“Trifles” Play by Susan Glaspell

Introduction ‘Trifles’ is a one-act play by Susan Glaspell. It was written in 1916. Glaspell tells a true story about a murder that happened in a small town in Lowa. The narrative revolves around a farmer named John Wright. The man was murdered by a person who strung a rope...

Wojick’s, Serra’s and Bourgeois’ Visions of Art

We have been discussed many works by different artist, Amanda Wojick, Richard Serra, and Louise Bourgeois. These artists have different vision of the art and try to implement their ideas in different forms. Elkins in the chapter “Just looking” states that seeing means searching (22) and he is right. When...

Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations

Dealing with the negative reviews On the one hand, dealing with negative reviews is an emotionally unpleasant task. On the other hand, from a strategic point of view, the complainants of customers reduce the effectiveness of marketing through word of mouth (Berkowitz, 2016). When I worked as a physician in...

Pedagogical Skills in Elementary School

In an elementary school, teaching is dependent on skill rather than academic qualification. Several skills are necessary to aid the elementary teacher to impart knowledge to the students. The ability to capture students’ attention is important to any elementary teacher. Pedagogy and andragogy theories of learning suggest that elementary school...

Mathematics Vocabulary and Student Performance

How have you been? I have been very busy conducting a research on mathematics vocabulary effects on student’s performance in schools. I realized that mathematics being a new language, we need to first introduce its vocabulary then introduce the concept later to the students. Why is that important? Introducing a...

Math Vocabulary and Performance: Research Design

Research question The author investigates the relationship between the learners’ vocabulary comprehension and students’ performance. The main research question that has been applied in this research is: What is the impact of applying mathematical vocabulary on students’ achievements? Other questions that have been provided in the study are: Is there...

Pregnancy in Teenagers: Possible Challenges

In order to decrease the overall rate of teenage pregnancy, it is crucial to address the populations that are disproportionately affected by the issue. There are numerous research studies and reports that suggest specific risk factors for teenage pregnancy. A report by Romero et al. (2016) summarizes the existing racial,...

Interviews With Advanced Nurse Practitioners

Introduction There are many ARNPs (advanced registered nurse practitioners) living in Miami-Dade County who submitted their research proposals to IRB (institutional review board) and were accepted by the commission. Jessica Maclntyre who occupies the position of director of clinical operations at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center is one of them. The...

Outcomes Research and Patient-Centered Care

Outcomes research is an area of public health research that focuses on studying the results of the impact healthcare processes and structures have on the health outcomes of individual patients or populations. Since health outcomes can vary from complete recovery to mortality, studying these tangible events concerning the processes that...

Individual Differences Influencing Development

The two main individual differences that have influenced my development to the greatest extent are temperament and parenting style (Simpson, 2008). I have selected them as they were intertwined for me. The temperament is one of the conditions for the formation of certain properties of the psyche of a person....

Popular Research Paper Topics

College Degree and Its Effects on Career

The cause and effect chain described below begins with earning a college degree. It serves as a primary cause for the subsequent effects, which are interconnected and create a causal chain. Due to the college degree, there are multiple possibilities to explore, both in my professional and personal life. The...

Existentialist Art in the XX Century

Introduction and Thesis Statement Initially, existentialism emerged in philosophy and literature focusing on the themes of alienation and adverse impacts of human conditioning (Modern art movements, n.d.). Philosophy of Existentialism significantly influenced arts and manifested itself as an opposing reaction to rationalism and intellectualism proclaiming that the life of any...

Self-Esteem Development in Adolescents

Self-Esteem Development Developing self-esteem involves being able to successfully achieve social-emotional developments both in childhood and during teenage. According to Erikson, successful socialization requires that one solves all the eight crises experienced during development. In adolescents, attaining self-esteem involves achieving autonomy, which can renegotiate relationships with parents during the adolescence...

Kahlo’s and Bourgeois’s Role in the 20th-Century Art

Introduction and Thesis Statement The project targets to analyze the changes that the twentieth century implied for art and aesthetics. Thus, two works of art – “The Two Friends” by Frida Kahlo and “Destruction of the Father” by Louise Bourgeois – are examined as the fine examples reflecting the spirit...

Developmental Disorder Overview: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

One of the developmental disorders often diagnosed in the middle childhood years is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children suffering from this condition experience three basic difficulties: hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsive behavior (Harris & Westermann, 2014, p. 189). This disorder interferes with the child’s development on a cognitive level of functioning. A...

Cultural Differences Influencing Child Development

The interview with an acquaintance from a different cultural background revealed certain interesting characteristics. Having been raised in a Jewish family as an only child, she was influenced by traditional values and beliefs, as well as cultural conventions a great deal. Education was a primary focus throughout her childhood, to...

