The concept of uncertainty refers to the unpredictability of the future...

What Counts as a Family? Media-Based Response

It is known that relationships within the family are the most significant ones for any individual. In the video entitled “Dedicated to My Family” (2007), the young girl Nicole explains what the concept of “perfect family” means to her, revealing the details of her personal background throughout the story. I...

Opposing American Football Ban Due to Health Reasons

One of the opposing views regarding American football from the perspective of players’ health is the dubious nature of the claim that the described risks are universal. According to Shaffer, the evidence in this respect is contradictory because the researchers cannot agree on the dangers for everyone or only individuals...

Measuring Competencies in “Sex Education”

Otis Milburn is a nerdy teenager who has heard too much about sex from his advanced mom, a sexologist but has never actually done it. His friend, Maeve Wiley, on the contrary, is too developed for her age, as she was born into a dysfunctional family and has already tasted...

Emotions: Types and Importance

For humans as social beings, a sense of love is inherent. Love is a complex feeling, which causes such emotions as warm feelings, affection, and passion. Usually, one determines three fundamental mechanisms of love: libido, attachment, and partner preference. Main biological components are the next neurochemicals: dopamine, oxytocin, estrogen, vasopressin,...

Parental Incarceration’s Impact on a Child

Introduction Parental incarceration is a matter of significant concern in modern society since it has many negative consequences for imprisoned parents, all members of their families, and their children, specifically. The most dangerous impact of parental incarceration is associated with the fact that the child (or children) of an imprisoned...

Sport and the Repudiation of Global

Summary Understanding of sports in terms of globalization is interpreted in different phenomenon depending on the author’s perspective. According to Rowe (2003), the sport continues to repudiate the concept of globalization. Indeed, sport focuses on the production of difference while ignoring the idea of being a global concept. However, the...

Why Understanding Personal Biases Is Important

Early this year, I recall a colleague arguing that an increasing number of people are reluctant to get vaccinated against coronavirus because the seriousness of the illness had been exaggerated. Thus, the perceived consequence of the vaccination was likely much higher than the risk of infection. It was difficult to...

Hotel Industry’s Market Structure in Jacksonville, Alabama

It is impossible to capitalize on the presented opportunities without the analysis of the competitive landscape. Without the knowledge of the market price, there is no chance for a firm to establish an optimal price for its product, especially if there are multiple competitors that provide a similar or nearly...

Marriage and Family Therapist License Obtaining

What I Learned I learned that marriage and family therapists within California are considered licensed by what is termed as the BBS, which is known as the Behavioral Board of Sciences. To be licensed as a licensed marriage and family therapist, there are various requirements that one has to meet....

Initiating Tourism Recovery: New Approach to COVID-19 Travel

Specific Purpose: To persuade my listeners that novel traveling measures are required to alleviate the impact of COVID-19 on world tourism. Central Idea: Supplementary policies are needed to improve the economic state of the world countries and elevate the interest in international travel. Introduction Attention Getter: The consequences of COVID-19...

Successful and Unsuccessful Relationships

Introduction Almost every Christian would agree that building relationships that could be called successful is a critical part of happiness. There are no universal definitions of good and bad relationships, so gaining this information from different sources is an exciting experience. This essay seeks to summarize the author’s findings from...

Occupational Therapy Volunteering at Camp Erin

Most of us do not know how to be around grieving people. I was deeply grieved after losing my mother to cancer until I was invited for a camping weekend at Camp Erin, where I am currently a volunteer. You or someone you know might be the next person in...

Lifestyle Factors Affecting Adolescents

The objective of the interview is to comprehend young adults’ perspectives and experiences on physical activities and social influences over a specific time. The understanding is relevant when it comes to coming up with interventions needed in lifestyle promotions. Parents, guardians, and fellow age mates from different cultures play a...

Sensory Experience of South Beach, Miami

Brightly colored, Miami’s one of the most famous beaches, South Beach, can be described as an earthly paradise. The breathtaking view of the ocean, with its bright blue and green color and pure water, already bestows you with this sense of being in a utopian world. Gazing at the horizon,...

Adoption of Children by Queer Couples

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) families have historically faced serious challenges in adopting children in the United States. February 2020 marked 51 years since Bill Jones has successfully adopted his son, Aaron (Bewkes et al.). In 1968, Jones broke one of the most persistent barriers to gay rights...

The “Value Life as It Is” Manifesto

Life is beautiful in any of its manifestations: the cry of a newborn baby is beautiful; the falls of an infant who learns to walk are beautiful. The many failures we all experience in our path to success are also beautiful because they are an indispensable part of life, and...

Assertive Communication at Work: Family Communication

Communication frequently involves controversial dilemmas and conflicts, which require solvation. In such cases, decision-making may be the most significant and the most complicated action. It may be particularly difficult if these conflicts or disagreements involve close people and family members. A wide variety of specific approaches to communication may be...

