Morality and Ethics Concepts

What is Morality? Gert (2011), cites two definitions of morality; the first being descriptive in nature, whereas the second is normative. Descriptive morality refers to some codes of conduct put forward by a society or some other group such as a religion or accepted by an individual through his or...

Gifted Education Program and Its Issues

Introduction The school district has a program of gifted education which is quite comprehensive and effective. Nonetheless, it has a number of drawbacks. Shaklee (2001) stress that it is important to have an efficient program or it is better not to have any program at all. Therefore, the school district...

Costco Corporation: Porter’s 5-Forces Analysis

Costco began its operations in the United States in 1976 where its first business location was an abandoned airplane Hangar. Costco experienced extraordinary revenue growth during its first six years of operation. Costco has changed its name twice in the course of its history. Also, Costco has since operated in...

Symbolism and Racism in Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”

Exploring the issues of the racisms in the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” cannot be separated from the use of symbolism since symbolism has been used as the vessel by which racism is expressed in an indirect manner that allows the reader to explore the meaning behind such symbols, Harper...

The State Children’s Health Insurance Program

Do you feel that The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) achieves its fundamental purposes? Why or why not? Considering the fundamental purposes of the SCHIP, it was designed for “uninsured children under age 19 living in families with income that is low but above Medicaid’s threshold, children living in...

Naturalistic Observation: Human Growth and Development

Demographics, appearance The observation took place at a playground of a housing complex. There were several children playing, and one of them was a boy approximately aged 5 to 6 years old. He was wearing blue jeans, white sneakers, and a white t-shirt. He looked Caucasian. His height was 45...

Build-A-Tee Shirt Marketing Project

Project Task Statement This project seeks to address the fundamental question of the electronic marketing system, and how its application is relevant to Build-A-Tee. It explains how electronic technology enhances and anchors the traditional system of communication that the retail business should apply. The appropriate created method, Build-A-Tee E-commerce System...

Animal Rights and Scientific Researches

I would like to write an essay about the animal rights and the use of animals in scientific research. It is one of the most controversial issues, and although much has been said about it, it has not lost its actuality. Animal rights activists take various measures to stop the...

Employer’s Responsibility for Healthcare Coverage

Why employer should not be responsible for healthcare coverage According to managed care organizations criteria, post-stabilization services that are offered to a patient with a medical condition are covered services (Medicaid, 2015, p. 7). Furthermore, the health care provider is forbidden to discriminate against those individuals with a serious medical...

Architecture and Design Implications for Data Usage

Comparisons between the architecture alternatives covered in readings and the two schools In both cases, the architecture allows entry of data at one point and the output of the computed data (information) at another point. In both cases, data are cleansed to ensure that data computed are free from missing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hypertension Guideline and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Hypertension appears to be one of the most crucial preventable diseases that contribute to the incidence and mortality rates in the contemporary population. Therefore, it is decided to review an evidence-based practice guideline that could decrease the negative impact of hypertension among adults. The guideline under consideration is developed...

Conflict Resolution Skills in Nursing

The conflict scenario involves the lead nurse and the hospital administrator on prioritizing expenditure in fall management equipment and training of nurses. The administrator feels that larger share of the expenditure should be allocated to fall prevention equipment while the lead nurse is of the opinion that equal allocation should...

Digital Devices for Freelancers in Their Work

The idea of working as a freelancer can be seen as an ongoing effort to maximize productivity. You save the time you spend going to and from your office. You have more flexibility in choosing a compatible schedule, working at your most productive time. These are some clear advantages of...

“An Eye on You: Citizens Under Surveillance” Documentary

The documentary An Eye on You: Citizens Under Surveillance attempts to describe the extensive network of surveillance and data collection which occurs in the modern technological world. One of the film’s underlying premises is that it happens without consent which can actively compromise individual privacy. While targeted commercials may be...

Piaget and Kohlberg Views on Moral Development

Moral development is the development of an understanding of right and wrong in children in order to later apply this knowledge in situations with moral choices. It also covers the development of a strong and independent character, which, when faced with such a situation, will make the right moral choices,...

Pharmacy: A Career Pathway

What Led You to Pharmacy? Goals One of my main goals is to make a difference in people’s lives with the skills I have acquired. Throughout my life, I have always wanted to help save lives. People suffer from various diseases, some of which are treatable. I would therefore consider...

The “New Normal” Concept After Disaster

Many people affected by Hurricane Sandy lost their beloved ones and found it hard to cope with the disaster. The victims lost most of their belongings and houses. A human services professional should, therefore, be on the frontline to analyze the situation and provide adequate support that can promote recovery...

Juvenile Justice and Punishment Specifics

Why is parricide the perfect crime? In his interview, Defense Attorney, Paul Mones states that parricide is a unique offense. This is because children who are abused by their parents will not often rebel against their abuser. After all, that abuser is still a caregiver and provider. Children are often...

Early Childhood Assessment and Its Features

The eleventh chapter of Overton’s (2016) book is titled “Special Considerations of Assessment in Early Childhood,” and it includes important notes regarding the assessment of children who are younger than schoolchildren. A variety of procedures and techniques can be used in order to assess this specific group of children. The...