Cultural Rites and Customs in Latin America and Vietnam

Latin American Culture: Day of the Dead To fulfill the task and understand the Latin American background better, I interviewed Yuli Marquez, my Facebook friend from Tijuana, Mexico. She was excited about different traditions and finally decided to tell me about Día de Los Muertos – the Day of the...

Slave Trade and Workforce in American History

The main problem which arose during the first half of the seventeenth century was the scarcity of laborers combined with the high demand for workforce. Later, when it was solved in part by maximizing the Atlantic slave trade, a whole range of issues emerged. They can be grouped into two...

Hackensack University Medical Center’s Financial Analysis

Liquidity ratios Ratio 2015 2014 Industry average Current ratio Current assets/current liabilities 914,952/291,969 3.13:1 838,589/266,158 3.15:1 2.2 Collection period (Accounts receivables * 365) / total revenue) (157,884 * 365)/1,631,737 35 days (158,823 * 365)/1,564,562 37 days 23 days Days cash-on-hand (cash + short term investment) * 365 / total expenses...

Developmental Psychology: Full Brain Maturity

It is worth noting that over the past 20 years, new technologies in transport, medicine, and electronics caused large changes in the life and habits of people. In general, life expectancy has increased, and means such as telecommunications and the Internet have provided a large amount of information that is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Peer Relationships Impact on Adulthood Development

The article by Marion, Laursen, Zettergren, and Bergman (2013) reflects the impact of past peer relationships on adulthood. The research includes the examination of the mentioned issue in a long-term perspective focusing on a buffered-effects model and a direct-effects model. In particular, the authors state that adult life satisfaction directly...

Adolescence from Developmental Perspective

The adolescent period is commonly considered to be paradoxical due to the cognitive changes that young people undergo during this period. Hence, this age is notable for the development of formal cognitive operations that allow adolescents to construct the so-called “contrary to fact” propositions (Coleman, 2011, p. 41). The appearance...

National Certification Examination for Nurses

Passing an FNP national certification examination for nurse practitioners may be a difficult process. Most graduates have an option to take the examination at either the American Association of Nurse Practitioners or the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Both organizations are equally valid but present themselves differently. One of the ways...

Healthcare Information Project Management

The team and its communication are of supreme importance to a project’s success (Walley, 2013). The development of a healthcare IT project is likely to require the collaboration of informatics professionals (IP) and the clinical staff to ensure its success (Gale, 2012). There are multiple roles that an IP can...

Waterfall and Agile Product Development Approaches

There are several models or approaches to product development, and they include the waterfall and iterative (agile) ones. The waterfall approach presupposes the linear implementation of all the processes that are relevant to production; in this case, the new activity is undertaken after the previous one has been finished and...

Media Tools Effects on the Education System

Educational institutions constantly look for new ways to enrich their programs and improve students’ accomplishments. The role of media in education has drastically increased during the last decade. There are different types of media such as the Internet, television, radio, and some others. These mass media tools significantly affect the...

Conservatism, Radicalism, Irony in Austen’s “Emma”

Irony Jane Austen (2003) treats Emma, the central character of the novel of the same name, with irony. The most apparent aspect of this attitude is created situationally, for example, through the mismatches that Emma creates, which contrast with her “disposition to think a little too well of herself” and...

Impact of Attentional Focus on Information Processing

Introduction The impact of attentional focus on the execution of skills has received more attention than its impact on the actual performance, which often involves technical performance and cognitive skills. The purpose of this literature review is to determine the impact of attentional focus on information processing, movement accuracy, and...

AndFound Company’s Strategies and Problems

Introduction This case study presents a story of a start-up company and found, which was created under the premise of opposing corrupt and unfair practices of companies that make a living by charging exorbitant fees from angel investors and start-up entrepreneurs alike. However, after a period of expansive growth, the...

Salt Restaurant’s Design and Landscaping

The design of the Salt Restaurant that is presented here was created with two major goals in mind: first, we wanted to develop a welcoming image that would resemble the natural landscape of a beach, and second, we aimed to make the design convenient in implementation and use. Knowing the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Seussical the Musical” Theater Play Critique

Seussical is a brilliant musical for kids and perhaps even adults who cherish the writings of Dr. Seuss. The production intertwines the plots of several stories to create a magical world full of fantastic creatures and breathtaking adventures of the Cat, Horton the Elephant, and his small friend Jojo (“Seussical...

Fireside Poets and Their Foundational Themes

The foundational themes commonly associated with fireside poets were in full display in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem entitled My Lost Youth. The said foundational themes are listed as follows: living a just life; commemorating history; embracing family and community; celebrating nature. However, in this particular poem the theme that reverberates...

Project Management Cycle from Initiation to Ending

There is no single approach to project management (Ahimbisibwe, Cavana, & Daellenbach, 2015), but a relatively constant model of a project management cycle has been referred to by multiple authors. In particular, the stages of “initiating, planning, execution, and closing” can be singled out as stable and distinct but interrelated...