The Cow Palace: History and Role for Daly City

The proposal will seek to address the Cow Palace and the vas history with its technicality in Daly City. Daly city has for a long time been connected with San Francisco since it has played many different roles in history. For instance, it played many roles including World War II,...

Waiter in the International Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Managers and organizations in any field of human activity should take the recruitment process seriously. This is due to the fact that it is the employees who ensure the success, demand, and profit of the company. This aspect also affects the tourism and hotel industry, in which staff must meet...

Improving Data Collection from Fitness Trackers

Fitness trackers, when launched, attracted numerous potential buyers associated with sports, fitness, or nutrition. The devices promised to count burned calories, and heart rate during exercise and measure the number of steps per day. As a result, not only teenagers but also adults opted for purchasing the devices, “1.2% of...

Social Work Skills: Mid-Term Evaluation and Self-Assessment

The purpose of this blog is to discuss the results of the mid-term evaluation in terms of social work skills and explain my professional growth and action plans for future field education experiences. The practicum experience at Vatsalya provided me with multiple opportunities to apply my academic knowledge and demonstrate...

Trans Athlete Participation in Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are held after every four years with different host countries taking up the mantle for different periods. Different teams and personalities from different parts of the world are provided an opportunity to showcase their talent and uniqueness whereby the stage is perfectly set for not only fair...

Parenting Styles and Aggressive Adolescents

Researchers have identified four parenting styles that influence children’s’ growth and development. According to Myers and DeWall (2019), parentings styles include authoritative, permissive, negligent, and authoritarian (p. 592). First, the authoritarian parenting style is characterized by its strict and directive rules and regulations asserted by the parents onto children. The...

Emotional Intelligence: Why Is It Important?

Emotions are an integral and significant phenomenon of everyday and professional life. That is why people should be able to understand and control their emotions, and Emotional Intelligence (EI) helps individuals cope with this task. EI is an essential ability for every person irrespective of their profession or gender because...

Jabare’s Lounge Bar and Its Success Factors

Successful entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry are pretty famous and well-known; however, some achieved the same goals yet haven’t been recognized as others. In India, for instance, it has been challenging to sustain the tourism and hospitality industry during the pandemic. Major financial issues have become the reason for the...

Personal Experience Adopting Kiko From Humane Society

In 2018, my family decided to adopt a pet for our home. We did not know where to get the pet; thus, the best place that we could get the idea was through online platforms. We started scrutinizing different internet-based sites that had pets that needed adoption, and we encountered...

Article Summary and Personal Reflection

Summary The article titled “Letting Go of Resentment and Anger” explores the concept of forgiveness from the perspective of its relationship with anger and resentment. The author gives two meanings of the word forgiveness: to let go of anger and resentment and to give up the pursuance of punishment for...

Moving to the US: Challenges and Opportunities

Five years ago, my life changed completely. Born in 1970 in Moscow, Russia, I could never imagine that more than forty years later, I would become a mother of three beautiful children living in the United States. In 2016, my husband and I decided to move to Cleveland, Ohio. Such...

Individual and Dyadic Physical Activity Plans

Losing my job is one of life’s most frustrating moments if I am laid off or see contract work dry up. Apart from the apparent financial hardship, losing employment may significantly impact my outlook, friendships, and general emotional and mental well-being. However, I have always believed that my work is...

Discussion of Muscular Christianity

Introduction Throughout human history, sport and faith have often intertwined and influenced each other. Sometimes sport served the purpose of religious dissemination and was imbued with morals and philosophy that supported the concept of spirituality. However, it was rejected for his worldly, carnal accent and ability to distract people from...

Review of “Hope Works: Moving From Darkness Into Your Dreams”

Relationships with family members play one of the essential roles in the life of any person. Children take an example from their parents and try to be like them. In addition, parents ensure the safety of the child, which no one else can provide. When relationships change in the family...

Fitness and Its Impact on Wellbeing

It is a well-known fact that regular physical activity has a major influence on human health. Fitness can help people reduce the risk of a great number of diseases, have stronger muscles and bones, reduce symptoms of depression and other mental conditions, as well as improve emotional wellbeing (Mikkelsen et...

Vatsalya Adult Medical Day Care Center: Learning Evaluation

Social workers need to gain field experience at the institution before they can begin to practice in the real world. The professional identity of the social worker is affected by his/her field work experience and learning agreement goals and objectives (Laureate Education, 2013). The learning agreement is a document indicating...

FC Barcelona’s Past to Recent Performance Comparison

Summary FC Barcelona is a Catalan soccer team with more than 120 years of history. It is one of the wealthiest clubs, and its school raised famous players like Pep Guardiola, Andres Iniesta, and Lionel Messi. A soccer club’s success can be measured by its local and international leagues’ performance...

