Candida Albicans and Staphylococcus Aureus Microorganisms

This case study is a discussion on the microbiology course that touches on Candida Albicans and Staphylococcus Aureus as the two leading and especially dangerous conditionally pathogenic and bacterial microorganisms. Due to their special design and mechanisms, they can cause severe morbidity and mortality. Below is a brief description of...

Treasury Bills and Treasury Notes

The modern world economy offers a wide range of tools for investment. All of them have individual characteristics and have their features. When making a choice between investing in Treasury bills or Treasury notes, I would choose favor of bills. Undoubtedly, both types of investments can be convenient in their...

Nature of Evil in “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Despite its shortness, the story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne contains a number of educative lessons. One of them is the possibility to understand the nature of evil better. On the one hand, all people are free and happy due to many options and choices. On the other hand,...

Digital Inspection for Gas Pipelines and Infrastructure

Gas pipelines and infrastructure need constant inspection as the breakout or failure may lead to significant consequences for a wide range of people, especially in urban areas. However, manual inspections of these types of assets can be expensive and hard to perform. Luckily, with the digital age and improved infrastructure,...

Elderly People and Interaction With Dogs

Animals play a significant part in human life as they can help with daily routines and fulfill emotional conditions. According to Scheibeck et al. (2011), elderly people are not always able to find new friends, and pets, such as dogs, might help maintain communication. Moreover, by owning a pet, elderly...

Whren v. the United States, 517 US 806 – Supreme Court 1996

Facts Whren v. United States is a lawsuit that entered the Supreme Court of the US. The dispute occurred between young African American Michael Whren and the United States. Whren’s motion says that the search of the car in which he was a passenger by officers in an unmarked car...

Review of “For Millions, the Pandemic Is Far From Over” Article

Over the last two years, COVID-19 has significantly changed the daily lives of billions of people. Although the development of vaccines is slowing down the spread of the pandemic, there are still millions of people struggling with the consequences of the virus. The article by Doheny (2022), presented by the...

Americans Who Attempted Suicide Aren’t Getting Care

Mental health is an important factor affecting both the overall quality of life and the individual’s physical condition. The article Survey of Americans Who Attempted Suicide Finds Many Aren’t Getting Care states that there is an increase in suicides associated with mental illness, stigma, and difficulties in the healthcare system...

The Action Research in Healthcare

Action research is a methodology used to identify clinical practice problems and develop potential solutions to improve the quality of care. Hockley and Stacpoole (2014) define action research as “a critical, dynamic and collaborative process where the researcher engages in spirals of planning and action, observing and reflecting with those...

Fed’s Kashkari: Paycheck Protection Program Disadvantaged Black Americans

The Paycheck Protection Program is a recent monetary policy designed to support the United States economy and alleviate workforce sustenance issues by providing loans to small and medium entrepreneurs to cover payroll and non-payroll costs. Unfortunately, according to an article by Michael Derby, published on October 20th, 2021, President Neel...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Gender Roles in Trifles Play by Susan Glaspell

The “Trifles” play, written in 1919 by Susan Glaspell, illustrates the world of a gender-strict role, where men dominated the society. This is because males were allowed to go out and work while women were confined at home to perform household chores and look after children. Females had no control...

Servant-Leadership Decision-Making Rubric

The objective of the writing is to identify and examine the values as well as priorities of servant leaders, on which those typically rely in their behavior. For maximal visual clarity, the author conducted research on two groups, comparing and contrasting them to explore the influence of particular decision-making patterns...

Andy Goldsworthy in History of Art

Andy Goldsworthy is a modern sculptor and photographer, the defender of the environment and natural resources, originally from Cheshire. However, at the moment, he works and lives in Scotland. He is the author of sensational installations of genuine art and sculptures in land art. Andy experiments with an infinite variety...

Death Culture in Filipinos and Its Peculiarities

Death has different perceptions and interpretations in different cultures, and there are various approaches to it in different countries. Death is treated as a significant event in the Filipino, including many traditions and peculiarities. In Filipino culture, there are several objects and symbols related to death and associated with funerals....

Performance Appraisal Process in a Healthcare Organization

Introduction The performance appraisal process is a vital component in a healthcare organization in ensuring quality care. Employees can be evaluated based on established care standards. This process uses well-defined methods to enable employees to get information and determine if they meet the set-out expectations (Moradi et al., 2017). Aspects...

Sustainable Methodologies to Post-Harvest Waste Prevention

Sustainable agriculture is an integrative approach to livestock, fruits, and vegetable farming that makes use of soil science, agronomy, ecology, and microbiology concepts to yield foodstuffs that are better for the environment. These environment-friendly techniques limit the use of agrochemicals while encouraging the use of traditional practices that mimic the...

Analysis of Gods in the Epic of Gilgamesh

The gods and their relation and hierarchy with humans present one of the main themes in The Epic of Gilgamesh. This essay will focus on the gods in the story and explore their nature and motives. In the story, gods are described with a close resemblance to humans, and their...

Healthcare: Auditing Practices

Internal medical audits can be divided into prospective and retrospective ones. The benefits of the prospective audits include prevention of sending incorrect claims, reduced denials’ chance, and demonstration of the organization’s proactivity. The weaknesses are that it is only possible to review a small number of claims, and this process...