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives

In 1956, Benjamin Bloom created a framework that would help educators focus on the intellectual comprehension of their students. The taxonomy provides a hierarchy of perception levels and is used for creating performance assignments and ensuring feedback from students (Churches, 2009). The taxonomy features three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor,...

Dream Water Company’s Product Marketing

Dream Water: Core Product, Actual Product, and Augmented Product Core Product The core product is the main benefit that the product brings to the consumer. For Dream Water, the core product is the medication against insomnia. This is the main benefit offered for the potential consumers: a drug allowing for...

Irony in “The Ambitious Guest” by N. Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s use of irony as a literary device was not an afterthought. Writers use irony in the same way that a chef utilizes a certain type of ingredient to add flavor or character to the prepared dish. However, Hawthorne’s case, it is a mistake to perceive the use of...

Physical Development During Middle Childhood

Introduction Physical development is intense in childhood, and it is paramount to properly understand the processes which take place in different periods of the young age of a person, as well as the factors that have an impact on these processes. In order to better comprehend the various aspects of...

Pbworks.com: Wiki Website for Knowledge Sharing

Structure and Purpose Pbworks.com is a wiki site, which enables users to create their wikis. Wikis refer to sites that allow for collaborative development of web content where a user can edit the site at will (Ebersbach, Glaser, Heigl, & Warta, 2008). This promotes knowledge sharing. Its structures allow for...

Moral and Religious Development in Adolescents

Criticisms of Kohlberg’s Theory Critics pointed out that Kohlberg’s moral stages appeared later in life and not as what Kohlberg envisioned it to be. For instance, most adolescents were discovered to reason at Stage 3, but at the same time, some of them are already capable of Stage 2 and...

Marketing: “How to Make Choosing Easier” by Iyengar

The problem of choice paralysis is acute due to such processes as new consumer attitudes, new IT opportunities, and the psychological and economic restructuring of the supply – demand ratio. The classic marketing model is still applicable; nevertheless, it is crucial to develop preventive measures that will enable companies to...

Oil as a Political Weapon in the Middle East

Oil is one of the most widely used energy products, but at the same time, the overwhelming majority of petroleum consumers (first of all, Western European states, Japan, and the United States) are practically devoid of oil fields. Despite the rapid development of international transportation networks and energy transfer (in...

Healthcare Professionals and Knowledges about Writing

Introduction The available literature is consistent in that healthcare professionals should develop the required competencies in writing and research to succeed in solving everyday health problems and articulating detailed information, data, and thoughts in written format (Campanelli, Feterman, Keane, Lieberman, & Roberson, 2007). The present paper provides a reflective postscript...

Australopithecines to Homo and “The Story of Lucy”

According to “The Story of Lucy”, did our ancestors become bipedal first and get smart later? The discovery of Lucy has revealed crucial facts proving that bipedalism came first. The remains of the skeleton presented specific anatomical features. It turned out that the upper part of Lucy’s body was apelike,...

Marketing Lessons from Malcolm Gladwell’s TED Talk

The most important message delivered by Malcolm Gladwell in his “Choice, happiness, and spaghetti sauce” speech that can be linked to marketing (and pricing policy in general) is the innovation that should be brought to the pricing strategy. This innovation regards examples in which companies revolutionize their pricing policies, strategies,...

Responsible Human Being: Personal Account

The question of responsibility is not the easiest one. When I was a child, parents tried to explain to me the notion of responsibility, its significance, and ways of application. Understanding of the idea was quite difficult because I did not have enough experience to link this abstract term with...

Buddha’s Four Noble Truths and Jesus’ Teachings

In Buddhism, the Noble Eightfold Path is the last of the Four Noble Truths. It describes the principles of thought and behavior that help on one’s path to enlightenment. According to Ratnasekera (n.d.), following the Eightfold Path makes the person “fully self-possessed, in command of his faculties and well-equipped to...

Responsibility Areas in Personal Life

I first encountered the notion of responsibility when I was six years old. I was told that taking out the trash was my responsibility. It meant that, if the trash was not taken out by the end of a day, I was the one to blame. Since then, my understanding...

“I, Too” Poem by Langston Hughes

The poem I, Too by Langston Hughes has left me very inspired. The line which I found to be the strongest is “I, too, am America” (Hughes 275), because it received my emotional feedback. It sends a message, to which I can relate myself since I consider myself to be...

Statistics for Professional Psychologists

Statistics plays an important role in the professional expertise of a psychologist. It is a necessity for a psychologist to possess at least a basic understanding of statistics in order to comply with the ethical duty of competence, even if they do not use statistics in their daily work. Without...