Competitive Sports at a Young Age: Effect on the Child

Introduction It is relatively popular among parents to force their children to participate in various activities, including sport. Unfortunately, it cannot always be seen as something that can benefit young children both physically and mentally. According to some estimates, a child should be at least six years or older to...

The Emotion of Sadness: Art Examples

Emotions help communicate with people, make decisions, act or stop at the right moment, and interact with the world. One of the most important human emotions is sadness: everyone periodically experiences it. It helps people survive trauma or grief, slow down for a while, and then keep living. Examples of...

Projections of Family in 2030: A Demographic Perspective

The traditional family roles have been evolving over the years with more emphasis on the female gender. Men still hold their roles as the primary provider in most families, but this is changing with women’s active roles in making sure the family is comfortable financially. The changing gender roles have...

Family Fitness Night Activities Project

Activities for Family Fitness Night The activity night for young children with their parents includes three principal occupations. They are combined in a set of games with rewards for completing each of the stages (Clintus. tv, 2018). First, the participants will be offered to participate in a cycling race. Since...

Working with the Third Party Crematory

Many families worldwide are adopting cremation to dispose of their loved ones’ bodies as opposed to burying them. Although the past generations have used the method of cremation, it is currently gaining acceptance among the communities that were initially opposed to the technique. As a result, funeral homes across the...

Child Care and the Difference Between Two Modes of Preschool

Child care is a supervision of a child or multiple children by an institution or people other than the parents or parental guardians of the child. While addressing the question, it is essential to analyze how the distance between a parent and a child affects the latter. However, childcare is...

Theoretical Approaches to Child Parenting

Differentiation and the ability to distribute are essential initially for both the parent and the child. The basic formation of cognitive ideas is accompanied by the phenomena of animism, when a child perceives inanimate objects as living with which one can interact. Of the similar systemic errors of children’s perception,...

The Impact of My Emotional Intelligence on Personal Relationships

Emotional intelligence is a specific capacity that has a significant influence on both professional and personal relationships. Miao et al. (2016) describes it as “the set of abilities (verbal and non-verbal) that enable a person to generate, recognize, express, understand, and evaluate their own, and others’, emotions to guide thinking...

Social Institutions and Diverse Family Populations

Social institutions are vital organizations for providing essential services to public members. Practices and processes in many statutory agencies ensure collective shared growth. A family is fundamental to community development, as evidenced in many societies. This social unit enables authorities to evaluate public service’s nature appropriate for specific members (Forster...

Diverse Sexual Expression: Collection of Artifacts

Attitudes Toward Sex Positivity Several months ago, I attended a play party at the invitation of a friend of mine. The meeting aimed to popularize the idea of sex positivity and overcome complexes through entertaining conversations and quizzes. At this party, all those present were gifted with the same T-shirts...

Negotiations Between National Football League and NFL Players Association

Introduction The National Football League (NFL) and NFL Players Association (NFLPA) agreed to sign a new NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) deal for 2020 to 2030. The NFL players approved the NFL CBA deal by a slight vote margin. There were significant issues that would affect the players’ careers until...

Pride: Parents Who Teach Their Kids About Self-Worth

A good parent is a combination of many different qualities. The most important lesson any mother or father can teach is to give the child a great example of how to deal with difficulties, how to interact with the rest of society, and how to be a decent human being....

Necessary Changes in the Family Model

The socio-cultural changes taking place around the world in 2040 are associated with an increase in individual freedom and the expansion of the choice of professions. In addition, the importance of education will increase; all of the above will lead to an increase in the social differentiation of the entire...

Covid-19 Implications on Economic and Social Transformation

Introduction The ongoing pandemic has affected the ordinary lives of many individuals irrespective of economic or socio-cultural backgrounds. People across North America and countries within the European Union have experienced adverse impacts of Covid-19. Unfortunately, I have been a victim of the pandemic, which has affected many aspects (Firang, 2020)....

International Change Theory in American Sport

Introduction Sports science is one of the most accomplished fields in American research due to the historical and cultural importance successes in sports hold for the United States. It is, therefore, not a surprise that theoretical frameworks have been developed across fields to analyze the famous successes and failures of...

Travel Industry Recovery From the COVID-19 Restrictions

Introduction The global pandemic caused significant economic, social, and even political consequences worldwide. Restrictions influenced almost every aspect of everyday life. Some industries suffered devastating blows, whereas others managed to benefit from the new economic paradigm. In many cases, the well-being of businesses depended on their ability to adapt to...

Welfare Policy Concerns and the Activity of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

These days, when psychological insights present an integral part of our reality and define our worldview, everybody knows the importance of happy childhood. Each psychologist starts the therapy from an analysis of traumas, which were received when we were children. Some people share how poverty, lack of attention and care,...

