Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech for American Audience

Introduction Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech is often considered one of the first examples of Cold War action as it drew a distinct line between the western and the eastern world. He presented a number of ideas through this speech, but the main one concerned the actions of the Soviet Union...

Writing a Memo with Research Information

To succeed in writing memos, it is very important to understand the essence of such paper and the main purpose of this writing process. In fact, memo writing is identified as a crucial “step between data collection and writing drafts of papers” (Charmaz 72), this is why there is no...

Wellness Coach Health Practitioner Business Plan

Introduction The Wellness Coach Health Practitioner (WCHP) project is a business plan that implies providing the combined services of a wellness coach and a health practitioner to customers, thus increasing quality and leading to higher customer satisfaction rates. The project is fraught with several challenges, yet it is likely to...

Staffing, Scheduling, Leadership Skills in Nursing

This paper aims to discuss my personal experience in nursing practice, including the reflection on the goals which were established for the week. Further, the integration of staffing and scheduling concepts from Week 8 into the training will be observed. Additionally, the area of greatest learning will be considered. Identifying...

Knowledge Management and Incentives: Transition to a New System

What exactly is knowledge management and how does it apply to IT? Knowledge management is traditionally defined as a set of rules and principles in accordance with which information is acquired, transferred, processed, distributed, and utilized by employees and members of a specific organization. While the given definition is rather...

Florida National University and the Nutrition Concerns

Assessing the quality of services provided by a university rarely goes past evaluating the type of knowledge offered to the students. Though knowledge acquisition is doubtlessly the key purpose of a higher educational establishment, it is not the only service that it should provide. Food service is also an integral...

The Time Arrow Direction

Summary The basic issue of concern for physics and philosophers nowadays is defining the direction of the time arrow. The arrow of time is known to be directed in the future. This means that all the events are arranged in chronological order, and human mind is adapted to such organization....

Business Networks and Telecommunications: Data Usage

If you have important work processes how can you use a knowledge management system to capture this data? For major organizations and especially entrepreneurship, it is crucial to capture, process, and distribute data among the staff fast and efficiently. Innovative technologies play a major role in the process of information...

Management Care and Corporate Fraud

What is a managed care plan? Provide examples and briefly describe the basic characteristics of each A group care plan, which has been put together in accordance with the new standards, is usually referred to as a managed care plan. In contrast to the plans written in compliance with the...

Databases Usage for Personal and Professional Purposes

Think of a database you have used at work or for personal use. How did it help you organize data? For someone who is only starting to explore the possibilities of the Internet, the creation of a database seems rather redundant. Indeed, even after starting their own web page, users...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “About Time” Comparison

I have recently watched several romantic comedies that seem to be quite engaging and thought-provoking. In particular, I would like to speak about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and About Time. Both of them were released in 2013. Although these movies differ in terms of plot, character development, and...

The Stranded Traveler’ Case

A quality service can be defined as one which leaves its users with a smile on the face due to attained satisfaction. In this case, the traveler is dissatisfied with the services offered by that shuttle company because he quietly swears never to use the company again. Several ways clearly...

Slavery and Civil War: American History

While some contemporary political discussion calls for a “color blind” society, other voices argue that race remains the central issue in American life and Slavery is the defining element in American history. How would you trace issues of race in America from the 17th through the 19th century? What organizing...

Defining Risk Management Techniques: Michael’s Case

Physical damage to the 2000 Ford because of a collision with another motorist. Physical damage of a vehicle due to a collision with another vehicle can be defined as a property risk and, therefore, requires that a transfer should have been carried out to prevent the instance of a road...

Regular and Friendly Emails Examples

Routine E-mail To: All members of staff! Subject: The New Financial year Hello, We hope you spent some lovely days with your friends and family during the past holidays. Welcome to this new financial year. We have done everything possible to provide you with many tenders for you to bid,...

Pearson PLC: Business Strategy and Organisational Dynamics

Pearson PLC is the leading education and book-publishing company in the world, and it is headquartered in London. Since the establishment of the firm, various management teams have been focusing on adopting the most effective approaches to realise excellent performance outcomes. Organisational capability can be defined as the ability of...

Self-Disclosure in Psychological Therapy

Self-disclosure is revealing personal information to others. In the context of counseling, the implementation of this principle may significantly assist the client. As mentioned by Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann, and Ivey (2016), it is used to “facilitate clients’ understanding of their experiences, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors” (p. 187). The technique may...

Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements

​The IASB framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements outlines the concepts underlying the preparation and presentation of financial statements by external users (Deloitte 2008). The framework assists the board in the formulation of accounting standards and seeks to resolve issues that are not addressed directly in the...

Holistic Assessment of Students with Special Needs

A holistic assessment of students is a specific process that includes several steps and procedures in order to interpret test results and draw certain conclusions. In this context, a holistic approach means focusing not only on the assessment data received with the help of interviews, standardized tests, and different types...

Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals

Social services professionals play a positive role in every community. They use their competencies to support the welfare of many people and provide adequate services that can improve their living conditions (Diller, 2015). I strongly believe that I have acquired useful dexterities that make me a competent provider of superior...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Christian Counseling for Marriage and Family

If a couple comes to you considering divorce, what strategies might you use to help them find hope? What boundary issues need to be taken into consideration? If I were to consult a couple, considering divorce, I would have employed several strategies. First of all, I would have asked each...

Lack of Strategic Management

One of major issues the organization is facing is lack of strategic management. The interim director as well as employees understand the need for change but there is no particular plan how to handle the change (Rubino, 2014). Another issue is inappropriate attitude towards the organization’s rules and culture as...

“The Chrysanthemums” by John Steinbeck

In his short story, The Chrysanthemums John Steinbeck describes a person who at one point understands that her life lacks meaning and value at least in the eyes of other people. The protagonist Elisa Allen feels that her life is deprived of emotional and intellectual intimacy. To some degree, this...

Diet Management in Adolescents and Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues Because the research on diet management in adolescents will involve real people as study participants, several ethical issues need to be addressed. These include informed consent, beneficence (do not harm), preservation of confidentiality and anonymity, respect for privacy, and attention to vulnerable groups (Fouka & Mantzorou, 2011). Informed...

Rethinking Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination

This paper will focus on the theory of egoism and when to apply the theory in the work environment to avoid sexual discrimination. Based on the normative claims of the egoism theory, I will demonstrate that employees in organizations must be familiar with their unique sexual needs and sexual misconduct...

Literacy Issue in Contemporary Research

Literacy is one of the most popular topics in contemporary research. The crisis of literacy is believed to have far-reaching implications for the future of global society. The emergence of numerous literacies, most of which are socially construed, has become the distinctive feature of the global reality. Here, we talk...

Project Risk Management: Prioritizing Risks

Compare and contrast quantitative versus qualitative analysis and discuss two situations that warrant only the use of qualitative analysis. Defining the severity of a risk is essential for enhancing the project viability and addressing the possible issues in a timely and efficient fashion. Consequently, the application of the appropriate risk...

Conflict Management Strategies

How would you ensure sufficient discussion of contentious issues in a workgroup? How can managers bring unspoken conflict into the open without making them worse? It is not an easy task to ensure appropriate fair discussions of contentious issues that may take place in a workgroup. It is very important...

Intercultural Communication: the Product Names and Logos

When doing business globally, it is crucial to take into consideration the meanings and sounding of the product names and logos into the languages of the cultures a product target. Chevy Nova produced by General Motors was very popular in the USA, yet in South America it had no success...

Racial and Ethnic Biases Management in Healthcare

Managing Racial or Ethnic Biases Even though many years have already passed since the civil rights movement, racism and ethnic biases remain to be the issues that bother many American citizens. In American society, there are groups organized based on racial hate, ethnic attacks, and other misunderstandings that touch upon...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Origin of Psychology Research Method Worksheet

Psychoanalytic The psychoanalytic perspective involves the affiliation between unconscious and conscious psychological state. This perspective is not suitable for teamwork but it takes place between the analyst and the patient. One of the key persons linked to the psychoanalytic perspective is Sigmund Freud. Sigmund developed several theories such as psychosexual...

Understanding Group Dynamics and Behaviour

Dynamics in the Interactions of the 12 disciples The disciples underwent all the four major stages that small groups normally go through in their development. First, there was the forming stage in which Jesus had to select the right members of the group. He had to exercise extreme care in...

Customer Risk Avoidance Plan

In business today it is not uncommon for customers to pay for goods and services using credit. The bulk of these credit facilities have been made possible through the banking industry and its increased use of computer networks. The increased push towards globalization and expansion of markets has made the...

How to Become an International Businessman?

I want to become an international businessman. In my opinion international business is an exciting field. In order to pursue this career, one should acquire certain skills and traits that are paramount to succeed in this field. The plan to become an international businessman requires three supporting details or supporting...

Father-Son Relations in Elie Wiesel Book

How Eliezer’s relationship with his father changes throughout the book? Eliezer and his father Shlomo are the main characters of Elie Wiesel’s novel Night. In spite of the fact many issues associated with the Holocaust and the people living in concentration camps are discussed in the novel, the author pays...

Happy Life: Critical Thinking and Ethics

If we are to live our life in harmony with nature, what qualities must our mind have? Seneca admits that if people want to live a life in a harmony with nature, it is necessary for a human mind to have and develop several qualities. Soundness, sanity, courage, moral energy,...

Host Country National Willingness to Help Expatriates

The focus of this paper is the article titled “Host Country National Willingness to Help Expatriates: The Role of Social Categorization and Exchange” by Arup Varma, Shaun Pichler, and Pawan Budhwar. The work was published in 2016 on the Research Gate database and is a part of Global Talent Management...

The Significance of a Standard Score: Sampling Distributions

Z-values, also known as standard scores, can be defined as the elements that allow defining whether “the number of standard deviations the original measurement is from the mean” (Brase and Brase “Normal Curves and Sampling Distributions” 62). Herein their significance lies. For the same reason the specified elements do not...

How China Will Change Your Business?