The Influence of Culture on Self-Development and Maturity Process

Naturally, my surroundings, including social interaction, tend to influence my identity and me as a person in general. For instance, my neighborhood and the people I befriended there impact my judgment, character traits, and opinions on a daily basis. In addition, my cultural background and its aspects like traditions, mentality,...

Discussion of Investment Opportunities in Project

Introducing investment opportunities into the project is another vital issue that needs to be considered closer. Specifically, given the nature of the project, which will be primarily educational, the project can be deemed as a non-profit one. Therefore, customers will be admitted without charge. The specified solution implies that the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Postwar Crisis in the US and the Soviet Union

From Kennan’s telegram, the U.S. perceived the postwar crisis as the era of increased risks linked with unwanted ideologies spreading across Europe and Western powers. Specifically, the absence of “courage and self-confidence” and the American nation’s possible inability to provide European peoples with guidance faster than the Soviet Union would...

The “Pointing Man” Sculpture by Alberto Giacometti

Pointing Man or L’Homme au doigt is a bronze sculpture created by Alberto Giacometti. The figure represents a man with unrealistic proportions pointing with his right hand. At first look, the sculpture looks almost intimidating as the distorted man calls to action with his gesture. Experts interpret it in different...

Halting the Extinction Crisis

The Sensitive Topic of Extinction in Human-Nature Relationships Any individual barely involved in biology or natural sciences knows that the topic of extinction is relevant in these scientific circles today. From a historical perspective, environmental self-awareness came to humanity quite late, but a scientific consensus about the drivers of extinction...

“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features

“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina is a composition with an underlying message of unfulfilled love and conflict. The smooth melody and soothing vocals from Turina’s composition resonate with a sentimental style different from the Spanish style. The composition style is typical of the traditional Spanish style reminiscent of the traditional technique...

The Four Main Types of Business Entities

Introduction Businesses can greatly benefit from forming a formal business organization. It ensures the protection of business owners and decreases tax expenditures. After analyzing some of the advantages of formal business entities, this discussion post will describe some of its disadvantages and suggest that forming a formal business organization helps...

Scheduling Management in Healthcare

In healthcare management, scheduling is an essential procedure that optimizes the workflow, leading to increased nurse satisfaction and balanced benefits expenses. Excel Solver Setup is an efficient tool in Microsoft Excel that uses the what-if algorithm to determine the appropriate value for the objective cell (Microsoft, 2022). For instance, this...

The Invention of the Telegraph in the Communication Context

Introduction The context of modern communication and life as a whole is impossible to imagine without non-physical means of connecting with others. However, before the middle of the 19th century, one small message could take days and weeks to be delivered to the recipient, impeding efficient communication between people. The...

Moral Conscience and Lack of It in People

Each person lives in a society and follows certain rules of behavior. Some rules are regulated by law, and others are a matter of personal and public morality. The formation of moral principles is greatly influenced by education, family relations, religion, environment, and culture. What seemed unacceptable and reprehensible some...

Mars Ethical Concern Discussion

In the confectionery industry, ethical concern entails moral judgment of what is appropriate and what is not. Rozuel (2016, p. 295) shows that ethical behavior practices result in various benefits to an organization. Some of the benefits constitute attracting consumers to an organization’s products, attracting more investors, keeping the firm’s...

Aspects of Humanistic Theories

I agree with the statement that humans are products of their choices. According to existential theory, people have responsibility for their actions and incorporate meaning by creating their world (Glowiak, 2017). According to research, people are more inclined to seek counseling and self-help when they maintain belief in their ability...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethical Issues of Informed Consent in Intoxicated Patients

Since the participants in the current case study are heavily intoxicated, the process of obtaining informed consent becomes complicated. According to recent studies, the majority of people who filed questionnaires while intoxicated could not remember the event once they became sober (Martel et al., 2018). Therefore, an ethical problem arises...

Racial Prejudice Against Africans

Throughout Western civilization’s acquaintance with the African people, there have been unfounded beliefs about the intellectual superiority of Whites over Blacks. In particular, “the Western discourse had come form of such notorious proclamations and claims as ‘reason is Greek’, ’emotion is African’” (Adie & Effenji, 2018, p. 95). Such famous...

Chapter 2 of “Introducing Christian Mission Today” by Goheen

The current report summarizes the “Scripture as a Narrative Record of God’s Mission” chapter from the book Introducing Christian Mission Today by Michael W. Goheen. The focus of this part is the description of how Scripture conveys the message of God’s mission to the readers. In other words, the author...

Cultural Knowledge: The Role in Management

The second chapter “Understanding culture: Through the looking glass” presents a comprehensive discussion on the topic of cultural knowledge and its role in management. The author calls for understanding the fact that cultures are not losing their relevance in communications but instead demands a heightened awareness of their existence (Lane...

Democrats and Republicans in the US Politics

A perfectly detailed perception of what political leaders think about the ordinary working citizens of any country is listed. The narrative that seemed to keep gaining traction amongst many of the voters, of whom the more considerable percentage falls on workers of all backgrounds who have no college degree, about...

The Problem of Inequality in Crack and Powder Cocaine Sentencing

The difference in perception and sentencing of cases of crack cocaine and powder cocaine raises a major inequality problem in legislation and society. The law is based on stereotypes and biases about types of cocaine and those involved in drug activity. At the same time, a person convicted with just...