Refraining from Using Coffee for Two Weeks Essay

Coffee is one of the most extensively consumed drinks worldwide due to its stimulating effects on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, popular taste, and aroma. As a result, a significant amount of people consumes caffeine-containing beverages, and some of them have an addiction to them. According to Nieber (2017),...

Sports Compliance Director’s Ethical Decision Making

I work as a sports compliance director at Elite High School. My role is to ensure that all the sporting activities within the school compound are run appropriately according to the policies governing sports. I also ensure that all the sporting facilities used for different games are well utilized appropriately...

Parenting Techniques Analysis

The text divides parenting into four styles according to the level of parental responsiveness and demandingness. Parents who display low levels of both these dimensions are indifferent since they pay insufficient attention to their children’s lives and stay focused mainly on themselves. Indulgent parents only show high levels of responsiveness...

Dog Training at Home – Possible or Not?

The best environment for teaching dog commands Many think that it is hardly possible to teach all the necessary dog commands by yourself; however, we can prove that home dog training is as effective way as any other is. Everyone wants their dog to know at least basic commands, but...

The Premier League Fan Festival Analysis

The fan festival hosted by the Premier League in Miami Beach, Florida, in 2019 is a prime example of how hosts have used multiple unmediated communication strategies effectively. The organization focuses on many aspects of sports such as “football, coach development, community, youth development, safeguarding, broadcast, commercial, communications, digital, finance,...

Tourism Marketing Strategies of Three States

The dynamics of the current business environment have complicated the manner in which businesses are carried out throughout the world (Calkins, 2008). For instance, depending on the scope of customers’ needs and the prevailing levels of competition, marketing strategies vary from one industry to the other (Keller & Kotler, 2012)....

Remarriages and Step-Parenting

Remarriages and step-parenting can be rewarding. However, the transition can be difficult for both the children and the new step-parents. One the one hand, the children have to accommodate the new caregivers and siblings. On the other hand, caregivers deal with their ex-spouses, child support, and managing the children. This...

Stay-At-Home or Employed Mothers – The Choice Is Theirs

The question of the rightful way of raising children has always been of major importance, as one might say, the next generation holds the destiny of humankind in their hands. However, society’s perception of stay-at-home-mothering (SAHM) can fluctuate, inspiring a lot of confusion among the mothers themselves. Typically, they are...

“Contraceptive Adoption, Fertility, and the Family in Zambia”: Book Analysis

In their RCT, “Contraceptive Adoption, Fertility, and the Family in Zambia,” Field, Ashraf and Lee (2007-2009) address the impact of men’s decision-making on the limited use of contraceptives by women among the rural population in Zambia. In general, uncontrolled, unwanted, and ill-time childbirth puts a substantial burden on women’s physical...

Factors Influencing Oxygen Intake and Delivery to Muscle Tissues

Aerobic workout is an exercise that needs the heart to pump oxygenated blood to ensure that oxygen is delivered into the muscles working during the exercise. The workout invigorates the heart and breathing rates to get more oxygen into the body and sustain it through the workout session. The ability...

Biltmore Manor: Residential Buildings in American Architecture

It is worth noting that when visiting North Carolina and Asheville in particular, one should choose Biltmore as their final destination. Biltmore is a luxurious house built in 1895 and stylized as a 16th-century castle (Sully, 2019). It consists of 250 rooms, and it is the most grandiose, privately owned...

The National Football League Team Moving to the City of Omaha

Moving the National Football League team to the city of Omaha, Nebraska, will have a positive financial influence on the citizens residing within its boundaries. Sports franchises prioritize the maximum profit as any other profit-making company. Therefore, it is highly improbable that an out-of-state move will prevail. Relocation appears to...

Emotional Experience and Self-Regulation at Work

Self–regulation involves the ability to understand and recognize one’s own emotions and be aware of the effect your actions can cause, and therefore regulate them. It involves expressing oneself at the right time (Siregar et al., 2018). It consists of being flexible to change and managing conflict in difficult situations....

Same-Sex Marriage – Conservative Views Rebuttal

Same-sex marriage has been a long-standing heated debate in the United States for the past few decades, and people who have conservative views continue to protest against this legislation. As Judge Amy Coney Barrett has replaced Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the Supreme Court, the majority of judges now have...

Gettysburg Battle Tour: History of the Battle and Tour Stops

History of the Battle The Battle of Gettysburg occurred on July 1-3 of 1863, as one of the Civil War battles around a Gettysburg town, Pennsylvania, between Union and Confederate forces. The Battle holds a large significance to American history and is believed to involve the largest number of casualties,...

Friend: What Are the Main Qualities of a True One?

Friendship is an incredibly multifaceted interaction between two people, the nature of which cannot be described in one or two phrases. Like most human relationships, it is an extremely complex concept, and its understanding differs from person to person. For each person, friendship is a slightly different set of ideas....