Compulsive Buying in Women: Psychological Research

Connecting Research Question to Methodology Some women try to buy as many clothes as they can, some try to make their house as ‘full’ as possible while some invest in their looks or focus on their children’s performance and achievements (at school, in the workplace). All these efforts can be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Arab Spring in Syria: Research Process

Conducting researches is an inseparable part of life both academic and every day because the primary objective of any research is to gather necessary information, process it, and find responses to questions under investigation. Even though the topic of each study is differing, the process is always the same or...

Responsibility from a Personal Standpoint

The concept of responsibility is fascinating because every person understands it differently. To me, a responsible human being is someone who acknowledges his or her influence on the life of other people, as well as on the world in general, and acts wisely. A responsible person cares not only for...

Quality Measurement Tools and Metrics in Nursing

Introduction The application of valid measures for the assessment of organizational performance is a critical function of a leader, which should be used to inform their decision-making process. This paper aims to discuss two chapters on quality measurement tools and metrics in the context of nursing. Dashboards and Scorecards A...

Education Theories and Research for Medical Students

A constructionist learning environment for teachers to model learning designs In their article “A constructionist learning environment for teachers to model learning designs”, Laurillard et al. look at the spread of digital technologies, and the unfortunate discrepancy between the increasing demand for these systems, and lacking learning environment for their...

Second Amendment and Its Practical Implications

Conducting a research is a challenging experience. As I am involved in the research project, I have discovered several peculiarities about the process and myself as a researcher. There are some lessons I have learned during the last few weeks and I would like to share my new knowledge with...

Second Amendment as a Legal Research Topic

Choosing a topic for further research is always a challenge because it requires thinking it over and gathering as much detail as possible before the study itself such as making up preliminary plans and identifying the desired outcomes. It should be the subject of interest but, at the same time,...

Qualitative Interview in Phenomenological Research

The qualitative interview held in terms of the phenomenological research is characterized by certain peculiarities. Creswell (2012) notes that the researchers should have interviews with 5 to 25 people who experienced the phenomenon under study. Importantly, the phenomenological study aims at identifying the central reasons for people’s behavior or attitudes....

Ethical Conduct in Psychology Research

Ethical behavior in academic and scientific writing is associated with the absence of plagiarism and falsification. Thus, an ethical academic writer cannot plagiarize, and he/she has to make sure that the data provided are valid (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016). Notably, these aspects are also important in the business world. Inability...

Colonialism and Slavery in American History

In the history of Western Civilization, the ideology for expansion to new lands is often referred to as “God…Gold and Glory” In your opinion….what were some of the reasons for colonization by the European countries and especially for the continent of North America? The history of Western Civilization cannot be...

Nursing Resources for Acutely Ill Children

Introduction When conducting nursing research, it is paramount to be able to choose an appropriate methodology so as to do the study properly. In this paper, a nursing article is considered. The methodology used in it is identified, and the likely reasons of its authors for choosing this methodology are...

Practice Act for Advanced Practice Nurses in Florida

Introduction The Florida Nurse Act is put in place to ensure advanced practice nurses meet every minimum requirement for high-quality and safe practice. The Act governs the responsibilities of certified nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, certified nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists. This paper compares and contrasts these population-focused roles. It...

Marijuana Convictions Reversal: Innovative Policy

Introduction This paper proposes a policy that the government may adopt to reverse marijuana conviction among those who were sent to prison for distribution or possession of marijuana. There is a need to create this policy to comply with the marijuana legalization laws. The paper proposes the PREPARE and IMAGINE...

Current Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa

Impact on Energy Policies Some policies have had a serious effect on foreign investments, especially the international sanctions that massively reduced foreign and international involvements of Libya with outside countries like the US. These regulations and restrictions put on oil industry equipment and operations severely affected the country’s development. Libya’s...

Social Worker’s Ethical Dilemma of Confidentiality

Cheryl’s family comes to me, as they face difficulties while communicating with her after a brain injury (Hutchison, 2011). Seeing that they are confused and do not know how to act in the current situation I want to help them, but it is inadmissible to talk about Cheryl’s case even...

Risk Management Concept in Academic and Business Circles

Risk Management on EBSCO: Chart Analysis Risk Management refers to the process of identifying, analyzing, documenting, and presenting the possible risks that an institution is facing, and then devising techniques and strategies to mitigate those risks. The chart above shows how many references to the concept of Risk Management existed...

“Operations Management” Term in Academic Literature

EBSCO Search This paper is aimed at discussing how such the business notion “operations management” is introduced in the academic literature. The following graph will plot the number of academic sources in which the notion is discussed. It should be noted that this chart is based on the results of...

Consumer-Driven Healthcare Plan in the US

Introduction Consumer-driven health care plans have experimented within the United States over the last ten years. The plan combines a highly deductible insurance plan policy with various accounts. It covers approximately eight million individuals (8 Million). The number has risen as compared to 2007 where the number of individuals covered...