Police Misconduct and Its Affecting Factors

Control and Flexibility in Policing Police discretion is a necessary element of the policing activity. Many situations which officers encounter on a daily basis require judgment and appropriate decision-making. To reduce the possibility of unlawful actions, possible decisions are codified in policing policies. However, the diversity and complexity of social...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Holy Terrors: Religion and Terrorism in the US

What/who caused God to “lift the veil of protection” which allowed the attacks on September 11, 2001? It seems that Falwell and Robinson lay the blame for what happened on September, 11 completely on Bill Clinton. Falwell and Robinson tended to think that the ex-president’s political moves were not wise...

Peer-Review Process, Reviewer’s and Editor’s Role

Peer review process Two points of the peer review process seem especially important to me. First, it is important that the peer reviewers are working separately and do not share their findings before arriving at a definitive conclusion. I think it is important because it eliminates the cognitive bias of...

Persuasive Communicators in the Workplace and Life

Introduction Communication is an imperative aspect of humanity. Without communication, people cannot lock their potential for financial wealth, nor would they be able to develop loving relationships at home or professional relationships in the workplace. Interestingly, communication is an aspect of human behavior that many people fail to understand, notwithstanding...

Nurse Practitioner Role’s Historical Development

Introduction The evolution of the nurse practitioner role can be traced back to the 1960s. Widespread specialization in the field of medicine resulted in a shortage of primary care physicians, which led to a crisis in the provision of primary care. As a result, physicians started hiring registered nurses to...

Drug Interactions Prevention in Nursing Guidelines

Prevention of Drug to Drug Interactions Drug to drug interactions occur when a patient takes two or more medications. Such interactions have been observed to enhance, delay, or decrease the rate at which one drug (or both) is absorbed in the body (Wiggins et al., 2016). The interaction is known...

College Pressures and University as a Public Good

Summary of William Zinsser’s article “College Pressures.” “College Pressures” is an article written in 1979 by William Zinsser of Branford College. The author focuses on pressures faced by college students caused by their dire need to succeed (Zinsser 2). Zinsser identifies the four types of pressures that work on students:...

Presentation Failure and Company’s Efficacy

Being a leader implies facing a range of challenges and playing several roles in the team. Therefore, it is essential that a leader should be capable of not only delegating responsibilities to the staff and assigning the latter with specific roles but also presents the staff members with specific tasks,...

Writing Freelancers and Outsource Market Shifts

It is increasingly common for freelancers from abroad to take over jobs formerly occupied by individuals in the U.S., U.K., and Canada. In some cases, this situation is called “job transfer.” A sizable number of countries have become targets of “job transfer” activity, China and India among them. “Job transfers”...

San Francisco’s Asian Art Museum

Even if you are not a connoisseur of the Asian culture and just want to enrich your knowledge in the sphere of Asian art, you are sure to enjoy the visit to San Francisco’s Asian Art Museum, which houses one the most comprehensive and splendid exhibitions in the world. In...

Keurig Company’s Marketing Solutions and Strategies

Marketing Communications The advertising and promotion strategies of Keurig rely on integrating marketing communications between the company and potential customers. The company has long abandoned the traditional channels of advertising and communication, such as radio, TV, and paperback advertisements, instead preferring to connect with its potential audience using the Internet...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Patient Education and Physical Therapy

Introduction The aim of the project is to answer the following question: “What is the effectiveness of increased patient education and participation with regular exercise/physical therapy versus current hospital fall prevention programs with limited exercise/physical therapy, in promoting balance and stability thus minimizing falls and fall-related injuries, in senior patients...

The Basic Notions of Ethics

Ethics Despite happiness cannot be called a clear subject of research, it has always interested scientists who would like to understand its nature and the factors that can make people happier. Thus, a lot of work has been performed to achieve this goal. Sometimes, the results are unexpected. In her...

Nurses’ and Social Media’s Role in Healthcare

The role of nurses in ensuring patients’ health is great, especially when it comes to opioid-related overdose and drug prescription overdose in general. It seems to me that a nurse is expected to verify a physician’s prescription and provide the corresponding teaching to patients. In other words, all the stakeholders...

Business Practices in Singapore

Cross cultural challenges in Singapore The first cultural challenge for a US-based company expanding into Singapore market is religious variance. In Singapore, Buddhists and Muslims consist of 46% and14% of the population, respectively. The rest of the population form part the minority religions. Most Muslims and Buddhists are of the...

“What Does It Mean to Be Gendered Me” by B. Lucal

Response In her work What It Means to Be Gendered Me, Betsy Lucal, a professor of sociology, examines the problem of a person who does not visibly represent their gender and has to survive in the system with strict gender frames. The author illustrates her analysis of this issue with...

Israeli Border Expansion and Protection Rights

Many people argue that the Israeli are unrighteous occupiers of Palestinian land. These concerns, however, seem quite groundless, since the country has historically lost control of more territories than it ever used to detain. The facts say that the State of Israel has a right to expand its borders, and...

Cyberlux Corporation’s Report for Shareholders

Dear Fellow Cyberlux Shareholders, Cyberlux Corporation thanks you all for trusting in our company as investors. We are pleased to keep all of you informed on the progression of the company and plans laid down for next year. To start with the already guaranteed contracts require confidential agreements that do...

“The White Peril and L’Art Nègre” by P. Leighten

When considering the influences that the European art experienced in the early 20th century, one must mention Africanism as one of the most unique and unusual ones. In her article “The White Peril and L’Art nègre: Picasso, Primitivism, and Anticolonialism,” Patricia Leighten explains that colonialism had a massive impact on...