Principles Of Marketing As the Chinese save money in their bank deposits, the government of China siphons off the money to lend to the U.S., which then lowers the cost of money in the country. By doing this, the people of China are ultimately giving financial support to the voracious...

Deviance Causes and Effects: John’s Case

John’s Deviance Story Deviance among members of the society results from different sources. In most instances, some events occur in the life of an individual, and their cumulative effects lead to deviance. Usually, one occurrence causes the other, leading to the formation of a causal chain of event. This paper...

Hypothesis Testing: Meaning, Proportion and Elements

Type I and type II errors associated with hypothesis testing According to Brase and Brase, the type I error occurs when the correct null hypothesis is rejected (Brase and Brase 394). The type II error, in its turn, can be attributed to the situations when the false null hypothesis is...

Silence in the Elie Wiesel’s Novel “Night”

Warning of the Impending Doom The people of Sighet found it hard to believe Moishe the Beadle due to certain reasons. The first is because of the status of Moishe the Beadle in the society that they lived in. He was poor, and thus was not particularly liked by the...

How Samsung Gets Innovations to Market?

Article Summary The above article discusses the strategies that the Samsung Company uses to market its various products in the local and international markets. The authors note that the Samsung Company boasts of a strong vertical integration in its industrial organization. From a single location, the company controls its designing,...

Child’s Angry Outburst Management and Family Therapy

General Information and Goals Presenting the Problem Mrs. Smith and her husband had problems with their child, who had conflicts at school. Parents could not manage it, as they both worked full-time and could not use flexible schedules. Mrs. Smith contacted the agency, as she received several calls from school...

Affirmative Action by Albert Mosley

Is affirmative action in employment an appropriate way to make restitution for a history of discrimination against minorities and women? Mosely (2015) truly believes that it is a kind of moral obligation for governments to provide minorities and women with restitution and use affirmative action in employment as one of...

Project Management: Examples and Types of Closure

Managing various issues is natural for most people, there are several aspects of our lives that we are in full control of. In other words, learning the skills necessary for project management is possible in most scenarios. I was introduced to the concept of project management as I was assigned...

Melting Glaciers and Its Effects

How are glaciers a part of the hydrologic and rock cycles? Glaciers are frozen water. When water penetrates the structure of a rock and then freezes, it tends to expand and destroy the rock formation around it. The glaciers are the reason for the erosion of the rocks. The glaciers...

Students’ Misconceptions as to Qualities of Light

Students often have many misconceptions regarding their abilities to perceive light, as well as regarding specific qualities of light and objects that can reflect it. First, the problem is usually in understanding light as an entity (Driver, Rushworth, Squires, & Wood-Robinson, 2005). As a consequence, students do not understand the...

Observation of the Blackland Prairies

My trip took me through a series of observations spanning the ecology of water of the Blackland Prairie. Characterized by heavy black soils, a gentle topology, and vast tall grasslands, the land is sparsely dotted with native prairie sites, the home of a variety of ecological organisms. It is descriptive...

The World’s Most Innovative Companies by Jena McGregor

Ideas of innovators This article, “The World’s Most Innovative Companies,” lists five ideas from the innovators. Here are three of them. The first is about bringing people together. When face-to-face teams are used in an organization, it results in the lowering of late-stage conflicts and speed development times. Secondly, when...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Handling Ethical Issues in Data Analysis

I write this letter to draw your attention to some ethical issues that may be violated if you decide to edit some of the research findings. The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the two types of therapy treatments and decide which of them was better....

Government Program Termination in the USA

Why are government programs seldom terminated? Usually, if the evaluation of some program shows that its findings are negative, it is terminated. If it becomes known that there was some inefficiency or fraud, the same thing happens. And, of course, in the case of negative benefit-cost ratios, the program is...

Criminology Today by Frank Schmalleger

The first chapter is an introduction to criminology. It tells about the basic topics and defines the basic term. From my point of view, this chapter can be divided into two subtopics, which it encompasses. Those are criminology and crime. I am going to start with crime since the author...

Annoying and Obnoxious Person’ Description

There is a sort of people who are unable to make decisions and who have gotten used to relying on other people any time they face problems. They are reluctant to look at the problem from a different angle and think over possible solutions. I have met such people many...

When Business Dilemmas Have to Be Faced?

Customers are not getting their orders in a timely manner. It’s your job to find out why. How can the functions of demand management and order management impact your organization’s logistic and supply chain structure? What indicators are you looking for? What actions would you take? Customer satisfaction is one...

Violence and Violent Crimes in the US

Analysis I find the chapter interesting because it addresses the issue of violent crime in the United States, which has been a problem affecting almost all communities, regions, and states. In particular, I developed an interest in the history and origins of violent crime in the US. For instance, I...

Ambrose Bierce and Tom Whitecloud’ Short Stories

“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce In what ways are the condemned man’s perceptions of time and motion distorted as he is waiting to be hanged? Ambrose Bierce depicts the protagonist who is condemned to be hanged, and he does not realize the fringe between illusion and...

How Frederick Douglass Escaped Slavery?

Introduction When Douglas managed to escape from slavery and safely landed in New York, he felt that he had come to a completely new world. He compares a day in New York to a year in slavery. He claims that he felt the same feelings felt by a person who...