The Socio-Ecological Model of Access to Healthcare

The article by Reihani et al. (2021) helped support the socio-ecological model among recently settled refugees in a variety of ways. For instance, it facilitated the identification of barriers that impact access to public health. Reihani et al. (2021) demonstrate the socio-ecological model’s capacity to provide critical insight into systematic...

United Nations Convention on Rights of People Living With Disabilities

Today, more than one billion individuals have impairments; these are mostly the poorest members of civilizations. Discrimination and stigmatization they go through are two major aspects in practically every society. Their inability to participate in and attend educational institutions as well as find jobs creates barriers to their development and...

The “Advertising” Article in Encyclopedia Britannica

The article on review is titled “Advertising” and was published by Encyclopedia Britannica in 2012. It explores the history of advertising and how that has changed over time. The author describes how advertising is used to call attention to products and how it can be effective if done correctly. The...

Rising Healthcare Costs as a Policy Issue

Healthcare is an essential part of every person’s life regardless of their social status or health condition. However, it is not available financially for many people because of ever-increasing medical service prices. This issue is the most pertinent because it directly affects people’s ability to maintain their health. The global...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Preparation for the Management Meeting

Introduction Since The Conservatory Company PLC is going through a successful phase with a 25% growth in sales, it faces problems matching the pace of demand. This includes a slow production process, increased pressure on machinery, and low incomes due to constant overtime payments. Discussion Expanding by renting the warehouse...

Price and Quality in Consumer Perception

The first topic that is thought-provoking is the relationship between quality and price. As Lichtenstein and Burton (1989) note, the over-reliance on price as an indicator of quality is a common mistake among consumers. Even though this observation was made forty years ago, it is still relevant today. Almost any...

Wage Garnishment Legislation in North Carolina

A garnishment is the process of an unpaid debt being settled with the aid of a third party being directed to seize available assets from the intended individual or an organization. Usually, garnishments are related to the money located in one’s bank account or a person’s wage. In North Carolina,...

Themes in “The Bluest Eye” Novel by Toni Morrison

The novel by Toni Morrison The Bluest Eye shows how racial oppression has a devastating effect on African Americans through the image of madness. The main character was a victim of racism, and in an effort to conform to the ideals of the beauty of white people, she began to...

Oldsmobile: The End of the Road

Oldsmobile was one of the most well-known and loved automobile brands in the United States. The company was established in 1897 and merged with General Motors (GM) in 1908 (“The end of the road,” 2004). However, in 2000, GM notified that it was no longer possible to produce Oldsmobile automobiles...

Addressing the Replication Crisis in Psychological Research

It is essential to emphasize that the replication crisis refers to the argument that the results of many studies cannot be verified or reproduced, which leads scientists to assume that they are unreliable. I suppose that static bias is the reason for the biased attitude towards publications, which is causing...

“I, Too” by Langston Hughes: Historical Context

The poem I, Too was written in the year 1925, leading to a discussion of the historical background. Primarily, one of the most impactful and devastating events that took place around the time of these works was racial segregation, which started approximately around the 19th century and ended in 1964...

Discussion: Choosing the Proper Business Structure

It is more profitable to open an LLC than a corporation. However, they are both economic entities created by submitting constituent documents to the state (Rendtorff, 2019). In addition, they enable their owners to have the same type of protection and responsibility (Mancuso, 2021). As a rule, neither the owners...

Humanistic Theory in Childhood Obesity Research

Overview and Guiding Propositions It should be noted that the theoretical construct of the future research would be built around the principles of humanistic theory. Its main guiding proposition lies in the understanding that people are not a collection of body parts and functions but complex beings in whom all...

“Monstress” a Comics by Marjorie Liu

Monstress is a popular series of graphic novels by Liu (the author) and Takeda (the artist), published by Image Comics. Dealing with feminism and racism, the story is based on childhood experiences and family history. Thus a fantastic world, cruel to the main heroine Maika, is created. According to McMillan,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Yellowstone National Park’s History and Tourism

The whole idea of a national park was created by a small group of people in the 19th century. Yellowstone was established as the first one in 1872 (Runte 197). It is located in the territories of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. A few years later, more parks were authorized by...

Guidelines for Nursing Practice: The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing are guidelines that give directions to the nursing practice. Following them allows nurses to successfully prepare for flexible leadership, teamwork, critical action, adaptation to changing conditions, and delivery of high-quality care in various settings and roles (Borkowski, 2015). Nurse practitioners who manage to...

Death in “On My First Daughter” and “Mid-Term Break”

Reconciliation with Death Reconciling with the loss of a child barely seems possible, yet, in Ben Johnson’s poem, the lead character finds his consolation in faith. By saying that the Virgin “Hath placed amongst her virgin-train” (Johnson, 1616, line 9), the lead character manages to stifle his sorrow and find...

College Media, Official Sites and Life Online

Current technological progress helps to achieve the established purposes within a short period. Due to Internet services, people get a chance to find the necessary information quickly. This is why it is not a surprise that many colleges create numerous sites where enough information about education, programs, living conditions, and...

Race and Slavery in the “Clotel” Novel by Brown

Home/family The entire family is brought down by the slave trade. Clotel, Currer, and Althea are completely separated from each other. Currer later dies of yellow fever while Althea is left to suffer under the ruthless hands of slave traders. Even after being married to Henry Morton, her life is...