New York Junior Electronic Sports League Finals

Esports Event A local New York tournament ‘New York Junior Electronic Sports League’ (NYJESL)*1 in the e-sports discipline Dota 2 aims to attract aspiring athletes under the age of 18. The current discipline is highly prominent due to the increasing amount of players and the growing revenue of the tournament...

Theory of Knowledge: Coffee

One of the most controversial subjects concerning population health is the unclear effects of coffee. It is believed to cause cancer, whereas some researchers claim that it has particular benefits for eliminating the risk of diabetes or burning fat. Meanwhile, the probability of complications is frequently rebutted by specialists who...

Sports and Organizational Conflict: Articles Analysis

Kicking Sand in the Sandbox There are several sources of conflict that have been described in the article. The first source of conflict is that which exists between Bryant and O’Neal. The two have been great friends for some time but now envy is developing in their midst. On the...

Nutrition and Hydration for Young Athletes

Training is not the only issue that determines the athletes’ success. It is necessary to remember that nutrition and hydration are equally significant for every person who engages in regular physical exercises, and young individuals are not an exception. Thus, the present speech will demonstrate that adequate hydration and nutrition...

Arizona Coyotes Team’s Media Coverage Analysis

Arizona Coyotes are far from doing well in NHL, as the team may well be synonymous with unstable leadership and shaky results. Still, the lack of achievements on ice is not the reason not to study the team’s media coverage, as it might reveal interesting patterns. While traditional and in-house...

Aspects of Children’s Sports

In this highly competitive world, where many people do not even know how to escape the traps of the rat race, a happy and responsibility-free childhood is more important than ever. As for sports, children should play and not compete, as Jessica Statsky emphasizes in her university essay about the...

Drugs in the Modern Sports

I would not condone this behavior because I am the Commissioner of the National Football League (NFL), a system that has already been affected by players testing positive for banned substances. Anti-doping agency is mainly concerned with sportsmanship and the notion that competitiveness should be derived from natural merit and...

Technology Trends in Hotel Management

Technology usage for various purposes is becoming increasingly prominent among various hospitality providers. According to Ivanov and Webster (2019), hotels are now implementing automation in various areas, such as check-ins and cleaning, and some companies are experimenting with hotels staffed fully by robots. By doing so, they can save the...

Mentality of Fandom in Sports Culture

Being a part of a sports event is a more satisfying experience because it elicits the feelings of connection and belonging and evokes stronger emotions than watching or streaming the game online. When people go to the stadium, they are surrounded by fans, share the experience, and feel more involved....

Adolescent Adjustment to Parental Divorce

Abstract There is an adjustment that occurs in adolescents as they experience parental separation and divorce. The adjustment is observed psychologically and in most cases affects their social-emotional skills. Changes could have a long-term or short-term effect, but generally, they are seen to take place. Consideration is done according to...

Efficacy of Punishment and Reinforcement In Parenting

The problem of efficient parenting has been the subject of a widespread discussion throughout human history. The approaches have evolved, and recently, the social learning theory has been dominating the common understanding of the question. There are two frequently mixed up concepts: reinforcement and punishment. Each of them has its...

Sports Economics: Observation, Replication, Measurement

This paper is intends to introduce readers to the special edition journal- Observation, Replication and measurement issues relevant to sports economists. Its main interest is on how acquired firsthand information is conveyed to secondary users, the relationships that exist between different groups of persons engaged in sports analysis whose activities...

Types of Parenting Styles Analysis

Parents influence their children using different specific practices, trying to guide, control, and socialize young generations. The parents’ attitudes to their kids create a certain emotional atmosphere, which is known as a “parenting style.” It is generally thought that the way of treatment has a crucial effect on the children’s...

The New Moves Program to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Program Background The New Moves is a program designed to help adolescent girls to adopt healthy lifestyles. The program is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle through the development of helpful habits in the target populations. The majority of the focus students are from low-income families since these individuals tend...

Overachievement: Winning and Training Mindsets

The winning mindset is depicted as one which is trusting, unlike the training mindset, which seems active as well as reluctant to change. In Inside the Minds of Overachievers, Elliot (2015) opens chapter one by describing an Austrian Alpine skier who showcased a wonderful performance beating the defending Olympic champion....

Physical Activity Improves Health in Body and Mind for Young Children

Physical activity is a gift that can accompany a child through his/her life. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that a physical activity provides such as more energy, good memory, self-confidence and so on. A luck of the physical exercises leads to the various problems with body and mind....

A UGV in My Life: Commercial Functions, Application

A UGV is not typically deemed as an item that one would have in their household as a means of transportation. However, due to the specifics of my professional life and the environment in which I live I need a UGV to reduce the time consumed by transportation and focus...

Restaurant Types for Private Dining in Ireland

Are you based in Ireland, used to live there, or have a connection to Ireland and seek to find the right dining option? Ireland offers a wide range of options when it comes to private or group dining. The sheer number of restaurants and their quality allows people to live...