Young Offenders: Criminals or Victims?

Young offenders are thought to have somewhat different reasons for committing a crime than adults. Since young offenders’ crime is based on severity in relation to their age, the punishment and treatment must be set accordingly. A film titled Young Kids, Hard Time looks at several problems that arise when...

Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Social Behavior

The authors of the selected article focus on determining whether a multi-strategy program developed on the basis of Pender’s Health Promotion Theory is efficient for preventing loneliness by enhancing social relations. As a research area, the authors have decided to pay special attention to the elderly women enrolled in Gonabad...

Gangstagrass: Bluegrass and Hip-Hop Music Band

Gangstagrass is a bluegrass/hip-hop band that mixes elements of traditional bluegrass music with hip-hop beats to stress the thematic similarity of lyrics in both genres. In the band’s song Long Hard Times To Come, the following lyrics are recited by the guest hip-hop performer TONE-z: “Hook the car up–hit the...

American Nursing Association Initiatives in the US

Nursing professionals in the US possess the knowledge and practical experience for delivering primary care to patients, however, in most states the scope of their practice is limited due to legislation. The American Nursing Association (ANA) raises the awareness of this issue and cooperates with local authorities to mitigate it....

Patient-Centered Care, Quality and Safe Practice

Dimensions of Patient-Centered Care It is known that the Picker Institute currently identifies eight dimensions of care: respecting patients’ needs; communication, information, and education; integration and coordination of services; providing emotional support; physical comfort; making family members involved; continuity and transition; services’ accessibility. Eventually, each of the named dimensions contributes...

The Marble Column From Sardis

There is a range of ancient Greek architectural forms that interest researchers due to their unique appearance and technical properties. When it comes to the importance of ancient Greek architectural trends, it needs to be said that many of them still inspire modern architects who use various materials and techniques...

Van Gogh’s “Vase with 12 Sunflowers” and “Still Life with Absinthe”

Words Applied to Work Art 1 (Vase with 12 Sunflowers) Words Applied to Both Artistic Pieces Words Applied to Work Art 2 (Still Life with Absinthe) The painting is presented predominantly in yellow, warm colors, except for the blue background. It has no contrasts. The painting consists only of one...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research’ Comparison

How does a research problem/question guide the determination to conduct a quantitative versus a qualitative research study? The research question directly correlates with the type of relationship under investigation. Quantitative and qualitative studies differ in their approach to examining relationships (Polt & Beck, 2017). Therefore, selecting a quantitative study for...

Business Ethics and Financial Expansion in Companies

Better Days Ahead & First National Bank In the issue of Better Days Ahead and First National Bank certain ethical issues. The agreement between Better Days Ahead to overdraw cash balance when donations are low was made in good faith and out of a long-standing relationship between the two institutions....

Delirium Case of Mental Impairment and Confusion

What is the most likely diagnosis to frequently cause acute delirium in patients with dementia? Mr. White is an elderly patient whose chief complaints include increased confusion, restlessness at night, visual hallucinations, and urinary incontinence in addition to a history of hypertension, COPD, and modern dementia. Delirium and dementia are...

Development: “Inside the Teenage Brain” Video

My ideas about an adolescent’s brain have changed greatly over the last 15 to 20 years, as far as growth and development are concerned. In this case, I have come to understand that there are various explanations for an adolescent’s behavior. It is because I used to think that adolescents...

Bakers Company’s Business Proposal

Bakers’ inn provides customers with a one-stop platform for cakes, snacks, bread, sandwiches, and other products. The service enterprises ensure that customers get a fresh-baked cake with a fair price and quality. The products of the enterprise vary in design, shape, texture, taste, and size. They meet the varying tastes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethics in International Affairs

Ethical challenges in the international system There are outstanding issues within the international system that have been perceived as ethical challenges by scholars. As an example, the issue of human rights, military force, and international intervention in states has sparked unending debate among realists. For instance, human rights have become...

Must Identity Movements Self-Destruct? A Queer Dilemma

Introduction Joshua Gamson argues that the significance of the queerness phenomenon lies not in the gender definitions, but rather in the necessity, viability, and usefulness of such definitions. Gamson points out that insufficient attention has been paid to the tendency of such movements to destroy identities from within. He argues...

Creative Writing While Working at Home

Freelancing is a dream for many people – at least they say so. A flexible schedule and the opportunity to select their projects all sound really alluring. Complaining about rigid procedures and hierarchies at their companies, workers often contend that their abilities go unnoticed or underestimated. Their office has become...

Primary Health: Cough and Chest Pain

Presentation Mrs. C., 62 years of age, is brought to your office by her husband. She states that she hasn’t slept because of a productive cough and slight continuous chest pain. Her chest pain increases with coughing and taking deep breaths. Her past medical history includes type 2 diabetes which...

Healthcare Financing and Patient Advocacy

Financing of Healthcare Services Financial decisions in healthcare can significantly impact the quality of treatment with which an establishment can provide its patients. Therefore, funding plays a prominent role in the level of services. Both preventive care and healthcare services treatment are crucially important areas of care. While illness healthcare...