Dubai’s Economic Growth and Laziness of Poor

The unprecedented growth of Dubai’s economy started in the 1970s and coincided with the significant increase in oil prices (Sargisson 76). However, the growth of the city’s economy was not a result of the oil boom per se. Even though the revenues from the sale of oil resources helped Dubai...

Authoritarian Versus Totalitarian Autocracy

To begin with, it is necessary to state that both totalitarian and authoritarian regimes might seem to be the same at first. Nevertheless, there are some minor differences that can be seen only after an intensive course of studying these systems (Stewart, Klein, Scmitz, & Schröder, 2016). In general, the...

Cocaine Abuse: How to Detect It?

The problem of drug abuse has become one of the most topical issues of modern society. Unfortunately, it is impossible to forbid them’re producing completely as they are used in medicine to treat numerous mental disorders or relieve pain. However, it is still crucial to be able to admit the...

Father-Son Relationships in “The Odyssey” by Homer

Introduction Being one of the most famous Ancient Greek plays, “Odyssey” has entered the realm of global culture, having left its mark on countless artworks and generations of readers. The poem addresses a large variety of themes, yet the father-son dynamics is one of the more subtle ideas integrated in...

The Relationship Between Unemployment and Economic Growth

Among the factors that define economic growth and development, human resources and unemployment are considered to be the most vital. The well-trained and educated labor force has a significant and direct effect on the economy by producing a high-quality product. However, the problem is not only in finding sufficiently trained...

Science-Based Theories in Nursing

The application of science-based theories in nursing represents an opportunity for nurses to combine experience-associated knowledge with evidence developed on the basis of scientific rigor. The first science-based nursing theory was developed by Martha Rogers and is called the Science of Unitary Human Beings, emphasizing both the scientific nature of...

Cardinal Health: Blaming in Violations

The case issue is the accusation of Cardinal Health in premature recognizing of litigation gains. According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the company’s actions violated the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), which is unacceptable (Young, Cohen & Bens, 2019). Cardinal Health’s decision to deduct the expected litigation...

The Issue of Social Equality and Feminism

Among all the many social topics that have deeply touched the souls of the millions around the world, the issue of social equality has come at the forefront. Being a feminist who supports women’s rights to the fullest extent and underlines their equality to men, I have never understood why...

Risks of Proceeding Payments Online

Globalization is the most significant trend of the twenty-first century. This profound change became possible due to technological progress, and this revolutionary process keeps improving. Although it is good for humanity, the risks occur in all of the structures involved, and severe consequences thread people’s lives. For example, economic risks...

The Gestalt-Approach to Problem-Solving

Cognition and Learning have proved to be a very useful course for me. All the topics covered in the course were of great interest and importance for me. However, there is one specific thing that resonated with me most: the idea of Gestalt-approach to problem-solving. According to this theory, finding...

It’s Not My Fault: Global Warming and Moral Responsibility

There is a number of science and fiction works on global warming covering this issue from different angles. The philosophical work of the American professor of ethical sciences Sinnott-Armstrong approaches the phenomenon of global warming in terms of individual and collective responsibility. The author is convinced that global warming exists...

The Use of Starcraft II Video Games for AI Research

In their article, Vinyals, Gaffney, and Ewalds (2017) discuss the collaboration between Blizzard Entertainment, a video game developer, and DeepMind, an AI (artificial intelligence) researcher, to use video games as a platform for AI design and testing. A base for the research environment is StarCraft II, one of the most...

Outsourcing and Globalization as Driving Force

The costs associated with production and business performance have forced many companies to engage in outsourcing. Asatiani et al. define the concept as the process of recruiting a third-party employee or service provider to complete various tasks or manufacture goods that can eventually be marketed by the identified company (41)....

“Liberty vs. Security” Article by David Haynes

In the reading selection, “Liberty vs. Security: An Old Debate Renewed in the Age of Terror,” David Haynes discusses the government’s efforts, specifically the National Security Agency (NSA) to continue snooping into American’s phone records and conversations under the pretext of national security. The author argues that the NSA had...

Price Policy of Hillside Veterinary Clinic

Hillside Clinic is a veterinary facility that prides itself on the quality of its services and individualized approach to its customers. One of the provided services is the emergency treatment of pets at night and on weekends. However, the price of delivering care on these hours is twice the normal...

Spreading Misinterpreted Information in Media Sources

The case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard The case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard proves the tendency of spreading misinterpreted information about celebrities among their fans. Indeed, the abuse cases in their families tend to be ascribed to men rather than women, especially if they are known for...

Refusing to Allow to Have a Service Dog in His Apartment

For some people with disabilities, having an assistance dog is vital in order to live a comfortable life. Usually, they are well trained because every day the animals have to complete a number of difficult tasks for their owners. For this reason, service dogs are well behaved and should not...

Music of a Classical Era: Personal Opinion

When discussing the music of the Classical Era (1750-1825), there are many things that one needs to take into account. Such aspects as design, form, and order make the works of this period unique and memorable. Since I began this course, I have listened to several notable and famous compositions,...

Mission to Mars: Problems of Mars Colonization

It would be challenging for humans to live on Mars for a large number of reasons. Cabrol and Grin (2018) cite “low and widely varying temperature, low atmospheric pressure, low water activity, and high ultraviolet and ionizing radiation” as the primary causes of the planet’s inhospitality. To enable life on...