Islam in Zaid Shakir’s and Reza Aslan’s Views

Introduction In an interview with Bill Moyers, Imam Zaid Shakir, a renowned American-bred Muslim religious leader tried his best to defend the religion of Islam a year after 9/11 changed world history. Shakir was skillful in his defense, saying that Islam’s core values are similar to that of America and...

Central-Line Infection Prevention in Nursing Practice

The Implications of the Findings on Clinical Practice The findings made have a significant implication for clinical practice. The findings show that using a multifaceted intervention may significantly reduce cases of central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) (Dixon & Caver, 2010). It means that nursing practice within the intensive care...

Chapter 9 of “International Business” by Hill

Chapter summary This chapter talks about what foreign exchange is and explains the meaning of a foreign exchange market, shows how the market works and indicates the forces that determine exchange rates, explains the association between exchange rates and international business and highlights the functions of the foreign market. Foreign...

Intercultural Competence in Modern Organizations

It is possible to define intercultural competence as a specific ability of a person to interact easily and appropriately with representatives of different cultures while having positive attitudes, demonstrating cultural awareness, being flexible, and maintaining effective communication. Global organizations pay much attention to developing the intercultural competence in their leaders,...

Thomas Aquinas: Philosopher and Theologian

Introduction Thomas Aquinas was one of the most influential philosophers and theologians of the Middle Ages. His most important work, Summa Theologiae, combined the theories of scholasticism and Aristotle to explore the concepts of God, ethics, and Christ (Davies & Stump, 2012, p. 3). To this day, Aquinas is widely...

Budget Deficit Effects on Legislative Capability

From a democratic perspective, in order to carry out consistent budget management, it is critical to ensure that both executive and legislative parties participate in the process. In spite of the widespread assumption that legislative tools complicate budget management, it should be admitted that they provide a vital framework that...

Wastewater Treatment Plant: Defining Capacity

The concept of capacity is viewed through the lens of the technical properties of the wastewater plant. When mentioning the phenomenon under analysis, the contributors to the site imply the ability of the plant to contain a certain amount of water, produce a particular amount of work, etc. Therefore, although...

Procedures in the Justice System

Introduction The essay is an analysis of procedures in the justice system. Two main issues addressed in the essay include listing reasons why bright-line decision may be preferable over case-by-case adjudication and the other way round. My preference from the two is then given. Additionally, issue of American enjoying a...

Georgia and Florida States’ Constitutions

Discuss possible reasons the state of Georgia has for enacting ten new constitutions since admission to the Union? There is no use denying the fact that the life of every state is organized by the laws which are peculiar to this state. Moreover, the Constitution of a state also regulates...

Adolescent Sexual Development and Puberty Suppression

Articles Overview Both articles that are to be analyzed in the paper at hand are related to the topic of adolescent development dilemmas that have to be solved either with or without their consent. The first article (Risking a Relation: Sex Education and Adolescent Development) is more general and addresses...

Inclusion in Education and Related Legal Cases

Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia (1972) This case was a civil action that was brought in the United States district court of Columbia representing seven special needs children who wanted to be granted their rights to free public education which was being denied to them...

Pressure Ulcers: Causes and Treatment

Introduction The risk of developing pressure ulcers in ICU patients is a rather severe problem; nevertheless, nurses and doctors regularly face it. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to determine what the cause of the development of pressure ulcers is, as well as pay attention to the complications...

Parenting and Choice of Child-Rearing Style

Parenting is a very complex activity. Therefore, parents tend to apply styles that best suit their goals. The child-rearing style applied to a child has an impact on the child’s growth and development. The style employed by the parent(s) can predict the future character of the child. Authoritarian Style Such...

Arnold Abner Newman’s Biography

Biography The late Arnold Abner Newman was born in the year 1918 in Manhattan. Arnold died in the year 2006 as one of the most successful American photographers. As a young boy, Arnold was raised in the city of Atlanta in New Jersey and Florida. At the age of 16...

“Renaissance Rivals” a Book by Rona Goffen

The Best Thesis for the Article The book “Renaissance Rivals: Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, Titian” by Rona Goffen explores the nature of competition among the masters of the 16th century European art. The thesis below summarizes this article by Rona Goffen. The regional competition with both the dead and the living...

Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Children

Introduction Working with transgender and gender non-conforming (TGN) children and adolescents requires much knowledge and awareness. They may experience severe mental health conditions, lack support from their family, and show suicidal behavior. This paper discusses the issues a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) should be aware of when interacting...

McDonald’s Strategic Change Initiatives

Introduction The strategic change initiative is an important part of the strategic change as the aspect that influences the whole organization and all employees. The first step in implementing strategic change is usually called ‘strategic change initiative’ (Anderson, 2003, p. 89). As it is impossible to start without knowing what...