Trade Openness and Economic Growth’s Relationship

Introduction In the paper called “The Relationship Between Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Some New Insights on the Openness Measurement Issue” Hutchet-Bourdon, Le MouĂ«l, and Vijil (2011) discover aspects of measuring trade openness and its impact on economic growth. The review of the existing literature reveals the lack of a...

APA Standards and Forensic Psychology Practice

Are the changes in APA Standards 1.02 and 1.03 sufficient? The 2010 Amendments in APA Standards 1.02 and 1.03 are quite sufficient. They relate to the 2002 Standards for resolving ethical discrepancies, namely the discrepancy between ethics and the law (1.02) and between ethical and organizational requirements (1.03). They are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Meerkat Advertising Campaign

Introduction It is clear that marketing strategies are evolving alongside the development of technology and society. New trends in marketing differ significantly from conventional ones. Thus, meerkat advertising can be regarded as a new approach. It is necessary to note that the campaign fits the conventional objectives (informing, reminding, persuading)....

Eight Informal Reading Inventories

Critique This article reviews the strengths, weaknesses, and unique characteristics of the current informal reading inventories (IRIs) available to classroom teachers and other reading specialists. More specifically, the author seeks to identify various issues underlying the use of the selected IRIs to give teachers and other professionals in the education...

Google and AbbVie Merger-Related Issues

Introduction In the contemporary business sphere, international companies have taken on different growth and expansion strategies. A merger is one of the most commonly adopted approaches. Ravenscraft and Scherer defined a merger as a statutory combination of at least two companies by transferring the properties of one business to another...

Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Thermal Power Plants in China

Article Summary: Methods, Key Arguments and Results In their article titled “Nitrogen oxides emissions from thermal power plants in China: current status and future predictions,” Hezhong Tian, Kaiyun Liu, Jiming Hao, Yan Wang, Jiajia Gao, Peipei Qiu, and Chuanyong Zhu evaluate the data acquired from China’s major power plants and...

The Link Between Cultural Artifacts and Body Systems

Artifacts People surround themselves with objects which reveal their cultural background and identity. People live in society and they are brought up by some rules and values, which are represented by numerous objects (Sole, 2011). For example, my friend has a baseball in his room. This object occupies a central...

Dealing With Issues Concerning Supply and Production

Problems with some of your current suppliers have caused your organization to consider alternative options in procurement. Your boss has asked you to prepare a brief detailing the options available to your organization, including the use of e-procurement and e-sourcing. What should be included in your brief? When it comes...

Simon Hughes Article “Hook off!”

In his article, Simon Hughes uses a number of literary devices in order to stir readers’ emotions and drive their attention to the facts. He starts with a non-propositional absolute construction (Houghton Mifflin Company 2005, 347) to make his writing sound more eloquent: “The convoy, blue lights flashing” (Hughes 2012,...

Gerber Quality Definitional Perspective

Gerber defines total quality as a process of gradual improvement in the delivery of products that satisfy consumer needs, as a mirror of its excellence (Evans 50). It is an organizational-wide effort encompassing several procedural ideas. It begins with fostering a spirit of teamwork throughout the organization. Once teamwork gains...

Supply Chain Management: Logistics Perspective

Getting orders to your customer in a timely and efficient manner is crucial to the overall success of an organization. What strategies would you use in fulfillment and distribution? Why? What role does logistics and supply chain management play in fulfillment and distribution? Can information technology be integrated into fulfillment...

The My Lai Incident

The My Lai incident has indeed left more questions than answers in people’s minds. Imagining the scenes that are described in the My Lai massacre is heart-wrenching. Vietnamese citizens who previously acted as spectators to the ongoing war found themselves suffering for sins they did not understand. Everybody who was...

Effects of “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz

Introduction As an avid reader, I have read numerous books covering various fields, including history, sociology, business, philosophy, medicine, and psychology. All of them had an impact on my life by the insights they provided. However, none of them was as transformational as “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz....

Legislators and Legislative Obligations

Legislators The local legislator Braynon, Oscar II (35th District) is responsible for the following committees and legislative commitments: appropriations, Subcommittee on the Environment and Natural Resources, ethics and elections, banking and insurance, regulated industries, and Joint Legislative Budget Commission. State legislators are Richard Corcoran (Speaker of the Florida House of...

Germany’ Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization

On the whole, in the modern globalized world, it is quite difficult for a state, even for one of the most powerful ones, to completely preserve its autonomy from the rest of the world. This is because nowadays, most countries have strong connections with other countries, and most of these...

Attribution Theories and Accuracy of First Impressions

First Impressions Under the context of Correspondent inference theory, it is observed that people tend to make certain inferences about observed situations resulting in their “image” about a particular individual (Settle, 1972). This means that on average people tend to inference the personal characteristics of the people they meet daily...

Legislative Initiatives in Florida State

Exploration of local, state and federal legislators in Florida State Primarily, being a resident in Miami Florida, it is evident that local, state, and federal legislators have legislative commitments to honor up. There are also committees put in place to ensure that the state and federal activities are smoothly implemented....