Direct Practice Improvement Through the Revised Standards Application

Application of the Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence SQUIRE 2.0 to the project can improve it by indicating gaps or flaws that might deteriorate outcomes. My DPI project manuscript can also benefit from the employment of this paradigm. First, following the given guide, the rationale for the selection...

Misguided Perception of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a negative social outcome attributed to immorality and discrimination. Individuals consuming drugs are taken to rehabilitation centers for recovery. Nevertheless, a compelling argument emerged, claiming that punishing and criminalizing habitual consumption is an ineffective approach to curbing addiction. The countries which implement bans in law, such as...

Drone Warfare: Benefits Versus Costs

It seems reasonable to state that waging war has always been an expensive undertaking. What is more, with the flow of time, weapons, armory, and other military equipment – as well as expenses on army maintenance – have become pricier. It is not surprising that recent technical progress provides the...

Fixed Versus Floating Exchange Rates

A key component of stable economic growth is a stable currency exchange rate. In recent times, there has been a debate about the economic benefits of fixed and floating exchange rates. One advantage of floating exchange rates is that it frees the macroeconomic policy from taking care of the exchange...

Article Review Wall Street Journal

The article published in the Wall Street Journal is related to the course content and material, as it is about the stock value trends. Often, investors respond to the changes in stock value by buying or selling their shares. The article reports that Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, sold...

Financial Managers and Corporate Officers’ Duties

Financial managers and corporate officers are expected to possess the greatest personal and professional ethics, integrity and values, and show commitment to representing the long-term interest of the company and its shareholders. However, often, shareholders have sued these professionals for taking advantage of the company’s assets. These issues are primarily...

Trade War Between the US and China

There is a continuous conflict between China and the US, which is expressed in setting tariffs on one another’s products. In 2018, President Trump imposed tariffs on goods exported from China, stimulating Americans to buy local products, and this policy change became a significant trade barrier (Liu & Woo, 2018)....

Comfort Food as a Quarantine Trend

2020 has brought numerous unexpected changes into people’s everyday life, including their eating habits. Several factors can be considered the cause of significantly altered food trends. First, the rising panic at the beginning of the lockdown led to a deficit of different items in stores. Sometimes it was necessary to...

What Should Be Considered to Effective Communication

Any researcher, speaker, or lecturer wants his or her document or presentation to have an appropriate effect on the audience. In general, people provide positive feedback if the ideas or findings of the author were clearly presented. However, for effective communication, the audience, context, media choices, and purpose of a...

Thermal Cameras and Dealing With Medical Issues

Thermal cameras were costly and large just a few decades ago; thus, a small number of people could use them at home or even at work. Fortunately, the situation has changed, and they are widely used nowadays in numerous fields ranging from medicine to security. Without any doubt, they have...

Poem Response “I Heard a Fly Buzz – When I Died” by Emily Dickinson

The symbolism of the poem “I Heard a Fly Buzz – When I Died” by Emily Dickinson is the most striking aspect of this literary work. Stillness stands for the end of human life, which is something grand and frightening. The poet manages to make the reader see the picture...

Abortion Should Be Encouraged in the United States

The legalization of abortion is one of the most disputable issues today in the United States. Most pro-abortionists argue that it is wrong to deny someone an opportunity to exercise their freedom to relish life and take responsibility for their actions. Despite a hot debate on the topic, terminating the...

Analysis of Fatal Errors in Nursing

One instance in the story where the patient safety error occurred is when the unfamiliar nurse enters Josie’s room and subsequently injects a methadone dose as a painkiller. Ms. King protests the act by opining that the previous doctor had verbally ordered that no narcotics should be administered to Josie...

Radio Frequency (RF) Communication Systems

The creation of a communication system that employs radio frequency signal transmission presupposes consideration of the available channels, equipment that can be used to establish the network, area, and the central purposes that drive its introduction. At the same time, it is critical to ensure that the transmitter can operate...

UAE Economic Development and Economic Sources

The United Arab Emirates can be listed among the states with the most successful economies. The effective development finds reflection in UAE citizens’ relatively high quality of life and happiness levels. It is possible to explain the state’s successful economic development as the combination of effective economic diversification strategies, including...

Women’s Position in Modern Society

The position of women in modern society is a burning ethical issue, which has particularly exacerbated during the pandemic. Traditional gender roles are challenged by the pandemic of coronavirus. More and more critical functions are executed by women, yet the distribution of privileges and finances favors men disregarding the rising...

The Importance of Understanding Culture in Marketing

Nestlé S.A. is a conglomerate corporation whose headquarters are located in Switzerland. Being the largest food company in the world, Nestlé oversees a number of subsidiaries. Tombstone and DiGiorno are two brands of frozen pizza that originally belonged to the American company Kraft Foods. However, after being bought by Nestlé...

“Racial Inequality, at College and in the Workplace” by Johnson

Despite the intentions to create an equal and unbiased society, many modern Americans still experience serious challenges based on racial or gender inequalities. These themes are frequently discussed in current studies and analyzed by journalists and scientists. In sociological investigation, people not only share their observations and results but explain...

Basic Neural Units of the Brain

Neurotransmitters are specialized cells that function to transfer information from one nerve, gland, or muscle cell to another. Across the membrane of the neuron cells, there is a difference in charge termed as the membrane potential. Neuro resting potential is the electrical potential difference of the membrane in a non-excited...