“Ordinary” Sexual Violence in Media and Society

Introduction Carter1 argues that the news reporting of sexualized violence is contributing to the ‘normalization’ of assumptions about male violent behavior and female likelihoods of victimization. It is easy to outline how this process occurs if to consider some specific examples. Using Carter’s statement as a theoretical issue, a particular...

Radio Advertising Proposal for Chicago Company

Introduction The number of individuals willing to join the US army has been declining within the past five years. This is the situation despite the fact that more youths between 17 and 24 years of age are available and eligible for enlistment without being waived (Smith). This paper proposes a...

Board of Nursing Website, Its Ethics and Legality Aspects

Introduction The Board of Nursing website in the state of Florida contains useful information that the local population can access for free. This resource publishes professional data that medical personnel should read to be aware of new standards and laws. Moreover, regular citizens might find out about different events and...

Galaxies Nature and Frequency

It should be noted that galaxies are the main structural components of the universe, which contain almost all of its substance that radiates in the visible area of the spectrum. Stars are born and die in galaxies, and planetary systems are formed around them. The purpose of this paper is...

Effective Teaching Methods by Gary D. Borich

The Effective Teacher The first chapter is quite general, covering mostly the characteristics and traits which are expected from the good teacher as he or she is perceived through the contemporary perspective: able to organize a successful and performance-oriented teacher-student interaction and demonstrating personality traits contributing to the effect. Despite...

Diversity and Inclusion in Educational Institutions

Vision Statement I am committed to supporting diversity and inclusion in every social environment, including workplaces and educational environments because of my personal background of being a female representative of minorities. My vision of diversity and inclusion as necessary elements of an effective educational institution is based on my own...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Adolescent Experience in Different Interpretations

Brief Description of the Experience Parents always interfere with the life of adolescents as they worry about their children, however, adolescence is a complicated period when it is important to maintain trust in the relationships. Trying to act in the interests of their children, parents usually make relationships more complicated...

Jules Ferry’ Views on French Colonial Expansion

Introduction It is worth noting that Jules Ferry was a French public and political leader. He enforced the laws regarding the free and compulsory primary education (Fermer, 2013). During the policy of the government on colonial expansion, Ferry supported such course of action. The purpose of this paper is to...

Diabetes in African American Patients

Introduction Lately, diabetes became one of the most prevalent health issues in the world. There is an opinion that it happens because of the changing patterns in nutrition and the lack of willingness to engage in physical exercises (Trief et al., 2013). Nonetheless, there may also be a necessity to...

Association of Nurses in AIDS Care and Its Activity

The Function of the Organization, its Mission and Vision ANAC (Association of Nurses in AIDS Care) is one of the leading professional nursing organizations working on the issue of AIDS and HIV (Association of Nurses in AIDS Care [ANAC], 2016). The organization provides its members with valuable information concerning nursing...

Hurricane Katrina and Public Administration Action

Given the path of the Hurricane and its progression, if you were mayor of New Orleans what would you be doing to prepare for the possibility of the storm hitting the city? Given the location of New Orleans, the fact that it is surrounded by various water bodies (a river,...

National Library Board’s Business Excellence

The SPRING Singapore’s Business Excellence framework The SPRING Singapore’s Business Excellence framework is a detailed structure that outlines and provides businesses with a set of management standards. This structure was developed by SPRING Singapore, an agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry responsible for supporting the growth and development...

Efficiency and Effectiveness as Management Concepts

Management is one of the possible ways of how any kind of work should be organized. Management is all about coordination and the possibility of overseeing the activities different people should complete efficiently and effectively. The concepts of efficiency and effectiveness are closely connected and should be balanced in the...

Humanistic, Cognitive, and Psychobiology

Discuss the changes in values, principles, and subject matter that psychobiology brought to the field of psychology, and how these changes affected psychologists’ ways of understanding human behavior Principles Psychobiology combined the principles of behaviorism (which was more inclined towards biology) and psychoanalysis (which was purely a psychological school of...

Pop Culture, Entertainment and Media Representation

“Batman, Deviance and Camp” by Andy Medhurst The camp is a cultural and aesthetic phenomenon that deals with sophisticated taste and specially cultivated sensitivity and theatricality. Describing camp in the example of Batman 1960 movie, Medhurst notes that camp is a manner of depicting serious things in a comic and...

City Planning and Environmentalism

Introduction This memo’s purpose is to summarize and reflect on two-course articles about the issues of city planning concerning such aspects as the main subjects and purposes of the works, their meaning for me, and their connection to the objectives of the current course. “Linking Planning Theory and History: The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Learning Theories of Nursing Practice and Training

Introduction Nursing practice is a combination of complex tasks the goal of which is to investigate what a person can do, how working plans should be developed, and when a theory has to be applied practically. During this week, the core of practice is to understand the importance of learning...