“The Persistence of Genocide” by David Rieff

What are some of the defects of the task force’s report on genocide? The task force report on genocide has failed to offer survivors appropriate solutions that can help them cope with their trauma. Several genocide reports have always used the phrase; ‘Never Again’, since the Holocaust. However, genocide and...

American Labor Unions in Global Economy

Labor unions became a vital part of the United States’ employment system in the 20th century (Fossum, 2012). Bargaining with organizations on behalf of workers, they helped to promote better employment conditions and fight violations of workers’ rights in the workplace. However, since the 1950s, labor unions experienced a steady...

Ford Motor Corporation and Mexico Risk Assessment

As a part of a team of Ford Motor Corporation, my task is to do a country risk assessment for Mexico for this year and clarify if it is reasonable to continue operating a franchise in this country. First of all, it is necessary to address the Office of the...

Management in Organizations: Financial Issues

Creating the environment in which the staff delivers the performance of the finest quality is a necessity for managers in the contemporary business environment (Groebner, Shannon, Fru, & Smith, 2014a). However, managing the staff and maintaining high motivation rates among the employees is a challenging task that requires a detailed...

“Schmooze or Lose” – Networking and Etiquette Seminar

The etiquette skills are essential in the modern context of the business environment. Today, it is important not only to have the basic etiquette knowledge but also to improve it constantly (Schaffer, Kelley and Goette 330). Some cultures are more formal than others in terms of the business communication than...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sustainable Business and Environmental Crisis

Introduction Sustainable business is the business that has no negative impact on the society, environment, or economy. This kind of business is sometimes referred to as the green business and is always accompanied by well-stipulated policies to protect the environment and the individuals in the society to ensure that the...

Continuous Quality Improvement Strategies in Healthcare

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in healthcare refers to a structured quality management process that necessitates the active involvement of personnel in both planning and execution of policies aimed at the improvement of experience and outcomes of care (Sollecito, & Johnson, 2011). The existence of the quality chasm in healthcare calls...

Quality Improvement in US Health Care

Quality improvement is one of the priorities of the US healthcare system as it is often associated with people’s health and wellness. It has been estimated that almost 100,000 Americans die due to medical errors (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2018). This issue is also associated with numerous financial losses for...

Canadian Study: Course on Indigenous Studies

The process of reconciliation between First Nations and Europeans is complex and quite lasting. A lot of effort has been made to make these two groups find some common ground and truly become one nation. However, it is clear that this goal is yet to be reached. Education is seen...

Nursing Advocacy Role in Healthcare Reforms

Discussion Post Nowadays, it is widely known that nurses not only provide medical assistance but also can contribute to the political life of the country by actively participating in the development of policies (Arabi, Rafii, Cheraghi, & Ghiyasvandian, 2014; Milstead, 2013). It could be said that all of the characteristics...

Breast Cancer and Stress Heightening

Introduction Effective stress management and coping patient education rests upon the thorough understanding of pertinent psychological theories and defense mechanisms. Breast cancer is a condition that creates a state of heightened stress associated with the disease discovery, treatment, and the necessity to deal with its consequences (Potthoff et al., 2013)....

Biofoam: The Snack Food That’s Packing America

Is Biofoam likely to succeed or fail? Biofoam is likely to succeed due to its product nature. It is a resilient, lightweight, and inexpensive product. It leaves no residue of dust, resists the urge to shift in transit, conforms to any shape in bulk, and protects in a much superb...

“Wetback” a Movie by Arturo Pérez Torres

Immigration has always been an ongoing issue for a number of states all over the world. Moreover, it gives rise to numerous concerns related to the character of this process and its impact on the states involved in it. There are two opposite perspectives on the given question. The first...

“The Queen of Sheba: Behind the Myth” Documentary

The Queen of Sheba is a mysterious and powerful female in numerous stories and myths. She is depicted in the sacred texts of ancient world cultures and religions. The Queen has had a profound but mystical presence in the regional folklore. However, the origin and sources of evidence to support...

Nursing Research and Its Fundamentals

Research in medicine is an essential factor in testing concepts and developing new knowledge. In nursing, research can be conducted in different areas, connected to the patients care and health outcomes. Blake (2016) argues that nursing research improves the quality of care that the patients receive. As the primary objective...

Renaissance as a Rebirth in European Civilization

Renaissance was considered to be a time where there was an exercise of a lot of inventiveness in art, structural designs, science, and writing in literature. This period lasted in Europe at an approximated period of three centuries between 1300 and 1600, which led to the interventions of the printing...

Lenovo Company: Dimensions of Culture

In management, culture is seen as a system of common rules, norms, and perceptions that govern day-to-day operations in an organization. It is a key aspect of both public and private, profit and non-profits organizations that guides and aids the control of human labor towards the achievement of desired goals...

Green Engineering: Principles, Benefits, Constraints

The 20th century was characterized by rapid economic growth, which widely used natural and energy resources. This was the main reason for the increasing environmental pollution and depletion of valuable natural resources. Green engineering aims at the design and manufacture of products to preserve natural resources in terms of sustainable...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Practice

What is complementary / alternative medicine and how does it differ from the traditional western approach? Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a medical approach, which combines varied medical products, and health care systems to alleviate pain (National center for complementary and alternative medicine, 2008, par.2). Authentically, CAM intertwines the...