Treating Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

The treatment of people with a systematic condition tends to differ from common therapy. People with such health issues often have a weaker immune system or cannot receive some type of care (or medication). Cancer patients are often vulnerable due to the therapy they receive to address their health issues....

Practices for Healthcare Staff’s Personal Safety

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic presents a significant public health challenge. Stakeholders have highlighted prevention as the mainstay of controlling the disease. Consequently, the health institution I work in adopted several strategies to prevent infection among the healthcare staff, patients, and the public. For instance, at the outpatient department...

Medical Misinformation in History and Now

The images that can be distinguished the most from the Topic 10 video are the posters from the book of Giambattista della Porta that show the similarity of human faces to animal faces. These posters illustrate the idea that a person whose facial features are similar to a particular animal...

Australian RedCross Supporting the Homeless

The homeless and people at risk of homelessness are among Australia’s most vulnerable and underprivileged demographics. At the moment, around 116,000 Australians are homeless, 20,000 out of which are in Queensland (Queensland Government, 2017). Half of the homeless population lives in severely crowded dwellings, 21% dwell in supported accommodation, and...

Improving Patient Safety in the Radiology Department of a Hospital

The radiology department has a professional and legal responsibility of ensuring the safety of patients receiving imaging services. Radiation helps in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. However, inappropriate exposure can lead to health hazards for the patient exposed. Every profession in the radiology department has a moral responsibility of...

The Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III’s Criminal Case

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, six people were reported killed in Indianapolis by a 17-year-old man named Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III. According to media reports, the young man shot and killed his father, stepmother, two teenage relatives, and a pregnant 19-year-old woman expecting a baby soon (CNN, 2021). Given...

Menstruation Practices in India

Menstruation is essential because it plays a crucial role in a women’s reproductive health. Inadequate knowledge and education are the primary causes of adverse issues associated with menstruation. In this case, I would educate the girls about the importance of hygiene during periods. Genital areas’ cleanliness reduces infection incidents by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Coca-Cola Company’s Marketing Strategy Challenge

Coca-Cola faces a challenging marketing challenge: the company’s purpose is to change consumers’ negative associations with sugary fizzy drinks. For example, in early 2020, Coca-Cola announced its new social campaign to combat obesity in the United States to promote a healthy lifestyle (Obialor 2020, p. 153). As part of its...

What Effect Did the World War II Wartime Experience Have on African Americans?

World War II was a drastic armed conflict that took the lives of 3% of the world’s population. The majority of estimated deaths occurred due to confrontation, but the rest are connected to famine and war-related diseases. World War II was the battle of all races: white, Asian, and Black...

Debate on Keeping the Law Today

The observance of the law and its loyalty always has concerned humanity, even in the 16th century and today. The Apostle Paul argued that the truth lies not in the law but faith in Jesus Christ. In the book The New Perspectives on Paul, the author examines the attitude of...

Health of Population in Philadelphia Community

Our community is located in Philadelphia, PA, which is one of the largest cities in the U.S., characterized by its multi-ethnic population. Health equity is a serious concern here because ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity leads to the emergence of high-risk groups in terms of obesity and associated conditions. My...

Chief Joseph as a Famous Native American

Today, there is only a small number of Native Americans that remain on the continent. However, many stories are still related by mouth and written word. They talk of the heroism, nature, and the people that once walked the land on which the US is based now. One of the...

A Historical Research Study That Failed to Protect Human Subjects

Modern researchers make considerable efforts to comply with basic ethical guidelines when implementing their studies. For instance, the Belmont Report released in 1979 highlights the major principles of conducting a study (autonomy, beneficence, and justice) (Forister & Blessing, 2016). However, ethical concerns were often neglected in the past. One of...

The Women’s Status: Changes in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century

The fight for sex-based rights and the struggle against regressive gender stereotypes has been a long and devastating journey for women. However, over time, significant improvements in the status of women and the extent of their agency have been made. In the late 19th – early 20th century, women’s liberation...

Global Logistics. Using Lean Principles to Drive Operational Improvements

Operating in global environments poses before managers a number of challenges that can be overcome using lean principles. First of all, there is the issue of waste reduction in order to add value from the customer perspective. Eliminate variation in intermodal terminal operations is another challenge for managers, which has...

Hypothesis Testing a Conceptual Introduction

Summary “Hypothesis testing a conceptual introduction” is chapter 9 of the book called “Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice” written by Jacinta Gau. It examines the foundation and purpose of hypothesis testing, provides steps, which should be followed to conduct statistical research. Moreover, this chapter describes expected and observed outcomes,...

Marketing Approaches in Cigarette Ads

There are different approaches that marketing directors can take when advertising their products but appealing to a particular audience by using consumer market research is key. In the examples given of the cigarette ads, the target demographic is obvious, as the designers have used profiling (ALTA Team, 2019). In the...

Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like

The essential concept from this module is the idea that the way we view age and aging is flawed, and we should reconsider what a person in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s can do. The concept of old age and the idea of what an old person looks like...

Abortion and Its Permissibility Issue

Abortion during pregnancy is one of the discussed topics of the modern world, which sometimes becomes more acute in connection with certain incidents. At the same time, on an ongoing basis, there are different points of view regarding the permissibility of abortion and certain situations. Some of the most common...