The Vocabulary Skills: Lesson Plans

Summative Evaluation Student’s evaluation involves both pre-test and post test assessment of a given lesson. The aim of the lesson was to diversify and improve the general level of vocabulary use amongst students. In pre-test, all students stated that they u searched for meaning of difficult words in the dictionary...

Research Methods in Psychology

Describe a famous case study in the history of psychology. Then explain what did the field of psychology learn from this case study? How does the scientific community view the results of case studies like these? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method? Such a research method as...

Foundations of Microeconomics: Franchise Firms

How do franchise firms benefit from economies of scale? Franchise firms are the small businesses that are operated in such a way that they deal with goods of larger corporations. They usually buy the products from the corporation at a discounted price hence being able to supply them at a...

Consumer Reports: How Much Does Your Druggist Know?

The article published in Consumer Reports in April 2011 was a poor assessment due to two main reasons. The first weakness was in the way the assessment was conducted, while the second weakness was the nature of solutions or recommendations provided. First of all, the reporter only used one type...

Using Technology in Math Classes

Lack of instructional methods and the inability to incorporate technologies into the classroom are the main reasons why many students cannot acquire mathematical knowledge and skills. The problem is that many educators may underestimate the usefulness of technologies and visualization techniques as tools that can facilitate both teaching and learning....

Religions Through Hyperactive Intentional Stance

Hyperactive intentional stance looks at cognitive systems that generate effects resulting in the creation of religion. A mind conditioned to a set of thinking and biases creates forms of religions. Daniel C. Dennett observes that the first step to comprehend the human mind as a possible place for religion is...

Selection, Mutation and Other Evolution Drivers

Abstract The paper is focused on describing four basic causes of evolution, namely natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow. As a matter of fact, all the stated above elements contributed to the process of evolution. The paper examines the contribution of every cause of evolution. Natural Selection Natural...

Cognitive Neuroscience

What is meant by “the method of converging operations”? Why is it important for neuropsychology? Method of converging operations refers to experimental operations used to eliminate alternative hypotheses that explain experimental results. Neuropsychology is the study of the brain in relation to behavior. Therefore, numerous experiments are carried out in...

Wired Magazine: Culture Analysis

The name of the magazine is Wired. They have a target audience that ranges from children all the way to adults. To put it simply, it is suitable for both the old as well as the young. The kinds of products sold in this magazine are mainly electronic gadgetsand electronic...

“Finally High School Is Over” by Abu-Bakr Muhammad

“Finally, high school is over,” softly said Abu-Bakr Mohammed to himself as he walked down the sandy road that led to his village from the school he had attended for the last six years. Abu, as most of his friends called him, was excited beyond measure because he had made...

How to Design a Personal Business Card?

Introduction To provide a proper demonstration, the presenter needs to provide a brief questionnaire to the target audience (Pearson et al. 259-268). The information collected will help the presenter understand the specific needs of the audience (Devito 35). Below is the questionnaire that I will present to my audience. Q1.Do...

Everybody Can: Meaning of Quote

First is to state that most of us would consider this statement to be out of order and insensible. However, I would like to declare it a natural truth because it determines the fate of all men and women. In a bid to show this, I will evaluate the quote...

The Florida Legislative Congressional Senators

Introduction The territorial features of the state of Florida provide for a special approach not only about tourism activities but also political ones. The interests of this region of the United States in Congress are represented by two senators, and the principles of work to which they adhere largely influence...

Government Structures and Social Norms

The paper will examine an interdependent relationship between government and society. Governmental structure, duties and divisions of administration will be analyzed in comparison to the social norms, needs of people and preferred ways of ruling. Philosophical views of Edmund Burke, Montesquieu and Alexis de Tocqueville will be compared to illustrate...

“The Use of Common Planning Time” by Cook and Faulkner

Cook, C. M. & Faulkner, S. A. (2010). The Use of Common Planning Time: A Case Study of Two Kentucky Schools to Watch. RMLE Online. 34(2), 1-12. Purpose and Problem Since little research has been done on the common planning of time in school, the authors have introduced the studies...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hyde Park Electronics Company’s Balanced Scorecards

Introduction Hyde Park Electronics is a family business with 42 employees and manufactures ultrasonic proximity sensors. Initially, the business had concentrated more on the cash management and strict sales management but lacked a long-term strategy that would ensure continuous success. After taking over as the CEO, Lewis and his team...

Memorandum on Wireless Handheld Devices

The Necessity for the Use of Wireless Handheld Devices The key purpose of this memorandum is to propose a wireless handheld device that can be used by the personnel of Juno Online Services. At the moment the company numbers one hundred and twelve employees, many of whom do not work...

Three Types of Human Knowledge

I agree with the conclusion of the essay by Wolf. Mathematical knowledge and philosophical knowledge go hand in hand. One effect can in no way unmistakably proceed from a particular cause than in the case where a quantity of an effect is equivalent to the power created by the cause....

Training Manual: Performance and Materials

Ensuring training transfer The analysis of the training field reveals that the theoretical knowledge of training cannot be completely applied in practice. In this regard, the skills acquired in the course of training do not always correlate with high performance and productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to work out a...