Brazil’s Booming Economy: Too Hot for Comfort

Name of the article Brazil’s booming Economy: Too hot for comfort Author of the article The Economist online In 1-2 paragraphs, outline what the article is about? The article describes the occurrences in the Brazilian Economy in the recent period after the famous global crisis. The Brazilian economy has experienced...

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Treatment Statistics

Summary Promising research shows that a new treatment will delay the progression of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. With the new treatment, here are the number of months by which progression of ALS is delayed: 3, 5, 6, 6, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 11, 45 With the old treatment, the...

Rockstar Energy Drink Marketing Research

Psychological factors According to Talloo (205), an individual’s purchasing decision is influenced by a number of psychological factors such as beliefs and attitudes, motivation, and perception. Another psychological element relates to the consumers’ tastes and preferences (Schroder 56). Additionally, the decision to purchase the energy drink is also influenced by...

Risk Assessment Scale for Preventing Pressure Ulcer

Introduction Taking into consideration the PICOT question selected for research, this paper will discuss the article that focuses on risks assessment scales that are used by healthcare professionals in order to predict and minimalize hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. For example, Ingwu, Ayanor, and Ohaeri (2015) published a research paper that fits...

Teamwork in Professional Healthcare and Nursing

Introduction Teamwork and collaboration in professional health care and nursing are regarded as the paramount elements in ensuring positive health outcomes in patients and increasing the quality of health care delivery. It is possible to collectively consider such issues as problem-solving, decision-making, and goal-setting. Also, teamwork allows knowledge and skills...

Care Quality and Patient Satisfaction as Healthcare Goals

Discussion Chapter 8 Quality of care has always been a primary concern of institutions involved in healthcare. Studer (2014) in one of the chapters of The Healthcare Quality Book focuses on the issue of consistent quality delivery and its hardwiring. According to Porter (as cited in Studer, 2014, p. 193),...

Muslim Faith and Healthcare Relationship

Cultural backgrounds have a significant effect on person’s beliefs and attitudes toward health care. The Islamic religion is practiced by a large part of the world’s population, which is why it is critical to consider health beliefs and practices of this population. You have included a comprehensive analysis of the...

Homelessness in Californian Public Places

In my home nation of Japan, it is difficult to find homeless families that reside on the streets. This explains why my visit to California back when I was in high school was an appalling experience. I had never come across such a scenario, and I had difficulties in demystifying...

Factors of People Motivating

The three factors that Dan Pink names as capable of motivating people towards higher performance are autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Pink states that self-direction is better for performance and supports the meaning with an example, where employees of a software company provided innovative ideas when they were allowed to work...

Ethical Conflicts of Obama and Trump Healthcare Reforms

The healthcare reforms advanced by President Obama in 2010 have a number of similarities with the recent reforms introduced by President Trump. One of the major similarities that are evident between the two reforms is the emphasis on the welfare of the patients and insurance. Although the reforms introduced by...

Naturalistic Inquiry and Qualitative Study

One of the distinctive features of the naturalistic inquiry is its focus on the context (Patton, 2014). This type of qualitative research is often associated with working in the field. Clearly, context is the key component of the research. Therefore, the theme that is the most persistent when considering the...

Driving and Police Stop in Dramatic Interpretation

“All the world’s a stage,” wrote Shakespeare (Shakespeare, 2010), and that is true even when behind the wheel. Driving is not a solitary activity but involves many interactions, with passengers, fellow drivers, gas station attendants, and, in most unwelcome fashion, for the most part, the highway patrol. The experience of...

“Line” Word, Its Connotations and Denotations

The denotations and connotations of the word can coincide or be absolutely different for different people. The same person would name different connotations of the same word while being in a good or bad mood. English is a polysemantic language, which means that the same word can have more than...

Lexicomp Online: Medication Descriptions Website

In the epoch of the Internet, prescribers have access to multiple sources of information about medications that can assist them in making the safest and most effective decisions for patients’ needs. For the resource to be trustworthy and facilitate a problem-solving process, it needs to be comprehensive, concise, and up...

How Can LEGO Use New Technology?

Introduction Successful online marketing requires the ability to deploy digital media tools successfully to establish a strong bond with all types of customers. For the LEGO Group, the specified objective is crucial to the firm’s further success in the global market. Therefore, the LEGO Group will have to incorporate all...

The Nursing Workplace Practice Changes

Secondary outcomes in clinical studies require re-evidence to advance change in clinical practice. As evidence-based practice is central to clinical practice, the nature of evidence determines the validity and practicability of decisions aimed at evolving change in the workplace. Costantino, Montano, and Casazza (2015) advise healthcare providers to differentiate between...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Music Ministry by Roberts and Wilson-Dickson

Roberts’ Music and Vital Congregations Contradicting the traditional view of children as the future of the church, Roberts views them as the immediate present and the integral part of any congregation (Roberts, 2009, 65). Children make the congregation complete with their vitality and full-bodied enjoyment of life. Therefore, they should...

Technologies Assisting Freelancers in Their Work

The term freelance worker refers to a person performing tasks for an individual or corporation without an employment agreement extending beyond the completion of the job. The term freelancer also implies a person working solely for himself/herself. As his/her own boss, a freelancer is, of course, in complete charge of...

ABC Retail Company’s Database Use

As a retail company for consumer goods, ABC Company is concerned with the management of data about users and products. The company has been able to embrace the use of database applications with the aim of interacting with its organizational databases, thus meeting its corporate need. The DBMS applications used...