Neobehaviorism, Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis

Influence of Neobehaviorism School Neobehaviorism emerged when behaviorism was combined with the ideas of logical positivism. The representatives of the latter believed that scientific statements about the world had to originate from physical observation; otherwise, they would not be scientific (Hergenhahn & Henley, 2014). Like behaviorists, neobehaviorists supposed that stimuli...

The Son as a Mexican Music Genre

Mexican music includes a range of genres, and the son is one of them. The very word “son” means “sound” (Noble 82). It refers to the regional music that can be mostly heard in eastern, western, and central parts of the country. It is played using such instruments as haupanguera,...

“Explicit Direct Instruction” by Hollingsworth and Ybarra

Introduction Teaching is a complex and challenging process, and to achieve success, educators need to refer to the experience of experts in the field and use evidence-based strategies and techniques to improve their lessons and contribute to students’ learning. Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI): The Power of the Well-Crafted, Well-Taught Lesson...

Racial Discrimination in the “Selma” Film

The modern American society is characterized by the racial diversity. Unfortunately, the major social groups often feel hostility to the ethnic minority groups and express it by rights violations or social oppressions. Throughout the history, it happened for very different reasons: the competition for the financial resources or the political...

American Population’s Profile in 2010

Aging is regarded as one of the most serious issues of developed countries. This is also a significant concern for the USA. For instance, the number of people in their 20s equals to the number of Americans who are in their 50s. However, the population of children under ten is...

Interpersonal Space and Touch in Hispanic Culture

The character of the interpersonal space use depends on the cultural conventions to a large extent, and the forms of proxemics thus are different in the distinct societies. In this paper, I would like to analyze the issue of the interpersonal space use from the perspective of my culture. Being...

Sanergy Waste Management Company: Reverse Logistics

Waste Management Company Operations Sanergy Waste Management Company bills over 10,000 corporate and individual customers in the city it is located. The company utilizes various methods to track its waste bins and trucks as they transport and deposit materials at various designated locations. To manage their inventory and keep track...

Self-Identification and Presentation in Society

There are many different thoughts about the importance of society and the need to comprehend social expectations. I like the ideas offered by the professor Richard Jenkins about the connection between social identity and society and the necessity for people to know what they are. Jenkins (as cited in Kidd...

The History of Slavery and Its Impacts

Introduction Over the years, there have been records of shootings that targeted a particular race or religion. Both the police and the general public have perpetuated crimes based on racial prejudice. Further, statistics show that black people have a lower salary rate compared to white people (Craig, 2014). It can,...

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Childhood Obesity Study, Ethics, and Human Rights

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Acute Pancreatitis as a Life-Threatening Disease

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Latin American Economies After the Cold War

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Performance Management and Appraisal Plan

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Corporate Governance Scandals and Regulations

The Maxwell Scandal was related to the discovery of the fraud made by the owner of the publishing empire. Ian Robert Maxwell stole big sums of money from the pension funds of the Mirror Corporation. The scandal surrounding Maxwell occurred after his death when thousands of scheme members discovered they...

Corporate Governance in the UK of the 1990s

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The Film “Damaged Care” Analysis

Introduction The film Damaged Care shot in 2002 portrays a disappointing reality of the profit-centered USA health care system. The main character of the motion picture, Dr. Linda Peeno, played by Laura Dern, starts her job on a position of a medical reviewer at the organization called Humana Health Care...

Essential Thrombocytosis Pathophysiology and Care

Essential thrombocytosis (ET) is an uncommon blood disease, which occurs due to the excess production of platelets. The condition increases the risk of having blood clots. This chronic disease has no known cure currently, and thus drugs are only taken to relieve symptoms. Clinical Presentation In most cases, ET does...

Assessment Techniques and Benefit Patients

Evaluation of the Patient’s Head The first part of the assessment is the evaluation of the patient’s head. Initially, it is recommended to start with inspecting the size of the patient’s head. After that, the emphasis should be put on the temporal artery. The assessment of this area may help...

Healthcare Delivery: Patients Outcomes

Practitioners and healthcare professionals should always strive to maximize the outcomes of their patients. However, some gaps and challenges might emerge in a clinical setting, thereby affecting the nature and quality of available care. This self-reflection paper examines a specific event that occurred in a healthcare delivery setting and the...

Postpartum Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Important Elements The case presents some very important elements in the description of the patient’s condition. The first is an obvious feeling of sadness and anger, both of which are common for depressive disorders. The lack of sleep over a long period of time is another usual symptom that has...

Community Health Assessment: Obtaining Data

Type of Data A community health assessment can be conducted using different types of data. Primary data is needed to obtain first-hand information that is not biased by the perception of other people. It can be gathered with the help of observations and interviews. Secondary data can be advantageous as...

Hypertension: Main Elements and Treatment Methodology

Introduction The issue of hypertension is rather important within the framework of nursing practice because the patients will hypertension represents one of the most vulnerable populations (Dasgupta et al., 2014). Therefore, there is a need to investigate this issue as soon as possible so as to gain access to the...