Sally Haslanger’s “Gender and Race” Review

In Sally Haslanger’s philosophical essay ‘Gender and Race: (What) are they? (What) do we want them to be?’ the author utilizes an analytical approach to gender and race to define factors contributing to their meanings. In my understanding, the essay presents a significant accomplishment as it provides a unique approach...

Vicarious Liability: The Legal Framework

Introduction It is important to note that the concept of vicarious liability is a form of indirect or secondary liability. The format is mainly utilized when a party needs to be held financially accountable for the actions or negligence of another party. Such a legal framework is primarily applied for...

COVID-19 Influence on the Brain and Learning

The effects of COVID-19 on the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems are widely documented. However, recent research shows that the virus also affects the brain. According to studies conducted in the United Kingdom and Germany, 20-70% of COVID-19 patients experience neuropsychiatric symptoms (Boldrini et al., 2021). Some of the symptoms recorded...

A Good Conclusion in King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech

Concluding thoughts are essential, as they are the final impression a reader receives from a speech or a piece of written communication. Garner (2017) emphasizes that the primary purpose of concluding thoughts is to prompt readers to take action. He further states that the last words should not be perfunctory...

Enzymes and Chemical Reaction They Catalyze

An enzyme is a protein that speeds up or slows down cell chemical reactions. Enzymes perform various functions in cellular metabolisms, such as food digestion in animals and the process of respiration, and also aid in muscle and nerve function. Enzymes are affected by temperature changes; an increase in temperature...

The Advice for the Development as a Writer

Before reading these articles, the status of my writing was unconventional; however, the ideas presented in the three reminiscences have inspired me to consider applying rhetorical strategies in writing, including pathos, logos, and ethos appeals. For instance, Lahiri’s article begins with an attention grabber “In college, I used to underline...

Obesity and General State of Public Health

Obesity is a condition caused by an abnormal or excessive buildup of fat that poses a health concern. It raises the risk of developing various diseases and health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and many more (Upadhyay et al., 2018). For example, when one is obese, the heart...

The Internment of Japanese Americans

The internment of Japanese Americans is the right choice, and those who are against it do not understand the current situation. Our country is leading a war with Japan, why cannot we punish those who belong to our competitors? Foreign soldiers do not have mercy on children, women, and elderly...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Irish Culture and Its Key Features

Culture is the main element of consideration in the framework of sociological research. As Fanning and Hess note, “cultural sociology draws on conceptual tools derived from linguistics, dramaturgical and performance studies, social anthropology and other fields as well as upon classical sociology” (17). Thus, to consider aspects of Irish culture,...

The DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) Methodology in Business

The concept of Six Sigma design of a project supposes the use of DMAIC methodology. From one side, this paradigm presents an opportunity to make the work on business management much more straightforward. Yet, certain stages of DMAIC might be challenging to the managers with different skills. As such, for...

Concept of Modernity in Culture and Sociology

First of all, it is vital to say that modernity cannot be viewed as a singular condition. The broad definition might state that it is a quality or condition of being modern, or modern ways of thinking, working, and creating. However, by narrowing this definition, it is possible to outline...

The Human Immune System Components and Response

The human immune system is a highly complex system of interrelated components. It is based on the principle of reaction and response to a pathogen or virus. Somers (2020) notes that “the result is a system of great flexibility and power, which, pushed the right way, can be made to...

“Beauty and the Beast”: Similar Fairytales in Europe and Asia

Fairytales are universal human creations that exist not only to amuse children but also to amaze adults and transmit the wisdom of distant generations. Indeed, each fairytale is unique in the matter of its characters and details of the narrative. However, certain themes are common for multiple people around the...

Right on Target

The main idea of the essay is that Target is a good store with high-quality service. According to the author, there are three reasons for Target’s superiority, including easy access to a wide variety of goods, high quality of personnel, and constant improvement of the store. There are a couple...

Structured Query Language: Definition from Techopedia

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it is a computer language used to store, manipulate, and retrieve data from a relational database. SQL is the industry standard for Relational Database Systems. SQL is the standard database language used by all Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) such as MySQL, MS...

Discussion of Attempted Murder

Inchoate crimes primarily include attempts, conspiracy, and solicitation and are based on the harmful intent of the suspect. Consequently, these cases also include attempted murder, which is probably the most disturbing example of inchoate crimes. One such case includes the prosecution of Michael Hayes, who deliberately shot Bobby Gale –...

Voice Over IP Technology, Converting Sounds into Digital Signals

Voice over internet protocol (VoIP), also called IP technology, is a technology that helps convert sounds into digital signals, making it possible for calls to be made directly from computers, VoIP phones, and other devices that use data. VoIP was started around 1995 to save on the charges used on...

The Mayan Story “Rabbit and His Cap of Antlers”

The major lesson learned from the Mayan story Rabbit and His Cap of Antlers is that people have a hard time letting go of their material possessions, even in the spiritual world. From the story, we learn that the rabbit, which represents a Mayan, is an assimilated fellow who also...

How Slaves Were Denied an Identity

Despite the fact that the white people treated slaves as lower creatures and constantly abused them, they also tried to deprive the black people of their identities. The main goal for it was to keep the slaves under control and limit their freedom as much as possible so they would...

The Prescription of Opioids and Their Overdoses

The article under consideration narrates the determinants of mortality resulting from the prescription of opioids and their overdoses. From the economic perspective, this type of review is complicated by the presence of numerous factors, as it was highlighted by the authors, which requires a careful approach to avoid generalizations (King...