Public Administration and Its Modern Activities

Abstract Today, it is necessary to state clearly the essential character of public administration’s activities. The question of the essential character of what public administration can do in relation to the public services was proposed by Denhardt and Denhardt. The discussion of the question should be referred to the concept...

Effectiveness of Remote Patient Monitoring

In order to implement evidence-based practice in the modern health care setting, it is paramount to use evidence gathered by scholars and reported in articles published in peer-reviewed journals. The current paper criticizes one such article that was written by Ong et al. (2016). The article by Ong et al....

Community Needs and Education Opportunities

Interview Questions What language does the majority of this community speak? Are there any linguistic or ethnic minorities in this area? How many people of this community are impoverished? How many kindergartens are located within this area? What effort does the local government take to promote childhood education? Are there...

Affirmative Action in University Admissions

Affirmative action is the application of knowledge and capability to measure the applicant’s prerequisites, carry out interviews, and make objective hiring resolutions. Achieving good hiring procedures is essential in making people employ the best applicants and prevent discrimination of any kind, according to Kennedy’s order of 1961. It is, therefore,...

Low Back Pain: Diagnostics and Treatment

The additional history that should be obtained is whether this episode of pain is similar to the current episode and whether the patient sought medical attention that time; if yes, what diagnosis was made. Previous treatment (medications or other interventions), surgical history, any history of arthritis or osteoporosis, any past...

Economic Versus Accounting Profit

Introduction (CRM) is a company that provides business software to organizations based on the cloud computing platform. The revenue model is based on subscriptions. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in San Francisco, USA. It is a publicly-traded corporation. The chief executives of the company are...

Advertisement Fallacies and Wishful Thinking

Critical thinking is very important as it enables a person to think rationally and make wise choices. The most important aspect I have learned in critical thinking is how to be wary of fallacies, specifically wishful thinking fallacies in advertisements for women’s products. This means that before I make any...

Popular Research Paper Topics

HIV/AIDS Treatment Obstacles in Mumbai: Research

Introduction The present article dwells upon the major issues concerning HIV/AIDS treatment in India’s lower-middle class. Naik et al. (2009) claim that the reduction of medication costs and educational programs concerning the disease and its treatment can improve the situation in the region. Kinds of Research The present article is...

Terrorist Organizations: Key Concepts

Important Definitions Material support or resources can be defined as the available tangible assets that can be used for assisting specific organizations by funding them or enabling them to engage in any kind of activity (18 United States Code § 2339A, 2012). Training is typically defined as the activity that...

Financial Analyst Interview at a Local Hospital

Managing financial operations within a healthcare facility is one of the jobs that are not related directly to addressing patients’ needs yet are critical to the functioning of a facility. In an interview with M., who is a Financial Analyst at a local hospital, a range of factors that affect...

Creative at Work: Organizing Workplace at Home

Professions and occupations are very important to the way contemporary people define themselves. Work has been nearly synonymous with identity for many centuries in the West. At times, it has been more deterministic. In the Medieval period, it was very difficult to move out of one occupational class into another....

“Courting a Monk” a Story by Katherine Min

The descriptions used in the story by Katherine Min are often long or rich with imagery or color. The narrative appears to be a never-ending series of memories that are restated by a much older and wiser person than the book’s protagonist, Gina. Despite the fact that the story is...

Creative Freelancer: Organizing Workplace at Home

When going home after an exhausting day at the office, pessimism can threaten to overwhelm us. We ask ourselves, why do I need to sit staring at my computer at work all day when I have one at home? Could I not be at home doing the same thing remotely,...

Anti-Obesity Project’s Sponsors in the USA

The sponsors I am considering for my project are the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The HHS is an organization within the government of the U.S. that cares for the well-being of every American and offers the essential health services, particularly...

Anxiety and Self-Care Deficit as Nursing Diagnosis

Introduction Seeking help from specialists with a complaint about a sudden decrease of vision in one eye is a serious reason for nursing intervention since the patient experiences discomfort and is temporarily forced to adapt to a new lifestyle. As the subject of intervention, thirty-two-year-old teacher Jessica is considered. She...

Nurses Coordinating Care for Discharged Patients

Introduction The article under analysis is entitled “Connecting the Dots: A Qualitative Study of Home Health Nurse Perspectives on Coordinating Care for Recently Discharged Patients” and was published in 2017. Jones et al. (2017) conducted a qualitative study that involved focus group discussions. Home health nurses and administrators shared their...

Pathophysiology: Causes of Mortality in the US

Pathophysiology Each year, in the United States, millions of deaths are officially registered. Web sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and online journals like Journal of College Student Psychotherapy are defined as reliable because they introduce the statistical data at the governmental level and contain academic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Bill of Rights and Its Influence Nowadays

Description of the Example The completed digital field trip was quite informative and meaningful. The primary document selected from the Founding Documents Gallery at the National Archives was the Bill of Rights. This document outlines the major restrictive clauses or amendments to the Constitution that were aimed at protecting the...

Sculpture History: Hellenistic, Greek and Roman Styles

Identify the stylistic category to which each work belongs (example: Archaic Greek, Classical Greek, Hellenistic, Roman, etc.). Explain in your own words why each work is exemplary of this category. Just as the master works of painters change through each generation as new styles and techniques are adopted so too...