How Success or Talent Is Really the Outcome of Hard Work

Greatness is not determined by an individual’s natural talent or inborn intelligence. According to Geoffrey Colvin, the author of “What It Takes to Be Great”, success is a product of two fundamental ingredients: demanding and painful practice and hard work. Through the article, Colvin tries to debunk the myth that...

Anaerobic Threshold: An Experiment

Anaerobic Threshold refers to the minimum level below which no increase in blood lactose can occur. Levels below AT energy necessary for performing an exercise is generated from aerobic reserves. However, at levels above AT, supplementing aerobic production necessitates aerobic energy. Svedahl and MacIntosh (2003, p. 299) define AT as...

Aspects of a Suburb and Suburbia

The notion of suburbia is often heard in the contemporary environment, being characteristic of 21st-century life. According to the general understanding, a suburb implies a city’s remote areas, which are usually adjacent to its borders and remains mostly residential. Suburbs tend to be low-story, convenient areas with a calmer atmosphere...

Star Excursion Balance Test Overview

Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT), or The Star Test t is a dynamic procedure that requires strength, flexibility, and proprioception. This is a way to measure dynamic balance which is difficult enough for athletes and physically active people. SEBT can be used to assess physical fitness, as well as to...

Agents in Professional Sports

Introduction The world of professional sports is a complex one. For a player desiring to get the best contracts and agents there are several things to consider. The player, agent and the league have to work together to make professional sports world a great environment. Player Contracts Contracts play a...

The Big 12 Conference Expansion

Introduction Today, sports play an essential role in the United States because of the possibility to share common, fair values, uphold justice, and unite communities. Millions of Americans enjoy watching football, baseball, and basketball and discussing the quality of games. To promote the sports trend in education, school and college...

Attachment Styles Influence on Children’s Development

Introduction Visual culture, according to Mirzoeff (1999, 32) is the reflection of what is actually seen by the observer and the picture that is created in the mind concerning the object that is seen. This general subject deals with the appealing value of a certain object. Visual culture tends to...

Resistance Training and a Diet-Induced Weight Loss

The objective of this article is to determine whether resistance training can conserve fat-free mass and resting energy expenditure under a diet-induced weight loss. In normal circumstances, fat-free mass is known to decrease under diet-induced weight loss of approximately 7kg or so. The decrease of fat-free mass is normally accompanied...

Personal Nursing Practice Reflection

What motivates me in my practice? One of the factors that motivate me in my practice as a nurse is a well-established team of trustworthy leaders. We have departmental leaders who are keen on meeting the needs of employees. I am never handled like a subordinate when working with the...

Research Critique: The Importance of Relationships in Mental Care

This study will provide a detailed critique of an article titled “The Importance of Relationships in mental care”. This study was done through the sampling of mental health hospitals in the United Kingdom (UK) and undertaken by Biomed central Ltd. Considering the sensitivity of this study in comprehending mental health...

Stages of Life: Factors Influencing People

I should say that age is one of the most important factors influencing people in their lives. When becoming older, you start to devote attention to things previously disregarded and spend time in activities that were viewed as not meaningful or not attractive in the past. The same can be...

Marriages and Reduction of the Number of Divorces

Marriage is a centuries-old institution, but like many other traditions, it varies from culture to culture and changes over time. Among the trends recently noted in the U.S., some inspire hope, and others cause concern. Among the positive trends are the declining divorce rate (Wang, 2020). However, some researchers are...

Strategies and Styles of Raising a Child

Introduction Marriages and relationships are important in the society as they form the basis of bringing up children. According to Strong et al (2011), a “marriage is a legally recognized union between two people, mainly a man and a woman, in which they are united sexually, cooperate economically and may...

2008 & 2014 Olympics Opening Ceremonies’ Controversy

The Olympics opening ceremonies are extraordinary events that must showcase the hosting country’s traditions, uniqueness, and hospitability. However, some ceremonies stand out not because of their beautiful shows, but due to controversial events. Beijing Olympics in 2008 and Sochi Olympics in 2014 had important issues during their opening ceremonies connected...

Surfing, by Nature, Is Social Distancing, Let Us Surf

The previous discussion was devoted to the problem of surfing and its prohibition during the time of the pandemic. The topicality of the issue is evidenced by the fact that being obliged to observe social distancing and quarantine rules, people feel the lack of physical activity and suffer from the...

Single-Parent Families: Source Analysis

Single-parent families have been a controversial topic for an extended period of time. The family variation became so prevalent that it gained the attention of a wide variety of people starting from scholars and ending with online journalists. Multiple sources can be found on the Internet that attempts to analyze...

Luring College Athletes: Five-Step Problem-Solving

Introduction Since the tuition fees for education in the United States are rather high, athletes’ scholarships can become an appropriate solution. It can not only solve students’ financial difficulties but may also engage them in sports activities. Moreover, supporting young athletes would increase the success of an educational institution. Their...