“Sex, Lies, and Conversation” by Deborah Tannen: Main Themes and Key Ideas

In her work “Sex, Lies, and Conversation,” Deborah Tannen discusses the difficulties of conversation between a married man and a woman. Her point of view, supported by evidence, research results, interviews, and other researchers’ studies, is shown. The author explains the different relations of men and women to “small talks,”...

Meat Production: More Good or Bad Things?

The cattle production sector offers several advantages; as debate about the industry’s viability rises, many are evaluating the industry’s environmental effects. When handled in a sustainable manner, the beef sector may help to improve the general health of the local environment (Blanchette 185). The attractiveness of meat as a healthy...

The Structure of the LinkedIn Profile

On my LinkedIn profile, the key abilities, achievements and experience are emphasized. I strived to provide the most complete and thorough information that will allow to efficiently and quickly assess and contact me in the event of interest in my professional qualifications. The headline I’ve provided is a short introductory...

Bill Clinton Presidency: Grand Strategy, Grand Rhetoric

The late presidency of George Herbert Walker Bush was associated with the vast military success in the Gulf War and the associated increase in approval ratings. Nevertheless, in the 1992 presidential election, he lost the political race to Bill Clinton – the first democratic candidate since Franklin D. Roosevelt (Kornacki,...

Primary Causes of the Civil War

The analysis of historical events often includes the study of outcomes and consequences and the identification of causes. In this context, documentary evidence is often the most reliable source of information. By analyzing the documents of both parties to the conflict, one can get put together the most integral picture....

Ethical Aspects of Providing Assistance to Students

The assigned readings include comprehensive information regarding the setting and the ethical aspects of assisting students and their parents. Thus, Summers (2016) writes that morality is an essential component of helping individuals, and the consideration of issues through this lens allows for addressing the gap in legal provisions’ ethics. This...

Households and Consumer Behaviors

There are many ways in which households have changed in the past 50 years. People today are getting married much older, and although divorce rates had risen significantly by the early 1990s, there has since been a decreasing tendency. Because of the rise in divorce rates, there are many more...

The Aero Industries v. DeMonte Fabricating Case

This is a legal case between Aero Industries, INC, against Demonte Fabricating limited and Quick Draw Tarpaulin systems. The Aero Industries are accusing DeMonte of violating the laid trade laws. Quick Draw, however, moves to dismiss the motion for lacking personal jurisdiction. In this case, the two companies manufacture and...

Influence of Hospitality on Guest Satisfaction

To understand the value of service in the hospitality industry and overall, one has to define what service is. Simply put, “service” is a particular interaction in which one person completes a task or provides an item for another person. However, at the same time, behind this exchange hides a...

Security Risks Associated With a Mobile

Security risks associated with a mobile device may be, for instance, malware, malicious websites, or premium SMS billing. Additionally, email and SMS phishing and spyware are used to control the actions you do via the mobile device. One more risk emphasized by McAfee is QR code abuse, which may lead...

Problematic Generalizations About Civil War

The most non-obvious simplification is often the simplest possible. The heaviest battles were fought precisely on southern soil, and explanations about the South suffered significant losses. During the Civil War, most of the combat occurred in the South. This was a product of both sides’ battle strategy, in part. The...

The Computer Sales, Markets, and Input

The environment in which the sales of computers operate has characteristics of perfectly competitive and monopolistic markets. Due to the enormous variety of price ranges, performance capabilities, and other factors, hundreds of firms are able to compete and observe profits. However, it is also undeniable that a select group of...

Demand and Supply in Labor Markets

Among the topics that were covered in chapters 4, 5, and 6, one of the most relevant ones was demand and supply in labor markets. The laws of demand and supply are essential for the functioning of the financial markets. The financial dimension of supply and demand correlation is much...

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Nature”: Key Ideas and Conclusions

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “Nature” was released in 1836 by James Munroe and Company. In his paper, Emerson laid the groundwork for transcendentalism, a religious system that promotes a non-traditional view of nature. Transcendentalism holds that nature is infused with the supernatural, or God and that studying nature may reveal...

Solution Focused Brief Therapy or Narrative Therapy

When it comes to solution-focused brief therapy, the core concept relies on exploration and search for solutions. The role of a therapist is to shift the focus from the problem of a client towards solutions through a positive mindset and hopeful attitude. A therapist helps a client to identify the...

Legal Technology in Criminal Justice

In the modern world, an efficient pursuit of criminal justice is impossible without up-to-date and well-maintained information technology. In the subject of criminal justice, computers are often used to produce reports, preserve records, investigate crimes, identify criminal suspects, analyze crime patterns, and enable data analysis at multiple levels. Technology pervades...

The Cold War Times and Economics

Capitalism was set against communist ideology. Karl Marx’s conceptions of communism affected practically all of the world’s labor classes. Although communism rightly identified the capitalist platform’s profiteering at the expense of the public and exploitation of workers, communism itself had several shortcomings. It missed the network of economic impulses, and...

McDonald’s Barriers to Marketing Planning

Marketing planning is a tool that helps a company monitor and controls the internal and external factors that affect profit. Thanks to marketing planning, each company division understands the enterprise’s competitive position and what should be achieved in the future (Fahy and Jobber, 2019). Malcolm McDonald highlighted several critical barriers...