Storytelling with Children: the Art of Imagination

Introduction Story telling is one of the mechanisms through which teachers can interact and impart knowledge to children. For my story telling session, I selected “The hare and the Hyena”. The story is about the relationship between the hare and the Hyena and how they lived in the jungle. I...

Measuring Teamwork in Workplaces

Working in teams is among the key topics in management and education. There are numerous benefits associated with working in teams and cooperative learning in both educational and professional settings. In general, cooperative learning is often regarded as a positive practice because it helps education professionals to make students more...

New Immigration Waves in the USA

Immigrants Should Be Welcomed Americans are a nation of immigrants who came to this land hoping for better. This statement is one of the most frequently used associations emerging while speaking about the USA and its history. One of the reasons for the popularity of this idea that it is...

Why Were There Fewer Injuries in Hockey?

Introduction There are various kinds of sports with each having rules and regulations that govern it. Some sports are considered risky than others based on the situations that surround them especially in terms of injuries that are endured by the team players (Bird, Black & Newton, 1997). This piece of...

Volkswagen Company in India

Volkswagen (VW) brand takes a semi-premium position in India. At the same time, it is more premium than the main brand’s competitors: Toyota and Honda. By positioning the brand in this way, the management aimed to emphasize the value of quality, innovation, and high technology which are historically associated with...

Evidence-Based Practice and Research Integration

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is discussed as an effective approach to integrating research into a practical setting related to nursing. As a result, many healthcare organizations try to apply the principles of EBP to the everyday work of nurses and healthcare providers in order to improve the quality of care (Black,...

HIV/AIDS and Safe Sex Behaviors in India

Introduction This article is devoted to the problem of HIV and AIDS in India. In our days, the problem attracts national and international priority, as the rate of spreading the disease has been increased. “National HIV prevention campaigns focus on messages ap­pealing to individuals to adopt safe sexual behaviors” (Sivaram...

Nursing: Social, Political and Cultural Developments

To be a nurse means to be a person, who is ready for many challenges and the demonstration of their personal and professional skills. There are many issues that an ordinary nurse has to take into consideration. In this paper, several social (nurse shortage and the economic crisis), political (the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Different Theorists Impact on Healthcare

Introduction Nursing theories are powerful concepts that are combined to guide a given medical practice. The targeted project seeks to examine how theoretical concepts can be implemented to improve healthcare delivery. This paper gives a detailed analysis of two middle-range scholars and one non-nursing theorist. The major concepts presented by...

Interventional Radiology: Planning Factors

Even though conscious sedation is considered to be the safest type of sedation, it might still imply severe respiratory complications (Blayney, 2012). To perform an effective intervention targeted to prevent these complications, it is essential to consider all the key factors that might further affect its course. The paper at...

Obamacare’s Milestones and Benefits

Major Milestones of the Act The principal stages that represent President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act include a national preventive strategy, funding in public health programs, and the use of recommended clinical services for prevention (United States Congress House Committee on Health Care, 2010). The law defines insurance...

Voluntary Codes of Ethics for Supply Chain

Voluntary codes are internal arrangements embraced by organizations to promote desirable behaviors in the market environment (Steiner & Steiner 2012). These codes of ethics are guided by different moral theories that support the welfare for all. For instance, deontological models explain why ‘the voluntary consent of individuals and corporations is...

Parts of Speech Misused in English Sentences

It is a well-known fact that every word in the English language belongs to a certain grammatical category. However, it is sometimes not enough to define whether the word is a noun, a verb, or an adjective. There is a number of different properties that should be considered. Thus, every...

Judicial Review and the American Constitution

In the current digital age where criminals and terrorists use sophisticated methods to achieve their selfish goals, law enforcement agencies find themselves in increasingly challenging situations when it comes to protecting the Fourth Amendment. The courts are also making contradictory rulings, which bring further confusion to the issue. In the...

Social Media Categories for Public Health Promotion

Social media has played an important role in people’s lives. There are five categories of social media: social networks, social bookmarking sites, social news sites, blogs, and microblogs. This paper aims to discuss these categories, to single out popular and cutting-edge tools, to compare them, and to outline how these...

American Revolution in Jonathan Boucher’s View

Review From Jonathan Boucher, A View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution (1775) The document provides the audience with the position of Jonathan Boucher regarding the situation in America as of 1775. Being an Anglican minister, Boucher was also known as one of the rampant loyalists who...

Republican Factionalism and Black Empowerment

Article Review The main argument in Fitzgerald’s article is concerned with the intersection of the factional conflict and black social aspirations during the Southern Reconstruction (474). The author notes that due to the divisions among white Republican leaders, African Americans received more power in the southern party. Particularly, there was...

“Why Politics Need Religion” by Sweetman

Author Brendan Sweetman delineates the difference between form and content in the arguments that arise between church and state, particularly in the area of traditionally controversial religious and moral issues such as abortion, gay rights, capital punishment, and euthanasia (Sweetman 232). Form, Sweetman contends, refers exclusively to the quality of...

Leadership Under Path-Goal Theory

The questionnaire was directly related to the notion of path-goal leadership theory that “assigns responsibility for a work group’s effectiveness to leaders” that exhibit different behaviors, which may influence the impact of groups (Dixon & Kozloski Hart, 2010, p. 55). The result of the questionnaire for the directive style was...