Supply and Demand Impacts on the Transportation Industry

Introduction The transportation industry is made up of suppliers of transport-related services and consumers of such services. Drawing from a study by Rodrigue and Notteboom (2015), a transport industry that functions efficiently facilitates the meeting of transport demand to ensure that the mobility requirements of individuals are sufficiently met. Every...

Managing Organizational Change: Six Images of Change

Introduction Change management is the modern method of implementing innovative developments and concepts to increase the capacity of companies and enhance the productivity of employees. Depending on the type of leadership supported in a particular group, it is possible to come to both significant achievements and misunderstanding on the part...

How Dogs Respond to Hugging?

Newspaper Story Summary A newspaper article debunks a myth that dogs like hugging. Referring to the latest research findings, it states that by animal psychologists findings, dogs might feel distressed, unhappy, and miserable when their owners embrace them to show their devotion and love (Knapton, 2016). One of the central...

Professor-Student Communication Using Technology

Introduction To begin with, it should be said that innovative technologies have become an essential part of modern life. Innovations have entered all the spheres of human life (education is not an exception) and have made it easier. No one dares to say that innovative technologies have created conditions which...

“Race: The Power of an Illusion” Documentary Series

“The house we live in” is the final episode of “Race: the power of an illusion”. This episode is mainly focused on individual behaviors and attitudes of institutions that created and shaped race in the United States before and after the Second World War. Additionally, the episode emphasizes the ways...

Cognitive Development: Piaget’s Conservation Tasks

The conservation tasks implied measuring whether the number of the objects and the length are the same while changing the parameters of the lines. In the case of the video “A typical child on Piaget’s conservation tasks”, the child is younger than seven years old. In this instance, the child...

German Delegation’s Comments to the Paris Peace

According to the authors of Germany’s complaint, how will various provisions of the treaty hurt Germany’s economy? The complaints of the German delegation help to comprehend the main economic challenges the country faced after the war. First, the League of Nation did not find it necessary to invite Germany and...

Psychologist’s Discrimination Against Deaf Student

A news report by Only Forex Trading (2013) tells about a group of deaf customers who were discriminated against in a Starbucks coffee shop. It is stated that the people were laughed at, and the police were called to kick them out. In our opinion, the situation was extremely unpleasant...

Interview with Aldo’s Restaurant and Bakery Owner

The Olivieri family immigrated to the United States in 1950, where they first settled in California and opened a small family business in the same year. Originally from the Italian coastal town of Sestri Levante, the Olivieri family like all Italian natives knew the art of making good tasting Pizzas....

Pavement and Bridge Infrastructure: Performance Indicators

Purpose of Inclusion of Performance Measures in MAP-21 Including performance measures in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) has been done to ensure the effective risk-based management of available assets and the decision-making associated with the improvement of infrastructural quality. Performance measures linked to pavement...

Neurocognitive Habilitation Therapy for Children

Case analysis The study was conducted by Wells, Chasnoff, Schmidt, Telford & Schwartz (2012) with a focus on enhancing the cognition of children diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder. The study entailed the development of an experimental group that was compared with a control group. The...

Barriers to Cultural Competence

There is no doubt that national culture, traditions, and customs impact our behaviors and shape self-identity. In its turn, cultural and social identity largely defines actions and decisions every person makes, influences his or her social orientations and preferences. At the same time, the term “cultural competence” implies the ability...

Online Grocery Business: Operations Management

While designing a grocery business, it is important to determine such competitive priorities as the on-time delivery, the delivery speed, flexibility in partnerships, and the top quality. In core processes, the capabilities to develop are the achievement of the on-time speedy delivery in relations with suppliers and partners, including food...

Labor Unions and Their Rise Factors in the US

The active industrial development in the United States of the 19th century caused significant changes in the working conditions of many Americans. Even though the general social conditions were improved because of the economic growth and increases in wages, working Americans were still unprotected in their workplaces. Furthermore, the need...

Privacy Protection for Wireless Medical Sensor Data

When I was looking for an article on the topic related to wireless attacks, I was particularly interested in expanding the information provided in the textbook concerning protection techniques. Namely, I wanted to investigate how patient data can be protected from security violations in healthcare. The textbook mentions that blood...

Moral Right to Breaking the Law

The law serves to protect the rights and freedoms of the people on which it is imposed and to ensure that these people are governed democratically. It can thus, be argued that the spirit of the law is the provision of fairness, equality, and good governance. In some isolated cases,...

Police Injustice Towards African-Americans

The History of Violence The book White Violence and Black Response: From Reconstruction to Montgomery by Herbert Shapiro is a great example of a century-long perspective on the issue of violence towards African-Americans from the White population. For instance, there is a good point of how the II World War...