The Level of Military Service Organization in the US

The purpose for Writing: The idea to optimize the core activities of military HR professionals to the level that is demonstrated by the representatives from the Department of Defense (DOD) seems to be rather interesting and important in the chosen sphere of knowledge because these two departments define the level...

Hotel Guest Retention Analysis

Subject: Apology Thank you for contacting us about the problem which has been caused because of our carelessness at once. We are sorry about the situation which has appeared with your dress. It must have been depressing to find a spoiled dress right before the Gala. We understand that you...

Trust and Information Security: Schneier’s Video Analysis

Schneier puts forward very crucial issues about information security. I concur with his argument that people always trust others or even some things without thinking much about it. However, I disagree that people are so naĂŻve that they can put 100% trust in any issue. People have learned that there...

Business Activities: External and Internal Factors

SWOT and Pestle Analysis SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) deals with the external and internal factors affecting the business activities. The strengths of Ben & Jerry’s business included the experience they have in the operation of the business that helped them to specialize in the business. The business...

Matthew Effect and the Reader Self-Perception Scale

Despite the popular idea that, due to technological advances, which children are fascinated by, it is very hard to get a child excited with reading, the latter can, in fact, be turned into a child’s hobby rather easily. According to what Dr. Peter Afferbach states, watching children learn to read,...

Ayurvedic Medicine and Its Cultural Value

What I Learned The most interesting element of the film for me was the cultural meaning of Ayurvedic medicine. It is closely tied to the history of Hinduism and has a lot of concepts that date to deep antiquity. The core eight concepts of the traditional Ayurvedic medicine were described...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Modern Workplace Characteristics

This paper aims to discuss the peculiarities of the modern workplace. Moreover, it will describe the challenges faced by employers and employees. Overall, it is possible to single out the following characteristics of the contemporary workplace: Increasing emphasis on autonomy and creativity of employees as well as the flexibility of...

Industry Competition and New Entrant Threats

The threat of new entrants Economies of scale A South Korean car-manufacturing company that intends to enter the Australian market should bear in mind that it will have to compete with economies of scale such as Toyota or Ford. The main peculiarity of these companies is that they gain a...

Silla Peninsula: Historical Significance and Impact

What is the broad historical significance of Silla’s unification of the Korean peninsula? The early settlers of South Korea were organized into three tribes namely Pyonhan, Chinhan, Mahan. Chinhan was located central to the Peninsula while Mahan was southwest and Southeast for the Pyonhan kingdom. They were unified by the...

Measuring National Economic Health

Describe the use of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to measure the business cycle It is undeniable that the Gross national product can be used to measure the business cycle. The gross national product has occasionally been used to assess the US economy for a long time. This is as far...

Nurse Principles Used in Patient Care

Introduction Many different theories explain what principles nurses have to use in their practice when treating patients. Guidelines concern not only physiological manipulations that are essential in a health care practice but also the psychological support that serves as a base for patients’ wellbeing. While most plans regarding physical elements...

Home Modification and Preventive Home Visits

Preventive Home Visits Home falls are one of the most complex health care issues, and researchers have looked into the most efficient ways of reducing home falls. One of the suggested ways of reducing the reported cases of the home falls in the development of home visit programs. The home...

Microsoft Access: Efficiency and Collaboration

Introduction The main purpose of implementing an Information System (IS) in an organization is to integrate Information Technology frameworks and the organizational processes across all levels such as management, with main objective of enhancing the execution of organizational processes. IS extends beyond the Information and Communication Technology infrastructure with an...

“Global Issues: Third Edition” by John L. Seitz

The third edition of Global issues by Seitz is an introductory analysis to most of the factors that influence the environment, economy, and society (Seitz 2007). The book has a very wide coverage of various perspectives in different societies in as far as continued development is concerned. These issues have...

Employee Subsidies, Benefits and Workplace Safety

Employee Compensation and Subsidies Governmental contractors and firms that receive subsidies from the state are often required to pay the so-called living wage to their workers. In some cases, this requirement can be applied to every firm operating in a particular jurisdiction (York 223). In this case, the term living...

Frank Hagan’s Textbook “Introduction to Criminology”

After having read Chapters 5 and 6 in the textbook Introduction to Criminology by Frank Hagan, I was able to identify the following three points of interest: The fact that, throughout the entirety of both of these Chapters, Hagan made a deliberate point in referring to the Positivist criminological theory,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Wireless Technologies Proposal for the Party Plates Company

Introduction The onset of wireless communications paved way for the aspect of mobility during communication, which is increasingly becoming a core requirement for organizations due to the nature of the present business environment (Bagad, 2009). This implies that wireless communication is essential for any organization that is to remain competitive...

The Just-in-Time Management System Installation

Identify the attributes you would expect the claims processing Department at MICI to have once the new JIT system is in place With the implementation of JIT system at the MICI, customer claim processing is expected to be processed in a faster way. As indicated in the case study, the...

Magazine Publishing vs Online Publishing

From the time printing was introduced, it has been the most widely used means of communicating and storing information. When the Gutenberg movable printing machine was invented, it allowed production of large amount of prints over a short period. This set the precedent for magazine publication and many people could...