“The Necklace” a Short Story by Guy de Maupassant

Materialism is the belief that comfort, pleasure, and wealth are the most desirable things in life. Do you agree? I do not agree that comfort, pleasure, and wealth are the most desirable things in life. All of these things are fickle and have temporary value. Focusing only on them blinds...

Criminal Profiling and Hypnosis Using

What is criminal profiling? What are the procedures used in criminal profiling and how is the profile evaluated? Criminal profiling is an investigative tool that is used to create a personality profile of a suspect based on the information found at the crime scene (Fulero & Wrightsman, 2008, p. 84)....

Islam and the Rise of the Islamic Community in the US

Islamophobia in the US has risen significantly since 9/11. People are fearful of Islamic extremism that has caused panic and speculation. Even in this environment of uncertainty, a small yet potent group of Muslims is living in America, struggling to balance their faith and the country’s dominant social culture. This...

Business Ethics in Global Approach

Overview Globalization has a great impact on how organizations do business. Removal of political, geographical, and economic barriers has allowed the organization to not only do business but also invest in foreign countries. However, issues may arise in the process of doing business that can have high implications for an...

The Patient Health Questionnaire

The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is one of the tools that are used to evaluate patients’ psychological state. The questionnaire is also usually applied to measure depression symptoms in adolescent patients (Richardson et al., 2014). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the PHQ-9 with the focus on its...

Sport in Canada: Progress and Achievements

Every country has its favorite sports which are a part of the popular culture and help perceive the society values (Nimijean 1). In Canada, the central place has always been occupied by hockey. However, the latest tendency shows that people start getting much more interested in basketball. While some people...

Medical Biases in Community: Learning Plan

Week’s Goals and Objectives The primary objectives of the community practice activities during the forthcoming week lay in understanding and identifying the most common medical issues or biases in today’s community. These goals will be reached with the help of a survey that implies interviewing random people in the streets....

Childhood Obesity and Its Solutions

Introduction Researchers have extensively investigated the topic of childhood obesity to come up with appropriate solutions to this growing issue and find evidence in support of the proposed intervention. This section will present a literature review of relevant studies on childhood obesity, summarizing different approaches, and comparing their effectiveness in...

Concept of God and Philosophy of Religion

What characterizes good? The concept of good, by definition, has two defining characteristics. The first one is the presence of perceivable benefits to either the person (personal good) or the community at large (community good) (Howing, 2016). The second characteristic of good typically involves the absence of harm to either...

Popular Research Paper Topics

High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Human Rights

The focus of this assignment will be the use of high-resolution satellite imagery for detecting mass graves in Sheberhan, an area in Afghanistan (AAAS, 2017b). The American Association for the Advancement of Science first reviewed the human rights issue in 2009 upon the request of Physicians for Human Rights, which...

Restraint and Seclusion Effect on Patient Outcomes

Outline Introduction Evidence-Based Solution Nursing Intervention Patient Care Health Care Agency Nursing Practice Conclusion Introduction Restraint and seclusion have been included in the treatment process for a relatively long time. However, the mounting body of evidence suggests that its use does not offer a therapeutic effect and in many scenarios...

Health Department’s Actions in Hurricanes

A hurricane is a tropical phenomenon that is formed by sustained winds of enormous velocity. Hurricanes rate among the most devastating of all the natural disasters, which means that timely preparedness for them (in the form of precautionary measures) is crucial for avoiding or mitigating their damaging effects and threats...

Dynamic vs Non-Moving Crisis Theory in Social Work

Introduction The postulates of the formal theory never change from the perspective of their relation to the world. In this way, regardless of a situation under consideration, the theory for explaining it is always the same. So, it is complicated to apply basic theory to a dynamically changing behavior and...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction Research Results

Data collection method that reflects the purpose of the research To collect data for the research on reducing door-to-balloon time in STEMI patients in Kendall Regional Center, different tools were used. Data collection methods included surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, knowledge tests for healthcare providers, and observations, and performance data reviews....

The Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors

Abstract The research on the growing need for various blood donors in the United States of America is proposed for submission to the American Journal of Nursing. The information below is to address such points of this paper as research steps (problem, purpose, question, hypothesis, and methodology). Steps in implementing...

Techniques in “Fire in the Workplace” by Ron Nunez

The article “Fire in the Workplace,” written by Ron Nunez, outlines the possible fire in workplace prevention techniques. Ron Nunez works at Fluor Corp,m where he implements and develops various programs related to environmental safety, corporate safety, as well as the health of the employees. In the first part of...

Information Security Policies and Measures

How well developed are my organization’s information security policies? In my opinion, information security policies in my organization are well developed and fully implemented. This is because they all in action and fully followed. Updating of the policies also takes place regularly to prevent dormancy of the policies. Policies and...

Medical Diagnosis: Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia Facial pain can be discussed as one of the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia which is a specific neurological disorder that affects trigeminal nerves. This condition is usually observed in persons who are aged between 40 and 60 years, and according to studies, this disorder is most typically observed...

Modern Technologies Assisting Freelancers

The paradoxical task of freelancers is to be ubiquitous while staying at home and doing their jobs. They need to keep current with professional developments and anything else that might be useful in their work. Therefore, no matter what their occupation, whether it is copywriting, proofreading, translating, graphic design, or...