History Through the Prism of Personal Experience

Learning about an important event through interviewing people that took part in it is one of the ways historians use to document historical developments. It may not be as factually correct as official papers and records, yet witnesses’ reports contribute a lot to historians’ understanding of an event or an...

NBA Season Suspension Due to Coronavirus Outbreak

With COVID-19 putting a pause on the majority of areas in the life of global society, it was only a matter of time for the pandemic to impact sports. Despite the fact that sports can provide comfort to fans under challenging times, the world has stopped, and the same has...

Sexual Satisfaction Importance in the Romantic Relationships

Introduction Sex satisfaction is of extreme importance as it affects satisfaction with romantic relationships. Therefore, factors that affect sexual satisfaction are widely discussed in the current literature. In their article titled “Lying in bed: An analysis of deceptive affectionate messages during sexual activity in young adults’ romantic relationships,” Bennett and...

Caregiving: Opportunities and Stresses

Love is something that may save the lives of many people, may help to support disabled spouses and be ready for numerous difficulties and stresses. Of course, when you are too young and not sure about personal emotions and feelings, it turns out to be rather difficult to agree and...

Online Dating Should Not Be Classified as Dating

In this digital age, it is common for individuals to seek out services and experiences, that are otherwise available in real life, online. This trend influences every area of people’s lives, including the pursuit of romantic relationships. Nowadays, there is a myriad of apps and websites that allow an individual...

The Relationship Cafe: Cultural Analysis

The Relationship Cafe will serve the Miami area community with a mission to create a peaceful world by teaching our parents, children, and couples the life skills they need for more respectful relationships. Children ages five to seventeen, parents of children who have difficulty disciplining them, step-parents who are trying...

Is Helicopter Parenting That Terrible?

It is not a secret for anyone that the way children are brought up in the family influences their psychology, performance in school and local communities, and future life interactions. Parenting is a complex process that requires a continued support of the social, intellectual, physical, and emotional growth of a...

Christian Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Christian and Postmodern Relativism From a Christian perspective, the nature of spirituality and ethics revolve around the teachings of the Bible. Human beings should appreciate the ideas and concepts that God has given them. This knowledge should guide all participants in healthcare to respect their patients and provide them with...

Medical Tourism as a Growing Industry

Medical tourism is becoming more and more in demand due to rising prices for services. Patients travel for more high-grade quality care or treatments that are not available in their area. People can use the services of medical tourism agents who provide information and travel arrangements or plan their own...

Can Billiard Become a Part of the Olympics

The two Olympic sports that should be excluded from the Olympics are golf and beach volleyball because they are both difficult to organize. The golf court needs a lot of space and a special golf course. Beach volleyball requires a lot of sand and appropriate temperature, which sometimes is hard...

Modifications of the Nomi Move

The recent concerns of people about a healthy lifestyle have significantly influenced their physical activity and fitness needs. Nevertheless, the reconciliation of work and exercising in the present-day world remains a challenging task. Given this, the tendency of various facilities to develop programs that everyone can join for free seems...

Roberto Clemente as a Hispanic Hero

Roberto Clemente is a prominent figure and an inspiration to various people, especially marginalized ones. He was one of the best players in the history of baseball, and he is included in the Hall of Fame to commemorate his achievements. However, his sports performance was not the only distinguishing factor...

Juvenile Delinquency: Practical Example

The writer would get a court order that would remove Emily from the house and get her parents into counseling. A closer look at the events that culminated in Emily’s punishment indicates that the parents faced a challenge in handling Emily’s failure to perform well in school and do chores...

Free Admission for Mobility Service Dogs in Shops and Public Institutions

Annotated Bibliography Agran, Martin, et al., editors. Equity and Full Participation for Individuals with Severe Disabilities. A Vision for the Future. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company, 2014. The book is devoted to discussing issues and challenges that people with severe disabilities are facing and covers other topics that could contribute...

Basketball: The History of Popularity

Basketball – an iconic sport which gathers hundreds of thousands of fans each year in large stadiums while also being the favorite pastime for kids after school. The sport is elegantly simple, two teams of five players each, trying to throw the ball into the basket of their opponent to...

Effects of the Income Inequality

After watching the CNBC video, which described how the middle-skill workers share has shrunk over time, I thought of my uncle, who was laid off from a steel company in the early 2000s (CNBC, 2019). When asked about the widening income gap between the wealthy citizens and others, he said...

D.A.R.E Classes Overview and Analysis

Introduction I am so glad that D.A.R.E classes helped me to learn new exciting things about life and decision-making. I am thankful for the officers explaining this because it will make my and my classmates’ lives happier! D.A.R.E classes helped me to learn essential things about the dangers of alcohol,...