Listening Process’ Strategy and Effectiveness

Introduction The effective listening process is often challenged by many barriers that prevent persons from sharing ideas effectively. My listening habits are also imperfect, and I often suffer from such listening barriers as the focus on my mobile phone and concentration on what I want to say to the person...

Public Health Nursing Discussion

Essential Components of Public Health Nursing Public health nursing (PHN) is concerned with ten essential components that guide professionals’ practice. As defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017), the components of public health nursing are the following: Monitoring the population’s health condition for problem identification; Diagnosing and...

Speech Differences in Bilinguals and Monolinguals

Introduction In this paper what will be examined are the differences in speech between bilinguals and monolinguals through the use of the following YouTube videos: Speaking English in the Philippines Speaking English in the U.S. The videos show two distinct population sets, one being Filipino and the other American. The...

Retirement Benefits: Advantages and Disadvantages

Due to the lengthened lifespan among the global population, retirement benefits are an issue of growing concern among employers and employees alike. Because of the increased lifespan, the global population is expected to lead more active and healthier lifestyles in the years to come (Rappaport 151). Consequently, we are likely...

Presidential and Parliamentary Systems’ Aspects

The presidential and parliamentary systems of governance differ markedly particularly at the high positions of power. America uses the presidential system. In such a system, the political, and leadership roles are well shared or distributed among the executive, the judiciary, and the legislature. The president is the head of government...

Managing Successful Variable Pay Plan

For a variable pay plan to be successful, the following factors are important: There should be enough financial resources available to kick start and sustain the variable pay plan. The variable pay plan needs to be consistent with the prevailing organizational culture (Belcher 232). It is important to ensure that...

Collective Bargaining Role in Management Relations

Collective bargaining is a technique used by public union representatives and public agency managers to negotiate conditions and terms of employment. The goal of collective bargaining is to optimize the employer-employee relationship by facilitating a win-win situation for the various parties involved. Collective bargaining improves the workforce strength and as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Market Pricing Usage: Advantages and Disadvantages

Market pricing is a process through which pay structures are setting almost selectively by gathering, evaluating, and matching the data on job salary surveys to settle on the payable rates in the external market. In market pricing, use is made of pay survey data to recognize the comparative value of...

Southwest Airlines Overall Strategy Improvement

Southwest Initial Strategy Southwest’s initial strategy was to avail low fares, especially low unrestricted fares, to business and leisure travels to allow them to fly between short-haul city pairs (departure and destination points) instead of having to drive the distance between the two cities as was previously the case. Southwest...

The World Trade Organization’s Controversies

The World Trade Organization is the sole global body that deals with fairness in trade among nations. It designs rules to ensure that large economies and small economies are at par in economic growth. However, its policies and propositions are not popular with most nations. Its aims are to facilitate...

The Soft Drink Industry: the Coke and PepsiCo

Question 1: The high profitability of the soft drink industry is as a result of combined factors of high products’ demand and regional market monopolies. There are limited soft drink operators in the market, while the products themselves are complements of other foods and beverages. Low competitions and high market...

Equity as Important Consideration in Compensation

Equity refers to fairness or using the same yardstick to ensure that two or more individuals are treated in the same manner. Equity is a fundamental theme in as far as compensation theory and practice are concerned. In compensation, equity involves ensuring that the worker’s remunerations are fair, according to...

Mobility and Economic Performance

Introduction In his paper entitled “Capital Mobility and Economic Performance: Are Emerging Economies Different?”, Edwards (2000) explores whether capital mobility influences different factors related to economic growth or not. His preliminary analysis focuses on arguing viewpoints of his colleagues that prove that capital mobility and the expansion of a country’s...

Nursing Turnover Rates in Sampling Plan

Population: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Nurses are a target population for the investigation. Medical and surgical nurses from hospitals in the area will be included in the investigation (Chu, Wodchis, & McGilton, 2014). The study will cover only voluntary employee termination. Temporary staff will be excluded from the study as...

Mission Analysis: An Operational Approach

Introduction A mission statement is a broad statement, which precisely states and defines what the organization wants to achieve. It defines the greater intent of the organization and it gives the overall goals of the firm that provide a sense of direction and guidance in decision making to managers at...

Informed Consent in Psychological Studies

Informed consent can be defined as an individual understanding the full implications and possible future consequences of an event, activity or trial that they are about to enter into (Mostert & Gilbert, 2013). It is usually the case that informed consent is applied as an inherent right for participants when...

IPhone X and Samsung Galaxy S8 Comparison

Introduction While the technological advancements in the field of mobile hardware advance with each year, the features they provide become less and less impressive. The newest flagship phones available on the market are the Apple iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy S8. Both feature hardware of impressive power and provide the...

Global Information and Technical Management

List the advantages of a single customer service center for RR Communications Answer: Information technology has the potential to establish and coordinate a single customer service center in the company, which will take up the tasks that multiple customer service centers (Webster and Robins, 2006). Although this is quite difficult...

Persuasion and Manipulation in Business Communication

What different persuasive approaches would you use on the following audiences: a boss, a peer, a challenging person, or an open-minded person? Why would your approach differ? Different audiences require different approaches to persuading them because they can express various attitudes to you, and they can assess your reliability in...

Change Implementation and Management Experience

Implementing Changes I have always been ready for changes, especially if I understand that the change can help me develop. When I was a high school student, we used to fulfill a variety of projects in groups. One project was concerned with an analysis of a particular job. All students...

The Art of Motivating Employees

What would you have done as an HR professional if you had to deal with similar situations Dr. Grant has dealt with? If I was in the same position that Dr. Grant was in and given the fact that I had the same human resource management knowledge that I have...

Modern American vs. Ideal Bureaucracy

Characteristics of the modern bureaucracy In my view, the bureaucracy is still too large and lacks productivity and accountability. Governments all over the world are spending a lot of money on salaries and maintenance of their employees (Seif, 2009). Bureaucracy plays a key role in daily public life; this ensures...

Senior Management Teams and Their Purpose

The senior management teams are composed of the executive members of an organization having the top-most rank in the organization. They have the role of leadership and management within the organization. The role of management is achieved when the team plans, organizes, directs, controls, and staffs all the resources of...

Psychological Testing: Beneficial or Harmful?

How are tests used for good? Within the context of what can be defined as “good,” psychological tests can fall under this category when utilized in instances involving the testing of an individual in order to determine whether potential aberrations in their behavior exist. In such situations, psychological tests act...

Ethics and Supportive Systems in Organizations

Ethics and supportive systems are critical within an organization. Autonomy is a potential stimulator of ethics in an organization. It refers to the extent to which workers are provided with the independence to plan on how to do their duties. Autonomy has been noted to motivate workers and usually increases...

Normal Distribution in Operation Processes

The phenomenon of the normal distribution is typically defined as the graph that displays the distribution of random variables (Tong, 2012, p. 26) and usually takes the form of a sine wave on a graph (see Fig. 1 below). When it comes to applying the concept of the normal distribution...

“Approaching Thunder Storm” Painting by Heade

This essay will analyze the painting Approaching Thunder Storm by Martin Johnson Heade. The painting portrays a man sitting near a seashore. There is also a dog nearby, as well as two dhows sailing in the sea. The painting depicts the sea and the clouds as black, which shows that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Terrorism and The Peshawar School Bus Bombing

Concept of terrorism This chapter is mainly an analysis of the concept of terrorism and its usage in both domestic and foreign policy. Terrorism has been classified into two groups; that is internal and external. Internal terrorism has been described as the usage of force by a state against its...

Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc.’s Supply Chain Relationships

The rationale offered by Oceanic spray in support of the idea of using a 3PL firm The third-party logistics provider is a firm used by companies for supply-chain management functions and it provides one-stop-shop services. The firm specializes in transportation and warehousing operation services that are scaled according to the...

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Patients’ Therapy

Takeaway Thoughts The current quality of managing the needs of the representatives of the LGBT community needs a significant improvement (Waki et al., 2017). Particularly, it is crucial to explore the strategies for establishing trust-based relationships between a patient and a therapist so that the further communication process could remain...

Accessibility of International Sex Tourism

Introduction The term “sex tourism” describes the practice of traveling abroad to engage in sexual activity. In most cases, sexual activity is commercial and involves prostitution. The term had become popular when international tourism became affordable. However, several social issues arise from capitalization on this type of tourism. The term...

Saudi Commerical Banks’ Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Corporate social responsibility refers to the commitment towards changing the living standards of communities through discretionary business practices to enhance such improvements. It essentially encompasses the philanthropic model in a voluntary commitment (Baker, 2004). In other words, corporate social responsibility entails the social, economic and environmental considerations linked in...

Healthcare Ethics: Ethinomics and the Commonwealth Fund

What is Ethinomics? The term ethinomics was first introduced by scientist Marrill Mathews at the end of the last century, and the main essence of this concept was the unification of ethics and economics definitions (Rambur, 2015). The main essence of this phenomenon is to describe a certain term from...

Perception and Attention in Examples

The Perceptual Process Perception entails the processes of selection, organization, interpretation, and response to stimuli gathered from the surrounding environments through the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2007, p. 70). Additionally, perception utilizes the cognitive processes involved in information processing. Accordingly, perception occurs...

Quebec Separatism: Canadian Study

Main Arguments In the article “Canada’s Separatism Fatigue”, Rex Murphy explains how “the history of Quebec separatism has induced an ever-expanding distaste and weariness in Canada” (Murphy par. 5). Canada as a whole has become weary and understood how to accommodate this issue of separatism. This move has the potential...

Disability Services in Higher Education Facilities

Do you think higher education institutions have a responsibility to address the fact that underrepresented groups have difficulty succeeding in college? Explain. Any institution should put into consideration the needs of disabled students. Assistance personnel, professional care team, and accommodation are the support services that should be granted by institutions...

Event Management and Planning Challenges

A designated party managed all events in order for them to be successful. It is due to the fact that one event can have multiple activities that need to be coordinated and performed on the same day without fail. For the people who attend events, preparation begins on a material...