Friendship at Different Points in a Lifespan

Goal of the research This research seeks to find the role of friendship in people’s development. The research is informed by the notion that human beings thrive well in good relationships established in the society. Such relationships serve to affirm, encourage, advice and promote one’s self esteem. While childhood friendship...

Use and Training of Mobility Service Dogs in the USA

What is your overall research topic? This study’s topic is the use and training of mobility service dogs in the USA. Background Source This website is dedicated to promoting the use of mobility assistance dogs in the USA. Some website pages are devoted to participation and volunteering; others describe the...

The Status in a Family and Society

Introduction Many people have described Delillo’s novel White Noise as one of the greatest novels on earth but to me, it’s fair to call it one of the relevant novels on the planet. The novel breaks down the ingredients of a family while depicting the distinct roles played by each...

Concerns Associated with Community Recreational League Administration

Community recreational league administration experiences a number of different concerns. The most widely spread problems recreational leagues usually face are the financial, planning, and organizational as it may be difficult to plan and organize the work of the league if a number of independent events have to be held. The...

Health Promotion Model: The Lifestyle Change Project

Introduction As a nursing professional, there is the pressing need to address the cause rather than the symptoms of a public need relative to promotion of health in individuals, families, and the population in general (Flynn et al., 2006). This approach gives the nursing professional and the patient the opportunity...

Individuals With Emotional Disabilities

Emotional disabilities vary and influence the quality of human life. This condition is characterized by differences in emotional responses to events, people, or actions. To this point, my experience with individuals who experience emotional disabilities and disturbance is not rich. Still, several significant observations and conclusions can be made. The...

Professional Sports Franchises

Introduction Athletic organizations are perceived to be among the organizations that generates the most profit. However, in running these organizations management is faced with serious problems, ranging from the health of the athletes, to the collection of revenue. Challenges Professional athletic organizations generate their revenues from gate receipts, television contracts,...

Theories of Violence in Hockey

Executive Summary Violence during sports has been on the rise especially among the hockey players. Such was a case during a hockey match where a player was fined, suspended and arrested for criminal offences as a result of tackling an opponent in a violent manner leading to exchange of brawls....

Financial Environment. Hospitality Industry

Financial environment of an organization refers to the factors (both internal and external) that affect its financial position as well as financial decisions made. These include: taxes, profits of competitors, government financial policies. For-profit Evendale Medical Center Triumph Hospital Lima Affinity Medical Center (Ohio Hospital Association, n.d) Not-for-profit Alberta Healthcare...

Super Bowl: Essential Date for the Whole Nation

The Super Bowl is the title of the final game for the National Football League (NFL) championship of the USA. This game became a national holiday of the country, especially because of multiple celebrations of the Super Bowl Sunday that accompany it. Like the Olympic Games, the Super Bowl brings...

Anthropology. Why Do People Marry?

Introduction Marriage, also referred to as wedlock or matrimony, is the process of legalizing a relationship between two people in a bond that is socially expected to last until death. However, this duration may be shortened by external factors, such as divorce or separation. The durability of marriage can be...

Murray Bowen’s Multigenerational Family Therapy Concepts

An understanding of family relationships and the worth of the ties between generations play a crucial role in personal development. The family turns out to be a powerful platform for an individual to identify attitudes, determine beliefs, create habits, and enhance opportunities. As soon as a person demonstrates some emotional...

Personal Standards for Choosing a Spouse

Variables In comparative examination of the personal standards that students in Kuwait University and University of Kentucky employ when choosing their spouse, the research proposal will provide a conceptual definition of the variables. The research proposal hypothesizes that about 60% of the student population agrees that culture has a significant...

Program to Build Parenting Skills in Teenage Parents

Components of the Program Being a teenager is associated with multiple psychological and emotional issues. Becoming a parent during this stage of life adds extra difficulties and requires those who have not reached adulthood to undertake enormous responsibility. The proposed short-term program is aimed at supporting the specified group by...

The Definition of Happiness and Its Pursuit

Writers and poets have been writing and talking about happiness since ancient times; this category appears in many literary works almost on a par with love. Simultaneously, even though everyone claims to want to be happy, the pursuit of happiness and its definition never rank first on most people’s to-do...

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, will be an outstanding place for my personal growth and career advancement. The institution is one of the top-ranked public research universities in the country (“About Rutgers,” 2020). This means that I will be able to develop and grow among the most competent...

Marriage Problems: Non-reciprocal Love

Many fiction works and films are built on the same plot: the heroes love each other but cannot show it. Based on misunderstanding, many stories unfold: sometimes funny, sometimes sad and tragic. Often, a couple’s life is full of misunderstandings and difficulties in developing a meaningful dialogue. Gary Chapman, the...

Historical Women Events in Sports

Women participation in sports remains one of the clearest indicators of our progress as a civilization. The current place women occupy in sports has been a long way in coming. This spans from the days when women could not even watch sporting events such as during the ancient Olympics where...